eldritchelijah · 1 year
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Noses are my favourite part of the face, they’re literally so attractive.
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atdawn · 3 days
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I believe in Arthur. You’ll see. One day, it will change.
MERLIN 5.11 (The Drawing of the Dark)
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geoffparty · 3 months
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Kara x Alice from Exotic Escapade! Sounds like a fun TD show I kinda wanna watch
“You know this is just for a cover right?”
“Nah ah ahh 👆👆👆👆”
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electricvinyls · 2 months
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Hello world. If anyone cares among us has been my special interest for 4 years now
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pikahlua · 5 months
MHA Chapter 421 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 おまえらもかよ omaera mo ka yo "You guys too, huh?"
2 そっちもな socchi mo na "And you as well."
3 警察から"まだ戦える者は"って……! けいさつから"まだたたかえるものは"って……! keisatsu kara "mada tatakaeru mono wa" tte......! "[I heard] from the police, 'Who is still able to fight?'......!"
tagline A組続々… エーぐみぞくぞく… EE-gumi zokuzoku... Class A, one after another...
4 相澤先生が黒霧を味方につけたって聞いてーーー あいざわせんせいがくろぎりをみかたにつけたってきいてーーー Aizawa-sensei ga Kurogiri wo mikata ni tsuketa tte kiite--- "I heard that Aizawa-sensei got Kurogiri to join our side---"
5 友だちがまだ戦ってんの見てーー… ともだちがまだたたかってんのみてーー… tomodachi ga mada tatakatten no mite--... "I saw that my friends were still fighting--..."
6 行かずにいられましょうか いかずにいられましょうか ikazu ni iraremashou ka "And I felt like I had to go."
7 意識がある内は…どこへだって! いしきがあるうちは…どこへだって! ishiki ga aru uchi wa...doko e datte! "As long as I'm conscious...to wherever you go!"
8 勝つ為にここまでやってきたもんね かつ��めにここまでやってきたもんね katsu tame ni koko made yatte kita mon ne "We've come this far for the sake of winning."
9 今日踏んばれなきゃ きょうふんばれなきゃ kyou funbarenakya "Today we have to stand firm."
10 何の為にヒーローを夢見たかわかりゃしねえ!だからよお〜〜 なんのためにヒーローをゆめみたかわかりゃしねえ!だからよお〜〜 nan no tame ni HIIROO wo yumemita ka wakarya shinee! dakara yoo~~ "For what reason did we dream of becoming heroes! That's why!~~"
11 みんな…! minna...! "Everyone...!"
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1 オイラたちが OIRA-tachi ga "We"
2 来た‼︎ きた‼︎ kita!! "are here!!"
tagline No.421 WE ARE HERE 堀越耕平 ナンバー421 ウィー・アー・ヒア ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 421  UII AA HIA  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 421 WE ARE HERE Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 灰色の肉が並んでいる… はいいろのにくがならんでいる… haiiro no niku ga narande iru... (literal.) "Gray bodies are lined up..." (context.) "You are all just gray bodies to me..."
2 本来ならば僕は弔の一部として…もろともうちくだかれていたのだろう ほんらいならばぼくはとむらのいちぶとして…もろともうちくだかれていたのだろう honrai naraba boku wa Tomura no ichibu to shite...morotomo uchikudakarete ita no darou Originally, as a part of Tomura...I probably would have have been destroyed along with him.
3 だが daga But,
4 与一が砕ける音を聞いた時 よいちがくだけるおとをきいたとき Yoichi ga kudakeru oto wo kiita toki when I heard the sound of Yoichi smashing to pieces,
5 僕の世界は色褪せた ぼくのせかいはいろあせた boku no sekai wa iroaseta the color of my world faded.
6 執心を喪い しゅうしんをうしない shuushin wo ushinai "I've lost my passion,"
7 故に ゆえに yue ni "therefore,"
8 喪失の穴に通る攻撃はなくーー… そうしつのあなにとおるこうげきはなくーー… soushitsu no ana ni tooru kougeki wa naku--... "there is no attack that can pierce through my loss--..."
9 僕は止めを免れたのだ ぼくはとどめをまぬがれたのだ boku wa todome wo manugareta no da "I am the one who escaped the final blow."
10 今なら理解る いまならわかる ima nara wakaru (kanji: rikairu) "Now I understand,"
11 緑谷出久 みどりやいずく Midoriya Izuku "Izuku Midoriya."
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1 悲劇こそが人を強くする ひげきこそがひとをつよくする higeki koso ga hito wo tsuyoku suru "It is tragedy that makes people stronger."
2 そう思わないか? そうおもわないか? sou omowanai ka? "Don't you think so?"
3 どうだろね dou daro ne "I don't know about that."
4 あんたらみてーに起伏に富んだ人生じゃねえから あんたらみてーにきふくにとんだじんせいじゃねえから antara mitee ni kifuku ni tonda jinsei ja nee kara "My life is not full of ups and downs like all of yours."
5 「明日の実技置いてかれねーよーに」とか…��ういう事でしか俺は頑張ってこなかったな 「あしたのじつぎおいてかれねーよーに」とか…そういうことでしかおれはがんばってこなかったな 「ashita no jitsugi oitekarenee yoo ni」 toka...sou iu koto de shika ore wa ganbatte konakatta na "I had no reasons to try my best other than things like...'I don't want to be left behind at tomorrow's practicals.'"
6 それに sore ni "Also,"
7 今日まで大変そうだったよ きょうまでたいへんそうだったよ kyou made taihen sou datta yo "until today, he seemed like he'd had it rough,"
8 かつてガンギマリだった彼は かつてガンギマリだったかれは katsute GANGIMARI datta kare wa "and one time his face was so intense and distant*." (Note: What Sero is saying here is that one time Shouto had this look on his face that is described by the Japanese slang word: gangimari. Gangimari refers to an intense, eyes-wide face that comes from a marijuana high. It also refers to a feeling of emptiness that comes with the high. If you search for images of the face, you'll see it's often a frightening look. I believe Sero here is referring to the face Shouto makes at him in their sports festival battle in chapter 34, so I believe this description is meant to refer to how Shouto was overwhelmed with anger and mentally somewhat removed from the fight itself.)
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1 悲しー事なんざ かなしーことなんざ kanashii koto nan za "[I think] such sad things"
2 あるよりない方が良いだろ‼︎ あるよりないほうがいいだろ‼︎ aru yori nai hou ga ii daro!! "would be better not to have than to have!!"
3 赫灼 かくしゃく kakushaku Flashfire
4 熱拳 ねっけん nekken Fist
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1 早くリカバリーガールの元へ…! はやくリカバリーガールのもとへ…! hayaku RIKABARII GAARU no moto e...! Quickly, to where Recovery Girl is...!
2 婆さんも怪我人を診続けて限界だ…治癒できるかどうか… ばあさんもけがにんをみつづけてげんかいだ…ちゆできるかどうか… baasan mo keganin wo mitsudzukete genkai da... chiyu dekiru ka dou ka... The old lady is at her limit as she continues to examine the injured... I wonder whether it can be healed...
3 あんたいても母さんたち熱いだけだ あんたいてもかあさんたちあついだけだ anta itemo kaasan-tachi atsui dake da Even with you here, mom and the others will only be hot.
4 行きなよ いきなよ iki na yo So go.
5 まだ少しでも まだすこしでも mada sukoshi demo Even if it's [just] a little,
6 力が出るんなら ちからがでるんなら chikara ga derun nara if you can muster [any] strength...
7 ってな! tte na! "That's what"!"
8 荼毘に勝ったって聞いた時ちょっと思った! だびにかったってきいたときちょっとおもった! Dabi ni katta tte kiita toki chotto omotta! "When I heard you won against Dabi, I thought about that for a moment!"
9 ……ありがとう… ......arigatou... "......Thank you..."
10 戦える奴召集完了 たたかえるやつしょうしゅうかんりょう tatakaeru yatsu shoushuu kanryou "Recruiting of those who can fight complete."
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1 ガイズ‼︎今日が分水嶺だ‼︎ ガイズ‼︎きょうがぶんすいれいだ‼︎ GAIZU!! kyou ga bunsuire da!! "Guys! Today is a watershed [moment]!!"
2 行こう‼︎最後の大仕事だ!!! いこう‼︎さいごのおおしごとだ!!! ikou!! saigo no ooshigoto da!!! "Let's go!! It's the last big job!!!"
3 手負いのヒーロー…これだけの数がいて何も感じないのは…寂しいものだな ておいのヒーロー…これだけのかずがいてなにもかんじないのは…さびしいものだな teoi no HIIROO...kore dake no kazu ga ite nani mo kanjinai no wa...sabishii mono da na "Wounded heroes... With just this number of them here I don't feel anything... How lonely."
4 オールマイトに届きえぬ屑肉に オールマイトにとどきえぬくずにくに OORU MAITO ni todokienu kuzuniku ni "You scraps of meat who can't match All Might,"
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1 掃き掃除だ はきそうじだ hakisouji da "I'll sweep and clean you up."
2 逸らせえ‼︎ そらせえ‼︎ sorasee!! "Deflect!!"
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1 速ぇ…! はえぇ…! haee...! "Hurry...!"
2 一つの挙動に数十人で対処しなきゃ ひとつのきょどうにすうじゅうにんでたいしょしなきゃ hitotsu no kyodou ni suujuunin de taisho shinakya "If dozens have to deal with a single action,"
3 戦いになんねえ! たたかいになんねえ! tatakai ni nannee! "this won't become a battle!"
4 みんな離れないで‼︎ みんなはなれないで‼︎ minna hanarenaide!! (literal.) "Everyone, we can't be apart!!" (contextual.) "Everyone, we can't be scattered!!"
5 一かたまりになって戦おう! ひとかたまりになってたたかおう! hito katamari ni natte tatakaou! "Let's fight as one bunch!"
6 行かなきゃーーー いかなきゃーーー ikanakya--- "I have to go---"
7 体が…! からだが…! karada ga...! My body...!
8 戻ったのはあくまで数分 もどったのはあくまですうふん modotta no wa akumade suufun "Only a few minutes were returned [to you],"
9 腕を失う少し前まで… うでをうしなうすこしまえまで… ude wo ushinau sukoshi mae made... "to a little bit before you lost your arms..."
10 継戦のダメージは残ったままだ けいせんのダメージはのこったままだ keisen no DAMEEJI wa nokotta mama da The damage from the rest of the battle remains.
11 …どれ程長く激しい戦いを… …どれほどながくはげしいたたかいを… ...dore hodo nagaku hageshii tatakai wo... "...What a long and violent battle..."
12 …っ ... "...gh!"
13 僕は…OFAをなげうちました ぼくは…ワン・フォー・オールをなげうちました boku wa...WAN FOO OORU wo nageuchimashita "I...relinquished One For All."
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1 ないのか⁉︎ nai no ka!? "It's gone!?"
2 歴代の"個性"は……でも… れきだいの"こせい"は……でも… rekidai no "kosei" wa......demo... "The successive generations' quirks are......but..."
3 短い時間だったけど… みじかいじかんだったけど… mijikai jikan datta kedo... "[I had it for] a short time, but..."
4 "無個性"の僕に染みついてる… "むこせい"のぼくにしみついてる… "mukosei" no boku ni shimitsuiteru... "it's ingrained in me [as I'm] quirkless..."
5-6 オールマイトがそうだったように OORU MAITO ga sou datta you ni Just like with All Might.
7 まだ残り火があります まだのこりびがあります mada nokoribi ga arimasu "I still have the [lingering] embers."
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1 残り火があれば…AFOあいつは… のこりびがあれば…オール・フォー・ワンあいつは… nokoribi ga areba...OORU FOO WAN aitsu wa... "If I have the embers...then that All For One..." (Note: This line is partly cut off, so I made some educated guesses.)
2 ……緑谷 ……みどりや ......Midoriya "......Midoriya,"
3 傷薬と包帯あと…体を冷やしちゃいけない きずぐすりとほうたいあと…からだをひやしちゃいけない kizugusuri to houtai ato...karada wo hiyashicha ikenai "After a wound salve and bandage...don't let your body relax."
4 避難先の方々からだ ひなんさきのかたがたからだ hinan saki no katagata kara da "It's from the people who evacuated."
5 メンズノンノの全サ第五弾Tシャツ…! メンズノンノのぜんサだいごだんTシャツ…! MENZU NON NO no zen SA daigodan T SHATSU...! "A Men's Non-No one-size-fits-all fifth edition t-shirt...!" (Note: Men's Non-No is a men's fashion magazine.)
6 走ろう☆ はしろう☆ hashirou ☆ "Let's run ☆"
7 僕らは君の力が必要だし君も僕らの力が必要だ ぼくらはきみのちからがひつようだしきみもぼくらのちからがひつようだ bokura wa kimi no chikara ga hitsuyou da shi kimi mo bokura no chikara ga hitsuyou da "We need your strength, and you also need our strength."
8 この手を握ってくれ青山くん このてをにぎってくれあおやまくん kono te wo nigitte kure Aoyama-kun Please grasp my hand, Aoyama-kun.
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1 頑張れ…‼︎ がんばれ…‼︎ ganbare...!! "Do your best...!!"
2 皆 みんな minna "Everyone"
3 一緒に戦ってくれてるよ いっしょにたたかってくれてるよ issho ni tatakatte kureteru yo "is fighting together!"
4 デクさん DEKU-san "Mr. Deku!"
5 緑谷兄ちゃん みどりやにいちゃん Midoriya-niichan "Big Bro Midoriya!"
6 デク…! DEKU...! "Deku...!"
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1 頑張れ がんばれ ganbare Do your best!
tagline 少年は走るーーー しょうねんははしるーーー shounen wa hashiru--- The young man* runs--- *(Note: This word can mean "boy," but it's also the word All Might uses for Izuku that often gets translated as "young man." Both work.)
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suzukiblu · 17 days
WIP excerpt for videogeek; Kara gets to Earth on time and the Kents get a two-for-one special on free kids.  (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Kin yoo tekk a luk att te genn-rayt, dee-eer?” Ma asks Pa, and he hums back in tuneless agreement and heads over to help her with the funny, rustic-looking little machine she’s fiddling with in the corner. At least, Kara thinks it’s a machine. The aliens’ technology is mystifyingly primitive and she still doesn’t understand how most of it works. She knows how to activate the lights and stove and locks, rarely as Ma and Pa bother with the locks, and a little of how the “trukk” and “trakker” both operate, but not why any of those things work or what Ma and Pa do to maintain them. She doesn’t even know if they built them themselves or if some Thinker in Smoll-Veel or somewhere else entirely did. They seem like simple enough devices and machines that even a Laborer could’ve built them and Kara’s seen Pa working on the “trukk” and “trakker” before and Ma cleaning the various kitchen devices and stove, but she’s never seen either of them build anything, so . . . 
Well, Pa’s working on a fence, and she’s even been helping him with it. But the only “device” on that so far has been a gate, which really isn’t the same thing. 
“Guh-ott te wrin-chuh, hunn-ee?” Pa asks, and Ma makes a noise back and hands him a small metal tool. He starts tapping the little machine with it as he looks it over. Kara wishes she could help with whatever they’re working on–wishes she could be useful to them–but she just doesn’t understand the aliens’ technology well enough to. 
She watches what Ma and Pa are doing out of the corner of her eye just in case she can learn a little more, and stacks up the cubes for Kal to knock over again as she does. He screeches happily and purrs in excitement, bouncing in place and waving his Krypto by the ear in one chubby little fist that’s already noticeably bigger than it was when they first crash-landed here. Ma and Pa keep fussing over their machine, Pa temporarily opening it up and adjusting a few little things inside it. They don’t seem either frustrated or concerned by the process, so she assumes they’re just doing normal maintenance and not actually having a problem with it. 
