#Dionysios Solomos
alatismeni-theitsa · 2 months
hello! i hope you’re having a wonderful day 💕 i wanted to ask if you know of, or have any literature or book recommendations that surround Ottoman Era Greece, The Revolution or the 19th century? i’ve been trying to find stuff but all that comes up is greek myth retellings it’s rather annoying 😭. if they have an english translated version that would also be superb! fiction or nonfiction i don’t mind, i’m just super keen to read and learn more about that era of Greek history many seem to overlook. Thank you so much! btw i love your blog so much.
Hello! Very sorry for being late to answer this but I was gathering books. While I have read historical articles and texts on the Revolution and the Ottoman period, they were in Greek. I will list here books I found in English, mostly by foreign authors. I checked them and they seem mostly fine (I usually try to avoid those with specific western agendas in the descriptions, and generally I am trying to show the most objective works. Please make sure to read more than one, so you can see multiple perspectives. I'm sure there will be biases here and there xD
Historical Books
Stories Of The Greek Nation - In Today's Language: (14th and 15th Volumes) - Paparrigopoulos Konstantinos (Also published by National Geographic in 2004)
The Greek world under Ottoman and Western Domination: 15th-19th centuries - Kitromelides Paschalis
Greece, The Hidden Centuries. Turkish Rule From The Fall Of Constantinople To Greek Independence - Brewer David
The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 1453 to 1768: The Ottoman Empire - Molly Greene
Viewing The Morea: Land And People In The Late Medieval Peloponnese
Ottoman Cyprus: A Collection of Studies on History and Culture (Near and Middle East Monographs) - Matthias Kappler, Eftihios Gavriel
Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early Twentieth-Century Palestine - Michelle U. Campos
Crypto Christianity And Crypto Christians In the Southern Balkans, Asia Minor and Cyprus - Athanasios Dimitrios (Protopresbyter)
Sephardi Lives: A Documentary History, 1700–1950 - Julia Phillips Cohen and Sarah Abrevaya Stein
A Jewish Voice From Ottoman Salonica: The Ladino Memoir Of Sa'adi Besalel A-Levi - Halevi Saadi Ben Betsanel
The History of Greece under Ottoman and Venetian Domination - George Finlay
Jewish Salonica: Between the Ottoman Empire and Modern Greece Devin E. Naar Stanford University Press
The Genocide Of The Ottoman Greeks - Studies On The State-Sponsored Campaign Of Extermination Of The Christians Of Asia Minor (1912-1922) And Its Aftermath: History, Law, Memory
The Greek Revolution
Ioannis Makrygiannis Memoirs (Makrygiannis is a Revolution Hero) Theodorou Kolokotroni Memoirs (Memoirs – Court Case) (Kolokotronis is a Revolution Hero)
Deligiannis: Memoirs - Deligiannis Kanellos (Deligiannis is a Revolution Hero)
The Greek Revolution - A Critical Dictionary - Kitromilides Paschalis, Tsoukalas Constantinos
Collective works: Stories Of The Greek Nation (Sixteenth Volume): Contemporary Hellenism From 1941 To The End Of The Century . (Publisher: Athens Publishing House)
The Cretan - Dionysios Solomos
The Free Besieged - Dionysios Solomos
Works by Rigas Feraios
Imaret - In The Shadow Of The Clock - Yiannis Kalpouzos
Niove's Children - Tasos Athanasiades
Number 31328 - Elias Venezis (A true story in a literary style)
Bloodied Earth – Dido Sotiriou
Ottoman Odyssey: Travels Through A Lost Empire by Alev Scott
Please suggest more books if you have something in mind!
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
Ancient Greece left a mark in myths and literature, but do you know any Byzantine stories that are worth being recognised? Also do you know any stories by modern Greek authors that deserve the same hype as the old ones?
Yes! The issue with Byzantine literature is that too little survives and even less survives in full, which is a result of both the relentless warring and invasions of the Byzantine Empire from west and east alike and the loud indifference regarding the preservation of anything Byzantine for the longest time, as opposed to the mania with Ancient Greek literature.
Regarding Byzantine fiction in specific, which is what I think you are asking, I think three romance novels survive and an epic poetic one. That last one is the trademark of Byzantine literature:
Basil Digenés Akritas (Βασίλειος Διγενής Ακρίτας), 9 - 10th Century
This versed epic novel is the best known amongst the acritic songs. Those poems were about the exploits of the akrites, meaning the soldiers / guards living and protecting the borders of the Byzantine empire. Digenes Akritas was a hero coming from two different bloodlines, as also evident by his epithet "Digenes", his father was a Saracen emir and his mother was of Byzantine Greek noblility in Cappadocia. Digenes has essentially supernatural power - there are herculian parallels - and he is not infallible in his morals - the story narrates his bravery, manliness, exploits and romance(s), and his piety - in a paradoxical combo truly few could master as much as the Byzantines.
