#Dad Tom
Rumor has it - Tom Riddle x reader - Part 2/2
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this is just fluff, so much fluff. Part 1
-eight years later-
The wind blew in softly from the open windows of the Alexander mansion, the sun just starting to rise across the quiet estate.
In the bed was a couple, married for five years just that past December, curled up next to each other and faces practically buried into their soft pillows. The woman of the two woke up first, yawning and cracking her jaw as she sat up in her shared bed, a soft smile growing on her face as she looked down at her sleeping husband.
She almost didn’t want to ruin this moment, for he looked so at peace in the quiet of sleep. But she had to, he had work in only a few hours. She leaned down, gently pressing her lips to her husband's cheek-which was slowly going from pale to tan over the years he spent in the sun.
“Good morning Lord Alexander,” she whispered, trailing her lips to his forehead as her husband, Tom Alexander-Riddle, groaned and rolled his face a bit, peering open a single eye to look at his wife-who had only grown more beautiful as the days went on. “you have work today,”
Tom just hummed, wrapping his arms around his wife and pulling her in for a lazy kiss, a heavy breath escaping him as she laughed into it and gently kissed back-pulling back to rest her forehead against his as he let his head fall back into the pillow.
“Tom,” (y/n) sighed, an amused smile on her lips as Tom’s arms tightened around her. “you have to get ready for work, or do you not want to be professor for defense against the dark arts?” Tom let out a small grumble and scrunched his nose-opening his eyes again to look up at his beloved (y/n) Alexander.
The two held a staring contest for a long moment before Tom sighed, closing his eyes and kissing his wife one last time before he rolled over to get up-chuckling as (y/n)’s arms latched around his torso and squeezed him tight. “Didn’t you just tell me to get up?” Tom teased in his sleep-raspy voice, knowing how much (y/n) loved it.
He felt a slight warmth against his back and a huff-and (y/n) released him. Tom chuckled and shook his head, getting out of bed and going to the bathroom-taking a quick shower as (y/n) relaxed in their bed-having no duties until at least 8 am.
Tom checked the clock as he stepped out of the bathroom-a towel around his waist. 5:45, perfect. Just enough time to have breakfast with his wife, the great hall wasn’t ‘open’ until at least 7, so he had time. With a wave of his wand his hair was put into its usual side style with a few locks of his curls hanging above his eye and he got dressed, leaving his robes on the loveseat as he left the bedroom and went into the kitchen-where Mrs. Swift was already making breakfast for (y/n) and Tom.
“Master Alexander, I’m nearly finished making breakfast, is there anything you need?” she asked as she set two tea cups on a tray and turned to Tom, who shook his head, he had only been checking on breakfast. “Very well, I will bring breakfast up shortly, is the lady still asleep?”
Tom checked his watch and snorted, nodding a bit as he spoke. “Most likely, knowing her; she stole my side of the bed again.” Mrs. Swift chuckled fondly and turned back to the stove while Tom made himself a cup of coffee and stole a scone from the tray to Mrs. Swift’s fake surprise.
Tom went back upstairs with Mrs. Swift close behind and stepped back into his bedroom, chucking as he saw his wife on his side of the bed with all the blankets curled around him. She had warned him she was a bit of a bed-hog, but he didn’t mind when it was quite cute.
“lady Alexander,” Tom whispered as he rounded the bed while Mrs. Swift placed the tray nearby, leaving the two alone after she made their tea. “Mrs. Swift made us breakfast,” (y/n) hummed softly and slowly sat up in bed, yawning as Tom found the breakfast tray and set it across her lap and grabbed her breakfast, setting it on the tray and then sitting by her feet as they both ate breakfast.
“Be nice,” (y/n) reminded him as he went to the fireplace to floo into work and Tom turned with a grin, a bit too sharp to mean well. “Tom,” (y/n) said sternly with a fond grin and Tom just chuckled.
“When am I not nice?” Tom teased, strolling back over to the bed and kissing (y/n) one last time, before quickly heading into work-stepping out of the fireplace at his office at Hogwarts.
He took a deep breath and took off his outer robe, getting to work and setting up his classroom for its first lesson of the day. Tom smiled as he remembered his first day as the professor for DADA about three years ago.
