#Diabetes Medicatio
xtruss · 1 year
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Since gaining popularity online, the diabetes medication Ozempic (semaglutide) has been increasingly requested to manage weight. Now, there’s a shortage that’s affecting people who use the medication. Photograph By Imyskin, Getty Images
Ozempic is a Serious Drug with Serious Risks. Here’s What to Know.
The diabetes medication semaglutide has recently become a trendy weight loss treatment. But like every drug, there are downsides—and potentially serious side effects.
— By Allie Yang | August 1, 2023
Billionaire Elon Musk credited it for his dramatic weight loss. Celebrity sites allege that many more A-listers are using it to stay trim. And TikTok is full of influencers showing off their startling before-and-after shots showing off their weight loss after using it.
What is it? A medication called semaglutide, which is sold under different brand names, including Ozempic, approved in 2017 for treating type 2 diabetes, and Wegovy, approved just last year for weight loss.
The buzz about these drugs has created a shortage of both, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which is expected to last for several months—causing alarm among patients with diabetes who rely on Ozempic to help control their blood sugar. Experts caution that it’s important to understand these are not miracle drugs—and that there are risks to taking them outside of their intended use.
Here’s what you need to know about semaglutide, including how it works and the risks.
What’s The Science Behind The Drug?
Semaglutide helps lower blood sugar by mimicking a hormone that’s naturally secreted when food is consumed, says Ariana Chao, assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and medical director at the school’s Center for Weight and Eating Disorders. This medication, administered through injection, helps people feel full for longer, helps regulate appetite, and reduces hunger and cravings.
There is significant demand for the drug. In 2019, more than 11 percent of the population was diagnosed with diabetes, while more than four in ten adults classified as obese in 2020.
Patients with type 2 diabetes often have impairments in insulin, a hormone that helps break down food and convert it into fuel the body can use, Chao says. Semaglutide signals the pancreas to create more insulin and also lowers glucagon, which helps control blood sugar levels. This can result in weight loss but experts point out that Ozempic has not been approved for that purpose, though semaglutide at a higher dose (Wegovy) has been.
Wegovy is the first drug since 2014 to be approved for chronic weight management. The difference between the two drugs is that Wegovy is administered at a higher dose of semaglutide than Ozempic. Wegovy’s clinical trials showed more weight loss but only slightly greater improvements in glycemic control compared to Ozempic, Chao says.
The FDA sees Ozempic and Wegovy as two different medications for different uses. Chao says many insurance companies cover Ozempic for diabetes but don't cover Wegovy for obesity—a prime example of weight bias in health care. That's why some medical providers use the two doses somewhat interchangeably, as obesity and type 2 diabetes are inextricably linked–obesity is the leading risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.
What Are The Risks?
Like every medication, there can be downsides.
The most common side effects are gastrointestinal issues, such as nausea, constipation, and diarrhea, Chao says—and more rarely, pancreatitis, gallbladder disease, and diabetic retinopathy.
Angela Godwin, nurse practitioner and clinical assistant professor at the NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing, explains that recent reports of extreme vomiting and gastroparesis (delayed emptying of the stomach) are to be expected.
Gastroparesis “just means the food’s in your stomach longer, which then makes you feel fuller longer,” she explains.
Nausea is one of the biggest side effects of medications like Ozempic and Wegovy, and that can always lead to vomiting, Godwin says. In June, the American Society of Anesthesiologists recommended patients stop taking these medications before surgery to avoid aspiration and vomiting.
“Normally, in my experience, it's tolerable,” she says. “But then there are times when I ask [patients], ‘Well, what happened?’ And they [say] they ate too much and ate too quickly. And then yes, the body will vomit it up, because it just can't tolerate that much food anymore.”
These drugs have been extensively studied, but their relatively recent approval means researchers still don’t know what the effects of taking them long term might be.
Continuing research is helping us understand more about what happens when people stop taking these medications—which many may be forced to do amid current shortages. Research does suggest that stopping use of this medication could cause patients to regain weight, especially if they didn’t make any lifestyle changes.
“In almost all weight-loss studies, it really depends on your foundation,” says Stanford endocrinologist Sun Kim. “Your efforts at lifestyle will determine how much weight you lose. If you have your foundations like food, exercise, and sleep, you’re gonna do well.” If not, you might regain as much as 20 percent of the weight lost per year.
These medications can also be incredibly expensive, especially without insurance. Kim says an injection pen can run more than $1,000.
What Does It Mean To Use This Drug Off-label?
Using a drug off-label means using it in a way other than its intended and its FDA-approved purpose, which may not be safe or effective. Ozempic has been approved only for type 2 diabetics, and Wegovy has been approved only for patients with a BMI above 30, or 27 if they have a weight-related comorbidity like high blood pressure.
“There is no scientific evidence to show whether this medication will be effective or of benefit to those who do not fit the criteria from the FDA-approved label indications, such as people with a BMI lower than 27,” Chao says. “We also do not know the side effects or risks in these populations—there could be unknown drug reactions. These medications are not meant to be a quick fix.”
Even if you meet the criteria, experts warn against trying to obtain the medication without a prescription by traveling to countries that don't require them.
“When the medication’s not used under supervision of a health-care provider, then they can come into misuse,” Chao says. “There could be more serious adverse events that can happen.”
Godwin says recent reports of extreme vomiting and gastroparesis are a reminder that patients should schedule regular checkups with their doctor when taking these medications.
“I think it's so popular now that practitioners might be tempted to just prescribe more freely, and then maybe not monitor patients as frequently,” she says.
Patients should not increase their Ozempic dose without doctor approval—which is possible because there are multiple doses in one pen. “They could definitely have a lot of poor side effects, because they didn't titrate up to that level yet,” Godwin says. The same could be said for Wegovy, which comes in a pack of four one-dose pens.
Robert Gabbay, the American Diabetes Association’s chief scientific and medical officer, said the organization is “very much concerned” about the Ozempic shortage.
“The medication has been an important tool for people with diabetes,” he says. “Not only does it lower blood glucose and weight but it has been shown to decrease cardiovascular events—heart attacks—one of the leading causes of death for those living with diabetes.”
A Last Resort?
Still, Kim says that prescribing drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy to patients who are desperate for a new approach to weight loss can make her feel “like a superhero.” By the time patients come to her, they’ve often tried methods like Weight Watchers and following the advice of dieticians. In that case, she says, medications like Ozempic and Wegovy can be a great option.
“What I find is sometimes as they're becoming successful at losing weight, it really does feed into their lifestyle too, and then they're able to be more active,” Kim says. “It’s hard to lose weight. Seventy-five percent of the U.S. population is overweight or obese. I feel that we shouldn't be holding this back if this can help.”
Chao agrees that these medications are a good alternative for those who are unable to lose 5 percent of their body weight within about three months of making lifestyle changes. Still, she recommends trying those approaches before turning to medication.
Patients should “make sure that they're focusing on a healthy dietary pattern, reducing calories, as well as increasing physical activity,” she says. “It’s important they know that even if they are taking the medication, it's not an easy way out: They're still going to have to make lifestyle changes.”
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 1 month
Unlikely Places - Chapter 7 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter: 7 - Overreact Much
We pulled up to the Emergency Room doors and were immediately met but a team of nurses and doctors.
I frowned and kept frowning over the next forty minutes as I was immediately whisked through the doors into a private room and assisted by an older but very compassionate nurse.
She helped me undress, which I didn't think was necessary, the undressing or the assistance and she stayed with me the entire time through the examination, blood work and even some x-rays.
It all seemed overboard and not normal at all for an emergency room visit.
Once everything was done and we were just waiting for the results Nurse Rosie, she now insisted me calling her, ushered Pierce into the room.
"Have you been waiting here, all this time?" I asked surprised.
I figured he had a lot of better things to do on a Saturday than wait around a hospital for me.
I had been getting ready to call Archer to arrange for him to come and pick me up.
"No. Not really," he responded and I glanced up at him surprised.
"More like outside in the car with Cicero. Nurse Rosie just texted me that you were settled back in the room, so I left Cicero with Marcus and walked in here just now."
"Oh," I said in a whisper.
Nurse Rosie excused herself and as she closed the door I turned to Pierce and murmured...
"Is this normal?"
"Everything," I tried to explain.
"There was no wait when we got here. I was met by a team of specialists, all kinds of tests have been done,and Nurse Rosie has stayed with me the entire time. I thought Emergency Room visits were long and draggy and you usually see a resident not a team of experts."
Pierce smirked a bit back at me.
"Maybe what is normal for some people, is not normal for everyone," he answered.
I frowned.
"I don't understand?" I responded.
"You don't really have to," he commented.
Before I could ask anything further his cell-phone rang and he stepped back outside the hospital room.
Two minutes later Nurse Rosie was back, checking my IV solution, getting me some water, plumping my pillows and chattering a mile a minute.
I didn't have the heart to ask her to be quiet so I could sleep.
I knew sleep would be exactly what the doctor would order.
Coming here and doing all this was a waste of time.
Thirty minutes later the doctor and his team marched back into my room. Pierce, I noted was directly behind them.
I didn't like him being in here while the doctor talked to me but they seemed to think it was just fine and I didn't know how to speak up to say otherwise.
Considering he had brought me all this way it would have seemed churlish to make a big fuss now.
If I had known what the doctor was about to say and the reaction it caused, I would have insisted.
"You're severely dehydrated, your blood sugar levels are low. The IV solution hooked up to your arm now should be dealing with and correcting both of those problems."
"You mentioned you hadn't eaten so most likely that is why your blood sugar levels are low but we advise you to make an appointment with your personal physician for a re-evaluation to make sure you are not pre-diabetic."
I nodded as he spoke knowing good and well, I wouldn't be doing it.
His advice was CYA 'check your ass' pure and simple.
I had no plans to sit through more medical tests just to learn what I already knew.
'I was just hungry.'
"Also, you indicated in our questionnaire that you take anxiety medication but your urinalysis detected low traces of the prescription. Have you not been taking your medications?"
I sighed.
Frustrated didn't begin to describe how I was feeling and having Pierce Luciano listen in to every part of my personal medical information wasn't helping my exasperation.
"I usually take it first thing in the morning but I unexpectedly stayed overnight elsewhere and have not had the chance to take them," I explained.
What followed was a long dialogue about prescriptions and the importance of following medication management protocols.
I glared at Pierce then and was surprised to find him already glaring back at me.
I floundered for a second but decided I was too irked and was just fine with a staring contest.
I was pretty sure I was more aggravated than he was right now.
Every single one of my problems could be led back to his door.
What made him think he owned the patent on irritability?
I was pretty sure that anybody who knew the man had a nice close relationship with the feeling.
The doctors finally left with medical warnings about prescription taking, eating, drinking and resting.
I wanted to chime in and ask if they had any Pierce Luciano warnings to go with the others but by the look on that particular person's face, I didn't think it would be a wise choice.
As the doors shut behind the medical team Pierce turned on me with an angry expression.
"Some friends you have," he snarled.
I plopped back against my pillow in surprise.
He was angry 'really angry' right now.
I had obviously been wrong in thinking I was the more aggravated party.
"What are y-you talking about?"
He had been pacing the floor but when I spoke, he whipped around to face me.
"Damnit. Stop stuttering around me," he demanded.
"S-sorry," I stuttered and then gulped.
I couldn't help it, he made me nervous, every single thing about him made me so nervous.
He scowled at my stutter but he didn't yell at me again.
He seemed to at least appreciate he was somewhat responsible for it and that continued yelling most certainly wouldn't help.
"Your friends," he said as he went back to his pacing.
"Do they know about your anxiety and your panic attacks?"
I nodded my head 'yes.'
"And still they kept you out all night away from your medication? And you're so hungry your blood sugar is severely low and don't get me started about your severe dehydration. I promise you I am trying really hard not to comment on that," he said eyeing my reclining form in the hospital bed.
I pulled the sheet higher up over me.
Pierce had a way of looking at me that seemed more intimate than it should.
"What about the dehydration?" I asked stumped.
"Are you really that...?" he started to ask but stopped.
He closed his eyes for a long second and took a deep breath before opening them again, his stare unreadable as it took in my blank expression.
He suddenly laughed low in his throat.
It was a strange low guttural chuckle that held humor and frustration and something else I couldn't quite identify.
It was an oddly appealing sound and that bothered me more than anything.
He wasn't a very appealing person.
He was an attractive man, of course.
That I couldn't deny but on the inside, what drove his behavior seemed fairly suspect. 
He had been quite rude.
He hadn't been nice at all.
He'd done practically nothing else but make absurdly wild accusations since we first met.
So, why did listening to him laugh make me want to smile?     
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dranirudh-1234 · 1 year
What Is Cirrhosis?
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Our livers are capable of self-healing and regeneration. However, as scar tissue eventually forms, it loses some of its ability to perform as intended. Circulatory flow to the liver reduces as the number of scars rises. The liver's fundamental functions are also impaired. This may occasionally result in liver failure and even death. Cirrhosis claims more than a million lives annually throughout the world.
In addition to managing difficult liver surgeries, Dr. Aniruddha Bhosale Head of Liver Transplant and HPB Surgery  at His Hospital in Pune, has decades of experience treating liver cirrhosis as well. He is renowned for offering the best Liver cirrhosis treatment in Pune. due to his extensive training and experience.
Let's learn more about cirrhosis today, including its diagnosis and treatment.
Cirrhosis of the liver is a disorder brought on by persistent liver injury. The liver becomes hard and nodular in this syndrome. Fibrosis replaces the liver tissue. When cirrhosis develops, liver damage is permanent. The cirrhotic liver can no longer regenerate.
