the-tiniest-demigod · 23 days
Kinito + some of my ocs!! Both of them r virtual assistants too lol
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Dyver (blue gradient guy) - he/him
Stable.net (terrified creature) - they/them
I'll drop more info about them if any of you are interested :3 (they are not kinitopet ocs)
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richmond-rex · 9 months
Hi there! Just recently found your blog and I love it 🩷 you've probably answered this before but I was wondering if you had any insight on why Elizabeth of Yorks cornation was delayed almost two years. People who are anti Henry VII say it's becasue he didn't want to share power with Elizabeth or that he was jealous of her popularity etc. But from what I read there were good reasons for the delay. First Elizabeth became pregnant near instantly after getting married and couldn't go through the ceremony until after the birth and recovery period. Then the Simnel rebellion happened. After the battle of stokes she was crowned 5 months later which doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. Anyways just wondering if you had any further insights or details.
Hi, anon! First of all, I'm so very sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask. Thank you for letting me know you love this blog 🤍 I've discussed Elizabeth's delayed coronation before but I don't think I've ever organised my thoughts in a single post. I'm going to discuss the circumstances of the first two years of Henry's reign so we can look at them together. All in all, the delay in Elizabeth's coronation seems a logical outcome of the political circumstances of Henry VII's early years and not spite-motivated as Francis Bacon claimed in his work and what the scholarship based on Bacon usually repeats.
Regarding Henry's jealousy/insecurity, one of the theories is that Henry wanted to avoid a joint rule by avoiding a joint coronation. It's not that simple because such a coronation was simply not feasible at that time. For a joint coronation in October 1485, Henry and Elizabeth had to have been already married by that time, and that couldn't happen before he had re-legitimised her in parliament—for that to happen in turn, Henry had to sit in parliament as a crowned ruler. It was paramount to acquire the spiritual legitimacy only a coronation could give to boost his own authority. Edward IV had done the same (had crowned himself before sitting in his first parliament), and we can tell how much of a rushed affair Henry's coronation was by the simple fact that they used the same device for his predecessor's coronation: they literally simply crossed out Richard's name and wrote Henry's instead. A platform inside the church collapsed and several spectators were hurt during the occasion.
That's not to say Henry couldn't shake his shoulders at all those impediments and marry and crown Elizabeth immediately after Bosworth despite the legitimacy and dispensation issues hanging over them: although unorthodox, it could (theoretically) be done, but it's clear Henry had to tread carefully to establish his own legitimacy independent from the house of York if he wanted to be seen as an indisposable ruler in his own name. Whether it was the technical difficulties or Henry's wish to be seen as more than Elizabeth's husband—someone who could be booted off the throne in the case of her death—or both the technical difficulties and Henry's need for self-assertion, it seems unreasonable to expect a double coronation at that time and attribute this fact to Henry's malice and/or jealousy.
A coronation could have happened right after Henry and Elizabeth's marriage as it customarily happened. There are clear signs that indicate that this is what Henry had originally intended: in December 1485, he ordered horses for Elizabeth's coronation, and the plan was still in motion in January 1486 when he ordered 'tawnings of ermyns', 'canapye stavez', 'cherez of estate', 'skarlate rede clothe' as well as the 'furryng of dyvers of ye quenes robe' and diverse other items 'agenst the coronation of our soverayne lady ye queen'. It seems clear they weren't prepared for a coronation straight after their wedding (which seems to have been a rather more diminished affair comparatively)—Henry being short of cash and entagled in debts from his own previous coronation seems like a possibility, and even Edward IV, who married for love and had no reason to want to obfuscate his consort, took almost a whole year to be able to crown his own wife. What's unclear is why the coronation plans didn't advance through 1486.
Anna Duch has speculated Elizabeth's possible difficult pregnancy halted the plans for her coronation. A couple of queens were indeed crowned whilst pregnant: Anne Boleyn, who had a secret wedding and was in urgent need of legitimacy (so that her child could be seen as legitimate in turn), and Philippa of Hainault, who was married amidst the chaos of the power struggle between her in-laws and had held little visibility up to that point. It seems it was the news of Philippa's pregnancy that led to her coronation, and I don't see why the same wouldn't have happened to Elizabeth of York if what they claim to have been Henry's intention—to reduce Elizabeth to be simply the bearer of his heirs and hold no power whatsoever—was true.
