#Doggone Bowls
felixwylde · 11 months
Mmm Saucy
What have you been working on? I’ve been tinkering with this thing called “bumboles,” a jolly good new bowling game, a bit like English lawn bowls, but with a dash of dogging thrown in for fun. What do you reckon, is it quirky enough for your fancy?
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mishflora · 8 months
"Tired of bein' lonely, tired of bein' blue, I wished I had some good man, to tell my troubles to. Seem like the whole world's wrong, Since my man's been gone. I need a little sugar in my bowl, I need a little hot dog on my roll. I can stand a bit of lovin', oh so bad, I feel so funny, I feel so sad. I need a little steam-heat on my floor, Maybe I can fix things up, so they'll go. What's the matter hard papa, Come on and save your mama's soul, 'Cause I need a little sugar, in my bowl, doggone it, I need a some sugar in my bowl. I need a little sugar in my bowl, I need a little hot dog between my rolls. You gettin' different, I've been told, Move your finger, drop something in my bowl. I need a little steam-heat on my floor, Maybe I can fix things up, so they'll go. Get off your knees, I can't see what you're drivin' at, It's dark down there looks like a snake! C'mon here and drop somethin' here in my bowl, Stop your foolin' and drop somethin' in my bowl!"
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skyward-floored · 1 year
I come bearing HUGS ❤️❤️❤️
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And also a prompt for the incredibles au. How about family movie night? I’m interested to see how that goes with a family of supers lol
Ah hugs! Thank you very much :] And thanks for the prompt too, it ended up kinda silly but it was fun to write hah.
Hope you like it!
“Warriors can you put more ice in my soda? But uh, try not to freeze it?”
“Look you said you wanted it cold—”
“Sky move, I can’t see.”
“Make Four sit in the front, we can see over him easy!”
“Ha ha, never heard that one before— oh, it’s starting.”
“Wild! Wild hurry! It’s starting!”
At Wind’s shout Wild zipped into the living with a huge bowl of popcorn in his arms, jamming himself onto the couch in between Twilight and Hyrule, despite how there really wasn’t room for him along with Legend and Wind also crammed in on the piece of furniture.
“Wild there’s like four other chairs in here, move,” Legend growled as Wind leaned over him to grab some popcorn. “Go sit next to Sky, I can barely breathe.”
“But this is my spot,” Wild huffed, and pointedly squished himself in even tighter.
“It is not, Twi tell him—”
“Guys shh, it’s starting,” Four hissed from his spot, and Legend glared before pointedly stealing the bowl of popcorn from Wild’s arms.
Wild lunged over Hyrule and grabbed for the bowl, until Twilight took it and held it out of reach of both of them, giving them each a glare.
“Guys knock it off, or Sky and Warriors’ll just send us all to bed early and we won’t get to watch anything,” Twilight said pointedly, and the two stopped struggling.
“We will, it’s true,” Warriors commented helpfully, and Legend threw some popcorn at him.
Wild snatched some out of the air as it flew by, but still refused to budge, returning Legend’s foul look.
“Here, come sit with me Wild, we can both fit,” Sky said from where he sat on the other side of the room, patting the cushion next to him.
“But that chair doesn’t reach the table,” Wild whined, but after Four glared at him again, he went over to it without fussing.
“What’s this movie about again?” Hyrule asked as the opening credits began to roll.
“Oh it’s great,” Wind said excitedly, shoving some popcorn in his mouth. “It’s all about this pirate guy who’s sister gets kidnapped by this huuuuuge bird so then he has to go save her and he meets this talking boat but the boat isn’t just a boat he’s actually—”
“Don’t spoil it Wind!” Legend interrupted, slapping a hand over his brother’s mouth. “You’ll like it Roolie, trust me— did you just lick my hand?!”
“This won’t be like that other movie we watched, will it?” Twilight asked hesitantly as Legend grabbed at Wind with an invisible hand, and Wind repeatedly blew Legend’s bangs over his eyes.
“Don’t worry Twi, there’s no dogs, and they don’t die,” Warriors assured, then a grin stretched over his face. “It’s a doggone shame, really.”
The room went silent as everyone glared over at Warriors, except for Hyrule and Wild, who almost fell off their respective seats laughing. Twilight merely gave Warriors an absolutely withering look, and pointedly turned into a wolf and faced away from him.
“Yes, terrible pun, haha, now would you all be quiet so we can actually hear the movie?” Four said with a pointed glare, and they all finally settled down and stopped talking, ready to watch the movie.
They didn’t even make it halfway through the film before an all-out war over the popcorn broke out.
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writer59january13 · 1 year
An involuntary spasm
of the diaphragm
and respiratory organs,
with a sudden closure
of the glottis
and a characteristic
sound like that of a cough.
Rather mundane topic
lest one cursed
with said minor inconvenience
that subsequently manifests
into protracted health crisis.
I write much hiccup ado
about nothing, which
involuntary explosive release comes clear out of the hiccup blue
nary a sponge bob
square pants handy dandy blues clue,
where in tarnation
this uncontrollable bout jarring the Jimmy Neutron body
electric all's well
that ends well hiccup do.
Why such physiological
spasmodic trembling
undulating weird phenomena uncontrollable peculiar singultus kickstarts,
where one of many
extreme measures now suggested
such as ramming cloven hoofs
down the gullet wool shear lee be in vain to bring closure of glottis hiccups ewe
you wool sheepishly
moost likely find annoying as this hiccupping buck feels few
breaths short of taking
another potential drastic action… like hiccup swallowing glue
as an extreme solution wide whirled, webbed series of being held hostage
resorting to asking Horton hears a Who
to stomp his elephant legs (also known as hottentot bread)
atop thee abdominal chest (me not ribbing ye dear reader)
despite impossible mission
to escape, thus truncating mein kampf and additional fail safe measure
being trundled to an igloo
serving as ice cold emergency room
of a mockup hospital or calling
on the ghost of the late veterinarian
James Herriot to scare doggone such hiccup caterwauling
catering to gentile
or skeletal anorexic
hunger artist appropriately named Jew
Lean, thus, time and again
when said hiccup affliction holds me hiccup hostage
ye dear stranger knew
seeking cure twill drive me towards
considering additional outrageous
acts of desperation such as sticking ma head in the loo, which bizarre reaction
on par with holding out an appetite
until famished for moo
goo guy pan mixed
with delicious bowl of new
dulls steeped in broth,
an island delicacy renown on Oahu
even this atheist would ask
for salivation praying in a pew,
whereby sound of silence
echoed by hiccup right on queue
when nary a burble
until reaching amen hiccup rue
stubbornly persists,
no matter resorting
to consider extreme unction measures
at suppressing explosive strew
wing upsurge of diaphragm,
accursed diabolical solution
holding breath until
turning blue in the face
simultaneously forcing air thru
alternative orifices such as:
nasal passage and/or mouth, ears
or out derrière as last ditch effort.
