#Death ☠️ Traps 🪤
xtruss · 9 months
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Mahesh Magar, a guide with Himalayan Research Expeditions, exits a cave on the Khumbu Glacier, just a short walk from Everest Base Camp. With elevations of more than 17,500 feet above sea level, these are some of the highest mapped caves in the world. Caves like this one are forming in high altitude Himalayan glaciers as soaring temperatures send more meltwater cascading through the insides of glaciers, melting tunnels that are literally rotting glaciers from the inside out.
These Caves Mean Death For Himalayan Glaciers
Otherworldly Ice Caves are Rotting the Glaciers From the Inside Out, Putting Villages Below in the Path of Devastating Potential Flash Floods.
— By Douglas Fox | Photographs By Jason Gulley | January 10, 2024
Jason Gulley has spent 19 years crawling through the insides of glaciers, from Alaska to Nepal. Sometimes these caves, carved through the ice by running water, are large enough for a truck to drive through. Other times, they’re so narrow that he slides along the slippery floor on his belly. If he pauses, his clothing can freeze to the ice.
Gulley is a geologist at the University of South Florida, who began his career studying limestone caverns. It was only by chance that he started exploring the insides of glaciers. The first time he entered one of these caves in the Mount Everest Region, on Lhotse Glacier, was a harrowing experience.
He and his companion stood outside the entrance, watching basketball-sized rocks rain down from the unstable ice cliff overhead. After gathering his wits, he sprinted inside—followed a moment later by Douglas Benn, a veteran Himalayan Glaciologist from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
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Left: Glaciologist Doug Benn enters a massive cave on the Khumbu Glacier in December 2006. This cave formed as ponds of melted water, sitting on top of glaciers, elevated water pressured and punched open the cracks, causing lake water to surge into the surrounding ice. Right: ​As the mountainous ​region warms, these ponds of melted water are becoming more common, hastening the demise of frozen glaciers.
After a few minutes in the cave, they accidentally triggered a minor collapse. The brittle ceiling shattered in a rain of ice shards. “That’s when it really started to dawn on us,” says Gulley. “We really have no idea of what could kill us in here.”
In the years since, Gulley, Benn, and several other scientists have managed to explore these little-known caves. Their work has laid bare the private lives of glaciers—and the disease that is rapidly consuming them.
Glaciers in the Himalaya are thinning by up to nine feet per year, and these caves are playing a pivotal role, hollowing out and collapsing the ice from within.
“It’s the cancer that’s eating what’s left of the glacier,” says Gulley.
As the world warms, the tongues of these glaciers are melting into large lakes, which threaten to unleash flash floods upon villages in the valleys below.
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The Sherpa settlement of Gokyo lies beneath the rapidly disappearing Ngozumpa Glacier. Like nearly half of the glaciers in Nepal's Everest Region, the Ngozumpa Glacier is covered in rocky debris shed by adjacent mountains.
Little-explored Caves
Glaciers in the Himalaya differ from what most people imagine. Stand at the lower end of Ngozumpa Glacier, which flows from 26,864-foot Cho Oyu, the world’s sixth-highest mountain, and you will see what appears to be a jumble of rocks filling the valley.
Ngozumpa, like many Himalayan glaciers, is fed by avalanches that sweep down from above—depositing snow, rocks, and boulders onto its upper reaches.
As the glacier descends into warmer air, its surface starts to melt. This removes the upper layers of ice, bringing the buried rubble back to surface. There it accumulates in a layer, up to four feet thick, covering the glacier.
Many Himalayan glaciers are “debris-covered,” like Ngozumpa­, and scientists believed that this would insulate them from warming temperatures. But it hasn’t worked out that way, says Teiji Watanabe, a geomorphologist at Hokkaido University in Japan, who has frequently visited the Everest Region since the late 1980s.
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Melting water forms pools on the debris-covered Ngozumpa Glacier, in the Everest region of Nepal. Lakes like these heat up during summer and provide large sources of relatively warm water that can carve cave passages into the ice by melting the layers of ice below.
