#Delta minus
huntunderironskies · 7 months
So. Did anyone actually have Legends Kalos on their bingo card for Pokemon Day? Because I didn't. Like, I'm happy about it, Kalos never quite got a fair shake and Lumiose City is the best designed city in the series, but still.
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filosofablogger · 1 year
Playing Both Ends Against The Middle
I was thoroughly disgusted, but not surprised by the latest from Judd Legum et al at Popular Information about the fossil fuel industry’s latest attempts to keep themselves afloat while killing the rest of us.  Read on … 1500 environmental lobbyists are double-dealing with the fossil fuel industry By Judd Legum, Tesnim Zekeria, and Rebecca Crosby 6 July 2023 Hiring a lobbyist is about…
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rannnem · 19 days
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I drew em again super fast because I had all day to kill, this time with more clarity on their appearance and more funky outfits! I decided that their hoodie should have the Delta Rune on it, minus the angel part purely for design purposes
Twin Runes is by @akanemnon of course
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crunchycoookies · 7 months
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Art for my country Branch au 🥰 Details abt it under the cut ⬇️
Here's my silly little au! So basically Branch ran away from Pop village because everyone (minus Poppy) treated him terribly. While exploring he stumbles upon the outskirts of Lonesome Flats, where he trips and sprains his ankle. Delta finds him and is like "What tf you look weird but ig ur my son now." And from then on she takes care of him. Somewhere along the way Branch starts to call her Mom (or Mama/ Ma). Clampers is born at some point, making her Branch’s cousin. They love/hate each other and have that unhinged sibling dynamic. They just turn into a cute little family and I love em sm.
Delta also helps Branch regain his colors, although they are slightly muted tones of his true colors. Because the county trolls are so adept at dealing with grief, Branch is allowed to process his grandmothers death and his fear of singing with a good mentality. This leads to him slowly gaining his colors back (hence the blue streaks in his hair) and learning to be happy again. He does start to sing again but it's a mix of country and Pop. (Which comes into play during TWT, but more on that later).
Also I made Gary (the remote Imao) into a goat critter. He's stupid and I love him. Delta has an ongoing feud with Gary bc he constantly tears up the garden but she can't do anything brash because Branch absolutely loves him.
There is more but that's it for nowww! Feel free to ask questions and I’ll do my best to answer them! Give me ideas for this aus name pls I have nothing
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sandeewithtwoe · 1 month
If you're still doing requests, you could draw Swap and Delta having an arm wrestle?
I imagine both of them being very close, as they like this fighting and training thing.
They would be tied you’re so right!! I actually headcanon them being gym buddies so I think they’d be pretty close in strength (minus the magic of course, pretty sure Delta would break Blue’s arm if he didn’t remove his gloves)
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Bet their arm wrestle match lasted for hours until their friends had to come over and stop them because they had other stuff to do. Like, Blue had to go with Dream to help civilians (very important) and Delta had to continue his One Piece watch marathon with Epic (also very important)
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rocksibblingsau · 2 months
how do each leader feel about before and after he got amnesia?
Poppy: Before she was identical to her canon self from movie one, hopeful to talk things out with Branch. She didn't believe he was stealing the strings. Maybe he was just so bad at singing that he needed all the help he can get to get better!
After amnesia she thinks it's the perfect chance to befriend him! She's a bit blind to a lot of the concerning things until they're pointed out to her, and even then she tends to brush it off.
Delta Dawn: She just about wanted his head on a spit after he stole the string. She jumped to a few conclusions and thought he represented all of Pop before she found out he was going to destroy Pop as well.
She initially assumes he's faking amnesia, but like everyone else she comes to conclusion it's real when they see how Branch is acting. She's not initially on board the 'fake it til you make it' plan, but more because she doesn't care to get to know him. She's concerned about him pretty quickly though when she catches some trolls giving him some pretty backhanded compliments and she has to send them running. She ends up hating the plan because Branch is putting a lot of trust in her and confiding in her (even asking her if the old him saw her like a mother because he's getting those vibes from her) and she feels like its too much even towards a villain like Branch.
King Trollex: Branch took the string from him by grabbing Beat Drop and telling him to give up the string or else, which put him in pretty bad graces with Trollex. Trollex had no way to know if Branch had been serious about hurting Beat Drop or not (he wasn't, he was bluffing the whole time), and he didn't like fearing for his little buddy's life like that.
Trollex also thinks Branch is faking at first, but he notices pretty fast that Branch carries himself VASTLY differently. He's pretty unsettled at first by Branch's new happy attitude because it looks unnatural on him but it's VERY clearly honest. He's not on board with the plan because Techno Trolls value honesty to a high degree (to the point they can appear rudely honest) and he'd rather they just tell Branch that he used to be evil and if he remembers where the strings are then to tell them.
He ends up also feeling guilty as he can see some Synth qualities in the new Branch, and he wouldn't want someone to take advantage of Synth the same way they are with Branch. He also finds he likes Amnesiac Branch, which he feels guilty about as well since he views Amnesiac Branch as not an actual person, and he would hate if he found out everyone liked an amnesiac version of himself more than the 'real' him.
