#Did I not say this was like Xena?
jessiesjaded · 10 months
Honestly, when I think about it I've almost never had a crush on a fictional character, it's always two characters whose dynamic I'm obsessed with and people would assume I had a crush or whatever and half the time Id go along with the idea when I was with friends or whoever because that's what they would be feeling but I myself never like. Put myself into the scenario, it's distinctly just a love of a character dynamic.
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mejomonster · 1 year
Subaru and Seishirou are from Tokyo Babylon, it's a BL manga so they're a canon couple, they're just messy about it. The adaptations didn't want to be BL though so they censored literally the main plot of the manga
1 .thank you for this
2. i am going to go look up the Tokyo Babylon manga now
3. figures. that adaptation censored. -.-
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Do you know if Cassie ever get called "Cassandra" in cannon, or is that just a popular headcannon? Because it's always bugged me when characters in fanfic call her Cassandra, even though I know it's not actually a big deal. I'm %100 projecting, as someone whose given name is usually a diminutive of a larger name, I'm aware of that, so I'm not out to make a big deal out of it either way, I'm just curious
Nooooo I also have a huge peeve about fic characters (especially Jake) calling her "Cass" or "Cassandra." We never learn her full name in canon, so it could be "Cassandra" or just "Cassie" or anything else. And only Ronnie calls her "Cass."
#54 says "Jake always called me Cassie. Never Cass like Ronnie did." I love that detail. Jake uses people's correct names, never their nicknames — he never uses "Xena" or even "Rach" or other common shortenings. Heck, he'd probably use "Aximili" if Ax didn't introduce himself as "Ax."
Which is why I gnash my teeth over first AniTV, then later the Animorphs Graphix, having Jake use "Cass." It's one of my favorite details from canon that he is so freaking careful about names. He learns people's names and titles and then uses them ("Aunt Naomi," "General Doubledday, sir" #53). It's why he hates being called "prince," because it's not correct, AND HE WOULD NEVER USE "CASS" OR "CASSANDRA" HOW DARE YOU.
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captainsuperhorse · 2 months
Okay y'all seriously need to understand the difference between when Xena was on TV and current shows.
I am an old school Xena fan, from when it was new. I watched it with my mom who encouraged me to be like Xena, and after she passed Xena/Gab practically became my gay onscreen parents who I've emulated my whole life.
With Xena making a comeback I just feel the need to say this. Because I've been seeing a lot of memes and art going around with Xena and Gabrielle being compared to and talked about as if they are this new modern ship that no one knew about etc.
I really, seriously, need all of you to understand a few things.
Xena and Gabrielle have literally always been canon. It's not a "ship" by modern terms. Yes it did help in popularizing the idea of shipping but they were always written as a couple from the start. The only reason it seems "implied" is because at the time it couldn't have been aired without it being that way. It's why the majority of their couple interactions are seen as "they were totes just best friends" because that's the only way the studio could get it passed the network executives who were all pearl clutching conservatives.
Please treat Xena/Gabrielle and their old school fans with respect. They have a legacy that has touched the hearts of many, long before you found them. I'm glad that they are coming back to inspire new young folks. Please always remember that the writers of that show and it's fans all walked so that you could all run.
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girl4music · 4 months
INTERVIEWER: “Renee, what do you think that Gabrielle saw in Xena that made her want to leave everything she knew behind?”
RENEE: “You know, it’s what I still see in Lucy. And she can say she’s not Xena and many ways she’s not.
*to Lucy*
Don’t roll your eyes.
*back to the interviewer*
But she has a leader in her. She’s strong. It’s just a quality that I admire in women, in strong women. So I can definitely see how Gabrielle just said, ‘Oh, that’s my ticket. That is who I want to be like.’ So there’s definitely that quality in me that just says I admire Lucy and all that she does. Especially with the environment.”
LUCY: “I’m a very reluctant leader. I’ll only do it if nobody else will step up. I’ll do whatever. But um, and the other question is, why did Xena take her along? She said ‘I’m an outsider in my own home, take me.’ And it was that being an outsider. We all feel like we’re slightly fraudulent, you know? Yeah, I think that’s part of human nature. So something in her appeal made Xena pull her up on the back of a horse and take her away from her home and everything she ever knew. To a world of adventure and danger. Also, you don’t know what’s going on in the mind of the strong, silent one unless you have the sounding board of the best friend.”
I’ve always said this. I’ve always said it’s the feeling of being an outsider that is what brought them together. I mean obviously, Xena, herself. The origin of her name in Greek is “stranger”. She was seeking a sort of companionship without recognizing that she was. And as for Gabrielle - she just wanted to get away from the boring conservative lifestyle that she led in Potidaea.
But it is them being outsiders that is what made them find that ‘home’ in each other. They’re a found family.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Show must go on...
... and rather very much in your face, mind you.