Henry didn't rush to crown her at that point, although we don't know if Elizabeth's medical condition would have allowed her to go through a coronation. Not only Elizabeth's pregnancy might have prevented her from going through a coronation, but she also didn't follow the king in his northern progress despite arrangements for her appearance by his side at York where Henry's device of the red and white rose would come together for the first time. Maybe Elizabeth's mobility in the first trimester was hindered by morning sickness or the like, and soon Henry had other problems to worry about. As pointed out by Retha Warnicke, 'it is possible that Henry did not wish to expose his queen in a public ceremony that would draw great, sometimes unruly, crowds during a time of so many disturbances'.
By mid-1486 Henry had to deal with various rebellions in the north and even an assassination attempt at York. His northern progress, besides being conventional for a newly crowned king, was also motivated by Henry's need to show himself and impose his royal will onto his rebellious and disaffected subjects. A month before Henry set out north, contemporary correspondence circulated that 'the king purposyse northward hastyly after the Parlement, & it is sayd he purposses to doe execution quickly ther on such as hath offended agynst him'. The same letter, dated from February 1486, suggested that he intended to lead north a great company of men 'in harnesse' (in armour) together with some 200 lords and knights. Correspondence dated from December 1485 shows that Henry and his advisors feared a major outbreak of violence around that time, and back in October, Henry had written of his 'knowledge that certeyne our rebelles and traitours being of litell honour or substance conferred with our auncient ennemyes the Scottes… made insurreccion and assemblies in the north portions of our realme'.
By the time Henry approached York, he was reportedly surrounded by 'great noblesse, as above saide, and merveolous great nombre of so short a warnyng of esquires, gentlemen and yeomen in defensible array'. Lovell's rebellion was already underway, and frankly, it sounds like quite an unsafe atmosphere for Henry's pregnant queen to make an appearance. At the same time, Henry had to spend money on ordering materials and clothes for his public appearances in the cities he visited in his northern progress, and considering the royal treasury was still suffering from the expenses of the previous years I wonder if Elizabeth's coronation plans were also put on hold because of that royal progress in spring 1486. By the time Henry and his lords returned to London, Elizabeth's pregnancy was already advanced and his top priority seems to have been to get her to Winchester safely before her delivery.
After Arthur's birth and christening, Elizabeth's subsequent illness and churching, etc, the court could barely go back to a normal schedule as talks of Edward of Warwick's escape were circulating in London already by November 1486. Correspondence from January 1487 makes it clear that Henry had known of certain developments of the new rebellion since the beginning of that year. There were disturbances in Devon and Cornwall in early February and in Ireland in March. Henry had to call for a general council to discuss the security of his kingdom in February because of the boy pretender they already knew to be in Dublin at that time. By mid-March, Henry was already on the road to make arrangements for a foreign invasion, and it wouldn't be until after the Battle of Stoke in June that Henry would be able to devote his attention to his wife's coronation.
Henry's situation in 1486-1487 was, as described by Emma Cavell, 'ominously reminiscent of his own challenge to Richard III only two years earlier: a challenge in which the pretender had defeated the king'. All through this period we can identify the influence of unforeseen circumstances on Henry's actions and plans for his public appearances, especially where rebellion and challenges to his rule were concerned. It's clear too that Elizabeth's coronation was a grand affair, very likely bigger than Henry's own coronation, and an occasion where the yorkist symbols of the white rose and sun in splendour were displayed in great pomp for all to see. It sounds illogical to think Henry had been up to that point consumed with fear for Elizabeth's rights but after exactly what had been a yorkist rebellion and invasion, he would simply forget about his fear/jealousy and proceed with legitimising the yorkist inheritance in the public imagination.
