#Dean Winchester's bisexual Awakening
Selfless self promo right here!
If you're looking for a fix-it fic, where Dean deals with his emotions and takes responsibility for his actions, Sam's into witchcraft and is besties with Rowena, Castiel is a confident and badass motherfucker who doesn't need anyone, AND there are Gen Z hunters everywhere taking over the business, click below!!!
This is dedication to a very dear friend of mine. This fic wouldn't have been possible without them. They listened to my rants and stupid head-canons until we finally made sense of the mess in my brain. Thank you to @some1sworld for everything, you make college seem bearable.
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The thing is - Sam Winchester is bisexual in a way where there is (technicly) no textual evidence. He doesent hit on men, he doesent speak of anything like this, no one ever mentions or leads to him being fruity (except for the whole "psychich" metaphore-).
But its just there. Its just obvious. I mean look at him, look at the guy. Hs's bi and he knows it, and has known it for forever.
I mean sure we dont know if he ever had a boyfriend but its obvious. Like you dont even need to mention that he occasionally has male hookups, its clearly, obviously a thing he does.
Makes it even more funnier how he watches Dean go thru a whole bi awakening, and it classical Sam fashion, just observes and enjoys the drama. (Well, at least when he's not out dealing with another severe trauma)
My point is : thats how you do it. And he could have been actually really good rep of they did mention his flings with men. I swear in every situation where he has a hookup or smth, i expect to see a guy walk out and it to be treated casually.
Hm. Idk just toughts. Also just my interpretation of him. Also would have been really funny if they's still treated Dean's bisexuality the way they did, like "ugh oh no pp, cant look at pp im a big macho 'merican muscle man alfa guy - oh my god pretty angel eyes!".
Okay, rest my case here.
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bunk12bear · 2 years
Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've
Fandom(s): Supernatural and Stranger Things
Character(s): Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Eddie Munson
Pairing(s): None
Words: 3700
Description: 13-year-old Dean Winchester accidentally comes across the debut album of up-and-coming metal band Corroded Coffin while avoiding being caught shoplifting food for him and Sam. On a whim he steals the cassette and quickly becomes obsessed not understanding why he's so drawn the the band's handsome and charismatic frontman Eddie Munson
or teenage Dean Winchester develops a huge crush on Rockstar Eddie Monson despite not realizing that he's bi yet.
Trigger warnings: allusions to child abuse, brief instance of homophobia
I posted about this crossover idea earlier and said I wouldn't write it. I have been proven to be a liar this isn't necessarily the final product because still looking for a beta reader but I'm posting it here in the meantime.
I'm aware that the song in the title is pop punk rather than metal but fun fact The Buzzcocks' Pete Shelly was openly bisexual and wrote this song after falling in love with his male roommate.
Dean's stomach growled loudly, dad had been gone for 3 days and they were already out of food. He had managed to convince the lady behind the front desk to give them a couple of the single serving cereal bowls they had for sale but that's all she would give him without money.
Not for the first time he wished that dad would have them staying in hotels with continental breakfast. If he brought his backpack, he could probably sneak enough food to feed them for the rest of the day but every time he asked, he got the same response "Come on now Dean, that's expensive. What, do you think I'm made of money?"
Sammy signed from one of the dingy beds and put his book down on the scratched up little table between them, right next to the lamp with its cracked shade. Dean felt a twinge of guilt rising in his stomach. His little brother must have read it 100 times and it showed. The cover was practically falling off and it had faded the places where Sam's fingertips rested when he had it open. He should really think about getting Sam some new books. Maybe somebody would give him a few bucks for mowing their lawn or something.
"Dean?" Sammy asked, jolting him from his thoughts "When do you think Dad's going to get back? I'm hungry."
"I don't know Sammy," he replied, glancing at the door.
Sammy flopped onto the bed staring at the cracked ceiling tiles, "What if something happened to him this time? What if he dies and we have to go to foster care? Dad said they'd separate us in foster care." 
"You don't gotta worry about that, Dad's fine he's a good hunter he's not going to be taken down by a wendigo” Dean reassures him.
"Okay, it's just it was supposed to be a quick hunt, that's why he only left us with 2 days’ worth of food." 
"I know Sam, listen if he's not back in 2 hours I'm going to go find us some food. I wouldn't let you starve, okay?"
Sam sighed heavily, grabbing his book again "I know dean." he replied and began skimming the pages.
— — —
The two hours passed with little fanfare and dad still wasn't back.
Dean got up, carefully putting the hunting notes dad had left him neatly stacked on the desk.
"I'm going to get us food Sammy." He yelled over to his brother who was occupied with one of the few other worn books he was able to cart from place to place with them.
Dean put his shoes on and slung his backpack over his shoulder, grabbing a baseball cap last minute if he needed to hide his face from security cameras.
Stepping out into the baking heat of the Arizona summer, he scanned the perimeter to make sure no one was paying attention and set out searching. 
He slipped carefully into a convenience store walking casually to avoid notice, repeating a pattern of grabbing several snacks and walking around as if he was still browsing before slipping them into his backpack hoping to avoid detection. When his bag was sufficiently full, he returned a few snacks he'd grabbed as decoys to their spots as he headed out the door.
