#Detroit Future Youth
justmeinadaze · 6 months
Finally/Beautiful Stranger (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Part of this AU, you don't have to have read the others to understand but it helps!
Also, please feel free to donate or buy me a coffee. Anything helps but of course you don't have to. I will still love you :)
Warnings: Former Addicts Steddie X Fem Y/N, SMUT, slight spanking, dirty talk, very light DOM dynamics touched on, mentions of lose of virginity (as well as the pain that comes along with the first time), FLUFF, These three people love each other very much and all three are happier compared to previous chapters. The talk about their new lives and careers with pride <3.
ANGST, dark themes!! of addiction and recovering addicts explored. Not new for this series but again this one is much lighter than the others. They both discussing cravings and Eddie having a slip a few months prior. Steve works at a center with children of addicts and one boy has a similar situation to Y/N's accident so she helps him through that.
The boys mention regrets including being aggressive with the reader verbally and sometimes physically when they weren't sober so DOMESTIC ABUSE TRIGGER.
There are flashbacks of them as kids so mentions of Eddie and Steve dealing with their toxic dads.
I think that's it! As always go carefully in this AU and if you choose not to read that is ok. I will still love you!
Word Count: 8358
You winced as you landed back first on to the gravel underneath where you had fallen from the jungle gym. 
“Oh wow! Are you okay?!” A set of hands gripped your biceps as they helped you get to your feet. “You have some stuff on your dress. Let me…” The boy’s voice trailed off as you felt him dust off the nature that stuck to your outfit. 
“Thank you.”, you mumbled as you turned to meet your hero, coming face to face with honey brown eyes and a comforting smile. 
“You’re welcome. Are you alright? Do you need to go to the nurse or…?”
“No. I think I’m okay. My, uh, back broke my fall.” You grin when he laughs. “I’m Y/N.”
“Um, yeah?”
“No! Don’t mean to sound mean. The girls in my class think you’re cute. They never shut up about you.”
The boy laughs harder and your grin grows at the sight of his scrunched nose. 
“I have no idea why. I’m not that great.”
“I don’t know. I mean…I think you are.” Steve blushes at your answer and you reach out to grab his hand leading him towards the swing set. 
The two of you talk casually about things normal children your age talk about like tv shows and music. Shouting suddenly grabs your attention causing you to slow to a stop as a boy runs around the corner and heads towards you both.
“Thomas Hagan!”, a teacher yells, blocking him with her body so he can’t follow. 
The boy pauses as he leans against pole of the swings trying to catch his breath. 
“Are you alright?” He jumped as your hand reached out to touch his arm as he held them up defensively. “Hey. Hey, it’s ok. We won’t hurt you. I’m Y/N and this is Steve.” His chocolate eyes scanned you both over before finally sighing in relief when he realized you weren’t a threat.
“What’s your name?”
“E-Eddie. Eddie Munson.”
“Oh! You’re the kid that just started here. I’m sorry, man. Welcome to hell.”, Steve joked causing an exasperated laugh to leave Eddie’s lips. 
“Did Tommy do that to you?”, you ask as you gesture towards his black eye.
Shaking his head, he came over to sit on the swings beside you both. 
You couldn’t explain it at the time, not even now, but as you sat there talking to them you felt comfortable. You felt like you had known them your entire life. Nothing in this moment could have prepared you for the future that was headed towards you all. 
“Where up north are you, Stevie?”, Eddie asks as he takes a big bite of the burger in front of him. 
“I’ve been up in Detroit for a few months now working at a youth clinic. There’s a lot of good kids there who just need some help.”
“I’m proud of you, dude. We’re supposed to head over there to record with this big time producer. What about you, princess? Where do you call home?”
“I don’t actually have a home right now. I’m a writer for a music magazine so I’ve been on the road mostly for the past 2 years listening to bands and staying in hotels.”, you giggle as a huge smile adorns your face. “Maybe soon I’ll get to write about you, Eddie.”
“Here’s hoping. We just got signed but the manager at the label says we ‘really have something’.”
“Of course you do. You guys were always amazing.”
“Pfft, yeah sure. Drugged out me could barely focus on the strings let alone create a melody.” 
The table went silent as a heavy energy fell around the table. 
“How have things been? Any cravings?”, Steve asks as he folds his arms to lean forward on his elbows. 
“Oh, Harrington. I’m an addict. I always have cravings but choose to resist them.”
“Has it gotten any easier. To resist them, I mean.”, you inquire.
“Yes and no. I mean I used to snort blow 24/7 and now I don’t. I can go about my day and live my life but when something hard hits me or I’m having a bad day I have to physically talk myself out of not looking for a fix.”
“I can understand that. There were a few days where I sat outside of bar staring at the front door for hours before driving away.” His eyes flick towards you as he continues. “I still struggle with regret… regret that we…ruined your life.”
“You didn’t ruin my life. You definitely didn’t make it easy but… I should have left or cut ties beforehand. I just didn’t know how. I didn’t know how…to live without you two in my life.”
“Yeah. We get that to.”, Eddie sighed as a silence fell around the table. 
It had been a long time since the three of you had been together without the vices getting in the way or taking control. You had no idea how to be around them when they were sober. 
“Hey, uh, I have an idea if you two would be up for it.”, Steve grins as he tries to elevate the mood again. “Since the two of us will be in Detroit, why don’t you come with us, honey? Maybe the three of can hang out and spend some time together again. You’re even welcome to stay at my place. I don’t have a spare room but, Y/N, you can take my bed and the two of us can sleep in the living room or something.”
“Oh, Steve, I don’t want to impose—”
“No. No imposition whatsoever!”
“I can do that.”, Eddie confirms. 
“Ok. I’m ok with that.”
They both heavily exhale as if they had been holding their breath waiting for your answer. 
After getting into a fight with his father, Steve ran to your house knowing you’d make everything better. As soon as he showed up, you called Eddie who biked over as quickly as he could and after he arrived, you both listened intensely as the boy vented. 
“Everything’s going to be ok, Steve. You know you’re welcome to stay here.”, you try and soothe the boy as you wrap your arms around his shoulder. 
“Why am I never enough for that asshole?!”
“Because he’s just that; an asshole.”, Eddie quips making the other boy softly smile in his direction. 
“I should just do whatever I want to since I can never make him happy.”
“That’s a good idea. Oh! I’ll be right back.”, the boy grins at you both before running up your stairs. 
“Steve, you ARE amazing. I’m sorry he can’t see that but no matter you have us.” Grabbing his face, you kiss his cheek causing him to blush. 
Music starts to play and you both look up to see Eddie coming down the stairs with your bulky radio in his hand. Placing it on the bottom step, he stagers around in place as he begins to lip sync the lyrics. 
“I'll state my case, of which I'm certain I've lived a life that´s full I've traveled each and every highway And more, much more than this I did it my way.”
The guitar starts to play and Eddie pretends to strum as he jumps to the ground, continuing to sing as he dances around you both. 
“Regrets, I’ve had a few But then again, too few to mention I did, what I had to do And saw it through without exemption.”
Grabbing Steve’s hand, you do the same, dancing to the music as you three sing along.
“I planned each chartered course Each careful step along the highway And more, much more than this I did it my way.”
Eddie spins you and you laugh as you watch wide smiles paint their faces. You loved them both so much and knew after everything they go through they deserved happy, peaceful moments like this. To you, they deserved the world. 
The flight up to Detroit was uneventful but Steve did fill the time by telling you about some of the kids at the clinic he worked at while Eddie crashed beside him. His eyes lit up as he spoke, telling you about the turnaround a lot of them had made and how talented they all were. 
“Amanda is such a smart girl. She’s 15 and she can draw these beautiful pictures. I’m working on seeing if I can book a gallery or something for her to show her work. Right now, she draws for her mother works two jobs to help take care of them because the dad is a junkie.”
“What kind of things does she draw?”
“She can do portraits and people. She drew me once as this like superhero. I have the picture on my fridge.”
“That’s amazing.”, you beam up at him as he smiles to himself. “Steve, I really am proud of you…of both of you.”
“Thank you. That means a lot to me.”, he softly grins as his gaze shifts towards his lap. “I’m very proud of you as well. I’m glad you found something that makes you happy. When we were growing up you had mentioned writing before.”
“Yeah. I never knew what I wanted to write about but one day a guy I was dating overheard me talking about grunge metal and offered me a job.”
“Hm. Are you two still together?”
“Uh, no. We only dated for a couple of months. I’m not with anyone right now. No time.”, you chuckle trying to lighten the mood again. “What about you? Any future Mrs. Harringtons?”
“No. No future Mrs. Harringtons. I kind of spent time focusing on me and now the kids.”
“You have to be careful with that. You don’t want to fill one addiction with a new one and miss life entirely. I’m guilty of that those first three years after I left.”
You and Eddie enter Steve’s apartment slowly as you take a look around. It was a bit smaller than what you were used to when it came to him but he made it his own. There were posters of bands he enjoyed along the walls with some shelves lined with books he had read. In the corner of his living room was a desk with a few papers and pictures clients had drawn him over the years. A frame caught your eye and you bent down to get a good look as you took in his sobriety coins.
“Yeah, I, uh, bought one of these little frame things because it felt disrespectful to just throw them somewhere.”
“That’s amazing, dude.”, Eddie praised as he threw down his bag. “I, uh, I had an incident a few months back. I’m on the blue 6 month one but…”
“What happened, Ed?”
“Oh, um, nothing we need to get into, sweetheart. I did the proper protocol with my sponsor and she helped get me back on track.”
Steve patted his back comfortingly, knowing how hard it was and is to remain sober. Gesturing you down his hallway, he led you towards his bedroom and you grinned at the simplicity. 
“The bathroom is right in there and please both of you feel free to take anything from the kitchen. Me casa es su casa.”, he chuckles as he nervously runs his hands through his hair. “Sorry, that was cheesy.”
“Steve, you guys don’t have to try so hard. Just be yourselves.”
“That’s the thing isn’t it?”, Eddie sighs from his spot against the wall. “The three of us don’t exactly know who we are together anymore.”
You gently smile in his direction as you reach for his hand.
“We’re best friends. Always have been.”
“Eddie, why does that sound familiar?”, you grin from your spot on his bed where you had been listening to him strum his new guitar his uncle bought him at the pawn shop in town. 
After his run in with the lady in town today, Rick offered him something from his secret stash. He was amazed at how fast it began working, numbing the anger he was feeling and pushing him to a blissful state he didn’t want to experience alone.  
Grinning, he continues to move his fingers as his gentle voice fills your ears. 
“Baby, if I think about you I think about love Darlin', if I live without you I live without love.”
“They’ve been playing it on the radio nonstop.”, he chuckles, rolling his eyes.
“You sound amazing. I can’t wait to see you on that stage one day.”
“Pfft. Me? Al Munson’s trailer trash kid rocking it out on stage making millions of dollars and being successful?”
 Fueled with frustration, you grip his chin and force him to look at you. 
“Don’t ever let me hear you say anything like that again, Edward Munson. You are NOT trash and you’re nothing like your dad. You can be anything you want to be.”
“Yeah…tell that to people in this backwards town.”
“Fuck what these people think! I think you’re fantastic and so does Steve. You hung out with Rick today. I’m sure he thinks you’re an awesome friend.” Your eyes scan him over when all he does is nod. “Eddie, did something happen in town today? Did someone say something to you?”
His own beautiful, chocolate color hues stare past you for a moment before he blinks back into the moment and flashes you a big, tooth filled grin. 
“No, sweetheart. I guess I’m just feeling a little low today. I’m sorry.”
Running his fingers over the strings, he plays the song with much more vigor than before. 
“I would give you both night and day Love satisfyin'
Feel like makin' Feel like makin' love.”
“Mhmm. What do you know about makin’ love, Munson?”, you giggle allowing him to lighten the mood. 
“Oh, baby. I’m going to be a rockstar, remember? I know everything.”, he winks.
You smile as you sit in the booth watching Corroded Coffin play their music. Eddie was in a completely different zone as his fingers ran across the strings of his guitar. This was his dream; this is what he always wanted but always felt was out of reach. 
