#Dazao Osamu
Kunikida helping Dazai when he's struggling/at his lowest ft. Married!Soukoku
Please be mindful of the TWs
TWS: Dazai typical mentions of SH and suicide, metions of relapse, nightmares, very slight mention of feeling empty, being scared of feelings, mentions of panicking, mentions of grieving after a loved person, very slight mention of dissociation, slight mention of feeling like going crazy
Probably very ooc but idk
Kunikida is the only one besides Chuuya who is allowed to see Dazai at his lowest, who is allowed to comfort him and who is allowed to change his bandages when Dazai isn't able to do so. He just happened to gain a lot of Dazai's trust over the years of working as partners and now he is always there for Dazai. Especially when Chuuya isn't available.
The first time he saw Dazai being close to breaking down was one night where the latter suddenly stood in front of his apartment, wearing only his pyjamas and a random pair of shoes, looking like he would break down at any moment.
After Dazai married Chuuya and moved in together with him, he really wanted to try to live for his chibi even though he knew how hard it was. He tried not to hurt himself anymore and he tried to stop attempting because he hated how hurt and pained Chuuya looked when Dazai dragged himself home, drenched in water and shivering from trying to drown himself in the river or when his body was covered in new bruises and scars again.
 It was hard but he really did his best and Chuuya helped him wherever he could without giving him the feeling that he would baby him bc it really wasn't something one could manage alone. Dazai was far too broken and messed up for doing this completely alone.
 He was there for him when the urges to attempt not to harm himself got too much again, he was there for him during relapses and breakdowns and celebrated with him when he managed to fight off the urges. 
 After a while he really managed to become and stay clean and stopped to attempt but one day where Chuuya had to stay overnight in the Mafia due to a lot of paperwork he nearly attempted again.
Chuuya had been staying at the PM headquarters overnight because he had so much paperwork to do. Some people who were under his command had failed a mission and now there was a lot of paperwork to do. Mori had demanded that Chuuya had to finish them at the end of the week, meaning that he had only two days left. Due to this, Chuuya decided to work overnight even though he absolutely despised it.
He had often asked Dazai if he would be okay with this since the younger had been feeling down lately with Oda's death day approaching but the younger agreed so Chuuya stayed at the headquarters.
Dazai had been fine over the day. He worked at the ADA the whole day like usual, teasing his co-workers and Ranpo even invited him to spend his break with him and Poe at the café (He was sure that Ranpo already knew that he was struggling a bit since the last few weeks) and when he went home he was only a bit tired.
However the longer he was in this big empty house, the more his depression and his dark thoughts started to creep back inside his mind and sleeping was no option.
 He had trouble falling asleep like usual and without Chuuya lying next to him it was even worse. Eventually he fell down an overthinking spiral so got up and walked around their home aimlessly, lost in thought. He tried to distract himself with random things but he fell down the spiral deeper and deeper. Ofc he thought about calling Chuuya and about breaking into his office to visit him but he knew that this would only distract his husband from working so he didn’t do it. After all, he didn't want Chuuya to get in trouble with Mori.
Eventually he just turned on the TV. TV usually bored him but sometimes it was nice to have some random talking in the background. Especially if the house seemed so horribly large and empty. Everything was just fine and he even managed to doze off for a bit but since he fell asleep while his mind was still racing and too stuffed with suppressed thoughts about Oda, he ended up having a nightmare about the latter's death. It was rare that Dazai had nightmares but when he had them they were horrible.
When he woke up screaming, he was alone. There was no redhead snoring quietly besides him and there was only the TV talking. His heart was racing and he felt the oh to familiar pain and grief which he always tried to suppress. His mind was filled with memories of the moment he held Oda, his breathing was hitched and his heart was racing which scared him even more. He still wasn't used to feeling a lot and accepting it.
The house seemed suddenly big and empty to him, his breathing became hitched, his chest became terribly tight giving him the feeling as if he couldn't breathe properly anymore and as if he wasn't getting enough air anymore and his body ached. He wasn't wearing his bandages since he stopped wearing them around Chuuya at home so he had to somewhat control himself not to accidentally hurt himself in his sheer panic. In no time everything got too much. He knew these panic attacks but he never tried to deal with them in a healthy way.