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Erotókritos (Ερωτόκριτος), 16 - 17th Century
The monumental versed romance of post-Byzantine and very early Modern Greece is this classic of Cretan literature, composed by Vitsentzos Kornaros. Incidentally getting written the same time as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, I will go fully on record saying it's better than Romeo and Juliet. The reason I make this comparison at all is because the general concept is similar, although it unfolds entirely differently in the process; the forbidden love between two young people and the fierce objection of the parents. And also, because I don't get the fuss around R&J. Anyway, apart from the concept, the story is different, it's a friends to lovers, not enemies to lovers, one is a royal, the other is not, and the main character is , again, a super skilled warrior on top of everything else. The story is also set in a fantastical multi-Greek world: it's officially set in Ancient Athens, but it has Byzantine, Cretan, Greek folk and Frankish elements. The lovestory of Erotokritos and Aretusa remains the ultimate Greek romance and the poem has turned into folk songs that are well known and loved by all of us. The Cretan literature of the time produced more notable works, such as Erophile, which is super morbid and dark as hell, but I don't know much about it yet so I can't recommend it.
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As for Modern Greek literature, I am going to state another potentially surprising opinion. I do not consider myself an expert at it, however from the little I've read I like it wayyyy more than Ancient Greek literature, excluding the Homeric epics. Granted, it might have to do with how each can possibly resonate with us but it's also about the prose. This is subjective but I LOVE modern Greek prose and poetry. My mouth always threatens to drool when reading the Skiathitic dialect of Papadiamantis *shrug*.
You didn't ask about poetry but modern Greek poetry is 100% verified drool worthy. I don't know if you know Greek though, certainly translations aren't equal to the real thing. Still, I recommend the poetry of Odysseus Elytis, Giorgos Seferis, Constantine Cavafy, Giannis Ritsos, Nikos Kavvadias, Dionysios Solomos and so many more.
As for prose, I will start as a broken record once more, with the short novel "The Murderess" (Η Φόνισσα) by Alexandros Papadiamantis. You need no more description, that's all.
Here is a list of the 200 best modern Greek novels, as voted by readers. It's in Greek though. I didn't know it, but the Murderess is the most upvoted. I approve.
I will add nine more from this list to make a random Top 10 of classics:
Ματωμένα Χώματα (Bloody Earth) by Dido Sotiriou, 1962
Ένα παιδί μετράει τ' άστρα (A child counts the stars) by Menelaus Loudemis, 1956
Παραμύθι χωρίς όνομα (Fairytale without a name) by Penelope Delta, 1910
Η Μεγάλη Χίμαιρα (The Great Chimaera) by Manolis Karagatsis, 1953
Η Ζωή εν Τάφω (Life in the Grave) by Stratis Myrivilis, 1924
Ο Χριστός ξανασταυρώνεται (Christ, Recrucified) by Nikos Kazantzakis, 1948
Βίος και Πολιτεία του Αλέξη Ζορμπά (Life and Times of Alexis Zorbas) by Nikos Kazantzakis, 1946 (also known as "Zorbas the Greek" abroad...)
Το Τρίτο Στεφάνι (The Third Marriage) by Kostas Tachtsis, 1962
Η Πάπισσα Ιωάννα (Popess Johanna) by Emmanuel Roides, 1866
Το Νούμερο 31328 (Number 31328) by Ilias Venetis, 1931
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attichoney4u · 2 years
Note: The characters presented there are inspired by @allbeendonebefore's work and they have no intention to mock you, rather to entertain you.
Hello again. In my previous post, I talked about the regional unit of Aetolia-Acarnania. Here, I'm gonna present some of its important cities. Starting with the capital itself…
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Artistic choices: As with Aetolia and Acarnania in the previous post, I based her design from one of my aunts. Specifically, I made her tall with brown hair. I originally intended her to have scars all over her body, from the three Sieges (that we are going to talk about later) that took place in her city, but I ended up finding this idea over-the-top and she has fair skin. She is famous as a fish farming site, so I gave her clothes that make it easy for her to access waterz like boots, shorts and a plain t-shirt.
Messolonghi (as I prefer to call her) is the capital of Aetolia-Acarnania, despite not being its biggest city (Agrinio holds this position). Think of it like Edmonton and Calgary's case in Alberta, Canada.
It's one of these greek towns that has associated itself with the Greek War of Independence, a War that lasted from 1821 to 1829, and ended with the Greeks receiving their freedom from the Ottoman Empire.
To name, during that war, three dramatic sieges took place there. The first two (in 1822 and 1823) were unsuccessful, but the third was devastated for the Messolonghians.
Let's start from the beginning. Messolonghi is a city protected by a chain of small islands and its lagoon from the sea, and by a wall and the marshy terrain from the landward side. Additionally, it emerged as a fishing and trading settlement. All these made her a place in a vital position and that's why the Ottomans attacked her.
The reason the first two sieges were unsuccessful was due to the fact that the Ottomans focused solely on cutting connections and food from the land and thanks to the town's history as as a fishing and trading settlement, the residents could supply themselves via the sea route.
On the third time, however, the Ottomans came with a much stronger navy, cutting connections from both the land and the sea. The siege lasted till the spring of 1826. The Greeks had grown devastated and weak after a long and suffering winter without supplies, even going as far as to eat dogs, cats and mice from the streets. The residents looked skeletal and you could see corpses on the ground.
It was then that the Messolonghians decided to burst out of the gates and attempt to lead the women and children to safety. Meanwhile, those who were dying and/or too sick were piled into houses packed full of gunpowder to blow themselves up when the Ottomans arrived to kill them.
On the night of 10 April, the Greeks realised their plan, having to face an army of Ottomans who were informed about their escape. 10,000 emerged. Only 1,000 Greeks made it alive.
It's one of the most popular and important event of the Greek War of Independence, as it moved thousands of Philhellenes across the globe, who came to support the Greeks and it inspired works of art, like "The Free Besieged", a poem written by our national poet, Dionysios Solomos.