Cirrhosis classification
1. Compensated Cirrhosis
It is simply a liver that has been damaged yet is still largely functional.
2. Defamed Cirrhosis
The beginning of the signs and symptoms of liver dysfunction is represented by the advanced stage of cirrhosis.
Why may cirrhosis be harmful?
Cirrhosis causes a number of complications, including
Ascites (abdominal fluid)
Edoema (limb fluid)
(Vomiting blood) Variceal bleeding
The encephalopathy of confusion
Hepatorenal Syndrome, or malfunction of the kidneys
Lung condition (Hepatopulmonary syndrome, Hepatic hydrothorax)
liver tumour
The signs of cirrhosis
The symptoms of liver disease that progresses from early fibrosis to cirrhosis typically take years to appear. Early on, there are frequently few, if any, symptoms.
When symptoms appear, they are occasionally misdiagnosed, disregarded, or linked to additional potential causes. However, if the condition worsens, the symptoms could become more obvious. These signs consist of:
Fatigue Confusion
reduced appetite
Loss of weight
Simple bruising
ankle, foot, and leg swelling
Bloating due to ascites in the abdomen
Cirrhosis causes
Cirrhosis is most frequently brought on by:
1. Alcohol-related liver disease: This condition is often brought on by   years of heavy drinking.
2.Hepatitis B is a common contributor to cirrhosis.
3.Hepatitis C is the main predictor of liver transplants and one of the    common causes of cirrhosis.
4.Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Cirrhosis is more common in people who have diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and high cholesterol. With the prevalence of lifestyle disorders rising in our community, this is fast becoming one of the most common causes of liver cirrhosis.
Among the uncommon causes of cirrhosis are:
First Sclerosing Cholangitis
Wilson's disease and other hereditary illnesses
Hepatitis auto-immune
Celiac illness
Cirrhosis diagnosis
1: liver biopsy
It is the most precise method for determining the stage of cirrhosis. Nowadays, liver biopsies to diagnosis cirrhosis are rarely performed due to advances in radiological techniques.
2. Magnetic resonance elastography or an ultrasound
These methods for detecting cirrhosis are non-invasive.
3. Blood examinations and imaging devices (CT and MRI)
These can be used to track the development of diseases.
Cirrhosis of the Liver Treatment
In Pune, cirrhosis is frequently treatable before it worsens and a liver transplant is necessary.
The cause and severity of the disease play a major role in cirrhosis therapy.
But after diagnosis, treatment should start right away.
The only known treatment for cirrhosis is liver transplantation.
To slow the growth of liver scarring, you should follow the steps listed below, which include:
Avoid consuming alcohol and drugs that can harm the liver.
Avoid over-the-counter herbal supplements and medications because some of them have been linked to liver damage.
The risk of liver damage from prescription drugs is increased by cirrhosis. As a result, the effects on the liver of every prescription should be carefully considered.
Avoid eating raw shellfish that might have bacteria in it. In those with advanced liver disease, it can potentially result in a serious infection.
Exams and hepatitis A and B vaccinations
antiviral medication for treating hepatitis B and C.
Detection and treatment of bile duct obstructions caused by ursodiol, one of the secondary causes of cirrhosis.
Regarding the treatment of people with cirrhosis, nutrition is crucial.
As soon as you receive a cirrhosis diagnosis, you should start treatment. To get the finest care after the diagnosis, you should always speak with a skilled and experienced liver specialist in Pune.
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knowridge · 2 years
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puppyexpressions · 3 years
Dog Breathing Hard: 30 Reasons Why and What to Do
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It can be terrifying for a dog owner to watch their canine companion breathing hard and struggling to catch their breath.
It is especially stressful when it happens for unknown reasons.
So here are 30 potential reasons for a dog breathing hard, as well as details about each cause of this condition and what to do about it.
1. Acid-Based Disorders
For a dog’s organs to work properly, its blood must maintain a certain pH balance (or acidity level).
Various medical conditions can disrupt a dog’s pH balance, making their blood too acidic or alkaline.
One disorder that can affect a dog’s pH balance is metabolic acidosis, which occurs when the dog’s body produces too much acid and/or can’t remove it normally.
One of the first warning signs that your dog has an acid-based disorder will be hard/heavy breathing.
If you suspect an acid-based disorder is affecting your dog, you will need to take the pup to the vet.
Here you'll have a blood test performed, as a blood-gas analysis and chemistry panel are needed to determine if your dog has an acid-based disorder.
2. Age
As a dog ages, it naturally becomes more difficult for the dog to intake and absorb an adequate amount of oxygen into its lungs.
Even nonstrenuous movements and a little amount of walking can cause an older dog to pant and breathe harder than a younger, healthier dog.
3. Anemia
This condition causes a dramatic decrease in a dog’s red blood cells, which results in a reduced ability for these blood cells to carry oxygen to the dog’s lungs.
To compensate, the dog’s lungs must work harder, causing the dog to breathe hard. One sign of anemia in dogs is white or pale gums.
If you see signs of this condition in your dog, you should take the dog to an emergency vet clinic immediately.
Your dog may need a blood transfusion to give the vet time to determine and treat the causes of the dog’s anemia.
4. Anxiety / Stress
Dogs suffer from anxiety and stress, just like humans do. When a dog is anxious or stressed, it will go into “flight or fight” mode.
This results in a rush of cortisol and adrenaline to its system, which can cause rapid breathing.
A dog can show other signs of anxiety or stress. This includes trembling, cowering, hiding, ears back, tail tucked, lip licking, and pacing.
Or they avoid eye contact. These signs of stress can be reasons for the heavy breathing could be anxiety or stress.
Stress and anxiety that often occur and for extended periods of time can harm your dog physically and emotionally, shorten their lifespan, and negatively impact their quality of life overall.
Therefore, it is important that dog owners identify causes of stress and/or anxiety in their dogs and treat/eliminate these causes.
Licensed dog behaviorists and vets can assist a dog owner in treating canine anxiety and stress disorders.
5. Asthma
Dogs can also suffer from asthma. In the world of veterinary medicine, this condition is commonly called eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy.
Wheezing, rapid breathing, a persistent and severe cough, often followed by gagging or retching, are common signs that a dog has asthma.
The severity of asthma in dogs ranges from minor symptoms that appear occasionally and are non-life-threatening to severe, critical, and life-threatening symptoms.
If a dog suffers from a severe form of this condition, a vet will often prescribe an antimicrobial prescription, followed by a steroid prescription.
Pet owners who have dogs that suffer from this condition must remove all environmental allergenic triggers from their pet’s life.
Things such as cigarette smoke, aerosol deodorizers and perfumes, dusty areas, carpet, and any particulate matter in bedding.
6. Behavioral
Heavy or hard breathing in dogs can be a primary sign of fear-aggression-related behaviors.
If your dog has random occurrences of heavy breathing, watch out for other signs that the dog is scared of something or someone.
Signs such as cowering, ears back, tail tucked or pointed straight out, pacing, snarling, and any abnormal behavior.
Address the dog’s fear with a certified dog behaviorist and/or veterinarian to endure that the dog’s fear doesn’t become worse, which could cause the dog to become aggressive.
7. Canine Cognitive Disorder
This is the canine form of what is commonly known as dementia in humans.
This disorder can appear in older dogs, and one of the symptoms is the dog becoming confused, which seems to be especially bad at night.
The confusion can cause the dog to become distressed and therefore breathe hard.
If you suspect your dog might be suffering from a canine cognitive disorder, see a licensed veterinarian. Discuss how you can help your dog.
8. Collapsing Trachea (trachea/windpipe problems)
It occurs when a dog’s trachea (windpipe) isn’t hard enough, and therefore, collapses each time the dog takes a breath.
Small breeds of dogs such as Yorkshire terriers and poodles, and Chihuahuas are especially susceptible.
One treatment for this condition is having surgery, in which prosthetic support is placed around the dog’s trachea.
9. Cushing’s Syndrome
This disease, also called hyperadrenocorticism, occurs when a dog’s adrenal glands produce too much cortisol and cause an imbalance in a dog’s electrolytes, which will trigger panting and hard breathing.
If a dog is starving and/or thirsty, gaining weight, losing hair, has a change in its skin color from pink to grey or black, has a protruding belly (pot-belly), or is irritable or restless, take the dog to the vet.
Have a blood test performed to determine if this disease (or diabetes, which has similar symptoms) might be present in the dog.
Treatments will differ depending on the vet and severity of the illness but will often include surgery or adrenal suppressants.
10. Eclampsia / Milk Fever
This is a dangerous condition that only affects nursing mothers of puppies due to a sudden drop in blood calcium levels that causes heavy or hard breathing.
Panting in the mother dog, as well as tremors, weakness, and/or an inability to walk or stand can also be caused by this.
If these symptoms appear in a dog that is nursing, call your vet right away.
Some vets will make house calls, and in this situation, it would be best to have a licensed vet come to your home.
Taking the mother dog away from her puppies would likely cause her even more stress, and worsen her heavy breathing.
11. Excess Weight
Obesity is a serious and potentially life-threatening problem in dogs.
The extra weight a dog carries puts a massive amount of strain on the dog’s body, specifically on its heart, respiratory system, and joints of their body.
If your dog pants and breaths heavily after an average amount of exercise, such as a short walk around the block, see your veterinarian.
The dog’s vet can prescribe special food and a stricter feeding program that will allow the dog to lose weight, alleviate the dog’s discomfort. Prevent more serious problems from occurring.
12. Excitement
A dog will sometimes pant and breath harder in response to an exciting event.
Such as a loved one coming home after being gone for the day or when the dog encounters another dog that it becomes excited about.
As long as the hard breathing and panting behaviors stop shortly after the exciting event, your dog should be okay.
Keep an eye on the dog for a bit to ensure that the hard breathing was due to the excitement and ceases shortly after the event.
Healthy dogs should only pant briefly before their breathing returns to normal.
13. Exercising Hard
Dogs pant and breathe hard to obtain more oxygen during and after exercise and to cool themselves off.
Because dogs do not sweat, panting and hard breathing are how they regulate their body temperature.
If these body cooling behaviors do not calm down with a bit of rest time and move the dog to a cooler location.
The dog could be suffering from heatstroke, which is a severe condition that you must treat immediately.
On sweltering days, you should not exercise your dog outdoors or go on long walks. Read more about heatstroke below.
14. Heart Disease / Heart Failure
When a dog’s heart is negatively impacted by heart disease, it stops pumping properly.
This causes a decreased amount of oxygen to all of the dog’s vital organs and sometimes also causes fluid to build up in the dog’s lungs.
Fluid inhibits the exchange of gases into oxygen, causing a dog to breathe hard.
If a dog is coughing and breathing hard, especially if it gets worse when the dog is sleeping (laying down), these are signs of a heart condition.
Look for other signs of heart disease and congestive heart failure. Such as less interested in normal activities, out of breath easily, dry cough during or after exercise, eating less, pants a lot, and has a swollen abdominal area,
If any of these symptoms are present, it is a good idea to take the dog to a veterinary clinic.
They can scan his or her heart performed to determine what is going on with the dog so that the proper treatments can be administered.
Treatment will depend on the severity of the condition.
Medications such as diuretics and ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors, which widen and dilate blood vessels may be prescribed.
15. Heartworm and Lungworm Parasitic Infections
These conditions occur when parasites move through a dog’s lungs and heart, resulting in tissue damage, enlargement of the heart, and interference with blood circulation, all of which could cause a dog to have shortness of breath, breathe harder than usual, become tired easily, have nose bleeds, cough up blood, have a build-up fluid in the abdomen and/or chest (lungs) and sudden death.
Heartworms are spread to dogs via mosquito bites.
Preventative medications and methods are the best way to prevent a dog from getting heartworms and/or lungworms.
Once a dog has them, the treatments to rid a dog of these parasites are often dangerous, complicated, costly, and can take many months of aggressive prescription medications to clear up.
16. High Blood Pressure
This is a serious condition in dogs that can lead to blindness, kidney disease, kidney failure, and embolism, blood clots that can dislodge and lodge themselves into dangerous places, such as the dog’s brain, and cause death.
Numerous diseases are associated with a dog having high blood pressure and warning signs to watch out for and treatments that can be administered.
17. High Thyroid Hormone Levels
Also called hyperthyroidism, this is one of the conditions that can cause high blood pressure in dogs, which in turn can cause a dog to breathe hard. 
18. They're Hot
Heavy breathing and panting are normal behavior for a dog to display when they are outside on a hot day.
However, you should never leave dogs in a car alone. Even when temperatures outside are a cool 70 degrees F, the car's temperature will heat up to a hazardous degree within 10 minutes of being outside.
And a dog should not be left outside for an extended period of time or taken on walk-in temperatures of 90 degrees or above.
If your dog’s heavy breathing calms down shortly after entering a cooler area and resting, he or she should be okay.
But if the panting remains constant and intense for an extended period of time, the dog seems to be in distress or restless, and/or if the dog’s gums are blue, purple, or white, these are signs that the dog is not getting enough oxygen and you should call your vet immediately, advises Dr. Amy Flowers (DVM).
Or rush your pet to an emergency veterinary clinic if the dog’s condition seems dangerous.
19. Heatstroke
Heatstroke is a severe condition in dogs. The sooner you respond, the better the outcome.
Because dogs pant (instead of sweating) to decrease their body heat, panting and breathing hard is normal behavior in dogs, to a certain extent and in certain situations, such as immediately following a lot of vigorous exercises.
However, a dog should be able to cool down fairly quickly. If not, heatstroke can occur and is often deadly to dogs.
Symptoms of heatstroke include glazed-over eyes, rapid heart rate, weakness, diarrhea, drooling, excessive thirst, bright or dark red/purple tinted tongue, gums, vomiting, seizures, and body temperatures above 104 degrees F.
