#Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree
quotablefanfiction · 5 months
Bucky, of course, was by mutual agreement never the driver unless they had to stage a getaway. Bucky was amazing at getaway driving, for fairly obvious reasons.
Bucky has a very specific style of driving (chp. 1)
don’t sit under the apple tree by lazulisong (AO3) Captain America – General – Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers #Canon Divergence #Road Trips #PTSD #Peggy Carter takes no shit
bucky and peggy’s first meeting in seventy odd years goes approximately as well as you might expect.
Part 11 of the sam deserves better than these assholes series (AO3)
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culturevulturette · 1 year
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jedi-bird · 2 years
It is almost four in the morning. I've been up since three. I never moved once in my sleep, which is very rare, and only woke up because everything felt like it was on fire, which is very common. I am currently sitting in the kitchen eating funyuns because I'm shaky and my legs are numb, plotting out the novel I plan to work on next month while listening to 40's big band and popular music play in my head. I plan to do the dishes in a bit and hopefully then I'll be able to go back to sleep. So far it's been a pleasant morning.
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yawnderu · 8 months
Based on this ask I got a while back, but I can't stop thinking about red panda hybrid!reader with the entire 141 :((
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Jumpy little thing, climbing trees all day and acting annoyed and moody when they try to join you unless they have food on them. Their favorite view is seeing your face light up from its usual pout the second you smell any fruit on them, rapidly climbing down head-first before jumping on them once it's safe enough, trusting that they'll catch you— and they always do.
Simon can be a bit mean sometimes simply because he secretly thinks you're the cutest thing ever, holding up sliced apples in his hand as you attempt to climb his body like a tree, using every single inch of fabric and gear that your paws can touch.
Price's favorite thing is to keep you seated on his lap while he takes care of paperwork, having a plate of fruit that he personally handfeeds you, teaching you how to be patient even when all you want to do is dig your pretty face on the plate of berries. Sometimes the urges win, leaving you with hiccups from eating so fast, and earning you a knowing look from him.
Gaz and Soap like to try climbing with you, although you're much more agile and rarely wait for them. They're usually unable to keep up, simply opting to have chats under the shade of the tree while you nap, arms, legs, and an adorably bushy tail dangling from the tree.
Being the youngest men from the Task Force, of course they have needs. It's an agreement they discussed a while before your heat, keeping their time with you calm and relaxed. You don't even have to tell them you're in heat— they know.
It starts with you becoming needier, sometimes getting aggressive and easily agitated, yet keeping your desperate eyes on them even when you climbed the tree to isolate, blaming it on them being annoying. They persuade you down with food, holding an appetizing apple that makes your stomach rumble, climbing down quickly just for them to take turns sitting you on their laps, hard cocks grinding against your needy cunt even when you try to focus on the food.
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miserycanary · 6 months
synopsis: pairing: early 30s!Ghost & 20s!reader (can be read as platonic)
synopsis: Ghost as your refuge from your abusive father
tags: angst, verbal abuse, physical abuse, hurt/comfort
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| The first meeting was a coincidence. 
Shivering from the midnight breeze, you huddled your flimsy sweater close with one hand out to hold your cigarette. One inhale of nicotine got you throwing your head back, forgetting the situation back home that led you to wander the streets at midnight. Busy peering up at the stars in the sky, you didn't notice someone's presence there until you felt your cigarette pulled from your lips and stomped on the ground. 
"Dude! Not cool. That was my last," you angrily mumbled, squatting down to see if you could still use it. "Leave it." The voice took you by surprise, tilting your head up to see a hunk of a man, carrying some beers, looking down on you. You took notice of the calloused hand gripping the paper bag, meaning he was probably a lot older than you. Say early 30s? "Easy for you to say," a retort you throw at him. "I don't have money to buy more—" "then don't buy more," he plainly states, looking at you. Standing up, you finally noticed the mask on his face. With a roll of your eyes, you flip him off, grumbling under your breath, “fucking weirdo”.
| The second time was fate's joke. 
Groaning and yelling, you kick an empty soda can, cursing out your good-for-nothing father. You ran your fingers through your hair, tears slipping on the corner of your eyes as every part of your body ached in pain. Sniffles turn to sobs, muttering about ending it all as everything seemed to never go your way. The oversized shirt barely concealed the bruises, recent and old, making you wince. “Fuck, I hate this shit,” your eyes got hazy, breathing almost cut short. With minimal effort, you sit by the store’s wall to steady yourself. Face buried in your arms, you— once again— don’t notice his presence. 
The first time Ghost met you, he thought you were another rebellious teenager trying to act cool. You didn’t have a job, so he assumed you were a student. When he got home from that first meeting, he could only sigh and hope you’d gone back to your parents. Imagine his surprise when he sees you again, huddling by the store, sobbing. He was not one to manage emotions, so he thought of leaving you alone when a sudden gust of wind caught his attention. Blowing the flimsy fabric on your body, Ghost could see the marks on your body; marks he was too familiar with. Without hesitation, he walked over, pulled you up, and led you to his car. You didn’t even protest. How far gone are you to not even try to fight to live? 
The silence on the way to his house was uncomfortable, with your occasional sniffles which turned to hiccups. His eyes glanced at you from the side. With one hand on the steering wheel, he reaches at the back to grab one bottle of water from his bag and hands it to you. “It’s not drugged,” he tried to joke. “I wouldn’t mind if it was,” you mumbled, silencing Ghost from awkwardness.  At the end of the night, you found refuge. You were offered a place to stay, some food, clothes, and.. peace and safety. You found something rare that you never want to let go of.
| The rest are blessings.
Opening up to Ghost was relatively easy. Was it because you guys shared the same experience? Was it because he was the first to ask? All you know was you had him now. You would always come to his house when you needed to escape, and he never seemed to push. But the day you finally told him was a time you’d love to keep but forget. 
Coming to the place that seemed to be hell on Earth, you were immediately greeted by a chokehold, pressed against the wall. “Fucking brat. What took you so long? Are you out there spreading legs for people, bitch? The apple doesn’t really fall far from the tree. Your bitch mother was also a whore” ‘Ah, it smells like liquor. He’s drunk again’ you thought, eyes drained of life. Next thing you felt was yourself slumping down on the floor with an ache on your face. ‘This motherfucker really punched me’ “If you ever think of following that bitch’s footsteps and leaving me, I’ll fucking kill you.”
Sighing, you pull your legs closer to your chest while your father repeatedly stomps his foot on your legs, then your back. He eventually got tired, leaving after spitting on your face. It took everything in you to force yourself to stand and make your way to your room.
Dread immediately poured in when you noticed every drawer was pulled. “No, no, no, no, no'' you sobbed, rushing to look at the place where you hid your safety money. Feeling nothing, you started to cry, rushing out the door and ignoring the yells from your father. You didn’t know where you were going. Using the only 10 dollars you had left, you took a cab to the only place you know is heaven on Earth.
As soon as the cab pulls up to the familiar house, you storm out of the vehicle. You rush to the door, opening it using a spare key and yelling his name.
“SIMON,” you cried. Footsteps thundered and you see his figure pop up from the kitchen, eyes widening as he takes in your state. It was like all the weight on your shoulders was lifted, your knees buckled. Before you could collapse on the floor, Simon was already by your side.
One arm holding you by your knees and another across your shoulder, he carries to the living room. Sitting down and letting you embrace him from his lap. His warmth calmed you down, your face buried in the crook of his neck. Holding on his shoulders, begging him to keep you safe with tears staining his shirt. He shakes his leg, softly cradling you closer to his chest. “I’m here, I’m here. I won’t let you go, okay?” he mutters, turning your head to him and placing a firm kiss on your forehead. “I will keep you safe. This is the last time you’ll be in pain. I’ll protect you from whatever scares you,” he sighs, wiping away your tears as his other hand rubs soothing circles on your shoulders.
You look at him with a broken smile and profound peace, like he's a savior— a god. For the first time in years, you let yourself succumb to sleep without any worries for your safety. 
Maybe this is indeed heaven. You would love that— to be in Simon's safe embrace forever, away from the horrors of the world.
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꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱: my first ask by anonymous. 📩
dividers by @cafekitsune
Please reblog!! Ask is open! 
⟢ taglist is open! Comment if you want to be tagged in the next posts.
check out my other works in the masterlist: ୭!
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kingconia · 1 year
warning: Ortho is excluded for an obvious reason, and I consider Ruggie to be a vice.
Trey Clover. ❤️
— Trey is absolutely surprised, when he sees you for the first time. It is not like he had never seen a blind person before, but there is something alarming in a fact, that a student without magic and sight, is left all alone in the NRC;
— He might be a little awkward around you, but he is still respects you, and will never points out at your possible insecurity. Hits Ace a few times, when he openly reminds you about being blind;
— ...When he finds out that you are not helpless, and in fact might be more attentive than all of them, he is speechless.
Trey glances over his shoulder, instantly finding you in the havoc that first-years had made in his kitchen. He has no trust in this kids, and it is quite dangerous place for you. So, he tries to look up for you wordlessly.
”Ace,” he calls for a redhead boy, sighing, when he almost drops a bowl with flour on the ground, ”pass me a few apples, would you? They should be somewhere here.”
Ace smiles at him crookedly as he starts walk around, squinting, while trying to find mentioned apples.
”Eh... Where are they?”
Trey turns, planning to guide him himself, when you are suddenly raising your cane, the tip of it moving in the direction of a basket with red apples.
”Ace, I think, they should be here,” you remark softly.
Neither Ace nor Deuce find anything extraordinary in your act, which makes Trey realise that it must be not the first time you do so. But he is astonished!
He examines you once again, and as he stares right in your colourless eyes that almost never blink, Trey is sure: you don't see anything. That it is not a lie.
...Perhaps, you are not without a magic as others think you are?
Ruggie Bucchi. 💛
— Alright, I am sorry, but Ruggie doesn't give a fuck if you are blind. It is not about bullying—he wouldn't do that—but he will not try to pamper with you either;
— And as soon as he realises that you, in fact, are highly aware of everything around you, Ruggie is even more comfortable around you;
— But! Your instincts are reminding him of beastmen—he had seen a few of them, who were just as blind as you, and you act suspiciously a lot like them—and so, he starts having a very strange theories about you.
Ruggie holds his breath, and as his back straightens, he is ready for attack.
In his homeland, he is considered to be one of the most dangerous beasts, a natural predator. He knows how to stalk his prey, how to stay out of its sight, and how to bring food back home. So, of course, watching after you, shouldn't be a—
”I know you are hiding on the tree, Ruggie.”
