#Doctor Who en español
Escuche de vuelta la cancion "Dejaria Todo" de Chayanne y me muero del dolor que me causa
Basicamente se puede ver como los pensamientos del Doctor en el final del episodio "The End of Time" cuando habla con Rose por ultima vez
Porque sin ti, me he dado cuenta, amor, que no renaceré Porque yo he ido más allá del límite de la desolación Mi cuerpo, mi mente y mi alma ya no tienen conexión
Especialmente sabiendo que el no quiero regenerarse, al hacerlo va a perder su ultima conexion a Rose ya que ese cuerpo nacio del amor que le tiene
¿Y qué más da perder? Si te llevas del todo mi fe
Lo dejaría todo porque te quedaras Mi credo, mi pasado, mi religión Después de todo, estás rompiendo nuestros lazos Y dejas en pedazos este corazón
Ya sabemos que ella es su religion 😭😭😭yo interpreto esa seccion como si el esta describiendo todo lo que ella es para el
Poesia en forma de cancion :D
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annegrey · 4 months
hola como estas? Espero que tu estés muy bien 💕 te quisiera pedir un one shot de acontinuacion de "dos por el precio de uno" one shot de kelly piquet x max verstappen x reader (poly) , que pasaría si la lectora queda embarazada y ellos no pueden quitarle las manos de encima , muchísimas gracias 😊 ( esto esta en español, soy latina) ( lo siento si no lo entiendes , amo tu forma de escribir) 💕💕
Hi! First, thank you so much, it really means a lot to me that you guys ask and comment and overall engage with my stuff! ❤️ I hope I (or rather the translator 😂) understood correctly, and it is just what you hoped for! And now, everyone, the next story in my "Two for the price of one" universe!
Pregnancy cravings
- A "Two for the price of one" story
Max x fem!pregnant!Reader x Kelly
At first, you had been terrified. Kelly already had a child, and neither of your lovers ever said something about having another baby. But somehow, it happened. You became pregnant.
Being who you are, you returned to your standard-method: ignoring, denying and avoiding. Bottling things up. The problem was, this time you had someone who cared about you, who knew that you were behaving weird, and one evening Max and Kelly sat you down to talk.
You were about to deny everything, to make up some reasons, tired from work, feeling misplaced in their world of glamour, having fallen in love with somebody else, anything. But, looking in their faces, you couldn’t lie. You broke down in tears, burying your face in your hands and sobbed. Immediately they sat next to you, hugging you at the same time, whispering words of comfort and love, and you couldn’t help yourself. You spilled everything. On how you missed your period, how you took a pregnancy test, how you went to your doctor to be sure. Just to always get the same answer: you were pregnant.
For a moment everything was quiet, and you feared the worst. That they decided to kick you out, to force you to make an abortion, that they hated you. But instead, you were hugged again, two faces rubbing into your shoulders.
“Why didn’t you tell us?”, Max whispered, his voice breaking, while Kelly’s arms around you tightened. Your small “I was afraid” ripped a sound out of Max, as if he was punched. And then a litany of apologies began, them fearing they didn’t make you feel loved and save enough to tell them, while you tried to make clear it was because you were sure the problem was yourself.
That night, you ended up cuddling under the sheets, three different hands on your belly, and always somebody else giggling, because… holy shit, you were pregnant.
This had been some time ago, as well as the slightly awkward talk with Penelope, because how do you explain a child that the baby, while being deeply loved by her mother and (kind of) stepfather, wasn’t her sibling? But in the end, she said she was going to be a big sister, and that was that.
Now was a completely different situation.
Kelly and Max made sure you always felt loved and comfortable, going so far as to literally beg you to go early maternity leave, as they obviously would have no problem with supporting you, and after three months of whining, begging, arguments and sweet talking, you gave in. You were five months pregnant when you started to stay at home, and the sometimes smug, sometimes proud smiles on their faces, as well as the fact that you didn’t want to fall asleep every five minutes told you you made the right decision.
And with their love came their passion. Both of them gave their everything, no matter the situation.
You were eight months along right now, sprawled out on your back on the soft mattress and some supporting pillows, while Max massaged your sore tits and Kelly your baby bump. Your sex drive had been HIGH, in capital letters, and Kelly just grinned at times, while Max had already thrown his shirt somewhere in the corner and gone down on you.
She was truly heaven-sent during everything, whether it was pain or pleasure, because she could truly relate. Your experiences might not be the same, but still, having gone through a pregnancy herself made her more empathetic towards you.
And Max… was down to sex whenever you dropped even the slightest hint. To say you were well taken care of was an understatement.
Because of that, by now it was completely normal for you to grab Max’ head and push him down towards your tits, moaning as you felt the deft tongue and soft suckling, while lifting your hips towards Kelly.
Before, she had always been the dominating one in your relationship, making you and Max beg and suffer, but your pregnancy seemed to make it impossible to both of them to keep their hands of you, and thus fulfilled your every desire.
Just like now, a hand slipped between your legs and started to circle your clit, drawing a moan out of your throat. You felt Max smirk against your nipple, and pressed him down again for a second, making clear what you thought about him being distracted.
This was also nothing new, that both of them were just taking care of you without any plan of getting off themselves. But with how often you demanded an orgasm it was probably impossible for them to keep up with you. Not like any of you three complained.
You let out a sigh of content and pleasure as the soft treatment went on, not pushing you towards the brink, but slowly carrying you there. Just how you loved it during times like these. Max’ mouth on your tit, his hand massaging the other one, and Kelly kissing your baby bump and rubbing your clit in the way you loved was the epitome of a perfect night for you.
A small whine left your lips when Max bit your nipple, and you pulled his hair as a reprimand, before mumbling “Faster, I wanna cum…” And just like any time you slept with each other during your pregnancy, your wish was their command.
Max started to truly massage your nipples in the way you loved, and Kelly sped up, before completely switching course and putting her mouth on your core. A loud moan was torn from you, and you placed both your hands in her hair to pull her closer, something you wouldn’t dare under normal circumstances.
But now she just complied to your silent command, and did her best, which was truly a dream, to make you cum. Maybe it was because she simply knew how she liked it, but it always boggled your mind how amazing she was at giving head.
It literally didn’t take you more than five minutes, maybe the pregnancy hormones were to blame, to finally reach your end, and you laid there gasping and sweaty – when did that happen? – while both of them looked like two cats that got the cream. Smug bastards. But you loved them. So you simply grinned back at them, probably looking high as fuck. (Ha!)
“Better now?”, Kelly asked, and you stretched with a satisfied smile and nodded. “Okay, then how about I help you to the shower and Max changes the sheets?” Immediately a disgruntled “Hey!” was heard but shot down with a “I changed them last time”, and you just giggled. “Yeah, sounds good.”
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mysticfalls01 · 10 months
(Ona Batlle x reader)
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Growing up in Manchester you couldn’t help but to love football. Football was everywhere in the city.
As much as you loved football you couldn’t see yourself playing the sport however, coming from parents who were doctors you knew how you could be part of that world.
In 2017 you decided to go the States to study physiotherapy with a speciality in sports medicine. You studied in UNC where you worked with the North Carolina Tar Heels.
There you met two British girls who coincidentally also were there, Alessia Russo and Lotte Wubben-Moy. Having other British girls helped you to miss Manchester so much less and you formed an amazing friendship with them.
You made the most of your time there learning new techniques, you used the most updated medical equipment, you worked with many athletes, so you had seen any type of injuries, and you gained experience as a field medic.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
In 2020 Alessia, Lotte and you decided to go back to England due to the uncertainty of covid. Lotte signed with Arsenal while Less signed with Manchester United.
Due to Lessi’s recommendation and your great experience working with female athletes Manchester United offered you a job in their medical squad.
When you arrived to the club you made sure to have a one on one meeting with every girl in the team and that’s how you met United’s new incorporation, Ona Batlle.
At the beginning it was quite difficult to understand her because of her accent and her basic English however, the connection with Ona was there.
You found it cute how she tried to explain to you what she was feeling, what part of her body had she injured and how suddenly each time you entered a room she suddenly got red cheeks.
After being in the club for three months Ona asked you out, your relationship was based in love, commitment, communication and comprehension. You guys had similar schedules as you were working for the same club, you understood when she had to back to Spain for national duties and she understood when you had to stay extra time with a patient.
Eventually you started taking Spanish classes, so you could talk with her and her family and it was worth it as her family came to see her for her second derby.
“Mama te quiero presentar a y/n. Ella es la fisioterapeuta en jefe para el club y también es mi novia” Ona couldn’t help to tell her mother with a smile on her face.  (Mom! I wanted to present you to y/n. She works the club’s head physiotherapist and she’s also my girlfriend)
“Mucho gusto señora Batlle, soy y/n! Es un placer conocerla”  (A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Batlle, I’m y/n!)
Ona didnt know that you had started taking Spanish classes
“Mi amor! No sabía que hablabas español”  (My love! I didn’t knew that you spoke Spanish)
“Empecé a aprender por ti y por tú familia mi vida”  (I started to learn it because of you and your family my life)
Ona’s mother couldn’t help but watch the interaction and she saw the heart eyes that her daughter was giving you. Since that moment she knew that you were the one for her daughter.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
After almost three years of dating you knew that Ona was about to take one of the biggest decisions of her career, renewing with MU or going back to Barcelona.
You always knew what option was she going to choose, so ever since  your last trip to Spain to visit her family you started to prepare everything. With the help of her family whom distracted her for a day and with the help of your fellow British friends Lucy and Keira you landed an interview with FC Barcelona.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
May 2023
Ona was nervous she didn’t knew how to tell that she was accepting Barca’s offer. She prepared dinner in your now shared apartment.
When you came back after finishing your job at MU you were surprised to see the table arranged and to see Ona taking the food to the table.
“Mi amor! I’m glad that you are here! Come and sit down”
You sat down and started eating dinner with your girlfriend. After an hour or so Ona got nervous.
“Mi amor, there’s something that I need to tell you”
“What is it baby?” You looked at her with curiosity
“As you know my contract with United will be over after this season and Barca made an offer. I want to accept it”
“Well my love I also have something. Do you remember the day when your mother wanted to spend a day just with you?”
“Yeah, I remember” she said with an uncertain voice
“That day Lucy picked me up and took me to La Ciutat Esportiva. I always knew where your heart was my love. I had an interview with the head of the medical team. For the interview I had to do Frido’s physiotherapy session and I did Jana’s tape. The girls and I clicked immediately, better than I did with United’s girls and latter I learned they had given a positive feedback to Barca. Last week Barca reached out to me ” 
Ona couldn’t be believe what she was hearing.
“So what I’m trying to say my love is that I have an offer from them. I told them that if it was possible for me to finish May with United I would sign with them the same day as you did and they accepted. That’s how sure I was of your answer also, Lessi is moving to London so there’s nothing else that ties me to United”
You took her hands and spoke again. “I know that I grew here in Manchester and I considered it my home. That was until I met you that I realized that home isn’t a place, it is a person”
Ona was fully crying, you knew her so well that you prepared everything to move to Barcelona even before she said yes to the club. Ona knew that this was the moment. She took out the velvet box that was in her pocket and kneeled in one knee.
You realized what was happening, tears started to come out and your hands covered your mouth.
“Mi amor, I had something else prepared but this moment feels right, this feels like us. We’ve been dating for almost three years, you learned Spanish to talk to my family and my family loves you. You became my rock when I moved to England and you are ready to move from club and country because of me. I love you with all my heart, I didn’t believed in soulmates until I met you. I know that many persons will think that we are too young but I don’t care. So y/n l/n will you make me the happiest girl on earth and will you marry me?”
“Yes! Ona I’ll marry you!!”
You didn't knew where life was going to take you and you didn't cared as long as you were with Ona you would always be at home.