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Electric lights in the Sherpa capitol of Namche Bazaar light up the night sky. Namche Bazaar and other nearby Sherpa settlements receive electricity from a small hydroelectric power plant. Infrastructure like this is vulnerable to floods from overlowing glacier lakes.
In the past few decades, the surface of Ngozumpa and other debris-covered glaciers has become pocked with thousands of sinkholes up to 100 feet deep, as the ice shrinks beneath the rocks. Melt ponds frequently fill these depressions. The total area of these ponds has tripled in 30 years—a rate of change that “is really, really amazing,” says Watanabe.
The cause of that rapid change was a mystery. But around the year 2000 Benn, the Scottish glaciologist, noticed a clue.
Melt ponds on Ngozumpa and other debris-covered glaciers often disappeared overnight. At the bottom of these empty depressions, Benn found cave openings, through which the lake had drained.
No one knew how extensive those caves were, or where they went.
But in 2004, Benn met Gulley—an accomplished caver—through a mutual friend.
Benn’s photos of gaping cave openings and pitted glaciers reminded Gulley of limestone landscapes in the Caribbean, where thousands of sinkholes had formed as caves collapsed beneath the surface. With Gulley’s expertise, they entered their first glacier cave in the Everest Region, in 2005.
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Glaciologist Doug Benn examines the roof of a glacier cave on Nepal's Khumbu Glacier. The entire cave roof consists of blocks of shattered ice that had been frozen together.
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Glacier researcher Matt Covington moves through a tight section of a cave inside the Ngozumpa Glacier, during a 2018 expedition. Crawling at altitudes between 15,000 and 18,000 feet above sea level is one of the most physically demanding parts of cave exploration.
A Downward Spiral of Melting Caves
As they ventured into the darkness, the beams from their headlamps illuminated the fog of their breath. Thin layers of dust, as fine as flour, coated the surfaces — “as if the cave was a store that went out of business 30 years ago,” says Gulley.
They hurried out of that first cave after part of its ceiling collapsed.
Their second cave entry, several days later, didn’t go much better. As they walked down a passage, their spiked crampons crackling on the ice, Gulley suddenly plunged through the floor.
Only later did they realize they’d been walking on a false floor—a veneer of ice, three quarters of an inch thick, that had formed on top of standing water. That water later drained out from below—leaving the five-foot void that Gulley fell into.
They gradually learned to avoid these hazards. And as they explored Ngozumpa Glacier, year after year, Gulley was amazed at how these meandering ice caves resembled limestone caverns—except in the glacier, the ornate scallops, grooves, stalagmites, and stalactites had formed in a few months, rather than thousands of years.
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Jason Gulley navigates a cave in Nepal's Ngozumpa Glacier, stooping as he walks. Even experienced cave explorers struggle to descend caves covered in ice.
The caves formed where bands of debris-rich ice provided a weak spot that melt water exploited. The passages were often round, with a deep chasm cutting into the floor, indicating it was carved by gushing water that eventually slowed to a stream.
But glacier caves also differed in some striking ways.
As Gulley and Benn made repeated trips to Ngozumpa Glacier, they saw that narrow passages often squeezed shut from one year to the next—the glacial ice oozing inward like silly putty. Those passages melted open again the next time water from a draining lake gushed through.
These observations led Benn and Gulley to a theory—published in 2017—of how caves erode debris-covered glaciers.
“As those caves expand and collapse, they’re creating new depressions, that create new lakes, that create new caves,” says Gulley.
As this downward spiral continues, the depressions expand and deepen, forming ice cliffs that melt quickly because they’re warmed by sunlight. Warm melt ponds undercut the ice cliffs—crumbling them—exposing more bare ice.
In this way, a depression “can grow faster and faster the bigger it gets,” says Ryan Strickland, a PhD student studying caves at the University of Arkansas.