If you think your dog is suffering from heatstroke, immediately move the dog to a cold location, wet the dog’s paws, submerge the dog in a bath of cool (not cold) water, or place ice packs and towels soaked in cold water on the dog’s head, chest, and neck, and offer the dog cool (not cold) water to drink or ice cubes to lick.
Then, place the dog in an air-conditioned vehicle and take the overheated dog to the vet to determine if there is a need for further treatments.
It is always best to prevent heat stroke rather than treat it because once these symptoms are present, damage to the dog’s organs and cells has likely already begun.
20. Injury / Pain
Unfortunately, dogs cannot verbally tell us when they are in pain.
But there are signs that a dog can give to let us know that they are injured and in pain, such as licking and/or biting at the area that hurts, dilated pupils, diminished appetite, restless behaviors, anxiety, unwillingness to lay down, whining, crying, not wanting to be touched, or limping.
However, many dogs will mask their pain and display normal behaviors, such as wagging their tail and being touched. Internal injuries may also be difficult to see signs of. If you believe your pet is injured or in any pain, take them to see a vet as soon as you can. The sooner the source of the pain is located and treated, the better the outcome will often be.
21. Kennel Cough
This bacterial or viral infection is extremely contagious and easily passed between animals.
It irritates a dog’s airway (windpipe), causing it to become susceptible, and as a result, makes it difficult for the dog to breathe.
If caught soon enough, antibiotics and limited exercise will often clear up kennel cough in the first and mild stages.
22. Laryngeal Paralysis
This occurs when the laryngeal cartilages at the opening of a dog’s windpipe (the larynx) are unable to fully open, resulting in a limited amount of air being able to reach the dog’s lungs, causing it to be difficult for the dog to breathe, which leads to hard and rapid breathing.
One sign of this condition can be a honking noise, similar to the sound that a goose makes, being emitted by a dog as he or she tries to breathe, and/or raspy panting.
Take your dog to a vet to discuss your options, one of which might be a surgery called the laryngeal tie-back operation.
23. Medication
Certain kinds of medications, especially pain medications and prednisone, are known to cause a dog’s respiratory rate (rate of breathing) to increase, causing the dog to pant and breathe harder than usual.
If a dog doesn’t seem to be in distress or behaving oddly and can get enough oxygen, it is usually okay to let this side effect pass as the medication wears off.
Call your vet to see if any medications your dog has been given could be causing this side effect, and always monitor your dog closely for any changes or signs of distress.
24. Nausea
If a dog is nauseous due to an illness, something they ate or having motion sickness from being in a vehicle, the dog will often breathe hard as a side-effect of their nausea.
When a dog is also vomiting or having diarrhea, do not offer the dog any food for a bit of time and offer small amounts of water or flavorless Pedialyte to help replace the dog’s electrolytes.
If vomiting or diarrhea lasts longer than four hours, take the dog to the nearest emergency veterinary clinic. If your dog suffers from motion sickness, there are many natural and commercially sold remedies available.
Also, some medications might make a dog feel nauseous. If your dog is taking any medication, call your vet to see if it might cause nausea, and ask your dog’s vet what they recommend you do to help your pet.
25. Pressure on Trachea
Pressure on a dog’s trachea (also called a windpipe) can be caused by an abscess, tumor, or enlarged lymph node, all of which would need to be assessed and treated by a vet.
However, excess pressure on a dog’s trachea can also be caused by a choke chain (and other training collars).
This is why it's often recommended to switch to dog harnesses because some of these collars can cause grave injury to a dog and are commonly not recommended for use by veterinarians, professional dog trainers, and behaviorists.
To prevent tracheal injuries, use a harness instead of attaching a leash to a collar. A trachea injury signs include reduced appetite, drinking more water than usual, and inability to bark.
26. Poisoning
A side-effect of a dog ingesting any number of poisonous foods, plants, or substances (such as cleaning supplies or human medications) can be heavy breathing and panting, in addition to increased heart rate, excessive drooling, and abnormal behavior.
If you believe your dog may have ingested something poisonous, rush the dog to the nearest emergency veterinary clinic to be treated, especially if the dog is behaving differently, seems nauseous, has diarrhea, and/or vomiting.
27. Respiratory Infections and Diseases
An infection in a dog’s chest and lungs, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, can cause fluid build-up in the lungs, resulting in a dog having difficulty breathing.
If a dog has a dry cough that might also cause gagging and retching, this could be bronchitis, and if the dog has a wet cough, is behaving differently, eating less, sleeping a lot, or running a fever, the dog could have pneumonia.
Lung cancer, although less common, does occur in dogs, and lung tumors can cause a dog’s lungs to stop working properly, resulting in wheezing, coughing up blood or mucus, and labored breathing.
For any of the above symptoms, a dog should be taken to an emergency veterinary clinic to be treated for its condition.
Treatment will usually include a round of antibiotic prescription medication and anything else the vet may need to do, based on the diagnosis and severity of each case.
28. Rhinitis
Dogs can contract long-term bacterial infections in their nostrils and sinuses, which is called rhinitis.
If a dog is sneezing, has a runny nose, and is licking its nose often, take the dog to see a licensed vet as soon as possible.
While this condition is not life-threatening, the sooner it is treated, the quicker it will be cleared up.
29. Short-Snouted and Squished-Face Breeds
Breathing hard is common in brachycephalic breeds, which is the name used for “flat-faced” breeds of dogs such as English bulldogs, French bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Pugs, and Pekingese.
The breathing condition that these breeds commonly have is called Brachycephalic Syndrome.
According to the American College of Veterinary Surgeons, the term Brachycephalic Syndrome refers to the combination of the elongated soft palate. It interferes with the movement of air into the lungs.
Stenotic nares, deformed nostrils, obstruct airflow. And everted laryngeal saccules, large tonsils, obstruct air flow, all of which are commonly seen in the breeds listed above.
This can cause long-term breathing difficulties in these dogs that put them at a significantly higher risk for heatstroke. This is because they cannot pant correctly.
If the dog’s breathing is dangerously interfered with, and/or if this condition causes dog distress, a surgeon can perform various forms of surgery to help remedy the condition and the negative impacts it can cause.
30. Tick-Borne Diseases
There are a plethora of dangerous diseases that ticks can transmit to dogs because ticks feed on the blood of a multitude of disease-infected creatures.
Then they attach to a dog and feed on their blood, transferring blood within the tick into the dog, including Canine Ehrlichiosis, Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Canine Babesiosis, Canine Anaplasmosis, Canine Bartonellosis, and Canine Hepatozoonosis.
The best way to prevent this from occurring is to take as many measures as necessary to keep your dog ticks off.
Even still, it is not always possible to prevent a tick from attaching to your dog, and in cases in which you suspect your dog may have been bit by a tick and had a disease given to them.
One of the very first signs of many of these illnesses will be an increased breathing rate and fever.
If your dog displays either of these symptoms and has been in an area with ticks, take the dog to be examined by a vet as soon as possible.
Common Questions about Dog's Fast Breathing
If you still have some questions about heavy breathing in dogs, then the following should help provide the answers you need.
What Does It Mean When Your Dog Is Breathing Hard?
Heavy breathing in dogs may just mean your dog is excited or still energized from exercise. He may also be hot, afraid, or stressed.
Make sure your dog has enough oxygen and if it continues or seems like serious respiratory issues, take him to the vet.
What Are the Signs of Respiratory Distress in Dogs?
Be on the lookout for blue gums, drawn-out breathing, rapid breathing, continuous panting, blue gums, or collapse.
Your dog may also be unable to settle down, seem distressed, or stand with his neck extended and elbows out. His chest may also move abnormally while breathing.
Why Is My Dog Breathing Fast While Resting?
If your dog has abnormal breathing without good cause, contact your vet. You should also look for other possible signs of dog breathing problems, like blue gums.
What Are Signs of Your Dog Dying?
Abnormal breathing is one sign a dog is dying. Others include loss of bowel or bladder control, loss of interest, and extreme fatigue.
What Do You Do When Your Dog Is Breathing Weird?
If you notice your dog breathing heavy or oddly, call your vet. He may give your dog supplemental oxygen or observe him. He may also check for other issues, like heat stroke.
Is Rapid Breathing a Sign of Pain in Dogs?
If a dog is breathing heavy, it can indicate pain. Dogs in pain sometimes pant or take more shallow breaths.
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Vijaysar: Benefits, Uses, Formulation, Ingredients, Dosage And Side Effects
July 15, 2020
In case there is one persistent ailment that has been tes Vijaysar ting the clinical specialists worldwide over the most recent twenty years, then, at that point more likely than not it is diabetes. Whenever left untreated, high sugar levels can make extreme harm the imperative organs like pancreas, heart, kidneys and shockingly, diabetes is additionally being accounted for among the youths even in th Vijaysar eir 20s, owing for the most part to their poor, stationary way of life and unfortunate eating decisions.
While a significant number of us go to allopathy medicatio Vijaysar n for controlling high sugar levels, one can likewise find out about the cures offered by our customary therapeutic strategies. Ayurveda is a secret stash of therapeutic ponders and offering a solution for different mental and actual issues. In case you are keen on finding out concerning how Ayurveda can help in managing diabetes, it’s an ideal opportunity to think about Vijayasar – the tree rind discovered widely in the thick woods of India, Srilanka and Nepal.
Popular as the “Supernatural Remedy For Diabetes”, V Vijaysar ijaysar is an outright decision for elective treatment if there should arise an occurrence of diabetes or as named in Ayurveda “Madhumeha”. The broad enemy of glycemic, cell reinforcement and calming properties of the bark of vijaysar not just aides in overseeing glucose levels by forestalling the harm of pancreatic cells yet additionally lessens overabundance fat, advances assimilation, treat draining issues and different skin incendiary conditions. Furthermore, these broad employments of Vijaysar has assisted this astonishing plant with keeping a solid traction in the all encompassing cures of Ayurveda.
vijaysar tree
What Is Vijaysar?
VIjaysar is a huge deciduous tree that generally dev Vijaysar elops to a tallness of 3o meters. Named organically as Pterocarpus marsupium, this tree is native to Nepal, Srilanka and India. It is typically discovered flourishing in the western ghat areas, Karnataka-Kerala district, bumpy locales of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, and in the backwoods of focal India.
The storage compartment of Vijaysar is smoky in shading with apparent vertical cut like imprints. The tree as a rule bears leaves and foliage with a wavy edge, yellowish blossoms and vegetable like natural products with two installed seeds. The bark of Vijaysar ordinarily creates a ruddy hued gum or latex. Vijaysar
Normal Names Of Vijaysar Vijaysar
Vijaysar is prevalently known by various names in various pieces of the world. It is known as Indian Kino tree, Malabar Kino tree, Red sandalwood, and Sugar Destroyer in English, Bija, Beejaka, Vijayasara, Vijaysar, Asana in Hindi, Venga katal, Vegai, Vengai in Tamil, Yegi Vegisa, Peddagi, in Telugu, Piyasal, Pi Vijaysar yasala, Peetashal, Pitasala, in Bengali, Venga in Malayalam, Bijaka, Pitasara, Pitashalaka, Bandhukapushpaka, Krushnasharjaka, Pushpavruksha, Alakapriya Peetasara, Sugandha neela niryasa, Tishya, Karshya, Shouri in Sanskrit.
Ayurveda knows Vijaysar as Asana, Pitasara, Biyo, Asanam, and Bijasal, though the part of Unani medications knows this plant as Bijaysaar Siddha, and Tamil-Vengai.
Different names in various areas of the Indian subcontinent incorporate; Biyo in Gujarati, Piashala, Piasal in Oriya, Bange mara, Kempu honne, Banga, Bijasara, Asana in Kannada, Chandan Lal, Channanlal in Punjabi, Lal Chandeur in Kashmiri, and Vivala, Bibala in Marathi.
Ayurvedic Categorisation
The different sacred writings of Ayurveda composed by old sages orders Vijaysar into the accompanying classes:
Salaasaradi gana by Susruta
Asanadi gana by Vagbhata
Vatadi varga by Bhavaprakash
Amradi Varga by Dhanwantari Nighantu Vijaysar
Prabhabdradi varga by Raj Nighantu
Oushadhi varga by Kaiyadeva Nighantu
Ayurvedic Indications Of Vijaysar
Ayurveda, the comprehensive study of natural cures has widely referenced this spice time and gain in a few ayurvedic sacred writings and diaries for different signs which incorporate, Mehahara (treats urinary lot issues), Rasayani (restores the entire body), Deepana (upgrades stomach fire), Pachana (helps in absorption), Rochana (animates hunger), Anulomana (works on breathing), Vayasthapana (forestalls maturing), Jvara (valuable in fever), Kasahara (Relieves hack, Shwasha (calms breathing challenges), Amahara (treats heartburn), Dahahara (diminishes consuming sensation), Prameha (oversees diabetes), Trutahara (assuages inordinate thirst), Balya (further develops muscle strength), Gulmajit (helpful in stomach growths), Hikkanigrahana (controls hiccups), Kantya (eases sore throat), Triptighno (mitigates pseudo-satiation), Visarpa (treats herpes), Hridaya (treats heart issues), Chakushya (treats eye issues) Vijaysar , Shonitasthapana (forestalls dying), Pandu (treats sickliness), Raktamandala (treats ringworm diseases), Sangrahini (treats the runs), Kustha (treats skin problems), Kamala (forestalls jaundice), Medhya (further develops insight), Varnya (further develops tone), Krimihara (soothes digestive worms), Kanthya (further develops voice), Arsha (treats heaps), and Krichra (treats agonizing micturition). Vijaysar
Substance Constituents
Vijaysar depicts a variety of substance constituents that records for the different properties it shows. The bioactive parts incorporate Vijaysar Proteins, Alkaloids, Epicatechin, Carpusin, Beta eudesmol, Isoliquiritigenin, Liquiritigenin Marsupol, Propterol, Kinotannic corrosive, Tannic corrosive, Tannins, Lupeol, Pyrocatechol, Resins, Pterosupin, Pterostilbene, Phenolic C, and so forth
vijaysar bark
Portions Of Vijaysar And Their Use Vijaysar
Be it the Heartwood, Leaves, Bark, Gum, Flowers or Legumes, Vijaysar is one such plant where every single part has broad uses in the field of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani medications. Drinking water kept in vijaysar bar Vijaysar k wood glasses in the first part of the day is a deep rooted practice for keeping glucose levels in charge. A poultice produced using the bark, leaves and foliage of the tree displays strong astringent properties and is incredibly helpful in treating skin conditions. T Vijaysar he coarse powder of the heartwood of vijaysar is additionally useful in lessening stoutness.
