#Domino affect bro
im-traumatised · 2 years
Seem to accidentally be having a Sherlock themed birthday this year. This was not planned I'll have you know
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
The idea of a octotrio polycule is so cute Mochi pliz hear my rambling
Why settling for one when you can get a buy one get two for free deal?
I can't think of much ideas other than the situation that Azul does something similar to what happened in book three so now they are punished by not getting cuddles the most decent option is to actually put your foot down and keep the punishment even if your boyfriends cry out about how "working at the lounge was so exhausting! Please spare some cuddles for these three poor fishies!!" and even if some of your friends call you out (Jack for Jade, Ace for Floyd +Jamil, Azul for literally anyone?) because they are causing trouble:
Jade keeps following around Jack to ask him questions about beastfolks (I think this happened in the playful land event Jade wanted to make Jack wear silly clothes) he is willing to drag anyone you know into hearing his fully dramatized history of your harsh punishment and it comes with the incredible acting skills of Jade Leech!!
Floyd isn't even trying to even walk to every other activity he does it looks like he does it against his own will (on classes, on club activities) and that's why Ace told you about the latest club practice where Floyd just stayed face first on the gymnasium floor? Please prefect Jamil is about to invent new seafood dishes from how much annoyed he is with this "squiggly, slimy bastard eel"
Speaking of slimy eels... Epel called you because he discovered the whole reason why Vil has been more snappy than usual is Azul not being able to provide his moisturizer because "My workers and myself are in a heavy emotional break, I am afraid that we will be canceling production until stated otherwise.." he genuinely made a little domino line that ends connecting to you and your personal friends?
Of course that's the more decent option of you still going along with the punishment I am saying decent because the other option is to give up and get teased by the tweels and getting your time and affection fully capitalized by your octo darling
After the punishment is over (if you actually have decency and choose the first option) surprisingly when the three immediately drag you to the usual cuddle session everything is planned to fit each of your likings the series you three been watching/a movie playing in the tv, tasty snacks and a thing similar to a pillow fort/a nest? Filled with soft blankets and couches for the best of the best cuddle sections and after this everything will go back to its regular flow!!
(i want to force my brain to have more ideas for this dynamic but I haven't come up with anything else)
They are a delightful package deal, tbh. But they guilt you for your affections so often, it's a miracle that you haven't wrung their necks yet.
They indeed make it everyone else's problem when you decide to ban them from any form of affection other than quick cheek kisses and handholding. But it's 10 times worse when only one or two of them are banned, but the others aren't.
Floyd gets in trouble with you a lot because he tends to bite into you a bit harder than he should, leaving deep marks. It's not the marking itself that's the issue, you'll admit, but it's the fact that he'll leave them in visible areas like your forearms, neck, collar, and even your ankles. All spots that others will see and ask, “Wtf, you good bro??” Sometimes he'll do the same to Azul, who will do the same and ban Floyd from touching him in any form. It wouldn't be as bad if Jade didn't rub it in his face, coming up to hug you from behind, leaning in close to brush his lips against Azul's ear to whisper something, all things that Floyd can't do! It leaves Floyd incredibly annoyed, sometimes angry, and every so often devastated that he can't hold his mates. If the latter occurs, he's coming after you. A weak thing to his tears, Azul has had years to build up resilience and hold firm, but you are weak to a whiny, teary-eyed Floyd who is begging for a kiss and cuddle. It's not faaaaair, Jade's been rubbing it in his face all day, and he loves you both so much, but Azul's not budging and if he can't even hold his shrimp, he doesn't even know what he'll dooooooooo! The day ends with Floyd and you in bed, his arms tightly wrapped around your middle and legs tangled in yours as he blissfully naps. Azul's annoyed that you caved in, but Jade's amused and tries to push Azul into joining the cuddle pile with him.
Now, if Jade's the one that being iced out for something, he'll actually return the favor tenfold. He's just an innocent little guy, what do you mean he can't just secretly feed you two an aphrodisiac mushroom? You had lots of fun afterward, even Floyd agrees (he does, but his firm moral stance on mushrooms doesn't). But Azul's pissed that he was used as a test subject again, and you had to call Ace and Deuce to watch Grim as an emergency. Again. So when you both ban him to only quick smooches and side hugs, Jade returns the energy. He's refusing any form of affection, and not giving them to you. Unlike Floyd, who's begging harassing you for cuddles, he's going to make you two come beg for him. After a few days of no Jade, you're both missing him, it's surprisingly Azul who reaches out first when Jade comes to deliver some paperwork for the dorm. The octomer had leaned in to give him a kiss, when Jade stepped away with a sly smile and told him, “Oh, but I thought you weren't giving me your affections? Let's not go back on our word now, Azul.” Jade is a tad bit nicer to you—taking after Floyd—to guilt you into loving on him again. But Azul? He's gonna make him suffer, simply because he enjoys making him squirm. It's honestly a sight to see, as neither are willing to back down. At least until the two of them fall asleep in Azul's office after working a late night, curled into each other's sides on the couch.