 He wanted to slam his head against a wall multiple times, hoping to pass out and wanted to attempt to make it stop but the image of a certain redhead wouldn't leave his mind. He was torn between wanting to live for Chuuya and the old urges, making him feel like he would go crazy for sure.
His love for Chuuya was stronger and like in a trance he dragged himself out his house and went to the only other person besides Chuuya who he trusted and that was Kunikida. 
The way to his apartment felt like years and was probably one of the worst times he had experienced before. The urges to just attempt in some way were racing through his head but somehow he managed to arrive at the apartment safely. 
It was late at night so of course Kunikida was a bit pissed when opening the door but after he saw how horribly pale, messed up and scared Dazai looked but also how empty his eyes were and that he wasn't wearing any bandages and just his Pyjama he was wide awake, worriedly guiding Dazai inside. 
Dazai was like in some trance and was caught up in thoughts. The younger nearly collapsed twice due to exhaustion while they made their way over to Kunikida's comfy living room so Kunikida helped him walk after a while. 
He was thinking that Chuuya and Dazai had a horrible fight and was already ready to fight the Mafia executive even though he was pretty scared of the redhead and even though he knew that he would most likely lose against him.
After he sat Dazai down on the couch it took a few tries to get Dazai's attention and to snap him out of his trance. After Dazai seemed to fully realize that he made it to Kunikida's home,that the older was really seeing him in such a shape but after he also realized that he was most likely save from himself right now with his work partner there, he looked at Kunikida and nearly started to cry which startled the older. 
He asked Dazai if it was okay to touch him and after the younger nodded his head, Kunikida hugged him tight and waited until Dazai calmed down a bit again. While holding Dazai he took a mental note that the younger luckily seemed to have gained some weight and wasn't as horribly boney anymore but that he was freezing so he had to bring him a bunch of blankets later. 
After Dazai calmed down a bit, Kunikida worriedly asked him what happened and Dazai managed to choke out a short explanation. On one hand Kunikida was relieved to hear that he hadn't got in a horrible fight with Chuuya and that he came to him because the executive was still at work and not because he had been hurting him but he was still worried because the situation was still a bad one. 
He didn't know how to deal with triggers and especially not how to deal with them when he had to help such an unpredictable person like Dazai. He still couldn't bear it to see his partner like this and he wanted to help desperately so he gently grabbed Dazai's hand and asked him what he could do to help him.
 He spoke slowly and calmly the whole time while keeping his voice a bit down so that Dazai could follow his words and wouldn't feel threatened or get a sensory overload on top. He knew from experience that loud noises could easily lead to sensory overloads in such situations and he also knew how shitty they felt. 
It took some time for Dazai to form a proper response in his head and to reply but that didn't matter. It was only normal. He told Kunikida anything he remembered, and which Kunikida could do (ofc he couldn't kiss or cuddle Dazai) , which Chuuya always did to help him calm  down. Kunikida listened patiently and then did what Dazai told him to do. Most of the things were basic exercises like Dazai having to copy Kunikida's calm and steady breathing or the 5 things you can see method. The whole time, Kunikida didn't let go of Dazai's hand, squeezing it reassuringly whenever the younger's breathing started to get hitched again or when he teared up again. Dazai didn't tell him but it grounded him immensely. Physical touch was often one of the things which could ground him the best. 
After Dazai fully calmed down for now and was kind of stable again, Kunikida got up and brought him a glass of water and asked Dazai for Chuuya's phone number, wanting to call the executive and wanting to inform him about what happened. 
Dazai wanted to see Chuuya oh so badly. He wanted to get comforted and held by his husband but he also didn't want to worry Chuuya right now with this or distract him from his work. He knew that Chuuya would drop everything and come to him if he called and even though he was thankful for that and really wanted him to come, he also felt somewhat guilty. 
After Kunikida gently reassured him that it would be okay and told him that he knew how bad he wanted his husband to be there as well that Chuuya deserved to know, Dazai gave him the number. 
Chuuya picked the phone up after no time, asking Kunikida what he wanted from him at such a time, sounding rather annoyed and stressed. Kunikida apologized for the late call and told the executive about what happened. Chuuya's mood changed immediately from pissed to extremely worried, asking Kunikida if Dazai was okay and where he was right now while already getting up from his desk, grabbing his coat and storming out of his office and past some very confused guards. 
