#Digital Inclusion
ivygorgon · 6 months
Fund the Affordable Connectivity Program NOW!
130 so far! Help us get to 250 signers!
I’m a concerned constituent writing to urge you to fund the Affordable Connectivity Program or ACP. Digital connectivity is a basic necessity in our modern world and the internet must be treated as a public utility. We use the internet to apply for jobs, perform our jobs, receive telehealth medical treatment, and pay bills, and students use it to complete homework assignments. But for millions of people in rural and urban areas, and Tribal communities, the internet is a luxury they cannot afford. Failure by Congress to fund this program will force millions of households already on tight budgets to choose between being able to stay online or potentially losing access to this essential service. If Congress doesn’t act fast, funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program will run out and more than 22 million Americans -- 1 in 6 households -- will lose this vital service. The implications of this will be devastating. In 2019, 18% of Native people living on Tribal land had no internet access; 33% relied on cell phone service for the internet; and 39% had spotty or no connection to the internet at home on their smart phone. The ACP has enrolled 320,000 households on Tribal lands -- important progress. The largest percentage gains in broadband access are in rural areas. Nearly half of military families are enrolled in ACP, as are one in four African American and Latino households. Losing access and training on using computers and the internet will have devastating impacts on all these communities as technology becomes increasingly integral to work, education, health, and our everyday lives. Without moves to address tech inequality, low-income communities and communities of color are heading towards an “unemployment abyss.” The Affordable Connectivity Program has broad bipartisan support because it is working. As your constituent, I am urging you to push for renewed funding for the ACP before it runs out in the coming weeks.
▶ Created on April 11 by Jess Craven
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akwyz · 9 months
Do you hear what I see? How blindness changes how you process the sound of movement
👁️‍🗨️ Fascinating study reveals how blind people excel in auditory motion detection, offering insights into the brain's adaptability. Learn about this groundbreaking research in sensory perception. #AuditoryMotion #BrainScience #SensoryPerception
Ione Fine, University of Washington and Woon Ju Park, University of Washington Almost nothing in the world is still. Toddlers dash across the living room. Cars zip across the street. Motion is one of the most important features in the environment; the ability to predict the movement of objects in the world is often directly related to survival – whether it’s a gazelle detecting the slow creep of…
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scuttlebatt · 8 months
I Have Found A Solution!
So, obviously classic wizard robes aren’t wheelchair friendly. (Alright, admittedly this isn’t common knowledge and also this definitely isn’t a problem for most but listen, this is a problem for me and I’m pleased to present a solution for it nonetheless.)
The issue is in the sleeves and the length of the robes. The traditional trumpet style allows them to get snagged, dirty, and caught in the wheels.
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This is distinctly not an issue with other mobility aids such as canes and crutches, these wizards are fine to carry on with their trumpet sleeves simply rolled up if needed.
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Now, one solution might simply to shorten the sleeves and hem to be out of the way, but that looks rather silly so I won’t do that. Instead I propose the more elegant design of a hanging sleeve to maintain that flowy magical feel while allowing for better range of motion.
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Honestly I just love the look of hanging sleeves in general and think more people should appreciate them, wheelchair user or not.
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In conclusion…
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Digital for Sustainable Development (D4SD) - Enabling a Digital Arab States Region to Advance SDGs Agenda.
A regional engagement platform to drive sustainable, inclusive, and catalytic digital transformation across the Arab States. With an emphasis on Strategic Digital Portfolios Investments and Promoting Digital Inclusion.
Watch the Digital for Sustainable Development (D4SD) - Enabling a Digital Arab States Region to Advance SDGs Agenda!
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dzinsights · 25 days
The Role of Digital Literacy in Digital Inclusion
Imagine a world where everyone can use computers, smartphones, and the internet as easily as they can read a book or ride a bicycle. This world is getting closer every day, but we're not quite there yet. In 2021, about 63% of the world's population had access to the internet. That's a lot of people, but it also means that more than 1 in 3 people still can't get online!
But having access to the internet is just the first step. To really be part of the digital world, people need to know how to use technology well. This is called "digital literacy." It's like learning to read and write, but for computers and the internet.
