#Dear Wally Fearful
nobone-blun · 1 year
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Julie is innocent and terrifying at the same time, yes she is scary 😔
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Julie es inocente y aterradora a la vez, si da miedo 😔
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freakklok · 1 year
WH characters and their fears😭😭
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I love these! Who’s the baby? I vote Frank😌❤️🧡💛💚💙
Have a nice day,night, or evening!
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bats-and-the-birds · 2 months
I made a post involving young/feral/perceived cryptid Dick Grayson and someone tagged something about Barry Allen losing his mind when this terrifying child befriends his nephew and I have NOT stopped thinking about this since.
Because like, imagine you're Barry Allen. You've been doing this hero thing for a while, and you've seen a lot of things, but now your nephew has gotten himself wrapped up in this too, and goddamnit, you're worried because you know this life isn't easy.
Then he makes a friend - Ollie's boy, Roy Harper - and you breathe a little bit easier, because you know that however rough this life is, it's worse without friends. Besides, it's sweet. They're young boys, and they roughhouse, and tell stupid jokes, and play video games together sometimes. It's nice to see Wally just be a kid with someone that he doesn't have to hide from. And, yeah, sure, they get into trouble sometimes, pull pranks that go too far, get themselves in danger because they think they can take on something they can't, but it's still a net positive, because you need friends in this line of work, and that's exactly what they've found.
And you think about Robin. Not often, but you do think about him. Because you know nothing about him, and you don't want to, but he still has the face of a boy that's younger than your nephew. You wonder if he has friends.
But really, you don't think about him that much. You don't want to. He's freaky, and generally, thinking too hard about anything to do with the Bat is inadvisable.
Then there's a fight. A big one. You don't even really know who's fighting on your side until everything has cleared. It was basically the entire Justice League, no one dead, but a few injuried. And your nephew's there too. And Roy. And Robin.
No one really goes near Robin, ever. It was an unspoken rule, of sorts, and you're pretty sure it's just because everyone's scared of messing with Batman's little bird, though whether that was due to fear of Batman or the bird himself, you're not sure.
But Wally doesn't seem to know this. Wally doesn't seem to care. He runs up to Robin with a big grin on his face and grabs his hand, trying to tug him over to where Roy was patching up some injuries.
You notice that Robin doesn't go with him immediately. In fact, he looks confused. But if you know anything about your nephew, he's persistent, and eventually Robin lets himself be dragged over. Roy seems unconcerned, but you can tell that the other adults in the vicinity shift uncomfortably, unsure of what they should do, or if they should do anything at all.
It doesn't last long anyway. Batman calls for Robin and he bounds off, but you notice he stops and hesitantly waves a gloved hand at your nephew before he leaves. Wally waves back.
You don't think much of it.
Then, the next time you and Ollie catch Wally and Roy fighting something they shouldn't be, Robin's right there with them. It's the first time you've seen Robin without Batman in close proximity, and you think he looks just a little bit more human. He smiles sheepishly with the other boys when they're chastised for fighting things that they shouldn't, and you watch Roy ruffle his hair like there's nothing to be worried about. You're still worried.
You still don't think much of it though. Even when Robin's there with the two of them the next time, and the time after that.
But then, oh dear god, he's in your house. You don't actually notice him at first, for two whole hours, because it's normal to see Wally and Roy sitting on the couch and playing video games. You just don't realize that there's a third head in between them until you sit down in an adjacent armchair to see what they're playing, because Robin is just short enough that his head doesn't peak over the back of the couch.
You have to blink a few times to make sure what you're seeing is real, because nestled in between the two slightly older heroes in their civilian attire is Robin, sans his gloves, cape, and boots, but otherwise still in full uniform with his mask still firmly in place, holding a video game controller and laughing while Wally elbows his side to try to make him lose.
And you just sit back in your chair and stare, because what the hell are you even supposed to do in this situation? Your nephew has decided to make friends with Batman's goddamn son - the boy that you've seen sneak up on League members with super hearing, break a grown man's femur, and somehow fade into shadows in a bright yellow cape - and it worked. And now he's playing video games on your couch. And you don't know what to do about that.
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chez-cinnamon · 1 year
(I have chronic fear of talking to super cool people, excuse the anonymous-ness pretty please :)
If you don't mind me asking, what did Home do to Wally? I know you drew like 3 panels hinting at it but I have 2 braincells and they were unable to compute what those 3 panels of hinting meant :'D
Let’s say it’s not just Wally, but everyone:
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Home was very desperate for the puppets to remain on script, so they don’t become too aware, eventually resorting to using their biggest fears against them:
Barnaby is horrified of humiliation - he can handle it from friends if it’s strictly banter, but not if it’s a whole crowd of people throwing the biggest, smelliest tomatoes at him for getting one joke wrong…
Julie suffers from some self doubt, her only friends up until going to the neighbourhood being Frank and her siblings, and has received bad comments from schoolmates on her loud jolly nature, so as a consequence she hates having too many eyes on her…
Frank takes pride in his butterflies and his smarts, but he’s terrified of messing up in any way, and of his dear butterflies to turn on him, like so many people did because of him…
Eddie has always felt so self conscious of his blanking memory, he doesn’t want to forget who he is, what he loves to do, his favourite stamp collection, his dearest post office, his closest friends… and especially his darling husband Frank…
Howdy adores his job, he absolutely loves working in his beautiful bodega; but even the most jolly salesman can feel his passion grinding on him, almost consuming and drowning him if one piece of stock is wrong…
Sally too is scared of humiliation, but unlike Barnaby who has experienced it first hand and has things thrown at him, she has yet to experience it and the mere thought of it freezes her within the spotlight…
Poppy has always been terrified of appliances, but they’re a necessity for life, so she gets her friends to help her. She’s scared that they might catch fire, leak all over her floorboards or they will come to life….
And as for Wally….
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According to Home, he was to blame…
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florapal · 1 year
enchanted to meet you.
welcome home ! / ot8 x human!reader , can be seen as romantic or platonic.
what they like abt u <333
no warnings.
first welcome home writing piece ever ... I hope you little tulips enjoy<3 inspired by so many human readers I've seen n read !
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that was what made you different from your neighbors— your humanity. your flesh, and your bone, and every blood vessel you had— every vein, every nail, every tooth and every beat of your heart— it made you different. they were made of felt. they had nothing but stuffing in their bodies, they were literally puppets. they didn't need almost everything you did— food, toothbrushes, skincare (probably). water made them sink so deep into the ground, they could barely move.
but you— you were vastly different from them, and you naturally— knew more. they came to you for most of their endeavors; even the smartest neighbor, your predecessor— frank frankly— came to you once in a while.
they asked you about what it was like , how it was like , to be a human. why did you need this? why did you need that? what would happen if [...]? what would never happen? curiosity, curiosity, curiosity. you couldn't blame them, either, seeing as you were equally curious about the world around you. this foreign world that you, like, literally dreamed of— you dreamed about this world so often, that you theorize its what got you sent here in the first place. a gap made in the multiverse, you theorize, opened during your sleep. until then, you had been an overseer, not directly interacting with anyone from the neighborhood.
it must've taken one gap in space. one lapse in time, in the order of the universe. one thing to confuse your conscience, and in turn confused your senses. your dream felt real, now, as a familiar voice called to you— and you opened your eyes.
wally darling.
you freaked out a bit, after that.
who wouldn't? who wouldn't, in such worlds like this one.
