#Don't worry a little sibling for her is being planned but I'm only gonna start looking when my princess turns 3
grandeoatmilklatte · 1 year
Green Eyed Envy 💚
Another lovely Weasley Wednesday! Today's theme was Jealousy! I'd like to dedicate this post to @eternalremorse as I used her Oscar Weasley character for the inspiration for this fic. Thank you! ❤️
Green Eyed Envy - Garreth Weasley x House Neutral F!MC
Summary: Garreth's secret crush, MC, is spending her summer holiday with the Weasleys. Deciding it's now or never, Garreth decides he's going to confess his feelings for MC during their summer break, but the arrival of a guest puts a halt in Garreth's plans. 2.4k words (i don't know how this came out so long I'm sorry!)
Warnings: A little angst, but nothing too crazy. There's also an implication of spiciness, as well as a few references to spicy activity, but no actual spiciness! Just gonna say 18+ anyways just in case!
MC let out a sigh as she boarded the Hogwarts Express, the last day of the school year upon her. Even though she had only been enrolled since 5th year, making this her second time leaving for the summer, she always hated this part. Hogwarts was a home to her, so she always dreaded leaving. To make matters worse, she would be starting 7th year in the fall, meaning that this time next year, she’d be leaving for good. She pushed the thought of that out of her mind, otherwise she would burst into tears, and tried to instead focus on the positive - she wasn’t going home, she was staying at the Weasley’s this summer. 
Garreth Weasley had become her best friend over the course of the past two years. He was funny, sweet, supportive, and all around an amazing friend to her, especially when she first got to Hogwarts. It was difficult being the new girl, but he made it easier. In 6th year, MC’s feelings started to grow. She found herself constantly lost in his emerald green eyes with the way they glistened in the sunlight, she loved staring at his plush pink lips, and she dreamt about running her fingers through his luscious ginger hair. MC was in love with Garreth, and he had no idea. There was no way she could tell him, at least not now. She was too afraid to ruin their friendship. She needed some kind of hint that he felt the same before she made a move. Her hope was that over the summer, with them spending even more time together, no classes or homework to get in the way, maybe she could finally confess her feelings for him. 
Garreth’s heart beat rapidly as he and MC boarded the train together. He couldn’t believe she had said yes to spending the summer with him. They were best friends, and she hated going home, so he had offered up his home, after his parents’ approval, of course. As excited as he was to spend even more time with her, he was nervous as well. He had the biggest crush on her, and had since 5th year. He was too scared to make a move, but being that this was their last summer holiday before they graduated, he decided it was now or never. He planned to get even closer to her over the break, with the intention of asking her to be his girlfriend by the start of 7th year. She had given him little signs over the past two years, and he was confident he had this in the bag. Nothing could go wrong.
When Garreth and MC arrived at the Weasley home, MC was met with open arms, Garreth already having sung MC’s praises to his family. Introductions were done, MC meeting Garreth’s parents and siblings, and MC was given a tour of the Weasley home by Garreth and his mother, one of the tour stops being Garreth’s room, where she would be staying. 
“Now no funny business you two, these walls are quite thin. If we hear anything we shouldn’t be hearing, I’ll conjure up chastity belts for you both!” Garreth’s mother suspected Garreth had a crush on MC, considering the way he spoke of her, and considering how red his face got whenever his mother asked him about it, even though he always denied it. His face was currently turning that shade of red now at his mother’s comment. 
“Oh, not to worry, Mrs. Weasley! Me and Garreth are just friends!” Garreth’s heart ached a little at the words “just friends”, but he also noticed a nervousness in her voice when she said it. He hoped she was just saying that to get his mother off their backs. 
MC and Garreth spent the remainder of the afternoon playing with Garreth’s younger siblings and relaxing in the family garden. Garreth loved watching MC have fun with his siblings. His family was the most important thing to him, and seeing her blend so well with the Weasleys made him fantasize about making her a Weasley one day, as well as making their own Weasleys one day.  
When it came time for dinner, The entire Weasley crew plus MC gathered around the dinner table, where MC noticed one additional empty seat. Almost as if on cue, there was a knock at the door, which Mrs. Weasley excitedly answered. In walked an utterly gorgeous man. MC assumed he must have been the oldest Weasley son, based on his hair and eyes matching Garreth and his siblings. MC’s jaw dropped completely on its own as she took in his features. He was very tall, taller than Garreth, even. His green eyes sparkled brightly, his short fiery red hair was combed elegantly to one side, and he had a strong jawline. He looked to be about in his 20s, and he was in a brown tailored suit that made him look incredible. MC snapped out of her trance when she heard her name, praying that no one, especially Garreth, saw her staring. It was Mrs. Weasley who spoke. “MC, this is Oscar, Garreth’s older brother. I’m sure Garreth’s mentioned him before! He’s coming to spend a few days with us as well.” Garreth let out a very low groan next to her that was only audible to her. 
“Pleasure to meet you MC!” he said sweetly as he picked up her hand and planted a soft kiss on it. “Hi.” MC said in a whisper, almost as if she had forgotten how to speak. 
Garreth felt his stomach drop. “Shit.” He thought to himself. Winning over MC this summer was going to be harder than he thought. 
The next morning, MC woke before Garreth, hearing the sounds of him snoring next to her. Sleeping next to him was lovely, but a little awkward. They had both tried to sleep as far away from each other as possible out of nervousness. Not like they would have dared to do anything, as the bedroom door was charmed by Mrs. Weasley to remain completely open for the duration of MC’s time there. She disregarded the risk and took a moment to watch him sleep. She lightly brushed a strand of hair that fell into his face and let her hand graze very lightly across his cheek before she planted a light kiss on his cheek. She then got up to get changed and headed to the kitchen for breakfast, not at all noticing how Garreth had smiled when she kissed him. 
When Garreth finally stopped freaking out over the kiss, he also got dressed and headed down to breakfast. His spirits were shot when he found MC and Oscar standing in the kitchen very close to each other, talking in hushed tones, their conversation stopping abruptly when Garreth walked in. “Good morning little brother! Your friend MC here was just…telling me a funny joke. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” 
Garreth was fuming. “SWEETHEART?!” He thought in his head. “That’s MY nickname for her!” Even though he had never actually called her that nickname to her face, it was still his nickname. 
“Garreth, are you okay?” MC asked, finally looking at him and noticing an angry look on his face. “Oh yes, I’m great!” he said through gritted teeth. He then watched Oscar lean into MC and whisper something in her ear, which he managed to hear. “We’ll talk more about…you know what…later.” Oscar smiled at MC before turning to make himself some tea as the rest of the family made their way into the kitchen. 
Garreth made an effort to keep close to MC for the remainder of the day, which was difficult because his mother kept stealing her away to help her with chores. Garreth decided to raid the family garden for potion ingredients, which was one of his favorite activities. He had been picking various leaves and flower petals when Oscar called out to him. “Hey little brother!” Garreth rolled his eyes, knowing Oscar was too far away to see it. 
Oscar smiled as he approached him. “I was wondering if we could have a chat! It’s about your little friend, MC.” Garreth already could feel his blood boiling, not looking forward to whatever his brother had to say. “What are your thoughts on her? You know, she’s quite pretty, wouldn’t you agree?” 
Garreth was at a loss for words. He could tell Oscar how he truly felt about MC. Maybe that would get him off her back, or maybe that would make pursuing her all the more fun. 
“I…she’s my best friend. She’s smart, she’s funny, she’s…beautiful, she’s the most wonderful girl I’ve ever met, she…” Garreth tried to hide the nervousness in his voice, but it was still coming through.
“Do you fancy her?” Oscar asked outright. Garreth was taken aback by the directness of the question. Once again, he was left at a loss for words. He was about to answer honestly when Mrs. Weasley called the two boys inside for lunch, the conversation ending for the time being.
The brothers didn’t have a single moment alone for the rest of the day, but Garreth managed to get some time with MC before dinner. They sat outside in front of the home watching the sun go down, MC resting her head on Garreth’s shoulder, which made him forget he was upset with his brother, that is until MC spoke. “I’ve been having a wonderful time so far, Garreth! Thank you for taking me in for the summer. Your family has been so welcoming!” Garreth only smiled at her in response, but his mind was running wild.
“So welcoming?! What does she mean by that?!” He was ready to use one of his potions on Oscar if he didn’t leave his girl alone. 
“Garreth? You’re making a face again. Are you okay?” When he snapped back into reality MC was staring at him. MC took Garreth’s hand in hers. “You’ve been acting strange all day. Is everything alright? You know you can tell me? We’re best friends.”
And he wanted to tell her, he truly did, and he was about to, until his words were interrupted once again by his mother, this time calling for dinner. 
After dinner, Garreth was asked to help his mother clean up while everyone else went about their business. He saw Oscar and MC head outside and almost broke a plate in his hand. When he finished helping his mother, he quietly crept outside, hoping to eavesdrop. Once again, they were whispering, so he couldn’t make out any specific phrases. However, he did hear MC laugh at something he said, and the two of them were sitting a little too close for his liking. Garreth stormed outside, face as red as his hair and stood in front of them. They both looked up at him with surprised looks on their faces. 
“MC. I need to talk to you. ALONE. NOW.” Garreth was shaking. He hated the thought of even raising his voice at her, but the rage he was feeling was taking over. 
“Oookay?” MC said in confusion as her and Oscar exchanged looks, which only further angered Garreth. Once she got up Garreth grabbed a hold of her hand and led her several paces away from the house, until he was sure Oscar couldn’t hear them. 
“Garreth what’s wrong? You’ve really been acting strange ever since Oscar got here.”
Garreth couldn’t take it anymore. “Of course I have, MC. I’ve been watching my brother try to shag you this entire time!” Garreth yelled, but his  rage dissipated into a feeling of sadness. MC’s jaw dropped at this statement, but Garreth continued. “It’s just, I’m crazy about you, MC. I’ve loved you since 5th year. I’ve been too scared to tell you because we’re best friends and I don’t want to lose that. I also didn’t think you’d ever want a guy like me - goofy, always in trouble. You probably prefer guys like Oscar, all clean cut and put together.” Garreth’s nervousness began to take full control of him as he began to stutter. “I…I’m sorry MC this is stupid, I shouldn’t…I”
MC���s face had softened. She brought her hands to Garreth’s face and planted a soft, sweet kiss directly on his lips. When she pulled away, it was Garreth’s jaw that had dropped. 
“Garreth, I don’t have feelings for Oscar. You’re the one I have feelings for. I always have. I’ve been so scared to tell you as well. Your friendship means the world to me, I was scared to lose that. As for Oscar, he wasn’t trying to shag me! I was asking him about you!”
Garreth was already in a state of shock at MC’s kiss and her confession. The revelation that Oscar actually didn’t have malicious intentions shook him even more. “You…were asking him about me?”
“Yes! That first morning he was here, I approached him. Told him that I loved you and that I didn’t know how to tell you. He was giving me pointers and wanted to scope out if you felt the same. I’m sorry if it seemed like there was more going on.”
Garreth laughed, he felt incredibly stupid being jealous of Oscar. He pulled her into a more passionate kiss than the one before. Their lips stayed locked for several minutes, getting a taste for each other. MC’s lips tasted sweeter than anything he had ever tasted before. It was worth the wait, and now that he had it, he never wanted to let it go. When they finally pulled away from each other to catch their breath, Oscar was approaching them. 
“Well, I'm guessing you finally talked to him, huh MC?” MC smiled, “Yes, although he thought you were trying to shag me.” Garreth shot MC a shocked look, appalled that she said that out loud. Garreth’s face began to match his hair color once again as Oscar let out a hearty laugh. “Don’t worry little brother! She’s all yours!” The three of them laughed as they walked back to the house, Garreth and MC walking hand in hand as Oscar trailed ahead. 
Garreth and MC settled into bed, sleeping next to Garreth no longer felt awkward now that their feelings were known. They were about to blow out the candle that lit Garreth’s bedroom when Oscar showed up in the doorway. He simply smiled at them as he un-did the charm that was placed on Garreth’s door for it to remain open. 
“Goodnight lovebirds!” he said with a wink. “Just try not to be too loud, and open the door again once you’re done so mom doesn’t get suspicious!” He then closed the bedroom door. 
Garreth and MC exchanged mischievous looks as they laid down, Garreth blowing out the candle and throwing the blanket over their heads before pulling her into a passionate kiss. 
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fangaminghell · 2 months
Okay the Suraya post.
In general, I've been thinking about replaying reborn whenever the new update drops, to get a better understanding of my ocs. I did it with Rejuv, i'm doing it with Deso, and honestly, with how i've felt about my reborn trio, i gotta do it with Reborn. And part of that re-examination of my ocs is trying to understand their arcs. And for Suraya, I felt she didn't really have much.
And by that I mean, unlike Leo or Blair, I felt she didn't exactly have standout moments for her character to grow. Leo has several moments as the main protag, Blair has everything regarding xyr sibling, the reconstruction of reborn city, xem opening up xyr heart again. Suraya...doesn't get much like that. The Big Thing she gets is literally being taken out of the plot and into the void. Sure, it comes as a big character change for her but like. Her big moment is her getting taken out of the plot? Really?
My goal is to fix that. Make her more than the caring one, or the one that worries over her brother. Suraya is more than that, and honestly, i don't think even she realizes that.