Scottish Xena posted two stories at about 7 AM, counting calories, and, in the process, making sure to address roughly any objections that were ventilated on this side of the fandom, including this very page. See for yourself...
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What are the odds she'd be talking about nutrition? Right. I am not an idiot. I know when something is way Over The Top - less is more, Xena. Less is always more: there was no need to overdo it like that, placemat and all, if you wanted to remain credible. You read us and you have been instructed to do so, just to perfectly stick to your walking, talking and very profitable Local Innuendo script.
Fair enough. And then, you also tell us that you will be at Hyrox today around noon, to film some ESN promo: your bread and butter, of course. S is just for shits, giggles and that Instagram yield:
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So, there's that. *urv connecting dots like crazy, without having the slightest clue of what was discussed at that table. Her own brand of cheap fanfic for the masses, for the other five clowns commenting, out of which three at least are her own sock accounts.
Cue in the Useful Idiot. The Brazilian Tourist and Fan. Uma senhorita tão desagradável, who changed her story in between her first reaction reel and the debrief, back at her suburban Airbnb or where the fuck that was filmed.
First reaction reels:
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'Just saw SH.' Not alone, oh no: 'com uma moça'. With a girl. So yeah, she had qualms asking for a pic.
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First lie and dramatization. She posts a message for S where she explains she did not dare approach him, but she saw him alright. The one in Portuguese is completely different, though: 'I am going to post the video without sound, because I could only say "what a shame", while I was filming him on the sly. LOL.' I guess she thinks we are all idiots, or something. Also, in her reel, she confirms: 'ele estava almoçando com outra pessoa'/he was having lunch with another person. So far, so good, right?
Six hours later, a second debrief batch of reels, taking her reader's questions. The narrative changes, with a strong bias:
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'Yes, he is super accessible and educated! I did not freak out, I just politely asked to take a pic (what I do consider the right way to approach famous people, at the end they are still human beings).'
For the people in the back: she is a lady. And a liar. The worst kind of liar, actually: a narcissistic one. Let's see what else she takes great pains telling us: 'ele tem um fandom bem tóxico'/he has a very toxic fandom. From now on, we just know what to expect, right?
Second answer, she explains he is very tall. He went inside to pay the bill and then he also went towards the bathroom (wtf?), she followed him inside, she asked for the menu, he finally went out and she approached him ('abordei' - 🙄) between the door and her table. Classy.
Cue in to a third answer (and second lie) to a very odd question: 'what did he smell like?' or something along those lines. For this one, I had to ask confirmation from Shipper Mom, who told me two things (she knew next to nothing about the whole episode- no bias): ' it's damn hard to understand what the hell she is talking about, she is eating half of her words. Plus you can tell she is lying.'
He doesn't smell, she tells us. But hey, she also freaked out a bit, finally (I thought she hadn't?!) and then well, 'ele estava com outra pessoa, uma moça, deve ser a namorada dele'/ he was with another person, a girl, probably his girlfriend'. But then he went inside (again? wasn't he coming out of the venue?), 'and the girl stayed at the table'. Things go murky afterwards, like they absolutely always do: she tells us she spoke to her (?), but would not say anything more, yet making sure to tell us she 'saw both of them'.
If anyone has a better version than mine, please step forward: we listened three times in a row, with Shipper Mom, a teacher of Portuguese and published literary translator. She was appalled by this young woman's carelessness and mendacity.
The Brazilian Tourist Fan is 23 years old (and it shows), she presents herself as a journalist and writer:
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Seriously? What are the odds?
And finally, to wrap it up, the classical cheering moment, at yesterday's Hyrox: ' yeah, Sarah, nice!'
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Nice, indeed.
FFS. Will it ever end?
Yes, it will. Anything ends: even Stalin's terror.
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periru3 · 3 months
Better to Have Loved and Lost (Vidshow)
A vidshow for all the loves that were never meant to last (and maybe a few that shouldn't have even started to begin with). Made for VidUKon 2024.
Bad Blood (Never Ever), a Multi-Fandom fanvid by Fiercynn & Scribe We are never, ever, ever getting back together (like, ever).
Hate Me, an Interview with the Vampire fanvid by Killabeez I hate me for loving you.
Bottom of the River, a Due South fanvid by Scribe Hold my hand, ooh baby, it's a long way down to the bottom of the river.
Rolling in the Deep, an X-Men fanvid by Arefadedaway I can't help thinking, we could've had it all.
(I'm Not Calling You a) Liar, a Steven Universe fanvid by Butterfly I love you so much I'm gonna let you kill me.
The Lost Sky, a Xena: Warrior Princess fanvid by Ohvienna Why would you say those words to me if you could not follow through?
This Is Everything, a Star Trek fanvid by Morrigan291 No, I'm not aware of how I could possibly love you without aching.
When We're Dancing, an 11.22.63 fanvid by Periru3 Let's pretend this song won't end, and we never have to go home.