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the sky shines brighter here.
everything's brighter, to be fair.
even you are.
surrounded by constant support & love , comforted and relied on— you don't believe yourself deserving of this, but they do.
poppy partridge is, no joke, a mother hen. poppy is the first to offer housing, to offer nutrition and to offer company— she cares, she cares, and she cares some more. she finds herself running a wing down your hair , entranced by every strand and every split end. counting each strand you have eases her , to some extent. it helps her cool down, just as her presence in general helps you cool down.
julie joyful is as joyful as her surname suggests. she takes your hand without fear, she doesn't hesitate to know you— she pushes you to talk about yourself , even. she finds herself interested in your fingers. she fiddles with them unconsciously, intrigued by every callous, intrigued by every line on your palm— intrigued by your nails. she traces the lines on your palms absentmindedly — uncharacteristically quiet as she listens to you talk about your world.
barnaby b. beagle makes you laugh the moment you meet him. all it takes is a clever punch line , and you're giggling like mad— and barnaby prides himself on the fact he is able to make you laugh. he is curious about your smile— for the first time he saw it, he saw a row of white pearls shining up at him. it looked like a treasure chest being opened, as weird as it sounded. barnaby only hopes that he'll make you smile each and every day— he wouldn't know what he'd do if he saw your teeth gritting— be it in anger, or sadness. he hopes he never will know.
eddie dear is your pen pal who delivers his letters himself. in these letters, you tell him of your hobbies and your pet peeves, your no's and your yes', your dos and don'ts. you tell him everything, and in turn, he tells you everything aswell. can you blame him if he is enamored by how you speak? like, literally, how you speak. he does, indeed, find your voice calming— something he must savour. but he cannot fathom the fact you don't need a voice box, and whenever you speak— your neck?? vibrates?? he is eager to learn about human anatomy! it'd be even better from you, as sadly, what you say is almost always on paper.
sally starlet is in her prime theater kid era, as you said. you stated it once and she has never let it go. yes, she is infact in her prime ! she enjoys the thrill , the applause and the fun ! she's also, however, thrilled by your ideas. you, as someone from another world, bring such wonderful things onto the table that— in her brilliance, she makes possible. she wonders if the sun is inside of you, for your ideas brighten up every day she lives. yes, tell her more about your little disney movies, she's taking notes and planning to create another to add into that category! the best one yet! perhaps you could be the lead?
howdy pillar is , in your words , a funky dude with nice arms. he appreciates the compliment. the supplier of most of the towns goods, he gets in good business— but he thinks whenever you're there, he gets better business! your drive is contagious, and he wants to get more things done when you're in his vicinity. you motivate him unknowingly to better his shop, as you better your situation in this neighborhood. he's proud of you, neighbor, he hopes you are of him too.
frank frankly is fascinated with you. he seems to be interested in your knowledge of insects , but he seems to be interested in your general knowledge too. you know more than he does , been out and about more than he's been— seen more bugs than he has, you are literally from a different world— a world he wants to know all about. there is so much going on in your brilliant mind, every time you converse— he believes he's only ever receiving a morsel of your intellect. perhaps you'd be free tomorrow, to meet up and to engage in intellectual things?
wally darling is intrigued. he hears a beat in your chest, he says, and you nod. he places a hand on your chest, over your heart, and it beats. he looks at you in awe. he doesn't know what this is, but it is part of you, and if it's part of you— it's aweworthy. this mindset goes for every part of you— all of you is beautiful to him. however, he must say, he enjoys the way your eyes crease whenever you smile. eyes are windows to the soul, you told him, and he couldn't agree more— especially the moment your eyes sparkled when he told you he loved you. how did you interpret this ? you did not know, all you know is that you love him too.
each puppet finds solace in you, as cliché as it sounds. as different as you are from them, flesh & bone to felt & fur , they can not deny that, just as they were with every neighbor,
they were enchanted to meet you.
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assets / pinterest ♡ property of florauna, 2023
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r3dmooon · 1 year
Picking up/Cuddling Headcanons — Wally Darling x gn! reader
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summery: just some headcanons of reader picking up and cuddling Wally <3 (plus a bonus drabble at the end)
tw: tad creepy towards the last headcanon. Nothing too bad tho lol
a/n: alt title: Treating Wally Like my Cats
wc: 0.5k
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❥I know this has been said like a billion times, but I’m adding my two cents to this. Wally is 3 ft. Which if you are an average height for a human, or even just one of Wally’s puppet pals (they tend to be taller than him), you have an advantage >:)
❥Feeling lonely or bored? Pick up Wally and cuddle him while reading or whatever hobby you have. He doesn’t mind. He just snuggles into you and accepts his fate. Besides, being held by you AND getting to stare at you? Sign him up.
❥There are so many positions you can pick him up. Whether it’s like a baby, like a football, hell even like a sack of potatoes! He doesn’t care. He’ll just go limp in your hold, accepting your affection like a touch starved cat. 
❥When cuddling, you might get a bit nervous about crushing him. I mean he’s so much smaller than you! Well…maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration…but the fear’s still there! Well throw those worries out, dear reader. 
❥Wally LOVES it when you hold him like a stuffed animal at night. Holding him close to your chest and snuggling into his hair. Which is down! So soft and it smells like apples. How fitting. 
❥But all these seems so one sided, doesn’t it? :( 
❥Don’t worry. When you're cuddling him either absent mindedly while working on something, or to drift off to sleep, Wally will return them. He enjoys being wrapped in your arms, and enveloped by your warmth. You’re just so snuggly and lovely! He’s gotta indulge himself a little bit. Besides, you're so welcoming of his affections! 
❥So he wraps his arms around you the best he can in your position. Snuggles into you from wherever he lays. Maybe humming a little tune or listening intently to what you’re saying.
❥When you two cuddle, he’s more relaxed. Letting his mind rest from t̶̺̳̗̯̠͗̇̒͌̚͝͠h̸̨̧͋͑̓͂ë̴̙͈̠̱̼̰̝̤͊̎̐͗̅́̕͜ ̵͇̠̗̝̞̗̯͌̉͜͝h̴͙̩͍̽̀̈́̐͘͠ͅo̴̡̰͍̯̠̝̪͙͓͊r̵̛̺̭͑̍̂̈̋͒̃͠r̸̻̂̈́̍̽͠o̴̧̨̲͓͓̮͖͙̼͒́̑̏̃͗͝͝r̴͎͙͒̀̔̀̔̑̐̂s̵͕͖̹͎̲͚̑͌̊̈̒́̍̚͘͠ͅ  the fun he’s had that day.
So he tends to be on the more quiet side. Just taking you in. He just loves you so much! He feels safe around you and makes it obvious. Not that he doesn’t trust his other friends! There’s just…certain things he has to be more aware about…
❥Bonus drabble below! ↓
I paused reading. The feeling of wanting affection swarmed me. The first person coming to mind is Wally. I got up and started my search for the puppet that reminded me a bit of a cat. Perhaps that’s why I feel so comfortable with the arrangement we had. 
I found him sitting under the shade of a tree. His gaze drifted from our friends over to me. I approached him and bent down. He seemed to understand what was going on and lifted his arms up. It was like clockwork, once I picked him up, he went limp against me. It was honestly fun carrying him. I mean he was as light as a feather! I replaced where he previously sat and settled down into a position that was comfortable for the both of us. Wally let out a hum of delight, eyes boring into the side of my head. I took out my book once more, and felt content with the world once more.
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☆There's No Place Like Home☆
Episode 1: A Warm Welcome
《You are new to this... Neighborhood? Where the hell are you?》
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《Warnings: the subject matter this ARG has are potentially disturbing. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. Welcome Home was created by Clown @ partycoffin 》
Furiously wiping at your eyes, snot running down to your chin. You try to control yourself when realizing that the voices didn't sound like they were gonna hurt you.
"Oh, dear!"
"My goodness!"
"Are you alright!?"
Shaking like a leaf, you gaze down at the rainbow-colored pieces of paper falling down your shoulders.
You choke out, feeling spit and vile in the back of your throat.
"Neighbor, are you alright?" A soft voice questioned you, gazing up at...
That is not a person. What are you even looking at?
A yellow fleece-skinned puppet with blue hair styled into a tall, spiraled pompadour and 70s clothing greets you. He kneels beside you, reaching out a yellow hand to your back, rubbing it up and down gently.
His expression was rather calm than frightened of your well-being.
You wanted him to back away and didn't have the energy to shove him if you were honest. It felt like your skin was saggy and your bones turned into juice.
"I'm so sorry Neighbor, we didn't mean to frighten you. Right everyone?" The male puppet says, looking at the other puppets that stared at you with worry.