After talking about it with a friend on discord ( hi pink), I realized Suraya's arc theme could be about her finding her own identity. Outside of her status. Outside of her family. Outside of Leo. Who is she, anyway?
Suraya Indu Joshi has had her life planned out for her from the jump. She was the oldest, and thus set up to inherent the family wealth and business. She was an older sister with neglectful parents, so she became the parent for Leo at a young age. Her life is as busy as it gets, between school, aura training, dealing with fellow upperclassmen in general- she hardly if ever gets time for herself. Truly for herself, cause if she's not doing any of that, she's trying to look after Leo. At most, she gets her own freedom in her secret relationships with other women, but those are often short lived due to her already busy life. And for a long time, Suruya never fully questioned this. She never asked herself what she wanted. Mainly because she was genuinely happy and proud with what she was doing! She loved being and aura wielder, she loved learning about law, she was proud to keep her family legacy alive.
But who is Suraya Indu Joshi? She does not know. She will not for a while.
Throughout Reborn, Suraya's biggest focus is Leo. She went after him when he ran away, she stayed with him to make sure he would be okay, her entire motivation was her darling little brother. And this is not a bad thing by any means! That's her brother, of course she would care. But when will it ever just be Suraya?
Seeing Leo grow throughout Reborn. Seeing him grow beyond his family name, his status, his former self, growing beyond her made Suraya feel....conflicted. She was proud, of course. Look at her little brother go. But then it was the realization that Leo....doesn't need her anymore. She no longer has to be his parent- she can simply be his sister. Someone who is there, but not the parent. And that....made her feel a bit empty? Because when you spend all of your time and energy focusing on one person, when that person doesn't need you in the way things used to be....what can you do? What can she do?
I feel like Suraya kinda starts getting a bit existential, because one of her main roles is getting taken away from her, and she kinda has to sit there and think " now what. what do i do". And that is when the Void Incident happens. And honestly? Outside of the void monsters? Possibly the best thing for Suraya. Because it's only then where she is completely alone. Alone with her thoughts, alone with herself to just think about herself. Of course, her goal is to get back to Leo and her friends, but that's gonna take a fucking while,so why not reflect on her life, hm? Do something that she was too busy to do and finally try and understand herself. So when she comes out of the void, she kinda feels like someone new, but still the same. Her growth doesn't even stop there, because I think after everything is said and done, and Suraya knows things will be okay...I think she travels on her own for a while. She still has a lot to learn about herself, and she needs to take that journey alone. Pink suggested that she writes in a diary about her journey and honestly that's a really good idea.
One last thing bc I am getting tired: for this reason, I now see Suraya x Saphira as a slow burn. As in there's clearly some feelings popping up, but the situation they find themselves in + both not being mentally ready for a relationship, they kinda just don't immediately get together by the end of the post game, as neither are really ready for a relationship. This isn't a "wait for me" scenario- i fully believe their feelings for each other will waver over time, especially with the both of them picking themselves up from scratch. But! They'll soon reach a point in their lives, in which they both go " hey. wanna go out sometime".
Okay that was a lot of words, and i'm tired, goodbye-
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doueverwonder · 10 months
I'm so sorry if I'm bothering you, I just love all your OC's.
I kinda wanted to hear about Austria-Hungary, more specifically how Aushun reacted to her death.
oh boy, and no your not, absolutely I can talk about Edith. I'm gonna put the whole thing under a cut bc major tw: for death, mentions of war, and people neglecting their own health because of guilt.
okay so, Edith Stafania Rosemarie Edelstein; she's the as you said representative of the Austro-Hungarian empire, she was born June 8th, 1867 making her 148 years younger than Liesl, 52 years younger than Ludwig, and 109 years older than Franz.
She's terribly stubborn and overdramatic, the second one especially when she's proven wrong; like no one likes being proven wrong but she'll be driven to full out fits over it. The stubborn one more pertains to when she decides something is true it must be true, there's no other way things can be. In her defense on both of those she was very small.
She started counting Ludwig as her best friend as soon as she was old enough to know what a best friend was, Ludwig thought it funny that his little cousin was so attached to him if anything. He called her 'Ditte' which is technically the Danish diminutive of the name but I thought it was cute so it stays.
Liesl as all older siblings do got annoyed by Edith more than most but also would have thrown herself in front of a movie vehicle for her; y'know as all older siblings would. There was a fairly large age gap in between them that made their relationship somewhat odd, Liesl was good at helping take care of Edith when she was a baby, but once Edith was old enough that she wanted to play with Liesl they didn't spend nearly as much time with each other because Liesl didn't want to play most of the games Edith did. (She would fairly often though indulge her little sister in playing castle and being the queen of said castle)
Edith was Roderich and Erzsébet's for lack of better term "miracle baby" (even though considering physical age the title would probably be more accurately applied to Franz) after they lost their second child they decided they still wanted more kids, and tried for a couple decades before giving up. Then when they made up and resumed their relationship in the mid 1860s in comparatively no time at all they were expecting Edith. So she was special, the only one of their kids that was planned and the only one that was born in wedlock (not that important now but this was the late 19th century so bit more important then); as much as they don't want to admit it their world revolved around Edith.
in 1918 she was eight years old, physically. She had been sick the whole war, that wasn't unusual. It didn't make it easier to bear, but they weren't that worried either. Until the end, unlike the last person in the family to pass--Heidi, Holy Rome--there was no gradual decline at the end. She was the same amount of sick she had been the whole war, no concern, she'll be on the mend any day now. Then one morning someone went to go check on her and she was dead.
as for their reactions; by the time Edith actually passed in September on 1919 Erzsébet had already gone back to Budapest and would find out about her daughters death through a far too cold and formal letter. This would happen on both sides but Erzsébet would blame herself a lot, way too much "if i had just stayed with him she could have survived, if I hadn't left, if-" ignoring the fact that their were a dozen reasons the empire crumbled. Her staying might have not changed anything. But she was convinced for a few years this was all her fault, it woukd effect her even years later when she would find out she was expecting Franz; her initial reaction would be to be terrified at the idea of having another child, because that brought about the possibility of losing another child.
Roderich blamed himself sure, but unlike Erzsébet he didn't stop there. It was everyone else's fault too, it was the ww1 Allies who killed his daughter. It was Vuk's fault for killing the archduke and setting off the war. It was Adéla and Evžen's fault for leaving the empire. He even blamed Gilbert and Ludwig at some point. It was everyones fault, her blood was on their hands as far as he was concerned. He buried his daughter because of everyone else's actions, not his own. It would take him years, decades even, to get over this mentality Victim theory. And when he finally would, it would have gathered a lot from both the world wars, and even some things before to the point that his entire belief system would crumble around him. The entire thing would be set off on Edith's Birthday.
as he did every year Roderich would walk himself down to the cemetery with some flowers and some new little trinket he thinks she would enjoy. And he has a conversation with his daughter, "good afternoon. Happy birthday Mäuschen; you're how old now? 120? impossible you were born just yesterday" starting in 1992 Erzsébet & Franz would join him. By 94' so would Liesl, and a year later so would Ludwig.
Roderich and Erzsébet spend a lot of time questioning what could have been done differently, what could have changed how everything turned out, if there could have been a way to save her. But sometimes, like on sunny days in June, they have to stop asking 'what if-' and just start remembering the happy little girl they had.
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shiawase-rina · 3 months
My thoughts on Danganronpa The After Episode 21:
Oh the set up~
A requests ticket that sounds too good to be true. Oh boy, that's a motive alright.
Marin has a good idea, but this stinks.
I bet the main entrance isn't a proper exit.
And Monokuma participates too?!
Everything reminds me a little of v3 chapter 2.
Let's hope nothing happens during Koin's show 😅
I have a feeling something else will happen tho.
Ueda's poison herbs are worrisome...
And this is who we got the Maid Cafe bit, eh? This will be fun at least! I do worry about poison being smuggeled into the maid performance tho.
The mastermind as one of Hatami's Club members... Interesting idea, but since we only see bits and pieces of them I don't know how satisfying it would be.
Maybe if it was Miyuki lol
The setup feels insane here.
A lot of stuff feels wrong!
First of all Hatami and Konoe are so cute😭
What are they so funny for! I'm so glad these two are our duo protagonists.
We get to meet Kokona!
Pfft at Hatami struggling to carry her. It also looks like he is trying to touch her as little as possible lol
So Kokona is Arumada's sister?!
And she was caught while trying to follow her brother?!
I was 100% expecting her to be shady as hell, but this feels like someone is aggressively trying to make her as unsus as possible.
Oh boy, the mastermind has plans for her. Even If she herself is not shady.
Marin's decision to not tell Kokona is a very concerning one...
Especially coupled with the conviction that the Festival will be the end of everything.
For a second I thought that could've been a Death flag for Marin.
This will come to bite us.
Kokona being just as talented or maybe even more def explains why she counts as a student. Bit why was she not included from the start?
What was Monokuma waiting for?
Well, probably as a motive as they mentioned.
She is probably the actual motive instead of the Festival.
I'm a bit concerned about possible bad blood between the siblings.
Kokona at least has good reasons for resentment.
I appreachiate the little discussion Coco and Miruku had. Very down to earth these two here.
...Is Konoe gonna practise her smile with Hatami👀👀👀👀
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undead-potatoes · 1 year
So! Tell me about Aurora! Did they have a life before the Urge came calling? How has their journey been through the game? Are they romancing anybody or do they have any other significant bonds?
I hope you don't mind, but I decided to split this into two posts. You asked about her journey through the game, and suddenly I had written 1400 words that didn't fit with the rest. So uuh yeah, here's the first and the last question at least!
I'm still a little unsure about her life before the Urge. There's the few "canon" things we're given through bits of dialogue (like murdering their parents as a child), but I honestly don't tend to get too caught up in canon if I want to do something different.
She had a lot of nightmares as a child (thanks dad), and it made her a very skittish and nervous child. In combination with minor Urges which made her say and sometimes do off-putting shit, I imagine she wasn't exactly a social butterfly. Like once she probably bit someone when the Urge overtook her, but bc they were baby urges and she was like 6-years-old it didn't really do much but alienate her.
But I think she was otherwise a good kid, doing her best and loved by her adoptive parents, even if they probably worried about her a lot.
I kinda like the idea of her being slightly older, someone who briefly escaped her heritage due to Bhaal's death before he returned in full, and the Urge became too strong to ignore. To have the Urge hovering around in the background her entire life, but always being able to repress it, until she suddenly couldn't.
Idk there's just something to the tragedy of being so close to escaping your predestined fate, when in reality it was always going to end like that, on way or another. You never truly escaped anything, you simply just delayed the inevitable.
She could still have murdered her family, still living with her adoptive parents and possible siblings, or maybe she had her own family by then. Either way, Bhaal would have wanted them out of the way.
The Urge building and building, sending her flip-flopping between moments of bloodlust and lucidity filled with fear, until the Urge took her away completely.
(Would the Urge even work like that for any of this? Who cares, just gonna do as Larian does, my city now).
TL;DR: I don't even know, it's still stewing in there.
- - -
Though I've watched like every Durge related video on YouTube, I haven't actually played very far in Aurora's playthrough, mostly bc I'm waiting for Larian to stop breaking the game with every new patch 🙈
Meaning I haven't actually had a lot of time with her interacting with the companions and gotten a good feel for where they're at.
Wyll and Shadowheart are possible candidates for some at least surface level boding. Like Wyll's whole "self sacrifice for the good of others" thing, and with Shadowheart they both have been brainwashed and forced into cruelty in service of an evil god.
And Karlach bc I love her and I said so.
Maybe some more interesting dynamics will pop up once I really get in there with her 🤔 (Larian fix your shit already, I want to plaaay)
There's also Jay who's already wrangling every other companion and their problems, so I'm sure he'll have some fingers in her pies too eventually (it's what he does, after all).
The only solid relationship to have formed in my head as of yet is her romance, and bc I'm as original as a pair of earbuds from AliExpress, she eventually starts a thing with Astarion.
He initially sees her as an easy target, a shy and possibly meek person quite literally removed from the others at camp (a deliberate choice on her part), but it doesn't go quite as he had planned.
I've written a whole post about it that's hanging out in my drafts, but tl;dr: he tries to bite her, but she wakes and angrily sends him away. She later comes to him one night, panicked after the Murder At Camp™, and he (begrudgingly) agrees to help her with the body. This begins this weird partnership where they keep each other's secret, and she lets him drink from her as thanks for helping her.
Their relationship is a bit rocky at first, like they don't hate each other or anything, but there's a fair share of bickering and such. She can be a bit blunt, and is too impatient and exhausted from the urge to deal with his very obvious mind games, tiredly telling him "stop trying to seduce me, you already have what you came for".
When he offers to sleep with her at the party, she thinks "why not". They're already putting each other at risk, so might as well have some fun with it. He might have tried to bed her sooner if she hadn't been so blunt and unapproachable, but it did also give him some time to rethink his strategy. Based on finds with the freecam during his party sex scene, he has set up a lil spot on a blanket, with wine and maybe some food, in an attempt to seem more genuine, which admittedly she does find a little cute.
Ultimately it's all the bits in between, the quiet moments after feeding or sex that gives them an excuse to talk, and they realize they enjoy each other's company a lot more than they first thought. She vibes with him a lot more when he's being genuine, something she sees more of when he's fed and generally less guarded.