In this article, we're going to explore why digital literacy is so important for making sure everyone can be part of our increasingly online world. We'll look at what digital literacy means, why it matters, and how we can help more people become digitally literate. Let's dive in! Read: Role of Literacy in Digital Inclusion
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kaknewsdotcom · 1 month
Gyakie's Voice Amplifies Calls For Lower Internet Data Costs In Ghana
The debate about the high cost of internet data in Ghana has been gaining momentum, and now, songstress Gyakie has added her voice to the discussion. In a recent tweet, Gyakie emphasized the need for affordable internet data, highlighting the impact of high costs on users and the potential benefits of cheaper data for telecommunication companies. Gyakie’s contribution to the conversation comes at…
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Empowering Youth: How Digital Innovation is Transforming Sustainable Development
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alertalegal · 2 months
O errado tomando o lugar do certo.
Agora não é mais pornografia, é criador de conteúdo digital, "influencer digital"
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remittancesday · 3 months
Advancing financial inclusion.
Read the Concept note 2024, Follow the conversations with the hashtags: #FamilyRemittances
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defensenow · 4 months
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shawnjordison · 8 months
Adding Alternate Text to Images in Google Slides
"Learn how to add Alt Text to images in Google Slides for accessible presentations. #AltText #GoogleSlides #Accessibility #InclusiveDesign #DigitalAccessibility #ScreenReaderFriendly #AccessibleContentCreation
Welcome to the latest post from The Accessibility Guy! I’m Shawn Jordison, and today, we’re focusing on a crucial aspect of creating accessible presentations: adding alternate text to images in Google Slides. Video Guide Imagine you’re incorporating an iconic image like the Undertaker, the renowned wrestler, in your Google Slides presentation. It’s vital to ensure that this image is accessible…
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isprevolution · 10 months
A Conversation Guide for WISPs Seeking To Partner with Rural Municipalities
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Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) play a crucial role in expanding high-speed internet access to rural areas, helping bridge the digital divide. Collaborating with rural municipalities is often the key to success in these endeavors. In this blog post, we’ll explore effective strategies for WISPs on how to approach and engage with leaders of rural municipalities, fostering partnerships to deliver high-speed internet to underserved citizens and businesses.
1. Understand the Unique Needs of Rural Municipalities
To establish a successful partnership, it’s essential for WISPs to understand the specific needs and challenges faced by rural municipalities. These communities have distinct characteristics, such as low population density and often rugged terrain, that can impact the delivery of high-speed internet. Start by researching the municipality to gain a deep understanding of its existing infrastructure, connectivity issues, and community demographics.
Gather Data: Collect data on the current state of internet connectivity in the area, including download and upload speeds, the prevalence of connectivity issues, and local pain points. Having a clear picture of the existing infrastructure is crucial.
Demographics and Economics: Familiarize yourself with the municipality’s economic landscape, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and other sectors that could benefit from improved internet access. Understand the population’s needs and aspirations.
2. Build Relationships and Trust
Establishing trust and building strong relationships with municipal leaders is the foundation of any successful partnership. Attend local meetings, community events, and networking opportunities to get to know the leaders and community members personally. Demonstrating your commitment to the community’s well-being will make your proposal more convincing.
Local Engagement: Participate in community events, town hall meetings, and local fairs to introduce yourself to municipal leaders and residents. Show your dedication to the community’s development.
Active Listening: When engaging with municipal leaders and community members, practice active listening. Understand their concerns, priorities, and vision for the future. Tailor your proposal to align with their specific goals and aspirations.
3. Present the Benefits of WISP-Driven High-Speed Internet
When discussing your proposal with municipal leaders, clearly communicate the benefits of high-speed internet brought by a WISP. Highlight how it can enhance education, support telemedicine, drive economic development, and improve the overall quality of life for the community.
Educational Opportunities: Emphasize how high-speed internet can open up a world of educational opportunities. Access to online courses, virtual libraries, and remote learning can benefit students and adults seeking to upgrade their skills.
Telemedicine Access: Stress the importance of telemedicine in rural areas, where access to healthcare can be limited. High-speed internet can enable remote doctor consultations, reducing the need for long journeys to medical facilities.
Economic Growth: Highlight how high-speed internet can stimulate economic growth. Small businesses can expand their reach, and new businesses may be attracted to the area. The digital economy presents numerous possibilities for job creation.
Quality of Life: Discuss the impact on the overall quality of life for residents. Access to entertainment, social connections, and e-government services can significantly enhance daily life.