Urgh. Just how you always know where he is?
Here you are, sitting on the bench under this tree. And Ruggie, who stands atop of it, too high to be heard, shouldn't be noticeable even for a usual humans. Even he made a sound—but he didn't!—how could you say that it is him? Unless, you are feeling his scent, just like a beastman would...
Ruggie keeps his silent. Maybe, it would be easier to trick you this way, and then...
Almost when he touched your shoulder, you easily hit him with your cane.
”Ruggie,” you sigh. ”I thought, you are better than his.”
Rubbing his hand, he can only murmur a quiet:
...His belief that you might be half-beastman are getting more and more rational with each passing day.
Jade Leech. 🩵
— Jade is somewhere between acting all gentlemen around you, and searching for a way to use your disability in his advantage. Nothing personal, though;
— When he realises that his calculations are completely wrong, and you are not so easy to crack, Jade is impressed. What a good challenge you are;
— Jade might get an idea that, perhaps, you are lying to everyone... And if so, he is about to catch you on this lie.
”Remind me, please... Had you been sightless from the very young age?” Jade asks casually, pouring tea in your cap; for a third time in this morning.
You nod with a gratitude, and your hand easily moves to your right, where the pot with sugar is located. Jade told you where it is, when you first started having a breakfast together.
”I had been born this way, yes.”
As you put one cube in your tea, Jade hastily moves the pot to an opposite side of the table. Waiting. His eyes pierces in yours, trying to notice some strange signs. Anything.
”How complicated it must be.”
There is always a possibility that you just have those colourless eyes, which helps you to lie to other. Perhaps, you are as mischievous as he is, after all.
”Well. I think, it would be harder if I lost my sight earlier in life,” you smile.
Your hand flawlessly moves to the new location of the sugar. Jade hums in the disappointment.
...Once you will crack.
Jamil Viper. 🧡
— When he hears about you for the first time, he can't help but huff about how irresponsible headmaster is, if he allows you to walk around these dangers so easily;
— Much later, he becomes your close friend, and with that, he finds out about your talent. Jamil had never seen such things before, he thinks you are a miracle;
— But he will accept it without any side thoughts. He trusts you, and overall, Jamil is simply glad that you are not as enamoured in this world as he first thought you are.
Jamil knows you are coming from a ringing knock of your cane in the corridor. And, so, he rushes to the doors, opening it widely, still with apron around his waist.
”Good afternoon, Y/n.”
”Hello, Jamil,” you hum, slowly stepping in.
It is a secret for Jamil why some of his classmates are thinking that you are lying about your blindness—or use a secret magic for moving around—when a little evidences of it are always here.
He can say it from the way you never make sharp on inaccurate movements—he had only seen you running with Grim on your hands—and move slowly, though, gracefully. Or how you relay a lot on you cane.
”I had prepared a few pastries for you,” he exclaims quietly. ”From the Scalding Sands.”
You might be independent, but Jamil still thinks you struggling sometimes.
”I can smell that,” you smile. ”Thank you.”
But it is not a problem. He will make sure to help you from time to time.
Rook Hunt. 💜
— Oh! Oh! Rook can't hide his curiousity when he hears stories about you;
— As someone, who relays a lot on his senses and instincts, Rook fully understands what helps you through your blindness;
— So, if anything, he thinks you are a lot alike! Rook constantly helps you to develop and sharpen your senses by taking you on walks around the forest, or asking about what you feel in certain rooms.
”Incroyable!” Rook sighs out delightfully, eyes sparkling as he stares at you. ”You are such a talented person, ma flèche!”
Another little laugh escapes your lips, and Rook can't help but feel proud of how happy you are about these dates of yours.
He wants you to feel equal with others, but even more, he desires for you to know how much better you are, than the most.
”Ah, you are flattering me, Rook,” with a free from a cane hand, you rush to wave him off. Then, you frown suddenly, tilting your head on the right. ”Ah... I think there is another bird, Rook. Behind you, on the left.”
As soon as you warn him about it, Rook swiftly turns on the told direction. A mere second and arrow flies past you, hitting a target easily.
”Parfait!” He praises you again. ”You notice things even quicker than I do!”
As your cheeks blush furiously, Rook only smirks.
If you only know how special you are!
Lilia Vanrouge. 💚
— Lilia is a war veteran, so, he is not surprised by your abilities. He had seen a lot of his old comrades losing their sight in the battle, and slowly learning to live with consequences of that;
— But, he finds it impressing either way. Especially, considering that you are just a mortal. It is fascinating how strong and brave your kind can be;
— And, Lilia loves how you are always aware of his presence, never being scared of his sudden appearances, like others usually do. It is rewarding!
”Ah, aren't we going to be late?” Cater sighs, shifting from one leg to another, while scrolling through the Magicam. ”That's ridiculous.”
You hum, pressing your shoulder to the wall, yawning.
”Why are we even waiting?”
”What do you mean why?” Cater frowns. ”We can't go without Lilia... And I don't know where he is, but dude is really late.”
It is your turn to frown now.
”Cater, Lilia had been here for another five minutes,” you say. ”Just look up.”
Cater is suspicious at first, but then, as he does what you told him to do, a terrified help escapes his chest. Lilia is, indeed, here. Hanging from the ceiling, smiling cryptidly.
”Hello, love,” he flashes a smile at you. ”And hello there, Cater.”
”Hi, dear,” you wave at him. ”Well... Can we, please, go now?”
Cater sighs. His face is still pale, when he hisses out:
”You both of you are awful. Period.”
Lilia only chuckles at that. Well, aren't you just a perfect match?
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The funniest thing about the Creator having a child thing (to me anways) is that the Archons act like their poor dear deity was an innocent in the whole situation, when you just KNOW that all the potential fathers (with the exceptions of Abyss Prince Aether and maybe Childe) were the ones being seduced.
Kaeya is a flirt, but he's not the type to bed someone willy-nilly, much less a deity. Nev is the Hydro Sovereign, he would have too much respect to try anything uncouth towards the Maker of All without their express permission. Kaveh would have to be blitzed out of his mind to even THINK of flirting with the Creator, much less bedding them. Childe, well...honestly it's a 50-50 split on that imo, he might if he thought it would go well and/or get him power of some sort. Traveler Aether would be focused on finding his sister, he wouldn't allow himself to be distracted by things like that...and Xiao? Xiao would never try anything that could even be mistaken as rude towards the Creator. Heck, I think getting a kiss on the cheek would be enough to make the poor guy panic.
So uh, I guess what I'm asking is...how did the dad's initially react to learning the Creator wanted to do the horizontal tango with them?
Help you are actually so right, in most scenarios I can only picture the reader being either shameless or forthcoming enough to say it to their face that they find the boy attractive or anything close.
I know there are at least a handful who while they fantasize about it wouldn't even dreamm of telling you that .
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Their grace is so forthcoming
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WC 1,2k
Flirty banter gets misunderstood for real flirting but they exploit the bug
“Your grace, you are shivering a lot!” he exclaims loudly as he pulls his harbinger coat onto your shoulders. The tsaritsa held a kind of ‘greetings party' with her harbingers, even if the atmosphere was tense and the chatting short, each of your sides being taken by the tsaritsa and Pierro. Sooner than expected everyone left. When you notice you left an accessory behind and meet face to face with the redhead alone in the room.
“Hm, I guess I'm a bit cold”
And without missing a beat or looking up from the clasp he was trying to secure he chimes faster than he can think “cold? But you are so hot!” but after he noticed his eyes seem to lack more will to live.
“I'm inc-”
As he attempts to apologize, your hand pulls on his wrist, getting him closer, his blue eyes wide, “You yourself are quite nice on the eyes, don't you want to tell me anything else?”
His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows the spit that pooled behind his teeth, his little Freudian slip ended up better than he expected.
“Oh my, what are you doing alone here?” Kaeya sits down on the chair next to you, only a lonely drink with you
“Mhm, Venti got into a fight with Jose six fingers about who was a better bard” you sigh as you sip your drink, looking down a window at the two bards singing outside trying to get the crowd to decide who was better.
“To leave such an beautiful person alone in a bar, I wouldn't be surprised if a drunkard tried to sweep you off your feet” he sips his alcoholic drink, the burning on his tongue soon settling warmly in his stomach before letting out a roaring laugh from the bottom of his chest “I'm joking~ I doubt anyone would dare attempt”
You let out a simple ‘mhm?’ before leaning your head to the side to look at Kaeya with a mischievous grin “oh, such a shame, I would have allowed you to do something so bold and a bit more” and your hand falls on his thigh under the table and his soon follow.
Would NEVER, under No circumstances flirt first for reasons
-holds too much respect to dar think about you like that-
“Aren't you sweet?” the small apple falls on your hand, Xiao had climbed a nearby tree after hearing your stomach rumble.
“I appreciate your kind words, even then I think I'm too jaded to be considered anything akin to that” He bows his head. It's been a while since he accepted that he would never be clean of the blood he spilled during the war, but that at least managed to make him want to protect Liyue so they will be able to live peacefully.
“You may say that but isn't selflessly protecting liyue sweet? I would say it's sweet how you care about little Qiqi, I saw how you carried her up a cliff to grab qingxin. Undoubtedly pure sugar”
“Your grace…” his eyes soften as he looks down where you are.
“You are almost like candy I could eat up!”
Traveler aether
-shy/ has other things in his mind-
“I have to say aether, your house is surprisingly comfortable” the words slip past your lips before you can think about it. Even if it isn't how you would have furnished it nobody could say he had bad taste. There are lots of fireplaces and cushions and the seats and beds are quite comfortable, an odd combination of styles that sustained the idea of him being a traveler and cherry picking the most comfortable parts of each nation.
“Paimon had a hand at it too! If it was up to aether this would only be cushions and blankets! Paimon had to push for these plants!”
“Well it wouldn't be strange for a traveler to seek mostly comfort rather than looks”
Later into the night he leads you to another room on the upper floor, just a few meters away from his “how strange, I would have guessed the guest's room would be on the lower floor”
Aether just sighs, his braid swaying softly “Paimon wanted her room to be close to the kitchen so it was this or having the game room up here”
A few hours pass, there is a noise like paws on the roof but you pay no mind, Aether already explained that nobody could enter unless he allowed them to and most likely they were one of the many animals he kept inside the teapot. Softly you walk towards his door and knock on it, not without looking down the railing only to see pain passed out surrounded by a few fruits.