When he was in his drugged out haze you would watch him lazily try to play but stumble as his fingers trembled against the instrument. It killed you because you could always picture him on stage with a crowd full of people screaming his name. He just never believed it himself. 
“That was good, baby.”
“That was fucking garbage, Y/N. I barely played anything that would count as a note.”
“That was fantastic guys. Eddie, your band undersold your talent!”, the producer compliments making the metalhead blush. “Ok, let’s take lunch and we’ll come back in about an hour. There’s a cafeteria on the first floor if you guys are interested. It’s on me.”
“You sounded amazing.”, you grin as you meet him in the hallway. “I told you that you were going to be a rockstar one day.”
“Ha! I’m not quite there yet but thank you, sweetheart.”
After getting your food, you both sit and talk about the last couple of years. Eddie told you about some jobs he worked at in Indiana not wanting to be too far from the guys so they could practice and work on things together for the band. He mentioned Wayne and how well he was doing especially after being promoted to a higher position at his work. 
“He deserves it. Wayne always worked way too hard for almost no money and appreciation.”
“Tell me about it.”, he chuckles. “And of course, the first day he starts his new position, he gets a crush on one of the female employees underneath him!” 
That makes you laugh hard and he relishes the sound as his eyes watch you light up. That feeling of regret washes over him and he averts his gaze to his plate as he shuffles some food around.
“So, um, any rockstar boyfriends out there touring the world?”
“No, no boyfriend. I focused on myself more than anything and honestly haven’t had time for a full-blown relationship.”, you reply. “What about you? Any new girlfriends?”
“Naw, sweetheart. I’ve kind of been doing the same thing more or less.”, he answers sullenly. “Quite frankly, I haven’t met anyone who would be willing to sneak backstage of a Metallica show and pretend to be the building manager to get her boyfriend an autograph.”
This time when you laugh, he cackles with you and embraces the warm feeling that follows. 
“I told him it was for my kid.”, you blush. “God, hopefully I never have to write for them. I’ve been lucky so far but that will be an awkward exchange if they remember me!”
“Are you kidding, princess? You definitely leave an impression! Who could forget about you?” Eddie froze as he heavily exhaled and shook his head. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry…”
“No, Ed, it’s ok…”
“You would think I’d have this down by now but…”
You nod before you rise to your feet and get on his side of the table to sit beside him. 
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you lean your head on his shoulder as he reaches up to caress your arm.
Steve tenderly grins your way as he watches your eyes light up at the movie Kungfu you two had been watching. Well, you had been watching. He had been stuck in his own head after that ridiculous conversation with his dad. 
“Son, you’re about to start high school which means it’s time to really buckle down and focus. No more fucking around. If you want to run my company one day you can’t keep being lazy.”
While he had been talking there was a woman in his office waiting for him to give her attention. Her dress seemed way too tight and it inched up her thighs as she sat on top of his desk. Steve would never understand why his father cheated on his mother. To him, these women weren’t nearly half as pretty as her nor anywhere close to being as loyal as she was. 
His dad said he needed to ‘buckle down and focus’ but what he heard was ‘it’s time for you to start being like me’. 
Steve hadn’t planned on coming over but he felt weird after drinking the bottle he found. He thought booze were supposed to make you happy but he found himself feeling incredibly lonely. When he showed up unannounced, you opened your front door and eagerly ushered him with no hesitation. 
You always made them feel like they mattered. 
“Steve? Are you alright?”
“Huh? Yeah, I’m ok. Just thinking.”
“Did you want to watch something else? I put this on because I know the cheesy effects make you laugh.”, you giggle as his smile grows. 
“Naw, honey. This is fine. My dad was being…himself you know?”
“I know. You know you can always talk to me. I love you and I’m always here for you.”
Opening his arms wide, you fall into his embrace and he prays you don’t smell the liquor that lingers.
“Oh, wow. Look at you and you have your own shelf.”, you tease as Steve leads you into his office. 
After leaving Eddie so Corroded Coffin could continue recording, you headed to the center the other boy worked at so he could give you the “grand tour” as he called it. You grinned at the drawings and pictures he had posted everywhere around him. Multiple books and files were strewn out all over the place on his desk but a particular photo caught your eye. 
“Oh, um, yeah. I still keep that there as a reminder.”
Picking up the image of you three at the amusement park, you smile as you fall into the memory. They both seemed extremely content that day as if all their worries had disappeared. You thought about that day often to especially when you passed one on the tour bus you were riding in at the time. 
“The kids ask me about you two constantly.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Do you want to meet them?”
When you nod, his grin stretches across his face as he giddily grabs your hand and guides you to a much larger room where some kids were already sitting around waiting. 
“Mr. Harrington brought a date to group!”
“Look at Hugh Hefner over here!”
“’Bout time you settle down, old man!”
“Alright, alright. All of you settle down.”, Steve jokes as you laugh. “This is my friend from Hawkins I tell you guys about. This is Y/N.”
“You’re the girl he doesn’t shut up about.”, a young lady smiles. 
“That would be Amanda.”
“I know you. He told me all about you on the ride up here. Your work is amazing.”
“Thank you!”, she beams.
Taking a seat beside Steve, you watch as he conducts the group session, introducing each kid and responding where appropriate. You couldn’t help but marvel at his change as he took control and seemed way more confident than he ever did back home. 
There was no one he needed to impress or a “legacy” he needed to live up to. He could just be himself.
“Please, Katie. Trust me, your mom doesn’t fucking care. That’s why she drinks.”
“Derek.”, Steve warned. “That’s not how we talk to each other in here.”
Your eyes scanned over the boy across from you. He couldn’t be older than 17 but he seemed to carry years of anger and burden on his shoulders. His arms were folded tight around his chest; a barrier to protect him from anyone trying to get in. Emphasized by the oversized hoodie that he kept up over his head. 
You knew this boy; you had been him.
“What? Am I wrong? If she cared she’d stop fucking binge drinking every night and actually spend time with her daughter.”
“Who in your family drinks? Mom or dad?”
All eyes turn to you after you pose your question.
“My dad. Why? Does it matter?”
“Yes, it does. I know how hard it is…to have someone you love choose substances over you. It fucking hurts.”
“Look, I don’t need another adult to patronize to me, okay?”
“She’s not. If anyone understands what you guys are going through it’s Y/N. Especially you, Derek. Remember how I told you guys about my accident and DUI? Y/N was…was in the car with me.” Steve stumbles over his words before quickly trying to regain control again. 
“Hm. Did you rat him out? Is that why he’s clean now? Are you going to tell me I should be open and honest or some shit?”, the boy spat.
“No, I didn’t. I actually told the police I didn’t remember who was driving. Took a couple of weeks though because I needed surgery after metal from the car sliced through me. He never even came to the hospital.”
“Wow, Mr. Harrington. You were an asshole.”, a girl sighed. 
“I was wasted and terrified. I couldn’t face what I did to someone I loved.”
Derek’s eyes were suddenly glassy as he adjusted his body in his seat.
“He does love you, honey.”, you coo towards the boy as his bottom lip quivers. “If it were as easy as putting the bottle or drug down they would. Some people can but for others it’s so much harder. Whether they heal or not is ultimately up to them but no matter what happens, Derek, none of it is your fault.”
The young man sighs as he breaks down and the girl beside him wraps her arms around him as he cries. A palm touches yours and you turn your head to see Steve’s soft eyes taking you in. 
You see the never-ending apology within them as flashes of the old boy you knew before the booze pushed through before receding as he flashes you a gentle grin and lifts his hand. 
“Guys, really? Do we have to eat all this before going on the rollercoaster?”, you giggle as you watch Eddie pour more cheese over the nachos in front of you three.
“Yes, sweetheart, we do.”, he answers in a serious tone as his tongue pokes out of the corner of his mouth. 
“And the cherry on top.” 
Steve produces a cupcake from his side and places it in front of you as the metalhead pushes a candle through the top of the frosting. You smile as Steve cups his hands around it while Eddie pulls out his lighter and ignites the wick. 
“Now make a wish and blow out your candle.”
Your gaze shifts between their happy faces as they wait for you to complete the task. 
“I wish everyday could be like today.”
As you blow it out, both boys clap and cheer making you blush as Steve kisses your cheek. 
“Happy birthday, beautiful.”
Eddie leans over to take hold of your jaw and peck your lips before sitting back down. 
“Happy Birthday, princess. Now, you eat this while sire and I devour this here.”
“Why do I have to and she doesn’t?”
“Because it’s her birthday, Steven! No stop whining and say Ah!”
As the boy scowls he unhooks his jaw and Eddie shoves a chip into his mouth making you laugh as you lean against him. 
“Oh my god, you two are ridiculous! I love you so much.”
You laugh hard at the joke Eddie had made as Steve struggles to keep soda inside his mouth while he cackles with you. 
“I really missed you guys.”, the metalhead announces, his gaze shifting between you both. “I mean I’ve made a lot of new friends you know but I talk about the things we used to do like me doing Karaoke to make Steven laugh or you and I, Y/N, going to the horror movie marathon just outside of town.”
“I remember that. That was so much fun.”, you smile. 
“One of the things I enjoy about my job is interacting with those kids. Most of them are sarcastic as fuck like you, Ed, or extremely kind like, Y/N. Thank you for what you did with Derek today by the way. He struggles to talk about his relationships with anyone let alone about his dad.”
“May I ask what happened? You mentioned our accident…”
“Um, yeah. It was kind of the same thing. His dad hit a car with him in it while drunk, ran from the scene, and Derek took the blame. His dad begged him to before he bolted…kid was only 15.”
“Jesus.”, Eddie sighed. “Sounds like my dad.”
“He seems like a good boy. He’ll be okay.” You flash him a comforting grin and he can’t help but smile back. “I, um, I feel like we keep ignoring the elephant in the room. I want you to know I am genuinely so proud of you both. Steve I never imagined you’d be as confident as you seem now. You always told me you thought you were worthless and I know that’s because of your asshole dad. I watched for years as you lived in his shadow but were still so terrified of becoming him… Those kids don’t have to experience that because they have you now.”
“Eddie, you were always afraid of people abandoning you and numbed yourself constantly. When you were numb you were so angry and heartbroken. When I saw you playing your guitar again with your band… you finally seemed at peace.” 
Your voice cracked as a tear escaped your eye and you awkwardly laughed as you wiped it away. 
“That’s all I ever wanted for you two.”
“6 months ago… when I relapsed… I was in such a low place. My apartment I was staying in got robbed, I had just been let go from a job I was at, and this girl I was dating said she didn’t want to see me anymore. She said I was loser and it fucking hurt like hell. I felt so alone and it was almost like a dream. I barely even remember where I bought the drugs or how I got back home but as soon as it hit my nose I regretted it.”
“Y/N, I saw your face and everything I wished I could take back. The fights, the names, the pain… The way we talked to you.” He cringed as memories flashed through his mind.
“I get that. Of course, my biggest regret is the accident but the one I think about the most is the first time we were intimate when we…I…” You looked at Steve with sincere confusion not thinking anything of that night. Then again compared to all the others you had after it was just a blip in a chaotic timeline. “Y/N, honey, you lost your virginity on my couch after threatening to leave us because of the jugs of liquor you found in my trash.”
“We should have done it right. I picture us taking you to dinner and you’d be wearing that red dress we loved.”
“Yeah, that one floofed out above your knees kind of like a tutu.”, Eddie chuckled. “With your hair up in a ponytail so we could so your face. You always wore make up but you never needed to. You were…are… so beautiful.”
“How are you two dressed?”, you murmur their way.
“Let’s see. I’d probably have my jeans and black shirt but I would have made sure it was clean with little to no cigarette smell.”, the metalhead jests causing you two to let out a little laugh.
“I’d have worn jeans to but a nice polo shirt I think to go with it and that expensive cologne my dad kept buying me.”, he smirked. “We’d take you to Enzos because you deserve a nice meal but of course you would complain about the prices even though we insist it’s no problem.”
