#Dr. Wernicke
tfg5 · 11 months
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reagent-leon · 2 months
I went ahead and made a transcript for the villains' trailer because there are some quality dialogues that I feel people are missing out on. It would have been nice if Red Barrels had given us proper subtitles rather than autogenerated ones.
Big thanks to @misa-bun for keeping me sane and helping me go over the garbled audio towards the end.
EASTERMAN: You’ve been expressing anger in the therapy.
GOOSEBERRY: Everything Mother does is love! If I have to show a little… discipline, that’s just a firmer kind of love.
EASTERMAN: You’ve shown real enthusiasm. We’ve decided to give you a longer leash.
COYLE: You think you’ve got a leash on me? Might be you who built this little juzgado, but I’m the one who made it a home. Why you ain’t nothin’ but the towel boy in my whorehouse.
FUTTERMAN: The fuck d’you think I am? Some kinda puppet? You pull my string? Heh!?
EASTERMAN: You are literally a puppet.
GOOSEBERRY: Don’t! Don’t you upset Daddy.
EASTERMAN: This is science. If we happen-
COYLE: I’m fuckin’ talkin’ here! This ain’t a charity, this is business! Business don't mean shit without the law.
GOOSEBERRY: Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.
COYLE: Property don’t mean shit without a threat of violence.
GOOSEBERRY: Who would die for the children!?
COYLE: The threat of my boot on your neck is what butters the bread ‘round here and everywhere else!
GOOSEBERRY: Who would kill for the children!? 
COYLE: In the civilized world!
GOOSEBERRY: What would… you do… to protect the children!?
AVELLANOS: Cut them. Well? Whaddya think?
WERNICKE: Experience has taught me one truth about the human limits of terror and pain.
AVELLANOS: Which is?
WERNICKE: There are none.
Just a few things worth noting:
"Juzgado" (pronounced hoos-gah-doh) is Spanish for courthouse or tribunal. The word "hoosegow" is a slang term meaning prison, derived from a mispronunciation of juzgado. It's interesting to me that he uses the proper Spanish given his well-known bigotry.
"Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children" is a direct quote from the novel Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray.
"Butters the bread" means how he makes his living, the job he gets paid for essentially. Police work is his bread and butter. 🤷
I can't think of anything else that might require further expiration, but if anyone else has any insights please share them!
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sad-zombie-boy · 1 month
Easterman: I just saw Wernicke at the gay bar.
Avellanos: Fork spotted in kitchen, the real question is what were you doing in a gay bar?
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mai-chan12 · 11 months
Leland Coyle five creepy quotes..the more i play this game the more i realize how creepy this guy really is😭😭😭 It doesnt help that i play as a guy while hes saying this to me😂😂😂😂 (This is my gameplay)
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ar3s-r4t-qu33n · 1 month
The Nazi is GAY???
Diversity win????
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drwernicke · 6 months
Is Hendrick Joliet Easterman...
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dva-xo · 1 year
Outlast Characters as Batman Villains
Chris Walker // Killer Croc
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Rick Trager // Scarecrow
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Eddie Gluskin // The Joker 
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The Twins // Min and Max 
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Frank Manera // Cornelius Stirk
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Dr. Wernicke // Hugo Strange 
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fdmlovesfashion · 6 months
Celebrating SPRING with LEESA ROWLAND in NYC
Catching up! Celebrating Spring with LEESA ROWLAND and friends in NYC. The charismatic Actress, Philanthropist and Author had a fete celebrating her recent Park cover in the East Village, New York. Wearing a custom collection floral dress made by fashion designer Marc Bouwer, friends came downtown to celebrate. NEW YORK, NY – APRIL 3: Leesa Rowland attends Leesa Rowland Cover Party At Populares…
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sightlessdark · 6 months
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iceysnow · 4 months
saw someone writing Outlast sexuality headcanons so here's mine! Waylon Park: oddly enough I can't see Waylon as anything but hetero/ace despite shipping him x Eddie. Miles Upshur: Omni with no pref
Blake Langermann: Bi but he's had trouble with men after loutermilch
Lynn Langermann: shes also bi
Chris Walker: Aro/Ace Richard Trager: He's either bi or hetero (but he'll still kiss Jeremy good night)
val: Pan- I feel like I should discuss their gender but honestly I don't know either. maybe gender fluid or trans, Idk.