"O-oh, yes!" One of them rushes to you, causing you to lean back. "I'm so so so sorry! We didn't mean to come in without asking! Of course, we scared you! Poor thing!" The pink fleece-skinned skinned puppet exclaimed.
"Julie, maybe give them a bit of space, you're invading it." Another voice pipes up behind the female puppet. A gray puppet pulls the girl back by the arms gently.
"Oh, right!"
"What are you?" You whisper, and your pupils were blown out with fear.
"WHO. Are you?" You ask more loudly, catching the colorful group off guard.
"I forgot! Introductions are in order!" The pink puppet proclaimed.
"My name is Julie! Julie Joyful, oh, this is Frank!" "Frank Frankly."
"I wanna go next!" A voice boomed, and another puppet appears in your line of vision. "My name's Sally! Sally Starlet! And I'm a star!" She flaunts good-naturedly, her eyes bright with energy.
"Oh, I forgot!" Sally pulls a giant bird with rainbow feathers, a caterpillar-like puppet, and a mailman puppet toward your supposed "group".
"This is Poppy, Eddie, and Howdy!" They smile at you kindly before Howdy pulls out a cake, (from seemingly out of nowhere.). He holds it out with a smile with his multitude of hands.
"We brought a welcome cake from my bodega! We hope you would enjoy it," Howdy said showing it out to you from your position on the floor. The cake was layered with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles slathered around the giant frosted words: Welcome To The Neighborhood.
Little signatures surround the bottom of the bolded words. "Oh.. Thank you..? That's very, uhm, sweet."
You pause, recalling your words in your head and becoming quiet.
"Hahah! Good one bud'!" A big blue puppet dog laughed, slapping his paw on his knee. His laughter was contagious as the rest of the marionettes giggled along.
"You're gonna' fit right in! Names, Barnby B. Beagle, your new Neighbor."
The dog winked, holding out his hand for a shake. Yet moves his hand away when he pulls the yellow puppet from beside you. Holding him by his armpits and showcasing him like a shiny trinket. The blue-haired puppet seemed unfazed and still had his soft expression.
"This nice 'fella here is Wally, a real Darling! Hehe, a pal of mine! My best-est buddy, and hopefully, your's too!"
Why did it feel like this was a commercial or a horrible skit you weren't in on?
"It's lovely to meet you, Neighbor," Wally replied.
You nodded, looking away from his eyes and focusing on the cake.
You felt better than earlier when you thought you walked into some murdered party or cult-type thing. But was it worse than talking puppets without strings?
You aren't sure yet?
Was this cake even real? Was any of this real??
"W-ell, thank you for the hospitality. But this isn't my home... I'm not even sure where this place even is?"
The puppets grow quiet at your words. Their confused stares made you uncomfortable and queasy. "This is Home, where inside your Home silly! Isn't this all your stuff?"
Poppy points out, gazing at the clutter of unopened boxes and furniture.
"Hmm, they must have forgotten. Moving is tricky business, especially on short notice." Frank states thoughtfully.
"N-no that's not-"
You feel your tongue become limp and your eyesight blurring into meshes of color.
"Are you okay, Neighbor? I bet all that stress of moving got ya' pretty tired. C'mon, let's eat some cake!"
Barnby states, letting go of Wally and helping you up.
Everyone cheers as Sally goes off to find cutlery in one of the boxes. Howdy places the cake on a table hidden away in a corner while Eddie and Frank round up any chairs they could find.
Wally pulls out your seat like a gentleman, handing you a plate of cake as everyone chats and eats
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[Hiya! Thank you guys so much for such the positive comments! I need some more, I crave. Readings ya'lls reactions are the best and make it easier for me. Thanks! Art is always appreciated!]
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nearest-dearest · 1 year
The String (Wally x reader)
After reading a story to Julie, the rainbow monster is dead set on finding her soulmate and you tagged along without much of a choice in that matter.
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“Awe! How romantic!” Julie swoons after you just finished reading to her. More specifically the part about how the two main characters found each other through the red string of fate. Where soulmates are connected by a red string tied to their finger. The red string is strong too, it may twist, tangle but it will never break. And all this info came from the new romance book you ordered last week and wanted to share it with Julie.
Julie suddenly gasps “Do you think I could find my soulmate through the red string?”
You couldn’t help but let out a little laugh “I’m sure you can Julie, but only if you can see the red string though.”
“Fear not dear neighbor! For I have a plan!”
And that’s how you ended up outside Julie’s house. A red string tied to your own finger while Julie does the same to herself.
“Julie, I’m not sure this will help us find our soulmates.” You voiced your concerns before she can enact her plan of throwing her red ball of yarn to any “lucky” passerby that could catch it.
“This is just a theory! Don’t worry (Y/n) dear. Who knows, maybe your string could land on Wally!”
The last sentence had you sputtering your words. “What?! Why would you say that? You’re making it sound like I like him! I mean, I like everyone in the neighborhood, including Wally. But it’s not like I like, like him!” You said all of that so fast that you ended up taking a deep breath after you’re done.
Meanwhile, that knowing smirk on Julie’s face never left, but okay, she’ll play your game “Sure (Y/n), I’ll drop it, but it could happen.
Should’ve known it wouldn’t be easy for her to fully drop it. Now you’re wondering what could’ve happened if you hadn’t blushed or stared during Wally’s little singing two weeks ago. Ever since Julie found out, she hasn’t stopped alluding to it when the two of you are alone. And when the others are there, she carries on as if she knew nothing. At least she’s great at keeping a secret. But you couldn’t really find a fault within you to like Wally. The painter is already attractive, he’s also talented and charming and you always find an aura of calm and serenity whenever you’re with him.
And as your silly little crush grew, so did how Wally make you feel. One moment you feel serenity and the next feeling is confusion. You don’t know if this is love or just infatuation. Is it because he’s so. . .
You know Wally like any other friend you had, but there’s something about Wally that makes you want to know more. But will he ever allow it? Does he even like you the way you like him?
“Awe, (Y/n) Vandermeer. Of course, Wally likes you!” Julie suddenly says.
You paused. . .
“Wait! Was I saying all of that out loud?!”
“Unfortunately, yes. So, you do like Wally!”
“I—” You sigh out your defeat. There’s no denying it anymore.
“Nothing to be ashamed of neighbor! After this experiment, you’re sure to know whether Wally likes you or not!”
“Again, Julie, I don’t think this is how it works.”
“You never know until you try! Now let’s look for our soulmates!” Julie is the first to throw her yarn, and it landed on. . .
A rock!
Julie skipped her way to the rock until she was close enough to pick it up. Lovingly staring at the rock like it’s made of gold “Who knew you were so close the entire time!”
You shook your head at the display, but the smile on your face suggests a playful expression and tone.
“Now it’s your turn (Y/n)! Go find your soulmate!” Julies calls back to you.
You stared at the ball of yarn in your hand. The hesitancy kept you from throwing it. Although, it may land on a rock as well, and you and Julie can have a laugh about it. Everyone in the neighborhood is inside their houses or backyard. It seems like a safe and shame free action. With a deep breath, you got ready to throw it as far as you can. In the count of 3. . . 2. . . 1. Off goes the yarn in the air. Landing on. . . It landed on nothing, it just kept going and rolling away.
“Uh, I’ll be back Julie!” And with that, you began chasing the ball as it unravels. This is one good bunch of yarn; it’d be a waste to just leave it all behind. Let alone just leave it littered— Okay! How long is this yarn?! It goes on forever! You better catch up soon, the ball is getting smaller too.
Then the yarn stops.
And it stopped by. . .
Wally’s feet.
Oh no
You suddenly felt your legs freeze to a halt on the spot. As for Wally, he picked up the ball of yarn to examine it. Then he looked up and met your gaze. Wally smiles.
“Ah! Hello neighbor, is this yours?” Wally offered the ball of yarn.
“Hi Wally! Yes, it is, thanks.” You say in a fast speed, hoping he doesn’t ask about what you were doing.
“No problem! If I may ask, what were you doing?”
Plan failed.
“Uh, nothing much! Just helping Julie with a knitting project, that’s all!” Great plan, just lie like second nature why don’t you?