La Noyée, a Portrait of a Lady on Fire fanvid by Tafadhali Running along the shore, I call to you to come back.
Personal Jesus, a Fleabag fanvid by Findmeinthealps & Teyla Someone to hear your prayers, someone who cares.
No Children, a Community fanvid by Xandra You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand.
Lucky Me, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanvid by Milly And you're sad, and you're sorry. Let it all out. What are you waiting for?
Till the World Ends, a Titanic fanvid by Rhoboat If you feel it, let it happen, keep on dancing til the world ends.
Thank U, Next, a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend fanvid by Ultraviolet Catastrophe I'm so fucking grateful for my ex.
Would've Been You, a Multi-Fandom fanvid by BeatriceEagle You know the greatest loves of all time are over now.
A whole bunch of bonus vids - cut for time, or for duplicate songs, vidders, or fandoms:
Dante's Prayer, a Titanic fanvid by Thevetia & Morgandawn
Destroying Angels, a Yellowjackets fanvid by Tafadhali
Everything Stops, a Star Trek fanvid by BeatriceEagle
Exile, a Xena: Warrior Princess/Multi-Fandom fanvid by Ultraviolet Catastrophe
Let Me Live, a Multi-Fandom fanvid by BeatriceEagle
Mowgli's Road, a Brideshead Revisited fanvid by Obsessive24
Some Fantastic, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanvid by Laura Shapiro
Something Just Like This, a Game of Thrones fanvid by Sisabet
The World You Thought You Lived In, a Multi-Fandom fanvid by BeatriceEagle
This Is Everything, a Torchwood/Doctor Who fanvid by 24SE
Where Did You Sleep Last Night, a Yellowjackets fanvid by Ohvienna
Writing Notes, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanvid by Here's Luck
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theosconfessions · 4 months
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Love is Embarrassing
The Final Choice- For Real
i know ive been saying this since the dawn of time but you guys. i appreciate every single one of you who have participated in scars bachelorette challenge. we've been on this since december and its so crazy to me that its over... or should i say the bc is over. the story is not. she bonded so much with all of them and she had such high romance bars with all of them by the end.but eugene won ..not only because he got her pregnant [which lmao i knew it was coming .she was def gonna get pregnant by someone.. its not a kline bc without that happening] but because he never stopping showing up for our girl. shed get home from dates and eugene was hanging out waiting to play some games with her. including the lame llama one she loves. they just have a really special connection. elia- they bonded from the jump i mean not only sexually but he was the only contestant to call her out on her bullshit. which i loved.and its what the klines need more of @fl0ptrait thank you for creating such a doll for scar to meet and fuck haha! he was always right there fighting for her xena- was a fucking CHARMER. like that girl knew how to speak to scar to make her swoon and swoon easy. i think she had the quickest romance jump from the beginning of this challenge. i think while her interest may have wained in the end of the challenge bc lets face it scar threw some curveballs she really really did want to romance the shit out of scar .. and i was here for it @bubblepopsims luxor- what can i say this guy surprised me on the first solo one on one date. partly bc scar freaked him out to begin with haha! but also because of how suave he can be. like he was calm through the whole thing but making his intentions known once he got to know her. HOWEVER this isnt the last time we're seeing luxor and he will be in the stephens continued thank you to the lovely @simvanie eugene- THIS BOY... mannnn he never gave up on her and lets face it if the baby were elias hed be like i mean thats okay. still pick me though to be your husband haha! theyre not married YET they will be but these two just mesh.and i think they always have . scar was just too blind to see if way back then.and it too this challenge to make it known to her what a catch eugene was @duusheen many cute babes to come bonus shots under the cut of their reactions.. i dont know when my next bc will be or if i will do one but man you guys made this such a great experience. the stephens continued will be picking back up as well as finnies globetrotter and his part of the stephens soon <3
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drghostwrite · 4 months
Did I hit too hard…
Pairing: Criminal minds BAU x reader also JJ x girlfriend reader
Summary: somebody decided they want to disrespect you but the team knows you can take care of yourself. Also we see a little flirting between you and JJ.
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******************************************************** Boom, another thud rang through the gym as your body made harsh contact with the mat, JJ was straddled over top of you as she laughed.
“A little off your game there babe?”
“oh don’t you wish.” You smirked, as she moved off helping you up.
“You know, I could give you a few pointers…” she joked knowing full well that you had enough moves to take any grown man or even trained fighters down.
“hmm, maybe I’ll take you up on that tonight…” you flirted dodging a blow, grabbing her arm and flipping her, arms on either side of her head devilish grin, “like that one move the other night, the one that had you weak in the knees.”
“mmm” she let out a small moan, teasing you, “I wouldn’t mind seeing that one again.”
“Hey lovebirds get a room!” Derek’s voice rang out across the gym, you stood helping your girlfriend up and saw Emily and Derek walking over to the sparring mat.
