violetsandfluff · 1 year
Translation: fluff with husband!shawn (because there was no one specified). “and I know we can be so amazing // baby, your love is gonna change me // and now I can see every possibility…” and sharing the last cookie.
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“You can have it, Shawnie,” you chuckled to yourself, pushing the last cookie towards your boyfriend, who was looking adorable as ever in his plain white t-shirt and blue jeans with his leg up on the chair beside him.
“Are you absolutely positive?” he pressed for what seemed like the millionth time. “I feel bad.”
“I’ve had plenty of cookies,” you assured him. “I don’t want it.”
“Isn’t the baby hungry?” He reached for your hand across the table, instantaneously forgetting about the cookie.
You chuckled to yourself as the cookie reassumed his attention. “Baby’s had enough cookies to feed an army,” you assured him.
Dissatisfied with your response, he split the cookie carefully in half and passed one even part to you as he took a bite of the other. “On our wedding night eleven months ago, I would have laughed in your face if you told me I’d be a dad in just over a year.”
“No, you wouldn’t.” You shook your head incredulously as you ate the last bite of the cookie. “You’ve been ready.”
“I guess so.” He mulled the words over on his tongue before speaking again, slowly and meaningfully. “Hearing the heartbeat again today just made it feel so… real.”
“Isn’t it the most thrilling, terrifying, awe-striking thing?”
“It is, y/n. I knew we could be amazing, and that your love would change me and all, but…” he trailed off, tracing his finger around the diamond ring on your fourth finger. “Now I can see every possibility.”
“You’re beginning to sound like a cheesy song,” you teased.
“Can you blame me?” he protested. “I’m living the life of my dreams, thanks to the beautiful girl sitting across from me.”
You could feel heat seeping into your cheeks at his words.
He reached across the table and took your purse into his own hands, rifling around in it until he found what he was looking for; a set of four small pictures, each displaying foggy but definite images of the baby growing inside of you.
As he shuffled through the stack, the pictures got newer and the baby got bigger. Tears sprang to his eyes as he fingered the tattered corners of the paper.
“It just feels so intimate,” he muttered when he noticed your eyes on him, feeling foolish as he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. “To think we’ll get to hold it in a matter of weeks.”
“You’re so ready to be a daddy it’s not even funny,” you sighed wistfully, fighting back tears of your own from hormones and unspoken joy.
Wordlessly, Shawn passed your purse back to you and grabbed your hand, helping you to your feet. Once you were stable and balanced against the side of the booth, he gave your hand a gentle kiss and led you out of the restaurant and back to your car.
Taglist: @chocochipcookie305 @monikamendes @fishingirl12 @sonder444 @yournameoneverypage
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I just realized I have a bunch of requests in my inbox! I will be getting to them these week! Please be patient! And if there is any other requests for Shawn, Connor, Harry or Niall, feel free to ask!
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ginaonline · 3 months
I'm sensing... I'm sensing that you're a little bitch. The spirits recommend that you shut the fuck up.
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grinchwrapsupreme · 2 months
shawn's deep trust of lassiter keeps catching me so off-guard like when he's held captive and lassie and henry both turn up he tries to yell "carlton" not "dad" and when he sees a guy with a gun come into the restaurant he goes straight for lassie and keeps trying to get his attention instead of literally any of the other dozens of cops in the room with them and when he's telling someone to call the police he tells them to ask for lassiter, not jules, not vick, lassiter. like he spends all his time provoking lassie but the second there's danger there's literally no one else he trusts more
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one thing about shawn spencer is he’s going to square up for the underdog. the lawyer in cloudy with a chance of murder. the bank robber in gus walks into a bank. lying ryan in truer lies. even lassiter in lassie did a bad bad thing. he will take one look at a pathetic little man and say “is anyone going to stand in front of him and protect him from evil and prove he is telling the truth despite the odds being against him?” and then not wait for an answer. you go girl, you project those self esteem issues like the king that you are 😔✊
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Nobody portrays childhood like Psych. They make the kids actually act like kids, not super sweet or a brat or some kind of golden child
Shawn and Gus dug a hole in the backyard trying to find oil. They created a dummy and threw him off the roof in an attempt to learn how to parachute. They tried to drive Henry's car. Shawn skipped days and didn't do his homework. Shawn wanted to ride a dolphin.
I've never felt so seen
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Remember when Gus was trying to convince Shawn his dad loved him and Shawn said "How do you know?" and Gus was like "He never said it?" and Shawn seriously said "We're guys, Gus." because I do.
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catgrandpa · 2 months
So I’m rewatching Psych and has anybody considered that that’s Tim Drake?
I absolutely need a fic of Tim scamming his way into police work by claiming he’s a psychic, but it’s just his regular deductive reasoning plus evidence he’s collected as Red Robin.
It’s so ridiculous that everyone looks past the part where he’s proving to be the World’s Greatest Detective 2.0, and it ends up being the perfect cover.
Brucie could never.
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dragonpyre · 3 months
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What is it with early/mid 2000's TV and making this exact man
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arrowheadedbitch · 4 months
Some new memes we just made in the Psych discord
Courtesy of me, @thespiritssaidso , @ashkgray , and @sothisiswhoiam
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And for those who would like to make their own
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pinazee · 5 months
So, to be honest, spelling bee is an ep that had to grow on me. It just always seemed too outlandish of a crime i think, idk. But the ep does show us more about shawns dysfunctional relationship with his father and Gus’s motivation to participate in Psych. Not to mention Juliet.
