azspot · 1 year
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'Insanity': Conservatives Rip Joe Biden's Debt Limit Deal With GOP
'Insanity': Conservatives Rip Joe Biden's Debt Limit Deal With GOP
Right wing-nut Republicans aka GOP Drama Queens (they have some nerve criticizing Drag Queens) go bonkers because McCarthy didn't get the ransom they insisted upon. Aw boohoo.
It's all been a meaningless manufactured crisis they instigated to trigger their misinformed base.
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stuff-by-parm · 1 year
The games people play… but at what cost?
More Mo & Mo comics at disentangledweb.com ...subscribe
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rickmctumbleface · 1 year
So we're down to the wire now and it really looks like the House Republicans are dead set on defaulting on the debt and crashing the whole US economy and its reputation in the world. They are holding us all hostage for ridiculous budget demands that even their own people say are unrealistic. I really believe they are willing to sacrifice everything, even their own country, in a sniveling fit of selfish, childish, stubbornness, because they have nothing else to offer any of us except rage and grievance. It will be a historically dark day if we default, and especially for no good reason whatsoever.
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omanxl1 · 1 year
FULL VINYL | 80s & 90s Hiphop Set | UGLY MAC BEER@Superfly Records | Paris
Peeped game; the Moon is in Libra, a lot of 12th house activity was taking place for this Scorpion! now circumstances were debatable; were we being built or torn down?  Who’s asleep in the game? others are geeked, full of activity!! others take chances but they’re going around in circles!! word from  Billy Preston; others were stressing…wishing it was simple; there’s a lot of weird energy…
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
U.S. Government's Credit Rating at Risk: What It Means for the Economy #creditrating #debtceiling #governmentshutdown #MoodysInvestorsService #U.S.economy
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20westlegal · 1 year
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Ever wondered how the national debt ceiling extension might affect your family's money matters?
Not knowing about these big economic changes can leave you unprepared and could shake up your financial stability. Everything from your savings and investments to your overall financial safety could be at risk.
Check out our latest blog post. Learn more, understand the effects, and take steps to protect your family's financial future. Read now! https://bit.ly/natldebtceilingextension
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emeaentrepreneur · 1 year
How the US Debt Ceiling Will Impact the Stock Market
The financial news circuit for the last few weeks has been dominated by only one topic: The US debt ceiling and why would not anyone think about it as the global economy depends on this topic. \
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The US debt ceiling is an important aspect of the USA’s financial landscape that can have far-reaching implications, particularly on the stock market. 
As the national debt approaches the limit set by Congress, there are concerns arising regarding the potential consequences for the economy and the investment markets. 
In this article, brought to you by The Europe Entrepreneur, we are going to explore the relationship between the US debt ceiling and the stock market and will try to shed light on how breaching the US debt ceiling can impact investment opportunities and market stability. 
What is the Debt Ceiling? 
The debt ceiling, also known as the debt limit, is a statutory limit set by the United States Congress on the maximum amount of money that the US government can borrow to fund its operations and meet its financial obligations. We can think of it as the credit card limit on your credit card, but it is set by the ruling US government. 
So what is the point of the debt limit? Well, like any other government around the world, the US government spends much more than it earns, and this “deficit” is funded and managed by borrowed money from The US Congress which steadily increases the total stock of debt. 
The idea of the debt ceiling, or debt limit, is to provide a legal means for controlling the government’s power to borrow money. The US debt ceiling was introduced to ensure that Congress, which is the nation’s elected representative, has oversight over the nation’s debt. Otherwise, the US government could recklessly spend any amount of money it gets. 
The “ceiling” currently stands at a staggering US 31.4 trillion dollars. Over the past decades, the amount of money that they can borrow has been raised a couple of times during different presidential runs. Efforts are being made between the government and the US Congress, to negotiate another increase in the debt ceiling. 
How Exactly Does the US Debt Ceiling work?
When the US Treasury Department borrows money to fund its deficit by issuing bonds and when the debt ceiling is reached, it can no longer borrow any money. Thus, the US government will have to cover its expenses with only its revenues. 
The debt ceiling creates a situation for the US government that they are unable to pay their bills, potentially leading to a government shutdown or a default on debt repayments or both. 
The US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen has warned the US government that the way they are spending money, they will run out of money by around 1st June. 
To avoid such scenarios, the politicians running the US Congress typically take action to raise or suspend the debt ceiling when it nears or reaches its limit. This gives the US government a room to breathe and they can now continue borrowing and functioning. 
The debt ceiling is a political as well as an economic topic, as it affects the people living in the USA. Discussions are currently being held between the two main political parties in the US around fiscal responsibility, government spending, and the level of national debt. If they can reach a deal before the end of June, the United States will avoid a default and a government shutdown, and if they don’t come to a conclusion, that would be a matter of concern. 
Investor’s Confidence and Risk Perception 
The debate around the US debt ceiling can significantly impact investors’ confidence and risk perception. If a resolution to raise the debt ceiling is not reached on time, it can erode investors’ confidence in the US government’s ability to manage its finances effectively. Such a loss of confidence may result in a shift of investments away from stocks and into safer assets, such as bonds or gold, as investors seek to mitigate risks during periods of market uncertainty. 
Impact of US Debt Ceiling on the Stock Market
The impact of the US Debt Ceiling on the stock market can vary depending on several factors, including the resolution timeline and market sentiment. In some instances, prolonged debates and delays in raising the debt ceiling can lead to increased market volatility and downward pressure on stock prices. This uncertainty can damper investors’ sentiments, leading to a sell-off in equities. 