Wally gave a little laugh “No need to lie (Y/n), you can tell me! I won’t judge.”
Darn, he’s so perceptive it’s endearing!
“Okay then.” You caved in, it’s been a long day and you don’t feel like dodging anymore. “Julie thought she could find her soulmate using the red string of fate, and thought it was also a good idea to help me find my soulmate too.”
“Soulmate?” Wally wonders.
“Yeah, now if you’ll excuse me I gotta go now.” You started taking your leave, at least you tried to. Because the sudden feeling of Wally’s hand holding yours had freezing like ice.
“Wait! Can I just do something first?” Wally asks.
“Uh sure?” Still feeling a little flustered that Wally held your hand, you ended up mindlessly agreeing to his request. You couldn’t even see what he was doing because you were too busy looking down to cool down the heat on your cheeks.
“Done!” Wally announced.
“Wait, really? That was. . . Fast.”
If you weren’t red already, then you sure look like one big giant apple. Wally had tied the other end of the yarn. On his pinky finger.
“And to make it easier for us.” Wally then snapped the extra thread with the blade he uses to sharpen his pencil.
“Don’t take the string off your finger. Okay Neighbor?”
Were Wally’s last words before walking away to Home.
Leaving you flustered and quiet from where you stand.
And giving a Julie in hiding pride over the outcome “All according to plan.”
All according to plan indeed Julie.
All According to plan.
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iamderp07 · 9 months
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Meet Eddie Dear's Family! These are my new Welcome Home Original Characters (WH OCs) that I created based on Eddie Dear, one of my favorite WH characters! It took me a while to finish them, but I'm happy to have them out of my head!
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Some Dear Siblings HeadCanon/Fanon Facts down below 🤣👇
1. Their parents are Elizabeth and Eddison Dear. Beth is from Texas, and Edd is from Louisiana.
2. Emmett is the oldest among the three Dear siblings, and Eddie is the youngest. Ellie is the middle child and the one and only daughter of Beth and Edd (All of them are equally loved, don't worry 😆🤣👍).
3. Emmett is 8 years older than Eddie, while Ellie is 4 years older than Eddie.
4. Eddison and Emmett work at the family-owned hardware shop, with Emmett often handling deliveries using his truck. Beth works at the family post office, where she used to work alongside Eddie. Meanwhile, Ellie owns a diner that was passed down from her grandparents.
5. The Dear siblings all have mitten like hands! Though Ellie has more feminine ones. Perfect for hugging their friends, neighbors, partners, and of course each other!
6. Eddie frequently stays connected with his family through phone calls and mail. ☎️📬
And I like to think that they've added a personal touch to their letters by using custom designed letters, each serving as a unique signature from every family member.
7. Emmett inherited his name from their great-grandfather on their mother's side, while Ellie and Eddie's names were derived from their parents' names - a shortened and endearing version:
Elizabeth - Ellie
Eddison - Eddie
8. Ellie and Eddie talk a lot about their day via phone call-A LOT. During late-night conversations, they end up talking for hours. Eddie often shares a lot with her about Frank, and she loves listening to her brother gush about him.
9. Emmett and Eddie also talk via phone, where Emmett tends to let Eddie take the lead in the conversation. There are times when Emmett ends up dozing off but still holds onto the phone.
10. During calls and when together, Emmett assists Eddie in managing his forgetfulness, much like their father. Emmett provides advice and solutions, especially when he notices Eddie in need of help or feeling troubled. Ellie also contributes in a similar supportive manner.
11. Eddie and Ellie are often mistaken for twins based on their looks and close sibling bond. Ellie actually gets flattered whenever someone mentions this because it makes her feel younger.
12. Among the three siblings, Ellie and Eddie have shared a close bond since childhood (probably because of the short age gap and since Emmett works a lot with their Pa). Despite Emmett being the more reserved and stoic one, all three of them have a good sibling relationship.
13. Emmett is usually fine with receiving hugs but occasionally gives one.
14. Emmett's instrument of choice is the guitar, while Ellie likes to play the harmonica. Eddison bought Ellie her own harmonica for her 12th birthday, and she has always carried it around with her since then.
15. Ellie and Emmett had their Mailman/Mailwoman phase.
16. Ellie is lesbian while Emmett just assumes he is cisgender. He wrong, he is actually bisexual ufhsjgkxxjgz
17. Ellie is like the second mom of the family.
18. At some points during the year, Eddie heads back to his hometown to visit his family.
19. Ellie has a terrible fear of heights.
20. One of the reasons why Eddie has a fear of bugs is probably because of Ellie.
21. Emmett would bring Eddie alongside him during his deliveries when Eddie is around and available.
22. When Ellie and Emmett first arrived in the Welcome Home Neighborhood, Wally somehow mistook them as Eddie's parents. This made Eddie laugh.
23. Emmett is actually good friends with Howdy and Barnaby. Howdy and Emmett would talk about business, while he and Barnaby tell each other jokes.
24. Ellie actually has good balance and poise. But gets all clumsy when she's flustered.
25. Ellie has a crush on one of Julie Joyful's siblings. Specifically, she has a crush on Franny Joyful.
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redvelvettecakes1 · 3 months
Barnaby B. Beagle
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Fat funny friend - Maddie Zahm
Sucker - Jonas Brothers
How long - Charlie Puth
Candy - Robbie Williams
Cake by the ocean - DNCE
Perfect to me - Anne-Marie
Sorry - Justin Bieber
Rude - MAGIC!
I can’t decide - Scissor Sisters
Louise - TV Girl
Julie Joyful
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Call me maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
Your Reality - Dan Salvato
Jump up, Super Star! - VGR, Jenny
Falling for ya - Grace Phipps
Sally Starlet
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The Man - Taylor Swift
Girls - MARINA
I / Me / Myself - Will Wood
Alejandro - Lady Gaga
Take a hint - Night Inn
Superstar - Toy-Box
Judas - Lady Gaga
Eddie dear
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Heaven knows I’m miserable now - The smiths
Two Time - Jack Stauber’s Micropop
Love Grows - Edison Lighthouse
Boys Don’t Cry - The Cure
Head over heels - Tears for Fears
Good old fashioned lover boy - Queen (2011)
Frank Frankly
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Eddie my love - The Chordettes
Your stupid face - Kaden MacKay
Despair - leo.
Somebody’s watching me - Rockwell
I do adore - Mindy Gledhill
Wally Darling
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Posin - Glenn Gatsby
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
Puppet boy - DEVO
Livin’ in the sunlight, Lovin’ in the moon light - Tiny Tim
The red means I love you - Madds Buckley
Honeypie - JAWNY
Another Believer - Rufus Wainwright
Poppy Partridge
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Moral of the story - Ashe
Turn it down - OR3O
Home - Cavetown
Rises the moon - Liana Flores
Howdy Pillar
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SPIDER WEB - Melanie Martinez
Please please please let me get what I want - The smiths
Charlie’s Inferno - That Handsome Devil
Somethin’ stupid - Frank sinatra, Nancy sinatra
Out of touch - Daryl Hall & John Oates
. . .
Another random post, I’m bored guysss, but yeah these songs honestly remind me of these guys 🙏
(All art not mine ‼️)
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duckysprouts · 1 year
I love the idea that Dick is/was addict to drugs (your art made me love it)
Do you have more specific headcanon about it?
Fic that deals with that?
