#EHormones MD
Ehormones MD review
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shamim46-blog · 6 years
Are you thinking about improving your body with with a customized EHormones MD testosterone or HGH therapy program? Before you commit to a hormone therapy program, read actual EHormones MD reviews and patient testimonials.
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How Ehormones MD Solved My Andropause Issues
Have you noticed that you've started to hit a wall when it comes to aging? Ever wish you could wake up refreshed with energy and vibrant, ready to take on the day ahead of you? Did you ever imagine that during your retirement years you would be weighed-down by physical and mental inabilities that seem to be out of your control or even unexplainable?
This is a no-brainer. No man could have predicted this is how the road to retirement would take them, but that's where you find yourself, unfortunately.
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The thing is, there's thousands of men just like suffering from the same debilitating effects of aging. In fact, if you found the energy to leave the house today you most likely walked passed a few men just like yourself.
In short, you're not alone and you can fight against the effects of aging.
Most men like you don't know it, but what you're seeing the effects from is what's called Andropause, or Male Menopause. I know, sounds a bit strange to hear. But like I mentioned, you are so far from being alone.
Andropause: Men's Biological Clock
Before we jump into what andropause is, how it's caused, and how you can treat it, it's best we first understand the culprit behind andropause: Testosterone
How Decreases in Testosterone Leads to Andropause
Testosterone is the hormone responsible for everything that makes you a man. While you might not feel like much of a man as of late, testosterone is responsible for your deep voice, muscle mass, facial and body hair, and other traits commonly found in men. As men like you and I age, levels of testosterone found in our body gradually decrease. This often triggers those physical and emotional symptoms that you've recently felt. Again, decreases in testosterone are completely normal, however how these dips in natural testosterone production affect each man may vary. Some feel more effects than others. In fact, after the age of 30, you can expect your natural testosterone to decrease 10% each decade after the age of 30. So, if you're not replenishing your testosterone, the physical, emotional, and psychological impacts can be overwhelming.
What is Andropause?
Andropause is a condition most associated with the decreased natural production of testosterone. While andropause sounds like menopause, there are some major differences.
Andropause has more gradual effects and can start at the age of 30 in some men. From this point, the symptoms associated with andropause can continue to well into your retirement years.
What Causes Andropause?
The decrease in testosterone is an important factor in men suspected of having andropause. However, as men age, not only does the body start making less testosterone, but also the levels of another hormone called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which pulls usable testosterone from the blood, begins to increase. SHBG binds some of the available testosterone circulating in the blood. The testosterone that is not bound to the SHBG hormone is called bioavailable testosterone, meaning it is available for use by the body.
Common Symptoms of Andropause
As mentioned earlier, every man is unique, so symptoms may vary. But the most common symptoms associated with andropause may include:
Lower than normal sex drive
Difficulties getting and maintaining erections
Decrease energy levels
Feeling of depression
Frequent mood swings
Loss in lean muscle mass while seeing increases in body fat
Hair loss
Treatment of Andropause for the Modern Man
You've most likely seen the advertisements and billboards, but now they seem to make sense. Testosterone therapy is the leading anti-aging solution for men suffering from andropause or Low-t. As a client of Ehormones MD, a nationwide hormone therapy provider, I can say without a doubt that testosterone therapy has changed my life and put me back on track. In fact, everything that I've been complaining about - low energy levels, fatigue, decreased energy levels, weight gain - have all done a 180.
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Unlike many testosterone therapy programs I've seen advertised, Ehormones MD uses a multi-formula approach to success. Aside from custom physician prescribed hormone therapy, they offer nutrition programs, exercise plan, and supplements, all to keep your body and mind in optimal condition.
Why Ehormones for Testosterone and Andropause Therapy
When I see friends and family that I haven't seen in years, their first reaction is to walk right past me as if they've come across a stranger. After they awkwardly realize that I'm the guy they're looking for, they stare in amazement. Now, I'm not one for attention, but it kind of feels good to get a bit of attention after I've passed my so-called "peak years". I look and feel better than I did when I was 35, and I have boundless energy. So, the next question people ask is how they can go about asking their doctor for a testosterone prescription. While all medical doctors will have a good understanding of the science behind testosterone therapy, specialized companies like Ehormones MD practice testosterone therapy every single day. Not only are they prescribing the testosterone therapy, which your physician can do of course, but they're also providing the supplement, exercise, and nutrition guidance to go along with it. In most cases, simply prescribing a testosterone therapy program will only get you so far. It's the added benefits of those 3 additional program features that really push you back to peak form. In short, every doctor has their specialty, I recommend trying a Ehormones MD physician, as they're experts in hormone therapy and anti-aging medicine.
Nationwide Andropause Treatment Options with Ehormones MD
Ehormones MD has locations throughout the United States. In fact, there's most likely a location within a few miles of your home or office. Once you schedule your initial consultation, which can be done over the phone or on their website, you'll be scheduled with the most convenient Ehormones MD location. It's easy, and you won't regret it. But the first step is to take action. So, what are you waiting for?
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10 Potential Benefits of Testosterone Therapy for Men
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Testosterone ("T") is a male sex hormone that is produced in the testicles. It gives men identifiable physical characteristics such as deep voices, muscle mass, body hair, and facial hair. Testosterone maintains and regulates many functions in men's bodies, including fat distribution, bone density, muscle strength and volume, sperm production, red blood cell production, and sex drive. Levels of this important sex hormone are typically highest during a man's teens and twenties. Starting around age 30 or shortly thereafter, testosterone levels start to drop off, and they decline by about one percent each year. As T levels decline, symptoms like decreased libido, decreased muscle mass, and fatigue develop. This is usually a sign of natural aging in older men. But in some older men and in younger males who present with symptoms of low testosterone levels, decreased T levels – called hypogonadism – are often a sign of an underlying health problem. Whether the problem is due to aging or a health condition, hormone replacement therapy, which is administered in the form of patches, gels, or injections, can help restore T levels and produce a variety of benefits.
Improved Heart Health with TRT
One significant advantage of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is that it can have a positive impact on heart health. One of testosterone's main functions is to regulate red blood cell production. Red blood cells are essential for circulating oxygen through the body, which starts with the heart. According to Healthline, a study of 83,000 males found that people whose hormone levels were restored to normal levels had a 24 percent lower chance of having a heart attack.
Increased Lean Muscle Mass with Testosterone Therapy
Testosterone also increases lean muscle mass. This, in turn, acts as a method of weight control. It also boosts energy levels. TRT has the potential to decrease fat mass in males while also increasing muscle tone and muscle strength.
Stronger, Healthier Bones with HRT
HRT also has the potential to improve bone health. Testosterone is a primary catalyst for creating and sustaining adequate levels of bone mineral density. Males naturally lose some bone mineral density as they age, which increases the likelihood of osteoporosis and weak bones. Since bones form the body's skeleton, they must be healthy to support proper muscle growth and protect internal organs.
Potential Decreased Risk of Alzheimer's after HRT
Along with supporting heart and bone health, HRT also has cognitive benefits. Through therapy, it's possible for males to actually improve their spatial ability and mathematical reasoning. Research has also shown that TRT can help delay or avoid the onset of certain cognitive diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Higher ratios of the hormone have been linked with a lower rate of Alzheimer's in studies of men involved in HRT.
Improved Libido with TRT
Normal hormone levels are responsible for creating a healthy sex drive. Your testosterone levels generally rise during times of sexual arousal and sexual activities. For that reason, individuals with higher hormone levels, either naturally or from TRT, are more sexually active. In older men, hormone replacement is really the only effective way to restore sex drive. In males with lower hormone levels from a health problem, hormone replacement can boost sex drive levels up to a normal level, which ranges from anywhere between 300 and 900 nanograms per deciliter. Males whose T levels are within that range already are unlikely to see any additional benefit from TRT.
Patients on Testosterone Therapy Plans Report Improved Mood
Another reason for individuals with lower than normal T levels to restore their hormones is to have an overall better mood. Low T levels can produce emotional changes, such as lower levels of motivation and self-confidence. T levels below the normal range can also trigger depression or persistent sadness. It can also make it difficult to focus and concentrate. Lastly, low T levels can also make it hard to remember things. However, some of these emotional problems can also be caused by other health issues like thyroid problems, diabetes, sleep apnea, and depression. Some medications can also produce unwanted side effects that affect your emotional state. Therefore, if you notice any changes in emotions, it's best to visit a doctor to accurately determine the underlying problem.
Patients on Testosterone Therapy Plans Report Increase Energy Levels
Fatigue can be a side effect of low T levels, which in turn causes your energy levels to drop. Low energy levels can affect all areas of your life, including bedroom performance, social activities, and your productivity at work. One advantage of boosting T levels is that it restores your energy levels to what they were before. If you've always had a problem with lower-than-average T levels, you may find a newfound level of energy that suddenly makes it possible to do more things without feeling tired and drained.
There's Potential for Improved Hair Growth with TRT
A characteristic that sets men apart from women is their higher levels of body hair production. Men who have less facial and hair body growth may feel self-conscious and less masculine. Reduced hair production is a consequence of low T levels. Therefore, if you notice that you lack the ability to grow facial or body hair, or if your hair growth seems to be slower than that of other men, lower T levels might be to blame. Your levels can be checked through a blood test, which will determine if your low hair growth is a result of low T levels, or if the problem is due to another issue, such as inadequate vitamin levels, poor nutrition, or another health problem.
