ritikowo · 7 months
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гиги только за шаги
А если без шуток то ситуация страшная💀
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shockersalvage · 2 months
Also, on a side note to my recent Showcase, anyone wanna bet the 'P' in Polaris P. Polanski stands for 'Perfection'? Because Byakuya would be the dorky type to sneak that in to his own alter ego's name when he could!
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 11 months
Hey! Just (re)read the DRT summaries, and thanks so much for doing them - I enjoyed them a lot! What a wild ride. I was curious as to your thoughts - at the end of the summary you said you think Kazuya is actually the research team guy, do you still think that? I had the thought that he might've actually become Suzuhiko
one day when im better at japanese (and english lol) ill see about fully translating it. Unlike drk its written super eloquently and you need a really good grasp on the language to read it. as my my thoughts on kazuya being the researcher i have thought maybe the researcher was a seperate character who gave the other borges away , but i think thematically wise it makes more sense for it to be “kazuya” the unrelated anonymous.
As for how blue ink and minoru are actually related im not sure but i do believe minoru was probably a real assassin even if his backstories might be muddled or falsified. We already know from a one off line that other clan of assassins members had entered cseky raj before the wdp started so its likely he knew something was up ahead of time but its not clear who invited him. The CoA is a whole other can of speculative worms though, alongside many other things.
in other news Yuya Sato follows me on my socials so i must be doing something right lol.
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mfbee999 · 1 year
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Yeah, @drmedicsgamesurgery gets really stubborn on their personal interpretation of ‘Danganronpa Togami’. Yours is just as valid, as is mine — it was supposed to be ambiguous.
This must be a response to an old post, but I have no idea which or what you're reacting to, anon. :( Other than the fact that it was something about Danganronpa Togami, obviously.
It's probably somewhere in my #drt tag, but... that's like YEARS worth of posts that may or may not still be relevant as we've increasingly learned about the three light novels.
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jaimeblancarte · 1 year
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@jaimeblancarte Querétaro, 2023
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okumaseitai · 2 years
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・ オンラインカウンセリング 先日 オンラインでカウンセリングを させていただきました。 ・ 「わけもなく不安になり、心臓がバクバクする」 ・ いろんな病院にも行かれたそうです。 ・ 自分の感情をコントロールする方法を一緒に体験していただきました。 ・ 対処法がわからないので不安になったり、怖くてしょうがなくなってしまうんですよね。 ・ もしもお悩みの方がいらっしゃいましたら、どうぞお気軽にご相談ください。 ・ ありがたいご感想をいただきました。 ・ 【感想】 ・ 自分のことを客観的にみることができました。 ・ 脳のどこにアプローチすればいいのかわかりました。 ・ 【同じようにお悩みの方へ】 ・ 心と体と脳と生活習慣とトータルで自律神経にアプローチする方法を教えてくださいますので、皆さん一緒に心地よい生活ができたらいいなと思います。 ・ ☆素敵なご感想ありがとうございました。心より感謝いたします😊 ・ #不安を解消したい #自分で感情をコントロールしたい #不安でしょうがない #心臓がバクバクする #息苦しくて辛い ・ どうぞプロフィールからブログをご覧ください。 ・ @wakae_ookuma_seitai ・ をタップしていただき ↓ ブログ ↓ 記事をご覧ください❗️ ・ また 自律神経症状の解決の 体操などを動画にしております。 ・ ホームのプロフィールから YouTube動画のチャンネル登録を お願いいたします。 ・ どうぞ よろしくお願いいたします🤲 ・ 🌟私が今できるベストを尽くすことをお約束いたします🌟 ______________ あなたが心身ともに健康になれる ✨情報を更新しております✨ ・ ブログはこちらをご覧ください❗️ https://wakae-ookuma-seitai.com/home/blog/ ・ フォローよろしくお願いいたします。 ↓↓↓ @wakae_ookuma_seitai ・ Instagramのプロフィール欄のリンクを タップしていただきますと 悩み解決ブログがご覧になれます。 ・ 《ご相談・ご予約》 ご相談などございましたら LINE@への登録お願いいたします。 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40vtd9415n ______________ 東大阪市若江岩田の自律神経専門整体 おおくま整骨院 東大阪市瓜生堂1-3-27リベラルコート1F 完全予約制 📞 072-968-8139 施術時間 ☀️9:00〜12:30 🌠15:00〜20:00 休:日曜日・祝日、土曜日午後18:00まで HPはプロフィール欄からご覧ください。 ______________ 【こんなことでお困りではないですか】 #自律神経失調症 #パニック障害 #頭痛 #めまい #腰痛 #肩こり #不眠症 #更年期障害 #冷え症 #息苦しい #うつ病 ______________ 【当院の場所や特徴など】 #若江岩田整体 #DRT #東大阪市整体 #大阪整体 ______________ 【好きな歌手は】 #ミスチル #福山雅治 #浜田省吾 #尾崎豊 ______________ 【趣味は】 #マウンテンバイク #ガンプラ #サッカー #釣り ______________ https://www.instagram.com/p/CeTwD2Upm-s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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apnagst01 · 7 days
