#Dental Work
feminerds · 2 months
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12 July 2023
I got that mouth sadness ------ We all got mouth sadness. IS THERE ANY OTHER KIND?
Stay golden you stupid fuckin' gob!
I want visible dental work - [AU]RGH
Page 2 ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT ROT It's just that I feel I [ROT] create my whole self through my mouth. It's where the talking, [ROT] eating, sex - so much of the self happens in the my mouth. ROT ROT I MAKE MYSELF [ROT] THROUGH MY MOUTH ROT ROT ROTTED ROTTED ROTTED ROTTED ROTTED ROTTED ROTTED
and when dental work is happening or immanent, I feel existential dread like real bone-pain* existential dread.
Stones Corner Dental - from last year when I had a gold crown installed. I got it because I think visible mending is cool. And because I like the phrase "a rat with a gold tooth". And because if it's gonna cost 2K, I reckon it should look expensive. And because so much dental work gets done, and hidden, it has become such an enormous class signifier. Quiet Luxury, is people never noticing your teeth.
And because of Garden State and New Slang - The Shins Gold Teeth and a Curse for this Town. Were all in my mouth.
*Bone-Pain is a term I heard when a student dentist was removing my wisdom teeth. I was awake in the chair, they were using a bone saw to remove the root of the tooth from my jaw bone, and their supervising professor lent across my open maw and looking into my face said: "I know you're still feeling pain, I can see it in your face. Unfortunately we've already given you three blocks (anesthetic) and that's all we can give in this clinic. Not that it would help all that much because what you're feeling is "bone-pain", all I can say is - it'll be over soon".
I tell this story all the time, because I'll never forget. Teeth are a monster. Teeth are a blight! TEETH TEETH TEETH TEETH.
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canonkiller · 4 months
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they didn't even give me the teeth after
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Whumpee being rescued from months in captivity and needing some pretty extensive dental care on account of... not exactly having had access to toothpaste.
Only problem is, they hate being physically handled. Especially having fingers or tools near their mouth.
They're more afraid of being fully anesthetized than of braving the dentist, but oral anesthetic only goes so far. Caretaker sitting beside them and holding their hand the entire time, rubbing the back of their palm to ground them.
Occasionally Caretaker will turn to the dentist and say, "They're not numb enough," which is always true, even when Whumpee themself didn't notice. Caretaker is just that keyed in to their comfort levels and pain.
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katy-l-wood · 9 months
Discovered today that nitrous doesn't do shit for me so that's. Great.
Now if I want to get any dental work done, I'll have to drive 4-5 hours to Denver because no one where I live (that takes my insurance) offers other options. But, obviously, if I go to Denver and get more intense pain management, it means I can't really drive BACK until it's fully out of my system and I no longer feel like shit. Blerg.
It's a loose plan, but what I think I'll try to do is take the bus to Denver, get a dentist who will just knock me the fuck out and do everything all in one go, then take the train back. I'm thinking bus then train primarily because the trains going east are NEVER on time. At all. But the ones headed west are always on time, and they have a lot more room than the bus, plus full bathrooms, so I think I'd be a lot more comfortable coming home that way. If I did it this way, it'd probably mean two nights in a hotel as well, but my insurance SHOULD cover that, and hopefully the bus and train, but I'm not 100% sure.
Either way, I've decided this is an after Christmas problem now. I'm gonna go take some ibuprophen and try to ignore the fact that I can still feel where my teeth were touched for not even a whole minute well over four hours ago. 🙃
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burningcarousel · 1 month
Hello everyone, my dear friend's mother needs significant dental work due to a racist attack. Any and all donations are welcome. Reblogs help a ton as well.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 months
Summer dental work part 1:
So the story is that my retention wire is coming loose and getting frayed so I gotta replace it. I had it patched up earlier this year and at that point the dentist also pointed out that I have a lot of tartar, and that lets remove that before putting on the new wire.
Today I went to have the tartar removed and there is so much of it that I need to go again next week x_X
Next week I will also go get... something? scanned? for the wire purposes? Which will then result in the wire process progressing somehow.
Today's thing hurt quite a bit, my jaw got super tired, and I gagged once (I have a really sensitive gag reflex).
The hygienist put something on my teeth and gums to ease the infection, and also gave me a sample of toothpaste that I should start using. I bought a new toothbrush, and my wife ordered me an electric toothbrush, as the hygienist did say that electric ones are better.
At this point I feel like I am now going to start taking proper care of my teeth, because this whole process is uncomfortable and expensive. Lets hope I will be able to keep that feeling and momentum going and turn it into a genuine habit for the rest of my life.
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highladyluck · 3 months
Ah I have reached the portion of the post-dental-work timeline where it feels like I was punched in the side of the face just a little bit forever
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solianapaeris · 11 months
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Upper half of my face is numb, but I love my smile now 💕
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grandvilledentist · 2 months
Bad Dental Work - Grandville Dentist
Grandville Dental Health Center, PC
#Unethical #Dr Rebecca Vanderbaan #Dr Larissa Bishop
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leaningluthor · 10 months
EDIT: for simplicity’s sake, if your teeth were removed before growing in, count it as growing in
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0dotexe · 6 months
Getting my tooth extracted wyd?