Here's an unofficial English translation I found on the Internet:
A silence as prevalent as death reigns over the plains
a bird speaks, takes a seed, and the mother envies it.
The famine blackened the eyes. The mother is swearing onto the eyes.
The good soldier from Souli stands aside and cries:
"Lone dark rifle, why do I hold you in the arm,
for you are a burden to me and even the Muslim knows ?"
April and Eros are dancing and laughing together,
and as many blossoms and cores come out, so many weapons enclose you.
A small white hill of sheep yells in movement,
and gets thrown deep within the sea again,
and merges its vast whiteness with the beauties of the sky.
And into the waters of the lake, which it reached in fast,
a blue butterfly played with its shadow,
that felt its sleep within the wild Fleur-de-lys.
The petite worm is also coming on its age.
The nature is magic and a dream in beauty and grace,
the black stone and the dried up grass are vast golden.
It spills itself with a thousand faucets, it speaks on a thousand languages:
"Whoever dies today will perish a thousand times."
The theme of the poem is about temptation and it's easily obvious on the last lines, where beautiful euphemisms are used to describe nature. One could ask "Who would want to die in such a beautiful day?". But as history (or to be more precise, this episode) showed, the Greeks preferred death over becoming slaves of the Ottomans.
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In this drawing, you can see a mother about to commit suicide after having killed her kid (which is seen lying in her left arm), in an attempt not to end in the arms of the Ottomans.
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The Garden of Heroes, a place dedicated to important military and political figures of the city, particularly from the Greek War of Independence.
Oh, I forgot to say that Lord Byron, a famous English poet and Philhellene died there.
Honestly, I feel like I talked too much about the Greek War of Independence…
On an unrelated note, she's in a rivalry with Agrinio, the biggest city and Economic Centre of Aetolia-Acarnania, but we will discuss it later (honestly, if you're following me for a while or if you've read my #athens and thessaloniki adventures posts, you will have noticed that we Greeks don't exactly get along)…
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Artistic choices: I based her body type and hair from my mom, as she grew up in a small village near Agrinio. My mom doesn't smoke, but I made her a smoker, since, as I stated in the fun fact above, Agrinio is known across Greece for its tobacco production. My mom has participated in this when she was a little girl and she has a lot to tell me about it… Plus, she isn't redhead, she's actually brunette, she just likes to dye her hair red (just like my mom).
Enjoy a video depicting the production of tobacco. My mom showed it to me and said its pretty accurate to what she did when she was little.
Agrinio is the biggest city of the regional unit of Aetolia-Acarnania and its Economic Centre. It's not the capital however. It's a similar case like the one with Edmonton and Calgary in Alberta, Canada.
It has acquired one of the worst reputations among greek cities, as a city that you "should avoid at all costs" and its residents as people you "should avoid at all costs". Here, I'm going to dissolve this ugly reputation or at the very least, try to justify it.
Agriniots in general are seen as "savages" that speak terribly greek. The reason for this is because, unbestknown for the majority of non-Agriniots, the people who claim to be from Agrinio aren't from Agrinio. They're from nearby villages, they just say Agrinio to help the listener locate the place. And because villagers have this reputation as being uncivilised and because every village speaks with a different accent, Agriniots earned the aforementioned reputation.
They're also in a rivalry with Messolonghi. The best way I can describe it is like this:
Agrinio: I'm the biggest city and Economic Centre of this regional unit! Why is SHE the capital?!
Messolonghi: I deserve this title because I'm an historic city!
Etc, etc
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Artistic choices: He's a lobster, because his name "Astakos" in Greece means lobster and I thought it was funny. However, I don't know how he got that name. I searched information online and I didn't find anything about Astakos being famous for his lobster farming.
Nothing to say, except that it's a nice village to stroll and have dinner if you ever find yourself in Greece. Plus, I liked this building when I visited it.
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Artistic choices: When most foreigners think about us Greeks, they think of slightly tanned people with brown or black hair. This is to a great extent true. For this reason, I wanted to create a character that looked less "Greek" and more "foreigner" just for the fun of it. She would be woman, have blonde hair (for the record, there're Greeks who have blonde hair, but there're huge brown hues on it. I wanted her hair to be pure blonde) and blue eyes. And that's how Nafpaktos came to be!
During the time she was under the Venetian Republic, she was named Lepanto. It's also the place where the Battle of Lepanto happened. You probably have heard it at least one in your life, as it's one of the most famous naval battles, and if you're Spaniard, it rings a bell in your ear.
It's considered of vital importance to the Europeans, since it marked the turning-point of Ottoman military expansion into the Mediterranean. Miguel de Cervantes, whom you might know as the author of Don Quixote, participated, where he severely injured his arm. In fact, there's a statue of him lifting his right arm, the arm which he used to write several famous literature works.
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She's also the second biggest city of Aetolia-Acarnania after Agrinio.
That's all I have to offer. Have a good day (or night depending on what time exactly you're reading this post) 😘. The next post is gonna be the last about the Aetolia-Acarnanian Gang!