Right after he graduated-he had attempted to become the professor for defense against the dark arts-only for Headmaster Dippet to turn him away, something about Tom being too young. Tom, in his disappointment, went to (y/n) and she suggested he get some field experience to make him far more qualified to get the job-since just high marks in the class wouldn't do him much good.
So he did just that, going through auror training with ease thanks to his all-O’s report card from his newts and owls and quickly climbing the ranks for a few years before he settled and once again asked headmaster Dippet if he could become a professor.
He got the job and now Tom was three years into teaching, and he honestly couldn’t be happier. Once he thought he needed to be the best of the best, to be immortal, to have no one but himself and be feared by all. When in fact all he really needed was someone who loved him by his side and teach the new generation about his passion.
He hadn’t thought about Horcruxes since he was maybe 18, and the name Voldemort had been abandoned in his diary and left behind with his followers. He was still ‘friends’ with some of them, considering a lot of them were pure-blood debutants and had connections with his wife and her friends; but he no longer regarded them as his followers and the knights of Walpurgis were disbanded upon graduation.
“g’morning Professor Alexander!” Some students called as the masses descended upon his classroom. Tom smiled and stood straight from messing about with a large dresser that contained a boggart-greeting his 3rd-year class.
In some odd years or months, John Alexander would retire from being head of the family and pass it on to his daughter, and Tom would officially be known as Lord Alexander and it would no longer just be a name (y/n) teased him with because he had nearly become lord Voldemort.
He thinks he prefers Lord Alexander.
Tom brushed the thoughts away and got to teaching, introducing the riddikulus spell.
Tom sighed as he stepped back into the Alexander mansion, rolling his neck as he dropped his robes on the love seat and looked around the room for his wife, smiling tiredly when he saw her sitting outside on their bedroom patio, her eyes closed as she sat in the setting sun.
He walked quietly up behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders as he leaned down to kiss her forehead, smiling against her skin as she hummed and leaned into him. “how was your day?” (y/n) asked, though she sounded distracted, keeping her eye son Tom as he sat next to her on the chair beside hers and held her hand, sighing a bit as he let his head fall back-the setting sun warm against his skin.
“Good, the third years liked the lesson, one of them is apparently very amused by flying balloons.” (y/n) hummed, her fingers playing with his as they talked. Tom opened his eyes, looking at (y/n), who seemed very distracted. “Are you all right (y/n)?” (y/n) looked at him, a nervousness in her eyes that made Tom feel nervous. “Darling?”
She opened her mouth and then shut it quickly, looking as if she was trying to decide how to speak. “Tom…you…you like kids, right?” Tom shrugged, he had grown accustomed to them over his years at Hogwarts, but he wouldn’t deny he had some favorites from his classes.
“Depends on the kid, but I don’t hate them,” Tom said, looking at his wife intently, and then he smiled, knowing what worry was plaguing her. “but if it was our child, I would love them as dearly as I love you,” the nerves seemed to release from (y/n)’s body and she smiled, leaning towards him.
He followed her lead, moving to sit right beside her, holding both her hands. “I’m pregnant, Tom,” she whispered, smiling against Tom’s lips as he kissed her softly, the heel of his palm against her cheek as he ran his fingers through her hair.
Tom didn’t have any more words to offer, he simply held his wife as she sighed and fell into his arms as they pulled apart. “I have no idea how to be a father,” Tom muttered after a few minutes, and (y/n) snorted into his shoulder, smiling as she pulled away.
“You’ll be great, you’re students love you don’t they?” Tom shrugged, making a slight face-maybe??? Honestly, he had no clue, they liked him enough to not skip class at least.
“I’ll just ask your dad for advice; he was a good father for you right?” Tom muttered, grinning as (y/n) nodded against his shoulder, holding him tight.
A few months later, Tom received a letter from Abraxas, informing of his wife’s pregnancy and inviting him and (y/n) to the baby shower, along with congratulating Tom and (y/n) on their pregnancy.
‘Perhaps our children will be friends, we hope to see you at Malfoy Manor on December 12th’
Tom hummed at the letter and placed it in his lap, informing his five-month-pregnant wife of the invitation, smiling as she walked over to him-her stomach protruding just enough so she began to waddle a bit. Which he found adorable. “Abraxas and Melinia are having a baby huh?” (y/n) muttered as she took a seat in Tom’s lap as he guided her to it, resting his chin on her shoulder as he re-read the letter with her.
