#Declan Rice imagine
the-offside-rule · 5 months
Declan Rice (Arsenal) - Triumph
Prompt: just cute girl-dad Declan
Warnings: none tbh
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The sun was setting over the Emirates Stadium as the final whistle blew, sealing Arsenal's victory and clinching the Premier League title. Declan Rice, clad in the red and white of his beloved club, couldn't contain his joy. He hugged his teammates, exchanged high-fives, and then spotted his wife, Y/n, and their adorable daughter, Lily, waiting for him on the pitch. Lily made her way quickly to her father who in turn was running towards her with open arms. "Daddy!" She squealed as he neared her. "Oh my darling, how are you? Did you see that? We won!" Declan exclaimed as he scooped up his daughter, who was wearing a tiny Arsenal jersey with her name printed on the back.
Y/n smiled, her eyes sparkling with pride. "We saw, didn't we, sweetheart?" Declan looked up and pressed a gentle kiss onto his wife's lips. "Ah, I love you." Declan sighed as Y/n reached around his neck. "I love you too. I'm so proud of you." Lily tugged at her dad's jersey and pointed towards the shiny trophy the players had been going around with. "Do you want to go see it, darling?" Declan asked. Lily nodded enthusiastically as the trio made their way towards the other players.
As they approached, Kai and Martin had turned and hugged Y/n, talking with her briefly as Declan held onto Lily. All the while, Lily couldn't take her eyes off the trophy gleaming. It only took a minute or so for Declan to notice her and he chuckled. "We'll get a photo now, okay?" Lily gasped. "Yes!" She exclaimed, making the other players laugh alongside Y/n. "Sorry lads, I'll have to borrow her for a quick photo and you can have her back." Declan smiled as he turned towards the photographer.
Lily giggled and clapped her hands, her cheeks flushed with excitement. She reached out towards the gleaming Premier League trophy, her tiny fingers almost grazing its surface. "Not yet, Lily. Let's take some photos first." Y/n said, pulling out her phone to take a photo of Declan and Lily first before quickly running back to get a photo. Declan grinned and posed with his family, the trophy gleaming in the background. Lily squirmed in his arms, eager to explore the pitch. "Okay, okay, darling. Let's see what you've got." Declan chuckled, lowering Lily to the ground.
Lily toddled off towards a group of other players' children, her Arsenal ball bouncing happily beside her. Declan and Y/n followed closely behind, enjoying the celebratory atmosphere. "Y/n!" She turned to see Kai's girlfriend Sophia walking towards her with a smile upon her face. "Sophia! Did you grab a photo with the trophy yet?" As they mingled with other families, sharing hugs and congratulations, the crowd suddenly erupted into cheers. Declan and Y/n exchanged puzzled looks, then turned to see what had caused the commotion.
Their hearts swelled with pride as they watched Lily, determined and focused, waddle towards an empty goal with her miniature football. "She's going for it!" Declan grinned from ear to ear, his chest swelling with love for his fearless daughter. "Go on, Lily! Shoot!" With a determined kick, Lily sent the ball rolling into the net, her face lighting up with joy as the crowd cheered just as loudly as if her dad had scored the winning goal.
Y/n and Declan laughed as they watched Lily get closer to the fans with her arms held high just as her Dad would have done, followed by her falling to her knees in an attempt of a knee slide. "She's her father's daughter." Y/n joked, wrapping her arms around Declan's waist. Declan hugged her tightly, his heart overflowing with love for his family. "We need to get her into football properly." He murmured, pressing a kiss to Y/n's forehead. Y/n hummed in response. "Maybe she'll even put you into retirement." Declan rolled his eyes playfully. "I'll be long gone by then. I'll be in a rocking chair beside you watching her from the living room." Y/n rubbed his chest as the walked towards Lily on the far end of the pitch.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the stadium, Declan, Y/n, and Lily played together, basking in the warmth of their shared victory. For in that moment, they were not just celebrating Arsenal's triumph, but also the joy of being champions together.
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canirove · 4 months
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 1
Summary: Liv and Declan, Declan and Liv, or the story about how a born and raised Tottenham girl falls in love with an Arsenal player... and its consequences.
Author’s note: Best way to celebrate my birthday? By sharing a new story about my beloved 🥳🫶🏻 I started writing this story back in October after making this gif (that's how Declan looks on this first chapter), and I got so inspired that I even managed to write like a script with everything I wanted to happen from beginning to end, which doesn't happen very often or never tbh 😅 I hope you like it as much as I do, and as always, thank you for reading! 💜
Next chapter
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"And don't forget about the national team staying with us next week. We need to be at our best, the club wants them to keep coming here and not go back to Carrington or any other training centre" our boss says.
"We always are at our best."
"I know, Alex. But you know what I mean.”
"Yeah, we have to kiss their asses" he mutters.
"Shh" I tell him, hoping our boss hasn't heard him.
"You know it's true" he whispers. "Since we don't have enough with our princesses, now we'll have new ones. And I'm sure they are even more annoying."
"If you dislike football and this job so much, why don't you quit?"
"I don't dislike football, Liv. I dislike football players, it isn't the same” Alex says. “And I don't quit because Tottenham is the team me and my dad support, they happen to pay really well, and I need the money. Besides, what will your dad say? He helped me get this job, I can't disappoint him."
"He'll survive" I chuckle.
"I don't think so. If I'm not here, who will make sure his daughter doesn't end up sleeping with a football player? Especially now that we are gonna have some Arsenal ones in the building. They are the enemy."
"That is so stupid."
"The rivalry between Tottenham and Arsenal isn't stupid, Liv. Please show some respect."
"Whatever" I reply, trying to focus again on what our boss is explaining.
"Ready to meet our new princesses?" I ask Alex.
"Well, too late. They are here" I say when the doors of the cafeteria open and the players from England's national team start walking in, Harry Kane leading them.
"Urgh, not him" Alex groans.
"Shut up and get to work. And don't forget to smile."
"I don't want to smile at him. Or at any of them."
"Hello, guys. Nice to see you again."
"Harry, hi!" I say. "How are the Germans treating you?"
"Good, all good. How are you around here?"
"All good too" I smile. "Same as always?"
"Same as always, Liv."
After Harry some other players like Rashford, Stones or Bellingham also come get their orders, and then…
"Hi, what can I get… you" I say, getting lost in the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. 
"A latte, please" he smiles.
"A… a la… a…" I mumble.
"Liv… Liv… Olivia!" Alex says, hitting my arm.
"Ouch! What?"
"His order" he says, nodding towards the blue eyed God in front of me. "Didn't you hear him?"
"I… Yes. A latte."
"That's it" he smiles again, the most stupid giggle ever leaving my mouth. What an amazing first impression, Olivia. 
"I… Umm…" I mumble again.
"Liv, hey! Long time no see!" 
"Madders, we saw each other three days ago" I say, my brain remembering how to work after hearing his voice.
"It feels like an eternity" he smiles. "Have you met Dec yet?"
"Mr. Declan Rice. The most expensive English football transfer in history" he laughs, wrapping his arm around the blue eyed God's neck and messing up his hair, somehow making it look even better than it already did.
"You… what?"
"You hadn't recognized him?" Madders says. "I know he's had a big glow up, but he hasn't changed that much since the Euros."
"Yeah… I…" I say, feeling my cheeks on fire and the stupidest person in the world. How did I not recognize one of England's best players?
"Anyway, can I get the same as always?"
"He asked first."
"But he plays for Arsenal and I am a Tottenham boy, Liv. What will your dad say?" Madders smirks. 
"Her dad?" Declan asks with a confused look.
"He's been working for Tottenham since before we all were born and hates anything Arsenal" Madders explains. "So if he finds out that you are favouring him over me…"
"You are so annoying, James" I say, rolling my eyes.
"Yet you love me" he smiles. "So, can I get my usual?"
"No" I say, turning around and getting Declan's order ready.
"You are so rude, Olivia…"
"Yet you love me" I reply, making Declan laugh. "Your latte."
"Thank you, Liv" he smiles as he takes his cup, our fingers barely touching but being enough to make my face burn once again. 
"You're welcome" I giggle. You are so lame, Olivia. Dear God.
"Can I get my coffee now or are you gonna keep smiling at each other like two teenagers in love?" Madders asks.
"What?" Declan and I say at the same time.
"Flirting with an Arsenal player, Liv… What will your dad say?"
"Shup up, James" I say, turning towards the coffee machine to hide that my face now must be the same colour as Declan’s Arsenal shirt.
"You are an idiot, bro" I hear him say before walking away.
"What? Why? What did I say? Liv, hey. What did I say?" 
"Just go drink your coffee, James" I sigh.
"You two are so weird… Made for each other" he winks, making me roll my eyes again.
