#Drill Dory
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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girl of the morning is: Drill Dory from Magical Girl Raising Project: White!✧・゚:*
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elnotwoods · 2 years
my sister, who has truly been living under a rock: hey so can you tell me more about what non-binary means?
me, a non-binary person who has not come out yet: MY TIME HAS COME
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
Family grows, it evolves…
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
There was a new exhibit on Ancient Greece at the museum, and as the resident expert Diana was given free range of the exhibit. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, normally the League doesn’t find a clone of one of its founding members and spend a, frankly, ridiculous amount of time deciding how to proceed.
Diana sighed as she looked at the large room filled with artifacts needing to be catalogued before display. She lamented not having the same speed as the flash for but a moment before getting to work. It was 5:00, if she wanted to get any sleep tonight, she needed to get to work.
She steadily made her way through stacks of paperwork, working with the efficiency that was drilled into her since birth. It had been hours since she began her work, and though she tired, she resolved to head home to get changed for the next day. It wasn’t until she made her way from the basement that she realized something was off. Doris was sitting at reception, though she should have left at 8:00, the sun was still high in the sky, not yet ready to make its decent.
“Calling it an early night, Diana?” Doris asked “Big day tomorrow! Finally setting up the new exhibit. I can’t wait to take the kids, they’re so excited to see it.” She said with a wide smile. Diana surveyed the desk, catching a glance the clock. There in bold numbers and as 7:00pm, she smiled as she replied.
“I finished things up sooner than planned, so I thought I’d head out for the night. I need to get dinner started before my guest arrives.” Doris’ face nearly split in two.
“A guest, is he handsome, oh how could you hold out on me Diana!?” She said excitedly “I need all the details!” Diana laughed.
“Nothing like that, my Grandfather decided to pop in for a surprise visit. I haven’t seen him in quite some time, so it’s a lovely surprise.” Doris nodded along.
“You’re a good grandkid. I miss my grandparents everyday, you never know how much time you’ve got.” She said with a sigh. “Have a good night!”
“All the time in the world.” She said to herself, checking her watch and grinning. It read 4:30 am, she yawned as she left, making her way back to her apartment.
Everything thing was silent when she arrived, though that was to be expected at this point. She wade her way to the kitchen passing by the figure on the couch.
“Would you like some tea? Do you drink at all?” She inquired.
“I am perfectly capable, though I rarely indulge.” He replied in a monotone voice, if she had been anyone else she like would not have caught the edge of sadness clinging to his voice. Diana set the kettle on the stove and made her way over to the couch.
“Something troubles you, something big enough to approach me after all these years.” Clockwork smiled “You’re much sharper than your father ever was” the smile dropped.
“You are aware of the multiverse.” He said, Diana nodded. “As the Master of time, I bear witness to each world, each time line. There exists a world where humans built a bridge to the Infinite Realms, creating a being both born and killed by the infinite.” Diana gave him her upmost attention. “Sometime ago I was tasked with the elimination of this creature, this child, to prevent the tragedy he would bring upon that world.” He smiled “I was never one to listen to orders though, and instead I set the boy on a path that would bring about great change… it had unexpected side effects.”
“What kind of side effects?” Diana asked, worried.
“He began to cling to me, seeking me out for advice. I even found him asleep in my clock tower more than once. I have admittedly come to see him as my grandson.” Clockwork have a soft smile “He reminded me so much of you when we first met.” He sighed “I am here to ask a favor, young Danny is approaching a crossroads. There are two possible paths his timeline might take, one where he lives of the rest of his years moving between living in dead, his truth hidden from those who wish him harm. However there is another path, one I fear is becoming more and more likely than the last.” Diana had never seen her grandfather look so old, his entire form shifting to match his tone.
“What is it? What is going to happen?” Clockwork looked at her with sad, tired eyes.
“He will be betrayed, from this betrayal he will suffer such agony that the Realms themselves will retaliate. Then he will sleep eternal, bound to the infinite. His world destroyed.” Diana gasped. She placed a hand over his,
“What do you need me to do?” She asked firmly.
“Should the worst come about, I intend to steal him away from that world. Cutting off its connection to the realms permanently. However he is a being of both life and death, he cannot neglect his human half. What I ask of you is this, that you allow this boy to stay here, with you. There is no one else I would trust with such a task.” Diana hesitated.
She was a warrior, trained for battle from birth. She knew nothing of caring for a child. She thought her grandfather intended for her assist him in battle but this…. She looked at her grandfather, his sad eyes resigned, as though he expected her to refuse.
“Very well, on one condition.”
“Anything my dear.” She smiled.
“You must visit more, when last we met I told you I needed time. You gave me that, now I ask once more for time, time spent together.” She nearly jumped as his form shifted to that of a child.
“Nothing would please me more.”
“And grandfather? Should the worst not pass, I would still like to meet tho cousin of mine.” Clockwork froze, before he practically melted.
“Of course.” His form shifted once more to that of a young adult. Diana smiled pulling her grandfather into a hug.
“Thank you.” He whispered and he was gone. The kettle screamed. Diana got ready for a long nights rest.
A week passed before she heard anything from her grandfather. It was to the night before the opening of her new exhibit and she expected everything to go as planned. Just as she was picking out what she was going to wear to the gala, the sound of cars outside her window stopped.
“What do you think? Red or black?” She asked as she turned around holding the two dresses. Her grandfather stood tall, a stern look on his face. Diana set down the dresses. “It happened, didn’t it?” Clockwork nodded. Making his way towards the living room he stopped by the couch. There, asleep on her couch was a young teen, not much older than some of her teammates protégés. He had pitch black hair and pale skin, with lightning scars crawling up his neck. He chest did not move.
“He’s not breathing!” She turned to her grandfather, but he appeared unbothered. He smiled, watching the boy sleep.
“As I said before, he is a being of both life and death, sometime pieces of one form bleed into the other.” He turned to Diana, “He needs his rest, as for your first question, the blue dress will suit you much better on this occasion.” Diana gave him a soft smile.
“Come, I shall make us some tea while you tell me more about my cousin.” Clockwork nodded, taking a moment to readjust the blanket around the teen, before heading to the kitchen.