Marta: Ace lesbian (this is my 3rd ace, what does this say about me?)
Jeremy Blaire: Bi man with preference to women but he can only pull men😞
Leland Coyle: Omni- he doesn't care as long as your willing to get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 with a phone charger
mother gooseberry: Pan icon!!!!
Pauline Glick: ANOTHER ARO/ACE???
Paul Marion: hetero
Dr. Wernicke: Looks at Trials Homo
Frank Manera: Foodsexu-
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brybryby · 1 year
Have you have ever draw murkoff tactical division or dr wernickle
It terms of Murkoff’s tact, I’ve drawn Stephenson before :)
I may draw Wernicke in the future, especially with his role in Trials! Thanks for asking :D
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nastyatticman · 1 year
Girl, Leland is literally a klansman 😭😭
I know about that lore, and I’m so glad he’s not real
I find Coyle fun in a “if he were real I’d run but he’s really interesting to mess with as a character” way. or “him being in the Klan just adds to his evil as a villain” way
the Outlast series has always depicted fucked up things through out the games anyway. aren’t the player characters in Outlast Trials possibly part of MK-Ultra?
I understand people have different comfort levels around racist characters tho so I will be tagging everything with him so people can filter the posts out. Personally I’m uncomfortable with Nazi characters so I avoid tags for characters like Wernicke, etc.
but really I think the fact he’s unambiguously a piece of shit in a way I find realistic is more fun, like, you don’t have to argue with people how racist the police brutality boss is because everyone knows how bad he is.
he’s designed to be scary and unsettling and maybe kind of hot in a psycho-sexual way … he’s one of those characters I’d run from if they were real, but they’re so fun to play around with in fiction
same with Frollo, I think part of the appeal of Coyle to me is how he thinks he’s so high and mighty bc he’s a white supremacist…
but you still see him fuck up during trials and say cartoonishly evil shit and trauma dump about his awful childhood.
and then you can throw bricks at him (in game) and draw pictures of him naked… from the comfort of your own home! you can explore some really dark and awful things with Coyle and other outlast villains in a safe fictional environment without anyone getting hurt
tl;dr I know and I can write thirsty posts about a character without endorsing their politics / actions (like with every horror villain I’ve written for)
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chronicbeans · 1 year
My Uncanny Valley Series OCs explained vaguely via a few short sentences because I can (and because it is taking forever to make their designs):
Chucky Davidson: Chaotic femboy with Tumblr gremlin energy. He likes to eat drywall. Torments REALTORS for fun with his forced "valley girl" accent. Best friends and roommates with Andy. Will beat up people who makes fun of Andy tbh.
Reverend Andy Robinson: Depressed preacher with Wernicke's Aphasia. Life seems like a twisted, ironic joke. Introverted and hates it. Best friends and roommates with Chucky.
Katrina Liddell: Immortal who "dies and responds". Curiosity killed the cat incarnate. She would like extreme sports so much fr. Definition of "you changed for the worst".
Jamison Twist: Human who believes he's a REALTOR. Literally the start of a phenomenon in the Uncanny Valley. Somebody please send him help. Even the REALTORS are concerned, somehow. He's taking business away from them.
Matthew Somnia: Hypnotherapist who is a vampire. Instead of consuming blood or energy, he eats your mind. Loves his patients, hates his life. Looks like a cinnamon roll, but will actually "kill" you, but will also hate it.
Dr. Pierce Glasgow: Reworked old OC. Cold boi. Misses his kids. Sensitive to temperature. "Hey can I drink your blood so I can warm myself up? My joints are stiff."