Once I'm done with all the orders, I can't help but check around the cafeteria looking for Declan. During the Euros he had already caught my eye, but he didn't look as hot as he did right now. He was definitely aging like fine wine. 
When I finally spot him, he's sitting next to other Arsenal players, a soft smile on his lips while sipping his coffee. And then… Then he turns to look at where I am. At me. And his smile grows wider, making my knees feel like jelly. 
"Best coffee ever" he mouths, remarking each word.
"Thank you" I reply, definitely smiling like an idiot.
"Olivia, Olivia, Olivia…"
"Holy shit, Alex" I jump when I hear him next to me.
"Flirting with an Arsenal player at work? And him among them all? Your dad is gonna be so disappointed…"
"Shut up, Alex" I say, giving him a push that doesn't move him from where he is standing. "I'm gonna go check that we aren't running out of anything, you know how picky the boss is with that."
"Yeah, run away."
"Fuck you" I reply, showing him my middle finger and hoping no one from the national team has seen it. The least thing I need right now is someone complaining to our boss because of my bad behaviour.
As I leave, I can't help but look at Declan one last time, and to my surprise, he also is looking at me. And when our eyes meet…
"Holy shit" I whisper. Can you get turned on by a wink? Because I'm pretty sure that just happened.
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digitaldiarystuff · 6 months
Enemies (To Lovers?)
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so i’m shocking myself with how many stories i upload in one day but let’s not jinx it lol
this was a request but i can’t find where, anyways hope you enjoyy💖
pairing: Declan Rice x Y/N
summary: you and Declan never really clicked but now that you’re locked in a room what other option is there than to talk it out
genre: slight angst maybe also slight smut
“Ugh I hate him” you told your friend Ariana the minute you entered the villa.
“Who?” she asked not understanding how you got involved in beef even before talking to anyone at the party.
“Who do you think?” you asked her in a duh voice.
“Dec? Girl you two seriously need to drop this petty act.” she whined fed up with you.
But you couldn’t. You couldn’t just stop this childish hate for Declan Rice, the Arsenal ‘superstar’ You have been in the same friend circle since last summer. When your friends first told you about him you were pretty optimistic actually, everyone told you what a great and genuine guy he was and you thought ‘wow we’d get along well’ but it wasn’t the case. From the moment you first met, Declan had a weird vendetta against you. He showed how much he didn’t like you from the first day you met by spilling his drink on you, granted he might’ve accidentally do it but his actions after were enough.
“Stop laughing” you snickered trying to get the red stain out of your white blouse but Declan kept on smiling.
“At least now you have some colour in your life.” he bit back and you couldn’t believe this was the guy everyone told you about. He certainly didn’t look that great to you, apart from his piercing blue eyes and charming smile that obviously didn’t work for you.
If he’d just apologized like a normal person you’d of course let it go but he didn’t, in fact he constantly made fun of how angry you were and poked fun about it. That’s why you didn’t want to be here today, at his multimillion dollar mansion celebrating his team’s newest win but all your friends, especially Ariana, told you you had to be there. They had this weird fantasy about Declan actually liking you more than you realize and trying to show it like a third grader, pulling your hair and throwing erasers at you. You found it stupid, he was a grown adult and showed how much he disliked you like he was and you returned his hatred by hating him.
“Did I hear my name?” Declan suddenly appeared behind you and put his arm around Ariana and you were thankful he didn’t try it with you.
Deep down, what upset you the most was his behavior towards everyone else. He was seemingly cute and warm with everyone else while he always made fun of you and that made you feel uneasy, what was it that made him dislike you this much? You felt left out but you’d never admit it of course.
“Y/N was just telling me how proud she is of you.” Ariana tried lightening the mood and offer peace but Declan had to ruin it by rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m so proud you make millions by kicking a ball for 90 minutes a week. That’s really noble of you.” you sarcastically said.
“Not all of us has to be chained to a cubicle 40 hours a week” he quipped back and you felt even more angry at him.
“Yeah because some of us need money to pay for real things like rent and food.”
He thankfully left you alone after that and went back to being his other persona.
“Y/N I know you don’t want to hear this but you need to stop being so hostile towards Dec. He’s really not that bad.” Ariana said.
“You’re right Ari, I don’t want to hear it.” you shut her down and grabbed yourself a drink.
You weren’t usually this cold but he had something about him that made you snap instantly. But there was no way you’d be the person to break the friend group so you were just going to have to deal with him.
It was well into the party and you felt the buzz from all the alcohol you consumed which was a lot. You needed it very much to calm your nerves and not start any more fights. You were just sitting on the sofa humming to the song in the background when one of your close friends Kayla suddenly turned to you.
“Y/N can you grab me some painkillers from the guest bathroom? My head’s killing me.” she whined.
You really didn’t want to go snooping around Declan’s home, one because you didn’t know the house quite well and two because you didn’t want him to say anything negative about you.
“Is there anyone else who could do that? I don’t know the house well enough.” you tried but she insisted everyone was either too drunk or outside so you reluctantly agreed. She even gave you the directions to the room and you went upstairs, you’d never admit it but Dec had a good taste in interior design. He didn’t have one of those all white lacking personality type of home, his space had character with some pops of colour in every room including the guest bedroom which was the size of your apartment. You cursed yourself for liking something about him and went into the en-suite connected to the guest bedroom trying to look for the painkillers Kayla described.
You were shuffling around the cabinets having a hard time because you had to steady yourself a few times a minute when you heard some footsteps and figured you took too long and she came to get them herself but as luck would have it, it was actually Declan.
“Oh, it’s you” he said with more softness than he did when you first walked in so you figured he must be intoxicated as well.
“I thought someone was trying to steal something.” he said as he walked over to you.
You didn’t stop looking around to look at him.
“I’m surprised you didn’t accuse me yet.” you scoffed.
“Oh I’m getting to it.” he laughed dryly. “What are you doing here anyway? Trying to see if I have a girlfriend?”
You couldn’t even comprehend his sentence when you heard the door shut. You immediately looked back and saw Declan lean against the en-suite door with his arm. His muscles were flexed as he turned to the bedroom door surprised it has shut down.
He made his way over to the door trying to open it only to be unsuccessful. He wiggled the door knob a few times.
“Why don’t you open it?” you asked and he looked back at you like you were stupid.
“What do you think I’m trying to do?”
“I don’t know, you look like you built those muscles for nothing.”
He tried again but in vein. The door was stuck.
“What the fuck?” he said still trying and you started laughing at your faith.
“You’d think after spending millions of pounds the doors wouldn’t be stuck.”
“Would you stop whining?” he asked clearly agitated.
“Only if you open the door.”
“Do you think I want to be stuck here with you?” he harshly asked and you felt your confidence slipping. You were always self conscious when drunk.
When you didn’t respond he turned his attention to you.
“Y/N, I-
“Why do you hate me so much?” you asked finally trying to get an answer to the question you’ve had for months.
“Why do you hate me so much?” you repeated.
“I- I don’t hate you.” he murmured but you knew it was a lie.
“Yes you do, you love everyone else. You’re so nice with them but you’re rude to me. I know I’m not the best either but I feel bad when I see you with the others. What is it about me that you hate?” you felt the weight lifting off your chest as you spoke. Yes it was the alcohol that made you say those things but they were true.
“I think we should talk later when you’re not drunk.” he dismissed you and it only angered you more.
“I’m not drunk.”
“Yes you are, you’ve had a million cocktails.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I watch at you anytime you’re not looking!” he raised his voice startling you. In all the time you’ve known Declan he’s never even gotten mad.
“Why? So that you can use the things you see against me?”
“Do you really think that’s what I’m doing? You can’t seriously think I’m going out of my way everyday just to argue with you. I’m watching you because I like seeing you interact with people and it kills me that you’re not that kind to me. I wish you’d be like that with me but if bickering is what gets you talking to me I’m okay with that.” he finally let go of the door and went over to the bed sitting on it without looking at you.
You were in shock about all the things you just heard.
“Declan you’re being mean, you can’t play with me like that!” you shouted at him thinking this was his way of messing with you.
“Do you really think that low of me?” he finally looked up at you and you saw the sincerity in his eyes that everyone was talking about. He looked more genuine than ever. He combed a hand through his hair.
“I- I don’t know.” you murmured conflicted about the whole situation. On one hand you really didn’t think he’d stoop so low but on the other hand you couldn’t believe his admission that easily.
“Why do you act like a prick then?” you asked trying to get to the bottom of it.
“Because that’s the only way you’ll talk to me even if it’s to argue.” he admitted with his head low.
