#Demon Fulgrim
tagedeszorns · 10 months
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Do it for him!
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dese-o · 8 months
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The purple prince is here! :3c
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beethereal-knight · 1 year
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So that official Fulgrim mini, huh
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basichan-heh · 7 months
(repost please? I would really like to meet other Warhammer fans. XD)
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deepermadness · 7 months
Here's something for you guys to latch onto. It's something I'm quite excited about!
I know a lot of you don't play 40K, but something rather interesting could be happening during summer this year. Back in 2023, Games Workshop released the 10th edition of Warhammer 40K. I know, I know, but don't get switched off just yet. Things are going to get very fun.
You may know through cultural osmosis that there are four Chaos gods. Tzeentch, Khorne, Nurgle and Slaanesh.
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Well for many years they all shared one rulebook, but back in 8th edition, two of them (Nurgle and Tzeentch) spun off into their own armies. This was followed last year by Khorne who got theirs right at the end of 9th edition.
But in addition to new rulebooks, they also got their army leader, known as a Primarch, to take them into battle.
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Now what's interesting here is that they all have benefitted from gifts of their respective gods. Magnus has a staff and enhanced psychic powers, Angron has two powerful close combat weapons (to create blood for the blood god), while Mortarion has the enduring strength of rot and decay. In additon, they all underwent changes to reflect their respective gods. All very fluffy and tied heavily to the lore. These are really fun models and their rules are fucking cool!
But we're missing Fulgrim, the Primarch seduced by Slaanesh. And THIS is where it gets interesting. Slaanesh is the god of excess. They revel in striding over boundaries and feel most comfortable being who they are. Followers of Slaanesh often gain powers and benefits tied to their perversions, sexual or otherwise. And it is highly believed that Fulgrim is next in line to get a model.
Looking at GW's roadmap, you can see that there's a spot for a whole new army coming out (listed as [redacted]):
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There is HUGE speculation that this is the fourth and final Chaos god codex (the name for the rulebooks). This means that we will get a new Fulgrim model, and we're itching to see what 10,000 years of daemonic servitude has blessed him with.
And I say "new" model, because we have one of him back when he first turned. This is part of their "Horus Heresy" range, and not Warhammer 40K proper. The other three Primarchs also have HH models too, different from the ones above.
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Sexy, right?
But here's the thing. One of Slaanesh's defining traits is that they play with and change gender frequently. Actually, it would be just as appropriate to say that gender doesn't really apply to them unless they want it to. For example, here is a huge daemon from the range:
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As you can see, there's a lot of androgeny here. That's intentional. Sometimes they appear more traditionally feminine, sometimes more masculine, sometimes both, sometimes neither.
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And their forms shift to seduce the prey. It's brilliant!
But this leaves the question - what about Fulgrim?
I suspect that GW could do something incredible. I think they're going to heavily lean into the best parts of Slaanesh. I think that they're going to reveal a female, or genderfluid Fulgrim!
It would make so much sense. It's the best fit for the lore. It would be so weird to just have a random bloke standing there when everybody else is already living it up as their best and most open selves, you know? It would make her distinct from her brothers, we would get a phenomenally cool Daemon Princess model, and it would definitively shut up all of those guys who get funny about the idea of female space marines, because we'd finally have one in canon!
I mean, even the existing model is called Fulgrim "trans"-figured! Could it be any more obvious?
Trans Fulgrim please, GW.
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1silentsiren1 · 1 year
Today it was born in my head: "No law in the Eye of Terror prohibits demon princes from climbing trees." And now Fulgrim is resting on a tree) Or maybe he's hiding there from his children, for example from Rylanor) And they think what to do with the tree - chop or saw. And then the father hisses and does not get off.
