#Definitely not integrating this insane idea into one of the 5 arcs because it would break all story flow but
soft-serve-soymilk · 5 months
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knifesxedge · 6 months
poppy, petunia, and laurel for the wc asks?
Poppy: What’s one of your biggest headcanons for the series?
OH definitely my conceit that mistyfoot/star is like. convinced she is destined to lose everything and everyone she’s ever loved. and it keeps happening so she keeps getting proven right. + the idea that she was basically given up by her mom so she could become leader and feels bitter about that and YET she continues to Be Like Her Mother, she is SO MUCH like her mom in so many ways, and ultimately she ends up going down the same path as her mom. and all of that comes together to conclude that she is Doomed By the Narrative and one of the most tragic characters in warriors. i could elaborate on this more because i have SO many thoughts about mistyfoot & she’s my favorite character but i’ll leave it there so this doesn’t get crazy long and it involves a lot of intertwining headcanons about her life. okay
Petunia: Which arc is your favorite? Which is your least favorite?
i have pretty standard opinions on this (best arc is arc 1, worst arc is currently standing at omen of the stars but asc is giving it a run for its money) so i’ll throw in my two cents that i think warriors as a series should have ended with arc 1
Laurel: If you could write the books, what changes would you make?
hoooooooly shit okay. there are almost an infinity of changes but i’ll try to hit the big ones, in no particular order:
1. LGBT representation (they would never do this i am aware that is why i would be implementing it myself)
2. firepaw has a crush on spottedleaf but she never sees him as anything more than (affectionately) a little brother, which is why she ends up as a starclan guide for him going forward
3. mistyfoot & leopardfur toxic yuri relationship is integral to the narrative
4. brambleclaw and squirrelflight are written well and are Cute. sandstorm and firestar of the second arc. they have a rough moment where brambleclaw feels lied to post-hollyleaf’s parentage reveal at the gathering but they get through it. sigh
5. the tribe does not exist was never written into the books and is not relevant. God.
6. general fixing of misogyny and abusive relationships UNLESS that’s vital to the narrative. but it HAS to be purposeful in the way it is not currently
7. that one headcanon about tawnypelt having brambleclaw’s deputy arc from TNP
8. mothwing as the three’s sire like SORRY i know it’s cliche for me to say that but genuinely fuck crowfeather (speaking of Fuck Crowfeather nightcloud gets a wife but that’s not particularly story relevant)
9. the series ends after omen of the stars. oots has decent bones at least. sorry to sparkpelt fans/twigbranch fans/frostpaw fans but i think all the books after that arc are stinky poo poo garbage and oots is like the OBVIOUS ending point. this would mean i would have to sacrifice the last little bit of mistystar’s Tragic Character Arc but that’s a sacrifice i’m willing to make
10. NO dotc. garbage trash dumpster fire of a book series. DIE (we can see the founders in starclan and get a sense of their personalities and such or whatever but that book series is agony to read. sorry dotc fans)
going to leave it there because there’s an insane amount of things i could fix with this series because after the first arc it becomes Genuinely Bad but hmu if you want the director’s cut
thank you thank you marz!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
send me flower warrior cats asks from here!!
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the wolf should’ve been afraid of me.
Titans 3.04
just under the wire! ... i hope.
like with the previous review, i’m typing this up as i see the episode. here we go!
spoilers ahead.
1. ... well. that was an interesting cold open.
1.25. i don’t know whether to admire this show’s restraint when it comes to gotham and its excesses, particularly arkham asylum. it’d be easy to go hammer and tongs, like suicide squad (2016) did, or any number of bat media did, at a tropey, colourful~~insanity~~ that can be quite damaging, casting mental illness in strangeness and criminality. it definitely shows gotham as... separate from the rest of the country, its own ecosystem of heroes and villains, a sort of rogue state. 
but that ecosystem is still human, with its heroes needing to clip parts of themselves away just to survive, growing old and needing to be recycled, its villains languishing in the same kinds of systems that fail everybody else who needs to be helped. it’s a quieter, tenser sort of wrongness: not strange enough that you can dissociate, but not close enough that you can completely empathise. gotham is its own creature.
1.5. i know that the reasoning behind this is more doylist than anything, but i’m so glad that joker was killed off with little fanfare right at the start of the season. he is the one man in the batverse that’s transcended its confines as this sort of ethereal boogeyman/eternal edgelord and to justify his presence in the series would mean giving him this tired, overblown importance and too much of a stab at colourful, tropey “madness” in this otherwise-subdued series. i wish all batmedia would follow suit and get rid of this fucker.