“Some soft music would be playing and we’d ask you to dance.”
Steve rises to his feet and messes with his stereo till a slow 70s song flows through his speakers. Extending his hand to you, you take it as he pulls you to your feet and places one of his palms on your lower back as he holds the other in the air. 
“Is this ok?”, he whispers under his breath, exhaling heavily in relief when you nod. “I would tell you about how I fell in love with you the first time I met you. You said all the girls in your class had a crush on me but I didn’t get it. I think I said something along of the lines ‘I’m not that great.’ And you said—”
“I don’t know. You seem pretty great to me.”
He tenderly smiles at your response before grabbing your hand to spin you and pass you to Eddie who was waiting with open arms. 
“I would have probably made a joke about the music saying that dancing to Dio is way better.” He smiles when you giggle. “I’d tell you that the first time I saw you I thought you were way too good for me. I remember you asked about my black eye my dad had given me and it surprised me. Every other adult already assumed or were afraid to ask, staring at me constantly. But you actually fucking cared.”
“Then what would happen?”
Eddie passed you back to Steve and this time you wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your head against his chest. You didn’t see it but he and the metalhead exchanged a glance filled with slight worry as he held you and leaned his cheek on top of your head. 
“Y/N, honey—”
“You don’t have to answer. I can let you go, we can get ready for bed, and go back to being friends. We’ll always be at least that because I agree with Eddie. I miss you two so much but unlike the first time I left…I don’t feel bad about it.” 
Pulling away from him, you back up a bit to address them both. 
“I’m happier than I’ve ever been and you were right in the letter you left me. I had some more healing to do to. I needed to find out who I was without you and now that I figured that out…I want to see if…maybe…we can start over. I mean we’ve all grown so much and I’d like to get to know the two men in front of me.”
Their eyes continually scan over you, trying to understand and get a true read to make sure you’re alright.
“But like I said, you don’t have to. We can go back to laughing or go to sleep. If it makes you feel better, you taking my virginity that morning…I don’t remember it being a bad experience. Yeah it hurt but it was going to for me anyway and not just because I was virgin.”, you tease, smirking their way.
You were surprised when Eddie was the first to move, taking agonizingly slow steps till he was directly in front of you with his nose hovering just above your own. After blinking a couple of times, he pulled you into his embrace and you closed your eyes as you inhaled his signature smell while clinging your arms around him. 
“I love you.”, you whisper. As if your words were a match, they ignited the metalhead’s passion as his hands tilted your head back and he kissed your lips. As if muscle memory was taking over, you clung to his neck as you jumped up into his arms and his hands promptly took hold of your thighs as your legs wrapped around him. 
As he starts to carry you, his feet give out underneath him as he trips over something and you both tumble to the floor. He manages to keep himself from crushing you as his palms shoot out to catch himself on the hard wood. 
“Fuck! Shit, I’m so sorry. I forgot for a moment this wasn’t my place.”, he chuckles shakily. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”, you laugh.
“I feel like a fucking teenager. I’m actually…I don’t know…nervous.”
“Would it…make you feel better if I admitted I’m nervous to? It’s been a while for me and if I’m being honest I think I’ve only been with you guys sober that one time but that was after that intense session. We’ve never been together…like this.”
Wind moves your hair and you both turn to see Steve laying out one of his blankets with a couple of pillows on the floor. 
“I wish I had lost my virginity to you.”, he admitted. “I was wasted and I’m ashamed to say I don’t even remember the girl’s name. I think you’re the only girl…woman… I’ve been with sober.”
“I was half awake.”, Eddie sighed. “Karla something in the back of my van. I barely remember it either.”
“Were you rough with the other girls like you were me?”, you asked.
“Sometimes but you were the only one that seemed to enjoy it.”
“Did you?”, the metalhead asked. “We never even asked what you liked in bed. Just kind of did our own thing…”
“I did and I didn’t. I hated when we did it after a fight. Kind of like that night we went to Steve’s house after spending time at The Hideout. Eddie said I wanted to fuck Andrew and Steve, you got mad at me because I defended you in front of your dad. You said I butted in and made things worse. You both said you were going to use me one last time before I abandoned you.”
“And I choked you too hard…”
“Sometimes if you both were angry enough the line would blur.”
Steve’s head hung knowing he was the culprit of most of your verbal sparring matches with him. He cringed every time he thought about the awful things he had said to you while drunk. 
Scooting closer to him, your hand reached out to grab his chin lifting his face so you could see his eyes. 
“I love you to.” The man sighed as your thumb caressed his bottom lip. “Show me the men you are now.”
When his lips connected with yours, you wanted to cry because for the first time in a long time you felt safe. Your tongues mingled together as his hips grinded down against yours eliciting a soft moan as you turned your head to find Eddie. Steve’s mouth continued to travel to your neck as he clung to you, your fingers threading through his hair as the metalhead leaned down to kiss the other side. 
Kisses and stolen touches were exchanged as clothes were removed, you not wanting them to be too far for very long as their lips refamiliarized them with your body. Lifting your legs open wide over both their hips, you mewled as their fingers ran delicately up your thighs. 
“This is what we should have done.”, Steve whispered in your ear. “We should have taken our time with you; made you feel more comfortable.”
“Made you feel good and help prepare you.”, Eddie added as he tenderly kissed your cheek and the side of your face. 
When his thick fingers slide into your core, your eyes rolled as your head dipped back. Both your palms ran along cocks and the sound of their groans in your ears had you clenching tightly around his digits. When Steve joined his friend and massaged fast circles into your clit, you knew you wouldn’t last long.
“Fuck, please. Just like that.”
They each grinded against you, desperate for relief as the sound of your slick filled the room as they picked up their pace. 
“That’s it, honey. Cum for us.”
“We got you, pretty girl.”
Your body trembled as you came, your lips searching for theirs as their fingers guided you through. 
“Fuck, that was sexy.”, Steve panted against your lips as he maneuvered himself on top of you. “Wait, fuck, do I need…I may have some condoms somewhere…”
“No. It’s ok. I’m still on the pill.”
Softly grinning down at you, he places a peck on your lips before trailing kisses along your cheek and to your ear. 
“We should have asked that first time. We didn’t even bother. We were so afraid you really were going to leave…”, he whispered. Reaching between your bodies, he gripped the base of his cock and gradually guided it into your core. “Oh my God, Y/N.”
Steve groans as your pussy stretches to accommodate his size and the memory of that evening smacks into you like a ton of bricks. 
“Steve, you’re so big. It won’t fit—”
“It will, honey, I promise…”
“Just go slow and keep talking to me.”
“No, no, baby. You’re ok. Eddie, fuck, can you—”
“Are you ok, sweetheart?”
“Hey, are you alright? I’m not hurting you, am I?”
Tears start to fall from your eyes but as the man lifts himself up to pull out and comfort you, you wrap your arms around him to hold him to you. 
“I’m ok. Don’t stop, please, and don’t stop talking to me. You feel so good… I just…I love you.”
His heart flutters at your admission every time he hears you say it. They both thought they had lost you forever and rightfully so but to know they have a chance… they weren’t going to waste it this time. 
Steve slowly began pumping his hips, relishing the feeling of you clinging to him again. 
“I love you to, baby. This is how I should have taken you that first time, nice, slow, and—fuck—so deep. Your pussy so fucking tight as it pulls me in. I can feel you everywhere, Y/N, you’re so warm and wet. You take my cock so well…such a good girl.”
Your eyes rolled as you clenched at the name. With anyone else you had been with you never allowed them to play rough or tell you things like how good of a girl you were or anything like that. It reminded you of them and truth be told you only really believed it when they said it. You didn’t want to push them but you wanted them to know it was ok to be a bit more passionate when it came to you. 
“I’m your good girl?”, you whimper making him moan. 
“Fuck, yeah, honey. You’re our good girl.”
“Then fuck me like a good girl deserves, Steve.” As his head falls between your neck and shoulder, your fingers cling to his hair as he thrusts his cock into you a bit harder than before. “That’s it. Just like that.”
Your eyes swiveled to look for Eddie, finding him beside you both stroking his length as he waited. The sight drove you wild as the other man moved at a faster rhythm, pounding into that sensitive spot inside you that had your jaw going slack. 
“Please…please, Steve. I’m gonna cum.”
Reaching for your hands, he pinned them above your head as he held them in his own, intertwining his fingers with yours as he sucked little marks on to your neck. 
The coil in your belly snapped as you repeatedly moaned his name, his lips hastily meeting yours to swallow your moans as he chased his high. 
“Can I swallow your cum, baby? Please?”
He doesn’t respond as his eyes stare into your own but as his hips sputter he quickly pulls out of you and crawls up your body to push his dick into your awaiting mouth. His fingers tangle in your hair as you bob your head and he mewls as he spills his release down your throat. 
As he backs away from you, you sit up and kiss his lips, his palms cupping your face as he holds you close to him. After caressing his cheek and silently assuring him you were alright, you shimmed your way to the metalhead and wrapped your arms around his neck as he adjusted himself till you were sitting on top of him straddling his waist. 
“It was my first time with the woman I loved and I didn’t even get to see your face.”, Eddie murmured as his hands traveled down your sides to rest on your thighs. “I barely even checked in to make sure you were ok.”
As he spoke, you continued to look down at him as you dragged your pussy lips along his cock.
“I should have had you on top of me just like this so I could see you and you could see me. See that beautiful face scrunch right here when you slide me in.” He smiles when you giggle as he pokes your forehead. “Fuck, Y/N, I missed a lot of things but nothing more than your laugh, sweetheart.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you tilted down to kiss his lips and his palms clung to the base of your neck as you guided your hips down onto his length. 
“I love you, Eddie.”
“Mmm—I love you to, pretty girl.” Subtly bouncing on top of him, you both mewled as his tip hit that soft spot repeatedly. “There you go, princess. Still so fucking tight.”
Your eyes searched his face as he licked his lips and arched his neck, the veins along his throat making you moan. 
“Spank me.”, you plead as your nose grazes his. “I promise it’s ok.”
His eyes fully open, meeting your own as you place his hands on your behind. Gauging your reaction, he kneads your meaty flesh as he guides your movements.
“Fuck, baby. You look so sexy riding my dick. Make yourself cum. I want to feel your pussy squeezing me.”
Bouncing as hard as you can, your head falls on his shoulder as his palm spanks your ass and he feels your warm breath heat his skin. 
“A-Again, Eddie. Just like that.”
Ring laced fingers take hold of the back of your neck as his other arm circles around your waist to hold you still as he plants his feet and thrusts up into you meeting your motions with a hard one of his own. 
“Like that, Y/N? That the spot? I know, sweetheart, I got you.”
That wasn’t the first time he had ever said those words to you but this was the first time you ever believed him. 
“Say it again.”
His head turned slightly to kiss your temple as he softly murmured his last sentence till you tumbled over the ledge and he spanked you again as he helped you ride your high. Leaning back on your knees, he followed you and you hugged his head to your chest as you rolled your hips till you felt him warm your insides. 
His lips roamed your skin as he guided your sweaty bodies on your sides. A second set of welcomed kisses glided along your shoulder blade as you felt yourself slowly drift off into bliss. 
“Fuck, why am I nervous? We’ve known her since like 4th grade.”, Steve hyped himself up as they sat outside your door in his car. 
“Yeah, but this is different. We’ve never looked at her that way before and vice versa.”, Eddie sighed.
“I mean…I always thought she was beautiful. I just…what would a perfect girl like that want with an asshole like me?”
“Steve, you’re not a…well you’re a little bit of an asshole.”, the metalhead teases making his friend laugh. “I get it though. She’s perfect to me to and deserves more than some trailer trash felon’s kid.”
As his hands begin to shake, he reaches into his leather jacket for his pack of cigarettes.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m ok. I just haven’t had a hit all day and I’m jumpy. I wanted to be sober for our first date with her.”
Steve smiled at his friend as he flashes him his jacket pocket. 