You stood in front of Declan with your hands against your hips trying to wrap your head around the situation but it was hard considering he was wearing a tight shirt hugging his body perfectly and his hair disheveled. With a sudden confidence, you walked closer to him and stood in between his legs and he immediately looked up at you with confusion. If you didn’t have any alcohol in your system you’d never be this forward but with it you could actually do something you actually want for once. You placed your hands on his shoulders as his hands went over to your hips. He was still wary of your reaction but you threw every sane thought away and pushed him onto the bed he was sitting on. He pulled you with him so now you were straddling him, both of you were shocked by your sudden boldness but he didn’t complain. In fact, he never said anything but sat up properly holding you down and started devouring your lips. You kissed back immediately with months of pent up frustration and infatuation.
“You’re so perfect.” he complimented you as his lips found your neck kissing and sucking on your skin. You felt electricity from his touch and cursed yourself for not doing this earlier.
By this time he was slowly pulling your dress straps down your arms and continued his kisses against your chest and you hastily lifted his shirt finally coming in close contact with his abs.
“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this.” he murmured as he rolled you over so he was on top of you.
“Then why didn’t you?” you asked.
“Because I thought you’d slap me.”
“I’d much rather if you slapped me.” you said without thinking and his eyes turned even darker if that’s possible. His movements became more rough as you gave him the permission and he peeled your dress down your legs leaving you only in your underwear. You’d normally feel vulnerable and exposed if it was any other man but given the circumstances you just felt hot because Declan told you a million times.
“You’re so beautiful.” he kept telling you as you tried reaching for his belt. He let you take it off and now you were both in your underwear.
He did everything right in that moment, making you reach your orgasm multiple times even before he entered you and made everything about making you feel good. Even if it’s the first time you’ve ever had sex with him, it felt like he knew you better than anyone and you loved the feeling.
After both of you reached your highs moaning each other’s name once more he finally pulled out and laid on the bed pulling you to him. Your head was resting on his chest as he played with your hair occasionally leaving small kisses on it.
“I hope you know I meant everything I said.” he whispered and you looked up at his beautiful eyes knowing he wasn’t lying.
“I know.”
“And I’m not letting you go now that I have a taste.” he smiled.
“Does this mean this isn’t a one time thing?” you teased with a smile on your lips.
“Oh definitely not, in fact I was thinking about having a second round right now.” he wiggled his eyebrows as you laughed and lightly smacked his chest.
“Are you guys cool now that you’ve had sex?” you heard someone yell from outside of the door startling the both of you.
“What the hell?” Dec asked with his eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah idiots, we locked you in there hoping you’d talk it out but this is even better.” you heard Ariana yell and your cheeks flushed knowing they must’ve heard somethings but right now you were more thankful than angry.
“Now come out we’re starving.” one of your friends said and you got out of the bed putting your clothes back on with a smile on your face.
Declan Rice wasn’t that bad after all.
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jesssssssssica · 2 years
For a request if you take them. Y/n win album and song of the year at the brits, and Mason is there to celebrate with you with Dec as well, just something after watching the brits tonight
i am taking requests & this is a cute imagine! also i’m sorry if this is not what you wanted/lives up to your expectations but i try my best! also keep the requests coming! i love them!
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no fucking way.
i had just won my second brit award in one night, one for album of the year and the other for artist of the year.
“oh great i have to make another speech” i joked, the crowd laughing along with me.
“no, but on a real note, i’m grateful for everyone that’s stuck by me and all my drafts of songs and have had to listen to me sing the same words over and over again” i pause after the last sentence, my eyes scanning over the crowd looking for mason.
“i would also like to thank my rock. mason, you’ve been with me through thick and thin and i’m so grateful for that. you’re the second.. wait.. third most important thing to me, of course after these two awards but i love you so much. thanks to everyone who voted for me as well, i wouldn’t be here without you either, love you!”
i say my thanks and then leave the stage, making my way over to my beautiful boy who’s sat there smiling at me arms opening and enveloping me into a hug.
“my baby, my winner” he says into my hair.
“well done y/n” declan says from next to me, messing up my hair in the process as he pays my head.
“why thank you kind gentlemen”, i reply in my poshest accent “but i’m bored and in need of drink so how bout we ditch”
so we did.
and now we sat in the nearest club we could find drinking drink after drink, each one being dedicated to my nights success, not planning to stop until the sun rose the next morning.
“thank you guys!” i shout out into the club at declan and mason, pulling the latter into a quick and sloppy snog.
what a night.
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football-and-fanfics · 6 months
Breaking Point - Mason Mount & Declan Rice
Who: Mason Mount, Declan Rice Prompt: Receiving (online) hate Requested by: anonymous Word count: 720 Warnings: mentions of mental struggle and receiving hate.
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I need to see you.
Declan stared once more at the WhatsApp message he had received from Mason that morning. He had offered to videocall, but Mason had been adamant to make the drive from Manchester all the way up to London.
Declan frowned as he read those five words for the umpteenth time. It could mean anything, but somehow he had a bad feeling about this. He knew things hadn't been easy for Mason ever since his move to Manchester United, and he couldn't quite shake the feeling Mason had reached a breaking point.
Declan raced for the door as soon as the doorbell rang. He had barely opened the door, when Mason already pushed passed him.
"I've had enough! I don't understand why people would do this? What's the fun in being so hateful?! Don't they understand that we're people, too, with feelings?" Mason rambled uncontrollably, gesturing wildly with his hands, and pacing up and down the hallway of Declan's house. Declan closed the door behind them and slowly turned around to Mason. This was even worse than he had expected....
"Mase, calm down." Declan tried to ease his friend. "It's alright, I'm here. Please, tell me what happened." Mason stopped and fell silent. His hands shook with emotion and his eyes were wild. "I need it to... stop." His voice broke. "What, mate, what?" Declan asked desperately. He wanted nothing more than to help, there was no doubt Mason needed him right now, but if he could only find out what had happened to send Mason spiraling so out of control.
Mason ran a trembling hand through his hair, looking more disheveled that Declan had ever seen him. He gulped for air a few times, before he finally pulled his phone from the pocket of his jacket. He tapped on the screen a few times and then held it out to Declan. "Read it." Mason's voice sounded strained, laden with emotion.
Declan took the phone from Mason a little apprehensively. He wasn't sure what he was going to see, but he was damn sure he wasn't going to like it.
The screen showed the DM section of Mason's Instagram. Declan slowly scrolled through it and felt himself get more and more nauseous with each message he read. All of them contained so much hate, threats and wishes of all kinds of diseases upon Mason, each as revolting as the next.
"Mate..." Now it was Declan's voice that broke. "This is... beyond vile." Mason hung his head, slowly shaking it. "I can't take anymore. I need it to stop." "We're going to think of something." Declan recollected himself. "We'll make a plan on what to do. And, for starters, you're going to stay here with me for the next few days." "I can't," Mason sniffled, "I've got training." "No, you don't," Declan said resolutely, "I don't care how many calls you have to make, but you're taking a leave of absence, at least until after the weekend."
Mason glanced up at Declan. The man he's known for so long, whom he trusted with his life, and who knew him through and through. "I mean it." Declan looked dead-serious. "I'm not letting you drive back to Manchester in your current condition. Hell, it scares me that you already did it once!"
Mason blew out a deep breath. His shoulders sagged and his entire posture deflated like a balloon. The idea of crashing at Declan's for a few days, away from all those horrible messages and negativity, actually sounded like a blessing.
"Thank you." Mason swallowed hard to try and keep his tears in. Declan closed the space between them, resting his hands on Mason's shoulders. "It's hard, I know, but we're going to figure this out." Mason sniffled softly, before he nodded silently.
"Come on." Declan slung an arm around Mason's shoulders and guided him to the living room. "Take a seat. I'll make you some tea, and we're just going to take it easy for a little while, get you calmed down."
Mason couldn't even begin to express his gratitude towards Declan. But that was how deep their friendship went. Even left unspoken, they knew they meant the world to each other and that they could always rely on each other, during the good times and the bad.
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Tags: @stonesyyyy, @footballffbarbiex, @football1921, @laurasstufff1, @juliabrghs, @nightlockcornucopia, @hbstre, @sarah10r-blog, @mountsgirlsblog
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cityzenchick · 7 months
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That moment when .......... the England men's squad had just been called together inside and informed by Gareth Southgate that you, (the England team's funny vivacious PR photographer and valued member of the FA press team) had a little earlier been physically assaulted by a group of drunk and extremely boisterous male 'supporters' while you were busy taking some promotional photographs outside St Georges Park training ground ........... he's told them that you were found upset and pretty shaken up by the unprovoked attack, but appeared to be okay apart from a few cuts and bruises, and had been taken to hospital as a precaution ............
................ the players are used to your pretty smiley face always being around ....... they know you love to dart about with your camera in your hands, taking quirky candid pictures of them for social media .............. you are always full of fun and they have all come to adore you, considering you to be an integral part of their 'team' .............. so they are completely stunned as to why anyone would ever want to hurt you ...........