Oft times physiological phenomena
faintly resembles bobbing up and down
analogous to the celebrated
jumping frog of Calaveras County
seriousness one best not undervalue
with a snort
lest ye surpass one poor soul when an accident
on June 13, 1922,
Charles Osborne
(experienced 20 to 40
involuntary diaphragm
spasms per minute)
hiccupped nonstop,
which condition persisted
for more than six decades,
only ending in 1990,
a full 68 years after it began.
Osborne's plight remains
the longest attack
of hiccups confirmed
by Guinness World Records
invariably accompanied
no doubt by a voodoo
Practitioner…until…at last whew
hiccups stopped mysteriously
as they started
bringing relief to him who analogously felt like caged primate in a zoo.
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"I've got to get my life together. This doggone heat made me realize I cannot go to hell"
(A bowl of spoonbills at Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island, Florida)
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free--therapy · 3 years
Go Easy on Yourself, a New Wave of Research Urges
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Do you treat yourself as well as you treat your friends and family?
That simple question is the basis for a burgeoning new area of psychological research called self-compassion — how kindly people view themselves. People who find it easy to be supportive and understanding to others, it turns out, often score surprisingly low on self-compassion tests, berating themselves for perceived failures like being overweight or not exercising.
The research suggests that giving ourselves a break and accepting our imperfections may be the first step toward better health. People who score high on tests of self-compassion have less depression and anxiety, and tend to be happier and more optimistic. Preliminary data suggest that self-compassion can even influence how much we eat and may help some people lose weight.
This idea does seem at odds with the advice dispensed by many doctors and self-help books, which suggest that willpower and self-discipline are the keys to better health. But Kristin Neff, a pioneer in the field, says self-compassion is not to be confused with self-indulgence or lower standards.
“I found in my research that the biggest reason people aren’t more self-compassionate is that they are afraid they’ll become self-indulgent,” said Dr. Neff, an associate professor of human development at the University of Texas at Austin. “They believe self-criticism is what keeps them in line. Most people have gotten it wrong because our culture says being hard on yourself is the way to be.”
Imagine your reaction to a child struggling in school or eating too much junk food. Many parents would offer support, like tutoring or making an effort to find healthful foods the child will enjoy. But when adults find themselves in a similar situation — struggling at work, or overeating and gaining weight — many fall into a cycle of self-criticism and negativity. That leaves them feeling even less motivated to change.
“Self-compassion is really conducive to motivation,” Dr. Neff said. “The reason you don’t let your children eat five big tubs of ice cream is because you care about them. With self-compassion, if you care about yourself, you do what’s healthy for you rather than what’s harmful to you.”
Dr. Neff, whose book, “Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind,” is being published next month by William Morrow, has developed a self-compassion scale: 26 statements meant to determine how often people are kind to themselves, and whether they recognize that ups and downs are simply part of life.
A positive response to the statement “I’m disapproving and judgmental about my own flaws and inadequacies,” for example, suggests lack of self-compassion. “When I feel inadequate in some way, I try to remind myself that feelings of inadequacy are shared by most people” suggests the opposite.
For those low on the scale, Dr. Neff suggests a set of exercises — like writing yourself a letter of support, just as you might to a friend you are concerned about. Listing your best and worst traits, reminding yourself that nobody is perfect and thinking of steps you might take to help you feel better about yourself are also recommended.
Other exercises include meditation and “compassion breaks,” which involve repeating mantras like “I’m going to be kind to myself in this moment.”
If this all sounds a bit too warm and fuzzy, like the Al Franken character Stuart Smalley (“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me”), there is science to back it up. A 2007 study by researchers at Wake Forest University suggested that even a minor self-compassion intervention could influence eating habits. As part of the study, 84 female college students were asked to take part in what they thought was a food-tasting experiment. At the beginning of the study, the women were asked to eat doughnuts.
One group, however, was given a lesson in self-compassion with the food. “I hope you won’t be hard on yourself,” the instructor said. “Everyone in the study eats this stuff, so I don’t think there’s any reason to feel real bad about it.”
Later the women were asked to taste-test candies from large bowls. The researchers found that women who were regular dieters or had guilt feelings about forbidden foods ate less after hearing the instructor’s reassurance. Those not given that message ate more.
The hypothesis is that the women who felt bad about the doughnuts ended up engaging in “emotional” eating. The women who gave themselves permission to enjoy the sweets didn’t overeat.
“Self-compassion is the missing ingredient in every diet and weight-loss plan,” said Jean Fain, a psychotherapist and teaching associate at Harvard Medical School who wrote the new book “The Self-Compassion Diet” (Sounds True publishing). “Most plans revolve around self-discipline, deprivation and neglect.”
Dr. Neff says that the field is still new and that she is just starting a controlled study to determine whether teaching self-compassion actually leads to lower stress, depression and anxiety and more happiness and life satisfaction.
“The problem is that it’s hard to unlearn habits of a lifetime,” she said. “People have to actively and consciously develop the habit of self-compassion.”
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Daffy: It could be a bowling alley!
Daphne Duck: How are they going to deliver a bowling alley here tonight?
Daffy: They'll sthend the deed for cripsthake. I didn't expect them to sthend a whole doggoned bowling alley.
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theeladycaramel · 4 years
“I can stand a bit of lovin', oh so bad
I feel so funny, I feel so sad
I need a little steam-heat on my floor
Maybe I can fix things up, so they'll go
What's the matter hard papa
Come on and save your mama's soul
'Cause I need a little sugar, in my bowl, doggone it
I need a some sugar in my bowl”
—Bessie Smith “Need a Little Sugar In My Bowl”
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b99fandomevents · 5 years
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Thank you again to the awesome folks who joined our first ever Fic Exchange!!! We hope you enjoyed writing your fics as much as we loved reading them. 
Under the cut is a masterlist of all the submitted works, compiled and arranged in alphabetical order by the amazing @amez-santiago. ♡ (If you don’t see your fic here or notice any errors, please let us know!) 