1.75. so jason is bucking scarecrow’s control! or reminding him of who exactly holds all the cards right now. circling back to what i talked about in the last review, it’s remarkable just how little time it’s been since jason’s “death” and he’s already got ‘minions’ and elaborately set up plans to track, break and kill the titans. just how long has he been planning this? when did he first look at WE weapons prototypes and think that’s something i can use to blow somebody up? and the most unsettling question: did he plan his own death at the hands of the joker just so that he could break batman?
at this point it’s obvious that the scarecrow at least started jason down this path, but it’s frightening just how far he’s travelled already.
1.8. aaagh, less than one minute in! i’ll shut up. 
2. conner washing his hands at the sink reminds me that he was directly in the line of explosion when hank got blown up and he’s probably got atomised hank-bits all over his skin that he’s desperately trying to wash off.
... you’re welcome.
2.25. conner, don’t you speak to gar fucking logan like that, sir, no!
2.3. if anything it’s the lex part of him that gave him the knowhow to recognise the weapon and build a de-activator for it. 
anyway, for that ‘half-breed’ and ‘talking tiger’ comment?
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(i wish, tho, that we actually see conner more interested in the superman part of his legacy, like maybe listening to stories from gar, or even better, dick, so we get a better idea of the pressure he’s feeling to live up to that part of him and not the part that’s lex.)
((i talked about conner’s stages of moral development in his introductory episode last season, but i wonder if the next stage of his self-actualisation would be to further integrate the parts of himself and realise that they are only parts and he, conner, is an entirely different person unto himself that can make decisions on how to use what he has and what he knows. his superman abilities can be used to destroy. his lex knowledge can be used to save.))
3. oh dawn :((
3.25. is this the last we see of dawn and hank? i mean, we know donna is coming back; would it be a stretch to think they’ll try to have a go at resurrecting hank as well?
3.5. “deathstroke didn’t make us into killers.” good, because deathstroke didn’t make jason a killer either. there’s a missing step there you need to be looking for, dick. 
3.75. dick did try to break the cycle, step away from gotham, run from the possibility that he could turn into batman. it didn’t help; he couldn’t fully withdraw from his vigilante persona the same time he loathed it, and batman literally haunted him both asleep and awake. but maybe gotham doesn’t have to turn anybody into anything. maybe gotham has nothing to do with it at all. it’s about taking responsibility, realising some sacrifices are pure bullshit, and building an actual family instead of merely a team.
anyway: hugs!
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(oh, also? mr “i hate flying”? i mean, there’s perfectly valid reasons to hate flying that’s not related to childhood trauma, but then again, this guy was literally a ‘flying grayson’ once. also also, remember that he also gets sea-sick. must’ve a lot of fun stories to tell.)
4. ooh that gar/kory confrontation was brief but cool!
listen, i have never seen a psychiatrist with that extravagant an office and SIR I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW--
4.5. kory’s so unused to reaching out for help and it’s breaking my heart that HPG likely is some kind of impostor that’s maybe causing her symptoms in the first place. 
kory and dick have mostly been apart this season but it’s remarkable how their journeys have paralleled each other; kory processes her grief, isolation and existential dread into a determination to take care of this new family she has, no matter what it takes; dick does much the same, forging ahead with plans and solutions until he has no fuel left in him and spirals into a massive breakdown.
4.25. listen titans this really is a TERRIBLE continuity error. we aren’t goldfish; we can clearly remember that two minutes ago it was gar’s upper arm that was burned, not his forearm. COME ON.
“sensory deprivation tank” *SNORT*
anyway, gar is the BEST
4.5. i wonder where these visions of experimentation took place. was it on tamaran, or on earth, after she came to hunt down rachel/trigon and before she lost all her memories? is HPG a part of the scientist group that experimented on her? ... god, i hope not. i mean, i think he is, but it would be cool to have some positive therapist representation in media. 
5. you’d think the van transporting a dangerous supervillain that only batman could catch would be more secure but... i’m also not entirely surprised. 
