#Doofus Rick Headcanons
sapphichorsegirl · 4 months
I headcanon that Doofus Rick mostly specializes in working with pathogens and diseases, mostly because of this one panel in the comics
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You'll likely see me bring that up a lot in my blog where I RP and answer asks as him ( @j-19zeta7 )
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desert-rotten-soul · 2 years
Doofus and Nurse Bendy
I think these two would make a very good friendship.
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I plan to draw them together enjoying a cup of tea.
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vhvrs · 8 months
What exactly are all your headcanons for Jerry?
tbh most of my jerry hcs are just canon stuff or implied canon stuff bc i really do like his appeal as an average normal person thrown into a really really weird situation. i think hes chubby and bisexual and a flavor of transfem where he doesnt wanna deal w it bc he doesnt want to make life more difficult but hes surrounded by trans ppl (rick n morty n probably summer ngl n diane by proxy) so the idea is very much in his mind waiting around for him. i think hes still not over sleepy gary bc hes never felt love like that n i wish doofus rick would come back n save him. jerrys a type of tragic character who doesnt really wanna make the effort to deal w their own tragedies or ways to improve though
oh n i imagine he did briefly meet diane and in retrospect really misses her n wishes hed been able to actually get to know her (unconsciously thoughts shed help him w his gender n family bullshit)
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Masterlist and Requests!
Requests Open!
Request Rules (please read before requesting!):
I will write headcanons or short drabbles (NOT one shots) for a specific scenario, or you can request a preference scenario for one fandom :)
(or if you feel like it just send in your ideas about a character and I'll tell you my thoughts :D)
You can also request for a polyamorous scenario with more than one character from a fandom (e.g. Fives x reader x Echo).
Pairings will be romantic unless otherwise specified.
I will write both SFW and NSFW content. All are x reader, and reader can be any gender. Anything NSFW I will write the reader as AFAB (purely because that's all I have experience with and don't want to seem disrespectful).
I won't write for non-con (dub-con is ok), incest, etc, but if you aren't sure then feel free to send me a message to check!
Below is my list of fandoms and characters :) go forth and request!
Star Wars: Obi Wan Kenobi, Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, Fives, Echo (and perhaps more of the 501st if you ask very nicely :P), Alpha 17, Darth Maul.
Game of Thrones: Sandor Clegane, Jorah Mormont, Tormund Giantsbane, Sansa Stark, Brienne of Tarth.
The Hobbit: Thorin Oakenshield, Kili Durin, Fili Durin, Dwalin.
Lord of the Rings: Samwise Gamgee, Pippin Took, Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir, Faramir.
Hannibal (NBC): Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter.
Rick and Morty: Rick C-137, Doofus Rick (J19 Zeta 7).
Doctor Who: 9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor.
Saw: Mark Hoffman, Amanda Young, Peter Strahm.
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evilmcg · 10 months
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If meg were to get a rick assistant (whether he would replace honey morty or more likely just be an extra assistant for meg wanting some space between her and honey atm) I'm pretty sure she could pick doofus rick. I headcanon that if and when they meet she just likes the guy.
She doesn't like or trust most ricks unless they prove themselves to her to be good in some way. Doofus rick proves to just be a good guy to her right away. She would wanna give this guy opportunities and just gifts to make up for how he's been treated by his fellow ricks. Would also definitely change his nickname to something less mean.
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thatfinewine · 2 years
warning tags: blood, flashing lights/colors, gore, guns, injury, nsfw, pee, SA, suicide, violence
personal tags: fandom/personal talk, my art, my writing
general tags: comic, crossover, fanart, fanfic, funny, gif, headcanon, meta, official Rick and Morty comics, Pocket Mortys, Run the Jewels - Oh Mama (MV), screenshot, text, video → holiday tags: Christmas, Halloween
character tags: Beth, Birdperson, Jerry, Morty, Mr. Nimbus, Mr. Poopybutthole, the President, Squanchy, Summer, Rick → special character tags: Cop Morty, Doofus Jerry, Doofus Rick, Evil Morty (President Morty), Evil Rick, Hermit Jerry, Miami Morty, Miami Rick, Morticia, Rick C-137, Rickbot, Rick Prime, Rookie Cop Rick, Space Beth, Super Rick Fan Morty, Surgeon Rick, Teacher Rick, Zero Rick
ship tags: Beth/Space Beth, Beth/Jerry, Morty/Morty, Rick/Birdperson, Rick/Jerry, Rick/Rick → special ship tags: Miami Rick/Rookie Cop Rick, Rick Prime/Hermit Jerry, Doofus Rick/Zero Rick, Rick Prime/Rick C-137,
location tags: Citadel of Ricks
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amidst-thestcrs · 4 years
✼ TAG YOURSELF ✼ time.
