indieyuugure · 1 year
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I was asked by @jdw-man-123 to compete in an art challenge(you can see the post if you wanna try it out too here) called the “Draw the Turtles With Your Own Design”(DTWYOD) challenge! Essentially you invent your own TMNT designs depicted in the iconic Eastman and Laird comic book cover scene.
I went for designs that included something from every version of the turtles, including scars that they have or get in different series. I recently watched the Batman Vs. TMNT movie—which was absolutely spectacular btw—so their designs have a lot of that art style. This challenge was super fun! I always love a good prompt! :]
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sad-leon · 1 year
Hi! :) I'm gonna do a art challenge/contest thing like DTIYS, but more like DTWYOD. And I was wondering what is a good deadline? If I start it on May 1st then is May 31st a good deadline or is that to long? Is May 7th a good deadline? Or can it just be ongoing and not have a deadline?
Deadlines really depend on the nature of the challenge..
(Sorry about the delay on this reply.. and also i can't figure out how to reply privately on my laptop, so this is also gonna be a general info post for anyone else who has this question.)
When I made the initial deadline for my DTIYS, I just considered how long the window was to create and nothing else. That was a mistake. The time period itself wasn't much of a problem, but I aligned it with college finals, something that takes priority in a lot of people's lives.
Lesson learned, be aware of other things that might conflict with your time. Your deadline of 5/1 - 5/31 doesn't seem to harsh to me, but I don't have many conflicts in general (for now lol)
I guess my best advice for scheduling is: be aware of how long you've given those who enter and any conflicts that may also fall within that time slot. I'd say always give atleast 2 weeks, especially for something involving drawing
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