“Could I sleep with you?” You stand before his door wearing your piyama, as you say those words you drink in his disheveled appearance, a t-shirt a few sizes too big hanging from his shoulders down the middle of his white thighs, long blond hair usually collected in a braid now loose, some bits tangled and another flowing as they please.
“Huh…? If you are afraid of noises the cranes sometimes go to the roof and you can hear them”
“It's not that… it's more like I want to be close to you, in the same bed” his cheeks, usually milky white bloom peony red, and the last bit of hanging sleep fell from his eyes. He nods vigorously.
He has principles and openly flirting with you almost seems disrespectful
Melusines are the pride of Fontaine, with their joyful disposition and chubby cheeks even if chronologically they can be hundred if years old they can blend in with 5 year olds seamlessly. Be it their tiny huffing and puffing when things don't go their way, to their attraction to sweets and how clingy they can be with neuvillette. Especially when he misses the usual monthly visit.
“I have already apologized, work stacked up and-”
“You prefer our sisters who stay in the city! It's unfair” the melusine who took over his lap started kicking the air until Neuvillette combs her hair with his fingers.
“You know it isn't like that… could you as a group behave for their grace? they are arriving soon” he attempts to calm her down while looking at the drawing another is showing him and how two others are braiding his hair.
“Never took you for the fatherly type” as you walk inside the grotto some melusines jump on you, they only see you as mister Neuvillette's friend and someone with a gift which you soon give them, it's a small ball with glitter inside, soon the melusines focus on that and start running around chasing it “aren't they a joyful bunch?”
“They seemingly never run out of energy so they can be tiring at times. My apologies for such display, I expected them to be able to be calm by the time you arrived but as you can see…”
“I don't mind, it's adorable, attractive even” he doesn't look too taken aback by your comment other than his slit pupils being thinner and longer than usual.
Would actually flirt, holds you in high regard but still sees you as a human
Abyss aether
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bluesylveon2 · 4 months
To the Most Handsome of Them All (800 Follower Special ft the third years)
Again, this is late but thank you for 800 followers!!
Summary: The third years fight over an apple (not clickbait)
Note: platonic third years x Yuu/reader (there is a hint of romance, but you have to squint), crack, chaos, humor, some second years cameo, and the third years being ready to fight each other.
Warning: fem Yuu/reader, not beta read, some cursing, Ortho threatening Idia, and possible ooc characters
Word Count: 4.5k
Masterlist: here
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Somewhere within Pomefiore's lab was a short, feminine-looking-
"Hey! I can hear ya!"
(Sorry. Ahem. Where was I?)
A lavender-haired boy wearing a lab coat and stirring a suspicious liquid in a pot. 
"Mwahaha, you will pay for all the trouble you give me, Vil Schoenheit." The boy pulled out his laddle with a shiny golden apple in it. He carefully picked up the apple with one hand and whispered a charm into its glossy skin. 
"Let's give NRC a taste of drama." The boy picked up a knife and smiled sinisterly. 
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Trey and Cater rested in the courtyard under a tree, finally free from their classes. The area was quiet, and there were a few lingering students. Cater hummed a popular song as he scrolled through Magicam. Trey was coming up with the following experiment for the science club. 
"So I heard Vil's film about the sleeping princess was a hit. Everybody is talking about it!" Cater said, showing Trey the latest Magicam post. 
"Let's hope that Yuu uses her share of the profit on things she needs," Trey smiled, proud of his underclassman's hard work. 
"Like premium tuna cans?" Cater snickered before bursting out into laughter. "OW! What was that?" He exclaimed and held on to his sore head. 
"What do you mean?" Trey asked with concern, and then he saw it. From the corner of his eye, there was a golden apple lying not far from them. Trey picked it up to examine. "To the most handsome third year? What a weird thing to carve into an apple."
"Let me see that!" Cater swiped the apple and held it at eye level. "Hmm. Yep, that's what it says." His eyes lit up like a light, and he held the fruit close to his face. 
"Cater, what are you-" 
"Who is the handsomest of them all? #handsome #thirdyear #apple #golden #totallyme," Cater typed away on his phone until he hit send. 
Trey's eyes widen in alarm. "Cater, why are you posting that?"
Cater dramatically rolled his eyes. "C'mon, and think about it! Our class is filled with princes, models, heirs, you name it! Wouldn't you want to know who is the best-looking?"
Trey rubbed the back of his neck in confusion. "I guess? But that makes us look like chopped liver. We don't fit under that criteria."
"I wouldn't underestimate your looks, Chevalier of Rose. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, like the pomme in Monsieur Magicam's hands." A smooth voice chuckled. Cater and Trey looked up to find Rook sitting on a branch and smirking at them. The blonde swiftly jumped down and landed next to Trey. 
"I agree with Rook," The sound of heels alerted the trio of the newcomer. "Don't underestimate yourself, potatoes."
Cater sweatdropped. "I don't know if I should take that as a compliment."
Vil ignored the comment and walked up to Cater instead. "I saw your post, Cater, and I believe that apple belongs to me."
"What makes you say that?" a smug voice asked, causing Vil to roll his eyes. "Herbivore's post said it was for the most 'handsomest third year.' What makes you the one who deserves the apple?"
Vil smirked and crossed his arms. "I am the embodiment of being the fairest, and unlike you, Leona, I have many fans. Therefore, that apple belongs to me."
Leona put a hand on his hips. "Being fair has nothing to do with looks." He and Vil glared at each other like rivals, leaving the others to watch. 
"I feel like we are watching a drama show," Trey whispered to Cater. 
"Tres bien! Roi du Poison is so beautiful even when he is mad!"
"ORTHO PUT ME DOWN! I DO NOT WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THESE NORMIES!" Idia's screams caused everyone to watch as Ortho carried his older brother like he was a wet cat. The humanoid's eyes sparkled as his eyes landed on the group of third-years. 
"There they are!" He flew to the group and dropped his brother on the ground. "Big Brother, you are going to prove to your friends that you are handsome, and you cannot return to Ignihyde until you prove yourself!" 
"B-B-B-BWAH?! Do you not see me compared to them?" He pointed at Leona and Vil. "I am literally an R card compared to the SSRs! I am not qualified for this! Can I go-" Ortho's glare caused Idia to stop rambling. The others didn't hold back their smirks as the younger Shroud placed a finger on Idia's chest. 
"You are going to stay here and spend time with your friends. Do I make myself clear?" For a cute and innocent-looking humanoid, Ortho was more than his looks.
"They aren't really my friends…" Idia mumbled and fiddled with his fingers.
"Big Brother."
"Fufufufu. Don't worry, Ortho. I can help keep an eye on him," Lilia's mischievous voice sent chills down Idia's spine. The bat fae floated down from the sky and rested a hand on Ortho's shoulder. To Idia's horror, Ortho smiled with glee. 
"I assure you, younger Shroud. Your brother will participate in this contest," Malleus, the final third year of the ragtag group, said as he joined in and patted Ortho on his blue fire head. 
"Looks like it is time for me to go. Have fun with your friends, Big Brother!" Ortho flew off, leaving Idia to fend for himself.
"WAIT ORTHO! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Idia jumped up, only to be grabbed by the hoodie by Malleus. Idia blushed in embarrassment as Malleus held him up like a cat. 
"Honestly, it is like leaving a child in daycare," Vil sighed and turned to the group. "Alright, boys. How shall we settle this?"
"I propose we FIGHT TO THE DEATH!" Lilia exclaimed. Everyone's eyes widened except for Malleus, who was unfazed by it. 
"Not bad, Lilia. I can get behind that idea," Leona smirked, his eyes trained on Malleus as he spoke. 
"Oo la la! That would be a marvelous sight to see. A fight between Roi du Dragons and Roi du Leon would bless my eyes!"
"Lils' idea is cool and all, but can we not do something that can get us killed?" Cater popped in, and Idia eagerly nodded in agreement. 
"As much as I would like to see Leona and Malleus ruin each other's looks with bloodshed, someone who looks the most desirable deserves the apple." Vil picked up his magical pen and summoned a small jeweled box with a heart on it. He swished his pen. The apple floated out of Cater's hands and landed on the box's cushion. "This apple will remain here until a winner is determined."
"Can I be the judge of that?" Idia raised his hand. Lilia and Malleus looked at him, confused. "What? I'm not going to win anyway. Take me out of the running by making me the judge." 
Malleus sighed and dropped Idia to the ground. "Honestly, Shroud. You self-deprecate yourself, yet you are handsome already."
"Yeah, even the Ghost Bride thought so!" Lilia joined in.
Idia had never felt more embarrassed in his life. "That woman was delulu!"
"What we need-" Leona interrupted. "Is somebody besides Radish Sprout to judge this?"
Vil, watching the whole exchange, nodded in agreement. The staff would be a good idea, but they might confiscate the apple before he could get his hands on it. They needed somebody else. A lightbulb lit up in his head. Vil cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. 
"Gather around, potatoes. I have an idea."
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"How kind of you to consult with me. My benevolence shall decide who deserves this apple."
"Cut the crap, Azul, and pick somebody," Jamil said with irritation. A vein began to pop out of his forehead. The poor vice housewarden could feel his stress building already. 
Vil's great plan led the group (along with a few second years) to Mostro Lounge. The group had managed to squeeze into one booth. On the other end of the table were the second years. The Octotrio didn't mind the company, Jamil looked pissed, and Kalim was just happy to be there. 
Floyd sat up straighter from his spot on the Lounge's leather sofa. "So let me get this straight. You guys want us to pick the most handsome to get an apple?"
Trey chuckled nervously. "As ridiculous as it sounds, yes." 
Floyd did not look convinced. "That's a dumb idea. Why should we be helping you out?"
Vil sighed. He did not need to sigh anymore, or he might get wrinkles. "You five are the only dorms without third years in this group. So, as neutral parties, you should decide who gets it."
Kalim's mouth opened in an o, "You know, I always wondered why that was…" 
"Fine, I'll start," Floyd rolled his eyes and pointed at the third years. eenie, meenie, minie, you-— His finger landed on Leona, causing the beastman to smirk at everyone. 
"A vote is a vote," Leona said, looking at Malleus, who was frowning. Meanwhile, Floyd unceremoniously flopped back down on the sofa. He closed his eyes, drowning out the incoming argument between the two princes. 
"That is not how it should be done, Kingscholar," Malleus said through gritted teeth. It surprised Lilia how his son was not blasting Leona into oblivion. Probably to not ruin his chances. "You were voted by chance."
"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it?"
"If I may," Jade interrupted and faced the third years. "I would like to cast my vote." The third years watched with curiosity as Jade's heterochromatic eyes scanned them. "Trey."
