#Dishonored Verse
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Verse of the Day - 1 Corinthians 13:5
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ofspvrta · 2 years
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θ ::|| @torntruth​ asked: 
Emily’s always doing that, isn’t she? Just smiling at Kassandra. Looking up from what she’s doing, then simply smiling. It looks good on her, she doesn’t do it too often for just anyone. There’s something so lethargic about Emily sitting there in just button up shirt, one side untucked from pants, sleeves rolled up messily. With a smile.
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          It’s downright frustrating how distracting Emily is. She knows what she should be focused on, even if the one who had given her this task had been silent for over two thousand years. Even though she had no real reason to pursue this as she did, but perhaps having some purpose after what had befell her is the only saving grace she had. 
          But here she stands, in Emily’s quarters, the dark haired woman just giving her a smile that is breaking down all of those walls she’d worked so damn hard to put up. Features as sharp as that folding blade she wielded with such accuracy. And those eyes, no matter whether they were brown or black, always managed to capture her just so. Her focus should be solely on the artifact and yet she cannot get Emily off her mind. A part of her doesn’t even want to. Why should she? Emily doesn’t seem to care about how strange she seems.     
            A smile ghosts on Kassandra’s lips. This could have been so much easier all those centuries ago, where she didn’t feel a thousand years of reasons and a terrible burden stopping her from going for what she wanted. The immortal mercenary moves closer to where Emily sits, her own outfit stripped of its jacket. “If you keep smiling at me like that I’m going to start thinking you like me.”
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torntruth · 9 months
not to yet again reveal that i'm super obsessed with dishonored 2 particularly, dishonored 1 is fuzzy at places, but in 2 especially i know every mission, every location, every way to move in the level. if y'all need help, i'm here. i just honestly thought the game levels in 2 were extremely beautiful and i've explored the game as much as i could lmao.
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redridcr · 1 year
"You ever think about frogs?" from emily to lise.
@torntruth sent in a thing!! and tbh I'm too lazy to link it
The princess is found by the Empress in a precarious position ; and it's not the sensual kind that was becoming more common between them. Liselotte never played pretty, and here she was, proving this with her skirts squirreled up and away in her hands, taking less than careful steps into the mud. The pond was proving to be a difficult opponent to wade through, and Liselotte let out a loud laugh at Emily's comment.
" What do you think I'm doing? I hear the critters croaking all night. Or, is there something else to search for at the bottom of this pond? Maybe, I need to find the pearls that poor Philippe dropped in here so he can clutch them if he sees me. Trust me, he would scream if he came by now. "
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tornsurvivors · 8 months
[ hurry ] sender leans away from receiver to try and pretend they're not together or not in a relationship / from lizzy to jaina
[ this prompt. ]
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Things had changed. They had taken a direction Jaina wanted to avoid, but she KNEW she absolutely had no chance. Not when she joined in on the revelry going on in the neutral zone of a port town. She knew she had no chance as she laughed occasionally at the jokes her crew made, or Lizzy's people made. Knew she had no chance of running away again as they sat at the long table, a mug of the port town's best rum in hand.
Knew there was absolutely no fucking chance as she would feel Lizzy's thigh brush up against hers since they were sitting next to each other.
When she dared to glance over to the pirate, she caught a glimpse of the way Lizzy seemed to lean away from her and pretend she was becoming involved with a conversation with someone else. And Jaina just smiled, faintly. Because she understood. Jaina never wanted a serious relationship to begin with, Lizzy was just a really, really good friend with benefits.
So it's understandable why she internally berated herself for feeling the slightest bereft of Lizzy's touch.
How dare her emotions decide to get involved!
It was then she came face to face with an infuriatingly rational reason why she felt this way. She was tired of being alone for over a decade. Tired of feeling like it at all.
But knowing the fate that had been sealed for her -- she couldn't bear the thought of possibly leaving Lizzy if she were to sacrifice herself to save everyone. To save life itself. Which prompts her to respond in the way of finally looking at Lizzy and smirk instead. Just keep it casual.
"Aye, I think I'd like to hear about that embarrassing moment." She chipped in after hearing the pirate Lizzy had been conversing with admit he'd remembered one of Lizzy's embarrassing moments and lifted her mug, taking a swig.
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beemintty · 8 months
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:4‭-‬7‬ ‭NIV‬‬
[4] Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. [5] It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. [6] Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. [7] It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
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amongxthexcrowd · 1 year
• •Pearl• •
The night had finally slowed down from the usual antics at the Golden Cat, eventually, the drunks and the well-to-do had left to go back home to their families. And she was left to tidy up and wind down for the night. She'd just settled in to pour herself a drink when something suddenly appeared in her peripheral vision. She jumped and turned, but settled when she saw it was Daud.