She've kept her distance from the others bc of the urge, in fear of either harming someone, or being discovered through the tadpoles somehow. It puts her on edge constantly, but Astarion already knows, and she knows he doesn't judge her for it, so she's more at ease too.
Aurora can become ride or die pretty fast, especially in combination with other intense personality traits (hello devotion), and I think maybe Astarion picks up on that and thinks he can use that to his advantage. At least until he too accidentally catches feelings and becomes pretty ride or die himself lmao. Great job idiot.
Which is also when her more self sacrificing nature goes from something that could be to his advantage, to something that actively upsets him. Stop it! Stop sacrificing yourself for others who probably don't even deserve it! Stop putting yourself in situations that could take you away from me for no good reason.
They're note super lovey-dovey either. Like sure there's romance and tenderness there, but there's also some clash of personalities ("stop being an asshole" "stop trying to be such a bloody hero"). Nothing too bad but there's definitively something for them to work on.
This became the Aurora and Astarion post, sorry about that (not really). I hope to have some better answers to these in the future, my brain is still cooking (unfortunately it's a slowcooker).
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Thinking about how the Legendverse trio met their respective partners.
It gets complicated as they all get the regular Kanto starters at the beginning of their journey, but here's some thoughts.
When Red was younger, before becoming a Pokemon trainer, he stumbled upon a wild Pikachu. This Pikachu was hurt badly and needed medical attention. The problem was that this Pikachu was incredibly hostile, attacking Red whenever he got close
However, Red was persistent,even allowing Pikachu to shock him just to make sure it felt safe and knew that he wouldn't harm it.
Eventually the Pikachu relents, circumming to it's injuries and Red rushes it to prof.oak.
For a few days( maybe a week?), the Pikachu stays at the professor lab. Naturally, Blue and Green are there as well, wanting to see the Pikachu. The Pikachu is still hostile, of course, so they keep their distance. Except Red.
Red visits the Pikachu every day, not minding getting shocked by it ( despite Blue's and professor oaks worry....not that Blue would admit it at the time lol)
Eventually, rather quickly in fact, the Pikachu stops acting so hostile....towards Red. It allows him to pet it without getting shocked, and when Red's around it's much more manageable for Professor Oak to care for.
Eventually the Pikachu is fully healed and ready to go. Green and Blue suggest catching it, but Red refuses, letting Pikachu go back into the wild. The Pikachu runs off without looking back. This hurts Red a little.
Later that night, Red is awoken by something hitting his face. He wakes up to see the Pikachu from before tapping his face to get him up.
The Pikachu isn't staying, sadly, but it did want to give Red a proper goodbye. It licks his face and nuzzles its way into a hug. Red hugs back.
Letting go a minute after, Pikachu is about to head out the window when Red speaks. He tells Pikachu to wait( his voice cracks a little), and rushes around his room looking for something. When he comes back to face Pikachu, he has a small red bandana.
" I want to see you again"
Pikachu allows Red to wrap the bandana around one of its ears. Pikachu then turns back towards the window, then back at Red. It sticks out it's tongue playfully before running off once again.
Red doesn't see that Pikachu years later until he starts his journey. A familiar red bandana catches his eye.
Moving into Blue and Eevee. Might change this one a bit in the future if I think of better specifics but:
This one is probably gonna be shorter.
The Eevee that Blue ends up having was actually a semi pet for Blue and Green.
Much like Pikachu,it was mostly in the professor's lab, chilling.
Of the Oak siblings, it did like Blue more, but Green was it's second favorite. Red was okay lol.
I think the plan was for the Eevee to become either Blue or Green's starter Pokemon, but after some thinking, oak realized that 1) the siblings would fight non stop about who gets it and 2) Red would probably feel left out, hence the three official Kanto starters.
Though I can see Eevee being Blue's unofficial starter before then. Like he would try battling with it and such.
Exactly how Eevee joins his team is unclear to me. Maybe it was his first pokemon outside of his Squirtle? Honestly with the way I'm seeing Eevee right now, I doubt it would just sit there and watch it's favorite human run off with another pokemon lol. So yeah, unofficial second starter.
Green and Clefairy :
To put it simply, during the mt.moon climb, Green stumbled upon a horde of Clefairy being harvested by some team rocket grunts. And there was no way she would just sit there and let that happen, so she fights them.
Though she quickly learns that she bit off more than she could chew. She hot overwhelmed quick. But she wasn't gonna give up!
If she can't beat them with force, she can outsmart them.
I don't know the specifics but she manages to not only trick the grunts into doing her bidding ( maybe she says she wants to join TR), and help one Clefairy escape, which let to the other clefairys escaping,which ultimately lead to Green leading a Clefairy army, overwhelming the rocket grunts and sending them packing.
I like to imagine Red coming in on the scene ready to kick rocket butt only to see them dashing off past him, and to see Green with a mob of Clefairys by her side.
Anyway, one of the Clefairys, the first one that she managed to get free, decided to join Green on her adventure!
Red is confused but happy she found a new pokemon.
Anyway, yeah! Those are the ideas right now. I think these are good, specifics be damned. I hope you enjoyed them.
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novantinuum · 2 years
I don’t see your anons turned on but….do tell me about Aryll and Link’s relationship. Is she and annoying little sister? Does she look up to him?
(Oh yes, I forgot to turn anon back on! I had someone be rude to me a few weeks ago so I turned them off temporarily as a cool-down. Good reminder.)
Ahhh, these siblings... there's a few different time periods I could cover with this, since the dynamic changes pretty sharply due to a good few years spent apart, but I'm gonna chat about the status quo at the beginning of my fic-
I started to plan this story as a means of processing my feelings in the wake of a personal incident involving a family member disowning the rest of us, so their dynamic at the very beginning is underscored by estrangement. Aryll has not seen her brother for about two years- for reasons unknown to her. One day her family was intact and they shared a bedroom, and the next her father was dead and Link chose to cut contact with the rest of his family and live full time on castle grounds with the other guards instead. There's a whole storyline I aim to write eventually showing Link's side of this, because he does have his complicated and trauma-driven reasons- but those reasons are never something Aryll gets to learn about or understand, because when she finally does see her brother again, all his memory about the past is gone.
So their vibe in early days is like... that awkward tiptoeing around someone you know, but don't know well now, that feeling where you desperately want to reach out for comfort from a familiar face, but it's also a face you don't know you implicitly trust. Aryll has to rely on Link because he's now the only adult she knows in this world, but can she count on him to truly be reliable after he- with no warning- entirely walked away from her and Mother in the past? Even if he doesn't remember making that decision, Aryll often worries he'll make the same choice again.
But since she's young, there's a certain desperation there, too- the sense that she's acting in an affable, helpful way to try and endear herself to him so that he doesn't chose to leave her behind once more, so that maybe one day they WILL be close as siblings. It's what she's always wanted... and while the events that led them here are bleak and tragic, on a meta scale, perhaps ultimately it took losing everything for this bond to really flourish.
On Link's end, the only piece of information about Aryll he awakens with is the inkling that she is family. Everything else is learned over their travels, even her name. On his end, he is literally meeting a stranger and getting to know them from scratch. There's that deep protective instinct born from the phantom memory that she is family, but he really doesn't know what he's doing half the time beyond that. Having to suddenly be the sole caretaker for a child is daunting! It takes time for him to understand how to best look after her, especially when it comes to paying attention to her emotional needs. He's very glad to have her company on their travels, though- and in fact, later on in their journeys, his reluctance to leave her behind and travel entirely alone (a somewhat selfish priority) sometimes puts her in harm's way. He often has to balance the issue of... does he risk leaving her in the protection of others he doesn't fully know or trust, or does he risk taking her along on his travels and having her in full sight 24/7 but then being 100% responsible for her safety himself?
On a lighter note, there's of course that older-younger sibling back-and-forth with them... Link giving one instruction, Aryll brashly choosing the opposite, Link having to run off after her before she does something too foolish... plenty of stupid puns... Aryll begging Link to teach her how to fight with a sword, and Link at first being reluctant to do so as her caretaker, not wanting to encourage her to get into close encounters with monsters anyways...
And then that dynamic is slightly subverted by the fact that Aryll essentially is Link's memory, the one who instructs him on who their mother is, their father, their childhood history, certain elements of world history, etc. etc. Link may be Aryll's caretaker in matters of finding food and shelter, but Aryll is arguably his caretaker when it comes to helping him navigate the reality of the world they left behind.
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r0yalgrimmartz · 9 months
🥀Miyu Anastas Headcanons🥀
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I didn't actually think I'd end up doing all of them I just was planning on doing Kore and Cytherea but I have so many ideas my brain is FIZZING. So looks like I'm gonna torture myself and do everyone of those fuckers. Kill me. I don't think there's any trigger warnings for this one but I guess there is a mention of a toxic/slightly abusive relationship. That's about it??
Okay now here's my sweet gal Miyu:
- Went to Duel Academy in hopes of being a dueling teacher, plus being a fresh new chapter in her life as she wanted to explore more outside of her hometown.
- She actually knows Syrus, been penpals/online friends since they were a little younger which...yeah. It's kinda why she wanted to go to Duel Academy, not only to go there because it was apparently such a great dueling school, but to also see her friend Syrus finally.
- Miyu is known as being quite reserved and calm upon first introduction, but when you start really getting to know her, she is the most chattiest friendliest person you'll ever meet. Like- Woman will talk to you for hours, but unlike Kore, she knows when to stop talking or when it becomes too much.
- Very extroverted. Somehow has like several friend groups in Duel Academy (her main besties being Kore, Hanae and Jaden. Plus Syrus.) Due to her extroverted behaviour and friendly attitude, she draws more people in. Even her gaze and tone of voice is soft you feel so drawn in.
- Is...surprisingly kinda the more reasonable and normal one. Honestly questions a lot of things but by season four is like "Okay you know what, if there's anything that's impossible to happen, it is most likely possible to happen at Duel Academy".
- Miyu is more level headed, while trying to keep her emotions out of situations, she tries to think logically about things that could be the best course of action.
- When in a dangerous situation, Miyu is the more calm and rational person surprisingly, she keeps a level headed attitude and tries to evacuate people to safety or handle the situation herself with calm and ease.
- Miyu comes from a big family. Being the eldest child out of five children. Growing up, Miyu definitely had to help out her parents a lot, thus having to help look after all four of her siblings growing up. Whether it was to take care of them for a couple of hours, feed them meals, drop them off to school, help with homework, she got it covered. Due to her father working two jobs at the time and her mother working to also make ends meet. Also even going so far as to help take care of her grandparents too in their very elderly age.
- Miyu has learned a lot from her parents, in terms of manners, cleaning, cooking, sewing, how to fix a car engine, replace a tire, fix stuff around the home, you name it. Even fishing. Miyu brings all of her skills to the table whenever her friends ask her for help.
- Massively enjoys baking and cooking, acts as a form of stress relief almost. She likes to test and expand on her cooking and baking skills. Even going so far to constantly make new things.
- Due to having to help her parents a lot and constantly helping to take care of her siblings, Miyu tends to...act more like an adult despite her age. Unfortunately there are times she acts like a worried mother when in reality she is just still a kid. A kid herself who had to grow up earlier than others. Doesn't mean that she's incapable of doing regular things like a teenager, just with how she talks and acts, she sometimes forgets she's still very young herself and needs to enjoy life more.
- Acts like the older sister of the group. Obviously. Probably a lot of them go to Miyu for advice due to her being more level headed and a bit more mature than them. Plus having a bit more experience in some situations.
- Has worked in a butcher shop before along with her dad at the age of 12 to 15. Mostly worked at front but her dad soon taught her how to handle butchering meat correctly. So she's not really afraid to get her hands dirty.
- While she enjoys baking and cooking, she does actually surprisingly work out quite a lot. Mainly doing a lot of kick boxing, and regular boxing sometimes. She has got Kore into kick boxing as well, seeing as how Kore admires Miyu's strength quite a lot. Plus Miyu sometimes even does quite a bit of weight lifting.
- Plants. This woman, has a lot of plants in her dorm. She loves plants. Takes massively care of them.
- Is Ukrainian. Has tried to learn as much English and Japanese as possible during the short period of time she had when going to Duel Academy. Not the smartest move to start learning like few months before trying to get into Duel Academy but...she managed.
- Is definitely the friend that people tend to go to most for comfort. To rely on, to tell secrets and personal problems with, she is all ears and will help you as much as she can. She'll help to try shoulder your burden as much as she can. Kore and Hanae always tend to go to Miyu to talk to her about their problems as Miyu has no problem listening to their problems. It took the girl's months to realise that...Miyu has never told them about her problems. Her burdens, nor any of her issues. Miyu seems to always have such a smile and calm attitude, always being kind and showing her gentle and soft tone, yet they don't know how much she's possibly holding back or hiding from them.
- Miyu has an ex boyfriend...did date him through half of season one or majority of it...was toxic as fuck. Miyu's mental health took a slight toll but tried to bring herself back up from it. Didn't help that her ex tried to spread false rumours about her. Luckily a certain mean girl (cough Cytherea) managed to turn that situation on its head and end up ruining his reputation instead.
- Constantly has a very busy schedule. It's very hectic. How does she manage to handle everything?? No idea. Is she okay? Nobody knows despite her seeming fine. Yet she somehow manages to make time for her friends.