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goldengoblink · 1 year
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“Pride of the Legion”
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charnel-doll · 1 year
every single time i see some post about tragedy star-crossed lovers the love was there but it didn’t help old man yaoi old man divorce codependency i want to grab op and everyone in the notes by the shoulders and yell HORUS HERESY READ THE HORUS HERESY NOVELS READ THE WARHAMMER 40K NOVELS I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WILL LIKE THEM
but that’s rude. so i quietly seethe instead
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kitsune-pop · 2 months
I love how much of warhammer 40k is clearly a bunch of white dudes sitting around, thinking up the worst shit imaginable and going "thank god that could never happen to me, the cishet white guy"
angron is a one for one depiction of slavery, yet is painted as the bad guy for wanting to stand against oppression
mortarion is disabled and constantly has his decisions taken away from him by able bodied people only to be seen as moody and uncooperative
magnus is gay or trans or both. literally a guy blamed for something he was born with that he cannot control and told you're bad if you explore this part of yourself. also you're illegal now
fulgrim was actively encouraged to pursue perfection, despite never being good enough for others. he pushed any personal pleasure aside for an uncaring crusade and then is demonized for saying "fuck it, I'll have fun"
lorgar. also known as "this is why you don't abuse your kids"
horus is the golden child who's sent out into the world by himself only to find out Gee, Maybe I'm Not Ready because good ol dad did everything for him then told him "figure it out lol"
alpharius omegon are the autistic kids who don't understand why pops is doing this, maybe we should do things a little different than "blood soaked crusade"
perturabo is the burnout middle kid who did everything to impress his father only to be told "that's what's expected of you" who then got mad since acting out was the only way he got attention
konrad curze has a mental disorder. and is abused because of it
all of these characters were so close to being some of the best representation for minorities we could get in media only for gw to eat shit right at the finish line because they can't commit to an actual story. and it's amazing just how little these writers understand that the things they depict are all real things that people suffer through every day, and are demonized for every single day, especially when we are told these characters are irredeemable and should be destroyed, no questions asked
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robot-roadtrip-rants · 7 months
when you think about it combining thousands of supersoldiers literally incapable of fear with a strictly atheist, rational regime was a colossally stupid decision, and not for the reasons you're thinking of
y'know those cheesy old horror movies where the protagonists are spectacularly stupid? like, they find a spoopy book bound in suspicious leather and go, "haha lets read from this WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG" and twenty minutes later they're being chased by demon minotaurs or something. and the whole time you're screaming "NO YOU FUCKING MORONS WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WAIT WHY ARE YOU GETTING UNDRESSED NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO HAVE SEX" and then the demon minotaurs kill them while they're having loud passionate sex because god forbid horny teenagers should ever have fun. ok so hear me out, astartes and primarchs in the pre-heresy are the same as the dumbass teenagers, except for the sex-having part (i think they T-pose at each other instead)
think about it. THEY KNOW NO FEAR. they're missing one of the key instincts we possess for recognizing dangerous situations. most people who find a spoopy book bound in suspicious leather are gonna be, y'know, spooped spooked. they won't want anything to do with it. the more anxious/scared will straight up leave. but astartes literally can't get spooked! they might burn the book for being xenos filth or something but beyond that there's nothing to balance out natural curiosity and/or lust for war trophies.
and this combines really badly with the imperium's rationalism! see, even if you don't fear the spoopy book, superstition/religion/fairy tales/etc. still provide a powerful incentive to stay away from it. you're gonna look at it and go, wow, that book looks satanic, messing with it might summon demon minotaurs, i should stay away. but the imperium actively discourages that line of thought! there's no way the spoopy book can do any harm, it's just a spoopy looking book! in fact, you SHOULD read the spoopy book just to demonstrate how not-superstitious you are!
yeah so this is why fulgrim walks into a creepy temple full of ritual snake orgy and thinks, hmm that snazzy sword the snake guys are obsessively fucking around would make a nice trophy. or why it never occurs to magnus that making deals with the fair folk might be dangerous territory.
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tagedeszorns · 11 months
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Hydrahead naming their Heresy-Fulgrim-model so 100% correct. I can't stop laughing!
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Also Hydrahead knowing perfectly well how to part me from 48 Euromoney.
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ghostinthegallery · 27 days
As a certified xenos-supporter and lover of sexy space robots, I still get lots of Primarch-info through osmosis. Although it is probably weird info, so here are the first facts I think about for each of them.
- beard
- his kids are a damn mess
- snek
- demon sword
- Griffith we have at home
- cunt
- hates everyone except Magnus apparently?
- imposter syndrom
- put him in charge
- hates magic except when his kids do it
- murder for daddy's approval
- has a blankie from his grandpa and that's adorable
- likes walls
- blood pits
- needs a shower
- perfect boy everyone loves
- died to give us 40k Christmas
- divorced, beheaded, died
- the hands are necrodermis akshually
- ate sand one time
- all of the Primarchs have the right to punch Big E in the dick forever, but Angron gets to go first
- spreadsheets
- abusive childhood even by 40k standards
- moth?
- hot nerd with beautiful titties
- did nothing wrong the best he could with the information he had
- stabbed real bad one time
- toxic polycule
- kind of shocked at how little I know given he had a whole Heresy names after him
- Bible camp nerd
- Big E blew up his planet and he was way too okay with it
- big hugs
- perpetual? For some reason?
- hates Lorgar
- that's really it
- killed a custodes one time and nobody cared
- secret first primarch
- bald
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astriskssketchbook · 4 months
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Magnus: How crude, you use to be such an elegant and cordial individual.
Fulgrim: and YOU use to have a sense of humor. You feather brained hack!
Hopefully I'll have time to draw all the demon Primarchs and "ascended" loyalists.
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modeus-the-unbound · 1 month
Age of Sigmar/Warhammer 40000 crossover event.
But it's just 700 pages of Morathi and Fulgrim in their giant demon snake people forms, having the nastiest, sweatiest, mo- *GW lore-writer with a 50.cal sniper rifle kills me.*
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Behold, a new season is upon us, and right out of the gate we are getting a prime candidate for "Demon Princess of Slaanesh". Not only because she has repressed horny-energies powerful enough to disturb the fabric of reality, but because she's also an absoute dumbass because of it.
Fulgrim would find her absolutely adorable.
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1silentsiren1 · 1 year
I've been wanting to implement this idea for a long time. Deep inside each fallen primarch, there is one whom the Emperor of Mankind once met. Somewhere under the layers of armor, injuries and wounds, pure souls are hidden, perhaps wishing to free themselves from these shackles
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