He headed back towards the hotel, peering in windows and checking out pretty girls, trying his best to look like just another teenage boy out on a walk over summer break. Suddenly he saw a set of blue and red flashing lights out of the corner of his eye.
His stomach dropped; dad would kill him if he got arrested for shoplifting. He grabbed the handle of the closet door and slipped inside.
It was a record shop, that much he knew. The tiny shop was packed with cassette plays and rows and rows of record bins. The air was tinged with a musty scent Dean couldn't quite identify, weed Maybe and the lights were set weirdly low.
Buying himself time, he stashed away his backpack under one of the tables and began to thumb through the records. There were genres and subgenres he never even heard of before. To be honest, he’d never really explored music beyond what dad liked. It's not like Dad would have bought him cassettes anyway.
He continued pretending to search for a record, occasionally pulling one out and pretending to study it, not really paying attention to what he was doing until he got to the metal section. He grabbed a random record intending to continue his usual routine when he flipped it over and stopped dead in his tracks.
It was a fairly standard band picture, Four men in their mid-twenties sitting on a couch holding their instruments or something related clad in leather and denim and metal. That was not what caught Dean's attention.
The frontman, Eddie Munson according to the record, sat leaned back against the couch, an electric guitar held carefully in his lap. His body language and facial expression displayed a casual confidence that Dean could only fake. 
Dean's heart rate picked up and his mouth went dry. He was unable to tear his eyes away from the image and he couldn't understand why.
Was he…jealous? The man was good looking, Dean supposed, with big brown doe eyes, full lips, clear pale skin and long dark curly rocker hair. He was the kind of guy that girls his age would swoon over, and he could see why, you know objectively speaking. 
He put the record back in a rush trying to ignore the heat in his cheeks and the odd fluttering in his stomach.
He resumed his earlier activity trying to cut through the fog that had formed in his brain. His thoughts continued to return to the album, to Eddie Munson specifically. An image floated into his consciousness, that black leather jacket hugging Munson's shoulders like it was made for him. "I should get a leather jacket,'' Dean thought, "Girls like leather jackets," The fluttering in his stomach continued
His heart continued to pound in his ears as he reached the end of the table and grabbed his backpack. He was still thinking about the record when the cassette version caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He grabbed the tape and flipped it over, sure enough it bears the same band photo as the album. Despite the smaller size of the image Dean's eyes again fixate on Eddie Munson.
He glanced around the store; most people were absorbed in their own browsing and the only employee was a board looking teenage girl who seems more invested in the clock than her job. 
He stuffed the tape into his bag. 
The police are gone when he gets outside so he begins to walk back towards the motel stomach still churning as if he's hiding some big life-altering secret and not a shoplifted cassette tape.
Sam was distracted when he came back to the motel, absorbed in an episode of Darkwing Duck. Before getting his brother's attention Dean grabed the tape out of his bag and quickly wrapped it in a pair of socks depositing it back into the drawer where he'd been keeping his clothes. 
He laid the food out on the table. It isn't much, mostly processed as the room didn't even have a mini fridge but it'll do. They can make this last a couple days and he's done his best to ensure that Sam will be eating something from all of the food groups.
His mind continued to cassette hidden in his socks all afternoon and evening ending with him staring up at the ceiling with an odd tension in his shoulders and jaw till he finally fell asleep.
— — —
Dad didn't arrive back at the hotel until late the next afternoon. Turns out he had thought there was a lead in the case of mom's death, and he had gotten caught up in it for several days. At least he apologized about it this time. 
John offered to help the boys pack to make up for leaving them alone for longer than expected and Dean's stomach plummeted. John could not discover the tape. As a rule, he didn't like any music madefrom bands founded after 1980 and would complain if Sam or Dean tried listening to more modern music on the radio. He also would not have liked the fact that Dean was shoplifting even though he had only started to do so in the first place to feed himself and Sam when he disappeared on them for days.
"You can help Sammy, I'll be okay doing it myself" Dean had said, doing his best to seem mature and put together.
With dad's focus now on Sam, Dean grabbed the pair of socks with the cassette in them and shoved them very firmly into a corner of his bag. He finished packing, grabbing his bag and making sure to smile and offer to help Dad with his. Dad smiles, pats him on the shoulder and compliments him about how helpful he is. As they drive away from the motel Dean realizes he has nothing to play the tape with without his father knowing.
— — —
Dean only brooches the topic when he knows his dad is in a good mood. It's several days later and they're headed off to Bobby's, apparently the lead from the Hunts turned out to be more promising than he had thought.
They were all sitting at a Wendy's Sam and Dean dipping their fries in the frosty that Dad had decided to buy for them something he usually didn't do claiming it “unnecessary"
"Um Dad" he said barely above a whisper.
"What is it Dean?" John replied.
"I Was thinking maybe we could get a used Walkman or somewhere books on tape would probably be good to keep Sammy's brain up to shape over the summer and you could still listen to your music in the car." 
Dean braces himself for the worst.