Kunikida quickly managed to calm the other down a bit, telling him that Dazai was safe, uninjured and kind of okay with him in his apartment. He then told Chuuya his address (hoping that he won’t regret this later when the truce between the ADA and the PM was over) and told Dazai that Chuuya was coming here. Dazai was happy but still felt somewhat guilty.
Chuuya arrived in no time, he probably violated multiple traffic rules while driving to Kunikida’s house but he couldn’t care less. When Kunikida opened the door, Chuuya looked incredibly worried, asking him where Dazai was while entering the house. Kunikida led him to the living room where Dazai was lying curled up under blankets on the big couch, staring holes in the air with kind of empty eyes. As soon as he saw Chuuya, he sat up a bit and his eyes lit up again a bit but also got a bit teary. 
As soon as Chuuya saw him, he rushed to him, kneeled next to the couch and let his shaky hands roam through his hair before hugging him so tight that Dazai thought his bones would crack.  (ofc only after asking him if it would be okay to touch him and after Dazai gave his permission)  
Dazai returned the hug, apologizing quietly to Chuuya for worrying him and interrupting his work. Chuuya told him to shut up and that he didn’t need to apologize for something like this. They held each other so close as if they were scared that if they let go, the other would disappear. The redhead told Dazai how proud he was of him for resisting and that he was sorry for not being there. Now it was Dazai’s turn to tell his husband that he didn’t need to apologize and quietly told him that he only resisted because of him. 
At this point Chuuya couldn’t hide that fact that he was damn close to crying and he hugged Dazai even tighter, burying his face in the crook of Dazai’s neck, trying not to let the tears slip out of his eyes. They didn’t talk for a short while, holding each other close but they didn’t need words to understand each other anyways. 
Eventually Chuuya broke the hug, cupping Dazai’s face with one of his hands, telling him how much he loved him and how proud he was of him.
Both still had teary eyes and when a few tears actually escaped Dazai’s eyes, Chuuya wiped them gently away. Of course he noticed Dazai getting a bit scared and uneasy as soon as he noticed the tears falling down his cheeks, so the other calmed him a bit down, telling him that it was completely okay and that it’s just human to cry. That he was allowed to cry. Chuuya knew how scared Dazai felt whenever he felt feelings instead of the emptiness inside of him.
Hearing Chuuya’s soft reassurance and hearing that Chuuya called him human made Dazai’s last bit of his emotional walls crumble down and he actually started to cry. Not out of fear or because he was upset. It was just that too much feelings were currently going on inside of him.
He still missed Oda, the night had been one hell but despite all of this, he still felt loved. His work partner who had always proclaimed that he would hate him had been there for him and saw him at his lowest, his husband was there, holding him, caressing him, calming him and calling him human and he had managed to resist the urge to relapse or try to off himself. Chuuya could only imagine the mess of feelings Dazai felt in the moment.
 Feeling himself cry, panic rose up in Dazai and luckily his husband directly noticed. Chuuya had already expected something like this to happen so he sat down on the couch next to Dazai, held him close while Dazai clutched to him as if his life depended on the redhead (which is kinda was) and ran one of his hands through Dazai’s messy locks while softly telling him that everything was alright, that he was safe here and also told him to copy his calm breathing.
After he managed to calm Dazai down, he wiped away the tears before asking him how he felt. Dazai replied that he was sleepy and had quite a headache before quietly thanking Chuuya for being there. Even though he knew that Chuuya always said that he didn’t need to thank him for things like this, he thanked him anyway. 
Dazai got sleepier and sleepier after a while and after Chuuya asked Dazai and Kunikida if it would be okay if they stayed here overnight and got the okay from both of them, Chuuya lied down on the couch, dragging the younger with him so that Dazai lied on top of him.
By now Chuuya himself was also quite exhausted, after all he had been overworking himself day and night since the last few days, but he stayed awake until Dazai drifted off into sleep, playing with his hair and peppering the top of Dazai’s head with soft kisses.
After Dazai fell asleep, he quietly mumbled how much he loved his idiot before placing one last kiss on the top of Dazai’s head. Then he looked at Kunikida again who sat down on the armchair, thanking him quietly once again for everything. Kunikida just smiled,telling Chuuya that he didn’t need to thank him and that it was only natural to help Dazai. After all, he cared about his work partner. He then asked the redhead if he needed anything and stayed a bit in the living room, chatting quietly with the mafia executive about everything, about what had happened and about work.