Details Of Vijaysar
With sitting back, a few natural plans are sold in the market with Vijaysar as the principle fixing. Since the preeminent action of Vijaysar is to control insulin creation and diabetes, numerous ayurvedic brands have come out with their own definitions of vijaysar for giving an elective way to deal with overseeing diabetes. One such intense plan is Madhumehantak Churna.
Madhumehantak Churna
This powdered detailing is a mix of 12 in Vijaysar tense fixings, wherein every one of the spices works in a synergistic way and are totally coordinated towards overseeing diabetes or madhumeha roga. Being a fine powder, it Vijaysar tends to be effectively taken close by warm water or milk alongside a couple of drops of nectar or as coordinated by an ayurvedic specialist or professional. Vijaysar
vijaysar definition
30 gm Vijaysar bark (for example Pterocarpus Vijaysar marsupium)
30 gm Saptrangi roots (for example Salacia chinesis)
20 gm Bilwa patra (for example Aegle marmelos)
20 gm Daruhaldi Rhizome (for example Berberis aristata)
20 gm Neem Patra (for example Azardirachta Vijaysar indica)
20 gm Gurmaar Leaves (for example Gymnema sylvestrae)
20 gm Methi seeds (for example Trigonella foenum graceum)
10 gm Tulsi leaves (for example Ocimum sactum)
10 gm Sadabahar leaves (for example Eochnera rosea)
10 gm Jamun seeds (for example Syzygium c Vijaysar umini)
10 gm Karela seed/organic product (for example Momordica charantia)
10 gm Babool bark (for example Acacia arabica)
Wash all the plant parts to eliminate debasements.
Dry them totally under direct daylight until there is no excess dampness.
Macerate the plant parts in a processor till it becomes fine.
Once more, dry them under direct daylight to eliminate dampness particles.
Pass the powder through strainer 100 to eliminate any huge or little debasements.
Store it in a glass holder in a cool, dry spot Vijaysar for sometime later.
vijaysar powder
Medical advantages Of Vijaysar Vijaysar
Directs Diabetes:
As indicated by the all encompassing cures of Ayurveda, Vijaysar is an astounding plant for overseeing high sugar levels by working on the digestion because of its Tikta (severe) and Kashaya (astringent) properties and Kapha-Pitta adjusting doshas. The superb enemy of glycemic nature of Vijaysar assumes a quintessential part in easing the glucose level of the body. Be it the bark powder, leaf juice or heartwood decoction, the creation of insulin from the pancreatic β-cells becomes dynamic on taking Vijaysar Vijaysar. It assists with lessening the breakdown of starch into glucose which thus prompts low blood glucose levels. Additionally Read: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
Cuts Down Sugar Cravings
Perhaps the most irritating propensities these days in an inactive way of life is the liking of individuals towards sugar and sweet items. A few explores demonstrate that when the leaves of Vijaysar plant are applied straightforwardly to the tongue or are bitten or devoured as a decoction, there is a reduction in th Vijaysar e capacity of the individual to taste sweet food sources. This viably restricts yearnings and unexpected gorges, accordingly assisting with accomplishing a better way of life.
Helps In Weight Loss
The plenitude of alkaloids and flavonoids in vijaysar Vijaysar help the body shed overabundance weight quicker. Attributable to its property to vitiate AMA doshas from the body, vijaysar viably eliminates undesirable poisons from the body, satisfies food cravings and forestalls indulging. Subsequently, devouring this each day on void stomach assumes a vital part in one’s weight reduction routine. The pow Vijaysar der from the bark likewise diminishes the amassing of LDL (for example Low-Density Lipoproteins or awful cholesterol) in the body, consequently further developing digestion and assisting the body with keeping a legitimate weight. Additionally Rea Vijaysar d: Belly Fat Burners From Your Kitchen Shelf
Upgrades Digestion
Vijaysar is known as an incredible stomach related plant. The counter pompous property of the bark powder decreases the development of gas in the nutritious waterway, subsequently forestalling fart, swelling and st Vijaysar omach distension. Consu
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thewebhangouts · 5 years
FDA cautions about rare genital infection linked to diabetes medicatio http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNGHxxFBK2Y_x9U5n-QmIIvGlNajqA&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52780028304803&ei=nseMW4DzLcqm4gKM2YGoCA&url=https://www.whio.com/news/fda-cautions-about-rare-genital-infection-linked-diabetes-medication/EXoOBXsc9ZrVjHj6dONuLP/
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Learn more about Prescription Drugs through Web Md Medications
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Prescription Drugs
Millions of individuals around the world suffer from different medical conditions ranging from simple ailments such as allergies to long-term conditions such as arthritis or heart diseases. On a regular basis, many people buy prescription drugs so they can get better. Alternatively,there are many people who resort to online search to collect more information about a certain drug that are considered Over the Counter medicines. Usually, these over the counter medicines can relieve pain or itches, lessen incidence of allergies or even treat recurring headaches.
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One excellent feature of web Md medications is the Pill Identifier. You can use this to check if the white pill you have with you is really aspirin or something else. The color, imprint and shape of the pill is visibly shown in the page. The Web Md Medications has also partnered with FDA so it direct you to the page where consumers can complain about the side effects of prescription drugs. Indeed, web md medications helps consumers take drugs safely and provides reliable information. Having said that, asking your pharmacist and consulting a doctor should always be considered as the first move when seeking treatment.
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kimtowell · 7 years
Top 9 Dietary Supplements Myths on the Internet – Debunked!  
In this article, we explore the Top 9 Dietary Supplements Myths circulating the internet today. Fortunately, we’ve been able to debunk most of these myths. It’s important to have the proper information about dietary supplements before purchasing them.
Misleading information on the internet can be confusing, especially when you are trying to decide whether or not a supplement will be beneficial to you. In this article, we hope to shed some light on the true nature of dietary supplements myths and to better assist you in making informed purchasing decisions when it comes to health and dietary supplements choices.
This article explores the top 9 dietary supplements myths that people are searching for on the internet today!
1.    Supplements are a Waste of Money
This is a common myth and one that has been busted long ago! It is one of the top dietary supplements myths and it is often propagated unfairly by healthcare professionals. It’s interesting that many of the people who prescribe multivitamins – which have been shown time and again to be of little use to people – are often quick to dismiss other dietary supplements, especially those of plant origin. [1]
Berberine HCl is a great support supplement for heart health
It’s important to remember that more than half of the pharmacological agents in use today were originally based on plant-derived chemicals. In fact, a research paper published in 2005 showed that around 50% of all medicine in use at the time was originally based on plant compounds, and up to 25% contained phytochemicals directly from higher plant sources. [2]
So, the myth that dietary supplements are a waste of money is often a misinformed one which ignores the important value of plants and plant-derived medicines.
 Herbal supplements also have an important role in naturopathic, allosteric, and traditional medicine. Although these are not conventional forms of healing, they cannot simply be written off because of their alternative nature. Many dietary supplements have ample clinical evidence showing their efficacy. [3]
Take, for example, Berberine HCl, which has been compared to common anti-diabetic agents in numerous studies and has been found to have comparable effects on blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. [4] Or, examine Green Tea Extract – in two separate studies, researchers found that fat oxidation increased by over 18% in people using this dietary supplement! [5]
For more information about myth that supplements are a waste of money, and other dietary supplements myths, check out our interesting blog post on the subject here: Are Health Supplements a Waste of Money?
 Myth Status: Busted!
Check Out Our Range of Health Supplements
2.    Supplements aren’t Recommended for People Who Eat Well
Even if you eat well, you can still benefit from using dietary supplements. One of the most interesting dietary supplements myths is the belief that supplements aren’t useful for people who eat well.
People who eat a healthy diet can also benefit from using dietary supplements
This stems from the belief that health supplements are all related to nutrients and deficiencies. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the only supplements that are generally used for combatting nutrient deficiencies are vitamins and essential nutrient supplements like Choline Bitartrate  or L-Tryptophan. [6]
Also, even if you do eat well this still doesn’t discount using vitamin supplements. An example is people living on a vegan diet. Although this diet is considered very healthy and avoids many of the health risks associated with eating meat, people on a vegan diet require vitamin B12 supplements to ensure good health. [7]
 Another example: even if you have a wonderfully healthy diet, if you live in the Northern hemisphere then it is very likely that you will suffer from a vitamin D deficiency at some point in the year. Vitamin D cannot be obtained from food – your skin generates vitamin D in response to sunlight. If there is no sunlight, supplements are required. [8]
However, there is still an entire world of health supplements for people to explore that are not related to nutrient deficiencies. These supplements have an extremely wide range of potential cognitive benefits and positive effects on your body. Examples include Magnolia Bark Extract and Oleamide for promoting relaxation, and 5-HTP or Hordenine for improving energy!
Dietary supplements are actually best taken in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle. The name says it all: dietary supplements – supplementing a healthy diet for more benefits. People with a healthy diet can definitely benefit from using health supplements.
Myth Status? Busted!
Juicing is a great way to boost a healthy diet and enjoy some great phytonutrients!
3.    All Supplements Are the Same Quality
It is strange that this is still one of the most common dietary supplements myths around today. It stems from the belief that health supplements are all regulated by FDA and independent bodies in the same way that medicines are (which they are not – see myth #6).
 Using excipients and fillers
Tests can show contamination in dietary supplements
One of the top ways that dietary supplements lose quality and purity is through the use of fillers and excipients.
These are often added to the supplements to create more volume or for other effects. By law, supplements companies must list all ‘non-medicinal’ ingredients on the product. [9]
Many herbal supplements and dietary supplements contain contaminants. These are often contaminants from other plant species than what are listed on the ingredients.
In fact, recent research from the US showed that the majority of dietary supplements were contaminated with other plant species. Of 12 companies tested, only 2 were free from contaminants or unlisted excipients/fillers. [10]
 Poor quality materials
It's important to know when to harvest plants
Plants vary in the concentrations of active compounds that they produce throughout the year. It’s crucial to harvest plants at the right time for a high-quality product.
Also, the correct parts of the plants need to be harvested. Some plants contain the highest quantities of active compounds in their roots, others in the leaves, and others in the bark.
Finally, it’s important that the supplements are stored and packaged correctly. There are a number of factors that can negatively impact on the ability for a supplement to store correctly including temperature, humidity, and pH levels.  [11]
 Dietary supplements should contain a third-party Certificate of Analysis (CoA) so that you know the purity and quality of the product that you’ve purchased.
 Myth Status: Busted!
Check Out Our Range of Health Supplements
4.    All Dietary Supplements Are ‘Natural’
Another one of the top dietary supplements myths is that all supplements are ‘natural’ or are herbal supplements. Actually, this isn’t true at all.
Dietary supplements are different to pharmaceutical agents because they cannot claim to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. This doesn’t mean, however, that dietary supplements are limited to compounds of ‘botanical origin’.
Take, for example, Phenibut. Phenibut is a Russian-developed chemical compound that is used to help reduce stress and promote feelings of calm and relaxation while maintaining full mental capacity.
  Phenibut HCl, 99+% Purity from Liftmode
Phenibut is often considered to be a Nootropic compound because of its beneficial effects on the brain. However, Phenibut is not a ‘natural’ supplement by any means. It was developed in a laboratory and has been studied in clinical trials in Russia. [12]
Another example is the mood-lifting supplement, DL-Phenylalanine. DL-Phenylalanine is a racemic (half and half) mix of different stereoisomers: D-Phenylalanine and L-Phenylalanine.
The left-biased compound is found in nature and is an amino acid with beneficial effects on neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine. The right-biased compound was developed in a laboratory and is thought to assist with pain relief and relaxation. [13]
These are just two examples of dietary supplements that are not based on naturally occurring compounds. There are many more available for purchase on the internet, often sold as ‘research chemicals’. Examples of these include Noopept and Phenylpiracetam.
 Myth Status: Busted!
One of the top dietary supplements myths is that all supplements are natural - some were actually developed in labs!
5.    All Dietary Supplements Are Safe
This is one of the dietary supplements myths that is not easy to bust right away. Why? Most dietary supplements are considered safe to use within the recommended dosage range.
There have been a few dietary supplements that were withdrawn from sale due to safety concerns in the past, but these cases are very rare. An example of this is Ephedrine, a very powerful energizing supplement that can increase metabolic rate by up to 5%. [14]
Some dietary supplements may have side effects, especially at high doses
After some time, Ephedrine use was associated with dangerous side effects, and its legal status was brought into question. Most stores no longer sell Ephedrine due to safety concerns. [15]
The overwhelming majority of dietary supplements are, however, deemed safe or partially safe for use by people over the age of 18 years. Some dietary supplements are also safe for children.