bold for strong aesthetics II italic for partial aesthetics
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0 7 : 3 0 a.m. — paperwork. school bells. documentaries. rainstorms. tapping of a pen. dogs barking next-door. hopping to bed after a long day. crumpled notes. detailed encyclopedias. drowsy eyes. world maps. fogged eyeglasses. messy desks. bedheads. smudged-on whiteboards. old atlases. the smell of breakfast first thing in the morning. bare feet on cold marble. museums. worn-out wall paint.
0 9 : 0 5 a.m. — hydrangeas. sunrise. soothing walks in the park. the sound of birds chirping. crop tops. light seeping in through the window. denim overalls. flower vases. hair ties. freckles appearing under the sun. pins & patches. leaves falling during autumn. fairy lights. running shoes. botany textbooks. cloudy weather. laughing with eyes squeezed shut. jerseys. school bleachers. grass fields.
0 1 : 2 2 p.m. — expensive perfume. hair-twirling. the smell of vanilla. lollipops. blowing a bubble gum. arms crossed. snapping fingers. leather purses. sunglasses. laughing with a scrunched nose. skater skirts. cotton candy. lipsticks. vintage boutiques. heels clicking along the school hallways. old convertibles. hair in the wind. class councils. shopping bags. playing with the telephone cord.
0 2 : 0 0 p.m. — old dictionaries. warm mugs. striped blouses. soft bell chimes. cold-weather breath. a ticking clock. cardigans. light tapping of a finger. dusty typewriters. unread letters. dangling keys. wristwatches. doorbells. disconnected telephone beeps. endless film marathons. nail-biting. staying in uncrowded cafés. falling asleep in working clothes. unused bottles of ink. quiet nights.
0 8 : 3 4 p.m. — bows & ribbons. dressing rooms. black stockings. hair brushes. velveteen. drinking from ceramic tea cups. tall mirrors. tucking loose hair behind an ear. fuzzy slippers. comforters. stuffed animals. soft knocking of a door. rehearsing play scripts. bubble baths. lace. sauntering around the house in silk robes. solid-pastel clothes. crossed legs. carpeted floors. dimly-lit bedside lamps.
1 2 : 0 2 a.m. — snow-covered coats. heavy footsteps. faint classical music. red wine. creaky floorboards. missing pages. year-old newspapers. dusty bookshelves. door creaks. fireplaces. chiming grandfather clocks. passing by library aisles. the woods. black umbrellas. porch lights. turntables. the piano playing from another room. mute corridors. embers. isolated train stations.
TAGGED: I stole it from @defactomatriarch​! TAGGING: You!!!
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 7 years
This Tumblr user loves Doofus Rick /J19Z7 Headcanons.
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thebalancedangel · 3 years
[Doofus Rick has the least amount of cybernetic implants of all Ricks.
Ricks usually enforce the muscles on their left eye with wiring/cybernetics, which is why they appear less cross-eyed than Doofus Rick.]
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toggsywoggsy · 3 years
Contexts for upcoming quotes
Headcanons >:] and stuff uhhh you'll see >:]
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[Any version of Turquoise across the multiverse would be instant friends with Doofus Rick, partly because he would remind them of their own Turquoise "sister" in their home dimensions.]
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sapphichorsegirl · 4 months
For some reason I headcanon that Doofus Rick specifically smells like soap. I headcanon that he showers very frequently so he probably always smells like he's just gotten out of the shower.
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sinemoras09 · 5 years
Excuse me for a moment while I scream about Doofus Rick XD
Just a few Doofus Rick headcanons I thought I’d share:
- re: the lazy eye. I headcanon that he has intermittent exotropia - he can re-unify his gaze if he concentrates, but if he’s tired or not paying attention his left eye will drift outward. Sometimes he gets double vision and headaches, but for the most part he manages just fine. His right eye is his good eye.
- The bowl cut is because Doofus Rick is too busy with his experiments to go and get a proper haircut. He has absolutely zero vanity and so just shaves his head with clippers. He’s the only Rick who’s not balding.