After a while Kunikida excused himself after bringing more blankets and a pillow for Chuuya, since he was really tired too and eventually Chuuya fell asleep too. 
In the morning, Kunikida let the pair which soundly slept cuddled together on his couch sleep in and prepared a breakfast with freshly brewed tea for them after they woke up.
Dazai thanked Kunikida again too but also asked him to never tell anyone about last night. Kunikida of course promised him this and told the other that he could always come to him if he felt down when Chuuya wasn’t available. Even at work. 
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auroreswritings · 5 years
Day 6! The prompt I chose for today is Ritual, although there’s a bit of candle and demon stuff going on. I’m proud I managed to get it out today, the universe has been trying to prevent me to work in this, but I managed and here it is, on time!!
It’s pretty graphic, rated M on AO3 for violence, there’s some kind of torture happening at some point. The story revolves around serial murders. Definitely not something that anyone can read.
Actually came up with my own character, an ability user based on a famous writer, I won’t be saying anything more or it’d spoil the story a little. It was fun to think about a new ability, from choosing the name to deciding how it works, I’d love to do more of that in the future!
Now, without further delay, please enjoy!
Meurtres en Série
              It was the fourth murder this month. The modus operandi was always the same: a circle painted in black was adorned with several red-painted alchemical symbols, black candles were positioned around the circle at each cardinal point and right in its center was placed the naked, hardly recognizable body. On their foreheads were always the same letters, traced with the victim’s own blood: AC. The bodies were always found on a Saturday, with a time of death always estimated between 12AM and 3AM on that same day.
              This was Atsushi’s first serial murder case. He and Dazai were currently assisting the police; they suspected the murderer to be a particularly vicious ability user, and Dazai’s connections with the underground could prove useful. As usual, the crime scene was particularly nasty, and Atsushi was feeling sick to his stomach from the smells and the sight before him. This investigation was starting to take its toll on him: he wanted to offer justice to the victims for their gruesome death, but as the body count went up, the clues and leads went down. No similar cases had ever been recorded, even in other countries: Ango, who was also on the case, had asked around official ability users’ agencies all over the globe, but to no avail. No one had ever heard of such murder methods, and even the letters AC weren’t revealing their secrets. To top it all, the victims had nothing in common, all of different ages, sex, social classes. No link had been established between any of them; it seemed they were just unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, coming across the killer as he was looking for his next prey.
              Atsushi and Dazai were being filled in on the details of this new murder, the younger man trying to keep his eyes away from the corpse as much as possible. After their talk with the officers, Dazai went to take a peek at the body and examine the scene for himself while Atsushi walked away to the poor man who had found the body this time. He was a simple construction worker, and had found the corpse when he had arrived at his machineries’ parking lot this morning, hidden away behind a dump truck. The weretiger sat with him, drinking tea and asking the man a few complementary questions while waiting for his partner.
              Once Dazai was done, they went back to the agency, in silence. Atsushi could see that Dazai was deep in thoughts, his usual playful-self long gone since the case had started to drag on. They were both worried and stressed from this investigation; the younger man could guess that his mentor was in the same lost state has he was himself, which he had never seen happen before. This whole case felt like a disaster, and for it to be Atsushi’s first brush with a serial killer was demeaning. He had wanted to prove himself so much, and there he was now, completely defeated and unsure of what would happen next.
              Back at the office, the two men went straight for the white board displaying all the information they had on the case and added the new ones they gathered today. Headshot photos of the victims were displayed along with pictures of the crime scenes, important facts on their lives summarized under them. A detailed description of the murderer’s modus operandi was written on the left-hand side of the board, while a map of Yokohama with the location of the homicides was fixed on the other side. Atsushi started putting the new photos up while Dazai had his eyes on the map, searching the exact building this morning’s killing at taken place at. As he circled the location with a red marker, his hand stopped halfway, his body noticeably tensing. Atsushi, sensing the change in his mentor’s attitude, turned his head to him with slight curiosity. His eyes were scrutinizing the taller man’s face. His expression had completely shifted from what it was earlier. His gaze was glinting with new found determination and a smug smirk was twisting the corners of his mouth. Without a single word, Dazai finished his circle on the map and looked back at Atsushi; a cryptic aura was surrounding him. The weretiger knew exactly what this meant: the man had cracked the case, or at least found something significant that could help them finally catch the criminal they were after.