When Danny woke, to the sound of people talking he had a horrid migraine. He did his best to ignore the pain as he tried to remember where he was. The last thing he remembered was a dream of his parents yelling and the GIW knocking down their door. He slowly sat up, looking around the room, every wall was covered in pictures. Danny slowly stood and made his way over to the pictures. They all took place over varied times, ranging from, at the earliest, the 1920s all the way to the 2000s. All of the featured the same woman, she remained unchanged even as those around her grew old.
He listen to the voices, one familiar, one not, as he made his way towards the source of the noise. When he opened the door he was greeted by the familiar face of Clockwork. Next to him was the woman from the photos just as unchanged.
“Good afternoon Danny, did you rest well?” Danny did his best to disguise his flinch at the sound, grinning at the old ghost.
“Just fine thanks, what….what exactly happened? Where are we?” Confusion dripping from his voice.
Clockwork looked Danny in the eye, what he said next nearly broke him.
“I’m so sorry, Danny.”
Danny’s legs almost gave out under him. “It happened didn’t it? They tried to turn me in, to the GIW. That wasn’t a dream.” The ancient stayed silent, Danny's eyes went wide. "Is Jazz okay!? She... she was upstairs... if they hurt her!" Clockwork stopped him.
"Your sister is fine, they were only there for you." Danny took a deep breath, trying to process everything.
"So what comes next? Where are we?" Clockwork looked at him with a deep sadness.
"We are in a world separate from your own, connected by the Infinite Realms. I saw the possibility of what was to come and made arrangements. Due to the crimes of your world against you, the Observants and myself decided the best course of action would be to remove you from your world, and cut the living off from the Infinite Realms entirely." Danny looked down, resigned to knowledge of what they planned to do to him. "As you know, as a half-ghost you must tend to both sides of your being." Clockwork turned to the woman, "Danny, this is my granddaughter, Princess Diana of Themascyra. She has agreed to have you stay here, with her." Danny frowned.
"Your granddaughter? But she's...uhh" he paused, not sure how to continue. Diana laughed.
"Alive? Yes, I do believe I am. I'm assuming my grandfather has neglected to explain his past life" Danny nodded "How much do you know of the stories Ancient Greece?"
"More than most I think, there are a lot of constellations named after the myths. That and it's hard to visit Pandora and NOT get an hour lecture on Greece" Diana's eyes went wide.
"You know Lady Pandora? How wonderful, I grew up hearing stories of her bravery!” She smiled “That being said, that will make things a bit easier. My mother is Hippolyta, her desire to have a daughter was so great that she molded me from sand, Zeus, king of the gods, used his power to give me life.” Danny blinked once, then twice.
“So…you’re a Demi-god? I don’t understand how that makes you Clockworks granddaughter.” Diana smiled. “I mean, I know Clockwork probably used to be Chronos, Jazz and I had a whole debate about that, but what does that have to do with Zeus?” Diana smiled patiently.
“Danny, Chronos is the primordial god of time, yes?” Danny nodded “Okay, well he is also the primordial form of Kronos, the father of Zeus, my father.” Danny froze, looking over to Clockwork who merely nodded, as though Danny’s brain was currently trying to shut down. After a moment the dots finally seemed to click.
Clockwork sighed, Diana laughed, Danny had a mental breakdown.
It took close to five minutes for Clockwork to fully explain as Diana grinned in the background drinking her tea. Once he calmed down, Clockwork finished continued expaining.
"As for your ghostly half, I will be providing plenty of ectoplasm for you to eat as well as bringing you to the Infinite realms each week until you learn to create portals of your own." Danny nodded.
"What about school? Or hell, anything really. I don't exist in this world, how exactly do I go about doing anything?" Clockwork smiled.
"I called on the power of the ghost writer for any legal documents and I personally filed them in the proper time period to ensure you have what you need. I have given those to Diana" she nodded "as well as giving her legal custody of you. As far as the law is concerned you are her recently orphaned cousin. Son of her estranged Uncle Haiden and Aunt Penelope, who tragically died a few days ago." Clockwork smiled, rising from his seat.
"I'm afraid I have over stayed my welcome, I think it's best I take my leave and allow the two of you time to acquaint yourselves better." Danny stopped Clockwork, giving him a hug he whispered.
"Thank you." Clockwork gently carded his fingers through his hair before stepping back.
"If either of you need anything, just ask." and he was gone. Suddenly there was an influx of noise coming from outside, just enough to tell them that the world outside was moving once more.
Danny stood awkwardly by the chair their grandfather was occupying.
"You know, I don't bite." Diana said, trying to break the ice.
"I do." Danny replied on reflex, before covering his mouth. He looked at Diana, she looked back before they both burst out in peals of laughter.
"This is so weird, what even is my life?" Diana wiped a tear from her eye.
"Well, considering one of my teammates dresses up as a bat and beats up criminals, while another talks to fish, I think it's safe to say neither of our lives can be considered normal." Danny broke out in another fit of laughter.
"No shit?" he asked. Diana lifted a single brow at the term.
"No shit."
"What kind of team are you on exactly? Extreme cosplaying? Underwater battle royale?" Diana smirked.
"How about we get you some food and I tell you all about it?"
Danny smiled "Sounds like a plan."
@a-salty-sal@impulsiveasshole@meira-3919@alcorbearson@cute6troll@samgirl98@skulld3mort-1fan@addie-lover-of-stories@amercurio@chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 @heirxofxtime @gin2212 @thegatorsgoose@wanderer-of-worlds@terzatheunderscorerima@bright-shade@satanicrutialspecialist@mur-ururu@birdie-24-05@ascetic-orange@cyber-geist@thatrandomsarahchick
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ltwilliammowett · 2 months
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Gunner's instruction book, inscribed on the first page "R.N. Giddy./ His/ Book/ May 28th 1860" HMS Doris
It containing extremely detailed instruction of the duties expected of a gunner, such as "Assembling at quarters", "Lock Practice", "Securing guns", "Detail for placing the men", "Providing Stores", "Exercise with 9 men to an Upper Deck gun", "Handspike Drill", "Divisions of Boarders", "Exercise with 19 men", "Stations for Casting loose a 100 Pr Gun with 10 men Both Sides Manned", and similar matter
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Version 4.1 Event Wishes Notice - Phase II
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Travelers, stock up on weapons and characters in the event wish to make your party stronger in combat!