“yes, and they want us to attend their baby shower,” Tom muttered into the skin of her shoulder, his very pregnant wife only wearing a slip dress for her comfort. “Well, they went to our announcement party, and have already said yes to the baby shower this month, it would be rude not to accept,” (y/n) said like a true lady and Tom huffed, closing his eyes and curled his arms around her waist, his hands resting on her belly.
He felt a small thud against his palm and Tom couldn’t help the grin from growing on his face-if someone had told him at 16 that he would be so genuinely excited to be a dad-he would’ve never believed them, since back then he was still pretty hell-bent on being the dark lord.
And now here he was, about to host a baby shower for his darling (y/n) Alexander and go to another one the next month for the Malfoys.
“Tom?” (y/n)’s voice called gently and Tom hummed, rubbing his cheek against her bare shoulder, squeezing her a bit. “Do you want to go?”
“if you want to,” Tom muttered, feeling tired as he soaked up his wife's warmth. (y/n) chuckled and patted his hand, getting comfortable in his grip and leaning back against him, her weight supported by his build.
“I’ll rsvp yes then, but it’ll be up to Julien day of,” Tom hummed, slightly confused; but realized (y/n) was talking about their baby. “you think it’s a boy?” Tom asked quietly and (y/n) nodded, resting her head on the top of his, her hand coming back to run through his hair.
“I think so, what do you think?” Tom hummed slowly, lazily blinking as he looked down at (y/n)’s belly, running his fingers gently across the silk that covered it. “I hope it’s a girl, but…Julien? Really? What happened to Damian?” Tom teased, pressing his grin against (y/n)’s shoulder and she huffed, rolling her eyes.
“I think it’s nice,” (y/n) huffed fondly, folding the letter and setting it aside, sliding down in Tom’s grip and turning slightly, smiling at her husband who trailed his fingers up her bare arm. “and Damian’s my second choice, what were you thinking?”
“Arella,” Tom muttered, closing his eyes again and resting his head on (y/n)’s shoulder. “if they’re a girl,” (y/n) hummed softly, still running her fingers through Tom’s hair. “I like that,” she muttered, following Tom’s lead and the two took a nap on the love seat.
Julien Storge Alexander-Riddle was born on April 7th 1954, the heir to the Alexander fortune and the pride of his parents. He looked exactly like his father-with his mother's eyes. Tom stared at the boy in his arms for what felt like hours-a swelling in his chest he didn’t even realize he could feel. Tom swallowed hard, looking up at his wife, who was grinning from ear to ear-soaked in sweat and exhausted from giving birth, but she was smiling and Tom was crying-something he hadn’t done since their wedding and he saw her for the first time in her dress.
And before that-he had only cried once before, when he was 9 and terrified he was going to die of an illness.
He had long since left that fear of death behind, he felt he could rise above anything with this little baby in his arms, that was peachy red and wrinkled, but was all his. “Hi, I’m your dad,” Tom whispered to the wriggly Julien in his arms, who was already starting to fall asleep-like his mother who was already asleep-finally not in pain and free from the weight of Julien on her pelvis. “i-I didn’t grow up with parents, I did not know my father, and my mother died when she gave birth to me, but.” Tom licked his lips, blinking as tears ran down his flushed cheeks-holding his child closer. “I swear to you, I will do what I can to do right by you and your mother, you will never know my anger, you will never know darkness or hate like I did, I will love you like I have your mother; you will know only to be loved dearly and nothing else.”
Tom kissed Julien's forehead and smiled as the newborn cuddled into him and fell asleep.
Tom really never stood a chance.
Yeah-just a whole lotta fluff with Professor Tom, husband Tom, and dad Tom, ur welcome.
Storge is a Greek word for love, it means familial love also-Julien is an Aries, yall know what that means
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aemondfairy · 3 months
The Albatross
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summary: Originally an unlikely match, you give birth to Aegon’s first child and his entire world changes.
pairing: Aegon x Strong!Reader
word count: 767
warnings: Description of pain & childbirth, brief mention of blood, guilt.
note: “Albatross” is used metaphorically as a psychological burden dealing with shame or guilt! (and shout out to Taylor Swift)
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Aegon wanted to hate you. He wanted to hate your hair and your eyes. Your thick eyelashes, the freckles that dusted your cheeks, the way your nose scrunched when you laughed. Despite wanting to hate you in your entirety, he found himself physically incapable of doing so. As a young boy he refused to admit it, even going so far as to tease you for your features — but he thought you were beautiful. If anything, you could’ve resembled his mother more than a Targaryen.