Quincy and Essence: They had conflicting first impressions of Branch because unlike the other leaders (minus Poppy), they did get to see some of Branch other than the persona he put up, though they do know it's possible that was part of the trick as well. They can tell that Branch had a reason more than hatred, but they also don't care enough to risk ALL MUSIC on the hopes of reasoning with Branch. They are thankful that, even if it was part of his plot, he led them to Cooper though.
They were more sold on the plan because it seemed like the safest way to get the strings back and potentially help Branch. They trusted Poppy to know what was 'too far' in Pop culture, but unfortunately Pop Trolls don't have a limit for things like that, they'll go too far. They were the ones asking the hard questions when they saw how Pop Trolls reacted, but especially with how Cooper talked about Branch. They know he's a villain but they can tell this stems from something before Branch reached that point.
Trollzart: Viewed Branch as a bit of a brute off the bat, but also as a dumb kid whose parents probably didn't love him enough as a child.
He ends up forgetting about the plan mostly because he ends up just genuinely enjoying Branch's company. He's probably who Branch ended up forgiving the fastest because it was pretty obvious that Trollzart was just vibing with him. Trollzart also was the only one to not press Branch on his missing memories, as again, he forgot that was the point of it all.
Barb: The things she wanted to do to him after stealing her string and her super cool idea are banned for being war crimes. There was some respect for managing to beat her, but not much.
She wasn't on board with the plan. She claimed she didn't want to pretend to be all buddy-buddy with Branch, but in truth she also had concerns with the ethics of it all. She hated the fact Branch was blindly trusting her and she hated that she actually could see them being friends. She actually was the one person who sort of preferred the other Branch, as he was tough and cool and Amnesiac Branch is a little too Pop for her liking.
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mutt-sys · 24 days
Jingle jingle jingle, created ghouls content, jingle jingle jingle
Cowbell is Eldritch, he lives in a cabin in the woods near Chain. Chain, Cowbell, Delta, Alpha and Air are the only surviving older ghouls, they all live in the woods minus Delta cause he stays in the hospital wing.
Air is a harpy like beast, he ends up scaring the siblings of sin. He mainly hunts rodents and other small mammals, occasionally he'll hunt deer and leave the left overs for Alpha or Cowbell to find and eat.
Alpha is a mix of animals, he's more canid than anything. He can usually be found with Air or Chain, most of the time he will keep to himself and hardly ever interacts with anyone outside of his deemed "safe group."
Chain is well, water like. He can be found in the lake near Cowbell's cabin and typically hunts the fish that live there, he'll leave a few big catches for Air or Cowbell to cook and eat. Like Alpha he usually sticks to himself and doesn't interact with others much.
Cowbell is a complete failure in the eyes of the church, they were gonna be culled but they managed to escape and they now live in a cabin they fixed up themselves. They're very monster like, a mix of different animals and being mashed into one abomination, they hardly leave the cabin because of it.
Delta is a shark like thing, they live in the hospital wing of the church and they're the only "human like" ghoul the church has. He'll occasionally visit the other older ones but oftentimes he can't due to the orders of the sermon and church, so he usually leaves them gifts outside.
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miminmimikyu · 3 months
Prodigy episodes 11-12: Jankom you hero! You know that those anger management classes were good if Jankom managed to de-escalate a conflict between a tactless angry Dal and an absolutely livid Chakotay in a room with no Janeway
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Jesus episode 11 got really dark really quickly.
Gosh that opening sequence of Chakotay’s life on Ysida was so beautiful. The gentle piano and strings music accompanying this montage was so understated and pretty. The soundtrack on this show...
ngl when Chakotay carved that third chess piece I thought it represented a child
TEN years! That’s longer than Voyager was stranded in the Delta Quadrant! If anyone of the ex-Voyager crew can survive 10 years on an isolated planet, it’s Chakotay, but oooff. I guess 10 years of solitude and the deaths of your entire crew weighing on your mind constantly will do that to a guy. I think that the closest he’s ever been portrayed as this.. callous(?) was in Timeless, where he also lost all but one of his (& Janeway’s) crew. It was so satisfying to see Chakotay get so many emotional moments this episode (still, quite shocking to see him try to attack defenceless kids).
The scene in the cave was so perfect, everything came together— the moody blue of the cavern, Dal’s initial shocked expression and inability to speak, Adreek’s skeleton just sitting there and protecting the antimatter for god knows how long.. and then to top it off the two-hit KO of the incredible animation conveying Chakotay’s horror and grief and guilt, and Robert Beltan’s voice acting!. (I’m so used to his clocked-out performance for a large part of Voyager, I was taken so off guard by the emotions he conveyed in this episode (and the next).…. God that was beautiful
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Please.. I’m already dead π_π
I love how it’s not a sense of sudden responsibility for some children but the kids just earnestly working away that gradually drags Chakotay out of his shell. Worn down by their work ethic (and them finding the corpse of his first officer for him 💀).
Yet again: what a cool planet!! A lot of the planets the kids have visited this season have been devoid of humanoid life but each of them is so unique and interesting. Not the worst place to be marooned, if not for the beasts.