Safety concerns about dietary supplements fall into the following categories:
 Health risks from high doses/exceeding the dosage recommendations
By far, this is the biggest safety concern. The dietary supplements myths that all supplements are safe – and at all doses – have lead to some serious negative health effects. Contrary to what many people believe, it IS possible to overdose on many dietary supplements. They are potent chemical compounds and have pronounced effects on your body. [16]
 Interactions with medication
Another concern comes when people combine supplements indiscriminately or mix dietary supplements with medication. Always consult with your doctor before taking health supplements if you have an underlying medical condition or are taking medication. [17]
 Safety for pregnant and breast feeding women
The safety of many dietary supplements for pregnant and breast feeding women have not yet been determined. As a result, it is recommended for pregnant and breast feeding women to speak to a doctor before using most dietary supplements. [18]
 Myth Status: Partially Busted.
Check Out Our Range of Energizing Supplements
 6.    Dietary Supplements Are Regulated like Medicine
The list of dietary supplements myths goes on. Myth #6 is clearly false. There is a strong distinction between medications and dietary supplements. This can be seen in the way that they are marketed, produced, and regulated.
Dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA
The FDA does regulate dietary supplements, but not in the same way that pharmaceutical agents are regulated.
For a start, dietary supplements are considered safe until proven unsafe. In contrast, pharmaceuticals are considered unsafe until proven safe in clinical trials.
 If a dietary supplement is “new” – contains ingredients that haven’t been used before as dietary supplements – then the manufacturer must provide evidence to the FDA that it is safe. [19]
Two sets of laws regulate the marketing of dietary supplements in the US: those set in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, and the regularly updated FDA regulations. [20]
These laws set the basis for dietary supplements regulation in the US. There are four sets of regulations for dietary supplements manufacturers:
  Green Tea Extract has a number of great health-promoting benefits.
Manufacturers of dietary supplements are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe and that the labels are not misleading.
Manufacturers can make three types of claims about their supplements: health claims, nutrient content claims, and structure/function claims.
Manufacturers must follow “current good manufacturing practices” to ensure that their products are processed, labeled, and packaged consistently and to high-quality standards
The FDA evaluates the safety of dietary supplements that are on the market by doing regular research and keeping track of adverse health events. [21]
Although there is a clear regulatory process for dietary supplements in the US, this process is very different to the regulation of medicines.
 Myth Status: Busted!
Dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA, but not to the same extent as pharmaceuticals.
7.    “Weight-Loss” Supplements can Burn Fat Even If You Don’t Work-Out
One of the most common dietary supplements myths is about “weight-loss” supplements – that they can help you lose weight regardless of whether or not you do exercise.
“Weight-loss” supplements are often marketed as a kind of ‘magic-pill’ to reduce weight and to help you burn fat. Unfortunately, this just isn’t the way that they work. Apart from simply not eating, there is no way to burn fat without expending energy. And the only way to expend energy is through exercise. [22]
Weight-loss supplements help boost your metabolism.
In fact, it is best to be wary of supplements that are marketed as ‘weight-loss’ formulas, in general. There used to be some interesting compounds available on the market like ephedra and synephrine. However, these ‘weight-loss’ supplements had to be withdrawn due to safety concerns. [23]
 Most ‘weight-loss’ supplements cause increases in blood pressure and heart rate. These effects are especially dangerous for people with hypertension or cardiovascular problems. Even more, problematic issues arise with ‘weight-loss’ supplements stacks.  These stacks often combine multiple ingredients in varying ratios. Combining different stimulants can be dangerous. [24]
Some supplements definitely have the ability to increase metabolism and some have even been shown in clinical trials to assist with weight-loss. However, these supplements only work when you are doing exercise and they tend to work best when you combine them with a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. [25]
Taking ‘weight-loss’ supplements while you live a sedentary lifestyle won’t help your body burn fat, and it may actually be dangerous for your health.
 Myth Status: Busted!
Check Out Our Range of Health Supplements
8.    Everyone Gets the Same Benefits from Dietary Supplements
Unfortunately, this is still one of the most prevalent dietary supplements myths and is untrue. There are a number of reasons that people sometimes just don’t feel any benefits from health supplements while others do.
Internal flora are very important for absorption of many vitamins and dietary supplements
Sometimes people don’t feel effects because of problems with purity. Through scientific testing, manufacturers can test a chemical and know its purity and molecular structure.  If they know that two different sources of a dietary supplement are chemically identical then the most likely explanation is not that the compound is of poor quality.
What is left are factors unique to an individual’s biology and environment that are not as easy to control. These can include individual metabolism, tolerance, and when/how the supplement was taken. [26]
 A great example of this is the dietary supplement and Nootropic compound Phenibut. Many people experience wonderful benefits from this compound – reduced stress, improved mood and sociability, relaxation, and better sleep. Unfortunately, some people do not feel anything when taking Phenibut. [27]
Quercetin, a top health supplement with anti-inflammatory properties
Another example is vitamin supplements. Vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin B12, magnesium, and zinc are very important for maintaining a healthy immune system and preventing flu and colds. [28]
However, an important factor in experiencing benefits from these supplements is your intestinal flora – the bacteria in your gut! These help the minerals and vitamins to be digested and integrated into your body properly. If your intestinal flora isn’t healthy, you won’t experience as many of the benefits of health supplements as others. [29]
As we can see, there are numerous factors that can affect the extent to which someone feels the benefits of dietary supplements. A good supplements company will refund your order if you do not feel any effects.
 Myth Status: Busted!
Unfortunately, not everybody experiences the same health benefits from supplements
9.    All Marketing Claims Are Backed by Science
The final of the dietary supplements myths is, perhaps, the most concerning of them all. It is unfortunate that there is so much room for ‘snake-oil’ salesmen in the dietary supplements industry – corporations who make false/misleading claims about their products.
One example of this comes from labeling of products. As we saw earlier, (myth #4) many dietary supplements suffer from contamination. The reason that this happens is that, while manufacturers are required to provide a list of the ingredients of their products, they are not always required to prove the accuracy of these lists. [30]
This can greatly affect the claims made about the benefits of a supplement.
Furthermore, supplements manufacturers that use ‘structure/function claims’ have to state:
 “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.” [31]
Some supplements are low quality and may not provide benefits to users - always use a reputable dealer!
This often allows room for making misleading claims based on questionable science. One important way to distinguish a reputable company is to check whether or not they inform you of whether a quoted study was done on animals or humans.
Often, supplements companies use conclusions from animal studies to draw claims about benefits on humans. This is simply bad science. [32]
 Another important consideration is that supplements companies making ‘structure/function claims’ should give honest information about the results of the studies that they quote. For example, some companies draw positive conclusions from studies where a real conclusion was not actually reached.
To avoid buying supplements that don’t work, make sure you buy from a reputable dealer who makes honest claims – do an online check first and read through customer reviews about that company to ensure that they are honest.
 Myth Status: Busted!
Contrary to the popular dietary supplements myths, not all marketing claims are backed by solid science.
Conclusion: Dietary Supplements Myths and Facts
In summary, there are many different dietary supplements myths around today that people should be aware of. Most of these myths are about the efficacy of supplements. Despite what many people think, dietary supplements are actually beneficial and can be very effective!
Here is a quick summary of our list of the Top 9 Dietary Supplements myths:
 Myth #1: Supplements are a waste of money
Myth busted! Many supplements are very effective and some even have comparable effects to certain pharmaceutical agents.
 Myth #2: Supplements aren’t recommended for people who eat well
 Myth busted! Dietary supplements are definitely useful for people with good diets – not all supplements are nutrients, and some have other interesting effects like stress-reduction and energizing effects.
 Myth #3: All supplements are the same quality
Myth busted! Not all supplements are the same quality because of contamination, packaging issues, and variation in raw materials quality
 Myth #4: All dietary supplements are ‘natural’
Myth busted! There are many examples of dietary supplements that are not of a ‘natural’ origin – an example is Phenibut.
Check Out Our Range of Health Supplements
Myth #5: All dietary supplements are safe
Myth partial busted. Dietary supplements are considered safe at the recommended dosage but maybe have adverse health effects at higher doses. They may interact with other supplements or medication and may be unsafe for people with medical disorders and for pregnant and breast-feeding women.
 Myth #6: Dietary supplements are regulated like medicine
Myth busted! Supplements are regulated by the FDA but not to the same extent as pharmaceutical agents.
 Myth #7: ‘Weight-loss’ supplements can burn fat even if you don’t work out
Myth busted! ‘Weight-loss’ supplements are only useful when combined with an exercise regime and work best in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
 Myth #8: Everybody gets the same health benefits from dietary supplements
 Myth busted! Quality problems as well as individual variations in metabolism, environment, tolerance, and how the supplements were taken mean that not everyone experiences the same benefits.
 Myth #9: All marketing claims are backed by science
Myth busted! There is room for supplements companies to make misleading claims about their products based on flawed science. It is important to purchase supplements from a reputable dealer.
We hope this helped cleared up some of the most important dietary supplements myths!
Dietary Supplements Myths - References:
[1] Farin Kamangar and Ashkan Emadi “Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Do We Really Need Them?”, Int J Prev Med. 2012 Mar; 3(3): 221–226.
[2] A Gurib-Fakim, “Medicinal plants: traditions of yesterday and drugs of tomorrow”, Mol Aspects Med. 2006 Feb;27(1):1-93. Epub 2005 Aug 18.
[3] J Mlcek et al., “Quercetin and Its Anti-Allergic Immune Response”, Molecules. 2016 May 12;21(5).
[4] J Yin et al., “Efficacy of berberine in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus”, Metabolism. 2008 May;57(5):712-7
[5] MC Venables et al., “Green tea extract ingestion, fat oxidation, and glucose tolerance in healthy humans”, Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):778-84.
[6] NK Weirdsma et al., “Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Are Highly Prevalent in Newly Diagnosed Celiac Disease Patients”, Nutrients. 2013 Oct; 5(10): 3975–3992
[7] “What Every Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12”, Vegan Society online, accessed June 8, 2017
[8] Holick MF, Chen TC, “Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwide problem with health consequences”, Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Apr;87(4):1080S-6S.
[9] “Excipients and Fillers”, Iva Lloyd, NDHealthFacts.org, 2013-06-03, accessed June 8, 2017
[10] SG Newmaster et al., “DNA barcoding detects contamination and substitution in North American herbal products”, BMC Med. 2013 Oct 11;11:222.
[11] L Thakur et al., “Novel approaches for stability improvement in natural medicines”, Pharmacogn Rev. 2011 Jan-Jun; 5(9): 48–54.
[12] I Lapin, “Phenibut (beta-phenyl-GABA): a tranquilizer and nootropic drug”, CNS Drug Rev. 2001 Winter;7(4):471-81.
[13] “DL-Phenylalanine”, PubChem – Open Chemistry Database, US National Library of Medicine, Compound Summary for CID 994, accessed June 8, 2017
[14] AG Dulloo, DS Miller, “The thermogenic properties of ephedrine/methylxanthine mixtures: human studies”, Int J Obes. 1986;10(6):467-81.
[15] “Ephedrine”, Examine.com, retrieved June 8, 2017
[16] CK Li, K Sundararajun, “An Uncommon Case of Phenibut Toxicity in an Intensive Care Unit”, International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical  Case Reports 5(5): 1-6, 2015;
[17] “Possible Interactions with: Green Tea”, University of Maryland Medical Center, accessed June 8, 2017
[18] “Quercetin”, WebMD.com, accessed June 8, 2017
[19] “FDA regulation of drugs versus dietary supplements”, American Cancer Society, cancer.org, accessed June 8, 2017
[20] “Dietary Supplements”, US Food and Drug Administration, available online, accessed June 8, 2017
[21] “Using Dietary Supplements Wisely”, NIH, US Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, accessed June 8, 2017
[22] “Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss”, NIH, US National Institutes of Health, accessed June 8, 2017
[23] “Ephedrine: Banned by the FDA 2004”, by Kelly Roseberry, Health Psychology online, accessed June 8, 2017
[24] YR Krishna et al., “Acute liver failure caused by ‘fat burners’ and dietary supplements: A case report and literature review”, Can J Gastroenterol. 2011 Mar; 25(3): 157–160.
[25] K Klipstein-Grobusch et al., “[Influence of lifestyle on the use of supplements in the Brandenburg nutrition and cancer study]”, Z Ernahrungswiss. 1998 Mar;37(1):38-46.
[26] SM Chacko et al., “Beneficial effects of green tea: A literature review”, Chin Med. 2010; 5: 13.
[27] “Beginner's Guide to Phenibut”, Reddit.com, online forum, accessed June 8, 2017
[28] Ströhle A, Hahn A, “[Vitamin C and immune function]”, Med Monatsschr Pharm. 2009 Feb;32(2):49-54
[29] REO Williams et al., “The influence of intestinal bacteria on the absorption and metabolism of foreign compounds”, J Clin Pathol Suppl (R Coll Pathol). 1971; 5: 125–129.
[30] “5 Dietary Supplement Myths Busted”, EatingWell.com, accessed June 8, 2017
[31] “Structure/Function Claims”, FDA: US Food and Drug Administration, accessed June 8, 2017
[32] “The issues of generalizing results from animal studies”, Psychology on WordPress, accessed June 8, 2017
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frankavargas · 7 years
Top 9 Dietary Supplements Myths on the Internet – Debunked!  
In this article, we explore the Top 9 Dietary Supplements Myths circulating the internet today. Fortunately, we’ve been able to debunk most of these myths. It’s important to have the proper information about dietary supplements before purchasing them.
Misleading information on the internet can be confusing, especially when you are trying to decide whether or not a supplement will be beneficial to you. In this article, we hope to shed some light on the true nature of dietary supplements myths and to better assist you in making informed purchasing decisions when it comes to health and dietary supplements choices.