A small part where I list all the sources of my information:
For Aetolia-Acarnania:
For Messolonghi:
For Agrinio:
For Astakos:
For Nafpaktos:
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anouri · 2 years
hellooo again hope you are having a greattt day im sending u many, many hugs <33
so, today i thought to talk about Dionysios Solomos because his poem 'hymn to Liberty' is the Greek and Cypriot national anthem,( i dont know many things about this dude because i slept during the lesson when we were talking about his life, oopss ) anyway, he was born on April 8, 1798 in Zakynthos and died on February 9, 1857, in Corfu. He studied in Italy and returned in Zakynthos after ten years and here's two articles with more info about his life/works link a and link b
and his poem 'hymn to Liberty':
with more info about his life/ We knew thee of old, / Oh, divinely restored, / By the lights of thine eyes, / And the light of thy Sword,
From the graves of our slain, / Shall thy valour prevail. / As we greet thee again- / Hail, Liberty! Hail!
the most awkward moment of every kid was when had to sing this and made a mistake, tragic, i was this kid
ps, the word hail is the greek work 'χαίρω' aka chairo. i dont even want to start with how to pronounce this word correctly because i will just start talking and explaining everything
awh, thats all<3 im sending hugs
this is unrelated to the actual content but i love the name dionysios. like i'm unsure if that's a common greek name and i'm simply unaware of it (which is very much possible), but i love it lol
'by the light of thine eyes, / and the light of thy sword' reminds me of some other lines from poems regarding relating humanity to a blade ('how quickly the blade becomes you' & 'a better knife than person')
thanks for this!! sending hugs right back < 33
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thegreenvoyage · 2 years
10 Best Beach Clubs Zakynthos (2023)
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Zakynthos or Zante, is the third largest of the Ionian Islands in Greece. The picturesque island is nicknamed the Flower of the Levant", and it is a popular holiday hotspot thanks to its striking beaches, resorts, local wildlife and exquisite beach clubs. Most of the island has been left untouched, and Zakynthos boasts beautiful natural habitats, making it a popular tourist destination. We have painstakingly listed the ten best beach clubs in Zakynthos to help you have a splendid holiday in Greece. Table of ContentsTop Categories of Beach Clubs in Zakynthos Overview 1- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos for Families 2- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos to Party 3- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos on a budget 4- Luxury Beach Clubs in Zakynthos 5- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos for Couples & Honeymoons Zakynthos Quick Guide What are the best Zakynthos Beach Clubs in 2023? 1.   Pure Beach Club 2.   Infinity Beach Club Zante 3.   Barracuda Beach Bar 4.   Sabbia beach bar 5.   Seacret Beach Club 6.   Mimoza Beach Bar 7.   BUCA BEACH LOUNGE BAR 8.   The Peligoni Club 9.  Spiros Beach Villa 10. Paradise Beach Hotel Zakynthos Travel Essentials Conclusion Top Categories of Beach Clubs in Zakynthos Overview Zakynthos has some of Greece's most popular beaches, restaurants, bars, lounges, and nightclubs. If you want to spend quality time relaxing at the beach, sipping on cocktails as the beautiful sand flows beneath your feet, beach clubs in Zakynthos are the places to visit. Zakynthos beach clubs are a great way to spend an exciting and memorable beach holiday. There's something for everyone, from casual dining to an all-night out. 1- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos for Families Mimoza beach resort (number six in the list below) has breathtaking sea views, a refreshing sea breeze and a warm, friendly atmosphere, making it ideal for families. Some facilities that make them family-friendly include an outside pool, a kid’s pool, a playground, a ping-pong table and a parking area. 2- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos to Party Pure beach club (number one on the list) is the perfect place to party. There, underage guests do not need ID or have to worry at all because anything goes. So if you’re yet to turn 18, you need not worry, as buying a cheeky shandy will not raise eyebrows or pose a challenge. 3- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos on a budget If you are looking for a budget-friendly beach club in Zakynthos, do not look further than Spiros Beach Villa. For just 30 Euros a night and an additional seven Euros for a cooked breakfast, guests can enjoy a spacious three-bed room. 4- Luxury Beach Clubs in Zakynthos  If you are looking for a luxury beach club, Seacret beach club is your best bet. Under the tree shades and in the comfort of a gazebo, with the sea breeze blowing to keep you cool, guests can relax while having a seaside massage. 5- Beach Clubs in Zakynthos for Couples & Honeymoons For couples looking for a romantic getaway in Zakynthos, The Peligoni Club is ideal for weddings; it features beautiful views of the ocean and private cabanas for a more intimate experience. (number 8 on the list below). Zakynthos Quick Guide Ionian Islands of Zakynthos is famous for its picturesque shipwreck beach. However, other beautiful attractions keep tourists returning— the steep limestone cliffs, white pebble beaches, and the blue seas are just a few. Zakynthos has the shape of an arrowhead, a mountainous plateau, sandy beaches, several isolated hills and cliffs. Famous landmarks and Sight Seeing in Zakynthos The northern and eastern shores of Zakynthos have numerous sandy beaches, tropical vegetation, turquoise waters, and sea caves. Below we have listed a few famous landmarks that are a must-see. - Enjoy the seafront views of the promenade. - Take a walk through the yellow walls of Saint Markos Square. - Visit the Byzantine museum. - Engross in the beautiful Museum of D Solomos and Eminent People of Zakynthos - Dionysios Solomos Square. - Take