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I really like the reversal of the Janeway-Chakotay dynamic here. On Voyager, Chakotay kept Janeway in check, now holo Janeway does that for Chakotay. It’s cute how he looks back at her for input from time to time.
Dal and Chakotay actually make a great duo. I really liked their heart-to-heart. Also the way they clash, definitely a different dynamic compared to Dal and Janeway. I didn’t expect Dal to confess his insecurity re:the peek at his future so soon. I don’t think that this solved it but I’m glad that he was given a bit of a confidence boost.
These two episodes sure reminded me of Resolution… stranded on a planet, the planet is plagued by ion storms, Chakotay/Janeway infected vs. the Protostar infected. Chakotay is resigned to his fate while Janeway/Adreek is set on fixing the situation (Janeway didn’t manage but Adreek did).... and then in episode 12 Chakotay tells Dal about how he always felt lost (as a child on his homeworld, in the maquis as an adult..), until he met Janeway and became her number one… that’s almost exactly the same thing that he told Janeway in Resolutions (minus the metaphor + heavy romantic overtones). Hell, episode 12 even starts with Vice Admiral Janeway getting her shoulder massaged (/manhandled. by the doctor. and she hates it. unlike when Chakotay did it on New Earth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ). Only Janeway isn’t actually stranded with him on Ysida…
Chakotay and Holo Janeway… do you think they explored each other’s bo-
Beverly Crusher is k i l l i n g me being all “Jean-Luc? Dunno, you know him, always working!! Hahaha, let’s talk about motherhood” while hiding her now 4-year old secret lovechild.
Anyway. So if Voyager is nearby (ish), that means that this is present-day and Chakotay crashed 10 years in the past? So besides fixing the protostar back up, they need to wipe holo Janeway’s memories, crash the Protostar in the past and I guess Chakotay just loses 10 years of his life now?
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teeheemarie · 2 years
Here’s my take on How I think Simon Ghost Riley would treat you plus a lil bit abt SAS.
I’m military, so I’m using my knowledge, have seen and what I have actually researched
Simon is my favorite Britain
Also idk why ppl keep saying “i wish british ppl existed?!” Like they do…fictional ppl don’t 😔
First off SAS is one of theeeee best special forces teams in the World. The US equivalent would be the Army Delta Force (the unit).
The SAS go through physical and mentally exhausting trainings. Only the fittest, hardest and most resourceful soldiers become part of the SAS.
SAS is real and is British lol. Its not made up. In fact most of the CoD stuff is real minus the operators and respawning after dying lol.
Lets dive into how he would treat you:
-Ghost and Simon same guy but different. Ghost is the job version. While Simon is your sweet honeybun.
-I will forever say this but NO HE DOES NOT WEAR THE MASK OUTSIDE WORK..any special forces personnel that does is stupid tbh. Bc that is risking his entire life, family, friends, etc.
-The man drinks bourbon. It is said, and I’ve researched this, that people that drink bourbon are: unique, passionate, complex and free spirits. I mean the man dumped a dude in a garbage can after killing him..thats free spirited enough for me.
-He is an old soul. He may be in his mid 30s but he has a wealthy amount of knowledge. Another perk to being an old soul is once his eyes are on you, they are only on you.
-Observant. That one dress you like but in a different color, he’d notice. The new hairstyle, he’d be first to compliment you. He is observant to every detail. All your scars, freckles, curves, all of it. As a special forces personnel they have to be observant and aware of their surroundings.
-Loyal. The man is SAS, loyal to his country..so why would he not be loyal to you?!
-Having a bad day and he’s not there, the florist down the shop got his message and will be bringing you flowers. Having a bad day and he is home: he got off early and raced home. Made your favorite tea, started your bath, ordered pizza and has that scented candle on.
-Passionate! The man loves his job. You can tell by way he performs execution moves and the way he shoots perfectly. But that also translates outside the field. He is passionate towards you. Expressing his love whether it be through sex, taking care of the house, cooking or as simple as “did you eat, my love?”.
-Expert at many things. You need your car fixed, he’ll do it (just don’t ask him to drive it), need a new coat of paint on the walls, he’s there with a roller brush. That dishwasher is leaking, he’s got his tools out ready to be your bob the fixer or whatever.
-Sex is great! When the man goes on missions, tbh, the chances of him having time, whether it be actual time or alone time to masturbate to you is probably slim. But once he is home. Its game over. That pussy is his and he’ll be swimming in it all night long.
-Honestly he’s a good man. Claims to have a cold heart but considering his past trauma and his SAS experience, I don’t blame him for having a wall up. But once he meets you, he will tear that shit down and settle with you.
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sshbpodcast · 4 months
Character Spotlight: Kathryn Janeway
By Ames
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Finally, we’ve made it to the Delta Quadrant in A Star to Steer Her By’s character spotlight series, as we turn our focus to the crew from Voyager. And who better to start us off than our intrepid Intrepid-class leader, Captain Kathryn Janeway? She stalwartly leads the crew through uncharted space, wheels and deals with new alien species, kicks countless asses, and drinks copious amounts of coffee. What’s not to like?
