#Detroit Future Youth Media Network
redcarpetview · 8 months
Cohort of Youth Fashion Designers from Detroit to Showcase Afrofuturism Inspired Looks at New York Fashion Week February 2024
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Founder of Maison Black Retailer Tori Nichel.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan (BGCSM) Fashion Industry Club has partnered once again with the Maison Black and will host a runway show at New York Fashion Week this season. Maison Black, founded by Tori Nichel, is a Black-owned, New York-based retailer who showcases Black designers and has expanded into the Maison Black Foundation (MBF) in order to provide a more robust platform to support Black youth in the arts.
“As we near the culmination of our mentorship program’s second season in partnership with BGCSM, we’re proud to have helped establish a program that develops aspiring youth designer’s skills and provide true real time experience on what it takes to be a successful fashion designer in this industry,” notes Tori Nichel. “This year we took the mentorship a step further to provide clarity and a path forward for the youth to pursue their passions as a career. I am so grateful to partner with our incredible designer mentors and esteemed universities that provide solid foundations and pathways for these young designers to accomplish their goals. We are looking forward to presenting the youth and mentors breathtaking collections this season, for an audience of supporters, industry professionals, social media influencers and friends of Maison Black in support of BGCSM and MBF.”
Maison Black is a destination for the discovery of Black designers throughout the country. Founder and Detroit native Tori Nichel has used her expertise, network and resources to build a bridge for Black designers through Maison Black. This season’s mentors include Aaron Potts, Patrick Cupid, Dreu Breckemberg, Carlton Jones, Shelley Victory and Lola Faturoti, who have worked closely with the Fashion Industry Club youth designers Nasya D., Zyana H., Lydia M., Logan H., and Ta’Leah H. for the past 7 months.
“There is power in aligned passion and long-term collaboration—and that is what we have with Maison Black, and how we’re able to provide such a life-changing experience for these young women,” said Shawn H. Wilson, president, and CEO of BGCSM. “We look at this as an honor to support and create space for our young designers through the Fashion Industry Club and will continue to provide these resources to more youth to come."
The Fashion Industry Club is a part of the Industry Club model at BGCSM which was launched in 2020 and is a comprehensive and forward-thinking initiative that addresses the needs of young people in preparing them for successful futures in a variety of industries.
MBF is a 501c.3 non-profit organization and a launchpad that champions and equips the future generation of Black creatives with the required skill sets in design innovation, advanced technology and business to become career ready with a competitive edge in the industry. MBF and its partners provide pathways and educational platforms for the next generation to discover their talents and pursue their passions.
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backroombuzz · 6 years
Crickets From Democrats and Media About Chicago Gun Violence
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Democrats Drag Out Their Soapbox Every Time Some POS White Boy Shoots A Gun, But Blacks and Minorities You Get Crickets From The Hypocrite Left
After another school shooting it's not shocking to read the left tweeting out their typical 'something must be done about guns' diatribe bullshit. What you won't hear from these hypocrite POS's is the least bit of outrage about the mass murder happening in Chicago every single day. For all their liberal gun bluster, Chicago has proven that there is only one solution. To combat senseless gun violence, an armed law abiding citizen is the only way to protect law-abiding citizens from criminals. I doubt that the POS 17-year-old would have walked into Santa Fe High if he knew someone was inside ready to shoot back. For all the leftist talk, the liberal loony toons never propose anything that would actually have stopped the school shootings in Santa Fe, or Parkland, or the Texas Church shooting or....... The sad truth is everything a lefty gun control lover could propose has been done tried by previous Chicago Mayors and that includes their latest Loony Toon Liberal Mayor. Here's a short list of current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's brilliant fails: He’s fired and hired multiple police superintendents He’s tried (unsuccessfully) to eliminate gun stores within city limits He’s tried (unsuccessfully) to keep shooting ranges out of his town. He fought concealed carry He's outlawed citizens wearing bullet proof vests or any gun protection for that matter. He’s tried paying gang bangers with tax dollars in hopes they would stop banging... His mom? In September 2016, Rahm Emanuel announced the city would spend $36 million in youth mentoring efforts, policing strategies and gun legislation as his plan to fight and prevent crime. In 2017 there were 3,566 shootings. Yes that was down from the 4,369 shootings in 2016. Except you would need to overlook the fact that 2017 ranked #2 all time and had almost 600 more shootings than in 2015. So if you want to claim success... Good luck!  Number of REPORTED shootings in Chicago 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2,518 2,186 2,581 2,981 4,369 3,566 Rahm Emanuel's latest scheme to end the shooting gallery is almost as ridiculous as Chicago voters year after year electing yet another corrupt and/or inept Democrat to run America's third largest city. Rahm's big idea to cut down on the approximately 600 homicides committed within the city each year? Punish banks who make loans to weapons manufacturers. But as usual, the Democrats never think their "Big Idea" through. Chicago's financial situation is in shambles, and they are close to $40 Billion dollars in debt. That kind of shortfall equates to 1970's NYC financial ruin level. I'm just spitballing here but I don't think it's a great idea to spit in the face of the only institution that is preventing Chicago from becoming the next Detroit. Crickets Where is all the over the top hyperbole from David Hogg, Rosie, Alyssa Milano, CNN, MSNBC, The Big Three fake News Networks, The DNC, The DCCC, and Democrats in general... Hell, where is Obama speaking out about Chicago gun violence? After-all it's his hometown and home of the future Obama library (LOL Maybe). Where is Joe Biden who claims that 'America has Stormy Daniels (prostituted) the Second Amendment.' Where is Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer spewing their typical 'jump the shark' statements when it comes to Chicagoans having to sleep on the floor to avoid being shot through a window?  They sure spout off every time some retarded POS white boy shoots up a school. Hell, now according to the latest liberal reporting those inbreed morons no longer even need to use an AR-15 to have the left hyperventilate about their so-called "Common sense gun control" i.e. Repealing the Second Amendment. The Santa Fe School shooting introduced America to two new liberal loony toon phrases "AR-15 Like" and the incredibly asinine USA today created phrase ‘less-lethal' than an AR-15. As long as the left can get AR-15 in their gun control story all's good in Liberal La-La-Land. But somehow the Democrats and MSM seem to never address the thousands of shootings taking place each year in dozens of generational run Democratic, gun controlled cities like Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore? Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation but year in and year out the Windy City's streets are basically a shooting gallery that have law-abiding citizens running for their lives. 22 in 2018 The Democrats latest love has been spewing their "22 school shootings in 2018." Yes, it's nothing but BS when you consider the fake news media and the Democrats who thought it up are counting a BB gun incident among those 22 school shootings. But while liberals are using months as their parameter, in Chicago they count their shooting in minutes. To get a sense of how hypocritically sick the left are when spewing their bullshit '22 in 2018.' This list shows the victims of Chicago gun violence covering a 12-day span, let me repeat that A12-DAY SPAN.  Via The Chicago Tribune May 16th, Wednesday 11:00 AM, May 16 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 11:00 PM, May 16 - 18-Year-Old Male READ STORY 10:07 PM, May 16 - 25-Year-Old Male 9:08 PM, May 16 19-Year-Old Male READ STORY  7:55 PM, May 16 - 46-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:55 PM, May 16 - 53-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:35 PM, May 16 - 25-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:40 PM, May 16 - 36-Year-Old Female READ STORY 3:35 PM, May 16 - 31-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 15th, Tuesday 3:20 PM, May 15 - 20-Year-Old Male 3:20 PM, May 15 - 20-Year-Old Male 7:15 PM, May 15 - 20-Year-Old Male 5:40 PM, May 15 - 19-Year-Old Male 4:30 PM, May 15 - 20-Year-Old Female 9:05 PM, May 15 - 37-Year-Old Male 11:45 PM, May 15 - 30-Year-Old Male 11:54 PM, May 15 - 21-Year-Old Male 11:02 AM, May 15 - 18-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 14th, Monday 5:25 PM, May 14 - 17-Year-Old Male READ STORY 5:25 PM, May 14 - 19-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:05 AM, May 14 - 22-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 13th, Sunday 8:00 PM, May 13 - 24-Year-Old Male 2:35 PM, May 13 - 20-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:30 PM, May 13 - 38-Year-Old Female READ STORY 11:45 AM, May 13 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:30 AM, May 13 - 23-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 12th, Saturday 12:24 AM, May 12 - 21-Year-Old Male READ STORY 5:46 PM, May 12 - 43-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:10 PM, May 12 - 29-Year-Old Male READ STORY 10:15 AM, May 12 - 15-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:03 PM, May 12 - 15-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:36 PM, May 12 - 34-Year-Old Male READ STORY 5:46 PM, May 12 - 40-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:43 PM, May 12 - 29-Year-Old Male READ STORY 11:35 PM, May 12 - 35-Year-Old Male READ STORY 3:32 AM, May 12 - 39-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:00 AM, May 12 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 1:09 AM, May 12 - Female READ STORY 1:09 AM, May 12 - 41-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:24 AM, May 12 - 28-Year-Old Male May 11th, Friday 10:53 PM, May 11 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:41 PM, May 11 - 29-Year-Old Male 9:17 PM, May 11 - 18-Year-Old Male 7:45 PM, May 11 - 19-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:30 AM, May 11 - 35-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 10th, Thursday 2:18 PM, May 10 - 17-Year-Old Male READ STORY 11:28 PM, May 10 - 23-Year-Old Male READ STORY 10:56 PM, May 10 - 18-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:35 PM, May 10 - 17-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:35 PM, May 10 - 13-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:00 PM, May 10 - 22-Year-Old Male READ STORY 11:49 AM, May 10 - 24-Year-Old Male READ STORY  May 9th, Wednesday 10:35 PM, May 9 - 18-Year-Old Male READ STORY 10:35 PM, May 9 - 15-Year-Old Male READ STORY  9:49 PM, May 9 - 21-Year-Old Female READ STORY 9:49 PM, May 9 - 26-Year-Old Male READ STORY 4:40 PM, May 9 - 43-Year-Old Male READ STORY 3:30 AM, May 9 - 31-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:40 AM, May 9 - 29-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 8th, Tuesday 10:48 PM, May 8 - 28-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:45 PM, May 8 - 23-Year-Old Female READ STORY 8:45 PM, May 8 - 53-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:34 PM, May 8 - 18-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:34 PM, May 8 - 60-Year-Old Male READ STORY 8:45 PM, May 8 - 20-Year-Old Male READ STORY 8:30 PM, May 8 - 15-Year-Old Female READ STORY 7:20 PM, May 8 - 43-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:20 PM, May 8 - 28-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:20 PM, May 8 - 33-Year-Old Male READ STORY 6:27 PM, May 8 - 16-Year-Old Female READ STORY 5:28 PM, May 8 - 24-Year-Old Male READ STORY 1:58 PM, May 8 - 24-Year-Old Male READ STORY 1:58 PM, May 8 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:30 AM, May 8 - Male READ STORY May 7th, Monday 9:50 PM, May 7 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 6:15 PM, May 7 - 29-Year-Old Female READ STORY 6:15 PM, May 7 - 26-Year-Old Male READ STORY 4:37 PM, May 7 - 30-Year-Old Male READ STORY 4:04 PM, May 7 - 36-Year-Old Male READ STORY 1:33 AM, May 7 - 26-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 6th, Sunday 2:30 AM, May 6 - 23-Year-Old Male READ STORY 11:20 PM, May 6 - 35-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:28 PM, May 6 - 22-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:00 PM, May 6 - 32-Year-Old Male READ STORY 4:00 AM, May 6 - 33-Year-Old Male READ STORY 4:53 AM, May 6 - Male READ STORY 2:48 AM, May 6 - 28-Year-Old Male READ STORY 3:28 AM, May 6 - Male READ STORY 2:15 AM, May 6 - 29-Year-Old Male READ STORY 1:54 AM, May 6 - 35-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:01 AM, May 6 - 24-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:01 AM, May 6 - 22-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:24 AM, May 6 - 29-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 5th, Saturday 7:59 PM, May 5 - 55-Year-Old Female READ STORY 9:21 PM, May 5 - 23-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:21 PM, May 5 - 12-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:59 PM, May 5 - 35-Year-Old Female READ STORY 1:56 AM, May 5 - 30-Year-Old Male READ STORY The only gun control that Democrats want is a total repeal of the Second Amendment. Can't wait to hear the left tell us how exactly they will confiscate 350 million guns from 100 million law-abiding citizens, not to mention the criminals. The Democrats keep telling us that if Trump fires Mueller it will create a civil war, just wait till they try to confiscate 350 million guns, they'll see what a real civil war will actually look like. To See Reporting On Chicago Gun Violence Done In Absolute perfection Then You Must Go To HeyJackass.com.  Not only do they have every stat imaginable, you know you're in the presence of greatness when a site unpacks Chicago gun violence stats so well they have this:
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I am so friggin envious of HeyJackass.com brilliance LOL. Read the full article
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rickhorrow · 5 years
10 To Watch : Mayor’s Edition 1620
with Jacob Aere

The sports world and beyond remembers David Stern. Former Commissioner David Stern took the NBA into the modern era over the course of his 30 years as Commissioner after he assumed the role in 1984. By the time he left the Commissioner’s office in 2014, a league that had once struggled for a foothold had grown into a more than $5 billion-a-year industry. The NBA's longest-serving commissioner, Stern was credited with transforming the NBA into the global powerhouse it is today, overseeing major uplifts in commercial revenue and media coverage, domestic and international expansion, and a surge in global popularity. Under Stern, the NBA added seven new franchises, including two in Canada, and grew into a commercial behemoth. It also created the WNBA in 1997 and a developmental league, now known as the G League, in 2001. Thanks largely to Stern, the NBA is now revered as a sports industry pioneer and innovator. Rick had the privilege to work with Commissioner Stern on the formation of the Miami Heat and the eventual Oklahoma City Thunder, as well as interviewing him numerous times. He will be greatly missed.
