#Dan Galindo
graphicpolicy · 2 years
Take a trip through Hawkins, Indiana in Stranger Things: Tales From Hawkins
Take a trip through Hawkins, Indiana in Stranger Things: Tales From Hawkins #comics #comicbooks #strangerthings
Award-winning writer Jody Houser returns to pen an anthology of vibrant new stories woven into the larger tapestry of the hit Netflix series Stranger Things in Stranger Things: Tales From Hawkins! Joining Houser on her trip through Hawkins are artist Caio Filipe, Sunando C, Giorgia Gio Esposito colorist Dan Jackson, and letterer Nate Piekos.      On the surface, Hawkins, Indiana seems like the…
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bestiarium · 2 years
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The Tibicena [native Gran Canarian folklore]
An angry dog, especially a wild one, can pose a serious danger to both people and livestock. So it comes as little surprise that large, evil dogs are a very common recurring motive in folktales and myths from around the world.
In the legends of the native population of Gran Canaria, a large monstrous dog called the Tibicena plays an important role. This creature takes the appearance of a large dog with long black fur and bright red eyes. Tibicenas were evil spirits and after the arrival of Europeans, the Tibicena was also known as a form of the devil, but in the belief system of the original inhabitants these monsters were descendants of Guayota, a kind of demon or major evil spirit. Though the people of Gran Canaria use dogs as guardians and pets, wild dogs are also known to attack herds of livestock (which was a problem considering these animals were often the owners’ sole means to make a living) and supposedly even break into tombs to eat human corpses. The evil mythical creature likely originated from these negative connotations.
The monsters were said to live in caves, and even today some of the caverns in Gran Canarias are referred to as a ‘den of the Tibicena’. At night, they left the comfort of these caves to hunt, attacking both people and animals alike.
The Tibicena is analogous to the Cancha of Tenerife. Note that it’s unclear whether the Tibicena is supposed to be a singular demonic entity or a species of monsters, as this seems to vary between different sources.
Sources: De Lavigne, G., 2015, Les Chiens Célèbres, Réels et Fictifs, dans l’art, la culture et l’histoire, Lulu, 572 pp. De Abreu Y Galindo, J., 1632, The history of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands. Alberto-Barroso, V., Delgado-Darias, T., Brito-Mayor, A. and Velasco-Vázquez, J., 2021, The ritualized use of dogs: considerations about their role in the mortuary belief system of the ancient Canarians, Canarias Arqueológica, 22:653-660. Rodríguez, A. M. D., 2005, Recuperación y reconocimiento formal de la raza canina pastor garafiano, Revista de Estudios Generales de la Isla de La Palma, 1. (image source: HoboMango on Twitter)
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zaenight · 4 months
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[TW: there are slight mentions of stuff discussed in ch1-2,past Sa and abuse mentions]
"Luke, Luke, what up dawg?Check this out,You shoot this one , let's see what you got." said Skills , it was late in the afternoon as the boys played basketball as they always do.
Carlo watched as lucas made the basket , thoughts of the other day plaguing his mind as he ate his chips anxiously.
"Come on, lets move!" Mouth exclaimed.
"Time to go, baby." Skills.
"Six-thirty, Luke!" jimmy said as Carlo got up and jumped on Lucas's back.
"Aw , come on guys, you dont gotta come Its just a game." Lucas said as rolling his eyes as he made sure Carlo didn't fall off , the boy light for his age , still the same as they were younger.
"Right,Whitey asked you to play on the team." said skills.
"And Nathan threatens you." junk said to Lucas .
"You tried flirting with his girl, eres todo tipo de desorden ." said Carlo as Lucas glared at the boy who blinked innocently.[your just all kinds of messy]
"You beat him right here one on one, you join the team." Mouth stated with a smile.
"And now its the first game and we aint gotta come?" said Skills.
"To bad this game is for all of us , we're going ." Finished Carlo as Lucas let out a scoff with a smirk.
"Go Luke!"
"Let's go Luke."
"Vamos apurate Lucas." yeah we all know who said that.
"Karen! , Luisa! , You ready to go?" Keith exclaimed.
"Oh Im not going,I decided to stay open,I could use the business." Stated Karen as Luisa shook her head with an I tried look on her face , Sirena on her hip.
"You talk to Luke about this?" Keith questioned.
"No,But hell understand." Karen stated .
"Karen..." said Keith.
"She doesnt want to go." Said Hayley by the door.
"Hayley's right I tried talking to her , pero no she wouldn't listen." Said Luisa shaking her head.
"She doesnt want to see her high school sweetheart,slash your brother Dan,slash the jerk who abandoned Lucas slash the father of Nathan, the team's star player slash my wrists , if I hear this story again,Lets go!"said Hayley with a accusing tone and raised brow.
"I think youre making a mistake." Said Keith.
"Mama is Riri gonna play the ball game." Said Sirena as she got buckled into her car seat.
"Not unless Whitey hog ties him and makes him ." Luisa said with snort.
At the same time the conversation was going down so was this one , oh Luisa how right you where.
"Wh- you can't make me play!" Said Carlo , one minute he was with Jimmy and Mouth , the next he was in the boy's locker room."
"Detention for a week if ya don't." said Whitey.
"What!, your just making up rules , Whitey come on I'm uncoordinated , unfocussed." Carlo rambled.
Whitey thought about it , before throwing the jersey at Carlo.
"You know you father had one of the highest jumps , when we watched ya'll play that night , your jump rivaled his , infact it was higher than Marcelo's." said Whitey.
"Screw him, and screw this , Whitey you want me to play , alright I'll play just this once, but after that I'm done, because to me basketball is just something I do for fun not sport, and you putting Galindo instead of Del'gado on this jersey won't change my mind, and for the record my jump being higher than my father's is because Im just better than he ever will be." Stated Carlo with a clenched jaw and a glare when his so-called father was brought up.
"Scott!, Galindo!" Whitey exclaimed , after pointing to lucas after Nathan thought he was being called , but what the hell does he want with him now.
"I cant believe the bastard spawns on our team." said Tim to Nathan as the two other boys walked into the office.
"For now,besides maybe we should worry about Del'gado , you know his father would beat him and his mother black and blue, and daddy dearest would take out so much more on his mother , if you know what I mean , and then he was raised by gang members on top of all that , it's trouble waiting to happen." Nathan stated shaking his head with a whistle.
"You nervous?" said Whitey.
"A little bit." said Lucas.
"I wouldn't be if you didn't force me to play." Carlo grumbled out.
"Good. You ought to be, and watch your tone boy." said Whitey as Carlo rolled his eyes dramatically as Lucas shook his head with a small smile.
"Just do what youve been doing all week in practice,Youll be fine." He continued as he threw a jersey at lucas.
"oh sure but you throw the kid that barely plays into the game." Carlo groaned before walking out, Whitey yelling that he better change his mis matched socks.
"Luke!, Rico!, You mind if we get a few words before your first game?" said Mouth.
"Yeah,Were going to put it on the internet , Ravenshoops.com ." said jimmy with a grin.
"Yeah we're gonna have a web cast and everything." mouth said once again.
Carlo must have really bad memory cause he could have sworn they had one already.
"What the hell is this?" questioned Whitey coming out of his office a few seconds later.
"Well, we have this website."
" Yeah, were sports announcers." tried explaining the boys.
"Not in here, youre not,The locker rooms closed,No media." said Whitey shaking his head.
"Dude, did you hear that? Were media." Mouth said as the two smiled.
"Not just media,Banned media." Said jimmy as Carlo and Lucas just looked at them before shaking their heads.
"They dont wanna what! Or were gonna what!,Or what! Or what!" the players chanted , besides Carlo and Lucas.
"Alright,Lets take the court." said Whitey.
"Want my world? You and short stack got it." said Nathan as Carlo scrunched his face.
"I'm 5"11 , that's not even short!, you people are just too tall." Carlo exclaimed , he grew a few inches and gained some muscle thank you very much.
"Keith! Hey, Finally came to see your nephew play, huh, big brother?" Said Dan Scott , Keith's brother , Nathan's dad , and the sperm donor of Lucas.
"Yeah,I guess you can say that." said Keith.
"Mommy look Riri!" exclaimed Sirena bouncing up and down joyfully.
"well would you look at that , Whitey threatened him." said Luisa before coming to her conclusion , mostly because she could see the annoyed and dramatic eyeroll her son kept giving to Whitey.
"Well I don't see rope burns from an escape attempt, looks like someone didn't get hogtied after all , shame would've loved to see that." Said Hayley , laughing as Sirena climbed into her lap.
"Tonight, Lucas Scott and Carlo Del- I mean Galindo , plays their first game for the Tree Hill Ravens, however Rico made it known he would only play one game." stated Mouth into the microphone.
"Thats right, Mouth, Now the Ravens are 5 and O,But this is their first game following the suspension of six varsity players, and would you look at that high jump delivered by Carlo Galindo , talk about slam dunk!" Jimmy exclaimed , however on the court Carlo was grumbling to himself that he better get food after this.
"Son!" exclaimed Dan Scott , As Lucas looked at him after he shot his basket.