Patients Report an Improved Sense of Well-Being
All in all, normal T levels give individuals a greater sense of happiness and well-being. Since T regulates a variety of functions in the body, it's easy to feel off or not quite your usual self if levels are low. Research also shows that individuals who have normal T levels tend to be happier and even live longer than males who have lower T levels. A holistic satisfaction also comes from more complex benefits like restoring sex drive to normal and looking more masculine with better muscle tone, muscle mass, and adequate hair growth.
From physical effects to emotional troubles, having lower T levels than average can have a large impact on your health. If you are experiencing symptoms of low sex hormones, it's important to visit a doctor for a proper diagnosis. He or she can identify the underlying cause, including medical conditions, and prescribe a course of treatment accordingly to help you get back on track.
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Understanding the Causes of Low Testosterone in Men
For a variety of reasons, males can experience a drop in testosterone levels. A gradual decline in testosterone levels is a normal part of aging, but it can also be caused by an underlying medical problem. Testosterone levels can also be affected by certain medications, such as chemotherapy and radiation for cancer treatment. Excessive stress levels and direct trauma to the testicles can also impair hormone production. Depending on the original cause, the condition can be classified as either “primary” or “secondary.” A primary cause means that your hormone levels are low from a problem in the testicles. A secondary cause means that the low hormone levels are a result of another issue. Here is what you should know about the condition, including its causes and your options for treatment.
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a male sex hormone. Its production starts in the teenage years. This triggers changes like more hair and muscle growth. Adolescents’ voices also become deeper. Unlike women, who eventually stop producing estrogen, males never fully stop producing sex hormones. However, production levels naturally start to decline at about age 30. In older men, low hormone levels are often attributed to age. But in younger males, it can be a sign of a problem. According to the American Urology Association (AUA), hormone levels below 300 nanograms per deciliter (often displayed as ng/DL) are considered to be abnormally low. This can cause a range of symptoms, including fatigue, irritability, low sex drive, depression, and erectile dysfunction. However, these symptoms can also be caused by other problems that might also affect hormone levels, as explained by the AUA: https://www.urologyhealth.org/urologic-conditions/low-testosterone.
Causes of Low Hormone Levels
This condition can be present from birth. It can also start in the teenage years and prevent males from producing sufficient amounts of sperm. Although it’s less common, men can also develop hypogonadism when they are grown adults. Males who are born with hypogonadism can have underdeveloped sex glands, gender-ambiguous sex glands, and even female sex glands. If the condition develops in the teenage years, it can cause impaired growth of hair and sex organs, gynecomastia, and a failure to develop muscles and a deeper voice. In adults, it can cause infertility, erectile dysfunction, reduced muscle mass, gynecomastia, and osteoporosis.
Chronic Illnesses
Type 2 diabetes, kidney and liver disease, pituitary gland problems and some lung diseases can interfere with sex hormone production in males. Being overweight can also cause male hormone production levels to be lower than they should be. Restoring sex hormone levels in these instances means first dealing with the underlying problem.
Genetic Causes
Along with illnesses, there may be some genetic causes that explain low-T levels. Klinefelter syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and Kallmann syndrome are some genetic conditions that can cause low male sex hormone levels. Another genetic condition that can cause low hormone production levels is hemochromatosis, which is the accumulation of too much iron in the body.
Stress, Trauma, and Other Causes
Excess stress can also affect your levels of hormone production. This is especially true for ongoing, chronic stress, which can significantly affect hormone levels. A traumatic blow to the testicles that causes damage can also interfere with hormone production. Giving the body time to heal or getting medical treatment if necessary should help. Finally, some medication and drugs, including steroids, can cause the testes to significantly reduce or completely stop their hormone production, as explained by urologist Dr. Bruce Gilbert: https://www.everydayhealth.com/hs/low-testosterone-guide/low-testosterone-younger-than-50/.
Low Testosterone Treatment Options
The good news is that regardless of age, low hormone levels are relatively easy to treat. In younger males with genetic problems, hormone replacement therapy is the recommended treatment option. This type of therapy is administered in the form of patches, injections, and gels. This therapy requires a doctor’s close monitoring to make sure it is effective and doesn’t cause side effects such as reduced sperm production. In younger males, drugs called selective estrogen receptor modulators (or SERMS) can stimulate hormone production without stopping sperm production. Weight loss for men who are overweight resolves low-T problems unless there are other underlying medical conditions. Along with losing excess weight, your doctor might recommend making lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise and eating healthier.
Low hormone levels, like any medical condition, can be caused by a benign or a more serious underlying medical condition. Low hormone levels can be a problem from birth, such as from a genetic condition, but they can also develop later on from an acquired medical condition, being overweight, or undergoing treatments for certain diseases and illnesses such as cancer. Most causes of low hormone production can be fixed by either using conventional solutions such as injections or by making lifestyle changes. But if you are showing symptoms of low hormone levels, it is important to visit your doctor for a diagnosis to make sure you don’t have a potentially serious issue. After making a diagnosis, your doctor can suggest treatments that will make you feel better and enjoy a higher quality of life.
For a testosterone therapy clinic near you, click here.
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Ehormones MD: Services, Locations, Cost, Reviews, and More
Ehormones MD offers a variety of affordable, doctor supervised hormone and testosterone replacement therapy programs that promise to help their patients achieve optimal health.
Specifically, the company’s website explains they manage a nationwide network of highly experienced hormone doctors that serve men and women ages 30+ in 14 states and more than 25 cities. Each office offers comprehensive testosterone, HGH (Semorelin), and bio-identical hormone replacement therapies that are designed to match each person’s individual needs.
The website goes on to explain that the process works in three easy steps:
Call or submit an online form to schedule your free consultation. Complete comprehensive lab work and a physical exam from an Ehormones MD doctor. All you have to do is show up for the appointment, and they’ll handle the rest. All medications, supplies, and detailed instructions will be shipped directly to your door. While we didn’t test any services ourselves, based on their advertised ease of use and competitive cost, along with the potential benefits they provide, Ehormones MD seem positioned to help customers feel better.
But, are they necessarily the right option for you? That’s the central question we’ll help you answer in this article, starting with a few underlying concepts.
The Basics of Hormone Replacement Therapy
According to the Hormone Health Network, “Hormones are special chemical messengers in the body that are created in the endocrine glands. These messengers control most major bodily functions, from simple basic needs like hunger to complex systems like reproduction, and even the emotions and mood.”
With these details in mind, the most crucial hormone related to female sexual and reproductive development is estrogen, which can decrease rapidly once women experience menopause. This can lead to common side effects like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness.
A male’s most crucial reproductive hormone is testosterone, which begins to decrease by about 1% per year after the age of 30. The American Urological Association reports that once blood testosterone falls below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), he’s formally diagnosed with ‘low’ testosterone, which can cause side effects like decreased sex drive, fatigue, reduced lean muscle mass, and depression.
Interviewed for a Harvard Prostate Knowledge article, urologist Abraham Morgentaler, M.D. explains: “Researchers estimate that the condition affects anywhere from two to six million men in the United States. Yet it is an underdiagnosed problem, with only about 5% of those affected receiving treatment.”
This is where companies like Ehormones MD come in, by providing access to products and services that can help patients normalize their testosterone or estrogen levels and potentially reduce the related side effects.
They also cite benefits like reduced body fat, increased energy and vitality, boosted muscle tone and definition, decreased fatigue and brain fog, and heightened immune function and sex drive.
How Does Ehormones MD Work?
According to Ehormones MD’s President Joshua Zuckerman, you’ll start the process by undergoing comprehensive, state-of-the-art diagnostic testing, which involves:
Total Testosterone Free Testosterone Estrogen Growth Hormone IGF-1 DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) Cardiac biomarkers Cholesterol and Triglycerides Inflammatory markers PSA (Prostate inflammation) Thyroid testing Glucose levels Cortisol levels Blood counts Liver function Afterward, you’ll receive a thorough consultation with your Ehormones MD managed physician, each of whom will specialize in a variety of areas.
Joshua emphasized that all are licensed in the states in which they practice, are board certified, and have completed post-medical school training in hormone replacement therapy. They’ll use this expertise to help you interpret your results, and you’ll continue to have free, unlimited access to them throughout the remainder of your program.
Together, using your lab work, physical exam, consultation (and symptoms expressed by you when speaking with the physician), and medical history, your doctor will determine if there is a clinical need and prescribe the necessary medications from there.
Important note: Keep in mind that if injections are prescribed, you’ll be responsible for self-administering them at home. To assist, Ehormones MD gives each patient access to instructional videos, showing you exactly where and how to inject. You’ll also receive a medication and supplement schedule to help you stay on track, along with a guide showing you how to get the most out of your program.
Returning to the topic of clinical need, it’s perhaps here where the most significant difference between a company like Ehormones MD and a family physician comes in. How so?
As we learned earlier, current medical guidelines stipulate that low testosterone—or, the point at which testosterone replacement therapy might become medically necessary—is at about 300 ng/dL. As such, this is often the only point at which many physicians will prescribe TRT, as well as when the vast majority of insurance companies provide subsequent coverage for treatments.
But, Live Science’s Christopher Wanjek reports that administering HGH (or any other reproductive hormone like testosterone) “is illegal unless the patient has low levels of the hormone; however, this diagnosis is subjective, which enables some clinics to prescribe the treatment to those who don’t” actually fall below medically designated limits.