You and Derek greeted each other as you punched his arm, “So care if we join?”
“Only if you wanna get your ass kicked.”
He chuckled and flashed his signature smile, “you wish.”
“well a girl can dream.” You shot back as you both started sparring, JJ and Emily watching you both go back and forth matching each other step for step.
Derek was good, one of your favorites other than JJ to spar with you never knew who was gonna pull out in top, you went blow for blow until one slip led to him taking you down.
You heard slow claps ring out and looked over thinking it was one of the girls, instead it was another agent, little shorter than you and not as muscular, built more like a runner and she slowly clapped.
“Uh can we help you?” You asked as Derek helped you up.
“Nope just watching the competition.”
“well if you want I’ve got more where that came from.” Derek flirted.
“oh lover boy, I bat for the other team.” She said condescendingly.
“I didn’t mean… but okay.” He said will a little eye roll.
“Though Xena over there looks like she needs a water break, one round and she already needs a breather.” She said pointing to you.
“I’m sorry?” You scoffed, slightly confused.
“Oh… sorry, I guess I just met the slowest FBI agent in Quantico.” She rolled her eyes.
“Oh God, Y/N…” JJ started and Emily held her hand out, telling her to just watch.
“what did you say?”
“I’m sorry, was. I. Speaking. To. Fast.”
“she’s gotta lay in it now…” Derek said knowing what was about to happen, taking a step back.
“okay in the ring…” she squared up and came right for you. Before she could say anything else you landed one hit knocking off balance and flipping her to lay on the floor and she laid there on her side a hand on the spot, looking up at you terrified and stunned.
“oh I’m sorry did I hit to hard, did I go to fast?” you said before stepping out of the ring, JJ turned to follow you Derek and Emily close behind.
“maybe next time…” JJ started.
“oh there won’t be a next time…” you chuckled.
“well not if she knows what’s good for her.” She laughed.
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teamhawkeye · 2 months
Highlights from the Ted Raimi Q&A from GalaxyCon
first off, he commandeered the mic from the panel moderator and went off script for like 15 minutes
he asked how much everyone had to pay for tickets and was AGHAST at hearing the price. he was also asking about how much food and other expenses added onto that and took a poll to see who would be broke after the end of the weekend
he also mentioned that this was the first time he'd ever had fried chicken at breakfast, and his first ever time trying grits! he really enjoyed grits but was confused whether they should be sweet or savory, since he thinks he had them served sweet and most everyone agrees they should be savory instead
because he had the last panel of the last day, he felt that all of us there that came to hear him talk were the "weirdos" of the convention, in the most affectionate way possible
as for actual questions he answered:
across his whole career, he said he thinks The Quarry is the best thing he's ever done,
when asked for some of his favorite endings of The Quarry, he said that Laura and Max reuniting is high up there since those were the characters/actors he spent the most time interacting with and being entrenched in their story. he also said he'd heard of an ending where most of the Hacketts survived and no one else did, and with Travis being a Hackett, he supposed that one was one he could get behind
he mentioned that the prop gun that Travis had during mocap was a rubber band gun, and that he used it to fire rubber bands at Skyler, who in turn would sling them back at him
he got asked about a favorite moment he got to be a part of in the Spider-Man trilogy and said it's from Spider-Man 3, where J. Jonah Jameson is saying "you want a staff job, you want a staff job. doesn't anybody care what I want?" and Hoffman pops his head in to say "I do!" and gets met with "shut up. get out"
he also said that JK Simmons was amazing to work with and that he brought such great energy to set and their scenes
there were a few questions about Xena. he was asked for a favorite episode and he admitted he can't really remember what scenes he filmed went with what episodes and didn't have an answer for that.
he was asked what kind of dog he thought Joxer would be and his first answer was "a kicked one". he then tried to come up with a breed that would essentially be loyal and energetic but dumb as a bag of rocks
he got asked if he still knew the words to Joxer the Mighty (yes) and if he'd be willing to sing it (no)
he was similarly asked if he had a favorite episode of SeaQuest and he likewise answered that he couldn't remember which scenes matched with what episodes, it had been too long for him to keep them straight
he did say that everyone remaining in the SeaQuest cast have remained great friends in the years since it aired, which he stressed was a rarity. they're planning on having a reunion dinner sometime next year out in Cali where they'll all get together to party and celebrate
on top of saying what great people all the surviving cast members are, he made sure to mention just how much he enjoyed filming with Michael Ironside in the final season and what a privilege it was to act alongside him
it was somewhere between Xena and SeaQuest questions that a fan had trouble with getting the microphone adjusted to ask her question and Ted leapt off stage to come adjust it for her before returning back to his seat on stage
when asked about the role of Henrietta and returning to that suit and makeup in Ash vs. Evil Dead, he said that the process was still pretty exhausting and gross as it was 30 years earlier
he got asked a pretty silly question about Robocop (being set in Detroit) and he mentioned having worked with Peter Weller on Odyssey 5 and what a unique experience that was and how he enjoyed filming it
one of the most profound things he said was in regards to a question about the film industry as a whole and its evolution. he mentioned how the best thing that had changed in the film industry since he started was the treatment of women in it, how it's changed for the better, and as it rightfully should have. he also said that he feels like very recently, he'd finally reached a point in his life where he felt he'd hit his stride. that there were years and stretches of time where he was just taking roles to keep his lights on and pay his rent, that there were hard times he had to get through. but that now, in his 50s, he'd felt content with where he was with his career and in his life. and he made sure to stress that sometimes people find their purpose in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, or even later - that there is no right or wrong time to reach that point, that it comes about on its own and that it's never "too late"
i'm very obviously paraphrasing some of this, because at the time i didn't know we'd be allow to record or take photos, so this is all just from memory! i hope that it was taped and ends up available for viewing sometime soon!