"Wake up." said Nathan circling Lucas , Carlo then scoffed as Nathan hit his shoulder as Whitey called them over , what a dick .
Looking up he smiled as his mother , sister , and Hayley cheered him on , before he laughed realizing that Grandpa Nero ,Spook,Cookie,and Matches rushed in through the gym doors giving him a nod , they were getting weary looks from people , but a big smirk from Carlo.
"So that's the boy that beat Nathan?,Well, he's good from behind, and gang boy can get it anytime he wants , those puppy dog eyes are to die for." Said Brooke Davis , Popular girl , head cheerleader , you name it .
Peyton rolled her eyes at her bestfriend , sure Carlo was cute , but her eyes where on the Scott boys.
"Luke, relax,Destiny has a way of finding you, and keep rolling those eyes Galindo , see what happens." said Whitey as Carlo gave him a deadpan look.
Chanting and cheers filled the gym , oh and Lucas hit Peyton with a basketball.
"Nice hands." said Peyton as she glared lightly at Lucas , Carlo laughed at his bestfriend as he replied to the girl.
"Nice legs." he replied back.
"Nice ass Gang boy." said Brooke towards Carlo , who was a bit overwhelmed by the noise.
"Yeah nice pom poms." Carlo said nodding his head at her ,not realizing what he said as he got back to the game.
"He likes my pom poms." said Brooke with a smirk as Peyton shook her head.
"The ones in your hand or the ones on your chest." Peyton said with a teasing scoff.
"Lets see some game!"
"Hey, which side you on?" said Nathan as the other team scored , lucas kept missing , Nathan made one getting cheers from the crowd , and Whitey yelled to pass the ball to Carlo who was not interested but didn't wanna risk getting detention via Whitey.
Lucas got pulled out of the game , that lucky bastard.
"That was something , good thing I won't have to play again , and did you really have to threaten Whitey , It's just gonna make him harder on me Ma." Said Carlo as they were eating dinner.
"Ok for starters I said that I would hog tie him if he ever made you play a sport you didn't want to , Las caras que hiciste a sus espaldas lo dejaron claro." Luisa said before shaking her head as Carlo choked on his water.[the faces you made behind his back made that clear]
"you saw that!, you think he could feel my annoyance , Ma im a goner." Carlo groaned.
"Now your just being dramatic." Cookie said as Spook laughed , Carlo however was in distraught.
Nero shook his head at them , oh how he wishes his son and Polo could be here , then their family would truly be complete.
"Matches stop trying to teach the kids how to put curses on people! look what happened to Martha from the coffee shop , she deserved it but still!" Nero heard Luisa exclaim.
Oh Martha , she decided to be rude when she got served ,the kids then took revenge for their mother, oh she never stood a chance against those seagulls.
Carlo grabbed his guitar , Sirena tucked into bed as she awaited her new lullaby, Luisa watching her children with a smile as she went to clean up the kitchen.
"Mientras Peter Pan vuela por el cielo oscuro,Su sombra baila con la luna en lo alto.Las estrellas brillantes le susurran secretos al oído, guiándolo más allá de los reinos del miedo.
Oh Wendy Darling, con los ojos muy abiertos por el asombro,Mientras observa desde su ventana y sueña con Neverland, donde el tiempo se detiene,Y los Niños Perdidos riéndose junto al riachuelo de la Sirena.Vuela, vuela, Peter, por caminos llenos de estrellas, Persiguiendo cometas, mientras cabalga rayos de luna, liberándose de todas sus cadenas.
sus alas cubiertas de polvo de duendecillo lo llevan lejos, a una tierra donde los sueños y la magia son nuestra Estrella del Norte. El barco del Capitán Garfio navega por el mar a medianoche, mientras el reloj del Cocodrilo emite una inquietante súplica. Sin embargo, Peter se eleva, libre del peso del tiempo, riendo con las hadas, tejiendo cuentos en rima.
Oh, Tinker Bell revolotea, un duende ardiente, iluminando el camino a través de la noche de Nunca Jamás.Las sirenas cantan canciones de cuna de la espuma del océano, y los niños perdidos encuentran consuelo en el hogar de la luz de las estrellas mientras Peter toca su flauta, y ahora termina esta melodía." Carlo finished the short but simple lullaby as his baby sister fell asleep , going to help his mother in the kitchen.
[As Peter Pan flies throughout the dark sky,His shadow dances with the moon up high.
The bright stars whisper secrets in his ear, Guiding him beyond the realms of fear.
Oh Wendy Darling, eyes wide with wonder, As she watches from her window, and dreams of Neverland, where time stands still,And the Lost Boys laughing by the Mermaid's rill.Fly, fly, Peter, through star-strewn lanes,Chasing comets, as he rides moonbeams, breaking free from all his chains.
his pixie-dusted wings carry him far, To a land where dreams and magic are our Northern Star. Captain Hook's ship sails the midnight sea, as the Crocodile's clock gives a haunting plea. Yet Peter soars, unburdened by time, Laughing with fairies, weaving tales in rhyme.Oh Tinker Bell flits, a fiery sprite, Lighting the way through Neverland's night.The Mermaids sing lullabies of ocean foam, And the Lost Boys find solace in starlight's home As Peter plays his flute , and now he ends this tune.]
"Early in his career, Hemingway was frustrated,He was a good writer who wanted to be great,and eventually, he discovered that less was more." Mr. Kelly , their teacher spoke the next day at school.
"Peyton,Describe Lucas using just one word." he continued as he called upon Peyton.
"Choke." she said as the class laughed.
Carlo and Lucas glanced at eachother , this girl.
"Okay, be quiet please,Thank you,Lucas, care to respond and describe Peyton?" He said.
"Lonely." Lucas replied.
"Okay, be quiet please,Yes? Nathan?" Mr. Kelly asked .
"I can describe Lucas AND Carlo in one word,Bastard and Gang banger." Nathan said with a smirk as the class got riled up.
"That's three words jackass." Carlo replied glaring , he's heard it all before , now if he said something about his mother that would be different.
Lucas however did not take this lightly as he launched at Nathan before delivering a punch.
"I'd stand up but every time I do, somebody kicks me in the ass for putting you on the team,Sit down,and you why are you here!" Whitey said to Lucas and then glared at Carlo who raised his hands up in surrender.
"Emotional support, alright jeez I got banned from the classroom for cheering him on." Carlo said until the man glared again.
"Get the hell out of my office before I make you play on the team!" Whitey exclaimed.
"Sorry Luke your on your own , I ain't playin'." Carlo said smacking his shoulder before rushing out,hitting a locker.
"IM OKAY!" the boy exclaimed, leaving Lucas to get lectured.
"Any side effects?" Hayley questioned Lucas as her and Carlo played gulf on their rooftop.
"From what?" Lucas said in the same tone , Glancing at Carlo who whistled.
"Your amnesia." She said.
"What are you talking about?" Lucas questioned.
"Im talking about how you mustve gotten amnesia because I know that you would've mentioned that you got into a fight today,Are you okay, Luke?,." Hayley said to him .
"Don't look at me like that , she forced it out of me!" Carlo replied as Lucas glanced at him.
After that was over , Carlo and Hayley continued their own small chat as lucas left.
"You remember that one time we accidently ate a plate full of weed brownies and your mom chased spook with her broom?" Hayley said , their thing was bringing up past memories , it was the way they bonded , it was their special thing.
"Yeah , never seen Spook so Spooked." Carlo laughed.
"Oh my god , remember the time I sprained my wrist when I Jumped off that swing , so you did the same thing so we could be sprain buddies." Hayley laughed as Carlo let out a smirk before wincing.
"Yeah only difference was that I broke it , cried more getting the damn cast on, than when i broke it." Carlo said raising a brow.
"The power of Adrenaline." Hayley said as they Laughed.
"You know, its really too bad Lucas is poor and he can't play because he is fine, and that Carlo , a bit more muscle and my god , Hey you think he talks you through it." Brooke said before getting a pillow thrown at her face.
"You disgust me." Peyton groaned as they hung out in her room.
"Hey, I think its really good that youre fighting with Nathan again." Brooke stated.
"You do?" Peyton questioned.
"Yeah,Every time you guys fight I get to hear new music,Hey, what's his story, Carlo's , I've heard things, about his dad." Brooke said before changing tune of the conversation.
"I know I've heard all about it , that man is pure evil , apparently he would go around cheating , and if Carlo's mom brought it up... , he would rape her, they say that Carlo is a rape baby because his dad was in Dan Scott's year , guess around eighteen , and she was only sixteen,then he started taking it out on him , they said that he was way smaller and lighter than other kids because he would be starved, that's why he's always seen eating." Peyton started saying as Brooke had a solemn look upon her face.
"That he would pay off cops and everything , They say that Carlo has an even higher jump than his father , it's why Whitey forced him to play , and then one day he left , then Carlo's mother fell in love with a gang member , she had his baby sister , but the dude got killed in a shoot out or something...all in all , the poor dude was doomed from the start." Peyton finished as Brooke grabbed a music disk , changing the topic, the conversation lingering in her mind.