"You know that Idea ain't half bad" John responded "On the way to Bobby's we can and see if we can find some sort of consignment shop. I'll ask the cashier if there's anything close."
"Thank you so much." 
John didn't respond having returned back to reading through his hunting notes.
— — —
The Walkman is heavily scratched and at least 5 years out of date it'll play cassette tapes fine and that's all Dean cares about. The man at the secondhand store was kind enough to give a discount on a few books on tape when they explained why they're buying it.
Sammy stared out the window listening to an audio version of Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. Dad had smiled when Sam picked it " a good choice" he had said "it'll teach you to be tough"
Dean for his part plays The Alphabet game do you know what that is or am I going to have to explain that in the author's note and taps his fingers to the Zeppelin dad is playing.
A billboard flies by as he's searching for the letter P amongst the signs of the side of the road
Homosexuality is a SIN
Leviticus 18:22 
It shakes Dean to his core, and he can't figure out why.
— — —
It's well past dark when they get to Bobby's and Sam is already asleep. Dean slipped the headphones off his ears and gently stowed the Walkman away in his bag. 
Once he made sure Sam was comfortably sleeping in one of the upstairs bedrooms, he ducked into another one locking the door behind him. 
Several agonizing moments passed as Dean stands back against the door bag in hand. He slept slowly down to the floor and it's practically vibrating as he reached into his bag, grabbed the cassette tape and pulled the socks off of it. His hands are trembling too much to get through the cellophane around it, so he tears at it with his teeth then quickly flips the cassette into place.
He places the Walkman on the bed as he changes into his pajamas and slips under the covers. After a moment of hesitation, he slips the headphones on, and presses play.
The music was good, very good it was certainly not dad's thing, but Dean can here be some of the references from things that are. Munson had a good voice and was obviously a gifted guitar player. The lyrics were full of fantasy references Dean didn't quite understand and fantastical situations that lead him to wonder if perhaps Eddie also grew up as a hunter. The thought makes the fluttering in his stomach and the burning in his cheeks return. 
At one point the music slows, and Munson's voice goes all husky for what's obviously a love song. Dean rewinds to the beginning of the song three times, (to better understand the lyrics of course).
When the album ends, Dean is left lying in the bed staring up at the ceiling with the headphones still covering his ears. He should sleep. He's exhausted but some persistent nagging feeling is gripping the scruff of his neck, extending its tightening fingers to his jaw. Do you understand what I'm getting at? I'm speaking from my own experience with anxiety but I'm not sure if it came across right Sleep does eventually find him and, in the morning, he stuffs the tape back into his socks and deposits the bundle back in his back.
— — —
It's been 2 months and Dean still can't stop thinking about Eddie Munson. He's listened to the album several times again on late nights with Sam asleep and dad on a hunt and every time it makes him more and more curious about the band particularly its frontman. 
There was a record store near the middle school he has been attending and every day as he passed by it to go pick Sam up from the elementary school, he swore he'd go in one day.
The owner catches him loitering outside one day and asks him what he's doing. He's an older guy who looks a bit like Harrison Ford if he were into metal. Dean can feel his cheeks going pink Under the man's gaze. He panics and nearly runs away but instead takes a deep breath and asks about the band.
The Man's eyes light up "Corroded Coffin? They're pretty good, aren't they? They're not Judas Priest or anything but I'm looking forward to seeing what their future holds. " He says, clasping a friendly hand on Dean's shoulder. The contact makes Dean's heartbeat rapidly in his chest.
"Um uh Yeah" he manages his to stammer out "I've always only ever really listen to my dad's music so I picked it so I could see what other kinds of music I might like" a snarky voice in the back of his head that tells him that that is decidedly not reason he took the tape but then again the shop owner didn't need to know that.
"I'm always happy to support people expanding their tastes. You know I have some music magazines that I'm done with. I was just going to throw them out, but you can have them if you want. One of them has an interview with the front man of Corroded coffin, Eddie something or other I forget his name".
Dean's heart leapt in his chest, "Munson," he corrected, quickly cheeks burning and eyes flitting to the side “His name's Eddie Munson." The man shot him a knowing look.
"So do you want the magazines?" he asked
Dean squared his shoulders giving a curt nod "Yes sir!" 
The shop owner raised an eyebrow but told Dean to wait there while he went to get the magazines and slipped back into the store.
He emerged a few minutes later with a small stack of magazines in hand "Here you go kid, enjoy" he says in places the stack in Dean's hands.
 "Thank you, sir," Dean respondef. " I should get going now though. I need to pick my brother up from the elementary school" 
"Goodbye kid good luck in your musical journey" the older man responds waving to Dean as he turns to leave and walks away.
— — —
Luckily for Dean, dad was away on a hunting trip that night giving him time to read the article one Sam has gone to bed. 
The article hails Munson as "September 1992's newcomer of the month" and features a full-page collage of different photos of him. If Dean spends 10 minutes just staring at the photos, then well nobody must know that. He folds the magazine hiding the pictures from sight and begins to read.