With these details in mind, Ehormones MD offers five core services:
Testosterone Replacement Therapy – According to their website, these are typically administered via weekly injections, although additional medications might be required, like an aromatase inhibitor (it suppresses the production of estrogen).
HGH Therapy – This can also be administered via injection, which is “typically in the form of Sermorelin and/or growth hormone releasing peptides.”
Female Hormone Therapy – Transdermal creams that are applied daily.
Medical Weight Loss – Doctor supervised weight loss programs that promise to help you shed excess fat safely, rapidly, and effectively. As with their hormone programs, each weight loss program is tailored to your needs and is also based on a blood analysis and routine visits with your doctor.
Together, Ehormones MD advertises you can lose up to 30 pounds, reshape your body, boost your strength and energy, normalize your metabolism, and improve your wellbeing over the course of 30 to 40 days. And they say you’ll also be able to keep the weight off long-term since the program is based on sound diet and exercise principles.
Age Management – Ehormones MD’s Age Management program combines many different aspects of these services “to enhance mental and physical health by slowing, stopping or virtually reversing the aging processes.”
These are in addition to other strategies like stress reduction plans, supplement and vitamin therapy, nutrition planning, and fitness programs.
Could Ehormone MD’s Replacement Therapies Cause Potential Side Effects?
The Ehormones MD website emphasizes their “medical doctors will carefully assess all risk factors and approach every client with an individualized treatment plan. Factors that may disqualify you as a possible HRT candidate include: Significantly high blood pressure, history of cancer, liver disease, heart disease, blood clots, breast cancer, and testicular cancer.”
In addition, President Joshua Zuckerman emphasized that each patient is monitored carefully for potential side effects, so they rarely occur.
From a high-level perspective, though, WebMD indicates that testosterone replacement therapy can cause side effects like acne or oily skin, breast enlargement, worsening of sleep apnea, decreased testicular size, and increased risk of heart attack and stroke, to name just a few.
MedlinePlus indicates that HRT in women can lead to many of the same potential side effects, including increased risk of “blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, and gallbladder disease.”
Finally, Medicinenet reports Sermorelin’s most common side effect is temporary redness and swelling at the injection site. In unlikely instances (no dosages or other specifics provided), they indicate it can also lead to side effects like headache, flushing, and hyperactivity.
How Much Does Ehormones Cost?
Based on what we learned from the Ehormones MD website, their comprehensive lab analysis, physical examination, and executive health evaluation is priced at $499. A $90 nonrefundable deposit is required in advance, while the remaining $409 will need to be paid at the time of your appointment.
From there, their doctor supervised programs start at $149 a month, although the average cost of a 12-month TRT program is about $215/mo, while an HGH therapy program typically averages around $350/mo.
Monthly prices are provided via Care Credit, and include medications, physician supervision, and follow-up lab work. Pay-in-full options are available if you prefer.
Important: Keep in mind that Ehormones MD clients are committed to a contract after signing up with the company. Joshua Zuckerman explained this is because “testosterone therapy, HGH therapy, and hormone therapy is not just a two or three-month process.”
Instead, he points out that “a patient must be on hormone replacement therapy for a minimum six months to achieve full benefits, but most choose our 12-month program due to the volume discounts” the pharmacy offers for longer-term commitments.
Ehormones MD’s services are covered by a 100% results guarantee, which Joshua explained to us this way:
“After the first follow-up, lab tests are performed at the 8-week mark of the program. If the results indicate the patient’s hormone levels are not at least optimal, they are entitled to a full refund.”
He emphasizes that out of “our more than 3,000 patients, no one has ever requested a full refund of their program, which is a testament to the results they experience.”
Finally, for reasons we discussed earlier, Ehormones MD’s services are not covered by insurance. If you have additional questions, a representative can be reached at 800-658-8858 or [email protected].
Are There Any Online Ehormones MD Patient Reviews?
Outside of individual endorsements posted on their website, we only encountered one third-party online patient review on Yelp, which was for Ehormones MD’s West Palm Beach, FL location.
There, although they emphasized that the “product itself is very good,” the customer gave Ehormones MD a one-star rating based on less-than-stellar customer support experiences. Specifically, they referenced “double billing, [and] using non-approved, or non-authorized cards.”
Josh Zuckerman, the company’s president and founder, responded to the complaint and offered his direct phone number to help meet the customer’s expectations.
Ehormones MD vs. Other Hormone Replacement Therapy & Age Management Medicine Companies
We encountered dozens of city and regional-based age management medicine clinics during our research that provided many of the same core services as Ehormones MD, including personalized physician-developed plans that rely heavily on hormone replacement, blood analysis/lab testing, customized nutrition plans, unlimited physician consultations, and the use of vitamins and supplements.
Is Ehormones MD the Right Hormone Replacement Therapy Company for You?
The bottom line is that we’re not here to tell you how to spend your hard-earned money. Instead, it’s our goal to provide the relevant details and leave the final decision up to you.
With this said, after making an appointment and discussing the situation with your regular primary care physician, we’d strongly recommend maintaining realistic expectations about any age management medicine provider. Why?
As S. Jay Olshansky, Ph.D., a research associate at the Center on Aging at the University of Chicago, emphasizes in a CNN Health article, “aging is a natural process, not a medical condition, and there isn’t any therapy that can reverse it or slow it down.”
Furthermore, Thomas Perls, M.D., an associate professor of medicine and geriatrics at Boston University School of Medicine who was interviewed in the same article, points out there is little scientific proof that HGH injections can meaningfully boost health in most individuals.
In fact, “studies show that increasing HGH levels with drugs predisposes people to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer,” he says. And estrogen and progestin therapy in women could also increase the “risk of heart disease, stroke, blood clots, and breast cancer,” whether made from bioidentical versions or otherwise.
Finally, Olshansky recommends that you “don’t waste your money” on the vitamins and supplements, as “there’s no guarantee that they’re safe or effective.”
Again (not to sound like a broken record), when it comes to any medical topic or situation, whether related to hormones, weight loss, or anything else, often the best first step is to talk with your regular doctor. They can then ask the right questions and order the appropriate tests to deliver a clinical diagnosis, and then recommend treatment options from there.
But, if they indicate you should look into an age management medicine provider, based on what we learned from their website, Ehormones MD seems to offer many of the same services as their closest national competitor, but at meaningfully lower prices (if this factor is important to you).
And while we didn’t try their services ourselves to provide firsthand feedback, Ehormones MD’s President Joshua Zuckerman was open and honest in his answers to our questions, which we think goes a long way toward showing their commitment to keeping their customers informed.
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EHormones MD Review: Real Deal or Marketing Hype?
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a new and exciting option for millions of men struggling with the effects of aging. Levels of hormones often begin to decrease later in life — sometimes as young as 30 — in ways that clearly affect the behavior and attitudes of middle-aged men. These men are often stuck in a rut and do not how to improve their athletic lives, energy levels, and love lives. They do not want to have to waste away precious active years feeling weak and tired, with no options for improvement. But there is a solution to these problems that is accessible to most men. TRT fixes these problems and allows men to take advantage of the opportunities of middle age. My testosterone therapy review shows that it is possible to go through the simple hormone replacement program offered by hormone therapy clinics like EHormones MD and feel like a man’s life has been changed for the better.
Why I had the need for testosterone replacement therapy
For many years, I never thought that I would ever require a treatment like TRT. I had a considerable amount of vigor and a healthy drive throughout the first forty years of my life. I was active, fit, and had a relatively healthy diet. But around age 40, all of these factors began to gradually change. I began to slow down. I could not run and lift weights like I could earlier on in my life. Even the most mundane tasks would tire me out. Climbing stairs would lead me to have to stop and catch my breath.
When I would start projects or begin home repairs, I felt like I ran out of energy after less than an hour of activity. My love life had suffered as well. My wife of twenty years felt disappointed and urged me to take charge and do something about my life. Diets and exercise could only do so much. They made me lose weight and feel slightly healthier, of course. However, I could not recapture my drive. I began to feel depressed and wanted to find any possible solution to my problems. At about that time, a friend mentioned that they had undergone male hormone replacement and urged that I give it a chance.
What is testosterone replacement therapy?
After doing some reading and consulting various hormone therapy experts, I began to agree with my friend and think that my problems came from a lack of free male hormone in my bloodstream. Testosterone is a hormone that gives males many of the characteristics that separate them from females. At a basic level, male hormone leads to males having lower voices and more muscle growth on average. But male hormone also helps males build muscle and engage in an active sex life. Male hormone grows exponentially in a male after puberty begins and sustains a male’s strength, energy, and virility throughout the first several decades of their lives. It helps turn workouts into muscle and governs many aspects of a man’s mood and emotions.
But male hormone release begins to slow as a man ages and reaches their forties and fifties. The process is similar to the reduction of hormone release and the bodily changes in women that characterize menopause. A lack of male hormone can lead to a loss of passion and a weakening of muscles. It can make men feel sluggish in general and greatly harm their sex lives. In addition to not being able to accomplish the things men want to do, low male hormone influences the way they see themselves and their overall conception of their self-worth. It is a significant contributor to the malaise that many middle-aged men feel about their lives regardless of income.
Why EHormones MD TRT
The EHormones MD testosterone therapy program was a safe, involved program that I believe helped me immensely, and the reason behind this review. The testosterone therapy program prescribed was relatively simple and focused on improving my life overall with hormones being only one important step. There was no effect overnight and no magic bullet that immediately solved my problems. However, the hormone treatment was also not a placebo. After a few short weeks, I started to notice an improvement. I had more energy and passion in my relationship and in the many forms of physical activity I wanted to engage in. The sluggishness and lack of desire to do practically anything began to vanish.