- Probably close to severe burn out and collapsing. Please someone get this woman to sleep, she's burning the candle at both ends. Needs a long rest.
- Admittedly (don't mean to sound bold or cheeky claiming this), Miyu is an attractive girl. Yes, she gets hounded by guys at Duel Academy being asked out. Yes she's seen the kind of guys that also hound Alexis and asking her out. Miyu purposely keeps a low profile and keeps to herself as a result. She does not want the same shit happening to her. She's in slifer red so she assumes she's fine. Yes she also rejects majority of the guys who asked her out. Some of them keep being persistent? Haha- Punches them in the throat. No mercy.
- Had a big big big big big big big squish (crush) on Bastion Misawa during season 1 & 2. Unfortunately, Miyu never admitted these feelings to Bastion as he only ever saw her as a sibling figure and a good friend. Miyu of course realised he's more into Tania, thus slowly pushed those feelings back. She values his friendship more though, plus doesn't want to ruin anything with him. Luckily after they graduate they managed to keep in contact and act more like very close besties in the near future, so it works out. Miyu just massively is into smart guys...probably talking about nerdy shit and she'll admittedly listen for hours and swoon.
- This leads to the next point - While Miyu is a chatty person, I think realistically Miyu likes to listen to her friends talk more because she adores how enthusiastic and excited they look when talking about their interests. Miyu feels as if she's a boring person, so she tends to keep a lot about her interests to herself and just prefers to listen.
- Despite Miyu sometimes getting herself into messy and hands on work, not being afraid to get her elbows dirty, Miyu still likes to do her makeup, style her hair, dress nicely and do a skin care routine. Miyu is more relaxed with her skin care routine than Cytherea.
- Was supposed to be in Ra Yellow pushing towards being in Obelisk blue...Miyu purposely botched her written exams in order for her to keep a low profile. Not many people know why, but it's assumed that Miyu had bad experiences with her peers and originally used to be a bit popular in her old school due to her natural charm, wit and outgoing personality, but rumours spread about Miyu and as a result Miyu just wanted to start fresh and be able to live casually.
- Wishes to get a pet badly. But of course couldn't afford it. So usually spoils Pharoh the cat. Even in season three when Jim arrives, Miyu was quite blown away by his entrance (girlie was impressed by this man...and his sheer strength that he managed to carry a huge fuck off crocodile), and immediately took a liking to Karen (I'm still pissed that the dub named her Shirley and not Karen we were fucking robbed), and since then she also spoils Karen quite a lot. Gives her little scritches, food, even sometimes just casually small talks with Karen. Karen immediately took a liking to Miyu. Has even tried getting on Miyu's back for Miyu to also carry her. Jim has tried to stop Karen from doing that from risking crushing Miyu. Honestly Miyu is more than happy to try and carry Karen.
- Rarely ever gets angry. It takes like a LOT to make this woman pissed. Woman has the patience of an absolute saint, even times where she should have blew up or was justified in doing so, she somehow just remains calm and was patient. This includes even crying or showing she's very upset. It's rare that things get to her, but I think the only people who have saw her cry was Kore and Jim. Maybe even Syrus at one point. But that was pretty much it. Hates showing tears, hates showing any negative emotion but honestly this girl probably forgets that it's okay to cry or get angry...considering she's always the one telling people that it's okay to get upset and cry, or show forms of frustration.
- Her and Jesse have talked about crystal collections before. Showing each other kick ass cool crystals and jem stones or discussing them. They're so lame-
Again, like the previous two headcanons for the other bitches, anything I've forgotten I'll talk about in near future or just...edit this post. I probably have forgotten stuff but...ya know.
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desperate-daydream · 2 years
☂️ Umbrella Academy
❀ Five Hargreeves x male reader ⚣︎
A/N: Soo, yeah, Five Hargreeves my dear people. With male reader (he/him) but can also be read as trans male reader (since no biological features are mentioned).
tags/warnings: you're Five's fiancé, it takes place after season 2, Five's and your bodies are aged up, because I'm planing to maybe do a second part with spicy actions
part 2
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Five had enough. It had been only two weeks but it felt like two years. The constant racing trying to solve a problem. Especially since his siblings just didn't help at all.
Right now the weird family sat around a table discussing - or should he say screaming - in all directions. Five was silent. He gave it up trying to get some sense into them so they finally listened to him.
"We just have to..!", Diego exclaimed but he was interupted by Luther again. Five stopped listening to him before he even got out one word.
He looked at Viktor sitting next to him with a worried face. "Guys, please stop fighting", he said, his quiet words going unnoticed by the rest. He looked at Five seeking for help who just raised his eyebrows mimiking the words 'What did you expect?'.
He got up after that, making a decision - he really should do it now before something happens again.
"Where are you going?", Viktors words actually could get the attention of their siblings and they looked at him expectantly.
"I have to do something." "And what would that be?", Luther questioned. Five sighed. "See, I'm done with this shit. It all leads to absolutely nothing. I had two weaks of hell where we didn't accomplish anything right. So, I'm gonna go get him back."
"Get who back?", Allison looked curiously at him. "Yeah, who?", Klaus echoed leaning backwards in his chair stretching.
"My fiancé." Diego chocked on his water and started choughing violently. Klaus leaned forward again eyeing him interested.
"You have a fiancé?", Viktor asked. He nodded. "If you don't mind I'm gonna go now."
"Wait", Allison said before he could even turn around, "I wanna come with you." "Oh, if she goes I'm coming too", Klaus exclaimed and got up quickly before straightening his shirt, "You too?" He had turned to Viktor who just shrugged and agreed "Why not?" "Alright, anybody else?", Five asked looking at Number 1 and 2. They stood up wordlessly and followed him.
That's how it came to Five standing at your door with a bunch of people around thirty behind him looking like little ducklings that blindly followed their mama.
"Huh", was the first thing you said, "you're still alive. Good." Five gave one of his shit eating grins but you could tell that he was also relieved to see you.
"And you must be his siblings then", you concluded. Even though he would never admit it Five had talked a lot about them and about his plans to save them no matter what.
"Yeah, hi! I'm Allison", the woman that looked like she just came from a gala reached out her hand and you shook it hesitantly. You didn't like contact with random people due to your past but you tried to let it slide at the moment.
According to Five they may be irresponsible idiots but they were good people - they wouldn't want to harm you like the others had done. She also introduced the rest of the pack on your front porch before you turned back to your fiancé.
"Alright, come in", you stepped aside, "I was actually about to go to the garden but that can wait. Do you want something to drink?" Even though you liked being introverted and alone you still had some manners. You got out some glasses at their agreements.
After you had set down the tray on the table and everybody sat down - Five had pulled you into his lap without a comment - you looked at them questioningly.
"Soo, why did you all come here? Did you manage to save the world this time?" You looked at Five again, who took his sweet time sipping on his coffee.
"Well, yes.. but also no." You just raised an eyebrow. "We saved the world but then we had to flee", the guy named Viktor elaborated. "And then suddenly we were in this shitty alternate reality of our 2019", Klaus contuinued.
"They just started screaming at each other again and I was sick of it", Five put down his mug, "those were two really hard and annoying weeks for me. Where I didn't even get to change clothes."
"I can see. This uniform is really horrible", you said looking him up and down. Even though the shorts and high sock were quite adorable.
"I have some that could fit you", you got up. "Really?" "Yes, as you can see I had a little bit more time getting accustomed to my younger body again."
You held out a hand for Five that he took and excused yourselves from his siblings for a moment. You led him up the stairs to your bedroom. His hand still in your - you had missed that feeling.
And after the door closed behind you you got another thing you had missed back - his lips on yours. The kiss was soft and slow savoring every carefree second that you both got.
Well till you both had to break it for air. Your arms were around his neck and shoulders while his were tightly around your torso one hand gripping your shoulder.
You leaned your forehead against his. "I missed you", you whispered and that was everything it took for him to break.
His arms tightened if that was even possible and he hid his face in your neck as the tears started flowing. Little broken sobs escaped his lips making your heart clench.
Your hand strocked through his hair while you whispered into his ear. "It's alright. You're save right now. They're all save. I'm here. I won't leave you again. Let it out. It's alright. I'm here."
You placed a kiss at his temple and he calmed down after another minute of quietly sobbing into your neck.
He retrrated a bit to look at your face. His eyes were red from crying. You took his face in your hands and slowly pulled it down so you could kiss away the frown between his brows. A small smile appeared at his lips after that and made you smile too.
"Come on, I'll give you some clothes now", you took his hand and dragged him to your dresser.
After he had changed into a jeans and a hoody and you changed your top too - since there had been a wet spot from his tears - you went down again.
His family was still there, just not everybody still sitting around the table. The guy named Diego, if you remembered right, was walking and looking around at every little thing.
Klaus stood in the kitchen going through your cabinets which didn't bother you as much as it should. He was one of Five's siblings that he had told you the most about, along with Viktor, and he was very sympathetic to you.
You sat down again - you in Five's lap again. Your arms were thrown around his neck and one of his went around your waist while he reached for his mug.
"So how did it come to.. this?", Allison asked pointing at you two. Five was still sipping at his coffee so you started talking.
"Well, I ended up in the comission - that is a long story so I won't tell it now - and at some point got partnered with this guy", you pointed at Five who contuinued.
"He was the only person I could tolerate -"
"And vice versa."
"- so it just kind of happened. And before I went to you in 2019 I managed to bring him here so he won't get hurt -"
"Where I waited for him to come back. And you did", at the last sentence you looked at him. His gaze went to you too with pure adoration and trust. "And I did."
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gogobootz1 · 2 years
You Only Live Twice Ch. 9
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Eddie Munson x Reader (eventually)
Suzie is a genius woman in STEM
Warnings: none
1.2k words
previous chapter next chapter
In order to drag her father away from his work, Suzie needed to prevent his ability to complete work. Thus, the idea of employing her youngest (and arguably most chaotic) brother was born. She realized she would need help stalling, however, and had to enlist the rest of the family.
Extended bartering with him and her countless other siblings had occurred. Some of their demands were high. The actress wanted Suzie to do a week’s worth of her chores, the Vikings wanted her to help them make new swords, and, funnily enough, the filmmaker wanted a date with you. He retracted his request after Eden hit him on the back of the head.
Eventually they all agreed, and Suzie was able to talk down their price. Minutes later you hid with her and the boys, waiting for the lights to shut off. Soon enough they did, much to her father's chagrin.
"Cornelius?!" He shouted. He blustered out of the office, "Cornelius?" At the boy's screams he rushed down the stairs, "Cornelius!"
You all jumped into action, the four of them racing into his office. You stopped outside of the door and watched Jonathan close it behind him. The job you'd been assigned was the lookout, and, unbeknownst to Suzie, you were the backup plan.
Fortunately you could still hear their voices from outside the door. "Wait," Will asked, "Where's Argyle?"
"Shit, I don't know," Jonathan stuttered.
You heard Suzie mumble a countdown, and the power switched back on. Now it was up to the siblings to distract their dad.
"Way to go Cornelius," Mike praised the little boy.
You heard a shout from the bottom of the stairs. "Away, you mouldy rogue, away!" The stalling campaign had clearly already begun, with Suzie's sword fighting siblings first up to bat.
Promising noises came from the room behind you. "And we're in," Suzie said.
"Holy Shi—" you smiled as Mike stopped himself from cursing "heck. Oh holy heck, you did it."
"Hold your applause," the girl replied, "I don't see an address." The sounds of a clacking keyboard impressed you anyways. It seemed like Suzie really knew what she was doing.
"Office," Jonathan suggested, "try Office." You heard more trilling noises come from the computer. All you could do from outside was hope they were making progress.
"What is all this?" Suzie asked, and your eyes widened. The last thing anyone needed was for her to become aware of the real situation. More shouting came from downstairs.
"Maybe it's hidden in the code somehow?" Jonathan tried.
"What you just said makes no sense," you sighed at Mike's attitude. Paying attention to what was happening both downstairs and upstairs was starting to stress you out.
"Hold your butts, I'll just trace the IP," Suzie said, sounding confident.
"The I- what?" Will asked, and you were with him. The technology talk flew right over your head.
"The internet protocol adress," her explanation didn't help you in the slightest. "It's a unique numerical label given to all information technology connected to the internet." Even after she elaborated you were lost.
"What's the Internet?" Jonathan asked, reflecting your own curiosities.
"Don't worry about it," Suzie said, "it's just gonna change the world."
"What's happening now?" Mike asked, as her fingers sped across the keyboard.
"I'm running the IP through a geolocation software, basically a form of data mining," she replied. You heard a wail from downstairs.
"Tabitha?!" Suzie's father cried. At least he was being kept occupied.
A minute later it seemed like Suzie had struck gold. "Bingo," she said. You couldn't be more relieved.
"Nevada?" The boys all chorused. Your shoulders sagged at the thought of backtracking on your road trip journey. Couldn't those awful government people have put their base somewhere closer to here? Somewhere you hadn't already driven through? 
At this moment you heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Apparently Suzie's siblings had not stalled long enough. You snapped to attention just as her father's eyes fell on you. His face twisted in confusion and slight anger.
"Hello Mr. Suzie's father, sir," you cut him off in a panic. "Why don't you go play with your kids and forget you saw me?" You asked, willing him to walk away. 