5.15. i love dick gives ZERO shits about hiding himself or even ensuring scarecrow is adequately contained. just turns away after kidnapping him in BROAD DAYLIGHT and says ‘let’s go’. I LOVE THIS DUMBASS
6. lmao gar is having a really really shitty day SOMEONE GIVE THIS MAN A BREAK or just a goddamn story arc of his own
6.5. i’m really confused about the timeline here. so... sometime ago, kory came down to earth to hunt down trigon, yeah? at some further point down the line she and her sister were kidnapped and experimented on. THEN she somehow escapes but... loses her memory? a few months pass and then we see blackfire alive and well and free; she kills faddei, can impersonate other people, and is clearly seeking out kory. but now she’s still in the experiment facility...? what’s going on?
i’m not entirely surprised about the facility being mostly deserted. either the biggest investors in this project gave up on it and it was left to the most fanatic to carry on, or they were deliberately trying to lure kory and get her to free blackfire--expand the environs of the experiment, so to speak.
7. hopefully barbara is going to get something to do other than listen to various men give her Attitude
8. how do you terrorise a terrorist? well:
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i love when dick is a scary-competent motherfucker.
8.25. ooooh, the attack on crane at arkham a ploy to get crane to blackgate? nice one dick, i didn’t even think of that. but why though? to protect crane from the titans? to intercept the van to blackgate and “rescue” him? seems likely--red hood was there, except dick got to crane quicker.
9. still reeeallly unclear about the komand’r situation. was komand’r captured after s2? is this all A TRAP?? if so, why are you stepping into the only thing that can contain you, kory????
9.25. so... definite parallels between dick/jason and kory/kom here. i’m just. i’m still. really confused. i’ll shut up now.
10. this may be my favourite dick look yet:
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woodsman!dick in a beanie.
10.5. i unironically love how titans has made this bizarrely-devoted-to-his-moniker, toxin-spewing supervillain into a tamer version of hannibal, psychoanalysing his victims into submission. it’s of a piece with how inward looking titans is, the way all of its villains are obsessed with how our protagonists’ minds work, to the point where they would actually spend time inside of them. 
there are no big plots to end the world. no apocalypses or endgames here. these villains collect the titans’ insecurities like infinity stones. the way the titans defeat them is by achieving character growth--literally winning by the power of love. literally “the real superpower is the friends we made along the way”!
10.7. anyway, i’m betting dick is used to this bullshit from crane and is humouring him in the service of getting more information. the story about the wolf? an implicit threat, not to mention dick getting to control what crane knows about him and what methods he would use to manipulate him.
am i giving dick too much credit here? i don’t think so. he’s really impressed me so far this season.
10.75. like. there’s a real unreliable narrator vibe coming off with every person that talks about bruce (much like how the various members of the titans talked about jason’s motivations) and to buy into crane’s talk about bruce being a psychopath is to fall for the same manipulation that jason fell for. dick is the only person who hasn’t really psychoanalysed bruce this season, and i think some part of his detective brain is piecing things together into a bigger picture.
11. i’m glad kory rescued kom but did she have to kill the scientist?
(i mean, yeah, probably - the less people know that kom escaped the less likely they’re going to have the fucking govt on their doorstep, but still.)
11.5. dick’s gonna come back to wayne manor, stare straight at komand’r and go, well which room would you like? because the team might as well adopt ANOTHER person, yeah?
12. oh MAN that red hood/nightwing fight was AMAZING! and he did the thing! the boomerang escrima thing! i’m so delighted!
12.5. the anger and disbelief in dick’s voice when he says you told crane EVERYTHING?! tells me that he knew exactly what he was telling crane himself.
12.75. “everything you are is because of him” - oh that reminds me of halluci!bruce from last season. i hope we see halluci!bruce again--he is so vicious but so entertaining... so much more effective at tearing dick down than crane or jason combined. goes to show that dick’s biggest enemy is own fucking head.
12.8. oh no! dick’s shot! crane is in the wind with red hood! blackfire is now with the titans! i love it!
honestly this season’s pacing is such a big step up from the last couple. gold star, show.
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linkspooky · 5 years
Medaka Box top 2-5 because number 1 is obvious
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1. My love was Real - Kumagawa Misogi
No, shush I’m going to talk about Kumagawa Misogi. The only time he gets a chance to be number one is in popularity polls and my faves lists.
 My favorite thing about Medaka Box out of all of Nisioisin’s works is that the weirdoes are not just weirdoes who are accepted as weirdoes, but they’re also challenged to grow more human. 
