#Deneba Family
happyhappybios · 2 years
Dafira Hegala
This page contains mention of death, blood, stalking, harassment and kidnapping.
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Danger scale: Hostile
Key notes: Revenge Ghost, Dead, Fiancee, Haunting, Bitter
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(Symbol by @.greatestgamer)
⛈Dafira's mood⛈
Name: Dafira Hegala/Deneba
Age: died at 30 sweeps (65 y.o.)
Height: 5’4 (165 cm)
Blood colour: Olive
Wiggling day: 20 July
Symbol: Coma Berenices
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Lesbian
Occupation: Dead, Ex-assistant of a famous alchemist
Place of residence: Сemetery - Mausoleum
Lusus: MotherCattle (Highland; Middle size; No longer live with her)
Hobby: Haunting
Hemoloyalty: Despises highbloods
Fetch modus: None
Strife specibus/Weapon: None
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Darifa is a revenge ghost who is seeking justice for her and Arided. She is a bitter, hostile and unapproachable ghost for others, but patient, understanding and supportive towards her new family. Dafira won’t talk with anyone, except Arided and Ghosty, and will scare anyone who approaches close. She doesn’t want to interact with other trolls anymore.
Darifa won’t tolerate rude behavior towards her family and will hurt others to defend them. (so please do not provoke her)
Before Dafira’s death, she was a timid, non-conflict, sweet and clumsy troll with a big soft heart. She was a naive troll who believed in seeing at least something good in every troll and giving second chances.
But she was too careless to see what’s going on around her…
After she returns back as a ghost, Darifa remembers everything that happened to her and Arided. Her anger and hate grew inside her rapidly, poisoning her mind and soul and before she knew she promised herself to avenge Arided and kill every highblood who was part of the betrayal.
Romance books
Chocolate cakes
Scaring other’s trolls
Screams of her enemies
Rude behavior towards her family
Big places
Dagira was hatched in the ‘Victorian era’ similar to human’s, like Arided.
Dafira has a pollen allergy.
Dafira is a sweet tooth. Her favorite food is chocolate cake and she would eat it non-stop.
Dafira has a habit to come on time to meetings, but then spend extra time on something else and it leads her to come late.
Dafira’s dream was to become a scientist and work in one of the most famous university in Alternia.
Dafira won’t admit it, but she is good at writing poems. She thinks it's an unnecessary skill for a future scientist.
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Matesprit - Proposed/Taken - 🌌The Last Night🌌
Arided. Her heart will always belong to her beautiful fiancee. A lot of sweeps will pass before Dafira could meet Arided and promise to avenge her for unfair things that happened to her..
Moirail - Closed. (Not interested)
Kismesis - Closed. (Not interested)
Auspistice - Closed. (Not interested)
Out of quadrants
Acquaintance/Friends - Ghosts. Dafira is a bit jealous of ghosts that always accompany Arided, but she knows they are important for her. She is trying her best to be friendly and nice with them and some of the ghosts become good friends of hers as well.
Children - Ghosty. Ghosty is a little white blooded wiggler that Arided is taking care of. Dafira didn’t expect Arided to adopt a grub at all, but she didn’t complain. She thinks Ghosty is a good kid and she will protect them at all cost.
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Dafira was a normal troll who had a normal life, but with big goals and dreams. Since her childhood, she dreamed of becoming a scientist or, at least, a science teacher and getting a job in one of the most famous university in Alternia.
Unfortunately, her long time dreams shattered as she didn’t get enough points in the exam to even attend the dreamed university. She was devastated by this, but didn’t give up yet. Dafira applied to a college with the same degree. It wasn’t the best college, but still well known enough to get a job easily.
Her motivation started to slowly fade as she was studying, feeling worthless and unappreciated. 
Is it what Dafira wanted from the start?
Or it’s just a kid’s dreams that should be stayed as such?
Dafira didn’t know and didn’t care anymore.
She finished college and applied her resume to different places for a job. Nothing was looking interesting to her as each job had the same low payment and work conditions. Dafira wasn’t really worried about payment as she wasn’t interested in it, but she wanted to feel appreciated.
And receiving high payment is an appreciation of her hard work.
Feeling as if she was giving up once again, Dafira suddenly was invited to a job interview with a famous alchemist - Pr. Celbal Rasall. He was searching for an assistant who could help him with experiments that were described as moderately dangerous. At first, Dafira wanted to refuse it as she valued her life and time, but high payment and recognition from other scientists lured her to agree.