Strickland used a drone to measure 3,000 depressions on Ngozumpa Glacier. His analysis, published in August, suggests that depressions really do grow more quickly as they expand—consistent with Gulley’s theory that melt caves drive the process.
“It’s absolutely plausible,” says Owen King, a mountain glaciologist at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom, who has worked in this region. “The mechanisms that Ryan has described, we can definitely see evidence for.”
The melt water gushing through caves gathers in a massive lake near the glacier’s terminus. Spillway Lake is half a mile long. It is dammed by a massive ridge of rubble that the glacier piled up over thousands of years. As it grows, it could rupture that dam, sending several million cubic yards of water plunging down the valley.
In 1985, a glacial lake outburst flood eight miles southwest of Ngozumpa swept away 14 bridges, 30 houses, and a hydroelectric plant. This flood risk will increase as more glaciers give way to lakes.
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Mere steps from Everest Base Camp, a pair of researchers drop into a glacier cave on Nepal's Khumbu glacier. Rising temperatures and melting ice lowered the ice surface at Everest Base Camp by a staggering 98 feet between 1984 and 2015.
A Remnant Cave Left High and Dry
When Gulley visited Ngozumpa Glacier in 2018 and 2019, he was shocked by what he saw. Very few caves remained. So much of the glacier had sagged down to the level of Spillway Lake, that melt water was no longer driven to flow downhill and create new caves.
They did find one fragment of a cave that Gulley first mapped in 2005. Back then its entrance was at the bottom of a depression. But now all that remained was a short section of cave piercing a ridge of ice.
Even as melt caves disappear from the lower reaches of Ngozumpa, they will penetrate higher up the glacier’s 22-mile length. Melt caves will eviscerate more and more glaciers—creating lakes that could release devastating floods.
“These caves are symptoms of dying glaciers,” says Gulley. “This is what almost all of the glaciers in the Everest Region are going to be turning into.”
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picturesofsmant · 11 months
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this is my son 🧍1397 1️⃣3️⃣9️⃣7️⃣ he is so so sad😢☹️😰😭 and lonely 🧍 because he is trapped 🔗🪤😨in a sisyphean🔄🔃 time loop⏰⏳🔙 you must 📢‼️relinquish🗝️🫴 your mortal possessions📦💸🏠 to him else he will die ☠️👻☠️ a horrible pitiful death 😢 SAD!!
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I’m worried that Ze isn’t interested anymore Ze hasn’t shown any signs of life I mean Ze liked my travel mug.
I was down to like $1.78 this last time. There is no way Ze will ever look at let alone kiss me again unless I take it all . I have prove to myself that I can do it now I just need to enact protocol [wouldn’t you like to know]. Gog it was close this time I can’t get that close again.
I know in my heart that it will be appreciated but it’s hard with out hearing her voice. Talking on the phone was nice. I accidentally said I love her, that slipped out I tried telling he I olive juice her with my mug (same thing as the L word) but she told me Ze was scared . This is killing me but I did tell her it was the little death ☠️ 💦 ☠️ this time.
The thing that keeps me up is wondering what Ze has under her clothes.
I mean I got to touch her boob 😱 highlight of my life. Are we even compatible anyone that ever remotely resembles Ze and also has the same sparkle ✨ has been.
I’m glad Ze ran away it would have been terrible I hadn’t found my song yet.
I only post in the hopes Ze still reads this and I hope Ze is having fun in the garden of time i reprogrammed for her so it wasn’t a death trap.
I’m hoping she’ll let me be her death trap 🪤.
Gog it’s a log shot but I always gamble on the L word.