Endeavor acquired majority equity ownership stake in experiential hospitality leader On Location Experiences from existing investors. Last week, Beverly-Hills based agency giant Endeavor announced that it had acquired On Location Experiences. The reported $660 million deal will give Endeavor a majority stake in the hospitality and live events company, which works with the NFL, the NCAA, and the PGA Tour, among other entities. The NFL, through its strategic investment arm, 32 Equity, will continue to be a minority shareholder and retain its seat on the Company’s Board of Directors. On Location will seek to enhance its existing sports and entertainment offerings, including its long-term relationship with the NFL, by leveraging Endeavor’s access to content and experiences across entertainment, sports and fashion. The deal will also help to strengthen Endeavor properties, including the UFC, which it acquired in 2016 for $4 billion. Former Bloomberg, Westwood One, and Time Inc. executive, Paul Caine, will lead the newly integrated entity. The deal is the latest in a flurry of acquisitions by major Hollywood talent agencies as they expand into other entertainment disciplines, particularly music and sports. 
Tennis Australia announces a charity match to support bushfire relief. According to The Guardian, Australian tennis player Nick Krygios’ plans for a massive fundraising effort for bushfire victims has resulted in a tennis exhibition match set to feature some of the world’s top players. Kyrgios kicked off a flood of donations to the fundraising campaign from sporting names around Australia, including American basketballer LaMelo Ball. After Krygios’ initial push, Tennis Australia announced “Rally For Relief,” an exhibition match on Rod Laver Arena January 15. It will also grant $1 million for communities to rebuild tennis facilities. Kyrgios has also pledged $200 for each ace he serves across the Australian summer of tennis. Fellow Australian players Alex de Minaur, John Millman, and Samantha Stosur, among others, also vowed to donate money from their aces while the new ATP Cup got on board. The tournament announced that $100 would be donated to the Australian Red Cross for every ace served over the next 10 days, with the final figure expected to surpass $150,000. Much of Australia is up in flames and sports figures are here to help inspire seismic change across the globe for charitable donations.
In the wake of record low ratings for their annual New Year’s Day outdoor game, no progress is yet evident on discussions of NHL Olympic participation. NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly said that there is "really nothing new" on possible Olympic participation at the moment, but there will be "further discussion in the near future," according to The Athletic. Daly said, "I imagine it will be discussed further with the NHLPA in connection with any resumption of talks relating to a potential CBA extension. But, we and the NHLPA will also need to get a better understanding from the IIHF and/or IOC regarding the conditions on which NHL players would be invited to the Olympics. That remains a question as to which we do not have a lot of clarity at this point." NHLPA Executive Director Don Fehr said the players have "made it clear that they want to participate" in the Olympics. He said, "We want to find a way to do that." More discussions are expected before the end of the month, between the league, the NHLPA, and the IIHF.
U.S. men's national soccer team cancels Qatar training camp amid escalating tensions in the Middle East. The USMNT is moving the team’s training camp out of Qatar back to the United States as a “precaution” given heightened tensions in the Middle East following the U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian General Qassem Suleimani last Thursday. According to the Los Angeles Times, the camp was scheduled to open Sunday in Doha, host city for the 2022 World Cup, but now will be staged in Bradenton, Florida. Though Doha is 950 miles from Baghdad -- the center of the current conflict -- “tensions in the region have escalated.” The Washington Post adds that U.S. outposts and personnel have “braced for retaliatory attacks.” The last thing the struggling USMNT needs at this point in time is to worry about a potentially life-threatening military conflict. USMNT officials did the right thing in moving the camp to Brandenton and out of harm’s way.
A lawsuit blaming Pop Warner for two fatalities is dismissed in federal court. According to the New York Times, a federal court judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Pop Warner, stating that the two women who sued the youth football organization had no proof that their sons’ deaths later in life were linked to any head trauma they had sustained over a decade earlier as youth football participants. The judge in the case, ruling for the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, said the mothers did not show sufficient links between any head trauma their sons may have suffered while playing Pop Warner football and their behavior later in life. The judge added that the plaintiffs had discounted other contributing factors, including the “social and biological.” The case, which was set to go to trial this month, was a benchmark for head-trauma related cases against sports organizations. Pop Warner, meanwhile, continues to refine and improve its football safety practices each year, with the constant input of renowned doctors as well as football experts, and remains the gold standard of youth football organizations nationwide.
The NBA G League secondary competition has announced the addition of Mexican professional men’s basketball team Capitanes next season, its first franchise based outside the U.S. and Canada. Established in 2016, the Mexico City outfit will become the NBA G League’s 29th team from the start of the 2020-2021 season, and will play their home games at the Gimnasio Juan de la Barrera, based in Mexico’s capital. The announcement was made during a press conference ahead of Dallas Mavericks 122-111 victory over the Detroit Pistons in Mexico City on December 12, the first of two regular-season games played in the Hispanic nation during the ongoing 2019-2020 season. NBA commissioner Adam Silver said: “Bringing an NBA G League team to Mexico City is a historic milestone for the NBA which demonstrates our commitment to basketball fans in Mexico and across Latin America. As the first G League franchise based outside of the US and Canada, we look forward to welcoming Capitanes to the NBA family.” The schedule for the 2020-2021 NBA G League season, which tips off next November, will be announced in August, 2020.
Sports teams using machine learning tech to drive sponsorship revenues. According to JohnWallStreet, the sports industry has begun to place a greater emphasis on data capture and analytics, particularly as it relates to on-field performance. But while sports has become big business, Adam Grossman, founder of Block Six Analytics (B6A), suggests “from an economic and financial perspective - in terms of understanding concepts like asset valuation, cash-flow and regression - it remains behind the times.” To help bring the industry up to speed, Grossman developed a sponsorship evaluation platform that values sports assets in the same manner “that venture capitalists, private equity firms and investment banks look at investment opportunities.” B6A's proprietary sponsorship model translates traditional fit and engagement benchmarks into probabilistic revenue growth metrics. Over the last 10 months, more than a dozen pro sports organizations have begun using Block Six technology to drive sponsorship revenues. Sports sponsorships sellers naturally seek brand partners that are demographically aligned. While most teams and media entities have managed to gather insights on their own, “the challenge has always been capturing the demographic data needed to ensure audience alignment, so that both parties can achieve their goals.”
Sony and Verizon are bringing 5G to sports broadcasting. According to Mobile Marketing Magazine, Sony and Verizon collaborated to demonstrate how 5G technology and streaming can be used in live sports broadcasting during the NFL’s Texans vs. New England Patriots game on December 1. A camera person from NBC Sports used Sony’s PXW-Z450 shoulder camcorder to capture the game and the video was sent through to a production room in the NRG Stadium in Houston with the help of Sony’s prototype transmitter box, Xperia 5G mm Wave device, and finally, Verizon’s 5G Ultra-Wideband network. The result was an almost real time broadcast sent to NBC producers without any hiccups. In the future, the same 5G-connected cameras could be used to transmit to remote production teams that aren’t located at the site of the sporting event. In the future, another advantage to 5G is the use of wireless connectivity, so cameras can use all angles and positions to capture the games.
David Stern passes away, but his legacy lives on through NBA Cares. David Stern was dedicated to public service, as is evidenced by NBA Cares, which he launched in 2005. Over its first five years, the program donated more than $100 million to charity. NBA Cares is the league’s global social responsibility program that builds on the NBA’s mission of addressing important social issues in the U.S. and around the world. Causes the platform supports include education, youth, and family development, and health, including Special Olympics, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, UNICEF, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Share Our Strength and GLSEN. NBA Cares programs and participants have provided more than five million hours of hands-on service, created more than 1,300 places where kids and families can live, learn or play, and engaged more than 51 million youth basketball programs in communities around the world. Internationally, NBA Cares has created more than 323 places where kids and families can live, learn, or play in 40 countries – largely thanks to Stern and his legacy.
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thecompoundllc-blog · 6 years
The Compound: Most asked question! “How do I purchase my own Compound?
How do I purchase my own Compound? 
 I want to thank you for inquiring on information to open your own Compound location. There is no doubt that could end up being the best text, email or call you ever made. I promise you, that The Compound will change your life, your families life and every young athletes that lives around you.  
  This video will explain what we can offer at the Compound.