Later on, she started to work for Pr. Celbal Rasall.
She would lie if she said she didn't regret it.
But, the biggest lie would be if she says she didn’t enjoy her job. There was something about Pr. Celbal Rasall and her job made her think she is capable of something more.
And she likes this feeling.
Some sweeps passed before…
…she met her.
Her future fiancee, Arided Deneba, a gorgeous jade blood who was a Winner of the National Fencing Championship and a highly respected troll in high troll’s society.
Their first meeting was awkward to say the least. They met in the cafe where Dafira spilled coffee on Arided’s new costume and later dropped a piece of chocolate cake on her shoe. Dafira was super embarrassed about it but Arided’s calm attitude calmed her down.
Their second meeting was a sudden one. They met in the Dr. Fakhri’s laboratory where Dafira worked. She didn’t expect to see her again, but wasn’t opposed to the idea to get closer to the jade as well.
Their romance finally bloomed after it.
They both started to spend more and more time with each other, knowing more details about each other's pasts, likes and dislikes and so on. Each time on their ‘dates’, Dafira fell for Arided more and more, finding more reasons to love her.
Soon later, Arided asked her to become matesprits.
Darifa accepted happily.
But, their happiness didn’t last long.
Dafira became a target of stalking and harassment from obsessive fans of Arided and rivals. She was attacked on the streets by a group of trolls multiple times and was stalked by some dangerous individuals that tried to break a door of her flat and steal important documents. Thankfully, Dr. Fakhri prevented the stealing and later let her live in his laboratory for a while before the hate fades away.
Dafira didn’t know details why it was happening, but she heard Arided’s explanation about her situation and trusted her to end it all.
Dafira knew sooner or later it would happen at some point as dating something famous like Arided was a risk. 
She didn’t regret it. 
She loves Arided and will trust her and her decisions.
…she was too careless to see what’s going on around her.
Dafira got kidnapped by hired assassins. 
They used her blood to write a threatening letter for Arided and then threw her in one of the mausoleums, leaving her to bleed. Dafira tried to cry for help and struggled to make her ropes to lose, but it all felt hopeless.
She felt hopeless, how…
Suddenly, she heard Arided’s voice outside. It gave her hope for the better.
She cried. She yelled. She screamed for Arided to notice, but…
…nothing changed.
Her hopes got crashed when she heard one of assassins saying:
‘We killed her.’
After that, she doesn’t remember what was happening to her. 
Everything was red. She felt a big mix of emotions: rage, despair, sadness and revenge.
Her wound opened up as she tore the ropes apart, bleeding even more and soiling the bottom of her dress. She banged on the door desperately, screaming and roaring from rage. The knuckles of her hands bleed, but she didn’t feel the pain anymore.
She will never forget who caused this pain.
She will never forget who did this to them.
Never forget.
30 sweeps (65 years) later…
Dafira’s desire for revenge woke her up from a long sleep, but as a ghost. Darifa remembers everything that happened to her and Arided. Her anger and hate grew inside her rapidly, poisoning her mind and soul and before she knew she promised herself to avenge Arided and kill every highblood who was part of the betrayal. She knew the faces of her enemies and was thinking of finding them on her own, but finally she met…
…her, once again. All alive.
And her revenge faded into the background for now on.
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happyhappybios · 2 years
Ghosty Deneba
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Danger scale: Docile
Key notes: Mutant, Loves Ghosts, Sweetheart, Supernatural, Artist
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(Symbol by @.allthesetrolls)
Name: Ghosty Deneba
Age: 2.31 sweeps (5 y.o.)
Height: 3’2 (100 cm)
Blood colour: White
Wiggling day: 16 September
Symbol: Ghost
Gender: Non-binary (They/Them)
Occupation: Kindergartner
Place of residence: Cemetery - Mausoleum
Lusus: Arided Deneba
Hobby: Singing
Hemoloyalty: Ghosty is a bit young to answer such questions
Fetch modus: Umbrella. Similar to Arided’s, but they need to catch all the drops and pull the item they need
Strife specibus/Weapon: None
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Ghosty is a calm kid, living in a mysterious and scary environment. They are quiet and unnoticeable kid, but super friendly, social and funny at the same time. Ghosty seems to get unnoticed by other trolls, almost being invisible as a ghost all the time, but whenever they get noticed, they become super happy.
Ghosty doesn't know why this is happening. They don’t have any powers that will make them invisible or something similar to this, so they are not sure what’s going on… but they are not upset about it. After all, Ghosty can just wait for others to notice them, even if it takes a long time.