4. Explain WISP's Role and Capabilities
It’s essential to educate municipal leaders about the role of a WISP and its capabilities. Clearly articulate how your wireless technology can deliver high-speed internet access efficiently, especially in challenging rural terrains. Explain the reliability and scalability of WISP networks.
WISP Advantages: Highlight the advantages of using a WISP, such as the ability to quickly expand network coverage, adapt to local geography, and offer competitive pricing to rural communities.
Reliability: Emphasize the reliability of wireless technology in withstanding adverse weather conditions, making it a dependable choice for rural areas.
Scalability: Discuss how WISP networks can be easily scaled to accommodate the growing connectivity needs of the community.
5. Address Concerns and Overcome Challenges
Be prepared to address any concerns or challenges that municipal leaders may raise, such as infrastructure costs, legal and regulatory hurdles, or the sustainability of the project. Provide detailed plans for overcoming these issues and demonstrate a willingness to collaborate in finding solutions.
Infrastructure Costs: Break down the cost estimates for deploying high-speed internet infrastructure. Explore options for cost-sharing and phased deployment to ease financial burdens on the municipality.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Research and present a clear roadmap for navigating legal and regulatory requirements, including permits, licenses, and compliance with federal and state regulations.
Sustainability: Address concerns about the long-term sustainability of the project. Discuss options for ongoing maintenance, upgrades, and future expansion to ensure the system remains viable and competitive.
6. Propose a Collaborative Partnership
To gain the support of rural municipal leaders, emphasize the importance of collaboration. Encourage the municipality to consider a partnership with your WISP, local internet service providers, nonprofits, or tech companies. Collaboration can provide the expertise and resources needed for successful high-speed internet deployment.
Local Internet Service Providers: Suggest the possibility of collaborating with local ISPs that have a vested interest in expanding their services to the rural area. These partnerships can reduce the financial burden on the municipality.
Nonprofits and Foundations: Many nonprofits and foundations are dedicated to bridging the digital divide. Explore potential partnerships with organizations that share your mission to expand internet access to underserved areas.
Tech Companies: Tech companies often have an interest in expanding their reach and promoting digital inclusion. Consider approaching technology giants for potential partnerships or support.
7. Highlight Success Stories and Case Studies
Share success stories and case studies of how WISPs have positively impacted other rural communities. Provide concrete examples of communities that have experienced improved connectivity, economic growth, and enhanced quality of life as a result of partnering with a WISP.
Real-World Examples: Present case studies and testimonials from other rural areas where high-speed internet access, facilitated by a WISP, has made a significant difference. Highlight key statistics and outcomes to demonstrate the impact.
8. Address Long-Term Planning and Support
Assure municipal leaders of your commitment to the long-term success of the project. Discuss how you plan to support the network over the years, ensuring that it remains reliable and up-to-date. Offer information on maintenance and expansion strategies to meet future needs.
Long-Term Commitment: Express your commitment to providing ongoing support for the network, including regular maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting services.
Future Expansion: Discuss how your WISP is prepared to handle future expansion and increased demand for high-speed internet as the community grows.
Collaborating with rural municipalities is a strategic approach for WISPs to bring high-speed internet to underserved citizens and businesses. By understanding the unique needs of these communities, building strong relationships with municipal leaders, and presenting the benefits of WISP-driven high-speed internet, you can pave the way for successful partnerships. Addressing concerns, proposing collaborative solutions, and sharing success stories will further strengthen your case. With the right approach and a commitment to long-term support, WISPs can be instrumental in closing the digital divide in rural areas, ensuring that all citizens have access to the opportunities of the digital age. 
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akwyz · 8 months
Digital inaccessibility: Blind and low-vision people have powerful technology but still face barriers to the digital world.