What I really like about Kumagawa is that he gets his ass kicked constantly. You come to understand just how he developed his broken method of coping and seeing the world, but it’s also something he ultimately has to let go of. The story never lets him win and challenges him to grow. Which is why you end up rooting for Kumagawa because it’s far more interesting seeing him fail sometimes than the main characters succeeding. 
Kumagawa’s just this insane person who seems to be doing whatever he wants, the embodiment of edgy loser characters, but at the same time he’s eventually revealed to be quite human. He’s grounded in basic human desires, he wants to be happy like everybody else, he wants to have security, to protect his friends. It’s that humanity in the character you get attached too. He’s a loser, not because he’s a monster, but because he has so many very human flaws. At the end of the day, for all his flashiness he kind of just acts like a regular good for nothing. 
Underneath it all I see Kumagawa as a character whose broken in kind of an ordinary way. Nisioisin writes a lot about broken geniuses, people who are insane but also talented to some degree. Kumagawa is just like, an average ordinary guy underneath it all that’s been subjected to a shit ton of trauma and noen fo that trauma really made him better as a person and he doesn’t have some kind of special talent to balance it out. Normal people, ugly people, worthless people can be broken too, there’s no such thing as suffering beautifully. And yet, Kumagawa’s still trying to be a person, he’s trying to struggle and do better even though he’s not someone who would ever be the main character of the story. Which is why I think he’s grounded in something really relatable. 
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2. I don’t care what fictional characters call me - Ajimu Najimi
Ajimu’s great because she’s literally the most talented, all knowing character in the manga, but in the end she’s just as shitty as Kumagawa. Often I end up liking these two as a pair because they’re just so integral to each other’s character arcs. 
Ajimu is a shitty person. You get all these reasons like she’s actually seven million terminals, or that she’s trillions of years old, but beyond that she clearly has a personality, and that personality is bad. She just doesn’t really care about anybody besides herself. She drags along other people with her whims. 
She’s a mastermind but at the same time she’s kind of just a petty child. For all of her grandiose reasons for manipulating people along, it’s more that Ajimu doesn’t really want to live as a person. There are characters that Nisioisin made up that are like, actually not meant to be human but some incomprehensible entity. Like, the story goes out of its way to say that Yodzuru isn’t human. In Monogatari, oddities and aberrations are not meant to be human, they’re meant to be inhuman and different. But Ajimu always struck me as a character written to be human underneath it all. Her constant announcing of “I’m a non-human” is just kind of her running away that psychologically, she’s still pretty much a human despite her weird origin story. 
Which is why my favorite part about her is how little she actually knows about being a human. She understands people like they’re toys to move around in her toybox, or roles in a script but you get the sense she doesn’t get them as like, thinking, feeling entities separate from herself. She doesn’t really understand love, or friendship or anything like that, and she doesn’t want to bother to learn anyway because she already knows everything. Ajimu literally has the script handed to her, and yet like Medaka says, she doesn’t know anything. She has to start all the way from the beginning. 
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3. So let’s get married! Marry me, Marry me, Marry me! - Emukae Mukae
I used to hate Yanderes until I met Emukae. One of the differences I noticed is that Emukae is definitely not written to be anybody’s fantasy. She’s her own character all throughout. Which is what i disliked about most yanderes to begin wtih, they were always obsessed with some dude, but like never as a flaw or a character arc it was supposed to be appealing and not ugly. 
Emukae is very ugly when she’s introduced, and we get to see her just like Kumagawa work her way back into being a human being again. The reason she has to let go of her romantic feelings is because she was using them to entirely define who she was, which is why her personality appears so shallow at first. 
By the end of the manga Emukae is probably the character besides Kumagawa who has changed and developed the most, and another thing is that she does this without really abandoning parts of her presonality. Emukae is still a minus towards the end, she’s still manic at times, she just doesn’t use love as a substitute for everything anymore because she’s learned to grow an identity outside of that. She’s kind of growing into her own person over the course of the manga instead of attaching herself to either Kumagawa or Zenkichi to define who she was. 
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4. I’ll become the main character - Zenkichi Hitoyoshi
Zenkichi is a send up to classic shonen protags and a subversion of them at the same time. He’s the guy who never gives up, who always makes friends, and who tries to earn everything with training, effort, and hard work. I admit a lot I like about Zenkichi is his foiling with Kumagawa (Kumagawa existing as his shadow, Zenkichi’s hard work is always rewarded, and Kumagawa’s is never rewarded). 
