#Damangela is just my favorite
tame-a-messenger · 6 months
Ya'll are so weird for getting bitter about not getting Damangela. As much as we love their dynamic, we have to accept they are a rare pair and not a established duo. Smosh has no obligation to put them together and they have no urge to be in videos together because they don't have many things in common. I love them and I hope they kick out Noah so they can have more videos together but getting bitter about kt isn't going to solve things. Let's enjoy the current dynamics we have and wait for another Damangela video.
DOG, did you read the posts??? anybody that sent in an ask about "feeling bitter" ended it with "sorry to rant". They were just speaking their mind, I see no problem in it. (I believe one of the Anons even said they felt BAD about feeling that way)
"we have to accept they are a rare pair and not a established duo."
?? who are you? the Smosh casting director?? while I slightly agree that it is a little bit of a 'rare pair' the top comments of videos they appear in are almost ALL talking about them. I would say they are somewhat 'established' as a duo. (more like rivals, but that's still in the realm of 'duo')
"they have no urge to be in videos together because they don't have many things in common."
Once again, ??? they have plenty in common?? they both are improv/theater kid nerds? and they get along swimmingly I don't see what you're getting at.
While I agree being bitter isn't going to solve things, (obviously? what is it I can solve?? I have no power over Smosh??) it doesn't hurt anybody? what are you trying to gain by telling other people how they should feel.
What do you want me to do? walk into the Smoffice and DEMAND they cast them in another video? /lh (I would if I could tbf)
YOU are WEIRD for trying to tell people how to feel!
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Ik you’re a damangela blog but do u notice Angela and Spencer’s dynamic? I always think about the way he talks abt her so fondly; even when she’s not there; and just stares at her for no reason. I’m asking u bc u have a blog that isnt abt Spangela, so you’d be less biased:)
the two of them have such a cute dynamic! the way spencer talks about angela is always so sweet and it's my favorite thing to hear how when everyone's talking about angela it's always the sweetest thing 🥹 i've never noticed the staring but i've also never looked for it so idk about that but!!
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readthephible · 9 months
adjusting to a fandom with a whole different world of shipping is amazing, but a very big shift.
the only fandoms i’ve really been into as heavily as smosh have been mcr (emo trinity, but mainly mcr) and dnp. those two have their primary, obvious ships with years and years of headcanons, fics, art, you name it.
with smosh, yes ianthony has a wide range of content to peruse, it’s been a ship for a very long time and it’s almost too much to keep up with, (i’m trying to keep up) but it’s new for me to have so many ships to feel for (which is not bad, just new). ik the newest pit theater will most likely have ianthony, shaymien, spommy and maybe amangela…but what about all of the little rarepair niche ships i’ve seen on this site, i wonder if they know??? like it makes sense, and i have absolutely no judgement towards rarepair shippers, but it’s new for me.
shamanda, antmien, shaynse, spourtney, damangela, shrevor, shian, shanthony, chanthony, courtgela, kimney, then whatever the names are for courtney/arasha, amanda/ian, and sooo many more. this is crazy and i love it. you guys make content so fast and no one is safe /pos
but also, even though my main smosh ship is shaymien, which is not /technically/ a rarepair, comparing that ship to phan is CRAZY and i feel so spoiled. (for context: shaymien has 467 works on ao3, phan has almost eighteen thousand ?!?)
my phannie ass starting to ship shaymien is like. wait. what do you mean there’s barely any chaptered fics out there, let alone many, many chapters worth (i mean like 25 or more) what do you mean there’s not an au for every career or trope under the sun. what do you mean there’s not a fic for every kink in the world. what do you mean there’s not a fic for every video, instagram post, tiktok or tweet. what do you mean there’s no The Fic for this pairing, whether it’s actually good or not but it’s so well known the person/people the characters are based off of somehow Know (ex. milk fic for panic/smosh. heart rate of a mouse for panic. skin fic for phan but also like the well known, actually good fan favorites like a match and a fuse, l’histoire française, bluebird, etc. a splitting of the mind for mcr) what do you mean there’s no ‘how did we end up with a baby’, no song fics for every song loosely connected to this pairing, no gender swap au, and SO MANY MORE. THIS IS WILD.