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rosyhue-nightss · 6 months
I officially finished xena. I didn't see that ending coming. My sister and I had this inside joke where she would say "I think Xena is going to die" and I would say "oh no :(" and it wouldn't happen. This time it really happened lol.
Although we enjoyed the series, there were a few things that weren't really our type and we still found ourselves crying at the end, like ugly crying and I alway try not to cry in front of anyone.
They have a special place in my heart. They really did it for the fans, for the gays.
There is no other series like Xena. An epic lesbian love story, with a badass complex and questionable protagonist. Lucy and Renée dedicated themselves completely to their girls and I think that's so rare to see in a show now.
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romanreignseater · 1 year
Press Play Pt. 3 The Finale
Roman Reigns x Black Female! OC (Xena)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut, rough sex, choking, and a special surprise!!!
“Being the girlfriend to a famous divorced father of 5 wasn’t your plan at 26 years old. You trusted him with your life, so you agreed to film a little something, but now you regret ever meeting him when your whole life is exposed.”
A/N: It’s practically the next day for some of us, but I’ve just been having a lot of sleepless nights and very mentally tired, but I feel way better. Thank you guys so much for being patient ❤️❤️!!
GIF: @jeysuso
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The ride to the private jet was excruciating, but the actual flight itself was horrid. It was nothing but uncomfortable silence and the sounds of each other breathing.
Even though, your feelings were still hurt you couldn’t help but to gawk at the man you once loved, or still loved.
You were so confused, yet so infatuated by him and everything he’s done.
He brought back his infamous tracksuit and slick back bun. His legs spread apart and his manhood on full display.
“Take a picture it’ll last longer sweetheart.” Rolling your eyes you weren’t here for Roman’s antics. “You know all about taking videos and pictures huh?!” Scoffing, Roman smirked and quietly laughed to himself.
“You’re never gonna let it go?! I’ve apologized and did everything humanly possible to make sure you were safe and your reputation wouldn’t suffer.” You crossed your arms and legs, looking away from him.
“I came back to SmackDown on Friday and the crowd chanted cam boy. I left, headed to the parking lot, and the fans could only say is ‘We Want Xena.’ Chanting for you, people coming up to me asking why did I do you like that and she made you so happy.”
Breathing heavily, your eyes were glued to the night sky. “Xe… look at me when I’m talking to you.” His voice gruff and low. Tears began to well in your eyes, not wanting to feel trapped by his trance. He sighs and gets up from his seat.
You winced and whimpered in the corner as he walked closer to you. Bending down at the side of your seat, he placed his hand on your thigh. “Xe, look at me baby.” Tears fell down your face as you mustered up the courage to look him in his eyes.
Something you haven’t done in weeks.
“There’s my pretty girl.” You lightly smiled. “I promise you I didn’t mean for any of that to happen, I wish I could take it back everyday. Please forgive me and let’s enjoy this vacation.”
Thoughts coursed through your head, not knowing what to do. “Ro… let’s just get to Bora Bora with doing this right now.” Nodding his head, Roman placed a kiss on your cheek and sat back down across from you.
The first couple of days in Bora Bora were actually pretty good. Roman was an absolute gentleman, never mentioning the situation or your relationship once. He really spent his time gently taking care of you and all your needs.
Yet, you couldn’t bare to sleep in the same bed as him. He slept in the living room of the villa, while you slept in the bedroom. He would come in to check on you and use the bathroom. His scent wafting the room, that warm musk and driftwood called your name. But, you just couldn’t.
Waking up, you didn’t get your usual wake up call from Roman. Smelling and hearing the sounds of bacon, you rise from the bed and head to the kitchen. There he stood shirtless, sweatpants riding low leaving little imagination as possible. “You like what you see huh?!” Blinking profusely, you stood dumbfounded.
“I made your favorite mama. Waffles and bacon.” Walking up to the island, you sat on the stool accepting the breakfast he made for you. He pours you a glass of orange juice and watches you eat.