My workouts were longer and more involved. I could lift weights and run on a treadmill without quickly tiring out. When I did take a break, I could stand up in fifteen minutes and start back at whatever I had been previously doing. My love life improved markedly as well. I had what felt like a general reset in my life prospects. My outlook turned from squalid to excited and passionate. After six months, I had a consultation and discovered that my male hormone levels had returned to normal. I have continued to feel great in the full year since I first started the regiment.
Review of the EHormones MD Process
The first step to changing my life was to call and make an appointment at the nearest EHormones MD testosterone therapy clinic. I began to research the company and easily found its map of locations. For the convenience of their patients, EHormones MD has close to twenty hormone therapy clinics located throughout the U.S. Being in New York meant that I was only a short drive away from several clinics. I picked the clinic closest to my house and filled out an online form. The Patient Services Director at the clinic gave me a call and booked me for an appointment with a doctor for exams and lab tests. The lab tests and physical exam are critical to understanding the root of my problem.
Lab tests helped to show for certain that I had a low level of free male hormone. Both tests and the physical exam also show whether or not a potential patient is a good candidate for male hormone replacement and if the process will be safe for them, which is why it’s always a good idea to meet with a phsyician and review your lab test. More and more I hear horror stories of men just like me ordering what they believe is testosterone or HGH through online pharmacies, but oftentimes, these are counterfeits or sugar pill. In the best case it will have zero effect on your body, and worst case it could be serioulsy harmful to your body.
It takes 2–3 days for doctors to make the recommendation about if an individual is a good candidate for testosterone therapy and what their next steps should be. I was called back into the doctor’s office in two days and told that I was a greate candidate for this program. I did have a low level of male hormone and there were no other obvious reasons that I was feeling the symptoms I was reporting. My vital signs were all normal and I was healthy enough to begin receiving male hormone.
After this consultation, I paid for the program. Costs for programs have somewhat of a range based on the needs of the patient. The most basic program starts at a reasonable $149 per month, but can go up from there based on the needs of the patient. This cost covers both the male hormone and all of the medical visits and tests connected to the ingestion of pills or the injections. Once payment is made, the treatment begins. The new male hormone is administered through injections. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “I can’t inject myself using a needle!” I thought the same. Imagine the tiniest of needles, similar to those used for diabetic insulin. Just a tiny pin prick, not those giant needles you see in your nightmares. After the first one or two injections, it becomes second nature and all you’re focused on is seeing the results!
All of the medications are delivered overnight from the company with tracking information delivered by email. These packages arrive to the patient’s home in a discrete box with no obvious indications as to what is inside.
As an EHormones MD testosterone therapy patient, you will stay on the regiment for as long as it’s needed. After six weeks, EHormones sends out a questionnaire and a lab form to make sure that there are no complications. Then, they provide lab tests and follow-ups every six months. Lab tests track a wide variety of indicators such as estrogen, growth hormone, cortisol levels, and blood functions. An individual could call and contact the company between consultations if any problems arise. These consultations can be performed without an extra fee being charged. All of my lab work went through well at each juncture. I did not report any significant adverse side effects at any step of the process. I have been on the hormone replacement regiment for the past year and have only positive effects to report from my experience.
Final Thoughts on EHormones MD
Anybody who is interested in TRT needs to be careful and cautious, do you due diligence, and read up on TRT and HGH therapy reviews. This treatment may not be right for everyone. Hormonal levels can influence the body in ways that many people would not otherwise predict. Therefore, the hormone replacement process should be seen as one taken in tandem with a medical professional. Any questions or abnormalities that pop up at any time should be discussed with a medical professional. Even seemingly unrelated symptoms may be tied to the body’s adverse reactions to new hormone treatment. Medical professionals will help determine the root of symptoms and be able to advice on treatment for an individual going forward.
If an individual is careful and follows the advice of their medical professionals, there is a good chance that male hormone replacement through EHormones MD will be a success. I know that personally. I have a number of hobbies and activities that I can return to after my therapy. For a few small payments, I was able to recapture my vigor and drive in ways that I used to think were no longer possible. TRT through EHormones helped to turn me into a new man. Any man who thinks they need such a change in their life needs to consider EHormones testosterone therapy today.
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Improving My World with EHormones MD: An Honest Review
I have always been the picture of health. Wise choices in the food I eat and my exercise habits have paid off. I was an athlete in high school, and I still consider myself athletic today. Everything has been on track and I've passed all of my annual physicals with flying colors. There hasn't been a reason to change anything I have been doing because I've been in top form. I am a firm believer of the expression, "If it isn't broken, don't fix it." That all changed when I hit forty. Suddenly, it was as if I hit a wall that I couldn't climb.
Something is Unbalanced
Unsettling symptoms have set in. At first, I thought it was a bug. I took extra vitamins, stocked up on orange juice, and made sure I caught some extra hours of sleep each night. It didn't get better. I went to the local clinic and left with a clean bill of health. I didn't care what the test results said. Something wasn't right. These symptoms wouldn't go away:
Low energy
Lack of stamina
Trouble sleeping
Fatigue that won't go away
The inability to focus
Extreme mood changes
Unexplained weight gain
Loss of sexual libido
I talked to friends, family members, and colleagues about what is going on because I was starting to get worried. I knew my symptoms weren't in my head. They weren't going away. Something was off inside my body and I was really miserable, think about it constantly. I felt like everything was out of control and I started to sink into depression. My best friend was going through a similar struggle. He said I could be experiencing low T levels. Initially, I let my ego get the best of me and I was in denial thinking, “not me! I’ve got plenty of testosterone!” It was time to suck it up and figure out what was really going on.
What's Going on Inside My Body?
I decided to do a little research. I heard all testosterone and how it could affect men's health, but I never thought it would be a problem for me. I thought I could head troubles off at the pass by making healthy choices when it came to my lifestyle. Unfortunately, a hormonal imbalance is beyond a man's control. Experiencing a drop is a normal part of getting older. The severity of that drop in reproductive hormones varies for every man. Some men will feel like it is smooth sailing as they age. They won't notice anything out of the norm as they carry on with their daily lives. Others will feel like they are on a roller coaster that is going off the track. When low T is extreme, a man is going to feel symptoms that can't be ignored. This was me.
What's the Big Deal About Testosterone?
When it comes to a man's reproductive hormone levels, I always thought they're only responsible for a strong sex drive and muscular development. While this is a vital part of any man's well-being, hormones responsible for regulating the reproductive system are responsible for so much more. They bind to androgen receptors, important proteins that are found throughout the entire body and the brain. These proteins are responsible for many aspects of a man's well-being, including:
High energy levels
Strong, healthy bones
Increased muscle mass
Mental clarity
Improved cardiovascular health
Balanced emotions and a feeling of happiness
Male reproductive hormone levels are at their peak when a man is in his 20's. As men age, their hormone levels, specifically testosterone levels, will decline. This decline in testosterone usually becomes more extreme in the 40's and 50's, and many men will experience drops in testosterone in their 30’s. For the fortunate few, symptoms may be minor or non-existent. If a man experiences a major drop, it can really throw him for a loop. Hormone replacement therapy can turn the situation around.
Is Testosterone Therapy Right For Me?
As I sank into a deeper depression, lost interest in all of my favorite pastimes, and lacked the energy to even get out of bed in the morning, I knew I had to do something. I wasn't going to the gym. I wasn't eating as well as I did in the past. My weight was creeping up higher on the scale. I felt uncomfortable in my own body. When I looked in the mirror, a stranger stared back at me. Friends and family members told me I had changed and it was time to find answers. My relationship with my partner was suffering. My best friend recommended a hormone replacement program that he was trying called EHormones MD. It appeared to be making a difference for him. I decided I had nothing to lose.
Testosterone Therapy and Hormone Therapy Research
Before committing to EHormones MD, I needed to do a bit of research and look into previous patient reviews and testimonials. I spent a few weeks reading reviews on testosterone therapy programs, outlining the expected costs associated with each provider, and even met with a few local services in my area. I needed to fully understand what I was committing to, as this was something that was going to affect my body and potentially change it for the better. If you’re like me, you’ll start by Googling EHormones MD, or any other testosterone therapy provider in your local area, to find out how legit they are, where their locations are, are there positive patient reviews, and other due diligence. Once you take this initial step, put together a short list of testosterone therapy providers that you feel are the best in your local area. Next, call each one to get a feel for how they operate. To be honest, some felt like I was dealing with used car salesmen. It seemed like they would say anything to keep me on the phone, asking more and more questions, and pushing me to commit to scheduling a consultation. In the end, EHormones MD felt right. No pushy salespeople, no gimmicks, just straight facts about what I was getting myself into and what MAY result. Notice I said “MAY”? If any service provider guarantees results run for the hills. Because everyone’s body is unique, it’s impossible to tell HOW you will react and WHAT the results will be. Keep this in mind when reading about testosterone therapy reviews and what each company has to offer.
The Reviews Checked Out, Now Let’s Get Started
I was given a website to see an overview of the program and what it offered. I could fill out an online form to make my first appointment or call. I decided to take charge and get on the phone. I was connected with a Patient Services Director who treated me with respect and compassion, while listening to me rattle through each of my symptoms. With this initial call behind me, the next step was to meet with my EHormones MD physician.