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jovenshires · 7 months
Katie, that damangela video you made was life changing..... "Nothing" is just..... Them™
Also i reread sunflowers and despite not crying the first go around it had me SOBBING the second time, like its?????? That's ROMANCE?????? Having a crush on a literal superhero but when you kiss all you can think about is the goofy chem major????? I died, i am dead 💀🌻
thank you!!!!! i dont really, lovingly, go to damangela (supporting from afar just not my jam) SO im glad y'all are enjoying it!! that's one of my favorite songs and i thought it hit for them so <3
AHHHH thank you so much!!! sunflower my baby. i so deeply appreciate it they're my lil guys xx going back to this world soon for the first time in ages... wish me luck
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tame-a-messenger · 2 months
What is your number one favorite damangela video?
That's like an impossible question!!
I have maybe a top 5?? I really don't know how I would even ATTEMPT to order them from 1-5 though...
In order of oldest to newest ~ My Top 5
We Pranked Our Friend with a Surprise Exorcism | Idiots Present
Who Can Fit the Most in This Suitcase? | Let's Do This!
Why Are They Like This? | Reading Reddit Stories
Roasting Our Cringey Tweets (You Posted That)
What's That Supposed To Be?! | Board AF: Block Party
It's so hard with these because there's pros and cons to most of the videos they appear in.. These 5 are the ones I've gone back to the most <3
(if you MADE me pick my #1 I think I would have to say the "Idiots Present" simply because it is the quintessential damangela video imo) (also just because I said it's my #1 doesn't mean it's my favorite)
BTW I do have a playlist of my favorite damangela videos 👀 if you care (here)
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
So this is just something I picked up re-watching some videos in my Damangela playlist, and I'm not totally sure this is true but I thought it was a fun timeline regardless!
So I was watching "can we guess Shayne's favorites?" because someone commented that Damien was in the background of Angela and Chanse's guessing sections, and sure enough he was! (he was also in the background of Spencer and Arasha's)(and maybe some others but I couldn't tell)
(you can hear him laughing as early as (2:01) (and hear him laughing and going "Incorrect" at (12:15) (his manic giggle at (14:57) lol)
(also at 29:27 she talks to someone off camera about a roommate of hers voice acting for Hades) (maybe talking to Damien?)
Then I had a brain blast, because I had seen some photos of Damien on the 'red carpet' at the Mythical Cookbook release party and recognized the hoodie he's wearing in this video as the same one he's wearing at that party!
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(It's kind of hard to tell but you can see the diagonal flap of fabric going across the front in both pictures!)
Then of course I was like 'did they film this on the same day as that party?' I may be delusional, but I at least like to fact check. So I was looking at his earrings to see if they were also the same- THEY ARE.
(LEFT= Mythical Party) (RIGHT= "Shayne's favorites" video)
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They're both his right ear with the same earrings (I believe he has the same earrings he does in the video on his left ear as well, it's really hard to see, but he has a dangly earring in the 'red carpet' photos that could totally be the dagger earring he wears in the video)
So the only thing I was thinking that could make it not be true is- when did the video come out? Did it fit in the timeframe well enough?
The pictures of him at the Mythical party were released on March 8th and the video was uploaded on March 15th, so a week turnaround for a "Guesses" video is 100% plausible!
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
I might be reading too much into this (would not be the first time!) but Damangela content seems to have increased once the Shourtney wedding became a reality. Perhaps the current content is a delayed fan service but the cynical side of me is also wondering if this is an attempt to compensate for the Shourtney and Shayngela droughts that we might witness on the upcoming weeks. While I wouldn't mind seeing Damien and Angela in more videos together, I hope that they can develop their dynamic naturally, without needing to mold it into something that other duos have. Idk if this is even realistic worry or not but it did cross my mind after noticing a sudden increase in Damangela visuals and interactions.
I think it's just uncanny timing?
I'm pretty sure the Drought™ was only a thing because Damien was busy (he didn't appear in many Smosh videos during that time) and the videos they did get him in just unluckily didn't have Ang
I believe all the content we've been getting for Damangela was recorded last month, so I don't think it is on purpose?