In the future when a resolution is reached to raise the debt ceiling, it can provide relief to the market, leading to a potential rebound in the stock prices. However, it is important to note that the resolution itself may come with certain fiscal adjustments or compromises that can have broader implications for the economy and the market performance. 
The US economy is not in a very strong situation right now. The latest UC economic data shows that consumption is slowing down, wage growth has nearly stopped, manufacturing outputs are not trending upward and the high inflation continues to hurt families and corporations alike. 
Many well-known economists have predicted a recession by the end of the year even without a debt ceiling crisis. The debt crisis going on will only add salt to their already wounded bodies. 
The stock market is very unpredictable, and no one knows what will happen in the financial market. It is possible the stock market could go up in the short term if a default or shutdown crisis is avoided. 
It is very difficult for short-term traders in such uncertain markets. But when it comes to long-term traders, they need now worry about the US debt ceiling. 
Closing Thoughts 
The US debt ceiling is a critical aspect of the country’s financial landscape that can have a notable impact on the stock market. The uncertainty and the market volatility associated with the debt ceiling debates can influence investors’ confidence, risk perception, and stock prices. Thus it is essential for investors to stay informed and adapt appropriate strategies to navigate potential market fluctuations during these periods.
Visit Website : https://theeuropeentrepreneur.com
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snowflakenews · 1 year
Biden cheers as the government debt ceiling ‘crisis averted’ addresses the nation from Oval Office
President Biden breathes a sigh of relief as the government debt ceiling crisis is averted, delivering a crucial address to the nation from the Oval Office. Read more about it here ….
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azspot · 1 year
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genevalentino · 1 year
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omanxl1 · 1 year
Attack Zone Business (Part Eight)
Once again its on as we enter attack zones, we started writing this on a Saturday morning! The saga  / struggle continues as I keep mentioning its rough out here, many of my constituents are “buking and scorning”. “Ain’t No Need To Worry” It’ll be all over in the morning was the word from the Winans and Anita Baker but like the GOP concerning the debt ceiling we’ll hear bitching  / moaning /…
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
3 ways Congress can avoid a government shutdown #ContinuingResolution #debtceiling #governmentfunding #governmentshutdown #sequestration
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calilili · 1 year
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sotirednews · 1 year
Debt Ceiling Deadline Looms as Republicans and Democrats Achieve Nothing
Jeff Menes Stalemate in Congressional Meeting
Well folks, it looks like we're in for a real treat with this debt ceiling deadline. Both Republicans and Democrats have come together to achieve...absolutely nothing. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy seems to think that the solution is cutting spending, because we all know how much he screamed for that when we had a Republican president. And Senate Minority Leader Chuck “Spend-’Til-We’re-Sick” Schumer accused McCarthy of not serving the country well, because nothing says "serving the country" like refusing to compromise on anything.  McConnell and Schumer Agree on Something?
In a shocking twist, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell actually agreed with Schumer, admitting that a democracy with only two options is just plain ridiculous. Wow, sounds like the start of a beautiful bipartisan friendship.  Biden's Plan: Pandering to a Republican Congressman
Meanwhile, President Biden plans to give a speech in New York to try and woo a single Republican congressman who won in a Democratic district. Because if there's one thing we need in this mess, it's more political games and pandering. And the clock is ticking, folks. The fate of our economy hangs in the balance, but hey, we still have a whole three weeks to figure something out. It's not like this is a pressing issue or anything.  So hang on to your seats, folks, because this deadlock is really going to be a thrill ride. Who knows, maybe they'll surprise us all and actually agree on something. But let's not hold our breath.
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binimom · 1 year
Yellen U.S. Economy Financial Disaster
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Current economic conditions in the United States
The United States is currently facing an economic catastrophe due to a combination of factors. These include the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, high levels of national debt, and instability in the banking sector. The economic slowdown has been exacerbated by market collapses, such as the recent crash of the New York Stock Exchange. Moody's Financial Research Institute advised that immediate action is needed to prevent a recession as US interest rates are soaring amid the crisis. Former President Donald Trump has been in the news recently for his harsh criticism of President Biden's economic policies, as well as his arrest and subsequent mug shot. He claims that Biden's approach will only exacerbate the economic crisis. According to recent studies, the US economy is expected to grow by just 1.7% next year and inflation is expected to reach 3.5%. These figures suggest that the US economy is under considerable pressure and that decisive action must be taken to overcome this crisis.
Biden's economic solutions
In response to the economic disaster, President Biden has proposed three key solutions to address the underlying problems and prevent a full-blown economic collapse. Biden's first solution is to raise the debt limit so that the U.S. government can continue to meet its financial obligations. This would prevent a sovereign default, which could have serious consequences for both the U.S. and global economies. However, raising the debt limit is only a temporary measure and does not address the root causes of high levels of national debt. The second solution proposed by President Biden is to implement comprehensive financial reforms to improve the stability and resilience of the banking sector. This includes stricter regulation of financial institutions and increased transparency, which will help prevent future crises and restore confidence in the financial system. The third solution is to invest in infrastructure and clean energy to create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and combat climate change. This includes significant public investment in projects such as transportation, renewable energy, and broadband networks. By creating new jobs and fostering sustainable economic growth, this solution aims to address both short- and long-term economic challenges.
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