Angsty art ?
white christmas on ao3 is a good fic for this concept. as for headcannons, i’ve briefly covered them in some other posts and it’s hinted to in my fanfic “dear jason” but never properly laid out
dick got into the drug scene after roy did since they were friends and went to the same parties. roy never forgave himself for leaving a teenager downstairs at the house party.
he got clean for a while but relapsed hard when jason died. it was made worse when he isolated himself, only getting his act together for tim who still is unaware of the whole thing.
one of scarecrows toxins contains some chemicals that trigger the same neurological pathways that his old party cocktails did, so he ended up seizuring once during a run with the titans after getting hit and had to sober up AGAIN. kori and wally were there and lied through their teeth to the younger members as to why it happened (not because they were ashamed of dick but because dick NEVER wants anyone to know)
a fear of his is arresting an old party friend and having them recognize him
he likes to joke to cope with his trauma so a lot of people who don’t know thinks he’s insensitive to addicts and sa survivors. he never makes these jokes to jason, tim, and damian because they know him well enough to realize what happened to him if he did
jason secretly knows. when he came back from the dead and he and dick were beefing it out, he overheard the drugged hallucinations outside dick’s apartment window (made a comic about that) but he never said anything because dick doesn’t want him to know
he still smokes pot sometimes after patrol and would get burgers with one of his redheads after (roy wally kori babs, and i don’t care what u say: jay)
there’s more but i can’t keep going or this post is gonna be like 10 pages so i’ll just leave this here
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nobone-blun · 1 year
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El sonido de sollozos se escuchaba en el tranquilo vecindario, en la fría noche casi nadie estaba afuera, pero esta vez había dos personitas con una más pequeña que lloraba apretando los labios, temblando de miedo por las dos raras personas que estaban a su lado.
- Hiciste bien, Wally~ - Alabó, la mujer con cuernos y cola de corazón, piel color salmón con tres diamantes color rojo en sus mejillas y un diamante en su mano, algo distintivo de su raza, le apretó ligeramente el brazo.
Wally solo pudo ver a la persona muerta en el suelo de tierra, sus manos manchadas sosteniendo un cuchillo lleno de sangre, sacudiendo su fuerte agarre, nunca pensó que su primera vez saliera de casa fuera.
La chica del vestido intentaba tranquilizarle, con piropos y palabras dulces, pero su cara llena de felicidad decía todo lo contrario a sus palabras, que tenían un toque de humor en cada frase.
Wally no se sentía tranquilo en absoluto, ni siquiera la miraba, lo único que pensaba era que quería volver a casa, quería ir a su lugar seguro y no estar relacionado con este lugar. Una voz fuerte que intentaba ser calmada interrumpió sus pensamientos, dirigiendo toda su atención a la mujer monstruo que sonreía.
- Tranquilízate, volverá a la vida - Dijo casi como un susurro dándole palmaditas en la espalda, que para ella serían suaves, pero para el pequeño eran fuertes palmadas que hacían que su cuerpo se estremeciera, teniendo que contener los gemidos de protesta que querían salir de su boca.
La chica monstruo, observando como se calmaba, se separó un poco para presentarse sin moverse tanto de su sitio.
- ¡Soy Julie Joyful! - Se llevó una de sus manos al pecho, rasgando un poco su vestido gracias a sus garras, chasqueando la lengua un poco molesta, pero rápidamente se olvidó de ese pequeño problema para volver a sonreír mostrando sus dientes - ¡Y ella es Sally Hidden Star! - Señaló a la chica de la máscara que la saludó aparentemente, ¿Sonriente? Wally no lo sabía con exactitud y eso le daba más miedo, no saber que es ella, es aterrador.
- Esta es tu cálida bienvenida Dear Wally Fearful -Dijeron ambas mujeres dándole un cálido abrazo, puede que no estén todos, pero mañana estarán todos para dar la bienvenida a su nuevo vecino.
The sound of sobbing could be heard in the quiet neighborhood, in the cold night almost no one was outside, but this time there were two little people with a smaller one who cried pursing her lips, trembling with fear for the two rare people next to her.
- You did good, Wally~ - She praised, the woman with horns and a heart tail, salmon colored skin with three red colored diamonds on her cheeks and a diamond on her hand, something distinctive of her race, lightly squeezed his arm.
Wally could only see the dead person on the dirt floor, his stained hands holding a knife full of blood, shaking his strong grip, he never thought his first time leaving home outside.
The girl in the dress was trying to reassure him, with compliments and sweet words, but her face full of happiness said the opposite of her words, which had a touch of humor in every sentence.
Wally didn't feel calm at all, he didn't even look at her, all he was thinking was that he wanted to go home, he wanted to go to his safe place and not be related to this place. A loud voice trying to be calm interrupted his thoughts, directing his full attention to the smiling monster woman.
- Calm down, he will come back to life - She said almost as a whisper patting him on the back, which for her would be soft, but for the little one they were strong slaps that made his body shudder, having to contain the moans of protest that wanted to come out of his mouth.
The monster girl, observing how he calmed down, separated a little to introduce herself without moving so much from her place.
- I'm Julie Joyful! - She brought one of her hands to her chest, tearing her dress a bit thanks to her claws, clicking her tongue a bit annoyed, but quickly forgot about that little problem to smile again showing her teeth - And this is Sally Hidden Star! - He pointed to the girl in the mask who greeted her apparently, Smiling? Wally didn't know exactly and that made it scarier, not knowing it's her, scary.
- This is your warm welcome Dear Wally Fearful - Said both women giving him a warm hug, they may not all be there, but tomorrow they will all be there to welcome their new neighbor.
(Mi inglés no es mi idioma dominante lo siento) / (My English is not my dominant language sorry)
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hey remember that caramel-carmel Fake Script i was writing? yeah it's technically not done but i'm tired of tinkering with it so here it is! we'll just say it's a uhhhh uncovered partial script or somethin
this is not in any way official! it's a 100% unaffiliated fanwork & i am Just Fucking Around for Funsies
BARNABY: oh, I love carmul!
FRANK: [long, disgusted pause] …what? 
BARNABY: Carmul! You know, those tasty little treats you’re holdin’!
FRANK: You mean caramel?
BARNABY: That’s what I said.
FRANK: [scoffs] No, you didn’t. You said carmul.
BARNABY: We’re sayin’ the same thing here.
FRANK: We absolutely are not!
JULIE: [giggles] You really aren’t.
BARNABY: Carmul, caramel, tomato, tomahto! What does it matter!
FRANK: [flustered, stammering] It - it matters! Julie, you agree with me, don’t you?
JULIE: Well… I don’t know, Frank! I think both are fun!
FRANK: You’re both wrong, then! Wally, you agree with me, don’t you?
WALLY: [hesitant] …I say carmul.
FRANK: No! Not you too! How could you poison him like this, Barnaby?
BARNABY: Don’t look at me! I’m innocent, honest!
FRANK: Ha! So you admit that carmul is the wrong pronunciation!
BARNABY: [groans] ah, geez… throw a dog a bone!
FRANK: I’d be delighted to if you’d just-
[distant yelp as Eddie trips off-screen] 
FRANK: Eddie! Thank goodness, finally someone who can put an end to this debate!
EDDIE: [nervous laugh] Oh no, what did I stumble into this time? 
BARNABY: Hold on a tic, Frank. Hey Ed, take this. What do you call that tasty treat?
EDDIE: [with a tinge of fear] A… caramel?
FRANK: [triumphant] a-HA!
SALLY: [approaching] Did someone mention carmul?
BARNABY: [delighted] Perfect timing, Sally!
SALLY: What, for a delicious morsel? Hand it over, thank you!
FRANK: You’re all wrong, and I’ll prove it! We’re going to go around the neighborhood and - wait. [under his breath] One two three four - [returns to normal volume] we’re taking this to Poppy’s!
BARNABY: Then Home, then Howdy, yeah yeah - might as well ask the daisies, too.
JULIE: Oooh, and the butterflies! 
SALLY: While we’re at it, we should phone everyone in the book, just to get the widest audience input.
FRANK: [unamused] You all think you’re so funny. 
EDDIE: Well, you gotta admit it’s… it’s… 
[brief, tense pause. Eddie clears his throat]
EDDIE: It’s perfectly sensible!
[Frank makes an affronted noise]
FRANK: Poppy will see sense.
POPPY: I’d be delighted to have a cah-mehl, but I’m afraid it-
FRANK: [aghast, truly astonished] You’re joking. You have to be joking. CAH-MEHL? Does no one in this town have sense?! Besides Eddie, of course. And Julie - on a technicality.
EDDIE: [oddly pleased] Why thank you. 
POPPY: My goodness, did- did I say it wrong?
BARNABY: [gleeful] Not in the least, Pops!