And all the non-Smosh related Damangela content happening right after the Wedding announcement was 100% just weird timing lol
I also don't buy that Smosh is even thinking about "compensating" for a Shourtney drought with Damangela.
While Shourtney is a fan favorite there's plenty of other cast that they can (if they want to) separate Shayne and Courtney with. So uploads should be normal minus Shayne and Courtney in the same videos. (which if they are your favorite I can see why your worried)(the damangela drought was not fun)
"I hope that they can develop their dynamic naturally, without needing to mold it into something that other duos have"
I don't think they are even thinking like that at all!
They have their own dynamic that a lot of fans really enjoy already, so I really don't think you have to worry about them 'developing their dynamic naturally' they already have the dynamic, it'll just grow from here on out! (if anything them being put in more videos so they can separate Shourtney will most likely make them grow faster!)
I think the only thing that's even a possibility of happening that you're worried about is a possible Shourtney drought, I think we'll still see Shayne in vids with Ang and the like, but I'm guessing it might be awhile before Courtney and Shayne are in a video together again
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tame-a-messenger · 11 months
Some of my Damangela Playlists!
If I missed anything lmk!
^ ONLY Smosh videos! (Smosh, Smosh Games, Smosh Pit, SmoshCast)
^ Everything and anything (-Fan comps/edits) Damangela related!
My personal favorite vids + significant moments for this duo !
Also! @guessitrunsinthegenes has his blog AND a YouTube channel he uploads Comps and Playlists on!
(this is going to be a lot, so I'm going to use links!)
-Guessitrunsinmygenes Damangela compilations
-Every Smosh Main video w/ Damien and Angela
-Every Smosh Pit video w/ Damien and Angela
-Every Smosh Games video w/ Damien and Angela
-Every Let's Do This w/ Damien and Angela
-Every TNTL w/ Damien and Angela
-Every Livestream w/ Damien and Angela
-Every Jackbox video w/ Damien and Angela
-Videos of Damien and Angela talking about each other when the other isn't there
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
I like the idea of Angemien/Angelien
Angemien was pretty high up in the running for the duo name, but I think Damangela is more recognizable/used more.
I recently saw someone using "Dangela" and I thought that was super fun! Had me kind of mad I didn't think of it!
My personal favorite is still "Damngela" it just has a fun ring to it. (it makes me think of the time Damien yelled at Angela during a "Don't Win Pummel Party" "DAMNIT ANGELA")
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
This is going to be unhinged. LOL But, Damangela drought has brought the brain to weird places. So, Smosh got a new HR guy named Nate at the end of 2023. In one of Damien’s late November/early December streams, he mentioned that he was not having a good mental health day but he still wanted to stream (because streaming makes him feel better) so he called HR to ask if it was okay because they would be able to clearly see him doing it. He said at the time they said it was okay. But, afterwards is when he kept talking about having more time coming up.
My theory…HR fucked him over. I don’t know why people think HR is there to help you. They help the company. I think Damien may have been thinking about how to ask how to reduce his workload but HR probably “strongly suggested” he go freelance and convince him it was best for both him and the company. HR isn’t going to get rid of him completely because he didn’t do anything that egregious and he is a popular personality. Now, Damien is busy and it seems it worked out but I don’t think this was entirely his choice. On top of that, this was around the time that the jokes between Angela and Damien breached HR territory (“thank you mommy. Sorry for calling you mommy . We’ll talk about it in HR” “I know Damien’s!”). I think HR may have asked to separate them after a while. LASTLY, on top of that, Damien and Angela always ask for jokes to be removed so maybe they don’t put then together to prevent that as well.
Is there proof of this? Absolutely not. Is this unhinged? Yes. But, thanks for creating a safe space for this. At the end of the day, I think we’ll see more videos of them together but I think it will be in the structured video formats (ex. TNTL, SwordAF) so we’re less likely to see their off the cuff remarks to each other, which sucks because I love those.