"So, you gonna tell me about the fight or you wanna just assume I know about it while I yell at you?" Karen said , Luisa already cursed Carlo out , not for the fight , but for pissing of Whitey , other than that he was scotch free.
"Is that the phone? I'll get it." said Hayley.
"Yeah I hear it too." Carlo said making an Escape, his mother had went to pick up Sirena from daycare, leaving him stranded with an angry mother.
Him and Hayley totally weren't eavesdropping , ok maybe they were.
"Look, I want to talk about whats happening with the team,I know you think I've been hard on you, but thats because I see the big picture here,Whiteys not going to bench this kid just because of one bad game, and we're lucky Marcelo's boy doesn't like playing the game, because scouts need to look at you , not him." Said Dan Scott as he walked with Nathan.
"So what? Let him humiliate himself, and all Del'gado has is a high jump , nothing else." said Nathan with a scoff.
"No,Its more than that,Back when I played for Whitey, his word was law,He was always right,Even when he was wrong,So eventually I called him on it, and those Jumps are no joke , his father won three championships when he went off for college , Then he screwed up his arm when he went in for a slam dunk." Dan explained.
The two Scotts then continued their conversation as they exercised.
"Okay, were going to try our little Hemingway project again,But in order to avoid a bar fight, were going to do it on paper,Now you dont have to put your names on these,Simply write one word, one single word,to describe what you want most in your life right now." Mr. Kelly said to them.
his determination to prove everyone wrong.
"Please tell me you hit him." Said Carlo.
"I missed , I just keep missing man." Lucas said.
"Want me curse him , you saw what happened to Martha from the coffee shop , El Brujo is ready to cast the dead on him." Carlo said , huffing when Lucas said no , as amusing as it would be.
"Uh oh , I'm gonna let you talk to your girl , well your brothers girl, ow!" Carlo said hopping off the desk , totally not listening to the conversation, occasionally bumping into stuff , and Keith who scared the crap out of him.
"Did you ever figure out your porn name?" Hayley said randomly.
"what are you talking about?" asked Lucas.
"Jesus Hayley." Carlo laughed.
"Your porn name,you know, you take the name of your first pet and your mothers maiden name and you put them together,What was the name of your first pet?" She replied.
"you know that I had a dog named rocket." Lucas said.
"Rosie the yorkie." Carlo said remembering the small yorkie that terrified him as a child ended up being his best friend after Toni and Polo died , Polo would be proud of all the spiritual terror,Rosie and him rained upon the compound.
"Oh, Rocket! Ah! I loved Rocket, and Rosie , I loved them so much." Hayley started to say.
"So your mothers maiden name is Roe, Rocket Roe!, and Galindo , Rosie Galindo!" She Said , Carlo laughed at the thought.
"And yours?" The boys smirked.
"Oh, I had a bunny, named Bunny." Hayley smiled in memory.
"You had a Bunny named Bunny?" Lucas questioned.
"Real original Hayley Bayley." Carlo snorted bringing back up his old childhood nickname for the girl.
"Yes I did,And my mothers maiden name is Beaugard, so Bunny Beaugard." She said with a laugh.
"Dawsons Freak,Starring Rocket Roe, Rosie Galindo,and Bunny Beaugard." As the three laughed Carlo went on his way , leaving Hayley to speak to Lucas about the game.
"Check it out , looks like he'll play afterall." Carlo smirked as they looked out the window of the cafe.
Sirena laughed as Carlo gave her a piggyback ride to the car as the all loaded up to go support Lucas.
"Lets go, lets go! Ravens on three! One, two, three! Ravens!" the cheerleaders cheered.
"Come on Lucas!" Carlo Exclaimed , catching Brooke's stare.
You know maybe cheerleaders aren't so bad afterall.
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knario47 · 2 years
EDRA - Origen
…La vida vence a la muerte
si un recuerdo la prolonga...
«Acostumbraban cuando alguna criatura nacía, llamar una mujer que lo tenía por oficio, y ésta echaba agua sobre la cabeza de la criatura: y aquella tal mujer contraía parentesco con los padres de la criatura, de suerte que no era lícito casarse con ella, ni tratar deshonesta mente. De dónde les hubiese quedado esta costumbre, o ceremonia, no saben dar razón más de que así se hacía. no fuese sacramento, pues ni lo hacían por tal, ni les era ley evangélica predicada, más era una ceremonia de un lavatorio, que también otras naciones usaron»
[Alonso de Espinosa. 1980 (1594). Historia de Nuestra Señora de Candelaria. Introducción de Alejandro Cioranescu. Goya. S/C de tenerife]
Con la llegada de la invasión europea se les dieron multitud de nombres cristianos impuestos a los indígenas canarios cuando se bautizaron.
«Luis de Cadamosto y otros viajeros que visitaron este archipiélago en el primer siglo después de su conquista, aseguraban que la raza indígena dominaba numéricamente y sobrepasaba en mucho a los europeos establecidos. Juan de bethancourt, que sometió Lanzarote y Fuerteventura, hizo bautizar a todos los indígenas de estas dos islas, para aumentar el número de sus súbditos, como dicen sus capellanes; y todos aquellos que primero aceptaron el bautismo, tuvieron parte de la generosidad del conquistador»
[Sabino berthelot (1980) Antigüedades canarias. Goya. Santa Cruz de tenerife]
En la cultura amazigh, la asignación de nombres pasaba por varias fases. Como sucede en nuestros días, a los recién nacidos se les nombraba de igual forma que a ascendientes respetados por la familia. Después, se les agregaba un sobrenombre con el que fueran más fácilmente reconocibles. Según el carácter de la persona, sus rasgos físicos o los hechos más destacados de su trayectoria vital, se les nombraba con alguna palabra que tuviese relación. Y además de todo esto tenían otro nombre: uno privado y espiritual, oculto para la sociedad en general, que sólo conocían las personas más allegadas.
«en estas Yslas se ponían los nombres por la mayor parte según los hechos, y sucesos que acaesían a los hombres»
[Abreu Galindo ca. 1590]
Los nombres propios o antropónimos nos dan un acceso muy privilegiado a la maltratada historia de nuestros antepasados. Se han descubierto aspectos importantes de la cultura indígena canaria gracias a los nombres de persona, que fueron salvados del olvido por medio de la transmisión oral, las crónicas escritas por los europeos en épocas de conquista, las actas de bautizos de la Iglesia Católica, y el registro de las ventas de esclavos canarios en Europa.
En España estaban prohibidos los nombres que no estuvieran en el santoral de la Iglesia católica y, eso sí, siempre en castellano para que no hubiesen dudas del país en el que se vivía.
Al bando ganador de la Guerra de España no le gustaban los nombres en lenguas distintas al castellano. La Iglesia católica, en potencia, velaba para que así fuera. Incluso algunos sacerdotes ponían los que ellos consideraban a los pequeños o, incluso, añadían otro al elegido por los padres.
El régimen de Franco aprobó la Ley del Registro Civil, de 10 de junio de 1957, en vigor desde 1959. En ella se pretendía que el nombre propio de la persona fuese un signo distintivo, procurando a la vez la concordancia entre el nombre civil y el que se impusiese en el bautismo.
En el capítulo III, Del nombre y los apellidos, el artículo 54 recogía que el nombre que se dé al nacido:
«debe ser, en su caso, el que se imponga en el bautismo. Tratándose de españoles, los nombres deberán consignarse en castellano». Y advertía de que «quedan prohibidos los nombres extravagantes, impropios de personas, irreverentes o subversivos, así como la conversión en nombre de los apellidos o pseudónimos»
Hasta la década de los 70 y, especialmente, los 80, poner el nombre de un indígena canario a tu hija o hijo no era algo normal ni bien visto por la Iglesia o las administraciones del franquismo, pero con el tiempo, en plena transición, el dar un nombre indígena se normalizó, y para ello se editaron una serie de libros con nombres guanches como “Listas de Nombres Guanches” del divulgador Hermógenes Afonso de la Cruz, antiguo responsable de cultura de la asociación Solidaridad Canaria, que lo elaboró y editó a finales de los años 70, que surgen como una reivindicación de la propia identidad.
Antroponimia ínsuloamazigh
El bautismo de una isla.
Sobre ese terrible acto de nombrar
Nación Canaria
👉🏽 NOMBRES GUANCHES, prohibidos ayer por el franquismo y estigmatizados hoy. Gracias a Enrique Reina por el vídeo.