Despite advances in assistive tech, the visually impaired face digital hurdles. Inaccessible websites & software limit job opportunities. Let's advocate for a fully accessible digital world. 🌍💼👁️ #DigitalInclusion #Accessibility #TechForAll #axschat
Screen reader software converts text to audio for people who are blind. Access Matters/Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA Michele McDonnall, Mississippi State University Imagine that you have low vision and you’re completing an online job application using screen reader software. You get through half the form and then come to a question with drop-down options the screen reader cannot access because the…
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maduraimart · 11 months
Google for India 2024: Partnering India’s Success in a New Digital Paradigm
Introduction: As we step into the year 2024, the landscape of digital innovation in India is undergoing a transformative shift, and Google stands at the forefront as a key partner in this journey. The nation’s digital evolution has been remarkable, with an increasing emphasis on technology-driven solutions that empower businesses, individuals, and communities alike. In this blog post, we explore…
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charcha-equity · 11 months
Sustainable Options For Investors
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The world of finance can be a complex and daunting one, especially for beginner investors. With numerous investment options and institutions vying for your attention, it's crucial to make informed choices. In recent years, sustainable finance practices have gained prominence, and not just in traditional banks. Non-banking institutions have also taken up the mantle of responsible investing. Today, we will explore sustainable finance practices in non-banking institutions, offering insights for individuals seeking to align their investments with their ethical values.
What Is Sustainable Finance
Before delving into the practices of non-banking institutions, it's essential to grasp the concept of sustainable finance. Sustainable finance, often referred to as ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing, involves considering environmental, social, and governance factors when making investment decisions.
ESG investing prioritizes investments that contribute positively to the environment, society, and governance. It's a conscious choice to support businesses that not only generate profits but also strive to make a positive impact on the world. Non-banking institutions have recognized the growing demand for ESG investments and are incorporating these principles into their services.
Non-Banking Institutions Embracing Sustainability
Non-banking institutions encompass a wide range of entities, including mutual funds, insurance companies, and asset management firms. Many of these organizations are adopting sustainable finance practices, offering individuals a diverse set of options for responsible investing.
1. Sustainable Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are a popular choice for many investors, and sustainable mutual funds have gained traction. These funds invest in companies that adhere to ESG principles. By choosing such funds, you can contribute to the growth of businesses that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility.
Also Read: NBFC Partnerships In The Digital Age
2. Ethical Insurance Products
Insurance companies now offer ethical insurance products, such as policies that promote clean energy, support community development, or protect the environment. These options allow you to insure your assets while making a positive impact.
3. Responsible Asset Management
Asset management firms are increasingly incorporating ESG factors into their investment strategies. By entrusting your funds to these firms, you can be confident that your investments are aligned with your values.
4. Green Bonds
Non-banking institutions also issue green bonds to fund environmentally-friendly projects. These bonds provide a unique investment avenue for those looking to support green initiatives while earning a return on their investment.
Key Considerations For Beginner Investors
As a beginner investor, the world of sustainable finance may seem overwhelming. Here are some key considerations to help you navigate this landscape effectively:
1. Define Your Values 
Determine what sustainability means to you. Is it supporting clean energy, promoting gender diversity, or advocating for responsible governance? Identifying your values will guide your investment choices.
2. Research Thoroughly
Understand the financial products and services offered by non-banking institutions. Compare the options available and assess their alignment with your values.
3. Diversify Your Portfolio
While sustainability is important, it's equally crucial to diversify your investments. Spread your investments across different asset classes and industries to manage risk effectively.
4. Risk Assessment
Assess the risk associated with sustainable investments. Like any other investment, ESG investments carry their own set of risks. Understand these risks and evaluate your risk tolerance.
Also Read: How Digital Platforms Drive Financial Inclusion
5. Seek Professional Guidance
If you're unsure about sustainable finance practices, consider consulting a financial advisor. They can help you navigate the nuances of ESG investing and make informed decisions.
6. Stay Informed
Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in sustainable finance. Non-banking institutions continually evolve their offerings, and being informed will help you make timely and well-informed choices.
In the world of finance, the options for responsible investing have expanded beyond traditional banks. Non-banking institutions now play a significant role in promoting sustainable finance practices. As a beginner investor, it's essential to understand the principles of ESG investing, define your values, and conduct thorough research to align your investments with your ethical beliefs. With a thoughtful approach and a commitment to sustainability, you can make a positive impact on the world while growing your wealth. 
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rheamehta02 · 1 year
What are the Benefits of Using an Accessibility Testing Service?
Unlock the power of inclusive design! 🌟 Dive into our micro-blog to discover the Benefits of Using an Accessibility Testing Service. Learn how to make your digital presence more inclusive and accessible to all. Join us on the path to a more inclusive future! ♿️💻 - https://medium.com/@rheas1498/organizations-have-spent-a-fortune-on-website-design-and-development-efforts-43b1d6772b06
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