"Huh," he started, the anger melting off of his face, "I think I'll go check on the kids." A smile started to grow on his face as he walked back down the stairs. Relief flooded your entire body, and you let out a big breath.
All of the sudden four bodies rushed out of the door you'd been guarding. Suzie lead Mike and Will down the stairs, but Jonathan paused to look over at you. He looked concerned at the blood trickling from your nose, but you shook your head in reassurance. Everything had turned out alright. He nodded then moved towards the stairs. You followed him quickly.
"Slow down!" Suzie's dad called out good-naturedly as you all ran by. He was still feeling the effects of your persuasion. Mike, Will, and Suzie had gone through the front door, Jonathan a few pages behind them. You made a detour to the kitchen, hoping to find a paper towel for your nose. You quickly discarded it and hastened towards to door.
You passed through the dining room where Suzie's siblings were setting up another shot for their movie. "Give me a call someday, doll," her filmmaker little brother said as you rushed by.
"In your dreams, kid," you called over your shoulder with a laugh. Finally you made it out the front door and caught up with everyone. They were standing by the trunk of the van, looking in with shocked expressions. You shook your head at the smoke coming off of the vehicle. Argyle really was a character.
"Any luck?" You heard him ask as you stopped beside Will. You let out a soft chuckle at the sight of him and Eden cuddled in the trunk.
"Lots," you assured, "thanks to Suzie here." You smiled at the girl. She turned towards you, giving a smile of her own. You were glad to distract her from having to confront her sister’s drug use.
“We should get going,” Mike said, eager to reunite with El.
“Yes,” you agreed, “now that we know where she is we really can’t delay.”
“She?” Suzie asked, confused.
“She!” Will confirmed, nodding his head. “Yeah, we’re all so in awe of the Americantendo that it feels more like a person to us.” He tried to correct your slip up.
“Oh absolutely,” Mike helped, “and because it’s so beautiful, the Americantendo is totally a woman.”
“Right!” Jonathan jumped in. “Well we really do have to go,” he tried to hasten your departure before Suzie could ask more questions. “Thank you so much.”
You all reiterated your gratitude as Mike and Will climbed into the trunk. They ushered Eden out as Jonathan hopped in the drivers seat.
“We really do appreciate it,” you said to Suzie, earnestly. “More than you know.” You grabbed her hand between both of yours and shook it firmly, “thanks again.” She looked at you strangely, but you paid no mind to it. You sped over to the passenger’s side and climbed in.
Jonathan had already started to back the van out of their driveway as you buckled in. He waved towards the sisters that stood in their front lawn, and you followed his lead. Mike, Will, and Argyle all waved from the backseat too, but were tousled when Jonathan raced away from Suzie’s house. He was heading towards the highway, back to Nevada. Back to your sister.
Taglist (open): @fangirling-4-ever @preciousbabypeter @bubblebuttwade
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i-am-megalodonna · 2 years
So in elsewhere and elsewhen getting the collector is basically the whole goal of philip does collector in any way try to change the timeline of him being manipulated by telling luz to not help philip????? Does luz feel anything from the fact that philip knows the collector somehow? Does she ask him about philip? The that part of episode is sorta focused on the collector so it’s interesting to know how that would change
Me when I first read this ask: Huh, that's a good question
Me two minutes later: oh that's a good question
This took me a hot moment to figure out and I had to talk it through with my sibling, so take pride in that I guess, lol. Time travel plots continue to be the absolute bane of my existence in new and exciting ways. Gonna put this entire explanation under a readmore because this got lengthy. There'll also be a tldr at the end.
So this episode gave me... a lot of strife. But that's what makes it fun yknow. Anyway, the main problem is that Luz goes back in time because she wants to meet Philip and find the Collector because they presumably know how to make a functioning portal door. Immediate and obvious problem: she already knows the Collector, so she already knows that that path is a dead end. In addition, I've been working with the idea that the Collector tells Luz Belos' true identity from day one. So Luz would have literally no reason to want to go back in time (that I could see).
The easiest thing to do would be to say "okay, it doesn't happen then". But I can't do that; if Luz doesn't go back in time and help Philip, then Philip doesn't get the Collector, and if he doesn't get the Collector then nothing in the show happens, and neither does my au. Plus we get cool aunt Lilith, and let's be real that's just indispensable. Point being, Elsewhere and Elsewhen is kind of a loadbearing episode.
In all fairness, I could just say that Philip finds a different sacrifice. I'm sure he could. But I'm not going to say that because it feels like a copout, and I don't do copouts (except for when I do, but I'm not here).
So after much deliberating and talking and writing in an attempt to add some sort of organization to my thoughts, I've come to the conclusion that I just need to change my au. The thing I mentioned at the beginning is now null - Luz doesn't know that Philip and Belos are the same. When Luz and the Collector meet at the beginning he tells her all he can about Belos' plans, but nothing about Belos' past. Mostly because he doesn't want her asking questions about their past, but also because they might not have thought it was relevant at the time. This would come back to bite them in the ass later (along with many other things).
When Luz learns about Philip and later on gets his diary, the Collector starts to get a little worried. But he can't rightly stop her from doing that because that would be hella suspicious. So they watch it happen and hope to the stars that it ends up being a dead end. They never did pay much attention to what Philip was writing in his lame book.
This finally brings us to Elsewhere and Elsewhen, where I will make one more small change and say that Luz is somehow prevented from hearing the Collector's name in the echo mouse's projection (which may or may not have something to do with the Collector themself). So she knows that Philip met with someone who supposedly knew how to make a working portal door, but not who. This last minute save doesn't help much, though, as this hole in information only motivates Luz more to go back in time and find out for herself.
Aside from that, Elsewhere and Elsewhen plays out pretty much the same. The Collector whines even more than normal that this is a waste of time and it's not worth it and there's no way they'll ever find one guy in a whole city and they should really just go home already. Unfortunately for him, Luz is having none of it. When they finally meet Philip, the Collector is silent.
When Philip uses them to get the door open the Collector learns something new, and they don't like it.
I considered him telling Luz that truth after E+E, but I realized it would be more effective if he didn't. His choice to reveal the truth to Luz in Hollow Mind is more meaningful character-wise if it's something he hasn't been willing to do before. At least, I think so. I'll probably talk about or illustrate that particular plot point more in a later post. But also, a large part of Luz's shutdown after going into the Emperor's mind is the guilt she feels about kind of being the reason Belos is able to end the world. If that reveal happens earlier, then most of that aftermath is diverted to there and she instead just feels angry at the Collector for lying to her again. This way she gets to feel both crushing guilt and anger. After all, why would I miss the chance to make Hollow Mind even more miserable than it already is?
I could talk more but this post isn't about Hollow Mind, and I think I've gone on long enough. There ya go, that's Elsewhere and Elsewhen. Hope this response sufficiently answered your question (and if not you can always ask more ha).
Tldr: The Collector doesn't tell Luz about Belos' true identity at the beginning, ultimately keeping the past intact. This information is revealed to her, by the Collector, in Hollow Mind.
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hellfireclubmember3 · 2 years
Here's the latest chapter of my Eddie X Reader fic. Check out my earlier chapters on Wattpad and give me ideas on what you think should happen next! 😊
The Other Wheeler
Chapter 12. Loneliness
Nancy was still acting quiet and off by the time we had gotten home. She was working on homework in her bedroom when I decided to pay her a visit. I knocked on her door. "It's open!" She hollered back. I opened her door to find her sitting at her desk. "What's up, Y/N?" She asked when seeing that it was me.
I remained in the doorway when I asked. "Are you okay?"
She put down what she was working on. "Why wouldn't I be okay?" She asked while turning to me. 
I stepped in and sat on her bed. "I've noticed that you seem really quiet and down lately. Just wanted to check in."
Nancy turned back to her desk and picked up her pencil. "I'm fine." She asserted. 
"You sure?" I doubted.
Nancy huffed. "Everything is fine. You're not my keeper, Y/N. If I want your help I'll let you know."
I was taken aback by Nancy's words. I was expecting this conversation to go like it did with Mike. Being verbally attacked for caring about my sister was not in my plans. Without saying anything, I stood up and walked out of her room, closing her door loudly behind me.
I returned to my room and closed my own door just as loudly. My dad yelled up some comment about not slamming doors, but I didn't care. It didn't make sense to me why Nancy snapped at me the way she did. We've always had a good relationship and in the past we have helped each other through things. Whatever she is dealing with must be a touchy subject and I can't help but think that it was something to do with her not seeing Jonathan over Spring Break.
I couldn't stop a feeling of being shut out wash over me. Mike had admitted to me that he and El broke up, but refused to talk about any more details, and Nancy just refused to talk to me about her problems at all. Maybe the three of us aren't as close as I remember us being, or maybe we just aren't little kids anymore. Either way, I'm not enjoying it. 
I was sitting on my bed overthinking the situation when I started crying. It was hitting me that my already small world of close relationships was getting smaller. Eddie was right, isolating yourself from others can protect you from their scrutiny, but it ends up being extremely lonely. Not wanting to feel the consuming loneliness, I called Eddie.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hey, uh, it's Y/N." I said while holding back tears.
He must have heard it in my voice. "You okay?" He asked with concern.
"Not really." I admitted.
"Do you want me to come over?" He asked.
I wanted Eddie's comfort, but didn't want to be in the house. I wanted to get away. "Actually, can you pick me up?" I requested. 
"Sure, I'll be right over." And with that, he hung up the phone.
I returned the phone to the receiver and went downstairs to find my mom. "Hey mom, I'm gonna go out for a bit."
She looked shocked. I didn't blame her, I don't think I had ever once said those words to her. "Y/N, it's a school night."
"I'll be home by nine, don't worry." I assured.
"Where are you going?" She inquired, still trying to process what I was doing.
"Not sure, but Eddie is coming to pick me up. I just need to get out of here and clear my head for a bit." I explained. 
She hesitated before agreeing to let me go. "Okay, but be safe and call me if you need me."
"Will do, mom. Thanks." I replied and made my way outside.
When Eddie arrived at my house, I was sitting on the curb. "Where to, M'lady?" He asked when I got into the passenger seat. I gave him a weak smile and suggested that we go back to his place. He let out a sigh. "I guess it is only fair." He joked, referencing our conversation from the day prior. 
Eddie put the van into drive and pulled into the street. "So what's going on?" He asked me with concern in his voice.
I took in a calming breath before responding. "I just haven't really been getting along with my siblings and I guess I was feeling lonely... I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with my problems."
Eddie gave me a warm smile. "Hey, don't apologize." He placed his hand on my leg. "I'm glad you called." We sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the drive to his trailer. When we arrived, he helped me out of the van and opened the front door for me leading me inside. 
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Walking into Eddie's trailer, I saw why he may have been embarrassed to have me over. It was a dim and messy space that smelled of cigarettes. Although it was very different from what I was used to, I didn't mind. I was just grateful that he came to my rescue when I needed him. 
It was just Eddie and myself in the trailer from what I could see. "Is your uncle home?" I asked as we took off our shoes to get settled in the space.
"Nah, he works nights at the plant. It's pretty typical for me to be home alone in the evening." He replied nonchalantly. 
The thought of Eddie being home alone all the time saddened me. "Don't you get lonely?" I asked.
He gave me a smirk and nodded his head briefly. "I guess that's something you and I have in common." 
The two of us gazed at each other for some time. I felt so much comfort from looking into Eddie's deep brown eyes. We soon found ourselves in an embrace, dissolving the loneliness that we both held inside. In that moment, my stress and worries from the day were soothed and I was so thankful that Eddie had entered my life. 
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twstgabrielle · 3 years
Wakko was the first one to notice that something was wrong with Yakko. The middle Warner had been noticing that his older brother seemed out of it lately. Yakko would take a longer time to respond to things, and he had to think of witty and sarcastic responses instead of coming up with them. It was concerning but not to the point where Wakko was alarmed.
Then Yakko started to sneeze.
They started off small but the more time that went on the more frequent they became. By this point Wakko grew even more concerned and Dot had begun to notice that Yakko was acting weird. Yet whenever they asked him if he was okay, the oldest Warner would brush them off with his signature smile and tell them that he was fine. Despite the two younger Warners growing concerns they decided to let it go, not wanting to push him too much. If Yakko Warner said he was fine then Wakko and Dot had no reason not to believe him. But then Yakko started coughing, not the small kind of coughs either. They were the wet sounding kind, the kind that rattled your entire body.
That was when Wakko and Dot drew the line.
"But I'm telling you I'm fine-"
Yakko protested before he coughed as he was pushed towards his bedroom by his younger siblings.
"You're not fine Yakko! You're sick! And if you keep pushing yourself, you're gonna make it worse! So go to bed!"
Dot said her tone serious and full of authority.
Yakko began to say in his raspy voice only to have Wakko cut him off.
"No buts mister. You need to get some rest. We'll be okay for a while without you watching us. We're old enough to take care of ourselves for a few hours."
Wakko said. He knew that, that was the main reason that Yakko wouldn't go get some rest. The oldest Warner was so used to being the strong one in the family and so used to being the support of it that he literally ran himself into the ground just to take care of Wakko and Dot. But they weren't little anymore and just as Yakko had taught them, they too took responsibility for keeping an eye on their brother just as he done for them. Yakko gave his siblings an unsure look, conflicted on whether he should give in and rest like his body was desperately begging him to or if he should try and tough it out like he usually did. Seeing his expression Dot spoke up.