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Hello it's @clone-anon I just got your request and this sounds like an emergency Fives situation!
You sent Fives a message over comms to please come get you from the dentist's office. You didn't think you were going to need a lot of help, but after that root canal and the amount of numbing they gave you, you didn't want to go home alone, especially since it seemed to make your vision a little wonky. While Fives could be an absolute goofball, he took this very seriously. He took notes on the aftercare instructions from the dental assistant. He kept an arm around you as he walked you out of the building and took you home. Once home, he parked you on the couch.
"Does it hurt, cyar'ika?" He tucked your hair behind your ear, concern written all over his face.
You kind of nodded. "My jaw," you tried to say. He understood.
He tried to get you pain medication, but you were so numb you couldn't keep water from splashing out of your mouth.
"Okay," he said. "Let's wait until the numbing wears off a little more and try again until you can take something."
You nodded. He took his boots and armor off, having rushed from the barracks to get you. He adjusted himself on the couch and pulled you on top of him, making sure you laid on the side that would cause the least discomfort.
"Lay on me, try to rest," he said. "In a little while we'll try again. And if your eyesight doesn't get better I'm calling the dentist office back. Until then I'll be your eyes." He gently rubbed your back and you laid there in silence. You couldn't really talk, but you wanted to cry. Your jaw ached from being held open so long and you were stressed you would have to go back for a crown.
"I'm going to tell Rex I need those days off when you have to go back," he said. You looked up at him and tried to smile with the half of your face that was still partially functional. "You don't have to say anything," he said. "I want to make sure you're taken care of." He kissed the top of your head and gave your body a little squeeze.
You eventually put on a holomovie and a few hours later the swelling was down enough that you could swallow some pain pills. Fives was so gentle. Normally you had so much fun together, but it was a comfort to see him on top of all of it. He made sure that the minute you were able to eat, food was ready. He wished he could do more, but he stuck it out with you.
"Everything's gonna be okay, cyar'ika."
Clone-anon, thank you so much 🥺
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This was absolutely perfect to wake up to. It's been one heck of a day, and to just be taken care of would be a dream 🥰
Please, just let me lay on his lap and be miserable while he strokes my hair 😭
Fives, my beloved 💚 He's so perfect and soft, and caring, and just, ugh. I love him 🥹
Everything is going to be okay 😌
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hikaryishtar · 2 years
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burningcarousel · 2 years
Hi everyone, my lovely and dear friend Keshia (@keshianash) needs to reach her goal for necessary emergency dental work. Any and all donations are welcome! Thank you.
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pluralprompts · 2 years
Prompt #433
Write about a system getting their braces off!
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amour-de-tous · 1 year
So tomorrow I--hi, yeah, I haven’t updated in anyone about anything in, like, months, because I have been levels of stressed heretofore unknown--anyway, tomorrow I have Another Dentist Appointment. This one was not supposed to happen! I was supposed to be on a healing break from May 4th through the end of July but the crown the dentist put on the Not Extracted Tooth (obviously) has never quit hurting (a LOT) since he put it on April 27th.  And, like, okay. I know. It’s bad to take nSAIDs every day, I get that, but like. You have to understand. I have not been able to physically *close my mouth* without agonizing pain since then so I’ve, you know, been taking ibuprofen at least once but mostly twice a day to try and be able to eat and sleep.  And, yeah. Okay. Yes. I should have called him earlier. But I ALSO know that a crown can take up to 6 weeks to “settle”, so I was, you know. Waiting for that. And then 6 weeks came and gone and I was like. Look. I don’t want to go back in if I don’t have to. Have *another* exposure to covid. I was going to try to just. Wait. And hope for the best.  But then I started having stomach upset so, you know, repeated longterm use of nSAIDs, etc, not good.  So I called on Friday and they gave me an appointment for tomorrow (1:40pm). And I am.  Legitimately. Terrified.  Because a: the dentist already removed part of my tooth opposite the crown because, idk, when he prepped the tooth for the crown he didn’t...take enough tooth off? And it’s a gold crown and the crown ITSELF can’t be adjusted, so he had to adjust my *actual tooth* above the crown, which I was really not happy with in the first place. And now I’m going to go back in, tomorrow, and he’s probably going to berate me for not coming in sooner and then I’m probably going to either yell or cry or maybe both and I am.  So tired.  I’m just so tired of being in pain. We’ve paid this man a truly obscene amount of money. He is supposed to be one of the best dentists in the area. And. This?  So I’m terrified I go in tomorrow and he either removes so much of my Actual Tooth above the crown that I end up with a tooth that hurts/is sensitive, OR he says “well there’s nothing we can do, you just have to live in pain”  Which.  I can’t? Because this pain is bad enough I literally can’t close my mouth and touch my teeth together, let alone chew, or sleep? And I can’t keep taking painkillers every day, obviously.  I’m more nervous about tomorrow’s appointment than I was for the *actual dental surgery*.  Anywho.  That’s.... Happening. 
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