Event Wish "Tempestuous Destiny" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Emissary of Solitary Iniquity" Wriothesley (Cryo)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
2023/10/17 18:00:00—2023/11/07 14:59:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Emissary of Solitary Iniquity" Wriothesley (Cryo) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Frozen Ardor" Chongyun (Cryo), "Protector From Afar" Thoma (Pyro), and "Treasure of Dream Garden" Dori (Electro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ This is for "Character Event Wish." The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2." This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
Event Wish "Ballad in Goblets" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Windborne Bard" Venti (Anemo)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
2023/10/17 18:00:00—2023/11/07 14:59:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Windborne Bard" Venti (Anemo) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Frozen Ardor" Chongyun (Cryo), "Protector From Afar" Thoma (Pyro), and "Treasure of Dream Garden" Dori (Electro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ This is for "Character Event Wish-2." The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2." This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
Event Wish "Epitome Invocation" - Boosted Drop Rate for Cashflow Supervision (Catalyst) and Elegy for the End (Bow)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
2023/10/17 18:00:00—2023/11/07 14:59:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During the event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star weapons Cashflow Supervision (Catalyst) and Elegy for the End (Bow) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During the event wish, the event-exclusive 4-star weapons Prospector's Drill (Polearm) and Range Gauge (Bow) as well as the 4-star weapons Favonius Sword (Sword), Rainslasher (Claymore), and Eye of Perception (Catalyst) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During the event wish, use Epitomized Path to chart a course towards a promotional 5-star weapon, such as Cashflow Supervision (Catalyst) or Elegy for the End (Bow). For more information on Epitomized Path, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
※ Of the above weapons, the event-exclusive weapons will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
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poppadom0912 · 1 year
Can you do a part 2 to Father dearest please? Like maybe them telling people their married and/or pregnant? 😊
Of course! This took me ages to get to so I apologise but I hope you like it and it's up to standards.
In commemoration of 4/21 of my exams finished, thought I’d finally put something out and try something new. Enjoy!!
Warnings: None? Mentions of pregnancy and childbirth
Part one
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You and Will had planned out your pregnancy and marriage announcement one night laying in bed. You had yet to show despite how far along you were getting but you weren't too concerned, it was actually quite common for some women.
The plan was to tell Jay first whenever your schedhules lined up and it finally did. The three of you were going to have dinner and you'd tell him that he was going to be an uncle that night.
But fate had other plans.
You were on shift. Will wasn't going to be in work for another few hours since this was one of the random days you weren't on shift together.
April was talking to you about having a girls day out one of these days since all everyone did was work and you agreed but your planning was cut off by an incoming patient.
The patient was definitely high, shouting like a maniac as he was wheeled in by paramedics and a very familiar brunet man.
"What happened to him?" You asked your brother in law who was unaware of his newly acquired status. He joined your side and walked with you, spudding you in greeting.
"I have no idea but he's our lead suspect." Jay told you, indirectly telling you that this man needed to stay alive by all means possible.
You nodded in understanding, moving away from him and towards the combative man who was being restrained by April and Doris.
Spewing out orders, you helped the two nurses who continued to struggle and out of nowhere, a hands came hurtling towards you causing everyone to be alert.
Despite being on whatever drugs he was on, that man was strong as heck and sitting up, nearly getting off the gurney only gave him more strength to push you away.
Unfortunately for you, because of the treatment room you were in, your head collided with the medicine cabinet, a distinct and worrying sound being made when you hit your head.
Through your pain and the blurriness in your eyes, you missed Jay interfering and cuffing the man himself, April giving him more drugs upon Ethan's request who you didn't notice enter the room.
Groaning, you pulled your hand away from the back of your head and even with your blurry vision, you couldn't deny that you were seeing blood coating your fingers.
"Y/N, we need to check you out." April said from across the room, looking up when the patient dozed off. She could clearly see you bleeding and wasn't going to take no for an answer when you denied her.
"Yeah." You agreed with her, wincing when you tried to nod. Your answer shocked the room, the inhabitants looking at you as if you lost a few brain cells. Usually, you'd turn them all down and repeatedly assure them you were fine. This was definitely a first.
"Can you call Will for me?" You asked Jay who wrapped his arm around you, helping you walk out the treatment room and into another.
"Already on it."
"Just a concussion and a few stitches, that's it?" Will asked for the hundredth time, looking back at Ethan with worry laced in his words.
"Take the next few days off, you know the drill." Ethan told you, leaving out the information that you already knew.
"Wait, baby?” Will said, looking at you questiongly.
"Baby." You gasped, eyes wide in sudden realisation. You were so out of it that you forgot all about the baby.
"Baby?" Jay asked, stepping into your very weird interaction. "Why are we repeating baby?"
You sighed, shoulders slumping in disappointment. This wasn't how you wanted to tell Jay, let alone anyone else.
"Can we get an ultrasound?" Will turned to Ethan, not willing to take his chances with your babies health.
Both men were confused for a second but when they joined the dots, their eyes widened and you couldn't help but smile.
"April, turn on the ultrasound for me please."
You let out the biggest sigh of relief at the sound of a steady heartbeat and at the sight of a healthy baby. God knows what you would've done if they were hurt.
"I thought you agreed no kids till after marriage?" Jay said, more stating than questioning but the implication was there.
You and Will exchanged a knowing glance and Jay caught it because the two of you weren't even trying to be discreet at this point.
"Shut up." Jay huffed, looking between the two of your incredulously. "You guys are married?"
You started laughing, finding his reaction funny along with everyone else's reactions.
At the mention of needing an ultrasound, everyone overheard and took a peek into the room where one of their ED docs were being treated in and they'd heard everything.
"This is too much all at once." April shut her eyes, opening them and pointing at you with a new determination in her eyes.
"You got married, didn't tell or invite any of us and then you get pregnant."
You smiled sheepishly while Will nodded. It was your fault for not telling them but everyone was so busy these days and the two of you were too awkward to start a random conversation and lay it all on them.
"Well, what were we supposed to say? ‘Hey guys, we got married on holiday and we're pregnant with the first Halstead grandchild whose actually a boy if you were wondering."