“Do you like what you see weirdo?!” He laughed, enjoying your snide comment. “I love what I see baby, I’ve loved what I’ve seen for a really long time.” Looking down, you continue to eat your waffles. Hearing his footsteps trail closer to you, you duck your head down even lower. He stands next to you, body on full display and heavily breathing by your side.
“Baby look at me.” “I’m good no thanks.” You stand with a mouthful. He pulls your chin in between his fingers and brings you both face to face. “You know I hate when you ignore me.” Your breathing heightened, not planning the next words that came out of your mouth. “Then do something about it.”
His eyes darkened and his grin widen. “There’s my girl. Get your ass up on this counter.” Following his instructions, you placed your on the counter shoving your breakfast aside. Roman immediately grabbed your waist, standing in between your spread legs. “I know you missed me.” Rolling your eyes at his remark. “Just shut up and kiss me.”
“With pleasure.”
Your lips intertwined as if they never left each other. He grabbed your perfect round ass and grind against your clothed cunt. Your arms held his thick neck and never let go. You both began to take off each others clothes, which was little to none.
“I fuckin missed this baby, please don’t leave I’ll never let this happen to us again. Please forgive me.” He said breathlessly as he kissed my lips. “Okay… I trust you.” Roman gave you the biggest bear hug, tightly squeezing you and never letting go.
“I gotta be inside you now mama, I can’t wait.” He gently pushed me back against the island and I propped myself back up on my elbows. He slid my panties down my legs and stuffed them in my mouth. “Don’t get it twisted baby, I still wanna hear those screams.” My legs shut in anticipation, but he quickly spread them apart.
I heard a low “fuck” come from his lips as he admired my wet lips covered in slick. He bit and licked his lips as he pulled apart your lips to expose your bundle of nerves. Roman blows onto your clit, causing you to shiver. He gently licks a bold stripe up your clit, stopping at it to suck it into his mouth. His giant lips encase your clit and his tongue swirled around it.
Your moans muffled by your panties, but still audible. “I’m sorry mama, I just had to get a quick taste. I missed that shit.” Spreading your legs wider, Roman got the hint. He quickly removed his boxers, showcasing all his manhood. Your pussy clenched around nothing, already feeling the effects of his cock without it even being in you.
Roman circled his cock around you clit and swiftly entered your cunt. You moaned loudly and nearly shrieked as the sheer fullness of his dick. “Shhh baby, I got you.” Tears ran down your face as you haven’t been dicked down in a minute.
Roman’s hands wrapped around your throat as he hovered above you. His dick slowly, but surely began to pound your cunt. His balls slapped against your winking hole as he picked up the pace. The wet and hot feeling of his dick absolutely massacring your pussy led you to sob.
“That dick so good, I got your ass weeping. Take that shit baby.” You screamed as he brutally abused your cunt into oblivion. Your tits bounced up and down to the rhythm of his strokes. Your legs were soon placed on the island next to you head and he didn’t skip a beat. “OH MY GOD, I’M GONNA CUM!!” You yelled through your panties. “Let’s do it together baby.”
You both reached your highs and Roman then hit you hard and deep strokes and ensuring all of his cum stayed lodged inside of you. He stared you dead in your eyes and shocked you. “Marry me.”
“You heard me, marry me. I love you with all my heart and the main reason why I wanted this trip in the first place was to propose. When you left me it was the worst time of my life, I couldn’t bare to sleep in my bed alone, go to dinner, hell even brush my teeth alone. I wanna do all those things with you and more forever and ever.”
He pulled out as you both moaned at the loss of fullness. He walks to his bag on the living room floor and pulls out a box. You arise from the island and he stands in between your legs. He opens the box and a beautiful opal diamond ring stunned you. “What do you say baby, be with me forever.” Tears began to flood your face and chest.
You nodded your head while laughing and crying. Roman began crying as he put the ring onto your finger. Sniffling, “It’s perfect and it’s my birthstone.” “What can I say, I know my girl.”
Yes he did…
Thank you all for being on this little journey with me, I hope to write an even bigger story like this, but I wanted to test the waters. Love you all and thanks for being so supportive and patient with me 💝💝.
MY TAG SQUAD: @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @nayys-world @mzv11 @babybatlover @vogueyonce @harmshake @harlem11680 @seeingstarks @thewarlordsworld @alyyaanna @southerngirl41 @christinabae @pitlissa22 @thealliasylum @fame-ass-ers @iluvthebloodline @jeyusos-girl @ah-fin3sse
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7of9ers · 1 year
"I hope you find happiness."
"I did. Just had to leave it behind for a while."
Um what? What did she leave? You mean when she left Gabrielle behind. Oh my lord. JUST FUCKING CAUGHT THIS!
Not to mention Gabrielle talks about how she has to find a man and get married just as Sears said, she's the classic late in life lesbian.