Kōji Andou: An actual human realtor who's depressed about lack of business. Poor as dirt - moved to the Uncanny Valley in hopes of getting more business (plus it was cheap). Unsurprisingly to us, didn't get business. Too poor to move out, now. Feels like a clown.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Gustaf Gründgens in M (Fritz Lang, 1931)
Cast: Peter Lorre, Ellen Widman, Inge Landgut, Otto Wernicke, Theodor Loos, Gustaf Gründgens, Friedrich Gnaß, Fritz Odemar, Paul Kemp, Theo Lingen, Rudolf Blümner, Georg John, Franz Stein, Ernst Stahl-Nachbaur. Screenplay: Thea von Harbou, Fritz Lang. Cinematography: Fritz Arno Wagner. Art direction: Emil Hasler, Karl Vollbrecht. Film editing: Paul Falkenberg. 
Point of view is everything in a thriller. Let the viewer see events through the wrong eyes, and suspense goes out the window. The remarkable thing about Lang's great thriller is that the point of view changes so often. It starts with that of anxious parents, knowing that a child-killer is on the loose, then narrows to one particular parent, waiting for her daughter to come home from school for lunch. But then we see the object of her fears, her daughter, making contact with a strange man, and our suspense builds as we return to the worried mother. But as strongly as we sympathize with the mother, we also eventually learn to focus our anxieties elsewhere: on the beleaguered police, on innocent victims of people's suspicions, on the criminal underworld harassed by the police, and eventually even on the murderer himself. There are even moments when, as he becomes the object of the manhunt, trapped in the attic of a building swarming with the criminals in search of him, we find ourselves semi-consciously rooting for him to escape. Then we find ourselves rooting for the criminals to capture him and to escape being caught by the cops. And then, when he is put on trial by the criminals, we root for the police to arrive and rescue him. In short, the movie is a study in the ways in which sympathy can be manipulated. Lang and his soon-to-be-ex-wife Thea von Harbou wrote the screenplay, and the atmosphere of the film is superbly maintained by the cinematography of Fritz Arno Wagner and the sets of Emil Hasler and Karl Vollbrecht. But none of it would work without the presence of some extraordinary performers, starting with Peter Lorre as the sniveling, obsessed Hans Beckert: a career-defining performance in many ways, considering that Lorre had been known for comic roles on stage before Lang made him a movie star. Then there's Otto Wernicke as Inspector Lohmann, whose performance was so memorable that Lang brought him back as the same character in The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933), stereotyping Wernicke as a cop for much of his career. And Gustav Gründgens, the imperious leader of the criminal faction, who later became identified with the role of Mephistopheles in stage and screen versions of Goethe's Faust (Peter Gorski, 1960) -- not to mention in Klaus Mann's 1936 novel, Mephisto (and István Szabó's 1981 film version), based on Gründgens's embrace of the Nazis to advance his career.
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autisticsupervillain · 10 months
FTF: Isekai Invasion
The show where we take a character and drop them into a different franchise at a random location to see if they can conquer the world.
This Episode....
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Mary Jane Watson invades Mount Massive Asylum!
Insomniac Games's Mary Jane
MJ as of Spider-Man 2 with all her associated equipment.
MJ will be replacing Miles Upshur in the plot of the original Outlast with all the same goals. If she can escape the Asylum alive with all the evidence needed to bring Murkoff to justice, that will count as a win.
MJ cannot call in the Spider-Men or anyone else for help.
The same set up as Outlast but with MJ replacing Miles Upshur. Mary Jane Watson, reporter for the Daily Bugle, gets an anonymous email from a burner account about the atrocities being committed by Murkoff at Mount Massive and goes in to investigate. MJ speculates that the building has a jammer when she mysteriously losses all signal after getting in range, but she pushes on regardless. It is only after MJ can no longer get out the way she came in that she realizes the building has been overrun, leaving her no choice but to push in deeper.