Side note: I love Smosh but it’s a business. I think the new HR guy and the Pressalike/Smosh leadership coming together passed its observation stage and moved on to its change stage. I think some crew members felt this as well and this why we’ve had some people leave - Rachel, Heidi, Greg (sound guy), Kimmy, etc.
OOo interesting goss you have, I didn't know they got a new HR guy.
I'm a little confused as to why Damien would have to ask Smosh HR for permission to stream? unless you meant he was asking to go home early/not go into work to stream instead?
As unhinged as your theories could be, I think there's merit in them.
I could see them suggesting to Damien to go freelance (Idk about pressuring him into it, maybe just presented it as a good option for him) because of how much work he's been getting. He does talk about how much he really loves doing voice over, I totally see him wanting that to be his main gig, and wanting to have more time for it.
"the jokes between Angela and Damien breached HR territory (“thank you mommy. Sorry for calling you mommy . We’ll talk about it in HR” “I know Damien’s!”). I think HR may have asked to separate them after a while."
I want to say this seems a little outlandish, but I can't help but focus on how little we've gotten them in videos the last 2 months. EIOYI last supper and a TNTL being the only things they've been in the same room for, seems a little odd? (if we want to include the Mythical cookbook party and the recent VidCon group photo that only makes 4 times the last 2 months they've been publicly next to each other)(and they both appeared in the "Guess Shayne's Favorites" but weren't together) So I honestly can't totally write out that it could be on purpose..
It just feels a bit out of place, they used to be in a large portion of uploads together and then all the sudden we're getting almost nothing?? I get him being busy outside Smosh but he's still in some uploads? like how come Angela has been playing more video games (And getting really good at them) while he's been playing card games? seems like a subversion?
Not to mention how often people around Angela (and Angela herself) bring him up. I'm pretty sure most videos with Ang recently they've mentioned Damien?
"I think we’ll see more videos of them together but I think it will be in the structured video formats (ex. TNTL, SwordAF) so we’re less likely to see their off the cuff remarks to each other, which sucks because I love those."
Yeah, I think so too, it seems like they've pretty much finished doing all of the bi-weekly(?) uploads (like BAF:L, SwordAF) where we knew they'd both have to be there.
Sad times rn.. I just hope Spring has better things in store <3 (and maybe they start up a new playthrough of something? 👀)
"thanks for creating a safe space for this."
You're welcome! I don't think y'all understand how awesome it is to have this space. I get all kinds of different perspectives and new info all the time! I feel like this blog is a newspaper with all the asks about stuff that's going on! like we have our own hub for info about anything them! I want to thank you for sending in asks! <3
"Side note: I love Smosh but it’s a business. I think the new HR guy and the Pressalike/Smosh leadership coming together passed its observation stage and moved on to its change stage. I think some crew members felt this as well and this why we’ve had some people leave - Rachel, Heidi, Greg (sound guy), Kimmy, etc."
THAT IS SUCH A GOOD POINT! We have had a lot of cast/crew leave!
Oh to be a fly on the wall~!
(Side note- SOUND GUY GREG LEFT!!??? HE WAS MY FAVORITE he was like an easter egg in videos! IM GONNA MISS HIM)
Thank you for this Anon! There was a lot of really good information in this! I'll be keeping it in mind for the future! <3
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tame-a-messenger · 8 months
As much as it pains me to say, I’m actually happy we don’t get a lot of damangela content. Just think about it, I feel like if we got them in every other video, the effect of their dynamic would kind of run out. Yes we would still most likely love them together but it’s probably best we get them a small amount of times so when they’re finally in a video, we can enjoy it 10x more. As you and other anons have mentioned, shourtney is one of my other favorite duos as well but since they’re in a relatively big amount of videos together and get to see them outside of Smosh, I think damangela is more precious since we get them half if not less than half of what we get of shourtney
This is like edging, that's literally edging lmao /lh
I FULLY disagree, I think it would go BRAZY if we got them in most uploads! they would see so much of each other they'd want to rip each others heads off! the teasing would be off the fricking charts! sounds great to me!
I think it would make the dynamic SOAR everything would be multiplied and we'd get so much more of what they normally do just x10
I do see what you're saying though! you must be a fan of slowburns? am I right? nothing wrong with that, I just am a glutton for them- I can't help it :) I want them in every upload
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tame-a-messenger · 9 months
What video made you start enjoying damangela?
