#Danny Noble
downthetubes · 2 years
Panel Borders: Junkyard Jack, Street Noise and Monster Fun!
Today’s Panel Borders radio show, “Junkyard Jack, Street Noise and Monster Fun”, focuses on creating comics for younger audiences
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socialistexan · 8 months
After watching nearly the entirety of Doctor Who in the past two and a half months, I've noticed some archetypes for companions:
Hyper-competent, and extremely intelligent young woman who the Doctor treats as a daughter
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Disaster bisexual who the Doctor treats as a daughter
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Companion romantic interest who the Doctor treats like crap, including calling them the wrong name and talking down to them
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Someone the Doctor considers "primitive" and incompetent, though they are far more competent than they appear despite being prone to violence
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Fag Hag
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Danny Phantom doesn’t want to be king.
And the Observants also don’t want him to be king.
Frankly, very VERY few people want him to be king, dead or alive.
But opening the sarcophagus, even if it’s closed NOW, disrupted some magic protections. Until those can be fixed, summoning spells need to be answered by SOMEONE. Not all of summons, just like—once a month or so. Because if they don’t let that power outlet happen, all of those summon magics build up and suddenly Pariah Dark reigns again. Answering the summon basically dispels the built up magic, like opening a dam.
Again, Danny doesn’t WANT to do this either, but everyone else involved is a bad choice. He won’t even be named prince, because THEN that implies he COULD be king. He needs a title, of some kind, a position in the court, no matter how tenuous, so he can do the thing. Something where no one in their right or even WRONG mind would think to try to kill him for the position or try to marry him or something equally annoying to deal with.
He becomes the Ghost Court Jester.
He even gets a fancy little outfit upgrade when he’s summoned, all black and white bell hats and shoes, a stupid little ruffle collar and black parachute pants, even face paint with a tiny dot of glowing neon green at the tip of his nose. The works. Better yet, if he hasn’t been ‘unsummoned’, his human form is just the exact same costume with swapped colors. He can change into his normal outfits, but until that circle has been disrupted, the next summon, or the next full or new moon, he’s stuck into the outfit when he first transforms from either form.
The Phantom Jester, which is a title more intimidating than Danny appears to be if we are to be honest, cracks jokes and never, EVER takes the summons seriously.
“Listen, I just had to get my hours in and it’s the last day of the lunar month, you got lucky I came at all.”
“I got the position by virtue of not wanting to go to Time Jail for a crime I technically didn’t commit and technically probably won’t but, well, eyes are the beholder of the grudge or something else equally cryptic to make you mad.”
“Is this a slumber party? … do you have cake? Bummer. Well, enjoy the bleeding walls then.”
“Whether I help you or not is entirely dependent on how well of a run down you can give me on this book I have to read that I have not at all touched.”
“Explain the reason in three sentences or less. I suggest less. And if it’s stupid I’m hitting you—oh you think this circle can contain me? Haha. It won’t.”
“Is that chicken blood? Why?? What did the chickens do to you?”
There are props in his costume but he literally never knows what he’s gonna pull out of his sleeves. Danny can’t even do a balloon animal and knows exactly zero card tricks, which would be more of an issue if the cards weren’t the size of a dinner plate. He barely even juggles and he’s honestly probably just utilizing his rarely-used telekinetic powers, but he does give people flowers if they haven’t been a total jerk. And if those flowers are like, rare and have seeds for propagation, well… he literally wouldn’t know. No, really, he doesn’t. He gets summoned by at least two ecology departments and he has no idea why, I mean, if he had a nickel—
He also had pies and is NOT afraid to use them.
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radiance1 · 8 months
So, due to some timely shenanigans done by none other than Clockwork himself. The phoenix king (Vlad) has been turned into a child far before his rebirth and, as consequence, lost a significant chuck of his memories.
Then he was stolen.
Safe to say, the phoenixes weren't very... happy. With this situation. Their king losing his memories and being turned into a chick was tolerable, beneficial even, since they can mold him into a proper phoenix without any of those human customs getting in the way.
But for him to be stolen, right under their noses is a step to far. The sheer, disrespect was completely and utterly insulting and when they found out it was a dragon who did the theft?
They were, safe to say, furious.
The thief in question? Wasn't actually just one, fun fact. Well, they did get the dragon part right, but there was also a Raiju (Dan) and Mishipeshu (Danielle) who did the theft.