Well, some things, as you’ll see below in our patented list of all Janeway’s Best and Worst Moments throughout the series (and beyond!). What’s in the Delta Quadrant doesn’t actually stay in the Delta Quadrant, you see. So count the number of times Janeway self-destructs the ship as you read on below and listen to our countdown timer over on this week’s podcast episode (T-minus 57:33). There’s coffee in this blogpost!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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Ralkana? He said you’d been shot. One of the early gems of Voyager is “Resistance,” and Kate Mulgrew is on high display throughout. When she comes to understand Caylem’s tragic history, Janeway embraces his cause with compassion and empathy. And when the poor, senile man is dying and continues to mistake her for his daughter, Janeway lets him believe his delusions because they’re all he has.
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Hello. I’m Captain Kathryn Janeway. Welcome to the Bridge. We joke a lot on A Star to Steer Her By that Janeway’s go-to tactic is self-destructing the ship. And she gets to actually carry that through for the first (but not last) time in “Deadlock,” taking out a whole bunch of Vidiians with her. Lucky for us, a spare Voyager crew (including a bonus Harry and Naomi) are saved as a result, since any other time it’s a trick you can only pull once.
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There’s nothing to fear… except Kathryn Janeway Throughout the sensory-overload nightmare fuel that is “The Thaw,” Fear the Clown torments the people within his holo-environment until he crosses paths with Captain Janeway and she proves to be the most cold-blooded of them all. She cleverly tricks him into releasing the hostages before ripping the rug out from under him with the reveal that she isn’t really there.
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You’re part of a family now, and you have obligations Watching the crew become more of a family as the seasons progress is a highlight of Voyager, and the way Janeway comes to trust Neelix is lovely to watch. In “Macrocosm,” she makes him an ambassador, and an episode later in “Fair Trade,” her “you’re part of our family” speech when Neelix admits to feeling like he no longer has a purpose on the ship proves how she values him.
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Time’s up Not only is “Year of Hell” one of the best two-parters in all of Star Trek, but it also has yet another instance of Janeway destroying the ship! She takes it upon herself to save her crew from the Krenim and their very pretty, very powerful timeship by plowing what’s left of the Voyager directly into that sucker. And she even gets a great sendoff line to go with it!
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For what it’s worth, you made a tempting offer If we’ve learned anything from the first several seasons, it’s don’t cross Janeway or she will double-, triple-, or quadruple-cross you right back. Evidently, no one clued in Kashyk in “Counterpoint” because he tries to use her to find a wormhole and nab some telepaths, but she’s been prepared for that the whole time. Pity, the two of them were almost cute together.
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I’m a little busy right now, helping a friend It takes her quite a while (most of the series even), but Janeway slowly makes steps to accepting the EMH as people. By “Latent Image,” she’s agreed to let him process his trauma, even though it would be much easier to deal with if she just erased it (again) like the program he is. She even sits with him while he has existential crisis after existential crisis.
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Her Royal Highness, Arachnia, Queen of the Spiderpeople! As far as comedy episodes go, “Bride of Chaotica!” is one of our favorites. You can tell everyone’s having so much fun, especially Kate Mulgrew as she throws herself fully into the over-the-top role of Queen Arachnia. Janeway pretending to be a B-movie villainess is just candy to watch, and she saves the invaders from the fifth dimension. All in a day’s work!
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I make a better you than you Jake thinks he’s very funny in making me include this one on the Janeway list, but here we go. So Dala in “Live Fast and Prosper” isn’t really Janeway, but she does make cunning deals and schemes with the best of them. And hell, the bonafide Janeway delivers as well by foiling her counterpart’s dastardly plans and throwing her in the brig where she belongs.
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I’ll start my own Federation, with blackjack and hookers When the Voyager is stuck in the titular void from “The Void,” everyone’s begging to resort to piracy – it just looks so fun! – but Janeway puts her foot down. Despite being so far from home, she has tried her darndest to unhold Starfleet ideals, and starting her own miniature Federation is her way of showing that people are better when they work together. Void friends forever!
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Must’ve been something you assimilated While I could pick on Admiral Janeway for breaking the Temporal Prime Directive in “Endgame,” I’m just too impressed by how she so thoroughly owns the Borg Queen. She knows diplomacy won’t get her anywhere with the Borg, so she lets herself get assimilated to pass on a neurolytic pathogen that takes out the whole collective and saves Voyager!
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Set your compass to Starfleet Finally, we’ve been pretty forthright about our love for Star Trek: Prodigy, and Admiral Janeway really gets some great moments to chew the CGI scenery. In the season one finale, “Supernova,” she stands up for the Protostar crew, especially sticking her neck out for Dal in a way that is so pure and supportive that you root for the whole group. We're so excited to watch season two when it’s up on Netflix!
Worst moments
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And if you win you get this shiny banjo made of gold What the whole series boils down to is the long journey to get home from the Delta Quadrant… but it’s kinda Janway’s fault they’re stuck there in the first place due to her needlessly selfless actions in “Caretaker.” And then there are countless opportunities to get home after that that she squanders to uphold Starfleet rules. Who’s gonna know, Janeway?