"BY THE VOID, DAUD! You scared me!" @strictlycanon
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aattano · 11 months
well, i'd like to help, but... you see... not as much as i'd like not to. ( the outsider )
------- corvo sighs, shaking his head. one would think he would be used to the outsider's particular brand of unhelpfulness after fifteen years, and yet. the royal protector squints at the godlike creature, replacing his sword in its holster. "that seems par for the course. can you at least stop blocking my shot?"
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purplemoonabove · 1 year
Never have I ever been so insulted by such behavior! To think this was allowed before it could be stopped!
How indecisive!
How offensive!
How cruel of them to do so!
Cutting off Am I Dreaming.
How selfish can you be?! 😡
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kingsblaze · 2 years
@honedclaws Closed AU.
The moment the acting Regen had laid his head upon a pillow within the grand palace, was the moment things felt off. He wasn’t truly sure how long it had been, but sleep never took him like it did this night. Like a sensation of not falling a sleep but being pulled under water and dragged into the darkness.
Confusion fought with his own will to fight as he grabbed at the black tendrils that seemed hellbent on drowning him.
Leon woke up with a start, sweat running down his brow and his chest heaving. The light that poured through the large windows was more than welcoming to ease back the shadows and wisps of darkness at the corners of the room. However... even the light, after a moment of catching his breath, felt out of place. Far too purple to be natural.
Leon eased himself from the bed, and walked barefoot to the door. Light shone through the gap insistently, almost blindingly, but Leon opened it anyway. There was no grand hall that greeted him, no guard that had been posted the day before. Only the shattered remnants of what could barely be considered a hallway and staircase and an endless void if he were to slip unfortunately. 
He was careful with how he descended the stairs, down into a disconnected foyer he didn’t recognize. This wouldn’t be such a terrifying dream had it not be for the feeling of eyes on him since the moment the darkness grabbed him.
“If you wish to watch me, at the very least show your face to me as well.”
He called out, looking out into the void for any sort of reaction.
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dominaxnoctis · 2 years
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@torntruth // The way Emily is sitting so casually in the armchair, slightly manspread, elbow on the arm of the chair, head in her hand. She smiles. She's been royalty far too long to ever lose all posture, but it's hard to tell she's the Empress. "Do you like dogs? I think somebody's trying to get in." no meme i just liked for the thing ty ily
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🕸 — she must admit, at first the empress seemed like she would be a handful at first, but she's never once regretted taking on her position as one of her loyal guards. it has proven to be much more entertaining than what she used to do especially with how different she is from the typical ruler she has encountered in all of her years alive. and it seems she only continues to prove that.
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a smile graces her features accompanied by a brow lifted in amusement towards her observation.
❝ there may be lots 'a bats who dislike canines, but 'm not one 'a them. ❞ she exhibits mannerisms of a higher class herself contrary to the position she held, each step towards the door made with perfect posture and grace.
that is, until she allows the pup in, a fully grown husky that has a lot more spark than she's expecting him to.
she's knocked to the ground out of surprise, holding her hands out to keep the dog from furthering its assault of alarming, albeit endearing, excitement. she's barely able to spare emily even a glance. she no longer seems that enthused, but for a creature with far too much strength she's rather gentle when she lifts him into her arms.
the dog tilts his head curiously and whines as she finally turns her attention back to the empress.
❝ is this lad yer' doin', yer' majesty? ❞
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ofspvrta · 8 months
❛  i’m  yours ,  only  yours -  ❜ from Emily
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μ::|| meme: 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑶𝑹𝑴𝑰𝑻𝒀 𝑶𝑭 𝑴𝒀 𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑰𝑹𝑬 . | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @torntruth | emily
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Kassandra had never considered herself a possessive person, but somehow those words always managed to stir something in her. They had stolen away from the more formal aspects of the party going on below, the political needs having been met by her presence and neither of them wanting to stay longer than they needed to. There were plenty of noble sorts talking among themselves that they wouldn't notice the two lovebirds slip away in the middle of the event.
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They tuck themselves into a darkened corridor, Kassandra pressing the Empress against the wall, already deep into a hungered kiss. The taste of wine lingers on lips and tongue as Emily works off the immortal's coat and Kassandra's nimble fingers work at the woman's blouse. Shrugging the coat to the floor, Kassandra pulls at Emily's own, and then tugging the blouse around her arms until her collar and neck were exposed to her, the decolletage revealed to hungry eyes. Hot kisses trail down Emily's face, to her jaw, and down her neckline doting over the vein and her collarbone.