"Yes!" Jay nodded, feeling like pulling his hair out from the stress of his older brother and his now sister in law. "You say exactly that!"
"Well..." You smiled, doing jazz hands. "Surprise! We're having a boy!"
"Oh my gosh."
You laughed heartily watching Jay's retreating figure.
"Maybe we should wait to ask him to be the godfather."
"Oh definitely."
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theficpusher · 5 months
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Finger My Mouth by LouisThiccSexyGlitteryAss | E | 1515 Louis' dentist (and childhood crush) rides him on the orthodontic chair.
A+ Patient by YesIsAWorld | G | 1882 Harry hated everything about the dentist—the antiseptic smell and the bright light in his face and the disappointment in himself and the suction thingy that kept his mouth too dry. But the thing he hated the most was how in love with his dentist he was.
Working With Mouths. by kotabear24 | M | 2075 But, basically, Louis goes to a new dentist...who is Harry Styles.
The gas had a delayed effect(it's just the dentist's office) by AxWorldxAway | nr | 3832 "Got a bit of a laugh, eavesdropping in on my very personal conversation with myself, eh?" Louis pulled the straightest face he could, acting as stern as he could, and he almost pulled it off. That is, until he saw the way the boy paled dramatically and his eyes widened comically. He burst out laughing a second after the boy began rushing out a hasty apology. He couldn't stop laughing, doubling over from his place perched in the chair. The other boy began chuckling slightly along with him. Louis knew it wasn't that funny, but he had to keep his spirits high somehow; he was sitting in a dentist office after all. (Louis cracks his tooth and is forced to take a trip to the dentist. Harry just happens to be the attractive dental assistant to Louis' eccentric dentist.)
Brace Yourself by Kaname | nr | 4056 "Standing in the doorway, wearing the most garish pair of banana scrubs that Louis had ever had the misfortune of seeing, was the most bloody gorgeous man he'd ever laid his eyes on. His hair was twisted into a messy bun of shiny, perfect curls; his thick lips curled up into a playful smile while a set of sparkling green eyes read through his folder. 'Hope you’ve not had trouble "filling" the time before the appointment, then,” the hygienist mused, smirking down at the file in his hands. His muscular forearms were blissfully exposed, a white undershirt rolled up to the elbows while a set of long, elegant fingers flipped leisurely through Louis’ x-rays. “Not that I mean to "drill" you about what you do with your free time, but it would be awfully "root" not to ask.'" (Louis is a whiny arsehat who hates the dentist, and Harry is a hygientist with a pocket full of dental puns and a thing for petite men in poof-hats.)
always tell the truth by anditsonlyforthebrave | nr | 5027 Harry is Louis' dentist and getting a wisdom tooth removed shouldn't be the end of the world.
Tantrums and Toothaches by sagegreenharry | nr | 5159 Louis and Harry's daughters always loved their dentist appointments with Louis. While Harry was off to the side doing his deep breathing, the girls would be laughing in the chair with Louis as he cleaned their teeth. So, this time when Harry gets the text from Louis to bring himself and the girls to his office, and Eva turns pale as a ghost, Harry knows something must be up.
Beautiful smile by HESLWTLJPNJHZJM | G | 5297 Louis takes Doris to her dentist appointment where Harry just so happens to be the dentist. Shocker, I know.
You smile all the time ('cause how can you not show it?) by thebreadvan | E | 9500 Harry’s eyes unwillingly slip up to the doctor, scanning his features and the focused crinkle between his brows. His jaw looks sharp, especially when he clenches it, pearly teeth biting into his bottom lip. Harry admires the stubble growing on his cheeks, and the impressive cut of his cheekbones, and – the blush blooming from his cheeks down to his neck. Harry blinks away, hoping he hasn’t been caught staring or made the man uncomfortable, but Dr. Tomlinson clears his throat and his leg starts bouncing beside Harry’s chair. Harry looks up again, and finds his face twisted into an undecipherable grimace. “Uhm,” Dr. Tomlinson stammers, “Could you hold your tongue still for me?” Harry stops breathing when he realises. He is licking Dr. Tomlinson’s fingers. <<>><<>><<>> Or, Harry never liked dentists, until now.
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ash-arts-a-thing · 9 months
How do the brothers feel about everuthing?
They’re about as miserable as you’d expect
Bruce is on the hostile side due to plasmid and tonic use, he’ll sometimes lash out at his brothers unintentionally and in the majority of cases immediately regret it and apologize. The longer it goes on though the longer it takes him to realize what an asshole he’s being. Thankfully it still doesn’t take him very long… for now at least. He’s focused mostly on trying to get Clay and Floyd out of the city so he doesn’t have to worry about them when he focuses on John Dory and Branch
Clay is constantly torn between worrying for Floyd and Bruce, he desperately wants to support Floyd in his endeavor to try to save their brothers, but doesn’t want it to be at the cost of Bruce’s body and sanity. He wants to be there for both of them, but their clashing motives will sometimes make Clay isolate
Floyd is completely adamant they can save Branch and John Dory and he’s reckless because he wants to get to them as soon as possible for Clay and Bruce’s sake, especially Bruce’s. The amount of times he’s gotten shot, burned, electrocuted, drilled, etc, is too many too count and it’s almost surprising he hasn’t given his brothers heart attacks yet
Branch is oblivious. As long as he’s with John Dory (or Viva for a few minutes) he’s happy, the LB conditioning runs deep with him
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bunnymajo · 1 month
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ooh this one's kinda tough.
A couple mgs have drills (though it's not exactly a more common power drill)
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Actually the set up for "D4 Princess" girls can use everyday objects as their weapons, like Dory has a drill theme as her Panzer and one of her opponents uses a vacuum cleaner. It's kind of silly on purpose so I wouldn't be surprised if more items like screwdrivers or hammers were in there too (I haven't seen it yet :'D)
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There's also Drill Dory from Magical Girl Raising Project
Hammers are pretty common (again more oversized and blocky than a more common hardware hammer)
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Felicia (Magia Record), Powered Buttercup (PPGZ), Vita (Lyrical Nanaoha)
Also Haruna from "Is this a Zombie?" uses a chainsaw
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Screwdrivers I don't think I've seen....hmm Someone get on that lol
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from natural satellites and Pokemon
Abby Abuzz Aegaegene Aegaste Aege Aeon Aeone Aeonidgey Aeoteukey Aeow Aitmond Amakina Andabrill Ansea Archoe Areevenus Argarthe Ario Aros Arthelem Artis Artiso Artlyke Arvictros Ateuana Athea Aurn Autop...