Testosterone Therapy Evaluation Here I Come
When I came in to find out if a hormone replacement regimen was for me, I had my initial consultation with an experienced doctor who knew exactly what to look for concerning my hormonal imbalance. I answered a series of questions about my symptoms, my lifestyle, and any recent changes noticed in my body or lifestyle. I shared my health history. The doctor performed a physical evaluation. I also needed to go through lab work in which blood was drawn in order to test it for a variety of issues, including low hormone levels. The doctor explained to me that other health issues can cause the same symptoms as a hormonal imbalance, including a heart condition or high blood pressure. It's important for every man experiencing similar symptoms to ask questions and keep asking until they get answers. Trying to identify low T levels should not be self-diagnosed.
My Doctor Recommended Testosterone Injections
Three days later, the test results were in. My reproductive hormone levels were the culprit for my recent symptoms. I had experienced a drop that was extreme enough to support a prescription of hormone injections. The doctor prescribed a dosage that would suit my needs and I paid form my hormone replacement program. Tracking information for my prescription was sent to my email and all of my supplies were sent overnight by the pharmacy in discreet packaging. Based on the instructions from my doctor, I began my injections. Now, when you think of injections, if you’re like me, you imagine a giant needle. With testosterone therapy injections this couldn’t be further from reality. Testosterone needles used for injections are actually really, really tiny. They are actually the same needles used for insulin injections for diabetic patients. A very small pin prick and it’s done. Initially I was a little apprehensive about the thought of injecting myself with testosterone. But after the initial injection, there was this weight that came off my shoulders and all I could think about was what was possible with my health in the future. Over the following weeks, I was strict about following the instructions outlined by my EHormones MD physician and waited for my treatment to take effect.
EHormones MD Changes My Life
I didn't notice a change overnight, but my health gradually improved. I started to feel like myself again. My energy levels were on the rise again. I picked up more hours at the gym, started building muscle, and the fat seemed to fall off overnight. My weight started to go down a little at a time. I felt better about myself. My moods improved. My libido experienced a comeback. I could breathe easier again. My body felt like it was under control. Why did I wait so long to take control over my own body?
EHormones MD Program Follow-Up
Six weeks into my program, I was emailed a Quest Diagnostics lab order form. I scheduled my lab work at the Quest location nearest to me for no additional fee. Soon after, the results were in. My doctor called to inform me that my testosterone levels were back on track. I was given the opportunity to ask questions and voice any concerns. I explained that I was highly satisfied with the program and felt much better than I had six weeks before. I was informed I would have lab work at no additional charge every six months to track my progress. I couldn't be happier with my experience with EHormones MD.
EHormones MD Changed My Life for the Better
I have been on my EHormones MD testosterone therapy program for a year and I wouldn't change a thing. In fact, I ask myself every day why I waiting so long? But, I’m moving beyond that, staying positive, and enjoying the benefit of EHormones MD.
EHormones MD is the Easy Way to Improved Hormone Levels
My supplies are sent to me as needed so that I don't have to worry about running out. If I have any problems, my doctor or EHormones support team is a phone call away and adjustments can be made in my injection levels. Since hormone replacement has become a part of my regular routine, my weight is back where it was when I was in the best physical condition of my life. I have the energy and stamina I need to keep up with my work schedule, home, and a daily exercise regimen. I'm eating well and getting the sleep I need to feel well-rested. My emotional well-being is much improved and I am enjoying sexual intimacy with my partner. Hormone replacement has restored more than balance inside my body. It's helped me to experience balanced at all levels of my life. I would highly recommend the program to any man who is experiencing symptoms that could indicate a drop in hormone levels. If you think you are going through the same thing I did, help is only a click of a button on your computer or a phone call away.
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Ehormones MD Review: Is it the Real Deal? (Updated for 2018)
If you’ve recently researched HGH therapy, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), or any other related keyword related to hormone replacement therapy, you’ve most likely noticed ads by EHormones MD.
EHormones MD is a nationwide network of hormone physicians who specialize in testosterone therapy, HGH therapy, and Bio-identical hormone therapy for men and woman over the age of 30. With locations throughout the US, the latest in diagnostic testing, and custom hormone therapy programs for each of their client, EHormones MD appears to stand out among a crowded market.
What Do You Say?: Actual EHormones MD Reviews
After 6 months on testosterone and Dr. Welch’s nutrition and exercise program, I’ve gone from 32% body fat to 14% body fat. I’m a different person. – Walter, Age 44
Several months ago, I went into your Los Angeles office to get started on Testosterone therapy. I haven’t felt this good since I was in college. Thank you for giving me my life back.- Stephen B., Age 32
What Makes Ehormones Reviews Different?
Each person is biologically unique, therefore, EHormones’ s Physicians design a comprehensive Hormone Replacement Therapy (or “HRT”) protocol to match each person’s individual needs. At EHormones, individuals undergo comprehensive lab work as well as a physical examination. Additionally, each individual receives a thorough consultation with his or her physician to discuss and interpret the comprehensive lab results. Thereafter, every EHormones managed physician will use your medical history, symptoms, and labs to develop an individualized and comprehensive Hormone Replacement Therapy protocol.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (or “TRT”) is typically administered in the form of once weekly Testosterone injections. There may be ancillary medications which allow the testes to continue its natural production of testosterone while on therapy, and an Aromatase Inhibitor, an estrogen suppressing pill typically taken once to several times weekly.
HGH Therapy prescribed by an EHormones managed physician is also administered by injection, typically in the form of Sermorelin and/or Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides.
Female Hormone Replacement Therapy is generally administered in the form of transdermal creams, typically applied daily to the skin.
A Review of EHormones Cost and Pricing
Based on reviews of EHormones throughout the internet, they offer comprehensive Hormone Programs for nearly all budgets. Since each client is unique, and your body may have specific hormone therapy requirements, the cost of your plan may differ from your neighbors.
EHormones: A Higher Standard in Diagnostic Testing
Upon becoming an EHormones client, you can expect diagnostic tests to accurately measure you body’s performance as it relates to the hormones in your body. Below is a sample of diagnostic tests that are included in your hormone therapy program:
Comprehensive hormone testing Total Testosterone Free Testosterone Estrogen Growth Hormone IGF-1 DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) Heart function Cholesterol and Triglycerides Inflammation PSA (Prostate inflammation) Thyroid testing Diabetes markers Cortisol levels Blood function Liver function
As you can see, EHormones provides a pretty comprehensive test of your body. Based on these results, your EHormones hormone therapy physician will provide a customized plan that meets the needs of your body. It’s very common for hormone therapy programs to offer a one-size-fits-all program. This does not appear to be the case with EHormones MD.
EHormones Locations:
According to EHormones.com, the company offers hormone therapy locations throughout the United States. Based on reviews, accessibility to local and convenient participating physicians seems to be a very important factor when choosing a TRT or HGH therapy provider.
Here’s a full list of EHormones MD locations:
Austin Boston California Chicago Dallas DC Freemont- Create new page Houston Jacksonville LA Lafayette Lawrenceville New Jersey Location Miami Philly Rockville Maryland-Create new page San Antonio San Fran San Jose-Create new page Tampa
The Bottom Line Review: Does EHormones MD Work?
If you’re looking for a magic pill or hormone therapy program that will immediately change your physical and mental abilities immediately, you’re most likely not going to find that. However, if you’re looking for a physician supervised hormone therapy program that combines the latest in hormone medicine (like Sermorelin), nutrition, and fitness, with convenient locations throughout the US, EHormones MD is a great option. When comparing reviews, locations and convenience, cost, and results, EHormones stands out as being one of the top hormone therapy programs available.
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Cenegenics® Alternatives
Ehormones MD is The Best Alternative to Cenegenics®
There is a common misconception that the most expensive products and services are often the best products and services. Sure, while there is sometimes causal relationship between cost and quality, cost is more often related to overhead and profit margin than it is to quality. So, for logical purposes, let’s put that assumption to rest.  The cost of a Cenegenics® program, including initial consultation and labs can run as much as $25,000 per year. Let’s be clear, however, that Cenegenics® is indeed a respectable anti-aging center with doctors who are well-versed in Hormone Replacement Therapy. But, so are many other doctors.  The problem, however, with Cenegenics® is not necessarily a lack of quality service, so much as the exorbitantly high cost of their programs. Cenegenics® has attempted to position itself as the leading provider for female and male hormone replacement therapy, but they have lost significant market share over the past several years to Cenegenics® alternative clinics like Ehormones MD, due in large part to their high fee structure.
How much does Cenegenics® cost?
According to a number of our patients who are also former patients of Cenegenics®, the initial cost of Cenegenics® will set you back between $3,000 and $5,000.  And, that’s just to get started.  After that, you have your testosterone / hgh therapy/ supplement program, which will set you back another $1200 to $1700 per month. Additionally, if you would like to consult with the doctor at any point throughout the course of your therapy program with Cenegenics®, there are additional fees for this. So, let’s say you have a concern during treatment which you would like to address with the doctor. This is an entirely separate, additional cost. After all is said and done, a Cenegenics® patient can shell out as much as $15,000 to $25,000 per year…for Hormone Replacement Therapy. That said, eHormones offers virtually the same programs at about 1/3 and in many cases just 1/4 the cost of Cenegenics®.
At eHormones, we realize the power of HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and its ability to renew vitality and restore youthfulness. This is why our program is excited to offer quality HRT services at a mere fraction of what Cenegenics® charges its customers. As a viable alternative to pricey anti-aging centers, our program delivers education, services, comprehensive diagnostics, medications and supplies for self-administration – quite literally, eHormones    will save you thousands!
