#Dentist Deerfield IL
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Northbrook Dentist Office
At the Northbrook Dentist Office, we provide a wide range of cosmetic and general dental services. We provide high quality dental procedures and offer a number of financing options. Take a look below and see if we offer a dental procedure that matches your needs.
Address: 1535 Lake Cook Rd, Suite 107, Northbrook, IL 60062, USA Phone: 847-457-0400 Website: http://northbrookdentistoffice.com
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walgreensstaywell · 8 years
Heart & Oral Health
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About half of US adults ages 30 and older have some form of gum disease. That number increases significantly with age. 
What causes gum disease?
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, occurs when the tissue supporting your teeth gets infected. Bacteria, along with mucus and other particles, cover your teeth with a sticky film known as plaque. If you don’t brush and floss often enough, plaque can harden and become tartar, which that can get stuck to your enamel and can only be removed by a dental hygienist. The longer plaque and tartar stay on your teeth, the more likely they are to infect your gums and may cause long-term damage.1
What are the symptoms of gum disease?
Along with constant bad breath, symptoms of periodontal disease can include toothache, tooth loss and gums that are swollen, red, sore or bleed easily.
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How can gum disease cause long-term damage?
Your mouth is full of bacteria, which can travel into the blood stream, leading to other diseases. One connection of gum disease and chronic health conditions is inflammation—your body’s natural response to infection or injury. When your gums are infected, inflammatory substances in the blood can build up and may worsen heart disease, diabetes and other chronic conditions.
Inflammation is also believed to be a contributor to heart disease caused by hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis.This can reduce blood flow to the heart and put you at greater risk heart attack or stroke and potentially death.
Am I at risk?
Factors that make someone more likely to have gum disease include age, smoking, genetics, stress, poor nutrition and other conditions like obesity. Similarly, risks of developing heart disease include smoking, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, genetics and other conditions like high blood pressure or cholesterol.
What should I do?
Good heart health starts by making healthy lifestyle choices such as not smoking, getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and following up with your primary care physician.
You can also:
Brush teeth twice a day with an ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste.
Clean between teeth with floss every day.
Eat a balanced diet and limit sugary snacks.
Visit your dentist regularly for examinations and professional cleanings.
By Sonali G. Kshatriya, PharmD Sonali G. Kshatriya is a Pharmacist and Manager in the Department of Clinical and Quality at Walgreens Co. in Deerfield, IL 
1 NIH: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. https://www.nidcr.nih.gov/OralHealth/Topics/GumDiseases/PeriodontalGumDisease.htm
2 Harvard Health. http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/treating-gum-disease-may-lessen-burden-heart-disease-diabetes-conditions-201407237293, accessed 10/14/16.
3 American Heart Association. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/Inflammation-and-Heart-Disease_UCM_432150_Article. jsp#.WAUZXY8rJpg, accessed 10/13/16.
4 American Heart Association. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Caregiver/Resources/WhatisCardiovascularDisease/What-is-Cardiovascular-Disease_UCM_301852_Article.jsp#.WAUYv48rJpg, accessed 10/12/16.
5 American Academy of Periodontology. https://www.perio.org/consumer/risk-factors, accessed 10/12/16.
6  Center for Disease Control. http://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/docs/consumered_heartdisease.pdf, accessed 10/12/16.
7 WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/features/periodontal-disease-heart-health#1, accessed 10/12/16.
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How to Look For a Dentist Who Is Most Suitable For You.
We all understand how challenging to search for a dentist who brings cure and concern to your dental issues. It isn't simple to search for the dentist who is ideal for you. Majority of us go searching for one the moment our past dentist have retired, or we relocate to a new place. Often, in the unlikely circumstances, we have to search for a new dentist in case the old one has failed to offer relief. The simplest means to search for a dentist close to your work station is over the internet. You should basically begin the search with the assistance of a zip code or city. You could then narrow down the search to the locations which could be convenient to pay a visit constantly since dental treatment need a number of sessions over weeks. You as well need to make a decision as to whether you are searching for a specialist dentist or merely a general dentist Highland Park IL .
The best thing about looking over the internet is that you would come across review from other patients. Such reviews would assist you figure out what factors of a dentist are ideal and bad ones. Don't hesitate to search for referral from your pals, colleagues as well as relatives for a dentist within your location. Most often, the ideal doctor you could come across is somebody who has already assisted somebody you are aware. Though, this isn't the only means to search for a dentist. All dentists have status. Be the ideal judge in all situations since it isn't necessary that a dentist is bad just because few individuals think so. The same case applies to the good reviews. One primary factor in making a decision is the reality that all perfect dentists normally work on your issue till you are fully satisfied. You can go to https://northbrookdentistoffice.com/dentist-deerfield-il/ for added info. 
You should as well put into consideration the price factor. Not all dentists with a high charges would be perfect, and not all dentist charging less would be bad. Make use of your assessment as well as family consultation to locate a perfect doctor along with some assistance from internet research.
When searching for a dentist, look at their operation hours and see if it will be convenient for both of you to deal with. You don't intend to spend many hours in traffic just to pay a visit to your dentist. Find out how flexible or available the dentist is in case you have an emergency. This as well would be essential in searching for the most suitable dentist for you.