Though it’s hard for her to tell that kind of thing, admittedly. The aliens’ emotions are difficult to read, and so much of those emotions are relayed just in their bodies–their faces and gestures and even their postures, it seems like. Barely at all in their voices, even as expressive as they are. It’s . . . confusing, a bit. 
A lot. 
It’s disorienting, actually, but Kara tries not to worry about it as much as she wants to. She just–it’s just something she needs to learn. That’s all. 
Another something she needs to learn. 
There’s just so, so many things she needs to learn.
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periwinkla · 5 months
AAI 1-3 dialogue comparison
Disclaimer : I only studied Japanese for a little while. AA dialogue is pretty simple though. Also English isn't my native language either. Feel free to correct me on anything wrong here. Also note that I'm not trying to make the translations sound natural, I'm mostly trying to explain what the words are saying, sometimes I'll be more literal than others. Translation =/= localization. Paups そうね。ヒメコったら‥‥テヘッ☆ Sou ne. Himekotara... tehe☆ I suppose… If they were me, then… blush
Edgeworth キミはヒカルくんの ガールフレンドだと聞いているが。 Kimi wa Hikaru-kun no gaarufurendo da to kiite iru ga. I believe you said that you are Lance's girlfriend when we first met, correct?
Paups ええ。そうですけど‥‥。あの! けっして恋人同士ってワケじゃ! Ee. Sou desu kedo... Ano! Kesshite koibito doushi tte wake ja! Yes, I am, but… Oh! It's not like we both think of each other as lovers! でも、この指輪のブレゼントは、 ただのトモダチじゃないから‥‥? Demo, kono yubiwa no purezento wa, tada no tomodachi ja nai kara...? But he DID give me this ring, so I guess we're not just "friends" either…?
だって、これ! ただの指輪じゃないの! Datte, kore! Tada no yubiwa ja nai no! I mean, because! This isn't just any ordinary ring!
なめるとアマいんです! ああ! なんてステキなの! Nameru to amain desu! Aa! Nante suteki na no! It tastes so sweet when you lick it! Ah! It's so wonderful!
Edgeworth (それは、宝石ではなく  キャンディーなのでは?) (Sore wa, houseki dewa naku kyandii na no dewa?) (You mean to tell me that he gave you a lollypop ring…?) That, that is not a jewel it's candy isn't it?
Kay 片思いなのか恋人同士なのか、 設定がハッキリしませんねー。 Kataomoi na no ka koibito doushi na no ka, settei ga hakkiri shimasen nee. So which is it!? Have you guys not decided if you're going out, or is it just one-sided?
Lit: Unrequired love, lovers, you haven't made an establishment clearly uh. Comprehensible: (whether it's) Unrequired love, (or whether you're) lovers, you haven't established it clearly uh. Edgeworth 設定‥‥? Settei...? "Decided"…? Shouldn't the parties involved naturally just know…? Established...? (lt: Establishment...?) A lot is added in the ENG. Quite honestly, the first time I experienced this dialogue (in English), I didn't think much of it. I saw it as Edgeworth thinking something like 'How in tarnation don't you know whether you're together ot not?' Shouldn't you know?' That was my own reaction in the first place. I thought it was saying more about Paups' lovesick character than anything else. But the JP with its brevity made me question if that was the original meaning. He sounds confused. Still, I'm not quite sure. I would say in general though, it makes sense that in his mind, you don't have to actually communicate by talking about your feelings. He is pretty bad at it in the first place... communicating what he feels, I mean. He tends to talk around things, he's a bit roundabout. He tries to say 'thank you' to express his gratefulness, doesn't really work, and is far more successful at showing appreciation when he says stuff like 'A man appeared and stood fast against that selfish me' (ending of 2-4), such a thing just works better for him. He's stating the facts, but not his feelings themselves. That man appeared and stood fast -> it's a simple fact. He doesn't say anything about how that made him feel. When he tries, he feels awkward, foolish. Something that doesn't suit him.
Paups お父さんが、天野河さんの 会社で働いていたから‥‥ Otousan ga, Amanogawa-san no kaisha de hatte ita kara... My father used to work for Mr. Amano.
ヒカルくんとは、幼なじみなんです。 ‥‥キャッ! 言っちゃった! Hikaru-kun to wa, osananajimi nan desu. ...Kyaa! Icchatta! And so, Lance and I grew up together. …gasp! I said it out loud! Lance and I, we were childhood friends. ....Ahhh! I said it! Note that 'osananajimi', 'childhood friends', is the term used for Edgeworth and Phoenix's relationship in the JP version.
Edgeworth (そんなに、  恥ずかしがることだろうか?) (Sonna ni, hazukashigaru koto darou ka?) (I don't see how that's anything to be embarrassed about…) Such a thing, is it something to be embarassed about? 'Darou ka' can be translated in many ways. 'I wonder if...' 'is it so', for example. Basically it expresses something akin to uncertainty. EDIT - a correction: 'sonna ni' actually means 'like that, to that extent, so much, to that point, to such a degree' So it can be translated in many ways: (To that point), is it something to be (so) embarassed about? Is it something to be embarassed about to that extent? Is it something to be so embarassed about? This last part is the most hilarious to me. He doesn't think it's something someone should be embarassed about, but he's also kind of uncertain. 'Wait, is it? Is it though? Am I missing something?' Kinda seems like Edgeworth is very confused. 'Should you be embarassed for such a thing? Is it supposed to be embarassing? I wonder if it's an embarassing thing?' And the maybe inner : 'Should I be embarassed about such a thing?' It's probably insignificant beyond showing Edgeworth's apparent obliviousness to other people's feelings and general misunderstanding of how some people perceive and experience romantic relationships, but it did earn a chuckle from me. So I thought I'd share.
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mormezarlik · 8 months
Kimse sevmek zorunda değil?Ama saygı duymak zorunda.Peygamberimizin İzindeyiz diyenlere noluyor?Evet Müslümanız,bizde Peygamberimizin İzindeyiz.Atatürk'ün izinden bende gitmiyorum.Ama hangimiz peygamberimizin izinden gidiyor?Hangi birimiz onun kadar temiz kalpli,hangimiz onun gibi yaşıyor,hangimiz onun ümmeti olarak yüzünü kara çıkarmıyoruz,Allah aşkına hangimiz onun kadar iyi kulluk vazifesini yerine getiriyoruz?Ama onun İzindeyiz demesini biliyoruz.Hangimiz Atam İzindeyiz diyipte vatanına sonuna kadar sahip çıkıyor,hangimiz vatanını bu kadar seviyor,HANGİMİZ O BAYRAĞI KANININ SON DAMLASINA KADAR SAVUNUYOR.Ben söyleyeyim bunun en büyük örneği 15 Temmuz.Bayrak-Vatan aşkı okay ona lafım yok.Fakat hangimiz Atamızın izinden tam anlamıyla gidiyoruz.Kimse bana uygulamadan tam anlamıyla yok ben atamın izindeyim,yok ben peygamberimin izindeyim demesin!
-Adam öldürmesini biliyosunuz,
-Zina etmesini biliyosunuz
-Aldatmasını biliyosunuz
-Kadını aşağılamayı biliyorsunuz.
-Namaz kılmıyor,oruç tutmuyosunuz ama kılmayan,tutmayanlara laf ediyosunuz.Eee nerde Peygamberin ümmeti?
-Hanginiz ilke ve inkılaplarını biliyorsunuz?
-Cinsiyet değiştiryosunuz
-Terörist olarak mehmetçiklerimizi vuruyosunuz
EE nerde Atatürk'ün izindekiler?Bir şeyi söylüyorsanız arkasını getirin!
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demonslayerscript · 1 month
Episode 11 : Tsuzumi Mansion / 第十一話『鼓の屋敷(Tsuzumino Yashiki)』
*Green-colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them “ani-ori(anime-original)".
Tennoji-Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Nan-nan-to, tsugino bashowa nan-nan-to!!”
Matsuemon Tennoji(Kasugai Crow) “South-southeast! Your next location is south-southeast!”
竈門炭治郎「わかった!! わかったから、もう少し黙っててくれ。頼む、もうわかったから、頼むよ~」
Kamado Tanjiro “Wakatta!! Wakatta-kara, mo sukoshi damattete-kure. Tanomu, mo wakatta-kara, tanomuyooo.”
Tanjiro Kamado “I heard you! I heard, so give me a break and quiet down! I’m begging you! I got the message, so please!”
Agatsuma Zen’itsu “Tanomuyo!!”
Zenitsu Agatsuma “Please!”
Tanjiro “E?”
善逸「頼む頼む頼む…結婚してくれ~!いつ死ぬかわからないんだ俺は!! だから結婚してほしいというわけで!! 頼む!頼むよォ~!」
Zen’itsu “Tanomu, tanomu, tanomu… Kekkon shite-kureee! Itsu shinuka wakaranainda orewa!! Dakara kekkon shite hoshiito iu wakede!! Tanomu! Tanomuyoooo!”
Zenitsu “Please! Please! Please! Please marry me! I could die any day, you know! That’s why I want you to marry me! So please! Please, I’m begging you!”
Tanjiro “Na… Nan-nanda, ittai…”
Tanjiro “Wh-What’s up with that? What on earth?”
Chuntaro “Chun, chun, chun…”
Tanjiro “Otto.”
Tanjiro “Hey.”
Chuntaro “Chun, chun… Chun, Chun! Chun…”
Tanjiro “Ee?”
Chuntaro “Chun, chun…”
Chuntaro “Chun, chun, chun…”
Zen’itsu “Tanomuyo! Ore-niwa kimi-shika…kimi-shika inainda!”
Zenitsu “I’m begging you! There’s no one else! You’re all that I have!”
Chuntaro “Chun, chun…”
Tanjiro “Un, un. Soka, wakatta! Nantoka suru-kara!”
Tanjiro “I see! Gotcha! I’ll do something about it!”
Chuntaro “Chun!”
Zen’itsu “Tasukete-kureee, kekkon shite-kureee, onega―”
Zenitsu “Please help me! Please marry me! I’m begging―”
炭治郎「何やってるんだ、道の真ん中で!その子は嫌がっているだろう!! そして雀を困らせるな!!」
Tanjiro “Nani yatte-runda, michino mannakade! Sono kowa iyagatte-irudaro!! Soshite suzumeo komara-seruna!!”
Tanjiro “What do you think you’re doing right in the middle of the road? Can’t you see she wants no part of you? And don’t go making trouble for your sparrow, either!”
Zen’itsu “A, tai-fuku! Omaewa Saishu-Senbetsuno tokino…”
Zenitsu “That uniform! You’re that guy from Final Selection!”
Tanjiro “Omae-mitaina yatsuwa chijinni sonzai shinai! Shiran!!”
Tanjiro “No one I know is anything like you! I don’t know you!”
善逸「え―――っ!! 会っただろうが!会っただろうが!お前の問題だよ!記憶力のさ!」
Zen’itsu “Eeeeeeeee!! Atta-daroga! Atta-daroga! Omaeno mondai-dayo! Kioku-ryoku-nosa!”
Zenitsu “But we met, remember? We met, remember? You’re the one with the problem! Like your memory!”
Tanjiro “Saa, mo daijobu desu. Anshin-shite ie’e kaette kudasai.”
Tanjiro “All right, it’s been take care of. You can head home now without any worries.”
Onna-no-ko “Hai, arigato gozaimasu.”
Girl “I will. Thank you very much!”
善逸「おい―――っ!! お前、邪魔すんじゃねぇよ!その子は俺と結婚するんだ!俺のことが好きなんだから…おっ、ぶえ~っ!」
Zen’itsu “Oiiiiiiiii!! Omae, jama-sunja neeyo! Sono kowa oreto kekkon surunda! Oreno kotoga sukinan-dakara… O, Bueee!”
Zenitsu “Hey! Stay out of my way! That girl is going to marry me! Because she’s in love with me, all ri―”
Zen’itsu “A, itai…itaiyo! Yame…Yamete, itai, itai…”
Zenitsu “Hey! Ouch! That hurts! Stop it! Stop it! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!”
Tanjiro “O, ochi-tsuite!”
Tanjiro “H-Hey, calm down!”
Zen’itsu “Uwaaan!”
女の子「いつ私があなたを好きだと言いましたか!! 具合が悪そうに道端で蹲(うずくま)っていたから、声をかけただけでしょう!!」
Onna-no-ko “Itsu watashiga anatao suki-dato iimashitaka!! Guaiga waru-soni michi-batade uzukumatte-itakara, koeo kaketa-dake-desho!!”
Girl “When did I ever tell you that I love you? You were crumpled up on the side of the road looking ill, and all I did was speak to you!”
Zen’itsu “E, eeee! Oreno koto suki-dakara, shinpai-shite koe kakete kuretanja nainooo?!”
Zenitsu “You mean you didn’t reach out to me out of love because you were worried?”
Onna-no-ko “Watashi-niwa kekkon’o yakusoku-shita hitoga imasu-node, zettai arie-masen! Sore-dake genki-nara daijobu desune! Sayonara!!”
Girl “I already have a fiancé, so not on your life! With all that energy, you must be fine now, right? Goodbye!”
Zen’itsu “A, ma…matte. Ma…”
Zenitsu “W-Wait, come back! Come…”
Tanjiro “Omae, mo yamero.”
Tanjiro “Look, cut it out!”
Zen’itsu “Nande jama surunda. Omae-niwa kankei naidaro! …Nan-dayo, sono kao!”
Zenitsu “Wh-Why’d you get in my way? This has nothing to do with you! What’s with that look on your face?”
善逸「やめろ――っ!! 何でそんな別の生き物を見るような目で俺を見てんだ~!お前、責任とれよ!! お前のせいで結婚できなかったんだから!」
Zen’itsu “Yamerooooo!! Nande sonna betsuno ikimono’o miru-yona mede oreo mitendaaa! Omae sekinin toreyo!! Omaeno seide kekkon deki-nakattan-dakara!”
Zenitsu “Stop that! Why are you staring at me like I’m a creature or something? Hey you! You’re responsible for it! Since it’s your fault that I missed out on getting married!”
善逸「何か喋れよ!! いいか、俺はもうすぐ死ぬ!! 次の仕事でだ!! 俺はな!もの凄く弱いんだぜ、舐めるなよ!俺が結婚できるまで、お前は俺を守れよな!」
Zen’itsu “Nanika shabereyo!! Iika, orewa mo-sugu shinu!! Tsugino shigoto-deda!! Ore-wana! Mono-sugoku yowain-daze, nameru-nayo! Orega kekkon dekiru-made, omaewa oreo mamore-yona!”
Zenitsu “Jeez, say something! Listen up! I’m going to die soon! During my next job! The thing is, I’m horribly weak, okay? I’m not kidding! You gotta protect me until I manage to get married, all right?”
Tanjiro “Oreno nawa Kamado Tanjiroda!!”
Tanjiro “My name is Tanjiro Kamado!”
善逸「そうかい!! ごめんなさいね!俺は我妻善逸だよ!助けてくれよ、炭治郎~!」
Zen’itsu “So-kai!! Gomen-nasaine! Orewa Agatsuma Zen’itsu dayo! Tasukete kureyo, Tanjirooo!”
Zenitsu “Is that right? My apologies! I’m Zenitsu Agatsuma! Please save me, Tanjiro!”
Tanjiro “Tasukete kurette nanda? Nande Zen’itsuwa kenshini nattanda? Nande sonnani hajio sarasunda!”
Tanjiro “What do you mean, save you? What was your reason for becoming a swordsman, Zenitsu? Why are you being so blatantly shameless?”