"If it makes you feel better we'll get you if something really bad happens, which it won't. Just.....Yakko please go lay down."
Dot all but begged.
"Yakko please, you can't keep pushing yourself. Let us take care of you."
Wakko chimed in. Yakko bit his lip and after a moment of silence finally nodded.
"Alright.....but you must promise me that you'll come and get me if you need me okay?"
Yakko asked coughing some more, making his siblings flinch at the harsh sounds.
"We promise. Now go to bed."
They said at the same time. Satisfied Yakko finally allowed his siblings to push him into his bedroom and get him into bed. The oldest sibling was out as soon as his head hit the pillow, his sickness finally catching up to him. Wakko and Dot let out relieved sighs and quietly left the room so their brother could rest.
"We should see if we have any cold medicine and any soups that Yakko can eat. I'm betting that his throat is really sore with all that hacking."
Dot said already making a plan for the two of them to follow. Wakko gave a hum of agreement, his tongue poking out of his mouth as he grew thoughtful.
"We should probably get him a rag for his fever too and maybe get things somewhat straightened up so he doesn't have to worry?"
Wakko said thinking about how Yakko would be more stressed should the tower be a complete disaster instead of a semi disaster. Dot blinked and gave her brother a startled look.
"Wow I never thought I'd hear you say straighten the place up. You really have matured."
She said teasingly somewhat. Wakko gave her a small look before messing with his hat.
"Yeah, yeah, Sis I just said a taboo. Let's just get this cleaning stuff out of the way so I don't have to dwell on it."
Wakko said in a somewhat grumble earning an amused snicker from Dot.
Cleaning thankfully didn't take much time and before they knew it they were off in the streets of Hollywood heading towards the drugstore to get some cold medicine and some soup. Dot snuggled into her scarf as the early winter wild blew. Despite it being relatively hot most of the year there were times when it'd get cold in Hollywood. Wakko who also wore a scarf shivered.
"Brrr no wonder our bro caught a cold! It's freezing out here!"
Wakko said his teeth chattering and his tail shaking. Dot shivered a bit herself.
"It doesn't help that he thinks more about us than himself. He really should try to keep an eye on himself too."
Dot said annoyed yet concerned about Yakko's habits when it came to them. Wakko went silent as he thought about Yakko too. Their big brother had always put them before himself, always making sure that they were happy and healthy and doing everything within his power to make them happy.
"I guess that just means that we've gotta keep an eye on him."
Wakko stated simply like it was a known fact. Dot stared at her older brother before finally smiling, her tail wagging.
"I couldn't agree more bro."
Yakko awoke to a dull headache. His ears were ringing and he felt like he'd been hit with a truck. With a small painful groan he opened his eyes, sniffling as his runny nose started to act up. He took note of how he was feeling and realized with a sinking feeling that he had a headache, a possible fever, a stuffy nose, a sore throat and a nasty cough. He was undoubtedly sick. Yakko felt a spike of irritation towards himself for getting sick. He shouldn't be in bed resting, he should be up and about keeping an eye on Wakko and Dot and making sure that their tower didn't completely burn down. Turning over in his bed he finally took notice of the glass of water and cold medicine on his night stand. Sitting up slowly he reached over to grab them and catch sight of a note.
'Yakko, if you're awake then please take the medicine on the nightstand. The pharmacist said that this would help you feel better in no time! Wakko made some soup so if you're feeling up to it just come into the kitchen!!
Love Wakko and Dot.'
Yakko couldn't help the small smile that came onto his face at Dot's letter. Grabbing the pill and swallowing it somewhat painfully with the water, Yakko slowly got out of his bed and made his way towards the kitchen, noting that it was late at night. Stepping out of his bedroom Yakko's eyes went wide as he took in the sight of the living room. It'd been straightened up somewhat, with the toys and such being picked up from the floor and the blankets somewhat folded on the couch. Shaking his head in awe Yakko made his way to the kitchen and saw that the dishes were done and on the stove still warm was a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Heading towards it he grabbed it and sat down at the kitchen table and ate. After a rather slow process he finally finished it off and set the bowl in the sink for him to get to later. Making his way back to the living room Yakko began to look around for his siblings, curious as to why it was so quiet. Shuffling towards the couch he stopped when he caught sight of the two sleeping children cuddled up on the couch.
Wakko was curled up around Dot, his arms wrapped around her shoulders. His hat was falling off of his head, his mouth open slightly as he snored in his sleep. Dot was practically in Wakko's lap, her head sitting comfortably on his shoulder as she slept peacefully. Yakko felt his heart swell at the endearing sight. It reminded him of when they were smaller and would nap together in a cuddle pile.
'They must of had an exhausting day.'
He mused as he gently grabbed one of the blankets off of the couch and placed it over his sleeping siblings. Once they were tucked in he placed a gentle kiss on their heads and made his way out of the living room to go grab himself a blanket from his room. Coming back in with his blanket in hand Yakko made himself comfortable on the ground by the couch so he could be close to Wakko and Dot. Snuggling into his blanket he leaned against the couch and slowly started to fall asleep.
"Goodnight Wakko, Dot. Thank you for taking care of me."
He said softly before finally letting sleep claim him.
*Warner children make brain go brrrrrrrrr. Y'all thought I was done with these heathens but jokes on you I'm not!!! I was just desperately craving some sibling fluff and I wanted to have a fic where Wakko and Dot take care of Yakko cuz damnit they love their big brother just as much as he loves them and they'll always have his back just like he has theirs and it's beautiful. Their sibling bond waters my crops. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!*
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ericdarkgoat · 3 years
Enchantedland and the magical family
The following text is meant for sarcastic criticism of actual mockbusters. Non part of this product is meant to steal or borrow any ideas of present or future plans. The coincidence with this is text and reality is by pure chance. To also critique the psycological harassment of my parents to me.
[We are in a dark place. Then a light apears from a candle and a sparkle magic sound sounds.]
Narrator(singing): Somewhere in South-America | happened a disaster | bad people wanted| magic, as regarded.| we will see now| the light
[We see a girl with 3 babies and a candle and a guy with a bag running from bandits]
Abuelo: stay here darling i'll save you with this magic stone frommy bag.
[Abuela, worried, watches abuelo staying infront of the bandits to suddent dissapear. ] Abuela crying: arghegstshebehe![then the candle starts glowing. A house pops from the ground and abuela just tears the roof till she arrives to the floor.]
Narrator: time has passed, but for Maribel it's time to breakfast.
Abuela[unimpressed]: let's hear what Maribel is gonna tell to us.
Maribel[singing]:mom,abuela, i would want to have magic powers| Like you and my siblings do| i don't get why i don't|wish i had one for me|to show i'm someone.
Abuela:(Unemotionally)ok, good! Grandaughter! You are a shame to this family. You don't have the mind to be like me! Please be to the side!
Mom: abuela, maibel is trying to help!
Abuela: well is not my fault she dont have a gift. She is useless.
Maribel: one day i'll have a gift and you will see [then she leaves the table with fury and goes to the patio with her sister]
Maribel: what is wrong, sister? Can tell that by the magic you irradiate!
Olivia: I have to go now..
Maribel: where?
Olivia:... ok i'll explain to you. I have to get a magic berries to be stronger and this are only found on the Hermit's tower
Maribel: lets go then!
Olivia: you wnat to help, surely is for attention
[On hermit's tower]
Olivia: beware Maribel! Always stay by my side. [Seeing a giant three-headed dog. Maribel goes away from Olivia. Then she founds some berries. Olivia runs till she finds the berries. She eats some and punches the dog who then runs] Olivia: well i found them. see ya later! Maribel[alone in a dusty place]: hello?
Hermit: hey Maribel, want to be my guest?
Maribel: I haven't seen you before! Are you the one that created the magic?
Hermit[singing]: come,| i'll teach you| the art of responsability| is to confront one's fears| to clean your room| to do some cook| and always take care of people
Maribel: wow [aplaudding] thanks hermit! I'll use your wisdom to help my magic house from fading!
[Maribel as soon as arrives home]
Olivia[punching Maribel]:that berries caused me to be weaker. Why did you brought that to me?
Carlos: haha! You are weak now, sis!
Olivia: stop calling that! You dumb child! It's not funny
Carlos: everything is funny if you laught
Mom: Maribel, you should go search your brother that is in the jungle!
[Maribel then goes to search for Jack, her little brother]
Maribel: hey jack! How i want to save the magic! How do i do it?
Jack[singing]: animals|i like animals|i hope tigers and snakes around me|i talk to them|and then they love me|i have magic with animals|animaaaals
Maribel: so to save the magic i have to found the heart of the candle!
[Then she goes with Jack to a desert place with sand]
Stranger: hey the donkeys got out again
Jack: bye Maribel, see ya later!
Maribel: i have to continue alone....[sees flowers]That must be rocio![then rocio appears]
Rocio[singing]: i maybe be done flowers| but dear sis i found you are terribly dressed|Honest to you|i'll help you doing whatever|just in favour to save our magic|and continou being perfect.
Maribel: so... want to help me with my journey?
Rocio: well i was in this desert because i wanted to do roses for some reason. I'll help you.
Maribel: ok, then lets go to our home.
[they sneak into the house] Rocio(alone): i don't want this girl to do magic! I want to mock her because she is powerless! I won't help her... so i'll distract her with that. Carlos! Go, inpersonate me and just stole the magic before Maribel has a power!
Carlos: well i'll done it, but not because you are pretty or something.
Maribel: would you, rocio help me found the magic candle?
Carlos as Rocio: of course.[to himself in a HIGH voice] i'll trick her so bad!
Maribel: i'm going to the research... Carlos : of the lost time.
Maribel: and to save ... Carlos[singing]: meeee from her!
Maribel: can you please stop from ending my sentences... Carlos: to death. I'm the jockester i made jockes. Like Maribel is a bell. Haha so funny.
Maribel: it isn't i dojt know what happens to you Rocio.
Carlos:you seem odd. Try to laugh a bit! You grumpy old sis
Maribel: i'm not grumpy! You are cringe!
Carlos: ok marigrump! Let's save this magical deck crap.
Maribel: please this is serious, rocio! We have to found the magic essence
Carlos: Hey want to hear my magica essence? Here it is *farts*
Maribel: hey, rocio wont do that! You are Carlos disguissed!
Carlos as him: guess you got me Mari-dringing-a-bell
Maribel: stop calling me that! I'll go... carlos (singing): ... slightly mad?
Maribel: go away. Carlos: or what? You will point me with a gun? You are powerless!
[Maribel then goes alone to Abuelas room to see the magical candle. Then she falls in between the boards.Meanwhile Jack comes back home and talks with Abuela.]
Abuela: have you seen Maribel? She was outthere so long!
Jack: she was with me but she went to the desert.
Abuela: well, she got no gift, must be because The magic is a candle! I believe fermly over everyone that she is useless because all magic happens for a racional reason. She only once tried to weakener my Olivia and therefore she wants to boycott me!
Jack and Mom: where shemust be? We worry because she may be lost.
Abuela: Maribel is not worth! A powerless people can't be on the top like us! All the people say that, thats also true! Hahheuh(laught) what a silly joke to worry for her!
[Then abuela is left thinking. Meanwhile Rocio hears some yells and comes to help Maribel ]
Rocio: I'm sorry i didnt wanted to help. Because i was selfish and i only want good for myself.
Maribel: very thanks to you. Rocio: now, Shut Up! I have aterrible headache because of you! What an awful sister i have! Wish mom left you in a military campus! Then you will learn to be better person.
Maribel: ok! *cries* Carlos*mocking*: ow! You cry! Crybaby! Well i see your eyes are like tomatoes, hope you like them! Hope you don't just blow the candle with your tears and sobbings, lil baby! Hehehe. The magic is in your interior... well in yours don't, hey powerless dumie!
Maribel: but powerless doesn't necesesarily means...
Carlos (rudely): look, i've got to do some more pranks and eat
[Carlos leave and appears Olivia]
Olivia: I know i'm weak but you are even more!Are you caring even about the house?
Maribel(crying): well you also are kinds power less, aren't you.
Olivia: Respect your elders or else i'll beat you!
Maribel: no i didn't meant "powerless" i wanted to say.....
Olivia: Shut Up! [Then Olivia leaves. Maribel crying seats on a chair and watches the candle] maribel: wait! If some people cares about me! the power of my family is love!
[Meanwhile abuela tries to find all the family to say an important. Then Maribel appears after everyone is there.]
Abuela: I'm sorry what i did, now i understand that love is a feeling. [Then she hugs Maribel]
Mom: Maribel you are sane Jack: Sis you are home!
Olivia: sorry sis, i thought i was stronger but i was worried because i'm fat like you!
Carlos: sorry i lied about helping you or being Rocio.
Rocio: sorry i lied too because i didnt wanted to help.
Maribel: well guys i'm sorry too because i didn't know where the magic started but i know it because of love!
[Then everybody hugs] Abuela: merry christmas!
Narrator: and everybody got their magic back|because they treated Maribel GOOD| and all of that because is in their roles| but they will have new adventures|in Enchantedland!