It wasn’t your features that were wrong, but who you inherited them from; you and your brother’s served as living, breathing reminders of Rhaenyra’s infidelity.
Alicent Hightower had been sure to remind him and his siblings that you and your brothers were a product of their older sister's infidelity. An embarrassment to the family. An insult to the crown, to the realm. Abominations. Bastards.
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Screams of pain shook the walls of the Red Keep.
“I can’t do this anymore, Aegon! Please make it stop, it hurts!” you rasped, clawing at the blood-soaked bedsheets. It had been almost 24 hours since your labors had begun. To everyone's surprise, Aegon had yet to leave your side.
“We’re almost there, my love. You’re doing a great job,” your husband encouraged as he placed a chaste kiss to your sweat-drenched forehead, which you only returned with a death glare.
“I cannot take it anymore! Just get it out! Cut it out if you have to!”
One of your handmaids tried to dab at your forehead with a cloth, but you gripped her hand forcefully.
Aegon gave her a sympathetic look as he got her out of your grasp, locking his fingers with yours.
“You know we can’t do that, my love. I will not risk losing you.”
You winced as your midwife slid a finger around the base of your opening. All day long you had been violated against your will. Childbirth was not only painful, but humiliating. For Aegon’s sake, you silently prayed the babe was a boy. You weren’t sure if you would be willing to go through this again.
“I can feel the head, your grace. Just a few more big pushes for me and the babe will be here.”
You groaned loudly, your teeth grinding together as another contraction wracked your frame. Pain radiated down your spine and into your groin. You felt like you were being ripped apart at the seams. Being eaten by Sunfyre seemed to be a more pleasant fate than this.
“You hear that? You’re almost done. You’re doing so good.”
You squeezed onto Aegon’s hand as hard as you could, pushing with all the strength in your body. The harder you pushed, the sooner it would be over. You needed it to be over. With a final push, your vision began to blur and your mind went blank.
Before you knew it, loud cries pulled you back to Earth, and coo’s from your handmaidens filled the room. You laid back with a sigh of relief.
The handmaids quickly handed the babe to Aegon so you could get cleaned up.
“A girl,” she stated proudly, “and she looks just like you, my queen.”
“Like me?” You shot up.
“Lay back your grace, you need to relax,” she scolded you.
Throughout your pregnancy there was a fear in the back of your mind, that if the babe inherited your features that Aegon would be disappointed. Turns out, you couldn’t have been more wrong.
“Yes,” he chuckled, tears swelling in his eyes, “like you. She is absolutely beautiful.”
He placed the baby in your arms, smiling down at the two of you.
A wave of guilt had crashed over Aegon at the sight of his newborn daughter. As well as your initial reaction to her looks. Thinking about the torment you endured for those same features in a world full of violet eyes and snow-white hair. How could he have been so cruel to you for something so fickle?
He couldn’t help but think about Ser Harwin Strong. And the fact that he probably shared the same thoughts as him the first time he laid eyes on you as a babe. This baby was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and the thought of anyone making her believe anything else made his blood boil. He would simply not allow it. Anyone who even dare whisper a word regarding your daughters features would lose their tongue for it.
Although the responsibility of sitting the Iron Throne loomed heavy over Aegon’s head it wasn’t until this very moment that he had true reason to be motivated to rule: his new family
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bigfatbreak · 4 months
dad villain au doodle pile
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marisatomay · 2 years
there should be an oscar category called “movie my dad completed without falling asleep on the couch” and it’s more prestigious and contentious than best picture
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cloveswifey · 1 year
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Dad!Tom riddle X Fem!Reader
"Mommy is mine!" Mattheo, your spirited three-year-old, shouted, pushing Tom's face away from you.
"Excuse me?" Tom feigned offense, placing a hand over his chest dramatically. "She is married to me, little buddy." He proudly displayed your ring on his finger, causing Mattheo to cry in despair. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at your husband's playful antics.
Mattheo had definitely entered that clingy phase. He only wanted you to feed him, hug him, play with him, and put him to sleep. He absolutely despised when Tom even gave you a little peck on the lips, and oh, was Tom having fun teasing your little one.