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The Compound is the first gym specializing in youth performance and the fastest growing youth functional strength gym in America. Athletes come to the Compound, from hours away, to maximize their athletic potential. The proven workouts circuit based, led by instructors focusing on proper technique and making sure the athletes are getting the most out of their workouts. We focus on developing faster, stronger, mentally tougher athletes in all sports. We have male and female athletes of all ages and from all sports at the Compound. It’s time to give your young, dedicated athlete the edge over their competition.
 We are looking for motivated people interested in providing a safe, intense workout environment geared towards youth athletes. With a low cost franchising structure, locations are opening weekly. This is an amazing opportunity to change your life, your families lives, and all the young dedicated athletes in your area.
The way it works, is potential owners view all the necessary requirements and see what it would take to open a Compound. Then After filling out a questionnaire, a sales rep will contact them to answer all their questions, provide them with a plan to get started and work with them through the entire opening process.
  Introductory Franchising fee:
This includes all of this and more:
usage of The Compound name, Brand, and Logo (Our Brand and Logo will be known around the country)
365 days of advisement from my professional development team when needed
Grand Opening announcement
Social Media advertisement Methodology, tricks and tips
Compound Workout blueprints
An exclusive Compound Owners Networking community(a platform to share ideas about workouts, ways to maximize profits, etc)
Success Tool Kit with proven systems of what works, tips & tricks of the youth Strength business, ways to maximize your profit in this field, etc
Location Recommendations 
List of must need equipment you will purchase with Militant Metals: Rig, Monkey bars, squat racks, etc) (You will purchase your own equipment with this provider). These prices will be better than anyone’s prices out there and equipment will be Compound Customized.
List of extra equipment if you can and want to get (You will purchase your own equipment)
Advice on accounting and how to run the business financially
Discuss and explain how you setup your LLC
Introductory meeting and presentation to the owner and team
Explain the insurance we use and you will need
 Annual Fee:
There will not be a percentage of yearly income like most other franchises. **There will be an annual royalty fee on the anniversary date. This fee will be 7K which will equal less than 5% at most locations. This will make it easier everyone. I will show you ways to make the 7K in two days. Then for 363 days that year could be straight profit.
 Website development:
We have a cutting edge website www.CompoundStrong.com.   This will include your locations address, operational hours, a few photos.
 Compound Building/space Requirements:
We want all the gyms to use the same color scheme (Lime Green, Black and Grey) and have a similar gym lay out. Space- the bigger the better.
 Compound Gear:
I recommend having gear on hand for athletes and parents to purchase. There will be many different athletes coming through the door and they will all want to wear our Logo.
If you do a Gear Sale, we have two options.
A. We would get $2 per item. Very easy to up charge a $6-$7 shirt to $10-$11 and still make money
B. $500 Gear Royalty fee for the year. Most locations do this option and make their money back in the first gear sale of the year.
 Compound Training: you must have a certified trainer or someone qualified to run the workouts. Helpers won’t need to be certified. Trainers will have to provide their child abuse and criminal clearances. I will provide a tour of my facility and will explain exactly what works for the workouts, warm-ups, etc
 Compound locations: Your Compound will be protected against another Compound being opened too close. (Example if someone puts a Compound in Altoona, I won’t allow another one to be established within the same area or city limits). Each location will be looked at differently, we will take in Consideration the population of the urban areas and mileage for the rural areas.
 You are investing and coming aboard something special & you will be extremely happy you did. The Compound will be in every city across the country, helping all athletes in every sport. Every time another Compound opens, our brands increases and our Compound family gets larger. Half of the Franchise fee down holds your spot(4K).  It gives you access to the Logo for the advertising aspect. You want to build excitement in your area. We can set up our meeting and get going. What clients are doing in the meantime, is setting up their LLC, finding insurance, locking in a location, purchasing some equipment, advertising on social media & other outlets.
 Now is the time to open one, as the word spreads and more Compounds open, the demand will greatly increase. I am sure the franchise costs will increase for those coming on board in the future.
 We currently have Locations in:
Johnstown Pennsylvania
Cincinnati Ohio
Detroit Michigan
Wheeling West Virginia
Indianapolis Indiana
Nashville Tennessee
York Pennsylvania
Berwick Pennsylvania
Ripley West Virginia
Cleveland Ohio
Altoona Pennsylvania
Latrobe Pennsylvania
Murrysville Pennsylvania
State College Pennsylvania 
  Here are numbers from my Johnstown Location which our population and market isn’t very big! Most locations could have much higher numbers.
 Average Numbers of athletes per session
 Functional Intensity classes: 35 athletes (Highest 46, Lowest 27)
Little Hammers: 24 athletes (Highest 36, Lowest 13)
All Girls Sessions: 14 athletes (Highest 25, Lowest 8)
Weekend Workouts: 37 athletes (Highest 52, Lowest 16)
Friday Night Lives: 67 athletes (Highest 78, Lowest 58)
12 Hour Lock-ins: 108 athletes (Highest 108, Lowest 47)
Football workouts: 24 athletes
College Wrestling Team workouts: 18 athletes
 Average Revenue Brought in per class:
 (Based off averages)
Functional Intensity classes: $18 x 35 = $630
Little Hammers: $15 x 24 = $360
All Girls Sessions: $15 x 14 = $210
Weekend Workouts: $18 x 37 = $666
Friday Night Lives: $10 x 67= $670
12 Hour Lock-ins: $60x 108= $6300 (June 2018)
12 Hour Lock-ins $60 x 75= $4500 (July 2018)
Football workouts: $10 x 24 = $240
College Wrestling Team workouts: $8 x 18 = $144
 What do parents like about The Compound
   Olympic Champion Kyle Snyder is Compound Strong:
  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give me a call or a text
 Bill Bassett
The Compound
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wonderfull800-blog · 7 years
Autumn (season)Colorado fall colors guide: Where and when to go. General arrangements regarding Arrange D of the excepted solution are ordered in 5 CFR 213.3401-2. Making more room at the Miami-Dade County Sanctuary, more than 100 pets and pet cats are being flown to Oakland, Calif The Information Program's surface is the new-- networked-- public ball, the room fusing participatory on the internet connect with typical establishments as well as media, which is currently both a central battleground in numerous struggles for open society, and also a field rich with opportunities to cultivate open society. GTI, The Chicago firm certified to run a medical marijuana dispensary in Fairview, claims its strategies are still on track. . It occurred around 11:20 a.m. at East 26th and also Pennsylvania. Enter your email here and we'll send you a link to reset it. This feedback is evaluated with Amazon.com's exclusive language software program and afterwards offered to educators to approve (they can after that send it to pupils as if it were created by them). Probably a rainfall was in charge of just what lately depleted around the shores of Rhos on Sea as well as Shell Island - ambergris! He likewise published a video on YouTube wishing his face will certainly suffice to verify he is, actually, Dave Davies of the Kinks, as well as conscripted fans into the battle. Rainfall fails to wet the state of mind on day 3 of the Minnesota State Fair. The conventional firebrand told The Denver Message on Wednesday that he is thinking about an additional follow two losing bids in 2010 and 2014. On the one hand, vendors are most likely to adhere to the procedure's application standards word-for-word, which suggests that when a vulnerability is located in one platform it might affect others. The end of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth were filled with numerous catastrophes affecting the city and it growth. The train network enables you to connect to some of the local residential areas, and also public transportation within the city centre is a solid network of buses as well as trams. Wow, came here a while back to obtain some Polish staples for our holiday. A somber ceremony Monday morning, at an Erie area cemetery. The event titled In the Rocky Podhale is a small presentation of a number of major works depicting the Tatras, protected in the National Gallery in Krakow. However, there was one exemption to this: People in Wyoming, that were in the course of straight completeness, slept deeper than regular. Search hundreds of traveling sites at the same time for automobile rental sell Nowy Targ. It is likewise the perfect beginning factor for trips in the Gorce -tu beginning to end up being preferred routes Turbacz. The density of the sedimentary dental filling of the basin ranged from 3.5-4.5 kilometres in the western Tatra (eliminated completely), to 5-6 kilometres in the western Podhale ( 4-5 kilometres gotten rid of), and even a lot more in the eastern Tatra and also Spišská Magura close to the Ružbachy Mistake. These data imply a major decrease followed by uplift of the Podhale plus Tatra obstruct along the Ružbachy Fault as well as the deposition of a thick sequence of Lower Miocene debris over the whole location (latter eliminated by disintegration). The newest job from The Curious Case of the Canine in the Night-Time dramatist debuts at Atlantic Movie theater Firm. The new system, laid out in two memoranda co-authored by Kelly and also Doorperson and distributed to Closet members as well as White House staffers in current days, is made to make sure that the head of state won't see any kind of external policy papers, interior policy memos, firm records and even news articles that have not been vetted. I suggest as well as like Slovakia and Spiš Slovak city, which when came from Polish. Under Area 501( c)( 3) of the United States Internal Income Code. Verification of safety and security demands is one important job during the development of security important systems. To this end, the Markuts, Zwolaks, Kisluks, Fundalinskis and also various other families banded together in the very early 1960s and also on July 13, 1967 included the Podhale, Parents and Youth Association Inc CrossFit Percepcja - jest to pierwszy licencjonowany i jedyny CrossFit na Podhalu. Trouvez un sujet qui vous passionne et entrez dans la conversation. No, individuals on Pathways Teaching fellowship consultations are qualified just for consideration for non-competitive conversion to placements in the competitive service, as well as just if all appropriate program demands are met. One Powerball jackpot-winning ticket has been offered in Massachusetts, authorities state, for the substantial $758.7 million reward, the second-largest in U.S. history. For sufferers of identity burglary, an extended scams alert will secure your credit report for seven years. That's why you're curious about a place like Nowy Targ, where you'll discover a great deal to see. The even more matches you have in your prematch collector the higher the added benefit payment if your acca victories will certainly be, as much as an optimum of 100%! Pawel, being a hill rescuer was really knowledgable about the location as well as aided us to prepare our trip and to earn most from our keep. However, inning accordance with modern accounts of travelers checking out the Podhale in the 19th century the town was lived in by over a lots Jewish households. Agencies provide OPM with information regarding their chances and article information publicly on USAJOBS about how to get details positions. An overhauled offending line is attempting to enhance run-blocking early in Vanderbilt's 2017 season. All Certified Tourist Centres supply information in one or more international languages and have actually an expanded variety of solutions as compared to the Non-Certified. Toutefois, les frais peuvent varier, par exemple selon la durée du séjour ou le type de chambre réservé. Outclassing 5-0 host Nowy Targ, Cracovia Krakow wins the 2nd Polish Cup of its background completing a perfect weekend break with a 8-0 document. In partnership with Federal, State, as well as regional agencies, the Board gives an avenue where consistent geographical name usage is used as well as existing names data are promoted. The Dfc climate is only found over 800 metres of elevation within Nowy Targ. Promotions are never an entitlement as well as agencies have to have an excepted service plan in position that covers promotions for settings in the excepted solution. Instead of using mathematical scores, individuals are assessed versus agency-established standards