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lightningwolf66 · 8 years
Alternative Marketing Strategies Successful Entrepreneurs Must Consider
New Post has been published on http://app2chart.com/alternative-marketing-strategies-successful-entrepreneurs-must-consider/
Alternative Marketing Strategies Successful Entrepreneurs Must Consider
by: Geoff Ficke 
The hundreds of entrepreneurs, inventors and small businesses that approach my marketing consulting firm each year with new product ideas all confront the same, basic hurdles in attempting to achieve commercial success. Issue number one, they perceive, is how to fund the project. Issue number two, how to market their product. 
Let’s review the marketing options. Invariably, the bulk of the entities we work with approach marketing with the belief that they need to immediately place their product in big box retailers. This is a laudable long-term goal, but almost always would be the kiss of death for new products and startup companies. 
Big box retailers are exceedingly demanding in requiring huge levels of logistical support. The technology required to simply process orders, data entry, shipping, receiving and billing is highly technical and specific to each chain. The software and systems required to communicate with these giants can be prohibitively expensive for new, small vendors. These are just the logistical hurdles. The sell-through and marketing challenges are much more difficult to conquer. 
The alternative to running off to Best Buy or Wal-Mart is to utilize “guerilla marketing” strategies to mitigate expense, lower risk and insure that the new product has a fair opportunity to achieve success. In recent years we have begun to use a “backdoor strategy” to push products into big box store distribution without confronting the up-front challenges that are so daunting for new companies. 
Here is an example. Recently we had a dentist approach our consulting firm with a very novel stylized toothbrush. He had deduced from his dental practice that people typically did not brush for three minutes, twice daily, as recommended by the American Dental Association. They really did not know how long they brushed, but the gum and tooth problems he was confronting in his patients indicated they were not brushing enough each day. His new toothbrush was cleverly designed to address this deficiency in oral wellness. 
The dentist typically wanted us to create a marketing strategy for the toothbrush that would place the units on mass-market store shelves for the launch. We explained the difficulties, risks and expenses involved in such a strategy and why he should consider alternatives. This was when we described the “backdoor” option. 
Big box chains have local and regional management structures. Most people believe that all new items are purchased through home office buyers or merchants. For example, Bentonville, AK is the home office for Wal-Mart. Troy, MI is the buying office for K-Mart. JC Penney is bought out of Plano, TX. Walgreen is located in Deerfield, IL. The Kroger Company is located in Cincinnati, OH. 
Each of these, and other national chains in every retail category, have local managers that have the authority to bring product into their doors on a local basis. Few people realize this. These local, regional managers can cut purchase orders and by-pass the national buying process that can be so vexing. 
We packaged the novel toothbrush, had our graphic designer create a pop-up shelf display with a header card, created sales collateral and presented the item to the regional manager of a national drug store chain. He was responsible for 36 stores in two southeastern states. He loved the item and even commented, “we love to show the home office that they miss on too many neat products”. We left the meeting with a hand written purchase order for 144 pieces of the toothbrush for each store. 
To support the launch of the product we wrote copy for a 30-second television spot with a tag for the drug chain. We went to the local cable television studio and they produced the spot for nothing, in lieu of our buying a small cable spot schedule. The dentist, in his smock, was the on air expert detailing the product. 
The product was shipped to the 36 individual stores and the regional manager had forwarded a merchandising directive to each store manager. He advised the product was scheduled for delivery, end cap display was to be provided and that there was cable television buy to support the launch. We hired a college student to get to the stores and make sure the merchandise was prominently displayed and rotated.
Every few days we checked in with the regional manager and he provided sales updates. Within a week, he was able to project turnover and re-order needs. As soon as we secured re-orders, we had the regional manager call the home office with his sell-through report. Within two months we were invited into the buying office for a corporate presentation and to plan a national product launch. 
We have used this “backdoor approach” a number of times with different products in different retail channels. It works. Local managers love to take successes, their discoveries, to the home office to prove their mettle. Our clients are in a much stronger position to negotiate terms with national retailers when we have already proven sell-through success on local, test market basis. It also enables us to extrapolate chain wide sales projections based on hard numbers, not best guess assumptions. This is a powerful strategy and many more entrepreneurs should take advantage of this approach that mitigates their exposure. 
Licensing, bootstrapping, partnering, joint venturing and receivable financing/factoring are other alternative strategies that can be employed to launch new products. The most successful entrepreneurs overturn every stone to find the one route that will get their idea into play. Keeping all options open is essential if you are to realize your goals.
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Northbrook Dentist Office
At the Northbrook Dentist Office, we provide a wide range of cosmetic and general dental services. We provide high quality dental procedures and offer a number of financing options. Take a look below and see if we offer a dental procedure that matches your needs.