              “-My dear Atsushi, I know where the next murder will take place.”
                A week had passed, and the two detectives were now ready to confront the culprit. The plan was simple: get to the location of the next killing and catch the assassin before he could attack his next victim. Dazai hadn’t said much about his findings, only that the locations of the murders were forming a pentagram, the fifth one they would prevent today being the final corner of the shape. Atsushi didn’t have a real idea of how they would catch the killer, but Dazai seemed to have a plan, and he trusted him.
              They arrived at the abandoned warehouse on the harbor. The sun had set some time ago; murder hour was approaching. The area was already pretty quiet and, unbeknownst to Atsushi, Dazai had made sure the police had evacuated all the streets and buildings around, insuring there wouldn’t be unnecessary victims. He had asked Atsushi to patrol on the western and southern sides of the building, close to the entrance, and to pretend he was a worker hanging around the docks as to not arouse suspicion. Dazai was to watch the east and north parts of the area. Everything was calm, only the sound of the ocean waves nearby was breaking the silence, bringing a false sense of peace. Atsushi was pacing around, not really sure how to look like he belonged here but trying hard nonetheless. They had been waiting for a couple hours now, it was nearing 1AM. The late hour was starting to make him nervous. He didn’t want to doubt Dazai, as he knew the man had a great mind, but he couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, they were at the wrong location and they wouldn’t be able to stop the killer tonight. He didn’t know if he could handle seeing another disfigured corpse. As these dark anxieties were gnawing at his mind, the temperature around seemed to lower a little. Atsushi shivered, the cold and his apprehensions crawling through his body. He let out a sigh and cleared his throat, rubbing his hands together.
              Without a single noise, a hand suddenly reached out of the dark and landed on his nose, rough piece of cloth clogging his nostrils. The acrid smell coming from it immediately burnt Atsushi’s insides. A strong arm wrapped around his neck, and he tried to rip it away from him, without success. He struggled with his attacker for some time, but they were stronger than him. As the awful smell filled in his lungs, Atsushi’s vision was blurring. He could feel his strength leaving him slowly, his mind unable to focus, his eyes closing on their own. As much as he tried to fight, he soon blacked out.
                The first thing he felt was the sharp, needle-like pain in his head. He tried to grab it in his hands, but his muscles were hardly answering, limbs sluggish and aching. The second thing he felt was the strong urge to vomit. It felt as though his body was spinning around in the air, yet he could feel the cold, sturdy ground under him. Laboriously, he managed to lie on his side instead of his back, trying to breath as deeply as he could to avoid being sick. He finally managed to open his eyes, and the sight in front of him chilled him to the bones. He was inside a dark, unknown building, the only light coming from the streetlamps outside. On the floor all around him was traced what looked like a circle, strange signs painted in red surrounding his head and body. He knew exactly what this was: he was about to become the serial killer’s fifth victim. The candles had yet to be lit, he was still unharmed as far as he could tell and his forehead was clear of any marking. As his fingers were grazing his face, a hoarse voice erupted from an unlit corner of the room:
              “-You have woken up at last. Welcome to the sacrifice, boy.”
              Atsushi stirred frantically, trying get up. His body still felt heavy, he could hardly curl his knees, even less lift his chest up.
              “-Now, there is absolutely no need to move, boy. See, the circle you are finding yourself in, it has some… let us call them proprieties, shall we? One of these proprieties is to keep you from running away. You should not even be able to raise your little finger; you must be incredibly strong to move this much…” A wicked laugh followed. “To think I found such a powerful offering for You, my Master…” The evil laughter started again.
              The weretiger could feel panic rising inside of him. What could he possibly do? He let out a muffled groan; even his voice seemed to be restrained. The voice resounded again:
              “-You cannot speak either, at least for now. My Master does not appreciate unnecessary talking. Do not fret! You shall find your voice back soon enough. As soon as we get started actually. He may not enjoy futile babbling, but screams of agony are a delight to His ears.” A sinister chuckle followed this statement.