a stroll to the Venetian Castle atop the Bohali Hill. - Climb the Strani Hill, where the Greece National Athem “An Ode To Freedom” was written. - Enter the cove and natural blue caves around Cape Skinari. - Visit the stone arches at Cape Marathia. - Enjoy the views of Marathonissi islet, also known as "Turtle Island". - Check out some of the historical Greek churches like the Church Agios Nikolaos of Molos, St. Dionisos Church, San Dennis Church, and Faneromeni Orthodox Church. Best Time To Visit Zakynthos July and August are the peak seasons for tourists visiting Zakynthos, but if you're looking for tranquillity and fewer people, the months of March and November are the ideal time to visit the island of Zakynthos. Some beach clubs have heated pools and other facilities to attract customers even if the weather may be too cool for swimming towards the end of the year. Where To Stay in Zakynthos - Ninemia Villas - Palatino Hotel - Plaza Hotel - White Canvas Boutique Studios - Lithalona Villas and Houses - Ionian Hill Hotel - Armonia Boutique Hotel - Contessina Suites & Spa Zakynthos - Margarita Hotel Tours in Zakynthos - One-day small group tour to Navagio beach Blue Caves and top view - Turtle Spotting, Keri Caves, Marathonisi and Cameo Island Tour - Private Speed Boat Trip to Shipwreck/blue caves - Cruise to turtle's island and caves with a glass bottom boat - Jeep Safari through Zakynthos island - Private Athens City and Sea Bike Tour - Five-day tour of Nafplio Mycenae Epidaurus Olympia Zakynthos island Delphi Meteora - Zante Water Village and Admission Ticket Shopping in Zakynthos - Spinspot Ceramics & Pottery - Anamnesia Zakynthos - Razi Aroma - Medusa Boutique - Levantino - Sweet Revenge Greek Products What are the best Zakynthos Beach Clubs in 2023? The beaches of the Zakynthos are just part of the attraction. There’s a wide variety of beach clubs to explore. Zakynthos offers everything you might want or need for a perfect holiday. Below is a list of the best ten beach clubs in the Zakynthos that we recommend checking out. - Pure Beach Club - Infinity Beach Club Zante - Barracuda Beach Bar - Sabbia beach bar - Seacret Beach Club - Mimoza Beach Bar - Buca Beach Lounge Bar - The Peligoni Club - Villa Spiros - Paradise Beach Hotel 1.   Pure Beach Club The daytime at Pure beach club is extremely captivating; you can't tell the difference between daytime and nighttime with the day parties and events. With the state-of-the-art sound system and well-lit stage provide the backdrop for world-class entertainment. Summer Tuesdays are presentation days, while Fridays are dedicated to Champagne Spray. Both events have many VIP options to make your experience extra special. Pure beach club is a place to get daytime sheesha, and seek a haven of recovery from the night before. The beach club offers guests different drinking and VIP packages for a smooth party experience. These packages can be used in multiple Zante Venues to purchase different drinks. Pure Day Club’s main attraction is the m2 swimming pool, a great place for guests to spend the day listening to music with a cocktail. The club has beds and cabanas, ideal for relaxing and taking pictures and spending quality time with adult friends. Website: https://www.purezante.com/ Social media: https://www.instagram.com/purezanteofficial/ Email:  [email protected] Address: Postbox 192, Laganas 291 00, Greece 2.   Infinity Beach Club Zante The picturesque Infinity Beach Club, located on Lagana beach Zante, has a laid-back and chilled atmosphere. It is open from the morning to late evening and has a minimalistic, stylish décor. Guests can reserve seats alongside pre-purchasing food and drinks. Infinity Beach Club’s cocktail menu is designed by a global award-winning mixologist, and visitors can enjoy an exquisite and unique range of drinks made from premium brand spirits. Various local and international beers and wines can also be enjoyed. However, the most relaxing moment for guests is often when they chill on the beach club's comfortable sofas, sunbeds and cabanas, from whence they can enjoy the panoramic Ionian Sea view and sunset whilst enjoying shisha or food. Guests who are up for an adventure can opt for a 4-hour non-stop party on the sea. The  boat party with fun games and other activities provide for an incredible atmosphere, stunning blue seas and unlimited drinks to fuel the party. A Pukka up boat party will surely be the highlight of the holiday when visiting the Infinity Beach Club. Address: Laganas Beach, Zakinthos 290 92, Greece Website: https://infinityzante.com/ Social media: https://www.instagram.com/infinity_zante/ Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +30 694 560 8008 3.   Barracuda Beach Bar Barracuda is a great place on the island of Zakynthos to have cocktails by the sea, enjoy snacks, and share platters and gourmet meals. While relaxing on the sunbed with a platter of food, guests can enjoy full waitperson service. Barracuda Beach Bar, situated on the beautiful sunny beach at Tsilivi Beach, has breathtaking sea views, a refreshing sea breeze and a warm, friendly atmosphere, making it ideal for families, couples and singles alike. There is a children's play area and free parking available.  Barracuda’s beach bar menu includes a wide variety of delicious dishes, fresh seafood, salads and light snacks. This beach club offers crystal clear blue waters ideal for swimming, easy access and plenty of sun umbrellas and deck chairs for sunbathing in the golden sand, outdoor showers, private parking, a pool table and a lunch and dinner area as well as different water sports. It is definitely worth a visit when in Zakynthos. Website: https://barracudazakynthos.com/ Address: Tsilivi,Zakynythos Phone Number: +30 697 400 8467 Email: [email protected] Social media: https://www.instagram.com/barracuda_zakynthos/ Opening time: Daily from 9am till 8pm 4.   