Invader: MJ
Mary Jane Watson. One of the most iconic damsels and love interests in comic book history. Though iconic for her role as damsel in distress in the Rami movies, Insomniac's Mary Jane is more in line with her comic counterpart. She's a freelance reporter capable of kicking as much ass as her superhuman boyfriend sometimes and she'll do anything to unbury the truth.
She's surprisingly an expert in stealth and infiltration. She's snuck into the compounds of crime lords like Tombstone and Hammerhead, snuck past the international mercenaries of Silver Sable and her men, and avoided capture by Kraven the Hunter's mercenaries. Using her boyfriend's Spider Lures as a distraction, she's even managed to break into the Oscorp undetected.
While writing a book on the country of Symkaria, MJ got some self defense training from Silver Sable herself, as well as a fancy new taser that can drop a goon in one shook. She later upgraded this taser gun with Peter's gadgets, allowing it to shoot webs and shoot sonic blasts loud enough to ward off a symbiote behemoth. With these tools, she's able to take down Kraven's hunters, who are strong enough to kick down steel doors with a single kick snd survive rpg rockets exploding in their face. These are the same rockets that usually explode with an energy equivalent to 650 kilojoules.
What's more, MJ is fast enough to dodge arrows from a hunter's crossbow, which csn travel up to 350 feet per second or 106.68 meters per second.
Honestly, Mary Jane Watson is kind of a badass. She's escaped from being captured by Kraven's hunters, fought her way through a symbiote hive, outrun a Symbiote controlled Spider-Man trying to kill her, and managed to fight off the control of the Scream Symbiote, with some help from Peter.
This MJ is a far cry from the damsel in distress she's stereotyped as and she's just as vital a member of Spider-Man's team as the Spider-Men themselves.
Invaded: Mount Massive
The Murkoff Corporation could never be said to have had a sterling reputation. The company had an unofficial history of human experimentation and exploitation. Never on American soil, of course. Never anywhere that the American public would actually care about. Not until they bought out Mount Massive Asylum.
Because if there's one group that Americans care about less than foreigners, it's the mentally ill.
Murkoff wanted to exploit the theories of the retired Nazi Dr. Wernicke by diving into dream theory. The enlisted him in their Morphogenic Engine program, hoping to summon, empower, and control the nanotechnological ghost known only as the Walrider. To this end, the experimented on the mentally ill, physically and psychologically torturing them. Turning the compatible into human engines so their nightmares could fuel the god they wished to enslave while leaving the incompatible to rot and die. Even loyal members of the company, like executive Richard Trager and Father Martin Archimbaud, were used as test subjects at the earliest convenience. The variants, as they were called, begain to mutate and deform. Tumors formed over their bodies, clogging their mouths and block their eyes. Their hair begain to fall out and they emancipated into borderline skeletons.
The variants pre-existing conditions worsened. At best, they became catatonic and unresponsive to the outside world. At worst, they became violent and murderous.
And then they found a subject fully compatible with the Walrider. Able to sustain it, control it, and survive as its host. Billy Hope. As soon as he was in control, all hell broke loose. The Variants broke out and happily took their revenge on their tormentors. Scientists and security alike were butched like pigs, heavily armed soldiers were impaled on pikes. And the Walrider was set free.
Notable Variants include the likes of Eddie Glusken, a misogynistic serial killer who was only made worse by the Morphogenic Engine. Granted superhuman strength by the treatments, he was now strong enough to lift a full grown man off the ground with one arm. "Doctor" Richard Trager was now strong enough to cut off limbs, decapitate his victims, and cut open the gates to the elevator with his giant scissors. And every varienty in the build was now strong enough to bash down doors and kill reporter Miles Upshur, who survived a massive explosion that blew him out a window. An explosion thst generated an energy equivalent to 11,840 kilojoules.
