#EL's birthday is EL so that is nothing
If you are trying for a virgin Mary to birth by Christmas you better let God's spirit dump a load of cum in you soon.
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ashfdhfgdsfk · 1 year
might remake to a new account entirely and change the name i go by
#depresso rant incoming skipp all this if you dont wanna hear it#txt#el/ena might have to become a deadname for lack of a better word sjdhfg#putting the slash because im beyond paranoid now#nothing on this earth is sacred i feel like ive lost the only safe space i had left#would you guys call me some silly name if i asked :-( fuck#shit im so hurt this is the worst#trying to be positive so im not just a huge drag but im so isolated in my real life and as stupid as it sounds#tumblr was becoming a little home id carved out for myself#and i feel like im never going to feel safe here again#but in order to tell you guys about a new blog url ill have to post about it which means they might see it too and uagshfg#and god it doesnt even matter bc my arts out there anyway and a few random 10k+ note posts so theres a chance theyll find me no matter what#and shit i loved so many of my old urls but i cant ever reuse them and i feel like im seriously losing my fucking mind trying to hide#like tumblr and having you guys was the only thing keeping me going through all this shit and it feels like ive lost all of that comfort#this is gonna be the worst fucking birthday ever dude just for that extra cherry on top like i seriously have nothing going for me rn SJDHG#denver and a few lovely mutuals to keep me kicking but oughgf#i feel sick#feel like i need to shower and scrub my soul raw to get this vile ass feeling out#god im sorry to be negative i rlly am i try to keep things cheery round here but im styeadily reaching my limit#and i want to reblog stuff to comfort myself but i dont want to reblog anything in case theyre watching and fuck im so dfjsfgjksfjkgsfkdgh#i could really go for a hug right about now s'all
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a-lexia11 · 1 month
Jealousy,Pink hair,More Jealousy (Meet in Barcelona part 3)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Warning: very angsty and fluffy
Word counts: around 11k
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 4 , Part 5
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The following day at work, Alba was relentless in her attempts to pry information out of me about what happened between me and her sister. It all started because I accidentally let it slip that I had spent the night at Alexia's place.
Even though I kept insisting that nothing significant happened, Alba wouldn't let it go.
She kept teasing me with playful remarks and insinuations, making it nearly impossible for me to focus on my tasks.
I tried multiple times to divert the conversation to other topics, but Alba was determined, and her persistence made it a challenging day at work.
At the end of the day, as we were making our way to our cars in the parking lot, I received a text from Alexia asking how my day had been.
Alba, being the nosy person she is, glanced over at my phone to see who had texted me.
As soon as she saw it was her sister, she quickly snatched the phone from my hand. “Alba!” I shouted, feeling a mix of frustration and surprise.
She didn't waste a second; she sprinted towards her car with a mischievous grin, got inside, and immediately locked the doors.
I could see her laughing through the window as she held my phone hostage, leaving me standing there, both annoyed and amused by her antics.
“Alba!” I screamed, hitting the window of her car in frustration. “Alba! Puta, dame mi teléfono.” (Alba! You bitch, give me my phone!)
She just gave me the finger and stuck her tongue out, clearly enjoying her little victory.
From my perspective outside the car, I couldn’t see exactly what she was doing, but it seemed like she was scrolling through my text messages.
Alexia and I had been texting non-stop since I left her house on Sunday.
Our conversations were always filled with endless texts and phone calls, talking about everything and anything under the sun.
Alba finally unlocked her car, and I wasted no time in opening the door, hitting her on the head, and snatching my phone back with a swift motion.
She looked at me with a mocking smile.
“Has estado enviando muchos mensajes de texto” (You’ve been texting a lot) she said sarcastically.
“¡No me envías tantos mensajes a mí!” (You don’t text me that much!) she continued, pretending to be offended.
“Sí, porque eres una tonta” (Yes, because you’re a bitch) I retorted, glaring at her.
She just laughed at me, clearly enjoying the situation.
“Por cierto, ¿espero que no hayas olvidado que el cumpleaños de Bianca es mañana?” (By the way, I hope you didn't forget that Bianca's birthday is tomorrow?) she reminded me completely changing conversation.