If you’re interested in joining the Fall 2019 Fic Exchange, definitely keep an eye out for our next announcement post within the next couple of weeks. 
a summer rain is passing over, and it feels like a dream | AO3
↝ by @exploding-snapple for @storyinmyeyes​
Amy takes Jake to go see a play, but it’s really the walk home afterward that he enjoys the most. (set a few weeks after 3x02)
Cause you’re what I always wanted | AO3
↝ by @sandylovesfandoms for @a-wren-d
Rosa shows Gina Babylon, and sparks fly
Coming Out | AO3
↝ by @the-poodles-of-pulitzer for @yaboring-yabasic
Rosa’s POV for coming out.
Dancing around each other | AO3
↝ by @disruptedvice for @amydancepants-peralta
“Ah! Amy! Help!” Jake shrieked the moment she answered her phone, not really concerned about volume control since he was kinda trying to not die at the moment. It had gotten through four rings before she finally picked up, and this would’ve been it for Jake if it’d gone straight to voicemail. Amy frowned, looking around as if he could see her, but soon brushed it off as her being paranoid. “Jake? What’s wrong?” “I’ve got the goose!” He shouted, jumping to dodge another swipe that could only be described as intelligent and intent. “The goose is here! The goose is here!”
Soulmate AU where one person finds a goose who leads them to the other person. The difficulty comes in not being mauled by a goose 
doggone summer | AO3
↝ by @timeforginasopinion for @sandylovesfandoms
Amy should have known it was going to be an awful summer from the moment Jake Peralta appeared on her front doorstep carrying a dog. “Morning, Ames,” he chirps, irritatingly cheerful, as if he’s passing her in the hallway at school rather than standing in front of her house during the sadly fleeting time of year she’s supposed to be free of this bullshit. “Cheddar, say hi to Amy.” The corgi swaddled in his arms, predictably, doesn’t respond. Jake fixes it with an offended frown. “Well, that was rude.” Amy sneezes a lot and thinks longingly of her bowl of oatmeal squares, now growing soggy on the kitchen counter. Her life was so much simpler ten minutes ago.
everything's good, everything's just as it should be | AO3
↝ by @fezzle for @the-poodles-of-pulitzer 
“Jake,” she starts, slow and deliberate. “Do you know who I am?” He stares at her a moment before shaking his head, and her stomach swoops. Oh my god. or Jake gets an appendectomy, and there happens to be an amusing side effect as he wakes up from his anesthesia.
foolishly, completely falling | AO3 [E]
↝ by @fezzle for @kamekamelea
“Are you… asking to hook up with me?” Amy asks slowly, every syllable enunciated carefully. “Whaaaat? No! Nope. No, I definitely was not! What I meant to say was -’’ “Becausetheanswerisyes.”Jake freezes, eyes bugging. “Wh-What?” “I-I said yes.” or Jake and Amy are friends with benefits. What could go wrong?
Heads and Hot Dogs and the Best Day Ever | AO3
↝ by @vernonfielding for @nerd-husbands
Nikolaj spends a day at the precinct not helping Rosa solve a case. He's never been happier. 
hold me in this wild, wild world | AO3
↝ by @dmigod for @santiagoswagger
He wants to say he doesn’t know how he got into this situation, but he knows exactly how it happened (or, at least mostly): with a bet. It’s not news to anyone that he and his professional partner are competitive—Santiago is a type A tightwad who feels like she has to prove herself to everyone (except him), and Jake, well, Jake likes to spite her. And to win. He really, really loves winning.
hold me in this wild, wild world | AO3
↝ by @johnny-and-dora for @meepmorpperaltiago
“It takes every ounce of willpower he has left not to kiss her like it’s their last night on earth. Despite the odds, he refuses to kiss her like he’s saying goodbye.” or, a forbidden love/royalty/fairytale au in which jake comes up with an alternative solution to amy being forced into an arranged marriage with the most boring man in the seven kingdoms.
i found a mirror for my soul (i don’t need no other) | AO3
↝ by @b99peraltiago for @exploding-snapple
When she realizes her sleeve has rolled up a little, showing the skin of her wrist and tries to cover it again, it’s already too late. Jake’s seen it. He’s caught sight of the glowing “S” printed there. “S” as in, Soulmate. Amy finally found hers – and, obviously, it’s not him. (Post-4x22 soulmates AU, in which Jake and Amy are not soulmates and she finds hers while Jake is in jail.)
i’ll put it all on the line | AO3
↝ by @amydancepants-peralta for @callginalinetti
"We have to find her, Jake!” He looks up from an evidence marker, furrowing his brow. “I’m sorry … her?” “Your mystery woman! The beautiful woman you were stuck on the subway with. She’s obviously your soulmate.”
I’m going home, to the place where I belong (where your love has always been enough) | AO3
↝ by @storyinmyeyes for @outofinspo
It’s moving in day for Jake and Amy and she’s a little stressed out over all the boxes that need unpacking, but in true Jake fashion, he provides a distraction.
I’ve got a really bad feeling I’m gonna love you so good | AO3
↝ by @amesantiagos for @romanovember
A typical Friday night at Shaw’s bar with the Nine-Nine …or not quite. “Really, I just wanted to check if you’re okay.” “Why wouldn’t I be?” She frowns at him, her eyes dark in the dimly lit booth, “and why do you even care?” “Well, first off, that’s rude,” he raises he eyebrows at her, “and secondly, because you’re my partner, and I know I normally come across as a badass, emotionless action-hero like type– ” “No, you don’t.”
if they’re meant to be together, they won’t stay too long apart | AO3
↝ by @startofamoment for @e11evenseggos
They’d first met in the fall of their freshman year. Amy can still remember it with perfect clarity: how Jake rushed into the lecture hall, hair unruly and plaid shirt rumpled. He looked like he’d just woken up, or maybe never slept. Perhaps he’d pulled an all nighter in prep for their big exam. (She had gotten the recommended eight hours of sleep, naturally, and had gotten up with more than enough time to have a balanced breakfast and to go over her review sheets.)