Best DRT Lawyers in Delhi
Need the Best DRT Lawyers in Delhi? Look no further! Contact ApnaGST for expert legal assistance. Your success is our priority!
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tatievellyns · 2 months
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webdraw · 4 months
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ritikowo · 6 months
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shockersalvage · 10 months
Salvage Showcase: Blue Ink AKA Shinobu Togami
Now it's probably no lie to say that Danganronpa Togami is probably the most controversial to disliked entry in the Danganronpa Spin-off universe. Its earned a reputation in the fandom that, for the small few who know about it, for being utterly bizarre to the point that many write it off as being non-canon.
So one can imagine that when doing it for my Showcases, I’m also under a bit of pressure on how I should approach this. In my view, DRT isn’t nearly as bad as people think it is (that honor goes to Killer Killer) and deserves at least a fair shot against its criticisms and some misunderstandings about it. Of course, there’s quite the snag when talking about its original cast. Or rather, the fact that a good chunk of the major cast are essentially crossover characters from Yuya Sato’s Kagami Family Saga series and even then, when you also include those made (likely) for DRT, well, let’s just say they have quite the limited shelf life in the trilogy which makes talking about them pretty hard. Add together a few having some...baggage, and picking the first one just became an ordeal.
So after a lot of mulling over, I decided it was probably best to do the first Showcase on the series protagonist - Blue Ink, better known in the fandom by her name of Shinobu Togami. Primarily because she is the easiest to get a clear understanding of and, of the major developed originals, has less of that ‘baggage’.
....Also this would be the part where I post a character’s image but, well, she doesn’t have one. The DRT trilogy doesn’t have illustrations for the cast desgins so...I guess this shot of her Borges works? Sorta?
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DISCLAIMER: The following is talking about a character with history of SA. If this might make you uncomfortable, its probably best to overlook this one. I try not to mention it too much, but just to give you all a head’s up.
Blue Ink is a girl that is enrolled in Hope’s Peak Academy as the Ultimate Secretary and apart of its 77th class batch. Not only that she is the official secretary of Byakuya Togami, being responsible for writing his autobiography: Journey Under The Midnight Sun.
When the Despair Novel caused riots to break out all over the world, Byakuya was called by the Council of Global Controllers, an organization that truly ran the world, to help discuss what the fate of the world should be. Blue Ink was invited as his secretary to attend. However, what neither knew was that Sonia Nevermind, who was a member of Despair High School (AKA Ultimate Despair), had told of the location of the meeting which was in the Church of Bones in Prague. As a result, DHS operatives stormed the building, killing everyone by Byakuya (who got knocked out and clothes stolen off of him aside form his glasses), Blue Ink (who carried him to safety) Sonia (who wasn’t there) and Mukuro (who was there because she was a bodguard for one of the members...but like, he died so she kinda just left).