“¡Oh, es verdad! Totalmente lo olvidé. No estoy seguro de si podré ir; tenemos mucho trabajo que terminar antes de las vacaciones de verano.” (Oh yes! That's right, I completely forgot. I'm not sure if I can make it; we have a lot of work to finish before summer vacation) I explained,feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thoughts of all the tasks ahead.
“¡Vamos, por favor! Nos vamos a divertir, y Alexia también estará allí.” (Oh, come on, please! We're going to have fun, and Alexia will be there to) she said, wriggling her eyebrows playfully.
I didn’t realize Alexia would be there. Even though I saw her just yesterday morning, I miss her and would love to see her again.
I pretended to mull it over, furrowing my brow and glancing into the distance, so she wouldn’t guess that my real reason for going is to see Alexia.
I tried to sound hesitant, saying, “Bueno, tal vez pueda hacer un esfuerzo“ (Well, maybe I can make an effort) while inside, I was already looking forward to the chance to see Alexia again.
With a joyful cheer, Alba clapped her hands and planted a warm kiss on my cheek. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she exclaimed, “¡Vamos a divertirnos mucho juntos! ¡Te lo prometo, va a ser increíble!” (We're going to have so much fun together! I promise you, it's going to be amazing!)
“¡Estoy segura de que nos divertiremos mucho, pero tengo que irme ahora; tengo mucho trabajo que hacer y tú también!” (I’m sure we will have tons of fun but I have to go now; I have a lot of work to do and you do too! ) I told her kissing her cheeks goodbye and reminding her of her work.
“Adios nena! Hasta mañana” (Bye, babe, see you tomorrow) she said as she buckled her seatbelt with a slight smile. “Adios,Albita” (Goodbye, Albita) I replied, turning to walk away with a casual wave.
Suddenly, I heard her shout, “No me llames así,Puta” (Don't call me that!Bitch) Her voice was filled with a mix of frustration and playfulness.
Without turning around, I simply raised my hand and gave her the middle finger, a mischievous grin spreading across my face.
That evening, after enjoying a delicious dinner and meticulously cleaning up my apartment, I settled comfortably on my couch to correct some of the kids' assignments.
Just as I was getting into the rhythm of my work, my phone buzzed with an incoming FaceTime call from Alexia.
I picked up the phone, and Alexia's familiar face appeared on my screen, her smile instantly lifting my spirits. “Hola guapa,” she greeted warmly, her voice filled with affection. “Hola Ale,” I responded, feeling a sense of comfort.
“¿Qué estás haciendo?” (What are you doing?) she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she looked at me through the screen. “Estoy corrigiendo algunos trabajos de los niños, ¿y tú?” (I’m correcting some of the kids’ work and you) I replied, eager to hear about her day and share a bit of mine.
She turned the camera around to show me she was watching a football match. The crowd was roaring in the background. She then turned the camera back to her face and smiled mischievously at me.
“You know you can watch something other than football,” I informed her with a smile. “No, gracias” she replied firmly, and I rolled my eyes at her, amused by her stubbornness.
“Alba said that you’re coming to the restaurant for Bianca’s birthday tomorrow” she said with a hint of excitement in her voice. “Yes, I am” I replied, glancing up from the papers I was correcting.
“I was wondering if you’d like to go together. I can pick you up at your apartment around 8, and we can go together” she asked, her tone hopeful. “Yes, I’d love that” I responded, smiling at her.
After that, I asked her how she was feeling about the upcoming Champions League final. I knew that last year's final did not go well, and Alexia was devastated by that loss.
She had been so hopeful, and the defeat really took a toll on her. However, this year seemed different. She was pretty confident, having seen the team’s progress and improvements.
Yet, I could still sense a bit of nervousness in her voice, a lingering anxiety about what might happen.
“I really hope you guys win just because I want to see you with pink hair” I told her, and she laughed.
We spent hours on the phone, discussing everything and anything until it was time to sleep. I nestled into bed, wrapping myself in the duvet, mirroring Alexia's movements.
“Buenas noches, guapa. Hasta mañana” (good night, beautiful.See you tomorrow) she softly uttered, sending virtual kisses through the phone.
“Good night, Alexia” I reciprocated. Her smile lingered in my mind as the call ended, and I peacefully drifted off to sleep shortly after.
The next day, after wrapping up another busy day at work, I found myself back at my apartment, preparing for Bianca’s birthday celebration at a cozy restaurant.
