#Dark Matter 🔮🌌
wizardsaur · 28 days
Gonna update my Pinned Post, so here goes:
This is my main blog now. Gonna try my best to be a minimally insufferable internet tumblr personality. Please renlog this, and I'm outright asking for followers.
I'm writing a book, it's about absurdism and cults and the end of the world. It is a satire, it is a sci-fi dystopian horror. Hi, if you're a publisher - call me, I promise I'm not crazy.
I call myself a wizard, my religion is ?????
This is a witch blog? But one of the cool ones, I swear. I like frogs, and being a good person. I post kinda consistently, and I've been active a REALLY LONG TIME in tumblr years. Doing my best not to be appropriative or exclusionary in any way, also painfully human. So much so, I have chronic pain too 🤣 (getting that diagnosis figured out, I hurt a lot and I have theories.)
I think met God once in a cemetery in December 2018, and It told me to leave an abusive marriage. And every time I think of what God looks like, my brain says Alainis Morrisette and David Bowie. I don't really know what that means.
I was raised in arguably one of the biggest cults in the world - no, not scientology. So I sincerely believe the only way to find God or Upper Whatever is to figure it out yourself. And understand everyone is probably wrong in some ways, right in others. Ergo, I'm not sure what I believe and it will eternally change.
I worship Change in the form of Death - or Death as Change - I'm not sure if that matters. I also worship Uni, the Cat God Of Self. Which. I made up. I made a blog about that, if you can find it. You will see that a lot here
I write spells, cultivate cool posts. I hardcore try to peer review, please don't hunt me for sport for reblogging a shitty blog. Just send me an ask and call me out - I'll be reasonable. I also share stories.
I like dinosaurs, vegetarian food (not exclusively), talking about glasses, writing, movies, goth culture, history, reading, art, plants, and dark humor. I write a lot in the bathtub. I live in an old house in a big railroad city in the US. Hopefully I become locally famous too, so I can quit my job and freelance forever with my chronic pain problems. Or be a ghost tour guide as my real job.
I'm a story worm. Which is like a bookworm, but with movies and podcasts and personal anecdotes. I tell stories. I hope the stories have value for you. I ingest stories, and have been enamored with the art of sharing stories my entire life.
My Cat is my pfp at the time of this posting. His name is Oswald Cheesecake. He looks like a wizard to me in that photo, in a brown cloak. But he' just in a paper bag. They are his favorite thing. There is a very good story behind his name, too.
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lxrd-ren · 4 months
Something something curses and blessings for all the life series members
Grian: Black Widow Curse🕷
With the name stemming from the spider, the curse is pretty simple; Grian always kills his ally/allies, whether it be directly or indirectly.
Timmy: Canary Curse🪶
You know it, you love it: the classic canary in the coal mine. Similarly to how canaries were used by miners in real life, Tim dying is the sign of danger and how the server will soon decend into chaos.
Mumbo: Miner Curse⛏️
Linked with our canary, he is the unfortunate miner who dies seconds after the canary does; usually too overcome by grief to escape the mine. And to top it off, it's always to the same thing the canary died from.
Scott: Stars Blessing🌟
Much like how sailors were guided by the stars, whoever allies with Scott has a chance at winning that season. But be careful, just because you are the closest to the star doesn't mean you won't be blinded. Afterall, he too has a history of being a widow..
Bdubs: Devotee Curse🙇
Quite like a martyr, Bdubs is doomed to always die as a result of what he devotes himself to in the end. Even if he changes what that object of devotion is, he will always meet his end via it, even if its a completely different thing to what he devoted himself to at the start.
Tango: Insignificant Curse😶‍🌫️
Unfortunately for Tango, him losing his final life is always a background event; never beside his allies and more often than not completely alone. The fact that it's usually his own fault is the icing on the cake for this curse.
Joel: Insanity Curse🩸
Now, when you go red, you get blood-thirsty and hostile to the non-reds. But Joel? He takes his blood-thirst and RUNS with it; going the equivalent of insane on his red life. His reckless abandon only adding to how this is a curse for him.
Etho: Burning Curse🔥
Ethos is more generalised with lava and fire frequently destroying all he holds dear. Whether its a base or himself, he always seems to become victim to the flames of chaos.