“Same. No flask or any alcohol.” Eddie nodded as he patted the man’s shoulder. “You’re not trailer trash, Munson. I hope you know that. You’ve been my best friend to and I’ve never once seen you that way. I love ya, man.”
“Aw. I love you to, Harrington.”, he replies in a high pitch sing song voice before glancing out the window. “Thank you. I don’t know where I’d be without you guys.”
Grinning, they both hop out of the car and knock on your door, their jaws dropping when you greet them in a beautiful blue dress they had never seen on you before. 
“Wow, you two look handsome.”
“We don’t look half as good as you. Oh my god.”, Steve compliments making you blush. 
Eddie extends his arm like he had seen so many times in movies, his smile widening when you loop your own through it and lean over to kiss his cheek. 
You woke up to the sound of beeping as your eyes opened in search of the noise. Steve groaned as he rolled over, blindly searching before holding up his watch, and pushing the button to silence it. 
“Do you have to go to work?”, you whisper, smiling when he shakes his head and turns back onto his side reminding you of the little boy who used to do sleep overs with you in elementary school. 
As you try to face him as well, you realize a tattooed arm is laying across your chest and glance over to see Eddie on his tummy with his messy hair blocking his face. Tenderly, you reach over to move it to the side, rousing him from sleep as he scrunches his nose and blinks before pulling you closer to him till his nose was pressed against your cheek. 
The first time you met him his hair was extremely short and he had bruises everywhere. When he came to your house, you could tell he felt out of place but you extended your hand and allowed him to hold it if he felt uncomfortable. Those first couple of times he stayed over, you would wake up with the back of his palm near yours. 
Fingers tracing your skin bring you back to the present as your eyes meet Steve’s and he smiles as he runs them up your arm and down your stomach. Your breathing hitches when you feel the tips along the scar on your stomach. 
“Does it still hurt?”
“Sometimes…when it rains or snows… or when I dream about it…” His amber eyes scan your face as you continue. “Those are the two experiences I think about a lot still. You two screaming at each other before leaving me and finding Eddie ODed…”
The man’s thumb caressed your skin as he kissed your skin.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“I meant what I said before that night two years ago. I forgive you both. This past week just hearing and seeing how far you two have come… I loved you both so much but I never felt safe. Last night and right now… I feel like it’s finally safe for me to let go and trust you again. If you want that…if you want me…”
Eddie’s lips abruptly crash to your own before kissing your nose and up to your forehead. 
“I love you so much, Y/N. I will always want you, baby. I promise you ARE safe with me. I got you.”
Steve lightly grips your chin, turning you to face him as he kisses your lips as well. 
“I love you, honey, and you are all I’ve ever wanted. You’re safe with me to and you both are more than welcome to stay here or we can look for a bigger place. Whatever we have to do, I’m in.”
You held them both to you as the tears began to flow, thankful that your lives would no longer be trapped in memories but new beginnings with the two people you loved the most and loved you. 
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waksworldrebooted · 7 months
In 2000, Chris Prynoski pitched a cartoon called Motorcity.
He made a card and a website promoting the show, which wouldn't see the light of day until the Walt Disney Company got their hands on it.
"MotorCity is The Dukes of Hazzard meets Akira. It's American Graffiti and Big Daddy Roth rumbling with 8 cylinders into the world of Sci-Fi. It's the heart of American car culture driven to the next level."
 "Sex, cars, Rock & Roll, and the freedom to wrap your ride around a tree trunk goin' 160."
"In the near future, concerns over global warming, pollution, and the ever-worsening problem of gridlock in America’s major cities brings about the Anti-Combustion Acts of 2009." "These laws banned the use of any vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine. At first there was a lot of vocal opposition. But the so-called "Digital Revolution" as well as the advent of amazing new transportation technologies neatly filled the void, and the benefits of an improved environment along with a safer, faster and more efficient means of getting from point A to B managed to win even the staunchest opponents over. The oil companies and car manufacturers were forced to shut down under the political and economic pressures." "And a new era was born. Cleaner, faster and safer. America’s cities became modern utopias where its citizens could travel without fear or hazard in comfortable flying boxes affectionately known as "living rooms", and Detroit (The Renaissance City), became the finest example of this new policy. But with all of this wondrous innovation, something was lost. Something inherent in the soul of old America, something called freedom. The freedom to go anywhere. Anyhow. As fast, or as slow as you want. The freedom to speed. And the freedom to die." "This is where our characters come in. A few radicals realized that although you might never die in the "living rooms" , you’ll never really live in them either. So in the "Live fast and die young" mind-set, they fight the law. Scavenging parts and gas from Detroit’s massive underground, Mike Chilton and his gang, as well as a few others are trying to recapture some of what it meant to risk all for the freedom of speed."
Mike Chilton: A young talent on the illegal race circuit. Mike's right leg is always twitching and itching to jam a gas pedal to the floorboards, and his foot is as lead as they come. He's got gasoline surging through his veins and a 450 horsepower soul. His heart burns to drive and it's all he can do to keep moving faster and faster so that the flames don't consume him. He might be a gangly 19-year-old kid, but his ride has as much muscle as he'll ever need and he knows how to use it.
Vehicle of choice: Retrofitted '77 Trans Am
Julie Capulsky: An Anthropology student with a quick mind and a quicker pulse. She's a city girl with a passion for adventure who's secretly writing a paper on the underground "Burner" culture. As she gets to know Mike and his crew, she feels the freedom of the road and learns the power of a rumbling big block at her command. She is torn between the high performance life of a Gearhead and the love of her father who has sworn to take them down.
Vehicle of Choice: Any Hot Rod that'll give her a ride.
Lt. Capulsky: Julie's Dad and head of Detroit's Anti-Combustion Enforcement Division. He's old enough to remember when the highways were the arteries of America and the drivers were its blood. He rode with Fast Eddy in his youth and understands the joy of inhaling the fumes of burning rubber as the hot road turns his tires to black jelly. He's forced to deal with enforcing a law he's not sure he believes in. But that doesn't stop him from holding the record for the most illegal auto busts in the state of Michigan.
Vehicle of choice: Police "Living Room"
Ed Pirelli: (Fast Eddy) The old-timer who serves as Mike and the crew's link to the past, as well as their guide for the future. A wrecked hulk of a man, Eddy lived in a time when America was the land of wide-open spaces, and you had the liberty to go where, when and how you wanted to travel. You had the freedom to live, and the freedom to die. None of those damn boxes.
Vehicle of choice: Retrofitted '58 Chevy Roadster
Greg Raden: This young cop looks up to Lt. Capulsky as his ultimate hero. Born after the Anti-Combustion Act, He doesn't understand the rush of a vibrating steering wheel responding to every reflex of your sweaty palms. He wants nothing more than to grind the gears of the "Burners" to a halt.
Vehicle of choice: Police "Living Room"
Dave Earnhardt: Mike's worthy rival on the race circuit. He's a speed demon who stops at nothing to win. He might be Mike's worst enemy on the tar, but he'd take a speeding bullet for him off the track.
Vehicle of choice: Retrofitted '69 Camaro RS
Holly Biscayne: A fellow "Burner" who has a thing for Mike. She's jealous and suspicious of Julie's big city motives. She wants to make sure that when the checkered flag waves, she'll be on top.
Vehicle of choice: Retrofitted '05 Jaguar convertible
Brute Conklin: The bastard child of internal combustion and computer technology. This crafty gearhead beats "The Man" at his own game with a never-ending digital assault on the computers that control the Global Satellite System.
Vehicle of choice: Chopped 98' Harley Pan-head
Claire Constance: This ice queen might look like a hot number, but she's really a wet blanket who tries to smother her best friend Julie's fire. She can't understand what's with risking your life in the "sewers" when you can be shopping in style in the safety and comfort of your own clean home.
Vehicle of choice: None if she can help it
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Promo card released in 2000
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Concept art made shortly after the trailer (ones that closely resemble the final show)
From left to right: Luv (Dutch), Holly Biscayne, Chuck, Mike Chilton, Julie Kapulsky, Claire Constance, Texas, Greg Raden (Tooley), Lt Kapulsky (Abraham Kane), and The Mayor of Detroit
Pitch Trailer
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Dancers You Might Know That Competed Against ALDC (Dance Moms) - Season 5
Season 5 Episode 1 Sheer Talent Niagara Falls 2014
Chloe Smith (future CADC team) placed 1st in Teen Solos and Highest Scoring Solo Overall with her solo "Everything Must Change" under Center Stage Dance Studio ahead of Kalani Hilliker (2nd)
Chloe Smith also placed 4th ("Once Upon A Dream") and 5th ("Feed Me Diamonds")
other well known studios competing: Center Stage Dance Studio
Season 5 Episode 2 Energy NDC Detroit 2014
ALDC group dance "Stomp The Yard" choregraphed by Molly Long
Season 5 Episode 3 In10sity Dance New Province 2014
competition created just for dance moms
Haley Huelsman is competing under New England Dance and Gymnastic Centers
Junior Solo Results Top 4:
7th, 8th and 10th are all from Dance Xtreme 4th: "Don't Stop Me Now", 277.9 Points - Sophia (Dance Xtreme) 3rd: "Electricity", 278.3 Points - JoJo (ALDC) 2nd: 278.7 Points - Haley Huelsman (New England Dance and Gymnastic Centers) 1st: "Boom Boom", 280.1 Points - Mackenzie (ALDC)
other well known studios competing: New England Dance and Gymnastic Centers, Dance Xtreme
Season 5 Episode 4 World Class Talent Experience Woodbridge 2014
Junior Solo Results Top 5:
5th: "Red Queen", #21 - ? (Strictly Rhythm) 4th: "Glam", #23 - ? (?) 3rd: "Fashion Victim", #58 - JoJo Siwa (ALDC) 2nd: "I Am A Good Girl", #31 - ? (?) 1st: "Crazy Little Thing", #20 - ? (Strictly Rhythm)
Teen Solo Results Top 5:
5th: "Hurt", #24 - ? (same studio as 4th Jr. Solo) 4th: "Le Jazz Hot", #27 - ? (Strictly Rhythm) 3rd: "Clueless", #57 - Kendall Vertes (ALDC) 2nd: "The Raven", #32 - ? (Strictly Rhythm) 1st: "She's History", #56 - Maddie Ziegler (ALDC)
Teen Small Group Top 5:
4th: "Tribal Beats", #12 (same studio as 2nd Jr. Solo) 3rd: "Impossible", #70 - Strictly Rhythm 2nd: "Frozen Together", #72 - ALDC (2nd Overall) 1st: "Our Song" #39 - Strictly Rhythm (1st Overall)
Overall Solos Top 5:
5th: "You", #25 - ? (Strictly Rhythm) (1st in Jr. Solo) 4th: "I Am A Good Girl", #31 - ? (?) 3rd: "Crazy Little Thing", #20 - ? (Strictly Rhythm) 2nd: "She's History", #56 - Maddie Ziegler (ALDC) 1st: "Take A Look At Me Now", #6 - Frantz Augustin (Strictly Rhythm) (1st in Sr. Solo)
Season 5 Episode 5 Energy NDC LA 2014
Season 5 Episode 6 Sheer Talent LA 2014
Emma Donnelly placed first in Small Wonders Solo under Royal Dance Academy with "Mr. Big Stuff"
Hannah Webb (Stars Dance Studio) places 1st in Junior Solo with "Queen"
Brynn and Jaycees (Club) duet "My Conscience" placed 1st in Pre-Teen Duet
Clubs Pre-Teen Groups "Bang Bang" (Molly Long) - 3rd, "Say Something" - 2nd placed behind ALDCs "War Torn"
Clubs Teen Group "Red" placed 1st in Teen Groups
Addison Moffett placed 1st in Senior Solos and had the overall high scoring solo
Pre-Teen Solo Results:
5th: JoJo Siwa, "Prom Queen" - ALDC 4th: Jaycee Wilkins, "Youth" - Club 3rd: Brynn Rumfallo, "Enter One", Club 2nd: Kendall Vertes, "Welcome To A New World" - ALDC 1st: Carlee Schield, "Wonder" - Club
Teen Solo Results:
5th: Alexis Watson, "No More I Love You", Club 4th: Sarah Lutzky, "Time Flies", Degas 3rd: Nathan Hirshaut, "Blackbird", Club 2nd: Kaeli Ware, "Proud", ALDC 1st: Sarah Reasons, "Breathe Again", Club
other well known studios competing: Royal Dance Academy, Stars Dance Studio, Club Dance Studio
Season 5 Episode 8 Starbound Fallbrook 2014
Molly Long choregraphed ALDCs group dance "Moulin Rouge"
Season 5 Episode 9 World Class Talent Experience Manahawkin 2014
Season 5 Episode 10 Sheer Talent Pompton Plains 2014
Michelle Quiner places 2nd ("Sacrifice") and 3rd (Variation from La Esmeralda) in Teen Solos under North Jersey School of Dance Arts
other well known studios competing: Yolanda's Academy of Music & Dance, Dance Fusion, North Jersey School of Dance Arts
Season 5 Episode 11 NYDE Philadelphia 2014
Season 5 Episode 12 Energy NDC Detroit 2015
competition created just for dance moms
Season 5 Episode 13 World Class Talent Experience Cleveland 2015
Season 5 Episode 14 NYDE Anaheim 2015
Season 5 Episode 15 World Class Talent Experience Riverside 2015
other well known studios competing: Dance Unlimited, Murrieta Dance Project
Season 5 Episode 16 DanceKidsUSA LA 2015
Season 5 Episode 17 Starbound Butler 2015
Season 5 Episode 18 Energy NDC Santa Ana 2015
competition created just for dance moms
Season 5 Episode 23 Center Stage Dance Competition 2015
6 different studios present at competition, each had a limit of 20 dancers they were allowed to bring
other well known studios competing: Dance Horizons
Season 5 Episode 24 Fierce National Dance Competition 2015
Season 5 Episode 25 Believe Fresno 2015
Reagan Martin (brought in in Season 7 by Cheryl Burke) competes, places 5th in Elite 9-11 Solo with "Once Upon A Dream" under Dolce Dance Studio
Areana Lopez (Season 6 Mini Team) competed as well, placing 3rd in Elite 9-11 Solo with "Day" under YLAB
Paige Landseadal from Dolce comes in 1st in Elite 12-14 Solo with "Dream", beating Maddie (3rd), Nia (4th) and Kendall (5th)
Basia Rhoden (Prix De Lausanne Candidate 2019) comes in 2nd behind Paige with "Dreamcatcher" under DollHouse Dance Studio
other well known studios competing: Dolce Dance Studio, YLAB, La Bella Dance Co
Season 5 Episode 26 Sheer Talent Westminster 2015
competition created just for dance moms
Season 5 Episode 27 Xpression Dance Competition Phoenix 2015
Season 5 Episode 28 NYDE Escondido 2015
Emma Hellenkamp from Touch of Class placed 1st and 2nd, ahead of Kendall who comes in 3rd
Season 5 Episode 29 Sheer Talent Spokane 2015
competition created just for dance moms
Season 5 Episode 30 DanceKidsUSA Anaheim 2015
Season 5 Episode 31 Center Stage Dance Productions Lancester
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rhapsodiq · 7 months
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INTERVIEW ( live televised )
speaker: please welcome, the lead news reporter of our channel, michael smith, here to interview the ceo of annunnaki pharmaceuticals and philanthropist, doctor kane iona!