It is like Oatmeal……. | AO3
↝ by @dancezwithwolvez for @cheddar-the-dog
Another chance.
it’s your love i’m lost in | AO3
↝ by @stolethekey for @ofbuttsandbombs
She smiles. “That’s been the theme of the entire Holt-Cozner relationship. Finding love, despite everything telling them that they cannot. Being confronted with danger, with fear, with risk, but making the incredibly brave choice to love anyway.” or, an mcu post-snap au in which holt and kevin renew their vows
julian santiago and the case of the sister’s mystery boyfriend | AO3 
↝ by @amyscascadingtabs for @397bartonstreet
Eventually, he makes the educated guess that there must be someone else in her life. She must have wanted for this to break-up to happen, he figures, and a new mystery lover could very well be the reason. Julian simply has to figure out who it is.
long live all the magic we made | AO3
↝ by @benwvatt for @startofamoment
He deserves to know about cheering charms, or spells that change mice into teapots, or a potion that could double his age. He belongs in her world, she thinks. If only he were. Rule number one of being a Santiago: Neighbors like the Peraltas don’t have any business knowing about magic. Amy ignores it and finds everything she was dreaming of.
of babies and binders
↝ by @a-wren-d for @acanoftrash
domestic peraltiago
Of Debates and Chickenshit Boys | AO3
↝ by @professionalpenthief for @imalloutofhoots
Amy’s happily dull life turns upside down when a mystery admirer’s love for her goes viral in her high school. As she navigates the new uncharted territories of being in the public eye, she finds love does defy all expectations. 
Regarding The Incident In Which Raymond Ran Away To Mexico | AO3
↝ by @nerd-husbands for @amesantiagos
“Can you clarify,” Kevin said into his cellphone, using his other arm to hail a cab, “how much wedding cake did Cheddar eat?"  The Honeymoon episode, from Kevin’s perspective.
Run, Hide, Fight (Show Me Going) | AO3
↝ by @cheddar-the-dog for @vernonfielding
around two days after the active shooter situation in Brooklyn Heights Hotel Rosa wakes up from a nightmare that she soon realizes was not a nightmare at all
sailing home once and for all | AO3
↝ by @kamekamelea for @disruptedvice
In the universe where Jake is a sailor from New York, he finds himself coming back home to this one special girl - detective Amy Santiago.
Sick Leave | AO3
↝ by @winnietherpooh for @amyscascadingtabs
Amy decides that Jake needs a vacation after he returns prison, and he finally begins to open up about his recovery as they read Harry Potter together.
Something more than a catalog of non-definitive acts | AO3
↝ by @chipmunksallshipklefan for @professionalpenthief
Jake and Amy go undercover as a couple.
The Beer Burglar | AO3
↝ by @outofinspo for @cheeto-anaconda
Brooklyn Nine-Nine and The Good Place crossover where Jake arrests Eleanor
The Date Night 
↝ by @meepmorpperaltiago for @amazingsantiago
Based on the prompts: jealous Amy and Jake being Amy’s hype man
The Desert Sucks, But Being a Damsel in Distress Isn’t Too Bad | AO3
↝ by @romanovember for @fezzle
I’m never drinking again. Jake Peralta thinks as he comes to consciousness, his mouth full of cotton swabs and sandpaper and his head pounding like a sledgehammer on concrete. Or maybe 50 million sledgehammers, a freight train and another 24 elephants. Ugh Jake rolls over, and pulls his crinkly and hot duvet closer, relaxing his aching and hungover body into the cool embrace of… sand? And on his head? An honest to god cowboy hat. Yeehaw?
The in-between | AO3 
↝ by @disruptedvice for @amydancepants-peralta
Amy’s thoughts between ‘go back to being colleagues’ to ‘screw light and breezy’
the interrogation room | AO3
↝ by @yaboring-yabasic for @timeforginasopinion
one-shot based loosely on the prompts badly trying to keep a secret, locked in, and kid fic with some peraltiago, dianetti, and the whole squad.
the smell of coffee runs through my veins | AO3
↝ by @elsaclack for @winnietherpooh
five times jake smells like fresh coffee grounds (and one time he doesn’t)
the stars lean in a little closer all because of you 
↝ by @peraltasames for @b99peraltiago
baby peraltiago + beach house 2.0
there was a time when a moment like this wouldn’t ever cross my mind | AO3 [E] 
↝ by @kamekamelea for @disruptedvice
She looks deeply into his eyes, dark from the desire overwhelming him and whispers straight into his lips in an authoritative tone. “No, Jake. Fuck me with my uniform on.”
↝ by @ofbuttsandbombs for @stolethekey
Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago, self- proclaimed 'best detectives of the Nine-Nine’ (and 'of the NYPD’, 'no, USA!’, 'no,the entire freaking world!!’, when they get a little drunk) are handed a routine murder investigation which goes off- track. Will this cause their already fragile relationship to change? The journey from 'Peralta and Santiago’ to 'Jake and Amy.’
time is ticking away (and there are too many things I wanna say) | AO3
↝ by @what-about-gay for @johnnydora
Amy is stressed because she can’t find her soulmate, while Jake couldn’t care less about his soulmate. Time is ticking and they have to find their soulmates, because when the clock is at zero and you haven’t found your soulmate yet, you and your soulmate both die.
Variations on sharing a bed 1/2/3 | AO3 [T to M]
↝ by @disruptedvice for @amydancepants-peralta
Peraltiago drabbles + sharing a bed trope
We Are The Greatest Love Story (The World Had Ever Seen) | AO3
↝ by @cheddar-the-dog for @dancezwithwolvez
the night they meet his life changes forever and he’d never go back to before or how the story of Kevin and Raymond found its start
we could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable | AO3
↝ by @stolethekey for @johnny-and-dora
Kylie hums, reaching over to unzip the back of Amy’s dress. “Well, whatever you’re not anxious about is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this. Seriously.” “He has a girlfriend,” Amy snaps, shimmying out of the dress and snatching her leggings off the wall. “And this isn’t for him.” - in which Amy throws a New Year's Eve party that subsequently implodes.
we were good at faking forever | AO3
↝ by @johnnydora for @dmigod
David Santiago has super powers. No matter how much effort Amy gives to everything she does, he always manages to beat her tenfold, including obtaining the girlfriend of his parents’ dream. With ten days until her brother Miguel’s wedding and no date, Amy has no choice but to convince the next person she sees to fall madly in love with her.
we were wild and fluorescent, come home to my heart | AO3
↝ by @santiagoswagger for @benwvatt
Desperate to find a last minute gift for her mom, Amy stumbles into the only open flower shop in her neighborhood. Unfortunately, the florist is very annoying.
we won’t run (we can fight) | AO3
↝ by @amydancepants-peralta for @chipmunksallshipklefan
“Be careful who you give your midnights to, my darling. Midnights are for talking - for old friends and new; for truth and never for lies. When you’ve only got the stars to illuminate, everything else falls away. Midnights are for confessions.” Her hand falls to Amy’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “They’re for falling in love.” Well that’s just ridiculous. She and Jake were definitely not falling in love. Oh. Medieval AU where the evil King Vulture is ruining Brooklyne. Amy and Jake work together to take him DOWN.
whelp, this might be your view for the next seven years | AO3
↝ by @callginalinetti for @galaxygaydreams
sometimes you get to meet your soulmate twice (basically a new version of how jake and amy meet and fall in love)
When You’re Home
↝ by @397bartonstreet for @peraltasames
jake and amy’s first night back together after the ambulance scene in coral palms pt 3 + fluffy reunion goodness.
where’d you go, david santiago | AO3
↝ by @acanoftrash for @brillliant
when amy’s brother goes missing, she hires private detective jake peralta to find him.