Zen’itsu “Iikata hidoi-daro! Onnani damasarete shakkin shitan-dayo! Shakkin’o kata-gawari shite-kureta jijiiga ‘sodate’ dattano!!”
Zenitsu “That’s a harsh way to put it! I got swindled by a woman and racked up all this debt! The old geezer who took it over for me was a cultivator!”
善逸「毎日毎日、地獄の鍛錬だよ!死んだ方がマシだってくらいの!最終選別で死ねると思ったのにさ!! 運良く生き残るから、いまだに地獄の日々だぜ!あ――怖い怖い怖い怖い!」
Zen’itsu “Mai-nichi mai-nichi, jigokuno tanren dayo! Shinda-hoga mashitte kuraino! Saishu-Senbetsude shineruto omotta-nonisa!! Un-yoku iki-nokoru-kara, imadani jigokuno hibi daze! Aaaaa, kowai kowai kowai kowai!”
Zenitsu “Day after day, I had to go through hellish training! It was so bad that I thought I’d be better off dead! I was hoping I could die during Final Selection! But since I was lucky enough to survive, I’m still going through hell every day! I’m so scared! Scared! Scared! Scared!”
善逸「きっともうすぐ鬼に喰われて死ぬんだ!生きたまま耳から脳髄を吸われて~!イィヤァアア――ッ!! いやぁあああ!助けてェ―――ッ!!」
Zen’itsu “Kitto mo-sugu onini kuwarete shinunda! Ikita-mama mimi-kara nozui’o suwareteee! Iiyaaaaaaaaa!! Iyaaaaa! Tasuketeeeeeeee!!”
Zenitsu “I just know that I’m gonna get devoured and killed soon by a demon! My brains are gonna get sucked through my ears while I’m still alive! No! No! Please save me!”
Tanjiro “Do-shitanda, daijobuka?”
Tanjiro “What’s the matter? Are you okay?”
Zen’itsu “Hiiiii, hiiiii…”
Chuntaro “Chun, chun chun.”
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Kaaa.”
Tanjiro “Doda?”
Tanjiro “How are you?”
Zen’itsu “Un… Ochi-tsuitara hara hette-kita.”
Zenitsu “Yeah. Now that I’m calmer, I’m getting hungry.”
Tanjiro “Nanika taberu mono motte-nainoka?
Tanjiro “Don’t you have any food on you?”
Zen’itsu “Nai…”
Zenitsu “Nope.”
Tanjiro “Hora, kore taberuka?”
Tanjiro “Here, take this. Would you like to eat it?”
Zen’itsu “Aa, arigato. N? Tanjirowa kuwanai-noka?”
Zenitsu “Hey, thanks. You’re not eating, Tanjiro?”
Tanjiro “Un. Sore-shika nai-kara.”
Tanjiro “No, since that’s all I’ve got.”
Zen’itsu “Hora, hanbun kueyo.”
Zenitsu “Here. You eat half.”
Tanjiro “E, iinoka? Arigato.”
Tanjiro “You sure? Thanks!”
Tanjiro “Oniga kowaitte-iu Zen’itsuno kimochimo wakaruga, suzumeo komarase-tara dameda.”
Tanjiro “I know what you mean when you say you’re scared of demons, but you can’t make trouble for your sparrow.”
Zen’itsu “E, komatteta? Suzume? Nande wakarunda?”
Zenitsu “Was it distressed? The sparrow? How can you tell?”
Tanjiro “Iya… Zen’itsuga zutto sonna-fude shigotoni ikita-gara-naishi, on’nanokoni sugu chokkai dasu ueni, ibikimo urusakute komatterutte… itteruzo.”
Tanjiro “Well, he says that you’re always whining about not wanting to got to work, and you’re always hitting on girls, and that you snore so loud, he’s had it! So he says.”
Chuntaro “Chun!”
善逸「言ってんの?! 鳥の言葉がわかるのかよ?!」
Zen’itsu “Ittenno?! Torino kotobaga wakaruno-kayo?!”
Zenitsu “He’s saying that?! You can understand bird language?”
Tanjiro “Un.”
善逸「嘘だろ?! 俺を騙そうとしてるだろ!」
Zen’itsu “Uso daro?! Oreo damasoto shiteru-daro!”
Zenitsu “You’re lying, right? You’re just trying to trick me!”
鎹鴉の天王寺松衛門「カァァ!! 駆ケ足!! 駆ケ足!! 炭治郎、善逸、走レ!! 共に向カエ、次ノ場所マデ!! 走レ!走レ、炭治郎、善逸!」
Tennoji Matsuemon (Kasugai-Garasu) “Kaaa!! Kake-ashi!! Kake-ashi!! Tanjiro, Zen’itsu, hashire!! Tomoni mukae, tsugino basho-made!! Hashire! Hashire, Tanjiro, Zen’itsu!”
Matsuemon Tennoji (Kasugai Crow) “Start running! Start running! Tanjiro, Zenitsu, run! Both of you head over to your next destination! Run! Run, Tanjiro, Zenitsu!”
Zen’itsu “Gyaaaaaaaaaaa! Karasuga shabetteru!”
Zenitsu “That crow is talking!”
Zen’itsu “Naa Tanjiro, yappari oreja muri dayo. Orega itatte nanno yaku-nimo tatenai-shisa…”
Zenitsu “Hey, Tanjiro, on second thought, I’m not gonna make it. Even if I go along, I’m gonna be totally useless.”
炭治郎(鬼の匂いが少しずつ強くなってる。この先に何かある… あれは?)
Tanjiro (Onino nioiga sukoshi-zutsu tsuyoku natteru. Kono sakini nanika aru… Arewa?)
Tanjiro (The demon scent is getting stronger little by little. There’s something up ahead. What’s that?)
炭治郎「血の匂いがする… でも、この匂いは…」
Tanjiro “Chino nioiga suru… Demo, kono nioiwa…”
Tanjiro “I can smell blood. But this particular scent…”
Zen’itsu “E? Nanika nioi suru?”
Zenitsu “You smell something?”
Tanjiro “Chotto ima-made kaida koto nai…”
Tanjiro “Something I’ve never smelled before.”
Zen’itsu “Sore-yori nanika otoga shinaika? Ato, yappa ore-tachi kyodode shigoto suruno-kana?”
Zenitsu “I don’t know about that, but do you hear that sound? Also, are you and I gonna work together, after all?”
Tanjiro “Oto? A!”
Tanjiro “Sound?”
Zen’itsu “Ko, Kodomoda…”
Zenitsu “K-Kids…”
Tanjiro “Doshitan-daro…”
Tanjiro “I wonder what’s wrong.”
Tanjiro “Kimi-tachi, konna tokorode nani shiterunda?”
Tanjiro “Hey, guys, what are you doing here?”
Shoichi “A…”
Tanjiro (Kanari obiete-iruna…)
Tanjiro (They seem really spooked.)
Tanjiro “Yoooshi, jaa niichanga ii mono’o misete-ageyo! Jajaaaaaaan! Tenori-suzumeda!”
Tanjiro “Okay, wanna see something cool? Ta-da! It’s a tame sparrow!”
Chuntaro “Chun, chun.”
Tanjiro “Na? Kawaii-daro?”
Tanjiro “See? Isn’t he cute?”
Chuntaro “Chun!”
Tanjiro “Oshiete-kure. Nanika atta-noka? Kokowa futarino ie?”
Tanjiro “Please tell me. Did something happen? Is this your house?”
Shoichi “Chigau…chigau…Ko…Kokowa…ba…bakemonono…ieda…”
Shoichi “No. No, it’s not. This… This is… A-A monster’s…house!”
Shoichi “Niichanga tsurete-ikareta… Yomichio aruite-itara, mitakotomo nai bakemonoga arawarete… Ore-tachi-niwa memo kurenaide, niichan-dake…”
Shoichi “Our big brother got taken away. When we were walking down the road at night, this monster we’d never seen before showed up. It didn’t give us a glance. Just our brother.”
Tanjiro “Ano ieni haittan-dana?”
Tanjiro “And they went inside that house, right?”
Shoichi “Un, un…”
Shoichi “Yeah. Yeah.”
Tanjiro “Futaride ato’o tsuketa-noka? Eraizo, ganbattana.”
Tanjiro “Did you two follow them here? You did good! Great job!”
Shoichi “Niichanno chino ato’o tadottanda. Kega shita-kara…”
Shoichi “We followed the traces of his blood. Because he got hurt!”
Tanjiro (Kega…) “Daijobuda. Ore-tachiga warui yatsuo taoshite, niichan’o tasukeru.”
Tanjiro (Hurt…) “Don’t worry! We’re going to defeat the bad guy and rescue your brother!”
Teruko “Honto? Hontoni…?”
Teruko “Really? You really will?”
Tanjiro “Un, kitto…”
Tanjiro “Yeah. For sure!”
Zen’itsu “Tanjiro. Naa, kono oto nan-nanda? Kimochi-warui oto… Zutto kikoeru. Tsuzumika? Kore…”
Zenitsu “Tanjiro… Hey, what is this sound? This creepy sound never stops. Is it a tsuzumi?”
Tanjiro “Oto? Oto nante…”
Tanjiro “Sound? I don’t hear any.”
炭治郎「見るな!! 大丈夫ですか?! 大丈夫ですか!しっかり!」
Tanjiro “Miruna!! Daijobu desuka?! Daijobu desuka! Shikkari!”
Tanjiro “Don’t look! Are you all right? Are you all right? Stay with me!”
Tanjiro (Kizuga fukai. Korewa…)
Tanjiro (The wound is so deep. Is this…)
Otoko “Dera…sekkaku…derare…tanoni… Sotoni…derareta-noni…shinu…noka…ore…shinunoka…”
Man “Even though… I got out… Even though I made it out… Made it outside. Still… Am I gonna die? Am I still gonna die?”
Tanjiro (Aa, shinde-shimatta… Itakatta-daro… Kurushi-kattaro…)
Tanjiro (And now he’s gone… It must’ve hurt a lot. You must’ve suffered.)
Zen’itsu “Tanjiro, moshika-shite, sono hito…kono-ko-tachino…”
Zenitsu “Tanjiro, by any chance, is that guy these kids’…”
Tanjiro (Tasuke-rare-nakatta… Ore-tachiga mo sukoshi hayaku kitereba, tasuke-rareta-kamo shirenai-noni…)
Tanjiro (We couldn’t save him. If only we’d gotten here a little sooner, we might’ve managed to save him.)
Tanjiro “Nee, kono hitowa kimi-tachino…”
Tanjiro “Hey, is this man your…”
Shoichi “Niichanja nai… Niichanwa kaki-irono kimono’o kiteru.”
Shoichi “I-It’s not Brother. Brother’s wearing a persimmon-colored kimono.”
Tanjiro (Soka. Nanninmo tsukamatte-itanda. Modotte-kitara kanarazu maiso shimasu… Sumimasen, sumimasen…)
Tanjiro (I see. So, it’s captured more than one person. I promise to bury you when I return. Forgive me. Forgive me.)
炭治郎「よし、善逸!! 行こう」
Tanjiro “Yoshi, Zen’itsu!! Iko.”
Tanjiro “All right. Zenitsu, come on!”
Tanjiro “Demo, ima tasuke-rareru-nowa, oreto Zen’itsu dakeda.”
Tanjiro “But no one else can help them now but you and me.”
Zen’itsu “Hii…”
Tanjiro “Soka, wakatta.”
Tanjiro “Really? All right, then.”
善逸「ヒッ!ヒャ―――ッ!何だよォ――!! なんでそんな般若みたいな顔すんだよォ――ッ、行くよォ――ッ!」
Zen’itsu “Hi! Hyaaaaaaa! Nandayoooooo!! Nande sonna hannya mitaina kao sundayooooo, ikuyoooooo!”
Zenitsu “Hey, come on! Why are you making that ogre face at me? Okay, I’ll go!”
Tanjiro “Murijii suru tsumoriwa nai.”
Tanjiro “I have no intension of forcing you to.”
Zen’itsu “Ikuyoooooooo!”
Zenitsu “I said I’ll go!”
Tanjiro “Moshimono tokino tameni, kono hako’o oite-iku. Nanika attemo, futario mamotte-kureru-kara. Jaa, itte-kuru.”
Tanjiro “In case of an emergency, I’m leaving this box behind. Even if something happens, you two will be protected. Okay, we’re going now.”
善逸「炭治郎… なぁ炭治郎。守ってくれるよな?俺を守ってくれるよな?」
Zen’itsu “Tanjiro… Naa Tanjiro. Mamotte kureru-yona? Oreo mamotte-kureru-yona?”
Zenitsu “Tanjiro! Hey, Tanjiro! You’ll protect me, right? You’ll protect me, right?”
Tanjiro “Zen’itsu. Chotto moshiwake-naiga, maeno tatakaide orewa, abarato ashiga orete-iru. Soshite mada sorega kanchi shite-inai. Dakara…”
Tanjiro “Zenitsu, I hate to put you on the spot, but…I’ve got a broken rib and leg from my previous battle. And neither are fully healed yet. So―”
善逸「えっ?えええ―――ッ!何折ってんだよ骨!折るんじゃないよ骨!折れてる炭治郎じゃ俺を守りきれないぜ!ししし死んじまうぞ!ヒャッ!どうすんだどうすんだ?死ぬよこれ!死ぬ死ぬ死ぬ死ぬ…ヒィ――ッ!骨折してるなんて酷い、あんまりだぞ!死んだよ俺!! 九分九厘死んだ!死ぬ死ぬ死ぬ…」
Zen’itsu “E? Eeeeeeeee! Nani otten-dayo hone! Orunjan aiyo hone! Oreteru Tanjiroja oreo mamori-kirenaize! Shishishi, shinjimauzo! Hya! Dosunda dosunda? Shinuyo kore! Shinu shinu shinu shinu… Hiiiiii! Kossetsu shiteru-nante hidoi, anmari-dazo! Shindayo ore!! Kubu-kurin shinda! Shinu shinu shinu…”
Zenitsu “What do you mean, broken bones? Don’t go breaking any bones one me! If you’ve got fractures, you can’t possibly protect me! I-I-I’m gonna die! What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? I’m gonna die now! Gonna die, gonna die, gonna die! Broken bones? How could you? I’m a dead man now! 99.9% dead! I’m dead! I’m dead! I’m dead!”
Tanjiro “Zen’itsu, shizukani surunda. Omaewa daijobuda.”
Tanjiro “Zenitsu, quiet down! You’ll be all right.”
Zen’itsu “Kiyasumewa yoseyoooooo!!”
Zenitsu “Don’t sugarcoat it!”
Tanjiro “Chigaunda. Ore-niwa wakaru. Zen’itsuwa… A…”
Zenitsu “I’m not! I can tell, all right? Zenitsu, you’re―”
Tanjiro “Dameda!!”
Tanjiro “No good!”
Zen’itsu “Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!”
Tanjiro “Haitte-kitara dameda!!”
Tanjiro “You shouldn’t be here!”
Shoichi “O…Oniichan, ano hako kari-kari otoga shite…”
Shoichi “M-Mister, we heard scratching sounds from inside that box!”
炭治郎「だっ…!! だからって置いて来られたら切ないぞ。あれは俺の命よりも大切なものなのに…」
Tanjiro “Da…!! Dakaratte oite-koraretara setsunaizo. Arewa oreno inochi-yorimo taisetsuna mono nanoni…”
Tanjiro “E-Even still, it pains me that you left it behind! I mean, it’s more precious to me than my own life!”