Ghosty seems to be lonely because of a ‘curse’, not having more friends of their age, so most of the time they spend in the mausoleum with their ghost-friends.
Getting new outfits
Cookies from ‘Family Bakery’
Desecration of graves
Being alone
Bright lights
Hot weather
Ghosty loves eating cookies from ‘Family Bakery’, so whenever they have a chance, they always ask Vulpec to go to the bakery together and order some cookies. They still have no idea that the owner of the bakery is Vulpec’s lusus. 
Ghosty doesn’t have any powers, but Vulpec insisted that invisibility is their superpower.
Ghosty sleeps in a hand-made cocoon coffin that Arided made for them.
Ghosty was allowed to let Vulpec visit their ‘hive’ from time to time, but only if they promised to be quiet.
Ghosty have a favorite toy and it’s a big blue ball. 
Ghosty has a secret spot in the cemetery where you can see a great view of the sky with stars.
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Mother - Arided. Ghosty loves their mother. They love to spend their time with Arided and seeing her interact with ghosts always fascinates them.
Mama - Dafira. Ghosty isn’t sure how to feel towards Dafira. They recognize her as their mama, but they feel something bad is going on with her.
Vulpec - is a good friend of theirs. They think she is a bit noisy and chaotic, but still a good friend.
Ghosts - are just good friends that are always here for them.
Acquaintance - Phecda. Ghosty thinks she is a nice lady who gives them a lot of cookies!
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Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8; Part 9; Part 10 with a help of anons
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happyhappybios · 2 years
Arided Deneba
This page contains mention of death, bullying and discrimination.
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Danger scale: Calm
Key notes: Rainbow Drinker, Cursed, Baroness, Half-dead, Fiancee
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(Symbol by @.gem-tavvy)
👻Arided's mood👻
🥀🖤⛓👻⛓🖤🥀 Arided's music playlist 🥀🖤⛓👻⛓🖤🥀
Name: Arided Deneba
Age: Before death - 30 sweeps (65 y.o.) -> Сurrent day - 60 sweeps (130 y.o)
Height: 6'7 (200 cm)
Blood colour: Jade
Wiggling day: 15 September
Symbol: Cygnus
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Asexual Lesbian
Occupation: ‘The Granted Fencer’; Baroness
Place of residence: Сemetery - Mausoleum 
Lusus: MotherSwan (Small size; No longer lives with her)
Hobby: Fencing
Hemoloyalty: Before death, she was against the hemospectrum and tried to use her status as ‘Baroness’ to spread the message against the Empress. Currently, she would like to stay away from it as much as possible to not repeat the history
Fetch modus: Umbrella. All items turn into drops, she needs to catch one as she pulls that particular item
Strife specibus/Weapon: Saber/Swordkind
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Troll Tag: deadlyFencer [DF]
Typing quirk: replace ‘o’ and ‘a’ with 💀
Typing quirk example:
[DF]: “Crying isn’t 💀 we💀kness. With 💀 help 💀f crying, y💀u c💀uld turn y💀ur p💀in 💀r h💀ppiness int💀 s💀mething m💀teri💀l 💀nd let it g💀. D💀n’t be 💀fr💀id t💀 cry.
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Arided is a gentle-looking troll with a soft spoken voice. She is a very calm, sweet and understanding troll, but melancholic and distant at the same time. She is a good listener, so she is always here to listen to others if they need it and share her wisdom with anyone who needs life-advice.
Before Arided’s death, she was an inspiring, successful jade in the troll community. She was a passionate, selfless, charming and proud role model for other trolls, showing off her bravery and determination in battles. Everyone looked up to Arided, respected and adored her. 
But she was too prideful to notice the first moves of her enemy, leading to her death…
After she gets back to life, Arided reflects on her past behavior and promises herself to not get involved in anything that will lead her to death again, trying to become more unnoticeable in troll’s eyes.
Dark places
Goth outfits
Chatting with ghost-friends
Silver jewelry
Being alone
Training her fencing skills
Bright colors
Desecration of graves
Prideful trolls
Hot weather
Her Imperious Condescension (HIC)
Arided was hatched in the ‘Victorian era’ similar to human’s.
Arided has been cursed since her childhood. Her curse was being able to see and interact with the dead.
Whenever Arided is angry, excited or just simply bored, she always goes training her fencing skills.
The only thing that keeps Arided alive is her Rainbow Drinker power. That’s why she can’t simply turn off her glow.
Her parasol isn’t just a decoration, but a weapon as well.