What we have evidence of—and what I think we should focus on—are Henry's own words regarding 'ye quenes coronacyon' that he was planning as early as December 1485, and the various items that he bought for the occasion. Why the coronation didn't go ahead until 1487 is a matter of speculation but what is certain is that Henry didn't wait for Elizabeth to become pregnant to 'reward' her with a coronation (and thus reduce her to a human oven), as has been so often claimed. What do you all think? 🌹x
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drbased · 7 months
The older I get the less I care for copyright. Things like copyright, trademarks and patents *should* be there to stop the little gal from getting screwed over by people stealing her work, but in reality it's used by big corporations to squeeze money out of anyone who so much as mentions their brand name. Oh, so you used a 3 second clip of our music in your hour-long video essay? We can now take all the ad revenue from that video (none of the money goes to the actual artist, of course). Oh, you showcased my brand/film/TV show, basically providing me with free advertisement? I also get all the revenue from you, as 'punishment' for not doing it with my explicit permission. Even though my brand name and everything associated with it is basically so ubiquitous that it may as well be public domain.
Oh, through horrendous and ruthless anticompetitive business practices you've made your brand name synonymous with a certain activity, item or genre of entertainment, perhaps even giving yourself a monopoly over that industry? You're so embedded in the culture that you may as well be public domain, you may as well be owned and run by the state. Let's all make google a verb, everybody!
Disney have literally changed copyright law so they get to hold onto their precious mouse for even longer, pharmaceutical companies hoard patents to get money from life-saving medicine, but youtubers have to abide by fair use laws when talking about pop culture, and people can and do face severe legal repurcussions for pirating, or even providing the option. Did you know if you're detected pirating your ISP can lock your upload/download speeds without warning? Meanwhile literal public services like the royal mail, national rail and london tube are provided by private corporations - what fucking right do you fuckers have to any corporate protection at all? You're providing a public service, you should fucking belong to us.
I've admittedly not delved too much into the history of copyright, but my suspicion is that it's built from the ground up not to protect the creations of individual people, but to give existing powers legal protection. Some choice quotes from the history of copyright wikipedia page:
"The origin of copyright law in most European countries lies in efforts by the church and governments to regulate and control the output of printers."
"As the "menace" of printing spread, governments established centralized control mechanisms,[16] and in 1557 the English Crown thought to stem the flow of seditious and heretical books by chartering the Stationers' Company. The right to print was limited to the members of that guild, and thirty years later the Star Chamber was chartered to curtail the "greate enormities and abuses" of "dyvers contentyous and disorderlye persons professinge the arte or mystere of pryntinge or selling of books."
pfft the first copyright laws literally established 'monopolies'. Copyright law ostensibly supports the intellectual property of the average Jane, but it's primary purpose has always been to control the populace and preserve power structures.
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Hmmmmm I was told you were threatening…
Well, would you like to test it~?
<He chuckles mischievously>
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tobacconist · 3 months
A Discourse On Flying, And On The Composition Of Our Magickal Oyntment, touching on the chemick thereof, and its variations between oure Trybes
AS all badde vvitches ought to know, be they yonge or aulde, þe flyinge compound can be mayde up unto three different preparations. namely:- (1)st as the oyntmente, for to rub pon de broome and de bodie (2)nd the pouudre, for to be fed to certaiyne prepared beaftes or blowen into the hearthfyre, & (3)rd as an adjunckt to certayne other formulatyons - whych fhall not be touched upon herein thys booke.
OND aye, thare be menie dyvers receipys for thys compound, whych differ yn menie accord tho theyr authors be well respeckted indiuidually, soch as þe uenerable miftrefs crouch, sister bertrille, ond olde granny grayham; whose produckts are well used by us all and are well endorsed by menie a refpected beldam yn oure communitie for menie yeare.