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greghopkinsjazz · 7 months
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The Greg Hopkins Jazz Orchestra Featuring Vocalist Renese King
Live at The Regatta Bar, Harvard Square
Monday, April 1st, 7:30 & 8:30 Sets
Reeds: Yulia Musayelyan -- Fl Shannon LeClaire -- Al, Fl, Cl Lihi Haruvi -- Alto, Eb Sop, Fl  Rick DiMuzio -- Tenor, Cl  Bob Patton -- Tenor, Fl, Cl  Brian Landrus -- Bari, BsCl
Trumpets: Bijon Watson  Carlos Ramos Dan Rosenthal Don Gorder
Trombones: Jeff Galindo Pete Fanelli Jeremy Duke Pete Cirelli
Rhythm: Tim Ray -- Piano  Keala K -- Bass  Mark Walker -- Drums
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centraldenoticiasmx · 8 months
Dan resultados proyectos productivos en área natural protegida Parque Estatal "El Texcal"
🖊️#MedioAmbiente | Dan resultados proyectos productivos en área natural protegida Parque Estatal "El Texcal" +INFO:
La Dirección General de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (ANP) de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable (SDS), que encabeza José Luis Galindo Cortez, dio a conocer que como resultado de la implementación de proyectos productivos en el Parque Estatal “El Texcal”, se cosecharon 400 kilogramos de pepinos. Carmelo Robles Álvarez, director general de Áreas Naturales Protegidas informó que esta acción…
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acapulcopress · 9 months
Dos encuestadoras nacionales dan el liderazgo a Yoshio Ávila en la contienda morenista por la presidencia de Acapulco
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ACAPULCO * Diciembre 25, 2023. ) Aps  Primero fue Massive Caller, ahora también Demoscopia Digital, que días anteriores exaltaba
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los portentosos atributos de la alcaldesa Abelina López Rodríguez -- venida a venos en los sondeos de opinión nacional debido a su falta de responsabilidad para gobernar y su enjuto espíritu solidario con el dolor de los acapulqueños azotados por el huracán Otis--, dan fe que entre las preferencias electorales del partido en el poder, Yoshio Ávila González se mantiene como líder indiscutible para la candidatura de Morena para la presidencia de Acapulco en 2024. En su sondeo de opinión del 19 de diciembre, Demoscopia Digital reveló que los morenistas prefieren a Yoshio Ávila de candidato en lugar de Abelina López Rodríguez, Yoloczin Dominguez Serna o Joaquín Badillo Escamilla. Tras venir de abajo y sumar más adeptos durante casi cuatro meses consecutivos, gracias  a su apoyo incondicional a decenas de familias damnificadas, Ávila González ha superado 7.3 puntos porcentuales a Abelina López, quien en Demoscopia Digital dominaba las encuestas hasta antes del huracán Otis, donde sus revanchas políticas la llevaron actuar por su cuenta en un intento fallido de sobresalir
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políticamente en los trabajos de reconstrucción de Acapulco, con resultados adversos catastróficos, pues por no trabajar conjuntamente con los programas del gobierno federal y estatal se ganó el repudio de casi todo Acapulco al que, de por sí, ya mantenía abandonado, sin servicios vitales ni obra pública propia, desde el principio de su administración en 2021. Los 28.5 puntos que alcanzó este mes Yoshio Ávila lo colocan como el favorito para que se adjudique la candidatura de Morena de cara a los comicios del 2024. Abelina López, que busca desesperadamente su relección, dilapidando el erario público para pagar millonarias encuestas o cifras falsas mediáticas para favorecer su imagen, se quedó abajo de Yoshio Ávila con 21.2 por ciento de las preferencias, en diciembre. La diputada y presidente de la Junta de Coordinación Política del Congreso de Guerrero, Yoloczin Lizbeth Domíngiez Serna, a quienes todos sus fanáticos ya aclaman no solo como candidata sino presidenta de Acapulco, apenas su ha
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podido mantenerse a flote con puntajes que fluctúan entres los 5, 6 o 9 puntos de las preferencias a su favor. En Acapulco, de todos es sabido que a Yoloczin Domínguez le urge un milagro o un dedazo para que pueda ser la candidata de Morena a la presidencia de Acapulco, pues si el género recayera en mujer, Abelina López iría por su 'añorada' relección --cosa que parece imposible, por el repudio generalizado que se ha ganado a pulso--, pero como lo indican dos encuestadoras nacionales (Massive Caller y Demoscopia Digital), si el género de la candidatura correspondiese a hombre, Yoshio Ávila sería indiscutiblemente el candidato de Morena. Y es que según Demoscopia Digital y Massive Caller, con Abelina López las probabilidades de que Morena retenga la presidencia de Acapulco se reducen. ¡Con Yoloczin Domínguez, ni se diga! Mientras que con Abelina las probabilidades de la alianza Morena/PT/PVEM oscilan en 30.8 por ciento, con Yoshio Ávila se elevan a 42.2 por ciento. Según Demoscopia Digital, con Yoshio como abanderado, Morena le ganaría fácilmente a la coalición PRI/PAN/PRD y al mismo MC aún si llevase de candidato al exalcalde de Acapulco y exgobernador de Guerrero Carlos Zeferino Torreblanca Galindo, el hombre por el que muchos acapulqueños quieren como alternativa de la ensoberbecida, omisa e irresponsable alcaldes Abelina López, a quien el mismo Torreblanca acusa de mantener Acapulco como una 'pocilga' o 'retrete' por su apatía o desinterés de gobernar como debería ser su responsabilidad constitucional.
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) Síguenos: Facebook.com/acapulcopress.news ) Síguenos: Facebook.com/angelblanco.press ) Visítanos: acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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gumdytoonsen · 1 year
Posting of the Hate
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These are the publications of I Hate Other Artists Well It's Not Right What I Did For the Art Trades You're Right They Are Not Published in Toxicity Because of My Bad Behavior and Being Rude to Other Artists and
NO Making Tributes to Killers and Crazies Peoples like:
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🇨🇦DollyFlesh (Leighton Laboute)
🇨🇦Luka Magnotta
🇺🇸Randy stair
🇺🇸Chris Chan
🇺🇾🇺🇸Ricardo López
🇫🇷Wanda Le P@#%
🇺🇸Richard Ramirez
🇺🇸Animated James
🇨🇱Huevito Rey Bullying to Coche007
🇬🇹Valdroxx (Cristali/Jade) The Anti Delijz
🇺🇸Charlie VS Sneako From Cuities
🇺🇸Logan Paul In Japan Gran One Death
🇦🇺RackaRacka From Violence Videos
🇲🇽Facebook Mexican Group SDLG Y LEGIÓN HOLK
🇬🇧Darren Burton & Sean Duffy
🇺🇸Jeff Hestein
🇺🇸Dan Shneider
🇭🇳Tony Hernández and Juan Orlando Hernández
🇲🇽Los Guzmáns
🇭🇳Ms 13 and 18 Gags
🇺🇸Bloods and Crips gags
🇲🇽Barrio Azteca gaga
And 🇮🇹Dusky Sam (Jonathan Galindo)
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journaldepaupau · 1 year
#2 TFSA : Les séries annulées trop tôt
Coucou, aujourd’hui c’est l’heure du deuxième TFSA revival. Le thème : les séries annulées trop tôt. Je reprends TV TIME, et je réfléchis.  Brain Dead ! Et en plus elle n’est dispo nulle part ! Déjà on a Monk (Monk), ça se suffit à aimer à la série. Puis on a Galindo (Mayans MC) et Tripp (Gossip Girl), franchement que demander de plus ? Bon, sinon y’a des petites fourmis qui s’incrustent dans…
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Marcas colombianas que nos dejaron | Dan Galindo
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sethsings · 1 year
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“Starting tonight!
“Queens New Music Festival 2023!
“4 days | 7 concerts | 31 performers | 41 composers.
“Performers: Giacomo Baldelli, Sabina Torosjan, Jay Julio, Molly Aronson, Tengku Irfan, Thomas Piercy, Kinga Augustyn, Alla Milchtein, Hypercube (Jay Scorce, Andrea Lodge, Erin Rogers, Chris Graham), Composers Concordance (William Anderson, Sean Satin, Gene Pritsker), Sugar Hill Salon (Jay Soleil St. Flono, Alyssa Mercedes Mena, Alex Davis, Thierry de Lucas Neves), Duo Karolina Mikołajczyk & Iwo Jedynecki (Karolina Mikołajczyk, Iwo Jedynecki), Risa Renae Harman, Seth Gilman, Lish Lindsey.
“Composers: Gilbert Galindo, Allen Schulz, Frances White, Viet Cuong, Whitney George, Shoichi Yabuta, Bright Sheng, Cynthia Lee Wong, Yui Kitamura, Debra Kaye, Milena Zhivotovskaya, Dina Pruzhansky, Arvo Pärt, Richard Carrick, Ricardo Gallo, Kunal Gala, Manny Hernandez, Annie Hui-Hsieh, William Anderson, Dan Cooper, Jonathan Dawe, Jane Getter, Milica Paranosic, Gene Pritsker, Sarah Kirkland Snider, Reena Esmail, Daniel Catan, Lori Laitman, Jay Soleil St. Flono, Krzysztof Penderecki, Philip Glass, Paweł Janas, Edward Smaldone, Marcin Błażewicz, Seth Boustead, Zhihua Hu, Masatora Goya, Beata Moon, Tyson Gholston Davis, Miho Sasaki, and Michael Schelle.
“May 4-7, 2023
“The Secret Theatre Random Access Music
“Info here: https://www.ram-nyc.org/qnmf-2023”
h/t Thomas Piercy
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zaenight · 1 year
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Backstory TW: Abuse,death,Sa,and more.