Gareth had observed his players reactions as he had broken the bad news to them, he knew they were fond of you, always teasing and jokingly calling you their lucky mascot, so it was really no surprise to him when their body language and serious faces revealed just how much you mean to them and how much they cared about you ..............
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chilly-me-softly · 2 years
Mine • Mason Mount and Declan Rice
Request: Ok so basically mason and decal are looking after your daughter and your daughter says she loves Declan more than mason but then mason say he love Declan kid more but she got really jealous and said mason is only hers hope that make sense
I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting so long for this.
It wasn't the first time Mason and Declan had arranged to spend time together. It wasn't the first time their girlfriends/fiancées had left them alone, and even more so since they'd both had kids their bond had become even stronger.
Declan was the best uncle Mason's daughter could have, and it helped a little that she was the first baby girl in his life after all his nephews. The little girl had him completely at her mercy, a bit like with her father.
The little girl was already two years old when Declan had had his boy, and it had been a bit like watching his own brother grow up. They were always the same mess when they were together - sometimes even more children than the babies themselves - but they were always there for each other at all times.
Little Rice is asleep in his carrier not far from his father while the two adults are discussing the upcoming away games and how they can manage a mutual commitment. Little Mount is on the mat in front of the two intents on playing with a ball, which Declan and Mason take turns kicking to her.
"We had it all planned, then the postponement kind of ruined it"
"Can't you drop her off at yours?"
"No, they haven't seen her in a long time and they'd like us all to go together" Mason sighs resignedly, having plans ruined at the last minute after days were spent planning a bit drives him out of his head.
"Me too?" the little one approaches the two and Declan wastes no time in bringing her onto his lap.
"Yeah, let's all go together. Are you happy pumpkin?"
"Yes" the little one wraps her little arms around Declan's neck leaving a kiss on his cheek, causing her father to arch an eyebrow.
"Excuse me missy?"
"I love uncle Deccy"
"Oh yeah? How much do you love him?"
"So much" the little girl spreads her arms as wide as she can before being pulled back to Declan who fills her with kisses causing her to let out amused little squeals. "Yeah I love you so much too. You're my favourite pumpkin"
"What about daddy?"
"I love uncle Deccy" at this point the little girl is snuggled up to his friend, her gaze turned towards her father as if to tease him. And he certainly doesn't act like an adult when it comes to these things.
"You stay with him then. I'll keep the sleepyhead there" the little girl's eyes go wide, but she seems to think about it, nodding and bringing herself even closer if possible to her uncle. Declan shakes his head as the two of them stick their tongues out at each other, still amused by the pair.
Disturbed by the noise and shouting, a cry is heard from the carrier and both boys look towards it.
"I'll get him, since you are so much in demand" Mason rolled his eyes playfully going to pick up the little one to soothe him.
"Just check if he needs a nappy change"
"In that case, you're the father" Mason states seriously making his friend laugh.
"Come on, let's get your daddy to work" but once he picks up the baby calms down, a sign that he was just looking for some human contact, and no strange smells can be detected. "Good boy! Always knew you love your uncle Mase"
"No!" the little girl gets off Declan's legs and in a moment is between Mason's legs, hugging them as tightly as she can.
"Hey you, what's the matter?"
"Mine daddy, not baby's" she whimpers with her face hidden against his jeans and his face instantly softens, setting the little one down in his father's arms before lowering himself to his daughter's height.
"Hey, of course I am. Dad wouldn't trade you for anything in the world"
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lxndonorris · 2 years
naughty one - Declan Rice
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Y/N x Declan Rice Theme: Smutish (Teasing, Touching, mentions of alcohol, not too explicit) after winning the game, Declan returns home with a spicy confession x word count: 940+
It's way past midnight on this freezing Saturday night when you find yourself already lying in your bed, asleep. You tried your best to stay awake, your boyfriend Declan had a game this night, in which he scored a beautiful goal. However, after the game ended, and the adrenaline left your body, you felt even more exhausted than before. You texted him a long message, congratulating him, and telling him, you'd go to bed. He sent you a short voice mail, so happy, so excited, telling you it's fine.
Now, wrapped into your thick blanket, you lie in the bed sleeping when suddenly, you feel someone hugging you from behind. Obviously, it's Declan, who just returned home. You didn't even hear him coming, which means he tried to be extra careful. Sleepily, you turn around inside his strong arms and let out a soft groan when you stretch your legs. Without even opening your eyes, you can sense him. Just by his scent alone, a familiar sweet scent swirls around your nose, when he leans into you, kissing you softly. "Babe." You breathe into his mouth, tasting the beer he had for celebration on your tongue.
You slowly open your eyes to meet his soft gaze instantly, and a shy smile spreads across his lips. "You watched it." He says with a husky, rough voice. Nodding comfortingly, you place a hand on his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb. His skin is so soft, just like his beard, which barely tickles the tip of your fingers. "You did so well." You say, running a hand through his messy hair. Declan melts into your touch, enjoying every part of it. Just then, you notice him wearing nothing but a pair of joggers, with his bare chest exposed. "Declan." You say, placing a hand on his chest. "It's cold outside. Are you mad?" Weakly, your hand wanders across his skin, his pecs, down to his abs. His skin is cold, and instantly, a shudder runs down his spine.
"It's fine." He shakes his head, but you're not having it. "Come here." You say softly, lifting your arm including the blanket, inviting him to join you inside your warm cocoon. Grinning, he accepts your invitation without another thought, and wraps his arms around your body, while you steady yourself against his firm frame. For a few seconds, you stare into each other's eyes, before you kiss him again, softly, lovingly, and he lets out a soft, low growl in return. Then, you start to stroke him again, slowly, carefully even, with your fingertips dancing across his skin, his chest, and his abs once more. You like how well-formed his body is, after all that intense training, you can feel all of his muscles react to the slightest touch, and you can tell, he enjoys it too.
"Y/N." He purrs happily, closing his eyes for just a second before a playful grin spreads all over his face. "I've been naughty." Declan giggles under his breath. Something he'd always do, when he had indeed been a naughty boy. Tilting your head slightly, you narrow your eyes. "What did you do?" You say curiously, narrowing your eyes, knowing very well what he's willing to do for a little thrill. "After the game." He licks his lips, thinking deeply. "After showering." Declan giggles again, and you feel his hands stroking the small of your back. "What?" With his laugh being so infectious, you giggle as well.
"I wanted to change into new clothes, but…" He stops, and his eyes lock with yours. "But?" You smile in anticipation. "But, I forgot my briefs at home." Declan giggles, lowering his head, trying to hide his blushing cheeks. "No!" You mouth and he starts to move underneath the blanket. "Yes!" He lifts his head, unable to stop smiling. "Did you put on the other ones again?" You say, with the palms of your hands now firmly on his pecs, but he just shakes his head. "Nah, they were drenched, and through running that much, I couldn't." He bites his lower lip, and the two of you stop giggling.
For a moment, you lie there, with both of you not knowing what to say next. "So, what did you do?" You say, tilting your head again. Declan's grin grows even bigger, and his eyes start to shimmer slightly. "I'm not wearing any." He suddenly says, chuckling to himself. "Mhmmm." Suspiciously, you eye him, trying to figure out if he's messing with you. "You didn't." You say. He wouldn't have done that, would he? Running around just wearing a pair of trousers?
Without saying another word, but still grinning, he moves to take your hand. He takes your wrist, and leads your hand down his chest, his abs, along his treasure trail, and even further down to his crotch. Softly, he places your hand right on his dick, and you can feel that he's not wearing anything underneath. Gasping shortly, your hand lingers on his bulge. "I'm still so pumped from the game." He smirks, enjoying your gentle touch. "I can tell." You say, stroking him firmly.
Declan instantly melts into your touch again, moving his body even closer toward yours. You embrace his body, one hand on his chest, the other on his crotch, while he runs his fingers up and down your spine. "You're naughty, Declan." Patting his chest firmly, you lean in, kissing him again.
"Desperate times." He smiles contently, gently rubbing his nose against yours. For a while longer, you lie in bed, the two of you stroking each other, kissing one another, and cuddling together, until sleep finds you both.
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footballerimaginess · 2 years
Bad day at school
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credit to @canirove for the gif x 
Baby Series 3.0  15. Bad day at school  Declan Rice  Word Count: 501  Declan had a day off from training and as it rarely happened, he was able to go and collect his little boy from school while you were working.  Declan parked up outside school and headed in to pick him up. 