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asvterias · 1 year
𝖲𝗁𝗈𝖼𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖲𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗌𝖾𝗌 ~ 𝖩𝖺𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝖱𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌
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Warnings: Giving Birth??,
Pairings: BF!Jaime x Black!GF!Reader, Mom!Reader x Newborn Daughter!Maria x Dad!Jaime
Summary: Jaime finally heads home after being gone for a few months, worrying his family to a huge extent. To their surprises, Jaime returns back home and he’s not alone.
Word Count: 3.2k+
Tag List: @n7cje @drqcrys @websterss @pxachy-tea @moralesszz @odiesdayoff @allthingsvicf @tinkerbelle05 @alienstardust @lemonyboy97 @alastorhazbin @gay-dorito-dust @presidentbarbieirl @veronicarose20 @conicoroahre @sodacatz @chaotic-reblogger @horrorluver20 @zipporahsstuff @yutasol @littlekidsteve @illicee @everybody-hates-mills @hoshi4k @violettathewriter @mymanjaimereyes @vampire-grrl @666kpopfan @nutella-directioner-vampeete @ushygushysimp @borhapparker @tessamoreno @stitched-mouth @obrienslove @raebo0421 @loki-is-low-key @tacoreib @staraifos @avitute @dumbperson6 @idyllcy @luvly-writer @june-pop @madnesspea @chaoticbi-cheesecake @daltonshotgf @unreasonablysapphic @planetvenusworld @sugarplumz100
Author’s Note: Just thought that this would be an adorable storyline & I got inspo from @writing-fanics! Hope you guys like it! I also don’t know why it took me so long to post this, been extremely busy!!
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Spanish Translations
“mi amor..” — my love
“Ahora tienes que ponerle un anillo, ¿lo sabes?” — “Now you have to put a ring on her, you do know that?!”
“Ella no se equivoca.” Uncle Rudy agrees with his mother. “No esperes demasiado para proponer matrimonio. Ella ya te dio el bebé, todo lo que necesitas es el anillo y una propuesta perfecta.” — “She’s not wrong.” Uncle Rudy agrees with his mother. “Don’t wait too long to propose. She already gave you the baby, all you need is the ring and a perfect proposal.”
“Qué? Ella hablar español?” — “What? Does she speak Spanish?”
“No, no lo creo” Jaime shrugs, “E incluso si es así, no estábamos hablando de matrimonio cualquier momento pronto.” —
“No, I don’t think so.” Jaime shrugs, “And even if so, we weren’t talking about marriage any time soon.”
“En realidad, hablo y entiendo español muy bien.” — “Actually I speak and understand Spanish very well.”
“Desde, cuándo aprendiste español?” — “Since, when did you learn Spanish?”
“Se suponía que iba a ser una sorpresa, he estado practicando durante meses.” — “It was supposed to be a surprise, I’ve been practicing for months.”
“mi vida…” — “my life…”
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The pain surging through your body felt indescribable. You cried and screamed as you pushed your baby out with all of your might. The relief you received when that final push halted all of that unnecessary suffering from your lower waist.
You could have finally caught your breath when you heard her cries as the doctors held up the wailing bloody baby for you to see.
“Can I please hold her?” you eagerly ask, your hands stretched out as your weak body leans over closer with the help of Jaime supporting your lower back. Her cries were deafening but you couldn’t care less, you wanted to hold her for the first time, and you were cherishing the beautiful moment.
You held her closely to your chest, staring at her with admiration in your eyes.
“Hi, my beautiful girl, I’m your mommy.”
Your baby babbles, ceasing her cries as she gazes back at you.
“We’re just going to clean her up.” Your nurse affirms you. Very weakly, you nodded your head, relaxing your body on the hospital bed as the nurse left the room with your newborn.
There were a few silent moments before the nurse finally returned back with your baby girl who was still hopelessly screaming her tiny lungs out.
You held the crying baby up to your chest, “You did so wonderful, mi amor.” He kissed your sweaty forehead, brushing the few strands of your hair from your face. Your boyfriend admired the bundle of joy in your arms with a grin plastered on his face.
Valeria was snuggled into a pink fuzzy blanket. Her soft skin was cocoa brown, and she had inherited Jaime’s big brown beautiful doe eyes with a small round face. The only feature resembling your appearance on her was probably your hair texture, everything else on her face, it seemed like Jaime’s gene’s dominant over yours. Hopefully, she’d grown into your looks, being the identical copy of her father for now. During her prime years, she will certainly resemble your beautiful genes.
Valeria is an amazing product of your and Jaime’s love, only proving how much you love each other.
“Perfect size for your baby girl. 6 pounds and 9 ounces.”
“She’s so tiny…” You coo, giggling at her holding her father’s finger with her whole fist. “
“She’s absolutely perfect…” Jaime nods and nudges at your side. “Just like her beautiful mother.”
You blushed at his compliment as he kissed your cheek.
“Well, she takes after her father too,” you mention, referencing her black silk hair which was refrained with a pink headband. “Born with a head full of hair.”
She had a tiny afro, abnormal for babies at an early age. The doctors informed you that most likely her hair would fall out, and regrow later in her prime years.
“Have you two picked out a name yet?” The nurse asked you, unintentionally breaking up your family moment.
You looked at each other with radiant smiles on your faces. “Valeria Neveah Reyes.”
The older woman smiles in appreciation, “That’s a perfect name and congratulations on the safe delivery.”
On behalf of both of you, Jaime thanks the nurse, and the woman takes her leave, closing the door behind her. You yawn, fatigue overwhelming your body, giving birth was a tiring experience.
“You should rest now. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
You shook your head, already insisting with your newfound maternal love, “She might need breast milk.”
He softly steals Valeria from your arms places her in the bassinet beside your bed and turns back to you. “Then I’ll wake you up. I wanna spend time with my newborn daughter too. She was already in your womb for 9 months, you’ve finished all of the hard work.”
Fluffing up your pillow he gently directed your head back into the pillow. “Now rest your pretty little head, mi amor.”
“Do you want the blanket on?” he went to pull the blanket over your legs.
“I’m good, babe.”
He departs you with a quick kiss on the lips, focusing back on the newborn baby in his arms. Valeria cutely squirms in her father’s arms, some drool coming from her mouth.
“My beautiful baby girl, Valeria.” His firm was secure on his daughter’s head, his other hand supporting her back and
kissing her gently on the forehead. Soon enough, you found yourself drifting off asleep, completely exhausted from your labor.
Jaime rocks with Valeria as he admires your sleeping form, the occasional raising of your chest indicating your steady breathing.
“Isn’t mommy beautiful sleeping? She was completely exhausted from delivering you,” Valeria giggles, squirming. Jaime sits down in the nearest chair as he tends to his newborn daughter.
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A few weeks later, you were discharged from the hospital, packing your bag which you brought for home and baby supplies.
After you gave birth, you both agreed that you would inform his family about your whole relationship. Yes, they didn’t know about you either, barely even considered as a friend of his. jaime had told you many things about them yet they have never even heard your name.
On the other hand, your family knew all about Jaime and your pregnancy, supporting all of them. Your older siblings visited you in the hospital and were certainly obsessed with their newborn niece. Unfortunately, your parents were traveling for work, and couldn’t be there, but they sent their regards to you. Luckily, there were video calls or your parents would have missed their first milestone of becoming grandparents.
Your family name was well-known, and being well-known meant being abundantly rich. However, your parents raised your family to be grateful and appreciative of their achievements in life, rather than being spoiled and rude.
Jaime didn’t want to seem greedy, lounging off of your family’s money but your parents were persistent and he felt guilty for not taking the money.
During your car ride towards his family home, your overthinking clouded your judgment of Jaime’s family.
“What if they don’t like us?” You question, clutching onto your infant, feeling her fuss in your arms. “Shit’s only going downhill from there.”
He rests his hand on your thigh, staring reassuringly at you. “Stop worrying too much, mi vida. They’re my family, and they’re going to love you.” He ushers to the newborn baby as well, “Both of you.”
Valeria cutely babbles, seemingly understanding her dad’s words. The rest of the car ride was quiet, the gentle instrumental music from the car radio, lulling Valeria to sleep.
Finally, Jaime pulled up into his family’s driveway. Slamming the car door, Jaime swings the baby bag across his shoulder as you hoist Valeria in your arms, walking to the front door.
“Family, I’m home..” He calls out, letting you in first. Jaime guided you to the living room and the cluster of his family gathered around him. You shuffle back in instinct, wanting personal space.
“Who is this?” Milagro eyes you down.
Before Jaime could have answered his sister’s question, his uncle Rudy pointed to the bundle of a baby cozied up in your arms. “Is that a baby?” He yells flabbergasted earning shock looks from others.
Upon hearing the man shout, Valeria perks up and starts screeching her lungs off, startled and terrified at the noise. Your concern immediately came into a clutch for the wailing baby, and Jaime pulled you to the nearest couch, as you attempted to silence your daughter down.
With a combination of rocking her slightly and gently tapping her back, her fuss settles down as a toothless grin flashes on her face.
Eventually, you looked up, observing the family’s surprised faces.
“Familia, this is (Y/N) (L/N), my secret girlfriend.” He gestures to you with a small smile, and he points to the infant in your arms, “And this is Valeria Neveah Reyes, our beautiful baby girl.”
His family didn’t utter a single word, trying to process the newfound information. The many pairs of eyes continually switched between you and Valeria made you nervous. They had two new family members who just appeared in their lives. Of course, they had to adjust to the new change.
You held your breath, lightly drumming your fingers against Valeria’s clothes. Worry smears your face as you glance at your boyfriend. “This doesn’t seem like a good reaction.”
“Give them a minute.” He advises, rubbing your shoulder. You nodded in appreciation, listening to his words.
That minute turned into two which then into five minutes and the family was still unresponsive to the big news.
Slowly your eyes met Milagro’s eyes and there was a certain glint behind them. It downright scared you to the core because you didn’t know if things were going to end in your favor. Surprisingly, instead of letting loose on you, she sends you a warm smile.
“I’m an aunt.” She cheered, throwing her hands up in the air, and began to rejoice.
You blew out an anxious breath, relieved by her words and his family followed after, voicing their happiness. This could have gone dangerously worse, but you were grateful that it didn’t.
“When did you two meet?”
“How long were you two together?”
“Why was she kept a secret from us?”
“Save the questions for another day.” Jaime silences his family.
He manages to maintain a distance between his family and you, aware that you hate crowded areas and love your personal space. He respected your wishes of keeping Valeria close to you, understanding that your maternal love was still flourishing within.
You stared at your boyfriend, communicating with your eyes as you massaged Valeria’s back.
He gets the hint, safely taking his sleeping daughter from your loving embrace. Jaime was stressed, tiny but very visible sticking out his tongue against his bottom lip.
At such a young age, babies still have to adapt to their new surroundings, and with constant movement, they’re urged to be awakened and display the only emotion they can do. That was crying, and consistent crying meant sleepless nights. Luckily for the couple, Valeria was surprisingly a quiet baby, hardly ever making noise.
“Oh my hijo…” she caresss her son’s face. He felt a blush rush to his cheeks, being clearly embarrassed by his mom and in front of you, at that.
“Mami…” He whines when she kisses him on the cheek. Jaime securely held onto his daughter, who was soundly comfortably asleep.
His mom looked over at you with adoration of love in her eyes. She tightly grasps your hands, pulling them to her chest as she pouts. “My beautiful future daughter-in-law, thank you for being here, giving me my first grandchild, and putting up with my hijo.”
“Mami, you say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“Is it not?” Milagro curtly replies to her brother. “It’s nice to have other girls in the house, balances the ratio just perfectly.”
“Ahora tienes que ponerle un anillo, ¿lo sabes?” Nana says, almost nonchalantly.
“Nana!” Jaime whispers and shouts, eyes widening at her suddenness. He covered Valeria’s eyes, concerned that you might have heard his yelling.