You Already Know | AO3
↝ by @e11evenseggos for @what-about-gay
a one-shot of Gina and Rosa’s wedding ceremony.
you showed me something i can’t live without | AO3
↝ by @amazingsantiago for @dailyb99
Alternative ending to Casecation. Jake is left reeling after Amy’s “start over” comment. Title from ‘I Believe’ by the Jonas Brothers.
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puppetmaker40 · 5 years
You don’t have to like everything under the Sun
One of the phrases that puts me on edge a bit is “You don’t like X? What? Why not? Everyone loves X!”
I have, over the years, found myself explaining why I don’t like something more than why I do like something.
Avocados are a fine example of this. I don’t like them and never have. It is not the taste, which I don’t particularly care for, but the texture that is off putting to me. I don’t care what you add to it, it still feeds wrong in my mouth. People have tried to convince me that I am missing something awesome but I don’t see it.
I like football both college and NFL. Peter doesn’t see the point of any other professional sports except baseball and bowling. He is a football widow among other sports that I watch. He understands the fundamentals of the games but has no interest. And that’s fine.
Caroline and I like shows like Project Runway, Face-off, and Ink Master. Peter likes Face-off but doesn’t care for the fashion and tattoo shows. There are shows that he watches that I do not because it is not something I enjoy or feel I need to spend my time on it.
There are shows that we are all on the same page Doctor Who, Prodigal Son, Why Women Kill, Dragon Prince, and Good Omens to name a few. We tend to either binge watch them if a season on some platforms or watch them as they air.
Anime is something we all like but where we came into Japanese cartoons is very different. For Peter it is Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion, and Giagantor. For me it was Robotech, Akira, My Youth in Arcadia and Vampire Hunter D. For Caroline it has been Sailor Moon, Tokyo Ghoul, My Hero Academia, and Fairy Tale.
There are comic book characters I have no interest in. I don’t care to read the books or see the shows based on those characters. There are some characters that I liked at one point but really don’t care for now. We pretty much see every comic book or graphic novel film more as a professional courtesy. Haven’t like them all.
People have tried to convince me that things I don’t like would be something that I should like. I don’t like zombies. Never have. I have seen zombie films and the like but I don’t watch or read it for the most part. Warm Bodies and White Zombie are my speed for zombie stories. More than one friend has tried to convince me to watch the Walking Dead. I have friends in the show. I tried but it didn’t appeal to me.
I like psychological horror rather than blood and guts slasher horror. I have so many friends who work on those films but I really can’t stomach the gut churring body count with blood and body parts flying ever where. Clever ways of killing teenagers just doesn’t do anything for me except give me an upset stomach. I know technically how they do all that and I have done blood and guts effects over the years for various projects. That I love to do and have a passion for. I just don’t like to watch the end product.
I have friends who love the X-men films but don’t care for the Marvel studio films. I do not try to convince them that they need to see all the films. There are Star Wars and Star Trek fans that like a specific part of the saga and that’s fine. There are people who prefer the book to the movie and vice versa.
Life is too doggone short so pick and choose what appeals to you and brings you joy.
If you want to, try things you are unsure of before dismissing them out of hand. At least then when challenged you can honestly say I tried but it doesn’t sing for me.
The pressure to like something that none of us need.
I am grateful for people who understand when I say I don’t particularly care for something.
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handeaux · 5 years
Days Of Future Past: Cincinnati Predicts The Future
As a child of the 1950s, I gaze upon this Twenty-First Century with scorn.
Where is my ray-gun? My spaceship? My house on Mars? Where is my doggone time machine? The future, as ever, is not what it was cracked up to be. That has been the conclusion of forward-looking Cincinnatians since way back in the city’s history.
As early as 1846, Charles Cist published, in the Cincinnati Advertiser, a look at the city 30 years in the future. When 1876 arrived, Cist predicted, hourly newspapers – one called The Cincinnati Rocket – would replace the immense “bedsheet” daily newspapers of the 1840s. He predicted an additional 38 states added to the Union after the conclusion of the Mexican-American War. Cist projected Cincinnati’s population would be 675,000 (it actually reached about 230,000 in 1876) and a revolutionary new method for paving streets:
“It consists of a chemical preparation, which in its fluid state, passes over and through a layer of six or eight inches deep of tan bark or sawdust, and hardens to a degree which keeps the whole pavement perfectly elastic, while the surface is smooth enough to pass the water during and after rains immediately into the gutters. Nothing can be more delightful than the noiseless revolution of carriage wheels over such surfaces. It is like rolling over an unbroken sward, or rather over carpeting.”
By 1887, the Cincinnati Post [6 June 1887] issued a whole sequence of predictions, based on the recent invention of a so-called universal language known as Volapuk:
“Already the scientists of Europe have provided in volapuk a universal language; the next move will be universal coinage; the next a universal system of measures; the next a worldwide free trade; the next a delegated and authoritative parliament of the earth; the next a distributive organization to equalize the distribution of comforts and civilization, and last a magnificent Earth race, in which shall be represented, absorbed and extinguished all the races and bloods of mankind.”
Some people predicted changes in language. William H. Morgan, Superintendent of Cincinnati’s Public Schools endorsed a simplified spelling system in which though became tho, programme became program, catalogue became catalog and thorough became thoro. Well, 50-50 isn’t a bad prediction. Less accurate, mayhap, was the 1888 prediction in the Post that bowling would contribute as many idioms to English as baseball had. That prediction got stranded on base.
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While not indulging in universal rhapsodies, the Post [19 January 1888] predicted a far more mundane, yet necessary future in which Cincinnati had clean drinking water:
“The city of the future will not drink a dilution of mud, street washings, slaughter-house scourings, and privy vault and water-closet emptyings. The water which the city of the future will drink, cook with, and bathe in will be the pure, soft, limpid distillation of the sky.”
