#Daniel&039;s prophecies
remso · 9 months
The antichrist. How, then, do we fit the Roman Empire into this mix? Daniel 9:26 and a few other verses.
In the previous post, I referred to Daniel describing the statue, with the head of gold, to Nebuchadnezzar. He tells Nebuchadnezzar that he is the head of gold. Both the silver and the bronze are referred to as inferior kingdoms, and though history lends a hand and gives us an identification of the Persian empire (technically the Medo-Persian empire) and the Grecian/Macedonian empire initiated…
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osmerharris · 9 months
The antichrist. How, then, do we fit the Roman Empire into this mix? Daniel 9:26 and a few other verses.
In the previous post, I referred to Daniel describing the statue, with the head of gold, to Nebuchadnezzar. He tells Nebuchadnezzar that he is the head of gold. Both the silver and the bronze are referred to as inferior kingdoms, and though history lends a hand and gives us an identification of the Persian empire (technically the Medo-Persian empire) and the Grecian/Macedonian empire initiated…
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underdoug · 3 years
THE BOOK OF REVELATION - Session 39: The Fourth Beast
THE BOOK OF REVELATION – Session 39: The Fourth Beast
THE BOOK OF REVELATION – Session 39: featuring Joel Richardson In this post, I ask the reader/viewer to consider another of Joel Richardson’s Youtube Video sessions. “THE BOOK OF REVELATION // Session 39: The Fourth Beast…” I am an unapologetic admirer of Joel, his humility, teaching style, attention to an accurate study, and interpretation of the scriptures. Not only that, but the Lord has led…
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redeeming-luv · 3 years
Yahweh, Open Up Our Understanding: That We Might Understand The Scriptures!!!
Yahweh, Open Up Our Understanding: That We Might Understand The Scriptures!!!
WELCOME TO THE INWARD JEW NATION OF GOD MINISTRIES COMMUNIQUÉ!  Happy 55th Independence Anniversary to all Guyanese at home and around the World!!! Beloved, as the Saints of the First Century, we, believers of all nations in Christ, who are sanctified in Him, and called to be saints, are the bona fide 21st Century New Covenant, or New Testament  Generation in Christ. Know who we are in Christ!…
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andrewpcannon · 3 years
Biblical Evidence of Satan's Imprisonment
Biblical Evidence of Satan’s Imprisonment
In his third interlude, John has described redemptive history through apocalyptic imagery. God chose Israel, the woman, who gave birth to the messiah, the child. Satan, the dragon, tried to devour the child like he devoured other nations. He chased the child as the child ascended to the Father but could not retain his foothold in heaven. He was thrown down to the earth and, now, again tries to…
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thinkingonscripture · 4 years
The Seven Year Tribulation
The Seven Year Tribulation
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     There is coming a future time of tribulation upon the earth. Its severity is without historical precedent. Concerning this time, the angel, Gabriel, told Daniel, that it “will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time” (Dan 12:1a). This time of tribulation is in keeping with unfulfilled prophecy given to Daniel that pertains to Israel (Dan…
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pilgrimjim · 7 years
"I wanted heaven now" - Remembering the Summer of Love in America's Time of Trial
How do we celebrate our national origins in such a dark time? I do it by remembering the Summer of Love. "There are times when the idea of a radical makeover in politics and culture strikes a chord of repressed desire among the children of Adam and Eve––refugees as we are from a lost Eden."
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How do we celebrate our national origins at one of the lowest points in American history? The cruel and rapacious ruling party betrays the Founders daily, while America’s worst impulses––racism, militarism, nativism, greed and know-nothingness––are not just tolerated by the White House. They are encouraged and inflamed. The shining city on a hill is mudsliding downward into a nightmarish abyss.