Bebe Bele Belen Beriel Beritepix Besto Biand Bladugtri Blata Bulow Buto Buzz Calbio Calia Calick Calistori Careste Caros Cary Casto Cataltone Catlenchu Challde Chan Chanca Chauto Chautores Chea Choe Chos Clefar Clenus Clowbros Clowzee Coolterom Coom Cruee Cruelle Cubospora Curos Cyteptuno Deevenus Deidge Deime Deiphnida Deristeno Desdes Destorn Deus Diaq Digglyste Dikab Dilermian Ding Diso Doda Dodditer Dodran Doquir Dorapea Dorie Drill Drio Dros Duck Dysamp Dysnoebos Dystauto Dystonoe Eadeiande Eephanyte Ekadel Eladra Elas Elxi Enus Erow Ersey Euck Euckiviuq Euke Euponison Eupora Euran Euroke Eusa Exegae Exegaly Exegeone Fabuzz Fene Fenus Fersect Fetoreia Flatabby Flatis Forimela Forseter Frabrow Frantanda Fraxa Gaeggle Galth Garb Gase Gashry Gelxi Gentanymr Geonchu Golen Golimans Goly Gone Graq Gratite Grestorl Gria Grime Grizamp Gron Gyara Gyarme Gyarmede Gyarn Gyaropase Gyarqeq Gyarth Halakine Hamagne Hamas Hanus Hater Hatite Heelia Helasto Hele Helen Helengeot Hergel Hira Hita Hittois Horix Horthoe Hortiso Hyhobe Hyhoe Hyhone Hyhos Hyone Hypetto Hypnom Hypus Iaringall Iorbos Isona Iviuq Jare Jarion Jiggut Jirla Jirro Jolydode Julban Julbauto Jupidos Jupikad Kabrashea Kachd Kacorti Kados Kalemon Kanke Kankelene Kanker Karan Kargeler Karos Kazam Keristyx Kina Kinbe Kinse Koliteak Korax Koreste Korn Koryu Krash Ladra Ladros Lapinete Larp Laster Leevenus Lielemon Lirymr Logel Loometta Lowbros Lyke Lykey Mabby Macreothe Mactyx Magiry Magneta Magona Makades Malbio Maleptus Malyke Manonan Mantarp Manth Manus Mareedles Marp Marydus Mase Massan Mede Medra Melefabby Mell Meote Merie Meth Metorix Miaper Miara Miellspe Mimanus Miphnia Mita Moldeuryu Muke Mung Mungr Naia Nairan Narchu Naryu Nemote Nerdite Neteond Netete Nidori Ninair Ninoe Ninomew Nishemime Nistabuzz Niton Obokel Obos Odeip Odra Oduces Omedache Omis Omot Onanid Ondas Opher Ophok Oradra Orna Paalles Pale Palleezin Palyke Palyte Panish Para Paraia Parns Parthe Pasaury Phanytuff Phora Pidget Pidigglow Pidio Pidod Pidoquele Pidos Pielitmos Pinisong Pino Pite Pitne Pitoreon Plumede Pokivys Polde Poldela Pollde Polliwra Polte Pone Prable Prat Prio Prome Pros Prowzeene Psone Psycorth Puff Ranitab Rashry Rastledes Raven Raxa Rhel Rhobe Rhorinda Rhos Rhyduck Rhydus Rhyone Rhypnoryu Rhysippe Ronore Rowzeede Saltoner Salydokey Saut Saxidgeon Scyl Sectyll Siadab Sitaygeow Skoff Skoly Snomon Sporew Spro Squelenus Stachaerb Stan Stara Starchu Stela Stenetet Ster Suras Suryu Suto Sutonet Syco Sycors Syde Sydos Sydus Taclemerb Tadra Tadrinopa Taly Tancish Tandike Tapo Tapuffin Tauroter Taygey Teros Terp Tethe Teury Thea Theeven Thegglect Thellde Thellen Ther Therbonor There Therie Therion Theuke Theupix Thoryu Thyon Tictan Tinoe Tistyx Tita Trile Umbrax Vapero Vapine Vaporsie Veebelene Velect Vencubaur Vene Venoe Venthobos Vick Vicubosir Vilfary Viuq Vospria Vulo Vulowpo Wagmabby Wagmasta Waking Weebhimea Weephares Weepturn Zamanke Zaphe Zars Zubanair
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baryonyxclaws · 2 years
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Here’s Some of @drill-teeth-art ‘s Love Bugs right before February pounces on us all. Honestly, check out it’s art they have a ton of fun designs of all sorts of fan favorites, not to mention awesome head cannons and story ideas~
I hope it’s okay I used this lovely trio for practice on figuring out coloring and also dimensions. I had quite a bit of fun, especially on Bombshell’s head. I do love all their designs it was a cool challenge. 
Here’s a song to go with it (Doris Day- Be my little baby Bumblebee ) but bee warned there’s a horn used at like 1:15 that’s loud AF so if your like me who jumps at sudden unexpected noises be careful. 
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negative-speedforce · 6 months
Weirdly Specific Character Asks for Pyrrha and Dori please?
1, 11, 21, 30, 43, and 57?
1: What's the lie your character says most often?
Pyrrha: It's not really one lie specifically, but usually it's just pretending that she knows what other people are talking about. Because of her restrictive upbringing, Pyrrha had never even experienced rain when she first defected, so there's a lot of concepts she's still unfamiliar with.
Dori: Lies constantly about their identity. Whether it's their farce as Dori/Dorian that they use to infiltrate SHIELD and HYDRA, or lying about their backstory, given that they were kicked out at 16 for being a mutant and they don't want people to feel sorry for them.
11: If someone was impersonating them, what would friends/family ask or do to tell the difference?
Pyrrha: Honestly, they'd probably just ask her about some concept that literally everyone knows about, minus Pyrrha. Like money, or sex, or something.