In the 1890s, Cincinnatians predicted all sorts of good things for the century to come. The Cincinnati Post in 1892 raved about a “skycycle” – a pedal-powered flying machine to be exhibited at that year’s World’s Fair, with the headline “It Is Solved, The Great Problem Of The Centuries.” Alas, not so. Nor did the Post’s prediction [5 September 1894] that chemistry would replace farmers and chefs with artificial food come to pass. The “Fast-Flying Cosmopolitan Express,” a proposed railroad running from St. Petersburg, across Siberia and the Bering Strait all the way to Rio de Janeiro remained a pipe-dream despite the Post’s 1893 support for the concept.
More accurately, in 1899, the Post carried an artist’s rendering of motorized tanks, 15 years before they blasted through the trenches of World War I. Equally accurate was a 1900 cartoon published in the Cincinnati Enquirer of a “horseless paradise” in which automobile drivers monopolized the roads and decimated pedestrians.
Charles A. Hinsch, president of the Fifth-Third National Bank, addressed the Cincinnati Businessmen’s Club in 1913 with his vision for the city’s future. As reported in the Post [12 November 1913], he foresaw:
“A mall, convention hall, new Courthouse, interurban terminal depot, boulevard system, subway, civic center, with broad walks, on which will be the new Businessmen’s Club; new union depot, with smokeless trains; ocean-going steamers on the Ohio River, high-pressure water system, parkways, driveway along the Ohio River and billboards abolished.”
Herman Schneider, the University of Cincinnati dean who created cooperative education, predicted [Post 4 May 1928] that university students by 1978 would receive much of their instruction via radio or television.
“Fifty years from now, when any person seeking education may . . . see and hear a world famous authority speak and demonstrate by simply turning on the radio, present day educational methods will seem very crude.”
Despite all the predictions in his own newspaper, an editor at the Cincinnati Post [10 January 1901] took a more skeptical look at the future.
“After thousands of columns of Twentieth Century predictions have been printed, after visionary men have prophesied that people will live without labor at the end of a hundred years, the fact remains that affairs will probably run along in the same old groove.  There will be development in all lines, labor may find its burdens lightened and gain a greater share of the benefits of invention, but the injunction, ‘By The Sweat Of Thy Brow Shalt Thou Eat Thy Bread,’ was not formed for any one century, but for the ages.”
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doggone summer
Pairings: Peraltiago
WC: 9k
A/N: My entry for the @b99fandomevents fic exchange! To @sandylovesfandoms​, for the prompts first kiss, get together, & pining. I hope you enjoy it <33
+ a big thank you to em and erica for organising this exchange, as well as to sapph/@nine-nine-stylez for a) proofreading and b) being the absolute coolest!
•    •    •    •    •    •    
Amy should have known it was going to be an awful summer from the moment Jake Peralta appeared on her front doorstep carrying a dog.
“Morning, Ames,” he chirps, irritatingly cheerful, as if he’s passing her in the hallway at school rather than standing in front of her house during the sadly fleeting time of year she’s supposed to be free of this bullshit. “Cheddar, say hi to Amy.”
The corgi swaddled in his arms, predictably, doesn’t respond. Jake fixes it with an offended frown. “Well, that was rude.”
Amy sneezes a lot and thinks longingly of her bowl of oatmeal squares, now growing soggy on the kitchen counter. Her life was so much simpler ten minutes ago. 
“What are you doing here?” she asks, once her sinuses are no longer actively trying to eject her brain from her body via her nose.
(continue reading on ao3)
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familycuisinee · 3 years
How To Make Cake Pops ….EASILY!!!
<h5>“Learn how to make cake pops the easy way. Featuring tips and techniques to make and decorate perfect cake pops at home!”</h5> <p> </p> <h3>Visual learner? Watch me make these cake pops from start to finish!</h3> <p> <img src="https://ift.tt/3iLfcQZ" alt="how to make cakpops cake pops recipe tutorial" /> </p> <p> </p> <p>I thought I HATED cake pops. I made them for a baby shower a few years ago, and they were a pain in the hind parts!</p> <p>All that daggum freezing and refreezing, dipping, twirling, decorating, and ugh that texture!! Ewww!!</p> <p>It was soggy, grainy, and tasted like someone had chewed it up already. My hubby sat quietly, ate the whole thing, and calmly said: “you don’t have to make these again, please”.</p> <p>I seriously did not see what all the cake pop hype was about, but I kept getting requests to “PLEASE DO A CAKE POP TUTORIAL!”. I can’t seem to say no to you guys, so I got back in the kitchen to figure these things out. Something had to give!</p> <p> <img src="https://ift.tt/3lx3VWh" alt="how to make cake pops tutorial" /> </p> <p> </p> <h2>I discovered that I LOVED cake pops. Here’s what I learned:</h2> <strong>Cake Pop Making Tips</strong> <ol> <li><strong>Go EASY On The Frosting</strong>: What a lot of folks failed to mention in the cake pop tutorials that I was following was to ONLY ADD A LITTLE BIT OF FROSTING. That is super important!! Most cakes are already moist. Too much frosting, and it’s ruined, in my opinion, not unless you add more cake.</li> <li><strong>Use Your Hands To Mix:</strong> It really helps to mix it up with your hands so that you can get the feel of it. When I used a spoon to mix it up, it looked as if I wasn’t putting in enough frosting, but it turned out that it was way too much when I went to make a ball. The cake should still be a bit crumbly even when the frosting is mixed in.</li> <li><strong>Mini Ice Cream/Cookie Scoop Works Great:</strong> Use a mini ice cream scoop to scoop out the “dough” so that you will have equal portions.</li> <li><strong>No Need To Keep Refreezing-</strong> I only placed these in the freezer once. Twice if you plan on bagging them or you want to speed up the final setting time.</li> <li><strong>Use A Deep, Narrow Cup For Dipping: </strong>The melted chocolate/candy coating should be deep enough to submerge the cake ball completely to avoid having to twirl it around. **NEW METHOD* Another method I saw on Cupcake Wars recently was to place the melted chocolate in a bowl, place the cake pop in the bowl and then spoon the chocolate on.</li> <li><strong>Box Cake Is Just Fine</strong>- If you’re not against the ingredients, make it easy for yourself and just purchase a box cake and make some homemade frosting. No one will know.</li> <li><strong>Use A Styrofoam Holder-</strong> A block of Styrofoam makes a really great holder to stick the cake pops in while they are drying, and it’s cheap.</li> </ol> How To Make Cake Pops With Cake Mix <p>As much as I love all things from scratch on this site when it comes to “food projects” like cake pops, I usually turn to the box cake mix and a can of frosting route. It’s so much quicker!</p> <p>Although if I’m making these for someone, I sometimes do a homemade frosting (depending on how much I like the person).</p> <p>Box cakes are usually very moist, so you’ll only need to use a little bit of frosting for these cake pops. It’s all about the frosting-cake ratio!