 Interview with September 1992 Newcomer of the Month-Eddie Munson
By Vanessa Guerrero
Eddie Munson (26) the lead guitarist / vocalist and Main composer lyricist of the up-and-coming band Corroded Coffin sits down in my office grinning at me with the boyish, slightly nerdy charm he's become known for.
Me: So, Mr. Muson, you've already gotten some pretty good buzz on your debut album. How does that feel?
Munson:  Absolutely fantastic, 6 years ago I was barely crawling my way to passing my third go around of my senior year of high school and now I have a charting album and I'm being interviewed for a magazine, kind of crazy you know.
Me: I can imagine. I understand that you write most of the music. Can you talk about some of your influences?
Munson: Oh yeah, I was inspired a lot by the classics you know, Metallica and Black Sabbath in particular, Ozzy Osbourne is like my all-time musical hero. There's also a good deal of non-metal influence like Guthrie and Phil Ochs. 
Me: Guthrie, as in Woody Guthrie?
Munson: Yeah, my uncle was a proud union man. He introduced me to a bunch of that kind of music when I was a kid. Painted my first acoustic to reference him. This machine slays dragons, a riff on his famous guitar you know
Me: Why dragons? 
Munson: It's a reference to Dungeons & Dragons, it's probably the biggest non-musical non-political influence on my songs. 
Me: I'm assuming you play it then.
Munson: Not only do I play but I also DM he presses his hand against his chest dramatically.  You are looking at the founder of Hawkins High School's very own Dungeons & Dragons Club. 
Me: You founded a Dungeons & Dragons Club in your high school? 
Munson:  Oh yeah, the rest of the band was in it actually. It was never very big, but I met some really great people through it including a couple of younger kids I still keep in contact with. They became like the little siblings I never had.
Me: That sounds lovely.
Munson: It was. Not everyone saw us that way though. Probably didn't help that we called ourselves "the hellfire club". You can imagine how well that went down in a small town in Indiana.
Me: I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Munson.
Munson: Thank you but call me Eddie, Mr. Munson's my uncle.   
Me:  The same uncle who introduced you to Guthrie? Munson nodsYou really seem to look up to him.
Munson: Yeah, I do, I owe him a lot. My old man wasn't a great guy. He never really wanted a kid. You know he pauses biting at his bottom lip for a second instead of teaching me to ride a bike or fish like a normal dad he taught to pick locks and hotwire cars. He had a real mean streak when he was drunk, cut off all my hair in a rage when I was in the 8th grade. That's when my Uncle Wayne took me in. Dad got busted for grand theft auto soon after that and I haven't seen him since.
Me: Wow I'm so sorry to hear that.
Munson: Yeah it sucks but Uncle Wayne's the best. I offered to buy him a big house with the earnings from this album but he refused. It's just not his style. I fixed him up with a nice double wide trailer instead.
Me: That's incredibly sweet of you. I bet he's really proud. Munson blushes and hides behind his long dark hair
Munson: I sure hope so, I owe him everything.
Me: Unfortunately, it looks like we've run out of time. It was lovely talking to you.
Munson: Oh, the pleasure is all mine. I must say you did a wonderful job. I hope we can get together to do this again sometime. He leans in, lowering his voice slightly.  If anyone on your team would like to learn more about Dungeons & Dragons, I'd love to help. The more the merrier I always say he flashes a  grin and winks.
Corroded coffin's debut album Girl With a Buzzcut premiered last May to rave reviews. It stayed in the Rock and Alternative charts for 6 weeks peaking at number 3. The band consists of Eddie Munson on lead guitar and vocals, Gareth Hughes on drums, Jeff Hall on Rhythm guitar and Rick Moore on bass.
By the time Dean reached the end of the article he felt a bit like a girl with a crush. Munson is funny, relatable, and charming. He’s everything Dean wants to be when he grows up. He's not sure why Eddie talking about struggling in school and having a beloved uncle  made him so giddy. He supposed it was just nice to have something in common with a rockstar. Dean does feel a pang of guilt for relating to the bit about his father, dad's just trying his best and Dean really should be more grateful.
He puts the magazines back in his bag then curls up in the covers and falls asleep.
Author's note: the guitar that says this machine slays dragons is actually from a behind the scenes look at Eddie's room. For those who don't know it is in fact a reference to folk music hero Woody Guthrie who had a guitar with the phrase "this machine kills fascists" painted on it.
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niekremufkarz · 1 month
destiel au
I'm still thinking about an au where Castiel would live on Earth for a good few years before he meets Dean and saves him from hell. But after that he doesn't show himself to Dean. And it's only after Sam's death that Dean, instead of being with Lisa, somehow ends up living near Castiel. Eventually they run into each other and Dean suspects that something is wrong with Castiel. People from the town talk about how they never see him buying food or that he talks to animals. So he decides to check if Castiel is a witch.