Dori: Years of being an agent has drilled lightning-fast reflexes into Dori, so they would probably just throw something at them or try to hit them or something and see if they can react fast enough.
21: What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
Pyrrha: That it's impolite to leave early from a meeting or formal event, even if you have a good excuse. With Pyrrha's job as a medic and her own occasionally faulty cybernetics, she often has to step aside and either attend to whatever emergency has popped up, or fix herself up so she can function.
Dori: Killing is bad. There's a lot of terrible people out there, and Dori's encountered some of the worst of them. In their opinion, those people should be taken out before they cause any more harm than they're worth.
30: When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
Pyrrha: With her line of work, Pyrrha couldn't really make a mistake, because that would constitute as medical malpractice. However, she actually feels a lot worse about mistakes in her personal life, since growing up, even the slightest infraction could lead to weeks of medical torture.
Dori: Realistically, Dori couldn't make a mistake in their professional life, because one little slip-up could get them killed. However, in their personal life. they're not really one for crying over spilled milk.
43: What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing/environment/biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
Pyrrha: Is constantly misunderstanding things, since she was raised in such a restrictive environment. It'd probably be quicker to talk about the things that she doesn't misunderstand than the things that she does.
Dori: Because of their line of work, Dori usually assumes hostility on other people's part, even when there is none. They'll usually just correct themself and apologize, though they'll still remain suspicious of that person.
57: What’s a simple daily activity/motion that they mess up often?
Pyrrha: Really, really sucks at getting dressed quickly. She has to put on her clothes very slowly and carefully, since fabric tends to get snagged in the joints of her prosthetics. It'd probably be easier if she could just remove them, but given that they're surgically fused with her body, that's not happening.
Dori: Sleeping soundly. Dori tends to shapeshift in their sleep when they have nightmares (which is almost every night), which leads to all kinds of awkward situations, since their sleep setup is usually catered to their normal form. Either they'll turn into a giant bodybuilder and break their bedframe or they'll turn into a baby and get tangled in the blankets. It's quite annoying.
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daubigny-stan · 1 year
The reason I'm so scared of marriage is because patriarchy starts in the household. Many of the biggest injustices happen in the courtroom, the workplace, and many other public spaces - but it stems from and is everlasting in your family. Your mom might be a high powered career woman in a lofty position, but she is still expected to prepare food, coddle her husband, and take care of the children. And if she doesn't, then she is viewed as having failed to fulfill that correct role in her family. This is a patriarchy not codified in books by men smoking pipes in prestigious university offices, but one accutely felt by women on the daily.
Sexism in the household is that and so much more. It's when you men scream gender equality in university activism meetings but whine and moan when your mom asks you to do the dishes. It's when you develop gender empowerment programs at work but then expect your wife sacrifice her career to take care of the kids. It's when your parents coddle your brother but you are treated so much lesser despite handling so many responsibilities.
If marriage was a neutral phenomenon with the sole purpose of uniting two parties, it would be hunky-dory. But time and time again - when I look at my mothers, my aunts, my grandmother, and so on - it isn't. It feels as though its main purpose is to reaffirm these power dynamics between genders through the institution of the nuclear family. To hand down the strict role that comes with being in the position of the wife and mother to the daughter. Some of the most vile misogyny doesn't come from men - it comes from your own mother.
Don't get me started on being a daughter that doesn't fit into that role. If you are deemed not feminine enough to fit the role of the traditional wife/mother, it is almost certain that your mom will drill your biggest insecurities into you. If you are fat, your mom will berate you into not fitting the beauty standard. If you do not conform to your assigned femininity, your mom will critique your lack of feminine traits. Doesn't have to even be you being tomboyish - you don't wear makeup? You don't shave your legs? You're a bit sloppy? I bet you the family is where you got those insecurities. You're queer? Your mom's main concern is that you won't inherit the same role that she has, not that you're happy.
I am so scared that when I get married, that inequality will occur to me. I will end up in a relationship where I am saddled with all of the domestic responsibilities, where I am forced to prioritized my husband in an inequal relationship. I am so scared of constantly being berated for not doing my role of wife correctly, by other female members of my own family. I am petrified by the idea that if I have a daughter one day, I will inevitably inherit all of this on to her.
Hopefully it is forgiven and understood that a lot of gendered terms were used in this essay. The patriarchy as reinforced by marriage is only present when it is heterosexual, between a man and a woman. LGBTQ unions and marriages don't do this and I think that's a big reason to why they're not viewed as legitimate marriages. That being said, queer people are definitely not exempt from this experience - trans men and lesbians will have definitely felt what it's like being a daughter and thus subjected to all the standards that come with it; especially since they have failed to conform to it.Trans women who transitioned later in life have their feminity invalidated by TERFs because they didn't. Femininity is perceived as inexplicably tied to that submissive role in the heteronormative nuclear family as wife or daughter. As was stated earlier - the most vile (trans) misogyny comes from other women.
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topgunruinedme · 2 years
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Daggers Daycare||o.3
Synopsis: Maverick finds himself in a situation he cant explain. The daggers are unavailable, and he finds himself in need of help from his old crew. Of cause this wasn't the reunion they expected.
“Did you kidnap an orphanage Mav?”
Warning: age regression (they get turned into children), slight whump mostly fluff, slight swearing, homophobia and 5 idiots with no knowledge on kids caring for some.
Word Count: 1.7k
Read on Ao3
Previous Chapters: Chapter||o.1, Chapter||o.2.
Next Chapter: Chapter||o.4.
When Ice stepped back into the room after taking a few moments after his call to breathe. He found the others sitting on the couch kind of just watching the kids.
Maverick seemed to have left at some point during that time. His spot on the couch was abandoned but he could be heard making some noise in another room of the house. 
Slider turned to look at him as he entered, the small downturn of his lips displayed his concern, “You all good Ice?”. 
They both knew not to get into it here, Ice nodded sharply. “Work call” he explained, slipping the phone into his pocket already creating a plan on what to do with the children in the week he had free. 
Mentally he started to write out a list. There were a lot of things that would need to be done. 