Cut to another guy trying to domesticate and tie down Xena. Make her softer.
This show isn't just gay it has layers of gay. Like the layers in the earth's crust, man.
And they reunite and how does it end...?
With them talking about leaving their families behind (gay). Did they miss them (gay). Gabrielle says not as much when I'm with you (GAAAAAY).
Y'all they planned this. And I am in awe. Will write academic essays on the space in queer culture Xena carved out for itself. Even when there was no place for it to belong (GAY).
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justsomerandomfanfic · 5 months
Hi ! She/Her for a romantic matchup with lotr/hobbit. 28yo and hetero, would prefer a guy taller than me (sorry hobbits and dwarves!) I’m black with long hair mostly in braids. I’m curious, feisty, funny and sensitive (but I hate to show it). Think of a mix of Xena warrior princess and Pam from the office. I like reading, video games, hiking and camping. I love to dance (salsa, batchata) and to make pranks. I’m good at sport. I hate lies and indecisiveness.
Here's your matchup! Sorry for the wait! I hope you enjoy it! <33
Romantic Matchup;
The Hobbit;
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🦌 You met Thranduil when traveling with The Company, and while the Dwarves were taken to the dungeons, Thranduil allowed you to stay - well, not allow, more like question why a human was traveling around with Dwarves of all people; he was intrigued greatly by you, and your feistiness - standing up for your friends and your decision to help them try and reclaim their stolen home
🦌 Thranduil, after speaking to you, invited you to supper with him - and though you were very loyal to your group, you were very curious - and also hungry; you joined Thranduil for supper, along with the festivities, though, throughout the events, you were constantly worried about your friends
🦌 At some point during the night, you snuck away, bumping into Bilbo, with his help, you released the Dwarves - and you were all on your way; you did wish you could've spent more time with Thranduil, on better terms
🦌 You didn't see Thranduil until before the battle - you and Bilbo snuck away from Thorin with the stone; to say Thranduil was surprised to see you was an understatement, but you couldn't really tell, his expression stayed stoic - but after the initial conversation on what to do, you and Thranduil began your own conversation
🦌 After the battle, you tried your best to hold back your tears for your fallen friends - with a sword in hand, you could finally breathe as the war had been won; it was then that Thranduil found you, his hand stretched out to you, he offered you a place to stay - your chest felt warm as you took his hand into yours - this was the start of a new chapter for you
The Lord Of The Rings;
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⚔ You met Aragorn in Rivendell, being best childhood friends with Boromir, you came along with him for the meeting - it was then that you volunteered - along with a few others - to join the Fellowship of the Ring; and right from the start, the moment your eyes met his, you felt some sort of connection with him
⚔ You were surprised how easy it was to talk to Aragorn - he was definitely a leader, powerful, and understanding - and when he wasn't being a leader - leading the group - he was actually very charming; and charming he was, who knew you could have fallen so quickly for a man that you had only just met (love at first sight)
⚔ During one of the nights that you had first watch, you sat beside the fire, it was keeping you as warm as it could - the air was chilly - and when a warm fur blanket was placed over your shoulders, and Aragorn sat beside you; for the rest of your watch, you and Aragorn spoke softly together
⚔ After the ring was destroyed, and Aragorn took his rightful place as King, you felt sad that your time with Aragorn was over, but you were also incredibly happy for him - it was after the celebration in Frodo's, the Fellowship, and Aragorn's honor, that you got your bags packed to go back to traveling around Middle Earth; though, again, your were surprised when Aragorn stopped you from leaving, revealing his affections towards you
⚔ You joined Aragorn, staying by his side, and he stood by yours - and it wasn't long until you and Aragorn married; and when Aragorn (and you) are not busy doing important royal duties, you and Aragorn sit comfortably and quietly together, reading - or even dancing - in front of the fire
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girl4music · 3 months
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“But I can tell you this, Xena… you’re the only constant in my life, and unless you know something I don’t, I’m not going anywhere. So I’m going to say the most selfish thing I’ve ever said to you: that baby’s my baby too, and I deserve a chance to fight for it as much as you.”
- Gabrielle, ‘Them Bones, Them Bones’ (Original script dialogue.)
They knew what they were doing with this scene. Especially the way Xena AND Gabrielle’s heads turn back to the baby at exactly the same time as if they were both proud of making that little bundle of joy between their arms. Also notice how Gabrielle only steps away after a glance towards Xena and Eve, clearly assessing that they both need to be alone while she responds to Hercules' request. As if to say "You stay here, I'll take care of business."
Dialogue is rarely ever needed between these two because the body language communicates so much in small intimate scenes like this. Both the mark of great acting and great chemistry between the actresses. I've always said that it's the quiet moments that truly reveal the depth of the loving relationship between Xena and Gabrielle. Whether you see it in a romantic way or not, you cannot deny that it is not filled with unconditional love. Especially where Gabrielle is concerned.