</p> <p> </p> <strong>Homemade Frosting For Cake Pops</strong> <p>If you’re looking for the homemade frosting to use with your cake pops, these are my two favorites!</p> <p>The Real Cream Cheese Frosting and this Old-Fashioned Chocolate Frosting. These frostings are so creamy with that homemade taste.</p> <p>No one will ever know you use a box cake (if you do) with these from-scratch frostings!</p> <p> <img src="https://ift.tt/3uXK5WU" alt="chocolate buttercream frosting recipe" /> <img src="https://ift.tt/3DnYzCC" alt="easy cream cheese frosting recipe" /> </p> Cake Pop Ingredients <p>To make these quick and easy cake pops, you’ll need:</p> <ul> <li>1/2 prepare 9 x13 cake ( I used chocolate)</li> <li>chocolate frosting (homemade or store-bought), you’ll only need a few spoonfuls, seriously!</li> <li>Chocolate or Candy Coating (for dipping) I use to only use chocolate; now I swear by candy melts! All those fun colors just speak to me!</li> <li>Sprinkles (because they are just so doggone cute!)</li> </ul> Making Cake Pops With Leftover Cake <p>Using leftover cake to make cake pops is the best!! We don’t have leftover cake in my house very often, but when we do, it’s on and poppin!</p> <p>That leftover cake turns into cake pops, and then all of a sudden, people are in the mood for cake again! Isn’t it funny how you can put something on a stick, and everybody wants it?</p> <p>When making cake pops with leftover cake, you want to scrape off the frosting first and place it in a bowl.</p> <p>You definitely won’t need all the frosting. Crumble the cake up and then add in the frosting a little at a time until the cake can hold its shape once formed into a tight ball.</p> <p>These cake pops are what I consider cake pop perfection!!! They are the best cake pops I’ve ever had. The texture is fluffy AND moist, and it was nowhere near as messy and time-consuming as my first attempts at making cake pops.</p> <p> <img src="https://ift.tt/3DnYA9E" alt="how to make cake pops cake pop tutorial" /> </p> <p>Now, if you’re looking for a tutorial on how to decorate cake pops…ugh, I’m not the girl for the job!! Sprinkles is as good as it gets over here : )</p> <p>Even without fancy decoration, these cake pops can still make a pretty cute, cheap, and festive gift idea! Let your imagination run wild!</p> <p> </p> <strong>CAKE POP FAQS</strong> <p><strong>Can I make these the day before?</strong> You sure can! But I’d use candy melts instead of chocolate. That way, you can store them on the counter and not have to worry about the chocolate melting and smearing on the treat bag. Plus, candy melts come in so many fun colors!</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>HELPFUL CAKE POP MAKING SUPPLIES</p> <p>&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;</p> <p>Give these cake pops a try, and let me know what ya think! I can’t wait to make these again!</p> <h6>This post contains affiliate links.</h6> <p>Original Cake Pop Creator: Bakerella!!! How fun is her site?!</p> source https://familycuisine.net/how-to-make-dessert-popos/
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elijahlucius · 3 years
Listen patiently to everything.
“Listen patiently to everything. As for the “public disgrace” with which he was threatened, the prince begged Ichmenyev not to trouble himself about it, for there would be, and could be, no public disgrace, that the letter would be at once sent to the proper quarter, and that the police would no doubt be equal to taking steps for preserving law and order... Third placed Jenson Button: "I enjoyed the fight. “He will not escape.” Selmy did not fear Khrazz, much less Steelskin. There were more side passages after that, more chambers, and Bran heard dripping water somewhere to his right. Rahane and his bowlers reset their plans during the interval, focusing on greater economy while encouraging Kuldeep to maintain a full length and test Australia's batsmen on the drive. Closed Captioning Connect With Us Newslinks Community Calendar Justice Network FAQ Privacy Terms RSS Connect With Us Newsletters Text Alerts Ad Choices Community Rules FCC Public Inspection File Conversation Guidelines Pizza Card Survey. Elena was asleep and would not hear me go out. Discussion could be one call. The winner of the event can take up to six months to edit, record, mix and finalize. Poor Natasha! What it must have cost her to comfort this boy, to bend over him, listen to his confession and invent the fable of their speedy marriage to comfort the naive egoist. After a patient waiting, I got one of our city papers, containing an account of the number of petitions from the North praying for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and of the slave-trade between the states. Considering those distinctive traits of the race, it is no matter of surprise to find in their religious histories, when acted upon by the powerful stimulant of the Christian religion, very peculiar features. Rakharo had grown gioco cubo di rubik amazon almost half a foot during his time away from Meereen and returned with arms and legs thick with muscle and four bells in his hair. The Divine Author of our holy religion, in particular, found slavery a part of the existing zapatillas estilo valentino institutions of society; with which, if not sinful, it was not his design to intermeddle, but to leave them entirely to the control of men. "In a Blue Moon," produced in association with Western Canada Theatre (Kamloops) and Thousand Islands Playhouse (Gananoque, ON), plays fehér női bőr csizma the arts centre's Main Stage from Jan. Davos did the same, fumbling at the clasp with his bound hands. Casey knocks out the goon, and in the excitement, Chuck drops the box down the chute. So stop with batteria ai polimeri di litio amazonthis flat track rubbish, the tripe that NZ bowled would have been smashed around in grade cricket. "I love it when the apples are cooking, the house gets warm, the windows steam up and it all smells like apples," she says. If he had lived, I might have married him. STORYLINES: CU has won six in a row since a season opening loss to Baylor. Well doggone it, maybe evidence is inconsistent, claims exaggerated, but when I go to the dog park I see nothing but doting dog parents enjoying a mutually beneficial relationship. Mrs. The king cut him off.
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jcruceweb · 3 years
Berry Bliss Truffle Ball CBD-Infused Dog Treats
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This recipe delivers antioxidants and flaxseed along with CBD Oil, aiding in the dog’s health and digestion. Ingredients - ¾ cup dog-friendly berries mashed or pureed - 2 tbsp. coconut oil warmed to liquid - 3 tbsp. ground flax seed - Sprinkle of Ceylon cinnamon (optional) - Approximately 1/4 cup coconut flour - Fine desiccated coconut (or other coating option) for rolling - CBD oil
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Directions Thoroughly mash the berries in a mixing bowl (or puree for a more uniform truffle texture), and stir in the coconut oil. Add the ground flaxseed and incrementally add coconut flour. Add a little extra coconut flour or water if needed to adjust consistency to a nice sticky dough - precise measures can vary depending on the liquid in your fruit. The coconut oil will firm up when chilled, so this dough may feel slightly crumbly when warm. Press into small bite-sized balls, coat in coconut, and refrigerate until firm.