BUT defpite their disagreementes, alle the uarious receipt whych we have received from the auntient & uenerable bookes of oure ancestors do share five thingys yn common. namely:- (1)st is the fatte of bebbes, rendered pure, or else dried foetus, or the braynes of a manne (2)nd the toad, which is variously seethed yn a potte or else roasted yn an oven, or as ye moft auncient do they crucify hym upon the thorne and let the sunne looke upon hym and wither hym on the rood. (3)rd ys the herbal component, which differeth moft between oure uarious schooles, but yet retaineth certayne fimilarities (4)rth be flyes, for how coulde we flie elsewise? and the best kind are dragonflies, but the fecond beft are moths. and (5)th that there must needs have added to it some of the old powdre or oyle, whych ys well-proved and tested, for hyt to werke.
OFCOURSE brothers & fisters, ye all know well how to flie, either by goat or by broome,& may even have brewed oyle yourselves after thyne own houses arte; yea, let us refpect the variance yn each oure cuftoms,& feek to ymprove oure owne houses arte by the confideration of eachothers noble practifes.
HEREIN is the receipt for the flyinge oyntmente and pouudre, from the verie booke of the dread and venerable madame marcouche herself, by her gracyous permifsion , and wyth adjoinyng commentarie by others: FOR THE POUUDER:- whych hys best fit for goatys ond horsys, may, they must be made to grow accustomed to thys, and neuer should hyt be put yn a mannes mouthe. take ye the withered toad and reduce hym to pouvdre bones and all yn a rough mortar, and to this add gunpowder or brimstone, and hot pepper & muftard, ond alfo flies. and hyt fhould fparck as hyt ys grownd upp. forget not alfo the fodder, whych preuenteth the beafte from exploding, & yt ys mayde of herbys whych vary by cuftom. we ufe þe [text is either missing or redacted] and funflower feeds are goode alfo, for they grow ryght talle nigh unto heauen. and [text is either missing or redacted] now, þe fpecyal ingreedient be þe innofant, which where torne from heir muthers wombe, hyt fhould be fmoked slow wyth appelwood, mugwort, & garlick untill hyt be crysp; ond hyt ys bettre to induce þe vyle slutte to offer hyt up willynglie, doynge hyt of her owne freewill, for thys ys more pleafing to oure master than hyt fhould be taken by force or cunnynge. for [text is either missing or redacted] ond hyt ys beft to haruest þe thynge yn þe seuenth moonth. (ond beware false sellers of thys ingrediment, what adulterate their produckt wyth fillers such as talcum powder, chalk, or asbestos. true baby powder as certified by the vvitches council must comprise atleast 72% human foetus by volume. adulteration with llama or horse foetus is also prevalent, as well as the braines of apes or menn.) mix hyt then wyth the othre poudre, and a portion of wellproved pouucler whych ys ould at thy ouun judgemente; and measure the whole yn thy balance untill hyt fhould feem weightless. then hyt ys fed to the beafte, oft myxed with oats to tempt hym to hyt, and atfirst he feeleth no thyng, but then he starteth suddainely! and with fuch fnortynge untill fmoke billoweth from hys noftrils. and hyt ys ryght fport to fee, how he begyneth to fpring to and fro defperate to relieve the difcomfort yn hys bellie, and then he begynth afarting as hys hoovys take up ynto the ayre. and o hys starteld eyes and kicking leggys. and a flame catcheth insyde the beastys belly ond he belcheth and farteth flamys redh, green ,and yellouu. and hyt taketh a true knave to take holde of hym then! he muft be chained atfirst, left he floate awaiye yn thys. and [text is either missing or redacted] and it goeth without sayinge that the beast must alway be rode backwards. and thys stuffe muft never be taken internally by human beings. FOR THE OYLE; or OYNTMENTE:- [much text is missing or redacted] and many a wytch these daies do add gasoline or diesel to their myxture to extend air mileage, but we oulde dames have always ufed no fuch thynge, for hyt ys a ryght earthlie fubftance and [text is either missing or redacted] ond once a broome is bewitched he muft be [text is either missing or redacted]
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spring-is-yours · 1 month
3.11 月
3.12 火
3.13 水
3.15 金
3.16 土
てか昨日今日無くしものしすぎでヤバい。一生なかった、FIRE stick無くしてヤバかった。気をつける。自戒。LEIDEY見に行けなかった。ごめんって感じ、でも生きてるし許してすべてって感じ。
3.17 日
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hexjulia · 6 months
just realised sleeping beneath this weighted blanket makes me feel like one of those swaddled medieval infants especially because it keeps me from tossing and turning all night....the chylde may easily and sone bowe and bende and take dyvers shapes. 😒
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r-rook-studio · 1 year
#City23 Update - End of January: Nottingham and Cape Crescent
Crossposted to Cohost
I've written about my #City23 projects here and on Cohost. You can check out my last post.