Zen’itsu “Kyaaaa! A, gomen…shiriga…”
Zenitsu “Sorry! My butt…”
炭治郎(ハッ!…部屋が変わった!! いや、俺たちが移動したのか?鼓の音に合わせて)
Tanjiro (Ha! …Heyaga kawatta!! Iya, ore-tachiga ido shita-noka? Tsuzumino otoni awasete.)
Tanjiro (…It’s a different room. No. Were we the ones that moved? To the beat of that tsuzumi?)
Teruko “U, Uu…”
Tanjiro “Oniichanto hanare-banareni shite gomenna. Demo kanarazu mamoru-kara. Oniichanno kotomo, Zen’itsuga mamoruyo. Daijobu. Namaewa?”
Tanjiro “Sorry you got separated from your brother, okay? But I’m gonna protect you no matter what. And Zenitsu is gonna protect your brother. Don’t worry! What’s your name?”
Teruko “Teruko…”
Teruko “Teruko.”
Tanjiro “Soka, Teruko. Ii namaeo tsukete moratt… Ha!”
Tanjiro “Is that right? Teruko? That’s a fine name you have―”
炭治郎(いくつかの匂いの中でも、この屋敷に染みついたきつい匂いだ!かなり人を喰ってる!! こいつがこの屋敷の…主!!)
Tanjiro (Ikutsukano nioino naka-demo, kono yashikini shimi-tsuita kitsui nioida! Kanari hito’o kutteru!! Koitsuga kono yashikino… Nushi!!)
Tanjiro (Even among all these scents, This is the strongest one that this house is stepped in! This one’s devoured a whole slew of humans! This one’s the master of this house!)
善逸「死ぬ~!死ぬ死ぬ、死んでしまうぞ、これは死ぬ!! 炭治郎と離れちゃった~!」
Zen’itsu “Shinuuu! Shinu shinu, shinde-shimauzo, korewa shinu!! Tanjiroto hanare-chattaaa!”
Zenitsu “I’m gonna die! Gonna die, gonna die, gonna die, I’m telling you! Tanjiro and I got split up!”
正一「てる子!! てる子!!」
Shoichi “Teruko!! Teruko!!”
Shoichi “Teruko! Teruko!”
Zen’itsu “Dame dame dame, oogoe dashitara dame! Oogoe dashite warui yatsuni kikaretara taihen dayo! Chotto sotoni deyo!”
Zenitsu “No, no, no, no! Don’t yell like that! If you yell and the bad guy hears you, it won’t be pretty! Come on, let’s step outside!”
Shoichi “Nande sotoni? Jibun-dake tasukaroto shiterun-desuka?”
Shoichi “What… Why outside? Are you trying to escape all by yourself?”
Zen’itsu “E…”
Shoichi “Shinu-toka so-iu koto zutto itte hazukashiku-nai-desuka? Toshi-shitani sugari-tsuite nasake-naito omowa-nain-desuka? Anatano koshino katanawa ittai nanno tameni arun-desuka?”
Shoichi “All this constant yammering about dying… Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Clinging onto a younger person… Don’t you feel pathetic? What are you wearing that swords on your hip for anyway?”
Zen’itsu “Guhha… Sugoi kireajino kotobaga… Guha!”
Zenitsu “Those words cut so deep.”
Zen’itsu “Chigaun-dayo! Oreja yakuni tatanai-kara hito’o…”
Zenitsu “That’s not it! I’m not gonna be of any use anyway,”
Shoichi “Hanashite!”
Shoichi “Let me go!”
Zen’itsu “Otonao yonde-koyoto shite-irun-dayo!”
Zenitsu “so I’m gonna summon a grownup here, okay?”
Shoichi “Hanashite kudasai!”
Shoichi “Let me go!”
Zen’itsu “Kodomo-dakede donika dekiru kotoja naikara, korewa!”
Zenitsu “Because this isn’t something us kids can resolve on our own!”
善逸「あっ…嘘だろ嘘だろ嘘だろ!ここが玄関だったのに!! 外はどこに行ったの?だってこの戸が…こっちか?! ここは?こっちは?」
Zen’itsu “A… Uso-daro uso-daro uso-daro! Kokoga genkan datta-noni!! Sotowa dokoni ittano? Datte kono toga… Kocchika?! Kokowa? Kocchiwa?”
Zenitsu “You’re kidding me, kidding me, kidding me! I’m sure this was the front door! Where’d the outside go? I mean, this door was… Is it this one? How about this one? What about this one?”
Zen’itsu “Bakemonodaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Gyaaaa!”
Zenitsu “It’s a monster!”
善逸「何だよォ、その目なに?! やだそんな目!」
Zen’itsu “Nandayoo, sono me nani?! Yada sonna me!”
Zenitsu “What the heck? What’s that look in your eyes? Stop looking at me like that!”
Kyogai “Aitsura-sae jama shinakereba…”
Kyogai “If it hadn’t been…If it hadn’t been for their meddling…”
Tanjiro “Teruko, sakebu-nowa gamanda. Heyawa ugoku-kara rokani deruna. Sagatte tanano ushironi kakurerunda.”
Tanjiro “Teruko, you gotta try not to scream. The room’s going to flip around, so don’t go into the hall. Step back and hide behind the shelves.”
Kyogai “Onore onore… Aitsurano seide tori-nigashita. Shoseino emono datta-noni. Nazeda. Doitsumo koitsumo yoso-samano ieni zuka-zuka hairi-komi, haradatashii…… Shoseino emono dazo. Shoseino nawabaride mitsuketa shoseino emonoda……”
Kyogai “Curses, curses! Thanks to them, he got away! When he was my prey! Why is it? Why do they all keep barging into someone else’s home? It’s infuriating. That was my prey! My own prey, discovered on my own turf!”
Kyogai “Aitsurame… Aitsurame!”
Kyogai “Curse them! Curse them!”
炭治郎「おい!お前!! 俺は鬼殺隊、階級・癸!! 竈門炭治郎だ!今からお前を斬る!!」
Tanjiro “Oi! Omae!! Orewa Kisatsu-Tai, kaikyu: Mizunoto!! Kamado Tanjiroda! Ima-kara omaeo kiru!!”
Tanjiro “Hey! Listen! I’m with the Demon Slayers Corp. Rank 10, Tanjiro Kamado! I’m going to slay you now!”
Kyogai “Orega mitsuketa ‘marechi’ no kodomo nanoni!!”
Kyogai “A child with rare blood that I found myself!”
炭治郎(とった!)「えっ?てる子!! ハッ!」
Tanjiro (Totta!) “E? Teruko!! Ha!”
Tanjiro (Got him!) “Teruko!!”
炭治郎(畳が側面にある… 部屋が回転したんだ。これがこの鬼の血鬼術!屋敷全てが鬼の縄張り…!!)
Tanjiro (Tatamiga sokumenni aru… Heyaga kaiten shitanda. Korega kono onino kekki-jutsu! Yashiki subetega onino nawabari…!!)
Tanjiro (Now the tatami floors are on the sides! The room’s been flipped! So, this is that demon’s Blood Demon Art! This Entire house is this demon’s territory!)
炭治郎(何だ?! 妙な匂いが迫ってくる。鬼じゃない!)
Tanjiro (Nanda?! Myona nioiga sematte-kuru. Onija nai!)
Tanjiro (What’s this? An odd scent is wafting this way. It’s not a demon!)
嘴平伊之助「ウハハハ…!猪突猛進!! 猪突猛進!! 猪突猛進!!」
Hashibira Inosuke “Uhahaha…! Chototsu-Moshin!! Chototsu-Moshin!! Chototsu-Moshin!!”
Inosuke Hashibira “Comin’ through! Comin’ through! Comin’ through!”
Tanjiro (Na, Nanda ano otoko! Inoshishino kawao kabutte――…Nichirin-To’o motte-iru!!)
Tanjiro (Wh-Who’s that guy? He’s wearing a boar’s hide! And he’s wielding Nichirin Swords!)
伊之助「さァ化け物!! 屍(しかばね)を晒(さら)して、俺がより強くなるため、より高く行くための、踏み台となれェ!!」
Inosuke “Saa bakemono!! Shikabaneo sarashite, orega yori tsuyoku-naru-tame, yori takaku iku-tameno, fumidaito naree!!”
Inosuke “All right, you monster… Die on the battlefield and serve as my springboard! So that I can become more powerful and soar even higher!”
Kyogai “Haradatashii, haradatashii…”
Kyogai “Infuriating! Infuriating!”
Inosuke “Ikuze! Chototsu…Moshin!!”
Inosuke “Here goes… Comin’…through!”
大正コソコソ噂話 ―Taisho Secret―
Zen’itsu “Naa Tanjiro. Sakki omaega muriyari hiki-hagashita onna’noko… Yappari oreno koto suki-dattato omoun-dayo.”
Zenitsu “Hey, Tanjiro, I think that girl you forcibly pulled away from me loves me after all.”
Tanjiro “Nani itterunda! Akirakani kanojowa iyagatte-itadaro.”
Tanjiro “What are you talking about? It was so obvious that she wasn’t into you!”
Zen’itsu “Sonna koto naiyo! Aawa itteta-kedosa, jitsuwa oreni oikakete hoshikattanja naika? Omoi-kaesuto, oreno hoo’o butta-tokimo, dokoka aiga atta mitaini omoushi, sono ato oreo butte-iru-tokimo ikkai ikkai sugoku kimochiga komotte-itashi, korewa zettai zettai oreno kotoga suki-nano-dewaaa?”
Zenitsu “That’s not true! She might’ve said all those things, but she could’ve really wanted me to chase after her, right? I think there was love in her eyes when she slapped me, and then all the other times she hit me, she was really putting her heart into it every single time! She must be in love with me for sure, for sure, for sure!”
Tanjiro “A…”
Zen’itsu “Nanka shabereyo!”
Zenitsu “Say something, will you?”
Tanjiro “Kokode Taisho koso-koso uwasa-banashi. Zen’itsuwa, kihon-tekini onna’noko nara donna ko-demo ishiki shite-shimai, sowa-sowa suru-rashii desuyo.”
Tanjiro “Now, it’s time for a Taisho secret! I hear that Zenitsu gets self-conscious in front girls, and his heart starts fluttering.”
Zen’itsu “Shikata naidaro? Onna’nokowa kawaiishi yawarakaishi, ii nioi surun-dakara! Aa, onna’nokono koto’o kangaete-tara sakkino kono koto’o omoi-dashi-chattayo. Kono yashiki-kara deraretara, suguni-demo oikakete hoozuri-shiteee”
Zenitsu “Well, I can’t help it! Girls are so adorable, so soft, and they smell so nice! Oh, man, now that I’m thinking about them, I just remembered that girl! If I make it out of this house, I’m gonna go right after her and rub my cheek against her!”
Tanjiro “Jikai, dai juniwa, ‘Inoshishiwa kibao muki, Zen’itsuwa nemuru.’”
Tanjiro “Next, Episode 12, ‘The Boar Bares Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps.’”
Zen’itsu “Mushi shinaide kureyo Tanjirooo!”
Zenitsu “Hey, don’t just ignore me, Tanjiro!”
(Continue to episode 12)
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apothecaryscript · 1 month
Episode 8 : Wheat Stalks / 第8話『麦稈(Mugiwara)』
Maomao “Kaette kitanda. Nn…Aa… Betatsuku. Oyajiwa… hatake ka.”
Maomao “Oh, right, I’m home. So sticky. Dad… Must be out in the field.”
Maomao “Mo, toshimo toshi-dashi, hatake-shigotowa yamete moraitaiga… Jibunde sodateta yakusode, kusuri tsukuru-noga sukinan-dayona, oyaji.”
Maomao “I wish he’d stop working the field at his age, but he just really enjoys making medicine out of the herbs he grows.”
Maomao “Kowareru… Minai kaodana. Yosono kamuroka… Oyajinara, cho…”
Maomao “Don’t break it. I don’t know you. Are you a servant at a different brothel? My dad’s- Hey!”
Kamuro “Kite!”
Serving girl “Come with me!”
Kamuro “Neesan! Kusuriya tsurete-kita!”
Serving girl “Big Sis! I brought the apothecary!”
Gijo “Hayaku!”
Courtesan “Hurry!”
Maomao “Kono nioi…!”
Maomao “This smell…”
Gijo “A, kusuriya-san! Toriaezu, hakaseta-kedo…”
Courtesan “Apothecary! I made them throw up already, but…”
Maomao “Madada! Otokoga iki shitenai. Onnano kokyumo asai. Nodoni outo-butsuga nokotte-inaika kakunin suru. Socchio tanomu.”
Maomao “Right! The man isn’t breathing! The woman’s breathing is too weak. We’ll check if there’s any vomit left in their throats. You check her.”
Gijo “E…ee.”
Courtesan “Y-Yes!”
Maomao (Myakumo nai. Nodo-niwa tsumatte-nai. Daeki dakeka.)
Maomao (No pulse. Nothing clogging the throat. Just saliva.”
Gijo “Mizuo motte-kite!”
Courtesan “Bring water!”
Maomao “Mizuwa nomaseruna! Sumida, sumio yoi-shiro.”
Maomao “No water! Bring charcoal. Charcoal!”
Kamuro “Ha…Hai!”
Serving girl “Y-Yes!”
Maomao “Asa-kara ittai, nannan-dayo… Aaa, furo hairi-tai.”
Maomao “Great way to start the morning. Wow, I need a bath…”
Gijyo “Arigato, kusuriya-san. Futari-tomo ochi-tsuitawa.”
Courtesan “Thank you, apothecary. They’re both stable now.”
Maomao “A… Sono-mamani shite-kure.”
Maomao “Wait, leave that alone.”
Gijo “Haita monomo?”
Courtesan “Even what they threw up on?”
Maomao “Dokuga nokotteru-kamo shirenai.”
Maomao “There could still be poison in it.”
Gijo “Doku?!”
Courtesan “Poison…”
Gijo “Ochano junbi suru-wane.”
Courtesan “I’ll go make some tea.”
Maomao (Taorete-itanowa gijoto, sono kyaku… Heya-niwa saketo tabakono nioiga juman shite-ita. Saka-binga futatsu. Wareta garasuno utsuwa. Korewa…mugiwaraka? Kiseruni, tabakono ha… Mendo-kusai koto’o yarakasu monda.)
Maomao (The two who collapsed here were a courtesan and her customer. The room was filled with the scent of alcohol and tobacco. Two bottles. Broken glass cups. This is… a wheat stalk? A pipe and some tobacco leaves. They really went out of their way to cause trouble.)
Kamuro “Kore, sumi…”
Serving girl “I’ve got the charcoal…”
Maomao “Aa, ato mokkanto kaku-monomo.”
Maomao “Good. Also, get me a text plate and something to write with.”
Kamuro “E?”
Serving girl “Huh?”
Maomao “Minamino gaihekino sobano hatakeni, uchino oyajiga iru-hazu dakara, atode tsurete kite-kure.”
Maomao “My dad should be out in the fields, near the southern wall. Bring him over here later.”
Kamuro “Wakatta.”
Serving girl “Got it.”
Maomao “Osokattana, Oyaji.”
Maomao “You’re late, Dad.”
Ruomen “Kono koga ashio kizukatte kuretanda.”
Luomen “This girl was worried about my leg.”
Maomao “Sumiwa tsubushite oita.”
Maomao “I crashed the charcoal.”
Ruomen “Aa, suguni yakusoni mazete nomaseyo.”
Luomen “Yes, let’s mix it with the herbs and give it to them immediately.”
Gijo “Nomeru?”
Courtesan “Can you drink this?”
Gijyo “Ano hitowa?”
Courtesan “What about him…?”
Gijo “Bujiyo. Kusurimo nondashi.”