as well as positioned in a couple of or even more pre-defined high quality categories. High clouds as well as clouds with upright growth are displayed in white, reduced clouds and also haze in grey. The perfect area for a brake with the aggravation of a huge city. Le corps du demi-frère en disgrâce du dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-un, assassiné en Malaisie, ne quittera pas le pays tant que la famille ne fournira pas des échantillons ADN, a averti vendredi Kuala Lumpur, malgré une requête de Pyongyang. Of those, it's estimated that 56% occur prior to the individual reaches an emergency treatment facility. Does not apply to Arabian purebred races, Ante-post Competing, Overnight, Area only, Match bets and also Improved Cost uses! You could additionally switch to watch outcomes based on appeal or finest suit. Paweł Valde-Nowak odkrył tu wykonany z ciosu mamuta najstarszy bumerang świata i najstarsze szczątki człowieka znalezione w Polsce (datowane na 30 tys. The typical meals are often demanding in preparation. At McDowell Intermediate Secondary school, the Flying force Jr. ROTC led the way in a ceremony made to show freshman students about the influence of the September 11th attacks on life in the United States Inspect out Google's assistance web page You can additionally search near a location, address, or city rather if you're still having trouble. Weekly updates as well as special material for your favorite primetime programs. Sign-up and also be the first to read about the newest destinations. You can get these offers totally free by registering for our newsletters. Organized labor from Erie as well as Crawford County have partnered with the United Means for more than 75 years. Sign up with the regular newsletter and never ever miss out on brand-new pointers, tutorials, as well as much more. Cozy apartment or condo for a family members or group of friendsIn near the lifts Long Glade as well as work. Rookie defensive deal with Nazair Jones is off to a great begin in his first NFL training camp. It remains in Nowy Targ Area, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Malopolska. Après avoir témoigné à fee contre le géant du lait dans un reporting diffusé en octobre dans "Envoyé Spécial" sur France 2, les cinq éleveurs de vaches avaient vu leur contrat de fourniture de lait remis en cause. Federal bucks are set to run out in just a few months, as well as legislators are clambering for an option. The ASME Journal of Confirmation, Recognition and also Unpredictability Metrology (JVVUQ) is presently approving papers for magazine later this year and also in future issues of the journal. Marine Week Detroit kicked off with an opening ceremony at University Martius Park, Sept Pick the ones you want to include in your faves so you can obtain the news that rate of interests you-- like company, innovation, style, sports, as well as much more. Nicole Kidman aurait pu devenir Madame Nicole Kravitz. In the close area of Nowy Targ, there are likewise four national parks: Gorce, Pieniny (about 30km), Babia Góra and also the Tatra (regarding 20km) National forest. Nashville Zoo meerkats Victoria and Calvin welcomed three puppies just recently. Even in earlier times the number was a things of universal worship, not just in Podhale but likewise in the areas of Pieniny as well as Orawa and even in Slovakia. Discover even more regarding speaking to bet365 below, either by telephone, post, chat or email. Adjust your traveling days and also explore attaching flights to locate an also better bargain on your Nowy Targ trip! Yet some hope that this brand-new policymaking process will supply legal victories that have up until now been elusive-- especially since senior strategist Steve Bannon, that was known for skipping official meetings to take his propositions directly to Trump, runs out the White Home. Initially constructed in a gothic style, it was later on fixed as well as rebuilt including, among others, a baroque church piece and also paints, a rococo pulpit, as well as 18th-century organ and also bell tower. Calm and also silent surroundings, a small distance from Białka Tatrzańska, Nowy Targ and also various other traveler locations. Gordonówka Apartments & Medspa is a high-end resort in the mountains! Its origins date to the 15th century, although local tales explain it as established in 1219. The study, carried out combined with researchers from Gallup, is the current in Within Greater Ed's series of surveys of essential greater ed professionals. Still no word from @instagram please renew my #davedavieskinks Instagram account/ bMR9pTX8yp.
As a matter of fact, this isn't as large a coincidence as it appears. Comments and also nowy targ media that consist of hate speech, inequitable statements, hazards, sexually explicit comments, physical violence, or the promotion of prohibited activity are not permitted. Under Website use location services, click Prompt for each web site once daily or Prompt for each site one-time just. Nearly 7 years after winning high-profile competition, Cornell Technology opens up on Roosevelt Island, with 30 faculty members and almost 300 graduate students. Making use of the input data, we have come up with some substantial brand-new information. A bus ticket for a trip from Krakow to Nowy Targ is normally inexpensive. I definitely have issues about the event and also the people running," he stated in an interview. And also during my lack Pop celebrity Young boy George has actually enjoyed cleansing the roads of Manhattan as his five-day community service penalty for wasting authorities time over there. Opel, avec sa marque Vauxhall, est le deuxième vendeur et constructeur de voitures du. It took place around 12:40 a.m. along West 11th Road near Weschler Ave. Bluetooth is a tough method to apply, that makes it susceptible to two type of susceptabilities. Agencies need to apply professional's preference according to the procedures in 5 U.S.C. 3320 and 5 CFR 302, and any relevant company policy. Nowy Targ is a district community (Latin: Novum Online forum, Slovak: Nový Targ, German: Neumarkt) in southerly Poland with 34,100 residents as of 2006. Le Monde 17.02.2017 à 10h47 The same level Philippe Escande. Charlie Set satisfied pupil at Collegiate Academy throughout a see to commemorate the development of the morning meal in the class program at Erie's Public Schools. Redakcja nie ponosi również odpowiedzialności za treść komentarzy, zastrzega sobie jednak prawo do nie publikowania ich, zwłaszcza tych, które zawierają wulgaryzmy, epitety powszechnie uznane za obraźliwe, nawołują do zachowań niezgodnych z prawem, obrażają osoby publiczne i prywatne, inne narodowości, rasy, religie itd. Pani Beata jest niesłychanie gościnna i serdeczna, jest skarbnicą wiedzy okolicy - zasugerowała nam parę świetnych tras oraz restauracji z pyszną, miejscową kuchnią, których sami nigdy byśmy nie znaleźli. AttackMomentum is a brand-new and distinct means to follow your favored games live. Tego samego dnia Słowacy wtargnęli także do Tylicza. Ils le jurent tous la main sur le cœur: la sécurité du consommateur est notre priorité. Successfully finished a minimum of 1-year of constant service in addition to all demands of the Program. Developing opportunities in the line of work or functional self-control the PMF would probably be put. We do not permit cooking dinner meals because of the wood insides of homes, not impregnated and also not varnished. The cottage is definitely attractive and also comfy. This practice follows PMF policies effectively prior to the Pathways Programs guidelines. It is located about one kilometre SE of the town centre, alongside the west bank of the Dunajec river on either side of Aleja Tysiąclecia (freeway 49).
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miriadonline · 7 years
EVENT: New Arts and Humanities research-clustering events, MMU
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities will begin the new academic year with the launch of four new cross-disciplinary research-clustering initiatives that are open to all ManMet researchers within and beyond the Faculty, including PhD students. The first time we ran such a series of ‘clustering’ events was in 2013, which resulted in the establishment of the Manchester Centre for Youth Studies, the Manchester Centre for Gothic Studies, the Creative Geographies network and the multilingual ‘Beyond Babel’ film festival.
The four chosen themes are:
Digital Semantics
Zones of Experimentation: Manchester – Detroit
Beyond the Screen
Global Futures
The aim of the four launch events is to introduce like-minded researchers to each other across disciplinary boundaries, to share perspectives and identify synergies, and to promote the development of new collaborative research projects and funding applications. (The lead researchers for each initiative will make an effort also to invite relevant industry and community partners to participate in the events. If you know of anyone who you think should be invited, do let us know.)
Each event will take the shape of a half day, starting with lunch. The events will follow a format similar to ‘speed-dating’, with each participant invited to deliver a (short/pithy/memorable) 5-minute presentation on their work. (This means definitely no more than 2-3 powerpoint slides!). There will then follow 5 minutes for Q&A. The aim is to create an inspirational ‘buzz’ from listening to what everyone is currently working on and what they are hoping to achieve in the not-so-distant future. In addition, there will opportunities for productive mingling during refreshment breaks. Each event will conclude with a plenary discussion of next steps (chaired by the two lead researchers) and – finally – civilized socializing and cultured networking over a glass of wine.
Further details of each event and contact details for the lead researchers can be found in the attached. To sign up, please email Rebecca Hewlett [email protected] by the individual (four different) deadlines specified in the attached. Please provide:
Whether you are a member of staff or a PhD student
Your research specialism
Title of your presentation
Any special access or dietary requirements
Ideally, we would want everyone to deliver a short presentation but, always provided there is a plausible reason, attendance-only is also perfectly acceptable. You are very welcome to sign up for more than one event.
  “Digital Semantics: How Humans and Machines Perceive, Process and Communicate Information”
International Anthony Burgess Foundation Wednesday 18th October, 12.00 – 5.00pm
Led by Frances Johnson (Department of Languages, Information & Communications)               [[email protected]] and Darren Dancey (School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology) [[email protected]]
Sign-up deadline – Monday 2nd October 2017
“Zones of Experimentation: King Cotton and Motor City (Manchester – Detroit)” International Anthony Burgess Foundation Wednesday 29th November, 12.00 – 5.00pm
Led by Dominic Sagar [[email protected]] and Richard Brook [[email protected]] (Department of Architecture)
Sign-up deadline – Monday 13th November 2017
“Beyond the Screen”
International Anthony Burgess Foundation Wednesday 6th December, 12.00 – 5.00pm
Led by Toby Heys (Department of Media) [[email protected]] and Andy Moor (Department of English) [[email protected]] Sign-up deadline – Monday 20th November 2017
“Global Futures”
International Anthony Burgess Foundation Wednesday 10th January 2018, 12.00 – 5.00pm
Led by Ellie Byrne [[email protected]] (Department of English) and Shoba Arun [[email protected] ] (Department of Sociology)
Sign-up deadline – Monday 18th December 2017
0 notes
ramialkarmi · 7 years
I'm finally going to cut the cord–because of Phil Jackson and James Dolan
Lots of people are ditching cable these days. They're often sick of the big bills, or paying for loads of channels they never watch. Or maybe they are just finding themselves spending more time with various streaming services.
I'm finally ready to cut the cord myself, and it is because of Phil Jackson.
Let me explain.
I just came back from covering the Cannes advertising festival. It's a chaotic week filled with press events, dinners, parties, and then more parties. It's stressful enough without spending an hour each night before you go to bed on Twitter searching "Knicks" again and again. But that's what I was doing.
I found myself asking people I bumped into at the airport yesterday whether they were Knicks fans so I could find someone to talk to.
It felt hard being away at Cannes, while a series of terrifying Knicks trade rumors were blowing up. As if there was something I could do about it. 
When I got home on Thursday night, sure, I was excited to see my wife and kids after being away for a week, but I was also deeply anxious about whether the Knicks were really going to trade their 21-year old phenom Kristaps Porzingis.
This is not healthy. For me or my family. Funny enough, my wife wasn't so jazzed to watch the NBA Draft with me last night while I bit my nails and texted friends about how "if they trade him this is it for me."
This is sad, and it needs to stop
Ultimately, despite intense swirls or rumors right up until the end, the Knicks didn't trade Porzingis. But the fact that team president Phil Jackson actually thought about it, and that Knicks owner James Dolan was cool with this, was enough for me.