In the past few days, Mattheo's clinginess seemed to escalate. Not that he wasn't clingy before, but now it had become even more intense. As you tried to cook, his little hands would constantly explore your body, causing him to become upset when Tom was around. In an attempt to scare Tom away, Mattheo would even throw his food at him, which only made Tom laugh even harder.
You gave Tom a knowing look and remarked, "I wonder where he got his bad temper from."
Tom affectionately placed a hand on your growing stomach and whispered against your head, "Let's hope this little one isn't as jealous as his brother."
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zoe-oneesama · 7 months
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Why yes I'm still falling in love with the Viceroy/Dad Villain AU by @bigfatbreak, aren't you?
Ko-fi | Patreon
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bietrofastimoff23 · 1 month
🎶 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚢...
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𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚜? 🎶
**Criston knew that he loved these children — him, the king, whose honor he defended in front of others, the man, whose thirst for revenge for his murdered son he shared, the prince he trained, and the boy who grew up before his eyes — but he hardly ever imagined that it could be so painful.
We haven't seen much of their interaction, but Criston still showed that he is the real family to Aegon.
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wh0reforcoriolanussnow · 10 months
Can you do a Tom blyth x reader where in a interview , the interviewer asks him if he wants to marry and have kids in the future and he answers that he already has a daughter with the reader and after few days he posts on Instagram a photo of his daughter playing in the grass when he was filming the movie nad the fans going crazy ( about how cute she is and smth like that )
My Girl || Tom Blyth x Actress!reader
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A/n: baby fever right now is astronomically high 😭😭 also this song is my absolute fav and feels like it matches with this so def go listen to it!!!
Warnings: none :)
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Divider by @pommecita
“Tom, your fans have been asking if you plan on marrying and having children in the future,” Tom nods his head, a smile forming on his lips, “What can you say to them?” The interviewer directs her mic to Tom.
He could feel your eyes burning into the side of his face as his grip on your waist squeezes. “Marrying and having children?” Tom repeats. You watch in anticipation as you give him an encouraging smile. The two of you had been waiting for a moment like this.
It’s been three years since you gave birth to your daughter, Elsie, three years since Tom became a dad. The public had no idea whatsoever and you intended to keep it the way for a few years longer. Well, after a long conversation with Tom, it was time to stop hiding from the public.
“This is the first time I’ve actually spoken about this to the public but I have a daughter already,” His words make the women holding the mic gasp out loud as you both let out a chuckle at her reaction. “I know, shocking right!” Tom smiles.
“You have a daughter Tom? With….” She trails off as her eyes move to you. Tom pulls you to his chest as you give the woman a grin, nodding your head as she puts her hand on her chest and lets out another gasp. “Am I the first to know about this outside your close circles?” She asks.
“Yes! We’ve thought long and hard about releasing such private information but we decided it’s time we tell everyone. We can’t hide this forever,” You say as Tom watches you and nods. “Well there we have it! Tom Blyth and Y/n Y/l/n have a child together!” The interview says to the camera as you wave her goodbye and move along with the other cast members.
“That felt good,” You look up at Tom, happy to get it out. “It sure did, darling” He rubs your arm as the two of you take pictures for the paparazzi. Safe to say, that interview was blowing up.
Fans had mixed reactions to the news. Some were incredibly happy for the two of you, and some were utterly shocked at the news and were surprised at how the two of you kept this information on the low.
As you and Tom were doing the world promo tour with the rest of the cast members, there was always a question that popped up relating to your daughter, Elsie.
“Tom, Y/n! I think the internet is in shock to learn that you are parents to a three year old daughter, am I correct?” The man infront of you says as you both nod. “Yes! Our daughter’s name is Elsie, and we had a feeling this would shock fans quite a bit,” You quietly chuckle to yourself.
“It definitely has! How did you two pull this off? You know, not making fans suspect anything?” He asks as Tom replies, “Uh I think it was just mainly being super private about our personal lives. We both don’t share such information like that which lets us live peacefully without cameras following us around.”
“And you’ve done a wonderful job at that since we never knew about your three year old daughter,” He smiles as Tom thanks him, “Can you tell us more about Elsie? If you can?” He politely asks as you nod. “Of course. Well uh Elsie is very much a daddy’s girl,” You all chuckle as Tom holds your knee affectionately.