Courtesan “He’s safe. He had the medicine, too.”
Ruomen “Shochino shikatawa, maa-maa-kana.”
Luomen “Your treatment’s not bad.”
Maomao “Maa-maa-kai.”
Maomao “‘Not bad’, huh?”
Maomao (Oyajiwa, ichi-no joho-kara ni-mo san-mo shiru kotoga dekiru ningenda.)
Maomao (Dad’s able to deduce two or three things from a single piece of information.)
Ruomen “Korewa nanno doku-dato omotta?”
Luomen “What kind of poison do you think this was?”
Maomao (Kita! Oyajiwa tamani ko-yatte benkyo saseyoto suru.)
Maomao (Here goes! Dad sometimes tries to make me learn stuff this way.)
Maomao “Tabakono hawa modokuda. Shinju-de tsukau-nara, koredato omou.”
Maomao “Tobacco leaves are deadly poisons. That would be what they’d use in a double suicide.”
Ruomen “Mizuwa nomase-nakatta-yodane.”
Luomen “You didn’t have them drink water, right?”
Maomao “Nondara gyaku-koka daro?”
Maomao “Water would make things worse, right?”
Ruomen “Sodane, iekiga dokuno kyushuo osaeru kotomo aru-kara, sono baaiwa gyaku-koka daro. Demo, moshi korega, saisho-kara mizuna tokashita monode atta-nara?”
Luomen “Correct. Gastric juices can prevent the intake of poison in some cases, so diluting it might make things worse. However, what if this poison was already soaked in water?”
Maomao (Ha… Outo-butsuni haga majitte inai. Minogashita… Mada neboketen-nokana. Mizuni tokashita monode areba, usumeta-hoga ii baaimo aru. Yoshi…oboeta.)
Maomao (There are no leaves in the vomit. I missed that. Maybe I’m still half asleep. If the poison was soaked in water, sometimes diluting it with more water is good. Got it. Lesson learned.)
Kimaega ii Babaa “Sumanai-nee.”
Generous Madam “Sorry for the trouble.”
Maomao (Kyaku-yono chagashio furumau-towa… Naka-naka kimaega yoi. Naruhodo… Utsuwani beniga utsura-naiyoni tsukau-noka.)
Maomao (Serving us snacks reserved for customers? That’s quite generous of her. I see, it prevents lipstick from getting on the cup.)
Babaa “Hontoni tasukattayo. Korewa kokoro-bakari-daga…”
Madam “You really saved us. This is just a small token of our gratitude.”
Ruomen “Iya, sonnani…”
Luomen “Oh no, that’s too much―”
Maomao “Oyaji. Kongetsu, Yarite-Babaani yachin haraeru-noka?”
Maomao “Dad, can you afford rent this month?”
Ruomen “Dewa…”
Luomen “Ah, in that case…”
Maomao (Mattaku kono oyajiwa… Konkai-nowa hana-machi-dewa mezurashikumo nai shinju daro. Miuke dekinai otokoto, nenkino akenai onnaga soroeba, sonna koto bakari omoi-tsuku-noda. Shikashi ano otoko, minariwa zuibun joto datta. Kao-dachimo amaku, kane-nimo onna-nimo komarisoni nai. Henkende kangaeruto okorare-sodaga… Gijo-tono miraio ureite dokuo nomu-yoniwa miena-katta…)
Maomao (Jeez, you old man… Must have been a double suicide. Not exactly rare in the pleasure district, A man who can’t afford to buy out a courtesan, and a courtesan with time left on her term. People like that often reach this same conclusion. Still, that man was very well-dressed. He had a handsome face, too. Didn’t seem like someone who’d be short on money or women. Dad wouldn’t approve of me judging through stereotypes, but… He didn’t seem like someone who’d drink poison with a courtesan out of despair for their future.)
Maomao “Chotto, yosuo mite-kuru.”
Maomao “I’m going to go check on them.”
Maomao (Otokono hoga yodaiga omokattana…)
Maomao (The man seemed to be in worse condition…)
Maomao “Nani yatteru!”
Maomao “What are you doing?!”
Kamuro “Jama shinaide! Konna yatsu, shinda-hoga iinda!”
Serving girl “Don’t stop me! This guy deserves to die!”
Gijo “A, Anta-tachi, nani shiteruno!”
Courtesan “Wh-What are you doing?!”
Gijo “Kusuriya-san, chotto ohanashi iikashira?”
Courtesan “Apothecary, may I speak with you?”
Gijo “Karewa moto-moto, mondaino ooi kyaku dattano. Gijoni amai kotobao kakete miukeo honomekashi-tewa, akitara suteruo kurikaesu. Urami bakari katte, gyakujo-shita onnani sasare-soni nattari, dokuo morareta kotomo attawa. Kedo, goshono chichi-oyani amayaka-sarete, koto-aru-gotoni kanede kaiketsu shiteta. Saikin-dewa, oyani tanonde, shokan-made goeio tsukete kite-itawa. Kono kono anemo, ano otokoni suteraretano. Korekarawa isshoni kuraserutte, yorokonde-itanoni… Miukeno tojitsuni, kyuni hakushini sarete… Dakara, yuruse-nakattan-dato omou. Konkai isshoni dokuo nonda ko-nimo natsuite itakara.”
Courtesan “That man was always a problem customer. He’d sweet-talk a courtesan and insinuate that he would buy her out. When he got tired of her, he’d just dump her. He was widely hated. Some woman tried to stab him, even. He’d been poisoned in the past, too. But his rich merchant father pampers him. He settles everything with money. Recently, he asked his father to hire guards for him to travel to the brothels with. This girl’s older sister got dumped by him, too. She was so happy she could live with him, but on the day of the buy-out, he suddenly canceled on her. That’s why, I think, she couldn’t forgive him. The courtesan who drank the poison today was close to her, as well.”
Maomao “Dakara, meo tsumureto? Sonna kyaku-nara, deiri kinshini sureba iimono’o.”
Maomao “So, you want me to pretend I didn’t see anything? If he’s such a problem, why not just ban him?”
Gijo “Irekonda-nowa, ano kono ho-nano.”
Courtesan “It’s the courtesan who fell for him."
Maomao “Sorede shinju-sawagito nareba, shokanto shitewa atamaga itai hanashi desune.”
Maomao “In that case, I suppose word of a double suicide would make matters worse for the brothel.”
Maomao (Yakeni teatsukatta-nowa, goshono musuko’o jibunno misede shinasezuni sunda-karaka… Soshite sorega gyakuni rifujinni kanji-raretano-daro.)
Maomao (So, they served us the good snacks because we prevented a rich merchant’s son from dying on the premises. And… That must have felt unfair to her.)
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “I understand.”
Maomao (Kyowa tama-tama watashiga ieni kaette-itaga, itsumo kaimono’o shite-iru konara, oyajino inai jikan kurai shitte-itakamo shirenai. Futsu-nara ishao yobu jokyode, waza-waza fuzaino kusuriyao yobini kitato sureba… Ano kamuro, chiisai warini osoroshii…)
Maomao (I just happened to be home today, but if the girl shops with us often, perhaps she knew when my dad is usually away. Normally you’d call for a doctor at a time like that, but she went out of her way to find a missing apothecary. That servant girl is scarier than she looks.”
Ruomen “Sekkaku kaette kitato iunoni, nandatta-nee.
Luomen “It’s too bad your homecoming turned out this way.”
Maomao “Oyaji, sakkino misete.”
Maomao “Dad, show me that money from earlier.”
Maomao (Un, chanto haitteru. Annojo, kuchidome-ryo made… Demo nandaka hikkakaru. Hanashi-kara shite, otokowa kanari shitatakada. Sonna otokoga, horeta-haretade shinju-nado okosu mono-daroka.)
Maomao (Yep, all there. As expected, including hush money. Something bothers me, though. Judging from the stories, the man is pretty clever. Would someone like him join a double suicide over romance?)
Maomao “Naraba muri-shinju ka? Iya, dokuo morareta kotono aru otokoga so kantanni…”
Maomao “Was it a forced suicide? No, a man who’d been poisoned before wouldn’t easily-“
Ruomen “Maomao, okusokude mono’o iccha ikenaiyo.”
Luomen “Maomao, you shouldn’t speak based on conjecture.”
Maomao “Oyajiwa mo, shinsoni kizuite irundaro?”
Maomao “Dad, you already figured out what really happened, right?”
Maomao (Omoidaso. Genbani naniga attaka… Minogashita monowa naika.)
Maomao (Let’s try to recall what was at the scene and what I might have missed.)
Maomao “Tabakono hawa modokuda. Shinjude tsukau-nara, koredato omou.”
Maomao “Tobacco leaves are deadly poisons. This would be what they would use in a double suicide.”
Ruomen “Moshi korega, saisho-kara mizuna tokashita monode atta-nara?”
Luomen “However, what if this poison was already mixed in water?”
Gijo “Irekonda-nowa, ano kono ho-nano.”
Courtesan “It’s the courtesan who fell for him.”
Kamuro “Konna yatsu, shinda-hoga iinda!”
Serving girl “This guy deserves to die!”
Gijo “Konkai, isshoni dokuo nonda konimo natsuite itakara…”
Courtesan “The courtesan who drank the poison today was close to her as well.”
Maomao “Naruhodo. Utsuwani beniga utsura-naiyoni tsukau-noka.”
Maomao “I see, it prevents the lipstick from getting on the cup.”
Maomao (Korewa shinjuja nai. Satsujinda. Mizuni tokashita mono… Mugiwara… Shuruino chigau ni-shokuno sake…)
Maomao (This wasn’t a double suicide. It was murder. Poisoned water, wheat stalks, two separate drinks with different colors…)
Ruomen “Mo owatta koto dayo.”
Luomen “It’s already over.”
Maomao “Wakatteru.”
Maomao “I know.”
Maomao (Shinjuja naku satsujin. Shikamo, korosoto shita-nowa gijono hoda. Hankoni tsukawareta-nowa, tabako’o tsuketa dokuno sake. Shikashi, goeio tsukeru-hodo yojin-bukaku natte-iru otokoni, do-yatte dokushu’o nomaseta-noka. Kantanda. Dokumio shite misereba ii. Gijoga buji-nara, otokowa sakeo kuchini suru. Shikashi, jissaini dokuno sakeo nomeba, onnamo buji-dewa sumanai. Sokode doguo tsukatta. Sakewa ni-shurui, utsuwawa hitotsu. Sakewa, nakamiga chigaeba, kosaya omosaga chigau. Omoi sakeno ueni, karui sakeo yukkuri sosogeba, soga dekite mitamega yoi. Kyakuo yoroko-baseru konetato shite tsukaeba… ayashima-reru-koto naku gijowa shitano sodakeo mugiwarade nonde miseta. Gijomo uwazumino sakeo nonda. Shinanai-yoni, sukoshino ryo’o. Jibunmo shinde shimaeba, motomo komo nai. Otokoga shini, jibunga ikinokoru keisan’o kangaeta uede, asagatani koto’o okoshitano-daro. Soshite tsugo-yoku, soreo hakken-suru ningenga ita. Hakanage-daga, sorede-ite shitatakada.)
Maomao (Murder, not a double suicide. And it’s the courtesan who tried to kill the man, using drinks laced with tobacco poison. But the man was cautious enough to have guards around. How did she get him to drink the poison? Simple. She took a sip as well. If the courtesan was safe, the man would drink, too. But if she drank the poison, she’d be in danger herself. That’s why she used a trick. Two drinks, one cup. Different drinks have varying thicknesses and weights. By pouring a lighter drink slowly over a heavy drink, you can create a pretty-looking, layered drink. She used that as a small parlor trick to impress her guest. Then, she used the wheat stalk to drink just the lower layer, without raising suspicion. Afterwards, she drank from the upper layer as well. Just a little bit, so it wouldn’t kill her. She didn’t want to end up dead herself. She did the act in the morning to increase the odds that he would die, and she would survive. And conveniently, someone came to witness it. She appeared fragile, but she’s actually quite clever.”
Kamuro “Neesan, nani yatteruno? Netenakya dame!”
Serving girl “What are you doing, Big Sis? You should stay in bed!”
Maomao (Kamurono kodowa, dokoka okashi-katta. Otoko’o teokureni suru-tameni, waza-waza isha-dewa naku kusuriyao tazune, oyajio yobuno-nimo jikan’o kaketa. Sokoni, neechan’eno shinpaiwa nakattano-daroka. Jitsuno aneto onaji-yoni, mata shitashii monoga shinu-towa kangae-nakattano-daroka. Marude, shinanaito wakatte kodo shite-iru yo-datta… nante, kangae-sugi daroka. Soshite, kamuroni yatara dojo-tekina gijo. Kane-baraino ii, yarite-babaa. Ayashiito omottara, ikura-demo ayashiito omoete shimau. Moshiya, minna… Haa, okusokude mono’o iccha ikenaika…)
Maomao (The servant girl did behave a bit strangely. In order to make sure the man didn’t survive, she went to an apothecary, not a doctor. She even took her time bringing my dad over. Wasn’t she worried that her ‘Big Sis’ would die? Wasn’t she worried that someone close to her would die again, like her real sister? It’s almost as if she knew the courtesan would survive. Or am I over-thinking this? In addition, the other courtesan was sympathetic to the servant girl. Plus, the very generous madam… Once I start doubting, there’s no stopping. Could they all have been… I shouldn’t speak based on conjecture.)
Maomao (Zutto kaeri-takatta hana-machimo, honshitsuwa kokyuto kawaranai. Hanazonode ari, torikagoda. Minna, tojikomotta kukini dokusarete-iku. Gijomo mawarino dokuo kurau-kotode, amai dokueto kawatte-iku. Ano gijoga do naruno-kawa wakaranai. Dora-musukoga dokuo nomasaretato uttaeru-kamo shirenaishi, gyakuni shokan-gawaga shohin’o dainashini saretato odosu-kamo shirenai. …Dochira-demo ii. Sonna koto’o ichi-ichi kangaete-itewa, kono machide ikite ikenai.)
Maomao (I really missed this pleasure district, but in essence, it’s no different from the rear palace. It’s both a garden and a cage. The stale, trapped air poisons everyone. The courtesans also eat the poison around them to become a sweet poison themselves. I don’t know what’ll happen to that courtesan. Maybe the annoying customer will assert that she tried to poison him. Maybe the brothel will accuse him of ruining their merchandise instead. Well, whatever. You can’t live life in this neighborhood worrying about every little thing.)
Meimei “Maomao.”
Meimei “Maomao.”
Maomao “Meimei neechan.”
Maomao “Meimei.”
Meimei “Mo kokyuni modoruno?”
Meimei “You’re going back to the rear palace already?”
Maomao “Nenkiga mada ichi-nen nokotterushi, shigoto’o hoki shitara meiwakuga kakaru.”
Maomao “I have a year left on my term. I also have work to do that I can’t force on others.”
Meimei “So… Sekkaku kaette-korareta-noni. Maomaoga kyuni yukue-fumeini natte, minna shinpai shiteta-noyo. Pairinmo Jokamo, Obabamo.”
Meimei “That’s too bad. You just got back. Everyone was worried when you suddenly went missing. Pairin, Joka, and even the old lady.”
Maomao “E? Sonna koto, hitokotomo…”
Maomao “Really? She never said…”
Meimei “Itsumo-doori datta-desho? Antaga kaette kita-karayo.”
Meimei “She acted like usual, right? It’s because you came back.”
Maomao “Sokka… Oooo”
Maomao “I see.”
Meimei “Yaaada, samishiku nacchatta? Yoshi-yoshiii.”
Meimei “Oh no, did I make you all sentimental? There, there!”