This article explores the top 9 dietary supplements myths that people are searching for on the internet today!
1.    Supplements are a Waste of Money
This is a common myth and one that has been busted long ago! It is one of the top dietary supplements myths and it is often propagated unfairly by healthcare professionals. It’s interesting that many of the people who prescribe multivitamins – which have been shown time and again to be of little use to people – are often quick to dismiss other dietary supplements, especially those of plant origin. [1]
Berberine HCl is a great support supplement for heart health
It’s important to remember that more than half of the pharmacological agents in use today were originally based on plant-derived chemicals. In fact, a research paper published in 2005 showed that around 50% of all medicine in use at the time was originally based on plant compounds, and up to 25% contained phytochemicals directly from higher plant sources. [2]
So, the myth that dietary supplements are a waste of money is often a misinformed one which ignores the important value of plants and plant-derived medicines.
  Herbal supplements also have an important role in naturopathic, allosteric, and traditional medicine. Although these are not conventional forms of healing, they cannot simply be written off because of their alternative nature. Many dietary supplements have ample clinical evidence showing their efficacy. [3]
Take, for example, Berberine HCl, which has been compared to common anti-diabetic agents in numerous studies and has been found to have comparable effects on blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. [4] Or, examine Green Tea Extract – in two separate studies, researchers found that fat oxidation increased by over 18% in people using this dietary supplement! [5]
For more information about myth that supplements are a waste of money, and other dietary supplements myths, check out our interesting blog post on the subject here: Are Health Supplements a Waste of Money?
  Myth Status: Busted!
Check Out Our Range of Health Supplements
2.    Supplements aren’t Recommended for People Who Eat Well
Even if you eat well, you can still benefit from using dietary supplements. One of the most interesting dietary supplements myths is the belief that supplements aren’t useful for people who eat well.
People who eat a healthy diet can also benefit from using dietary supplements
This stems from the belief that health supplements are all related to nutrients and deficiencies. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the only supplements that are generally used for combatting nutrient deficiencies are vitamins and essential nutrient supplements like Choline Bitartrate  or L-Tryptophan. [6]
Also, even if you do eat well this still doesn’t discount using vitamin supplements. An example is people living on a vegan diet. Although this diet is considered very healthy and avoids many of the health risks associated with eating meat, people on a vegan diet require vitamin B12 supplements to ensure good health. [7]
  Another example: even if you have a wonderfully healthy diet, if you live in the Northern hemisphere then it is very likely that you will suffer from a vitamin D deficiency at some point in the year. Vitamin D cannot be obtained from food – your skin generates vitamin D in response to sunlight. If there is no sunlight, supplements are required. [8]
However, there is still an entire world of health supplements for people to explore that are not related to nutrient deficiencies. These supplements have an extremely wide range of potential cognitive benefits and positive effects on your body. Examples include Magnolia Bark Extract and Oleamide for promoting relaxation, and 5-HTP or Hordenine for improving energy!
Dietary supplements are actually best taken in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle. The name says it all: dietary supplements – supplementing a healthy diet for more benefits. People with a healthy diet can definitely benefit from using health supplements.
Myth Status? Busted!
Juicing is a great way to boost a healthy diet and enjoy some great phytonutrients!
3.    All Supplements Are the Same Quality
It is strange that this is still one of the most common dietary supplements myths around today. It stems from the belief that health supplements are all regulated by FDA and independent bodies in the same way that medicines are (which they are not – see myth #6).
  Using excipients and fillers
Tests can show contamination in dietary supplements
One of the top ways that dietary supplements lose quality and purity is through the use of fillers and excipients.
These are often added to the supplements to create more volume or for other effects. By law, supplements companies must list all ‘non-medicinal’ ingredients on the product. [9]
Many herbal supplements and dietary supplements contain contaminants. These are often contaminants from other plant species than what are listed on the ingredients.
In fact, recent research from the US showed that the majority of dietary supplements were contaminated with other plant species. Of 12 companies tested, only 2 were free from contaminants or unlisted excipients/fillers. [10]
  Poor quality materials
It’s important to know when to harvest plants
Plants vary in the concentrations of active compounds that they produce throughout the year. It’s crucial to harvest plants at the right time for a high-quality product.
Also, the correct parts of the plants need to be harvested. Some plants contain the highest quantities of active compounds in their roots, others in the leaves, and others in the bark.
Finally, it’s important that the supplements are stored and packaged correctly. There are a number of factors that can negatively impact on the ability for a supplement to store correctly including temperature, humidity, and pH levels.  [11]
  Dietary supplements should contain a third-party Certificate of Analysis (CoA) so that you know the purity and quality of the product that you’ve purchased.
  Myth Status: Busted!
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4.    All Dietary Supplements Are ‘Natural’
Another one of the top dietary supplements myths is that all supplements are ‘natural’ or are herbal supplements. Actually, this isn’t true at all.
Dietary supplements are different to pharmaceutical agents because they cannot claim to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. This doesn’t mean, however, that dietary supplements are limited to compounds of ‘botanical origin’.
Take, for example, Phenibut. Phenibut is a Russian-developed chemical compound that is used to help reduce stress and promote feelings of calm and relaxation while maintaining full mental capacity.
  Phenibut HCl, 99+% Purity from Liftmode
Phenibut is often considered to be a Nootropic compound because of its beneficial effects on the brain. However, Phenibut is not a ‘natural’ supplement by any means. It was developed in a laboratory and has been studied in clinical trials in Russia. [12]
Another example is the mood-lifting supplement, DL-Phenylalanine. DL-Phenylalanine is a racemic (half and half) mix of different stereoisomers: D-Phenylalanine and L-Phenylalanine.
The left-biased compound is found in nature and is an amino acid with beneficial effects on neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine. The right-biased compound was developed in a laboratory and is thought to assist with pain relief and relaxation. [13]
These are just two examples of dietary supplements that are not based on naturally occurring compounds. There are many more available for purchase on the internet, often sold as ‘research chemicals’. Examples of these include Noopept and Phenylpiracetam.
  Myth Status: Busted!
One of the top dietary supplements myths is that all supplements are natural – some were actually developed in labs!
5.    All Dietary Supplements Are Safe
This is one of the dietary supplements myths that is not easy to bust right away. Why? Most dietary supplements are considered safe to use within the recommended dosage range.
There have been a few dietary supplements that were withdrawn from sale due to safety concerns in the past, but these cases are very rare. An example of this is Ephedrine, a very powerful energizing supplement that can increase metabolic rate by up to 5%. [14]
Some dietary supplements may have side effects, especially at high doses
After some time, Ephedrine use was associated with dangerous side effects, and its legal status was brought into question. Most stores no longer sell Ephedrine due to safety concerns. [15]
The overwhelming majority of dietary supplements are, however, deemed safe or partially safe for use by people over the age of 18 years. Some dietary supplements are also safe for children.
Safety concerns about dietary supplements fall into the following categories:
  Health risks from high doses/exceeding the dosage recommendations
By far, this is the biggest safety concern. The dietary supplements myths that all supplements are safe – and at all doses – have lead to some serious negative health effects. Contrary to what many people believe, it IS possible to overdose on many dietary supplements. They are potent chemical compounds and have pronounced effects on your body. [16]
  Interactions with medication
Another concern comes when people combine supplements indiscriminately or mix dietary supplements with medication. Always consult with your doctor before taking health supplements if you have an underlying medical condition or are taking medication. [17]
  Safety for pregnant and breast feeding women
The safety of many dietary supplements for pregnant and breast feeding women have not yet been determined. As a result, it is recommended for pregnant and breast feeding women to speak to a doctor before using most dietary supplements. [18]
  Myth Status: Partially Busted.
Check Out Our Range of Energizing Supplements
  6.    Dietary Supplements Are Regulated like Medicine
The list of dietary supplements myths goes on. Myth #6 is clearly false. There is a strong distinction between medications and dietary supplements. This can be seen in the way that they are marketed, produced, and regulated.
Dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA
The FDA does regulate dietary supplements, but not in the same way that pharmaceutical agents are regulated.
For a start, dietary supplements are considered safe until proven unsafe. In contrast, pharmaceuticals are considered unsafe until proven safe in clinical trials.
  If a dietary supplement is “new” – contains ingredients that haven’t been used before as dietary supplements – then the manufacturer must provide evidence to the FDA that it is safe. [19]
Two sets of laws regulate the marketing of dietary supplements in the US: those set in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, and the regularly updated FDA regulations. [20]
These laws set the basis for dietary supplements regulation in the US. There are four sets of regulations for dietary supplements manufacturers:
  Green Tea Extract has a number of great health-promoting benefits.
Manufacturers of dietary supplements are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe and that the labels are not misleading.
Manufacturers can make three types of claims about their supplements: health claims, nutrient content claims, and structure/function claims.
Manufacturers must follow “current good manufacturing practices” to ensure that their products are processed, labeled, and packaged consistently and to high-quality standards
The FDA evaluates the safety of dietary supplements that are on the market by doing regular research and keeping track of adverse health events. [21]
Although there is a clear regulatory process for dietary supplements in the US, this process is very different to the regulation of medicines.
  Myth Status: Busted!
Dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA, but not to the same extent as pharmaceuticals.
7.    “Weight-Loss” Supplements can Burn Fat Even If You Don’t Work-Out
One of the most common dietary supplements myths is about “weight-loss” supplements – that they can help you lose weight regardless of whether or not you do exercise.
“Weight-loss” supplements are often marketed as a kind of ‘magic-pill’ to reduce weight and to help you burn fat. Unfortunately, this just isn’t the way that they work. Apart from simply not eating, there is no way to burn fat without expending energy. And the only way to expend energy is through exercise. [22]
Weight-loss supplements help boost your metabolism.
In fact, it is best to be wary of supplements that are marketed as ‘weight-loss’ formulas, in general. There used to be some interesting compounds available on the market like ephedra and synephrine. However, these ‘weight-loss’ supplements had to be withdrawn due to safety concerns. [23]
  Most ‘weight-loss’ supplements cause increases in blood pressure and heart rate. These effects are especially dangerous for people with hypertension or cardiovascular problems. Even more, problematic issues arise with ‘weight-loss’ supplements stacks.  These stacks often combine multiple ingredients in varying ratios. Combining different stimulants can be dangerous. [24]
Some supplements definitely have the ability to increase metabolism and some have even been shown in clinical trials to assist with weight-loss. However, these supplements only work when you are doing exercise and they tend to work best when you combine them with a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. [25]
Taking ‘weight-loss’ supplements while you live a sedentary lifestyle won’t help your body burn fat, and it may actually be dangerous for your health.
  Myth Status: Busted!
Check Out Our Range of Health Supplements
8.    Everyone Gets the Same Benefits from Dietary Supplements
Unfortunately, this is still one of the most prevalent dietary supplements myths and is untrue. There are a number of reasons that people sometimes just don’t feel any benefits from health supplements while others do.
Internal flora are very important for absorption of many vitamins and dietary supplements
Sometimes people don’t feel effects because of problems with purity. Through scientific testing, manufacturers can test a chemical and know its purity and molecular structure.  If they know that two different sources of a dietary supplement are chemically identical then the most likely explanation is not that the compound is of poor quality.
What is left are factors unique to an individual’s biology and environment that are not as easy to control. These can include individual metabolism, tolerance, and when/how the supplement was taken. [26]
  A great example of this is the dietary supplement and Nootropic compound Phenibut. Many people experience wonderful benefits from this compound – reduced stress, improved mood and sociability, relaxation, and better sleep. Unfortunately, some people do not feel anything when taking Phenibut. [27]
Quercetin, a top health supplement with anti-inflammatory properties
Another example is vitamin supplements. Vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin B12, magnesium, and zinc are very important for maintaining a healthy immune system and preventing flu and colds. [28]
However, an important factor in experiencing benefits from these supplements is your intestinal flora – the bacteria in your gut! These help the minerals and vitamins to be digested and integrated into your body properly. If your intestinal flora isn’t healthy, you won’t experience as many of the benefits of health supplements as others. [29]
As we can see, there are numerous factors that can affect the extent to which someone feels the benefits of dietary supplements. A good supplements company will refund your order if you do not feel any effects.
  Myth Status: Busted!
Unfortunately, not everybody experiences the same health benefits from supplements
9.    All Marketing Claims Are Backed by Science
The final of the dietary supplements myths is, perhaps, the most concerning of them all. It is unfortunate that there is so much room for ‘snake-oil’ salesmen in the dietary supplements industry – corporations who make false/misleading claims about their products.
One example of this comes from labeling of products. As we saw earlier, (myth #4) many dietary supplements suffer from contamination. The reason that this happens is that, while manufacturers are required to provide a list of the ingredients of their products, they are not always required to prove the accuracy of these lists. [30]
This can greatly affect the claims made about the benefits of a supplement.
Furthermore, supplements manufacturers that use ‘structure/function claims’ have to state:
  “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.” [31]
Some supplements are low quality and may not provide benefits to users – always use a reputable dealer!
This often allows room for making misleading claims based on questionable science. One important way to distinguish a reputable company is to check whether or not they inform you of whether a quoted study was done on animals or humans.
Often, supplements companies use conclusions from animal studies to draw claims about benefits on humans. This is simply bad science. [32]
  Another important consideration is that supplements companies making ‘structure/function claims’ should give honest information about the results of the studies that they quote. For example, some companies draw positive conclusions from studies where a real conclusion was not actually reached.
To avoid buying supplements that don’t work, make sure you buy from a reputable dealer who makes honest claims – do an online check first and read through customer reviews about that company to ensure that they are honest.