Scar: Enchanted Curse🔮
I'm not sure what it is about that enchanting table, but whatever it is, Scar can't get enough. Throughout the seasons he can usually be seen chasing down the enchanter, even at the cost of alliances, materials and his own lives.
Martyn: Unguided Curse⏸️
No matter how much he tries, he never truly fulfills his purpose in any of the seasons. Whether that be being a hand to a king or a protector to a friend, his role never reaches it's full potential, either being abandoned by Martyn or dying with him.
BigB: Overshadowed Curse🕳
He is never far from the shadows with being frequently overlooked and/or overshadowed by others. Either he blends into the background as another one of the shadows or is outshined, sometimes by Grian and Pearl the Sun and the Moon. But as it turns out, the shadows and darkness of a hole may turn out to be an asset to BigB..
Skizz: Supernova Curse🌌
Those who burn brightest burn fast; something that has become apparent with Skizz, who often dies 3rd or around that placing. However, he never goes down without a fight, usually exploding rather than slowly decaying.
Ren: Blinded Curse👀
He has a tendency to lose his final life to something he can't see, or rather, something he didn't see coming; usually mobs. He is also privy to losing items and alliances due to him not being aware of something; you could say his is blind to these causes.
Impulse: Haunted Curse👻
Despite different rules and areas, he can't seem to let go of the past; his actions usually being dictated by it. The most prominent example of this is the betrayal that took place in 3rd life - something that still influences his decisions.
Cleo: Avenged Blessing🧟
Whether it be by a player, mob or their own actions, Cleo nearly always gets revenge in the end. This may be because of someone wronging or killing them, but either way, they get avenged. Them dragging others to the grave with them really adds to the zombie theme they have.
Pearl: Moonlight Curse🌙
Pearl always places well, no matter her alliances and items. However, her allies can't bathe in her moonlight of success, regardless of how hard she tries. The only exception to this curse was Scott, aka, the star, who not only survived the moonlight, but shone brighter than it.
Lizzie: Falling Curse🏔
She may be able to rise above the rest, whether it be with resources or lives; but she envitably falls. This is also the same in a psychical sense with both her final lives being taken from her after falling from a high place.
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Discovery Alert! In a new discovery released on September 12, 2023, James Webb Telescope Validates Hubble's Findings on Universe Expansion Rate. Read full article here
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Prepare to be awestruck because NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has just dropped some mind-blowing revelations about the universe's expansion rate, and it's a cosmic rollercoaster of discoveries! 🌠
🔭 Imagine a telescope that can peer back in time and unveil the secrets of our universe's evolution. That's exactly what the Webb Telescope, NASA's latest star player, has been up to!
🌟 The Hubble Constant Mystery: One of the cosmos' biggest head-scratchers has been the Hubble Tension – a cosmic conundrum stemming from a puzzling mismatch between the measured expansion rate (Hubble constant) and its prediction from the Big Bang. 🌌
🌠 Cepheid Variables & Type Ia Supernovae: Webb's got some stellar assistants – Cepheid variables and Type Ia supernovae. These cosmic gems help astronomers measure vast cosmic distances and, by extension, the Hubble constant. 💫
🌈 Infrared Vision Superpowers: What sets Webb apart is its remarkable near-infrared vision. Unlike visible light, infrared light pierces through cosmic dust, offering clearer views of these celestial distance markers. 🌌
🪐 Results So Far: Webb's observations have confirmed the precision of the Hubble Space Telescope's earlier measurements while significantly reducing measurement noise. It's like seeing the universe's secrets with a magnifying glass! 🔍🌠
🔮 The Hubble Tension Deepens: But here's the kicker: the Hubble Tension persists! The universe seems to be expanding faster than we predicted. Could this be a hint of exotic dark energy, dark matter, or something completely unexpected? 🌌✨
🚀 The Cosmic Adventure Continues: With Webb confirming Hubble's measurements, the quest to decipher the universe's mysteries deepens. What's next? More observations, more data, and more cosmic riddles to solve! 🌌🔍
Join us as we journey into the heart of the cosmos, armed with the Webb Telescope's revelations and an insatiable curiosity for the universe's grand secrets. Stay tuned for more cosmic updates! 🌠🛰️
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