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The Trolley Problem solution for maximum murder Probably the most infamous action Janeway takes is the murder of Tuvix in the eponymous “Tuvix.” Sure, it’s to get two crewmembers back, and I’ve heard that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one, but it is straight-up cruel the way she forces Tuvix to medbay against his will, kicking and screaming the whole way that he wants to live.
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I couldn’t help it, said the scorpion. It’s my nature. Boy, does Janeway know how to put her crew in needless danger by making snap decisions and then arguing about them a lot (a lot) with Chakotay. Her decision to team up with the Borg in “Scorpion” against the newly introduced Species 8472 is frankly insane. There’s no reasoning with Borg, lady. I’m with Chakotay on this one: you can only trust a scorpion to sting you.
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You must comply In “Scorpion,” Janeway promises to return Seven to the collective when they finish the whole Species 8472 thing, but instead Janeway straight up kidnaps the poor drone and makes the decision to deprogram her in “The Gift” like the cult victim Seven is. It’s all entirely against Seven’s wishes and a little uncomfortable to watch because our new Borg has no agency yet.
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Get down with your bad self Okay, Jake is being a pill again and insists we include Janeway’s fictional counterpart from “Living Witness” using biogenic weapons against the Kyrians. And yeah, it’s not actually Janeway – it’s a purely fabricated story the Kyrians concocted for their biased history program – but ya know what: I love how diabolical and ruthless this Janeway is so much that I’ll include it.
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I’ll be benefiting from other people’s suffering Even more uncomfortable than watching Janeway force individuality on Seven is watching Janeway straight up ignore the DNR from Torres in “Nothing Human.” We sorta get that Seven can’t make her own decisions because she’s essentially a cult victim, but Torres is of sound mind when she refuses to accept surgery from Crell Moset and Janeway won’t hear it.
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Sit in the corner and think about what you did We did a whole other blogpost about when it’s a good idea to break or uphold the Prime Directive after watching “Thirty Days.” Janeway refuses to let Tom save the Moneans and throws him in the brig for a month for trying to help them. It’s inconsistent to say the least when captains decide to hide behind the almighty Prime Directive, and Janeway is the biggest offender.
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You’re malfunctioning, and you need to be repaired We praised Janeway a moment ago about how she respects the Doctor’s agency in “Latent Image,” but all through the series leading up to that, she struggles to think of him as a sapient person. It’s revealed in this episode that she’d ordered his memories of Jetal wiped as a way to deal with his trauma – something she’d surely never do to one of her solid crew members.
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The Handbook on Personal Relationships is three centimeters thick Season 5 is well represented in this list, and you’d think that after that long, Janeway would have a modicum of respect for her forever ensign, Harry Kim. But in “The Disease,” she sets a double standard out of nowhere that crew members can’t bang aliens without permission. Hello? Janeway, everyone has already broken that, not just Harry, your special little boy.
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Every captain gets a little torture as a treat! We get to watch Janeway go full Captain Ahab on the Equinox crew in “Equinox.” She hunts down Ransom like he’s her white whale. She tortures Lessing for information. And then she fires Chakotay for doing his job of being the most moral character in the room. It all feels out of character, but that’s kinda the point because this is what the Delta Quadrant pushes people to.
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Delete the wife Speaking of seeming out of character. In “Fair Haven,” Janeway designs herself a holo-boyfriend and then falls head-over-heels in love with it. We fully support the captain going and getting holo-laid, especially since it’s unethical to bang her subordinates, but she should know better that this guy is just a sex toy and not a real person – she did program him that way!
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Two Janeways are better than one There’s a whole new meaning to arguing with yourself in “Endgame.” Turns out, Admiral Janeway originally doesn’t want to wreck up the Borg as we gave her credit for above, but withholds her plan from her younger self and then tries to pull rank while everyone else is rallying to save millions by taking out the Borg. Ladies, can’t we just work together… to kill Borg!
And we’ve finally made it home to the Alpha Quadrant! That’s all from Janeway today, but we’ve got her whole crew to peruse through for the upcoming weeks, so make sure you’re venturing through Voyager with us here, follow along with our Enterprise watchthrough on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast, sip some coffee with us over on Facebook and Twitter, and lift your mugs to a toast: to the journey!
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drawer-ghost · 1 year
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Introducing everyone to my version of a lot of Ink!characters with all the illustrations/doodles I did for them (there are more but I am not convinced about the design)!!
Original Inktale/Ink!Sans to @comyet
Undereats/Roo to @sui-imi
More of infos about them under the cut:
- They come from the same forgotten au of Ink!Sans, they just escaped later after that a big fight between all the main outcodes created a "tearing" in their au allowing them to escape.
- I decided to make them chill and protected by plot armory cuz there is already Underverse and Alive!tale for serious plots(Just realised it sounds passive aggressive af I promise I don't mean it's a bad thing, I just wanna make silly characters without a solid and serious plots (for now)). Sometimes you just need a kind of op chaotic gang made of weirdos that like causing havoc <3
- Mad Mew Mew instead came from a cancelled au and Undyne just grabbed her and was like "You are my friend now! We are having soft tacos later!!"
- They all have a house somewhere in the void they built with ink and bricks.(I have a specific headcanon about what Ink is in the Multiverse so it's actually weird).