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10:52 pmpdt 25 March 2023 Saturday
10:53 pmpdt I see more signs 🪧 of death 💀 from incubus on tv 📺 on jeopardy. A guy named rob said prions. I was told prions causes mad 😡 cow 🐮 disease 🦠 . He is threatening me. He also made me hit my heel to my shin. Shi ne? Might be die in Japanese. I think 🤔 he’s saying if I heal I die? That’s fine with me. Samarai sword 🗡 decapitation please. 10:56 pmpdt diarrhea. 10:57 pmpdt
11:01 pmpdt I guess this is what they mean by the old phrase are you ready to meet your maker? The closer you are to god the more tests you face. Dientest. Teeth 🦷. 11:02 pmpdt any involvement with him is a death ☠️ trap 🪤. Even if he jokes about being married to you, if he’s joking about it it probably means there is something he’s trying to hide (hot acid burn 🔥 butt 11:03 pmpdt)
11:05 pmpdt I seem to have to close the browser and navigate 🗺 in a new browser back to tumblr to see my updated post. 11:07 pmpdt last year when he (butt bones 🦴 scrap chisel? Pain 😖😭 11:08 pmpdt) he really tricked me Bcz he added stuff. He really put on a show. So it got me to thinking 🤔 how? Was I not really sleeping 😴 when I thought 💭 I was? Did he swoop in for 15 minutes at a time throughout my days after school 🏫? It really does seem like a lie now. 😞 and an excuse to steal away my bones 🦴 Bcz of what he put me through with Brendan lean. It really looks like he wants to erase my experiences with him, make it look like I imagined the whole thing. Mean. If he made me believe that to buy him time to slowly kill me with insanity, I have to wonder 💭 what he was really doing with his time if he really relied on making people believe he is my husband? Secretly without showing me how he did it. He only hinted at stuff in my mind. No actual material stuff. So I am probably being gas lit 🔥 more Bcz when I was picked up 🆙 by emts b4 I ran away they said & treated me with various attitudes that only denied 🙅‍♀️ me my breathing problems & one questioned me in private in the ambulance 🚑 in a sinister? Way. At first he was nice at my door 🚪 outside and then he seemed to question my psychological state of mind in the ambulance 🚑 in a very scary way. And when I ran away and was picked up 🆙 they put me in the psychiatric? Part of the hospital 🏥. There were some mellow people and there was a young woman who walked a lot talking to herself and the last time I went there was an older woman who had a split multiple personality disorder possibly? But incubus really wants to hide Brendan Lean and Melissa Cuen from me. It’s bothering me. Especially when he dropped a lot of hints and no one will do anything about Brendan Lean. I mention to some people at the hospital 🏥 about my online affair with him but they always lose interest and walk away without seeming to look 👀 into it and reporting back to me. They all forget. Even my mom. He is sabotaging it. 11:24 pmpdt Bcz he has a lot to hide. Possibly child rape. The incubus himself. But if he mislead a large population into thinking 💭 I’m his real wife, it’s Bcz he has bad secrets to hide. And Brendan lean is a lynch pin. I think he’s stalling for time. Pretending he’s going to follow through on something when all he plans to do is kill me. 11:27 pmpdt
11:28 pmpdt I think this treatment and form of sabotage looks too similar to the way police chose to omit searching garrido’s shed. Same Tactics over and over again. 11:28 pmpdt
11:31 pmpdt in 2008 I dated a young man who I thought had a really nice handsome face. He was mellow and seemed really nice. I thought about kissing him only when we were in the movie theater together to watch Batman but he seeemed anxious about something so I didn’t try. Before that he had told me he liked me and I think it was the first time I really said the words to a guy’s face “I like you, too” but I didn’t kiss him or anything s*xual. I wasn’t ready yet (acid throat pain 11:34 heart♥️ chest pain 11:35 pmpdt) so if you are reading this now so you now I didn’t go to the p*lice yet about him. None of the medical professionals cared. It probably means the p*lice won’t care. And hospitals don’t care about rape. Most hospitals don’t have rape kits. A rape victim usually has to hunt down a hospital with a rape kit to get help. If all hospitals don’t accommodate, you can tell what the temperature of the nation is based on that about rape. You think they would do that at least for the children. 11:38 pmpdt incubus is the hospitals’ god. That snake on the staff I think I read is a sign of a Greek or Roman god of sickness. Incubus = pestilence = snake on staff. 11:40 pmpdt