From there the World Domination Proclamation, started by the the Ultimate Imposter begins. The world has 24 hours to find either the pitful cattle in the world or kill Byakuya Togami. Failures results in ‘Byakuya’ taking over the world. This leads into a chaotic frenzy that has Blue Ink try and survive the bonkers event about to unfold with her Master and whatever allies that they can scrounge as literally everyone wants Byakuya, either dead or captured.
However, not everything is at it seems. First, its revealed that Blue Ink is really Shinobu Togami, older sister to Byakuya Togami via adoption. In addition, her full-blooded older brother is the Ultimate Hitman, Suzuhiko Otsuki, and both were participants in the Legacy Crown Championship. Or rather survivors of that incident.
According to memories of that incident, Shinobu was a part of fifteen participants meant to compete in the LCC to become the new heir to the Togami Congolomerate. In order to win, one must obtain the ‘reliance’ during the ten day time limit. The one who wins gets to become the new heir, while the losers are stripped of the name Togami and meant to go about normal lives. During the LCC, Shinobu isn’t just competing with Suzuhiko and the others, but with her younger adopted brother, Kazuya. Kazuya was adopted after Suzuhiko’s first hit job had him slaughter an entire village, but Kazuya, who was left alive by pure accident. But, things go awry as the participants start getting killed mysteriously one by one and the clashing of selfish personalities aiming for the throne is felt throughout the entire time.
The truth? As it turns out Kazuya was responsible for the majority of the murders, some in self-defense and others because the power had gotten to him. Due to a ‘strange power’ that he had -  a light saber from his hand. This is revealed to an injured Shinobu...all whilst Kazuya ‘loved’ her wounded body. Indeed, Shinobu (with Kazuya being recent during the LCC) has been on the brunt of being sexually abused by both her brothers, more of the case with Suzuhiko, who claims what they have is ‘love’ and they were together. A confusing matter pushed aside by Takaya Togami, the final antagonistic sibling who seeks to be the last sibling standing by lighting the castle on fire and hoping the others burn to death. During this, Suzuhiko carries out an unconscious Shinobu out of the castle...
Shinobu awakens outside the castle tended to by the winner of the event: Byakuya Togami, who disguised himself as Suisei Nanamura’s girl assistant: Polaris  P. Polanski. Concerning the other participants, they’re dead, except Kazuya and Suzuhiko, who have disappeared. With nowhere else to go, Shinobu passes Byakuya’s test to become his new assistant, thanks to her inability to care for Hope or Despair for her future. Thus, he has her remain in the family as his secretary and big sister. The wounds she recieved in the LCC cost her one of her arms, which replaced with a prosthetic, and an eye. For the eye, she received a gold mechanical one that she calls Borges. Borges can give her news, be a dictionary, and just in general be a hi-tech little assistant that she uses for her autobiography of Byakuya. As for her brothers, Suzuhiko reconnected with the Togamis as their hitman on standby (before he defected during the WDP) and Kazuya would reveal himself to be alive and apart of WHO as Orvin Elevator, Captain of the Infectious Disease Prevention Unit during the WDP. Both serving as antagonists that want Byakuya dead, to be with Blue Ink, and, well for Kazuya at least, desire to become Byakuya Togami. Something that Shinobu doesn’t want to make happen.
But...something is off about the entire ordeal. At least, Shinobu’s perspective of it is off. For example, the LCC she knew of...didn’t match up with another LCC where she recalled both her and Byakuya working together. Also, whenever she mentioned something like the Hasegawa Institute people seemed confused by what she was talking about or why she was referring to them as a completely different title. What was going on?
In truth, from a conversation with the creator behind Borges and its AI, a man known as K, she learns that Borges itself had been showing Shinobu unreality. By feeding into Shinobu’s desire to see Byakuya as a God, as well as taking characters and ideas from various novels, like the Kagami Family Saga, Borges had been showing her fake conversations, information, memories, and even overlaying real people in real time with characters from those novels. It isn’t until Borges is destroyed prior to talking with K that Shinobu has the chance to gradually experience the truth of her situation. To forge her own path without the aid of Borges and even giving up her Ultimate talent.