I think it was (this) Moose Master? Or maybe (this) Idiots Present?
Idk it’s really hard to pin it down when exactly I noticed the dynamic but I think those were the videos that really solidified my love for them.
Something about Damien picking on her in that Moose Master is just so fun to me, her making her own rule and everyone making fun of her and damien going “I hope you enjoyed your last Smosh video Angela, it’s been great having you, *giggling* this has been awesome” it’s just a really fun video
Ooh don’t get me started on the Idiots Present!
I think it was one of the first videos I watched with Angela in it? (I was only watching Smosh every once in a while by that point) and the SHOCK I got when I recognized her from Starkid! So cool! I feel like that’s one of my favorite videos, purely because it’s like the PEAK of the both of them, Angela being loud weird and fun and Damien in his natural element talking about demons and being hot. Her making him run around to catch her and throwing him off constantly definitely set off my “these two are fun” detectors.
I really love cat and mouse dynamics so those two video really good examples of their dynamic (at least in the beginning)
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
Disclaimer: not damangela/smosh related but since starkid gets brought up a bit, I hope this is fine
So I never watched starkid because I don’t watch musicals but there is the one guy in it that I see when you guys talk about it and it was driving me crazy bc he looked so familiar and I knew I didn’t know him from that. So after some digging and name searching, his name is Joey Richer. So then I looked up what he’s been in and it turns out, he was officer Petey in the Disney show Jessie. I know you’ve probably been knew this (if you watched that era of Disney) but as someone who’s never watched anything with him since those days, I was pretty shocked. I just could not for the life of me remember who he was but now my mystery is solved lol. I used to watch Jessie so much a few years ago (I think it’s top 3 fav Disney shows) so as a Jessie fan it was extra crazy to me. As I said, this is probably old news to you but I thought it’d be a funny little story to share on here :)
(Starkid is the only thing I will make acceptations for on this blog lmao)
This is so fucking funny to me because I REMEMBER VIVIDLY watching Jessie as a youngin' and all the episodes officer Petey was in, but I NEVER KNEW THAT WAS JOEY UNTIL WELL INTO BEING A STARKID FAN LMAO
Those episodes aired over a decade ago but I remember exactly where I was and what I was thinking when I saw him! I had the BIGGEST crush on Officer Petey! My little self was absolutely ENAMORED with him.
Weirdest part was I was at least 2 yrs into being a fan of Starkid before I stumbled across a post about him being in Jessie! I HAD NO IDEA! (it made so much sense that Joey was my favorite Starkid when I started watching lol even though I didn't recognize it was him)(time doesn't change much I guess <3)
I find it so funny that you had the exact same experience I did lmao
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
No offense but what is wrong with that other anon? I wouldn’t even call what we say about not getting damangela “bitter.” We as fans of their dynamic are just sad/upset we don’t get to see them often, that’s very normal in my opinion. If we were setting strikes of not watching any videos unless it has them in it or constantly degrading the channel that would be what’s weird. Also, I think it’s been clarified enough times that we don’t hate Smosh for not putting them in more videos, just disappointed, not with them more the situation. The only thing that comes to mind when making a comparison maybe is when your favorite tv show character starts getting less and less scenes or they get “unalived.” You’ll still watch the show but be a little upset your favorite thing about it no longer really is a thing. And if they end up bringing back the character, you’re filled with excitement and happiness and you can fully enjoy what you’re watching with your all. I don’t wanna speak for everyone but I’m sure that’s how a couple people feel. There’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. So anon if you see this, please understand that we’re not doing anything that is harmful at the end of the day. It’s completely fine to miss what you enjoy most and still try to find joy in the other parts of it.
(holy shit this ask is old)(I'm so sorry Anon)
(This ask was during the Drought™ about another Anon that was being rude and saying it was 'weird' that some people were starting to feel a bit bitter about the lack of Damien + Angela)
This is pretty much how I view Smosh content, and just anything on the internet.
I love videos with them in them, but I'll still watch almost everything Smosh puts out!
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