Age : 2
"No Marcelo you promised me! , you said this was it , that you were done with all the moving around , sneaking with your Whores!" Luisa yelled as Carlo listened from his bedroom , covering his small ears didn't help at all.
"Shut it , Que he dicho de que me digas que hacer puta!"Marcelo exclaimed smacking the woman.
(What have I said about telling me what to do you cunt)
"You know what?, if you want me so bad , i'll give to you." Marcelo said with a calm voice , his expression dark.
"No Marcelo! , No , No , Lo siento , please don't!" Luisa yelled out in tears as he yanked her by her hair , dragging her to their bedroom ,Carlo shut his eyes tight as He heard his Mother's screams of Pain , and fathers groans of pleasure.
The Boy's breathing was uneven , his eyes shut closed , and arms hugging his
moose plushie , Sammie .
"Sammie, ¿cómo es que la policía no salva a mamá? Tampoco la escuchan, papá simplemente les da dinero y se van, adiós, pensé que eran los buenos." Carlo whispered as He heard his Father make the same noise he made when he finished , still hearing his mothers cries.
(Sammie how come the police won't save mommy , they don't listen too her , dad just gives money and they go bye bye , i thought they were the good guys)
Age 4 :
"Im Lucas , I haven't seen you here before!" A boy about a year older said scaring him.
"My dad made me try out for the team." Carlo said , his uniform was a bit big on him , and he was the smallest on the little league.
The other boys would tease him and pick him up , saying he was as light as a feather.
"Well im Lucas , Lucas Scott." Lucas said , holding his fist out for a fist bump,not saying anything about the boy's busted lip , not wanting to scare him off.
"My name is Carlo Del'gado, but you can call me Rico." The smaller boy said returning the fist bump.
"LUCAS!" A little girl around their age said rushing over,taking in the other boy's appearance , a busted lip , and cut up knuckles if you looked close enough.
"Oh hi ! , Im hayley , Hayley James , And your our friend now!" She said Pulling the two boys with her.
And that was the day the three became attached ar the hip.
Until Lucas moved , the rumors of being Dan Scott's bastard being very true , and becoming too much.
However that didn't stop Hayley and Carlo from chatting up a storm on the phone or webcams , Carlo and Hayley had their special tree , they ended up sharing their first kiss , it was innocent , and the two four year olds were disgusted after , saying that they would always be friends nothing more.
Their Mothers however thought differently , saying they might get married one day.
Age : 5
He left! Marcelo Del'gado left town , Luisa and Carlo were free , left divorce papers on the table , Luisa changed her name back to Galindo , Legally Carlo was still a Del'gado , however , he went by his mothers last name throughout half of his childhood.
The boy quit the little league ,
gained a healthy amount of weight , he was healthier and happier , so was Luisa , and everyone noticed , thats when the truth came out.
Marcelo Delgado was a abusive sadistic rapist pig , however the police were paid off by him many times.
Too many that no arrest was ever nor could ever be made Against the man.
But Carlo was Safe and that was all that Luisa cared about.
age : 6
Luisa met someone , his name was Antonio , Or Toni , by his gang , Which made Luisa weary of him when Carlo litterly ran into him , after running from a dog , and climed the man like a tree , leaving the gang members confused.
She rushed to the man,after hearing what the gang has done she was taking no chances , As she grabbed Carlo,who was shaking slightly as the dog was looking into his soul , The culprit was a small yorkie , with a small pink bow on it's head.
"Yo Rosie , I told you to stop chasing people." One of the members said picking up the dog.
"Uh I mean , This is my sisters mutt." The man said as he got a pointed look by the oldest of the group.
"Im Nero , The one your boy climed like a tree is Toni , Dog boy is named Polo , Spook , Matches , and Cookie." The oldest said , Carlo stopped shaking and laughed when the older man said Cookie , being the fact the man was large , and like all the men , had tattoos.
"But your not a cookie!" Carlo laughed as the man made funny faces at him.
Toni had stepped forward , and somthing between the gang member and mother clicked .
That day forward it wasn't only them but a whole new chapter had started , with a lot of new family , but gang life comes with a price.
Alex meraz as Antonio "Toni" Mendoza
Danny trejo as Nero "Machete" Mendoza
Juilo Macias as Spook
Michael Jai white as Cookie
Raoul max trujillo as Matches
Richard cabral as Polo
Age : 10
Luisa and Antonio eneded up getting married , Carlo adored his stepfather and new uncles and New grandfather , they taught him to fix cars , uncle matches shared old tribal medications and dances that mezmorised him ,Uncle Polo was into spiritual stuff , Uncle cookie taught him to fight , uncle spook taught him how to get away with murder , not litterly , but he knew what to do in case , Grandpa Nero taught him how to swim and hold his breath under water for a long time , and Antonio ? , he was the best father in the whole world , taught him everything that Marcelo never did.
age 12 :
At twelve years old Antonio gave Carlo his old motorcycle , with a lot of begging and puppy dog eyes from both boys , the Now pregnant Luisa allowed it.
Luisa Galindo was Now Luisa Mendoza , Glowing more than ever , She was loved by all the members of Los segadores de calaveras(The skull reapers).
Many feared them , but they're not so bad once you get to know them.
When the Baby came it was a joy to Everyone , the gang , and the town of Tree hill.
Baby Sirena Galindo Mendoza was The happiest baby , and loved her Brother , especially his singing voice , the gang thought the boy had the voice of an angel.
Sirena was a happy baby , the only time she cried was when Carlo left for School.
Until everything change a week after her birth , A shoot out happened with a rival gang , Her father was dead , along with Polo , Matches got his leg amputated , and Spook now walked with a slight limp , the others were okay , with wounds of their own.
Luisa lost a husband , The gang lost two brothers , Nero Lost his only child , and the children lost their Father.
And that was the Past Of Carlo Galindo Del'gado , The boy that will do everything in his power to make his family proud.
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knario47 · 1 year
Ezero, el nombre amazigh de la isla de El Hierro
Imagen: CAUCE Gobierno de Canarias
IẒUṚAN. La isla de El Hierro es la más meridional y occidental de Canarias. Además es la que cuenta con una menor superficie terrestre (269 km²) de las siete islas mayores siendo una de las más jóvenes geológicamente hablando. La isla, hoy Reserva de la Biosfera, estuvo habitada antaño por una población amazigh denominada bimbaches o bimbapes, por lo que podemos considerar a este territorio como punto más occidental del viejo mundo amazigh.
La huella de esta población en la isla es palpable, no sólo por los restos arqueológicos o la notable densidad de inscripciones líbico-bereberes (más de 100), sino por los elementos culturales vivos heredados por la población herreña actual; abundante toponimia y léxico amazigh, así como en aspectos de las costumbres ganaderas, gastronomía, artesanía, deportes y posiblemente folklóricos.
Pero ¿Cómo llamaron los bimbaches a su isla?
Autores del siglo XVI y XVII dan variantes de la que parece ser una única denominación; Esero, Ezero, Écerro, Hero o Eccero. Es Abreu Galindo el que más detalles nos aporta incluyendo la traducción de ‘fuerte’, el en sentido de fortaleza natural;
Abreu Galindo, J. (1590 ed.1848:46)
Poblado de Guinea en la isla de Ezero. Foto: MAURITIUS IMAGES GMBH.
Otros ejemplos en el país
Para explicar este significado, Abreu lo relaciona con el topónimo palmero Acero, que correspondió a la zona central de la isla de La Palma hoy denominada Caldera de Taburiente, otorgándoles idéntico significado:
"(…) Acero, que al presente llaman la Caldera, que en lenguaje palmero quiere decir 'lugar fuerte', que parece significar lo mismo que en lenguaje herreño Ecerro". “(El nombre) está bien adaptado al lugar, porque es casi inexpugnable; y así fué lo último que se ganó de la isla (Abreu Galindo, 1590 ed. 1977:268). "Este término de Acero se llama al presente Caldera, porque su hechura es en forma de caldera, toda a la redonda cerrada de muy altos riscos y laderas, que bajan en forma de cerros a lo bajo de ella" (ibíd.: 284).
Los abruptos riscos de la Caldera de Taburiente vistos desde el interior. Foto: paisajesdeordesa.com
Aunque podría considerarse que el topónimo no llegó hasta nuestros días por transmisión oral, quizás en otros rincones del archipiélago sí fue posible. Así lo creen algunos autores que advierten del topónimo Acero o Asero en varias ubicaciones de Tenerife (Barranco de Acero entre Icod y Garachico, Lomo de Acero en Arico, y Barranco de Acero en Santa Úrsula añadimos nosotros), de La Palma (Cuevas de Acero, en Barlovento) y Gran Canaria (Cuesta de Acero, en Moya). Trapero lo explica de la siguiente manera: "Nos parece imposible que este término toponímico canario se corresponda con la voz española acero (...) Más bien creemos que debajo de esa escritura subyace la forma /aséro/". No obstante, debemos ser prudentes pues el apellido Acero existe y puede ser el motivo de estos topónimos actuales o de alguno de ellos.
Por nuestra parte, consideramos que el plural de Ezero o Acero lo encontramos en los topónimos Isora; un malpaís en el suroeste de Tenerife (en el actual Municipio de Guía de Isora), una zona en Tegueste y una localidad en la propia isla de El Hierro.