- They are and see each other as a found family (except Undyne and Alphys that have feelings for each other, Papyrus and Mettaton that has a "situation-ship"/"partners in crimes" relationship)
- They are very chaotic neutral and like messing with people in the whole Multiverse just for the giggles. They protect it too but they treat this role like Sans treats his hotdog stand.
- They don't hold any grudges over Ink Sans and always help him when needed. He usually forgot about them but any time he remembers about them he visited them or sent them something.
- Alphys created a gadget similar to a cellphone that advised the rest of the gang if one is in danger and sent them their positions.
- Frisk and Chara wear these matching hooded jackets both to hide themselves when traveling in aus (since many of them are either dead, very important or very evil) and both cuz they wanted to match.
- There's a "Flowey" too but since he doesn't feel he is a Flowey/Asriel changed his name in Delta and is currently thinking what kind of person he wants to be. He has a bit of identity issues but he is strong, he will make it :>
- This is not a fact but a gag/promise but I decided that any blogs or ask events I will make, the asks are gonna be delivered by Ink Papyrus. There's no reason that it's just funny.
- Mettaton's red flag is that he has the tendency to invite in-universe characters in his show and make the MTT-rated equivalent of Saw minus the dying but it's alright red is everyone's fav colour(except Core Frisk)
- There are also other guys like Grillby, Muffet and a few of Ruins monsters but I would call them "secondary characters"(I love them anyway with all my heart but they are not part of the house)
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classicanalyzer · 5 months
The Calvary Has Arrived Thoughts
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Omega taking the initiative to free herself and the other children shows how much she's grown.
ZILLO BEAST RAMPAGE. I love seeing the TK Troopers and scientists suffering. I wonder Hemlock's choice to send them to try to stop the literal Godzilla beast. I hope the Zillo Beast becomes the Apex Predator of Wayland.
Crosshair's trauma once again kicks in as they get in. I really like how Hunter and Wrecker refuse to let Crosshair go in alone and they'll face death together. As terrifying as the CX team is, it's creepy to know that they're a dark foil to the BB. I forgot for a moment that one of the CX Troopers cut off Crosshair's arms with my anxiety kicking into high gear. I'm also glad Tech is actually dead and not one of the CX Troopers. I really like the theory that the CX team could be Delta Squad and I really vibe with that. It would be poetic if they were in that case.
Omega’s confidence in herself and skills as she stays behind to free her brothers. Emerie Karr’s redemption was nice to see as she does everything in her power to save the children.
The Clone Rebellion or rather the Clone Prison Revolt happens! It's so satisfying seeing the Clones being able to fight back and kill those Stormtroopers. Likewise, it's horrifying some of the horrific ways some Clones are killed by the CX team.
Hemlock being stressed and frustrated is always fun to see. At that point, Tarkin is using this as an excuse to finally get control of the facility.
I love how Nala Se always planned to let herself be killed to destroy the research and prevent her knowledge from being used by the Emperor. It's a fitting end to her character who helped the Emperor get into power and for her to help frustrate the Emperor's Cloning plans. Likewise, Rampart's death is both hilarious and karmic. Kamino has been avenged.
The BB working together to survive against their dark foils is heartwarming. There are so many times one of them could've died but they all made it out. Crosshair looking at his specific dark foil in particular.
The confrontation and showdown in the rain parallels both S1 and S2’s finales (Kamino’s rain and Hemlock taking Omega) Scorch dying is so satisfying after his complicity in the crimes of the Empire against his own brothers. Scorch was also shot 5 times which was how many shots (stun that time) Scorch was taken down in S1. I love how much Hunter and Crosshair trust Omega in her plan without her saying anything other than gestures. Likewise, Hunter's trust in Crosshair to make that shot, which he did even without his hand. Omega's reunion with her brothers are everything to me. I hope the Zillo Beast (heard in the background) eats Hemlock’s corpse.
The first ISD in BB animation (outside of the tease in Tales of the Empire). Tarkin taking over the funding is so Tarkin. It's poetic that the Clones saved the galaxy by delaying Project Necromancer it's still being worked on in 9 ABY and given Palpatine's state in TROS, they did a really good job.
I'm so happy they got a happy ending. I thought we would get a bittersweet ending but it's nice to see everyone make it out. Seeing the final shot of the BB team minus Echo together on Pabu is so heartwarming. I wonder if we'll see what happens to Echo and Emerie in the future.
Older Omega and older Hunter! Omega joining the rebellion opens a lot of doors. We were robbed of seeing old Man Wrecker and Crosshair haha. I really hope the next animated show is a Starfighter one.
This show is so special to me. I'll put out a retrospective of the show one day.
"The Calvary Has Arrived!" Wrecker
Themes I noticed:
BB's theme, Omega's theme, Crosshair’s theme, CX's theme, Hemlock's theme, and the Clone's theme.
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pyramidcurse · 8 months
Bloody Roses AU - Explanation
Bloody Roses is an au that formed from a vague idea I had at 1 am. The first concept was Creek & Floyd centric, being that Creek was a vampire, Floyd wasn't, and BroZone were (or, in Branch's case, still are) vampire hunters. This was tweaked in the final draft I went with - BroZone was a boyband like always, vampires exist, and werewolves exist in a (MOSTLY) non-troll effecting way.