michael smith: good morning everyone, thank you for being with us today, either in the studio or at home, watching us live on your screens. i couldn't be more pleased to sit with doctor kane iona today. i suppose he does not need much of an introduction, as he is one of the most influential people in the world today —
kane iona, laughing: as kind as always, michael. it is my pleasure to be here with you all.
michael: i forget, is this our sixth interview? i must say, it was hardly a surprise to see you take the mantle as the ceo, as you have been in the board for how many years now- twenty... thirty?
kane: that makes me seem even more of an old man, michael! who knows, time passes quickly for sure.
michael: you're right, a life devoted to the company, as we all know. so tell us, how has it been going? it has been a over year now with you as the ceo, do tell us your plans? how do you feel now that you are no longer the cfo?
kane: you know, as cliche as it sounds, it does not feel that much different. this company has been my and malvina's arduous work for the past few decades, and while she did such a tremendous job being the face of the company, me being appointed as the face is the only thing that has changed in terms of what goes behind the scenes. she has decided to take some time to focus on her health, and she has my and our team's full support on that.
michael: are you saying the key values will remain the same? can you tell us a bit about them?
kane: of course, as always, the wellness of our consumers is our first priority. we have been and always will be the pioneers of innovation going forward, both with our current line of products, as well as the ones in the upcoming cycles. we have a very devoted team behind the scenes, the best in their respective fields, and i am very proud of every single one of them. furthermore, we are committed to do all of our business with integrity and full transparency — but i will stop here, my children say i tend to talk too much when given the stage.
michael, laughing: we would love to listen more, i am sure, but since we have limited time, i will move on. tell us about your personal life a bit more — children, you mentioned, how are they doing?
kane: i have an older son, and two twin daughters, they are so grown up now that i can hardly believe my eyes. very bright and smart, you know the type of youth you like to see that makes you more optimistic for the future.
michael: how wonderful! now, i have a private question that i know all of our viewers would learn to more about. tell us a bit about your upbringing? how does a man become so influential? what were your parents like? what's your secret?
kane: oh, i wish my answer was more exciting, michael. before you all start sighing, it really does boil to hard work. i was a med student just like many of you out there, and graduated with a crazy amount of student debt. with the hours i put into my passion of medicine and wellbeing , malvina and i became partners in showing the full potential of what annunnaki could be to the whole world. we knew how much we could do — and we worked days and nights to make it happen. of course, it does not happen without a powerful team of scientists who are our miracle workers, as well as the shareholders who have put their trust in us from the beginning.
michael: and we are all very much looking forward to the new — or perhaps should i say the future era of annunnaki? thank you for being with us here dr. iona, hoping for another interview again soon?
kane, laughing: of course michael, as long as you have us, we are more than grateful to share the great work we do, and we thank you for believing in us. there's a lot more to come, so keep your eyes peeled!
— end of broadcast —
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pattern-recognition · 11 months
"Apocalyptic Prophecy... [was] created for the theatre production “Waiting for Adam Spielman,” by Turkish-born Berliner playwright and director Hakan Savas Mican. It was staged in 2010 by the Israeli-born director Michael Ronen at Ballhaus Naunynstasse, Berlin’s groundbreaking “Post-Migrant” Theater. The play, a satirical dystopian fever dream written specifically for the international ensemble of actors who performed it, concerned the hopes and nightmares of a group of pilgrims who have traveled to the ruins of Detroit in search of the lost poet, prophet, and possible messiah Adam Spielman, a musician and drug-addict who, announcing his Apocalyptic Prophecy of Israel’s destruction, disappeared into the reforested city, never to return, but leaving a messianic liturgical text."
Gute mentshn, a mayse vel ikh aykh dertseyln Fun a tsayt vos vet kumen in goyrl Es hot mir gekholmt a kholem, keyn sheyner Fun der tsukunft fun Erets Yisroyl
An atom-bombe af Yerushalayim Eksplodirt vi a brokh af der erd A naye milkhome mit Iran un Mitsrayim Kumt on vi a tayvlish ferd
Der Soyne-Yisroyl bazetst di gantse erets Der oylem makht pleyte atsind Di pleytem zey forn in shifn keyn Tsipern Zey flien vi feyglekh in vint
Nor etlekhe blaybn tsu shteyen un kemfn Di shvartse un oreme layt Zey vern derharget fun milyonen mentshn Vos gisn fun Gaza bafrayt
Di arabishe kinder zey tun di gebetn Fun di shpelter fun koysl in brand Zey leydikn oys dos postkestl fun himl Men makht khorev dos heylike land
Nor es zaynen nisht nor yidn vos laydn in tsores Shiitn bazetsn Beyrut Dos land vert farkhurvet vi Sodom un Gomore Un Amolek shaft taykhn fun blut
Yisroeldike bomben zey faln af Perziye Un farbrenen bizn grunt Teyran Amerike bageyt militerishe perversyes Un di gantse velt vert gor a balagan
Un di arabishe kinder in ale di lender Zey tuen di gasn in Eyrope blutroyt Di shlakht treft di daytshn, frantsoysn, englender Ale shtet vern toyt vi Detroyt
Di mentshhayt vet kumen in finstere tsaytn Vos vet zayn shtelt ir zikher shoyn for Muzlimen un yidn un kristn veln shtraytn In dem nayem, dem blutikn dor
[Good people, I’ll tell you a tale Of a time that will become fate I dreamed a dream, not a good one, Of the future of the land of Israel
In Jerusalem, an atom bomb Explodes like a divine curse A new war with Iran and Egypt Comes on like a demonic horse
Israel’s mortal enemies occupy the whole land The people immediately flee The refugees take ships to Cypress They scatter like birds in the wind
But some remain to stand and fight The people of color, the poor They are slaughtered by the millions Who pour out of Gaza, freed
Arab children set fire to the prayers Stuck in the cracks of the Wailing Wall They empty out heaven’s postbox And make a ruin of the Holy Land
But it’s not only Jews who suffer greatly Shiites occupy Beirut The land is destroyed like Sodom & Gomorrah And Amalek spills rivers of blood
Israeli bombs fall on Persia And burn Tehran to the ground America commits military perversions And the whole world falls into chaos
The Arab youth in all the countries Make Europe’s streets run blood-red The war comes to Germany, France, England All cities are as dead as Detroit
Humanity will fall into dark times You can already imagine how it will be Muslims and Jews and Christians will battle In a new and bloody generation]
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peachyblkdemonslayer · 11 months
Stories I'm going to be working on in the future
Of warm bread and coffee breaks
A Nanami x Oc story of the two falling in love in the city of Detroit and figuring out their relationship over time
Bobby Barnes: The first wonder boy
A story of how the first wonder boy of Diana came to get the title and learning the ropes of the super hero world
Dynamic Mommies
Come along as two women try and juggle the struggles of motherhood and assassin work as they take in a young boy. A Buddy Daddies fanwork
The stops along the journey
Rina is unfortunately killed in a hit and run accident which in turns sends her to a alternate world where she meets her parents as teens. Here she learns more about what her parents were like in their youth and lessons about life. A drakey kid story
His woes of fatherhood
Dick Grayson hardships with fatherhood after his first daughter is born
Making him feel at home
A satosugu au fic about Satoru and Suguru meeting for the first time at a hotel and developing their relationship
@insomniac-jay @calciumcryptid @fatheriimaginedyoutaller
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ccs-capdetroit · 10 days
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Another great Saturday with our future CAP educators!🦄 Along with some classroom snapshots, we included pieces that our trainees made for a mock classroom presentation. We can't wait until our Detroit youth will be able to make these projects themselves!
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ausetkmt · 5 months
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Sauce Gardner, a prominent name in the world of American football who once played for Detroit PAL Youth Football and later became a Pro Bowl New York Jet cornerback, surprised his hometown with an unexpected act of kindness during the NFL Draft.
The lucky metro Detroit school-aged youth received brand-new Microsoft Surface laptops. Each youth also received one-on-one time with him and an individual picture. Before arriving to surprise the youth, Gardner made the day even more memorable by signing t-shirts and footballs for the children to take home.
“Being able to see these kids’ faces light up while walking in is just a blessing because I know a lot of these kids look up to me. It’s a blessing to be an example on and off the field. Every day, I wake up with a purpose,” Gardner said.
One of the cornerstones of Gardner’s philanthropic endeavors is his dedication to mentoring and empowering young people. Recognizing the pivotal role of positive role models in his life, he’s made it his mission to pay it forward. Whether it’s through hosting football camps, speaking engagements at schools, or returning to Detroit PAL, where it all started for him, Gardner is actively involved in shaping the next generation.