The lounge was quiet, minus the sounds of a clock ticking nearby. 
"WHAT" Everyone's eyes widen, and they turn to the man who looks as confused as they do. 
"Why are you confused, Trey? You're in the lead with Leona right now!" Cater exclaimed as he took selfies with Trey to post later. 
"I was expecting someone like Leona or Vil," Trey chuckled while ignoring glares from the two. 
Jade smiled. "Let me explain. According to a questionnaire from the East, most females prefer guys who fit Trey's description over others, hence my decision to pick him."
"Okay, so that's one point for Trey," Cater said while typing on his phone. "What about you, Azul?" 
Azul smirked and stood up. He let out a dramatic sigh. "Well, my decision is based on who would bring me the most money if I were to put them as the face of the Lounge." 
"Thank Sevens, that's not me," Idia muttered. He quietly tiptoed towards the door, only to be stopped by someone grabbing his hoodie.
"You're not leaving under my watch, Shroud," Malleus said sternly and dragged the poor boy back to his spot. His grip remained on the hoodie. 
Luckily for them, Azul did not seem to notice. "That leaves someone with beauty. Not someone rough and brutal." He glared at Leona before continuing. "Therefore, I would pick Vil."
Vil smirked and had an 'I told you so' look as he looked at the others. Leona felt the urge to wipe off the smug look on Vil's face. 
"And what about you?" He gestured to Jamil. "Let me also remind you who saved your ass from Radish Sprout over here." 
Idia rolled his eyes. "Yet the normies made it out alive in the end. Field trip with me was 7/10 tops." 
The overblot boys shuddered at the memory, unaware of the last member's internal crisis. 
Malleus leaned towards Lilia, a frown etched on his face. "The others got invited on a trip with Shroud? Why didn't I get one?"
Lilia smiled and patted Malleus on the back. "Soon, I promise you that. Now look, Jamil is going to make his choice."
The vice housewarden felt a headache coming on. After this monstrosity, a nap after tending Kalim was needed. "I would have to pick Cater. He is decent in my eyes." 
"Really?!" Cater's eyes went wide. "I knew I could always count on you!" He exclaimed and pulled Jamil in for a side to take a selfie. "This has to go on Magicam!"
Lilia wiped a pretend tear out of his eye. "Oh, poor me. What did a cute and young boy like me do to deserve this? Wah…” 
"I can think of many," Leona muttered.
Lilia ignored Leona's statement and turned to Kalim with puppy dog eyes. "Kalim, my dear friend, you must pick me to heal my fragile heart."
"What you need to see is a doctor before your back breaks too," Malleus added, but Lilia also ignored that. 
"Do I have to?" Kalim wailed. "This is too hard, and you are all my friends."
"Magnifique! What beautiful words!" Rook sighed and held his chest where his heart was.
"Asim thinks I'm his friend…" Malleus whispered to himself, a giddy feeling in his chest. 
"HECK NO! I refuse to befriend a cheerful guy like him! Not happening!" Idia exclaimed, causing Vil to elbow him out of irritation. 
"I know! I'll pick Malleus, Idia, Lilia, and Rook! That way, you all get a point," Kalim said cheerfully, his face bright like the sun. 
"That has to be the most wholesome thing I have ever heard," Rook wiped a tear from his eye. "Beaute!" 
The others did not share the same sentiment. Leona's ears perked up when he heard thunder booming at a distance. 
"Gentlemen," Azul stepped in casually or stupidly, depending on how Malleus will react. "It seems like you are going to need another person to seal the deal. Someone from a neutral party."
The thunder stopped, and Malleus turned to Azul with interest. "Oh? Do tell, Ashengrotto.”
Azul smirked. Oh, how his dear friend is in for a wonderful surprise. 
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It was a peaceful day in Ramshakle, and Yuu spent it the best way she knew, ordering pizza and spending it with Grim. No ADeuce. No Sebek screaming her ear off. No Octotrio trying to scam her. 
(You get the picture)
Yuu was preparing the snacks just as the doorbell rang. 
"It's probably the pizza! I'll get it, Grim. You pick a show to watch," she yelled. Two tall figures were standing at the door. That looked different from the pizza delivery guy. Yuu opened the door to find the two Heartslabyul third years. 
"Hello, Yuu," Trey smiled. 
"Hey, bestie!" Cater grinned and pulled Yuu in for a hug. 
"Hey…" Her eyes wandered to their outfits. Both guys were not wearing their dorm or school uniform. Instead, Trey wore his Camp Vargas outfit, and Cater wore his Pop Music Club clothes. "Guys, is there an event going on?" 
"No, silly!" Cater said as he guided Yuu inside. "Though you have to agree that these fits just go with us, right?"
Yuu sweatdropped. She opened her mouth, but Grim's screeching stopped her. 
Yuu stepped away and pulled Grim into a hug. "Oh, Grim. It will be once these two leave," she glared at Trey and Cater. This was supposed to be a relaxing day—not this.
"It will be very quick, and then you can get back to your show," Trey said, causing Yuu to relax a little. 
"Fine," Yuu sighed. "Spill."
Cater grinned. "If you had to pick who is the most Cammable, out of me or Trey, who would you pick?"
Yuu blinked and tilted her head. "Can you repeat that?"
"Which one of us looks the best," Trey sighed. 
Yuu looked at her friends in confusion. Sure, she had heard weirder things since coming to Twisted Wonderland, but this was something she did not expect to hear. "I mean, you both have your own type of charms. I guess I would pick-"
"Oi," a familiar voice said, widening Trey and Cater's eyes. You can't make the herbivore choose when it is in your favor." Leona smirked as he entered the dorm. He scanned the area like he was hunting prey. "I almost missed the show."
Yuu did not hear Cater and Trey curse under their breaths as she took in what Leona wore. Leona wore the outfit from the Fairy Gala instead of his usual school uniform. He even went all out, from the makeup on his face to flowers decorating his hair. "Is there a fashion show Dad did not tell me about?" Yuu mumbled to herself. Maybe Crewel was too busy handling the guys to tell her?
"Hey, what is with the fancy getup?" Grim's voice broke Yuu's thoughts. The cat monster jumped onto Yuu's arms and glared at the third years. "You are ruining my night."
Leona rolled his eyes. "Look, furball. Herbivore has to pick which one of us she likes, and then we will be out of your way." His eyes flickered up to Yuu's. "Remember who was kind enough to share a room with you"?
"HOLD IT!" Vil yelled, causing Yuu to turn her attention to the newcomers. He strutted into the room with Rook trailing behind. 
"Is there a fashion event going on because why are you guys dressed up?!" Yuu exclaimed. Sure, the Pomefiore guys dressed nicely, but Scalding Sands and Halloween vampire outfits Vil and Rook wore respectively were too much. 
Vil sighed. "I wish, Potato. Then I could show them who is truly the most good-looking of them all." He smirked in the direction of the other third years. 
"Beaute! But a vampire has an allure you cannot resist, no? They are very good-looking." Rook winked at Yuu, causing the others to glare at him. 
Yuu frowned and whispered to Grim. "Good looking? What do you think they are talking about?"
Grim shrugged. "These guys are always spouting nonsense. What's important is our movie night."
"NOO I DON'T WANT TO BE NEAR THOSE PEOPLE!" Idia's voice cried out. The others turned to see said boy being dragged into Ramshackle by Malleus.
"Tsuntarou? What are you doing here? And why are you dressed like you're going to the City of Flowers?" Yuu asked Malleus as he let go of Idia, causing the housewarden to fall with a small "oof." 
Malleus only smiled. "I came here to settle some personal matters. You are one of my most precious friends, Child of Man."
"Great, looks like the star of the show has arrived," Leona said in disdain. 
"Why do you have to be like this?" Vil shook his head disapprovingly.
"Don't forget about me!" Lilia said as he popped out from behind Malleus. Yuu only frowned in confusion. She was used to Ace or Deuce showing up randomly, but seven guys? Something was not adding up. 
"What's with the fancy outfit? Halloween is over." Grim asked Malleus and then turned to Lilia. "How did you get that outfit? I thought that was from the past."
Lilia chuckled and flexed his muscles under his armor. "I have my ways."
The others in the room looked at Grim, confused. 
"Long story," Lilia answered vaguely and turned to Yuu. "But can't you see how cool I look in this? Like a knight in shining armor!"
"No way!" Cater intervened. "Lils is cool, but that fit is so outdated. Yuu, can't you see that Trey and I look the best?"
Yuu glanced at Grim in confusion. "The best?"
Grim eyed the group wearily. "These guys are more koo koo than normal."
"Clearly, you potatoes do not get fashion. I have a very unique taste, no Yuu?" 
"Roi du Poison has excellent taste! Look at how the fabric goes well with his skin," Rook gushed and turned to Trey. "Great fabric choice, Chevalier of Rose!"
Trey chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "Let's not talk about me…"
Leona jumped into Yuu's view. "Forget that wannabe. Clearly, I am better than him." Yuu was mesmerized by the fairy dust that followed Leona's movements. Until she was pulled away by someone else. 
"Child of Man, are you alright?" Malleus gently held onto Yuu's arm. 
"I'm just confused about why you all barged in here."
"I understand." Malleus smiled. "Although, would you agree that this outfit suits me?"
Yuu looked over Malleus's outfit before responding, "It does. The other students at the other schools would not stop talking about how mysterious you looked, either. I wonder if Rollo felt the same?"
"Yeah, well, I would rather not see that guy ever again," Idia muttered to himself. Malleus and Yuu turned to him, causing him to look up in shock. "Oh no! I'm caught! I need to get away before I have to socialize with the extroverts."
"EEP!" Idia stopped moving. 
"Why are you wearing that suit? Eliza is not here anymore." 
The others stopped to watch as Idia's hair turned slightly pink, and he struggled to speak. 
"I-uhh…It's for a cosplay convention."
"Yeah, you would never wear that unless-" Grim gasped. "You are getting married!"
Idia's face fell in horror and his hair turned fully pink. "NO!"
"Ohoho. I remember those days."
Everyone turned to the Ramshackle ghosts, watching the group as if it were a drama.
"Yeah, I remember fighting other guys in favor of a girl's hand."
The others froze as Yuu began to connect the dots. Luck was not on their side as the smallest ghost began to speak. 
"I heard from one of the chefs that these boys were arguing about who was the most handsome of them all."
"And you needed a girl like me to pick someone." Yuu finished aloud. A dark aura came out of her, and a vein popped out of her forehead. 
It was at that moment the third years knew they fucked up.
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The school could hear the local therapist yell as the third years landed on the ground one by one.