Arided’s old hive was destroyed a long time ago, so she borrowed one of the mausoleums in the cemetery as her hive.
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Matesprit - Proposed/Taken - 🌌The Last Night🌌
Dafira. Her heart will always belong to her beautiful fiancee. A lot of sweeps will pass before Arided could meet Dafira as a ghost and promise to never leave her side again.
Moirail - Open!
Kismesis - Open!
Auspistice - Open!
Out of quadrants
Friends - Ghosts. Ghosts always follow her whenever she’s alive or dead. She was afraid of them at first, but now she can’t imagine her life without them.
Children - Ghosty. Ghosty is a little white blooded wiggler that Arided is taking care of. Strangely enough, they fit into this spooky mysterious family.
Acquaintance - Phecda. Arided never interacted with other jade, but is aware of her and her daughter, Vulpec.
Acquaintance - Vulpec. Arided is so happy her kid has such a good friend!
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Since her hatching, Arided was surrounded and followed by ghosts. 
As a kid, Arided was terrified by them. She tried to run away from them, hide from them and even ignore them, but each time they always came back to her as they seemed to know where she was all the time. Arided tried to tell adult trolls about it, but no one believed her, telling her she was lying. It caused Arided to get bullied by her jade peers when bad rumors quickly spread about her in the caverns.
The rumors lasted for a long period of time throughout her childhood and teenage hood. It got worse when Arided started to work as a nanny.
Arided was bad at taking care of grubs. Whenever she tried to cradle or feed grubs, they always cried in her arms. She had no idea what was wrong before much much later she realized it could be ghosts' fault.
Arided was exiled from caverns when she was 10 sweeps (21 years old) after she was seriously accused of hurting a hatched grub. She couldn’t believe how unfair and biased their judgment was towards her. Arided knew all of them just simply disliked her.
It sparked something rebellious in her.
She will prove to herself and jades that she is worth something outside of caverns.
And the first mission was to find a place to stay.
Arided went to the nearest town where she quickly found the job and bought her own flat. She worked as a waitress in the old bar for some time, while trying to find something more profitable. She thought about giving up on her goal a few times but as soon as she remembered her old peers laughing at her, it boosted her motivation even more. 
She is not going to give up so easily.
At the same time, Arided gets used to a company of different ghosts around her and her curse in general as it becomes a routine. She even made some ghost-friends during her life. 
It took her 2.31 sweeps (5 years) to get used to the town’s chaotic schedule and atmosphere. She finally felt at home here.
One day, she saw an ad in the newspaper about fencing lessons, the first lesson is free. Thinking hard about it, she decided to go there and see if it would stick with her as a hobby. And in the first lesson, Arided was amazed at how elegant and beautiful fencing is. 
She fell in love with it at first sight. 
Arided knew fencing was her thing.
Her destiny. 
She just knew it in her heart and obviously, she proved it in the lesson. She won in the friendly duel for the first time against another student, impressing everyone, especially the teacher. 
Not even hesitating, the teacher took her in their class immediately, seeing a talent for fencing in her. But because Arided didn’t have enough money to pay for full lessons, they made a good discount for her, so she could attend the lessons. It made Arided so happy and excited for future lessons.
And it was worth it.
She spent 4.62 sweeps (10 years) of training and polishing her fencing skills before she could enter her first National Fencing Championship, where her life changed drastically.
All her hard work and training paid off. She won the championship. 
All eyes were on her, bad and good. 
She quickly got a lot of proposals and invitations from a bunch of different sponsors and high class trolls. So much that she spent a week or two reading all of it.
It blew her mind. 
She didn’t expect such attention from other trolls, especially from highbloods. There was one highblood in particular who she thought would help her to reach a high status in troll society. Arided knew their influence goes beyond and above imaginable and fortunately they were interested in her. Feeling as it was her only chance to achieve a bigger goal, she accepted their proposal.
It took her 4.62 sweeps (10 years) to be fully accepted in high troll society.
Arided became famous in the circle of the highbloods as ‘The Granted Fencer’ and was promoted to her status as ‘Baroness’ after 2.31 sweeps (5 years) of serving the Alternia Empire Army. It wasn’t really necessary for her to do it as she could have gotten this status another way, but it was her personal decision.
She always represented middlebloods and lowbloods in the circle of high class trolls, not being ashamed to show her blood color. Arided pushed the narrative of lowbloods being able to be successful as well, but not all trolls believed in it, finding the concept strange.
But Arided is not going to give up so easily.
