unofficial-estonia · 1 year
snickers võiks teha praegu eestipõhise reklaami.
stseen algab, tegevus toimub riigikogus. taustal on kuulda riigikogu vestlust teemal "tallinna linna teed".
zoomitakse sisse kahele tegelasele, kes istuvad kõrvuti. näha on, et tegelane 1 on väga endast väljas. see muutub veelgi ilmsemaks, kui ta käega vastu lauda lööma hakkab.
tegelane 2 ehmub selle peale ja paneb käe tegelase 1 õla peale. "noh, kuule, on sul hästi kõik?" "vihale ajab see kuradi jama. täiesti lõpp." "näe, siin. võta üks snickers. sa pole sina ise, kui nälg kallal"
tegelane 1 hammustab snickersit ja rahuneb kohe maha, vajub oma tooli sisse.
stseeni lõpp
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jeintalu · 4 months
"Me tegelikult puhastasime õhku, see oli nagu äike," ütles Mart Helme.
"Ja mina olen nagu Zeus," jättis Mart Helme mainimata.
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tainas-t-t · 4 months
EKRE on suremas, reblogi et seda kiiremini tappa
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Slams self into ask. Cause while we know canon events between Herta and Silver Wolf. Screwllum and Silver Wolf. So how do you feel how Ratio and Silver Wolf would be like?
HC Questions! @hxkerwxlf
Full confession I was in the middle of writing an answer to an entirely different ask when you dropped this and I got so excited I had to immediately change gears
I think! Ratio does not give a single flying fuck about what Herta thinks of Silver Wolf. However I'm sure he's aware of her little rivalry with Screwllum, and the fact that she's earned his respect. For Ratio, that is a big enough achievement for him to be interested in her. As well-versed in computer science as he may be, he's certainly not on either her nor Screwllum's level, and he's gracious enough (looking at his team-up line on Ruan Mei) to be able to admit when someone's expertise in a field goes far beyond his, and that doesn't bother him! It doesn't bother him that someone so much younger than him would know more than him, since his pursuit is not and has never been all knowledge.
To get back on track, I think Ratio would be curious about her, and in a petty way perhaps even commend her for her achievements against Screwllum (because anyone managing to catch that chromedome off guard is satisfying to him). He's... overall neutral about Silver Wolf herself, though he doesn't look favorably on the rest of the Stellaron Hunters. He's a doctor, after all, and they have killed countless people. That being said, he's aware that one's person is typically independent of their faction, and he'd be willing to engage in a conversation with Silver Wolf -- perhaps even play a game, depending on what it is. Banter between them seems like a likely occurrence. I think there's potential, as tiny as it is, for him to grow fond of her if their interactions turn out positively.
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leeenuu · 2 years
i’ve spent the entire day watching sport that i forgot the election results are coming in soon
and on that note,
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vieraslaji · 1 year
'ovatko amerikkalaiset itsekeskeinen' no katto. emme oo aina mut just nyt kyl mä kuuntelen Tähtilipun maan äänikirjan vaikka tietysti mä opettelin sen kaiken koulussa jo
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hxkerwxlf · 1 year
I can't wait for Fu Xuan and Lynx
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riteburdened · 1 year
You can bet your bottom dollar that the Outrider is gonna spoil Hu on the day of her birth. She deserves it! Bringing the finest foods of Mondstadt all the way over!"Happy Birthday Hu!"
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Such an impressive bounty! The Outrider has indeed outdone herself, and it shows in Hu Tao's beaming smile just how deeply they appreciate the kind gift.
"It smells wonderful!" she exclaims, delighted, starting off with a sip of the pleasantly coloured berry & mint burst drink before deciding which of the meals to try first. As it is lunch time they settle on the ratatouille, figuring it to be both filling but not too heavy. "Please, sit! You must share it with me, and allow me to make you some tea!" With a click of their fingers the nearby trusty kettle begins to heat up - a special self-taught pyro trick formulated recently - and they set about fetching an extra cup and bowl in the meantime to share with Amber.
"Eating with dear friends is one of life's finest pleasures, don't you think?"