Why does Cenegenics® cost so much?
The simplest, yet unverified, conclusion we can come to is OVERHEAD and PROFIT MARGIN. However, with the surge in market demand, paying these exorbitant costs is no longer necessary. Cenegenics® and similar companies have essentially capitalized on the desire for youth. Taking full advantage of increased interest, Cenegenics® and others have dangled the benefits of Testosterone and HGH Therapy and lure clients into their high-priced programs when the same results with the same medications can be achieved often at just ¼ the cost of a Cenegenics® program.
What are the benefits of an Ehormones MD Hormone Replacement Therapy Program?
Reduction of stubborn abdominal fat
Reduction of overall body fat
Increase in vitality and energy
Increase in muscle tone and definition
Increase in libido
Increased immune function
Increased mental acuity
Decreased fatigue and brain fog
Increase in muscle tone and definition
Can you get the same benefits without the high cost of Cenegenics®?
Yes, of course! Ehormones MD is completely up front about our cost structures. There are no hidden fees. We do not want to waste your time, nor do we want to waste our doctors’ time.  The cost is $499 – plain and simple.  This covers our most comprehensive lab analysis, physical examination and executive health evaluation
At Ehormones MD, we have 24 locations nationwide you can gain the benefits of hormone therapy without sacrificing quality treatment. Our initial consultation is absolutely FREE – so, if you decide it’s not for you, you don’t pay a dime.  And instead of $5000, our examination is only $499. Our program costs range from an average of $215/mo for a 12 month Testosterone Therapy program to an average of $350/mo for our HGH Therapy program, nearly a third of the cost of your typical Cenegenics® Program.
Are companies like Cenegenics® better than Ehormones MD because they are more expensive?
Of course not! Ehormones MD doctors are some of the most highly skilled and widely recognized doctors in the Age Management Medicine arena. When considering using testosterone or any hormone replacement drug, it is important to choose a physician who has completed training in Hormone Replacement Therapy because it’s not just as simple as giving a testosterone injection.  All Ehormones MD doctors specialize in Age Management, meaning they have completed some degree of training in Hormone Replacement Therapy, including Testosterone Therapy and HGH Therapy. Regardless of treatment center choice, reputable establishments such as Cenegenics® and Ehormones MD will routinely conduct an initial exam to determine if a Testosterone Therapy Program and/or HGH Therapy Program is appropriate for you.
Because safety is important to us at Ehormones MD, our medical doctors will carefully assess all risk factors and approach every client with an individualized treatment plan. Factors that may disqualify you as a possible HRT candidate include:
Significantly high blood pressure
History of cancer
Liver Disease
Heart Disease
Breast cancer
Testicular cancer
There are a number of factors to consider when choosing hormone replacement therapy. Anti-Aging Centers such as Cenegenics® and Ehormones MD have a responsibility to help you understand the role of hormones in your body.
Will companies like Cenegenics® try to sell me products I don’t need?
Cenegenics® and Ehormones are both reputable and established companies specializing in hormone therapy. Both have skilled medical staff and have sophisticating testing methods to determine your individual need. What we do know is that the cost of Cenegenics® is very expensive. Independent Customer Reviews for Cenegenics® indicated that they suggest additional supplementation on top of the actual hormone therapeutic recommendations which can significantly affect the overall cost. Typically, your Ehormones MD medical doctor will make supplement recommendations, which you may either purchase from Ehormones or on your own if it’s more cost effective.
At Ehormones MD, the overall mission is to help those affected by age related testosterone and hgh decline to realize they have a choice for affordable and quality therapy. The initial consultation is free of charge; so you don’t have to worry about shelling out a lot of money before you have all the facts. Most customers are pleased that if they do choose to start hormone therapy, our packages start at a low cost of only $169 per month.
How do I know if I need HRT?
Aging adults sometimes can miss the subtle signs of hormone deficiency and they can also be masked by other illnesses. It is important to know hormone levels can reach significant decline as early as age 30 in both men and women. There are some key hormones that can significantly alter how the body performs.
What is “Low T” and how does it affect the aging process?
Low T is an abbreviation for Low Testosterone.  Testosterone is a male sex hormone, and it is very normal for this hormone to decline as men age. This key hormone contributes not only to the male sex drive, but also to muscle mass, fat metabolism, cardiac health, energy and mood, among a host of other benefits. Although, testosterone occurs naturally in the body, it is not uncommon for a male to experience the symptoms of Low T as early as the age of 30. In fact, the most common reason for low testosterone in men is age. Clinical studies[1] indicate that stress, (often work related) and environmental exposures can also lead to low testosterone levels in the body.
Male Indications of Low Testosterone or “Low T”:
Loss of energy
Increase in central body fat
Decrease in muscle tissue
Drop in libido
Development of male breasts
Loss of motivation
Depression or Mood Changes
Problems Urinating
What does HGH do?
HGH, or Human Growth Hormone, is often referred to as the “youth” hormone, as it is a key player in the connection between youthful body function and aging gracefully. Our bodies naturally manufacture HGH. However, similar to other hormones, it rapidly declines as we age. It is important to understand, there isn’t a magic pill to capture the fountain of youth.
The good news is that we have science in our corner. Carefully managed by Ehormones MD’s expert team of more than 20 medical doctors nationwide, the body can be supplemented successfully with Sermorelin, a well-known HGH replacement drug. Educating our clients on how HGH impacts the body as well as other hormones is very important. You can read more about HGH and other therapies on our website, or by setting up your 100% Free and No Obligation consultation at https://ehormones.com, or by calling 1-800-658-8858.
So, let’s just summarize what makes Ehormones MD the best alternative to Cenegenics®…
Our doctors are some of the world’s finest physicians specializing in Age Management and Anti-Aging Therapies. We pride ourselves on delivering the same high level of care as other expensive providers, but without the unnecessary exorbitant fees. We prefer to go the extra mile, though. In fact, all Ehormones MD clients receive unlimited FREE access to our doctors throughout the course of their programs, something that is simply unheard of in any area of medicine.  Additionally, every Ehormones MD client receives individualized diet and exercise recommendations to help achieve the ultimate goal of an Ehormones MD program – Optimal Health and Fitness.
Recognized as an industry leader for its cutting-edge therapies and exceptional customer service, Ehormones MD doctors combine for hundreds of years of medical expertise and specialization in Age Management and Anti-Aging Treatments.
With 24 locations nationwide and a 24-hour toll free number to answer all your questions, Ehormones MD is truly the top choice for Testosterone Therapy and HGH Therapy. But, don’t take our word for it. Ehormones MD has helped thousands of patients reach their goals of Optimal Health and Wellness.
[1] Huo S, Scialli AR, McGarvey S, et al. Treatment of Men for “Low Testosterone”: A Systematic Review. Rajasingh J, ed. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(9):e0162480. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162480.
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One of the earliest signs of low-T (low testosterone), is usually a decreased sex drive; however, the effects of low testosterone do not end there. Testosterone plays a critical role in men's health in that the receptors for this male hormone can exist in the brain, blood vessels, and bones. As such, low testosterone can affect one's life in more ways than one. While there are some common symptoms associated with low-T, the only way to know conclusively that your testosterone levels are low is through a blood test. In this article, we will take a look at several key indicators of low testosterone and treatments that have been proven to help men with this problem.
The choice to undergo TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) is one that you and your physician will have to decide. In most cases, men with testosterone levels measuring 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) are good candidates for TRT. According to a study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice, more than 12 million men in America testosterone deficient. In a separate study published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), TRT prescriptions for men over the age of 40 increased significantly between 2001 and 2011. It is also worth noting that 12 percent of men who have a testosterone deficiency never seek treatment. Moreover, testosterone replacement therapy clinics are now more accessible than ever before. Take Ehormones MD for example. With more than 30 locations throughout the US, Ehormones MD makes scheduling a consultation with a hormone therapy physician is now easier than ever. Men no longer have an excuse.
While testosterone replacement therapy is the most common way to combat low-T, there are ways to boost these hormones naturally. Here are a few tips to help get you started:
Too much stress can cause a spike in cortisol production and can deplete the supply of testosterone-based hormones to the tissues that need them. Beyond that, stress can limit the amount of testosterone-based hormone the body is capable of producing. That said, you should find productive ways to cope with stress like taking up meditation or exercising, for example.
While some alcohol consumption can be healthy, excessive drinking can reduce the production of testosterone-based hormones. To further put this into context, studies have shown that even moderate drinking can reduce T levels by as much as 7 percent. To boost your T levels, it is a good idea to no more than 2 drinks per day.
Maintaining a healthy weight is another way to boost T levels naturally. In fact, decreasing your BMI (body mass index) by just 4 points has been shown to increase T levels. That said, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it may be a good idea to make exercising a priority.
If you're not having any success in boosting your T levels naturally, it may be a good idea to schedule an appointment with a physician who can get you started on a testosterone replacement regimen that can normalize your T levels. Although commonly administered via injections, hormone replacement can take on many forms including oral patches, transdermal patches, and gels. Some of the more commonly prescribed testosterone replacement therapies include
Obviously, you will have to work with your physician in choosing which treatment will work best for you. Nonetheless, all of these medications have been proven effective in helping patients boost their T levels.