  Myth Status: Busted!
Contrary to the popular dietary supplements myths, not all marketing claims are backed by solid science.
Conclusion: Dietary Supplements Myths and Facts
In summary, there are many different dietary supplements myths around today that people should be aware of. Most of these myths are about the efficacy of supplements. Despite what many people think, dietary supplements are actually beneficial and can be very effective!
Here is a quick summary of our list of the Top 9 Dietary Supplements myths:
  Myth #1: Supplements are a waste of money
Myth busted! Many supplements are very effective and some even have comparable effects to certain pharmaceutical agents.
  Myth #2: Supplements aren’t recommended for people who eat well
 Myth busted! Dietary supplements are definitely useful for people with good diets – not all supplements are nutrients, and some have other interesting effects like stress-reduction and energizing effects.
  Myth #3: All supplements are the same quality
Myth busted! Not all supplements are the same quality because of contamination, packaging issues, and variation in raw materials quality
  Myth #4: All dietary supplements are ‘natural’
Myth busted! There are many examples of dietary supplements that are not of a ‘natural’ origin – an example is Phenibut.
Check Out Our Range of Health Supplements
Myth #5: All dietary supplements are safe
Myth partial busted. Dietary supplements are considered safe at the recommended dosage but maybe have adverse health effects at higher doses. They may interact with other supplements or medication and may be unsafe for people with medical disorders and for pregnant and breast-feeding women.
  Myth #6: Dietary supplements are regulated like medicine
Myth busted! Supplements are regulated by the FDA but not to the same extent as pharmaceutical agents.
  Myth #7: ‘Weight-loss’ supplements can burn fat even if you don’t work out
Myth busted! ‘Weight-loss’ supplements are only useful when combined with an exercise regime and work best in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  Myth #8: Everybody gets the same health benefits from dietary supplements
 Myth busted! Quality problems as well as individual variations in metabolism, environment, tolerance, and how the supplements were taken mean that not everyone experiences the same benefits.
  Myth #9: All marketing claims are backed by science
Myth busted! There is room for supplements companies to make misleading claims about their products based on flawed science. It is important to purchase supplements from a reputable dealer.
We hope this helped cleared up some of the most important dietary supplements myths!
Dietary Supplements Myths – References:
[1] Farin Kamangar and Ashkan Emadi “Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Do We Really Need Them?”, Int J Prev Med. 2012 Mar; 3(3): 221–226.
[2] A Gurib-Fakim, “Medicinal plants: traditions of yesterday and drugs of tomorrow”, Mol Aspects Med. 2006 Feb;27(1):1-93. Epub 2005 Aug 18.
[3] J Mlcek et al., “Quercetin and Its Anti-Allergic Immune Response”, Molecules. 2016 May 12;21(5).
[4] J Yin et al., “Efficacy of berberine in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus”, Metabolism. 2008 May;57(5):712-7
[5] MC Venables et al., “Green tea extract ingestion, fat oxidation, and glucose tolerance in healthy humans”, Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):778-84.
[6] NK Weirdsma et al., “Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Are Highly Prevalent in Newly Diagnosed Celiac Disease Patients”, Nutrients. 2013 Oct; 5(10): 3975–3992
[7] “What Every Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12”, Vegan Society online, accessed June 8, 2017
[8] Holick MF, Chen TC, “Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwide problem with health consequences”, Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Apr;87(4):1080S-6S.
[9] “Excipients and Fillers”, Iva Lloyd, NDHealthFacts.org, 2013-06-03, accessed June 8, 2017
[10] SG Newmaster et al., “DNA barcoding detects contamination and substitution in North American herbal products”, BMC Med. 2013 Oct 11;11:222.
[11] L Thakur et al., “Novel approaches for stability improvement in natural medicines”, Pharmacogn Rev. 2011 Jan-Jun; 5(9): 48–54.
[12] I Lapin, “Phenibut (beta-phenyl-GABA): a tranquilizer and nootropic drug”, CNS Drug Rev. 2001 Winter;7(4):471-81.
[13] “DL-Phenylalanine”, PubChem – Open Chemistry Database, US National Library of Medicine, Compound Summary for CID 994, accessed June 8, 2017
[14] AG Dulloo, DS Miller, “The thermogenic properties of ephedrine/methylxanthine mixtures: human studies”, Int J Obes. 1986;10(6):467-81.
[15] “Ephedrine”, Examine.com, retrieved June 8, 2017
[16] CK Li, K Sundararajun, “An Uncommon Case of Phenibut Toxicity in an Intensive Care Unit”, International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical  Case Reports 5(5): 1-6, 2015;
[17] “Possible Interactions with: Green Tea”, University of Maryland Medical Center, accessed June 8, 2017
[18] “Quercetin”, WebMD.com, accessed June 8, 2017
[19] “FDA regulation of drugs versus dietary supplements”, American Cancer Society, cancer.org, accessed June 8, 2017
[20] “Dietary Supplements”, US Food and Drug Administration, available online, accessed June 8, 2017
[21] “Using Dietary Supplements Wisely”, NIH, US Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, accessed June 8, 2017
[22] “Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss”, NIH, US National Institutes of Health, accessed June 8, 2017
[23] “Ephedrine: Banned by the FDA 2004”, by Kelly Roseberry, Health Psychology online, accessed June 8, 2017
[24] YR Krishna et al., “Acute liver failure caused by ‘fat burners’ and dietary supplements: A case report and literature review”, Can J Gastroenterol. 2011 Mar; 25(3): 157–160.
[25] K Klipstein-Grobusch et al., “[Influence of lifestyle on the use of supplements in the Brandenburg nutrition and cancer study]”, Z Ernahrungswiss. 1998 Mar;37(1):38-46.
[26] SM Chacko et al., “Beneficial effects of green tea: A literature review”, Chin Med. 2010; 5: 13.
[27] “Beginner’s Guide to Phenibut”, Reddit.com, online forum, accessed June 8, 2017
[28] Ströhle A, Hahn A, “[Vitamin C and immune function]”, Med Monatsschr Pharm. 2009 Feb;32(2):49-54
[29] REO Williams et al., “The influence of intestinal bacteria on the absorption and metabolism of foreign compounds”, J Clin Pathol Suppl (R Coll Pathol). 1971; 5: 125–129.
[30] “5 Dietary Supplement Myths Busted”, EatingWell.com, accessed June 8, 2017
[31] “Structure/Function Claims”, FDA: US Food and Drug Administration, accessed June 8, 2017
[32] “The issues of generalizing results from animal studies”, Psychology on WordPress, accessed June 8, 2017
The post Top 9 Dietary Supplements Myths on the Internet – Debunked!   appeared first on LiftMode Blog.
Top 9 Dietary Supplements Myths on the Internet – Debunked!   published first on https://liftmode.wordpress.com/
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liftmode · 7 years
Top 9 Dietary Supplements Myths on the Internet – Debunked!  
In this article, we explore the Top 9 Dietary Supplements Myths circulating the internet today. Fortunately, we’ve been able to debunk most of these myths. It’s important to have the proper information about dietary supplements before purchasing them.
Misleading information on the internet can be confusing, especially when you are trying to decide whether or not a supplement will be beneficial to you. In this article, we hope to shed some light on the true nature of dietary supplements myths and to better assist you in making informed purchasing decisions when it comes to health and dietary supplements choices.
This article explores the top 9 dietary supplements myths that people are searching for on the internet today!
1.    Supplements are a Waste of Money
This is a common myth and one that has been busted long ago! It is one of the top dietary supplements myths and it is often propagated unfairly by healthcare professionals. It’s interesting that many of the people who prescribe multivitamins – which have been shown time and again to be of little use to people – are often quick to dismiss other dietary supplements, especially those of plant origin. [1]
Berberine HCl is a great support supplement for heart health
It’s important to remember that more than half of the pharmacological agents in use today were originally based on plant-derived chemicals. In fact, a research paper published in 2005 showed that around 50% of all medicine in use at the time was originally based on plant compounds, and up to 25% contained phytochemicals directly from higher plant sources. [2]
So, the myth that dietary supplements are a waste of money is often a misinformed one which ignores the important value of plants and plant-derived medicines.
  Herbal supplements also have an important role in naturopathic, allosteric, and traditional medicine. Although these are not conventional forms of healing, they cannot simply be written off because of their alternative nature. Many dietary supplements have ample clinical evidence showing their efficacy. [3]
Take, for example, Berberine HCl, which has been compared to common anti-diabetic agents in numerous studies and has been found to have comparable effects on blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. [4] Or, examine Green Tea Extract – in two separate studies, researchers found that fat oxidation increased by over 18% in people using this dietary supplement! [5]
For more information about myth that supplements are a waste of money, and other dietary supplements myths, check out our interesting blog post on the subject here: Are Health Supplements a Waste of Money?
  Myth Status: Busted!
Check Out Our Range of Health Supplements
2.    Supplements aren’t Recommended for People Who Eat Well
Even if you eat well, you can still benefit from using dietary supplements. One of the most interesting dietary supplements myths is the belief that supplements aren’t useful for people who eat well.
People who eat a healthy diet can also benefit from using dietary supplements
This stems from the belief that health supplements are all related to nutrients and deficiencies. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the only supplements that are generally used for combatting nutrient deficiencies are vitamins and essential nutrient supplements like Choline Bitartrate  or L-Tryptophan. [6]
Also, even if you do eat well this still doesn’t discount using vitamin supplements. An example is people living on a vegan diet. Although this diet is considered very healthy and avoids many of the health risks associated with eating meat, people on a vegan diet require vitamin B12 supplements to ensure good health. [7]
  Another example: even if you have a wonderfully healthy diet, if you live in the Northern hemisphere then it is very likely that you will suffer from a vitamin D deficiency at some point in the year. Vitamin D cannot be obtained from food – your skin generates vitamin D in response to sunlight. If there is no sunlight, supplements are required. [8]
However, there is still an entire world of health supplements for people to explore that are not related to nutrient deficiencies. These supplements have an extremely wide range of potential cognitive benefits and positive effects on your body. Examples include Magnolia Bark Extract and Oleamide for promoting relaxation, and 5-HTP or Hordenine for improving energy!
Dietary supplements are actually best taken in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle. The name says it all: dietary supplements – supplementing a healthy diet for more benefits. People with a healthy diet can definitely benefit from using health supplements.
Myth Status? Busted!
Juicing is a great way to boost a healthy diet and enjoy some great phytonutrients!
3.    All Supplements Are the Same Quality
It is strange that this is still one of the most common dietary supplements myths around today. It stems from the belief that health supplements are all regulated by FDA and independent bodies in the same way that medicines are (which they are not – see myth #6).
  Using excipients and fillers
Tests can show contamination in dietary supplements
One of the top ways that dietary supplements lose quality and purity is through the use of fillers and excipients.
These are often added to the supplements to create more volume or for other effects. By law, supplements companies must list all ‘non-medicinal’ ingredients on the product. [9]
Many herbal supplements and dietary supplements contain contaminants. These are often contaminants from other plant species than what are listed on the ingredients.
In fact, recent research from the US showed that the majority of dietary supplements were contaminated with other plant species. Of 12 companies tested, only 2 were free from contaminants or unlisted excipients/fillers. [10]
  Poor quality materials
It's important to know when to harvest plants
Plants vary in the concentrations of active compounds that they produce throughout the year. It’s crucial to harvest plants at the right time for a high-quality product.
Also, the correct parts of the plants need to be harvested. Some plants contain the highest quantities of active compounds in their roots, others in the leaves, and others in the bark.
Finally, it’s important that the supplements are stored and packaged correctly. There are a number of factors that can negatively impact on the ability for a supplement to store correctly including temperature, humidity, and pH levels.  [11]
  Dietary supplements should contain a third-party Certificate of Analysis (CoA) so that you know the purity and quality of the product that you’ve purchased.
  Myth Status: Busted!
Check Out Our Range of Health Supplements
4.    All Dietary Supplements Are ‘Natural’
Another one of the top dietary supplements myths is that all supplements are ‘natural’ or are herbal supplements. Actually, this isn’t true at all.
Dietary supplements are different to pharmaceutical agents because they cannot claim to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. This doesn’t mean, however, that dietary supplements are limited to compounds of ‘botanical origin’.
Take, for example, Phenibut. Phenibut is a Russian-developed chemical compound that is used to help reduce stress and promote feelings of calm and relaxation while maintaining full mental capacity.
  Phenibut HCl, 99+% Purity from Liftmode
Phenibut is often considered to be a Nootropic compound because of its beneficial effects on the brain. However, Phenibut is not a ‘natural’ supplement by any means. It was developed in a laboratory and has been studied in clinical trials in Russia. [12]
Another example is the mood-lifting supplement, DL-Phenylalanine. DL-Phenylalanine is a racemic (half and half) mix of different stereoisomers: D-Phenylalanine and L-Phenylalanine.
The left-biased compound is found in nature and is an amino acid with beneficial effects on neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine. The right-biased compound was developed in a laboratory and is thought to assist with pain relief and relaxation. [13]
These are just two examples of dietary supplements that are not based on naturally occurring compounds. There are many more available for purchase on the internet, often sold as ‘research chemicals’. Examples of these include Noopept and Phenylpiracetam.
  Myth Status: Busted!
One of the top dietary supplements myths is that all supplements are natural - some were actually developed in labs!
5.    All Dietary Supplements Are Safe
This is one of the dietary supplements myths that is not easy to bust right away. Why? Most dietary supplements are considered safe to use within the recommended dosage range.