Azul probably has it the worst, as he has both twins teasing him. Floyd and Jade are flaunting you around him, being extra handsy. They're cooing at him, whining about how they can't cuddle both of you at the same time since he was dumb enough to piss you off. How could he do this to them? Such a mean, mean Azul! By far, though, you're the weakest to Azul's charms and silver tongue when compared to the twins. Maybe it's due to the knowledge of Azul's childhood, or maybe it's just because he's extra cute, but you can't find yourself away from him for more than a day. He sniffles, murmurs something about missing your embrace, and you're rushing into his arms, kissing away his tears. The twins get incredibly annoyed that you're so quick to let Azul back into your arms, while they have to wait at least a week sometimes. But then you're both reaching out arms and cooing at them to come to bed, batting your eyes, and all complaints are out the window.
I love them they make for a wonderful polycule. After all, they're a package deal, no matter how much they might say they're not.
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jflxwr · 8 months
i hate how icicle was just thrown away after winter turning. literally there was SO, SO MUCH POTENTIAL for more stories based on her. like what is the outcome of her trial??? what is her reaction to seeing winter again??? what is her reaction to seeing HAILSTORM again?!?! (reminder that as far as we know she doesnt know hailstorm is back btw!!! after she literally attempted murder to get him back!!!)
dude, there couldve been a whole winglet on winter (and maybe hailstorm) breaking icicle out of prison because ik winterr would NOT let his sister rot in that cell. and the siblings couldve reunited after all being separated for so. so long and ugshh my heart.
one of the things i was looking forwards to in the dangerous gift was that i was hoping we'd find out more on the whole icicle situation !!! maybe even see her and stuff but maybe that was a bit too hopeful
but no. instead we just got like. one mention of her trial. and it doesnt even talk abt what the verdict is because apparentlyy the trial hasn't even happened yet even tho it's been like what. a month or two now since she got arrested??? r u telling me shes just been in prison by herself for maybe two months. with the possibility that she doesnt even know if the person she did all this for is alive or not. wtf tuiii.
dude even her being abandoned in prison has writing potential like how did her imprisonment affect her mentally?? what did she think abt in there??? how has this affected her relationship with winter and hailstorm???? is she still even fucking sane LMAOao?!?!?
shes also such a significant character!!! one of the first dominoes in the chain of events that leads to darkstalker being freed. and her character is just tossed away once shes served her purpose in the plot because tui refuses to add depth to her villainss /hj. an icicle character arc wouldve been so interesting. :((
bro just writing this is making me seethe pause im gonna go write a fanfic and rewrite icicles ending (also if ur interested theres already a fanfic where they break icicle out of prison btw!! its very amazing one of my fav fanfics tbh)
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phightinghottakes · 3 months
ah how I love to indirectly cause a domino effect. anyway, hot-take, Medkit is just straight up an asshole to Boombox lmao
sure, Boombox is being pushy and his usual approach of being overly optimistic is pissing Medkit off, but Medkit doesn't even put in the effort to tolerate Boombox???
legit the moment Boombox steps into a Phight Medkit is just like "well fuck, we lose" and it's just like…chill bro. we get it. you don't like him.
Boombox is just acting as friendly as he always is with other Phighters and Medkit makes his friendly demeanor the problem???? instead of taking some accountability and realizing he might be the issue???
M: "I don't suppose this team can get any more annoying." BB: "What's up guys!" M: "Nevermind."
M: "Is it a requirement for your music to be on at all times?" BB: "Yup!" M: "I guess there goes our chance of winning."
like buddy stop overreacting. as for the second example, you can tell that Boombox DOES legitimately care about how his music affects the other Phighters' performances with his lines with Hyperlaser, so Medkit is actually just being a prick to Boombox 💀
-📝 anon.
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damianbugs · 1 year
do you have any good tim fic recs? without him being massively woobified or fanonised
tim centric fics are not something i usually read (though that IS changing recently) BUT i do indeed have some recs that to me, personally, really encapsulate his character and i think about like all the time. a good tim drake fic can truly change the chemicals in your brain FOREVER.
woobified tim and i have personal beef with each other that will withstand all the generations to come, so i will not be touching him with a ten foot pole. do not fear.