According to a recent publication on WebMD:
"Some say it's just a part of aging, but that's a misconception," says Jason Hedges, MD, PhD, a urologist at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. A gradual decline in testosterone can't explain a near-total lack of interest in sex, for example. And for Hedges' patients who are in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s and having erectile problems, other health problems may be a bigger issue than aging.
Along with a decreased libido, low testosterone can have a devastating effect on the male body, ranging from muscle loss to diminished bone density and everything in between. To further emphasize this point, let's take a closer look at some of the common side effects of low T levels in men:
Similar to the loss in penis size, a reduction in the flow of testosterone-based hormone to the muscles can also result in atrophy. When T levels become too low, the body enters a catabolic state, which causes muscle tissue to deteriorate and makes it harder to build new muscle.
There are a variety of things that can contribute to reduced bone density, lower testosterone included. Because bone is living tissue, it can be negatively impacted once T levels drop too low. Bone tissue will begin to break down, and the body will have a hard time producing new bone tissue in its place.
If you suspect that you have low testosterone, you're encouraged to schedule a visit with a physician. There are hormone injections and other testosterone treatments that can help boost T levels and improve your overall quality of life.
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Depression and Low Testosterone: Is there a Link?
Testosterone is an essential hormone that affects many physiological functions. It is naturally more prevalent as an androgynous hormone in men, and it is therefore much more essential for them to have adequate amounts of it. However, with age, levels of this primary hormone can take a dive, usually for the worse.
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Symptoms of low testosterone may include weight gain, anxiety, low energy levels, low libido, insomnia, loss of concentration and low mood. The fact that older males are at a higher risk for suicide than any other age group, according to WebMD, is a good reason to consider the link between low-T levels and depression. Some studies have shown the link between the two.
Aging and Low Testosterone Levels
Testosterone is required for the maintenance of male functions and attributes. Those include sperm production, facial hair, muscle mass, bone density and fat distribution. It's also responsible for energy levels, mental clarity, emotional well-being and more.
However, with age, a man may experience a decline or changes in the above attributes. T levels begin to decrease about one percent each year on average, beginning at the age of 30. It typically starts to become an issue after age 50, and one article reports that the condition affects 20 percent of males over 50. They may enter a stage known as male menopause, also called andropause.
According to a recent study, low levels of the hormone are caused by one of two factors. The first culprit, primary hypogonadism, is testicular failure that results in higher than normal rates of gonadotropins (LH and FSH) and lower T levels. The second is a disturbance of HPGA, resulting in lower LH, FSH and T levels.
In primary hypogonadism, which often occurs in males 65 and older, there is less communication between Leydig cells and the LH gonadotropin. This results in less LH- stimulated testosterone. Even in an animal study, it was found that there was less LH-stimulated T in older rats compared to younger mice.
Studies also found that older mice had fewer Leydig cells than younger mice.
As for secondary hypogonadism, in which there is HPGA disturbance, it was found that there were decreases in gonadotropin production and changes in gonadotropin pulsation in both mice and men. The HPGA disturbance that led to the decreased gonadotropins may be caused by a number of factors. Some factors include co-morbidities like smoking and obesity, as well as internal defects that occur over time.
In sum, studies suggest that age plays a role in production of T and how cells response to one another. Furthermore, there seem to be external factors coupled with age that affects a man's ability to produce adequate amounts of the hormone.
The Link Between Testosterone and Depression
As mentioned earlier, hormone imbalance can lead to a few unpleasant physiological effects. Feeling down is among one of the worse. If you have ever experienced it, then you know how it affects all aspects of your life. Until recently, few experts have given much care to the link between low-T and the illness.
According to evidence compiled in a National Institute of Health study, low-T is linked to dysthymia, and depressive symptoms that including irritability, lack of concentration and fatigue.
Two types of depressive states were studied: atypical and melancholic. It was found that atypical depressive state, caused by low testosterone, was associated with high BMI. Symptoms also included anxiety and agoraphobia in addition Major Depressive Disorder.
The symptoms were less common in a melancholic depressive state, which is the result of increased levels of the hormone.
A correlation was found between the gonadotropin secreting hypothalamus gland and the lowered T levels in atypical depressive state. It was found that the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland affect cortisol levels. Cortisol, unlike its counterpart serotonin, is the stress hormone that has been linked to anxiety and blues.
Treating Depression Caused By Low Testosterone
Antidepressants are overwhelmingly prescribed in this day and age. While they have proven to be beneficial, they sometimes yield little to no positive effects. This has spurred the search for alternative treatments.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
One of the increasingly popular treatments for low-T is TRT, or testosterone replacement therapy. A stated in a WebMD article, TRT used to be a common treatment for mood disorders in men. However, with the advent of antidepressants, the treatment became less common.
This is unfortunate because there are more patients who aren't responding to antidepressants because of low-T or borderline levels of the hormone. One WebMD study conducted tested 22 participants. During the study, half of the subjects were administered testosterone gel while the others received placebo. After eight weeks, it was found that one in three of the men who received testosterone had considerably improved mood, less anxiety and less depressive symptoms.
HRT has also been proven effective in women who have menopausal symptoms. Two common hormones that women take are progesterone and estrogen. It has also been found that even TRT has been beneficial for women. Some women undergo the therapy for improved energy levels, stronger bones, better mood and stronger muscles.
While supplementation or replacement has many benefits, caution should be taken with TRT. Long-term effects have been known to occur, including the following:
Skin breakouts
Prostate cancer
Increased risk of blood clots
Fluid retention
Breast enlargement
Sleep apnea
If you are considering testosterone therapy, consider consulting your physician or a reputable hormone therapy clinic. Clinics like Ehormones MD, which provide physician supervised hormone replacement therapy, testosterone therapy, as well as HGH therapy, have locations throughout the United States.
Other Causes Of Low Testosterone
Many environmental and lifestyle factors can also affect hormonal levels. As mentioned above, smoking and obesity are two co-factors. There are two common factors to avoid.
Avoid Alcohol
A study was conducted among 8,344 males who were otherwise healthy. It was found that excessive alcohol consumption affects T secretion. It inhibits the hormone by affecting both hypothalamus gland and testicular production.
Avoid These Estrogen Sources
The environment contains multiple sources of xenoestrognes (man-made estrogen compounds) that interfere with certain hormones and cause estrogen overload. Sources include BPA and phthalates in hair and body products. Furthermore, some plants, like soy, have similar effects on both men and women.
While TRT can be an effective remedy, more trials should be conducted to determine the efficacy of the treatment. If you have decided that HRT is right for you, be sure to consider the risks. Furthermore, consider lifestyle habits to help you cope with your depression, such as talking to family and friends, meditating, eating a healthy and balanced diet and exercising on a regular basis.
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10 Options for Men’s Anti Aging and Age Management
Given the option, all of us men would prefer to remain young both in age and appearance. In as much we cannot stop the natural aging process, we can manage the phase. Age management involves the practices aimed at reducing aging symptoms and improving functionality. Anti-aging helps us to improve the quality of our life during old age.
But How Can Men Take Steps to Fight the Aging Process?
1. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is a legal and scientifically proven HRT procedure that is paramount in age management. As men grow older especially above 30 years, the levels of hormone start declining. Testosterone hormone is critical for men as it helps in the mental and physical well being. Low production during old age can worsen the aging process. TRT which is a form of HRT thus boosts the levels of the hormone in the body promoting muscle and bone formation at a senior age.
2. Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
HGH therapy is another option for men who want to stay youthful and feel good. Apart from the naturally produced hormone in the body, there are other types such as Sermorelin. The human growth hormone is responsible for various functions in the body such as muscle growth and fat metabolism among others. But with age, the production reduces thus limiting growth. Hormones such as Sermorelin can help as they act as an anti-aging treatment in promoting muscle growth and body functioning.
According to Ehormones MD, a nationwide men’s anti-aging clinic:
Sometimes the best option for adult HGH Therapy is one or more various types of Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides, or GHRP. Some of these peptides include Ipamorelin, Sermorelin, GHRP2 and GHRP6, which work by stimulating the secretion of HGH from the pituitary gland.  If you feel that you may have an HGH deficiency or if you are interested in HGH for men, check with your doctor to see if you might be a candidate for HGH injections or alternative HGH treatment methods.
3. Overall Fitness
A fitness program provides a natural way that one can stay and feel young. According to Dr. Frank Frisch who is the director of kinesiology at Chapman University, Orange, exercise improves the mental and physical well being. Regular exercise increases your flexibility as you develop the ability to undertake challenging physical activity. It can also make your skin soft and glow even when you age.
4. Enhancing Energy And Metabolism
The main reason why the aging process takes a toll on many men is that of the low metabolism and energy. Aging process reduces the ability of the body to take up strenuous activities that are demanding. Staying inactive for a long time further speeds up the aging progression. One way to reduce the symptoms of aging is by increasing body metabolism and energy. Once your energy is up, you can feel and look young by doing activities you would otherwise not do.
5. Nutrition Planning
Taking a well-balanced diet when you are young helps in controlling some of the aging symptoms. Nutrition just like fitness is a natural way of fighting off the aging process. The type of foods you feed your body can drastically affect how fast you age. Foods such as yogurt which are high in calcium will help keep your bones healthy. Proteins are especially good at repairing and replacing the damaged cells and tissues.
6. Vitamin Therapy/Supplement
Vitamins are essential nutrients responsible for a robust immune system. At an older age, people are bound to contact all types of illnesses that come with age. Vitamin supplements help in preventing the contraction of diseases. According to the Harvard School newsletter, the supplements contain high levels of B12 and D. The two essential vitamins help improve cognitive ability and reduce depression.