“She loves the outdoor so much, that’s where she wants to be most of the time.” Tom adds. “And how was it that you found out that you were going to be a dad, Tom?“
“Yes, so Y/n told me she was pregnant on my birthday in February I think it was?” He looks at you in confirmation as you nod, “It was actually during my auditioning progress for Billy the Kid. So when I got the role and started filming mid to late 2021, Elsie was already born”
“We were both 25 at the time and we felt like we were ready to you know, move onto the next chapter of our lives. I remember for my birthday, Y/n’s present to me was this baby onesie that said ‘daddy’s girl’” The man awes as Tom reminisces the moment.
“I was so shocked and happy that I started crying,” He laughs, “Correction, we started to cry,” You butt in with a small giggle. “I do have to mention, Y/n! You went through your pregnancy without the public even noticing! How in the world did you manage that as a public figure.
“It wasn’t hard, but at the same time it sort of was,” You let out a low chuckle as Tom rubs your thigh, listening to you talk. “I didn’t have any roles booked for that year so I just stayed on the low. I did what any other typical people did when they didn’t want others to notice your pregnancy which was to wear baggy clothes, covering my stomach and stuff like that.”
“I also made sure that people wouldn’t be able to recognise me when I was out in public and it worked very well.” “It did indeed. I think everyone wants to know, how’s life with a three year old daughter while filming. Was Elsie with the two of you went you filmed tbosas?”
“Yes she was actually! Everyone on set knew that we hadn’t said anything to the public about our daughter and they were such wonderful people and respected that. My mom also was with us to take care of Elsie when we weren’t able to.” “I don’t know how we would have lasted all those months without her honestly. She made everyone on set laugh, I actually think the cast members will start posting pictures of bts with Elsie now that we’ve released this information” Tom laughs as his mind goes back to all the time the crew would laugh at Elsie’s cuteness.
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“You posted a picture on your instagram a couple days ago of you and your daughter, can you tell us a little bit of background information of this picture?” “Is this the one of you and Elsie in the forest?” You turn your head to Tom as he nods. “Yes! So that was the last day we filmed all the scenes in the forest. We’ve already said this I think but our daughter absolutely loves nature.”
“During takes she would just play around and I remember this one time, We were going through a scene and then Elsie just came up to me and clung around my leg while the cameras were rolling, do you remember that?” Tom grins at you as you recall the moment.
“I do, I have a video of it in my camera roll, it made everyone awe at her.” You let out a giggle as the interviewer smiles at the two of you. “It seems to me that the crew was pretty close to Elsie? Am I right in saying that?” You nod in agreement with her.
“We felt incredibly grateful of how everyone was so kind and supportive of the idea of Elsie being with us during the entirety of the filming process. The cast members would always be playing with her during our takes, and Elsie grew very fond of all of them.”
“Especially Viola actually!” Tom interjects as the interviewer gasps, “Really?” “Yes! Viola is such a sweetheart I honestly love her so much. Even when she was in her costume and she kinda looked terrifying, Elsie would always run up to her after the cameras stop rolling.” He chuckles.
The two of you honestly loved talking about Elsie during all your interviews. Your face would always hurt from smiling too much when you reminisce all the moments of your daughter during filming.
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at1r1-park3r · 1 month
Peter; at school and just got in trouble: I swear I'm innocent!
Principal; not amused: That's it. Your aunt passed? I'm calling your parents.
Peter: Haha, good luck with that!
Principal: What?
Peter: My parents are DEAD! *unhinged laughter*
Principal: but I have their phone numbers....
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Mav with a dog, requested by @waistcoat35 ! I felt like he would own an Aussie (a sort of high energy dog that would match him)--that, or a very old, round lab that wandered around the hangar :)
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Peter, talking to Ned as they walk into the tower: and that’s how I almost died!
Tony: excuse me?
Steve: who and where?
Bruce: No one’s going to get away with that one, need me to send the other guy?
Clint, coming down from the vents: I can take care of them.
Peter, confused: I was just telling Ned about the time a building fell on me.
Ned: Yup!
Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Clint: WHAT?
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aemondfairy · 1 month
Out Of The Woods
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summary: The war is over and Rhaenyra’s daughter gets a fresh start in The North.
pairing: Cregan x Targaryen!Reader
word count: 842
warnings: Description of pain & childbirth, grief, RIP Jace <\3
note: Sooo……. It appears that I’m in Cregan Simp Mode
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It is a brighter day than usual when your labors start. The sun even begins to peak behind the clouds, casting a gorgeous gleam over Winterfell. It has been six months since the civil war between your family has ended and it seems as though the smoke-like grief that clouds your mind is finally beginning to clear. After all of your pain and suffering, you are now far away from Dragonstone and even farther away from King’s Landing. As your younger brother sits the Iron Throne, you have a hope for a peaceful realm. As well as hope that you and Cregan will finally be able to start anew.