“Daddy” he smiled as Oakley gave him the biggest cuddle as he fell into his arms as he handed over his lunch box and school bag.  “How are you little man? Have you had a good day?” he asked him as he buckled Oakley into his car seat as he noticed that he looked a little sad.  “What happened bud?” Declan asked him as he noticed a small bruise on his face as he gently put his fingers across it.  “What happened here?” he asked his son as he shrugged.  “No you need to tell me, did you get hurt?” he asked gently as Oakley nodded.  “I was playing and the ball hit me, but miss gave me a sticker and helped me. I have a head bump sticker” he smiled as he pointed down to it.  “Oh as long as you are okay and not in any pain then that’s good bud” he smiled as Oakley still was looking a little sad as Declan climbed into the car and put his seat belt on.  “What else happened Oakley? You can’t have a bad day and not tell me” he looked in the mirror as he saw his boy nodding away.  “The work was so hard today” he sighed as you could see that he was having a tough day and he hated seeing him looking really sad.  “How about I get a happy meal for you and can try and cheer you up?” he asked as Oakley smiled with excitement for his McDonalds.  They pulled up to McDonalds as they ordered their food while Oakley managed to climb in the front as he opened his toy as he stuffed his face with chips.  “Will Mummy be mad we had this?” Declan laughed as he shook his head. “No we will be okay, now you tell me why you feel sad today” he asked him.  “The boys at school were laughing at me and I didn’t like it, they were mean to me. It was a bad day” he sighed as Declan kissed him gently on the head.  “You will be okay buddy, you don’t deserve to have someone like that being your friends if you are sad okay. We all have bad days and that is alright. Sometimes people are mean and we don’t always get on” he smiled as you could see Oakley calming down a little which was lovely to see.  “Now we better get home and we best not mention McDonalds otherwise Mummy will want me to go and get one for her” he smirks as Oakley climbed back in the car taking his toy with him as he buckled his seat himself.  “Deal daddy” Oakley gave his Daddy a thumbs up as they drove back home.  Taglist: @footballffbarbiex @percervall @odegaardsreds @football-and-fanfics  @footballxixstars  Declan tag: @football-rambles 
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Declan Rice (Arsenal) - Cupid and Psyche
Requested: yes
Prompt: meeting Declan at an art museum
Warnings: none
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A casual Thursday in Paris for Y/n, the art student. When she decided to take a leap of faith and move to Paris, she didn't think it'd get her into such predicaments. Missing metros, causing arguments accidentally in street markets, meeting strange and exciting people. But this was life. It was going to happen to someone, it just so happened to be Y/n. Her parents implored her to stay close to home and study locally, but no. She had to go for her own sanity.
Now that leap of faith brings us to the louvre in Paris at half past two on a Thursday afternoon. She walked delicately and quietly around the famous museum with her headphones blocking out any sort of human distraction. The Mona Lisa; too busy. Medusa's raft; not as busy but it had been seen before. Her favourite piece was a marble sculpture, sculpted by Antonio Canova. It depicted Cupid reviving his lover Psyche with a kiss. Looking at it was tender, it was blissful. It made her believe in love and gave her hope that one day she would one day find someone that equally made her feel this way.
"I don't understand this at all." Y/n turned her head to the man beside her, looking up at the marble as if it were just another stone. "Then you've never experienced love." Y/n mumbled quietly, but not quietly enough. The stranger turned his head and his look of confusion stayed the same. "Excuse me?" He asked, his British accent clear and thick. "I said you've never experienced love. I like to think this depicts love in its physical form." She repeated. "And why is that?"
"Well, the story goes that Psyche-" She pauses and points to the woman. "Was so beautiful, that Venus herself felt threatened and decided to send Cupid to seek her revenge and to kill her." She explained. "And what about that screams love in its physical form?" The man asked even more bewildered than he once was before. "Well Cupid fell in love with Psyche and instead of killing her, he hid her away in his Palace to protect her. He then visited her each night and warned her to never look at him. Her sister however convinces her that Cupid must be a hideous monster so one night, while he is asleep,she looks at him and he leaves her for breaking their bond."
"Once again, I beg the question."
"Let me finish!" The man sighs and allows her to continue her story. "Distraught, she goes to Venus for help who sends her on quests to find her lover. For her last task, she has to go retrieve Propserina's beauty fron the underworld but opens it on the way back up and falls into a lifeless sleep. Cupid then finds her and returns the beauty to the box and kisses Psyche, granting her immortality so they could be married as equals." The man nodded and looked at the marble again, this time taking in the story and understanding the meaning differently. He appreciated it more and she could see that. "That's a beautiful story." Y/n nodded along and smiled as if she had seen the sculpture for the first time. She looked down as she caught a glimpse of a hand in front of her, before she turned and saw the man smiling at her. "I'm Declan, by the way." He said. Y/n took his hand and returned the smile. "Y/n."
"Lovely name. You from Paris?" He asked. "No. I'm guessing by the accent you aren't either?" She said. "What? I don't sound French?" He asked in a ridiculously stereotypical French accent, making the girl giggle. "What brings you to Paris?" Y/n asked after she calmed down from laughing. "Single. Very single." He replied. Y/n's eyebrows twisted into those of confusion. "And how is coming to Paris going to help you with that?" She asked. "Well, I figured the dating apps weren't working. May as well pretend to be confused in an art gallery."
"And how is that going for you?" She scoffed, folding her arms and looking up to him. "Not too bad, I reckon." He replied, making the once confident and sure woman now crumble and turn bright red. "Well it doesn't count if you don't intend on meeting someone later." Y/n said. "Good point." Declan whipped out his phone and handed it to her, with a new contact ready to be dialled in. Y/n grinned and took the phone, throwing her number in and handing it back. "So how about we finish off looking at the gallery and grabbing a coffee afterwards?" He suggested. "I think that's a marvellous idea, Declan." She smiled. Declan hooked his arm around hers and looked down to her. "Then let's go, madame."
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canirove · 1 month
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 20
Previous chapter | Next chapter (coming out on Monday)
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“Olivia, where do you think you are going?” my mum asks me as I walk down the stairs.
“To work?” 
“Don't you have a doctor's appointment to attend to today?”
“Yes, this afternoon.”
“What? I thought you said it was in the morning! I changed my shift to go with you!”
“I'm sorry, mum. But they called yesterday at the last minute saying that they had to reschedule it.”
“And why didn't you tell me?”
“I forgot” I shrug.
But I actually hadn't forgotten. I had been the one calling my doctor asking her if we could reschedule my appointment to the afternoon so Declan could come with me since he didn't have training. This was my first scan since I had told him everything, and he wanted to be there with me.
“Oh, Liv… I wanted to be there with you! Today they will definitely tell you if it's a boy or a girl!”
“I'm sorry, mum. You know I have too many things in my head right now and…”
“I know” she says, taking my hand on hers and giving it a little squeeze. “But I still wanted to be there for you. Your dad is already missing it since he is at that talk in Manchester.”
“I know. He was so excited…”
“He was” she says. “But who will be going with you then?”
“What? Why her?”
“She was free and offered to come with me.”
“And Alex? He hasn't been to any scan yet, and he is the father of your child in case you have forgotten.”
“I have not, no” I sigh.
“Liv… I don't know what happened between you two and I respect your choice to not tell us… But in a few months there will be a baby, and they deserve to have a mother and a father that will take care of them.”
“They will have that, don't worry” I say. Because if Declan keeps his promise, our baby will have us both in their life. Maybe not together like a couple, but we will be there for them. “And I better go, I don't want to be late.”
“Ok. But be careful with the car and keep me updated about the doctor's appointment.”
“I will, mum. I promise. I love you” I say, kissing her cheek.
“I love you too, Olivia” she smiles. 
“Hi, sorry I'm late” I say, getting into Declan's car. “There was a problem with that bloody coffee machine again, the technician wasn't picking up the phone, and then the power went out for an hour. It was a bit chaotic and… Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?”
“My face. Is there something on it? I had pasta for lunch, so maybe I didn't clean all the tomato sauce.”
���There is no tomato sauce” Declan says.
“Then why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like… that” I say, moving my hand in the air. 
“You look beautiful today.”
“What?” I say with a nervous laugh, my cheeks already starting to burn.
“I mean, you always look beautiful. But today, a lot more.” 
“Well… ummm… thanks.”
“You're welcome” Declan smiles. “Now, should we get going? I don't want us to be late to meet the little one.”
“Yes, of course” I reply, putting on my seatbelt. Or trying to.
“Here, let me help you.” 
The moment our hands touch and he looks up, it's like we've traveled back in time to the day we met. I can feel the same electricity I felt when our fingers first touched running through my whole body, my mind starting to get lost once again in that shade of blue I had never seen before. 
“I hope they get your eyes. And your eyelashes.”
“What?” Declan says, his hands still on mine.
“The baby. I hope they get your eyes. They are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.” Woah, Olivia. Intense much? 
“Thank you” he replies with a shy smile. Wait a minute… Declan Rice getting shy after I have complimented him? Since when? I am the one who starts giggling and feeling her face on fire, not him. “And this is done.”
“What is?”