Talk To Me by A_Canceled_Stamp
Bruce and Tim have a long-overdue heart-to-heart
MY NOTES: ohhh just the bruce and tim fic ever to exit. i reread this often when i just need a little comfort after things are rough, because it is so well written and i will never get over how sweet it is. happy tears in my eyes forever. bruce and tim is a dynamic that is so special.
lift this curse of bein' seventeen by arguablysomaya
When Tim first dreamed of becoming Robin, he’d been admiring Dick. When he became Red Robin, hurt and alone, he’d thought about the person Jason used to be. But after years of watching his older sister, Tim can’t help but reflect on how much he respects Cass and what she stands for.
As Batgirl, as Orphan, as Black Bat— as Cass, the woman that could face down pure evil and still sneak into Tim’s apartment to pull the laptop out of his hands and shove him into bed.
Or: In which Tim Drake gets a new name.
MY NOTES: oh my GOD. THE TIM DRAKE MOVES ON FROM ROBIN FIC EVER. i never once considered black bat tim but after reading this i genuinely have ascended to a new plain of tim drake understanding. not to mention wonderful tim and cass writing. i love their duo so much. (also!!! asian tim!!!)
by any other name would smell as sweet by misspickman
A dare and a couple of offhand comments set off a domino effect, sending Tim down one or two identity crises. Apparently everyone thinks it's time for him to do some self-reflection.
MY NOTES: i have said this so many times in these recs that it should be a given now to always expect a trans character fic as well. trans girl tim fic u are SO REAL. a friend recommended this to me and i read it all while standing up for a good half an hour unable to do anything else. changed my life forever. good lord
a soft place to land by unchosenone
Tim rubs the back of his head, trying to affect a joking tone. “I knew I should’ve just gone for the new escrima sticks.”
Dick is ready to be a good big brother to his grieving little bro. Tim flips the script.
MY NOTES: dick and tim are truly the brothers of all time i tear up just thinking about what they once had and everything they've lost. this fic is not about that though. this fic is about what a caring little brother tim is.
Check your mic by Lilac_hyacinth
“That wasn’t—” he stared at his bike’s display through fuzzy eyes. “I mean, Bernard’s not my—”
“It’s okay, Tim,” Steph said gently.
The comm felt like a knife in his ear.
“I’m not,” Tim said.
He didn’t know if he was saying "I’m not gay" or "I’m not okay," was pretty sure nobody else did either, and the next thing Tim knew, his comm was a crushed pile of plastic and tech in his clenched fist.
MY NOTES: first and foremost, if you are a fan of timber you NEED to check out this author. the best timber fics out there. this fic is especially special to me and i love the way the comfort was handled. seeing tim traverse through different parts of the queer experience will always be important to me.
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witchy-v1xen · 6 months
No , because I agree and disagree at the same time. Analyzing the trailers and posters.
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What I agree with-
Both sides doing some fucked up shit.
Corlys not being a person who sucked (bro lowkey made it to the end until his execution , was just an ass kisser , and was trying to live his life by doing what was asked of him)
Both being highly hypocritical.
Blaming Viserys (no need to explain)
Blaming Daemon (He has good fathering qualities but , he's a walking red flag and the blood and cheese incident in my perspective was psychological warfare to a certain degree. I'll explain this in another post)
Blaming Rhaenyra (to a certain extent , yes!)
Blaming both sides to a certain extent (All the way because , they weren't thinking about how this could effect their children)
Yes viserys could of got a paramour to help cope with Aemma or find an AGE APPROPRIATE suitor for himself (Not some innocent 14 , 15 , 16 , or 17 year old girl who wants to be teen idle and enjoy her girlhood)
Yes , Viserys treated Alicent like a glorified mistress and the children did get treated second-class.
What I don't agree with-
Blaming Alicent entirely (she was maritally raped; she was married young into an unwanted relationship she could not refuse at the hands of her manipulative, mentally abusive father and King Viserys himself) I do, however, know she did things out of fear, and we can see that in the trailer, she's slowly reverting back to her childhood self, hence why she's looking at Rhaenyra in the posters. She still feels guilty over what happened twenty years ago, and it's sad. Rhaenyra, however, is just like, "Fuck you, I'm coming for your son, no if's or but's about it." I do believe she is to blame for her children's deaths (to a certain extent , not all the way because , remember we've got Daemon , Viserys , Rhaenyra , and Otto in the conflict as well.)
Blaming Aegon (Yes , I agree with blaming him for his personal mistakes. Him being put on the throne obviously wasn't his fault. Aegon is quite impulsive and it shows. As the abused becomes the abuser.(This is shown with how Otto treats Alicent and how Alicent is with Aegon when it comes to fulfilling his forced role as king. I honestly do hope we get a good character development with Aegon. I'd like to see a very serious side to him especially after the future incidents that'll take place besides blood and cheese.)