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gummy-dummy · 3 years
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Hi everyone! This is my first fic on Tumblr, it's just here, for now, I'm excited and kinda nervous too, my native language it's Spanish and I'm trying to be better at English so sorry for the grammars mistakes, I hope you like it, dear reader.
Warnings: Probably bad grammar or mistakes, swearing, mention of knives, mentions of death, kinda cute, kinda soft, confused Dabi, he doesn't know but he a softie.
It was pretty late when Shoto and I started doing our night patrol, it had been 3 months since we graduated from the UA in the hero course, the first 4 of the class were invited to work at Endeavor’s agency, Deku, Dynamight, Shoto and me, Artemis. We were the new pro-heroes with the biggest expectation from the public.
Endeavor wasn't the best at talking but I trust him, also thanks to him I don't have to worry about rent, the agency offered departments near the agency, and the rooms in the agency’s building were comfortable enough, usually, the new group was Split into two for patrol, Deku always had to go with Dynamght, he was the only one who can keep up with Bakugo’s shit, Shoto and me, we already were pretty Good Friends, I even can say we are each other’s confidant, it was a pretty nice night shift together, the absence of noise and people (and Bakugo’s shit), made it go smoothly as always. We are used to talking about everything, in the streets we could say anything, and no one more than us knew what secrets lay between us. There were secrets that Shoto didn’t want his father to know, not that he cares, but just to protect the people that he loved.
The current number one hero thought that the friendship we share will eventually become a love story, but oh boy, little did he know. Shoto had romantic feelings for another hero, I am pretty much the only person that Shoto has physical contact with, hugs and rest on each other shoulders, that's why his dad thinks of us that way. I don’t have family near where we are but the Todoroki family accepted me as one of their own since Endeavor thinks that I and Shoto are together we had to explain to Shoto’s siblings and Mom that he was in love with someone else, they didn’t care at all.
Suddenly the cold wind of the night started to get weird, making the residual trash of the city blow roll in the air, we both started to run there to know what was happening, at the moment we got close enough a black and purple substance started emerging from nowhere, it was a warp, the kind that the League of Villains has Access to, Shigaraki Tomura came out first, being followed by the tall, half-burned popcorn (as Shoto and I like to call him) Dabi, Toga right behind them with other 3 members.
I summoned my light arrows on my bow, I shoot an arrow at the leader and the tall man with black hair just disintegrates it with his blue fire. Like it was nothing.‘What are you doing here?’ Shoto asked the team of villains, Shigaraki just started to laugh ‘We came to get some groceries, what the fuck he is trying to do? Distract us?
I just rolled my eyes and said ‘Yeah well, here, you have something to add to your list I quickly prepared my bow with a new arrow, this time a stronger one, that can’t be destroyed so easily. The amount of power that this one has, with the purple hue and the energy that makes everything feel like an earthquake made the leader of the team look at it with fear in his eyes, Dabi tried to take it with his fire, but nothing happened, the arrow just started to follow all of Shigaraki’s moves, so again the man in front of him tried to catch it with his bare hands, oh what an error was that. The indentation that my arrow left on his right hand wouldn’t heal properly at all, not till I gave the order to my arrow to disappear in the wind.
Dabi just looks at me, while the others started to attack us he just stayed on the side, watching every move I make, (with) Shoto work pretty well with each other, we know our quirks and how to enhance each other's quirks.
There was a lady that appears to be new into the league, I never saw her before, she started to shoot mini grenades from her hand, making me jump to the side to avoid it, one laid between my feet, I didn't notice it until it hit me if that thing blows I die.
I'm going to die here.
The last thing I heard was a scream, Shoto screaming my real name, and then... darkness.
The next thing I know is that I'm in a completely white room, very small, I'm chained to one of the sides of a small bed, being forced to stay seated on the cold floor, if I am in one of the League facilities why they want me here? the murder of a new pro-hero would be an accomplishment by the league, why don't make it while I sleep? it would be something to make all the world feel unsafe, make all the heroes feel in danger. I hear the noise of the door opening, someone calls my name.
Dabi, that jerk, wait he was the one that saved me, at the moment the grenade exploded he just took my arm and yanked me out of the way, and took me in the warp with him.
"Hey Hawkeye!", he looked different than the night of the attack, just with his t-shirt and trousers, not his usual jacket, he looks more laid back than when fighting. He started to look preoccupied while I think how to escape, I'm not responding to him.
"Shit, no, did they do something while I was gone? Hey look at me, can you hear me? oh, these little shits are going to pay, I told them not to touch you" I just roll my eyes and say "What the fuck do you want from me you extra crispy fried ass?" he just stares at me confused for a couple of seconds and says "I'm not- Hey don't talk to me like that I'm your savior, remember? maybe I would let them do things to you, maybe I could take this food and let you starve".
He has a plate in a hand and glass with what appears to be fruit juice on the other. "Why would you feed me? do you know that keeps me alive, right? why didn't you kill me already?" I'm really confused, isn't better to kill someone while they're asleep, or this mother fucker want's to torture me. "That's because I don't want to kill you, dummy hero". Then why did he bring me here? what is the league planning to do to me? so I ask what the league wants from me.
"What makes you think there's a plan behind this?"
"Why else would a fucking villain kidnap a pro-hero if not to use them for something?"
"Well, there's nothing behind this, no one knows why I have you here actually I don't even know why I did it, but you were going to die and I just acted"- oh he should let me die, I'm gonna kick his pretty face when I get the chance.
"What do you want? you know it was going to be easier to kill me while I was unconscious, right?"
"Why do you keep telling me to kill you?"
"This is why"- there's a thing that not a lot of people know about my quirk, the bow, and the arrows are just a form I use it to be more precise, that doesn't mean that's the only thing it does.
With my both hands tied I conjured a little of my energy to make a knife to set me free, I break the cloth that keeps me hand-tied to the bed, throwing a punch at his face, he doesn't move I'm trying to get Dabi down but he is just there, he is not moving or trying to attack me at all, looking at me with sadness in his eyes.
"Hey what the fuck, why don't you attack me? aren't you afraid that I'm going to beat your ass?"- He looks like he is in pain but doesn't fight back.
"I know you could," he says with a sad smirk, what's happening here? by a couple of times, I saw him before he never acted this way.
"Can you please just calm down, let me talk, and I'll let you go if you want"
I intertwined my eyes with him, a beautiful blue, exactly the color of his flames, I don't know why, but I want to hear what he has to say, he looks so sad, but also a little surprised when I sit at the small bed. It looks like he never thought I actually would hear his reasons.
He kicks gently the plate with the food by the side and sits on the little makeshift bed, the bed is so small that we can't avoid our knees touching, he doesn't try to tie my hands again, I could conjure a big weapon, maybe just a simple bat and then scape, I know I can win, so why am I anxious to hear him? he looks at me a couple of seconds, lets out a loud breath, and starts talking.
"Well, when you attacked me, I caught one of your arrows right?" he looks at me and I nodded "Look" he shows me his left hand, inviting me to take his hand on mine.
It's rough, more than calloused, the years of him using his quirk took a lot out of his hands, they were burned, when I touched him I thought it would hurt, but he just opened his eyes a little more in surprise and looked at me again.
"Ok you have your hands burned, what about it? it's your quirk right?" he lets out a little smile that if I wasn't looking at him this close probably would have missed it. "Yeah they're burned, I don't have feeling on them, even if I take something with force or catch anything, can't feel it."
I'm starting to understand what's happening here, but I want him to tell me anyways "Yesterday, when you shot your arrow when I caught it I-"why does he look so nervous? "I felt it, I felt the pain of the arrow, and I felt you, well, your quirk, whatever it is, I just felt your touch"
What I am supposed to say about that?- "I'm sorry?" I say confused "No no it's okay I just want to know how you did it" I don't know why I have the desire to touch him again, I need to help him, he is a villain, a cute one if I say so myself but a villain nonetheless. A villain very dangerous that just wants the world to burn, but look so lost, with the same face you see on a lost child on a Mall
"I don't know, my quirk it's just based on energy, I don't know where it comes from, It just appears when I want to and takes the form I need, I used to lost control over it a lot," I say while moving my fingers letting the violet ribbons go around my hand "Now I can control it using it as weapons, the one that makes me feel more comfortable is the bow and arrow, that way I can control it a little more, but I pretty much can conjure anything" He nodded and looks at my hand.
I show him again, letting a little ball of my energy dance between my fingers and let it go, I made it stay in one of his hands, he started playing with it, like a child with a new toy that was waiting to get for Christmas day, a smile started to appear on his face, not a cruel one, that he usually used, this one was of happiness, he looks handsome, the scars on his face makes him feel unique. I'm not sure what I'm doing till I come back to my senses, I'm catching his face between my hands, he just looks at me surprised.
I run my thumbs right below his eyes, he leans into the touch and closes his blue eyes.
"You know that I can attack you now and escape right?" "I know, but you don't want to do that, I am right?"
He is, he is sure about it and I am too, but why? he probably has me here to lend information about heroes, but he isn't asking anything about it.
"No, I don't want to, why? did you get me drugged or something?" I say smiling at him for the first time "No, Toga tried to get a little bit of your blood but every time she wanted to get a needle into your skin, a purple energy, your energy, surrounded you, Shigaraki wanted to use real knives but I- I didn't let them hurt you, I didn't want them to hurt you".
And to end: this is the first chapter, it's gonna be probably 2 o 3 chapters, I'll probably add some warnings if needed.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | eight
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.6k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, jealousy and slight possessiveness, making out
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead @bluesharksandfish @photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ @thebeebi​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Should we go to that charity event the school is holding on Friday? It sounds kind of fun." Ryujin sipped on her drink, while you went through your closet, showing her different outfits over the facetime call.
"What's it for again?"
"I don't remember, but the Golden State Warriors dj is going to be dj'ing. He's pretty good."
"Yeah he is. I mean, I'm down, especially if it's for a good cause."
"Okay, I'll grab us tickets when I head to campus."
"You're not even gonna ask Jimin or Tae?" You chuckle.
"Why would I? They do everything we do, they don't know anything outside of us." You shake your head.
"Cut them a little slack."
"Boohoo, they'll say yes regardless. Bring Jungkook!"
"I mean, I'll ask, but I'm not gonna force him."
"Oh quit, I'm sure he'd be happy to spend time with you." She looked at you through the camera. "K, let me see that outfit."
"He said casual." You showed her your outfit in the full length mirror.
"Absolutely, yes! You're fucking hot." She squeals, automatically solidifying your outfit for tonight. It, thankfully, wasn't too cold in the Bay today, so you throw on a grey distressed denim mini skirt, a low-cut light grey longsleeve, a belt and some heeled combat boots. You ruffled and fixed your hair a bit until you were satisfied with your look, picking up the phone once more to turn your attention back to Ryujin.
"Thank you."
"No problem, babe. I hope you have fun! Did he say where you two were going?"
"Nope, it's apparently a surprise."
"Ugh, I love him already." She gushes, causing you to shake your head. You dabbed a bit of lip gloss and pressed your lips together to spread it out before spraying a perfume cloud for you to walk through. Sooner or later, knocks came at the door.
"Okay, I think that's him. I'll talk to you later?"
"Call me as soon as you get home. I want to know how big his dick actually is."
"You're sick. You sound exactly like Tae, you know that?"
"We're not talking about him."
"Love you, bye!" You abruptly hang up on her, unsure of why the hell you deal with her and Taehyung's crude comments. You grab your bag and open the door to see Jungkook standing there with a small bouquet of flowers. He peeks his head over the bouquet with the cutest smile you have ever seen.
"Hi." He slightly scrunches his nose and pulls you into a hug. Goddamn, does he smell good. "These are for you." He hands you the bouquet.
"Jungkook, they're beautiful. Thank you." You take it into your kitchen and place it into a vase really quickly before stepping out. You eye him from head to toe, and boy is looking like a whole ass meal in the denim outfit he has on. Like, who in the world could pull off this outfit like that?
"You look amazing." You blush. "If you ever get cold, just let me know, alright? I can spare my jacket."
"You're so sweet."
"Just want to make sure you're comfortable." He shrugs. "You ready?"
"Depends on what you have up your sleeve."
"Nothing extreme, if that's what you're thinking." He laughed. "I hope you enjoy it, though."
"Thanks for planning all of this, by the way."
"No biggie. I'm just glad to finally spend some time with you." He does a little run to open the passenger car door for you before hopping into the driver's seat. Immediately, he gets the car started and turns up the heat to make sure you're comfortable. The radio is softly playing Zayn's sHe, with Jungkook softly singing along.
"Wait a minute," You chuckle. "Do you sing?" He smirked.
"Hey, that's not fair. Sing louder."
"No, now I'm shy." He chuckled.
"Why? It's just me."
"Yeah and I just wanna impress you and not make a fool out of myself."
"You won't! Please." You pouted, making him shake his head.
"Ugh, Y/N. That's going to easily become a weakness for me if you keep pulling that pout." You keep pouting. Eventually, he gets over himself and starts to sing a little louder than earlier, causing your heart to flutter at how angelic he sounds. He ends up laughing towards the end and shrugging it off, his cheeks tinted with a rosy tint as you shower him in compliments. Swoon. You were so into the moment that you didn't even realize Jungkook was taking you across the bridge to San Francisco. You and your friends don't come to the city much, strictly because there's too many goddamn hills, parking is expensive as fuck, there's too many one way streets and people just get crazy as hell [like crossing the street when it's not time to walk?!]. It was a little calmer back home and that's all you guys needed. You watch as he parks the car effortlessly on a steep hill before coming over to your side to open the door for you.