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underdoug · 3 years
FAI Ministries video: The Formation of the Ten Nation Confederacy Under the Revived Turkish Islamic Caliphate
FAI Ministries video: The Formation of the Ten Nation Confederacy Under the Revived Turkish Islamic Caliphate
The Ten Nation Confederacy, Dalton Thomas teaching The Ten nation confederacy was predicted in the prophetic visions found in the Book of Daniel. Sadly, too many people were taught an incorrect interpretation of the ten nation confederacy. Watch the video below from Dalton Thomas of FAI Ministries. He gives the warning, “Both the ignorance camp and the speculation camp aren’t serving their…
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underdoug · 3 years
Daniel's ram and goat vision. God's Word will prove to be true
Daniel’s ram and goat vision. God’s Word will prove to be true
Daniel’s Vision of the Ram and Goat Daniel 8:1,2: Daniel saw a vision of a ram and goat. In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar, a vision appeared to me, Daniel, subsequent to the one that had appeared to me earlier. 2And in the vision I saw myself in the citadel of Susa, in the province of Elam. I saw in the vision that I was beside the Ulai Canal Daniel, the great prophet of God, saw…
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underdoug · 3 years
Back to the future and the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem
Back to the future and the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem
Let’s go back to the future Temple in Jerusalem. In this post, I’m going to go back to the future and remind everyone that there will be a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. I wrote several articles covering this topic. The subject also came up as a side-note in many more articles. It was an important topic in Jesus’ discussions regarding the last days. The Apostle Paul included this key event. And…
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underdoug · 5 years
Christians should you read this warning from Church Father Irenaeus.
Christians should you read this warning from Church Father Irenaeus.
Irenaeus warned the church about the last days.
Church father Irenaeus compared the last days to the days of Noah and the persecution during the Babylonian captivity. Obviously, the church wasn’t affected by either historic event. But, for good reason, he used them to warn the church. Many Christians believe that the church will escapethe terrible events of the end of the age. If that’s true, why…
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underdoug · 5 years
Who will confirm a covenant with Israel? More about Daniel's 70 weeks
Who will confirm a covenant with Israel? More about Daniel’s 70 weeks
A leader will confirm a covenant with Israel and many nations.
In this article, we’ll take a further look at the person who will confirm this soon-agreed-upon covenant? But I should ask a burning question that’s on many people’s minds.
Is a soon revealed peace agreement the same ‘covenant’that will start the tribulation week? You may have an opinion on this. Many people do. If so, let me know…
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underdoug · 5 years
Who is the Prince who is to come after the Messiah dies? (Daniel 9-26)
Who is the Prince who is to come after the Messiah dies? (Daniel 9-26)
In Daniel 9:26, the prophet Daniel predicts the death of the Messiah.
This important prophetic verse puts a timestamp on the death of the Jewish Messiah. This article continues our look at the Book and Daniel. And more specifically, chapter nine, which is a crucially important passage of prophecy.
Verses twenty-four to twenty-seven of this chapter give us details of the famous seventy-weeks…
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underdoug · 5 years
Daniel 9:25 Seven weeks and sixty-two weeks led to Jesus' arrival
Daniel 9:25 Seven weeks and sixty-two weeks led to Jesus’ arrival
Daniel 9:25: The Messiah will arrive after the sixty-two weeks.
This prophecy of the sixty-two weeks has confused biblical scholars for two centuries. So don’t worry if you’re a little confused as well. You’re in good company.
The angel Gabriel told Daniel that the Messiah would arrive at the end of sixty-two weeks. Those sixty-two weeks would follow the first seven weeks of the prophecy. In this…
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underdoug · 5 years
Daniel-Nine: Jesus said, "It is finished." But what about ending sin?
Daniel-Nine: Jesus said, “It is finished.” But what about ending sin?
In Daniel-nine, verse twenty-four, we read about six impossible problems.
The prophet promised a solution for all of them. Did Jesus really finish his work on the cross, or is there more work to finish? In Daniel-nine we find many puzzles that remain unsolved.
Daniel-nine is, without doubt, one of the key passages in Bible prophecy. I know I’ve said that before, but it’s worth repeating. There…
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underdoug · 5 years
Did Bible scholars miss the Year of Jubilee in Daniel's prophecy?
Did Bible scholars miss the Year of Jubilee in Daniel’s prophecy?
Is the year of Jubilee a blindspot among Bible scholars?
A good student asks questions — so let’s ask questions.
The year of Jubilee is possibly hiding in plain sight within Daniel’s famous seventy weeks prophecy. But if so, it’s so obvious, it is usually overlooked by most Bible scholars. I just posed a question, and I am not ready to claim that I know the answer to my own question. But I will…
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