But that wasn’t the end. During the climax of the WDP, where she finally reunites with Byakuya (who had been hiding out in Prague Castle with the Imposter), she learns the full truth: she...wasn’t Shinobu Togami, the original ‘died’ in the true LCC. She was the Kudan that people were seeking after, the ticket to the Togami Family’s Prosperity with her predictions. Or rather was and she hasn’t been for years now after Byakuya had become the Ultimate Heir.
Byakuya intentionally had Borges installed in her to erase memories of her prior life and of the original Shinobu’s identity. As means to get rid of the prophecy element since to Byakuya that was cheating, a sentiment Despair High School agreed with. Regardless of her former life, Shinobu chooses to stay with Byakuya, her own journey at this point giving her the means to tackle reality head on.
Ultimately, both Byakuya and Blue Ink are given a choice. If Byakuya chooses to rule the world, Shinobu dies,. If he refuses, Shinobu will have her mind wiped again and forced to live out a new identity away from Byakuya whilst everyone of the 78th class that came to Prague (like Toko Fukawa) would have their minds tampered to muddle the incident and erase Shinobu from their memories. Byakuya refuse and, before both loses their memories, Blue Ink gives Byakuya memento of her: a blue fountain pen he keeps in his pocket. Blue Ink blacks out after ingesting the drug.
With hope that, eventually, she reunites with Byakuya in a world conquered by him!
Personality-wise, Blue Ink shares similarities with Toko Fukawa, with her most dominant traits being her severe reverence and loyalty to Byakuya, who she considers to be a God. This love manifests between almost akin to a religious fanatic, to a supportive big sister to, well, someone whose clearly in love with him (incest runs deep in Ink’s little family huh?)
She is more open and emotional that her arrogant and reserved brother, though it's been observed she’s colder than people realize. It's implied that the abuse she suffered under Suzuhiko eventually lead to her stop caring about herself personally, no matter what good or bad fate awaits her and she sort of lives with a deattachment towards life unless it involves someone she really loves, like Byakuya. She is without Hope or Despair, but throughout then ovel feeling this way does gradually bother her. This also means if a horrible fate would happen to someone else, she can quickly move from it without issue.
Concerning back to her lack of care towards herself, in a similar vein to Peko, she doesn’t see herself as ‘person’ but rather Byakuya’s property - a writing machine made manifest. Much of her development in the novel is learning to become her own person and see life for how it truly is beyond what a machine wants to tell her. Thus leading to a resolution where, while she doesn’t give up her devotion to Byakuya, she finds the strength to accept reality for what it was and move forward to a Hope created by her own original style.
Shinobu’s character in DRT reflects on its central theme of ‘Truth and Lies’, or rather ‘Escapism/Unreality vs Reality’, if better to make it more distinct than to what V3 was going through with its ‘Truth and Lies’. With this theme, its represented in three parts with the, what I’m going to refer to them at least, the Unreality Siblings (Shinobu, Kazuya and Suzuhiko). Shinobu represents the ideal - a previously ignorant escapist being confronted with the truth and willingly choosing to accept it. The Accepter, to be brief about it.
Shinobu starts off as obsessed with Byakuya and constanlty using Borges for assistance. Throughout her journey, more and more of her fantasy gradually becomes unravelled to the point she is questioning why some people don’t know who some others were or why her memories weren’t lining up. She becomes confused, agitated and scared. This leads up to two important events that make her ar truly great.
The dinner with Hiroyuki that has her confronted properly with the idea that what she has been relying on isn’t actually as helpful to her as she thinks and her meeting with K, who serves as a harsh, yet important, teacher of the dangers of becoming lost in her own fantasies and assures her that she’ll be able to eventually see reality for what it is - as her own person this time. She becomes self-aware of the truth by her own notice, yet its with guidance towards what truly is at fault and giving her Hope of being her own individual without her ‘crutch’ that what allows her to be firm in her resolve to embrace the truth.