In fact...
I'm reminded of what Ares says in the ice cave in confession to what he believes to be a dead Xena about the dichotomy between his love for Xena and Gabrielle's love for Xena.
"You're with her now. I handled you all wrong. I know that. She knew what you needed - unconditional and unselfish love - and I couldn't give that to you. But I appreciated you in ways she never could. Your rage, your violence, your beauty. When you sacrificed yourself for others, you were hers. But when you kicked ass, you were mine. I love you, Xena."
- Ares, ‘Looking Death In The Eye’.
And I back up what I say in my character study thesis. The reason why Gabrielle won Xena's affection every time wasn't just because she was good at that moment. It's because she was given a CHOICE to be good in EVERY moment. Ares never offered her that choice. It was always "be mine, or die". Gabrielle always did - she would just take herself out of the picture if Xena chose evil or stand against her.
Such a striking difference is often not spoken about in this love triangle the writers obviously intended between Xena, Gabrielle and Ares. It says that the show never really went one way or the other on the romance not just because it couldn't... But because it didn't have to. There was importance in keeping the romance balanced although many wouldn't admit to it and would rather just complain about it instead. As for me, I think it's one of the most groundbreaking things about it. Rob was definetly right about keeping it this way and I back him up on it 100%. We knew that Gabrielle had Xena's heart. However, the conflict in Xena's heart would always remain because Ares would always be around to remind her of her former life. And in so doing this, we learn that Xena could never be definitively one way or the other either. This is what made her character so damn dynamic. And why it was leagues ahead of its time in queer representation. Even today, a bisexual narrative like this is never done. Or rather - it’s done but it’s never written this well. It’s never connected to the major narratives and themes. And that’s because the queer characters are never the major characters. They’re never the actual narrative. Instead, the queer characters have to wrap around it. And that’s the wrong way of going about doing this.
I don’t care what anyone says.
Gabby was the daddy.
Or the other mother, if you prefer. Although, I would definetly say Gabrielle’s role was typically that of a father. I don’t like gender norms, roles and stereotypes either but that doesn’t mean those are off-limits to a woman.
I’ve said before that the fact Gabrielle was depicted as doing the “typical father” role means the writers were abolishing the belief that only a man can do it and therefore using gender norms, roles and stereotypes as a way to promote equality and solidarity.
If you have a problem with me calling Gabrielle the “father” of Eve, you have to understand I am speaking from the point of view they would have in their time. There was no such thing as a same-sex couple in Ancient Greece in the sense that they could marry and have children without the participation of a male figure. Of course gay couples would exist but would not be socially accepted. Hell, it wasn’t even socially accepted a decade ago. What makes you think it was then? So me referring to Gabrielle as that male figure in Eve’s life should be seen as a compliment, not an insult. I’m saying she had the capability to fill that role and she wasn’t even a man. Just like how Xena could fill the role of a warlord and she wasn’t a man. Can’t you see that I am giving them respect as people who can take on both the feminine and masculine side of situations? Xena and Gabrielle were human anomalies and that’s bloody awesome as far as I’m concerned. I wish more shows today had that kind of gender roles representation with their characters. Sadly, they don’t.
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Sketch for a possible aftermath
Did you ever ask yourselves how would that almost fabled Day After look, as in the day after a Reveal?
Yesterday should be a good indication.
Prudent celebration, but clear celebration here. And across the street, a stunned, heavy silence. It's only fair: shite has been eaten in colossal amounts, in Mordor, on a daily basis. S has been particularly maimed, in the process, the daily divertimento of women sniper commandos, their own sexual fantasy poorly disguised as snarl.
Two of the three sopranos remain silent and the Ur Troll still has to distance herself from the last Harlequin fanfic, featuring something that never was, on a distant shore she has no idea about. The one who immediately spoke, paid perfunctory tribute to her favorite, C, and that's about it. The other, speaking only today, answers Anons about Xena's teeth, Xena's filtered Instagram and Xena's bra: where is her vulgar courage, now? Oooh. Right. Lame, as usual and I have to say I am surprised. And their Investigator in Chief remains silent as we speak: her inflated ego blew a fuse, in the process and anger is always a lonesome territory.
The Spanish Evil Twin does not count. Her attempts at irony are tinged with her proverbial stupidity and, perhaps for the first time, with clear and present panic: she sounds drunk, just like my Anon. She is laughable.
So long for Reason. So long for Braincells. So long for all those painstaking, intricate webs of lies. Something snapped, in the Narrative and you all know it. And it happened not because all those bitter honchos at *** had a sudden Damascus like revelation, but because their complete lack of professional ethics, shamelessly lying to an entire fandom, backfired in the most horrible way they could have ever imagined.
Yesterday was a wonderful day.
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Credits given to @themusicsweetly, for this wonderful gif that clearly shows just how much these two people hate each other.
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