Address: 1535 Lake Cook Rd, Suite 107, Northbrook, IL 60062, USA Phone: 847-457-0400 Website: http://northbrookdentistoffice.com
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Alternative Marketing Strategies Successful Entrepreneurs Must Consider
New Post has been published on http://app2chart.com/alternative-marketing-strategies-successful-entrepreneurs-must-consider/
Alternative Marketing Strategies Successful Entrepreneurs Must Consider
by: Geoff Ficke 
The hundreds of entrepreneurs, inventors and small businesses that approach my marketing consulting firm each year with new product ideas all confront the same, basic hurdles in attempting to achieve commercial success. Issue number one, they perceive, is how to fund the project. Issue number two, how to market their product. 
Let’s review the marketing options. Invariably, the bulk of the entities we work with approach marketing with the belief that they need to immediately place their product in big box retailers. This is a laudable long-term goal, but almost always would be the kiss of death for new products and startup companies. 
Big box retailers are exceedingly demanding in requiring huge levels of logistical support. The technology required to simply process orders, data entry, shipping, receiving and billing is highly technical and specific to each chain. The software and systems required to communicate with these giants can be prohibitively expensive for new, small vendors. These are just the logistical hurdles. The sell-through and marketing challenges are much more difficult to conquer. 
The alternative to running off to Best Buy or Wal-Mart is to utilize “guerilla marketing” strategies to mitigate expense, lower risk and insure that the new product has a fair opportunity to achieve success. In recent years we have begun to use a “backdoor strategy” to push products into big box store distribution without confronting the up-front challenges that are so daunting for new companies. 
Here is an example. Recently we had a dentist approach our consulting firm with a very novel stylized toothbrush. He had deduced from his dental practice that people typically did not brush for three minutes, twice daily, as recommended by the American Dental Association. They really did not know how long they brushed, but the gum and tooth problems he was confronting in his patients indicated they were not brushing enough each day. His new toothbrush was cleverly designed to address this deficiency in oral wellness. 
The dentist typically wanted us to create a marketing strategy for the toothbrush that would place the units on mass-market store shelves for the launch. We explained the difficulties, risks and expenses involved in such a strategy and why he should consider alternatives. This was when we described the “backdoor” option. 
Big box chains have local and regional management structures. Most people believe that all new items are purchased through home office buyers or merchants. For example, Bentonville, AK is the home office for Wal-Mart. Troy, MI is the buying office for K-Mart. JC Penney is bought out of Plano, TX. Walgreen is located in Deerfield, IL. The Kroger Company is located in Cincinnati, OH. 
Each of these, and other national chains in every retail category, have local managers that have the authority to bring product into their doors on a local basis. Few people realize this. These local, regional managers can cut purchase orders and by-pass the national buying process that can be so vexing. 
We packaged the novel toothbrush, had our graphic designer create a pop-up shelf display with a header card, created sales collateral and presented the item to the regional manager of a national drug store chain. He was responsible for 36 stores in two southeastern states. He loved the item and even commented, “we love to show the home office that they miss on too many neat products”. We left the meeting with a hand written purchase order for 144 pieces of the toothbrush for each store. 
To support the launch of the product we wrote copy for a 30-second television spot with a tag for the drug chain. We went to the local cable television studio and they produced the spot for nothing, in lieu of our buying a small cable spot schedule. The dentist, in his smock, was the on air expert detailing the product. 
The product was shipped to the 36 individual stores and the regional manager had forwarded a merchandising directive to each store manager. He advised the product was scheduled for delivery, end cap display was to be provided and that there was cable television buy to support the launch. We hired a college student to get to the stores and make sure the merchandise was prominently displayed and rotated.
Every few days we checked in with the regional manager and he provided sales updates. Within a week, he was able to project turnover and re-order needs. As soon as we secured re-orders, we had the regional manager call the home office with his sell-through report. Within two months we were invited into the buying office for a corporate presentation and to plan a national product launch. 
We have used this “backdoor approach” a number of times with different products in different retail channels. It works. Local managers love to take successes, their discoveries, to the home office to prove their mettle. Our clients are in a much stronger position to negotiate terms with national retailers when we have already proven sell-through success on local, test market basis. It also enables us to extrapolate chain wide sales projections based on hard numbers, not best guess assumptions. This is a powerful strategy and many more entrepreneurs should take advantage of this approach that mitigates their exposure. 
Licensing, bootstrapping, partnering, joint venturing and receivable financing/factoring are other alternative strategies that can be employed to launch new products. The most successful entrepreneurs overturn every stone to find the one route that will get their idea into play. Keeping all options open is essential if you are to realize your goals.
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Northbrook Dentist Office
At the Northbrook Dentist Office, we provide a wide range of cosmetic and general dental services. We provide high quality dental procedures and offer a number of financing options. Take a look below and see if we offer a dental procedure that matches your needs.
Address: 1535 Lake Cook Rd, Suite 107, Northbrook, IL 60062, USA Phone: 847-457-0400 Website: http://northbrookdentistoffice.com
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Northbrook Dentist Office
At the Northbrook Dentist Office, we provide a wide range of cosmetic and general dental services. We provide high quality dental procedures and offer a number of financing options. Take a look below and see if we offer a dental procedure that matches your needs.
Address: 1535 Lake Cook Rd, Suite 107, Northbrook, IL 60062, USA Phone: 847-457-0400 Website: http://northbrookdentistoffice.com
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