The Jaehaera hate club (Like the Blackcels need a moral compass. I don't understand why some of you have hate towards a girl who has nothing to do with what happened, though she saw events take place and they affected her. She also succumbs a fate familiar to her mother.)
When "He or she is nothing but a victim" card is pulled on characters who've done some deceitful and feisty shit. The only characters who get the green light to pull this card is Jaehaera , Laena Velaryon , Aemma Arryn , Aegon the third , Viserys the Second , Laenor Velaryon (He just wanted to be in peace and live his life. People that he did justice for did him dirty.) Maelor (Aegon II's second son) , Helaena , and Jaehaerys the second. (I would add Joffrey Velaryon onto this list but , I'm not sure.)
Alicent deserved what happened to her; she deserved better to some extent, and so did Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra, however, is wrong for blaming Alicent and having beef with her two-year-old son. Both made mistakes to some extent, and what can be rightfully defended can be rightfully defended with logic.
Viserys not being bashed. He paved the way for people with daddy issues , mommy issues , anger issues , Depression (different types) , sociopathic issues , and adhd (Aegon) to all go to war with each other. He failed his children and set them up. They all deserved better to some extent. It's an ongoing domino effect that happened with Aegon the conqueror, his two sister wives and their children , Aegon the unworthy and his illegitimate children who he legitimated upon his death. The dynasty got fucked over multiple times in history but the dance made the biggest permeable impact. Everyone's desires came at a cost and most did not take accountability. In conclusion, that is my analysis.
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shinayashipper · 5 months
my usual ships for post-canon setting, or basically just the other ships that happens alongside post-canon rivalship:
1. Kaiba x Yugi - ESTABLISHED. UNBOTHERED. KINGS. 💅💅 (no need explanation for this lol)
2. Jou x Anzu - they're in LDR and to their surprise it's Working 😂 always going with the flow. it started with Jou who had a fcked up sleeping schedule and Anzu who lived 13 hours away and they're the only ones available to voice chat 😂 rivalship happened first but devotion gonna be the first one Getting Married. They're Married Couple material. very american-style wedding.
3. one-sided Otogi->Yugi - Otogi dates a lot of people and is Always Open but his Affection for Yugi cannot be erased... Poor guy QwQ it will never happen bro.
4. Bakura x Malik - Bakura travels to different countries a lot and one day finding himself back in Egypt and Malik guides him around for old friends sake and Things Just Flowed from there 😂 (DARK THEMES tho. Strictly Dark Themes for them) (Like if I always made rivalship being sunshines and rainbows and funny, these two gonna be dark DARK and Messed Up, idk how to explain) (it's called angstshipping for a reason i guess)
Sometimes, for Fun:
5. Mokuba x Shizuka AND Mokuba x Sera (if following DSOD canon) - always HC-ing Mokuba being like a shonen harem anime protag 😂 he and Shizuka are only 2 years apart and they could've gone to same school together, or maybe same cram school if assuming Mokie goes to Private High School in Domino and Shizuka a public high school somewhere else. Sera's case is just to add more comedy. I don't know her exact age and since she's a Plana and was already there since Bakura's young I assume she's Much Older than she looks 😂 BUT she's a Plana aka she's a Magical Girl. she WILL go to Mokuba's class BECAUSE I SAID SO and she's the Mysterious Transfer Student trope. Shizuka is the sweet senpai trope. Let's GO Mokuba's funny little harem. Maybe add Mokuba x Rebecca too. She's the tsundere know-it-all trope. ALL-IN. Mokuba's getting all the Girls in here. (Shizuka: dandere type. Sera: kuudere type. Rebecca: tsundere type. Holy trinity. For YOU Mokuba!!)
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sunsetstarving · 8 days
ok so i think because of a lot of things all at once i am… slowly reentering my creative self and WOW it has been a wild few weeks just for that alone but anyway
have been playing So Much minecraft and reading marvel comics like that is pretty much my whole life rn (living the eight-year-old boy life i was meant to). and a lottt of my minecraft playing right now is just making a huge-normous map lmao (which, side note coral reefs my beloved wow boating over those at night makes me just like wow!! the world is beautiful!! and it is literally not even the world). but so last night honestly idk what nuerons fired but ig im making a world map for an.. entirely new world? and ofc thinking about life on that planet etc etc.