But the most dangerous Variant in the entire building was Chris Walker. Once a simple war veteran suffering from severe PTSD, Chis became a killing machine with an enhanced sense of smell, hearing, and sight that could let him track down his victims even in the dark. Obsessed with containing the threat of the Walrider, Chris's judo skills and military training make him a veritable beast, capable of easily ripping Miles's head clean off with one hand and bashing down reinforced steel doors.
But even he is still just a man next to the Walrider. A futuristic marvel of nanotechnology that feeds off the dreams of its host to survive, the Walrider can fly, go through walls, go through your pores and rip you apart from the inside, and is nigh-invisible to the naked eye, only complely visible on night vision cameras or during the day.
The only issue, however, is that the Walrider is completely submissive to the will of its perfect host, reliant on them to survive. And if its host is not perfect, as Miles Upshur turned out to be, they will be reduced to a walking corpse overtime by the possession.
Mount Massive Asylum represents one of the biggest atrocities committed in the name of corporate greed. A warcrime that even drew the digust of the Nazi forced to work on it. No one cares about "a building full of forgotten lunatics". Let it burn, I say.
Throwdown Breakdown:
The stats on this one are rather interesting. Miles Upshur is 11x more durable than the goons MJ can one-shot, meaning every single thug in the building is going to be strong enough to rip MJ apart if they get their hands on her, seeing how Miles is almost completely helpless against them.
But, none of the Variants have ever demonstrated superhuman speed, meaning they're absolutely never catching MJ, who can move fast enough to dodge subsonic projectiles. Sure, Chris Walker is fast, but MJ is faster than a speeding car. If he doesn't get the drop on her or corner her, he's not getting his hands on her.
Then there's MJ's other gadgets. Her sonic blasts will likely have no effect, as they're specifically designed to fight Symbiotes and ordinary humans are unaffected. At most, I could see them potentially stunning Chris Walker due to his advanced hearing. MJ's noise devices could be a good distraction, but her taser could likely be tanked due to how much stronger the Variants are. On the flipside, I don't see any of the varients breaking free of her webbing. This is the exact same webbing Peter regular uses to lift cars and restrain his supervillains. That's a bit out of the league of most Variants. Meaning she could probably skip Trager's whole segment by webbing him to the wall, which is admittedly funny.
This is compounded by MJ's far superior stealth. Walker might be a military veteran, but MJ's snuck past some of the best international mercenaries on the planet. It's no contest on that front, even with Chris's enhanced senses.
It's with the Walrider that this becomes tricky.
The Walrider isn't invisible or intangible in the same way, say, a ghost is. It's basically a cloud of microscopic nanites. It's difficult to spot and touch because it's a very thin cloud. For most people in most circumstances, it's difficult to spot until it's basically right in front of you, at which point it's too late to escape. This means that I'm pretty confident in it getting through MJ's webs, even if some of its components get stuck.
The issue is how damn fast MJ is. The second it appears in her face, she's gone halfway down the hall. It doesn't help that it prefers to throw its victims around before killing them, which would only give MJ the opportunity to escape.
I think the Walrider could easily end MJ's run if it got the drop on her. Which it very well could. It got the drop on Miles several times and he actually has the means to see it coming in less than optimal conditions, something MJ wouldn't without a night vision camera.
But, this is where MJ's superior stealth comes into play. With a sneaking ability far superior to Miles and a speed that the Walrider can't keep up with, MJ could avoid getting ambushed by the Walrider by never getting found by it in the first place.
There are plenty of scenarios where MJ gets ripped apart or, worse, possessed by the Walrider. But there are more where MJ uses her superior stealth and speed to avoid it long enough to complete her mission. And once she kills Billy Hope, whose sitting helpless in a tube at this point, the Walrider wouldn't be able to make her a new host to survive due to her just being too fast for it to catch.
Overall, I think Ms. Watson has all the skills she needs to get the scope she's after.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Mary Jane Watson!