However, there is something unique about the character himself. That is, getting stronger never actually gets Zenkichi what he wants. Despite being the main male lead, he almost never technically wins any fights. He wins against Munakata at the beginning but that’s about it. He’s actually usually the weakest character in the group and surrounded by super strong women.
What’s interesting about Zenkichi as a protag is that his arc isn’t about gaining strength, but actually letting go of the idea of gaining strength. He wins against Medaka in the end not by beating her in a fight, but because he’s better at making connections with other people than she is. He finds his place eventually in learning to make connections with others rather than building his entire life around protecting Medaka. 
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5. I’ll kill you - Munakata Kei
Munakata is fun, because he’s an interesting character concept. Every time he looks at a person he wants to kill them. Unlike Hitoshiki Zerozaki, rather than choosing to give into this urge he’s actually spent his whole life fighting against it. Which is what makes him unique, he’s basically every other serial killer that Nisioisin has ever written (a serial killer, but they’re lonely) but this time he hasn’t actually killed anybody.
Which under the surface makes him feel like much more of a normal dude. He’s actually a very human person who just happened to be born with a weird obsession with killing people. I guess one thing that makes me like this character so much is I’ve seen similiar attempts to make this character work with the same concept, but they all come off as unrelatable and weird. 
Munakata is a fully fleshed out character. He wants to have friends, wants to fight for those friends. He sometimes get self righteous. He’s serious and straight laced. He’s overprotective of those friends. He just also happens to be constantly seeking out a reason to kill someone. Munakata is even mentioned to have a bad attitude on purpose. His showdown with Kumagawa is also one of my favorite scenes in the manga, with the two of them fighting with their contrasting philosophies. 
It feels like the fact that he wants to murder every single person he meets is just an asterisk on his character, instead of having his entire character built around that fact. Which is fun. He’s actively resisting becoming the murderer who kills people for no reason because they’re obsessed with killing people trope, and it gives him a satisfactory arc over the story. Also, once again how normal he is is just fun, the second he did finally kill someone his first response was to just walk to the police station. What a dude. 
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kyliesmilie26 · 8 years
Doctor Blake Mysteries - S2E3. Otherwise known as Kylie’s inane and rather insane review... part fourteen...
Well, wonders will never cease, I’ve managed another couple of scenes...
Read on if you like. :)
*Doctor Blake Mysteries 2x3*
Lucien has decided to go and visit the Porter’s Boarding House after that rather, arguably fruitless visit to the Historical Society.
He starts to explain the purpose of his visit… but gets cut off by, who I’m assuming is Mrs Porter. “You’re with the police. What do you want?”  
Yes, I think we all want to know, Lucien. Colour us, (well me at any rate), intrigued.
Lucien sighs, rather dramatically before answering. “The gentleman we were asking after, did he happen to leave anything in his room?” Ah, good call Doc! I like your thinking… but why didn’t someone think of that earlier?
Mrs Porter’s very quick with her response. “No.”
Well, there goes that idea, Lucien. He has another one though. “Mind if I take a look?”
“There’s another bloke in there now…”
Another stumbling block.
“But I cleaned the room before he went in. There was nothing there.”
What you gonna do now, Lucien?
He’ll say “right,” for a start, dismay clearly evident in his dreamy features.
Onto another question. “Did he have any visitors?”
Another “no.”
You’re not doing too well Doc. What’s going on?
“Any female callers?”
He’s nothing if not persistent!
Oh, will he ever get a breakthrough?
According to Mrs Porter, he was a very nice, decent man. She’s clearly had enough of Lucien’s barrage of rapid-fire questions and tries to excuse herself.
“Yes, he was. He was a very decent man.” Lucien, turning on his old-fashioned charm again. One more shot can’t hurt can it?
“You see the thing is… he died the day after he stayed here and that’s why I’m here. And I’m looking for a book of poetry.” Lucien has definitely decided there’s something most important about this book that will help solve the mystery of who killed him. Well, he was wrong about a jealous lover wanting access to what money and possessions he had left…
Lucien continues, seemingly onto something. “He gave it to you didn’t he?” “He said he didn’t need it anymore.” Bravo Lucien!
He ever so politely asks if he can see it. She hands it over and asks him what he needs it for.