tl;dr i think im doing my own world building finally. but HOW do you not do all of it all at once. part of me is going “what if you just focused on Part of this planet” except i dont know if i can do it like that?? like instead of building the story out from a characters im finding it much easier to instead build the world around them first (thank you sims?? ig?? cannot ever play that game fully because i never know what to do after i finish building the house 💔). and then. play around w some people in this world like dolls or something until there is a story
unfortunately because of this i dont feel like i can go into one specific area of the map, like ursula leguin does (which, lets be honest, shes where this is all coming from). i am finding myself needing to know how planets are formed and how sun exposure changes climates over time and how tectonic plates move which i fully may never need for this in the end but i need to know it so that i can properly organize the climates and uh well. biomes for lack of better word lmao. but also at the same time im already figuring out the culture and its like… can i just focus on one at a time 🧍
and like. thinking about turning this into an actual story because i finally caught up on the penumbra podcast and i fear they have yet again rewired my brain or at least relit a flame. or like. the final domino fell? mixed metaphors something something a culmination of all the things ive been doing lead me to this moment
TL;DR (for real this time) my brain is going alllll over the place like a bajillion miles an hour in all directions and idk man i just wish i could simplify it all a little bit except that i am a detail hoarder and it all feels equally as important as the other thing so its just this big wall of Things how do you do it
ffs that is a whole essay rip bro 🫡
HELLO. it has been many weeks all i have to give u is a face reveal literally me after my physics exam ->
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AHAHA WORLDBUILDING. U HAVE UNCOVERED THE GOLD MINE it's so much fun and so complex and so Much. in general. how is it going dude i love worldbuilding tell me about the biomes and tectonic plates literally any time... imo culture and climate affect each other equally in worldbuilding like you can go with vibes of the culture first and then build from there and keep going or u can start with the climate and go what kind of people would live here but usually it is Both at the Same Time and it is. it is a lot. i miss worldbuilding tbh dude this is FANTASTIC for you <3
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fernandoswarcrimes · 1 year
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𝓘 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓼..
Sneak Peak.
Note: this is going to be part 3 in the PPP series
Tag list: @pitchandgrid @yourmom-lmao @dessxoxsworld @yellowscuderia @buendiabebeta​ @stillbreathin​ @flyingmushroomss @moneymasnn​@christianpulisic10 @pierre-gasssllyy @heavengirls111 @evans-dejong @hungryhungarian @glitterquadricorn @mariar31 @pitconfirmbutton @squirreljoe
Full chapter coming May 4th✨
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Charles had taken Gracie on a day trip to Milan, figuring it would be harder to spot the two of them in the Italian city unlike Monaco, which was a very small and everyone practically knew everyone,
The two had met up with Pierre who offered to take them around to different spots, he knew Charles had seen them already but that the blonde princess hadn’t seeing as his bestfriend explained she didn’t get to get out much. He thought that was a bit sad.
Unlike Charles, Pierre could walk freely about Milan without swarms of people following him or crowding him which made it easier for the three to just have a calm day blending in with everyone else touring the city
They did normal tourist things, grabbed lunch, shopped and enjoyed just being normal people for a while, something the three of them didn’t get to do very often. By sunset everything was winding down and Charles knew he had to get Gracie back before ten because Dimitri could only stall for so long.
“We should probably head back soon, it’s getting late.” Charles sighed, he didn’t want to have to bring the bubbly blonde back to the confined walls of the place that overlooked the city they both grew up in but he knew he didn’t have a choice.
“Thank you again Pierre, for taking the time to hangout with us today it was really fun.” Gracie smiled as her and Charles walked out of the restaurant with the Frenchman, they had a bit of a ways walk back to Charles car so they chatted idly.
“It’s no problem really, Charles never shuts up about you. So it was great to offically meet you, us boys thought he was trying to pull a fast one over on us.” Pierre grinned when he saw how red Charles face got at him admitting that he had been talking about the blue eyed girl to the rest of the guys on the grid.
Gracie could feel Charles hand on her waistline, they were out in plain sight of the streets in Milan an had let it slip their mind that they were infact very public figures as people whispered as they walked past by.
It was a bad sign.
As they got closer to Charles car, Pierre stopped them so they could take a group photo. Charles hadn’t let them take any the whole day, more so just wanting him and Gracie to live in the moment but he figured one couldn’t hurt, to atleast rememember the fun they had today.
But Pierre being Pierre, absentmindedly posted the picture of the three of them on his Instagram story thinking nothing of it.
What the Frenchman didn’t realize was the domino affect that singular post would cause.
After Gracie had gotten into the car Charles gave Pierre a bro hug before feeling his phone vibrate as he walked around to his side of the car, he pulled the device out to check it and paled at the notification.