“Ella no se equivoca.” Uncle Rudy agrees with his mother. “No esperes demasiado para proponer matrimonio. Ella ya te dio el bebé, todo lo que necesitas es el anillo y una propuesta perfecta.”
“Qué? Ella hablar español?”
“No, no lo creo,” Jaime shrugs, “E incluso si es así, no estábamos hablando de matrimonio cualquier momento pronto.”
“En realidad, hablo y entiendo español muy bien.”
“Desde, cuándo aprendiste español?”
“Se suponía que iba a ser una sorpresa, he estado practicando durante meses.”
His dad, Alberto pulls you in a welcoming hug. “I’ve been wondering why my son seemed unconditionally happy, and now I know the reason.” He grins lovingly at you.
“Do you wanna hold her?” Their cheers became louder as they crowded you, all trying to hold Valeria.
“Welcome to the family,” Uncle Rudy tells you and you grin at him. The women in the family drag you away, leaving the men by themselves in the living room.
“Congratulations, mi hijo. I’m so proud of you.” Alberto encourages his eldest child.
Rudy turns to his nephew, “Hey big head, don’t do anything stupid to her and your baby, she’s a nice girl.”
Jaime rolls his eyes, annoyed at his uncle yet listening to his instructions. Yeah, right, like he would ever do you wrong. you could have handled yourself very well, and would have fucked him up if necessary, Jaime was well aware of it.
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The following night, Jaime’s parents insisted that you sleep here for the night because it was already dark out. Besides you were still drained from your new motherly take so you agreed, settling into Jaime’s old bedroom.
You assumed that the family got the regular case of baby fever, and wanted to be around baby Maria for as long as necessary. However, you weren’t complaining, still exhausted from breastfeeding and folding your clothes.
You observe his bedroom, the bed was freshly made, courtesy of his mami.
Uncle Rudy had grabbed the old crib from the basement, double-checking to make sure that it was sturdy, not wanting any complications for baby Valeria. jaime and his uncle moved the crib into the bedroom, placing it a few feet away from the bed.
When it was time for dinner, everyone was in pure enjoyment. Unknownst to you, Milagro had invited Jenny over for dinner, refusing to leave her friend alone. into a few minutes of meeting Valeria, and the brunette woman was already smitten with her as well. Valeria had everyone wrapped around her finger, now that was a trait that she definitely had inherited from you.
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You woke up, refreshed and ready to start the day. Despite being awakened by your baby’s screeches, you happily calmed her down as you prepared her breakfast. During your breastfeeding with Valeria, you turned to see Jaime still asleep, mouth agape and all that. You chuckle at him and refocus your attention back onto your baby who is still suckling on your right nipple, drinking her milk.
A few shuffles later Jaime was beginning to awake. He placed his hand on your shoulder, finally waking up, “Mmm…morning, mi amor.”
“Look who decided to finally wake up.” you chirp, smiling in adoration as Jaime kisses his daughter’s head. Your smile grew bigger when he leaned over to kiss you.
After a while, you found yourself in the kitchen, fixing up some breakfast.
“Told you that they’ll love you.” he hugs you from behind, lightly scaring you in the process. You hesitate, realizing that it was Jaime’s presence and you snuggled in closer for comfort.
You both watch from a distance in the kitchen, his family cooing over baby Valeria.
“Now, how about I show you how much I love you when we reach back home,” he suggests, nipping at your ear, highly aware that action alone drives you wild.
No way that your boyfriend was already horny.
You sucked in a breath, being tempted to go along with it, “Where is all this coming from?”
“Let’s just say that you looked exceptionally gorgeous after giving birth.” he whispers in your ear, his hands gripping your waist, “makes
“So I wasn’t gorgeous while giving birth?”
“Oh no, you were especially gorgeous. You gave new life into this earth, and nothing is more precious than that.”
You chuckle, feeling his grip tighten around your waist. To be honest, his plan would have worked until he brought him impregnating you again. and those were excruciating hours that you couldn’t take back. To keep things simple, you weren’t having another child for a few years unless your boyfriend was pushing another human being out of him, then you be bored. You highly doubted that he was able to do so jaime will just have to sit tight, and deal with one child at a time.
“You’re funny babe.” You pushed him away, drinking the orange juice. “Not all of us have accelerated healing and besides the doctor said no sex for eight weeks.”
“Hey! Hey!” Uncle Rudy brought you out of your moment with your boyfriend. Apparently, he gained the attention of Nana as well, who held her great-grandchild safely in her embrace. “You just had a baby, no need to get busy already and pop out a fresh new out.”
You flushed in embarrassment, avoiding eye contact with his entire family and staring you two down.
“Come on…I’m just messing with you two.” Uncle Rudy chuckles, “Get over here, rugrats.” he stretched his arm out, inviting you into the family circle surrounding Valeria. You chuckle in amusement, grabbing Jamie’s hand as you walk over.
“Hey, my precious baby.” Milagro hands you your daughter. She stretched out her small hands, grabbing for your touch in mid-air. Valeria eases into your comfort, adoring all the attention from her caring family.
You repeatedly kissed her head and Jaime snakes an arm around your waist as he begins to baby-talking with you.
Yep, you were expecting another reaction from Jaime’s family, surprisingly a negative but you were certainly glad that things worked out for the best.
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likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2023. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Can we get some kind of immortal reader? (references to the "Forever" TV series, the "Ajin" anime, Deadpool himself with his quick regeneration. If you know the Danny Phantom cartoon, the reader can be like Phantom! reader and have two forms) Characters Yujiro, Bucky, Hanayama and maybe Doppo Orochi? (These guys have their own enemies who can take advantage of their S/O as a weakness.) And let's say they are first unaware of the reader's immortality and regeneration, and when the men see their partner "die," they are shocked, perhaps retaliate, and then see their partner get up with a groan, complaining of body pain
Situation: An immortal S/O / Un S/O inmortal
Character: Baki Hanma, Doppo Orochi, Kaoru Hanayama and Yujiro Hanma.
Baki Hanma.
To say that Baki is surprised is an understatement in this case, did the psychological impact of seeing his S/O die affect him to this degree?
He needs to sit down for a moment.
He would swear that he saw life leave the eyes of his beloved S/O, no, he was sure of it. It is impossible that he is wrong.
It's not the first time he's seen someone "come back from the dead" however, this is completely different. He's a little afraid to get close, like his S/O will disappear when he touches them.
He's cautious, he's happy that his beloved wasn't dead, it's just a lot to process.
Doppo Orochi.
He has seen so many things in his life, but still he is so surprised when he sees the S/O get up after a few minutes remaining inert in the same position.
Is he dreaming, perhaps?
His eyes are focused on following the movements of the person who stands in front of him. Alert.
He doesn't believe in zombies or anything like that, but mysteriously, he tried to keep a good distance for a while. Be patient, he is still analyzing the possibilities.
He finally approaches to make sure that the S/O is really fine, there are no open wounds or worrying bruises. He doesn't know if he's worried, but he's definitely glad they're alive.
Kaoru Hanayama.
He is probably holding his S/O when they rejoin, his hands stained with the blood of his S/O and the one responsible for their "death".
He holds his S/O's gaze for a moment.
He's having his partner searched from head to toe for something, whatever, it can't be possible that there isn't a single injury.
He doesn't believe when the doctor says it, even congratulating his S/O impressive health condition. He's asking them to run all the tests again.
He is confused, but relieved. He probably won't leave the hospital that day.
Yujiro Hanma.
Is his S/O alive? Good, so he won't have to carry his corpse or the idiot who almost killed them.
He scans his S/O from head to toe when they stand up, they look good to him. He asks them not to stay there and to move their legs, he already wants to leave.
Not an "Are you okay?" or "How is it possible?", nothing.
But he's curious, he's asking his S/O why they don't tell him about this ability that he has and if it's hereditary? It's in his DNA, isn't it? Well, it must be hereditary.
He's thinking so hard "how will it feel to fight someone who can't die?" that the S/O will be able to hear his thoughts as they walk beside him.
Versión en español.
Baki Hanma.
Decir que Baki está sorprendido es poco en este caso, ¿acaso el impacto psicológico de ver a su S/O morir le afecto hasta este grado?
Él necesita sentarse por un momento.
Juraría que vio la vida abandonar los ojos de su amado S/O, no, estaba seguro de ello. Es imposible que se esté equivocando.
No es la primera vez que vio a alguien "regresar de entre los muertos" sin embargo, esto es completamente diferente. Está un poco temeroso de acercarse, como si su S/O fuera a desaparecer cuando le toque.
Es cauteloso, esta feliz por el hecho de que su amada no estuviera muerta, es solo que es mucho para procesar.
Doppo Orochi.
Ha visto tantas cosas en su vida, pero aun así está tan sorprendido cuando ve al S/O incorporarse después de unos minutos de permanecer inerte en una misma posición.
¿Está soñando, acaso?
Sus ojos están concentrados en seguir los movimientos de la persona que se pone de pie frente a él. Alerta.
Él no cree en zombies ni nada parecido, pero misteriosamente, procuro mantener una buena distancia durante un rato. Sea paciente, aún está analizando las posibilidades.
Finalmente se acerca para cerciorarse que de verdad el S/O está bien, no hay heridas abiertas ni moretones preocupantes. No sabe si estar preocupado, pero definitivamente esta feliz de que esté con vida.
Kaoru Hanayama.
Probablemente este sosteniendo a su S/O cuando se reincorpora, sus manos manchadas de sangre de su S/O y del responsable de la "muerte".
Le sostiene la mirada a su S/O durante un momento.
Está haciendo que revisen a su pareja de pies a cabeza en busca de algo, lo que sea, no puede ser posible que no haya ni una sola herida.
No cree cuando el doctor lo dice, hasta felicitando al S/O por su impresionante condición de salud. Está pidiendo que hagan todas las pruebas otra vez.
Está confundido, pero aliviado. Probablemente no se marchen del hospital ese día.
Yujiro Hanma.
¿Su S/O está vivo? Bien, así no tendrá que cargar su cadáver ni del idiota que casi los mata.
Escanea a su S/O de pies a cabeza cuando se ponen de pie, se ven bien para él. Les pide que no se queden ahí y que muevan las piernas, ya quiere irse.
Ni un "¿Estás bien?" o "¿Cómo es posible?", nada.
Pero tiene curiosidad, está preguntándole a su S/O ¿por qué no le platica de esta habilidad que tiene y si es hereditaria? ¿Está en su ADN, no? Pues debe ser hereditario.
Está pensando tan fuerte "¿cómo se sentirá pelear contra alguien que no puede morir?" que su S/O será capaz de escuchar sus pensamientos mientras camina a su lado.
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Vicente Guerrero:
“Fue el que tomó el mando y continuo la lucha independentista tras la muerte de José Maria Morelos. No se rindió y siguió peleando y haciendo planes para asegurar la victoria de los Insurgentes. Tuvo un desarrollo muy enemies to lovers con Agustín de iturbide quien estuvo persiguiendo al ejército insurgente casi desde el principio, pero Guerrero lo convenció a no ser un traidor de clase (iturbide era americano y por lo tanto no era ciudadano español) y a irse a dar unos besos al cerro (abrazo de acatempan) para celebar qué quedaron de acuerdo con el plan de iguala para tomar la cdmx y ganar la independencia. Fue de los que insistió qué se expulsara a los españoles del país, pero tampoco dejo que los lastimaran. Tuvo un breve periodo en la presidencia pero lo terminan fusilando :( También es un personaje muy importante puesto a que era mitad Negro y mitad indígena, destacando así la importancia que le daba. La independencia total de México y al asegurar lis derechos de todos dentro del país”
“The iconique™ sideburns”
"One of the only people who can make those mutton chops look sexy. He was also murdered because he threatened the creole elite."