"I'm yours, only yours -" Emily breathes, head canting back at Kassandra's affections.
"Say it again," Kassandra growls lowly, fangs nipping at the skin, hands grasping at Emily's hips. She presses her leg between Emily's, her want and desire clear.
"I'm yours."
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torntruth · 7 months
No one is now what they were before the war. - yen @ emily!
some prompt from here , @embodies , always accepting .
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it's the way emily's hand comes up to cover her face in such a subtle way , her long fingers pressing into her forehead , hiding the smirk that curled up her lips. the smirk that comes from a place of familiarity. too much familiarity , of course. sometimes pain creates unhappy laughter and that's something she'll never be able to explain. her elbow rests on the desk still , other hand hidden in her lap. no ulterior motive.
... it is so completely still.
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" a war takes any innocence you had. even if you didn't realize you had any left. it takes it all. that's why it has to end. do you agree or disagree? "
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redridcr · 1 year
@torntruth deserves our girls so HERE I AM - cont. from here
There always was a great divide in her difficult marriage ; a bridge never built couldn't be burned, and maybe that was why Liselotte and her husband lacked any sort of actual animosity. Annoyance and frustration festered, taking root but never choking out their family tree like the irate vines of invasive ivy.
( and after months in Dunwall, two gardens began to grow and meld together ; a lover, a sister, a friend. Blossoming hedges demonstrated more strength than the heavy hand of a heretic king. )
Liselotte continues to sit ( as she always does at first in delicate situations ) and her hands make hurried, repetitous movements, right thumb dragging over the inside of her left hand, and pressing so hard it may have removed her own fingerprints out of nervousness.
" And how long is ' a while '? " the typically chatty princess was cut short on wit today ( stunned into respectable silence ).
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tornsurvivors · 8 months
don't you dare touch them! / for freya, alexi or syl. whoever you be feeling.
[ since you already got Freya... you're gonna get Alexi & Syl. @torntruth ]
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She's still reeling. Who would've thought... youngest Captain of City Watch getting blindsided? Then again, this was no ordinary enemy. With a slow shake of her head and a harsh exhale when her mind spun, blue-green eyes eventually flick up to the offending asshole. But all she sees is Emily's back in front of her. So she wasn't just hearing things... she DID hear the growled threat from Emily. It was enough to make her feel safe. Just as safe the shadows that would crawl in her bed at night when the host of the said shadows isn't leaping from rooftop to the next.
Speaking of shadows though, she certainly didn't miss the flicker of an infected Void within the brute man's eyes. The rupture of the Void world bleeding into the living plane had gotten to him and it was driving him mad -- slowly and painfully so.
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A low grating hiss escaped from the elf -- provoked by the flicker of infected Void in his eyes. The smell of the infected energy was absolutely putrid to her and it reminded her of when she had been tortured. The same signature, well almost. This one was far more erratic, setting her nerves on edge and her protective instinct kicked in at full force, prompting her to step in front of Alexi and next to Emily. Pale silver eyes flashed crimson and fangs were bared as she snarled at the man that had to be five times their size.
Size meant nothing to her.
Within a blink of the eye, she summoned Deathwhisper as her form became partially incorporeal -- allowing her to channel the Void within her to it's fullest power and fire arrows made of pure necromantic energy, rapidly firing all while dashing towards him at the same time. Her intention was to lure him away from Emily and Alexi.
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cast-you-dxwn · 2 months
Mortal Legionaries, aren’t you worried that your general might actually be falling? Why follow him?
Decanus Von Licht: “I have served under the Praetor for over eight centuries. In all of that time, I have never known him to shrink from his righteous duty, and his command has never brought question or doubt into my mind. I serve God, and Saint Michael is His hand.”
Legionnaire Saltern: “Saint Michael was my Confirmation Saint. He watched over me my entire life. Every brawl, every poor harvest, I had faith. Every jump, every firefight, I dropped with his wings at my back. When I died on that shitty, snowy hill, it was the Praetor and his men who came to guide me to Heaven. I’m not gonna turn my back on him at the first sign of trouble. I’m not a fucking pussy.”
Legionnaire Ramirez: “There’s not a single one of us who wouldn’t have done what he did. I have two daughters, and if some jumped-up politician with a vendetta threw one of them into Hell to cover up their mistakes, you bet your dirty ass that I’d have jumped right down with them. They ain’t here yet, and I’m gonna make good and sure that every Heretic cunt is dead and buried by the time they’re ready. Fuck you. Sic Semper Tyrannis. Ave Christus Rex.”
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