“Pierre you’ve got to delete that” the Ferrari driver stressed after realizing his bestfriend had posted the picture of the three of them and tagged him, Dimitri had warned him that nobody could know that he and Gracie were still hanging out outside of him, Alexei, and Annaslise.
Especially her parents.
A rule he had already broken by meeting up with Pierre, but he figured his bestfriend could keep this to himself if Mick and Lance had known her for years and never told a soul, but evidently not.
“Okay okay, my bad I didn’t know.” Pierre said as he quickly deleted the picture from his story two minutes after he posted it.
But unfortunately the damage had already been done.
Loose lips sink ships all the damn time, and love’s a fragile little flame that was going to get burnt out before it could even be fully lit.
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I know you're a Barty Jr fan but is one subplot being omitted really enough to kill an entire film?
*cracks knuckles*
The answer is yes, my good anon. A thousand times yes.
Because here's the thing. The Crouch family's story-line, in GOF, is not a subplot by any means. That term does not properly outline how important The Crouches are. Hermione's campaign for Elf Rights is a subplot. Ron's feud with Harry is a subplot. The Blast Ended Skrewts are a subplot.
The Crouch family, on the other hand, is a through-line that connects everything together, and the plot of the book simply does not work without it. Voldemort's plan to place Harry in the Triwizard Tournament and ultimately use his blood for the Revival potion...none of this works without Crouch Jr, and his story is completely backwards. Because of this, the movie is fundamentally broken. Supposedly the idea was to omit everything that wasn't directly relevant to Harry's story. But in GOF, Harry's story can only happen because of the Crouch family. He is a puppet, dancing on strings, and Crouch Jr is the Puppet-Master.
The tragedy of The Crouches was completely butchered, and as a result, the movie lacks any real soul, and it's story is confused, rushed, and full of holes. Why is Crouch Jr. revealed to the audience from the beginning? He's supposed to be dead. Why is Crouch Sr's character completely rewritten to make him into a kind, sympathetic old man? (Did they just want to combine him with Bagman to save time? Because those two characters are literally foils...) Doing this ruins Crouch Jr's entire development. Oh, and where the hell is Winkie? (I know, I know, the Elves were a pain to animate. Suck it up Warner Bros, the HP films made ridiculous amounts of money, you can afford it.)
Every single moment that could have fleshed Crouch Jr out or explained his motivations is changed or cut, and the film suffers for it in other ways too. Cutting Winkie removes Hermione's storyline, like I said, and by extension, it gets rid of Dobby. Changing the hate crime at The World Cup to just being a #DeathEaterMarch takes away Crouch Jr's motivation for casting The Mark. Squishing all the Trial scenes together into one, makes his backstory extremely hard to follow. Omitting everything about his enslavement under the Imperius Curse...well, among other things, it weakens his motive to kill his father. But I also don't believe for one second that Azkaban wouldn't have noticed he was gone. Not the year after Sirius escaped. And while we're on the subject, why did they cut his ultimate fate? It just leaves film viewers wondering where he is when Azkaban has a mass Death Eater breakout in the very next movie.
This movie all but surgically removes the spine of it's antagonist, leaving him flat and one note with absolutely no real explanation. There's nothing left, certainly nothing compelling. This is a serious problem because, again, this was his story. He is the one moving all the pieces on the game-board, and the Veritaserum sequence explains this rather succinctly. Crouch Jr's tale goes back over a decade and affects so much of the story. But his tale couldn't have happened the way it did without Crouch Sr. and Winkie. They matter too. Crouch Sr. made his son into who he is, and with Winkie came the domino effect that led to his escape.
The Crouch Family are what made GOF. Without them, none of it would have happened. So for them to be mishandled this badly...yes, it affects the film. It affects everything about the film. Nothing good can come of it, and nothing does.
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
Put the sandworm back in its holster, Empire.
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Whomp, whomp, whomp!!
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People have been speculating whether or not WB would take DUNE: PART TWO off the 2023 schedule due to the ongoing writers and actors' strike as the actors will not be able to promote the film. I, personally, don't really believe actors doing press pushes help the box office of the project as there have been plenty of films where there is an extensive press junket and the film still tanks or does lackluster business. But David Zaslav - who has made many a stupid decision since he took over Warner Bros. doesn't want to make another one so,
The spice must flow....but not this year.
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Those who doubted WB would blink felt they wouldn't because they need DUNE: PART TWO for Oscar season, but if the strike ends by December, and WB releases it for one week in one of six cities (L.A, NYC, Chicago, ATL, San Francisco or Miami) by the end of December it will be Oscars eligible.