In Bloody Roses, the bergens and the mount rageons aren't a threat. So no Chef, no V&V, and, most importantly, no Creek betrayal. In theory, it's set near the tail end of World Tour, though Barb isn't doing a rockapocalypse or anything like that - Funkfam have found each other again, Hickory & Dickory aren't pretending to be a country troll, trolls of different genres are, mostly, on good terms with each other (minus personal affairs).
Scene setting out of the way - onto characters.
I created these charts to make character explanations a bit easier, but they can be a bit confusing, so I'll break it down character by character, in no particular order. If someone isn't mentioned, it's solely because they're not on the chart. The Vacaytioners are only mentioned for world building purposes.
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POPPY - Poppy is the queen of Pop Village. The day of her coronation, she was attacked and turned into a vampire. Determined to keep her village from freaking out, she suppresses her vampiric urges and keeps this a secret from everyone besides The Snack Pack. She works hard to try and socialize and make Branch comfortable, developing a crush on him, despite her own nervousness about him and his anti-vampire paranoia.
JOHN DORY - John Dory became a vampire the night of the BroZone incident. He is unable to fully suppress his vampiric urges, although he tries his hardest. He misses his brothers a lot, but he knows it's better to be separated. He travels constantly to keep his bloodlust from getting too prevalent, and during these travels he encountered Delta, who very quickly wrangled him out of Lonesome Flats. He managed to convince her he wasn't a threat, mostly by staying out of Lonesome Flats, and developed a few romantic feelings for her.
CREEK - Creek is a vampire by birth. He hides this from Pop Village, with most just thinking he's a bit odd, and willingly moved into the forest to 'improve himself'. He pretends he was driven out, though, in an effort to manipulate trolls into believing he's harmless. He's not very popular in Pop Village, most just seeing him as a weird forest loner. Delta regularly has to wrangle him out of Lonesome Flats, leading to a tense mutual hatred between the two of them.
BARB - Barb is a vampire since birth. She's incredibly open about her vampirism, even going so far as to offer every rock troll the choice to become one whenever they want. She's in contact with Viva and the loners, housing those without fear of vampires in Volcano Rock City. She's an older sister figure to Clay, although she's not a very good influence.
VACAYTIONERS - The Vacaytioners are all werewolves, but there is no real fear of them in trolls. Lycanthropy can't be transmitted to trolls, and vampires don't like to stick around werewolves for whatever reason. The Vacaytioners are also, generally, very calm and mellow, and Vacay Island is something of a safe haven for trolls with intense fear of vampires, which leads to them having a very positive association.
HICKORY & DICKORY - Hickory & Dickory are an odd case for trolls. They were born with the ability to be infected with lycanthropy, which eventually ended up happening, making their physical & mental health jump around often. Most trolls don't believe them, which leads into them being pretty secluded from others. They have a close sibling-esque bond with Delta Dawn, as she's the only troll who really believes them & worries about them.
BRANCH - Branch is an intensely paranoid shut-in. Very few people know where his bunker is, and he only appears in Pop Village once in a blue moon. He's very sensitive about the topic of his brothers, besides Floyd, refusing to talk about them even if someone knows them. He's incredibly afraid of vampires, having several traps and gadgets setup to keep them away or kill them. He's determined to never let one get close to him, although he can be a bit clueless if they don't fit his preconceived idea of them. He is, to some extent, a vampire hunter.
FLOYD - Floyd lives in Pop Village, although his entrance into it is fairly new. He struggles with connecting with other trolls, occasionally having fits of paranoia and discomfort due to the traumatic experience he endured - he tries his best to push past it, and with the help of his close friend (who happens to be a vampire) he's made substantial steps towards overcoming these fits. The comfort he feels around this friend evolves into romantic attraction after a while, although he does his best to keep it in.
BRUCE - Bruce left his two youngest brothers behind to try and find Clay, resulting in him nearly being attacked by vampires. He was saved by Brandi, who happened to be gathering ingredients for her family restaurant, and he was taken into Vacay Island, where he's been too guilt-ridden and otherwise busy to leave since. He and John Dory still talk, and they're fairly friendly with each other. He feels guilty about the incident, feeling as if everything could've been prevented if he'd stayed behind, which impacts his friendship with Floyd, as he can't talk to him without a sense of unease.
CLAY - Clay was separated from his brothers and picked up by Viva, shortly after the incident. He retained his identity as the "fun" one for a while, in an attempt to leave pieces of himself behind so his brothers could find him, before Viva helped him work through his issues and he abandoned the idea of them finding him. He works with Viva to help the loners, taking up the serious side of the operation.
VIVA - Viva runs a rag-tag gang of "loners", taking in any and everyone who was separated from their groups either intentionally or unintentionally by vampire attacks. She works to help them healthily get over the fear of vampires they develop from their experiences, replacing it with the ability to fight to survive. She's learned through her friendship with Barb that not all vampires are evil or monstrous, which she also assists the "loners" in figuring out.