Gus is highly intelligent but in a way that feels he never utilized it properly. He has the mental fortitude to become a doctor if he wanted, he has the drive and the willpower it takes to become invested (as shown with how deep his knowledge of the bee and other subjects goes), yet he never did. We see in the pilot how little he actually cares for his “real” job. It pays the bills, thats it. At the end of the day, Gus plays it safe, and you get the feeling in the pilot that he’s not happy with where he’s at. He’s stagnant. Unfulfilled. Just as lost as Shawn.
In a lot of ways, they’re similar with that aspect. Both him and shawn have a variety of interests and skills, yet neither seemed to pursue a career in those fields. In shawns case, in his own words “he mastered it and moved on.” He got bored (ahem, ADHD). But i think in Gus’s case, he was too afraid to try. Or maybe nothing quite gave him enough of a spark to want to. As everyone later points out, Gus has a shit ton of potential that never seemed properly used.
Until Shawn comes around. And he needs him. He needs all of Gus’s knowledge and skills. He even finds the clues that the doctor was fake and Jari was sitting next to the kid with the inhaler. And its fun. He’s excited. Psych brings him joy.
As for our intro to Juliet- fantastic. We learn so much from so little screen time. She can banter with Shawn easily, and isn’t afraid to give pushback or to give Lassiter pointers (which considering she’s like brand new and he’s a bit of a prick is saying something), and she trusts her instincts to follow through with Shawns advice. Shes a good cop. Almost the antithesis to Lassiter. Shes warm, friendly, and trusting to his cold, distant, and weary.
Side note:
James motorcycle face makes me lol every goddamn time
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violetsandfluff · 2 years
Getting a baby to bathe proved to be more difficult a task than Shawn had anticipated. Getting her to stop wailing was enough of a hassle, not to mention the kicking and squirming. Every time she felt the water in her skin, she howled in disapproval. This wouldn’t be as big of a deal if she weren’t such a messy baby. She needed to be bathed much more often than an average baby, and she despised it increasingly each time.
She needed her parents’ contact at all times. She reached for them with sharp newborn fingernails as she cried out for them with long, heaving sobs.
Shawn and his wife dreaded bathing her because of her heart wrenching cries and mournful protests, but they couldn’t let her sit in her own filth. Shawn set out to find ways for her to bathe more comfortably.
His arms strained as he lowered his wife into the bathtub, which was filled shallowly with lukewarm water, trying to keep a steady pace so as not to alarm the sleeping infant.
Once his wife was successfully in the tub, she cradled the baby close to her chest while Shawn bathed her gently.
The newborn’s eyelids never fluttered open, nor did a tantrum ensue. A sigh of relief and a kiss on the cheek was exchanged after the baby was finally laid down in her bassinet for the next few hours.
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thespiritssaidso · 6 months
okay but like
when the therapist (in s2 e2: 65 Million Years Off) starts grilling Henry instead of Shawn? And he's pointing out his flaws? And when Henry starts getting super defensive and practically yells at the therapist to leave, because he doesn't want someone to tell him he's a bad parent?
yeah, i think about that a lot
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shawn-meets-world · 24 days
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gatogotica · 9 months
psych is actually so fucked up for the mommy issues they gave shawn. like idolizing her for so so long simply based on the fact she’s not henry (which is a whole other can of worms). she’s never in a single childhood flashback. she’s never mentioned even off-handedly. nobody calls her when shawn got shot, or really any of the other countless times shawn was hurt or in danger. like she sincerely in every sense of the word was a deadbeat and shawn refused to allow himself to see it because he had to hold on to the belief he had his mom to cling to because, again, she wasn’t his dad
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ok this is a controversial opinion but like….. to me, henry spencer was actually not a shit father….. hear me out.
i understand that there’s a lot of subtleties that go into emotionally abusive parents, and i’m not trying to dismiss that, but honestly i just don’t see all the negativity that gets associated with him so often. also, between henry and madeleine, one parent actually seemed to be there when shawn was growing up, and it wasn’t his mother.
let’s look at shawn’s childhood. in all the flashbacks, henry was the one who volunteered at shawn’s school, who took him to movies and was around for all of his new hobbies and interests. he was the one making sure shawn did his homework and hung out with his friends and learned life lessons. granted, some of his teaching methods were not appropriate for a kid shawn’s age, so yes i can see where the criticisms come in and i agree with them. but he was so much more than his mistakes, he was the parent who cared.
when shawn grows up, yes there’s animosity between him and his father but to be quite honest, i’ve never met one person who doesn’t have unresolved daddy issues so that in itself doesn’t condemn henry in my mind. we see how much henry saved from shawn’s childhood and how much he remembers, and to me he actually does quite a bit to help shawn when he needs it. this is particularly telling in comparison to madeleine, who isn’t there to begin with and eventually we find out she really did leave her kid behind, and to me that does a lot more damage than any one thing henry did.
shawn and henry have issues, i won’t argue with that. but i really don’t think henry gets enough credit for the good he did and the way he tried when shawn got older. above all else, he was there and he was there for shawn, and that’s important. god knows it’s not everything, but it’s something.
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