"Ow, that totally is going to bruise later!" Cater whined as he assessed the damages with his phone. 
Trey chuckled from next to the redhead. "At least she did not make us bleed,"
"Who knew the Child of Man could kick so hard?" Malleus said, stunned while gently hovering to the ground. 
"I thought I was back home for a second," Leona said as he rubbed his head. 
"There goes my cute face!" 
"Enough, Lilia." Vil groaned as the bat fae lay on top of him. His hair was definitely a mess now. "Rook, remind me to hire Yuu to do stunts for my next movie."
"Oui. Madame Trickster has good form."
Idia rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you normies let yourselves get kicked out by a girl. That was like an arcade game where you're spamming the A button." He huffed, causing Leona to glare at him. 
"Speak for yourself. You got kicked out as well, Radish Sprout." 
"Monsieurs," Rook stepped towards the group with a gentle smile on his face and his hands up. "We should not focus on how we hurt Madame Trickster. Think about each other. Maybe the important thing was the friendships we made along the way?"
"Don't ever say that again, Rook." Trey chuckled awkwardly. 
Vil sighed and shook his head. "I feel like that was something Neige would say," the model felt as like he was going to vomit at the thought. 
"I think I puked inside," Idia visibly cringed.
"Guys, we have important things to worry about, such as Rook's cheesy lines," Cater said. "Who is going to get the apple?"
"Monsieur Magicam has a point, although I have a suggestion," Rook said as the third years watched expectantly. "No one should get the apple since Madame Trickster chose no one."
"I agree. I can feel wrinkles forming on my youthful face." Lilia cried as Vil took out the apple from its box. 
"How do we get rid of it?" Idia eyed the apple suspiciously. If only Ortho were here, then he could shoot it with a laser. 
"I have an idea," Malleus said. He grabbed the apple with one hand, and instantly, the fruit lit up in green flames. "There. All gone." He looked up to see the other third years, minus Lilia, watching with their jaws dropped. Malleus wiped the charred bits off his gloves and turned to the group. "Should we all prepare for later?"
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Rollo stood tall and walked through Night Raven College, his student council members trailing behind. As the Noble Bell student council president, it was his job to remain diligent and make a good impression on NRC, even if he had opinions about the institution. A twinkle caught his eye as he made his way down the path to the gates of NRC.
"Where are you going, Rollo?" His vice president asked as Rollo stepped out of the path. 
"I'm just inspecting something. You can go ahead without me," Rollo said until he was in front of the item. There, lying on the ground, was a golden apple that did not have a speck of dirt despite being on the ground. Rollo picked up the apple and inspected it. "Disgusting," he said, sensing the magic embedded in it. Rollo turned the apple to find something written on it. "To the most handsome third year…" the boy muttered. Suddenly, the apple was plucked out of his grasp and was floating in the air. 
Wait a minute.
"Reveal yourself!" Rollo pointed his staff at the apple. 
"Ooo, you caught me~," a voice said with glee. Rollo held his stance as legs magically appeared, followed by a torso and a head. "Long time no see, Rollo."
Rollo clicked his tongue. "It has, Chenya. Now, hand me that apple so I can dispose of it properly."
"Heh, heh, this thing?" Chenya threw the apple in the air like it was a ball. "I think I'm gonna keep it for myself. You know what they say? Cats like shiny things," he said as he began to disappear again. 
"Why you!" Rollo yelled, and his staff glowed. "I'll take it by force then."
"WAIT!" A girlish voice yelled. Neige Leblanche ran into the scene, huffing and puffing. Rollo froze and put his magic away. Meanwhile, Chenya revealed his whole body. 
"Purrfect timing, Neige. I almost got burned to a crisp." Chenya cried in glee. Rollo rolled his eyes. Dramatic much?
Neige ran between the two. "Guys, let's all stop fighting and be friends! We should not create a commotion while visiting another school. Think about friendship and world peace!" 
Chenya and Rollo remained quiet as if processing Neige's speech. Neither reacted until Chenya's infamous Cheshire grin graced his face.
"Nah." His attention turned back to Rollo. "This apple is clearly made for me. Who cannot resist these purrfect looks."
Rollo scoffed and crossed his arms. "A fool, really. Now give me that apple. I need to dispose of it." He lunged forward, but Chenya moved too quickly. The beastman grinned mischivously. 
"You gotta catch me first!” Chenya stuck his tongue out and laughed as his body disappeared again, leaving a floating apple running across campus. 
Rollo gritted his teeth, and his face turned red. "Stop hiding, Chenya!" he yelled, losing all composure as he chased after the Cheshire cat. 
"Guys! Let’s talk about friendship!" Neige exclaimed as he followed Rollo, leaving the Noble Bell vice president, who came to check on Rollo, confused. 
Meanwhile, the NRC third years watched the goose chase pass by them while returning to their dorms. 
"Was Chenya holding the apple Malleus just incinerated?" Cater asked randomly. The others thought for moment before shaking their heads.
"Let's just keep moving," Vil responded. "Before Crowley sends out a search party for us."
Just a typical day at Night Raven College.
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-24. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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quotablefanfiction · 6 months
“Don’t ask them, man,” said Sam. “Don’t do it, you’ll regret it-” “Promised what?” said Steve, proving again that he had approximately the sense of self preservation of a suicidal lemming.
Steve also jumps on verbal grenades (chp. 1)
don’t sit under the apple tree by lazulisong (AO3) Captain America – General – Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers #Canon Divergence #Road Trips #PTSD #Peggy Carter takes no shit
bucky and peggy’s first meeting in seventy odd years goes approximately as well as you might expect.
Part 11 of the sam deserves better than these assholes series (AO3)
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luveline · 1 year
“would you still love me if i was a worm” with miguel pleasee 💔
ty for requesting i missed him sm ♡ fem!reader
Miguel has a resting bitch face. He seems unhappy nearly every minute of every day, though that unhappiness wanes ever so slightly as you perch yourself on his leg. He has wide thighs and strong arms. You may as well have sat on the trunk of an oak tree. 
"Yeah?" he asks. 
"What do you mean, yeah?" 
"You're about to ask me for something." 
"And you're definitely gonna say yes?" 
Miguel's hand coasts warm and wide up the breadth of your back. "I usually do." 
He does. He's good like that —even if he hates what you're asking for, he gives it. Last weekend you baked a cake on Saturday and decorated it together on Sunday. Miguel didn't baulk, and he not so secretly loved his Kiss the chef apron. 
"It's not for something, but that's a good start," you say. You don't bat an eye as he pulls your legs over his other thigh, sitting you more comfortably across his lap. "It's more like a possibility. Of a future promise." 
"We're not getting married." 
"Don't be stupid. You have to get me pregnant first, keep it classy." He laughs, his thighs shaking underneath you. "I'm kidding, we could totally do it that way–" 
"Ask me about your possibility." 
You heave a sigh at being interrupted, leaning heavy into his arm. Your cheek resting on the muscle of his bicep, you look up into his face framed by dark hair and debate forgetting the question to will him into kissing you. If you flare your eyes just so, lip gently pouted, you could goad him into taking the lead as he tends to. 
"Ask me," he says, lifting his chin a touch. 
"It's an easy question, handsome, don't worry…" You brace yourself. "Would you still love me if I was a worm?" 
"You are a worm." 
"Funny. I'm serious, Miguel."
He takes a breath. "Would I still love you if you turned into a worm, or if I met you as a worm? Those are different answers." 
"What? You're supposed to love me in both instances." 
"How would I fall in love with a worm?" 
"I did it," you tease, raising your head from his arm to speak against his neck. "I love you," you say into his skin, the vibrations of it tickling your lips. 
Miguel tips his head back to allow you better access, which is salacious enough to make you stop. This question is important. The curve of his neck and the lump of his Adam's apple are too distracting. 
He groans in frustration at your stopping and straightens up to meet your eyes. "I would still love you." His eyes narrow. "Why would you be a worm? Is there a worm-verse?" 
"Not to my knowledge. It's just for fun," you say, shrugging. 
"Well, yeah. I'd still love you. I'd turn you back into a person eventually. Any other hypotheticals to get out of the way? I'm busy." 
"Can I stay here while you work?" 
"Is that hypothetical?" he asks mildly, turning the chair you're in toward his monitor, an arm around your waist to seat belt you in. "Would you love me?" His voice is quieter now. "If I became a worm?" 
Your laugh is pure glee, "Are you kidding? I'd love you so much more if you were. I'd make you clothes, and a little mud house, and I'd feed you water from a little pipette like rain. You'd be the happiest worm ever." 
Miguel slides his thumb under your shirt. "Good to know," he says, kissing the back of your head lightly. 
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bylerween · 1 year
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Announcing the daily themes for Bylerween!
Each day has three themes: one horror theme, one in-show theme, and one fluff theme. Feel free to use inspiration from just one, two, or all three themes for each day!
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Day 1, October 26:
Ghosts & Hauntings
Trapped in the Upside Down
Haunted House
Day 2, October 27:
Slashers, Gore & Body Horror
Demogorgon & Flesh Monster
Halloween Party
Day 3, October 28:
Demons, Devils & Exorcisms
Will’s S2 Possession
Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchard
Day 4, October 29:
Psychological Horror
Attacked by Vecna
Sweater Weather
Day 5, October 30:
Came Back Wrong
Carnival Night
Day 6, October 31:
Supernatural Creatures
Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02)
Trick or Treating
Day 7, November 1:
Witches, Wizards & Necromancers
Renaissance Festival
Rules and guidelines for posting can be found in our intro post here.
Extra prompts and ideas for these themes are under the Read More cut! Also, look below to see which themes are Double Date Night themes. For Double Date Nights themes, we encourage other ships to be featured along with Byler (but it's not required)!
amazing art by @light-lanterne!!
Here are some additional ideas that you can use as inspiration for each day's themes! You don't need to follow these prompts at all, but feel free to jump off of these ideas.
Day 1 - Ghosts & Hauntings, Trapped in the UD, Haunted House:
Ghosts & Hauntings - Mike and Will move into their first home together... but it's haunted. Ghost!Will haunts Mike, or Ghost!Mike haunts Will. Ghost movie AU. Young Mike and Will hide from a scary ghost in the closet or under the bed. A midnight stroll through a graveyard goes wrong.
Trapped in the UD - “It’s like home, but it’s so dark. It’s so dark and empty. And it’s cold!” Mike, Will, or both are trapped in the Upside Down this Halloween.