Lucien starts to flick through the pages. “I’m really not sure.”
He stumbles across something – who would’ve guessed? It appears to be a series of numbers or code. Now, I wonder what that might mean… and he obviously thinks it is something that could be integral to finding the identity of his female killer.
He asks Mrs Porter if she minds if he keeps it for a little while, and promises he’ll get it back to her.
She nods her assent and offers her sympathy for Sven’s passing, saying he was… different.
“Yes, he was.”  
He thanks her and leaves.
Hmm, I can see Lucien doing a fair bit of pondering over this code… ;)
*Doctor Blake Mysteries 2x3*
And we’re back at the police station. Lucien is sitting at Lawson’s desk, and yep, you guessed it, they’re talking about the “code” in A.D. Hope’s book.
Matthew wants to know what kind of code.
Love how Lucien thinks it is some real high complex mathematical code!
“Well I’m guessing it’s some type of one-time pad encryption algorithm.”
We all understood that didn’t we? Yep, of course we did…
“In English?” Thank you, Lawson! We’re all breathing a sigh of relief, except maybe for those super-gifted mathematical fans out there. They might have understood. :)
Apparently what Lucien is talking about is that it uses a series of letters and numbers and the letters correspond to the numbers and there’s a key and a page the algorithm refers to. He goes on to say that when the two are combined, you have a simple code. And it’s almost unbreakable, “unless you’ve got the right key.”
Is Lucien reading too much into it???
Lawson: “How in the hell do you know all this?” I swear, his one-liners are almost as good as Jean’s!
Lucien walks over to Charlie’s desk, for reasons I do not know, and replies, “Well, I may have come across something similar after the war, but my point is this.”
He then goes back to Matthew’s desk (anyone know why he moved to Charlie’s in the first place???)
“I think our man in the morgue was involved in some kind of intelligence work.”
Lawson barely raises an eyebrow at this news, merely muttering a nonplussed “hm” and continues to read/study the poem? Code? Not sure.
Lucien comments on how he does not seem surprised at this.
Now it’s Matthew’s turn to elaborate. “Well, we’ve been getting some phone calls.” People are recognising the photo in the paper. A woman in Stawell (for reference to those not from Australia, that’d be about an hour or so west of Ballarat) had an affair with him five years ago. She knew him as a Norwegian by the name of Tor Olsen. He walked out on her as well.
Why do I get the feeling there’s going to be more?
Matthew continues, “An affair in Shepparton (about an hour to two hours north/north=east of Ballarat), and he was Dutch, going by the name of Niels van der Berg. Who the hell is he??? Lucien obviously agrees with me, as he shakes his head while sipping his tea.
Lawson spoke to Immigration and the names belong to children of deceased immigrants. What the? The mystery deepens yet again, just when I thought there were some answers…
Lucien mutters his second bloody hell of the episode. I would so love to do some kind of tally of the bloody hell’s in the upcoming season 5…
Lawson continues saying that Sven, or whoever he is, somehow got a hold of all the records. And together, they compile a bit of a checklist.
Cuts all the labels off his clothing – tick.
Dyed his hair – tick.
Code business found in the poem – tick.
One heck of a mystery man, and we still don’t really know, at this point why he was poisoned.
Matthew asks Lucien if he thinks he can crack the code.
“I can try.”
The superintendent informs him that he’s got a day to do it, because they’ve got to get the body out of the morgue.
Lucien adds that they still are none the wiser as to his real identity.
Lawson: “We’d better get a move on, then.”
He stands up, and then lets Lucien know that he’s been taking calls about Lucien too. He’s been taking calls from the Federal Police and the Army. They’re wanting to know about Lucien’s recent travels.
This is not a big plot for this episode in particular, but it, a bit like the discussion between Charlie and Lucien about China earlier, build into a nice overall season story arc. But I digress. Or perhaps not, because “Charlie’s showing interest too.”
Matthew asks Lucien, “What exactly did you do after the war, Blake?”
The response is interesting, “Well, I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” I wonder how serious he is here?
Matthew obviously thinks he’s playing funny buggers, I’m not so sure personally. “This is no joke.”
Lucien: “I know.”
I had completely forgotten about that rather important end part of that scene. Like I said, not particularly huge for this particular storyline, but huge for the story arc of the series.
That’ll be it for tonight. I’ll finish it *fingers crossed* tomorrow.
Hope you’re enjoying it.  :)
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