Maomao “Cho… Meimei neechan!”
Maomao “Come on, Meimei!”
Meimei “Maomao, hanare-niwa ittano?”
Meimei “Maomao, did you visit the annex?”
Maomao “N… Atode iku.”
Maomao “I’ll go later.”
Ruomen “Kio tsukerun-dayo.”
Luomen “Take care of yourself.”
Maomao “Oyajimo. Itte-kimasu.”
Maomao “You, too. I’m off.”
Maomao (Mikka-kanno sato-gaeriwa, atto iumani owatta.)
Maomao (My three-day homecoming was over before I knew it.)
Pairin “Mo kaecchau-nante, zan’nen-dawaaa. Nee? Rihaku-sama?”
Pairin “I’m so sad to see you go so soon! Right? Master Lihaku?”
Rihaku “Yahaaa, jitsuni zan’nenda.”
Lihaku “Yes! I’m so sad, too!”
Maomao (Ii yume mireta mitai-dana… Ichido tenjono kanro’o shireba, chijo-niwa modorenai. Kitto, ikasazu korosazu, shibori-torareru kotodaro… Towa-ie, mae-baraide tarinakatta gin’o oginau-nowa watashida.)
Maomao (Looks like he had a good dream. Once you have a taste of the heavenly dews, there’s no turning back to reality. I’m sure they’ll squeeze him dry, gently but thoroughly. That said, I’m the one that has to cover for the amount that I couldn’t pay up front.)
Yarite-Babaa “Kaette kuru-tokiwa renraku shina.”
Madam “Let me know when you’re coming home next.”
Maomao (Okagede tsugino miuri-sakiga ketteide aru.)
Maomao (And thus, my next buyer has been determined.”
Jinshi “Muuuu…”
Maomao (Naze-daro? Yatara, kocchio nirande-iru… Hayameni taisan shiyo.)
Maomao (What’s with the intense stare? I’d better make my escape.)
Maomao “Dewa, kigaete mairimasu-node.”
Maomao “I’ll go get changed.”
Infa “Atode.”
Yinghua “Tell us…”
Airan “Iro-iro.”
Ailan “Everything…”
Guien “Kikasetene.”
Guiyuan “Later!”
Jinshi “Osetsu-shitsude matte-iruzo. Fun.”
Jinshi “I’ll be waiting for you in the parlor.”
Maomao “Shitsurei itashi-masu.”
Maomao “Excuse me.”
Maomao (Nandaka taidoga warui kiga suru… Kino sei daroka? Kino seini shitai. Kino seini shiyo. Ni shitemo… Naze futari-kiri nanda.)
Maomao (For some reason, he seems really upset. Am I over-thinking it? I hope I’m over-thinking it. Let’s go with that! Why are we alone, anyway?”
Jinshi “Sato-gaeri, itte-kita-yodana.”
Jinshi “So, you went home, huh?”
Maomao “Hai.”
Maomao “Yes.”
Jinshi “Do datta?”
Jinshi “How was it?”
Maomao “Minna genki-sode nani-yori deshita.”
Maomao “Everyone’s doing well, so I was glad for that.”
Jinshi “Soka.”
Jinshi “I see.”
Maomao “Hai.”
Maomao “Yes.”
Jinshi “Rihakutte iunowa, do-iu otoko nanda?”
Jinshi “What is this Lihaku fellow like?”
Maomao “N? Mimoto hikiuke-nin desu.”
Maomao “He was my guarantor.”
Maomao (Nazeni namaeo shitte-iru?)
Maomao (How does he know that name?)
Jinshi “Imiga wakatte itte-irunoka? Sono imiga.”
Jinshi “Do you even know what that means?”
Maomao “Ee. Mimotono shikkari-shita kokande naito, hikiuke-nin-niwa narenaito.”
Maomao “Yes. Only a higher-ranking official with a good record can serve as a guarantor."
Jinshi “Kanzashio moratta-noka?”
Jinshi “Did he give you a hairpin?”
Maomao “Nanbonmo kubatte imashita-node, giride itadaki-mashita.”
Maomao “He was passing out several, so I took one as a consolation prize.”
Jinshi “Tsumari, giride moratta-mononi, orewa maketan-dana?”
Jinshi “So, I lost to a consolation prize, huh?”
Maomao (Un?)
Jinshi “Oremo ageta hazu-nandaga, mattaku hanashiwa konakattana.”
Jinshi “I thought I gave you one too, but I never heard from you.”
Maomao (Ore? Nanda, yo-suruni jibunni hanashiga konakatta-noga kini kuwanai-noka. Fushigina monoda… Mendo-goto-niwa kakawara-nai-hoga rakuni kimatte-iru-noni. Hima-jin dakara yakkai-goto-demo kamatte morai-tai-noka?)
Maomao (Huh? In other words, he’s just unhappy because I didn’t rely on him instead? Weird. It’s obviously way better to not get involved in any trouble. Is he so bored that he wants attention even if it’ll cause problems?)
Maomao “Moshi-wake arimasen. Jinshi-samani gomanzoku itadakeru taika-nado omoi-tsukana-katta-monode.”
Maomao “I’m sorry. I couldn’t think of a repayment that you’d enjoy.”
Jinshi “Taikatte nanda? Omae, soreo Rihakutte yatsuni haratta-noka?”
Jinshi “What repayment? Did you give something to this Lihaku guy?”
Maomao “Ee. Ichiyano yumeni yorokonde orimashita.”
Maomao “Yes, I granted him a night of blissful dreams.”
Jinshi “Na…! Ichiya…”
Jinshi “A night…”
Maomao “Fun, taihen gomanzoku itadaketa-yode, kochirato shitemo, ganbatta kaiga arimashita.”
Maomao “He seemed very happy. I worked hard, so I’m pleased with myself.”
Maomao “Nani shiterun-desuka? Shimini naru maeni, korede… Shitsurei shimasuyo? Suguni sentakuni dashita-hoga iikato. Chawanmo sugu katazuke-masu-kara, sawara-naide-kudasaiyo. Haa… Shitsurei shimasu. Suuuu”
Maomao “What are you doing? Let’s wipe you off before it stains. Excuse me. You should get this washed right away. I’ll clean up the cup right away, too. Don’t touch it. Excuse me. Whoosh.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Fufu, Ahahahahaha!”
Maomao “N? Ugi!”
Maomao “Ow!”
Gyokuyo-hi “Ahahahahaha, Fufufufu, fufu.”
(Continue to episode 9)
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desert--daisy · 3 months
Hiçbir zaman anlamadı mı yoksa anlamak mı istemedi acaba? Sormadı da ? Halbuki biliyordu benim hiçbir zaman ona ihtiyacım olduğunu söylemeyeceğimi, ne kadar Zeyna olduğumu , içimdeki küçük savunmasız Ben'e kaç kabuk inşa ettiğimi , bilirdi çünkü. Ya da en azından ben öyle sanıyordum .Ben'liğimdeki grisinden kırmızısına, siyahından magentaya ,renk uzayına kadar tüm renklerimi hem haykırmak, saatlerce hiç susmadan anlatmak istiyordum hemde renklerimin altındaki tüm fırça darbelerimi gizleyerek benliğimin en derin ,ziften kara zindanlarımda hiç çıkmamak üzere prangalar altında esir alıp sessizliğimin çığlıklarında boğulsun istiyordum.ve işte bunun için çok iyi bir dinleyici oldum.
Can kırıklarımın onu kesmesinden mi korkuyordu acaba ? Ya da ben anlatmaktan korkuyordum, kendim ile yüzleşmek zorunda kaldığımda düşeceğim içimdeki Mariana çukurundan derin,soğuk ,karanlık boşlukta umudumu yitirip hapsolup kalmaktan. Düşmekten mi Korkuyordum yoksa başımı kaldırdığımda yıldızları görememekten mi,? muamma! Korkuyordum , dökmeye başlasam içimi çağlayanlar akacak, fırtınalar kopacak,yıldızların hoyrat, pervasız ışığını bir daha tenimde, hücrelerimde hissedemeyecek olmaktan.
Hayatın her rengini kendi benliğimde harlayıp dünyama yeni bir renk skalası yaratabilirim sandım, inandım. Gözlerine bakınca acısını bile hissetmeden çıkan kanatlarımla ufuk çizgisine, bulutların üzerine uçabilirim sandım, inandım. Başımı omzuna yasladığımda, saçlarımı okşadığında en derin , katil düşüncelerle savaşabilirim sandım. Ama bu sefer anladım; sadece inanmak aptalların işi. Ee birazda aptalmışım.
Yolunu, kendi doğrularını bulman için verdiğim savaşta kendi yolumu kaybettim. Hak da verdim , okadar ihmalden sonra hangi benlik bende kalabilirdiki. Hangi öz, bu patolojide durmak isterdi. Ve ruhum, çamura bulanmışçasına oynuyordu benimle havuzundan hiç çıkmak istemeyen bir köpek gibi. Yakacaktı içimdeki Ateş topu tüm bağlarımı ,tüm herkesi ,tüm benliğimi, tüm senliğimi, tüm düşüncelerimi. Biçare havaya karışacak yok olacaktı belkide düşünmenin acısı, Acının verdiği hazzı. İstemiyorum artık düşünmek, senin yanında yabancılaştığım dünyanın oksijenini içime çekmek.
Ve sen, Görmek istediğime baktığım,Bakmaya okadar alıştığım , gerçekleri görmeye korktuğum sen; İyinin ve kötünün uzaklığında farklı bir trajediydi seninki hiçbir zaman kazanamayacağım yaralı bir mizaç, koyu bir melankoli.
Tüm öznelerimin sen olduğu cümlelerimden yüklemlerimi alıp gitme vakti.Batırdım limanındaki tüm gemilerimi, çıkardım göz bandımı, seni kovma zamanı bahçemden daha fazla koparmadan çiçeklerimi, renklerimi soldurmadan. Vazgeçtim bu bitmeyen poyrazıyla dinmeyen fırtınasına kapıldığım denizinde yüzmekten.
Parla şimdi sen de gökteki ay gibi, yan bu şehrin bensiz sokaklarında hiç bizim olmamış gibi ve bir bebeğin masum katıksız içten kahkahaları gibi gül , mutlu ol,ışıldasın gözlerin aynaya her baktığında gördüğümü görerek.Merak etme sende bir tavşan deliğinden geçip bulacaksın sesini duyan, ortaya çıkmasına korktuğun kalbindeki şeffaf ılık ışığını gören birini.
Gelemem yoluna,veda ettim geçmişe çare yoksa bitmiş herşeye,kendimce yeni yolumu bularak bugünümün yarınımı çürütmesine izin vermeden , kalbimin hezeyanı ile düşüncelerimin zaferini haykırarak koşarak gideceğim herzamanki gibi ardıma bakmadan.
Verdiğim Papatyalardan yaptığın tacı sadece ben görmek istediğim için gördüm, Tuvalimdeki renkleri ben verdim senin ellerine, yıldızların ışığını ben taşıdım senin gözlerine, Ben filizlendirdim tüm ormanı dudaklarında.Ve artık veda vakti tüm benliğimle kutsadığım senliğini sana bırakarak.
#desertdaisy #nobody
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edgymuses · 1 year
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while i write bios and just figure things out, starter call! (muse list & rules) below is the muse name and fandom they belong to:
rachel grey-summers
hope summers
illyana rasputin
danielle moonstar
alison blaire (dazzler)
luna maximoff
megan gwynn (pixie)
jimmy hudson (wolverine)
anya corazon (arana + spider-girl)
lorna dane (polaris)
karen starr (kara zor-l + power girl)
grace choi
violet paige (mother panic)
scandal savage
louise lincoln (killer frost ii)
june moone (enchantress)
harper row (bluebird)
leslie willis (livewire)
artemis of bana-mighdall (artemis)
siobhan smythe (silver banshee)
nyssa raatko (nyssa al ghul)
cassandra cain (black bat)
oroku karai (karai)
cassie hack
eli (liquid snake)
emma emmerich (ee)
mei ling
reiji kido
eikichi mishina
jun kurosu
lei wulong (super cop) primary / bio & verse page
julia chang primary / bio & verse page
jun kazama secondary / bio & verse page
kazumi mishima
rebecca chambers
heather mason
red sonja
kylie griffin
cammy white
ken masters
jareth the goblin king
frankie stein
toralei stripe
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baybaykus · 5 months
Tiyatro oyuncusu;
Emrah Akgün'e yürekten bir alkış
Sayın Cumhurbaşkanım!
“Karınlarını biz doyuruyoruz, oy vermiyorlar" diyorsunuz da; siz kaç yıldır elektrik faturası ödemiyorsunuz?
Doğalgaz mesela, hiç böyle bir fatura gördünüz mü?
Peki, hiç arabanızı benzin istasyonuna çekip, kendi benzininizi aldınız mı? Hem de kendi paranızla ama...
Mesela siz, çocuğun bu sene yurt masrafı ne olacak diye düşündünüz mü? Sınava giriş ücretini ödeyemediğiniz için, sınava sokamadığınız evladınız oldu mu?
Doğru söyleyin lütfen, Emine hanım, pazarda peynirin kilosunun kaç tl olduğunu bilmeyeli kaç sene oldu?
İlk evinizi nasıl aldınız?
Kaç senedir kira ödemiyorsunuz?
Sıfırdan gelip, kaç mülkünüz oldu?
O milyonluk araçlara sahip olmadan önce, onları ilk ve ancak rüyada görebiliyor olmanızın üstünden kaç sene geçti?
Adına kesilmiş tek bir fatura görmeden 30 yılı aşkın bir zaman yaşamak nasıl bir duygu?
Tatile ya da doğduğun yerlere giderken bütçe planlaması yapmak zorunda olmadan kaç yıl geçirdiniz?
"Elbette ki en lüks uçak bana ait olmalı" diyecek ruh haline ve imkânlara sahip olalı kaç sene oldu?
Bunların hiç biri artık sizin sorununuz değil, neden mi? Çünkü o faturaların hepsini biz ödüyoruz.
Boğazınızdan geçen her bir lokmanın ücretini biz ödüyoruz. Size saraylar yaptırıyoruz. Dünyanın en pahalı makam uçaklarını alıyoruz size. Dünyanın en pahalı arabalarını alıyoruz size ve çocuklarınıza. Çocuklarınızın hepsini yurtdışında, en pahalı okullarda okuttuk mesela, hem de bizimkiler sınava girecek parayı bulamazken. Siz her gün bu milletin çocuklarının geleceğini tehlikeye sokarken, biz sizin çocuklarınızın hepsinin geleceğini garantiye aldık. Başka devletlere itibarınız olsun diye, eşiniz hanımefendi alışverişini rahat yapsın diye, Belçika gavur ellerinde cadde kapattık. Sizin yedikleriniz içtiklerinizin adını bile bilmediğimiz, telaffuz edemediğimiz halde hepsinin bi tamam paralarını biz ödedik. Siz son otuz senede hiç fatura görmeyip, herhangi bir ödeme yapmadığınız için hepsini biz ödedik. Ee, bunları birileri ödeyecekti elbet, biz ödedik. Hatta siz alınmayın diye birçok şeyi de "örtülü ödenek" den ödedik.
Biz kim miyiz?
Mesela aramızda yerin 500 m altında asgari ücretle çalışan madenciler de var. Berber, kasap, mobilyacı, mimar, doktor da var. Artık ürün ekemeyen çiftçiler, hayvan yetiştiremeyen köylüler de var, iş adamları da var aramızda.
Meselâ iş çıkışı biraz gezeyim derken tecavüze uğrayan, sonra da size yakın kişiler tarafından "o saatte sokakta ne işi vardı" denilen kadın var ya, o da çok faturanızı ödedi sizin.