Mariano Moreno:
a. “Fue un doctor en leyes, periodista, político rioplatense, y uno de los principales ideólogos e impulsores de la Revolución de Mayo, que tuvo una destacada actuación como Secretario de Guerra y Gobierno de la Primera Junta, resultante de la misma”
b. “He was a quite radical revolutionary, as many called him "a true jacobin".He really wanted to made a lot of change to improve the education and life style of many, even including the natives. But then, was ultimately poisoned and killed on a mission to Britain. Isn't sexy to be so right that you end up being killed?”
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flowergardeninthewall · 6 months
A quick list of types of hearing aids
I am hard of hearing or HOH and have been since I was born, and I have been wearing hearing aids for just about 18 years. The amount of rep I get from the QSMP is so special to me, and I've wanted to make a guide on the different types of hearing aids for a long time.
I will not be talking about cochlear implants because I do not know enough about them.
Hearing loss can be caused my multiple things. Loud sounds, aging, sickness, or even just because. Typically the sensors in your cochlear wear down and you hear less while the rest of your ear continues to work fine, so you can still feel pain from noises being too loud. Which is why Tallulah having hearing loss and being sensitive to noise are both able to coexist
Your doctor will tell you don't stick shit in your ears. But if you wear hearing aids that rule does not apply to you. They go into your ear, they do not sit on the outside like an earbud
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Much like any other accessibility device, hearing aids are not one size fits all.
In the canal (ITC) or (CIC) hearing aids sit fully in your ear canal and most of the time the only thing you will see from them is a little clear tab that can be pulled to remove them. These can be water resistant, and worn 24/7
In the ear (ITE) sit in your outer ear and are typically mounded to your ear. These are what a lot of people stereotypically think of when you think of hearing aids, but it's been a long time since I've actually seen someone using them
Behind the ear (BTE) there are two types of bte hearing aids. And the biggest difference is where the receiver sits. On a regular BTE there is a molded bud that sits in your outer ear and then extends into the canal. The receiver is up higher and in the aid that sits behind your ear. There are also mini BTEs where the receiver is in the ear canal.BTEs sit behind your ear with a small light bit of tubing that extends down into your ear. These are typically the bluetooth ones that can also act as earbuds
Why would a person who is deaf in one ear wear hearing aids in both? Why wear two at all?
Noise comes from all sorts of directions, and most people benefit from being able to hear in all directions. So if you are deaf in one ear the aid in that ear will send the audio feed to the aid in your good ear. Most of the time it is all about equalizing what you can hear in both ears. It's less disorienting.
You can read more about hearing aids here
Y la página esta en español también
While yes that is an american government site it still has some wonderful info on all sorts of communication disorders.
I do want to say that there are edge cases, and I do not cover all of them here. These are typically the hearing aids that you will come across.
My inbox is open if you have any other questions!
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lem-de-lemon · 1 year
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English: (Translate)
I had already uploaded one of these on Amino, but it was just Elijah. This is a second, less literal version of a "Reverse AU"?
Sydney Sargent: The Architect.
Sydney is a nurse's aide at Camp Here & There, Lucille saved him when he was a child and despite his difficulties he dedicated his life to being useful to her and staying by his best friend's side keeping him safe. He is affectionate although somewhat distracted so he can sometimes seem distant, but he does not stop loving others. He spends his days mostly in his office recording his progress on a "project" on cassettes and as a hobby he also likes to take care of a small garden of wild plants. He has a special interest in fungi so part of his library is about them. He suspects that he may be ill, but he has not said anything about it.
Jedidiah Martin: The Muse
Nurse at Camp Here & There. He has a good heart, but the children run away from him despite his attempts to help the other camp counselors. He is in charge of giving the announcements in the camp, he doesn't seem to be doing too badly. For some reason he seems to be very interested in clocks, he has a small collection of several of them in different and extravagant designs from around the world. Lately he feels watched, he is not very religious but he claims to be persecuted by a guy with a goat mask (The others don't know whether to believe him or not and those who do have very strange theories about satanic cults. Sydney doesn't have an opinion on that , in fact he seems a little uncomfortable and prefers to avoid the topic.) He has a slight allergy to rabbits.
(Up and) Adam: A stranger in the woods.
He was once a psychology student, but one day he disappeared in the woods and no one cared enough to go find him. He has a strange obsession with Jedidiah Martin, he believes she may be the solution to his problems. He doesn't like Sydney, but he has offered Jedidiah sessions to talk about him (Gaslight?). He's weird. When he takes off his mask he makes the others feel sleepy, sometimes it amuses him to wake Jedidiah up by making a lot of noise with his tambourine. Probably cannibal. "Bone Apple Teeth"
Elijah Volkov: A demon with a PhD.
A "nice" nurse demon, he walks around in the dreams of others (especially Jedidiah and Sydney) causing them to have quite strange nightmares. He wears part of a pink suit that would not at all give you the feeling that you were talking to a doctor. Why study medicine? He really isn't sure, maybe he wanted to understand the camp nurses a little more, maybe he was bored or maybe he just finds it funny to correct others so they call him "Dr." He has a strange relationship with Sydney, possibly it has to do with his medical condition or why Jedidiah went from looking like a dead person overnight to looking better than ever when they were kids. He has a strange taste with elephants, he would put stickers of them in other people's notebooks and the others would find them on random pages everywhere.
Español: (Lengua nativa)
Ya había subido uno de éstos en Amino, pero solo era Elijah. Esta es una segunda versión menos literal de un "AU Reverse"?
Sydney Sargent: El arquitecto.
Sydney es un ayudante de enfermería en Camp Here & There, Lucille lo salvó cuando era un niño y a pesar de las dificultades dedicó su vida a serle útil y permanecer al lado de su mejor amigo manteniéndolo a salvo. Es cariñoso aunque algo distraido por lo que aveces puede verse distante, pero no deja de amar a los demás. Pasa sus días mayormente en su oficina grabando sus avances sobre un "proyecto" en cassettes y como pasatiempo a parte le gusta cuidar de un pequeño jardín de plantas silvestres. Tiene un interés especial en los hongos por lo que parte de su biblioteca trata sobre ellos. Se sospecha que pueda estar enfermo, pero no ha dicho nada al respecto.
Jedidiah Martin: La Musa
Enfermero en Camp Here & There. Tiene un buen corazón, pero los niños huyen de él a pesar de sus intentos por ayudar a los demás consejeros del campamento. Es el encargado de dar los anuncios en el campamento, no parece irle mal. Por alguna razón parece interesarle muchos los relojes, tiene una pequeña colección de varios de ellos en diferentes y extravagantes diseños del mundo. Últimamente se siente observado, no es muy religioso pero dice ser perseguido por un sujeto con máscara de cabra (Los demás no saben si creerle o no y los que si lo hacen tienen teorías muy raras sobre cultos satánicos. Sydney no tiene una opinión sobre eso, de hecho parece algo incómodo y prefiere evitar el tema.) Tiene una leve alergia a los conejos.
(Up and) Adam: Un extraño en el bosque.
Alguna vez fué un estudiante de psicología, pero un día desapareció en el bosque y a nadie le importó lo suficiente para ir por él. Tiene una extraña obsesión con Jedidiah Martin, cree que pueda ser la solución a sus problemas. No le gusta Sydney, pero le ha ofrecido a Jedidiah tener sesiones para hablar sobre él (¿Gaslight?). Es... extraño. Cuando se quita la máscara provoca que los demás se sientan somnolientos, aveces le divierte despertar a Jedidiah haciendo mucho ruido con su pandereta. Probablemente caníbal. "Bone Apple Teeth"
Elijah Volkov: Un demonio con doctorado.
Un "simpático" demonio enfermero, se pasea en los sueños de los demás (Especialmente Jedidiah y Sydney) provocandoles pesadillas bastante extrañas. Porta parte de un traje rosa que para nada te daría la sensación de estar hablando con un doctor. ¿Porqué estudiar medicina? Realmente no está seguro, quizás queria enteneder un poco más a los enfermeros del campamento, quizás estaba oburrido o quizás simplemente encuentra divertido corregir a los demás para quelo llamen "Dr". Tiene una relación extraña con Sydney, posiblemente tenga que ver con su condición médica o porqué de la noche a la mañana Jedidiah pasó de verse como un muerto a estar mejor que nunca cuando eran niños. Tiene una extraña afición con los elefantes, pagaría stickers de ellos en los cuadernos de los demás y los demás los encontrarían en páginas random por todoa lados.
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there-goes-trouble · 6 months
Okay in case you need help for any reason (USA)
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If other forms of financial aid aren't coming through, try 211--one phone call can save you hours of headache while you're already in a tough spot:
Separately, while there are still public funds for it, you can be tested for COVID & FLU by a nurse from home in just abt every state:
Online resource for people who hate calling:
Food for Women Infants and Children:
Health & Human Services for medical help:
More medical help:
⬆️got a hospital bill for a procedure that you did not consent to expressly?⬆️
Help for homeowners about to lose their home (involves placing a lien on property):
This is for finding natal care related to living in a post-roe v. wade world:
There is so much pride in using resources our government might provide if you qualify because why shouldn't you get help? Tough spots happen, thats why these programs exist. & that's pretty cool.
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love-bokumono-fics · 2 months
Fresh Crops! August 1 - August 4, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
A Normal Everyday Closing Time - by SummerMermaid; Complete, 1/1, 1.8k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Muffy/Pony | Aya | Jill; Characters: Muffy | Molly, Pony | Aya | Jill, Griffin | Gavin Summary: Muffy doesn't get it.
Sleepyhead Ranch: A Simple Life - by SleepyGirlWorks; WIP, 1/5, 1.3k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationships: Gustafa/Reader, Marlin/Celia; Characters: Gustafa, Reader, Celia | Seperia, Marlin | Matthew, Flora, Muffy | Molly, Nami, Van the Merchant, Takakura, Murrey, Harvest Goddess, Harvest Sprites, Minor Characters Additional Tags: Slice of Life, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Alternate Universe - Farm/Ranch, Hippies, Idiots in Love, Falling In Love, Friendship/Love, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff, fluff with plot, Hijinks & Shenanigans Summary: Burnt out from the taxing obligations that come from life in the bustling city, you can’t help mulling over the letter that came in just a few days prior. Someone had extended a courtesy to you, informing you of your (estranged) father’s passing with his farm, along with any possessions, had been entrusted to you. Life was so hectic lately.. the country and some fresh air sounded wonderful!
Amor Estacional- Invierno - by Memento15; Complete, 1/1, 6.0k; Language: Español
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Doctor | Trent/Female Farmer, Elli/Doctor Trent | Torre, The Farmer/Gray; Characters: Female Farmer | Naomi, Doctor | Trent, Elli | Elly, Gray, Carter, Stu | Yu Additional Tags: First Love, Friendship/Love, Friendship, Fluff, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Lies, Love Triangles Summary: Naomi se da cuenta que su mejor amiga, y la persona quien más quiere, Elli, esta enamorada de Trent, el doctor del pueblo. Este descubrimiento no sería un problema si ella no sintiera lo mismo por él. Nunca se había sentido así antes, no tenía razones para deprimirse…o sí. Estaba confundida, sabia que no debía dejarse llevar así por sus emociones, debía pensar con la cabeza fría, pero mientras se calmaba pensó que seria mejor evitarla. Como si no supiera que en verdad esta posponiendo algo que no planea solucionar. El periodo invernal del amor trae consigo retos personales para quienes lo atraviesan, es deber de Naomi pasar del frío amor invernal: pasajero, apasionado, intenso, prometedor, pero al final, efímero y doloroso. A algo más.