¿Qué nos dice la tamazight actual?
Topónimos como este, documentados y tan bien explicado por un cronista, desafortunadamente no son los más habituales en Canarias. Además, la lingüística comparada con las variedades de la tamazight actual del continente arrojan bastante luz al respecto dando la razón a Abreu tanto en la relación entre el Ezero herreño y el Acero palmero como en el significado del mismo.
Ya Wölfel, en su tiempo y con sus enormes limitaciones, lo relacionó con la voz panamazigh aẓṛu ‘roca’ y el tuareg aẓeru ‘muralla rocosa en pico’. En similar dirección apuntaron posteriormente Ahmed Sabir (2001) y Reyes García (2003). Sabir explica que el significado de aẓeru (plu. iẓeran) es idéntico puesto que “por derivación semántica la voz aẓeru ha venido a significar en tachelhit ‘lugar fuerte’, por alusión a la materia con que está edificada; por ello la voz aẓeru se convierte en sinónima de agadir e igherm”. Por otro lado, Reyes considera que es más preciso relacionarla conla voz tuareg aẓeru ‘muralla rocosa alta y vertical’.
Como complemento, también debemos añadir que la voz aẓṛu es habitual en la toponimia amazigh de países vecinos como Marruecos, Argelia, Túnez o Libia haciendo referencia a montañas o roques, algunos vinculados con las creencias preislámicas.
Panorámica de la ciudad marroquí Azrou [Aẓṛu en amazigh] a 1250 mts en la Cordillera del Atlas. Su nombre se debe al enorme roque que rodea la urbe.
Como describen las fuentes documentales y confirma la lengua amazigh, el nombre ancestral de la isla de El Hierro fue Aẓeṛu (voz castellanizada por los cronistas como Esero, Ezero, Écerro, Eccero o Hero). Este término amazigh abarca un campo semántico concerniente a ‘piedra, roca, roque’ pero que, en este caso, debe traducirse como ‘lugar fuerte’, es decir, un lugar especialmente abrupto y rocoso que conforma una fortaleza natural.
-Abreu Galindo, J. Historia de la Conquista de las siete islas de Gran Canaria.
- Akli Haddadou. Dictionnaire des racines berbères communes.
- Álvarez Delgado, J. Etimología de Hierro (Eres o Heres). Revista de Historia de la Universidad de La Laguna.
-Reyes García, I. Diccionario Ínsuloamaziq. On line.
-Sabir, A. Las Canarias prehispánicas y el Norte de África. El ejemplo de Marruecos.
-Trapero, M. Toponimia ULPGC.
Publicado por IZURAN en 23:23 Enviar esto por correo electrónicoBlogThis!Compartir en TwitterCompartir en FacebookCompartir en Pinterest
Etiquetas: El Hierro-Aẓeṛu, Lengua~awal
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Iẓuṛan Canarias
🔥La isla de El Hierro es la más meridional y occidental de Canarias. Además es la que cuenta con una menor superficie terrestre (269 km²) de las siete islas mayores siendo una de las más jóvenes geológicamente hablando. La isla, hoy Reserva de la Biosfera, estuvo habitada antaño por una población amazigh denominada bimbaches o bimbapes, por lo que podemos considerar a este territorio como punto más occidental del viejo mundo amazig.
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revistapuntodevista · 2 years
Arzobispado y Alcalde Galindo dan banderazo a la carrera Cáritas, a beneficio de los migrantes
Más de 3 mil personas participaron en esta competencia. San Luis Potosí SLP.- Al dar la salida al Medio Maratón Cáritas, el Presidente Municipal Enrique Galindo Ceballos y el Arzobispo de San Luis Potosí, Jorge Alberto Cavazos Arizpe, destacaron este evento en el que se conjunta el deporte con la solidaridad y el apoyo a quienes menos tienen, principalmente a los migrantes que transitan por la…
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juarezesdeporte · 2 years
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Ciudad Juárez, Chih., lunes 27 de febrero de 2023.-Es la segunda ocasión que evalúan este programa educativo, que pertenece al campus de Ciudad Universitaria
Reconocida por ser la única licenciatura en la frontera norte de México que forma a profesionistas en el estudio de la vejez, y todos sus componentes sociales y de salud, la carrera de Gerontología de la UACJ buscará su primera reacreditación como programa educativo de calidad académica ante los Comités Interinstitucionales para la Evaluación de la Educación Superior (CIEES).
A través de Zoom, este 27 de febrero se dio la reunión inicial de los trabajos de evaluación de esta carrera, que únicamente se imparte en la División Multidisciplinaria de Ciudad Universitaria (DMCU).
En su mensaje de bienvenida, en nombre del rector de la UACJ el maestro Juan Ignacio Camargo Nassar, el doctor Daniel Constandse Cortez, secretario general de la institución, agradeció la participación de los CIEES por esta evaluación que permitirá seguir mejorando este programa educativo, que pertenece al departamento de Ciencias de la Salud del Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas (ICB).
A su vez, el doctor Salvador Nava Martínez, director del ICB, remarcó en su discurso los objetivos de la Universidad de “poder tener y brindar esta atención de excelencia a los estudiantes. Este es un programa en el que hemos buscado todas las estrategias para hacerlo un espacio para que en un futuro los estudiantes puedan brindar este apoyo que tanto necesita la comunidad”.
También, el doctor Jorge Camargo Nassar, jefe del departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, agradeció por el tiempo que se dan los CIEES para evaluar el programa de Gerontología.
“Su opinión es muy importante porque los vemos como una ayuda para mejorar nuestros programas, siempre es importante tener una opinión externa y más si es experta en el área, donde nos digan las oportunidades que tenemos que mejorar para llevar los programas a la excelencia”, aseguró el doctor Camargo.
Asimismo, el doctor Armando Betancourt Linares, asesor institucional de los CIEES para la evaluación de este programa académico, agradeció a la Universidad por elegirlos para llevar a cabo la evaluación de este programa educativo, y aseguró que este trabajo conlleva una gran responsabilidad.
Los pares evaluadores que determinarán si la carrera de Gerontología cumple con los requisitos para mantenerse como programa de calidad, son la doctora Rocío Magallón Marine, directora de su propia empresa de servicios de Geriatría; la maestra Dulce Abril Galindo Luna, de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo; y la licenciada Alba Luceli Matu Pacheco, de la Universidad Autónoma de Campeche.
La doctora Magallón aseguró que su trabajo de evaluadoras se hará brindándoles el mejor servicio y atención para poder mejorar este programa, tanto para los alumnos como para los adultos mayores de la comunidad. “Estamos comprometidas con el trabajo”, reiteró.