Again, due to Clockwork's interference they also barely remember lot of things. How did they even get together and decide to steal Vlad away from the Phoenixes?
Again, Clockwork's meddling.
Reason why Vlad is king? Because he managed to dominate a certain kind of flame that the phoenixes coveted for a long, long time and luckily enough it was still there even though Clockwork meddled (not that they actually know that he did).
Is Danny, Dan, and Danielle also royalty? Meh, I guess you could say they could be?
I don't know, but the idea of 4 royal children kidnapping each other for a playdate or whatever and almost causing a four way war is pretty fucking funny not gonna lie.
Right so, after the trio turned into a quartet by stealing Vlad, Clockwork meddled again by directing them to this one particular dimension, that dimension being DC of course. Where exactly they get dropped?
On Shazam, unfortunately.
Shazam, barely knows what to do unfortunately and only because of Solomon does he actually turn out semi-okay. It's even worse when he's Billy, because he doesn't have the powers necessary to actually, you know, keep up with them unless he wants to go Shazam.
Billy never thought he would become a parent, and he isn't. He's more of an... elder brother figure I would suppose? But Shazam? Oh yea people would definitely think that he became a father.
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kingofconundrums · 2 months
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thekingofspin · 8 months
the twelfth doctor owns the song bigmouth strikes again by the smiths.
"now I know how Joan of arc felt"
gets his mind erased (now I know how Donna noble felt)
bill gets turned into a cyberman like Danny (now I know how clara oswald felt)
waits 4 and a half billion years to see clara again (now I know how rory williams felt)
fate is really coming after the 12th doctor full force
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rapha-reads · 1 year
Some Doctor Who thoughts...
The Curse of the Black Spot (6x03): a pirate's story with a sci-fi twist, that's ultimately about Amy and Rory's love and the bond between a father and his son.
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The Caretaker (8x06): a goofy classic sci-fi monster of the week, that's ultimately about the Doctor and Clara's friendship, honesty and both Clara and the Doctor's fear of being alone and misunderstood.
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Midnight (4x10): a sci-fi horror story about a mimicking monster, that's ultimately about humanity's nature and the instinct of the mass to turn to violence when faced with something different they don't understand.
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In The Forest of The Night (8x10): a sci-fi monster of the week story, that ultimately doesn't have any monster, but showcases the beauty of Earth, the symbiotic relationship of every living thing on the planet and why we should listen to children and trees alike.
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Hide (7x09): a ghost story with a sci-fi twist, that's actually a love story across time and space and death and universes.
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The Wedding of River Song (6x13): on appearance, a sci-fi story about alternate timelines, ultimately, a story about love, trust and family.
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Watching all six in the same evening does something to the head. Not sure what yet. Behind the time travel and the aliens and the running and the wibbly-wobbly technical and scientific terms, it's all about love and why choosing kindness and honesty above fear and hatred is always worth it.
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heartofalifer · 6 months
fight me but if donna ever met danny pink she would have fought tooth and nail to defend danny pink because she knows he's right and that the doctor was a piece of shit who needed to understand like no bruh not everything is on u not everyone needs u calm down babygurl
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cicada-candy · 7 months
in about 2 hours i will officially be 6 months posting my art on tumblr woo!!
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and it was-
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sweet mother of fucking christ what a first impression dear GOD
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feel better about my art now for sure ahaljdshjlkfhklasdh
vvv close ups/alts under the cut vvv
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SoC alt bcs. idk i thought itd be fun. driPpyyy
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and despite the fact that you Cannot See It At All. the headstone is still there
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whathehe11-writes · 7 months
Something about me is that I will have my favourite character and assume that that character is everyone else’s favourite character.
And sometimes this is true, my favourite is the favourite (as they should be).
But sometimes (and it does happen, shocker I know) I find out my little meow meow is in fact not the favourite. And that’s just simply wrong
Give them justice
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I might’ve gotten a bit sick and under poor health these past few days too- so, I had to hold off the book haul until today and let me just say — I love these books a little too much. But oh well!
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This one was an impulse buy but given I never fully read the series as a kid, I figured why not get it now? Even if it is a graphic novel! It looked cool!
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This one felt like a Scooby Doo esque book, and I just got sold by the description in the back. So, another small impulse buy!