So he tries to befriend him and to his surprise they really start to get along and become friends. (And you know friends, buddies, anything but lovers.) And something starts to happen between them, Dean has his bisexual awakening and then Sam comes back. And they go back on the road but there is minimal contact between them. Until strange things start happening in the town and Dean is sure it's Castiel's fault so they go to his house and there they find Gabriel who starts playing pranks on them. However, when he gets tired, he simply ties them to chairs and asks why they unexpectedly drove into his brother's house. Sam accuses Gabriel and Castiel of being witches, which is laughed at. Eventually, the truth that they are angels comes out, but the Winchesters don't believe it.
And then Cas comes home and orders Gabriel to release Dean and Sam. And generally, after long conversations, Castiel helps them with the case and who knows, maybe somewhere during this case, feelings come to the surface and Destiel kisses.
//sorry for mistakes english is not my first language
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limophoitos · 1 year
a list of fictional characters whom i wholeheartedly believe are bisexual (+some explanation)
now, i usually operate off of the policy 'assume bi unless proven otherwise' when it comes to fictional characters, but these are ones that nothing you do can convince me they are not bi
~harry potter; how can you read the books and NOT think this
~ginny weasley; girl likes girls. what more can I say. ig i just also love bi-husband/bi-wife as a ship
~jeff winger; mans clearly likes women but also is a little bit too obsessed with other men's bodies and lives in general for there to not be something. i am a stout believer in jeff x doctor rich. (i could write an entire essay analyzing him as a character but moving on)
~tony stark; semi-canon anyways but like?? have you Seen the man
~loki laufeyson; canon but worth mentioning bc didn't all of us always know it?
~chloe decker; even though she and lucifer are sickeningly in love with each other, seeing him being so open about his sexuality early in their friendship def made her more comfortable about her own
~peter parker; yes, every single interation. tobey!peter had a crush on harry osborn AND mary jane, andrew!peter is basically confirmed, and tom!peter def had his bi awakening through thor
~dean winchester; i don't even like/watch spn but GOD even i know it
~max mayfield; even though i am 100% lumax i know deep in my heart that max and el kissed after they broke with with lucas and mike SPEAKING OF WHICH
~mike wheeler; do i need to explain
~lee cheongsan; he and suhyeok should have been endgame but i love onjo and so does he still
will be extended in the future!!
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deancaspinefest · 2 years
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r/Relationships  |  E  |  24,219
Author: prosopopeya & marbleflan
Artist: Alexiescherryslurpy
I swear I’m a straight dude, kind of a ladies’ man if I’m honest. I’m the love ‘em and leave ‘em type–maybe that’s why I never bothered to get my ex gf (37F)’s last name… or her marital status. We were in the middle of a horizontal tango session, if you know what I mean, when her husband (37M, straight??) walks in.
I’ve never looked twice at a man, but he’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, male or female. Even though he met me when I was getting naked with his wife, he never held it against me. They got divorced and somehow he became my best friend. He even let me move in with him when my pipes burst (not a euphemism) and I had nowhere to go.
I think I might be in love with him. Is it possible to be straight all your life but gay for just one guy? Sometimes I think he might be into me as well, but then I think it’s just ‘cause he’s kind of a weird dude. When I look at him, it feels like a hurricane inside me, like I’ll burst if I don’t kiss him.
TLDR: Wondering if asking the guy (whose marriage I ruined) out is a good idea.
Link to fic  |  Link to art
Pairings: Dean/Cas (Past Cas/Anna, Temporary Dean/Anna, Background Sam/Eileen)
Warnings: No major archive warnings apply. Discussion of Cas’s cult-like fundamentalist religion upbringing. Discussion of John Winchester’s A+ Parenting. Cheating (Anna cheats on Cas with Dean; largely though that isn’t what upsets Cas)
Tags: And They Were Roommates, Friends to Lovers, Bisexual Awakening
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Something that will never not be hilarious to me is that I started Supernatural a few months ago, fell in love with Dean Winchester, got hooked on Destiel fics, and then SOMEHOW right around the same time I started watching 911 and fell in love with Evan Buckley, I found a Destiel fic where Dean is a firefighter who’s just recently had his bi awakening. Like— the crossover couldn’t have come at a better time???? Both my boys being happy and stupid in love bisexual firefighters is giving me life rn even if Deans not canon idc I’m still in love
Also the fic is “The Graveyard Shift” by riseofthefallenone and I CANNOT reccomend it enough I’m over the moon for these two morons
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
August 2023 Angel Fish Awards!
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by Anonymous
Tangled Fates by @outofnowhere82
Nominated by @katbratsupernaturalwhore
Factory Reset by @talltalesandbedtimestories
The build up, the sass, the care she took, the pegging, the focus on description, the deliciousness... Mmmm I wanna eat him up!
Love; For the First Time by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Adorable first time fic. Good build, sweet and fluffy and steamy!