(Comunicación Social UACJ)
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mediadiscord · 2 years
New Comic Book Releases - 2/08/23
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If you're not familiar with where to go to find comics you can use this locator. Let's go ahead and take a look at what's out this week. A WAVE BLUE WORLDCrash And Troy TP, $16.99 ABLAZE PUBLISHINGFamily Time #3 (Cover A Asiah Fulmore), $3.99Family Time #3 (Cover B Eri Cruz), $3.99Family Time #3 (Cover C Helena Masellis), $3.99Family Time #3 (Cover D Asiah Fulmore Virgin Variant), ARFamily Time #3 (Cover E Eri Cruz Virgin Variant), ARFamily Time #3 (Cover F Helena Masellis Virgin Variant), AR ABRAMS APPLESEEDAnt-Man And The Wasp My Mighty Marvel First Book Board Book HC, $10.99 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONSHoliday Kids Comics Readers Pack, $19.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONSBetty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #311, $9.99 ATLANTIS STUDIOSStar Runner Chronicles Rising Star TP, $19.95 AWA STUDIOSE-Ratic Recharged #4 (Of 4), $3.99 BAD IDEAFinder #1 (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $7.99 BEACON PRESSUnder The Banner Of King Death GN, $17.95 BLACK MASK STUDIOSDestiny NY #12, $3.99Godkiller For Those I Love I Will Sacrifice #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Jasmin Darnell), $4.99Godkiller For Those I Love I Will Sacrifice #1 (2nd Printing Cover B Jasmin Darnell Uncensored Partial-Black Polybag Variant), $5.99Hecate’s Will #4, $3.99Rogue State #1 (3rd Printing Cover A Carlos Granda), $4.99 BLACKBOX COMICSDream Master #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Luigi Barricelli), $4.99Dream Master #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Lucas Meyer & Ylenia Di Napoli), $4.99Dream Master #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Luigi Barricelli Virgin Variant), ARDream Master #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Lucas Meyer & Ylenia Di Napoli Virgin Variant), AR BLOOD MOON COMICSNorthern Blood #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Antonio Rojo), $3.99Northern Blood #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Antonio Rojo Foil Variant), $4.99Stray Sheep #1 (Of 5), $3.99Twelve #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Alfredo Retamar), $4.99 BOOM! STUDIOSDune The Waters Of Kanly HC, $24.99Harrower #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Brahm Revel), $4.99Harrower #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Erica Henderson), $4.99Harrower #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Brahm Revel Virgin Variant), ARHarrower #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Michael Walsh Virgin Variant), ARHarrower #1 (Of 4)(Cover E InHyuk Lee BOOM! Guarantee Variant), ARKnow Your Station #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Liana Kangas), $3.99Know Your Station #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Becca Carey), $3.99Know Your Station #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Liana Kangas Cardstock Variant), ARKnow Your Station #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Dani Virgin Variant), AR CLARION BOOKSStick And Stone On The Go GN, $12.99 COMIC SHOP NEWSComic Shop News #1851, AR COMICS EXPERIENCE PUBLISHINGDivide #2 (Of 2)(Cover A David N. Gordillo), $6.99Divide #2 (Of 2)(Cover B David N. Gordillo), $6.99Flowers For Henry #1 (One Shot)(Cover A J. G. Jones), $4.99Flowers For Henry #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Antonello Cosentino), $4.99Saga Of A Doomed Universe #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Scott Reed), $8.99Saga Of A Doomed Universe #3 (Of 3)(Cover B Scott Reed), $8.99Saga Of A Doomed Universe #3 (Of 3)(Cover C Scott Reed), $8.99Saga Of A Doomed Universe #3 (Of 3)(Cover D Scott Reed), $8.99 DARK HORSE COMICSAir Volume 2 TP, $19.99Assassin’s Apprentice I #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Anna Steinbauer), $3.99Blade Of The Immortal Deluxe Edition Volume 8 HC, $49.99British Paranormal Society Time Out Of Mind HC, $24.99Dead Mall #3 (Of 4)(Cover A David Stoll), $3.99Delver Volume 2 TP, $22.99It’s Only Teenage Wasteland #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Jacoby Salcedo), $3.99Koshchei In Hell #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Ben Stenbeck), $3.99Mob Psycho 100 Volume 10 TP, $11.99Space Job #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Alvaro Sarraseca), $3.99Spy Superb #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Matt Kindt), $7.99Spy Superb #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Dan Hipp), $7.99Spy Superb #2 (Of 3)(Cover C Brian Hurtt Virgin Variant), $7.99Stranger Things Tales From Hawkins #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Marc Aspinall), $3.99Stranger Things Tales From Hawkins #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Kyle Lambert), $3.99Stranger Things Tales From Hawkins #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Diego Galindo), $3.99Stranger Things Tales From Hawkins #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Danny Luckert), $3.99Windmaker Volume 2 TP, $19.99 DC COMICSBatman #132 (Cover A Jorge Jimenez), $4.99Batman #132 (Cover B Joe Quesada Card Stock Variant), $5.99Batman #132 (Cover C Stanley Artgerm Lau Card Stock Variant), $5.99Batman #132 (Cover D Derrick Chew Card Stock Variant), ARBatman #132 (Cover E Stanley Artgerm Lau Foil Variant), ARBatman #132 (Cover F Mike Hawthorne Card Stock Variant), ARBatman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover A Marc Silvestri), $4.99Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover B David Mack Batman Variant), $4.99Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover C David Mack Catwoman Variant), $4.99Batman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover D Liam Sharp), ARBatman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover E Marc Silvestri), ARBatman And The Joker The Deadly Duo #4 (Of 7)(Cover F Sanford Greene), ARBatman Spawn #1 (One Shot)(2nd Printing Cover A Greg Capullo Batman Variant), $6.99Batman Spawn #1 (One Shot)(2nd Printing Cover B Greg Capullo Spawn Variant), $6.99DC Universe By Dwayne McDuffie HC, $39.99Flash #792 (Cover A Taurin Clarke)(One-Minute War), $3.99Flash #792 (Cover B Daniel Bayliss Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), $4.99Flash #792 (Cover C Serg Acuna Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), $4.99Flash #792 (Cover D Mateus Manhanini Black History Month Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), $4.99Flash #792 (Cover E Scott Kolins Card Stock Variant)(One-Minute War), ARFlash #792 (Cover F Taurin Clarke Foil Variant)(One-Minute War), ARGotham City Year One #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Phil Hester & Eric Gapstur), $4.99Gotham City Year One #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Jeff Spokes), $4.99Gotham City Year One #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Tony Shasteen), ARHouse Of El Volume 3 The Treacherous Hope TP, $16.99Joker The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5 (Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico), $5.99Joker The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5 (Cover B Lee Bermejo), $5.99Joker The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5 (Cover C Clay Mann), $5.99Joker The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5 (Cover D Simone Di Meo), ARLazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover A David Marquez & Alejandro Sanchez), $4.99Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Derrick Chew Card Stock Variant), $5.99Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Crystal Kung Card Stock Variant), $5.99Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Tyler Kirkham Card Stock Variant), $5.99Lazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Sumit Kumar Card Stock Variant), ARLazarus Planet Next Evolution #1 (One Shot)(Cover F David Marquez & Alejandro Sanchez Foil Variant), ARMonkey Prince #11 (Of 12)(Cover A Bernard Chang)(Lazarus Planet), $3.99Monkey Prince #11 (Of 12)(Cover B Sami Basri Card Stock Variant)(Lazarus Planet), $4.99Monkey Prince #11 (Of 12)(Cover C Bernard Chang Card Stock Variant)(Lazarus Planet), ARPoison Ivy #9 (Cover A Jessica Fong), $3.99Poison Ivy #9 (Cover B Terry Dodson Card Stock Variant), $4.99Poison Ivy #9 (Cover C Sweeney Boo Card Stock Variant), $4.99Poison Ivy #9 (Cover D Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), $4.99Poison Ivy #9 (Cover E Rian Gonzales Card Stock Variant), ARPoison Ivy #9 (Cover F Mindy Lee Foil Variant), ARPoison Ivy #9 (Cover G Terry Dodson Foil Variant), ARScooby-Doo Where Are You #120 (Cover A Derek Fridolfs), $2.99Static #1 (Polybag Fascimile Edition), $9.99Static Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Nikolas Draper-Ivey), $3.99Static Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Chase Conley Card Stock Variant), $4.99Static Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover C Olivier Coipel Card Stock Variant), $4.99Static Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover D Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant), ARStatic Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover E Chase Conley Foil Variant), ARStatic Shadows Of Dakota #1 (Of 6)(Cover F Olivier Coipel Foil Variant), ARSwamp Thing Volume 3 The Parliament Of Gears TP, $16.99 DIGITAL MANGA DISTRIBUTIONHideyuki Kikuchi’s Vampire Hunter D Volume 8 GN, $16.95 DRAWN AND QUARTERLYWhere I’m Coming From HC, $29.95 DYNAMIC FORCESAmazing Spider-Man Annual #1 (Facsimile Edition)(CGC Graded Edition), $79.99Fantastic Four #1 (CGC Graded Edition), $99.99Marvel Comics Blank Variant (Mariano Nicieza & Joe Delbeato Signed & Remarked Green Goblin Edition), $99.99Star Wars Yoda #1 (CGC Graded Edition), $77.00 DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT007 #6 (Cover I Tommy Lee Edwards Virgin Variant), ARBoys Butcher Baker Candlestickmaker #1 (Darick Robertson Holofoil Variant Cover), ARBoys Butcher Baker Candlestickmaker #1 (Darick Robertson Virgin Variant Cover)(Garth Ennis Signed Edition), ARBoys Highland Laddie #1 (Of 6)(Darick Robertson Virgin Variant Cover), ARDarkwing Duck #1 (Cover Y Mirka Andolfo Virgin Variant), ARGargoyles #1 (1995)(Facsimilie Edition)(Gold Foil Edition), ARGargoyles #1 (1995)(Facsimilie Edition)(Purple Foil Edition), ARGargoyles #2 (Cover ZC David Nakayama Metal Premium Variant), ARLord Of The Jungle Volume 2 #3 (Cover K Philip Tan Virgin Variant), $50.00Madballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover A Joe Simko), $3.99Madballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover B Jason Crosby), $3.99Madballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover C Ken Haeser Vintage Fight Poster Cardstock Variant), $4.99Madballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover D Puke Green Blank Authentix Variant), $4.99Madballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover E Ken Haeser Vintage Fight Poster Black & White Variant), ARMadballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover F Jason Crosby Black & White Variant), ARMadballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover G Joe Simko Black & White Variant), ARMadballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover H Jason Crosby Virgin Variant), ARMadballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover I Ken Haeser Vintage Fight Poster Virgin