11:40 pmpdt if Nick carter is really a rapist, does that mean all rapist are rich? And pay off hospitals with donations? And pay off the p*lice? 11:41 pmpdt
2:20 am pdt I think incubus drove a wedge into the bottom of my left side hip, probably to make it easy for the ball socket joint if the hip to pop out. 2:22 am pdt cramps groin 2:23 am pdt he did it hours ago, but it was soon after I wrote and saved at 11:41 pmpdt 2:24 am pdt I guess it’s ok with medical professionals & police if children are raped? They didn’t have a genuine enough interest in garrido and dugard, so I guess they didn’t have a genuine interest in catching a new s*x offender whose a man? I guess human s*x trafficking and rape is what makes a man a man? (Burning pain under left eye & bottom lip 2:28 am pdt) so I am the one who is (right hip bone pain 2:28 am pdt) koo koo? Crazy? & Shannon Ruth? God permits that behavior Bcz he’s guilty himself?( Vag acid pain 2:30 am pdt) the devil comes to steal, kill & destroy. Destroy & kill through several different methods including disease? Devil’s name is (acid in brain pain 2:32 am pdt) “god Israel” which sounds like god is real. The definition of evil in 2018? Was going against god. What did eve do? She ate forbidden fruit of knowledge. You know what fruit does to women’s bodies that I didn’t know until the end of the year (more increased acid pain in brain 2:35 am pdt) 2021 when I was still not very absurd looking? Most of the absurdity making of my body happened in the first 6 months of last year. Transformation was that quick. Ariana grande might know. Fruit... makes women taste sweet... and men enjoy it. Didn’t realize it until then! God is hoarding fruit for his whores! An 11 year old girl died of diabetes Bcz her parents did not seek to give her medical attention. They only prayed to god. They are partially serving time for her death. My mom took me to the hospital. She did her part. The hospital wouldn’t even help me by giving oxygen. That’s the very least they could have done. 2:41 2:42 am pdt but it’s ok. They probably make things worse. Maybe that’s why they ignored garrido’s problems with s*xual addiction and let him go even though he was caught outside of an elementary school masturbating and kidnapped and raped a 14 year old b4 dugard. It wasn’t enough for the alarm bells. It wasn’t enough that dugard was missing and that in the Bible it says the dragon is the one in charge? I have to review that. I don’t know I guess I’m barking up the wrong tree. If we don’t have an over population problem and we can have full lives and not run out of supply and have family planning si we don’t have an over population problem (stinging hot air out of right nostril)(dragon’s spit water. They don’t breathe fire. Found out via YouTube Mulan movie commentary video 2:50 am pdt) auto correct changed words again ... but I guess that’s assuming a lot like I’m assuming that maybe I’m close now to my (sharps pain anus and vag right hip) 2:53 am pdt the part when I try not to be a whore and try not to do bad things.... in sailor moon in the past I’m guessing all the planets in the solar system were full of people. I guess god doesn’t want that. I wonder how big the universe is and why I didn’t see stars (acid pain mouth 2:56 am pdt) a few hours ago. In the apocalypse it says he will block a third of the sky I forget what else. Are there planets very very very very very very very far away? Is there possibly life, human life that could spontaneously spring up from that far away come find us with out god knowing? 2:59 am pdt
5:03 am pdt I think I smell sulfur? Is that a gas leak from where? It here is a heater with air conditioner. I don’t think it’s gas. Electric stove. So where would there be gas? Maybe there is a water heater on this floor? So is it coming from the faucet? Maybe that’s not gas either???? Why would there be gas if everything is electric? 5:07 am pdt I could not breathe for the last few hours. Incubus said black lung in Sunday morning making of music video video and he wore bell bottoms in that music video and on stage in Las Vegas. 5:08 am pdt 5:09 am pdt should I be concerned about the smell here? 5:09 am pdt I’m getting sleepy.
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