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
An Imagined Life by @imagineteamfreewill
This is the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff AND IT HAS IKEA!!! I mean, I couldn't ask for anything more!! *heart eyes forever*
I'm So Sorry, Sammy by @bobwess
(AO3 link) ANGST!!! So much angst, man. Y'all know I love John Winchester, but even I can acknowledge he was not a great dad. Usually, I avoid fics with the "John's A+ parenting" tags because I have very strict ideas about his incompetence as a father. This story really shows a way that I can see in canon John would be especially crappy as a dad. No pairing, just a seriously angtsy genfic showing teenage Sam being a BAMF and Dean's heart breaking. (Sort of happy ending, though! You know me. lol)
Nominated by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Why I Do It by @kazsrm67
This drabble and it's companion piece (from Dean's POV) is short and incredibly sweet. It's a lovely little slice of life for the boys and the reader. I always love when we get to see Dean happy, and he is, in this fluffy piece. Happy, loved and taken care of - us Dean girls can't ask for more. A highly enjoyable read!
Nominated by @glygriffe
Imperfections by @thewritingspot /@troize
Seeing Lucifer in another light, as an insecure middle child in a big family fired my brain cells! And of course, Gabriel being himself even as a kid. (And also: Art!!!)
Never Say Goodbye by @zepskies
It's a soulmate AU series, but it's also a reader insert that stays close to canon. Sweet and angsty and smutty... A little bit of everything all rolled into one satisfying story.
Untitled ask prompt by @sugaraddictarchangels
This ficlet is the only Jess!Lucifer representation I've ever seen and it's so refreshing to see early seasons' Lucifer under that light!
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
Between the Three by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
This fic was written for me in all senses of the word, and I love how she characterized Arthur, Mick, and Dean and the different ways they react to being parents-to-be. Of course, the smut is great, but I also love how they clearly all love each other and want to be a family.
The Great 'Nah-Duh' of Dean Winchester by @ladyknightskye
I love this fic because it gave me Gadreel/Dean without having to write it myself, and also because it's well written and I love how soft Gadreel is... And the fact Dean has his Bisexual Awakening with him? LMAO!
Nominated by @iprobablyshipit91
Never Say Goodbye (series) by @zepskies
I’m an absolute sucker for soulmate AUs and this one was amazing. The reader and Dean's relationship was built beautifully and I loved how the ending ‘fixed’ things!
Baby Spoon (series) by @deanwanddamons
This really made me feel so many emotions. Seeing Dean so happy and having the relationship he deserves made me so happy despite everything.
The Prettiest One by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
This was literally so adorable and made me laugh so much. It’s such a good one to go back to and read over again.
Carry On (series) by @jawritter
This was just the perfect fix-it fic we all needed after *that* ending. It wasn’t rushed and it by no means sugar-coated what happened. There are some real struggles and a lot for both the reader and Dean to overcome but it’s damn worth it!
Pack (series) by @spnexploration
This is a story I’ve definitely gone back and reread a few times and it’s so close to the end, I can’t wait to see the final chapters. Overprotective Dean is always perfect but I really enjoy the pack dynamics in this and Maddie is a brilliant addition!
Heart of a Hunter Saga (series) by @muchamusedaboutnothing
Where to even start with this, every single stand-alone story in this saga is excellent in its own right and combined together this whole story is amazing. I love Dean and the reader's relationship and how they’ve managed to carve out a family life that works for them. Brilliant!
Baby, We’ve got a Problem (series) by @deanwritings
I love the unique concept of this, Baby getting turned human, and the implications this has particularly for Deans's relationship. I’ve read it a few times as it’s so easy to go back to and enjoyable to read.
Always You and Me by @deanwinchesterswitch
I just loved this story and how it built up. The dialogue is hilarious and while I did guess what was happening, it in no way detracted from how awesome this story is.
Hold On I’m Coming (series) by @ravengirl94
This was one of the first firefighter Dean fics I read and I loved it. The relationship the two of them have and the twists and turns are just perfect.
Captives of the Court by @impala-dreamer
This story instantly got my attention. I loved the way the story moved between what was happening now and what had happened to lead up to that point and how everything came together at the end. Amazing story.
The One That Got Away (series) by @pink-sparkly-witch
This story just hits you in the feels. It’s not finished but I’m so in love with Dean and the reader already and can’t wait to see how their relationship progresses!
Midnight Espresso / Devour Me (series)by @zepskies
There was something so sweet about these two stories that I instantly fell in love with the reader and dean in this. I connected with the plus-sized reader but Dean is so sweet and adorable. I just loved it.
Collared (series) by @spnexploration
I’ve been reading this story from pretty much when it started being posted and I’ve loved every second, I’m so excited and sad that it’s ending. It’s an amazing story full of protective Dean which I live for and it’s just perfect.
The Last Call by @kasimagines
I could have nominated so many of Kasimagines' stories but there’s something about this one that just really hits me and I’ve read it so many times. The loyalty Dean shows despite the years is beautiful and the effect John has on them all is heartbreaking.
Dream On (series) by @talesmaniac89
There’s something about this fic that I just absolutely love. It’s a comfort fic I’ve gone back and read so many times. Dean's overprotectiveness and worry and concern for the reader is just adorable.
Miscommunication (series) by @winchest09
This is another story I’ve read so many times. I love the story and the British reader really resonates with me being from the UK! I love the confusion between the same words meaning different things to British vs American, it makes for some interesting conversations!
If You Want It To Be (series) by @zepskies
This got me feeling so Christmassy in July! It was just such a lovely heart warming story, I adored it.