“The seatbelt, Liv.”
“Oh, yes, yes. Pregnant brain, you know” I say with a stupid laugh. Yeah, making a fool of myself in front of him hasn't changed.
“Is that a thing?”
“Interesting” he smirks. Now that is the Declan I am used to. “Do you need anything else?”
“No, I'm fine.”
“Ok. Then let's go see our baby” he says, letting go of my hand and making me miss his touch. But it doesn't last long, because he moves it to caress my bump, something he would do again a few more times while we are stopped at a red light, the warmest and fuzziest feeling ever filling my chest. 
“Ok, let's check how the little one is today, shall we?” my doctor smiles while I give Declan's hand a little squeeze. I've had to grab it to make him stop fidgeting, he is so nervous…
“Woah, what is that noise?” he asks. 
“That's their heartbeat” I tell him.
“Really? Is that normal?”
“It is, don't worry. It means they are very healthy” the doctor explains. 
“And I thought mine was beating fast…” 
“Welcome to the club” I chuckle. “Are they in the right position today?” In my previous scan it had been impossible to tell if they were a boy or a girl. 
“They are yes. Do you want me to tell you now or are you planning a gender reveal?”
“Oh no, I hate those. Declan?” 
“Uh?” he says, his eyes still fixed on the screen. He is… Oh my God, he is crying.
“Dec, hey. Are you ok?” I ask him, squeezing his hand again.
“Yeah, yeah, I just… That's my child” he says, quickly wiping away his tears. 
“It is, yes” I smile, trying not to cry too.
“Anyway, the gender” he says, composing himself. “Is it possible to know later on our own?”
“Of course” my doctor says. “We'll give you an envelope with the results so you can open it when you are ready.”
“And photos too?”
“Photos too” she smiles.
“So, how do we do it?” Declan asks me once we are back in his car.
“How do we do what?”
“The envelope, Liv” he says. “Do you want to do it here or should we go somewhere special?”
“Actually, now that you mention it… Can we go to that restaurant where you took me when we left the lionesses game? I've been dreaming about the cake we ate for the past weeks.”
“First craving?” he asks, starting the car.
“Oh, no. My first craving was Cadbury chocolate.”
“You are always eating chocolate, Liv” he chuckles. “That isn't new.”
“But now it's gotten worse.”
“How can it be worse than liking literally anything made with chocolate?”
“I have to keep a bar on my bedside table because I wake up hungry in the middle of the night and it is the only thing I want to eat. And it has to be Cadbury chocolate, just that one. One morning I woke up hugging it.”
“What?” Declan laughs.
“Yeah” I shrug. “I think it is because the baby has your sweet tooth.”
“My sweet tooth, Liv? Mine?” he laughs again. 
“Yep, yours” I smile. “So if my teeth fall off after eating so much sugar… You are paying for the new ones, you are the millionaire here.”
“Ok” he laughs once again, the rest of our journey to the restaurant filled with more of his loud laugh while I just smile like an idiot. Had I missed that? God knows I had.
“Is it as good as you remembered?”
“Better” I say, cake spilling from my mouth. So elegant, Olivia.
“Here, let me help you” Declan chuckles, cleaning my chin with his napkin, his other hand holding my face. I wonder if he can feel my cheeks getting warmer and warmer by the second. “Done.”
“Thank you” I whisper.
“So… Should we open the envelope before they kick us out due to you eating all their cake?” he says with a teasing smile.
“Ha ha ha” I reply, rolling my eyes. “But yeah, let's do it. It's in my bag.”
“Ok” he says, taking it and moving his chair next to mine. “Are you ready?”
“Are you?”
“I asked first, Liv.”
“I know. But your hand is the one that's shaking, not mine” I say, holding it like I did during our doctor's appointment.
“Sorry” he smiles. “Anyway, ready?”
“Ready” I smile back.
“And baby Rice is…”
“I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!” I laugh, hitting his arm.
“Ouch, Liv!”
“I knew it was going to be a boy! You only have brothers and they only have boys! It's like you only carry the male gene!”
“I actually have a niece too, remember?”
“The exception that confirms my theory.”
“You look quite happy about it” Declan chuckles. “Did you want a boy?”
“I just wanted a healthy baby. But since the moment I found out I was pregnant, I pictured a boy” I shrug.
“With my blue eyes?” he smirks.
“With your blue eyes and hopefully a smaller head.”
“What?” he laughs.
“I know most of it is hair but… Yeah. I don't want something that big coming out of my…”
“Oh my God, Olivia” Declan laughs again.
“Sorry” I shrug. “Anyway, should we ask for more cake in honour of our little boy?”
“Ok. But just one slice, and we'll share it.”
“You just said you don't want a big baby, and if you keep eating like this…”
“Idiot” I reply, hitting him again. “But fine, ok. Just one slice.”
“And then we are going for a walk to help with your digestion.”
“Yes, mum” I sigh.
“If I'm being annoying is because I care about you, Liv. Both of you” he says, caressing my bump.
“I know, Declan. I know” I say, smiling like an idiot once again. 
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oh-saints · 1 year
can you do something similar to dad!ruben but for declan? i've been getting some hay fever since your last post of him playing with the kids yesterday
no waaaay me too anon it's seriously getting out of hand :((( i'll be so fucked if he truly joins arsenal bcs that'd be the end of me i swear
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like you know he's so good with kids from countless interactions with his teammate's children and those kids on matchdays, so it doesn't surprise you when:
he asks the club so he can walk alongside your kid on every home matchdays
your kid's bit of an introvert, somewhat like you, so he always makes sure they're comfortable. including striking up convos with other kids present so they're no longer nervous
he holds your kid's hand, putting over the jacket if they're cold, or even hold your kid in his arm if they don't feel like walking that day
he always catches your kid after a match ends, nothing beats the feeling where he has your kid in his arms, safe and sound, no matter the result
eventho he's tired after a match, he always has time to run another lap with your kid so they can try to kick some ball on a real pitch (bcs they've been complaining your backyard's not big enough to play ball)
he always takes his family for a lunch or dinner (depending on the match's schedule) after a home match, it's now a tradition you're all looking forward too
your kid gives a knee support at every christmas because they don't want declan getting hurt while playing AND HE WEARS THEM WITHOUT FAIL
(request's still open & you can drop them here)
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football-rambles · 2 years
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All the love we unravel and the life I 𝒈𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚.
                                                                   I 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎 his heart cause 𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒆.
I guess sometimes we all get just 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅.
                                                                                  And he 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 thinks of me.
He stayed the same 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆 changed like midnight.
                                      Midnight Rain 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚘𝚘𝚗...
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Sick - Declan Rice
Who: Declan Rice, Mason Mount Prompt: Sick during a training camp or match abroad Requested by: anonymous Word count: 397 Warnings: contains descriptions of being sick
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Declan had been fighting a massive headache all day long. The flight to Rome for England's Nations League match of tomorrow surely hadn’t made it any better.
The headache was trying to split his head in two, and sounds and light started to bother him more and more. He was pretty sure this was rapidly turning into a migraine, and all he wanted right now was to get to his room and sleep.
"Come on, roomie." Mason dangled a hotel keycard in front of Declan's face. "Am I sharing with you?" Declan asked. "Yeah." Mason frowned a little in surprise. "The rooming list was read out on the plane." "Ah." Declan shrugged. "I slept most of the way, so I must have missed it. Let's go up to our room."
Declan was glad with his assigned roommate. Mason knew him through and through, probably he had already sensed something was off with Declan, and he surely would not mind if Declan went to bed early.
They took the elevator up to the floor of their room. As they stepped out, Declan stumbled badly. He was shaky and unsteady on his feet by now, and had expected to fall to the ground right then and there. And he would have, too, if Mason had not caught him by the armpits, successfully preventing his friend from crashing to the floor.
"You’re not looking good, mate." Mason looked concerned. "I already thought something was going on. Are you feeling sick?" "I think I’m having a migraine." Declan passed a shaky hand over his face. "I just need to lie down and sleep." "Our room is a little further down the hall. Can you walk?" Mason asked. "Yeah." Declan blew out a deep breath. "I can make that."
Declan slowly walked the distance to their room. Everything hurt his head by now: light, sounds, even his own delicate movements hurt. Mason was beside Declan, ready to catch him if he would topple over again, but Declan managed to stay on his feet. Mason quickly opened the door of their hotel room, allowing Declan to step inside first.
Declan slowly shuffled into their room. He just took the time to change into his nightwear, before dropping himself onto his bed. Mason watched his friend silently. "Tell me if you need anything, alright?" But Declan hadn't heard him. He was already fast asleep.