Haunted House - Creaking floors, spiderwebs, skeletons, and spiders! Mike and Will break into the scary, abandoned house down the street, only to run away when there's a creepy noise coming from the attic. Did Mike and Will get part time jobs as monster actors at the Hawkins Haunted House this October, or are they just going to the Haunted House as guests? Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
Day 2 - Slashers, Gore & Body Horror, Demogorgon & the Flesh Monster, Halloween Party
Slashers, Gore & Body Horror - Slasher movie AU’s. Serial killer Byler, cannibalism Byler, or Frankenstein Byler.
Demogorgon & Flesh Monster - Looking back at our S1 and S3 monsters! The demogorgon or flesh monster are on the prowl and looking for victims this Halloween.
Halloween Party - What costumes are Mike and Will wearing to the party? Who has a few drinks, gets a little extra silly, and starts some drama? What feelings bubble up at the party? Loud music and dancing, spilled drinks, drunken confessions, and kissing in the dark corner of the room. Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
Day 3 - Demons, Devils & Exorcisms, Will’s S2 Possession, Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchard
Demons, Devils & Exorcism - Will and Mike make a deal with the devil. Demon x Exorcist enemies to lovers AU. Exorcism movie AU.
Will’s S2 Possession - Looking back the scenes of Will saying ominous things, not remembering the names of his loved ones, Mike sitting by Will’s bedside in the hospital, and the shed scene. What if Mike had been possessed instead of Will? What if Mike and Will were already dating in S2 when Will was possessed?
Pumpkin Patch & Apple Orchard - Picking out the biggest pumpkin at the pumpkin patch, carving pumpkins, baking pumpkin treats, and wearing ugly pumpkin sweaters. Getting lost in the apple orchard, climbing trees together, picking apples, drinking apple cider. Riding the hay bale and sneaking kisses.
Day 4 - Psychological Horror, Attacked by Vecna, Sweater Weather
Psychological Horror - Ramp up the horror, terror, paranoia, and fear! Psychological horror movie AU.
Attacked by Venca - Looking back at our S4 villain, and the horror filled visions he uses to attack his prey. Vecna returns on Halloween this year.
Sweater Weather - Everyone wants to cuddle up once the weather gets colder! Mike and Will start wearing their cozy sweaters and flannels. Falling leaves, hot cocoa, bonfire nights, smores, and camping.
Day 5 - Came Back Wrong, Flayed!Mike & Flayed!Will, Carnival Night
Came Back Wrong - Resurrecting your beloved childhood friend and sweetheart from death comes with a price... they're not the same now as they were before. A call back to good ol' Phineas Gage.
Flayed!Mike & Flayed!Will - Rethinking S3 if Mike or Will were flayed. Suspicions are raised and fear mounts: Mike or Will aren't quite acting like themselves and it's a fight to rescue them from their gruesome fate!
Carnival Night - Will and Mike play carnival games and go on rides. Bobbing for apples, getting lost in the corn maze, face painting, and feasting on carnival food. Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
Day 6 - Supernatural Creatures, Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02), Trick or Treating
Supernatural Creatures - Vampires, and werewolves, and monsters, oh my! Mike and Will encounter a supernatural creature this Halloween, but is it friend or foe? Will as a werewolf, Mike as a vampire, Will as a goblin, Mike as a centaur? The options are endless! Monster x Monster Hunter AU.
Trick or Treat, Freak (2x02) - A look back on our beloved Halloween episode. Mike is complaining about Max, Will sees the Mind Flayer looming in the sky, and Mike takes Will home. Crazy together, right?
Trick or Treating - Mike and Will take Holly out trick or treating. Adult Mike and Will hand out candy. The early years of Mike and Will trick or treating with the party, TP-ing a bully’s house, and swapping candy afterward at home.
Day 7 - Witches, Wizards & Necromancy, D&D, Renaissance Festival
Witches, Wizards & Necromancy - Witch covens, a trickster wizard, or a necromancer raising zombies from the dead! A witch hunter falls in love with a witch, or Zombie Boy comes back to life.
D&D - Paladin Mike and Will the Wise celebrate the spooky season! Redecorate the Will the Wise costume with some Halloween vibes, or alter Will's S4 painting of the party to give it a spooky twist.
Renaissance Festival - Dressing up as knights, fairies, wizards, and more! The knights are jousting, everyone is eating a turkey leg, and Mike and Will are playing ax throwing games. Entertainers are juggling swords, fire eating, and putting on raunchy comedy skits. Are Mike and Will attending as guests, or working at the Renaissance Festival this fall? Double Date Night: we encourage you to feature other ships with this theme!
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Magic spit! -marko[tlb] x fem reader
WARNINGS-this fic contains acts of violence , teasing, oral sex and unprotected sex (rap it before you tap it) biting MDNI MINORS DONT INTERACT
Round about (2,300 words)
Living in Santa Carla wasn't all bad but tonight, but tonight was a bad day. who would have guessed living in the murder capital of the world would lead to you almost getting killed?
your night had started pretty much like always You finished up your shift at the video store and rode the bus home, You couldn't like something in the back of your mind told you not to take the shortcut maybe then you wouldnt of ended up here trapped in an ally by a guy with a knife.
the man stood forward into the flickering street light he had a shaved head and a black eye.
"Your boyfriends aren't here to protect you now huh" he smirked stepping closer and closer to you.
looking closely at his face you realised he was the guy who slapped your ass while out with the boys your eyes widened in recognition and fear as he held the tip of the knife to your jaw slowly the man dragged it down your jaw causing your skin to split open you tried your best not to hiss in pain.
you kicked the guy as hard as you could in the knee causing him to topple over as he blindly slashed his knife around, unfortunately, slashing up your arms as held them up defensively before you began to run as fast as you could adrenalin coursing through your veins, you could hear the gruff man shouting as you run the sound of your blood roaring and your boots hitting the pavement rhythmically was the only thing you could hear as you continued to run, lungs burning, legs aching and mind racing. you only stopped running when you felt your legs give out under you so there you lay unable to move your face and arms pulsing in pain from the fresh wounds, Your heart felt like it was slamming against your ribs.
you weren't too sure how long you had laid on the sharp gravel unmoving and unwilling to in the silence, that was till you heard the crunch of someone's shoes against the floor like they had just appeared out of nowhere. you bolted up as fear struck down your spine like lightning hitting a tree.
the familiar voice said gently causing your head to turn quickly to the source Marko, his blong curls matted with blood matching his shirt he moved to wipe his face of the evidence of his last feed.
"Marko" you breathed shakily Your eyes water as your gaze landed on his deep brown eyes
His eyes methodically studied your dishevelled and somewhat bloody form before roughly speaking his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed
"y/n...what happened" his leather-covered hand craidled your cheek as his thumb wiped away the blood from your jaw.
"Th-that guy from the other day attacked me, he had a..a knife " you cried
Marko gently lifted you from the ground his hands under your arms as he spoke darkly "Well sort him out don't worry"
His arms helped support you as he walked you home you occasionally let out a soft sniffle as you attempted to stop your tears. Marko spoke in a low soft tone as he tried to comfort you but the metallic smell of your blood seeping from your wounds had him going feral internally.
"I'm sorry I wasnt there to protect you" he grumbled lowly biting his lip as he took your keys from your shakey hands
his hands gently guided you through the threshold of your house he locked the door behind him as he helped you sit by the table in your cramped kitchen.
your eyes were glued to the tile floor trying not to focus on the dried blood on your arms and face.
"Stay here'll be a right back baby" Marko rushed out he had disregarded his jacket as he moved to your kitchen sink pouring dish soap onto his hands and scrubbing his hands and face to remove his victim's blood as quickly as he could his head kept turning in your direction his eyes soft with a darker look behind them.
"I should never have gone down that ally," you said trying to joke but failing miserably
"Maybe but I'm here and you're here and I'm gonna look after you okay Besides me the boys will make a nice meal of him" he declared as he dried his hands moving to crouch between your legs.
"Okay sweetheart ...uh umm you gonna have to trust me okay"
He chuckled comfortingly as he brought your arm to his face his cool skin sending electricity through your nervous system as he wetted his lips.
"What are you doing" you asked him softly your eyes sparkling with curiosity
"Just trust me" he rasped his voice low and hypnotizing.
Marko's tongue poked out from his mouth as he neared your cut-up arm, his wet tongue pressed flat against the tender wound dragging his tongue up the split skin You hissed at the foreign feeling of his tongue rough against your smooth skin,
He moaned softly the taste of your blood hitting his tongue felt like liquid gold, it felt like a gift from the gods to have your tangy blood hit his lips.
"fuck baby" he outwardly muttered as he kissed the cut it began to tingle and you looked at the once just-up skin now slowly meshing back together your eyes widened in amazement
"I got magic spit baby" he grinned devilishly as he stuck out his slightly pointed tongue
you let out an amazed sigh "Holy shit" you laughed softly as he brought your other arm up to his lips this time his eyes remained glued to yours as his lips slowly trailed up the cut his tongue slowly dragging over it as you bit your lip at the feeling while his eyes darkened his breath heavy against the skin of your arm.
"god baby if this is what your blood tastes like I can't wait to taste the rest of you" he darkly chuckled as he rose from his place crouched between your legs his hand grabbing your chin and tilting your face to the side giving him access to the small cut on your jaw,
Your skin prickled and your breathing hitched at the anticipation of his tongue hitting the raw sensitive skin of your jaw your face felt hot from his comment.
"look at you huh" he whispered as his cold rough tongue lay flat against the sensitive cut, his lips then enveloped the cut gently sucking causing you to let out a small squeak.
"Marko" you whined as he pulled away leaving your skin tingling as it healed.
His hand still on your jaw he looked down at you his eyes hungry, You felt a rush run through your body at his look, heat pooled in your stomach
"You look flushed baby" he teased in a rough tone his nails softly digging into your soft skin
his hand moved from your jaw and trailed down your neck his hand rested there feeling the way your heart rate quickened his cool hands a reminder of his deadly nature.
"What's wrong y/n Your heart is going like a hummingbird" he whispered in a raspy tone his breath hitting the shell of your ear as he leaned closer to you.
your breath hitched as you tried to formulate a response but the words were caught in their tracks as the blond vampire's lips trailed down your neck his teeth occasionally nipping at your sensitive skin
"ugh Marko" you groaned as you felt his lips pull into a smirk
"Use your big girl words" he teased darkly knowing the kind of effect that he had on you.
"Marko stop being a tease," you said in a high whiney toned his hand still gently on your neck
"But you're so pretty when you get all desperate" he laughed moving away from you as he did You leaned forward not wanting to lose contact.