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
House of the Rising Sun by @kittenofdoomage
MAFIA AU!!!! This has been a joy to read for the first time and it's always a joy to reread!!!
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
The Hero Always Gets A Kiss by @fandomoniumflurry
I’m a sucker for ChesterVelle, heroes, and kissing. This is one of my old faves I like to re-read every once in a while.
No Title by @stusbunker
This is sooooo Sam, and it's sooooo swoony and real. It's fucking electric.
Factory Reset by @talltalesandbedtimestories
This is so. well. written. So sexy. So good for Dean. He deserves this so much. This writer did their research but this doesn't read like a manual. It's thorough and intimate and exactly what Dean should have every day — someone taking care of him.
No Title by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
For the love of god, he’s just Like This, isn’t he? Like always. In canon, in headcanon, in fic — ALWAYS. And I love the way this writer objectifies him.
Nominated by @inenochian
Restless Wanderer by intothesilentland (AO3 only)
This story is such a beautiful soft romance set in 19th C Cornwall. Beautiful portrayal of Dean and Cas!
Nominated by @salt-n-burn-em-all
The Talismen series by Lochinvar (AO3 only)
Gives us insight into people who helped the boys grow up into the men they became. Not always Hunters, more like strangers who sometimes didn’t know exactly how much they helped until years later, if ever.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Hunter’s Throne (series) by @ladyknightskye
It’s such a beautiful story and I love the angel-human lore. It’s so complimentary to each other and that bond is just so Cas and Dean. They have got to talk. It’s part of what’s we readers love about them because once they do, it only gets better and fluffy! I loved it so much I posted about it on my blog to advertise it because it is worth the read and keeps to the essence of the show.
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- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @katbratsupernaturalwhore, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 6 months
All Lights Turned Off Can Be Turned On
All Lights Turned Off Can Be Turned On https://ift.tt/tASCW2Q by redneckangelsdrinkmoonshine One year and six months have passed since Sam, Dean and Jack defeated Chuck. Jack is the new God, the bunker is full of the new generation of hunters who are excited to learn from the best in the business, and Sam and Dean rarely work any cases these days. Everything is fine, but something's missing. Someone is missing. Dean still grieves the loss of everything he never got to have and Sam misses his best friend. The brothers have tried everything to bring Castiel back, but with Jack MIA all of their attempts were unsuccessful. Until Sam figures out a way to get into the Empty. Dean has prepared an entire speech, full of parallels such as "Good things do happen, Cas.", "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition!" and most importantly "I love you." However, once in the Empty, Sam and Dean find out that Castiel escaped a long time ago. But where the hell is he? Words: 4363, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Alex Jones (Supernatural), Patience Turner, Meg | Demon Possessing Meg Masters, Gabriel (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Jack Kline, The Empty | The Shadow (Supernatural), Miracle the Dog (Supernatural), Original Supernatural (TV) Character(s) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Castiel & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak, Castiel & Jack Kline & Claire Novak, Eileen Leahy & Dean Winchester, Rowena MacLeod & Sam Winchester, Gabriel/Rowena MacLeod, Crowley & Rowena MacLeod, Crowley & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Gabriel (Supernatural), Castiel/Meg | Demon Possessing Meg Masters, Dean Winchester/Original Female Character(s), Castiel & Meg | Demon Possessing Meg Masters, Gabriel & Meg | Demon Possessing Meg Masters Additional Tags: Castiel in the Empty (Supernatural), Human Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Grieves Castiel, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Everyone Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Has a Bisexual Awakening, Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Supportive Sam Winchester, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Post-Canon Fix-It, Castiel and Dean Winchester Falling in Love, Castiel and Dean Winchester Being Idiots, Dean Winchester Confesses Feelings for Castiel, Dean Winchester Teaches Castiel to be Human, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Gay Sex, Meg Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Friends with Benefits Castiel/Meg (Supernatural), Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Case Fic, Supernatural Hunters via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/lDqhRvY April 01, 2024 at 07:41PM
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deancasbigbang · 2 years
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Clearest Blue
Author: Elayna Mae Darcy
Artist: comfycowboy
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Cas/Lee, Charlie/Cassie, Sam/Eileen
Length: 50743
Warnings: No Warnings Needed
Tags: Dean Winchester's bisexual awakening, dean and cas use their words, heartstopper, soft destiel, teenage dean/cas, high school AU, idiots in love
Summary: Destiel, but make it HEARTSTOPPER. Cas Collins is a piano playing nerd with the best best friends a guy could ask for. Dean Winchester is the popular star of the swim team who lives with his Uncle Bobby after fleeing a dark past. But now the two are seated next to each other in homeroom after Cas switches classes, and their fast friendship begins to slowly bloom into something deeper. A dual POV contemporary love story, this is a soft fic about finding first love & figuring out who you are when everyone around you expects you to be someone else. And while Cas helps Dean discover his bisexuality, Dean in turn helps Cas learn it's just as important to love yourself first.