DELTA DAWN - Delta Dawn is the mayor and sheriff of Lonesome Flats, wrangling and kicking out any and all threats with little to no remorse. She cares deeply for Hickory & Dickory in an older sister way, caring for and homing them when their physical health plummets.
CHAZ - Chaz is... A siren? A succubus? A mix of both? No one's quite sure, but they do know he's a pain in the ass. He works as a bounty hunter, and not much else is really known about him. Very widely hated. Lol.
Formatting may be odd, as I ripped this straight from a Twitter thread I made.
instead of brozone disbanding how it did, the bros were on their way to a live performance when they got entrapped by vampires. jd "sacrificed himself" and ushered bruce off w/ other bros in tow. he returned later that day & bruce thought everything was okay, until jd, a freshly turned vampire who had no real control over himself, attacked floyd when nighttime came. rosiepuff sacrificed herself for realsies to distract jd long enough for the other bros to flee to pop village, where floyds leg got amputated. on the way clay got lost & separated from everyone else, picked up by viva & the other loners, & bruce left to go find him, ending up being saved by brandi & beginning their long romance. branch & floyd stayed on the outskirts of pop village inside the bunker, neither going in until branch was truly old enough to take care of himself, as his paranoia was intense leading to it just being floyd whod enter & leave the village regularly - branch goes in to get supplies now and then but that's it.
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edge-oftheworld · 10 months
5sos fanblog with a twist!
hi!! welcome to the chaos :) you can call me ariel or silver and I’m a punk violist from sydney, australia, and tbh I’m still figuring out what that is.
here I post my projects: ideas, in progress, and when they’re done I’ll put them up somewhere you can hear! project requests on at all times, can’t guarantee I’ll def do it but I will always think about it and get back to you with ideas even if I can’t make it myself. I mostly make orchestral arrangements as I’m classically trained and can read too many clefs. but keen to experiment with anything! if you want me to arrange something for you to play please include your instrument and I will assign you which 5sos member or sierra or brandy I see your instrument as too for a bit of fun.
find me over at @faithfromanewperspective for less specifically music things! but you’ll find me blogging all my thoughts here too so hope u like!
FINAL EDITS: - orchestral arrangement of CALM minus no shame and easier and kmt plus ghost of you (teeth/lie to me/nitsw//lom/goy/lonely heart//old me/best years/wildflower/high/red desert) here - (nessa barrett) plane to paris orchestral
IDEAS: - vapor/lie to me/wwylm/bad omens for @ghost-of-you - efyts rock version for @ghost-of-you’s anon - something with tgwcw or os/co or airplanes idk - easier/more plus youngblood, no shame, kmt for me - red line (hornsby version) idea i got listening to ash's voice memo - (Taylor swift) dwoht/labyrinth for @speaknowtaylorsversions
COMPLETED: -only ever completed my child of the universe (delta goodrem) violin/viola duet which is what got me into this to start with!
on this account I fully immerse myself into the mood of the songs so you’ll see some heavy stuff, I use trigger warnings and tags, and reference neurodivergence and urban design and my own experiences. it’s all for the art and connection and I hope it might be encouraging for you too
p.s. check out the exclusive photo of the sunrise in sydney that’s burning for days
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status-updates · 10 months
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Hidden away in a land where players can't reach, an interro steps out of his penthouse office, into the rest of his building. It's populated with robotic workers he's built specifically to work for him. But they're not forced to, or anything. In the case one accidentally doesn't come with the default aspirations, he lets them go. Acts like these and his overall charisma, as well as quirky sidekicks make him one of the more popular people in his realm.
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his name is Status Updates, but everyone just calls him Updates. He wears a badge with an A on it to commemorate his survival of an experience he deeply regrets partaking in. Oh look, it's walking towards him.
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Ah, Ravo, you're... here. How are you doing?
I thought so. Have the bots met their quo- shoot.
[He begins shaking.] Block. Bomber. Brother. Bench. Building. Brocc-
[A covers the spot where their mouths are assumed to be.] yes, thank you. Good job. You wanna get ice cream or something?
bbbbbbbb- actually yes that sounds quite nice. bbbbbbbbbb
.... is ice cream even a thing that exists- sure, we'll uh, find some.
[Updates turns to the door, only to see his bodyguard in his way.]
JESU- god, I will NEVER get used to that. How long were you there this time?
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[Delta, who came to existence through similar methods to B, despite being approximately two and a half times larger than the other two, is very methodical, and very quiet. So much, people quite frequently get scared by him apparently having been there for a while.]
Since you started talking to him. I heard we're going on a b- on a 15 minu- what's another word?
a... day off.
Yeah, a day off. For ice cream.
I was honestly joking but I can't- dang it.
Blank. Black. Begin. Bring. Basic. Bible. Beach. Brown Berry. Blee-
[Delta urges B to shush by picking him up and shaking him a little. They head out of the office.]
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rocksibblingsau · 4 months
I could see JD living with the country trolls and Bruce with Techno for a few years before marrying Brandy.
JD with country seems like a match made in heaven minus the fact Delta Dawn would hit him with a Ford F-150.
Bruce with Techno I get why, since he's got the whole beach thing going on. I feel like he'd be an old man about it though. He can't rave because his back hurts.
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