"Whew, that's gonna be a workout later." You look back at the steep hill that you're gonna have to climb after eating dinner, you assume.
"Don't worry, I got you." He laughs. There's actually a lot of people out for a Tuesday evening that you end up hanging onto his arm to get navigate the random sea of people. He walks into Brenda's French Soul Food - nothing too fancy, but nothing too casual. The waitress brings you both towards the back end of the restaurant and out into the patio, where there are christmas lights hung around the fence and outdoor heaters posted. He pulls out your chair before sitting himself down, the waitress putting down your menus and cups of water.
"Ohhhhh, my god." You say with heart eyes looking at the menu. You had heard about this place from so many people, and you were impressed that Jungkook was able to score reservations being that it's always so busy due to its popularity. "I'm so excited! I've been wanting to try this place."
"Goodjob, Jungkook." He says, patting himself on the back. "If you're happy, that's all I could ask for." The waitress comes back to offer recommendations, which you both include in your orders in one way or another. Although packed, the restaurant was able to pump out orders quickly and efficiently so you and Jungkook weren't sitting around for too long without food.
"So, how's Jin in class?" You almost choke on your food even though this is something you should have expected. You really wanted to avoid speaking about him tonight, but you knew it was inevitable being that you were out with his brother.
"Um, he's alright."
"Just alright?" He rose his eyebrow and chuckled.
"No, sorry. I mean, he's a really good teacher. Definitely better than our last professor. Everyone in class loves him."
"That's cool. Yeah, he's really smart and wise. I've always looked up to him."
"How long has it been?" You weren't sure how to ask the question, but Jungkook understood what you were asking.
"I was a sophomore in high school when my mom met his dad." You're silent for a moment, allowing him to continue on if needed. "I had a really hard time at first, you know? The whole stepfather thing. My anger was moreso directed towards my mom and my stepdad for awhile. But Jin helped me out a lot. He helped me come to terms with my feelings about everything and he stuck by my side, always had my back whenever I got into arguments or bickered with one of our parents." You nodded, suddenly feeling guilty even though you and Jungkook weren't a couple.
"So, you two are really close." He nodded.
"Yeah, we are. I really don't know what I'd do without him. He's taught me a lot and helped me grow. Plus, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi have been around too. They treat me like their own little brother.”
"That's sweet. It's nice to have that kind of relationship with your sibling and their friends." You chuckle.
"It is." He nods. "Do you have any siblings?"
"Ryujin, Taehyung and Jimin." He laughs.
"From the club, right? I met your friends, they're fun people."
"They're too much, honestly. I'm the only child, but we've all been stuck to the hip since freshman year in college."
"That's cool that you guys have been together since then." You give him a toothless smile. "I think it's pretty awesome that you guys are tackling grad school together too."
"Initially, we all had different plans, but Jimin had some big goals for himself including grad school, and it played a huge role in my decision to do grad school, too. Then Ryujin followed, then Taehyung."
"Speaking of friends, there's this charity event at school on Friday." You look up at him, a small smirk growing on his face.
"Uh huh?"
"And I was wondering if you wanted to come along with us. They really want you there."
"That's sweet. But, what matters the most is that you want me there."
"I wouldn't be inviting you if I didn't, right?" You bit your bottom lip.
"Touché. Of course I'll go with you, beautiful." He does a small nod before sipping his water. "Should we show up in matching outfits?" He joked, causing you to snort.
"Honestly, that seems pretty entertaining. Cute, and entertaining."
"I'm down if you are." You stuck your tongue out playfully.
"I'm game too."
"Let me know what you're wearing then."
"I will, whenever I figure that out."
"Take your time. Just know you'll look good in anything." You blushed. You both continue to talk over the remaining bits of your food before Jungkook calls for the check. You watch as he scribbles his signature onto the receipt before standing and sticking his wallet into the back pocket of his jeans. While exiting the small and crowded restaurant, you hold onto his hand, feeling him grip it tighter as you both successfully make it out. The night isn't too cold, and you sure as hell knew it wouldn't be after you conquered the hill that Jungkook parked on.
"Fuck." You say as you stand on the street, eyeing the steep hill in front of you.
"Come on." He says, slightly bending down for you to hop onto his back.
"Ouu, I don't know if that's a good idea--"
"Y/N, I promise it's okay. Come on." He laughed. Hey, if he was willing to do this, then why not? You hop onto his back, his arms wrapping your legs tightly around his waist, while you clung onto his neck. "See, not so bad, right?" He says, sprinting up the hill, making you laugh and hold onto him tighter.
"Shit, I am so sorry. That was probably a workout. Right after we ate, too."
"Nah. It wasn't anything." He scrunched his nose. On the way back over the bridge, Jungkook is heading towards Lake Merritt. You both are singing along to songs and joking around about topics that pop up here and there. When he parks his car, you notice a whole crowd of people gathered by the lake, which was a little unusual for this time of night. He grabs your hand and gently caresses the top with his thumb as he walks you over towards the crowd. To your surprise, you realize people are gathered here for a water lantern festival. Your eyes light up, making Jungkook smile at how excited you look.
"Jungkook, what the hell! How did you know about this and I didn't?" He shrugs.
"I have my ways." He says, his voice low and deep. You playfully shove him before you make your way over to grab lanterns to decorate. You and Jungkook sit off in a more quiet, calmer part of the lake, silently decorating your lanterns and writing your wishes along with it. What exactly did you want to wish for?
Happy friends, happy family. Happy you.
Whatever happiness meant to you.
To have Chance look over you.
Jungkook is done pretty quickly, but he waits for you to finish, not questioning what you've written since he figures it's a private matter. He shows you his lantern and his cute little stick figure drawing of his family and friends. You giggle, watching him gently lay his lantern in the water, giving you leverage to do the same with yours. You stand closely to him, his body providing you some warmth as you watch your lanterns float off into the lake and illuminate the night along with the others.
"Ready? We have one more thing to catch." He snakes his arm around your waist and gives your side a gentle squeeze. You simply nod, following him back to his car. He takes you about 30 minutes away, exiting and pulling right into a lot two street lights down from the exit. He pulls up to the ticket booth, buying 2 tickets for Tenet at the drive-in movie. You squeal and clap in your seat excitedly, also not knowing this was still around.
"Did you really do your research to plan this date?"
"Yes and no? I've been here before, and I thought it would be fun to take you. The restaurant and the lantern festival though, yes." He parks his car as instructed, turning the radio to the correct channel in order to hear the audio. "Wanna hop in the back so we have more room?" You nod, getting out of your seat just to hop into the back. He leans over into his trunk, grabbing water bottles and assorted gummy candies for you to snack on in case you wanted some. "I hope you're having fun so far."
"I am." You respond softly.
"Okay, beautiful. If you say so." He chuckles. He moves the driver and passenger seats forward so that you both have room to spread your legs a bit. At first, Jungkook made sure to give you enough space so he wouldn't make you uncomfortable, but over time, you felt yourself sinking closer and closer to his body until he had his arm draped around your shoulder, while part of your body rested on his. His hand gently caressed your arm, occasionally sending goosebumps through your body at how soft his touch his. You glanced over, admiring at how focused he was on the movie. He must have felt you looking at him because he quickly looks over and blushes as he nibbles on a gummy worm. "What?"
"Nothing, it's just cute how focused you are."
"Damn, are you not into it?"
"I am, but it's kind of hard to follow sometimes."
"Yeah, it's definitely one of those movies." This time, his gaze on you is a little longer than before. You don't know what takes over you, but you plant a kiss on him, making him smile into the kiss. He doesn't say anything, but proceeds to rest his free hand on your neck, pulling you close and into another deep kiss. Your hand grips onto the side of his shirt, your tongues slowly fighting for dominance. The sounds of wet kisses fills the car and tunes out the movie audio. You can feel the moment intensifying, both you and Jungkook letting out breathy moans in between kisses. Suddenly, the thought of Seokjin quickly flashes in your mind, the past nights you've spent with him and the nasty shit you both have done to each other.
You lightly gasp as you pull away, but it wasn't obvious to Jungkook that something had disturbed your peace.
"Sorry, I—" He tries to save face just in case he was in the wrong about something.
"No, I just— I wasn't expecting it to get that intense." You lied. You knew damn well.
"It's okay." He chuckled. "I would never rush you into anything, Y/N. Okay? We can take this slow." He gives you a genuine, warm, reassuring smile that causes you to swoon. Why the fuck was he so good? Just why? How was this even fair right now?
All you do is simply smile and lean back onto him. He's back to caressing your arm and shoulder, giving you small pecks on the top of your head every now and then to reassure you. Part of you wondered if this is what Seokjin had taught him over the years - how to properly love a woman and be a gentleman. But then, that quickly fades when you remember the situation you're in with him.
Well no, you're not in anything with him. You needed to stop doing this to yourself.
When the movie ends, you both climb back into the front seats to make your way back home. You feel the exhaustion hit you, all the fun and adrenaline you felt today slowly come crashing down. Jungkook parks in the passenger loading zone, throwing on his hazard lights before walking you up to your apartment.
"Jungkook, thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it and had a ton of fun with you."
"I'm glad." He cups your face and gently places a kiss on your forehead. You weren't satisfied with it though, so you tippy toe as you hold onto his hand and kiss him on the lips. He leans into the kiss, deepening it for a quick second before pulling away. "Let me know the details about Friday, okay?"
"I'll call you tomorrow. Sleep tight, beautiful." He smiles and licks his lips as he watches you walk in, feeling utterly content with how the day went. You feel the same way, smiling to yourself as you throw your bag onto the floor and prance into the bathroom to get ready for bed. You felt the butterflies in your stomach every time you thought about Jungkook and his smile, or his soft lips against yours.
Butterflies that kept your mind off of—
[jin] 10:04pm: Are you still with Jungkook?
You roll your eyes at the text. You hadn't pulled out your phone all night, so you're also seeing the numerous messages from your friends in the group chat, too.
[jimin] 7:45pm: have fun tonight, Y/N!
[taehyung] 7:50pm: ^ ditto. use protection, young lady
[taehyung] 7:50pm: think about mr. kim's feelings
[ryujin] 7:56pm: taehyung kim, shut the hell up. do you have anything better to do?
[jimin] 8:01pm: i really hope she doesn't pull out her phone during the date -__-
[taehyung] 8:05pm: lmfao you guys, chill out
[taehyung] 8:06pm: i'm sorry y/n, im just kidding. have fun tonight and be safe, love you
[ryujin] 8:10pm: CALL ME WHEN YOU GET HOME Y/N! i wanna know deets, remember! and ask him if he wants to join us on friday!
Unbelievable. Your friends were unbelievable, and that was an understatement. You don't respond to the group because you figured you'd call Ryujin in a bit and update the boys over the week. But to Jin's text - fuck.
You were literally just tucking him away in the far, far, far dark, deep depths of your mind.
[y/n] 11:38pm: I was, but now I'm home.
[jin] 11:39pm: Yeah, he just texted me back. Sorry.
[y/n] 11:40pm: It's okay.
[jin] 11:43pm: Okay. Have a good night.
He hates this. Why the hell would you do this to him? Grace is upstairs sleeping while Jin is trying to clean the kitchen up like he promised. Suddenly, his phone goes off, signaling a call coming in.
"Oh shit, yes! You're awake!" Jin chuckles a bit.
"How was the date?" Not only was he asking out of curiosity, but wanted to know how you were doing during the night. Completely none of his business but he couldn't help himself.
"God, she's fucking amazing. A-and-and beautiful." He yells into the phone excitedly. "She's so exciting. I can't wait to take her out again. I just wanna keep spending time with her." Jin is pretty unamused on the other line. Thank God he isn't on Facetime so he didn't have to fake this facial expressions hearing about Jungkook's feelings for you. "S-she- I mean, we kissed."
"Oh?" Jin asks, tongue pressed against his cheek. What the fuck.
"Yeah, we were making out during the movie. It got pretty intense, but it didn't get any further than that. I didn't wanna rush her into anything."
"You think it could have escalated?"
"Yeah honestly, but I wanna do right by her, you know?" Jin can tell how serious Jungkook was starting to become about pursuing you, and he had never felt more competitive until this day. He just wanted you to himself, and he wanted to be the one to kiss you and make you feel things you've only dreamed about.
Not his brother.
He, too, wanted you just as bad. If anything, more.
"It sounds like it was a pretty successful first date." Jungkook is beaming through the phone, he didn't have to see his face to know that.
"It was. It was such a good night." Jungkook chuckles. "By the way, I'm going to that charity event on campus on Friday. Are you and Grace going?"
"Probably not."
"Well, if you both are free, you should swing by. It'll be nice to see Grace."
"Yeah, I'll ask and see what's up." Jin sighs. "I should probably get to bed, I'm pretty tired. I'm happy to hear the date went well, kid."
"Thanks, dude. I'll talk to you later, get some rest."
"You too." Jin hangs up the call, silently hitting his fist against the kitchen counter as he lets out a deep sigh. More than ever, he wanted to keep you wrapped around his finger. He wanted to keep you there, no matter how selfish that sounded. There was no way he was going to let you unravel.
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