Link to Fic | Link to Art
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Oh you just KNOW Dean Winchester saw Goncharov when young and obsessed over it thinking it was because macho when we all know it just awakened something on him (bisexuality)
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ao3feed-gadreel · 1 year
The Great 'Nah-Duh' of Dean Winchester
by LadyKnightSkye
The LARPers of Moondoor participate in a fire rescue training exercise as their quarterly community outreach project. In the process, Dean discovers something about himself.
Something everyone else apparently already knew.
Words: 3886, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Gadreel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Lucifer (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury
Relationships: Gadreel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Dean Winchester Has a Bisexual Awakening, Lucifer is Called Nick (Supernatural), Referenced Lucifer/Castiel, Charlie Bradbury & Dean Winchester Friendship, Firefighter!Gadreel, No beta we die like winchesters, Gadreel and Lucifer are Friends, Charlie and Lucifer are Gremlins
Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RjMZucC
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darkshrimpemotions · 3 years
Love how every detail we get about Stanford era just makes it sound more and more like it was Dean's big bisexual awakening.
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bunk12bear · 2 years
Supernatural!xStranger Things crossover idea
Hey first of all since this is my idea it would feature destiel and steddie and obviously this which features some pretty heavy Cannon changes for both franchises. I'm probably not going to write this because I don't remember enough about supernatural but if by chance somebody does want to write this I would be very honored and just asked to be credited for the idea
Eddie survives the upside down goes on to graduate and deals with upside down nonsense for a little bit before it seems like they beat it for good. He and Steve get together at some point and Coroded coffin go on to become decently well known.
Cut to 1992 and a 13-year-old Dean Winchester has once again been left alone by John so has gone out to steal food for him and Sam and comes across corroded coffins new album (with a picture of the band on the cover) and decides to steal it too( because he wants to explore music beyond what his dad likes definitely not because he thinks the lead guitarist / front man is hot) cute heavily repressed bisexual Awakening.
10 years later 2002 Sam has gone off to college and John is once again in a bout of blaming Dean for it. Eddie and Steve's relationship gets outed to the public and John makes some homophobic comments about it. Meanwhile, a still heavily repressed Dean is freaking the fuck out because the Rockstar he definitely doesn't have a crush on what are you talking about, is gay. Maybe this revelation leads to some...interesting dreams but Dean avoidd thinking about them because he likes girls he can't be gay. Then a couple weeks later Steve ends up giving an interview about his and Eddie's relationship in which he says hes bisexual and explains what that means. Dean has a brief moment of self realization until John shuts it down with some classic biphobic comment about bisexuality not being real and it's just people looking for attention or something and still fearing and wanting to please his dad Dean goes back to repressing his sexuality
10 years after that 2012 Sam dean and cas (forgive me if they weren't all traveling together in 2012 I haven't watched the show in several years) hear about weird goings-on in a little town called Hawkins Indiana and decide to go out there to investigate. The weird goings-on are of course something to do with the upside down to the party convenes on Hawkins to deal with it. Sam and Dean find out about the upside down and the two groups bump into each other. After a moment of then there's nothing to worry about here innocent civilianing each other they team up to fight whatever is terrorizing Hawkins. Dean is mentally freaking out the whole time because his Crush Idol is also a monster hunter and watching him fight off interdimensional monsters with a makeshift Spear and a nail Shield is extremely hot badass. Maybe after one fight Dean walks in on Steven and Eddie patching each other's wounds tenderly and maybe even sharing a couple of kisses and tries very hard not to think about how much he wants that with Cas. In moments where they don't have fighting to distract them Dean definitely puts on his like Macho Man front to hide the fact that he still finds Eddie extremely attractive and of course Eddie's been in the public eye long enough to know what it's like when a man who's pretending to be straight as a crush on him so he sees right through the act. Something happens maybe Eddie's "protect lost Lambs" instinct kicks in and ends up sitting Dean down for a "you're allowed to like men it's okay being bisexual" talk. Dean comes to terms with his sexuality and gets together with Cass a full 7 years before he does it in Canon and they have the closest thing to a happily ever after that you can in Supernatural
Charlie( if they've met her and she's alive again don't remember much about the timeline anymore); are you kidding me Dean I've been trying for ages to get you into Dungeons & Dragons and you kept calling it a stupid pretend game for children but your celebrity crush asked you about it once and now it's the coolest thing ever?
Dean frantically looking through the small amount of clothes he has for things that he thinks Eddie would find cool.
Sam makes some crack about him being like a middle school girl who thinks that she can make her favorite boy band member fall in love with her at the concert.
Dean God I can't believe I'm on a hunt with Eddie Munson God he's so cool
Eddie in the distance being the weird nerd that he is
Sam yeah that's not the word I would choose to describe him but okay
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Just remembered that I've literally had zero attraction to men until I started watching Supernatural...
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violetfaust · 2 years
It’s so funny that every character in Supernatural suffers from Winchester Derangement Syndrome.
And in real life many people (lately, especially straight men) suffer from Ackles Derangement Syndrome.
But Dean Winchester himself AND his vessel, Mr. Ackles (who consistently makes every scene in SPN more gay than scripted), suffer from Castiel Derangement Syndrome
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