A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: Summer - by Celeste_Adia; WIP, 11/21, 67k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Major Character Death; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: DS Cute, Friends of Mineral Town, A Wonderful Life Characters: Pony | Aya | Jill, Takakura, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Kai, Witch Princess, Harvest Sprites, Cliff, Gray, Popuri, Pete | Jack, Lumina Summary: Months have passed since Jill began her new life in Forget-Me-Not Valley. Summer is here, and residents are preparing for festivals and the return of familiar faces from Mineral Town, including the arrival of Kai, an easygoing traveler who plans to stay for the season. Caught up in the festivities, Jill entangles herself with him and other Mineral Town folk, which can be quite a distraction from farm work. Meanwhile, the third anniversary of Jack's passing looms near, forcing his loved ones, especially his widowed wife Juliet, to reminisce on their past with him and continue to find reasons to move forward. Drought plagues the valley, causing farming to become more strenuous… And dangerous. Despite the hauntings of the past and the increasing intensity of the summer heat, Jill is determined to keep her head up and endure through her least favorite time of the year, no matter what it takes.
Bought on Stolen Wine. - by serenibee; WIP, 1/?, <1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con; Category: F/F Fandom: Harvest Moon Relationship: Eve/OC; Characters: Eve, Nina, Ann the Inventor, Ellen, Maria the Mayor's Daughter, Bartender Additional Tags: Female Pete/Jack, Female Farmer, AU, Mentions of Other Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons Games, Song: I Don’t Owe You Anything (The Smiths), Lesbian Character, Eventual Romance, Trauma, Abusive Relationships, How Do I Tag, Alternate Universe Summary: “Eve Pruitt…” “What? Is it an ugly name?” “No..it’s beautiful.” “B-beautiful?” A.K.A: A farmer moves into town and Eve, the local bartender struggles with her feelings towards the new farmer and her boyfriend.
Story of Seasons | One-Shots - by Dreams_of_You; WIP, 1/?, 3.2k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Fandoms: Magical Melody, Friends of Mineral Town, Island of Happiness, A Wonderful Life Relationships: Dia/Kurt | Hayato, Alex/Gina, Louis the Inventor | Rune/Lyla the Florist, Gray/Ellen, Maria/Ray | Lief, Katie/Joe | Shin; Characters: Dia, Kurt, Joe, Amanda, Gina, Alex, Nina, Eve, Dan, Louis the Inventor, Ann the Inventor, Maria the Mayor's Daughter, Ray, Young Ellen, Blue, Gray, Claire, Popuri, Kai, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Gwen, Lyla the Florist, Katie, Carl, Nami, Jamie, Harvest Goddess, Witch Princess, Shea | Shiba, Chelsea, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran Additional Tags: Fanfiction, Canon - Video Game, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Cute, Friendship, Developing Friendships, One Shot, Short One Shot, One Shot Collection, Multiple Pairings, Multiple Relationships, Marriage, Dating, Drama Summary: Each chapter is it's own one-shot, with different pairings, and plots.
The Village’s Flower - by WonderBun; WIP, 2/10, 2.2k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Magical Melody Relationships: Amanda/All the bachelors, Amanda/Alex, Amanda/Basil, Amanda/Blue, Amanda/Bob, Amanda/Carl, Amanda/Dan, Amanda/Jamie, Amanda/Joe, Amanda/Kurt, Amanda/Louis, Amanda/Ray; Characters: Amanda, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Jamie, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Ray Summary: Amanda sees Flower Bud Village’s Exciting New Ranch Plan as a chance at a new life. But the village has some strange customs, and all the men are so dashing…..
Un an dans la vallée - by CamaradeHarmonia; WIP, 4/?, 4.1k; Language: Français
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: One Piece, Harvest Moon DS, DS Cute Characters: Gin, Original Characters, Griffin | Garfan, Ruby | Lou, Takakura Summary: Gyn a reprit la ferme de son grand père, comment sa première année va se passer dans cette ferme ?
Remedy - by copernicusjones; Complete, 1/1, 6.0k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandoms: Hero of Leaf Valley Relationship: Dia/Gina; Characters: Gina, Dia Additional Tags: Established Relationship, First Time, Porn with Feelings, Lesbian Sex, Making Out, thigh riding, Masturbation, discussion of menstruation, Tenderness Summary: Lately, Dia's had trouble sleeping, which Gina's sure can be attributed to her anxieties regarding her parents. One evening, when bringing Dia her nightly cup of tea one, Gina decides to inquire if that's all it is, and receives a somewhat unsurprising answer. What is surprising is what Dia requests for her to do about it—and Gina has never been able to refuse Dia when she needs her the most.
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coffeexxlord · 4 months
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Hola! You can call me Fexx! I use any pronouns, He/It/ and any neo pronouns. I'm Aroace and Nonbinary :D.
I'm trying to get into writing and expressing my opinions more often, as well as just being more active in the community and fandoms I'm into.
Here's a list of the things I'm willing and unwilling to write for, and eventually ill be able to write one shots for people, so feel free to ask for a Fic! I have a hard time getting my brain to cooperate so it might take me forever.
Spanish version at the bottom :D I'm still learning, so most of this is in Google translate.
Versión en español en la parte inferior :D Todavía estoy aprendiendo, así que la mayor parte de esto está en el traductor de Google.
Fandoms I'm Into:
SBI 3/3
ROTTMNT & 2012
Kind of
My Hero Academia
Doctor Who
What I Will Write:
Character x reader, both Platonic and Romantic
Character x character,
What I Wont Write:
NSFW for any underage characters (I don't care if its fictional)
Incest, or Selfcest
Non-con, or Dubious-consent
Any characters or ships I really don't like
¡Hola! ¡Puedes llamarme Fexx! Utilizo cualquier pronombre, Él/Ello/ y cualquier pronombre neo. Soy Aroace y no binaria :D.
Estoy tratando de escribir y expresar mis opiniones más a menudo, así como ser más activo en la comunidad y los fandoms que me gustan.
Aquí hay una lista de las cosas por las que estoy dispuesto y no estoy dispuesto a escribir, y eventualmente podré escribir one shots para la gente, ¡así que siéntete libre de pedir un Fic! Me cuesta mucho hacer que mi cerebro coopere, así que puede que me lleve una eternidad.
Lo siento si mi español es malo. Todavía estoy aprendiendo, así que la mayor parte de esto es traducido por Google.
Fandoms que me gustan:
SBI 3/3
ROTTMNT & 2012
Algo así
My Hero Academia
Doctor Who
Lo que estoy dispuesto a escribir:
Personaje x lector, platónico y romántico
Carácter x carácter,
Lo que no voy a escribir:
NSFW para cualquier personaje menor de edad (no me importa si es ficticio)
Incesto, o Selfcest
Falta de consentimiento o consentimiento dudoso
Cualquier personaje o nave que no me guste mucho
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o-kaythislooksbad · 11 months
@ailesswhumptober day 29: "the easy way or the hard way?" / bargaining / forced to choose
[draft/snippet from an upcoming chapter of fix my head, stitch my soul, where jason has flashbacks while doctor light continues to interrogate him]
doctor light tosses the armor-plated gauntlet between both hands. it hums and shimmers, transforming into a knife, and the way doctor light smiles as he wields it makes jason's heart drop into his stomach.
the deep red of the blade, combined with the wide, toothy smile, make the array of lights behind him look like a carnival, like -
the night is cold, and and the rides play their cheerful music as the joker whistles and skips past the abandoned booths.
jason drops from his perch on a nearby carousel, and he's proud of his unwavering voice as he asks, "we doing this the easy way or the hard way?"
the joker laughs so hard that he doubles over, but he doesn't relinquish his hold on the crowbar. "oh, it's been hours since i heard such a funny joke; i needed that. thank you, birdie boy."
"- boy?"
jason only catches the end of doctor light's question as it overlaps with the joker's, but it doesn't matter.
"i'm not telling you jack shit." his voice is hoarse from all the back and forth time-delaying conversations, but he's nothing without it, and he's going to keep using his words until he can find an actionable way out of this mess.
"now that's too bad," doctor light muses, "because if we have to do this the hard way, then i have to go out and bring a real titan back here. and nobody wants that, do they? because then," doctor light says, raising the knife from jason's bleeding arm to his neck, "i'd have to deal with another bratty kid, crying about their dead friend on the floor while i'm trying to have a nice talk with them."
jason fights the urge to shake his head. "sounds like a you problem, doc. how 'bout you just stop abducting teenagers?"
doctor light's pupils are wide as he stares into jason's. "unless," he starts, completely ignoring the non-answer while he drags the blade down jason's chest, "unless i'd be doing them a favor by getting rid of you."
the joker twirls his crowbar like a cheerleader with a baton, entirely unimpressed by jason. "no offense intended, but i'm just here for shits and giggles, and i'm not going mano a niño with you, comprende?"
"en español o en inglés, no me importa. todavía voy a vencerte," jason replies, throwing a shuriken at the joker's head. he turns his head quizzically, and jason uses the distraction to launch himself at the joker, aiming to wrestle the crowbar from his hand.
the fight passes in a blur, and the next thing he knows, jason's on the ground and the crowbar is back in joker's possession.
"he doesn't care about you, birdie," joker says as he begins hitting jason's entire body at random. "he doesn't want you, but he needs you, because who else is going to be stupid enough to listen to police scanners and chase after an arkham alum while wearing bright pajamas?"
"'s not true," jason manages to say. "'s gonna get me."
"poor baby," joker croons, pausing his assault on jason's face. "look at me. come on, open your eyes, that's it. get this into your head," he says, lightly tapping the crowbar against jason's domino mask, "we all know that if the bat decides to show his face around here, he's going to be here for me."
jason uses the break to bring his arms over his face in an attempt to keep the rest of it from being broken, and to hide the tears that he can't keep behind his eyes. the joker shushes his crying in between fits of laughter, and the absurdity of the situation distracts jason from the pain of each blow against his crossed arms.
"let's see what happens first: the big bat swooping in and saving you from me, or the bat waiting on a roof until he can rid us both of you."
"what do you want to know?" jason whispers.
doctor light chuckles. "thank you for making this easy for me, pretty boy. i'd hate to mess up that lovely face of yours. tell me, now - what do you know about the ravager?"
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11: Loud Harmony
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A few days had passed since Larry’s incident, which has given the little one time to rest well, learning not to force himself. In order not to get bored, he’d listen to music while playing with a small ball, bouncing it. At first this would have bored him, but now he does it with a subtle smile. Next to him are Bobby and Jr. playing cards and accompanying the little blue-haired boy.
Being 12:30 P.M., the boys were playing UNO. Jr. had two cards and deposited one on the table, raising his voice and saying…
Jr.: UNO!! Ha! I'm going to beat you, Bobby! (Saying it with a superb smile)
The little green-haired boy hides his face between four cards that he had distributed in the form of a fan in his hands, only leaving his eyes visible and looking at Jr., who did not know what awaited him, as Bobby gave a small mischievous smile, to then deposit a letter that would make the little redhead's smile disappear from one moment to the next. It was a letter with a black background with white that marked “+4” in the corners. Jr. is surprised and puts on a tense face, drawing four more cards, laying down another card.
At that moment, Bobby put another card like the one he had put, causing Bowsy to grab another four cards, now having seven, depositing another one. The next turn, Bobby put a card of the same color that his friend had put, which was a card with a yellow eight, but this indicated a cancel sign, which causes Jr. to lose a turn.
Bobby: UNO!
Jr. gritted his teeth and frowned, but Bobby finally put down one last card, a yellow four winning the match. Jr. couldn't believe it, his jaw dropped.
Bobby: I won (smiles)
Larry: well… it's 8 – 2 in favor of Bobby
Jr.: oh no! Again... not fair...
After a few seconds, he throws the cards up and lies face down, kicking and hitting the ground with his fists. Then he covers his face with his hands.
Jr.: he was lucky
Bobby: I'm sorry, Bowsy, that's what it's all about.
Larry: yeah, don't be a sore loser
Bobby looked at Larry raising an eyebrow.
Jr.: I know, I know, don't scold me...