SALLY: As far as I’m concerned, you added an extra layer of… pizazz to the word. In fact, I may adjust my own pronunciation accordingly!  
POPPY: [flustered] Oh, well, I didn’t - don’t change on my account -
SALLY: Take the compliment, Poppy. 
POPPY: [meekly] Thank you.
[Sally wanders from the group, practicing the slightly adjusted pronunciation]
WALLY: I’m not sure I understand. What’s wrong with carmul or… care… mul… carmel…
POPPY: Don’t strain yourself dear, you’ll get a migraine.
FRANK: What’s wrong is that it’s ENTIRELY incorrect! It! Is! Pronounced! Caramel!
JULIE: Aww, Frank, I’m sure Home and Howdy will agree with us! Team Caramel, WOOO!
BARNABY: [barely restrained disbelief] Boy, won’t they! 
POPPY: I’m not sure what the fuss is about… there isn’t much of a difference, is there?
[Frank makes a high pitched, frustrated noise and stomps off. He can be heard calling Home’s name in the background]
JULIE: Oop, there he goes!
POPPY:  Oh - oh dear. I didn’t mean to rile him up.
BARNABY: Don’t twist your beak about it - Frank’s just bein’ Frank. Now if you’ll excuse us, I wanna see how it goes with Home.
WALLY: [quietly, thoughtful] But Home doesn’t talk like us…
POPPY: If you’re sure… Do let me know how it goes. 
SALLY: [swaying back to the group] I’ll phone you post-haste! Or even better, I can come by for one of your delicious muffins and regale you with the whole escapade, in detail.
POPPY: [audibly pleased] That sounds - well that sounds like a wonderful idea! I have some fresh from this morning-
BARNABY: Sounds great! See you around, Poppy.
FRANK: Home, I have an important question to ask you. Is the correct pronunciation for this candy ‘carmul’, or ‘caramel’? One creak for caramel, two for the incorrect carmul.
BARNABY: Talk about a bias…
[Home stays silent. Sally yawns.]
FRANK: One creak for caramel, two-
[Home slowly shuts their curtains]
FRANK: Hmph! The nerve… well, I suppose a house that can’t speak shouldn’t have a say, anyway.
WALLY: Home can speak. He just does it differently.
BARNABY: And I’m pretty sure they just agreed with me, Walls, an’ Sally.
JULIE: They did not!
BARNABY: Looked like it to me!
SALLY: I have to agree with Julie. Home just declared itself a neutral party, and so the vote can’t be counted either way. On to Howardson!
JULIE: Yes! Howdy! Our last hope!
FRANK: He may have terrible taste in company, but he’s a sensible businessman. Poppy and Home have let me-
FRANK: -us down, but surely Howdy will back us up. 
BARNABY: [faux-serious tone, knows something they don’t] Absolutely. Without a doubt.
[store bell chimes]
HOWDY: Howdy-do - [brief pause, a tinge of surprise] everyone! My my, what brings the entire neighborhood to my bountiful bodega? Finally decided to clean me out for good?
BARNABY: [snorts] With how fast you restock? I think I’d break my funnybone!
FRANK: We have important business.
HOWDY: [mildly curious] Do we? That’s news to me! But I’m letting you know now that I don’t deal in bugs, Frankly. It’d be hypocritical. 
FRANK: Believe me, I wish I were here to talk insects. Unfortunately, I need to settle a score. Mr. Dear, if you would?
EDDIE: If I would what?
SALLY: [stage-whisper] Barnabello gave you the, ah, parcel earlier?
EDDIE: The…? Oh! Oh, right - I have it right here, just… give me a second… which pocket…? There we go.
[sound of a small, hard candy placed on the countertop] 
HOWDY: A carmul all for me? You shouldn’t have! No, really, you shouldn’t have. I’m on the clock.
BARNABY: [loud bark of laughter] I knew I could count on you, pal! So what’s the tally, Frankie?
[Frank mutters something inaudible]
BARNABY: What was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of me bein’ right!
FRANK: [explosive] You’re all wrong! The correct pronunciation is caramel, CARAMEL! You’re all - you’re all just - heathens! Heathens, I say! I’m taking my company elsewhere! 
EDDIE: Mr. Frankly…
JULIE: [overlapping, following] Aw, c’mon Frank! 
[the door jingles. Julie and Frank’s hushed arguing in the doorway underlies the dialogue]
HOWDY: It sounds like I missed quite the context! Mind filling me in?
BARNABY: That was pretty much it; a real potato potahto argument.
HOWDY: If you say so, Barn. Speaking of potahtos-
[the background argument abruptly cuts off, the door jingles again as it's closed]
FRANK: [rapidly rejoining the group] Hold it! You don’t really say potahto, do you?
BARNABY: [under breath] Here we go again…
SALLY: [deeply amused] Where on Earth did you pick up such a butchered pronunciation? I must have missed the sign on my tour down from the heavens.
EDDIE: [baffled, underlying the dialogue] I’ve never heard anyone say it that way.
JULIE: Oh! Is it a joke? Like, Barnaby says potato-potahto, and then you jokingly say potahto to make us laugh? 
HOWDY: It’s not a joke. That’s how it’s said.
FRANK: [genuinely disturbed] No - no one says that. It’s potato.
HOWDY: Well I say potahto, thank you very much! And if you ever want one from my store again, you’d do well to accept that.
[Various grumbles of reluctant acceptance]
HOWDY: Good. Now, can I get any of you a refreshing drink after such a squall? You must be parched! 
WALLY: I wouldn’t mind a glass of mulk.
[Horrified silence. A pin drop would be deafening]
[Sudden uproarious and overlapping argument]
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gummishiki · 1 year
hello ~~~ i know it might be a little sick but how about if you want of course one that wally kidnaps the reader after they've seen him do something bad? he keeps them in the basement but the reader refuses to eat driving wally crazy, what will he do to make the reader eat????
that's what i wanted to do
( I love you friend )
It's what's inside that counts 🍎 [ part 1 ]
of course friend :D I shall do my best
(y/n) is a farmer puppet :D not really an important thing I just thought it would be cute :))
tw : kidnapping, vomit, blood, force feeding, obsession, overall dark themes, wally being a silly messed up lil fella
🍎 you had never intended to intrude on wallys personal time with home, everyone in the neighbourhood knew how much he cherished their time together and you had all subconsciously agreed to not question wally whenever he claimed to want to spend some time with home.
🍎 you had only wanted to deliver him some fresh new apples, picked just that morning from your apple tree which brings you to where you are now with your felt knuckles repeatedly knocking on homes door.
🍎 after a few minutes with no answer, you grew slightly concerned. wally was known to always answer the door immediately, he would "never leave his beloved neighbours to stand outside for to long" in his words. you found his consideration sweet.
🍎 with a slight hesitation (you cared about your neighbours privacy of course, you'd never purposely Intrude on them) you twisted the handle of homes door noticing how it was left unlocked which wasn't all that uncommon in the neighbourhood.
🍎 what was uncommon however was how unsettlingly dark home was. you moved forwards and away from the entrance, not taking any notice of how the door slowly closed by itself. with fear in each step you continued to walk forwards in hope of finding wally.
🍎 "wally, you there buddy ?" you felt your voice waver as you attempted to stay calm. a sudden creak of a floorboard caused you to yelp slightly, looking in the direction in which the creak came from you noticed a door slightly ajar. ignoring every survival instinct in your body, you placed the basket of apples down and you felt yourself move towards the door and peak through the gap it had left.
🍎 you felt your breath hitch in your throat at the sight in front of you.
🍎 taking in the scene infront of you, you couldn't help but shake at the sight of endless amounts of canvases around the room, all in which had eerily accurate and realistic portraits of some oddly recognisable creature that you found looked familiar.
🍎 they didn't look like puppets, they didn't have brightly coloured skin or oddly shaped eyes. they had no stitches, no obnoxious hair styles or bright clothing.
🍎 they weren't puppets, they weren't from the neighbourhood. so how did you recognise all the different faces staring back at you ? why did you recognise them ? you sworn you had never seen them before so why do you feel like you have ?