Variant), ARMadballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover L White Blank Variant), ARMadballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover M Black Blank Variant), ARMadballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover N Blue Blank Variant), ARMadballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover O Joe Simko Slime Green Variant), ARMadballs Vs. Garbage Pail Kids Time Again Slime Again #1 (Cover P Jason Crosby Slime Green Variant), ARPurgatori Must Die #1 (Cover N Collette Turner Metal Premium Variant), ARSweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover A Jeff Zornow), ARSweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover B GodMachine), $3.99Sweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover C Josh Howard), $3.99Sweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover D Nei Ruffino), ARSweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover E Jeff Zornow Virgin Variant), ARSweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover F GodMachine Tinted Variant), ARSweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover G Jeff Zornow Rock Album Homage Variant), ARSweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover H Jeff Zornow Rock Album Homage Greyscale Variant), ARSweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover I Jeff Zornow Line Art Virgin Variant), ARSweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover J GodMachine Line Art Virgin Variant), ARSweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover K Nei Ruffino Virgin Variant), ARSweetie Candy Vigilante #4 (Cover L Jeff Zornow Rock Album Homage Virgin Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99Unbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover B Celina), $3.99Unbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover C Giuseppe Matteoni, $3.99Unbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover D David Finch Black & White Variant), $3.99Unbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover E Augusta Monroe Cosplay Variant), $3.99Unbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover F Dan Panosian), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover G Lucio Parrillo Tinted Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover H David Finch Black & White Virgin Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover I Augusta Monroe Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover J Giuseppe Matteoni Virgin Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover K Celina Virgin Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover M Roberto de la Torre), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover N Roberto Castro), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover O Roberto de la Torre Black & White Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover P Roberto Castro Black & White Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover Q Celina Black & White Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover R Giuseppe Matteoni Black & White Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover S Roberto de la Torre Virgin Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover T Roberto Castro Virgin Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover U David Finch Fiery Red Variant), ARUnbreakable Red Sonja #3 (Cover V Dan Panosian Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover B Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover C Steve Beach), $3.99Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover D Drew Moss), $3.99Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover E Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $3.99Vampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover F Lucio Parrillo Tinted Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover G Rachel Hollon Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover H Steve Beach Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover I Drew Moss Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover J Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover L Alessandro Ranaldi), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover M Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover N Steve Beach Black & White Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover O Alessandro Ranaldi Line Art Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover P Joseph Michael Linsner Line Art Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover Q Lucio Parrillo Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover R Alessandro Ranaldi Virgin Variant), ARVampirella Vs. Red Sonja #4 (Cover S Joseph Michael Linsner Fiery Red Line Art Variant), AR FAKKUInterspecies Love 101 GN (adult), $19.95Love Me GN (adult), $19.95Secret Sex Room GN (adult), $19.95 FANTACO ENTERPRISESScreaming Horror #3, $5.99 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKSArt Of War Version 2.0 Sun Tzu For The Twenty-First Century HC (Fantagraphics Underground), $25.00Extraordinary Part Volume 1 Orsay’s Hands HC, $29.99 FLOATING WORLD COMICSDark Garbage And The Egg GN, $17.95 GHOST SHIPAyakashi Triangle Volume 2 GN, $13.99 GRAPHIXAkim Aliu Dreamer A Graphic Memoir GN, $14.99Nat Enough Volume 4 Nat For Nothing GN, $12.99 GRAPHIX CHAPTERSMimi And The Boo-Hoo Blahs GN, $7.99Mimi And The Boo-Hoo Blahs HC, $22.99 GRAPHIC MUNDI – PSU PRESSMarry Me A Little A Graphic Memoir GN, $21.95 GREEN RONIN PUBLISHINGTales From The Mount A Blue Rose Prose Novel Anthology SC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $15.99 HUMANOIDSLegends Of The Pierced Veil The Scarlet Blades HC, $29.99 IDW PUBLISHINGAshes GN, $19.99Godzilla Monsters And Protectors All Hail King #5 (Cover A Dan Schoening), $3.99Godzilla Monsters And Protectors All Hail King #5 (Cover B Andrea Bell), $3.99Godzilla Monsters And Protectors All Hail King #5 (Cover C John Yurcaba), ARMy Little Pony Classics Reimagined Little Fillies #4 (Cover A Jenna Ayoub), $3.99My Little Pony Classics Reimagined Little Fillies #4 (Cover B Agnes Garbowska), $3.99My Little Pony Classics Reimagined Little Fillies #4 (Cover C Rose Bousamra), ARSonic The Hedgehog #57 (Cover A Min Ho Kim), $3.99Sonic The Hedgehog #57 (Cover B Adam Bryce Thomas), $3.99Sonic The Hedgehog #57 (Cover C Nathalie Fourdraine), ARSonic The Hedgehog Volume 13 Battle For The Empire TP, $16.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Best Of Krang #1 (Cover A James Biggie), $5.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game #4 (Cover D Pasquale Qualano), ARTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #4 (Cover A Roi Mercado), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #4 (Cover B Sophie Campbell), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Armageddon Game The Alliance #4 (Cover C Mateus Santolouco), AR IMAGE COMICSAll Against All #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Caspar Wijngaard), $3.99All Against All #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Adam Gorham), $3.99All Against All #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Steven Russell Black), ARBlood Stained Teeth #9 (Cover A Christian Ward), $3.99Blood Stained Teeth #9 (Cover B Tula Lotay), $3.99Gospel #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Ver), $3.99Little Monsters #10 (Cover A Dustin Nguyen), $3.99Little Monsters #10 (Cover B David Rubin), $3.99Love Everlasting Volume 1 TP, $16.99Monarch #1 (Cover A Alex Lins), $3.99Monarch #1 (Cover B Jason Shawn Alexander), $3.99Night Club #1 (Of 6)(2nd Printing Cover A Juanan Ramirez), $1.99Spawn #338 (Cover A David Mack), $2.99Spawn #338 (Cover B Francesco Tomaselli), $2.99Time Before Time #20 (Cover A Declan Shalvey), $3.99Time Before Time #20 (Cover B Seth Damoose), $3.99Two Graves #4 (Cover A Annie Wu), $3.99Two Graves #4 (Cover B Ming Doyle), $3.99 INSIGHT EDITIONSArt And Making Of Hogwarts Legacy HC, $50.00 J-NOVEL CLUBInfinite Dendrogram Light Novel Volume 17 White Cat’s Cradle SC, $14.99 KODANSHA COMICSLovesick Ellie Volume 8 GN, $10.99Orient Volume 13 GN, $10.99Seven Deadly Sins Omnibus Volume 8 TP, $19.99Vampire Dormitory Volume 9 GN, $10.99Wistoria Wand And Sword Volume 2 GN, $12.99Wotakoi Love Is Hard For Otaku Hardcover Box Set, $102.94 LEGENDARY COMICSLupina Volume 2 Wane GN, $17.99 LEV GLEASON – COMIC HOUSECaptain Canuck Season 5 #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Ken Lashley), $5.99Captain Canuck Season 5 #1 (Cover B Ho Che Anderson), $9.99 MAD CAVE STUDIOSShow’s End Volume 2 The Second Coming TP, $17.99Tiger’s Tongue TP, $17.99 MARVEL COMICSAlien #6 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $3.99Alien #6 (Cover B James Harren), ARAlien #6 (Cover C Nic Klein), ARAmazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover A John Romita Jr.), $3.99Amazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover B Terry Dodson), ARAmazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover C No Prize Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover D Francesco Mobili Planet Of The Apes Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover E Giada Perissinotto Disney 100 Black & White Variant), ARAmazing Spider-Man #19 (Cover F Giada Perissinotto Disney 100 Variant), ARAvengers #8 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99Avengers By Jason Aaron Volume 11 History’s Mightiest Heroes TP, $17.99Avengers By Jonathan Hickman Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Arthur Adams Direct Market Cover), $125.00Avengers By Jonathan Hickman Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Dustin Weaver Book Market Cover), $125.00Avengers Kree Skrull War Gallery Edition HC, $44.99Avengers War Across Time #2 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99Avengers War Across Time #2 (Cover B Mike McKone), ARAvengers War Across Time #2 (Cover C Felipe Massafera), ARBishop War College #1 (Cover A Ken Lashley), $4.99Bishop War College #1 (Cover B Chase Conley), ARBishop War College #1 (Cover C Larry Stroman & Whilce Portacio Hidden Gem Variant), ARBishop War College #1 (Cover D Rob Liefeld), ARBishop War College #1 (Cover E Natacha Bustos Planet Of The Apes Variant), ARBishop War College #1 (Cover F Whilce Portacio), ARBlack Panther #14 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99Black Panther #14 (Cover B Leonardo Romero), ARBlack Panther #14 (Cover C Leinil Francis Yu Planet Of The Apes Variant), ARBlack Panther #14 (Cover D No Prize Variant), ARCaptain America Symbol Of Truth #10 (Cover A R. B. Silva), $3.99Captain America Symbol Of Truth #10 (Cover B Sergio Davila), ARCaptain America Symbol Of Truth #10 (Cover C Ron Lim Planet Of The Apes Variant), ARDaredevil #8 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $3.99Daredevil #8 (Cover B Aka), ARDaredevil #8 (Cover C Elena Casagrande Stormbreakers Variant), ARDaredevil #8 (Cover D Terry Dodson Planet Of The Apes Variant), ARGhost Rider #11 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $3.99Ghost Rider #11 (Cover B Ryan Stegman), ARGhost Rider #11 (Cover C Francesco Mobili), ARGhost Rider #11 (Cover D J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Variant), ARGhost Rider #11 (Cover E J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Retro Variant), ARGhost Rider #11 (Cover F J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Virgin Variant), ARGhost Rider #11 (Cover G Declan Shalvey Planet Of The Apes Variant), ARGold Goblin #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Taurin Clarke), $3.99Gold Read the full article
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