What’s more is that learning about her true past doesn’t throw in her in an existential crisis anymore, but she is able to take it in and weave it with her own tempered passion for Byakuya.  It’s a legitimate message with her against overelying on people or technology, forming your own identity and, while you don’t have to drop your strong interests, you can at least enjoy them in a healtier mindset.  Which is a far better conclusion than either Suzuhiko or Kazuya (those two are going to be a doozy...)
In many ways, with these traits, she is reflective of Toko Fukawa - writers who, after a horrible childhood past, comes to obsess over a guy who...isn’t the humblest person around, seeing him in a grander light than they would ever see themselves. Likewise, their arcs are about, while not getting over such a guy, realizing they were other avenues in life they haven’t given a try or were misguided by, with Toko finding her own goals and wants with her trusted friend Komaru and Ink coming to terms with trying to carve out her own path after seeing nothing but lies for a good deal of her life.
Personal Thoughts
Blue Ink is definitely one of the most underrated protagonists of the Danganronpa series and honestly one I feel many should at least read DRT to know more about. Similar to Komaru or Yui, Shinobu works well in bouncing off of Byakuya as his loving and loyal secretary that he actually gets along with, because Lord know Togami needs some more of that......well, not really healthy (get to that in a sec), but just positive bonds in DR. Plus, she actually does work well in bouncing off the other castmates of DR1, such as her rivalry with Toko to her banter with the Imposter back when she thought they were Kazuya and even once it was all over.
Though, there were a few hiccups. I did find it disappointing how quickly she affirmed her loyalty to Byakuya even after learning that he willingly chose to erase her first personality and memories. Would have liked for her to maybe instead have her, while not happy with it, she wants to give Togami another chance. Not because of her infatuation with him or ‘because he’s a God’, but because she has faith in Togami being more benevolent than how he acts. But that’s just personal preference.
Will also say concerning the....Unreality Mess Triangle with Ink, Suzuhiko and Kazuya and their baggage I wish it involved more outsiders, particularly of the mainline cast variety, reacting and interacting with it? A lot of time Ink is spent with her brothers apart from everyone else and it feels too isolating, in a sense? These three are at their best when they’re interacting with the mainliners, such as Ink witnessing the threeway ‘Byakuya’ discussion during their flight or watching Suzuhiko and Genocide Jack fight. Heck, this also goes especially for Ink herself being away from the other prior DR casts so much, which happens suprisingly a lot, especially in volume 3. While occasional one on one conversations are great, ultimately people are likely there to read Togami and his interactions with the main protag and both old/new casts, not just see the protag and the new cast, but little of Togami or the old ones. There needed to be a better mix of it I feel.
...Oh, right the incest too. Due to DR3 and UDH desensitizng me to this, I can say that Ink’s crush on Byakuya is something that I’m personally numb to at this point. Especially since the trilogy is determined to make being numb better than what the Hell was going on concerning her brothers. Also helps, it doesn’t come up as much as her fanaticism to Byakuya and she has more traits going for her to help balance it out.
But those are minor nitpicks, Overall, she’s just plain fun to read about and def think people should give her pov a try. (think about how many protags in this series can say they legit nearly choked out a hitman with one arm!? That’s kickass!~).
With that that’s the first DRT Showcase down! Next up is for the Minor Spin-off Squad AKA Kirigiriso/Ultra Despair Hagakure/Makoto’s Worst Day Ever. Their entries are too short and not enough cast members to give them their own distinct sections so, yeah, they’re all lumped together. To next time!
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 7 months
Just learned Milan Kundera died 2 months ago, rest in peace.
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hopeymchope · 2 years
In regards to your reply to the ask of another anon:
"Furthermore, when we finally learn about "The Most Despairing Event in the History of the Togami Family" via Danganronpa Togami Vol. 2, I was disappointed that we never see Byakuya do anything so twisted and ruthless. Instead of showcasing where he fostered such a cutthroat attitude, we're shown that his ultimate victory over his numerous half-siblings was about as lazy as possible."