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I’ve been wanting this book for AGES, and now I finally have it! Who knows, maybe this time I finally finish my Secret Quartet AU (and Project Zero) though to be fair, I have health issues so-
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AND THE ONE I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR! This one is wild— like oh my god. You’re in for a real treat (no spoilers, I just started reading it but ahhhhh)
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Full lineup! I am SO excited for all of these!
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snobgoblin · 1 month
Hi. I don't remember everything but I remember that you can land in a third room whilw visiting Vlastomil's estate. And there are red beetles here. Nadia says something about those being used to make dye jn vesuvia before the plague if I remember correctly??? And well I didn't remember the part about birthday parties ( I will have to reread that tale) but this makes even more sense now... Well the beetle person associated with beetle tribe also loves parties...
ohhhh I'd have to replay it because I dont remember the party being mentioned but I DO remember Nadia mentioning that the red dye from the beetles was in fashion at the time, and the book also confirms that "Vesuvian Red" was trending at the time... it's like gee I wonder how people were getting the plague so bad 😭 and it's like gee I wonder where this came from. it can't possibly be the Count who's favorite color is bright ass red- but to be fair I don't think they knew at the time the beetles were carriers of the plague
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doctorwho2022 · 2 years
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Doctor Who episodes that aired on the 25th of December…
In 1965, The Feast of Steven (the 7th episode of The Daleks’ Master Plan)
In 2005, The Christmas Invasion
In 2006, The Runaway Bride
In 2007, Voyage of the Damned
In 2008, The Next Doctor
In 2009, The End of Time Part One
In 2010, A Christmas Carol
In 2011, The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe
In 2012, The Snowmen
In 2013, The Time of the Doctor
In 2014, Last Christmas
In 2015, The Husbands of River Song
In 2016, The Return of Doctor Mysterio
In 2017, Twice Upon a Time
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rokhal · 10 months
on your whole Daniel Wakeford could have been Danny thing, I keep thinking of how that might have been a more natural way to have him meet a mentor style Rider. Have Wakeford go to Robbie’s house during the possession period, he gets piped by Robbie and all that, he is bleeding on the ground… and then the Talented Kale guy stands up
I love the idea of Robbie and Noble Kale interacting, because I think Robbie would be SUPER SUPER pumped to meet someone who could knock Eli out with a moment's notice. Robbie and Noble's ethics don't completely align but they're pretty close (Robbie is probably more pragmatic than Noble). Noble would scare the crap out of Eli, which would probably result in a Roast Rider that is 100% Robbie Reyes whenever Noble is anywhere nearby, and allow Robbie to become more comfortable with his body and powers. Also it would be interesting for Robbie to meet a possessing ghost who is not a festering asshole. I'm envisioning a kind of big brother dynamic.
On the other hand, I also like the idea of Danny, just Danny, trying to mentor Robbie, and joining Johnny Blaze in Robbie's lineup of flawed adult role models.
Johnny gave Robbie advice about how to handle Eli that was based on his own experience with Zarathos, who was just randomly lashing out from frustration. This advice wound up being inappropriate to handle Eli, who had human connections and goals and the capacity to plan; Robbie was caught flat-footed when Eli used Gabe to attack his old mafia boss.
Danny's experience with Noble Kale was very different from Johnny's with Zarathos. Danny was running away from his own life by letting Noble take over his body. Danny might broach the subject of grief and avoidance with Robbie, suggesting that Robbie is using the Ghost Rider as a way to escape his pain, and I think Robbie would take that very badly because it's partly true on an emotional level and completely off-base on a practical level. Danny might also believe that Robbie can only be stable and happy with Eli gone; he and Noble were unable to share a life despite Noble being a good guy and both of them caring about each-other. If it turned out that Robbie and Eli could not be separated, Danny might think Robbie is doomed.
I think overall it would have been very cool, from a narrative standpoint, for each Ghost Rider that Robbie meets to have different ideas for how Robbie should handle himself, based on their own individual experiences and with some valid points and other points that are irrelevant or inappropriate. Robbie would have to pick and choose what works for him and find his own way to take care of himself.
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cocoabubbelle · 10 months
Marvel: Ooooh, who’s going to be the new Ghost Rider to replace Johnny Bla—?
Me: Make it Danny Ketch and Noble Kale again.
Marvel: 😑
Me: 🙃
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kingofconundrums · 1 year
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Ghost Rider (2022) #16
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