Sabbia beach bar Sabbia beach bar has a chic, relaxed and family friendly/pet friendly environment. With sunbeds and cabanas, guest can relax while sipping on a chilled cocktail in the hot summer months. Sabbia beach club is situated approximately five minutes drive from Alykanas beach and offers guests free parking, a sun terrace, and a restaurant. The beach club’s menu caters to both Greek cuisine, international dishes and vegetarian dishes. Business Hours: Open from 9:00am-11:00pm Phone Number: +30 697 299 3503 Address: Paralia Agios Sostis, Agios Sostis 29092, Greece Social media: https://www.instagram.com/sabbia.beach.bar/?hl=en 5.   Seacret Beach Club Seacret Beach Club is an oasis in the heart of Tsilivi bay in Zakynthos. Guests can chill by the sea with the sand under their feet. If you are looking for a luxury beach club, Seacret beach club is your best bet. With the bamboo shades, guests can reinvigorate themselves by indulging in sun therapy on the club's extra-large sunbeds. Some of their specialties include a beachfront massage bed. Under the tree shades and in the comfort of a gazebo, with the sea breeze blowing to keep you cool, guests can relax while having a seaside massage. Seacret's luxurious ambience and careful dining menu make it an ideal wedding location. Seacret beach club ensures hassle-free airport and port transfers for guests. Seacret transportation services take guests everywhere they desire in maximal comfort and style—be it the beach in Zakynthos or any other island destination. Guests can also find an eclectic collection of boho chic summer basics, swimsuits, accessories and jewelry from Greek and International designers. Website: https://www.seacretbeachclub.com/ Address: Tsilivi Zakynthos, 29100, Greece Email: [email protected] Phone number: +30 698344196, +30 26950 42222 Social media: https://www.instagram.com/seacret_beach_club/ 6.   Mimoza Beach Bar Mimoza Beach, just a short distance from Zante town, maintains its historical significance by providing sanctuary from the bustle of the island with breathtaking views of the Ionian Sea. Guests can enjoy a unique setting while dining on traditional Mediterranean cuisine. A visit to the Mimoza beach resort will leave an impression on every visitor, guaranteeing a return. From Mimoza Beach, guests can easily access most of the main sight-seeing areas of the island like Bohali hill with the great Zakynthos town overview, the historical city center, St. Denis church, Museums as well as Caretta-Caretta nests and the famous Zakynthos long sandy beaches. Some of the facilities that make them family-friendly include an outside pool, a kid’s pool, a playground, a ping-pong table and a parking area. Website: www.mimozabeach.gr Address: Argasi 29100 Zakynthos Phone number: +30 2695 022588 Email: [email protected] 7.   BUCA BEACH LOUNGE BAR Buca Lounge Bar is a stylish contemporary beach bar situated on Alykes Beach, Zante. Buca Lounge Bar is a modern-styled bar with eye catching colours, ensuring that all visitors have fun in a comfortable and brilliant atmosphere. Whether you want to spend the day outside lounging on sunbeds or you prefer the cool insides of the lounge bar to hear the rhythmic summer music, Buca has something for everyone as guests can oscillate between both indoors and outdoors. Since it is located so close to the beach and provides magna ificent view of the Ionian Sea, Buca bar is ideal during the day and at night. Address: Paralia Alikes, Alykes Beach, Zakynthos 29090 Zákynthos, Greece Phone: 2695 084048, 694 800 2870 Website: https://bucabeachloungebar.company.site/ Social media: BUCA BEACH LOUNGE BAR - Alykes beach Zakynthos Zante - Home | Facebook Email: [email protected] 8.   The Peligoni Club The Peligoni Club is a family-run beach club in the northern part of Greece’s Zakynthos, It is a members-only beach club for intimate fun family vacations. Unlike a hotel or resort, the Peligoni beach club does not have any accommodation on-site and guests are booked into a carefully selected range of private villas, cottages and B&Bs, either by the sea or in the beautiful hills of north Zakynthos. It is a perfect definition of home away from home, the food, activity and lifestyle are all chill and laid back. The beach club only accommodates a limited number of members each week and to access the club, guests need to purchase a weekly membership in advance.  The Peligoni Club has a spa among its many other club offerings and amenities. The treatment rooms are nestled among herbaceous plants and sprawling bougainvillea in the quietest part of a club, making it a perfect place for some well-earned relaxation time. The club is open from May until October every summer. Website: The Peligoni Club | Barefoot Luxury Beach Club Greece 9.  Spiros Beach Villa Spiros Beach Villa is located in Agios Nikitas, 100 meters away from the homonymous beach. It is easily accessible from the famous beaches of Kathisma, Milos and Pefkoulia, making it ideal for guests to explore the city and the town. The beach club is a detached vacation rental property is air-conditioned and sleeps up to 5 people with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms along with a private swimming pool and sea views. There are 8 spacious studios of 15 sq.m and the rooms are spacious. For just 30 Euros a night and an additional seven Euros for a cooked breakfast, guests can enjoy a spacious three bed room. Address: Agios Nikitas, Lefkada Phone number: +30 6906393687, +30 2645097380 Email: [email protected] 10. Paradise Beach Hotel Paradise Beach Hotel is located on the sandy beach of Argassi, 3.5km from the centre of Zakynthos and 6km from the International Airport. It is the nearest coastal village to the centre of Zakynthos, and the beach hotel offers light and delicious dishes, drinks and refreshing cocktails. In the buffet-style breakfast, guests can have their fill of fresh Greek products and delicious Greek recipes while overlooking the endless blue of the Ionian Sea and is located in the pool area. Website: www.hotelparadisebeach.gr Address: Zakynthos Argasi, 29100, Greece Phone Number:+30 2695 023620, +0030 6979757567 Email: [email protected] Social media: Instagram Zakynthos Travel Essentials The Island of Zakynthos is close to mainland Greece. Some travel