"Come on," he said moving through your house to your small room
he gently pulled you into his chest his hand sliding down your waist his head leaning into your neck inhaling your scent with a huff before sliding down your body his face level with your hips.
his hands tightly gripped the loops of your belt as he tugged the clothing down slightly his lips trailing along your hip bone, his teeth grazing the highest point of your hip with a devilish laugh. you bit your lip at the euphoric feeling of his lips and teeth dragging lower as he shimmied your pants down your thighs.
"Marko" you panted knowing he was about to endlessly tease you
his mischievous smirk didnt let up as he squeezed the meat of your thighs before diving in like a starved animal biting down on your thigh with a loud and obnoxious groan in enjoyment.
the feeling of his teeth shinking into your skin caused you to slap a hand p over your mouth to stop the obscene noises from coming out.
"Aww come on baby don't be shy," he said darkly as he pulled away leaving your thigh with a perfect indent of his teeth, "Move to the bed" he playfully said as he helped move you to lay on your bed as he sperad your thighs apart so that he was situated inbetween then as he kneeled off your bed.
his hands looped over your thighs trapping you, he sloppily kissed up the inside of your thighs his young occasionally dragging along the soft skin until he reached your underwear, his breath fanning across the thin fabric felt like a sweet kiss from a raging fire or like a hungry animal about to pounce you looked down and locked your eyes with his, his eyes ever dark and lust filled begged for your approval, and like a great ruler about to bestow the people with a gift you caved giving his a shy yet Kurt nod.
that simple action was enough to uncage the animal that was Marko and with his hunger, he all but pounced forward shoving your panties to the side as his cool tongue ran through your sensative folds causing your boady to arch and squirm.
"oh fuck, god damn baby" he mumbled not moving away from your sensitive skin causing the vibrations to spread through you.
your hands shot down to tangle in his already matted and bloody hair You felt like he had set you on fire as he continued to devour you.
your body writhing and moving in pleasure
"Hmm, Marko please please" you practically sobbed as he darkly chuckled relishing in your taste.
"Ah ah ah," he said as he pulled away your body flooded with dissatisfaction no longer feeling like a fire was about to cover and engulf every inch of your body you let out a disappointed and high whine at the lack of contact.
"Oh I know baby I know, I was making you feel so good" he cooed mockingly as he stood from his place between your thighs his chin glistening in the soft glow of your bedside lamp a cocky smile eched on his face.
Marko towered over you as he removed his bloody white crop top and began to unbuckle his jeans, he gently moved forward lifting your hips and gently removing your underwear before less gently chucking them over his shoulder with a smirk causing you to let out a snort at his ridiculousness.
he leaned over you once more before helping you to remove your shirt leaving you in just your bra as he unzipped his old blue jeans and moved them down his thighs letting his dick spring from his jeans, your eyes trailed down his body admiring the curves.
"Like what ya see" he chuckled as he took himself into his hand giving his dick a few strokes before sliding into you with an animalistic growl his body now caging your own between him and the matrice his hips against yours his cold skin a welcome sensation against your burning desire.
you bit your lip hard to stop yourself from moaning while he rocked his hips into your own at a steady pace, his lips trailing along your chest up to your shoulder where his head stayed.
"oh fuck baby" he stuttered " you feel fantastic" he said punctuation his words with a thrust causing you to tip your head back in a full attempt to stay quiet
"that it let me hear you," he said moving his hips faster causing the small room to fill with the sickening sounds of slick skin hitting skin, the air felt hot as you tried to control your breathing at his faster pace. he continued trailing his teeth along your neck and shoulders as you panted and moaned at the rhythmic feeling of being surrounded and filled with him.
your moans grew in volume as his hips meeting yours became more more rough more desperate.
his teeth sank into your shoulder as his hips bucked wildly into your own the mixtrue of his continued despraite and sloppy movemnt alsong with the sharp and knife like feeling of his deeth sinking into you caused your entire body to shake, flood gates destroyed as you moaned his name over and over untill his hips slowed leaving you a slurring shaking mess.
he slowly pulled out of you with a curse.
"you did so well" he said kissing your head softly as he moved both your bodys into a more comfortable possition
"from now on you wait till me or dwayne or litrally anone is there to walk you home okay"he mumbled into your hair softly as you cuddled closer into his chest.
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Or: Once upon a time, a man turned himself into a demon for the sake of his husband's soul. It's been a long time since then.
Demons don't really need to sleep, but Roier likes to do it, anyway. It's relaxing, and it reminds him of better times back when he was human and his husband wasn't... well.
Jaiden doesn't get it, but that's because she's never known what dreams are. Because demons don't sleep and, unlike Roier, she was born a demon. Her and Bobby both were, leaving Roier as the odd one out.
...That's fine! Their loss! Because sleep? Great. Dreams? Even better.
Because, in Roier's dreams, he sees him.
(They're in bed, because that was Roier's favorite place to be. He's on his back with his husband laying next to him tracing patterns into his shirt with one finger. Rain patters on the ceiling, and some leaks through into the kitchen and lands in a pot placed conspicuously in the middle of the floor. Their blankets are warm, and so are their hearts.)
Roier has been married for almost 500 years. His husband has been dead for 499 of those years, give or take a few months.
They were never legally married; that just wasn't something you did back then. Didn't matter, though, because they wouldn't have been able to afford a wedding even if they could get married.
They were farmers- well, Roier was a farmer. His husband just liked sitting and watching Roier work shirtless in the fields. He'd sit with a pitcher of water waiting by his side should Roier need it, and he'd watch shamelessly for hours at a time, and he was horrible.
And now he's dead.
But, see, the first thing Roier asked when arriving in Hell was whether or not the Devil was cool with gay marriage.
"Uh," said Jaiden- and this was their first real conversation post-demoning, okay? So she obviously wasn't as cool as she is now. "Maybe? I don't know. I'd have to ask?"
"Could you?" Roier had asked, freshly deceased and still bleeding from the temples where his horns had just finished growing in. "I'm expecting my husband."
"Right," Jaiden tensely replied. "Your husband."
"Yeah," Roier said, and he tried saying his husband's name, but it just. Wouldn't... what was it again?
But that's fine, being a demon is a pretty sweet gig. All Roier has to do is go up to the Mortal Realm and do a few jobs for a few witches, corrupt a few souls. In return, he gets badass magical abilities and immortality.
More importantly, he gets his husband's soul. As soon as he reincarnates back in the Mortal Realm, and as soon as he dies again, he goes to Hell with all of the memories from his previous life with Roier intact, and they finally get their happily ever after.
It's what he would've wanted. Hell might sound terrible, but it's no worse than the Mortal Realm, and its public transportation is actually better, somehow. The busses all run on time, and the subway is free.
More importantly, Roier's husband was the one collecting all those books on summoning demons and making deals with demons and communing with the Devil. Roier just... completed his work for him.
It's the least he could've done, and it was his last chance at seeing him again.
Fuck, but what was his name?
(They're in the fields, because that was Roier's husband's favorite place to be. Roier is shirtless and bent over a row of seeds that are going to grow up to be corn in a few months, and his husband is on the ground under the apple tree watching him shamelessly. It's sunny out, and there's the smell of smoke in the air.)
It's been 500 years since Roier's husband died, and Roier has spent that time trying to remember the name of his husband's killer.
Because, once upon a time, there was a farmer, and there was a witch. Ah, but witches were illegal, you see. They communed with the Devil, and they brought chaos into a world of order.
All Roier remembers is that the person who tied his husband to that pole was in all-white. Not a priest, just someone boring.
That same person was the one who lit the straw at Roier's husband's feet on fire. And they smiled doing so even as Roier dove towards the flames as if he could put them out with his bare hands.
It didn't work. Big surprise there.
"So the Devil's fine with you two getting married," Jaiden said after a few days of dealing with demonic bureaucracy, "but I have some bad news for you."
Roier, for the first time since Jaiden slit his throat and converted him, felt fear.
"What is it?" he asked.
She let out a breath, slow, and said, eventually, "Your husband's soul isn't here. He isn't in Heaven, either. Or in any of the other gods' realms."
Roier blinked. "What."
It was not a question.
She threw up her hands. "I don't know! It's like he just... disappeared!"
"Is that why I can't remember his name?" Roier asked. "His soul is fucking gone?"
His hands shook. Jaiden reached out and took them.
"We'll find him," she promised, kind despite her whole 'Is A Demon' thing. "Even if it takes five hundred years."
"Yeah, well, it won't," he scoffed. "I'm going to find him. He promised me a wedding."
Souls don't just die. They go to someplace that Roier has only ever heard of: Purgatory.
Once in Purgatory, souls get judged by the Eye of Justice. He asks them questions about their life, and they have to answer truthfully, or he'll feed them to his children.
There are a few options for what comes next.
One: they pass the Eye of Justice's judgement and are allowed to move on to whatever afterlife they believe in.
Two: they pass the Eye of Justice's judgement and are allowed to reincarnate into another life.
Three: they fail the Eye of Justice's judgement and are forcibly sent to reincarnate into the life of a bug or a blade of grass or something else boring and tortuous.
Roier got to skip out on Purgatory entirely because he took the direct line to Hell. But maybe, just maybe, if he had died regularly, he could have seen his husband in Purgatory, and they could have reincarnated together.
...Ugh. Hindsight is a bitch.
(Roier is visiting his grandfather when the church bells ring.
"A witch!" he hears a woman scream, and his stomach fell right into his shoes.)
It's been 500 years, and Roier has gotten a bit of a reputation among modern witches for being one of the easier demons to work with. He'll help with their problems in exchange for information on a certain lost soul: if they hear from his husband's soul, they summon Roier. Or he'll help in exchange for some book recommendations for his son; Hell has many things, but it does not have a public library.
He isn't a particularly strong demon despite what his only angel friend, Etoiles, might say. Etoiles is just a silly little guy, don't listen to him!
(He never even got to say goodbye. They locked eyes as the flames rose, and Roier screamed his name one last time, and he hasn't been able to feel anything since.)
Jaiden was the first demon that Roier had ever met.
He was on the floor surrounded by the ashes that used to be his home. His husband's books were in charred tatters around him, but one managed to survive the fire. It was almost supernatural, but, like, yeah. Demon book, of course it was fireproof.
He was bleeding. He had offered his blood, and his soul, to the demon in exchange for his husband's life back.
She sat on the floor with him.
"I can't do that," she gently told him. "Demons can do a lot of things, but we can't perform miracles."
Roier's throat burned: smoke inhalation and grief.
"Oh," he said, small-sounding.