I needed to pay them back for the pain, somehow, and end the relationship. 
How do you hurt a team? Particularly one that Forbes ranks as one of the most valuable in sports despite going 80-166 since Jackson became president three years ago?
I could say I'm not going to buy tickets anymore. But truthfully, I rarely buy Knicks tickets. And as a spoiled brat media reporter, I sometimes get to go to games for free. So that kind of vow isn't hurting anybody.
But if I cut cable, MSG Network – which Dolan owns – loses my subscriber fee. The New York Post says that cable providers pay MSG $5 a month for each subscriber.
Take that Dolan and Phil.
It's time anyhow. Every time my wife and I start another Netflix binge, I wonder why we keep cable. I tell myself the bundle is convenient, and I don't have to think about it. My kids watch lots of on-demand Nickelodeon and Disney shows. 
But one of the main reasons I hang on is that I want MSG Network and Yes Network so I can watch the Knicks and Yankees (the Giants are mostly on free TV). The Yankees have been good to me, but the Knicks have been abusive. So following this Porzingis insanity, what better time to ditch Verizon Fios and go for YouTube TV, or Sling TV, or DirecTV Now, or Crackle Gold Plus or whatever other skinny bundle offering launches in the next week. A clean break for a happier life.
40 years of heartbreak
For the non-NBA fan, there's a lot to unpack here, but let me try and help. 
I was born a long time ago. November of 1973 to be specific. That means I missed the last Knicks championship by roughly five months. I hear it was great. Phil Jackson, by the way, was a player on that team.
Let's be fair. The Knicks don't have a Cubs or Red Sox type losing streak going. But for NBA standards, being a Knick fan becomes ever more tragic every year.
When I was in high school and college, the Knicks had Patrick Ewing playing center and were briefly coached by Pat Reilly. Then, they seriously owned New York City, but they were still consistently tortured by Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. It was an endless stream of maddening heartbreak that battered my youth.
There was the time they gave up a 2-to-0 series lead on Jordan's Bulls. I can still remember Charles Smith failing to dunk like 11 times in a row. Losing in the 1994 Finals to the Houston Rockets when the Knicks were up 3-2, with the beloved John Starks having a nightmarish game seven.
It gets worse
There was Indiana Pacer legend and Knick tormenter Reggie Miller scoring eight points in nine seconds in a 1995 playoff game that led to a broken chair in my college apartment. They ruined my graduation day by losing a conference final to the Pacers on a missed Ewing finger-roll. They lost a playoff series against the Miami Heat because of a huge brawl. The got smoked by the Spurs in the 1999 finals.
Those were the best days.
Then, at the turn of the millennium, media baron James Dolan took control of the Knicks. Since then, it has been 17 years of constant garbage and increasing irrelevance. You can sum it up with the fact that sportswriters have debated the question "Is this the worst Knicks team ever?" multiple times. There was also a serious sexual harassment suit that the team settled for $11.6 million, as well as the entire debacle that was Detroit Piston legend Isiah Thomas running the team into the ground as a coach and a general manager. 
Then they spent two seasons trying to sign LeBron James and never getting close to signing LeBron James. Things seemingly bottomed out (everything with the Knicks is seemingly) when the Knicks won just 17 games out of 82 two years ago.
And then, fortune struck. The Knicks drafted Kristaps Porzingis, a lanky Latvian nobody had ever seen play.
He is 7 foot 3, but moves like a guard. He can fly into nasty dunks, and shoot three pointers. Best of all he is fearless and wants to be great and play in New York. He looks like a future All Star and maybe even one of the best players in the league if he develops right (he's only 21).
And yesterday Phil Jackson wanted to trade him.
Why? Because he missed an exit interview. And he wouldn't call Phil back.
Porzingis is mad at the Knicks for their directionless dysfunction (like when Dolan had Knicks great Charles Oakely kicked out of the Garden by bouncers earlier this year), and for the fact that Jackson wants to play the ancient triangle offense.
Porzingis seems to think he knows better about how the Knicks should be run.
Phil, he's a millennial! (j/k millennials, you're great).
Jackson was going to trade Porzingis for draft picks. Everyone in the NBA thought this was perfectly insane. Draft picks are maybes. Greg Oden was picked number one, and he was out of the NBA in a few years. Steph Curry was picked 7th, and has been an MVP. A few years ago, the Knicks had a guy named Derrick Williams on the team who'd been a former number two pick. Never heard of him? The guy keeps changing teams, and let's just say it's not because he's going to the Hall of Fame.
Porzingis is really good, in reality. You never trade young talent like this. But Jackson almost did. And Dolan couldn't care less. (When Jeff Bezos tweeted the other day asking for philanthropic ideas, I thought about tweeting back "please buy the Knicks.")
Someone asked me, wasn't Jackson a brilliant coach? He was. But before the Knicks job he'd never worked a day in the front office. That's a big change! I've written about the ad industry for a long time. Doesn't means somebody should hire me to run Pinterest.
Yet it's one thing for a team to have an incompetent president. But Jackson seems to be doing this stuff because he actually hates the fans and wants to hurt us.
Yes, ultimately Porzingis didn't get traded. But it sure sounds like he almost did (he's got to be really excited to come back next season). And Jackson and Dolan couldn't care less what people think.
Why put paying customers through all that?
We could all scream and say we're not going to the Garden next year. But Knicks fans overall are total suckers. Go to any game, watch the Knicks lose by 20 and the place will be packed. 
So I need to do something more drastic. I'm out completely. I'm cutting the cord and cutting the Knicks and MSG out of my life. Sure, my wife will miss watching Real Cowgirls of Idaho on Bravo. But we'll find something to stream.
It's over.
Right after I just watch a couple of the team's summer league games next month to see if this French point guard they got can play. Well, and the Yankees this summer (Aaron Judge looks amazing!). And just a couple of the early season Knicks games in October.
Then I'm out.
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Final Paper LGBT DRAFT
             Homosexual men seem to be the most visible in the media in this day and age. While they appear in shows such as Modern Family, Glee, Sex and the City there representation is often questionable and many wonder whether or not the characters presented are either helping or hurting LGBT relations with their straight counterparts. Films such as Moonlight and Chocolate Babies are two films, which display homosexual men in two very different ways. While the representation is there, some of these formats do a better job at showing homosexual men, depending on who your asking. It is a firm belief of mine that there is a lack of portrayal of gay men who are not entirely flamboyant. It seems as though it is more important to use these characters are part of comedic plots than to actually develop them away from their “gayness”.  Furthermore, this inability to develop outside of a person’s gayness can be detrimental to youth because it makes those who are not as flamboyant, or who enjoy things like sports feel like they do not fit in with other gay people. Since television does help mold children, it is important that gay characters get the same visibility and development, and that there is a spectrum.
           After examining one character from Glee, named Kurt, I observed that although he maintains his identity as a boy and does date other boys, he seems to portray gay men in a way which makes everyone else comfortable because it does not stray from the norm of what being gay is. According to research, his character is relatable to most gay stereotypes:
he can be endearing, but he's also confusing. In one episode, the glee club split into a boys' team and a girls' team. guess which side Kurt went for? If Kurt were transgendered, all that would make perfect sense, but he's not. Instead, he's that oldest of clichés: the sensitive gay boy who really wants to be a girl” (Setoodeh, 2011).
 Unfortunately, the writers of Glee tend to follow this stereotype with this character and this leaves him unable to develop outside of being a “gay character”. Looking towards Modern Family, we see a different kind of family being presented, where the gay men are actually more present and more developed. While in both Glee and Modern Family, there is character development and intimate relationships are developed they both still show more of a flamboyant gay man, this might be for the comedic factor.
           With Sex and the City, Stafford and Anthony Marantino are another set of characters that are displayed as incredibly flamboyant. While this show is about strong female leads, it does involve these men involved in the ladies lives of luxury. It does hold true to a stereotype that, “"gay men generally have more disposable income due to their familial situations. The quality of our target audience is a real asset in these times” (Meza, 2009). Perhaps this idea that gay men are typically well of is appealing to some, because not many people like to see the reality of situations. For this reason it could be that these flamboyant men, who tend to work in the fashion industry, are more appealing because of the wealth and status that they have and their ability to keep up with the four leads of the show. Of course with these characters, the comedic element is there due to their flamboyant ways.
           It is not to say that being flamboyant or what others might consider “girly” is a bad thing. It is perfectly acceptable and is seen throughout the gay community as something that is completely normal, but it is where there is not a portrayal of men who just happen to be gay without their flamboyance taking over their entire persona or character, without it just being about them being gay. One could compare this to the representation of black people in the media. There is much more visibility of poor blacks versus black people who are well off and this could bring people who are not black to believe that all black people are this way, and look at them in a negative light, they could potentially look at them as if they are the “other”. This could also make gay youth who may not feel similar to the gay men depicted on television feel the need to closet themselves, because of a fear of being seen in a way in which they are not comfortable if they do come out. Even within the gay community there can be judgments from others who feel a person does not look or act gay, which leads some to believe that they are just “confused” or have to be down low. According to an article by Ed Meza, published in “Television's depiction of gay characters may play a role in creating, reinforcing, or altering heterosexuals' attitudes toward gay individuals and the social and legal issues they face”, this is incredibly important because television shapes so many peoples lives and influences everything we do, we need to see visibility for all types of gay men, whether they be fashion designers, mechanics, fast food workers, etc. One cannot say that this is unnecessary, because the same visibility that is needed for gay people is already seen for heterosexual people. It appears that shows produced by LGBT people tend to do better than when characters are used in non-LGBT peoples ran shows. According to a study conducted by Bond and Miller, published in 2017:
Results revealed that exposure to mainstream television was negatively correlated with positive self-complexity, and exposure to gay- and lesbian-oriented television was negatively correlated with negative self-complexity. Self-complexity was correlated with well-being. The findings revealed that viewing LGB characters in television programs specifically designed, produced, and marketed for LGB audiences may have a positive impact on the well-being of LGB youth exposed to these televised messages.
In other words, there are better outcomes for LGBT youth when LGBT show runners are involved, which is why networks should be pushing for shows relating to LGBT.
           A show, Greek, which aired on ABC Family, the show, shows a interracial couple, with, and shows, “in relationships with white men, however, the producers of Greek code Calvin as a black man. Calvin is always the more masculine person in the relationship when compared to his white suitor. When looking at Calvin's relationships on a feminine/masculine homosexuality spectrum, he trends more closely to the masculine end of the spectrum” (Martin, 2011). While most of the shows portray gay men as flamboyant or feminine, this show is a little more detailed in the portrayals because the two characters are a bit different. I do think it does well at showing differences in personalities and not basing the way someone acts on their sexuality, but it is unclear whether or not the character is made to act “manly” because he is  African American. There are arguments by Martin stating that these shows that tend to show African Americans are “anamoulous” or deviate more from other shows such as Modern Family and Sex and the City which shows more white gay men. Dwight A. McBride says that, black gay men "[do] not jive with the televisual image of gay life that has been manufactured, packaged, and produced by mainstream U.S. culture."