options include taking a ferry from Kyllini or Peloponnese, taking a flight from Athens or other European cities or driving over to the Ionian Islands. Whichever is your preferred mode of transportation to the island, we have enlisted a few travel essentials to help guide you. Car Rental Services When holidaying in Zakynthos, renting a car to get around is ideal, even if it's only for a day or two. Given the island's size and the distance between its greatest beaches, having your vehicle will give you more freedom to explore and enjoy your vacation. Rental Cars is the service we've found most helpful and budget friendly to tourists. Yacht Rental Services To visit a string of beautiful beaches that grace Zakynthos, charter a yacht from Searadars. They offer private motorboats, sailboats, catamarans and skippered yacht charters to famous landmarks. Flights & Hotels Accommodation Find the best accommodation deals for Your Stay in Zakynthos on Booking.com. They offer seamless and fast hotel and accommodation bookings. You can compare prices, get the best deals for your next flight booking and find flexible flight options on WayAway. Airport & Hotel Transfers Renting a car from Kwik Taxi is a comfortable and safe way to get out of the airport and to your hotel.  They offer 24-hour service, and you can book airport and hotel transfers from over 100 countries with options for budget, so you need not bother about your arrival time. Transport Services If you’re looking for transportation services while in Zakynthos, 12go is a great option. 12go offers a wide range of transportation options, from private transportation services to city transportation. Attractions, Museums And Shows We have listed some of the best attractions and museums in Zakynthos, including the Venetian Castle, and Dionysios Solomos Square, amongst others. However, Tiqets is the best way to get tickets to museums, arenas, and other tourist sites if you truly want to explore the town. Discover the best Zakynthos has to offer by reading traveller reviews on TripAdvisor. Reading other visitors' experiences and testimonials gives you a holistic view of Zakynthos. Activities Zakynthos is a great destination, but you must be prepared to make the most of your time there. When planning your Zakynthos vacation, use Viator or Get your Guide to book fascinating excursions and activities. Conclusion Zakynthos is commonly known to tourists as the island of the Shipwreck Cove, while its other name, ‘Zante,’ is more common amongst the Greeks and Italians. Visit Zakynthos to discover the other side of the island's nightlife, from chic wine bars to traditional live music. Read the full article
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monogreek · 4 years
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The poet Solomos (1950) by Nikos Engonopoulos (1910-1985)
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elladastinkardiamou · 4 years
Dionisios Solomos Zante Ferries departure from Piraeus - Drone video
Video by Minas Akepsimaidis
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silezukuk · 7 years
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mayolfederico · 4 years
otto aprile
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Odd Nerdrum
  Le due allodole in amore che al mio fischio virano e domestiche, ma anche tra loro giocando, calano verso di noi, si posano chiare al piede del palo d’alta tensione: ho schiuso la portiera e di lì fischio solo un po’ impedito dalla cravatta e tu meravigliata per un momento ti dimentichi e ti si schiude, forse, la stretta (di ciò che chiami – e io scarto, alzo le spalle – di…
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robstegehuis · 2 years
(at Zakynthos International Airport Dionysios Solomos (ZTH) (Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Ζακύνθου Διονύσιος Σολωμός))
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Random Music Facts #17:
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The longest national anthem in the world, “The Hymn to Liberty” comes from Greece, written by Dionysios Solomos in 1823, and consisting of 158 verses. Clocking in around 30 minutes, It is unknown whether anyone has ever made it to its end
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gemsofgreece · 2 years
Who are your favorite contemporary greek writers (could be novelists, poets or essayists)?
My favourite author is Alexandros Papadiamantis but I enjoyed whatever little I have read from Nikos Kazantzakis and Penelope Delta too.
My favourite poets are Nikos Kavvadias, Odysseus Elytis, Yannis Ritsos, Vintsentzos Kornaros and Dionysios Solomos.
I must say though, I must definitely up my game when it comes to Greek literature / poetry.
I haven't read a lot of essays but I think Vassilis Rafailidis can be included in this category. I really liked the one (1) book of his I read!
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wordsmithic · 3 years
This year Hellas (Greece) celebrates 200 years since the outbreak of the Greek Revolution of 1821.
Different theater productions across Greece have presented plays about the successful Greek War of Independence (1821–1829) that liberated and decolonized Greece from centuries of Ottoman occupation.
One of the most impressive plays this year was the adaptation of the poem by Dionysios Solomos. "The Free Besieged" (Greek: Οι Ελεύθεροι Πολιορκημένοι, Oi Eleftheroi Poliorkimenoi). Dionysios Solomos is considered the National Poet of Greeks. The play is directed by Thanos Papakonstantinou.
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On April 15, 1825, the invading Ottoman armies in Central Greece besieged the city of Missolonghi for the third time. However, the defenders managed to keep the city for almost one year, but a number of factors like the numerically superior strength of the Ottomans, the continuous assaults and the lack of food and other supplies led them to decide a heroic sortie on the night of 10 April 1826. The tragic end of the Greeks was certain, but they fought as hard as they could. In their hearts, they were free.