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dannyricsmirrorball · 11 months
everything is papaya? • ln4 part 1 ੈ✩‧₊˚
ੈ✩‧₊˚ pairings || lando norris x m.mount gf!reader
ੈ✩‧₊˚ genre || social media au
ੈ✩‧₊˚ summary || y/n and mason have been together for three years, they’re the picture perfect couple. what happens when they get swept away by the world of formula 1 and a certain papaya driver?
alt. y/n is in love with her boyfriend, chelsea golden boy mason mount, but what happens when she meets another certain golden boy?
ੈ✩‧₊˚ warning || cheating, reader is not the best person ever
ੈ✩‧₊˚ a/n || title is inspired by colours by halsey if you couldn’t tell LOL i thought it was kinda funny like everything is blue (chelsea) but then papaya (mclaren) idk if it is tho hahah. also i know everyone wants p4 of tying the knot and i promise it is coming.
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liked by masonmount, chelsea fc, and 198,093 others
yourusername you did it baby! world champs 💙
tagged masonmount, chelseafc, lew.mount, jazbenham
username82 obsessed w them
chelseafc LFGGGGG 💙
masonmount we did it baby ❤️💙
masonmount my luckiest charm 😍
⤷ yourusername 🤭
username63 BEST WAG
benchilwell YEAHHHH LETS GO
jazbenham 😘😍💙
username18 literally the cutest couple ever
username63 my parents fr
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liked by declanrice, benchilwell, and 103,038 others
yourusername bleed blue forever
tagged masonmount
username13 i actually cant
username45 mase w kids 😭
cartiamallan 😍
username18 chelsea princess
username2 she’s the biggest chelsea and mason supporter 💙🥰
masonmount my favourite things all in one 🤩
⤷ yourusername 🥹
username17 this is a mason mount fanpage and i love it
chelsea our girl in blue 💙
username64 the only wag to ever exist
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liked by sophiaaemilia, declanrice, and 98,092 others
yourusername little dump 🌷💐🌸
tagged masonmount, benchilwell, declanrice
username18 I HAVE JUST DIED
username63 dec and mase bts 🥹
username3 MUM AND DAD
username85 love her friendship w chilly and dec
benchilwell did me dirty mate
⤷ yourusername your best pic me thinks
username16 her photo dumps are always so iconic
masonmount in love with you
⤷ yourusername in love with YOU
⤷ declanrice gag
declanrice thanku for getting this photo of me and the loml… what’s ur name again???
⤷ yourusername permanent thirdwheel 😭
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 309,727 others
masonmount f1 debut 🏎️
tagged redbullracing, philfoden, bennyharris, woody_, adamdavidharris, googlepixel
username18 omg my worlds colliding
redbullracing great to have you mase 🙌
username83 need to know if he met any of the drivers
⤷ username14 he was w rbr so i think he met checo and max
declanrice 😍
landonorris great to meet ya mate 🤝
⤷ masonmount mega drive pal 👏
username27 OMG LANDO AND MASON??!
philfoden mega weekend
yourusername cutie
⤷ masonmount love u baby ❤️
mclaren our garage next time 🗣️
username19 aww that selfie is so cute
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liked by landonorris, jackgrealish, and 180,007 others
yourusername watched cars go vroom with my best friend ❤️🏎️
tagged masonmount
philfoden aw thanks mate ur my best friend too 😍
⤷ yourusername love ya ronnie 😅
username87 omg they’re so stunning together
username4 she would make a perfect f1 wag
⤷ username73 too bad her and mase are never splitting 🤷‍♀️
masonmount the best time with you love
username17 omg lando liked??
⤷ username4 aw i hope he and mason+y/n actually hang out
username27 my queen at the monaco gp 😍
username74 immediately need y/n at every gp purely for the fitssss
declanrice he should wear a helmet every time he drives
⤷ yourusername agreed 😀
⤷ masonmount oh 😕
username16 the way he’s looking at her in the last slide 🥹
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liked by riabish, yourusername, and 41,082 others
maxfewtrell monaco 2022 🇲🇨
tagged riabish, landonorris
username17 who’s the girl on lando’s right
⤷ username15 probs their friend lol?
username93 y/n liking?
⤷ username11 we are witnessing the merge of the mason mount circle and ln4 circle and i’m living for it
riabish fun times 💕
quadrant fresh 💚
username62 to be in monaco playing volleyball w landonorris and his mates
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liked by username81, username4, and 1,098 others
ln4_updates lando is back in the uk after the monaco gp 🏎️
sources: landonorris ig story, maxfewtrell ig story
username17 yay finally back home
username73 awww quadrant reunion 🩷
username92 missed seeing lando w the team
username63 not for long LMFAO
username4 home for five seconds apparently 😭
username71 guess he was home for a layover 💀
username13 mans was back for all of 12 hours 😀
username02 i’m so confused what everyone means by not for long
⤷ username4 check the latest post
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liked by username18, username83, and 12,982 others
lm4_updates lando seen with new mystery girl in croatia. many believe her to be the same girl from the photo previously posted by maxfewtrell. has our favourite papaya boy finally found love 🧡
username17 lando finally got a girl
username6 tough day for the ln4 girlies
username83 awww they look so cute
username01 he looks smitten!!!
username3 i refuse to believe that he has a girlfriend
username16 there goes my paradoxical relationship
username24 another gold digger
⤷ username7 stay mad he’s not gonna fuck u
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liked by yourusername, declanrice, and 230,968 others
masonmount my baby 🩷
tagged yourusername
username17 god i have seen what u have done for others
username83 somebody sedate me they’re so cute
declanrice whipped
yourusername mine 💖💘🤍💕💞💗
⤷ masonmount miss u sm baby come back 😕
⤷ yourusername 🥹 counting down the days masey 🩷
username62 THEYRE SO CUTE
username17 never met any couple as whipped for eachother as y/n and mason
⤷ benchilwell neither
username61 the it couple
username19 them being so cute in the comments i literally cant
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liked by username7, username44, and 13,092 others
wagsworld BREAKING: y/n y/l/n photographed today with mystery guy in the balkans, all we know is that this is not y/l/n’s long term boyfriend and chelsea starboy mason mount… have the pair broken up? or is this a matter of infidelity?
username18 NO FUCKING WAY
username55 love is dead
username64 i can not see 👩‍🦯
username71 cheap slut. always knew she wasn’t good enough for him.
username16 I DONT BELIEVE IT
username1 NO FUCKING WAY
username92 no no no NOOOOO
username17 this is crazy but u know what’s even crazier… the fucking comments she left on his post?!?
⤷ username78 RIGHT? what level of psycho do u have to be to tell ur boyfriend u love and miss him so much and quote on quote ‘counting down the days’ whilst CHEATING ON HIM
username62 yk who else was spotted in the balkans with a mystery girl just yesterday…
⤷ username7 dead could u imagine lmao
⤷ username49 there’s no way tho
⤷ username72 is kinda random that they’re in croatia at the same time…
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liked by username18, username91, and 12,082 others
wagsworld following cheating and break up rumours, it seems chelsea golden boy mason mount and model girlfriend y/n y/l/n have repaired their relationship.
according to sources close to the couple, the couple were not broken up and were in a good place. mount asked his girlfriend of 3 years if he knew the guy (see photos on our page), and if not, he didn’t want or need to know who it was. y/n says it was not someone either he or her knows, calling it the worst decision of her life.
username21 i knew mum and dad wouldn’t give up this easily!
username16 i’m sure there’s an explanation but the important thing is they are getting through it together 👏
username14 i’m gonna be real… y/n does not look like she could care less
⤷ username5 literally she’s like ‘ok yep soz cool’
username2 why does it look like mason is apologising when y/n is the one that cheated lol
username16 nah no way he’s taking her back
⤷ username26 don’t think they actually ever broke up
username7 bro is spineless
username18 i too would forgive my stunning supermodel gf even if she cheated on me
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liked by masonmount, jackgrealish, and 231,028 others
yourusername my forever ❤️
tagged masonmount
masonmount always ❤️
comments on this post have been limited by the user
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liked by sophiaaemelia, judebellingham, and 140,082 others
yourusername 🎞️🎞️
tagged masonmount, jackgrealish, declanrice, benchilwill, cartiamallan, judebellingham, kaihavertz29, sophiaaemelia
username18 this is so so cute
username52 crazy how she cheated and everyone just pretends it never happened
⤷ username28 it’s been 4 months get over it she obv regrets it and they’ve worked out everything
cartiamallan awww this is so sweet babe
judebellingham i made it into the dump! 😎
username16 the ones of mase are so 🥹
jackgrealish 🤘
england the gang is who we trust 🩵
sophiaaemelia ahhhh ily
masonmount film DUMP
masonmount love u baby
⤷ declanrice mwah 💋
⤷ yourusername oh…?