Tips and Tricks
These treats should be kept refrigerated and can be frozen for longer storage. Defrost cool or in the fridge so that you don't accidentally heat them up and melt them. Our dogs have also happily eaten a few straight from frozen in hot weather! Berries can be used fresh or thawed from frozen.In addition to being doggone delicious and fragrant, cinnamon offers some great health benefits to dogs (and people); however, it's not suitable for everyone. Pregnant/nursing dogs in particular should not be given cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is the recommended variety for dogs if/when used. Coconut flour is a good option for gluten-free / grain-free pet treats, but it’s also a pretty healthy choice outright: it is high in fiber, high in protein, and low-GI relative to alternatives. Coconut flour is also very absorbent, which is part of getting the right consistency and balance in these treats.
Learn About Great Cannabis-Infused Pet Treats
These Cannabis-Infused Pet Treats are the same delicious cookies you already know and love made with cannabis-infused coconut oil or cannabutter for a delicious medicated treat! 
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Berry Bliss Truffle Ball CBD Infused Dog Treats
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Pumpkin and Turmeric CBD-Infused Dog Treats
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Sweet Potato/Yogurt Frozen CBD-Infused Dog Treats
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Baked Peanut Butter CBD-Infused Dog Treats
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Can CBD Help Dogs with Seizures?
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Sweet Potato/Tuna CBD-Infused Cat TreatsClub Cannabliss Newsletter Be inspired by the unconventional wisdom of our peers and experts as they help us get to a higher state of consciousness.Sign-in and edit your profile. Not yet a Member? Register and claim your spot among the anointed ones! Looking for the Shop?
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adulttalk · 7 years
How to Move
I’ve moved quite a few times in my life both when I lived with my mom and on my own, so here are my expert moving tips for a less stressful move. Enjoy!
Before packing:
1. Scout out the place you’re moving to. Is it smaller or larger than where you currently live? 
If it’s smaller, go through your items as you pack and try to organize items you don’t want or need anymore into items to sell, donate, and throw away. You can do this for knickknacks, clothes, shoes, anything. For the donate and throw away items, you can put them into large trash bags and take them to their respective places. TIP: If you don’t sell your items by the time it’s about two days before you’re going to move to your new place, go ahead and donate them. You don’t want the added stress of moving those items later and trying to find a place for them. 
If the new place is larger, as you’re packing, think of what you’ll need (if anything) for the new place. Will you finally have a dining room? Then you’ll need a table with at least two chairs. Does the new place have a place for a washer and dryer? Well doggone you’ll need a washer and dryer. As you’re packing, make a list of what you’ll need and if you need it immediately or if it can wait and roughly how much it’ll cost so you’ll know how much you need to save and account for in your budget.
2. While looking at your new place, note any work that needs to be done.
Do any of the rooms, counters, floors, windows, appliances need to be cleaned/removed? If any of this needs to be done, I would let your landlord know right away. They should get it taken care of. However, some places don’t do that and they’ll usually even knock off some of the total deposit or first month’s rent if you do it yourself. If you decide to do it yourself, make sure you have all of the cleaners and supplies you’ll need such as window cleaner, wood cleaner/polisher, a vacuum, broom, dustpan, mop, paper towels, floor cleaner, disinfectant wipes, and trash bags/boxes. Also take note if your windows need blinds or curtains and remember to budget for that if you don’t already have blinds or curtains.
3. Ask your landlord if you can start to bring items and boxes by before you move in. If it’s allowed, this’ll be a great help for when you start to move stuff over.
4. Make sure you have everything you need to start packing. You’ll need boxes and/or totes, trash bags, packing tape, and newspaper or any other items you could use to wrap any of your breakables in (or maybe no newspaper if you choose to wrap your breakables in clothes and blankets that you already own).
1. Do it by room, Start, within that room, with the things you won’t need for the next week or so.
2. If you’re using cardboard boxes, use packing tape on the bottom.
3. When you’re finished packing each box, label the room and items in the box. i.e kitchen, cooking bowls. This will be a life saver when you’re unpacking.
4. As you pack, clean. Dust and wipe down the surfaces, sweep, mop, wipe down the windows, etc. so you won’t have to do it later. Doing it room by room is so much easier.
5. If you can take items over to your new place beforehand, go ahead and do that. Don’t stack your boxes and items all over the place. If your box says kitchen, go ahead and put it in the kitchen. It’s going to make unpacking way better.
6. When moving big items like furniture, see if you have a friend who’s willing to help with a truck or trailer. You can always offer to take them out to lunch as thanks for their help.
7. Like six, if you decide you want someone to help you move, you can take them out for lunch or order some delivery and have some snacks and a beverage like a little get together. I personally don’t like when other people try to help me move because they don’t do things the way I like but hey, whatever works for you bud.
8. Once you’ve got everything moved out of your old place, go through every drawer, closet, and cabinet one last time to make sure you didn’t leave anything crucial or sentimental behind. Some things people commonly forget are their shower heads, ceiling fans, and light switch covers. If you installed any of these things, remember to take them with you and to replace the originals if there were any.
1. Again, start by rooms. Depending on the room, if may be easier to start with the smaller items or the furniture first. For the kitchen and bathrooms I’d start with smaller items. For the living room and dining area, start with the furniture and bigger items.
2. You can also do like seven above and have a moving party to help unpack.
1. Remember to check your fridge and pantry to see what foods you do and don’t have and go to the grocer’s for food that you’ll need for the week.
2. On the same not, depending on how well you stock your fridge, for the week or two before you’re going to move, try not to buy any food for your old place. Eat and use what you have if you can so you won’t stress about any food ruining in the moving process.
3. Remember to change your address for sites like amazon, and for magazine subscriptions, news, etc.
4. Leave your new address to your previous landlord/post office so he/she can forward any mail that you accidentally receive at the old address.
5. If you’re moving counties/states, remember to check in with the DMV, your healthcare provider, optometrist, and dentist.
6. If at all possible, try to call and have your lights, water, cable, etc. set up a few days before you move in so you won’t be bored in the dark on your first night there. Keep in mind when scheduling that you’ll most likely have to be present for the cable/internet.
I hope this helps anyone who’s moving in the future and may be stressing and feeling overwhelmed.
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