           More needs to be done to increase visibility of the different types of people who identify as gay, lesbian, and transgender. We need to have others who look outside of the box and not only into using gay characters as part of comedic plots, and actually show the development of characters who are not just part of stereotypes. My conclusion is that there need to be more LGBT show runners, directors and actual actors. Television helps shape the lives of children and teens across the world, we need to make sure that what we put out is helping and not hurting our future generations.
Setoodeh, R. (2011). Television Promotes Gay Stereotypes. In M. Haerens, Opposing Viewpoints. Television. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from Newsweek, 2009, November 12) Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com.libproxy.temple.edu/apps/doc/EJ3010379242/OVIC?u=temple_main&xid=4d67f271
  Meza, E. (2009, Mar). Gay channel overcomes advertisers’ initial jitters. Variety, 414, 10. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.libproxy.temple.edu/docview/236260579?accountid=14270
Bond, B. J., & Compton, B. L. (2015). Gay on-screen: The relationship between exposure to gay characters on television and heterosexual audiences’ endorsement of gay equality. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 59(4), 717-732. doi:10.1080/08838151.2015.1093485
Entertainment newsweekly: Reports from university of san diego highlight recent findings in communication research (from screen to self: The relationship between television exposure and self-complexity among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth) (01/27/2017). NewsRx.
Dwight A. McBride, Why I Hate Abercrombie and Fitch: Essays on Race and Sexuality (New York: NYU Press, 2005), 130.
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Today is the day! The Indiegogo page is now LIVE!
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Today is the day we have been waiting for! Detroit Future Youth has just launched its Indiegogo campaign page. We have been working hard all month to put together this campaign and we need YOUR HELP! Help us in anyway you can by donating as much as you can. Visit our campaign page at the link provided: http://www.indiegogo.com/detroitfutureyouth?a=576330 
4 notes · View notes
rickhorrow · 5 years
10 To Watch : Mayors Edition 6319
with Jacob Aere
Chipotle integrates Twitter and text for free burritos during the NBA Finals. According to Mobile Marketer, Chipotle is giving away up to $1 million in free burritos as part of a mobile promotion running around the NBA Championship. The catch is that every time any announcer – including sideline reporters – says "free" on-air during the first half of official league game coverage, the restaurant chain will offer up to 500 burritos. For the second half of games, mentions of "free" will result in 1,000 burritos up for grabs. The key to success is staying on Chipotle’s Twitter channel where the company will put out unique codes to be texted for code redemption. The giveaway is capped to the first 20 on-air mentions of "free" per game, meaning that there is potential for 20,000 burrito giveaways per game! The "Freeting" campaign also waives delivery fees for orders of $10 or more placed through Chipotle's app, website, and DoorDash. Although Chipotle is not an official NBA sponsor, the guerilla campaign is drawing hundreds of thousands of hungry basketball fans through the power of social media and “second screen viewing.”
Stanley Cup Finals seeing strong viewership. According to NBC Sports, the Boston Bruins and St. Louis Blues Game 1 matchup was the most-watched Stanley Cup game in four years. The matchup on NBC saw the network reel in an average Total Audience Delivery of 5.380 million viewers. It was third-most watched Game 1 since NBC began broadcasting the Stanley Cup Final in 2006 and even beat out the ever-popular “The Bachelorette.” Comparatively, Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals was up 2% compared to last year and a whopping 9% compared to 2017. On NBC alone, the game delivered a 2.87 HH rating and 5.264 million TV-only viewers. The title-hungry city of St. Louis led all markets with a 29.0 local rating, NBC Sports’ highest NHL rating on record in the market, while Boston scored a 25.2 rating. The series should draw consistently high numbers considering the Cinderella story Blues are taking on the behemoth Bruins, who posted 49 regular season wins and are the favorite for most bettors to take the Cup. 
USGA increases purses for both men and women at respective U.S. Opens. According to Golf Channel, last year’s men’s winner Brooks Koepka took home $2.16 million from a $12 million purse at Shinnecock Hills. This year at Pebble Beach, the winner will look to bring home roughly $2.25 million. Meanwhile, the total purse was increased to $5.5 million for the U.S. Women's Open at Country Club of Charleston. Last year, Ariya Jutanugarn took home $900,000 for her first place finish while this year’s winner Jeongeun Lee6 will take home a seven figure number for the first time. Out of this year’s $5 million purse for the revamped, season-ending LPGA CME Group Tour Championship, the first place finisher will receive $1 million, or roughly 20% of the purse, compared to the men’s winner, who cashes in a larger number but a smaller share of total prize money at 18%. The LPGA is clearly making strides to put its athletes on a closer pay scale to that of their male counterparts.
VISA invests in women’s soccer on the eve of the FIFA Women’s World Cup. According to Forbes, VISA revealed it would partner with both the Women’s and Men’s U.S. National Teams eight days before the Women’s World Cup begins in France. The terms of the deal ensured “at least 50%” of the investment would fund the U.S. Women’s National Team and women’s soccer programs and surrounding marketing efforts, meaning the deal will provide a much-needed spotlight on the stellar U.S. women's team.  The deal will see VISA become the presenting sponsor of the SheBelieves Cup, an annual four-team international invitational tournament in the U.S. Additionally, a new U.S. marketing campaign from VISA will feature World Cup squad members Adrianna Franch, Jessica Mcdonald, Rose Lavelle, Abby Dahlkemper, and Becky Sauerbrunn. USWNT co-captain Megan Rapinoe will join VISA’s roster of athletes and the financial services brand will be the first brand partner of the Player of the Match award at the FIFA Women’s World Cup. After U.S. women’s soccer players sued U.S. Soccer over gender inequality in pay this March, VISA is providing a helping hand for the three-time world champion USWNT.
The Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation unveiled a multisport, synthetic turf Youth Development Park on May 28 in Chicago’s Dunning neighborhood. Read-Dunning Park is lined for youth baseball/softball and soccer play and is now complete with a digital scoreboard, backstop, dugouts, and fencing. Chicago Parks District will manage and maintain the field and work closely with the Ripken Foundation to create programs to engage at-risk young people. The programs will address a variety of youth development needs, including character development, health, physical education, culture, and history. Read-Dunning Park was made in part by a generous $5 million donation to the Ripken Foundation from Group1001 and its CEO Dan Towriss, used to build a total of 10 Youth Development Parks over five years in 10 cities across the country. It is also supported by Chicago Cubs Charities and other local donors. To date, the Ripken Foundation has completed 84 multipurpose synthetic turf facilities in 22 states and Washington D.C. Read-Dunning Park is the second Ripken Foundation Youth Development Park, joining Freedom Field at Marquette Park located near Chicago’s South Side. The facility will be featured on a future episode of our monthly “Power of Sports” program, which explores Detroit in June.
Publisher Meredith Corp. sells Sports Illustrated to Authentic Brands Group for $110 million. Authentic Brands Group is the brand-development company that manages Juicy Couture, Nautica, and elements of the Muhammad Ali and Elvis Presley estates. Meredith took on Sports Illustrated as part of its purchase of Time Inc. in January, 2018 for $1.85 billion plus debt. According to Variety, Authentic Brands now owns the rights to market, develop, and license Sports Illustrated and its kids edition, swimsuit edition, “Sportsperson of the Year,” and the magazine's sports archive. In a wide-ranging discussion, CEO of Authentic Brands Jamie Salter said that he envisioned possibilities ranging from SI medical clinics and sports-skills training classes to a gambling business and better use of the magazine’s vast photo library. The sale moves Meredith close to the end of its effort to sell various Time Inc. assets and allows SI to reinvent itself for the digital age to compete with companies like The Ringer, Bleacher Report, and Barstool Sports.
NBC and Indianapolis 500 see TV viewership gains in their first year. NBC drew a total audience delivery of 5.446 million viewers for Simon Pagenaud's win in the Indianapolis 500, the first time the net had broadcast rights to the race. According to SportsBusiness Journal, last year’s race was a record low on ABC TV which averaged 4.913 million viewers. The 2019 audience peaked at 6.7 million viewers in the final quarter hour of the race, and drew a TV-only number of 5.414 million viewers and marks the most-watched Sunday afternoon sporting event on NBC since the Eagles-Bears NFC Wild Card game on January 6. NBC is in the first year of a multiyear broadcasting contract with Indy and significantly increased advertising efforts for the Indy 500 compared to ABC’s handling of the race in recent years. These are the baby steps for NBC and Indy, which are looking to attract younger audiences in a sport that has seen heavy viewership regression in recent years.
Las Vegas Raiders tickets selling well enough to add $40 million to stadium. Las Vegas Stadium COO Don Webb said that about $40 million more will be put into the stadium as the team has sold many personal seat licenses, stadium suites, club seats, and sponsorships. The additional money will help finance more suites, exterior restrooms, increased plaza security, and press areas and an enhanced stadium communications system. One of the enhanced areas will be a 26,000-square-foot "south end zone club space that would hold around 800 fans,” according to Las Vegas Stadium COO Don Webb. SportsBusiness Journal reports that the Raiders are in the final stages of completing a comprehensive transportation plan that will boost available parking significantly as the team has been acquiring nearby real estate to turn into more parking availability for fans. The Vegas Raiders will play in a $1.8 billion dome that sports a transparent roof, black glass exterior, and retractable doors to frame an 80-foot-tall and 215-foot wide view of the casinos on the strip, making it one of the most visually stunning North American stadiums to date.
“Jeopardy!” champion and pro sports bettor starts donating his wins to charity. With 31 wins in his column so far, “Jeopardy!” champion and pro sports bettor James Holzhauer has started donating his winnings to charity. According to CNN, the 35-year-old professional gambler from Las Vegas recently became the second Jeopardy contestant ever to hit $2 million in winnings. With his total of $2,382,580 earned in 31 days, he's closing in on Ken Jennings' record haul of $2,520,700 won in 74 games. Earlier this month, Holzhauer and his wife gave $10,000 to Project 150, which is a charity that helps homeless students in Las Vegas by distributing school supplies, meals, and clothes. The Holzhauers also donated $10,000 to the Las Vegas Natural History Museum, and the couple’s most recent donation is $10,000 towards an educational charity called Communities in Schools of Nevada, a state branch of a national organization that works to prevent students from dropping out of school. Through all of his “Jeopardy!” success, Holzhauer has become one of Las Vegas' most celebrated citizens, receiving a key to the Las Vegas Strip and having Clark County officials declare May 2 "James Holzhauer Day.”
The second annual AO1 Charity Softball Game raised $500,000 in Philadelphia. Carson Wentz’ charity softball game and its overwhelming fundraising may hint at a new golden age for Philadelphia sports. After the Eagles’ quarterback led his team to a Super Bowl title this past February and Bryce Harper joined the Phillies, sports in Philly are looking up. Although he did not play in the softball game, Wentz was working in his food truck, Thy Kingdom Crumb, to distribute free shrimp po’ boys and pulled pork sandwiches to ticket holders – something it does normally as the charitable food truck has delivered more than 8,000 free meals to those in need. According to Billy Penn, more than 15,000 fans came out to watch football players hit softballs, all in support of Wentz’s AO1 Foundation’s mission of “uplifting individuals and communities around the world by demonstrating God’s love for His people.” Playing at Citizens Bank Park, the quarterback also announced Camp Conquerors, an outdoor ministry program that introduces hunting and fishing to in-need children. Between Carson Wentz and the now-retired Chris Long, the Eagles have one of the most charitable presences among all American sports teams.