Şehit aileleri bile, içtiğiniz o ejderha meyvesi suyunun parasını ödedi. Millet yani yahu, millet. Yani bizler. 30 senedir biz bakıyoruz size. Yemedik yedirdik, giymedik giydirdik. O iş öyle sizin dediğiniz gibi değil, siz bizim karnımızı doyurmadınız, biz sizin karnınızı doyurduk. Hatta görülüyor ki başka bir insan olmanızı da sağlamışız. Sizin bu söyleminiz dünya siyasi tarihi için yabancı değil, 'sizi ben yarattım' deme noktasına gelmenize sanırım az kaldı.
"Ben Kara Fatma'yı yazan.
Tiyatro oyuncusu, Yönetmen ve Ressam.
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pikahlua · 6 months
MHA Chapter 420 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 No.420 相澤くんから 堀越耕平 ナンバー420 あいざわくんから ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 420  Aizawa-kun kara  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 420 From Aizawa-kun Kouhei Horikoshi
1 起きろ‼︎ おきろ‼︎ okiro!! "Wake up!!"
tagline 2 黒霧に飛ばされたマイクと相澤… くろぎりにとばされたマイクとあいざわ… Kurogiri ni tobasareta MAIKU to Aizawa... Mic and Aizawa, who were sent away by Kurogiri...
2 どこだよここは‼︎ doko da yo koko wa!! "Where is this place!!"
3 通信がきかねえ… つうしんがきかねえ… tsuushin ga kikanee... "We can't hear any transmissions..."
4 状況もわかんねえ…くそ‼︎ じょうきょうもわかんねえ…くそ‼︎ joukyou mo wakannee...kuso!! "And we don't know the situation...shit!!"
5 俺は おれは ore wa I am
6 死柄木弔を しがらきとむらを Shigaraki Tomura wo Tomura Shigaraki's
7 守る者 まもるもの mamoru mono protector.
8 調子良くブッ壊れやがって‼︎ ちょうしよくブッこわれやがって‼︎ choushi yoku BUkkoware yagatte!! "Things were going well and then you had to go and break!!"
9 動けよこのヤロウ うごけよこのヤロウ ugoke yo kono YAROU "Move, you bastard!"
tagline 3 コミックス40巻発売中‼︎今スグGETしよう‼︎マストバイ‼︎ コミックス40かんはつばいちゅう‼︎いまスグゲットしよう‼︎マストバイ‼︎ KOMIKKUSU 40kan hatsubai-chuu!! ima SUGU GETTO shiyou!! MASUTO BAI!! Volume 40 of the comics now on sale!! Let's get get it now!! Must buy!!
10 白雲じゃないなら思い出のまま消えてくれ しろくもじゃないならおもいでのままきえてくれ Shirokumo ja nai nara omoide no mama kietekure If you’re not Shirakumo, please remain a memory and disappear.
11 こんなものに命運を委ねるんじゃなかった! こんなものにめいうんをゆだねるんじゃなかった! konna mono ni meiun wo yudanerunja nakatta! "[We] shouldn't have entrusted our fate to something* like this!" (*Note: The word in Japanese here is ambiguous if it's meant to read as "something" or "someone.")
12 こんな屍体に縋るんじゃなかった‼︎ こんなしたいにすがるんじゃなかった‼︎ konna shitai ni sugarunja nakatta!! "[We] shouldn't have clung to a corpse like this one!!"
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1 泣いてる ないてる naiteru "Crying..."
2 泣いてねーよ男の子だぞ俺あ!!! ないてねーよおとこのこだぞおれあ!!! naitenee yo otoko no ko da zo orea!!! "I'm not crying, I'm a boy!!!"
3 違う ちがう chigau "Not [you]."
4 黒霧が… こいつが… koitsu (kanji: Kurogiri) ga... "This guy (read as: Kurogiri) is..."
5 雨だ‼︎涙腺なんざねェよ! あめだ‼︎るいせんなんざねェよ! ame da!! ruisen nanza neE yo! "It's rain!! He's got no tear ducts!"
6 こいつは脳無だ!二度も死柄木をハメた相澤が邪魔だから排除した! こいつはのうむだ!にどもしがらきをハメたおまえがじゃまだからはいじょした! koitsu wa noumu da! nido mo Shigaraki wo HAMEta omae (kanji: Aizawa) ga jama da kara haijo shita! "This guy's a nomu! You set Shigaraki up twice, Aizawa, so he removed you because you were a hindrance!"
7 今考えるべきは いまかんがえるべきは ima kangaeru beki wa "What we should be thinking about now"
8 こいつを起動して俺らを戦線に戻させる事だ こいつをきどうしておれらをせんせんにもどさせることだ koitsu wo kidou shite orera wo sensen ni modosaseru koto da "is activating this guy and returning to the front lines."
9 そんでその後すぐ そんでそのあとすぐ son de sono ato sugu "Then immediately after that
10 もう動かねーようブッ壊す事だ もううごかねーようブッこわすことだ mou ugokanee you BUkkowasu koto da "let's break [it]* so [it] won't move anymore." (*Note: He means they should break Kurogiri.)
11 相澤 あいざわ Aizawa "Aizawa,"
12 こいつは黒い鹵獲品だ こいつはくろいろかくひんだ koitsu wa kuroi rokakuhin da Literal. "This guy is our black spoils." Contextual. "This guy is our stolen black chess piece." (Note: This is hard to make sound decent in English. Mic is saying that Kurogiri is like their plunder or spoilers or stolen treasure that is the color black, which is a pun on the "kuro" (which means black) in Kurogiri's name. This pun will continue on the next page. The best corollary I could think of in English to keep up that pun is a stolen piece won in a chess game that is the color black.)
13 タルタロスの"奇跡"は忘れた方がいいーんだよ…! タルタロスの"きせき"はわすれたほうがいいーんだよ…! TARUTAROSU no "kiseki" wa wasureta hou ga ii-inda yo...! "It's best that we forget about that miracle at Tartarus...!"
14 31だよ 31 da yo "We're 31." (Note: He means their ages.)
15 いつまでも雄英2年A組じゃねぇんだよ… いつまでもゆうえい2ねんエーぐみじゃねぇんだよ… itsu made mo yuuei 2nen EE-gumi ja neenda yo... "We haven't been Class 2-A students of UA for a long time..."
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1 …でもこいつは ...demo koitsu wa "...But this guy"
2 雄英生のまま死んだ ゆうえいせいのまましんだ yuuei-sei no mama shinda "died as a UA student."
3 俺ガッ おれガッ ore GA I
4 守…違う……シガラキ… まも…ちがう……シガラキ… mamo...chigau......SHIGARAKI... protect...no......Shigaraki...
5 何故俺たちをねじ切らなかった? なぜおれたちをねじきらなかった? naze oretachi wo nejikiranakatta? "Why didn't he cut us off?" (Note: I think he's asking why didn't Kurogiri cut them in half like he planned to do to All Might at the USJ by "turning off the portal" while All Might was halfway through it.)
6 つき落とさなかった? つきおとさなかった? tsukiotosanakatta? "Weren't we pushed off?" (Note: He's asking why didn't Kurogiri kill them when they had been pushed off the edge of the little island on UA.)
7 …う ...u "...U"
8 誰…ドコ… だれ…ドコ… dare...DOKO... Who...where...
9 …シ…友ダ…チ… …シ…ともダ…チ… ...SHI...tomoDA...CHI... ...Shi-...frie...nd...
10 あの日俺たちはタルタロスで白の栓を引き抜いた… あのひおれたちはタルタロスでしろのせんをひきぬいた… ano hi oretachi wa TARUTAROSU de shiro no sen wo hikinuita... Literal. "That day, we pulled out the plug of white at Tartarus..." Contextual. "That day, we released a bit of a white stream inside him at Tartarus..." (Note: Like I said, this pun really does not work well in English lol. He's saying they unleashed a little stream of Shirakumo inside him that's trickling into the river that is Kurogiri. The use of the color white is a pun on the "Shira/Shiro" (which means white) in Shirakumo's name.)
11 そして混ざって壊れた…黒にどれだけ白をそそいでも真っ白にはならない そしてまざってこわれた…くろにどれだけしろをそそいでもまっしろにはならない soshite mazatte kowareta...kuro ni dore dake shiro wo sosoidemo masshiro ni wa naranai "Then it got mixed in, and he broke... No matter how much white you pour into black, it won't become pure white."
12 だが黒は逆で… だがくろはぎゃくで… daga kuro wa gyaku de... "But for black it's vice versa..."
13 だから再び動いた だからふたたびうごいた dakara futatabi ugoita "That's why he moved again."
14 …わかってるよ山田… …わかってるよやまだ… ...wakatteru yo Yamada... "...I get it, Yamada..."
15 俺たちはヒーロー科の教師だ おれたちはヒーローかのきょうしだ oretachi wa HIIROO-ka no kyoushi da "We are teachers in the hero department."
16 雄英生を卒業まで送り届ける ゆうえいせいをそつぎょうまでおくりとどける yuuei-sei wo sotsugyou made okuri todokeru "We will deliver UA students to [their] graduation."
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1 そこに soko ni "To there,"
2 原点があるのなら げんてんがあるのなら genten ga aru no nara "so long as they have their origins." (Note: By origins, he means the word "origin" we've heard about a lot, especially in this arc, where one gains more strength by keeping their origin in their heart, etc.)
3 ャヤマ……ダ…… YA-YAMA......DA...... "Ya-Yama-......da......"
4 思い出が……… おもいでが……… omoide ga......... "The memories........."
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1 消えてくれねえよ………! きえてくれねえよ………! kiete kurenee yo.........! "won't disappear.........!" (Note: This is Mic referring back to his previous line where he asked for Shirakumo to remain a memory and disappear that way. He's saying Shirakumo is being stubborn and sticking around, basically.)
2 塚内さん‼︎ つかうちさん‼︎ Tsukauchi-san!! "Mr. Tsukauchi!!"
3 イレイザー!無事だったのか‼︎今までどこに イレイザー!ぶじだったのか‼︎いままでどこに IREIZAA! buji datta no ka!! ima made doko ni "Eraser! Are you all right!! Where have you been until now?"
4 物間は動けますか? ものまはうごけますか? Monoma wa ugokemasu ka? "Can Monoma move?"
5 彼は頭を強く打って緊急搬送中だ かれはあたまをつよくうってきんきゅうはんそうちゅうだ kare wa atama wo tsuyoku utte kinkyuu hansou-chuu da "He hit his head hard and is currently in emergency transport."
6 では各地戦況と稼働可能人員 ではかくちせんきょうとかどうかのうじんいん de wa kakuchi senkyou to kadou kanou jin'in "Then, the various battlefields and any available personnel--"
7 その座標を教えて下さい そのざひょうをおしえてください sono zahyou wo oshiete kudasai "please tell me their coordinates."
8 座標…⁇ ざひょう…⁇ zahyou...? "Coordinates...?"
9 ーー…!じゃあ… --...! jaa... "--...! Then..."
10 ええ ee "Yes."
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1 イレイザーヘッド!ドウシテココニ! IREIZAA HEDDO! DOUSHITE KOKO NI! "Eraser Head! Why are you here!"
2 "黒霧"を使えるようになりました "くろぎり"をつかえるようになりました "Kurogiri" wo tsukaeru you ni narimashita "We can now use Kurogiri."
3 敷地外にマイクと待機しています しきちがいにマイクとたいきしています shikichi-gai ni MAIKU to taiki shite imasu "I'm on stand-by with Mic outside the premises."
4 避難警護にあたっているヒーロー防衛特化を残して集めて下さい ひなんけいごにあたっているヒーローぼうえいとっかをのこしてあつめてください hinan keigo ni atatte iru HIIROO bouei tokka wo nokoshite atsumete kudasai "Heroes guarding the evacuations, please set aside defense and gather."
5 黒霧ヲ⁉︎ くろぎりヲ⁉︎ Kurogiri WO!? "Kurogiri!?"
6 手綱ハ握レナイト… たづなハにぎレナイト… tadzuna WA nigiRENAI TO... "If you can't keep a hold on the reins..."
7 どれくらい保つかわかりません どれくらいもつかわかりません dore kurai motsu ka wakarimasen "I don't know how long he will last."
8 早急に! そうきゅうに! soukyuu ni! "Urgently!"
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1 すぐ戦線に行けるのか…⁉︎ すぐせんせんにいけるのか…⁉︎ sugu sensen ni ikeru no ka...!? "We can go to the front lines right away...!?"
2 なら俺も…!行かせてくれ…! ならおれも…!いかせてくれ…! nara ore mo...! ikasetekure...! "If so, then me, too...! Let me go, please...!"
3 俺も…‼︎無名だけど… おれも…‼︎むめいだけど… ore mo...!! mumei dakedo... "Me, too...! I'm anonymous, but..." (Note: He may mean he has no name (i.e. hero name) instead of that he's anonymous, I don't know. I'm not familiar with Horikoshi's Barrage manga, which this character is supposedly from.)
4 ヒーローなんだ! HIIROO nanda! "I'm a hero!"
5 一緒に戦わせてくれ! いっしょにたたかわせてくれ! issho ni tatakawasetekure! "Let me fight with you!"
6 正門前へ せいもんまえへ seimon mae e "[You were the one] in front of the main gate."
7 これ…‼︎ kore...!! "This...!!"
8 怪我したヒーローに…!渡せねえか…? けがしたヒーローに…!わたせねえか…? kega shita HIIROO ni...! watasenee ka...? "To an injured hero...! Could you pass this on to one...?"
9 ーーありがとう………! --arigatou.........! "--Thank you.........!"
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1 戦いは既にほぼ制圧完了している! たたかいはすでにほぼせいあつかんりょうしている! tatakai wa sude ni hobo seiatsu kanryou shite iru! "As for the battle, suppression [of the villains] has already almost been completed!"
2 今各地で継戦可能な者をあたっている! いまかくちでけいせんかのうなものをあたっている! ima kakuchi de keisen kanou na mono wo atatte iru! "Now we are looking for people in various places who can continue to fight!"
3 残すところは国立多古場競技場ーーー… のこすところはこくりつたこばきょうぎじょうーーー… nokosu tokoro wa kokuritsu takoba kyougijou---... "The only remaining place is the Takoba National Stadium---..."
4 面制圧と長持久戦で犯罪史に名を残すダツゴク めんせいあつとちょうじきゅうせんではんざいしになをのこすダツゴク men seiatsu to chouji kyuusen de hansaishi ni na wo nokosu DATSUGOKU "The jailbreaker who leaves his name in the history of criminals when it comes to surface control and long endurance battles."
5 嬰兒樹ギャシュリー えいじじゅギャシュリー eiji-ju GYASHURII "Baby Tree Gashly." (Note: I am horrifyingly confident in this translation. Via some WILD search engine shenaningans, @bakuhatsufallinlove (yes I'm tagging you here to immortalize this ABSOLUTELY WILD RIDE) and I discovered that this villain's name is a combination of titles of the children's books The Baby Tree by Sophie Blackall, a book about where babies come from, and The Gashlycrumb Tinies: or, After the Outing by Edward Gorey, a gothic alphabet book in which all the named children die untimely, grisly deaths. Horikoshi, WHY? DID YOU BUY THESE BOOKS FOR YOUR NEPHEW OR SOMETHING?)
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1 アッヒャアーーーー!!! AHHYAA----!!! "Ah-hyah----!!!"
2 助けに来たよおおお‼︎ たすけにきたよおおお‼︎ tasuke ni kita yoooo!! "We've come to heeelp!!"
3 そして soshite "And then..."