The film's shift from November 2023 to March 2024 ihas created a domino affect. It takes the place of Adam Wingard's GODZILLA x KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE, which moves to April 12th;
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which in turn, displaced the animated fantasy film LORD OF THE RINGS: THE WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM which is now slated for Dec. 13, 2024.
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night-market-if · 2 years
I just read through the early release for chapter 9 and it really is a tear-jerker!
-SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 9 (but I do still try to be vague!)-
It's also a complete moral conundrum that literally made steam come out of my ears as I weighed up the MC's options!
I tried to be logical and sensible first (but your detailed descriptions of the emotions involved made that SO difficult). When I chose to act in service of the greater good, I had immediate regrets, thinking "no, nope, that's immediately not good, not good at all!" (But it had such a shocking impact on the market and the plot... I've saved my spot there, if only to see how that choice plays out. I was devastated, with a side of the kind of curiousity that killed the cat.)
Choosing to follow my heart instead made me feel slightly less rattled, but the deep uncertainty of doing so story wise was ALSO immediately not good either! At least MC's relationship with our blue-eyed man is intact with that choice... still! It's a cold comfort because I'm scared! Milo says he's scared, BRO I'm the one who's shaking in my boots! MC is making big moves here! This chapter's decisions literally have the most impact on the market and story so far!
On another note: I also really appreciated the ending scene with Milo. Having Milo open up was so cathartic and needed. It was great to get a better understanding of where his head is. Having it in this chapter also felt well timed- like, I was yearning for it but I knew rushing him to open up would not be satisfying or true to his character.
In summary, my heart is totally BROKEN, but it was so compelling ❤🎉
Thank you! I've been pretty quiet the last few days, getting caught up on my reading and hanging out with the kiddos, but I had to stop and answer this one.
The morality of this chapter is going to hold weight. Your decision in that scene might be one of the biggest ones to change certain characters and the surrounding world. Now, you potentially won't see that change until Book 2 because shit is about to hit the fan and the domino effect is about to start going. We have after this one, only three chapter left and each chapter has such a big moment in it that this decision is going to marinate. Which, honestly, it would in real life too. It wouldn't be an overnight change in the market. But, there will be change and it is a change (give you making a certain choice) that I have been waiting for the payoff of since chapter one.
I also think that this has the most impact emotionally on Gabriel and Hazel (depending on if you take her or not). That choice and what happens following that is huge.
And while Milo isn't affected by this now, something he does in the future will be a call back to this moment and how the MC responded will be fresh in his mind.
I am so glad you liked it! This was by far the chapter I have been most nervous about given EVERYTHING that went into it. But it makes me so excited for whats to come.
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wovenstarlight · 2 years
ageswap anon here again, thanks! i swear you have the best writing and concept ideas. what hyj up to? does he awaken this time around is he ageswapped with yoohyun and if so how does that affect th han bro relationship ? also if he is ageswapped. what's his relationship with shj?
HEH. HEHEHEHE. i haven't decided abt awakening (and if there's a regression plot) yet but yes he is ageswapped with yoohyun (hyj 20 hyh 25) and when i tell you things are strained. they didn't get any better at communication when hyj learned from hyh's reticent -_- ass. hyh hasn't totally cut hyj off but they're very distant for a long time... and neither of them is taking steps to bridge the gap because. well hyh because he created it intentionally and hyj because. hm. theres a long line of dominoes there but lets just summarize it as he doesn't think hyh wants him to
re: hyj and shj. lmao. they both have similar senses of humor still i guess but hyj mentally relegates him to the position of "mha and byr's junior/little brother/nephew/purse chihuahua/???" and deals with him in much the same way you might handle a friend's younger sibling you end up having to babysit when you hang out with them. i think just for funnies shj has baby's first crush on hyj but because he's, again, Baby (he's 15... a middle schooler.... a very annoying middle schooler......) nothing comes of it. shj just very energetically bothers hyj every time he sees him and is subject to relentless teasing from mha and byr once they pick up on it
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Another Jenga Brick Pulled
Warner Bros. has delayed DUNE: PART TWO, originally set for this coming November, to March 14, 2024. In addition to that, DUNE: PART TWO has bumped GODZILLA X KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE - previous occupier of that date - to April 12, 2024... Which, frustratingly, pushes the anime LORD OF THE RINGS film THE WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM to December 13, 2024... Dominoes a-fallin'.
Ya know, if studio CEOS... just paid their writers and actors living wages, so they could keep roofs over their heads, this wouldn't have happened. This is the first big set of delays since Sony pushed back a ton of tentpole-like titles such as KRAVEN THE HUNTER and un-dated BEYOND THE SPIDER-VERSE (a delay for that movie was inevitable, strike or no strike). All this, while GRAN TURISMO - which is trying to get by on pitiful marketing that shows random people outside of a theater praising it to the moon and back - is poised to make less than $20m on opening weekend... When it could've been bigger. It's based on a 26-year-old game franchise, for Pete's sake. How do ya flubble that one?