0 notes
rickhorrow · 5 years
15+5+5 To Watch 6319
with Jacob Aere
Chipotle integrates Twitter and text for free burritos during the NBA Finals. According to Mobile Marketer, Chipotle is giving away up to $1 million in free burritos as part of a mobile promotion running around the NBA Championship. The catch is that every time any announcer – including sideline reporters – says "free" on-air during the first half of official league game coverage, the restaurant chain will offer up to 500 burritos. For the second half of games, mentions of "free" will result in 1,000 burritos up for grabs. The key to success is staying on Chipotle’s Twitter channel where the company will put out unique codes to be texted for code redemption. The giveaway is capped to the first 20 on-air mentions of "free" per game, meaning that there is potential for 20,000 burrito giveaways per game! The "Freeting" campaign also waives delivery fees for orders of $10 or more placed through Chipotle's app, website, and DoorDash. Although Chipotle is not an official NBA sponsor, the guerilla campaign is drawing hundreds of thousands of hungry basketball fans through the power of social media and “second screen viewing.”
Kevin Durant’s status is wrecking sports book havoc during the NBA Finals. The Warriors’ superstar has been sidelined by a calf injury that makes him questionable to appear at any point in the series. The series line at William Hill sportsbooks (Golden State -300, Toronto +250) is roughly the consensus market price, but that does not mean it’s the right price due to the unknown status of Durant’s injury. After factoring the money lines attached to each game, Golden State was placed as the -275 favorite. According to the New York Post, the first significant bet last Saturday was for $5,000 on the Warriors, pushing the price to -300, which equated to about a 73% chance of winning. If things were normal and Durant was at full strength, SuperBook odds maker Jeff Sherman said the Warriors would be at least -500 series favorites and 8½-point home favorites. Notably, Golden State is 31-1 the past 32 games when Durant was out and Curry played.
The Raptors debuted Drake’s OVO branded T-shirts for Game 1 of the NBA Finals. In celebration of the franchise's first-ever NBA Finals game, the Toronto Raptors partnered with their global ambassador Drake. According to HotNewHipHop, fans attending Game 1 of the NBA Finals in Scotia Bank Arena received the new black long sleeve shirt, which combines multiple designs from the basketball team and the rap label. Although the NBA issued a warning to the Raptors regarding Drake's "activity and presence on the sideline" during Toronto's series with the Milwaukee Bucks, it seems that the “6 God” won’t change his rambunctious ways on the sidelines. The Warriors are well aware of Drake’s sideline presence, and Steph Curry stated, "I know it's a tricky situation with him being right there on the court, but at the end of the day, he's having fun.” It seems that everyone outside of the Bay Area is rooting for the underdog Raptors and the #WeTheNorth online campaign, coupled with clutch shooting and Drake shenanigans, has propelled the Canadian team into the global spotlight. 
Stanley Cup Finals seeing strong viewership. According to NBC Sports, the Boston Bruins and St. Louis Blues Game 1 matchup was the most-watched Stanley Cup game in four years. The matchup on NBC saw the network reel in an average Total Audience Delivery of 5.380 million viewers. It was third-most watched Game 1 since NBC began broadcasting the Stanley Cup Final in 2006 and even beat out the ever-popular “The Bachelorette.” Comparatively, Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals was up 2% compared to last year and a whopping 9% compared to 2017. On NBC alone, the game delivered a 2.87 HH rating and 5.264 million TV-only viewers. The title-hungry city of St. Louis led all markets with a 29.0 local rating, NBC Sports’ highest NHL rating on record in the market, while Boston scored a 25.2 rating. The series should draw consistently high numbers considering the Cinderella story Blues are taking on the behemoth Bruins, who posted 49 regular season wins and are the favorite for most bettors to take the Cup. 
USGA increases purses for both men and women at respective U.S. Opens. According to Golf Channel, last year’s men’s winner Brooks Koepka took home $2.16 million from a $12 million purse at Shinnecock Hills. This year at Pebble Beach, the winner will look to bring home roughly $2.25 million. Meanwhile, the total purse was increased to $5.5 million for the U.S. Women's Open at Country Club of Charleston. Last year, Ariya Jutanugarn took home $900,000 for her first place finish while this year’s winner Jeongeun Lee6 will take home a seven figure number for the first time. Out of this year’s $5 million purse for the revamped, season-ending LPGA CME Group Tour Championship, the first place finisher will receive $1 million, or roughly 20% of the purse, compared to the men’s winner, who cashes in a larger number but a smaller share of total prize money at 18%. The LPGA is clearly making strides to put its athletes on a closer pay scale to that of their male counterparts.
VISA invests in women’s soccer on the eve of the FIFA Women’s World Cup. According to Forbes, VISA revealed it would partner with both the Women’s and Men’s U.S. National Teams eight days before the Women’s World Cup begins in France. The terms of the deal ensured “at least 50%” of the investment would fund the U.S. Women’s National Team and women’s soccer programs and surrounding marketing efforts, meaning the deal will provide a much-needed spotlight on the stellar U.S. women's team.  The deal will see VISA become the presenting sponsor of the SheBelieves Cup, an annual four-team international invitational tournament in the U.S. Additionally, a new U.S. marketing campaign from VISA will feature World Cup squad members Adrianna Franch, Jessica Mcdonald, Rose Lavelle, Abby Dahlkemper, and Becky Sauerbrunn. USWNT co-captain Megan Rapinoe will join VISA’s roster of athletes and the financial services brand will be the first brand partner of the Player of the Match award at the FIFA Women’s World Cup. After U.S. women’s soccer players sued U.S. Soccer over gender inequality in pay this March, VISA is providing a helping hand for the three-time world champion USWNT.
ESPN+ will broadcast the Copa America. The streaming service has obtained U.S. English-language television rights for the Copa America, South America’s soccer championship that kicks off June 14. According to The Washington Post, ESPN claimed that all 26 matches will be streamed and none will be televised via linear broadcast networks. ESPN+, launched in April 2018, has televised more than 1,000 matches from Italy’s Serie A, England’s FA Cup and second-tier League Championship, as well as European Nations League matches and MLS games. The Copa final will air from Rio de Janeiro on July 7 and is part of a tripleheader of championship matches including coverage of the CONCACAF Gold Cup final in Chicago on FS1 and the Women’s World Cup on Fox. Although ESPN has not released viewership figures for soccer on its ESPN+ platform, it is covering its early summer bases by also launching “The Equalizer” series on USWNT star Alex Morgan, coinciding with the FIFA Women’s World Cup in France.
The Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation unveiled a multisport, synthetic turf Youth Development Park on May 28 in Chicago’s Dunning neighborhood. Read-Dunning Park is lined for youth baseball/softball and soccer play and is now complete with a digital scoreboard, backstop, dugouts, and fencing. Chicago Parks District will manage and maintain the field and work closely with the Ripken Foundation to create programs to engage at-risk young people. The programs will address a variety of youth development needs, including character development, health, physical education, culture, and history. Read-Dunning Park was made in part by a generous $5 million donation to the Ripken Foundation from Group1001 and its CEO Dan Towriss, used to build a total of 10 Youth Development Parks over five years in 10 cities across the country. It is also supported by Chicago Cubs Charities and other local donors. To date, the Ripken Foundation has completed 84 multipurpose synthetic turf facilities in 22 states and Washington D.C. Read-Dunning Park is the second Ripken Foundation Youth Development Park, joining Freedom Field at Marquette Park located near Chicago’s South Side. The facility will be featured on a future episode of our monthly “Power of Sports” program, which explores Detroit in June.
Champions League broadcaster British Telecom calls up extra viewers via YouTube. Due to low subscriber numbers that have displeased sponsors, the British broadcaster will screen live matches from the Champions League and the Europa League for free, including on its YouTube channel. This included the Champions League final between winner Liverpool and Tottenham. According to Yahoo Sports, BT's free offering is a repeat of last season when they made Liverpool's Champions League final against Real Madrid available to non-subscribers. The decision helped the financially troubled broadcaster to pull in millions more viewers. A total of 8.5 million people watched that game across BT's TV and digital platforms, a record high for the company since the telecoms giant began broadcasting live football in 2013. It currently pays a hefty $499 million per season to show live Champions League and Europa League football. Due to high costs for broadcasting games, BT will stop broadcasting live English FA Cup games from the 2021-2022 season; in the meantime, English soccer fans will rejoice in being able to watch their teams compete for free.
Champions League victor Liverpool joins social media platform TikTok. Joining a host of European teams that have signed up with the social video network, the English club, the first Premiere League club to join the platform, will use the platform to share behind-the-scenes footage. The move should grow their already robust 66 million social media reach on a platform that has a young audience. One of the most downloaded apps in 2018, TikTok has seen several major European soccer teams launch their own video channels on the platform in recent months. According to SportsPro, TikTok signed its first soccer partnership with German side Borussia Dortmund last month, as part of a global marketing collaboration with the Bundesliga club. TikTok has taken the world by storm with its short video content and Liverpool has joined the mix to attract younger fans.
Publisher Meredith Corp. sells Sports Illustrated to Authentic Brands Group for $110 million. Authentic Brands Group is the brand-development company that manages Juicy Couture, Nautica, and elements of the Muhammad Ali and Elvis Presley estates. Meredith took on Sports Illustrated as part of its purchase of Time Inc. in January, 2018 for $1.85 billion plus debt. According to Variety, Authentic Brands now owns the rights to market, develop, and license Sports Illustrated and its kids edition, swimsuit edition, “Sportsperson of the Year,” and the magazine's sports archive. In a wide-ranging discussion, CEO of Authentic Brands Jamie Salter said that he envisioned possibilities ranging from SI medical clinics and sports-skills training classes to a gambling business and better use of the magazine’s vast photo library. The sale moves Meredith close to the end of its effort to sell various Time Inc. assets and allows SI to reinvent itself for the digital age to compete with companies like The Ringer, Bleacher Report, and Barstool Sports.
Toronto ticket prices are on the rise with the Raptors. The Raptors' NBA Finals tickets surpassed even the Warriors' prices, said TicketIQ Founder Jesse Lawrence. According to SportsBusiness Journal, Lawrence said the seats are that Game 1 were the “most in-demand Finals game that we’ve ever tracked” and that it was “ahead of every Warriors game.” The Raptors tickets are almost 50% more. Game 1 at Scotiabank Arena started at $816 which is roughly three times the cost of face value for 300-level tickets. The average ticket price for seats at the arena has been just under of $5,000, making it the highest final TicketIQ has tracked since it launched in 2011. This is the first time the Finals have been held outside of the U.S., which may be contributing to the skyrocketing ticket numbers in Canada. Although Canada may be a nation connected by hockey, Raptors fans who watch games outside the arena in rowdy “Jurassic Park” prove that love of basketball extends north of the border.