4 分断作戦 ぶんだんさくせん bundan sakusen "Division operation"
5 フェーズ3 FEEZU 3 "Phase 3."
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1 奪われにきたか うばわれにきたか ubaware ni kita ka "Did you come to [have your quirks] stolen?"
2 先生…! せんせい…! sensei...! "Teacher...!"
3 動いたらだめだ うごいたらだめだ ugoitara dame da "Don't move."
4 ーー…腕 ーー…うで --...ude "--...Your arms,"
5 失ってどのくらいだ うしなってどのくらいだ ushinatte dono kurai da "how long ago did you lose them?
6 …わかりません…どのくらい…時間が経っていたか… …わかりません…どのくらい…じかんがたっていたか… ...wakarimasen...dono kurai...jikan ga tatte ita ka... "...I don't know...how much...time passed..."
7 心の中で… こころのなかで… kokoro no naka de... "[when we were] inside his heart..."
8 …AFOは完全に死柄木のモノになっていた… …オール・フォー・ワンはかんぜんにしがらきのモノになっていた… ...OORU FOO WAN wa kanzen ni Shigaraki no MONO ni natte ita... ...All For One had completely become Shigaraki's [property]... (Note: I think he means the AFO quirk is now 100% Shigaraki's.)
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1 雄英でのAFOは 棺でのオール・フォー・ワンは hitsugi (kanji: yuuei) no OORU FOO WAN wa The AFO at the coffin (read as: UA)
2 抵抗する死柄木を押さえつけて統合したと嘯いてただけだった ていこうするしがらきをおさえつけてとうごうしたとうそぶいてただけだった teikou suru Shigaraki wo osaetsukete tougou shita to usobuiteta dake datta was only boasting that he had suppressed and integrated the resisting Shigaraki.
3 死柄木は違う… しがらきはちがう… Shigaraki wa chigau... It was different with Shigaraki...
4 AFOは…完全に取り込まれて消えていた… オール・フォー・ワンは…かんぜんにとりこまれてきえていた… OORU FOO WAN wa...kanzen ni torikomarete kiete ita... All For One...was completely absorbed and disappeared...
5 だから転弧の心をうった時に共に砕けている筈… だからてんこのこころをうったときにともにくだけているはず… dakara Tenko no kokoro wo utta toki ni tomo ni kudakete iru hazu... That's why when I hit Tenko's heart they should have both crumbled together.
6 なんなんだこいつは……! nannanda koitsu wa......! What the heck is this guy......!
7 相澤せんせ…! あいざわせんせ…! Aizawa-sensei...! "Aizawa-sensei...!"
8 エリちゃ… ERI-cha... "Eri-cha-..."
9 先生たちは…私を危ないとこにぜったい連れてかないって せんせいたちは…わたしをあぶないとこにぜったいつれてかないって sensei-tachi wa...watashi wo abunai toko ni zettai tsuretekanai tte "The teachers...they said they absolutely won't take me to any place where it's dangerous."
10 わかってるの…だから… wakatteru no...dakara... "I understand... That's why..."
11 これ kore "This."
12 デクさんに持ってって デクさんにもってって DEKU-san ni mottette "Please take it to Mr. Deku."
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1 角を折ったのか⁉︎なんて事…どうやって…! つのをおったのか⁉︎なんてこと…どうやって…! tsuno wo otta no ka!? nante koto...dou yatte...! "Did you break off your horn!? Such a thing...how did you...!"
2 お願いして おねがいして onegai shite "I asked"
3 協力してもらったの きょうりょくしてもらったの kyouryoku shite moratta no "for someone to help me do it."
4 エクトプラズム! EKUTOPURAZUMU! "Ectoplasm!"
5 スマナイダガ… SUMANAI DAGA... "I'm sorry, but..."
6 コノ子ハ君ノ合理性ト非合理性ヲ良ク学ンデイル コノこハきみノごうりせいトひごうりせいヲよクまなンデイル KONO ko WA kimi NO kourisei TO higou risei WO yoKU manaNDE IRU "this child is learning your rationality and irrationality well."
7 先生たちと力の使い方をお勉強したからわかるの せんせいたちとちからのつかいかたをおべんきょうしたからわかるの sensei-tachi to chikara no tsukaikata wo obenkyou shita kara wakaru no "Because I studied how to use my power with my teachers, I understand."
8 きっとこうしたって力は使える…!だってこれは私だもの きっとこうしたってちからはつかえる…!だってこれはわたしだもの kitto koushita tte chikara wa tsukaeru...! datte kore wa watashi da mono "I'm sure that you can use my power like this...! Because this is a [piece] of me."
9 だがそんな乱暴にしたら… だがそんならんぼうにしたら… daga sonna ranbou ni shitara... "But if you do something this reckless..."
10 "個性"自体に傷が "こせい"じたいにきずが "kosei" jitai ni kizu ga "your quirk itself will be damaged."
11 オールマイトさんの時もかっちゃんさんの時もこうしたかったけどできなかったの! オールマイトさんのときもかっちゃんさんのときもこうしたかったけどできなかったの! OORU MAITO-san no toki mo Kacchan-san no toki mo koushitakatta kedo dekinakatta no! "I wanted to do something like this for Mr. All Might and Mr. Kacchan, but I couldn't!"
12 私 わたし watashi "I"
13 お歌したいの おうたしたいの outa shitai no "want to sing."
14 先生 せんせい sensei "Teacher,"
15 私デクさんたちに楽しくしてもらったから わたしデクさんたちにたのしくしてもらったから watashi DEKU-san-tachi ni tanoshiku shitemoratta kara "because Mr. Deku and the others made it so I would have fun,"
16 今日終わったらデクさんたちに きょうおわったらデクさんたちに kyou owattara DEKU-san-tachi ni "after today is over, for Mr. Deku and the others--"
17 お歌するの おうたするの outa suru no "I will sing."
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1 だから… dakara... So...
2 ちょっとしかなくっても chotto shika nakuttemo even if it's only a little bit [of me],
3 私も戦わせて! わたしもたたかわせて! watashi mo tatakawasete! please let me fight too!
4 エネルギーガ充分ニ溜マッテイナイ エネルギーガじゅうぶんニたマッテイナイ ENERUGII GA juubun NI taMATTE INAI "Not enough energy has been stored."
5 コノ場合ホボ意味ハナク コノばあいホボいみハナク KONO baai HOBO imi WA NAI "In this case, it has no almost meaning."
6 巻キ戻ルスピードモ時間モ極メテ僅カ まキもどルスピードモじかんモきわメテわずカ maKImodoRU SUPIIDO MO jikan MO kiwaMETE wazuka "The rewind speed and time are both extremely small."
7 せいぜい2〜3分ぶん程度だろう せいぜい2〜3ぷんぶんていどだろう seizei 2~3pun bun-teido darou At most, it will probably take about 2-3 minutes.
8 お歌 おうた outa "[Her] song."
9 聴くまで死ねないぞ きくまでしねないぞ kiku made shinenai zo "I won't die until I hear it."
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1 皆もきっと…オイラと一緒だよな… みんなもきっと…オイラといっしょだよな… minna mo kitto...OIRA to issho da yo na... "I'm sure everyone...is with me on this..."
2 もう動けねーって思ってても…緑谷が頑張ってっとよォ もううごけねーっておもってても…みどりやががんばってっとよォ mou ugokenee tte omottetemo...Midoriya ga ganbatte tto yoO "Even though I thought I couldn't move anymore...I thought, 'Midoriya is trying his best!'"
3 体動いちまうんだよなァ‼︎ からだうごいちまうんだよなァ‼︎ karada ugoichimaunda yo naA!! "And my body went and moved!!"
tagline AFOの前に立ちはだかる…! オール・フォー・ワンのまえにたちはだかる…! OORU FOO WAN no mae ni tachihadakaru...! In front of All For One, standing in his way...!
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keemlenyekun · 6 months
herc ü merc
sevgili defter, yazmayalı bir ay oldu. uğrayamıyoruz. yoğun bir dönemdeyiz.
yaklaşık iki aydır annemin sağlığıyla ilgileniyorduk. sonuç istemediğimiz ama beklediğimiz gibi çıktı ne yazık ki. sevindirici olan tek bir durum vardı: başka bir organa metastaz oluşmamış. sevinmeye sebep arıyorduk. bu da sebep oldu. başladık lanet kemoterapiyi almaya. allah şifa versin. çokça amin allahım.
aslında uzun bir yazı düşlemiştim. ancak kafamı toparlayamıyorum. astrolojik olarak bir retro tutulma falan mı var. lan hani 2024 yay yılı olacaktı dinçeeeerrr. öhöm öhöm. ciddiyetimizi muhafaza edelim.
kafamı toparlayamıyorum. zaten uyku problemi olan birisiydim, annemin hastalığından sonra uykuya dalmakta daha da zorlanmaya başladım. sabah işim olsun ya da olmasın fark etmiyor gece üçten önce uyuyamıyorum.
annem tedaviye başladığından dolayı iki yaşına yeni giren oğluma ben bakıyorum. çünkü avukatlık serbest meslek. hele bir de iş azsa tamamen serbest meslek. sesimi de çıkartamıyorum. oysa ki avukatlık 24 saatlik bir meslek. davalarını halletsen illa ki güncel kalmak için durmadan okuman gerekiyor. ama oğlana kim bakacak? hanım çalışıyor. Annem hasta. ekonomik durum ortada. evden çalışıyorum. bakıcı nasıl tutayım.
pes etmeyi seven birisi değilim. yavaşımdır belki. ama hallederim. halletmek zorundayım. şimdi işin aslı, yaklaşık 17 senedir defter tutan birisi olarak, çoğu planımı defterde yaptım, çoğu sorunumu defterde çözdüm. benim sevgili defterim. seviyorum lan seni. neler yaşadık be. cezaevinde kareli defterde, düz kağıtta ne saçmalıklar dinledin lan benden. :DD
toparlayamıyorum işte kafayı. konu dağılıyor. ama dur önce sorunu bir belirleyelim. sonra çözüm. sorunum günün ta kendisi.
şimdi bir günümü anlatmak istiyorum.
gece 3 ya da 4 gibi uyuyorum. sahursuz çoğu defa. bazen sahurlu. sabah oğlan 9 buçuk 10 gibi babiş diye gülerek uyanıyor. ee mutlu uyanmamak elde değil. romalı saçlarıyla gülen şişmiş iki minik göz. kalkıyoruz. evi topluyoruz. ona ufak görevler veriyorum. şunu taşı. şuraya gel. çişşş diyor. bez değiştiriyoruz. eskiden direnirdi. bu aralar direnmiyor. sonra hemen mama diyor. babası gibi yemeyi seviyor. kahvaltıyı ayaklarıma dolanırken hazırlıyorum. pekmezli çayıyla birlikte. yumurta peynir. sonra mutfağı topluyorum. bulaşık. sıkılıyor. babiş diye yere oturup oynamamı istiyor. oynuyoruz. sıkılıyorum. oynar gibi yapıyorum. kusura bakma oğlum. dışarı çıkarıyorum. babannesini görüp geliyoruz bazen. ufak bir meyve atıştırması sonunda babi bebi diyor. yani beşikte salla beni diyor. tam onu ninni eşliğinde sallarken ben birden avukatlığa dönüyorum. bin tane şey var aklımda. bin az. yapılacaklar birikmiş. dur uyusun da yazarız. uyuyor. bilgisayarı açıp başlıyorum. icraya bakayım önce. f. abi ücreti ödemedi. o kadar koşturduk. icra dosyasını açıyorum. uyap takılıyor. dosya açılırken diyorum ki şu müvekkilin vatandaş uyabına gireyim. yine dava açılmış çocuğa. ne demiş iddianamede. kara para aklama. dolandırıcı. cart curt. o değil de diyorum icardi ne oynadı paşaya karşı. dur lan bir daha seyredeyim şu maçı. maç özetindeyim. soruşturma dosyaları vardı. onu ne ara göndereceğim. yargıtay vekalet ile ilgili karar vermiş diye yazmış birisi xte. hakimleri ikna edemedik. lan benim danıştay dosyası noldu, iade olmuş olmayalım, şimdi bir ton taşınma falan. taşınmak dünyanın en zor işi. açıyorum. son evrak 2022. beklemeye devam. şu açılmayan icra dosyası açılmış. bakarken çocuk uyanıyor. sallayıp geliyorum. o sıra aklıma geliyor. holle oda kirlenmiş, robot çalışmalı. mutfak da kirlenmiş. ne yesek ya bu akşam? rumeysamutfaktaya bak. yok sevmedim. tavuklu bir şey olsun. ankara tava. biricike yaz bakalım. aşkım ankara tava mı yapsak bu akşam? refikanın tarifi biraz uyarlıyorum. refikanın her kuruyemişi yemeğe katmasını sevmiyorum. susam kızartıp koyuyor. yemekte yüzde yüz sadelikten yanayım. tavukları haşlamam lazım. onları koyayım da öyle oturayım işin başına. tavukları haşlıyorum. kilerden şehriye alalım. yanına ne yapacağız? domates çorbası ideal. yanına da salata. yeter bence. haşlanırken çocuk uyanıyor. saat 17 olmuş bile. babişşş.. babiii. babaaağğğ. mama mama. gel oğlum hadi. yemeğini yediriyorum. ayranı çok seviyor. tavuk haşlandı. hanım geldi. tavuğu az kızartalım. tam haşlama değil. kızarsın az. iftar oldu bak. iftarı yap. çayı iç. çocuk annesine bağırıp ağlıyor kafa bir milyon. uykusuzum. baş ağrım var. lan o icra dosyasına dilekçe yazacaktım. çocuk uyudu bak. 00.30. ben pert. hadi yatayım uyuyayım. uyuyamıyorum ki amk. satranç oynayayım. ya da dizi izleyeyim. yok izleyemiyorum ki. kafam herc ü merc.
işte sorunum bu.
üniversitede final zamanı kendime plan yapıp hiç tutturamazdım o planı. revize plan yapardım sonra. misal son sene deniz hukukuna çalışacak zaman kalmamıştı. dedim bütünlemeye bırakıyorum. çıkıp kurtuluş parkında mal mal oturmuştum.
şimdi şöyle bir başlamalıyım. dur bakalım.
serco çözer. bak gece 2 oldu yine.
yarın ne yemek yapacağız ya? balık var. bulaşığı çok. s.ktir et. ıspanak mı? yıkaması eziyet. yarın pazar da var. çocuğun gözü kaşınıyor. bi aile hekimi ziyareti de yaz oraya defterciğim. buzluğa köfte atmıştık geçen onu yapayım. evet evet. cuma köfte günü cumartesi balık.
lan yine kafa dağıldı.
çözüm bulduk mu?
hadi başlayalım.
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LGBTQIA+ Historical Romance Novels with Steampunk and Mechanized Settings
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- Alistair Click set out to lay to rest the superstitious fears about the Mad Prince's clockwork tower. If that meant he might bring the ghost city of Avalonia back to economic life, connecting the western kingdoms once again, so much the better. So what if no adventurer who'd entered the tower in the last century of desolation had ever re-emerged? They didn't have his skill and wit. He could do better. The tower turns out to be far more than Alistair expected, however. Not only are there clockwork puzzles to open every door, but one of them drops a boy from a strange world into his lap—figuratively speaking, if only just. Marco Murphy was just gaming in his New Jersey apartment, and now he's stuck in what feels like a never ending LARP nightmare. The deeper they delve into the Mad Prince's tower, the darker the secrets they uncover. They're not entirely sure they'll ever be able to get out again, either. It'll take all Marco's charm and Alistair's cleverness, plus the strange bond growing between them, to get them out together... and alive.
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