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The trailer is very beautiful, as well! (warning: flashing lights)
Another, more traditional tone, follows the “Stories on the road no.2” by the Greek National Theatre. (Ιστορίες καθ΄ οδόν Νο2, από το Εθνικό Θέατρο στο Σχολείον της Αθήνας «Ειρήνη Παπά»). I find the costumes outstanding!
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Lastly, there was a play about the Revolution Hero Manto Mavrogenous in Mykonos, the island of her origin. She used all her influence and money to drastically change the landscape of the revolution for the benefit of the Greeks, she attacked warriors and pirates alike, but she died alone and forgotten. She was famous for her beauty and her unfailing courage.
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shonartori · 3 years
Top most beautiful places to visit in Greece
Welcome to our site and today we are counting our options for the top destinations in Greece by 2021. In this list we look at the beautiful Mediterranean country of Greece and list some of the most beautiful cities, towns, regions and islands. You should visit in 2021.
Santorini is one of the Cyclades islands settled in the Aegean Sea. This is unquestionably perhaps the most wonderful and heartfelt islands on the planet. Fantastic nightfalls, conventional whitewashed houses and the amazing sights of the sea is the thing that makes this island so uncommon. 
Head to Oia for the notorious town of pastel-washed houses embracing the precipice face. Most of shops selling postcards in Greece will have photos from Santorini and once you visit you'll understand why this is Greek spot is so appreciated.
 NUMBER 2. Delphi 
                                 If history is your thing, visiting Delphi is a must while you may come to this place nine on our list today back in ancient Greece. Delphi probably felt like a center of the universe. This was the seat of pithia high priest of apollo and oracle. Whose prophecies made her position so powerful and influenced modern visitors will not receive any life-changing messages from the gods but the site is very well maintained and separated from the top of the mountain from the city. It certainly encourages Delhi to be easily accessible less than 100 miles from Athens, which makes it easy to travel for a day. If you have no hassle but consider making an overnight trip by staying in the neighboring city of delphi that way you can appreciate watching the times when the crowds are gone and its timeless aura shines a bright.
NUMBER 3. Parthenon Acropolis, Athens – the striking noteworthy landmark and a really striking spot to investigate in Greece
There are numerous stunning authentic locales to investigate in Greece however this world-celebrated Greek objective is viewed as the main enduring structure of Classical Greece. 
Found in the focal point of the Greece capital Athens, it's vestiges of an old sanctuary on the Athenian Acropolis committed to the lady goddess Athena and worked for years and years beginning 447BC.
4. Mykonos – the lively and very pretty Greek island
This island stands apart as perhaps the most wonderful in the Aegean district and makes a fabulous objective to investigate in Greece. Having a place with the Cyclades bunch in the Aegean Sea, in spite of the fact that Mykonos is a famous gathering island there is still a lot of common and conventional magnificence on offer. Mykonos has an assortment of one of a kind Cycladic design set around a beautiful fishing town straight. 
The square whitewashed structures sit intently together shaping a labyrinth of limited rear entryways and roads and are exceptionally camera-ready. The island's wonderful sea shores additionally make an ideal scenery to watch the dusk.
5.Meteora, Kalabaka – an iconic rock formation which is one of the most stunning places to visit in Greece
Found in focal Greece, this striking and uncommon stone development is home to a religious community established in the fourteenth century and now has UNESCO World Heritage site status. The complex of six cloisters are assembled dubiously roosted on 1,300 feet high sandstone zeniths, at the northwestern edge of the Plain of Thessaly close the lovely Pineios stream and Pindus Mountains. 
The inhabitants of the structures situated on upward steep shakes unquestionably made some unpleasant memories descending, however so was their move up. It is a wonderful spirit that can leave you stunned – effectively probably the best spot to find in Greece!
6.Zakynthos – a picturesque island popular for its wreck and a stunning spot to visit in Greece
An endowment of the Ionian Sea, Zakynthos may bear a Venetian name however was referenced by Homer in both the Odyssey and Illiad. This excellent Greek jewel of a spot is celebrated around the world for its perfectly clear blue waters, brilliant sea shores, and exceptional undertakings, particularly around evening time. 
Zakynthos offers heaps of beautiful excursions, particularly the Shipwreck Beach of Navagio in an isolated inlet, including Banana, Porto Zoro, Kalamaki, and Gerakas. Zakynthos Town is home to many historical centers and a fascinating Venetian Castle on the peak. Beautiful sloping towns are dispersed across the open country, including old religious communities handily found via vehicle. 
Eateries speck the district offering scrumptious Zakynthos cooking with eminent must-sees, for example, Solomos Square with the bust of Greek public writer D. Solomos, Strata Marina with loads of eateries, bars and bistros, Stranis slope for a mystical perspective on the island and amazing old places of worship like Aghios Nikolaos, Dionysios, Markos, and Pikardiotissa. 
Experience and adrenaline junkies can go surfing or recruit a boat, journey through the grand rocky area, go swimming, swim among ocean turtles, and scuba make a plunge submerged caverns between rocks in perfectly clear environmental factors. Perhaps the most appealing travel objections in Greece!  
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greattyrantcrown · 4 years
Toujours ouverts, toujours veillants les yeux de mon âme. Dionysios Solomos
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