              What was Dazai doing? Had he been caught too? Atsushi’s mind was racing, trying to think of anything that could help him. Hopefully his mentor would show up soon, he was his last resort now. As Atsushi was trying to send telepathic messages to the older man, heavy steps resounded through the warehouse. They were approaching the poor man on the ground, slowly. Turning his head to the sound, Atsushi could see the silhouette of the man appearing in a puddle of light coming in from a window. He was wearing a maroon three-piece with a white shirt underneath, dark brown oxford shoes on his feet. Around his neck was a bow tie, cream with dark red flowers. A gold chain was slinging from a pocket of his waistcoat, a cream pocket square was tucked in the pocket of his jacket. His face became more and more visible as he walked into the light. He was a rather young man, a little older than Atsushi. A crazy mop of brown hair was hanging over grenadine eyes. His traits were delicate, a staggering contrast with the rough voice that shot out his rosy lips:
              “-Alright, boy, let us start!” He stepped around the circle, taking in the sight of Atsushi lying there, unable to move. After having walked around three times, he went back into the darkness, only to come out again a second later, holding a single black candle. He paced around Atsushi again while lighting the candle up before setting it down at the young man’s feet. He started chanting in a powerful voice:
              “-I, Aleister Crowley, offer You, King Baal, this dark light shining upon the southern side of your kingdom. May this fire open the Gates and lead the infidels Your way.” As he finished his sentence, an intense pain took over Atsushi’s entire body. It felt as if a thousand knives were reaping his skin open. He let out an agonizing scream, his voice acute, distorted by his suffering.
              His vision went white, he couldn’t hear a single thing, not even his own voice. The only thing he knew now was excruciating pain. After some time, its intensity decreased a little. Atsushi took a breath in; he was panting, his head spinning from the recent torture. Every single cell in his body felt like it had been lit on fire. He felt a few tears escaping his eyes.
              “-Yes, cry for Him, boy, let Him know how you feel!” The crazed voice erupted again. Atsushi looked at the man standing at his feet. His face was twisted with a vicious smirk, eyes glinting with pleasure and madness. The poor tiger tried to reply but his erratic breathing would not let him do so. His eyes were shooting daggers at this Aleister. Please Dazai, hurry up!
              The man moved around him again, three times. He reached for a second candle, placing it on Atsushi’s left. The weretiger tried to prepare himself for what he knew was coming as the man chanted again:
              “-I, Aleister Crowley, offer You, King Baal, this dark light shining upon the eastern side of your kingdom. May this fire open the Gates and enlighten the infidels with Your wisdom.” Once again, Atsushi’s body was assaulted with pain.
              His insides were on fire, lava was coursing through his veins. His brain was blank, unable to form a single thought as the awful feelings were tormenting him. More time seemed to have passed before the sensations calmed down again, leaving him panting even harder. His lungs were hurting, but he needed air, and he gulped down as much as he could. Rivers of tears were falling from his eyes, whimpers involuntarily escaping his mouth. The man standing above him seemed to relish in his weary moans. The crazy glow in his eyes had intensified. For the third time, he circled around Atsushi, and for the third time, he placed a candle on the floor.
              “-I, Aleister Crowley, offer You, King Baal, this dark light shining upon the western side of your kingdom. May this fire open the Gates and…”
              “-Let’s stop it all here!” Dazai’s voice boomed through the room. The vicious man turned his head towards the entrance, trying to see who had interrupted him. At the sound, Atsushi felt a wave of relief flow through his body. Dazai had come, he was safe now.
              “-Hey, you stylish tormenter! The police have surrounded the area! Give yourself up now and we won’t have to be forceful!” Aleister let out a scoff.
              “-Who dares interrupting my sacrifice? I shall inform you that there is no way in stopping this. Is this boy your little friend? He will die tonight, whether you fancy it or not. Now, where was I? Oh, yes… I, Aleister Crowley, offer You, King Baal…” The man suddenly went flying to the side.
              Dazai was standing there, rubbing his fist. Atsushi could feel the hold of the circle casted around him loosen. Hard steps could be heard behind his mentor, and soon they were all surrounded by a dozen officers in tactical gear. Ango was trailing behind them.
              “-Do not touch him! We don’t know how his ability works.” He turned his head to his old friend. “Dazai, could you…?
