gerudospiriit · 8 months
Pardon me. But I read our post regarding LoZ Mangas involving the Ocarina of time and I must ask.
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Is this one of those Mangas you were speaking about? I'm trying to figure out if this really is a Manga or not.
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[That's the one! It is a manga version based on OoT with some changes and extras to the story thrown in. It can be a little weird at time but it's got some good, fun stuff in it too!]
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ask-dark-monita · 8 months
“As a fellow mascot I want to believe you, but the evidence is starting to look o-bear-whelming. Now, speak your case! Tell us why Dexter could be wrong. Combat all his points one by one.”
"Alright, let me explain my case and prove that none of this was my fault! Starting with the first one..."
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"So the answer to the first question would already be answered here. Last night, I was located at the Dragon Realms hanging out with one of my friends as usual. That being with Hunter. In fact, to further prove this, I have Hunter right here to confirm the evidence that I didn't go anywhere."
Hunter then speaks up.
"Spyro's right. The real Spyro would never commit murder unless it's needed against a really bad villain. I was right there with him playing video games back at the Dragon Realms. See?" He opens a portal to the Dragon Realm, showing the same spot that the two were in with a video game console.
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"Now for the next point. While yes, my horns are strong enough to be used as a battering ram and I do have fire breath, that still doesn't prove anything aside from the coincidence. You have to understand here that where I'm from, I'm a good guy, and I only use violence if necessary against bad guys and villains. I have done many heroic acts in keeping the Dragon Realm and Earth safe from evil... So with that in mind, why would a hero like me want to target a random innocent citizen for no reason?! Once again, you could ask any of my close friends or the various people that I rescued throughout the years and they'll agree that pulling a stunt like this would be EXTREMELY out of character for me."
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"Now for the last point? It seems a bit weak in my opinion. Just because I have sunglasses doesn't automatically result in me doing it. And even then, if I was on a mission to attack somebody, I wouldn't wear sunglasses to it. The only time you'll see me wear those cool sunglasses is on occasions that call for it, such as parties or jokes. Example? Here."
He then shows images of himself at parties where he would wear sunglasses versus images of himself fighting off against evil foes without the sunglasses, all pictures being official ones and not photoshopped.
"One more thing I'd like to add... Given that Junko is also involved in this and the fact of her being a well-known villain... Who's to say that she didn't commit the murder? We've seen some of the vile stuff she has done, so keeping that in mind, it seems very possible that she was the one who framed me to make it seem like she's innocent in the situation. Case point? My vote on the culprit goes to Junko."
#Vote: Junko
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“Captain. Based on the information you provided on the twins Haruki and Hinatsume. I do believe I may be able to handle the both of them. I have dealt with an octoling duo known as the terror twins, Angela and Demona. They were not easy to handle but I’m certain Haruki and Hinatsume shouldn’t be any different.”
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captainatarime · 2 years
A bunch of energy gathers near atarime and then it opens up into a rift with Dexter coming out of it then quickly closes it behind him. "Sup Atarime. I went to your universe and successfully recovered something that belongs to you." He opens a small pouch and what are it's contents? Atarime's dimension traveling device itself in perfect condition. "It was easy to find with the specific energy signature but it was difficult to get it without tartar's mind controlled troops seeing me."
Atarime: "W-wha-? Dexter? how did you find-? wait... is that...!? how did you find it!?"
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bearnumberthree · 2 years
“MR. Grizz. I want to speak on behalf as a member of team water that this victory is a well deserved one.”
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ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ   "You are correct. Those I had on my teams were strong. The blessing of the sea shone down on them — Granting them the ferocity needed to win. All were swept away by our tides."
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He had caught word on lulu’s pregnancy and he decided to go see her. Once he arrives and gets through possible security he quietly speaks to lulu. “Hello Lulu. I heard of the pregnancy and I wanted to congratulate you. How is everything so far.” He says keeping his voice down and gentle to prevent unwanted reactions.
Lulu was bored sitting around the palace. Vio didn't want her doing much at the moment as she was starting to show. So sitting in the thrown room fiddling with her phone, she was surprised to see Dexter.
"Oh, Dexter, it's been a while. Hello friend. Nice job sneaking in," Lulu chuckled, "Thanks. It was a bit unexpected but I'm doing okay. My fiancé went to go get food. I'm doing okay. Over the morning sickness stuff so can now enjoy things. Trying to stay out of the spot light though so just keep things quite for now will yah?"
