#Dr. Mensah (tmbd)
hellofriendhawke · 6 months
My favorite part of Network Effect was at the end when Mensah was about to board the Perihelion and ART was frantically cleaning better than Murderbot had ever seen it clean before and making sure all it's humans picked up after themselves. And when ART greeted Mensah, it was the most sincere sounding Murderbot had ever heard it be. Like, ART wanted to impress Mensah, it wanted to make a good first impression to Mensah because it knows how important Mensah is to Murderbot. ART respects Mensah because it trusts Murderbot's opinions of people. It trusted Murderbot with Iris, it's best human friend.
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ghostcashewart · 8 months
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a day in dr. mensah's office! featuring an earlier design concept for murderbot that i've since updated a little bit lol
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sporadicartcomputer · 26 days
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uh hi. i wanted to illustrate one of the introductary scenes for SecUnit's character, since that would go along well with this being kind of my first post here. i... think that makes some sense. i promise more Murderbot diaries fanart after this (calling it content feels icky)). (did I start overusing brackets becouse of these books? possibly).
and i hope i captured SecUnit freaking out while trying to keep its composure at the same time well. as weird as it sounds, i like seeing depictions of it being nervous, becouse this side of it is what got me to relate to it so much in the first place (besides the heavily implied neurodivergence. though i guess the two go hand in hand). examples: in the second panel of the second page i tried showing how Gurathin's words affected it by making the speech bubbles visually "choke" (?) it, though it kept its face straight. oh, and i made it look much shorter than it actually is to mirror the way it is feeling!! figuring out details like that was pretty fun
(i'm sorry for any inconsistencies and the messy colouring and linework, i have ADHD and i get incredibly bored when i spend time trying to make everything "perfect" and looking the same in each panel... )
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That one scene from ASR
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psumnt-studentcouncil · 6 months
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The PreservationAux Feelings™ Team... And Murderbot.
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crabs-brencil · 7 months
!! tw for sort-of-organic gore
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that one scene in exit strategy ft. mb leaking coolant or something and mensah w freckles
huge ups to WermoongRey from the discord for helping me with the particularities of this pose <3
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newtsoftheworldunite · 2 months
Murderbot, in what is later revealed to be a long message to Doctor Mensah: I’m going to hack Doctor Mensah’s records to say what a great leader she is 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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jadefyre · 4 months
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“Are you all right?”
When Murderbot is reunited with Mensah in All Systems Red vs. when they're reunited in Exit Strategy
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m00nymonster · 2 months
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Discord convo shenanigans. I think Ratthi is overly enthusiastic about cats and always scares them away, MB ignores fauna in general unless it's eating humans so cats LOVE it and it doesn't get why. Deep breath guys, this is a two page comic so it's gonna be a long image id, oof.
[ID: first page of a six panel comic. First panel is a splash image of a birthday party, with a banner saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY over a big window, a table with cake and punch, and a circular rug on the floor. The left wall has a framed picture on the wall, the right a closed door. The image is in black and white markers. In the background Murderbot sits in the corner in a comfy plush chair, listening to music with its eyes closed. In the foreground Amena and Mensah are having a conversation; next to them are Gurathin, Ratthi and Pin-Lee. They are observed by drones. In the left corner Small Human is poking a drone. A cat is approaching MB's chair. The next three images focus on MB in its chair. In the first the cat sits next to MB, it observes with a drone but doesn't otherwise pay attention to the cat. In the second the cat is jumping onto MB's lap; it looks startled. In the third the cat curls up into a ball, and MB stares at it, befuddled. Fourth panel: MB stares at the cat with an eyebrow raised as Small Human approaches and says, Oh, Miss Kitty LIKES you! Well you can't move now, you'll wake her up! In the last panel someone yells CAKE TIME! offscreen and Small Human runs off, yelling Ooooh! Wait for me! /ID]
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[ID: Second page of a two page comic. There are four panels. The first has Mensah standing at the door, waving and saying Goodbye! See you soon! The second is a closeup of Mensah looking scared as someone offscreen says in a spikey speech bubble, Dr. Mensah, help. The third is a splash image, same as the first panel in the first page, but now the cake is eaten and the punch bow is empty. There is a spilled cup on the table. Murderbot sits in the corner, arms crossed, staring at the cat. It says verbally, I am trapped and cannot move. Mensah laughs behind her hand. Fourth panel: there is a large rectangle with LATER written on it in the left corner. Under it is Ratthi's chibi head, with a feed text box that says, GASP! In the center of the panel Murderbot stands in the center of the room, looking uncomfortable as Miss Kitty bats at its drone Small Human stands next to it, looking amused. On the right a feed text box says, with a crying Ratthi head beside it: Miss Kitty likes SecUnit more than me??? Below it is Gurathin's head, with a feed text box that says HAHAHAHA! Below that is another feed text box, this time with Ratthi's head with an angry expression yelling Not funny Gurathin! Finally at the bottom is Pin-Lee, smirking as her feed text box says, That's not funny, that's HILARIOUS. /ID]
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alex-van-gore · 2 years
These are looking so cool! Badass Mensah moment H5 :D ?
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This one is for the Mensah simps (I. I’m. Oops.)
[ID: a digital drawing of Dr. Mensah. She’s wearing cargo pants and a sleeveless shirt, and sunglasses. She looks like she’s here to fuck shit up. She’s holding a sonic mining drill casually in her muscular arms. The used color palette is dark grey to bright orange. /end ID]
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thirtheenprimes · 11 months
Home: Habitat, Niche, Range, Territory us actually really good alright. I feel like I need to read it a few times every time I pull it up. Mensah's POV is great, it gives such good outside perspective on SecUnit. She notices that normally it's cool, but sometimes it's really warm, because that's it's go-to physical comfort for upset humans.
It isn't flaunting it's abilities to break the rules to her, it's just not hiding the fact that it is. It trusts her not to turn it in.
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hellofriendhawke · 6 months
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One of the best moments in the whole series. Based on below:
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sporadicartcomputer · 23 days
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SecUnit and Mensah's reunion, the whole scene was utterly delightful. Just look at this. “That she understood this much made me melt. I hate that this happens, it makes me feel vulnerable… I hadn't been afraid that she wasn't my friend, I had been afraid that she was, and what it did to me.” Exit Strategy, p 115.
(Some semi-relevant rambling under the cut)
I'm sure there's a lot of commentary to be made about this part of the book and Murderbot's emotional development there, but let's just say I'm not the person to do that. It's a bit too personal for me because of how much I relate to Murderbot. Still, I felt the need to acknowledge how good and well-written this specific thing is. Sometimes I see, on my feed, people making analysis and notes of this emotional side of the books and the relationships in it etc. and I eat it up every time. It's great that there are people who can talk in detail about these things that are only just passing thoughts for me, if that makes any sense
My only addition here would be that I think Mensah's character is great. If I'd been in SecUnit's position, she'd be my favourite human as well, and I'd totally get blood on my hands for her ha… I feel similarly about a few other characters in the series, but I'm sure I'll devote posts more particularly for and about them some other time
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riseandfallofsecunit · 17 hours
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arsonwizard · 2 years
Dr. Mensah is so cool she has a husband AND a wife. the sheer bisexuality swag of it all
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crabs-brencil · 6 months
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another sketch spawned in the discord lmao
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