              “-But of course, my dear Ango.” Dazai approached the man on the floor, but before he could touch him, the man yelled:
              “-Goetia of Solomon the King.” As the words rose in the air, the circle under Atsushi started glowing, purple and red hues casting long shadows all around. Atsushi’s torments came back again, this time with even more intensity. He let out a long, terrified and pained scream. His face was distorted, his skin breaking, his organs imploding under the spell he was put under. His arms were stretched towards Dazai; the last thing he saw was the man’s horrified expression, his name leaving his lips in a panicked cry.
                He blinked a few times, trying to get used to the bright light blinding him. The sheets covering him were soft against his skin, the mattress under him comfortable. Atsushi felt at peace. His body was sore, but he was no longer in pain. After getting accustomed to the brightness, he realized he was at the agency’s infirmary. He propped himself up on his elbows, looking around. Nobody in sight. He tried to call out for Yosano, but his voice wouldn’t rise higher than a whisper. He laid back down, waiting for someone to come to him. After about ten minutes, Yosano entered, followed by Dazai. Realizing the tiger had woken up, they rushed to his side. The young doctor started inspecting him.
              “-Atsushi, you’ve disappointed me again! Your ability had already done a good enough job before you came to me, and Dazai forbade me to try anything to heal you myself!” She smiled warmly at him, relieved by the current state of her young friend. Atsushi smiled back at her, apologizing on behalf of the tiger. He then turned to Dazai.
              “-How did I end up here? The last things I remember are the strange light and the pain…
              -Apparently, there were a few different steps in Crowley’s ability. Luckily, he hadn’t completed the entire ritual before launching the final stage, otherwise…” His voice trailed, letting Atsushi imagine what could have happened to him. A shiver went down his spine. His mentor smiled at him softly and continued, “It seems like the man can summon different powerful entities through his ability. They could potentially destroy entire cities, but necessitate several sacrifices to work. We’ve barely avoided a catastrophe.
              -Where is he now?
              -The Special Ability Department is taking care of him. He should be locked up for some time.” Atsushi let out a relieved sigh at the news. The case was over now; there wouldn’t be any more victims.
              Yosano, having just finished Atsushi’s checkup, walked out of the room, leaving the tiger and his mentor alone. As she did so, Dazai covered Atsushi’s hand on the bed with his. His head was down, hair falling over his eyes. His voice was a little chocked when he spoke up.
              “-Atsushi… I’m so sorry, I wasn’t intending for things to go this far. The police took so long to dispatch… You shouldn’t have gone through all this pain… I’m sorry…” His voice broke.
              Atsushi raised his other hand to Dazai’s head, ruffling his hair a little, smooth strands tangling around his fingers.
              “-It’s okay, Dazai, things don’t always go as planned. I’m just glad I’m still alive.” His voice was just a whisper, but his tone was full of kindness. He kept patting the man’s head for a while. Dazai eventually looked up at him, gentle smile illuminating his face.
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azshjumdiak · 8 years
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inspired by @looking-for-stray-dogs fanfic and @empathique‘s art! i just love this AU.. i just had to contribute to it dfgnjumdkl
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Ok but how do you think Dazai, Chuuya and Akutagawa would be like at the beach? Etc. Outfit, what they would be doing
Dazai Osamu~From what I’ve seen, Dazai is covered in bandages. I think he would wear some swimming shorts and a t shirt maybe?~If he didn’t have all those bandages, I’m sure he would wear as little as possible to tease the ladies and Chuuya~He would flirt with all the girls and buy them things (With Kunikida’s muns)~He would also try to drown himself in the sea. ~If he has an S/o, he would do everything with them and swim with them.~Sandcastle King
Chuuya Nakahara~He wouldn’t tan or burn. He just stays the same. No one knows why and he hates it~Let’s face it, we all want Chuuya in speedos.~He would try to make a sandcastle but fail miserably as he would use dry sand instead of damp. ~He would get really frustrated and give up then kick someone else’s in anger. ~He would wear some swimming shorts and his hat. Nothing else. ~Like Dazai, if he had an S/o, he would definitely swim with them and do other activities with them, only if they wanted to though. He would much rather just lie on the sand. ~If he was asked to join a game that they were playing, he would be determined to win.
Akutagawa Ryunnosuke~I headcanon that he burns really easily so he would stay in the shade for the most part~He would wear some shorts maybe???~He would never wear anything too revealing~His S/o would have to ask him to swim with them or do any activities since he would really prefer not to. ~He would definitely blush at the sight of his S/o in their swimming suit.
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