French Open unveils Court Simonne Mathieu to a smashing success. The new 5,290-seat arena at Roland Garros is nestled in a botanical garden, and is so aesthetically beautiful that SI.com claimed it "less a tennis court than a clay-covered terrarium." The court’s surface is 15 feet below street level and the stadium is surrounded by four new glass houses. French architect-engineer, Marc Mimram, had an ambition was to merge sport with nature and his results have been overwhelmingly positive. After last year's tournament, much of Roland Garros received a face lift. According to SportsBusiness Daily, 90% of Court Philippe-Chatrier was knocked down and replaced by stands that are eight meters higher than they used to be. By pushing the limits of what a stadium can be, the evolving Roland Garros has been the talk of the Tennis community and will provide inspiration for future tennis facilities.
NBC and Indianapolis 500 see TV viewership gains in their first year. NBC drew a total audience delivery of 5.446 million viewers for Simon Pagenaud's win in the Indianapolis 500, the first time the net had broadcast rights to the race. According to SportsBusiness Journal, last year’s race was a record low on ABC TV which averaged 4.913 million viewers. The 2019 audience peaked at 6.7 million viewers in the final quarter hour of the race, and drew a TV-only number of 5.414 million viewers and marks the most-watched Sunday afternoon sporting event on NBC since the Eagles-Bears NFC Wild Card game on January 6. NBC is in the first year of a multiyear broadcasting contract with Indy and significantly increased advertising efforts for the Indy 500 compared to ABC’s handling of the race in recent years. These are the baby steps for NBC and Indy, which are looking to attract younger audiences in a sport that has seen heavy viewership regression in recent years.
Las Vegas Raiders tickets selling well enough to add $40 million to stadium. Las Vegas Stadium COO Don Webb said that about $40 million more will be put into the stadium as the team has sold many personal seat licenses, stadium suites, club seats, and sponsorships. The additional money will help finance more suites, exterior restrooms, increased plaza security, and press areas and an enhanced stadium communications system. One of the enhanced areas will be a 26,000-square-foot "south end zone club space that would hold around 800 fans,” according to Las Vegas Stadium COO Don Webb. SportsBusiness Journal reports that the Raiders are in the final stages of completing a comprehensive transportation plan that will boost available parking significantly as the team has been acquiring nearby real estate to turn into more parking availability for fans. The Vegas Raiders will play in a $1.8 billion dome that sports a transparent roof, black glass exterior, and retractable doors to frame an 80-foot-tall and 215-foot wide view of the casinos on the strip, making it one of the most visually stunning North American stadiums to date.
Top Five Tech
ESPN is rolling out more Snapchat shows to “meet fans where they are.” According to Digiday, ESPN released another Snapchat show in March called “ESPN MMA Show.” That series is part of a larger push at ESPN to cover more mixed martial arts; meanwhile the sports media company also has “Sports Center,” “ESPN Daily,” and “College GameDay” as offerings on Snapchat. While the New York Times and Bleacher Report have paused their Snapchat channels, ESPN has increased content on the social media platform as they found Snapchat has proven to be a useful way to make revenue and to direct viewers to ESPN on television and to content on ESPN+. The daily morning show “Sports Center” on Snapchat has created a routine audience of millions of viewers with more than 60% of the audience tuned in three or more times per week in the fourth quarter of 2018. The company has used Snapchat as a conduit to drive customers to other platforms while also profiting from selling ads and commercials across all their Snapchat shows.
Welcome to the future: the French Open is delivered via 8K on a 5G network. For the first time at the Grand Slam tournament, national broadcaster France Télévisions has implemented 8K cameras at Roland Garros, which is leveraging the French telecommunications company Orange’s new 5G network recently installed at the facility. According to SportsPro, Orange and the French Federation of Tennis are also including mixed-reality animations for visitors via a new headset, adding to the tournament’s augmented reality (AR) features. Now in its 18th year with the tournament, Orange launched an artificial intelligence-driven (AI) “virtual assistant” for the use of fans at the French Open while the tournament’s first Chinese smartphone partner, Oppo, enhances the collaboration with the 5G network. The 5G network allows for crystal clear imaging and the 8K imaging provides a picture that can be displayed on screens like Oppo smartphones; the tournament is showcasing the entire cycle of what 5G can bring to sports in the near future.
Overwatch league commissioner leaving for Fortnite company Epic Games. According to SportsBusiness Journal, Nate Nanzer is leaving Overwatch to try and create a competitive esports initiatives for Epic Game’s Fortnite. Now that Fortnite has been released for nearly two years, the free game has amassed a high number of player yet has not grown a substantial esports initiative. The key to Nanzer’s arrival will be making the game’s competitive scene grows so that it can reel in professional gamers and sustain interest in the game in the long run. Nanzer was a driving force behind the innovative and ambitious OWL, which became one of the foremost esports leagues as it mimicked traditional sports with teams based in cities around the world. With Fortnite’s recent collaboration with the Jordan Brand, there has been a revival in talk around the game, making it a good time for Nanzer to set up what could quickly become a competitive esports giant.
NASCAR uses its races for a gambling app. According to pennsportsbooks.com, NASCAR and a global sports data company are teaming up to develop a race-car gaming platform, which will include real-time wagering around the country. Only licensed sportsbooks in regulated jurisdictions can purchase access to official data that won’t go live until at least the 2020 racing season. Genius Sports will use NASCAR’s official data feed to create a product meant to rev up fan interest and engagement in events. London-based Genius already partners with the NBA and NCAA and works with the PGA Tour to provide a range of betting options; NASCAR will have live odds around their races with the Genius Sports collaboration. NASCAR’s Pocono 400 is around the corner, and the racing association is trying to desperately to turn around its heavily-declining fan base – live betting seems to be one of the first steps in this direction.
NHL gets safer going ticketless. The NHL has agreed to a ten-year extension of its partnership with Ticketmaster. According to SportsPro, Ticketmaster is the official partner of 26 of the league’s teams and the global ticketing platform has also expanded on its existing agreement to serve several of the league’s other marquee events, including the NHL’s Winter Classic, All-Star Weekend, and Stadium Series. Now, NHL tickets will include near-field communication technology that allows fans to “tap” into a venue’s entrances – similar to a tap credit card – which protects against digital tickets being copied and resold. The new anti-counterfeiting feature called SafeTix works by tying a unique, identifiable digital ticket to each fan's mobile phone through an encrypted barcode that automatically refreshes every few seconds. By cutting down on falsely resold tickets, the NHL remains as one of the most tech-forward sports leagues around with its new tap feature sure to make game entry a more efficient process.
Power of Sports Five
Tiger Woods loses charity poker event to NBA superstar Russell Westbrook. For more than two decades, the 43-year-old has been hosting his annual Tiger Jam. A poker tournament has been a staple of the Las Vegas charity event, and that was again the case last week. According to The Loop, a number of auction items helped raise a hefty sum for Woods’ TGR Foundation, which aims to offer underserved children STEM curricula and the skills to survive in school and beyond. One of the auction items stood out as Dave Gilbert, founder and CEO of National Funding, bid $75,000 to caddy for Woods during a pro-am later this year. Although Woods is back on the green golfing, his Tiger Jam brought stars like Westbrook together over a poker game while he has continued to refine his image, again giving back to charity.
“Jeopardy!” champion and pro sports bettor starts donating his wins to charity. With 31 wins in his column so far, “Jeopardy!” champion and pro sports bettor James Holzhauer has started donating his winnings to charity. According to CNN, the 35-year-old professional gambler from Las Vegas recently became the second Jeopardy contestant ever to hit $2 million in winnings. With his total of $2,382,580 earned in 31 days, he's closing in on Ken Jennings' record haul of $2,520,700 won in 74 games. Earlier this month, Holzhauer and his wife gave $10,000 to Project 150, which is a charity that helps homeless students in Las Vegas by distributing school supplies, meals, and clothes. The Holzhauers also donated $10,000 to the Las Vegas Natural History Museum, and the couple’s most recent donation is $10,000 towards an educational charity called Communities in Schools of Nevada, a state branch of a national organization that works to prevent students from dropping out of school. Through all of his “Jeopardy!” success, Holzhauer has become one of Las Vegas' most celebrated citizens, receiving a key to the Las Vegas Strip and having Clark County officials declare May 2 "James Holzhauer Day.”
Star athletes will pepper the Monster Energy $50,000 Charity Challenge Celebrity Basketball Game. On July 8, in line with celebrating the 2019 ESPY Awards Week, the charity basketball game will return to UCLA's Pauley Pavilion to raise funds for multiple charities including the host beneficiary, Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend's WHO Cares initiative Teen Cancer America. Team captains at the event are Floyd Mayweather and Rob Gronkowski, who will lead the show of cross-sport goodwill. According to Yahoo Finance, the $50,000 Charity Challenge will also feature the debut of the L.A. Challenge starring some of L.A.'s best athletes putting their shooting skills to the test. The winning team will receive $25,000 for the charity they represent, while the losing team receives $5,000 for their respective charity. Further, the L.A. Halftime Skills Challenge will feature L.A. athletes and celebs competing to benefit local L.A. charities, in addition to the event host beneficiary Teen Cancer America. The mid-summer event aligns football, boxing, and basketball stars to help in the battle against cancer.
Cristiano Ronaldo highlights a charity match at Juventus' Allianz Stadium. The Juventus golden boy was accompanied by football legends including Francesco Totti, Pavel Nedved, Andrea Pirlo, and Gianluigi Buffon as well as other sports stars including Ferrari's Charles Leclerc and Sebastian Vettel for the “Partita Del Cuore” or “match of the heart.” According to the London Daily Mail, the game brought together these stars in support of the Piedmontese Foundation for Cancer Research and the Telethon Foundation. The game featured extravagance of all sorts, with Ronaldo breaking out a bicycle kick with tons of soccer legends on the pitch. The Teleton foundation helps find cures for rare genetic diseases while the cancer foundation tackles one of the world’s gravest problems. By putting together current and former soccer stars alongside other big names including Exor CEO John Elkann and Juventus president Andrea Agnelli, the participants were able to maximize their reach.
The second annual AO1 Charity Softball Game raised $500,000 in Philadelphia. Carson Wentz’ charity softball game and its overwhelming fundraising may hint at a new golden age for Philadelphia sports. After the Eagles’ quarterback led his team to a Super Bowl title this past February and Bryce Harper joined the Phillies, sports in Philly are looking up. Although he did not play in the softball game, Wentz was working in his food truck, Thy Kingdom Crumb, to distribute free shrimp po’ boys and pulled pork sandwiches to ticket holders – something it does normally as the charitable food truck has delivered more than 8,000 free meals to those in need. According to Billy Penn, more than 15,000 fans came out to watch football players hit softballs, all in support of Wentz’s AO1 Foundation’s mission of “uplifting individuals and communities around the world by demonstrating God’s love for His people.” Playing at Citizens Bank Park, the quarterback also announced Camp Conquerors, an outdoor ministry program that introduces hunting and fishing to in-need children. Between Carson Wentz and the now-retired Chris Long, the Eagles have one of the most charitable presences among all American sports teams.
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