Bowsy straightens up and sits down crossing his arms, feeling somewhat embarrassed for having thrown a tantrum, making an annoyed face looking away. Bobby stands up and approaches him, extending his hand, causing Jr. to look at him doubtfully.
Bobby: Well played, Bowsy. Let's play again sometime, it's fun to spend time with you (smiles at him tenderly)
Jr. looks at him somewhat moved and then gets up and shakes his hand, shaking both of them, drawing a small smile on the little redhead and returning his joy.
Jr.: I agree, I like to play with you. Sorry if I got like that (scratches the back of his neck)
Bobby: no problem
Bobby suddenly hugs Jr., who blushes slightly and returns the hug with a smile and his eyes closed. Larry, for his part, saw them and smiled, although inside he chuckled seeing how Jr. moved his tail without realizing it.
Jr.: (thinking) I can't get mad at Bobby, I don't know why… but I enjoy hugging him.
After a while someone knocks on the door, it's Mykey. Feeling the door open, the little ones separate
Mykey: hi guys! Larry, Mr. Kamek said that the doctor came to examine your arm.
Larry: finally!
Jr.: what, already? Did the week go by so fast?
Bobby: wow... we didn't even realize
Larry: for both of you, but it's been long for me
Mykey: so, shall we go?
Larry: gladly
Bobby carefully helps Larry up by taking hold of his left hand. After that, the boys accompanied by the older Koopa leave Larry's room. Mykey stops short, which is why the three kids there notice and turn to him.
Jr.: What's up, Mykey?
Mykey turns him gaze to the left and stares in that direction. Just at that moment, Kamek arrives, going to find the boys and notices that the boys are looking as Mykey has his eyes on him in the background, who had not noticed the presence of the magikoopa.
Mykey: it's just... I thought I heard something...
Kamek: is everything alright guys?
Mykey: (turns his gaze to Kamek) ah, Mr. Kamek. It’s nothing, just that I heard something… uh… is it the music that Ludwig composes?
Kamek nods, to which Mykey turns his gaze back to the door of Ludwig's room, putting on a somewhat melancholic expression and gives a somewhat silent sigh, which Bobby notices.
Bobby: big bro?
That snaps Mykey out of his trance.
Bobby: are you feeling alright?
Mykey: oh! Y-yes, don't worry
Kamek notices the indigo Koopa's expression, so he decides to change the subject.
Kamek: well, let's go to the doctor, Larry.
Jr.: are you coming, Mykey?
Mykey: go ahead, I have another matter to attend to.
Bobby: It's alright, bro. I'll see you later
Thus, the Koopa children and Kamek retire. Bobby glances at Mykey somewhat concerned as he walks; his brother waves him goodbye as he smiles at him.
When they are out of sight, Mykey stops smiling and puts on a pensive expression, turning around and approaching Ludwig's room, standing in front of him and listening to that music that was so nostalgic for him.
Meanwhile Bobby and Jr. are outside, sitting waiting, both swinging their legs while having their hands on their knees. Both boys are waiting for Larry.
Bobby has a somewhat tense look, which is noticed by Jr., who puts his hand in his friend's.
Jr.: he'll be fine, Bobby. It's Larry, he's always good
Bobby: I know, but the waiting always makes me impatient.
Jr. thought of something to distract his friend, so he gets up from his seat
Jr.: hey, how about we play a prank on Larry, something simple
The green-haired boy looks at him attentively and arches an eyebrow.
Bobby: What do you have in mind?
Jr.: I don't know, maybe draw him mustaches while he sleeps
Bobby smiles and also gets up and stands in front of Jr.
Bobby: and also some glasses
Jr.: and then take a picture
Bobby: he'll be mad, but he'll look funny
Jr.: oh, yeah!
They both chuckle and cover their mouths, until someone interrupts them– how naughty! –both boys recognize that voice and are paralyzed, feeling how their hair stands on end. Jr. looks up and Bobby, somewhat nervously, looks back over his shoulders, noticing that it was his older brother, who was smiling at them with an arched eyebrow and arms crossed.
Mykey gives a few small laughs and shrugs, then sits down and gives a little sigh. The boys notice that and look at each other doubtfully, to sit next to him moments later.
Bobby: big bro?
His brother looks at him carefully
Bobby: are you okay?
The young Koopa takes a few seconds to answer, somewhat doubtfully
Mykey: yes, don't worry
Mykey closed his eyes and crossed his arms again. Bobby was looking at Jr., with whom they exchange confused expressions. The little redhead shakes his head a little, shrugging his shoulders and looking confused at Bobby, who seemed worried about his older brother, before turning his gaze back to him.
The older Koopa breaks the silence
Mykey: Is Larry not out yet?
Both Koopa kids shake their heads. Mykey directs his gaze towards the door of the infirmary without moving his head.
Mykey: I see...
During the doctor's visit, the doctor slowly removes Larry's wristband until it is completely free. The little Koopa tried to move his fingers by throbbing his hand and stretching out his arm and then slowly flexing it.
Dr. Mario: Very good, little Larry. I see that you have followed the treatment perfectly, congrats
Larry: thanks (smiles)
Dr. Mario: good. What remains is to rest and do not make sudden movements. I heard from Kamek that you like tennis and video games. Try not to practice that until you are fully recovered.
Larry: (nods slowly) yes, doctor…
Larry looks at Kamek, who was watching the little Koopa with his arms crossed. There he looks at his tutor with some nervousness
Larry: ... I ... I promise (smiles a little nervous)
Dr. Mario: very good. Here you go (gives you a strawberry-flavored lollipop)
Larry smiles and takes his present.
Larry: yes! Thanks, doc.
The boy in light blue opens his candy and begins to savor it, wagging his tail with happiness
Larry: I want to tell Bobby right now.
Dr. Mario: Bobby?
Larry: yes, he’s my best friend; he and his brother have been very good to me
The doctor looks at Kamek somewhat surprised, who nods.
Kamek: Well, Larry, go with your friends. I have to talk to the doctor
Larry: It's okay, Kamek. Thank you very much for everything, doc.
Larry leaves the infirmary, leaving both adults there.
Dr. Mario: Are Bobby and Mykey in the castle?
Kamek: that's right. Long story, but in short they will be safer here
Dr. Mario: so the guy in purple the other day was him... I didn't have time to say hello or anything. Wow... how can I forget those little ones? I still remember assisting little Bobby at his birth.
Kamek nods with a smile. While they were talking, Larry meets with the boys, who seemed very happy. Bobby and Jr. go to him and are happy to see him.
Larry: howdy!
Bobby: how did it go?
Larry: the doc already discharged me; he even gave me a lollipop for being a good boy (he licks it)
Bobby: I'm so glad to hear that.
Little Bowsy turns a little bit covering his mouth
Jr.: (whispering under his breath) good boy? Rather fool boy...
Larry: I heard you, Jr.
Bobby frowns slightly at Jr., who drops his mocking tone and puts on a more composed expression.
Jr.: ...but... I'm glad you're better, bro...
Larry arched an eyebrow, but hearing those words moved him and he smiled slowly and tenderly at her.
Larry: Thanks, Jr.
Bobby: yeah!
Bobby walks up to both Koopas and hugs them, who are shocked and blush. The brothers look at each other and shrug, reciprocating the hug, which makes them wag their little tails inadvertently. Bobby notices that and laughs to himself. Mykey looks at them somewhat nostalgically and smiles, to then get up from his seat and address them, who separate a little.
Jr. and Larry notice their tails and stop them with their hands, looking somewhat embarrassed and looking away. Bobby winks and sticks out his little tongue mockingly looking at his older brother, who shakes her head chuckling.
Mykey: Well. Larry, it's great that your arm is okay. Take care of yourself, okay? Don't do anything rash and be friendly. Never lose that smile or that charisma, my little friend.
Larry nods and smiles enthusiastically, noticing a small blush on his cheeks and a twinkling look in his eyes.
Larry: yes! I promise
Mykey: good boy
The young man with purple hair caresses Larry's head and part of his hair, who giggles a bit and noticing more blush than before, which causes him to quickly move his tail with happiness, winking.
On the other hand, Jr. pulls out a camera so he can record Larry while he wags his tail and making a goofy face. His green-haired friend notices him and looks at him with some mischief.
Bobby: You're going to bother him with that, aren't you?
Jr.: oh yeah!
Jr. laughs softly and Bobby shrugs, shaking his head, although he also smiles with a certain evil, since deep down in his heart he also wants to mess around with Larry.
After Mykey congratulates him, Larry hugs him unexpectedly, which surprises him and moments later he hugs him back. Larry, with his eyes closed, dedicates a few words to him
Larry: Thank you very much, Mykey.
Mykey and he separate a little, looking at each other face to face.
Larry: Thanks for being there when I needed you. Thank you for not underestimating my tastes. Thanks for everything, Mykey. I promise you that I will do more sport and that I will be more careful with my actions. I will also follow your advice to play an instrument. When I'm completely healed I'll tell dad
Mykey: glad to hear that, little bluish
Mykey boops the little boy's nose, making Larry giggles and wagging his tail again.
Jr. crosses his arms, nodding with his eyes closed and a smile on his face as Bobby gives a thumbs up as he grins his teeth. Larry looks at them and smiles back.
Mykey: ok, now go play, trying to do it carefully
Larry: Sure! I’ll do so!
Larry goes to his friends and they head elsewhere, leaving Mykey, who was looking at him with a smile. The little ones walk away while talking to each other.
Larry: What do you want to do now?
Bobby: how about we paint you some mustaches?
Larry: (laughing) B-Bobby!
Jr.: (shrugging) he said it, I support him
Larry: whoever falls asleep first will be the victim.
Bobby: meh, that’d be cheating. Better a staring contest
Jr.: wow, what a joke! I have small eyes, I'll beat you, ha!
Larry: Sure, when the Goombas pose a threat, heh!
Bobby: (thinking) at least they're not fighting, hee! (smiling)
As the boys left, Mykey's smile slowly faded until he gave a little sigh looking away.
The young man begins to remember that matter that he took care of while the little ones went to the infirmary, so he closes his eyes and remembers...
… When he goes to Ludwig's door, he stops for a moment to listen to the melody that he was rehearsing on his piano.
Inside the doors, Ludwig tried to rehearse, closing his eyes and letting himself go, moments later missing a note, something that caused him some regret. Stopping, he sighs and puts his forehead on the keys in frustration. He then he looks up to contemplate his sheet music
Ludwig: Why? Why is it so hard for me? It's not supposed to be that hard, let's go again...
Thus, Ludwig insists on starting again, trying to relax and look at his score one more time before closing his eyes and playing the respective keys.
Before doing so and positioning his fingers a few millimeters from the keys, Ludwig hesitates and sighs again.
Outside the doors, Mykey hears that feeling of frustration, so he can't help but feel a little worried. The young man in indigo positions himself in front of the door and is about to open the door, but he stops quickly and retracts his hand from the handle, so he decides to knock on the door, but before doing so he stops again. Mykey shakes his hand with which he was going to knock on the door.
Mykey: (thinking) no... I don't want to bother him... I hope I can talk to him sometime...
After a few seconds he looks down, so he takes a breath and turns to the left, walking slowly. As he does so, he glances back at that bluish door with orange accents on the frame.
His thoughts are interrupted by a noise that he hears behind him, which causes him to open his eyes and look in that direction, realizing that it was Ludwig. The blue-haired Koopa notices that he's been found out, so he quickly hides behind a wall.
Mykey: uh… Lud… wig…?
The older Koopa goes to see if his eyes weren't deceiving him. Upon arrival, he sees that he was there, with his arms crossed and a somewhat serious look.
Mykey: oh… hello
Ludwig remains static and answers, without looking at Mykey
Ludwig: (with a serene and serious tone at the same time) he-hello…
Mykey kept looking at him, he had doubts as to why he was there hiding
Mykey: everything alright, friend?