7. Natural Hormone Balancing
Hormones control most of the processes in our bodies. The secret to staying young even at old age is learning to manage your hormone levels. All hormones play different roles within the body that are interconnected. Balancing all hormone levels thus ensures that the aging process takes place slowly. Hormones such as testosterone, insulin, and growth hormones need to remain balanced. Vital nutrients plays an essential role in the production of hormones in the body. Ensure your diet is healthy and balanced.
8. Weight Management Program
As men grow in age, the metabolism slows down. It is therefore vital that you manage your weight before getting older. When a man is overweight and old, they become less active. Less activity means the body will be unable to burn the calories consumed and the ones stored in the body. Your weight can end up straining your body metabolism and thus quickening the aging process. Weight loss programs such as proper nutrition and physical exercise can help in managing weight.
9. Stress Reduction Plan
According to research, stress is among the leading causes of premature deaths among most seniors. Depression has the power of affecting one’s physical, emotional, and mental well being. Most men who have stress at old age, contact chronic illnesses such as cancer, high blood pressure, and heart diseases. Meditation, yoga, and physical exercise can help one reduce stress.
10. Ongoing Evaluations
Evaluations are necessary as you grow old. It is through the assessments that you will be in a position to set out your goals. You can make the required changes depending on evaluation outcomes to reach your ultimate goal. The evaluation informs the kind of lifestyle you live and helps you get ahead of issues before they escalate.
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What is Andropause (Male Menopause) and How Can I Treat It?
What is Andropause?
Andropause, also called male menopause, is a medical condition that occurs due to a significant decline of testosterone in men. Testosterone is a sex hormone that is responsible for sexual reproduction and the development of sex organs, hair growth, and deep voice in men.
As men age, they may experience low testosterone or low T resulting in a hormonal imbalance. The imbalance leads to symptoms, such as sexual dysfunction, which may only be effectively treated with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).
This male sex hormone is estimated to decrease by about 10% every 10 years after a man reaches the age of 30. Once the decline begins, it does not correct itself naturally neither do symptoms improve on their own.
What Causes Andropause in Men?
The word andropause comes from the word androgen which is a sex hormone found in men that converts to testosterone or estrogen. The causes of andropause vary, which is probably why it is called by other names such as hypogonadism, male menopause, and Aging-Associated Androgen Deficiency (AAAD). The root cause for each may be different but leads back to low T.
Androgens are produced in the adrenal gland and are responsible for secondary sex characteristics, e.g., the growth of facial hair in men. The gradual decline of androgen in aging men often results in low T. If the condition is not treated early, it can lead to male menopause. Other factors that may cause or are linked to andropause are:
• Poor diet • Alcoholism • Lack of exercise • Obesity • Hypertension • Poor blood circulation • Smoking • Depression • Hormone therapy for prostate cancer • Medications (prescription and non-prescription)
Common Andropause Symptoms
An estimated 30% of men in their 50’s will experience andropause problems related to low testosterone. Like menopause in women, male menopause usually causes physical and psychological symptoms. Some of them can be severe, discomforting, or intolerable and can reduce a man’s quality of life. Here are some common symptoms of andropause:
• Low sex drive • Fatigue • Lack of energy • Mood changes • Irritability • Low libido • Low sperm production • Infertility • Anxiety • Depression • Hot flashes • Loss of muscle mass • Reduced strength or stamina • Increase in body fat • Erectile dysfunction (difficulty getting or keeping an erection)
Andropause Treatment Options
Severe low T can place your health at risk. Some men develop osteoporosis a bone condition due to a rapid loss of bone mass. Other health risks are depression and anxiety. To improve the symptoms of low T and prevent possible health risks, you may require testosterone replacement therapy. However, TRT may not be right for everyone.
Your doctor can more accurately determine if your symptoms are related to low T by doing a medical assessment. This usually includes a physical examination and blood tests to measure the level of the hormone in the blood.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT): A common treatment option for low T related to male menopause is hormone therapy with testosterone. TRT remains the most effective way of treating male menopause and improving the symptoms. Treatment may be taken by intramuscular injections, pellets, gels, skin patches, buccal patches, or implants.
Ehormones MD, a nationwide provider of TRT and other forms of hormone therapy may be able to help.
Diet Changes: Your doctor may also recommend lifestyle changes such as adjusting your diet. A healthy diet containing the right nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish can help slow the decline of testosterone and improve your symptoms.
Exercise: Obesity is a risk factor for male menopause. This is because excess body fat can cause an increase in estrogen production in men and result in hormonal imbalance. A regular exercise routine can help to shed excess fat, help you maintain a healthy weight, and restore hormonal balance.
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Anti-Aging Treatment for Men that Work!
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Some major cosmetic companies and health publications have considered abandoning the word “anti-aging” altogether. It seems that the word anti-aging is not as appropriate as it used to be. However, the word is still in use and everyone can agree that growing older should be something appreciated and embraced—not resisted or talked negatively about. Aging does not have to be a condition that depletes and drains away beauty.
Of course, there is no shortage of information about anti-aging products and procedures for women. However, in today’s world, more and more men are finding value in anti-aging treatments that allow them to look and feel younger. Treatments can also help extend their career life. Everyone knows that an outward appearance matters when it comes to career prospects. Men who look and feel younger also fare better if they are into the dating scene.
While more men are choosing to undergo plastic surgery, they are not yet at the point of wanting to talk about it openly. Men are more discouraged from looking in the mirror and wanting to increase their good looks. For some men, the desire to improve their appearance equates with being feminine. However, that stigma is changing over time, and becoming less taboo. Millennials, in particular, view things like enhancing one’s appearance as maintenance.
For  Your Face and Skin, Try Dermal Fillers
Men are increasingly getting fillers and Botox treatments to help them appear younger. Plastic surgeons now estimate that nearly 20% of their business clients are men. Up to 10% of all plastic surgeries are now for men. These include Litlifts and injects that give targeted parts of the body a much more contoured look.
Of course, qualified dermatologist or board certified doctor should administer Botox or dermal fillers. At the very least, someone with a lot of experience with injectables should administer the injections. Men should also remain cautious not to overdo it to avoid looking like a wax dummy. Keep it simple, and go for the natural look.
Hormone / Testosterone / HGH Therapy
Men with extremely low levels of testosterone can possibly benefit from receiving hormone therapy treatments. There are medical conditions, like hypogonadism, that can cause such levels of low testosterone, sometimes referred to as Low-T. Dysfunctional testicles cause low levels of testosterone. Testosterone replacement therapy can provide a solution.
The medical industry is still in the process of determining the extent to which hormone therapy can benefit men with testosterone decline due to aging. Medical experts have conducted studies but the results are still unclear. As such, testosterone replacement therapy and hormone injections can include the following treatments.
1. TRT occurs when doctors inject testosterone into the male’s buttocks once every two or three weeks. TRT is on the rise, and contrary to popular belief, it is not cheating. Alternatively, men are seeking self-administered TRT by which men are prescribed a custom testosterone therapy plan and the medications are shipped discreetly to their home or office. Patients then self-inject - under the supervision of their prescribing doctor - based on their prescribed schedule.
2. A doctor can also recommend a testosterone patch that the patient can apply daily to the back, arms, buttocks, or abdomen. The doctor will recommend rotating where an individual places their pack.
3. Doctors may also recommend a topical testosterone gel for the arms, abdomen, or shoulders.
4. Some doctors will also recommend an HGH booster like Sermorelin to slow down the aging process. The process for administering Sermorelin is very similar to that of TRT, but let your hormone therapy physician decide which is best for you.
Any man undergoing hormone therapy should ask his doctor about any risks involved. There could possibly be minor, or major, risks along with side effects. Minor risks may include acne, fluid retention, and an increased need to urinate. Major effects may include breast enlargement, shrinking testicles, sleep difficulties, increases in bad cholesterol levels, a boost in red blood cell counts, and even infertility. Men are advised to proceed with caution.
Unsure about how to go about getting more information on hormone therapy? Local treatment clinics are in no shortage, and provide this specific treatment only. Companies like EHormones MD, which have locations throughout the country is one such clinic that offers custom hormone therapy solutions for both men and women.
Men's Sexual Wellness Treatments
Sexual problems, those that relate to wellness, for men can include erection problems, a loss of interest in sex, premature ejaculation, an inability to enjoy sex with one’s partner, infertility, and past or present issues with sexually transmitted diseases. The truth is that sexual health issues are rather common with men.
The good thing is that most sexual dysfunction problems are treatable. Unfortunately, a number of men feel embarrassed to approach their doctor with concerns. More than a quarter of men with such concerns feel too embarrassed to consult with their doctor.
Doctors can also test for diabetes, neurological diseases, hormonal imbalances, sleep apnea, medication, prescriptions, and even toxic or chemical exposures that may cause sexual dysfunctions.
Vitamins and Amino Acids for Men
Where there is aging, muscle loss occurs. This can increase the risk of injury and even disability. Since aging associates with muscle protein metabolism, a doctor-recommended supplement of amino acids and vitamins can help. Older muscles can still respond to amino acids and the body to vitamins.
For any male adult looking to arrest the aging process, the best advice is to consult with their physician. There are a lot complexities associated with aging, and a lot of reasons a person’s health may appear to be on the decline. The biggest takeaway is that there is no shame in wanting to arrest the aging process. Looking and feeling good can have a positive effect on every aspect of life.
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