“I’m excited about what the future holds. I’m sure I will have another camp coming up this year, and I’m sure it will be here (Detroit PAL), and I’m looking forward to it. I look forward to seeing these kids here, whether they are coming to participate in the training camp or coming to see me. They will be well taken care of,” Gardner said.
Gardner, a native of Detroit and Martin Luther King High School alum established the Sauce Gardner Family Foundation Football Camp to empower underprivileged teens. The camp was designed to hone football skills while instilling values such as leadership, hard work, and the significance of education.
Detroit PAL CEO Fredrick D. Hunter introduced Sauce Gardner and expressed his enthusiasm and pride. Hunter’s remarks were filled with excitement. While reflecting on the significance of this surprise occasion, he thanked Microsoft, Wasserman Sports Agency, and the NFL Player Association.
“How amazing to have one of our very own who grew up in the PAL league playing football and continued to work on his game to elevate to be one of the, if not the best, cornerbacks in the NFL. We are proud to call him one of our own,” Hunter said.
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ricardochacur · 8 months
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Here is a consolidated list of the mentioned films and anime, focusing on the films and providing brief summaries for each:
1. **Akira (1988)** - Set in Neo-Tokyo, 2019, this iconic film follows a biker gang member whose psychic abilities awaken after an accident, leading to catastrophic events. It's a seminal work in the cyberpunk genre that explores themes of power, society, and human nature.
2. **Ghost in the Shell (1995)** - In this film, we follow Major Motoko Kusanagi, a cyborg leading a special ops unit, as she pursues a mysterious hacker known as the Puppet Master. The film deeply reflects on identity, consciousness, and the integration of humans and technology.
3. **Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)** - This film tells the story of a man who involuntarily begins to transform into metal after a bizarre accident, symbolizing society's fear and fascination with the merging of flesh and machine.
4. **Burst City (Bakuretsu Toshi) (1982)** - Not strictly cyberpunk but influential to the genre, this film features a dystopian Tokyo where punk rockers and bikers fight against oppression in a post-apocalyptic future.
5. **Crazy Thunder Road (1980)** - Focusing on biker gangs and youth rebellion, the film explores the disintegration of a biker gang and the confrontation with militaristic and nationalist forces.
6. **Death Powder (1986)** - This experimental film features an android that emits a mysterious powder capable of altering reality and human perception, plunging the characters into a spiral of madness and transformation.
7. **964 Pinocchio (1991)** - The film recounts the story of a sex android who loses his memory and is abandoned, exploring his journey alongside a homeless woman as they face dehumanization and alienation in society.
8. **RoboCop (1987)** - Although a Western production, RoboCop influenced the cyberpunk genre with its story of a deceased police officer transformed into a cyborg to fight crime in Detroit, addressing themes of identity, corporatism, and technology.
9. **The Terminator (1984)** - Another influential Western film, where an android is sent from the future to assassinate the mother of the human resistance leader against machines, highlighting fears of automation and artificial intelligence.
These films form an overview of Japanese cyberpunk and its influences, each exploring in their own way the themes of technology, humanity, and the boundaries between them.
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redcarpetview · 8 months
Cohort of Youth Fashion Designers from Detroit to Showcase Afrofuturism Inspired Looks at New York Fashion Week February 2024
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Founder of Maison Black Retailer Tori Nichel.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan (BGCSM) Fashion Industry Club has partnered once again with the Maison Black and will host a runway show at New York Fashion Week this season. Maison Black, founded by Tori Nichel, is a Black-owned, New York-based retailer who showcases Black designers and has expanded into the Maison Black Foundation (MBF) in order to provide a more robust platform to support Black youth in the arts.
“As we near the culmination of our mentorship program’s second season in partnership with BGCSM, we’re proud to have helped establish a program that develops aspiring youth designer’s skills and provide true real time experience on what it takes to be a successful fashion designer in this industry,” notes Tori Nichel. “This year we took the mentorship a step further to provide clarity and a path forward for the youth to pursue their passions as a career. I am so grateful to partner with our incredible designer mentors and esteemed universities that provide solid foundations and pathways for these young designers to accomplish their goals. We are looking forward to presenting the youth and mentors breathtaking collections this season, for an audience of supporters, industry professionals, social media influencers and friends of Maison Black in support of BGCSM and MBF.”
Maison Black is a destination for the discovery of Black designers throughout the country. Founder and Detroit native Tori Nichel has used her expertise, network and resources to build a bridge for Black designers through Maison Black. This season’s mentors include Aaron Potts, Patrick Cupid, Dreu Breckemberg, Carlton Jones, Shelley Victory and Lola Faturoti, who have worked closely with the Fashion Industry Club youth designers Nasya D., Zyana H., Lydia M., Logan H., and Ta’Leah H. for the past 7 months.
“There is power in aligned passion and long-term collaboration—and that is what we have with Maison Black, and how we’re able to provide such a life-changing experience for these young women,” said Shawn H. Wilson, president, and CEO of BGCSM. “We look at this as an honor to support and create space for our young designers through the Fashion Industry Club and will continue to provide these resources to more youth to come."
The Fashion Industry Club is a part of the Industry Club model at BGCSM which was launched in 2020 and is a comprehensive and forward-thinking initiative that addresses the needs of young people in preparing them for successful futures in a variety of industries.
MBF is a 501c.3 non-profit organization and a launchpad that champions and equips the future generation of Black creatives with the required skill sets in design innovation, advanced technology and business to become career ready with a competitive edge in the industry. MBF and its partners provide pathways and educational platforms for the next generation to discover their talents and pursue their passions.
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whatsonmedia · 8 months
From Under-19 Battles to La Liga Battles - Sports on Fire!
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Get ready for a sporting spectacle that explodes like a supernova this weekend! From the future champions of the Under-19 Cricket World Cup to the seasoned veterans of La Liga, every field, court, and pitch will be bursting with action. Prepare to witness: Cricket's Rising Stars: The ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup reaches its peak with England, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Australia all in action. Will a new cricketing legend be crowned, or will an established power assert their dominance? >England Under-19 vs West Indies Under-19 (Match 18)০ Date : Friday, 26 January 2024০ Time : 14:00০ Venue : JB Marks Oval, Potchefstroom>Bangladesh Under-19 vs USA Under-19 ( Match 19)০ Date : Friday, 26 January 2024০ Time : 14:00০ Venue : Mangaung Oval, Bloemfontein>Pakistan Under-19 vs New Zealand Under-19 (Match 22)০ Date : Saturday, 27 January 2024০ Time : 14:00০ Venue : Buffalo Park, East London>India Under-19 vs USA Under-19 (Match 23)০ Date :  Sunday 28 January 2024০ Time : 14:00 BDT০ Venue : Mangaung Oval, Bloemfontein>Australia Under-19 vs Sri Lanka Under-19 (Match 24)০ Date : Sunday, 28 January 2024০ Time : 14:00 BDT০ Venue : Diamond Oval, Kimberly Football Giants Collide: La Liga giants Barcelona and Real Madrid take center stage. Witness Barcelona's tiki-taka against Villarreal's defensive prowess, and Real Madrid's attacking firepower against Las Palmas' resilience. >Barcelona vs Villarreal ০ Date : Saturday, 27 January 2024০ Time : 17:30 GMT০ Venue : Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys>Real Madrid vs Las Palmas০ Date : Saturday, 27 January 2024০ Time : 15:15 GMT০ Venue :Gran Canaria FA Cup Clash of Titans: Chelsea and Aston Villa, and Tottenham and Manchester City lock horns in the prestigious FA Cup. Expect fireworks as these English powerhouses battle for a place in the next round. >Chelsea vs Aston Villa০ Date : Friday, 26 January 2024০ Time : 19:45 GMT০ Venue : Stamford Bridge>Spurs vs Man City০ Date : Friday, 26 January 2024০ Time : 20:00 GMT০ Venue : Tottenham Hotspur Stadium Serie A Spotlight: AC Milan and Juventus aim to maintain their Serie A charge. Watch AC Milan's attacking flair against Bologna's defensive stability, and Juventus' experience against Empoli's youthful energy. AC Milan vs Bologna০ Date : Saturday, 27 January 2024০ Time : 19:45 GMT০ Venue : San SiroJuventus vs Empoli০ Date : Saturday, 27 January 2024০ Time : 17:00 GMT০ Venue : Allianz Stadium Basketball Buzzer Beaters: The NBA hardwood heats up with exciting matchups. Detroit faces Washington, the Knicks take on the Heat, and the Magic clash with the Suns. Prepare for three-pointers rain, electrifying dunks, and nail-biting finishes. >Pistons vs Wizards০ Date : Saturday, 27 January 2024০ Time : 11.00 AM০ Venue : Little Caesars Arena>Knicks vs Heat০ Date : Sunday, 28 January 2024০ Time : 2:00 AM০ Venue : Madison Square Garden>Magic vs Suns০ Date : Monday, 29 January 2024০ Time: 5:00 AM০ Venue : Kia Center This weekend, every game is a universe waiting to be explored. So, grab your jerseys, gather your friends, and tune in for a sporting spectacle that will leave you breathless. Brace yourself for the ultimate clash of rising stars and established legends! Let the games begin! Read the full article
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theultimatefan · 10 months
Terminator, Star Trek Franchise Fans Get Big Boosts with Celebrity Additions at FAN EXPO New Orleans
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Already brimming with guests from the science fiction world, FAN EXPO New Orleans took another leap into the future (or perhaps the past?) with the additions of several standouts from two of the most iconic genre franchises at the convention, January 5-7 at Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, as announced today.
From The Terminator, Michael Biehn and Lance Henriksen from the original 1984 film will be joined by Robert Patrick and Edward Furlong from the sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day, as well as the previously announced star of both, Linda Hamilton, making this one of the most significant “Terminator” reunions ever.
And as far as sci-fi universes go, it’s hard to beat “Star Trek” for variety and longevity, and FAN EXPO New Orleans brings several of the iterations together, adding Michelle Hurd (“Star Trek: Picard”) and Jonathan Frakes (“Star Trek: The Next Generation,” among others) to a roster that already includes Sonequa Martin-Green (“Star Trek: Discovery”).
And rounding out today’s announcement is Juliette Lewis, currently a regular on the Showtime drama “Yellowjackets” and a veteran of more than 100 movies and TV shows.
Biehn, best known for his role as “Kyle Reese,” sent back through time to defeat the Terminator character in the eponymous film, went on to star in other James Cameron movies Aliens and The Abyss, launching a career that has seen him appear in hits like Navy Seals, K2 and Tombstone opposite Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer and Sam Elliott.
Henriksen co-starred in The Terminator as LAPD police officer “Vukovich,” but he’d already acted in more than 20 TV shows and films, from Close Encounters of the Third Kind to The Right Stuff to “The A Team.” His roles got bigger following his turn as Vukovich, and the prolific Henriksen has been in more than 250 productions, most recently the Sundance selection “Bring on the Dancing Horses.”
Patrick took his turn as the “bad guy” (or “bad android”) “T-1000” in Judgment Day, earning accolades including Saturn Award and MTV Movie Award nominations for the portrayal. It was the first significant role in a career that has spanned five decades and shows no signs of slowing down, as he has been seen in no fewer than six productions in 2023, notably the Paramount+ original “1923” and Netflix drama series “The Night Agent.”
Furlong has long been a convention favorite of fans, for many because of his young “John Connor” portrayal in Judgment Day, which represented his acting debut, and for his dozens of other parts in films like Detroit Rock City, American History X and The Green Hornet, spanning youth and adult roles. The personable Furlong plays the lead character “Billy” opposite Shelley Duvall and Dee Wallace in this year’s feature horror film The Forest Hills.
Hurd has appeared in a wide array of films and TV shows, from sci-fi hits like “Star Trek: Picard” (as “Raffi Musiker”) to dramas like “Blindspot” to network series “90210,” “Gossip Girl” and “ER,” on which she had recurring roles, as well as longer runs on “Leap Years” and “Law & Order: SVU.”