I find it interesting as i personally always assumed that the entirety of the flashback itself WAS another attempt at what we saw Byakuya do to Syo by tampering with the crime scene but on a much larger scale, seeing as not only is it confirmed later on that, at the very least, the entire second half of the flashback and Kazuya's confession were forgeries (mainly hinted at by the fact that Chapter 3 of Volume 2 is specifically referred to as "Unreality Side" as opposed to the "Extraordinary Side"), but we're also given pretty blatant hints time and time again that Byakuya at least was deep into the conspiracy going behind the scenes (with the Kudan deliberatly writing the "prophecy" so that Byakuya Togami is the one to stand victorious and Nanamura well... Being Nanamura, lot of evidence piles up on him having rigged the game beforehand) and may or may not have comitted some of the acts by himself (the novel making a pretty clear point on how no one was able to find the weapon used to stab Wasuke at the start, only for the ending of Chapter 3 to show how Byakuya, while disguised as Polaris, was carrying a pair of shears with him that he uses to cut off his hair). Its something i find weird in regards to the way most of the fanbase consumes this book, but to me at least it was always pretty set in stone that Byakuya went out of his way to gaslight Blue Ink into rewriting the book and convince herself that Kazuya was the murderer while prying on Shinobu's pre-existing insecurities brought upon by the confrontation Nanamura had as he named Kazuya as the suspect. The main difference here being that Byakuya is smart enough as to not leave any decisive evidence pointing torwards his true actions at that time, despite the novel leaving around hints so you can come to that conclusion. ...Also the fact that psychic lightsabers are very much not real, so there is no way that Kazuya could have been giving an accurate account of events as he says that he killed everyone.
Note: This is a follow-up to this ask.
Asker, you seem to know more about Volume 2 than I do. Last I checked, we English-only plebes are stuck with merely some lengthy summaries of Volume 2, but no complete translation. And the summaries don’t make any mention of some of this stuff. 
As you’ve noted, Kazuya does confess to the murder of Yasuke. And he claims to have done it with his light-beam projection weapon — the silly psychic lightsaber which we eventually learn (in Volume 3) does exist, albeit without any kind of superpowers at all. It’s just a mechanical trick device he wears up his sleeve and extends as needed. Which doesn’t preclude it from being a murder weapon.
So it’s at least possible that he killed Yasuke with his fake lightsaber device. I never caught onto or considered the possbility that Byakuya might’ve used his scissors to sneakily stab Yasuke — but I really think the narrative would’ve called attention that possibility instead of just mentioning the shears casually once time and then ignoring them. (Or maybe it did? And the summary failed to note that??) Furthermore, if we fully embrace this scenario, are we then assuming that Kazuya legitimately believes he killed Yasuke, or do we assume he’s fully aware that Byakuya was the real killer? If it’s the former, then Byakuya would’ve had to do it from the back in order for Kazuya to not know he did it, right? Which would create a very different kind of wound. And if it’s the latter, what purpose does Kazyua have for lying about it? Just trying to appear to be more in control than he really is?
I guess that, ultimately, I’m just saying that everything you said may or may not be true — but alas, I have no way of knowing. :-/ I continue to hope that one day, one of these friggin companies translating light novels will see that there’s money in DR!
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iseky · 7 months
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For years, the digital entertainment industry has been seeking transformative changes to better serve content creators and consumers. ISEKY has emerged as a frontrunner, combining WEB3 technology with the future of digital entertainment.
Digital Rights Token (DRT): The Future of Digital Content Ownership
At the core of ISEKY's innovation is the introduction of Digital Rights Tokens (DRT), a technology poised to significantly impact the ownership and transactions of digital content. DRTs are blockchain-based tokens that enable a more transparent, secure, and efficient management and exchange of digital content.
Kloss Chen, Founder of ISEKY, commented, "We believe that DRT tokens will reshape the landscape of digital entertainment. Through blockchain technology, we ensure content creators receive their fair share while providing users with better access experiences."