I took a weeklong break due to a death in the family, so this is the my end-of-January post.
My previous posts introduced the Three-Foxes Inn, which I later decided was near the Bar Gate and Chapel Bar area. The gate heads toward Derby and the forests and hills to the Northwest. The Three Foxes is owned by Madame Jarry and two of her three sons. I added an alewife who makes the inn's brews, couple of other residents: Colman who murders strangers in order sustain his wife's life, Ruhl the Baker who does favors for the sheriff in order to protect his daughter (a sheriff's hostage), and the informal mendicants Earnmund and Mindred, clairvoyants and necromancers who exchange prophecies for money and live on the estate of a local priory.
I started last week by adding a Gruffin's Candle Shop to the Chapel Bar area, adding three NPCs who work there: - Gruffin of Clun, sometimes called "Old Clun," the owner, an apparently immortal wax magician who makes candles, spell candles, and magical waxen masks and figures. - Vel, his oldest apprentice, a young man who rarely speaks, but can be heard singing at night as he practices his magic. - Yvaine, his younger apprentice, an escaped aristocrat who disdains the notion of gender and has a talent for burglary.
I've also gone back to the Three Foxes and added a few details: - A random list of customers, including a shy trans tough, an outgoing trans harper, a prostitute, a farmer who's having prophetic dreams, a former Templar, and a German scholar-turned-Nottingham-pastrymaker. - An aristocrat living secretly as Azela's apprentice alewife.
Finally, I've added Godfrey Draper (secretly an agent of the sheriff): a brutish lout of a guard who's playing the fool to lure people into becoming careless about their support of their forest outlaw heroes.
Cape Crescent
This week in Cape Crescent, I've focused on the Lunar Lounge, a queer nightclub near the shore, popular with locals and tourists alike. - Drag Duo and owners Trent Keith (Pearl Dyver in drag) and Sylvia Herrera (Manor Bourne in drag) are also member of a local wolf pack who are concerned about the designer drugs that the Ghost Bay Foundation seems to be introducing to the town's nightlife. - Immortal bartender Griffin Declan who shifts his identity (and sometimes his face) every decades or two. - Go-go dancer Chance Reyes who has an innate (and unwanted) talent for necromancy. - Barback Kevin Phillips, who ran away from home and found a strange book that contains the spirit of Tarlton Caine's own runaway claivoyant son (who doesn't want his dad). - Several customers you might meet on the dance floor, including Dr. Jenna Caine (Tarlton Caine's oldest child and mentee), an out-of-work actor, a new resident who caught their ex-husband cheating and came to Cape Crescent for a new life, a Ghost Bay Foundation tech writer, the managing editor of the local paper, and a drug-dealer.
This week I also started working my way through some classic city-focused adventures and supplements from games of yore. Right now, it's Flying Buffalo's CityBook I: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker.
Coming Up
In Nottingham, I think it's time to shift and get into the sprawl of Nottingham Castle. Over in Cape Crescent, I'll figure out whether the best thing to start next is exploring Tarlton Caine's organization or the Ghost Bay Foundation's off-shore HQ.