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risingsol · 1 year
Fandom related question!!!!!!!
What makes you hype for something up coming in your fandom? Or is it just all of it? : D
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fandom related questions EKR'S FREE FOR ALL / accepting
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Definitely would be related to characters that I like and also just the content that we're getting too. Conflict is just very tasty in the storyline but also it's gotta be done in a way that like makes sense and fits into the grand scheme of things. Plus tbh, just seeing the rest of the fandom get hyped or coming up with predictions or connecting what's currently out- it's the good shit.
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jeintalu · 11 months
Vaatasin "Meediakriitika" saadet, mis reklaamis ennast saatena Hamasi rünnaku kohta Iisraelis.
Kahjuks on Iisraeli sõja sündmustest juttu alles selle pika saate lõpuosas.
Selle jutu vaatamise jätsin pooleli kohal, kus väideti, et Euroopas toimuvad meeleavaldused Hamasi toetuseks.
See on Iisraeli praeguse juhtkonna propaganda, et:
1) Meeleavaldused Iisraeli poolt Gaza sektoris sooritatavate sõjakuritegude ja genotsiidi vastu on meeleavaldused Palestiina toetuseks. 2) Meelavaldused Palestiina toetuseks on meeleavaldused terroriorganisatsioon Hamas toetuseks.
Selles saates oli veel hulk faktivigu ja alatut demagoogiat.
Muide, sellest, et Hamas on terroriorganisatsioon, ei järeldu kuidagi, et Hamas ei ole vabastusliikumine või vastupanuliikumine.
On täiesti võimalik ja ka tegelik, et mõned vastupanuliikumised või vabastusliikumised kasutavad lubamatuid terroristlikke meetodeid.
Pärast seda, kui EKRE liikmed on "Meediakriitika" saates sellist poliitilist propagandat ja demagoogiat teinud, ignoreerides Iisraeli poolt silmnähtavalt praegu sooritatavaid ränki sõjakuritegusid, ei taha ma ei saatest "Meediakriitika" ega EKRE-st enam mitte midagi kuulda.
Saage minust õigesti aru.
Ma ei ole nõus EKRE liikmetega pärast sellist propagandat enam isegi koos ühes ruumis viibima.
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arctuuz · 26 days
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kun puhuu ihmisille kun on ollu hiljaa 300 eKr asti
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everlastiingiimmortals · 10 months
What if I shoutout the mun of this blog for being a quality nerd? HAAAAAA gottem
Shoutouts!! Accepting! | @hxkerwxlf
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
As someone new-ish (mid June) to Polin / LN and having tried to read up on everything L/N related since then, esp. all the proposed timelines, I’m tbh still getting confused about timelines and (for me new) info that gets shared in the comments that sometimes seem to contradict timelines/speculation I found myself agreeing with before so I’m helping someone can just clarifying some things timewise for me.
In your timeline, you mentioned believing N was dating someone (I assume E) until March/April 2023.
N & L were in Australia in April and after coming across too comfy/intimate, their teams put out a people’s magazine article about them only being friends and supportive co-stars and not dating, and N reiterating that by calling L friend and dude when she posted about their Austrialia stop (if I read some comments correctly?)
Then on May 5 (as per a comment) N shared the song Kaleidoscope …which I have only today read the lyrics for and oof…esp. the first part hits hard. Depending on perspective (delulu or not) this could apply to E (if we assume it was him she prob. dated) or L.
The part ‘And if you change your mind, I will understand, And it'll just take time, To go back to being friends’ made me think of E turning up again now promo is over and hanging out with N & her friends & JD as mentioned on this blog. Like they broke up, he went off to film Witcher, N continue on her Polin Press Tour and now they are back in each others orbit (as friends?)
Also if it was for E, the ‘just co-stars’ people article could have been not just to the audience but also to try and pacify E (& A)?
Though I think I remember reading you mentioning in one of your answers you thought all her song choices during the tour were about L. How would you interpret that song fitting into your timeline of things? Admittedly that line in the song about ‘crossing lines’ made me think about L. But then again that song would make it seem like L rejected her and chose A over her which a. doesn’t seem believable b. really doesn’t sit well with me.