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risingshine · 21 days
Unfortunately the only Helicopter available is a CH-47F Chinook. A heavy weight Helicopter with massive cargo capacity of 44,000 Pounds. An average Firetruck weighs 47,000 Pounds.
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"That's a really big helicopter!" How you got a CH-47F Chinook for transport is anyones guess. Just plop her in the cargo bay and we'll be on our way!
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
"Alastor. That is a very clever Riddle. It's answer is so simple the most brilliant minds wouldn't think of it. So I shall take my guess. The answer to the riddle is time."
The Riddle Game
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"Allow me to take you down a notch~ It was suggested before, and I gave the same answer as I will give you.."
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"Hey luigi. I watched the super mario movie recently and it has a great film. Good Job."
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"Thanks! Mario'n I worked super hard on it! So did everyone else too."
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tfsroleplay · 2 years
(MUN: I can see potential with the idea of octarians using that. Think of it as a “What If?” Scenario where they did develop such technology and what benefits and flaws it could provide as a result. For example: inklings with weak minds have easily displayed memories while more mentally defended individuals are more difficult to process.)
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((Right? like it could be used for both good and bad, I just like the idea of people getting to see someone's memories lol. Just a trope I've always enjoyed.
it just feels like if anyone in the splatoon universe could make something like it, the Octarians could since their technology is more advanced than inklings or salmonids.
it's an idea I might play with for fun, nothing really serious. though the idea that those that have weak minds can have their memories displayed easier than those that have tougher minds is a cool thought))
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For Sanitized 3
⚠️ I will eliminate you if you even touch my 8.
This is completely accurate
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arctxcambush · 1 month
What’s the most annoying enemy you’ve ever fought?
The Thiren closed her eyes and thought for a long moment. Thinking for a while, she crossed her arms before giving a long sigh.
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"Cram school. That's been the most annoying enemy."
Having to juggle her duties as a maid with regular school was exhausting enough, but then having to study even more to prepare for university entrance exams on top of all of that has her completely drained some days.
She's even taken naps after having had extra cups of coffee or energy drinks. Thankfully her coworkers are understanding and allow her to properly recharge between tasks.
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ancicntforged · 10 months
*Lands right behind goku with a loud thud.* "I'm here Goku!" He yells getting the fighter's attention. "Let's do this!" *Jumps backwards a feet thanks to being a light weight species and holds a Splatana Stamper with his right hand. A small drone in his left hand is sent upwards and prepares to countdown.*
"Yu must be Dexter." The other's height...or rather lack of it did surprise him a bit, but Goku had fought people like Chiaotzu before, so it wasn't an unusual experience. Getting into a fighting stance, Goku had lowered his energy low enough to match that of the inkling.
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"Let's have a fun fight!" Of course he didn't rush just yet, instead Goku waited for the countdown to finish. "I'll give you the first move, how's that sound?"
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razowor · 17 days
“Heard it’s your birthday today. Happy birthday. I made you something sweet.”
It’s made of Vanilla Ice cream, Waffles, Whipped cream, Candy bites, and chocolate sauce which I Specifically replaced with Caramel. The shrimp you see are actually home made Vanilla Ice cream with crushed Vanilla Wafers for the crust.
Crusty Sean the original cook for this sweet delicacy calls it the triple Fried Galactic Shwaffle. I learned the recipe off of Crusty Sean’s official cook book.
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Birthday Ask
That is one sweet gift the wolf boy also received. Sure, it's not meat. But it ain't made of greens either he thought. To add that up, it really looks appetizing.
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"Damn. That's a big ass shrimp cake!" No, Razor. That's a Triple-Fried Galactic Shwaffle. Not that he'd be able to pronounce it right anyway. Regardless, he'll surely gonna eat it.
"Thanks, Squid Person."
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the-flower-karasu · 8 months
His spirit is moving to be next to akechi with a raised eyebrow. "How are these guys not using their brains? Teddie has a Hand Written Letter. All they have to do to confirm the killer is to simply copy a part of the message in their writing and simply comparing them for a match."
Very true. If Junko was serious about proving her innocence... That said, and I'll be frank, Little Squidling, you've been asking the right questions. I'm...impressed~
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askfuzzycallie · 5 months
eat chip
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