🍎 "just adorable, aren't they ?" you shrieked at the sound of a voice behind you, turning around as fast as you could. "wally, there you are !" sweat built itself down the side of your face as you stared at your dear friend. his eyes blank, pupils dilated as he stared at you, unblinking.
🍎 "I'm sorry, I never meant to Intrude" you attempted to explain yourself as wallys eyes never left yours. "it's just, well you weren't answering and I got concerned so..." you trailed off as wally made no movement to move his gaze away from you.
🍎 a sudden chuckle from your dear friend caused you to blink in surprise. "its alright neighbour, don't worry" his voice sounded hollow, no noticeable emotion could be found in his tone. it unsettled you.
🍎 "um..." you finally managed to find your voice and speak up. "my apologies if this is a rather personal question friend but, who are they ?" you noticed how wally seemed to lighten up slightly at the mention of 'them'.
🍎 his smile seemed to stretch as his pupils expanded. "why they my dear neighbours, they are the viewers" his voice still remained emotionless despite the bright expression on his face.
🍎 "the...viewers ?" your voice wavered, what ever was your dear friend talking about ? were these 'viewers' from a book or show he watched ?, they must be.
🍎 noticing your questioning expression, wally wordlessly took both your felt hands and locked them in his own as he stared at you with an elated expression on his face. "yes, yes !" he exclaimed. "the viewers, they are the ones who are watching us !" you jolted at his sudden claim, wally however gave you no time to think as he continued. "they are the ones who we perform for, the ones we teach valuable lessons to, the ones we were created to entertain !" you felt yourself begin to shake.
🍎 "w-what do you mean wally ?" you attempted to say in a humorous tone. surely he was joking, surely this had to be some sick joke he decided to pull on you.
🍎 "we aren't performing for anyone wally, we weren't created for entertainment. what are you going on about ?" you notice wallys demeanour deflate slightly as his grip on your hands tighten.
🍎 you felt an eerie feeling fill you as wally continued to wordlessly stare at you, not once had he blinked throughout your entire interaction.
🍎 "ha, ha, ha" wallys laugh had always sounded off to you. there was never any tone or humour behind it. just a hallow fake sounding laugh. "my dear neighbour, surely you must believe me" he suddenly pulled you forward causing you to stumble over your legs. " I have proof !" his voice raised, desperation evident in his voice. "I have proof of their existence, that they are the ones who created us and that they are the ones watching us!" he gave you no time to process your thoughts as he hastily dragged you along with him as he turned and rushed forwards towards a door you had never noticed on pervious visits to home.
🍎 you were dragged behind him as he hurriedly ran down jagged creaky steps. you felt cold and unsettled the second you heard the door slam shut behind you. wally paused, finally reaching the bottom step of what you now gathered to be a basement, causing you to nearly topple over him.
🍎 he gently shoved you forward towards a TV with nothing but static showing on the screen. "home showed me this when I was feeling lonely..." wally trailed off, you could still hear desperation in his tone. "I sat here for hours, watching them" his gaze remained unmoving from the static.
🍎 he turned to you, looking at you softly as he spoke "now you can see them too friend, you won't be lonely ever again knowing that they are watching us" he smiled gently at your shaking form.
🍎 "wally..." you hadn't realised how sympathetic your tone sounded, but wally sure did. "wally, I don't see anyone".
🍎 wallys gaze shifted back to the screen. still, only static was shown. "whatever do you mean neighbour ? don't you see them ?" he remained staring at the screen, his smile never leaving his face.
🍎 a sudden jolt from your friend caused you to yelp as he pulled you to the ground in a sitting position. " ah ! I understand now " not once had he blinked. "it took me a while before I could see them too, perhaps all you need is time friend !". you didn't like how that sounded as he held both his hands on your arms.
🍎 " you can stay here, until you see them." his tone sounded demanding yet desperate. "nonono, wally I can't stay here !" you yelled. "let me go home okay, I'll forget this, I'll forget everything I saw and forget everything you said" you didn't want to stay in this cold dark basement any longer, you just wanted to go back to your farm and pretend this never happened.
🍎 wallys grip on you tightened, "no ! no you can't leave until you see them !" tears of frustration poured down his soft felt face causing you to stare at him in both sympathy and anger.
🍎 before you could open your mouth to protest, a thick black substance fell from the ceilings pipe and into your mouth causing you to choke. your vision began to fade as you ripped your arms away from wallys grasps and brought your hands up to your throat.
🍎 the last thing you see before blacking at was wallys blank, dilated pupils staring down at you with desperation.
🍎 you lost count of how long you had been kept in that cold dark basement, unmoving from the TV that remained only displaying static that had begun to drive you insane.
🍎 everyday, every morning, afternoon and night withouf fail, wally would visit you. he would sit next to you for hours on end gripped onto you telling you how sorry his was and how he couldn't let you go until you saw 'the viewers' just like he claimed to had.
🍎 one afternoon no different than all the others for you, wally had made his presence know to you as he sat next to you. the same routine as every other day. however, this time you noted how wally held a familiar basket in his hands. it was the same apple filled basket you brought to home that you had intended to give him.
🍎 "my dear neighbour" he spoke in a shakey tone as he stared up at you. " I never thanked you for the apples, but I thought of how bad of a friend I would be if I were to not share them with you" he smiled at you. your expression remained blank as you stared at the screen Infront of you. you can't recall the last time you spoke or moved, you felt trapped, stuck in this position.
🍎 wallys shoulders dropped slightly as his smile wavered. he picked up an apple, now visibly molding and held it up to your mouth. "please (y/n) " his voice shook with desperation and emotion as he attempted to open your mouth. you remained unmoving.
🍎 wally began to shake as he finally opened your mouth, the sudden movment caused you to snap out of your daze as you thrashed about. the rope wally used to tie you down in a sitting position seemed to tighten around your form.
🍎 "get away from me !" your voice was hoarse as you yelled at him. "don't touch me, I'm not eating anything, go away !" you made an attempt to bite at wallys hand as he shoved the apples into your mouth.
🍎 you choked back a sob as you thrashed around. the molded apple felt like mush in your mouth. you cried, screaming at someone you once viewed as a dear friend. you began to heave, bile quickly rising in your throat.
🍎 wally hesitated, but he moved backwards slightly as you spewed out the molded apple he had just forced down your throat. your frame shook as you heaved at the sight.
🍎 "I-I'm sorry friend, I didn't mean to-" wallys shoulders shook as he felt tears build up as he stared at you frail form. "don't come near me !" you cut him off, not wanting to hear any apologies or sympathy from him. "get the fuck out, get away from me, leave! " you screamed, tears still streaming down your face as the vomit below you began to spread.
🍎 wally stared at you, on the verge of crying again. he didn't understand, what had he done wrong ? why weren't you seeing them ? why wasn't anything working ?.
🍎 "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT !" your voice cracked with emotions as you screamed at wally who was now trembling. he turned away from the sight of your pathetic form and wordlessly made his way up the creaking stairs.
🍎 as you heard the basement door gently shut, you felt like you could finally breath again. you turned your head towards the tv.
🍎 "you won't leave me, right neighbour..." you trailed off, gaze unmoving from the tv as you began trembling again.
🍎 the tv remained showing nothing but static. who are you talking to (y/n) ?.