And wasn’t it around the same time the ‘inStyle stunt’ happened in which L was an active participant (so it wasn’t just A)? Like he felt the article wasn’t enough and he wanted to hint at A being his companion (albeit having to stay in the bathroom)
Then to make things even more confusing it was mentioned that L and his team - after the inStyle thing - put out articles about him being single (not just not dating N) …which still makes no sense to me tbh.
Then Italy happened with the inital tension btwn L/N (including a clip you posted trying to lipread what they were saying, where I also read as her saying I fucking hate this & him responding [shut up] and smile. Followed by them looking all cozy again.
Then A turned up at the NY premiere with his sister/mom - which plus him taking her to the London premiere as well - kind of contradicts one of my previous thoughts (in trying to make sense of it all) that L was asked to hide or at least not publicize A during the press tour to sell Polin (bc they were worried with all of the hate Polin/NL apparently were getting since they were announced …which, I digress, I am really glad to have missed bc WTF). If that was the case, I don’t see Shondaland/Netflix wanting her to be at the premiere?
Then there was EKR chaos dinner and some DM article about L having kissed someone. I read before about EKR stepping in immediately and saying it didn’t happen, but I only just now read that he mentioned L having a GF and to take that down (again partly to pacify A like after Australia?). EKR knew about A and L having a GF (maybe L talked about her at the dinner seeing how she wants to be an influencer etc) and basically outed L as having a GF, all while his team had put out articles about him being single.
And then the games continue ending with the London pap walk and DM/Backgrid/People’s mag articles showcasing A and trying to sell her as his ‘rumored’ GF. (Which all don’t mention her age, while DM likes to post about N possibly dating a younger man.) Articles, even if they are from A’s team, L or his publicist (if he currently) has one, is not contesting or denying.
Meanwhile the SM games from L’s friends/A/S continue and make it seem like they are all trying to help A get a job/more exposure/ recognition. This latest trip seemed to be both to celebrate R’s bday and relax all together plus get some pics/hints of A/L and articles to get A’s name out there again…Still looking really awkward in those pap pics…’Passionate embrace’ indeed 🤦‍♀️ but from other pics I saw (involuntarily as they were posted on my twitter tl) he looked relaxed and happy celebrating R’s bday with A around. The group also - besides the first days of pap pics and exposure - seemed to spend their time on a boat privately together which I would imagine being very awkward if things were not alright/unraveling btwn them. I also don’t for a minute think he’s not aware of what A and his friends post and I do think he’s ok with it as long as they keep certain boundaries as mentioned by others in the comments.
Again two perspectives - the unraveling one, helping her get what she wants so L can untangle himself from her slowly, which I would prefer, or the other one, after her having to play stuck in the bathroom all year, him trying to be a caring BF, feeling he should make it up to her (also for still not wanting to officially claim her bc he probably knows it would create another shitshow for her and him, which would help neither of them careerwise) making it a priority to help her out with her career while waiting for fandom to get over pap walk and them being together (while still hopefully for his sake also trying to work on his career and not just hers).
Is that order of events correct or did I confuse/miss something?
Does it all still fit within your timeline and thoughts that the unraveling might be starting/coming sometime soon?
And do you think that N - if she was/is hurt or annoyed by L/the whole narrative since the London premiere, whether it is professionally and as close work friend or as more or if she herself is dating someone - will try to keep a distance from L (both on set as well as on her SM even during filming and promo) to not instigate more L/N talk (esp. if L keeps A around) and focus more on posting this season leads plus Claudia when back on set?
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hxkerwxlf · 7 months
So today, I did Chapter 10 of HI3...
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A h.
F u n
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jueying · 2 months
ekr really doing the lords work with those livestream codes all the time
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ihadafriendonce · 20 days
pretty sure not many of my followers are interested in Estonian politics but lmaoooooo oh no, who could've foreseen that the auth-right weirdos wouldn't want a young woman leading their youth org (google translate does an ok, but not perfect job with translating the article)
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