1. Get equipment, anything kids would need to survive. 
2. Get means to transport the kids to a safer environment. 
3. Feed children and get them to sleep before a possible doctor visit. 
4. He wasn't quite sure what number four was yet.
Wood looked at them all before snorting slightly, Wolf nudged him, raising an eyebrow.
“How did he get us all here?” Wood asked confused, gesturing at the different attire they were all wearing. 
Which was understandable. Ice was still in his work uniform, Slider looked like he was just climbing out of bed in sweats and an old ‘Who’s” band t-shirt. While Wood and Wolf looked like they were getting ready for something, dressed in jeans and t-shirts. 
“I’m only here because I was promised free booze” Slider admitted, he shrugged with a sheepish smile. 
“I was promised an orgy” Wolf shrugged, not at all ashamed to admit it. The flush on Wood’s face deepened. 
“Same!” Wood agreed almost far too quickly and energetically. 
Ice narrowed his eyes; there was definitely something between those two. There had been something back at Top Gun too but he had never caught the two together. Wood was beaming at Wolf with a soft smile as Wolf grinned at him raising an eyebrow.
They turned to him, Ice gave them an unimpressed look. “I got a 911 text” he shrugged.
Slider hummed “That would do it” he nodded as if assuring himself. Ice wasn't sure if he was meant to feel offended or not. Was he that predictable? He didn't always jump to fix Mavericks' problems, did he? 
It had been terrifying to be sitting at his desk getting ready for a meeting only to see the message waiting for him on his phone. 
Maverick: 911.
He had of course called off the rest of his meetings in a “family emergency” that had Doris, his secretary of 5 years, just grinned. She knew the drill by now. Everyone did. 
Family emergency translated to “Maverick’s done something stupid and I’ll be out of office to fix it before he ends the world”. 
He had rushed straight from the office. Ice would normally scold Maverick for using the 911 message prematurely in the wrong situation. 
“No Maverick, running out of tissues when you're sick is not a 911 worthy emergency”, but looking around him he found it oddly fitting. At least he couldn’t fault the man for that. 
The room was loud; the sound of the other children running around, shrieking. Bradley was laying in a pile that consisted of Payback and Fanboy, laying on top of them as he rested. Occasionally giggling when one of the boys would reach out and tickle him. 
Phoenix seemed content on trying to help the glasses bearing younger boy, that Ice could only assume was Bob stacking the cards. Carefully picking them up and placing them in a pile, he wasn't entirely sure what they intended to do with them but he wasn't concerned as long as they were busy. 
Keeping one eye out on the kids while the adults talked to each other quietly, attempting to give Maverick some time by himself to collect himself. 
Ice caught his eyes drifting back over to the two boys in the corner again. He frowned softly, they hadn’t moved. The blond boy sat in the corner, he was watching him tilting his head as the other boy cuddled up to his side looking at them all with distrust. 
They were being so defensive compared to the rest of the children, his eyes shifting to the photo frame on the table of the daggers. 
It must have been just after the mission, Hangman was grinning his chin resting on Bob’s head who was smiling softly in the man's embrace. Coyote had his arm wrapped around Hangman’s shoulder and Phoenix was smiling softly at the camera. 
As predicted Maverick stood beaming in front of them all smaller than the rest with Bradley’s hand on his shoulder. The boy was smiling down at him instead of the camera.  Fanboy and Payback were on their toes on the back of the group doing their best to give most of the group bunny ears with their grinning faces framed over their teammates shoulders. 
Maverick looked happy. 
His eyes slid back over to the two boys, Hangman and Coyote then. It had to be, the two men were close as brothers. He remembered reading a ‘do not separate’ order in Seresin’s file months ago. He doubted even in this mindset that Coyote would let anyone near the younger man. 
His head turned at the sound of someone walking up to him, the soft click of each step was familiar. Too familiar, Maverick’s boots clicked from an old broken buckle that he refused to get fixed. 
He remembered the day at the dinner when Bradley was still young, maybe 10 at the time. He had been bored and snuck under the table, content to play with his uncles shoes. It had been fine until the boy pulled on the buckle and broke it. Maverick had reassured Carol it was fine and an easy fix, but the man never did. 
Maverick was looking at him with a small smile on his face, “Hondo took that photo”. He stepped forward, his fingers brushing the frame. Ice watched him silently. 
The man was clearly remembering something fond, there was a slight happiness in his expression as he looked at it. Something Ice hadn’t seen since Bradley left, leaving his wingman shattered on his doorstep so riddled riddled in depression so deep ice hand’t been sure he could fix him. 
He hadn't. He didn't fix him. He simply gave him a reason to live, reminded him that if he left Bradley wouldn’t have anyone. 
“We need to organize something,  they can't stay here Mav”. He hated having to ruin the Maverick’s moment. It sounded weird calling him Mav again, not Maverick, Not Mitchell. Mav. 
Mavericks' smile faded but he nodded sadly, “I know” he said quietly. 
Ice winced he hadn't intended to insinuate anything let alone remind Maverick of how his last attempt of raising a child had ended up. 
He cleared his throat, Slider raised an eyebrow at him nudging Wolf and Wood to pay attention. 
“We’ll move them then”,  he really hated this idea but they didn't have any other options, “My house should be big enough for the time being to care for them and have the space for us to crash”.
He saw Wood frown slightly at his wording; he ignored it, “Wood, you and Maverick will stay here to supervise the kids. Do a head count and for heaven sakes write it down, you’re both hopeless with numbers”.
His attention shifted to Slider and Wolf, “Slider, go dig that mini van of yours out of storage. Wolf you're with me, we need to get some car seats. Because they’re sure as hell are not staying the night here”. 
Hollywood slapped Maverick on the shoulder with a sharp grin, “See what did I tell you, Ice has everything under control”. 
Dear god. If this went wrong it would solely be his fault, it would impact his career and his alone. He really hoped he was doing the right thing. 
“What are you waiting for” he asked impatiently when no one moved, “Go, we're losing daylight!”.
Slider sent him a playful look before disappearing, he could hear the sound of a car starting. Wood rolled his eyes stepping towards the kids “Alright you little munchkins. Who wants uncle Wood?”.
Wolf laid a hand on his shoulder, “Are you alright Tom?” he asked quietly. He was looking at him intently trying to find something, an illness, exhaustion, anything he could possibly be hiding. 