Things are different in Winterfell, especially now that the dance has ended. There is no pressure for your babe to have silver hair or violet eyes. No pressure for it to be born with a cock. All that matters is that the babe is healthy. Your child will not suffer the same hardships as you and your siblings once did.
You can hear heavy footsteps outside of the chamber as Cregan paces restlessly. While you endure another hour of labor, you try to keep your mind elsewhere. Your gaze is fixed on the flicker of the candle that sits in the chandelier above your head.
One of your earlier memories is your mother being in labor with Joffrey. You remember wincing at her screams and placing judgement on the names she called her midwives. Now you don’t blame her. You even admire her for going through this so many times. You miss her terribly.
Your hand grips tightly onto the wooden headboard as you try your hardest to listen to the instructions of your midwife.
“Push into the pain,” she advises you, “when the pain is at its worst, that’s when you will want to push the hardest, my lady.”
Your knees are at your chest, a thin layer of sweat covers your entire body, and your once white nightgown is now stained red. You inhale deeply as you brace yourself for another painful contraction.
And just like that, it’s happening again. It begins as a dull ache in your spine that eventually overtakes you completely. It feels as if you were being torn to shreds. Your muscles begin to spasm and each wave of pain is worse than the last.
A particularly loud scream echoes out into the hallway and it has Cregan bursting through the door into the room, his auburn brows furrowed.
“This is not the place for men, my Lord,” your midwife sternly warns him.
“I do not care! What’s happened?”
“Nothing!” you bark at him, your teeth gritted. This is a pain he is unable to comprehend.
“I’m fine, we’re fine. It just hurts. That’s all.”
Cregan frowns at you as he comes to stand at your side.
“My lord—” your midwife tries to interject once again.
“I’m staying.”
He keeps true to his word and remains at your side for the rest of your labor, despite your midwife’s wishes — earning him many dirty looks.
Another painful contraction comes and the pain is mind blowing. But it seems to be the light at the end of the tunnel. You bring your chin down to your chest and push with all of your might. You push as if your life depends on it, because it does.
“That’s it, my lady! Perfect. I can see the babe already, a full head of hair,” she states.
Just when you swear you cannot push anymore, you feel sudden relief and loud cries fill the room.
“It’s a boy,” your midwife declares, and Cregan squeezes onto your hand tightly.
“And he is one healthy pup! With quite the set of lungs!” she adds.
About an hour later, once you are moved from the birthing bed and all cleaned up, you sit in your large bed that you and Cregan share. Your babe is cozily bundled up and suckling at your breast, his tiny gums gnawing at your flesh.
“Do we have a name for him?” Cregan asks you as he comes to take solace beside you, peering down at the tiny babe.
“I’m not quite sure yet,” you reply, your mind still hazy, your heart full, “did you have something in mind?”
“I was thinking… he holds a striking resemblance to your brother. What do you think?”
You glance down at your newborn son. An angelic face matched with tiny wisps of dark hair that threaten to grow into a thick head of curls.
“Oh,” you coo, “yeah… yeah, he does, doesn’t he?”
Cregan smiles widely at you, in a way that makes your heart want to burst right out of your chest.
You and Cregan both held great love for Jacaerys. It was something you bonded over when you were first getting to know one another. After spending so much time with him at the beginning of the dance, Cregan began to care for Jace as if he was a brother of his own.
“So it’s settled then,” he states with pride, “we’ll call him Jacaerys.”
“Jacaerys,” you breathe out in agreement as your husband places as gentle kiss on your forehead.
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bigfatbreak · 4 months
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Marinette (and Nooroo)'s morning routine~
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Tom from the Sonic movies be like:
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as-i-watch · 1 year
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When i was asked to rank parent figures i kinda had a revelation...i think
Btw, Bellemere, Hiruluk and Corasan are all top right corner but i couldnt fit them all in the same spot
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ellewod · 1 month
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Tom Glynn-Carney and Phia Saban photographed for ContentMode Magazine
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