ISEKY's Vision: Leading the Future of WEB3 Digital Entertainment
ISEKY positions itself as a leading innovator in the field of WEB3 digital entertainment. They have already made significant strides in the management and distribution of digital content and plan to further expand their ecosystem to better support creators, users, and content providers.
Kloss Chen added, "We are building a digital entertainment ecosystem where creators receive fair compensation, users access high-quality content, and content providers efficiently manage their digital assets."
ISEKY has garnered widespread attention in the digital entertainment industry for its groundbreaking Digital Rights Token (DRT) technology. As they continue to drive this revolution, the future of the digital entertainment industry appears more dynamic and equitable.
ISEKY is a leading digital entertainment platform dedicated to providing outstanding digital entertainment experiences to content creators, users, and content providers through innovative Digital Rights Token (DRT) technology. Led by passionate entrepreneur Kloss Chen, their team is driving progress in the digital entertainment industry.
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okumaseitai · 2 years
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・ 梅雨時期になりますと 気分も憂鬱になり 息苦しくなったり 首や背中が痛くなったり だるくなったりする方が 多くなります。 あなただけじゃないですよ もしも お辛い場合は できるだけ放置せずに お早めにご連絡くださいね お気軽にご相談ください。 全力でサポートいたします。 呼吸が深くなられて よく眠れるようになられて 楽になっておられる方が多いですよ。 我慢せずに ご連絡くださいね。 #気象病 #繊細さん #雨ダメさん #過敏症の対策 ・ いつもご覧くださいまして ありがとうございます😊 心より感謝いたします🙌 ・ 病院に行っても 原因がわからない場合は 自律神経の不調かもしれません。 ・ 《あなたのお悩み解決!》 自律神経の症状を解決するブログを毎日書いております。 ・ どうぞプロフィールからブログをご覧ください。 ・ @wakae_ookuma_seitai ・ をタップしていただき ↓ ブログ ↓ 記事をご覧ください❗️ ・ また 自律神経症状の解決の 体操などを動画にしております。 ・ ホームのプロフィールから YouTube動画のチャンネル登録を お願いいたします。 ・ どうぞ よろしくお願いいたします🤲 ホームページはこちら 東大阪市の自律神経専門整体のおおくま整骨院|若江岩田駅徒歩3分 ・ 🌟私が今できるベストを尽くすことをお約束いたします🌟 ______________ あなたが心身ともに健康になれる ✨情報を更新しております✨ ・ ブログはこちらをご覧ください❗️ ブログの一覧 | 東大阪で自律神経の整体なら【おおくま整骨院】|駅徒歩3分 ・ フォローよろしくお願いいたします。 ↓↓↓ @wakae_ookuma_seitai ・ Instagramのプロフィール欄のリンクを タップしていただきますと 悩み解決ブログがご覧になれます。 ・ 《ご相談・ご予約》 ご相談などございましたら LINE@への登録お願いいたします。 https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40vtd9415n ______________ 東大阪市若江岩田の自律神経専門整体 おおくま整骨院 東大阪市瓜生堂1-3-27リベラルコート1F 完全予約制 📞 072-968-8139 施術時間 ☀️10:00〜12:30 🌠15:00〜20:00 休:日曜日・祝日、土曜日午後18:00まで HPはプロフィール欄からご覧ください。 ______________ 【こんなことでお困りではないですか】 #自律神経失調症 #パニック障害 #頭痛 #めまい #腰痛 #肩こり #不眠症 #更年期障害 #冷え症 #息苦しい #うつ病 ______________ 【当院の場所や特徴など】 #若江岩田整体 #DRT #東大阪市整体 #東大阪市整骨院 #オステオパシー ______________ 【好きな歌手は】 #ミスチル #福山雅治 #浜田省吾 #尾崎豊 ______________ 【趣味は】 #マウンテンバイク #ガンプラ #サッカー #釣り ______________ https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtFyrxJRID/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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