“I’m good Wolfie” he shot the man a tired crooked smirk, running his hand through his hair. 
“Busy week” he sighed walking down the hallway with the man by his side silently waiting for him to continue. “This really is the worst week for this to happen” he admitted, unlocking his car letting Wolf slip in after him.
Wolf's hand slid over to grab his, preventing him from starting the car, “We're here for you if you need us Ice, you know that right?”. 
He knew he was talking about their distance. His distance from the group, Ice tore his gaze away from Wolf’s lightly tugging his hand out of the man's grasp, starting the car with a soft purr. 
“I know” he said quietly, they could deal with it later. They had far more pressing things than his mental health. 
He heard Wolf sigh before the man pulled his seatbelt across his body clipping it in, wordlessly Ice copied the man. Putting the car in neutral as they followed the gravel driveway down around the bend onto the main road. 
They could deal with it later, they had to. Because Ice wasn't sure how much further he could go without his boys. 
Wolf's infectious smile, Slider’s gruff laugh and rude jokes that often left everyone howling. 
Wood’s hugs that made you that little bit less homesick and made all your worry disappear. Maverick. His wingman, who had left him in a nest of bogeys. 
Iceman had been homesick for many years, it was about time he came home. 
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"Fineeeee, whatever... Just don't pull too hard on my hair while doing it. I had it done yesterday."
Hilda knows the drill. She's propping up her elephantine ass and laying her gut onto their shared mattress after putting a few towels down for the cheese. Despite Mercedes tender demeanor, Hilda knows she could spank hard if she had too for discipline's sake.
Which is why...
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"Um...Mama, that's what you liked to be called, right? I-I didn't mean to call her a mean name, it just sort of came out! You don't have to spank me or anything... Who the hell am I kidding, move over Bigfoot..."
Dorothea accepts her fate, and sets her fat, hairy ass right next to the pinkette's. Since her thick, brown hair is tied back and everything, Mercie has quiet the handhold to grab at while giving both of them the extra-spankings they just earned-
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"No no Dory, you too. Mama's girls need to get along." Mercedes was firm but fair, starting with Hilda. And she was right to worry about how hard... reeling back and delivering a harsh swat to the cellulite riddled expanse of pure adipose the pinkette called a butt. It caused Hilda's cheek to ripple and wobble, Much more force than one might expect from the gentle chunky cutie. But it was only one of many... Dorothea likely growing a little worried about hers. Mercie was entitled to enjoy a little kinky discipline~ And once she'd delivered enough punishment to Hilda's rear, she began a similar treatment with her lesser offender, whistling to herself.
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lynxalon · 2 years
Lynx!!! tell me a story when you're free, pal!!! about anything you want, i like reading the things you write!! :D
During Windtide
There is something surreal about seeing Times Square as it was before, lit up and populated and vintage looking. The tacky smooth, sleek cars of the age were frozen in a moment in time behind the large red words detailing whatever magazine they were and what current events were happening in "the modern" world. There was nothing modern about them, as every present moment of every second of humanity has been the most modern that it gets. Even now, with our advanced technology and ideals, we will become obsolete also.
It's a beautiful thing to reach for the stars, but everything is more beautiful when you have something to reach to. The stars are too well known now; not one being has wished on one in so long. The wind picked up, and my grip tightens on the worn leather-bound journal. It's led me this far and if I lose it to a storm I'll lose that bet.
The windtide is rising again.
I open up comms and listen to the Earthling's chatter. Most of them don't have to worry about windtide right now—they're not crazy enough to be out exploring like this—so they talk about their finds, speak aloud hypotheses they have, and detail their movements. It's relaxing to hear them especially when you're the only ones on planet Earth. We now total twenty-seven; Pygmy went off planet nearly a fortnight ago and we all know what that really means.
Dory thinks they never left Earth. Doe is the only veteran researcher who's been stationed here before, but that was under different jurisdiction. Sometimes, after a bad find, doe tells us of how different this time is. No locators. No grouping. No signals.
Nothing reaches us here.
We only have comms, but Dory says we'll be lucky if those don't lose power. I'm inclined to agree with doe. But then again, I'm the only one who goes out during low windtide. I've seen the old graffiti, read the diaries, connected the dots between the lives of our ancestors. Whatever is left to salvage; whatever has stuck around after the storms. I see it all. I want to see it all.
Dory says I remind doe of doeself. Before, that is. We don't talk about it, but this used to be more exciting when it wasn't basically a researchers worst nightmare. Stranded. Soon to become history like everything else here.
We're not the first researchers sent down. The first few missions got lost at high windtide. I've learned from their mistakes and mastered my storm safety measures, drilling my chains down during low windtide and waiting them out. The currents get so strong that it wipes away almost everything; multiple times I've had to search miles for my bags and there was that memorable event when the straps twisted around my arm and dislocated my shoulder. Not the worst by far, but certainly the most aggravating.
I unmute my end once the wind picks up again, waiting a beat before muting it. Comms used to be a lot quieter before Dory, but doe's implemented many rules. For our safety and our sanity. After one too many months without a check in from me, back when I was in the gulf storm, doe set the most recent rule of indicating when high tide is. It interrupts everyone's murmurings, but ultimately has been the most helpful rule. At first, I didn't get it, until Dory visited the islands; I worried at my lips till they bled, then.
The horizon turns crimson as the storm sets in, wind whipping past. It's the one good thing about windtide, it's the only place the heat can't reach. I check and pull at my straps, cranking each until they lie firmly against my halehide. The sun bursts for a bright, brilliant moment, and I'm reminded of how scared I was when I came here. How I never left the safety of my designated region.
When I studied for this, I was told I shouldn't try and be a survivalist. I should stick to theoretical research. Stick to the known planets. It annoyed me to no end, but now I can't remember why I applied for this mission. Maybe it was an act of rebellion or spite but I only remember feeling resigned. Like this was the only path for me.
Life has a way of saving us, I think, though I'm not sure younger me would agree. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have stepped anywhere near the academy. Young me would have turned heel, and been worse for it. I know I'm braver than I began, kinder than I knew I could be, more loved than I ever imagined.
I know I'm a better person. When the sun lights up the sky I think that this was all worth it.
Even though I'm never going home.
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