He looks from him to Mykey with a doubtful expression.
Ludwig: friend?
Mykey: uh... well... (He scratches the back of his neck) just saying, you know...
Ludwig puts his arms behind his back and faces his indigo partner, changing the subject.
Ludwig: well... apparently you convinced Larry to get out of his "dungeon", as he likes to say
Mykey: yes… but technically I didn't do anything, I…
Ludwig: (interrupts) how did you do it?
The Koopa in dark glasses makes a doubtful expression
Mykey: what?
Ludwig: How did you make Larry want to learn to play an instrument?
Mykey: mmm… I just told him that if he likes music he could try it; at first he didn't want to, he didn't feel safe; he didn't tell me many details
Ludwig: do you know why I ask you? Because for years I wanted him to play the piano and he always told me that it didn't interest him and that he was "boring" (making quotation marks with his fingers). It seems strange to me that now, out of nowhere and because you tell him, he decides to learn something other than his video games. What's more, I didn't even know that he liked music.
Mykey was somewhat stunned by that statement, looking at Ludwig for a brief moment in silence.
Mykey: how curious...
Ludwig: What do you mean?
Mykey: well, you both like music, but a different genre. You like classical music; he, electronics. They are so alike but also so opposite... anyone would say that you both would try to get to know each other more, but... (Shrugs)
Ludwig looked at Mykey somewhat doubtfully while little by little his gaze was diverted elsewhere, which is noticed by the older Koopa.
Mykey: but hey... don't feel bad. Believe me; I was just trying to make Larry feel good. I didn't mean to displace you, if that's what you're thinking
Ludwig looks at Mykey strangely and then bursts into laughter, which the purple-haired Koopa looks at him confused.
When Ludwig stops laughing, he turns to Mykey more seriously.
Ludwig: do you really think this affects me? Nah, you're dreaming
Mykey: (shrugging) sorry, that was the impression you gave me. But it's okay. Anyway, I'll go get coffee, will you?
Ludwig looks at him somewhat confused.
Mykey: what? What's happening?
Ludwig: n-nothing. I pass for now
Mykey: okay. Whenever you want (smiles at him)
Mykey withdraws turning around. That smile he had turned into a small sigh, looking at something more thoughtful and serious.
Mykey: (thinking) I just hope there are no more problems
Losing sight of Mykey, Ludwig leans back against the wall, resting his foot on it and crossing his arms, sighing and looking up.
Ludwig: (thinking) this boy is very perceptive… he seems to know what I'm thinking. I'll have to keep an eye on him (sighs) but… if I'm honest with myself, there seems to be… something familiar about him… what could it be…?
While he was meditating on his situation with Mykey, Ludwig feels a kind of pang in his head, which makes him react and position himself with both feet on the ground, leaning his head forward. Said twinge causes him to moan somewhat loudly, causing him to carefully touch the side of his head with his left hand.
With an effort Ludwig breathes something agitated and tries to get back up, closing his eyes tightly, sweating nervously and trying to support his hand on the wall. Little by little he regulates his state and looks up, swallowing a bit in the process.
Ludwig: (light panting) a-again? I'd better… talk to Kamek…
He straightens up and takes a breath, then exhales slowly. Seconds later he walks slowly.
While that happens, Morton is walking in the opposite direction, which was with his eyes closed and humming, with his mouth smeared with chocolate, not noticing where he was going. Ludwig breathed deeply as he walked, trying to relax and not watching where he was going.
When they both turn in the corner of the same corridor, they collide with each other, being Ludwig who bounces off Morton's belly, taking a few steps back, losing his balance and falling on his seat. Morton remains on his feet almost intact without having moved much beyond surprise.
Ludwig falls so suddenly that he slams his butt into the floor, rubbing himself. Looking up, he notices a worried Morton
Ludwig feels how the pain of the sting is increasing, so he doesn't avoid gently rubbing there as well. Trying to get up, Morton tries to help him by holding out his hand, but Ludwig pushes him away with his.
Ludwig: don't touch me with your dirty hands, Morton!
Morton pulls his hand away from him and hides both behind his back, a look of shame on his face, as well as crouching his neck in his shell and looking at the ground.
Ludwig stands up carefully and shakes himself, since a little dust had risen from the impact. After that, the blue Koopa looks at his brother and notices that he has a stained mouth, looking at him with some annoyance.
Ludwig: you know? You should stop eating so much junk, you are already fat enough. anyway, I know you don't understand what I'm saying; after all, talking to you is an absolute waste of time.
Morton was silent, just staring at the ground.
Ludwig: I better go; I have better things to attend to.
He proceeds to withdraw, but before that he runs his hand through his hair in a pompous fashion, hitting Morton's face with his hair, causing him to cover himself with his hands. The young man in blue leaves his brother there, without even looking at him as he passes by.
Morton stares at him and then turns his back on him, lowering his gaze from the pity he felt at that moment. Ludwig, for his part, is walking with his arms crossed with a serious expression and annoyance at the same time.
However, as the older brother walks by, his mood transitions to something more regretful, stopping his steps and placing his hands on his sides.
Ludwig: (thinking) I think... that this time I went too far...
Ludwig sighs and turns to see his dark-skinned brother, reaching his hand towards him as if reaching out. However, when he turned around, he was no longer there.
Ludwig: (whispers) M-Mort…
That repentant Koopa lowers his hand and then takes it to his chest, at the level of his heart, closing his eyes for a moment
Ludwig: (thinking) why? Why do I have to act like this? What's wrong with me?
He suddenly feels that pang in her head again, making Ludwig hold on tight again.
Ludwig: (thinking) I don't have time for nonsense… I'll go to my room to rest. It will be the best.
The young prodigy finally retires, slowly.
As for Morton, he was just down the hall, sitting with his back against the wall. He looked sad and crestfallen. He looked at his hands and couldn't help but sigh.
Morton: (whispers) Morton is a mess…
A distraught Koopa stands there for a few moments before getting up and heading to his room.
Morton walks somewhat dragged and slow, looking more at the floor than in front, which would give him another curious moment. It turns out that just at that moment Bobby and Jr. were racing down the hall, not looking where they were going. Bobby gets ahead of Jr., which makes the little green-haired boy look back making a face at his racing rival, which makes him irritated
Jr.: you'll see, you…
Jr. stops dead and warns Bobby
Jr.: Bobby, watch out! (gesturing to him with his hands)
Bobby: w-what...?
The little Koopa doesn't finish his sentence, since as he was wondering what Bowsy was referring to, Bobby turns his gaze to the front. In doing so, Bobby bumps into Morton, who hadn't noticed the boys either.
The impact of both causes Morton to lose his balance and fall sitting up; Bobby is a little stunned, his eyes rolling and he sees little stars, staggering and sitting down too, putting his hands to his head and trying to recover. Jr. approaches the Koopas
Jr.: are you okay, Bobby?
Bobby: y-yes… I think so
Bobby notices that Morton is still somewhat shocked by the impact, so he scrambles to his feet and approaches the larger Koopa.
Bobby: I… I'm sorry, Morton… are you okay? Did I hit you too hard?
Morton quickly shakes his head and puts his head to the back of his neck, laughing a little in the process.
Morton: (laughs) DON'T WORRY! MORTON IS FINE
Jr. covers his ears with his hands. Strangely, Bobby doesn't seem to be bothered, so he looks at the bigger Koopa with some suspicion, but he doesn't seem to care. Morton gets up and shakes himself off. Bobby walks over and hugs him, which makes the big guy blush a little.
At that moment Roy appears and notices that scene
Roy: What's going on here?
Everyone there notices his presence and both boys separate from the hug
Jr.: nothing, just that Bobby and I were playing and we ran into Morton
Morton: (chuckles) AND BOBBY WON.
Jr.: (blushing) hey… well, yeah…
Bobby: Better luck next time, Bowsy. By the way, do you guys like to play racing?
Roy: nah, I'm not that into running
Bobby: how cute! I also like hugs
Jr.: y-yes... me too (blushing and scratching the back of his neck)
Bobby: what about you, Roy?
Roy: m-me? W-well... (Scratches his cheek) the truth is that not much (blushes a little)
Roy: (blushed) M-Morton!!
Morton walks up to Roy and tries to hug his older brother, which seems to make him a little uncomfortable, so he tries to push him away.
Roy: le-let me go…
At that moment, with a sudden movement, Roy pushes Morton away from him. The stocky Koopa takes a few steps back and loses his balance, falling onto his back and spinning on his quills until he lands on his stomach. Bobby and Jr. gasp in shock.
Morton looks up at his dark-glassed brother, who looked a bit annoyed, crossing his arms.
Jr.: Roy...
Bobby: Are you okay, Morton?
Morton nods but doesn't try to get up, looking away. Bobby approaches him and tries to help him up, but the Koopa is heavier and Bobby is unable to help him.
Roy swallows hard and goes to Morton to help him, but feeling the hand of his brother in purple, Morton removes it causing both hands to separate abruptly. After that, the dark gray Koopa stands up, with a slightly annoyed look. Roy is silent as the two little ones watch.
Morton leaves without saying anything else. Roy puts his hand to his neck, not without saying anything either.
Jr.: Roy, I think you shouldn't have pushed him.
Roy looks at his little brother and says nothing, looking away and adjusting his sunglasses.
Bobby: I'm sorry, Roy... I was the one who started the hugging thing (looks down)
Roy: (sighs) it's not your fault but mine. I'll talk to him later...
Before long, Morton reaches the kitchen and pulls out a bag of chips, opening it and eating. The young man makes an angry face, but then stops eating and sighs, making a sad face.
Without Morton noticing, Mykey was next to him drinking coffee.
Mykey: Hi, Morton.
Morton gives a small start of fright, throwing the chips he had opened to the ground. Seeing that, the big-browed Koopa heaves a long, disappointed sigh. Mykey gets up from his seat and goes to pick it up, throwing it away.
Mykey: I'm sorry, Morton
Morton: (whispers) no... It doesn't matter... after all, Morton didn't even want to...
The boy in black puts his arms on the table and rests his head on it, with a lost look.
Mykey: are you okay, friend?
Morton looks at Mykey, confused by that word: "friend."
Morton: (whispers) ah… y-yeah…
Mykey looks at him somewhat distracted, so he takes a small box from a cabinet and opens it, offering Morton its contents: some cookies with jam. These candies surprise Morton, whose pupils dilate at the sight of them.
The older man serves him some cookies on a small plate and pours him some milk, to later sit next to him and continue drinking his coffee.
Mykey: go ahead, eat them, they're for you
Morton: re… REALLY?
Mykey: of course, lil’ friend
Morton looks down at his plate of cookies and savors himself, smiling
Morton: T-THANKS!
That starry-eyed Koopa is about to grab a cookie when he suddenly remembers some words that make him doubt- “you know? You should stop eating so much junk, you are already fat enough." –Said by his older brother, for which he retracts his hand. Mykey observes him and can't help but feel doubt about it.
Mikey: What's going on?
Morton: IT'S THAT... (Whispers) Morton shouldn't eat so much...
Mikey: I see
Morton sighs somewhat silently, however the indigo Koopa looks at him a little more seriously.
Mykey: but... you don't seem very convinced, is everything okay?
Morton doesn't say a word, to which Mykey continues to ask
Mykey: did... someone make you feel bad?
Morton opens his eyes and mouth a little more in surprise, then looks at Mykey, who was still watching him carefully.
Morton: (whispers) w-well…sort of. Morton's siblings think Morton is a nuisance
Mykey: nuisance?
Morton nods
Mykey: but do you consider yourself a nuisance?
Morton: (whispers) yeah. Morton yells, eats a lot and makes others feel uncomfortable
Mykey: well, you don't make me feel uncomfortable. In fact, I find you very adorable.
Morton scratches his cheek, all blushing.