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welcome-back-home · 1 year
paring:wally x puppet!gn!reader (romantic)
warning:nothing! just mostly fluff ^^
note:the following contains mentions of past personalities, I suggest you look at the following link to understand my puppet y/n au and have a nice read ^^
link: puppet y/n
it`s the start of a new day!
the sun shines and the birds sing, the air carries the smell of freshly bloomed flowers as spring begins. As the neighborhood becomes awake and busy, wally opens homes door to greet the outside, a smile on his face with a canvus and several bottles of paint in his arms. it was the perfect day to paint he believed "ill be back later home, see you soon!" he speaks to the house as he makes his way out the open door, with a creak and a squeak in response home shuts its door for wally as he had his hands full. what a nice home.
several minutes goes by as wally walks down the yellow pavement, passing by houses and work places of his fellow neighbors. until he spots it, a home that is decorated in a new design compared to yesterday. it`s still wet from fresh paint and the plants in the property was replaced with different plants, a garden gnome that was once there yesterday was replaced with a plastic flamingo and different colored stepping stones. it is the house of his beloved, a wonderful person...or people they are. he wonders who they are today, maybe a florist? or even a baker? whatever they may be today he will love them all the same.
while drawing closer to the house he noticed a person laying in the grass, face planted in the ground with their hair a mess and still wearing pajamas like it is not day just yet. wally drops his painting supplies in shock and runs over to his beloved, his felt heart racing at the thought that they have hurt themselves and he wasn`t here to help "my dear?” wally says as he slightly shakes them, fear gripping his heart....only for him to let out a sigh of relief when the puppet made a sound that resembles a groan and the muffled words "five more minutes".
wally chuckles a bit at his beloveds antic and shakes them again "sweetheart you should be sleeping in your bed, not the grass" wally says in a sweet voice, causing the puppet to turn their head to the side so wally can hear them "i wanted to sleep on my roof but i couldnt find my ladder" they said in a joking tone, it makes wally smile that they are ok. "let me help you up" wally suggested as he helps them off the ground, his beloved lets out a big yawn and rubs their eye, wally now noticed dark circles around their eyes, like they have not slept in days "oh dear, lets get you inside and into bed. itll be much better then the grass" wally stated as he leads them to their own front door "what about your paint stuff?" they asked as they saw the pile of paint supplies wally dropped moments ago, followed by another yawn "it`s not going anywhere" wally says "besides, you are more important" he added to his statement before he leads them inside.
it didn`t take long for wally to take them to their room so they can sleep in their bed, the layout of the home was the only thing that always remained the same each day. he watches as they crawl into their own bed only for them to look in wallys direction and beckons him to come closer, wally does walk over only to expect a goodbye kiss on the cheek. when instead they grabbed his hand to pull him in the bed with them "whoa!" he says in surprise as he now rests on the soft mattress full of many pillows and blankets…with his beloved wrapping their arms around him "stay with me? please? just until i fall asleep" they mumbled, already half way asleep.
wally can feel his heart speed up and his cheeks grow warm, he wouldn`t mind this but it was still a big surprise. he wraps his arms around his beloved "ill stay" he says in a whisper, not wanting to wake them up further by talking in a normal tone. it takes only five minutes for them to finally fall sleep, lightly snoring and their limbs go limp as they relax into their deep slumber. wally wouldn’t dare to move, he would give anything for this moment to last forever, but he knows that soon you both will have to get up and continue the day.
he stares at the nightstand, seeing a alarm clock reading 10:37 and still ticking... maybe a nap couldn't hurt, just 30 minutes longer...and he will then get up and do his daily painting… that sounds nice...
he slowly closes his eyes, being careful not to accidentally 'eat' one of the many trinkets in the room...and eventually...falls into a long blissful sleep.
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neighbour in need ; wally darling
Tumblr media
requested by ; an ao3 user
word count ; 1074
content ; sensory overload, casual comfort, echolalia/vocal stims
fandom ; welcome home
pairing ; wally darling x gender neutral autistic reader
note ; struggled a lot with writing this one, particularly with portraying the issues with sensory overload as, whilst i do experience overstimulation myself, it’s not something i’ve ever written for until now. so that aspect might be a tad shaky — apologies if that’s the case.
warning(s) ; brief (italicised and crossed out) references to the horror-based origins of the canon — watching/being watched at all times and having an audience the characters can’t see
read also on ; ao3
You shouldn't have come here, you should have listened to your gut and stayed home where it was quiet and calm and safe. Where you didn't have to be subjected to music so loud it drowned out your thoughts and food so crackly and obscene that it made your hair stand on end as it was eaten by the other guests. Where the chairs were just soft enough and not scratchy to the point that you felt like tearing your skin off and where you could easily flee and hide in the comfort of your own room without the fear of judgement. Where you could control what was going on rather than just being a bystander.
Of course you weren't upset at Julie for including you, she was a dear friend after all and it was hardly her fault that things got a bit out of hand, but you wished that for once the neighbourhood gatherings could be held in a quieter manner. One without raucous laughter and booming records and squeaky recliners and conversations that had to turn into shouting matches in order for anybody to be heard over all of the other noise. It was a cacophony: painful, overwhelming, overstimulating and out of tune. Even the music on the vinyl kept skipping and scratching for all of the damage the track had sustained over the many years of use.
It was all just... too much.
Before long it had overwhelmed you so deeply that you couldn't even will yourself to move — you could barely think, even. Mind fogged and staticky and filled with noise, noise, noise so loud that your thoughts morphed from words to whispers to nothing in your own head. Too blank to think of any proper solution as you defaulted to curling in on yourself: clamping your hands over your ears so tightly that your wrists were starting to tremble, ducking your head between your knees and almost melting into Julie's hot pink loveseat — the other guests far too caught up in their games and conversations and arguments to even realise what was happening.
All except one.
Wally Darling had been keeping an eye on you since you stepped through Julie’s front door — meaning to compliment you on your funky new outfit before Barnaby dragged him into a discussion about apples and oranges that he just had to participate in. So the moment you started curling up like a disco-themed pillbug, he began to politely excuse himself from the argument with the excuse of needing to get some air.
Now, of course, that was a bit of a white lie (one which he didn’t feel good about using), but he let himself off about it as he made quick work of sneaking through the crowd and approaching your little corner of the party.
‘Hey neighbour, is everything okay?’ He asked, squatting down slightly so that he could get a look at your face through the small gap between your legs. When he didn’t get a response after just shy of a minute, Wally continued. ‘I was just about to go on a short walk outside where it’s nice and cold and quiet, do you want to join me?’
And then you gave him a nod — small and brief and barely noticeable, but that was all the encouragement he needed to gently grasp your hand and lead you outside. Well, lead you outside after giving you a couple of moments to get out of your awkward sitting position.
But a success is a success no matter how much time it takes to get there, Wally reasoned to himself, so he didn’t much mind the extra wait (and, by a wonderful happenstance, it took you to the end of his favourite ABBA song which he was quite appreciative of).
Every step you took away from Julie's home lessened the tension in your body more and more — muscles relaxing and breathing getting easier as you traversed the winding gravel pathway into the centre of your neighbourhood. Static flowed out of your mind like syrup from a tap (gradually but without issue) at the same time that that ungodly ringing left your aching ears. It was relieving, freeing even, and you could feel yourself starting to feel present and grounded again for the first time in hours.
It was just so peaceful, so far removed from where you were before, that you couldn't help but relax. Hell, between the rustling of leaves and the chirping of local birds you were able to find your voice again — repeating the calls of loons and sandpipers beneath your breath and humming in the back of your throat as you half-listened to what your short neighbour was saying (you thought you heard him talking about apples or something like that but you couldn't really be certain).
Though, thankfully, Wally seemed to understand that you weren't in much of a mood for talking — he always seemed to know these things somehow — and continued to just absentmindedly fill you in on his day whilst he walked with you, hand-in-hand, back to your home.
'... and then, neighbour, you won't believe what he said. He said that apples don't even taste that good — can you believe it?' you hummed and he nodded in an almost solemn way, blue hair bouncing dramatically up and down in the corner of your eye as he moved, before he continued. 'I couldn't either. Honestly I was at a loss for words, I guess that some people just can't appreciate good food...'
And he trailed off once again, going on a tangent about Barnaby and Howdy and the various food related shenanigans he'd involved himself in earlier that week which was, naturally, equal parts ridiculous and amusing as he recalled each incident to you. Some particularly vivid images even coaxing some brief bouts of laughter from you as you stumbled and skipped and walked further down that winding path home — one image of note including an upside down Wally, two armfuls' worth of apples, and a very unhappy Howdy who had caught him in the middle of this particular act of theft.
So you laughed and he chuckled (and you could have sworn you heard raucous, child-like shrieks of joy emanating from beyond the forest line) and you walked all the way back home — thankful, as always, that your dear neighbour was (always watching) always there to lend a hand.
He really was the absolute most!
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