Frakes has made “Will Riker” one of the most iconic characters in the “Star Trek” universe, bringing him up the ranks all the way to Commander from “TNG” through the current Paramount+ series “Picard.” Frakes has directed more than 75 episodes in and out of “Trek,” and appeared as an actor in everything from his first role as “Tom Carroll” on the classic soap opera “The Doctors” through to this year’s Hallmark holiday film A Biltmore Christmas.
Lewis first caught the attention of the entertainment world as a teen star in “I Married Dora,” National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and Cape Fear, parlaying that early success into dozens of memorable roles. Her current run as “Natalie” in “Yellowjackets” has earned her Hollywood Critics Association and other award nominations.
This impressive group of newcomers are now part of a standout celebrity field at FAN EXPO New Orleans that, in addition to Hamilton and Martin-Green, boasts the Lord of the Rings “four hobbits” Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan, plus Bruce Campbell (The Evil Dead, “Burn Notice”), Danny Trejo (Machete, The Book of Boba Fett), the "Daredevil" tandem of Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio, Katee Sackhoff (Star Wars’ “The Mandalorian”), Jon Bernthal (“The Punisher,” “The Walking Dead”), Sean Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, “Avengers: Infinity War”), the “Charmed” duo of Holly Marie Combs and Rose McGowan, Peter Cullen (Transformers), Jason Lee (Vanilla Sky, Almost Famous), Peter Weller (RoboCop, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension), Felicia Day (“The Guild,” “Supernatural”) and many others. Fans can see the full list of celebrities at fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans/celebrities.
FAN EXPO New Orleans features the biggest and best in pop culture: movies, TV, music, artists, writers, exhibitors, cosplay, with three full days of themed programming to satisfy every fandom. More guest news will be released in the following weeks, including line-up reveals for comic creator guests, voice actors, and cosplayers.
FAN EXPO New Orleans runs January 5-7 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Show hours are Friday 3 - 8 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tickets start at $28 during the advanced prices window until December 21, and begin at $38 from December 22 through the end of the show; 3-day passes and VIP packages also available at fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans/buy-tickets. More information and updates can be found at fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans.
New Orleans is the first event on the 2024 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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jcmarchi · 10 months
Robotics Team: Building Robots and a Future in STEM - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/robotics-team-building-robots-and-a-future-in-stem-technology-org/
Robotics Team: Building Robots and a Future in STEM - Technology Org
Amara Small had already spent 11 years working on coding and building robots when she joined the robotics team at the School at Marygrove in her junior year.
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“I’ve been super into that since I was really young, because it’s like a sport really,” said Small, whose mother is an engineer. “And that’s so much different from building robots at your house. It’s very competitive and the hands-on work is a lot more rigorous.”
She credits team coach Leon Pryor for expanding her coding language and developing her into a team player.
Amara Small joined the robotics team at the School at Marygrove in her junior year. She credits coach Leon Pryor for expanding her coding language and developing her into a team player. Image credit: Eric Bronson, University of Michigan Photography
“He’s great at guiding you through a problem without telling you ‘this is the answer,’” Small said. “The ability to be able to develop as an engineer, the ability to fully wire a robot from scratch or fully build a robot, like cutting with power tools, designing the robot, and being able to code a full robot from scratch with an autonomous mode, these are all super valuable skills that a lot of us didn’t have.”
Pryor, a University of Michigan alum and a senior game producer at Meta, got involved in robotics competitions when his son, at the time an elementary schooler in the Detroit Public Schools system, competed in a FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition in 2018. He noticed that other teams seemed to have more support. Since then, he’s led two youth robotics teams to success.
Leon Pryor, a University of Michigan alum and a senior game producer at Meta, got involved in robotics competitions with his son in 2018. He led Detroit’s FLICS School team to the World Championship in Houston earlier this year. Image credit: Elizabeth Conley, special to Michigan Photography.Leon Pryor, a University of Michigan alum and a senior game producer at Meta, got involved in robotics competitions with his son in 2018. He led Detroit’s FLICS School team to the World Championship in Houston earlier this year. Image credit: Elizabeth Conley, special to Michigan Photography.
Pryor helped create the Motor City Alliance, a 501c3 that works with over 100 metro Detroit elementary and middle school teams to help them compete and win national robotics competitions.
“Now we’ve more than doubled the number of state-qualifying Detroit teams,” he said. “I like to say our mission of the alliance is to change the culture of STEM in Detroit, and we’re starting to see that.”
The Motor City Alliance had its first team—Detroit’s FLICS School team—go to the World Championship in Houston earlier this year.
Student Tyre Ramey, center, said the experience competing in Houston was memorable and fun “being able to be a part of a robotics community.” Image credit: Elizabeth Conley, special to Michigan Photography.
And what an impression that made on team members.
“When I saw all these teams at the World Championships in Houston, it inspired me to continue doing robotics,” said student Tyre Ramey. “It was a very fun and memorable event. I think if Mr. Pryor and the team weren’t here, then I think people would miss out … on being able to be a part of a robotics community.”
More than a thousand students have benefited from Pryor’s support and coaching so far. He coaches team 14010 TechnoPhoenix, the FIRST Tech Challenge team at Detroit’s Foreign Language Immersion and Cultural Studies School, or FLICS, as well as the FIRST Robotics Challenge team at the School at Marygrove, team 8280 K9.0 Robotics.
Pryor says coaching the robotics team helps to train students for 21st century jobs. Image credit: Elizabeth Conley, special to Michigan Photography.
FIRST Robotics is a program where school teams design and build robots to compete in an annual contest. Each team is given a basic robotics kit, but it’s up to them to decide how to approach the design and what components to use.
Pryor said exposing kids early to STEM and problem-solving will help them fit into the future economy and jobs landscape.
Michigan will see more than 16,000 job openings in STEM fields annually through 2028, according to a recent report of long-term employment projections from the state’s Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives.
Tymon Ray, whose son Ryan Ray is on the robotics team at Marygrove, said he was really impressed with how Pryor made the team’s culture a top priority. “It’s teamwork. It’s being on time. It’s helping each other out…” Image credit: Eric Bronson, Michigan Photography
“There’s a time where you could have a manufacturing job and make six figures and do really well,” Pryor said. “Well, those things have shifted because of automation and things moving offshore. We have to train our kids for 21st-century jobs.”
Being on the robotics team isn’t easy. In 10 to 12 weeks, students do the equivalent of a 500-level engineering course that starts with giving them a difficult problem.
“They’re not given any instructions, any guidance. They don’t have enough resources to get it done,” Pryor said. “It’s kind of like real life. The kids who can successfully navigate are set up for any career in any field.”
Coach Leon Pryor works with the robotics team at the School at Marygrove, Detroit. “We are actually making some fundamental changes for the better for a lot of families in Detroit.” Image credit: Eric Bronson, Michigan Photography
Tymon Ray, whose son, Ryan Ray, is on the robotics team at Marygrove, said he was impressed with how Pryor made the team’s culture a top priority.
“It’s teamwork. It’s on time. It’s helping each other out. It’s sacrificing for the team. It’s doing your part. Even if you’re not as involved, be a cheerleader for your team,” Ray said. “So those are just a few things, but I think those are pretty important. And I think those carry over into life, period.”
Michigan has more robotics teams than football teams with 533 FTC teams in the state, and just 3% of the 7,000 active teams in the world can qualify for the World Competitions.
“And we’re in that top 3%,” Pryor said.
The administration at Marygrove has created a maker space for Pryor’s FRC team, allowing the students to build within the school. The team originally built robots at the College of Engineering’s Michigan Engineering Zone at the U-M Detroit Center. The MEZ continues to support the team and collaborates with Pryor and the Motor City Alliance and the Marygrove K9.0 Robotics, said Haley Hart, the MEZ director.
FLICS principal Zetia Hogan said the robotics program helps students build critical thinking skills.
“The young scholars in this generation, I feel like they’re so open to the use of technology that it can be an influx into the STEM field like we’ve never seen before,” she said.
And while Pryor hopes students will go on to college and stick with STEM fields, if they don’t, they will at least acquire important skills for life.
“So while I really do enjoy this work, and I love seeing the kids grow, the social implications of this are not lost on me,” he said. “We are making some fundamental changes for the better for many families in Detroit. And that just feels like a worthy goal to me.”
Source: University of Michigan
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🧀 Preview Packers 2023/2024 Season 🧀
As the Green Bay Packers begin life without multiple winning league MVP in star quarterback Aaron Rodgers. As Rodgers jets off to New York, taking a few Packers veterans in Randall Cobb and Allen Lazard with him, the new chapter in Titletown (Green Bay) has arrived with young quarterback Jordan Love taking the reigns (Jennings, 2023). A bright future beckons with last year's breakout wide receiver Christian Watson finishing the previous season strong with seven touchdowns. Joined by second-year wideout Romeo Doubs and exciting prospect Jayden Reed the offense will have plenty of weapons in the 2023/2024 season. With such young players, the league-wide expectations are that Green Bay will be inconsistent however their strong defensive line should keep them in most games this season.
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There will be teething as everyone gets used to coach Matt Lefleur's offensive scheme with the vastly different personnel. The 2022/2023 season started slowly with the team slumping to a 4-8 Win/Loss record before rallying with 4 consecutive wins to be in playoff contention with one game remaining. Unfortunately with a final-week loss to NFC rivals the Detroit Lions, the Green Bay Packers missed the playoffs with a 8-9 record that was only good enough for 3rd spot in the NFC North Division.
The Green Bay Packers schedule for the 2023/2024 season appears to be favourable with early season games against the Chicago Bears and Atlanta Falcons who are both expected to struggle this season. The back end of the season will be more challenging with multiple games against divisional rivals Minnesota Vikings and Detroit Lions who have recruited well in recent seasons to challenge Green Bay Packers traditional stranglehold on the NFC North Division.
This season's backfield will be led by all-pro running back Aaron Jones and the powerful AJ Dillon. Defensive lineman leaders Rashan Gary and Preston Smith should lead the team in sacks and quarterback pressures while cornerback Jaire Alexander routinely has the most interceptions. Specials teams kick returner Keisean Nixon and rookie kicker Anders Carlson are expected to have strong seasons.
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Hopes are high as expectations are always lofty in Green Bay with such a storied history however, realistically this does not look like a playoff-worthy roster just yet. With so much youth the room for growth is high but this will take time to click. I'm expecting 5-6 wins this season. With the hope of holding good draft capital and making some strong moves the following offseason.