Morton: (giggles, whispering) Morton thanks
As they talk, Iggy and Lemmy go to the kitchen door and hear Mykey talking. At first they believe that he is talking to himself because they only hear the purple-haired young man asking and commenting without no one seems to answer, until they enter and notice that Morton is also there, which surprises them, since they know that Morton raises his voice to talk. They are both somewhat confused.
Lemmy: h-hi, guys! I thought you were talking to yourself, Mykey.
Mykey: why do you say that?
Lemmy: well, it's just that we only hear you and Morton is loud, well… (he shrugs)
Iggy: every time we are near Morton we have to cover our ears, since it’s usually annoying
Morton did not avoid feeling somewhat offended, but he looked away somewhat annoyed.
Morton: (whispers) see?
Mykey glances at Morton, and then looks at the big-eyed boys.
Mykey: well, I heard perfectly what Morton was saying to me and he didn't need to yell.
Iggy: h-how?
Mykey: I have very acute hearing
Iggy and Lemmy look at each other in surprise.
Mykey: Listen, while I understand that it affects all of you, I personally don't mind if he raises his voice.
Iggy was scratching the back of his neck and Lemmy was clasping his hands, both of them didn't know what to say. For his part, Morton had never received so much attention from anyone, since they almost always see him as someone who is loud, so he kept looking at Mykey with a surprised expression, to then give a small smile.
Iggy: Morton doesn't bother me; I just try to regulate his tone of voice, that's all (smiles at him)
Lemmy: yes, he is very nice. We don't hate you, Morton (smiles at him)
Morton nods and smiles more.
Morton: THANK YOU, BROS!!!
Both Iggy and Lemmy cover their ears but continue to smile. Moments later, Morton covers his mouth. Mykey shrugs.
After that, the two Koopas that just arrived drink a glass of milk and leave. Morton slowly stops smiling. Mykey pours himself his last sip of coffee and picks up the dirty things and washes them. Meanwhile, Morton watches him and decides to talk to him.
Morton: M-MYKEY?! (He covers his mouth again)
Mykey: (turns to him) yep, Morton?
Morton: (uncovers his mouth and whispers) could Morton talk to you in private, if you have time?
Mykey is surprised at that and smiles at him.
Mykey: it’ll be a pleasure, just let me wash this
Morton: (whispers) sure.
Morton puts the cookies in a bag. After a while, Mykey finishes washing what he took care of. When that happens he goes to Morton
Mykey: ok, what do you want to talk about?
Morton looks both ways and then touches both index fingers together
Morton: (whispers) do you mind if you walk Morton to my room? Morton doesn't want anyone to hear.
Mykey seemed somewhat confused by that request, tilting his head, but he finally agrees. Thus, they both walk down the long corridor until they reach the door of Morton's room, which is dark gray with light gray details.
They both walk in and Morton closes the door. From a distance, Ludwig was there in the corridor, already more recovered from the discomfort. He was going to his room when he noticed both boys, watching how they met in the room of his stockier brother, so he decides to approach and listen quietly. What will Morton want to talk about with his new friend?
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La ciencia de la pérdida
Vi un total de tres veces a mi madre
en los dos años que duró la enfermedad
que se llevó a la única persona que me amaba incondicionalmente.
Me quedé muda cuando alguien
preguntó qué tenía. Tuve que decir no es grave,
se va a curar, tuve que decir los doctores no están seguros,
todo menos cáncer.
Un mediodía la vi recogiendo sus mechones de cabello,
se cayeron cuando los peinaba con cuidado en un intento
por cubrir su calvicie lo más que se pudiera.
Los vi caer a los pies del pequeño templo
que hay debajo de un espejo de cuerpo entero en su habitación.
Recogió los mechones y entrelazó sus manos
rezando, con los puños bien cerrados.
No sé qué pidió ese mediodía mientras rezaba
¿Pidió por la cura de su enfermedad?
¿Pidió que le volviera a crecer el pelo?
Creo que dijo que nunca le pase algo así a mi hija.
Que el pelo de mi hija crezca,
que viva, que viva mucho más que yo.
Poco después de su partida, revisé todos sus expedientes.
Escaneos, resonancias magnéticas, radiografías, revelación de tumores que matan
en un cuerpo que da vida.
Leí cada uno de los reportes, descifré su ciencia
descenso de corpúsculos rojos, recetas de Tarceva
antiácidos y antidepresivos,
índice de radiación, catarsis de quimioterapia,
dosis de fármacos, diarios del deterioro.
Aprendí y hablé el idioma del cáncer,
con la esperanza de que ella volviera
porque por fin había reconocido
su sufrimiento y su nombre.
He adoptado esta ciencia y la he hecho mía, cada vez
que toso, voy a WebMD y tecleo mis síntomas
un sarpullido que pica o una mancha debajo del ojo, absorbo
más ciencias para aprender sobre nuevas enfermedades
que tal vez podrían unirme a ella
me toco como dice la revista
en busca de masas o bultos extraños
pero sólo tengo un corazón hinchado
y una inflamada sensación de pérdida
que ningún examen de sangre puede diagnosticar
La ciencia de la pérdida
se pierde en mí
Preetti Vangani Versión al español: Brianda Pineda Melgarejo Link del poema:
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The science of loss Preeti Vangani
I saw my mother for a total of three times
over the two years that she suffered from a disease
that took away the one person who loved me unconditionally.
I couldn’t gather words in my mouth, when someone
asked me what she was suffering from. I’d say it’s not serious,
she’s getting better, I’d say the doctors are still unclear
but never say cancer.
One noon I saw her collecting her locks of hair,
fallen when she tried combing them out thinly
to cover as much baldness as she could.
I saw them fallen in the feet of the little temple
that lies below a full-length mirror in her room.
She gathered up those clumps and folded her palms
in prayer, with her fists holding them tight.
I don’t know what she asked for, that noon in prayer
did she ask for this illness to recede?
did she ask for her hair to grow back?
I think she said, nothing like that ever happen to her daughter.
May my daughter’s hair grow long,
may she live long, may she live much longer than me.
Soon after she left us, I opened all of her files.
Scans, MRIs, X-rays, exposing life-taking tumors,
on a life-giving body.
I read each one of the reports, decoding their science
dropping of blood corpuscles, prescriptions of Tarceva
anta-acids and anti-depressants,
rate of radiation, catharsis of chemotherapy,
dosage of drugs, diaries of deterioration.
I learnt and spoke the language of cancer,
in hope that she might come back
because I had finally acknowledged
her suffering and its name.
I have taken this science and made it my own, every time
I cough, I go to WebMD and key in my symptoms,
an itchy rash or an under eye spot, absorbing
more sciences to learn about new diseases
that could potentially connect me to her
I touch myself like the magazine says
to look for odd lumps and swellings
But all I have is a swollen heart
and an inflamed sense of loss
no blood test can diagnose
The science of loss
is lost in me
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hastingsdecadas · 2 years
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Samantha is gradually turning into a beautiful young woman, which in the past gave her grandmother nightmares, who thought she would only give her headaches. However, she seems to be living up to all his expectations: she attends to the housework, attends her piano and violin classes without question, and in her spare time she is learning to cross-stitch. They are both spending more and more time together, and Elisabeth is happy that her granddaughter has understood what is expected of her, and more importantly, that she has accepted it and is happy with it. Or at least that's what she thinks.
The truth is that Samantha believes that in this way she will be able to delay that her grandmother marrying her to the first person who appears asking for her hand. In addition, her grandmother is less aware of her, and she can escape at night to meet the young people of the town. She loves spending time with Ron Beesley, amused by her friend's shyness but at the same time willing to accompany her on all the adventures she can think of. And that new kid in town, Eddie Scott, has told her that his father is a senior officer in the army and that before they moved they lived in a small country town. Samantha loves hearing him talk about the place and is excited that at some point she will be able to see it with her own eyes.
At home, her mother hasn't paid much attention to the drastic change her daughter seems to have made. Unexpectedly, Maggie has become pregnant again and Dr. Beesley has prescribed her complete rest for the sake of the future baby. Both Theo and Maggie looked forward to the arrival of their fourth child with hope.
[Texto original en español]
Samantha se está convirtiendo poco a poco en una bella joven, lo que en el pasado provocaba pesadillas a su abuela, quien pensaba que solo le daría dolores de cabeza. Sin embargo, parece estar cumpliendo con todas sus expectativas:  atiende a las labores de la casa, asiste a sus clases de piano y violín sin rechistar, y en su tiempo libre está aprendiendo a hacer punto de cruz. Ambas pasan cada vez más tiempo juntas, y Elisabeth está feliz de que su nieta haya entendido qué es lo que se espera de ella, y lo que es más importante, que lo haya aceptado y esté contenta con ello. O al menos eso piensa ella.
Lo cierto es que Samantha cree que de esta manera podrá retrasar que su abuela la case con el primero que aparezca pidiendo su mano. Además, de que su abuela está menos pendiente de ella, y puede escaparse por las noches a encontrarse con los jóvenes del pueblo. Le encanta pasar tiempo con Ron Beesley, le divierte la timidez de su amigo pero que a la vez esté dispuesto a acompañarla a todas las aventuras que se le ocurren. Y ese chico nuevo en la ciudad, Edward Scott, le ha contado que su padre es un alto cargo del ejercito y que antes de mudarse vivían en un pequeño pueblo rural. A Samantha le encanta oírlo hablar de cómo es aquel sitio y le entusiasma la idea de en algún momento pueda verlo con sus propios ojos.
En casa, su madre no ha reparado mucho en el cambio tan drástico que parece haber dado su hija. Inesperadamente, Maggie ha quedado embarazada de nuevo y el doctor Beesley le ha recetado reposo total por el bien del futuro bebé. Tanto Theo como Maggie aguardaban con esperanza e ilusión la llegada de su cuarto hijo.
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 2 years
What job would they do if they weren't fighters ? (with Retsu, Kureha, Kosho, Baki)
Thank you 😁
Situation: Profession they would aspire to if they didn't fight /Profesión a la que aspirarian si no lucharan.
Character: Baki Hanma, Kosho Shinogi, Kureha Shinogi and Retsu Kaioh.
Baki Hanma.
He would probably still be in school if he didn't fight, after all he started out as a fighter really young and neglected school.
I feel like he would do poorly in school anyway, because, he's kind of dumb.
Kosho Shinogi.
He has the makings to be a himokiri karate instructor.
He learned rope cutting karate and he's very proud of it, other than just his fighting style, so if he didn't fight he would probably teach it.
Kureha Shinogi.
He would be a doctor.
It is literally his profession, he study for it. He applies the knowledge of a doctor about the human body in the fights, if he removes the fights from the application, he will apply his knowledge to do his work.
Retsu Kaioh.
Perhaps some kind of monk, knowledgeable about Kempo and who would dedicate itself to teaching it rather than practicing it.
I can't imagine Retsu without Kempo, that's all.
Versión en español.
Baki Hanma.
Probablemente todavía seguiría en la escuela si no peleara, después de todo empezó como luchador realmente joven y descuido la escuela.
Siento que de todas formas le iría mal en la escuela, porque, es un poco tonto.
Kosho Shinogi.
Tiene madera para ser un instructor de karate himokiri.
Aprendió el karate de corte de cuerdas y está muy orgulloso de ello, más allá de ser solo su estilo de peleas, así que, si no peleara probablemente lo enseñaría.
Kureha Shinogi.
Sería médico.
Literalmente es su profesión, estudio para ello. Él aplica los conocimientos de un doctor sobre cuerpo humano en las peleas, si quitas las peleas de la aplicación, aplicará sus conocimientos para hacer su trabajo.
Retsu Kaioh.
Quizá alguna clase de monje, conocedor del kempo y que se dedicaría a enseñarlo más que a practicarlo.
No me imagino a Retsu sin el kempo, eso es todo.
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