There have been a few dietary supplements that were withdrawn from sale due to safety concerns in the past, but these cases are very rare. An example of this is Ephedrine, a very powerful energizing supplement that can increase metabolic rate by up to 5%. [14]
Some dietary supplements may have side effects, especially at high doses
After some time, Ephedrine use was associated with dangerous side effects, and its legal status was brought into question. Most stores no longer sell Ephedrine due to safety concerns. [15]
The overwhelming majority of dietary supplements are, however, deemed safe or partially safe for use by people over the age of 18 years. Some dietary supplements are also safe for children.
Safety concerns about dietary supplements fall into the following categories:
  Health risks from high doses/exceeding the dosage recommendations
By far, this is the biggest safety concern. The dietary supplements myths that all supplements are safe – and at all doses – have lead to some serious negative health effects. Contrary to what many people believe, it IS possible to overdose on many dietary supplements. They are potent chemical compounds and have pronounced effects on your body. [16]
  Interactions with medication
Another concern comes when people combine supplements indiscriminately or mix dietary supplements with medication. Always consult with your doctor before taking health supplements if you have an underlying medical condition or are taking medication. [17]
  Safety for pregnant and breast feeding women
The safety of many dietary supplements for pregnant and breast feeding women have not yet been determined. As a result, it is recommended for pregnant and breast feeding women to speak to a doctor before using most dietary supplements. [18]
  Myth Status: Partially Busted.
Check Out Our Range of Energizing Supplements
  6.    Dietary Supplements Are Regulated like Medicine
The list of dietary supplements myths goes on. Myth #6 is clearly false. There is a strong distinction between medications and dietary supplements. This can be seen in the way that they are marketed, produced, and regulated.
Dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA
The FDA does regulate dietary supplements, but not in the same way that pharmaceutical agents are regulated.
For a start, dietary supplements are considered safe until proven unsafe. In contrast, pharmaceuticals are considered unsafe until proven safe in clinical trials.
  If a dietary supplement is “new” – contains ingredients that haven’t been used before as dietary supplements – then the manufacturer must provide evidence to the FDA that it is safe. [19]
Two sets of laws regulate the marketing of dietary supplements in the US: those set in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, and the regularly updated FDA regulations. [20]
These laws set the basis for dietary supplements regulation in the US. There are four sets of regulations for dietary supplements manufacturers:
  Green Tea Extract has a number of great health-promoting benefits.
Manufacturers of dietary supplements are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe and that the labels are not misleading.
Manufacturers can make three types of claims about their supplements: health claims, nutrient content claims, and structure/function claims.
Manufacturers must follow “current good manufacturing practices” to ensure that their products are processed, labeled, and packaged consistently and to high-quality standards
The FDA evaluates the safety of dietary supplements that are on the market by doing regular research and keeping track of adverse health events. [21]
Although there is a clear regulatory process for dietary supplements in the US, this process is very different to the regulation of medicines.
  Myth Status: Busted!
Dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA, but not to the same extent as pharmaceuticals.
7.    “Weight-Loss” Supplements can Burn Fat Even If You Don’t Work-Out
One of the most common dietary supplements myths is about “weight-loss” supplements – that they can help you lose weight regardless of whether or not you do exercise.
“Weight-loss” supplements are often marketed as a kind of ‘magic-pill’ to reduce weight and to help you burn fat. Unfortunately, this just isn’t the way that they work. Apart from simply not eating, there is no way to burn fat without expending energy. And the only way to expend energy is through exercise. [22]
Weight-loss supplements help boost your metabolism.
In fact, it is best to be wary of supplements that are marketed as ‘weight-loss’ formulas, in general. There used to be some interesting compounds available on the market like ephedra and synephrine. However, these ‘weight-loss’ supplements had to be withdrawn due to safety concerns. [23]
  Most ‘weight-loss’ supplements cause increases in blood pressure and heart rate. These effects are especially dangerous for people with hypertension or cardiovascular problems. Even more, problematic issues arise with ‘weight-loss’ supplements stacks.  These stacks often combine multiple ingredients in varying ratios. Combining different stimulants can be dangerous. [24]
Some supplements definitely have the ability to increase metabolism and some have even been shown in clinical trials to assist with weight-loss. However, these supplements only work when you are doing exercise and they tend to work best when you combine them with a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. [25]
Taking ‘weight-loss’ supplements while you live a sedentary lifestyle won’t help your body burn fat, and it may actually be dangerous for your health.
  Myth Status: Busted!
Check Out Our Range of Health Supplements
8.    Everyone Gets the Same Benefits from Dietary Supplements
Unfortunately, this is still one of the most prevalent dietary supplements myths and is untrue. There are a number of reasons that people sometimes just don’t feel any benefits from health supplements while others do.
Internal flora are very important for absorption of many vitamins and dietary supplements
Sometimes people don’t feel effects because of problems with purity. Through scientific testing, manufacturers can test a chemical and know its purity and molecular structure.  If they know that two different sources of a dietary supplement are chemically identical then the most likely explanation is not that the compound is of poor quality.
What is left are factors unique to an individual’s biology and environment that are not as easy to control. These can include individual metabolism, tolerance, and when/how the supplement was taken. [26]
  A great example of this is the dietary supplement and Nootropic compound Phenibut. Many people experience wonderful benefits from this compound – reduced stress, improved mood and sociability, relaxation, and better sleep. Unfortunately, some people do not feel anything when taking Phenibut. [27]
Quercetin, a top health supplement with anti-inflammatory properties
Another example is vitamin supplements. Vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin B12, magnesium, and zinc are very important for maintaining a healthy immune system and preventing flu and colds. [28]
However, an important factor in experiencing benefits from these supplements is your intestinal flora – the bacteria in your gut! These help the minerals and vitamins to be digested and integrated into your body properly. If your intestinal flora isn’t healthy, you won’t experience as many of the benefits of health supplements as others. [29]
As we can see, there are numerous factors that can affect the extent to which someone feels the benefits of dietary supplements. A good supplements company will refund your order if you do not feel any effects.
  Myth Status: Busted!
Unfortunately, not everybody experiences the same health benefits from supplements
9.    All Marketing Claims Are Backed by Science
The final of the dietary supplements myths is, perhaps, the most concerning of them all. It is unfortunate that there is so much room for ‘snake-oil’ salesmen in the dietary supplements industry – corporations who make false/misleading claims about their products.
One example of this comes from labeling of products. As we saw earlier, (myth #4) many dietary supplements suffer from contamination. The reason that this happens is that, while manufacturers are required to provide a list of the ingredients of their products, they are not always required to prove the accuracy of these lists. [30]
This can greatly affect the claims made about the benefits of a supplement.
Furthermore, supplements manufacturers that use ‘structure/function claims’ have to state:
  “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.” [31]
Some supplements are low quality and may not provide benefits to users - always use a reputable dealer!
This often allows room for making misleading claims based on questionable science. One important way to distinguish a reputable company is to check whether or not they inform you of whether a quoted study was done on animals or humans.
Often, supplements companies use conclusions from animal studies to draw claims about benefits on humans. This is simply bad science. [32]
  Another important consideration is that supplements companies making ‘structure/function claims’ should give honest information about the results of the studies that they quote. For example, some companies draw positive conclusions from studies where a real conclusion was not actually reached.
To avoid buying supplements that don’t work, make sure you buy from a reputable dealer who makes honest claims – do an online check first and read through customer reviews about that company to ensure that they are honest.
  Myth Status: Busted!
Contrary to the popular dietary supplements myths, not all marketing claims are backed by solid science.
Conclusion: Dietary Supplements Myths and Facts
In summary, there are many different dietary supplements myths around today that people should be aware of. Most of these myths are about the efficacy of supplements. Despite what many people think, dietary supplements are actually beneficial and can be very effective!
Here is a quick summary of our list of the Top 9 Dietary Supplements myths:
  Myth #1: Supplements are a waste of money
Myth busted! Many supplements are very effective and some even have comparable effects to certain pharmaceutical agents.
  Myth #2: Supplements aren’t recommended for people who eat well
 Myth busted! Dietary supplements are definitely useful for people with good diets – not all supplements are nutrients, and some have other interesting effects like stress-reduction and energizing effects.
  Myth #3: All supplements are the same quality
Myth busted! Not all supplements are the same quality because of contamination, packaging issues, and variation in raw materials quality
  Myth #4: All dietary supplements are ‘natural’
Myth busted! There are many examples of dietary supplements that are not of a ‘natural’ origin – an example is Phenibut.
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Myth #5: All dietary supplements are safe
Myth partial busted. Dietary supplements are considered safe at the recommended dosage but maybe have adverse health effects at higher doses. They may interact with other supplements or medication and may be unsafe for people with medical disorders and for pregnant and breast-feeding women.
  Myth #6: Dietary supplements are regulated like medicine
Myth busted! Supplements are regulated by the FDA but not to the same extent as pharmaceutical agents.
  Myth #7: ‘Weight-loss’ supplements can burn fat even if you don’t work out
Myth busted! ‘Weight-loss’ supplements are only useful when combined with an exercise regime and work best in addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  Myth #8: Everybody gets the same health benefits from dietary supplements
 Myth busted! Quality problems as well as individual variations in metabolism, environment, tolerance, and how the supplements were taken mean that not everyone experiences the same benefits.
  Myth #9: All marketing claims are backed by science
Myth busted! There is room for supplements companies to make misleading claims about their products based on flawed science. It is important to purchase supplements from a reputable dealer.
We hope this helped cleared up some of the most important dietary supplements myths!
Dietary Supplements Myths - References:
[1] Farin Kamangar and Ashkan Emadi “Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Do We Really Need Them?”, Int J Prev Med. 2012 Mar; 3(3): 221–226.
[2] A Gurib-Fakim, “Medicinal plants: traditions of yesterday and drugs of tomorrow”, Mol Aspects Med. 2006 Feb;27(1):1-93. Epub 2005 Aug 18.
[3] J Mlcek et al., “Quercetin and Its Anti-Allergic Immune Response”, Molecules. 2016 May 12;21(5).
[4] J Yin et al., “Efficacy of berberine in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus”, Metabolism. 2008 May;57(5):712-7
[5] MC Venables et al., “Green tea extract ingestion, fat oxidation, and glucose tolerance in healthy humans”, Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):778-84.
[6] NK Weirdsma et al., “Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Are Highly Prevalent in Newly Diagnosed Celiac Disease Patients”, Nutrients. 2013 Oct; 5(10): 3975–3992
[7] “What Every Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12”, Vegan Society online, accessed June 8, 2017
[8] Holick MF, Chen TC, “Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwide problem with health consequences”, Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Apr;87(4):1080S-6S.
[9] “Excipients and Fillers”, Iva Lloyd, NDHealthFacts.org, 2013-06-03, accessed June 8, 2017
[10] SG Newmaster et al., “DNA barcoding detects contamination and substitution in North American herbal products”, BMC Med. 2013 Oct 11;11:222.
[11] L Thakur et al., “Novel approaches for stability improvement in natural medicines”, Pharmacogn Rev. 2011 Jan-Jun; 5(9): 48–54.
[12] I Lapin, “Phenibut (beta-phenyl-GABA): a tranquilizer and nootropic drug”, CNS Drug Rev. 2001 Winter;7(4):471-81.
[13] “DL-Phenylalanine”, PubChem – Open Chemistry Database, US National Library of Medicine, Compound Summary for CID 994, accessed June 8, 2017
[14] AG Dulloo, DS Miller, “The thermogenic properties of ephedrine/methylxanthine mixtures: human studies”, Int J Obes. 1986;10(6):467-81.
[15] “Ephedrine”, Examine.com, retrieved June 8, 2017
[16] CK Li, K Sundararajun, “An Uncommon Case of Phenibut Toxicity in an Intensive Care Unit”, International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical  Case Reports 5(5): 1-6, 2015;
[17] “Possible Interactions with: Green Tea”, University of Maryland Medical Center, accessed June 8, 2017
[18] “Quercetin”, WebMD.com, accessed June 8, 2017
[19] “FDA regulation of drugs versus dietary supplements”, American Cancer Society, cancer.org, accessed June 8, 2017
[20] “Dietary Supplements”, US Food and Drug Administration, available online, accessed June 8, 2017
[21] “Using Dietary Supplements Wisely”, NIH, US Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, accessed June 8, 2017
[22] “Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss”, NIH, US National Institutes of Health, accessed June 8, 2017
[23] “Ephedrine: Banned by the FDA 2004”, by Kelly Roseberry, Health Psychology online, accessed June 8, 2017
[24] YR Krishna et al., “Acute liver failure caused by ‘fat burners’ and dietary supplements: A case report and literature review”, Can J Gastroenterol. 2011 Mar; 25(3): 157–160.
[25] K Klipstein-Grobusch et al., “[Influence of lifestyle on the use of supplements in the Brandenburg nutrition and cancer study]”, Z Ernahrungswiss. 1998 Mar;37(1):38-46.
[26] SM Chacko et al., “Beneficial effects of green tea: A literature review”, Chin Med. 2010; 5: 13.
[27] “Beginner's Guide to Phenibut”, Reddit.com, online forum, accessed June 8, 2017
[28] Ströhle A, Hahn A, “[Vitamin C and immune function]”, Med Monatsschr Pharm. 2009 Feb;32(2):49-54
[29] REO Williams et al., “The influence of intestinal bacteria on the absorption and metabolism of foreign compounds”, J Clin Pathol Suppl (R Coll Pathol). 1971; 5: 125–129.
[30] “5 Dietary Supplement Myths Busted”, EatingWell.com, accessed June 8, 2017
[31] “Structure/Function Claims”, FDA: US Food and Drug Administration, accessed June 8, 2017
[32] “The issues of generalizing results from animal studies”, Psychology on WordPress, accessed June 8, 2017
The post Top 9 Dietary Supplements Myths on the Internet – Debunked!   appeared first on LiftMode Blog.
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