Jennings, G. (2023 August 2). Green Bay Packers 2023 Season Preview: Is Jordan Love the Answer? 33rd Team
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Chart-Topping Popstar Kendra & the Bunnies Releases “I’m A Showstopper (ft. AYO SK3TCH)
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Pop singer/songwriter, recording artist and philanthropist Kendra & the Bunnies (Kendra Muecke) recently released her new hit single “I’m a Showstopper – Remix (ft. AYO SK3TCH),” surpassing 25K streams within the first week and landing coveted spots on several Spotify Editorial playlists. You can listen to the track HERE! With entertaining lyrics like jump into the crowd and let them catch me, born to put a show on if you ask me, “I’m a Showstopper” embodies the magical presence Kendra brings to the stage. You can watch the official music video HERE!”AYO SK3TCH and I linked up through the Los Angeles music scene,” Kendra explains. “We met each other at some mansion parties and had mutual friends, so we kept in contact. He invited me to a couple events and he came to see my band play. We always wanted to work together – we were just waiting for the right song. We’re both Showstoppers…I think one of our biggest similarities is that we are both working and grinding 24/7. It’s all about the music and a successful future!” In honor of her new single, Kendra has partnered with The Recording Academy’s MusiCares via Spotify’s Fan Support program. The non-profit organization offers preventive, emergency, and recovery programs to musicians in need. In June, the organization launched the Humans Of Hip Hop, providing resources tailored to hip-hop communities nationwide, focusing on eight cities: Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles/Compton, New York, Oakland, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. For more information, please visit www.musicares.org and click here if you’d like to make a contribution. Back in March of this year, People Magazine published an exclusive interview with Kendra, detailing the artist’s close encounter with a home intruder that stalked her and tried to assault her in the shower. This experience was the inspiration behind her song “Alive” on her EP “of all time.” About Kendra & the Bunnies: Kendra Muecke (BMI) of Kendra & the Bunnies is a freestyle rock-loving pop artist, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. Kendra has released numerous albums, EPs, and singles centered around the themes of self-love and shared understanding. With a combined total of over 206K followers on social media and over 1 million streams on Spotify, Kendra & the Bunnies has proven to be a fan-favorite in pop music. Atop her numerous releases, Kendra is very involved in The Recording Academy as a Grammy Voting Member, GRAMMY U mentor and GrammyNEXT member (2022), and she is on the Recording Academy Los Angeles Chapter Foundation Committee. In February 2023, Kendra spoke on a panel on behalf of The Recording Academy’s GRAMMY U program. The panel was held at Arizona State University alongside Jordin Sparks, Qiana Conley, and Randy Henderson. Kendra & the Bunnies is also a two-time Josie Music Award winner for Artist of the Year (Multi-Genre) in 2021 and Artist of the Year (Pop) in 2022. Kendra Muecke is a graduate of Pepperdine University (Bachelor of Fine Arts, Theatre Arts) and Musicians Institute (Independent Artist Program). Additionally, Kendra has studied songwriting at the Blair School of Music, Vanderbilt University. Kendra is known for wearing her heart on her sleeve and likes to volunteer with organizations benefiting community inclusion, addiction/recovery, and arts for children including: Strings For Hope (Nashville), Artists For Trauma (Los Angeles), Camp Winnarainbow (Northern California), Rex Foundation (National) and Smoke-free Music Cities (National). In her community, Kendra partners with the Junior League of Los Angeles as an active member advocating for foster youth and serves on the Public Policy Institute Committee. For more information, visit www.kendraandthebunnies.com and follow Kendra & the Bunnies on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Threads, YouTube and Spotify. Read the full article
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newstfionline · 1 year
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
In an Atlanta suburb, American realities collide over Trump’s indictment (Washington Post) Hours after former president Donald Trump was indicted for trying to overturn the 2020 election, Jenny Peterson was heading off to pick up Mexican food for her family. She’d tried to cut back on listening to the news in the car. Politics left her too angry and agitated. But on this night, the news was too big to ignore. Peterson, 55, listened to NPR and flipped over to Fox News on her satellite radio to see what the other side was saying. She believed that so many of America’s core institutions were failing under the pressure of the former president and his followers. Convicting Trump wouldn’t fix those problems. But it was an essential first step. A few miles away, Jerry Ramsey, 79, was finishing up a landscaping job for the company he owns and heading home for dinner with his wife, Carolyn. She usually kept Fox News on in the background, but Ramsey didn’t feel the need to learn the intricacies of the case against Trump. As he saw it, the 45-page indictment was just another effort to tear down the country he, a Vietnam vet, had worked so hard to defend. “They just dream stuff up,” he said. “They just keep coming after him.”
Eight Months Pregnant and Arrested After False Facial Recognition Match (NYT) Porcha Woodruff was getting her two daughters ready for school when six police officers showed up at her door in Detroit. They asked her to step outside because she was under arrest for robbery and carjacking. “Are you kidding?” she recalled saying to the officers. Ms. Woodruff, 32, said she gestured at her stomach to indicate how ill-equipped she was to commit such a crime: She was eight months pregnant. Handcuffed in front of her home, leaving her crying children with her fiancé, Ms. Woodruff was taken to the Detroit Detention Center. She said she was held for 11 hours, questioned about a crime she said she had no knowledge of, and had her iPhone seized to be searched for evidence. After being charged in court with robbery and carjacking, Ms. Woodruff was released that evening on a $100,000 personal bond. A month later, the Wayne County prosecutor dismissed the case against her. The ordeal started with an automated facial recognition search, according to an investigator’s report from the Detroit Police Department. Ms. Woodruff is the sixth person to report being falsely accused of a crime as a result of facial recognition technology used by police to match an unknown offender’s face to a photo in a database. All six people have been Black; Ms. Woodruff is the first woman to report it happening to her.
Closing youth festival in Portugal, pope shares ‘old man’s’ dream of peace (Reuters) Pope Francis closed an international festival of Catholic youth on Sunday with a huge outdoor Mass and his own “I have a dream” speech, saying he longed for world peace, especially for Ukraine. About 1.5 million people attended his closing Mass at a riverside park in the Portuguese capital, the Vatican said, quoting local authorities. Speaking after the Mass, the 86-year-old Francis urged the young people to take the fraternal experiences of the six-day jamboree back home and apply them to their daily lives. “Dear friends, allow me, this old man, to share with you young people a dream that I carry within me: it is the dream of peace, the dream of young people praying for peace, living in peace and building a peaceful future,” Francis said. “As you return home, please continue to pray for peace. What is more, you are a sign of peace for the world, showing how different nationalities, languages and histories can unite instead of divide. You are the hope of a different world,” he said.
Ukraine’s elite forces rely on technology to strike behind enemy lines (Washington Post) Some of Ukraine’s most elite special forces are now operating slightly back from the front line—with virtual-reality glasses that give a drone’s-eye view. Last year, there were opportunities to creep into Russian-occupied territory at night to take out enemy targets. Now, with vast minefields and other fortified Russian defenses stalling Ukraine’s sweeping counteroffensive, an uncrewed aerial vehicle armed with explosives does that during daylight instead. A three-man team last month manually directed a drone to hit a cluster of antennas affixed to a tower in Polohy, a town occupied by Russian troops in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia region. The Russians were using the electronic warfare system to spoil the work of Ukraine’s satellite-guided rockets. The drone, made of Styrofoam-like material and costing $1,500, crashed into one of the antennas, detonating on contact. With the Russians’ jamming ability suddenly disrupted, the Ukrainians then destroyed the tower with a strike from a U.S.-provided High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS. The missile slammed into the structure with the sort of precision the Ukrainians have come to rely on in their 17-month fight to expel the Russian occupiers. But had the drone not disabled one of the antennas first, the HIMARS rocket likely would have missed.
Russia unleashes missile and drone strikes against Ukraine, retaliating for an attack on a tanker (AP) Russia unleashed a missile and drone barrage Sunday across parts of Ukraine that killed six people, Kyiv officials said, as Moscow followed through on its promise to retaliate for an attack on a Russian tanker. Separately, Moscow’s second-largest airport briefly suspended flights early Sunday following a foiled drone attack near the Russian capital. Ukraine’s air force said Russia launched 70 drones and missiles from aircraft over the Caspian Sea. Three waves of missiles hit the Starokostiantyniv area, damaging several buildings and igniting a fire at a warehouse, said Serhiy Tyurin, deputy head of Ukraine’s Khmelnytsky region military administration. The strike may have been intended for the city’s airfield, officials said.
India’s Modi faces a no-confidence vote over silence on ethnic violence tearing at remote Manipur (AP) His social media accounts suggest that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is launching high-speed trains and rubbing shoulders with foreign leaders as a powerhouse on the global stage and the face of an ascendant India. But that carefully crafted image, followed by millions, sits uncomfortably at odds with his silence on what’s come close to a civil war engulfing India’s northeastern state of Manipur. For three months, the strongman leader has been absent on arguably the worst ethnic violence ever seen in the remote state, where Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party is in power. Modi’s role, or lack thereof, has sparked a no-confidence motion against him in Parliament, where his government holds the majority. He will almost certainly defeat the effort this week. But proponents of the motion are betting that just bringing it up will force Modi to address the Manipur crisis. More than 150 people have died and over 50,000 displaced after ethnic clashes in Manipur erupted in early May.
U.S. companies are buying less from China as relations remain tense (Washington Post) U.S. companies are accelerating efforts to reduce their dependence upon Chinese suppliers, even as officials in Washington and Beijing labor to put a floor under their sour relationship. Through the first five months of this year, U.S. imports from China were down 24 percent from the same period one year ago, according to the Census Bureau. Companies such as HP, Stanley Black & Decker and Lego are among those that have been repositioning their supply lines for American consumers, either to avoid the risk of being pinched between rival superpowers or as part of a longer term strategy to produce goods closer to customers. Either way, China’s role at the center of global manufacturing may be facing its stiffest challenge since the country joined the global trading system more than two decades ago. Mexico, Vietnam and Thailand are nibbling at China’s dominance, though they lack its size and world-class infrastructure.
China hacked Japan’s sensitive defense networks, officials say (Washington Post) In the fall of 2020, the National Security Agency made an alarming discovery: Chinese military hackers had compromised classified defense networks of the United States’ most important strategic ally in East Asia. Cyberspies from the People’s Liberation Army had wormed their way into Japan’s most sensitive computer systems. The hackers had deep, persistent access and appeared to be after anything they could get their hands on—plans, capabilities, assessments of military shortcomings, according to three former senior U.S. officials, who were among a dozen current and former U.S. and Japanese officials interviewed, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity. “It was bad—shockingly bad,” recalled one former U.S. military official, who was briefed on the event, which has not been previously reported. Tokyo has taken steps to strengthen its networks. But they are still deemed not sufficiently secure from Beijing’s prying eyes, which, officials say, could impede greater intelligence sharing between the Pentagon and Japan’s Defense Ministry.
Tens of thousands of young scouts to evacuate world jamboree in South Korea as storm Khanun looms (AP) South Korea will evacuate tens of thousands of scouts by bus from a coastal jamboree site as Tropical Storm Khanun looms, officials said Monday. The vehicles beginning Tuesday morning will move 36,000 scouts—mostly teenagers—from the World Scout Jamboree in the southwestern county of Buan. Most of the scouts will be accommodated at venues in the capital city, Seoul, and the nearby metropolitan area. South Korea’s weather agency reported that Khanun was expected to make landfall in South Korea on Thursday morning, potentially packing winds as strong as 118 to 154 kilometers (73 to 95 miles) per hour. Large swaths of the country’s south, including Buan, could be affected by the storm as early as Wednesday, the agency said.
In Egypt, Public Classrooms Are Empty as Private Tutors Get Rich (NYT) Asked what classes were like in her last year of high school, the fateful period when students across the country cram for Egypt’s life-defining national exams, Nermin Abouzeid looked blank for a second. “We don’t actually know because she never went to high school,” explained her mother, Manal Abouzeid, 47. Nermin, 19, is not the type to skip class. A child of the dusty alleyways of a lower-middle-class neighborhood of Cairo, she was determined, by middle school, to become a cardiologist. But medical schools accept only the top scorers on the national exams. She abandoned Egypt’s chronically overcrowded and underfunded schools midway through middle school, joining millions of other students in private tutoring, where the same teachers who were paid too little at school to bother teaching could make multiples of their day-job salaries on exam-prep classes. The upper grades in Egypt’s public schools are emptying out as students leave for tutoring centers that they hope will elevate their scores on all-important national exams.
Want to live longer? Play with your grandkids. It’s good for them, too. (Washington Post) My 4-year-old granddaughter, Lucia, and I are once again getting athletic together. One minute we’re kicking around a soccer ball, the next we’re shooting miniature basketballs. Later, with me holding her hand, she’ll teeter-totter atop a foot-high stone wall along our driveway. Tomorrow, we’ll probably have a pillow fight and chase each other around the backyard. Make no mistake: Helping to raise your grandchildren is a workout, and routine tasks such as lifting, carrying and following younger children around all day or night can be pretty strenuous. But research suggests that grandparents who play regularly with grandkids stay active and healthy longer and—bonus points—live longer. Getting physical also promotes advantages well beyond the merely physical. Through one-on-one physical play together, grandparents and grandchildren can get to better know, understand and appreciate each other. It’s inherently social, mentally stimulating, lends your life an extra sense of purpose and meaning, and can establish a wholesome lifetime relationship. “Playing with children adds value not only for children but also for adult caregivers,” according to “The Power of Play,” a 2018 report from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Adults can “reexperience or reawaken the joy of their own childhood and rejuvenate themselves. … Play enables children and adults to be passionately and totally immersed in an activity of their choice and to experience intense joy.”
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