- Just as all Ricks have a core of self-loathing and crippling loneliness, so too does Doofus Rick. He hides it, of course - he’s cheerily kind and optimistic, but judging from how he burst into tears on Jerry’s couch, I think he has those same issues but unlike the other Ricks who are (in C-137′s words) narcissistic and think of themselves as godlike, Doofus Rick has bottom of the barrel self-esteem. He doesn’t have friends and he’s never had a romantic relationship. He’s lonely but he’s happy he has C-137′s Jerry and Eric Stoltz Mask Morty for company.
- Eric Stoltz Mask Morty’s Rick died in their universe. Eric Stoltz Mask Morty was so distraught, he actively fought against the Militia Ricks when they tried to reassign him. He was issued for termination when Doofus Rick intervened and said he wanted to adopt him.
- Eric Stoltz Mask Morty loves Doofus Rick like a father, but he gets frustrated with him because Doofus Rick rarely goes off-world and would rather work in a lab than explore the galaxy and make crazy inventions.
- I read somewhere that Justin Roiland said that Rick is “well-hung,” so I like to think it’s the same for Doofus Rick XD
-Doofus Rick is just as smart as the other Ricks, he’s just seen as stupid because of his looks and the idea that stupid people have to be nice in order to hedge their bets. He also hasn’t invented as much as them (he’s too busy researching cell lines and curing cancer), but he can quickly parse out how things work, and he invented the portal gun and portal fluid on his own.
- The other Ricks were alerted to Doofus Rick’s presence in the multiverse after he invented his version of the portal gun, mainly because Doofus Rick didn’t have a Morty to mask him.
- Unlike the other Ricks, who make their money selling weapons and grifting from alien planets, Doofus Rick works as an academic scientist. He’s a tenured professor and he teaches a required class for non-science majors (think Patton Oswalt’s bit about the class “Physics for Poets,”) since the other academics hate doing it. The other researchers in his department think of him as nice but weird and they don’t really talk to him.
- Doofus Rick doesn’t have any other friends besides C-137′s Jerry. His colleagues at the university don’t really talk to him because his over-eagerness is off-putting, and because they’re jealous he cured cancer without a research team and won the Nobel Prize. He joins the Citadel because he’s lonely, and finds that being berated by a bunch of angry Ricks is better than sitting in his house all alone.
- Like C-137 Rick, Doofus Rick has attempted suicide before, in exactly the same manner. It happened after he won the Nobel Prize, because after he was feted by the international community, he came home to an empty house without friends or family, and the high of all that praise and achievement pretty much came crashing down when he realized he was all alone, and he was the only Rick without anyone who loved him. The only thing that stopped him was the knowledge that Eric Stoltz Mask Morty would lose another Rick, and Doofus Rick couldn’t bring himself to hurt him like that. He has a box in his lab labeled “Suicide Machine” stuffed in the back of a forgotten shelf.
- Unlike the other Ricks who invent weapons, Doofus Rick invents things like a machine that combats climate change and a vacuum that sucks up air pollution. Occasionally he’ll help out other alien planets with his technology, but never for a profit, once he ascertains they won’t weaponize his work, he gives his inventions out freely.
- He doesn’t go off-world or travel dimensions that much - when he does, it’s either because the Citadel asked him or he’s visiting Jerry or taking Eric Stoltz Mask Morty for ice cream. He does have a spaceship and he’ll occasionally interact with alien planets, but only because the aliens will seek him out for help first. The Federation is aware of him and wants to weaponize his work, which is why the Citadel is protecting him.
- Like the other Ricks, Doofus Rick is ambidextrous. He favors the use of his left hand, but his handwriting with his right is completely indistinguishable.
- Because he lives alone, Doofus Rick learned to cook, and cooks really really well. He’s actually one of the few Ricks who enjoys cooking, and if you give him something to taste, he can replicate it perfectly. He has really good chef knife skills.
- He sleeps on his side hugging a pillow because he’s lonely :( If he were in a relationship he’d love to cuddle.
- He’s never met Cop Rick, but if they ever did meet, they’d get along really well. Cop Rick’s motto is, if nothing matters, then the only thing that matters is what you do, and he’s one of the few Ricks who’d actually be nice to him.
- Bonus headcanon about Slow Rick/Tall Morty - he has Savant Syndrome and he can do rapid calculations and replicate portal fluid. He has the same Rick genius waves but he could be easily exploited, which is why the Citadel protects him.
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kiiroitori97 · 4 years
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curiouscompanions · 5 years
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dorklyevil · 7 years
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C o m e  t o  G r a n d p a
(Edit: Flash and blood warning!)
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