Meantime in the background…
…she met her.
Her future fiancee, Dafira Hegala, a lonely olive blood who worked as an assistant under a famous alchemist - Pr. Celbal Rasall.
Their first meeting was awkward to say the least. They met in the cafe where Dafira spilled coffee on Arided’s new costume and later dropped a piece of chocolate cake on her shoe. Thankfully, Arided wasn’t really angry at poor olive and forgave her on the same day.
Their second meeting was a sudden one. Arided was curious about the alchemy and went to Pr. Celbal Rasall laboratory where she met Dafira once again. She didn’t expect to see her again, but wasn’t opposed to the idea to get closer to the olive.
Their romance finally bloomed after it.
They both started to spend more and more time with each other, knowing more details about each other's pasts, likes and dislikes and so on. Each time on their ‘dates’, Arided fell for Darifa more and more, finding more reasons to love her.
Soon later, Arided asked her to become matesprits.
Darifa accepted happily.
But, their happiness didn’t last long.
Arided’s personal life was put on display by one of her high class rivals, shaming her to even date someone who is lower by class, status and caste. Her reputation wasn’t really ruined as she still had fans and allies who loved and respected her, but her dear fiancee got under the radar of some obsessive individuals who stalked and harassed her on a daily basis.
This is something Arided couldn’t forgive.
She started to use her influence to spread the message against the Empress at that period of time. Arided was tired of disrimination against lowbloods and middlebloods as she can’t longer watch her fiancee struggling under the troll society’s pressure and so decided to put an aggressive/hostile act towards her goal. Her support started to grow rapidly by the day…
...and no one knew how long it would take for Arided to start a revolution against Her Imperious Condescension.
…she was too prideful and full of herself to notice the first moves of her enemy. 
Someone sent her a letter with an olive blood on the cover. It was the first time when Arided felt fear and despair. The more she read the letter, the more she felt sick to her stomach. The love of her life was held hostage by some stranger and if she didn’t come to the appointed place - cemetery - Dafira would die.
Of course, Arided came to the appointed place and was immediately attacked by a group of hired assassins. She fought proudly with them, but in the end she was stabbed in the back.
Arided died on the ground of the cemetery. All the thoughts were about Dafira and how sorry Arided was to let this happen, having no idea if her fiancee is alive or dead.
30 sweeps (65 years) later…
All of sudden Arided woke up from a long dead sleep. She found herself in the coffin and when she got out of it, she recognized the same cemetery where she died. Arided reflects on her past behavior, blaming herself for the trouble she caused for Dafira and promises herself to not get involved in anything that will lead her to death again. She gathered some information about the place, time and events that happened when she was dead and got even more confused. Sadly, she doesn’t really have a choice, but to get used to a new era of trolls and help anyone who needs it.
Later on, thanks to anon trolls, she adopted and raised a grub on her own before she finally met…
…her, once again.
0 notes
happyhappybios · 6 months
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Main blog: @happyhappyfantrolls
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Mod Coral: Hi! Thank you for checking the sideblog! I would love to hear who becomes your favorite from my muses in my main! Enjoy the stay! <3
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Fantroll list (down below):
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Alioth-Serpen Family:
Phecda Alioth | Seyfer Serpen | Crucis Chamae | Kochab Cynosu | Haruno ??? | Melano Lophii | Vulpec Vulpin
Deneba Family:
Arided Deneba | Dafira Hegala | Ghosty Deneba
Pyxidi Family:
Nautic Pyxidi | Maluss Pyxidi
Porine Family:
Millie Porine | Fungii Porine
Lernae Sisters:
Nuriko Lernae | Hildri Lernae
Triple cats:
Kerlis Kattep | Berret Kattep | Ruscat Kattep
DJ Cupcake | Lynceu Lynkos | Pavoni Depauw | Auruma Fulmin | DJ Music Machine
Krater Moana | Celbal Rasall | Ursusa Arctos | Pi-body | Atlant
Alnair Cranes | Alpina Mastin | Haeris Hydros | Gienah Corvus | Seirio Adhara
Coatha Ansere | Draaco ??? | Arneba Nihall | Squati Dumeri | Mirzam Teumes | Cephei Aldera | Capell Hircus | Cintia Lunair | Button
Hide the Human:
Foma | Bellua Sqalos | Herbig Kekoua | Oscill Horolo | Altair Garyda | Stelli Lacert | Dorado Xiphia
Dangerous Trolls:
Atelie Sainha | Muarae Tseeng | Voghel Apodis | ??? | ???
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