I wonder who blinks next? Disney? Paramount? Paramount has MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 8 - which is also a part two, no less - slotted for next summer, but filming was halted because of the strikes, so I can imagine that moving very, very soon. Disney's next big movie is THE MARVELS, and while the Marvel brand sells itself and the first CAPTAIN MARVEL pic back in 2019 made a lot of money (no doubt helped by being the film opening right before AVENGERS: ENDGAME), it could be affected now that audiences are getting kinda weary of the MCU. It just looks like another MCU movie, and nothing special like, say, WAKANDA FOREVER or VOL. 3. WISH, which is supposed to be the centennial movie for Disney's 100th anniversary, is the one I'm keeping my eye on. Out of the two Disney-released theatrical animated movies this year, it might also have the most Oscar potential, so I wonder if Disney's gonna bump that one and just keep ELEMENTAL - which got a somewhat more tepid reception - as their sole animated horse this year.
One reading of this DUNE delay is interesting to me:
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That's one way to look at it. It could easily come out in November and be a big hit, but this indeed - like Hodges says - seems like a dirty tactic. I can only imagine what phase the strikes will be at by next Friday, then.
Anyways, pay your writers and actors, Hollywood.
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i dont have a caption but happy 1000 posts @ me
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date night with the boys! (poly edition)
ok so, first things first they tried (key word being tried) to do a group date night, it did not work.
it was mayhem, it will never happen again.
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Raph gets you first
ok, they tried so many different methods and going with the order in which they asked you out seems to work best
Raph is more than ok with this.
very big on going out with you
mainly to the rooftops, the way the city lights make your eyes glitter never gets old to him
he’ll bring a blanket and a flask of hot chocolate and you’ll sit up there for hours
poor baby gets insecure and always ends up saying “sorry” for the “boring” date 
but you love every second of it
he also adores when you guys cook together
he’d never admit it but he likes seeing you give him orders
kinda gives him a little tingle down there
but he’d never tell you that
also, he is a gym bro at the end of the day
he;ll take you on training dates
do these often end with you on top of him after you’ve both laughed yourselves to tears?
yes. so?
that’s no one’s business.
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so, surprise surprise, he’s big on romance 
who would have guessed?
he’s old school, too
gets you flowers and chocolates and the whole shebang.
I’m talking candle light, rose petals, those things that blow out the essential oils and all that shit
also a big fan of coffee dates
he loves to check in with you
know how you’re feeling, what he could do better, if any of his brothers are stepping out of line and he needs to beat the shit outta them talk to them
the usual, y’know?
but he is a gentleman through and through
late night dates he has you home at the agreed upon time, he opens the door for you, he pays.
chivalry is not dead, it’s just in turtle form
obvs you are a little more forward than he is
sitting on his lap, trying to make out with him, being as seductive as you can
he never lets it show but it’s destroying him
he so badly wants to have you
but he holds back
self control master over here
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oh this sweet lad
can barely contain his excitement for your first real date
he waited so long as well
well.... 2 days but that’s an eternity in Mikey time
Mr. Physical affection has arrived
he’s a big fan of activities
no “just do whatever” or “wanna hang out?”
nope, he wants structure to what you’re doing and he wants it to be fun and fast paced
lots of game nights
you kick ass at dominos and dance dance revolution 
so you made it more interesting
strip dance dance revolution 
that ended with Mikey nearly twisting a testicle which was a sight to behold
he still says if you hadn’t intervened he would have done the move perfectly
you call bullshit
omg also competitions!!!
everything is a race or a contest
he “lets” you win
but really he’s just so distracted by how beautiful he finds you that he ends up losing.
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oh my sweet, soft boy
so this boy loves a good movie night
you both curled up, cuddled together on the couch
nothing could be better
fun fact, Donnie was so nervous on your first date together that you slept with him that night to get it out of the way and to get him to actually make eye contact with you
he can’t see you naked and then not look you in the eyes
no matter what you have planned, you always end up in some deep conversation
you wanted to go bowling?
end up talking about how folklore effected the black death
star gazing?
“what are clouds actually made of? Like how does any of that shit work?”
he always entertains your theories even when they are bullshit and based off nothing but the drunken hole you’ve dug yourself
philosophy comes up a lot as well
“If the trolley thought experiment was real.... would you save me instead of 5 strangers?”
“In a heartbeat, my love”
he’s just the cutest.
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