"But I can get his soul to Hell," she offered. "In exchange... you have to go to Hell."
His answer was immediate: "Yes."
She blinked. "I wasn't finished?"
"The answer is still 'Yes'. As long as I'm with him again, I don't care what happens to me."
"You'll have to turn your life over to Satan. You can't just go to Hell. That isn't how it works."
Roier shrugged. "That's fine."
Jaiden gawked for a moment before nodding and standing and extending her hand.
He took it.
And then he died.
But it's been 500 fucking years, and now Roier is being summoned by another witch for another deal. He'll probably have to help supply additional magic for some big important spell, that's basically all he's used for these days. He's more than a battery, thanks! He's a demon, he should be out, like, stealing souls and shit.
He goes, anyway, because he has to. If he doesn't, his contract is void, and he won't get to see his husband because he himself will be sent to Purgatory to be judged and, really, he does not want to deal with that. (The Eye of Judgement is fucking creepy, okay?)
There's the familiar pull at Roier's core, and the familiar blinding burst of light as he's yanked into the Mortal Realm, and the familiar smell of brimstone and evil that follows him wherever he goes outside of Hell.
The room is filled with blood red smoke as he appears- his trademark.
(The most important thing to a demon these days isn't evil, it's marketability.)
The witch in front of him, nothing more than a shadow hidden behind the smoke, coughs and wheezes and fans their hand in front of their face.
They're kneeled on the ground in front of a pentagram drawn in... what the fuck is this, strawberry jam?
Roier crouches and sticks a finger into one of the circle's markings. Careful not to break the circle, he pulls his finger out and licks the red stuff on it.
Shocked, he looks at the witch, and he asks, "Dude, what the fuck? Is this blood?"
What happened to chalk!?
The witch coughs at him indignantly. "I needed to make sure I got someone powerful."
Roier rolls his eyes and plops fully onto the ground, criss-cross applesauce. He wipes his blood-covered fingertip on his jeans. Newbies...
"Well, you got me," he says, humble to the core. (He may be a super evil demon now, but he isn't a dick.) "So... what's up? What do you need?"
The smoke in the room slowly starts dissipating, revealing the witch to be a man in what have to be the previous day's clothes. His head is still ducked, and his face is still hidden in his elbow as he coughs, but Roier could almost call him objectively handsome. Shame Roier's married, this guy would be fun to mess around with.
"I need to- fuck-"
The witch coughs one last time before finally managing to get a lungful of clean air. He raises his head, and Roier finally gets a look at his face, and-
"I need your help," the witch says, voice rough and rugged and absolutely heartbreaking. "I need to kill someone, and I need your help to do it."
"Okay," Roier agrees. He doesn't have a choice, being a summoned demon and all, but he doesn't think he could turn this witch down at all, because...
("Cellbit!" Roier screams.
He can see his face in his husband's glassy eyes, and then he sees nothing but the flames as they rise over Cellbit's head and drown him whole.)
The man with his husband's face frowns, suspicious.
"What," he asks, "just like that?"
Roier grins, fangs and all. "Just like that."
After all, he doesn't think he'll need any payment for this one.
He's finally found what he's been looking for.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
some bonus hcs about dating volleyball captain!gojo while i finish up the next few parts of end game. hope you enjoyy !!
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his lockscreen is of you sitting on his bed wearing one of his jerseys with no pants on
he'd just made you laugh really hard and it's a candid of you smiling
your lockscreen is of him standing in front of a tree that had "penis <3" carved into it with his thumb up
you'd literally teared up laughing when he begged you to take a photo of him with it
his homescreen is of you trying to wrangle megumi and yuuji to take a proper photo without getting distracted (the photo, therefore, being them getting distracted)
your homescreen is a mirror picture taken after you'd run around in the rain and were both soaking wet
he's holding you from behind and burying his face in your neck while you take the photo
if he wasn't protective of you before, he is the definition of protective now that you were officially together
other players that dare to hit on you before a match are humiliated by the honored one beating them at barely half of his full power
he'd blow you a kiss and then serve straight into the net because he's stupid <3
he likes to leave little notes in your pocket with the most OBSCENE things written in them and you have no idea how they got there
"your ass looks incredible today"
"call me mater because i want you"
"kachow i want you NOW"
he goes absolutely FERAL when you wear his clothes, especially his volleyball gear
doesn't matter if it's a jersey or his track jacket or a worn out tee-shirt from training camp
"you look better in that than i do, baby"
"though i do admit you'd look better in nothing at all"
you could wear his SOCKS and he'd get all giddy
if you're wearing it and it's not yours to begin with, he's a smug motherfucker
would unironically get you two those lego piece necklaces that create a heart in the colors of the school (i was thinking black and purple)
he always has to be touching you
doesn't matter the place or the time or the scenario
whether you like it or not, a part of this man's body will always be on yours
leaning against your shoulder, linking a single pinky with yours, touching your thigh with his under the table
it grounds him and reminds him that he's not alone
he love love loves it when you fiddle with his hands
you're laying down together with his arms around your shoulders looking up at the ceiling you'll trace the lines of his palms with your fingers and play with his hands and he literally melts
he's incredibly adamant to mention to eVERYONE that he has a partner including but not limited to: cheerleaders, fangirls, classmates, girls' team players, and other boys' team players (man can pull idk what to tell you)
at all times just
"i have a partner."
"sorry, i'm taken."
"i'm not single."
"i don't want you."
he'd never dream of giving up a love like yours because you see him just as satoru
not the powerhouse captain set to lead your school into its second volleyball golden age
just your best friend first then boyfriend satoru
whose bloodstream probably contains sugary green apple soda that you taste whenever he kisses you
"i taste that shitty fruity energy drink on your tongue again"
"so you admit you like my tongue"
"i just called it shitty, satoru"
"i'll start drinking a different flavor then, and you tell me which one you like"
he still doesn't convince you to call him captain
yet ;)
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For a few moments, all Adam could do was stare numbly as the crimson liquid traced a thin line down the side of his finger, forming small droplets on the edge of his knuckle.
Was that... blood? his brain wondered. 
Not knowing what else to do, he licked it. Yep, definitely blood. But whose blood? Where did it come from? He was the only one in the kitchen, and he would have noticed if someone had started to bleed all over him.
So where did it...
The realisation hit him like a hammer to the gut. He felt his legs give way under him and next thing he knew he was on the floor, his bleeding finger still held up as if he was pointing an accusation at the sky.
Red blood. He knew what that meant. Everyone did. Angels' blood was golden, hellspawn bled black, and red was for - red was for - 
'Demons'. The word echoed through his mind like a wicked laugh. 
Adam suddenly felt old.
Just how many millennia had it been since Eden? Could he even remember? He scrunched up his eyes tight in concentration but he knew it was useless. He'd given up counting long ago. 
How many of those years had been spent killing, he wondered. How many lives had ended at the edge of his blade? How much blood had he spilled? Sinners' blood. Red blood. Red like his.
He was one of them now. The first human, the once-proud leader of one of the mightiest  forces in Heaven, was now just another cursed soul in a land bursting with them.
"Dammit!" he yelled, slamming a fist into the side of the counter he was sitting against.
The counter shook, there was a hum of something rolling across the top, and then with a thud it landed neatly in Adam's lap. It was a single, bright red apple.
Adam felt a smile begin to creep across his face and then, unable to help himself, he burst out laughing.
"Oh I see, is that how it is?" he said to the empty room.
With a grunt he pushed himself back up to his feet and waved the apple to the sky.
"Let me guess," he said, still laughing so hard his sides were beginning to hurt. "This is another one of your tests, huh?" 
He was in absolute hysterics now, the tears streaming down his cheeks and blurring his vision.
"Just another test, right? This is some cryptic vision, or prophecy of the future, or... or part of your big, cosmic plan, that totally exists."
The laughter died down as suddenly as it arrived. In its place came anger, an anger so hot that it threatened to burn Adam from the inside out. 
"Well you know what?" he hissed. "I am done playing your stupid fucking games."
He glared up at the ceiling, as if his anger was enough to pierce the heavens above.
"I did everything you asked, didn't I? I followed your rules, I looked after the garden, I did what you told me to."
A dam had been burst and now there was no stopping the words that raged out Adam's mouth. 
"And don't bring up that fucking tree, you manipulative piece of shit. You knew we'd eat it eventually, didn't you? You don't dangle something like that in front of your kids and expect them not to try. No, you knew exactly what you were doing!"
He hurled the apple he was still holding against the wall as hard as he could, and grunted in satisfaction as it exploded in a pulpy mess.
"Oh but that wasn't enough for you was it, you sick freak? You then had to go and act all high and mighty, like you hadn't planned all of this from the beginning. You took everything from me, do you hear? Fucking everything!
"You took Lilith, you took Eve, you took our home, you even took my fucking kids! What else could you possibly want with me, huh? What else do I have to lose before it's enough?"
"Well?" he yelled. "What's the matter? You too scared to even look me in the eye, you chickenshit?"
"Answer me, you coward!"
Adam fell to his knees once more and buried his head in his hands. Before long, the sound of muffled sobs could be heard through his fingers.
"Please," he begged. "Please, just tell me what you want. That's all I'm asking. Just tell me what I have to do."
Inspired by this comic by @rius-cave
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Foul Legacy would love picking berries with you in the summer. they don't really have same thing in Snezhnaya- yes, there are fruit that still thrive in the endless winter, but they're difficult to find and even worse to actually obtain. he's more used to ice fishing at all times of the year, so you're met with a curious chitter and head tilt when you ask Legacy if he wants to go pick some fruit with you. of course he still goes, the sun just beginning to set beneath the sea and the breeze warm and comforting. Legacy's wings begin to flutter when he sees the bushes and trees full of fruit, ripe sunsettias and apples and berries all around, happy chirps slipping from his fanged maw.
it's blessedly cool as the sun goes down, a relief from the warm temperatures of summer. fireflies begin to flicker on and off around the grass and trees, your baskets quickly filling with both you and Foul Legacy's hands at work- although you'll admit that more fruit is ending up in your mouth than in the baskets, and from the little trills and munches you're hearing, the same is true for Legacy. even after the berries are all neatly packed away you stay outside, sitting beside your Abyssal moth monster as he rolls around in the grass, a few lightning bugs perching in his lilac fluff. he lightly tugs you down to join him, a purr immediately starting in his chest as he looks up at you and gives you a slow, adoring blink.
you smile softly, pressing a berry against his maw, and his long tongue flicks as he playfully clacks his teeth together, giving your hand a few cheeky licks under the light of the rising moon.
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