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alicemarion · 2 years
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alice  and  paul  marion  live  in  a  murkoff  company  town  a  negligible  distance  away  from  the  grand  canyon  national  park  &  the  secret  sinyala  facility.   initially  stationed  as  a  detail  on  the  project  conducted  at  facilities  in  los  alamos,   after  the  two  assets  collaborate,   paul  assumes  a  new  task  in  delivering  the  collected  public  &  private  records  on  the  reagents  obtained  from  charitable  outreaches  across  the  country  and  transfers  them  to  the  facility  for  disposal  as  an  integral  part  of  the  lathe  two  project.
their  proximity  is  necessary  due  to  alice’s  disease  treatment  being  interconnected  to  the  medical  facilities  at  sinyala  &  los  alamos.   they  have  little  choice  in  uprooting  to  move  to  arizona  once  dr.  rudolf  wernicke  is  invited  to  observe  the  project.   there  are  few  children  alice’s  age  in  the  company  town.   she  doesn’t  feel  very  welcome  by  the  adults  who  stay  there;   mostly  scientists,   guards,   and  their  neglected  spouses.   she  does  make  the  acquaintance  of  irene  easterman,   the  vacant  wife  of  the  chief  scientist,    dr.  joliet  easterman,   but  feels  in  her  gut  that  something  is  painfully  off  about  her.   alice  often  finds  herself  looking  after  dr.  wernicke’s  many  housecats  to  pass  her  time  when  she  is  not  attending  the  small  school  on  the  site.   alice  isn’t  sure  what  they  were  all  named  before,   but  she’s  generous  with  her  own  nicknames  for  the  felines.   paul  is  beginning  to  wonder  how  their  milk  carton  keeps  vanishing.
alice  is  a  naturally  curious  soul  who  can’t  resist  a  mystery.   she’s  very  inspired  by  noir  novels  as  a  precursor  to  her  love  of  horror  &  science  fiction.   she  likes  to  journal  (especially  her  dreams)   and  often  keeps  a  notepad  on  her  person  for  her  thoughts,   observations,   and  drawings.   a  novel  is  often  an  inclusion  in  her  bag,   along  with  a  few  bobby  pins,    hair  ties,   a  sewing  kit  for  mending  on  the  fly,   some  first  aid  tools,   &  the  medications  she  takes  daily.   she’s  endlessly  inquisitive  about  the  happenings  at  the  laboratory  &  around  the  company  town,   although  her  father  doesn’t  have  much  to  do  with  the  secrets,   which  has  earned  her  suspicion  a  few  times.   she  eavesdrops  on  employees  more  than  she  should.   those  that  get  acquainted  with  her  habits  call  her  a  miniature  nancy  drew  in  her  own  right.   at  the  times  she  does  enter  the  facility  for  her  treatments,   sometimes  staying  for  days  at  a  time,   she  has  fitful  sleep  &  swears  she  dreams  of  people  screaming,   of  blood  &  of  butterfly  wings.
in  this  particular  time  period,   she  wears  long  pleated  skirts  &  pressed  pants,   saddle  shoes  and  bobby  socks,   button-downs,   sweaters,   large  overcoats  &  cardigans  despite  the  heat,   as  she  is  almost  always  cold  inside  the  facilities  if  she’s  not  wilting  under  the  arizona  sun  &  dry  heat   (which  a  broad-rimmed  hat  &  a  smart  sundress  helps  with).   she  keeps  her  bangs  neat  &  tidy  with  a  hairband,   &  despite  the  trend  of  short,   trendy  tresses,   her  blonde  hair  remains  very  long.   she  keeps  a  pair  of  heavy  lilac  blue  frames  in  her  front  pocket  for  reading  long  hours  in  the  dark.
she  likely  would  not  interact  with  any  subjects  of  project  lathe  two  except  in  the  event  such  as  the  first  fatal  incident  which  collapsed  the  project.   however,   there  may  be  some  interest  in  gauging  her  reactions  &  monitoring  her  behavior  in  the  facility  from  dr.  wernicke,   as  she  is  connected  to  the  opposite  project  walrider  as  an  essential  asset.
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