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imjustasmith · 2 years
Banqueting stuff against the Banquet at Elthme*
Item for a brick of marmalade
Item for a marchepayne
Item for dyvers other kynds of banqueting stuff as may appeare by a bill of the parcels
Item more for a boxe of collingale
Item for ijll. of quinces
Item for ij torches when your lordship supped with the Emperoures embassadores*
For iiij torches when your lordship went to my Lord Ambrose in his sicknes
Item delyverid to Empson for torches
Item delyverid unto Archicrag for his expences being sent unto Eltham in your lordship's message
Item paid unto George Lovel's wife of Kewe for such stuff as was occupied of her at the banquet there
Item for the charge of Ph[ilip]e Wattie and Thomas Harlam in the barge coming with your lordship's stuff
Item for my charges at Kewe and divers others of your lordship's men
Item paid for ij pair of black silke [sic] bought at William Holbornes the xxvij of November at liijs. iiijd. the paier
Item one paier of neytherstocks of russet for a paier of velvet breaches pulled oute with clothe of sylver*
*The Queen visited Greenwich and Eltham for a few days in late November, and the banquet appears to have been held on the 27th. Throckmorton's secretary Robert Jones, who had been sent to warm her about a possible marriage to Leicester, reported that he had his first interview at Greenwich in the evening of Wednesday the 27th after she had returned from hunting and dining at Eltham (...) A fragment of a letter from Sir Humphrey Radcliffe to Sussex refers to Leicester's great banquet for the Queen at Eltham being on Wednesday.
*There was no Imperial embassador in England in November 1560 (...) The entry has either been misplaced from November or December 1559 or "Emperoures" is a mistake for Scottish (...)
*Machyn (p.245) recorded "a grett fray" at the Court between Leicester's servants an "Harbard's men" on 30 November, but no record of it can be found in this account.
The Account of Richard Ellis 1559-1561, Household Accounts and Disbursement Books of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Simon Adams
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chronivore · 7 months
Tableau Core ("Print-N-Fold" edition) - Dyvers Hands Productions | Tableau Games | DriveThruRPG.com
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jaybe11 · 1 year
Holy Dyver - Rainbow In The Dark - Dallas (03/24/18)
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richmond-rex · 1 year
Within four years of her marriage, [Elizabeth Woodville] had become an exemplar of chastity in Antonio Cornazzano’s De mulieribus admirandis, which depicted her threatening suicide if forced to become the King’s concubine. Virtue was of course a standard queenly attribute, but one that it was especially important to emphasise for a queen of debatable social status. This depiction played into ffteenth-century literary arguments about the relative merits of noble behaviour and noble blood. Elizabeth herself fostered her reputation for virtue by choosing a deep red clove pink or “gillyfower” as her device which stood for “virtuous love and marriage and was also a devout reminder of the Virgin Mary’s own chastity and motherhood.”
J. L. Laynesmith, “Elizabeth Woodville: The Knight’s Widow” | Later Plantagenet and the Wars of the Roses Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty (2023)
For some, the idea that Elizabeth’s personal qualities merited her status was clearly persuasive: decades later, a servant of the Howard family who had been at court later in the 1460s wrote that Edward had “attemptid the stabilite and constant modesty of dyvers ladies and jentilwomen” and could fnd none “of such constant wommanhode, wisedome and beaute as was dame Elizabeth.”
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oldschoolfrp · 6 years
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The Nyr Dyv, the Lake of Unknown Depths, is home to the barge folk known as the Rhennee.  “The clearest sign that Gary Gygax’s World of Greyhawk was based on an earlier campaign that used a map of North America is the Lake Superior/Nyr Dyv resemblance.”  (From Roles, Rules & Rolls on Blogspot)
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thezame-barreme · 5 years
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#ConcertHedyLamarr #CargoDeNuit #PremierePartieLaRueKetanou #thezameBarreme
15 février 2019
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mustachetangelo · 6 years
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Been awhile since I drew the boy.
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normal-horoscopes · 2 years
Hey CT! My culinary teacher knwe what a bain-marie was! Isnt that cool? I havent looked super far into alchemy (they do not have fulcanelli at my local library, unfortunately), BUT if you know, is there any significant overlap between gastronomy and alchemy? I offer dyvers ramblings, and pieces of old paperback book covers.
Gastronomy not really, there's actually more significant overlap between alchemy and perfuming than alchemy and gastronomy.
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