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liked by ameliadimz, declanrice, and 89,082 others
yourusername football, friends, and fun
tagged masonmount, sophiaaemelia, chunkz, ameliadimz, declanrice
usernams44 fave chelsea girl
ameliadimz friends!!!! 💕💕
⤷ yourusername get mase on csd so i can crash!
⤷ ameliadimz let’s just have our own date 😘
sophiaaemelia star girlllll
masonmount my girl 💙
username16 poor y/n always thirdwheeling mason and dec
⤷ benchilwill a struggle most of us face
⤷ yourusername it’s even worse when ur there mate 🤨🙄
username17 her game pics and fits are unbeatable
username62 once again may i say 🗣️ chelsea princess 🗣️
⤷ chelseafc louder for the people in the backkkk
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liked by england, cartiamallan, and 180,726 others
yourusername bring it home 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🍻
tagged england, masonmount
username17 mason’s biggest supporter 🤩
england 🗣️🗣️
masonmount yeah babyyyy
masonmount can u wear that everyday?
⤷ yourusername we’ll see how u go and if it brings u good luck then maybeeee
username47 her little england set WHAT 😭
username73 girl drop the link i NEED
jazbenham cutest 🌸
riabish 😍
⤷ username18 random?
username62 the most stunning wag
username5 RAHHHH 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🍻
declanrice lfg mate but was the second pic necessary
⤷ yourusername just jealous aren’t ya dec?
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liked by mclaren, yourusername, and 308,937 others
masonmount proper thanks to mclaren for this amazing opportunity. so so very cool to finally meet landonorris (properly), doing big things mate 🧡
tagged mclaren, landonorris, yourusername
masonmount also look how cute my baby looks 😍
⤷ yourusername you’re so cute baby 💖
username4 my worlds colliding omfg
username91 big day for annoying people (me)
username67 mans cant go anywhere without his emotional support girlfriend
username62 y/n and mase are literally attached at the hip
mclaren so great to have u champ 🧡
declanrice formula 1 lad
landonorris cheers mate, mega time 🧡
⤷ username62 NOT OKAY
⤷ username72 scremainf xrying theiwing up
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liked by yourusername, masonmount, and 409,837 others
landonorris mega day at the factory with this champ in the house 🧡 we’re rooting for ya 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
tagged mclaren, masonmount, mclarenshadow
username17 i will never shut up abt this
username63 big win for the lando mason girlies
masonmount great day brother 💙
username72 obsessedddd
username16 f1 and football’s certified pretty boys
username8 need the vids from today
mclaren 🧡🧡
chelseafc love to see it 🤩
username37 need them to become best friends IMMEDIATELY
maxfewtrell 😶
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liked by landonorris, masonmount, and 90,082 others
yourusername on the green ⛳️
declanrice acting like you didn’t get absolutely trashed
⤷ yourusername omg fight back?!? masonmount
⤷ masonmount he’s not wrong love
 ⤷ yourusername third wheel in my own relationship smh
username17 awww they went golfing how cute
username64 i love that y/n always goes golfing w mase even tho she finds it so boring bc she said that being w him makes it fun
masonmount my fave caddie ❤️
⤷ yourusername foreverrrr
landonorris what’s ur handicap? 😳
⤷ yourusername 😶😬🫨
⤷ username55 lando y/n bestie agendaaaaa
⤷ username13 this also reaffirms my mason lando bff agenda
lilymhe we should play!
⤷ yourusername OMG YES 💖 but for both our sakes maybe we should just hit the town instead 😬
⤷ username18 ummmm WHAT??
⤷ username6 lily and y/n are friends…? since when?!?
⤷ username83 the lore is going crazy
⤷ alex_albon yeah if she’s as bad as last time i think that’s a good idea too
⤷ yourusername wounded
⤷ masonmount when did u guys play? 🤣😅
⤷ username36 😶🫨
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liked by england, masonmount, and 234,860 others
yourusername couldn’t be prouder 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🩵💙🤍
tagged england
username15 so so proud of the boys 🫶
username54 this post is so sweet
declanrice family 🩵
username16 the second pic 🤣
username46 i love her relationship w the boys so much like mase isn’t even in the third pic but she’s just that close w everyone
jazbenham 💖💖
england big moves 💙🤍
username26 tough loss but mega plays throughout the cup
masonmount i love you i love you i love you x100000
⤷ yourusername so proud of you love 💗 a million kisses for u 💋
username35 fave wag fave team
judebellingham love ya y/n/n 💙
benchilwell just the start
⤷ yourusername so proud chilly 🤍
username72 mason mount w kids p273636 makes me explode every time
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liked by landonorris, masonmount, and 340,521 others
yourusername monaco you beaut 🥂
tagged masonmount, landonorris
username16 all hail y/n y/m/n y/l/n
username72 slowly becoming queen of the paddock as well
username19 i am FLOORED
username82 holy ferrari red
username18 omg above lando’s garage? so cute
⤷ username47 fueling my lando mason besties truthhh
username79 is mason going to man united??
masonmount the most beautiful girl in the world ❤️
username71 people died
riabish pretty gal 💕
landonorris big ln4 fan?
⤷ yourusername huge
cartiamallan we are going to monte-carlooooo
⤷ yourusername but what abt our crap tour?! 😉
username12 were her and mase not w redbull tho? why is she at the mclaren garage lol
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liked by joaofelix79, maxverstappen1, and 6,098,827 others
masonmount thank you redbullracing for this amazing opportunity! had the best time with the best people.
congrats on the win maxverstappen1, and big shout out to landonorris - mega proud 🧡
tagged joaoxfelix79, benchilwill, yourusername, landonorris, maxverstappen1, redbullracing
username17 the pic of y/n he’s fr her biggest fan 🥹
username47 i just keep winningggg
username88 and the lando mason universe expands
yourusername 🩷
benchilwill great time mate
declanrice yes max family good??
username71 are u going to man u?
redbullracing 💙
landonorris great to see ya mate 💚🧡
username16 TRAITOR
username72 the last photo I HAVE DIED
username14 “chelsea is my blood” rumours better not be true mate or u have another thing coming
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liked by username3, username18, and 12,082 others
ln4_updates new couple alert? model y/n y/l/n, notably football star mason mount’s longtime girlfriend, has been spotted with lando a handful of times in the past couple of days following the monaco grand prix (which both mount and y/l/n attended together). y/n and mason’s recent posts don’t allude to any break up or fallout but rather affirm their ‘strong’ relationship. is this a mere friendship or is there something else going on here…?
username4 welp wouldn’t be the first time…
username71 no fucking way
username8 lando and mason are literally friends. he was probs with them or going to meet up with them in all of these.
username62 not again 🤦‍♀️
username37 yk what they say. once a cheater…
username18 or maybe just MAYBE they’re fucking friends?
username27 this makes a lot of sense tho
username62 not her literally hanging out w lando and his friends while on holiday w her BOYFRIEND
username26 no way she’s doing this to him while he’s going through all the chelsea man u shit
username2 my man has ENOUGH going wrong for him already
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liked by masonmount, benchilwill, and 189,082 others
yourusername you’ll always be my babyyyyy
tagged masonmount
username18 parents fr
username73 they’re beating the cheating and broken up allegations!!!
username1 girl-
masonmount my girl ❤️
⤷ yourusername forever 🥰
username72 not y/n trying to save her ass from the cheating allegations 😭
⤷ username13 well she obv didn’t bc her and mase are still together
declanrice sickening but cute
lilymhe cuteeee
⤷ yourusername 😘
⤷ username17 THEYRE FRIENDS??
username62 icl they’re so cute even if she did cheat
username17 the orange flowers tho HAHAHA
ig stories - yourusername, landonorris
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swipe up
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liked by yourusername, declanrice, and 592,082 others
masonmount forever yours. forever mine.
tagged yourusername
username7 when we go crashing down we come back everytime!
username62 beating the cheating allegations!!
username73 best couple
username12 she’s chelsea princess FRRRR
⤷ username3 repping the blue even at tennis matches 😭
⤷ username8 wonder how she’s gonna take his move
⤷ username92 he ain’t moving!
yourusername my love ❤️
username4 i cant believe we thought hey were over
username91 the legendary miss y/n y/l/n and the unstoppable mason mount
username82 modern day posh and becks fr
username53 they’re forever 🩷
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liked by pierregasly, username16, and 70,083 others
f1.wags BREAKING: y/n y/l/n and lando norris spotted getting close in spain just days after denying cheating rumours. wonder what y/n’s boyriend, chelsea wonder boy mason mount, thinks about this…
part 2 coming x
778 notes · View notes
lilirari · 9 months
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ ( ⚽ ) . . . FAKE TEXTS ⁷ !
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ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ꩜⋆ worm on a string. also, friendly reminder ! these are all fake texts so please don't take them seriously ^^ that first text is me btw i'm going to start my own bottled water company soon.
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© LILIRARI, 2024 ★
291 notes · View notes