Alexia texted me, saying she’d arrive in five minutes, so I took the opportunity to perfect my makeup just a bit more.
When I received the text that Alexia had arrived, I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out of my apartment. As soon as I stepped into the parking lot, I immediately spotted Alexia’s car.
She hadn’t noticed me yet, still deeply engrossed in her phone, so I decided it would be the perfect moment to give her a little scare.
Silently, I made my way around the car, moving as quietly as possible until I reached her window. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, I started knocking on it frantically.
Alexia looked up at me with wide eyes, as if she had just seen a ghost. She jumped in her seat, her phone nearly slipping from her grasp, and clutched her hand over her heart in shock.
Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream, and for a moment, she was completely frozen, staring at me in utter disbelief.
I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at her reaction. Still chuckling, I walked around the car, opened the passenger door, and slid into the seat beside her, my laughter echoing in the confined space of the car.
“Eres tontissima,”(you’re so stupid) she said, still looking at me horrified and slapping my thigh.
“Hi, Ale,” I told her, still laughing a little and leaning over the console to kiss her cheek. I felt her warm skin against my lips and the familiar scent of her perfume filled the air.
She smiled a bit at me, her eyes still shining with a mix of surprise and amusement, and greeted me back. With a fluid motion, she started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, her hands steady on the wheel.
While she was focusing on the road, I couldn’t help but admire her. She looked so beautiful under the soft evening light streaming through the windows.
She was wearing a simple white crop top that accentuated her figure and a pink and orange skirt.
Her hoop earrings sparkled with every ray of sunlight that touched them, adding a touch of elegance to her simple yet incredibly attractive look.
When we arrived at the restaurant, Alexia and I exited the car.
I waited as she retrieved her purse from the backseat, then she walked over and put an arm around my shoulder. “Vamos” (Let's go) she said, guiding me to the entrance.
We spotted our friends at the table and went over to greet them one by one. I knew everyone except one person. Alba introduced him to me; his name was Marcus, and he was also American.
Alexia and I took seats across from each other, and I ended up next to Marcus. He was very friendly and chatty, telling me how glad he was to finally talk with another American.
For most of the dinner, I ended up conversing with Marcus. Being at the end of the table and with him next to me, I didn't have much of a choice, especially since he was talking... A LOT.
I didn't mind because he was very sweet and funny.
When I glanced over at Alexia, she seemed unhappy, frowning and staring at her plate.
I gently nudged her leg to get her attention. When she looked up, I smiled at her, trying to lift her spirits, but she just looked away.
What’s wrong with her?
I decided to leave her alone, thinking she might be socially exhausted.
After we finished the cake, Alexia excused herself to go to the bathroom. A few minutes later, I excused myself and followed her.
The bathroom was empty, and Alexia was at the sink, washing her hands. I approached her.
“Alexia, estás bien” (Alexia, are you okay?) I asked, trying to place my hand on her shoulder but she stepped back to grab some paper and dry her hands.
“Estoy bien” (I'm fine) she murmured without looking at me. “Are you mad at me? Did I do something?” I insisted.
“No, te dije que estoy bien” (No, I told you I'm fine) she said, about to leave the bathroom, but I blocked her path and stood in front of her, putting my hand on her chest to stop her.
“Tell me what's going on” I insisted once more. “Oh Dios mío, no pasa nada, puedes volver a hablar con él.” (Oh my God, nothing's wrong, you can go talk to him again) she said, looking at me with anger.
I looked at her confused. “Marcus?” I asked. “Sí, vuelve con él” (Yes, go back to him) she replied.
I looked at her for a few seconds before realizing. “Estás celosa” (You're jealous) I pointed out. “No, no lo estoy” (No, I'm not) she replied scoffing.
“Yes, you're jealous, you have no right to be jealous, Alexia.You told me you didn't want me” I reminded her.
“Nunca dije que no te quería, dije que no quería una relación.” (I never said I didn't want you, I said I didn't want a relationship) she corrected.
“It's the same thing, Alexia” I replied, staring at her. “No, no lo es, I want you” (no it’s not) she murmured, looking into my eyes.
“Look, Alexia, we're not together, so you have no right to be angry and jealous over someone else” I explained.
“Lo se” (I know) she murmured softly and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her.
“I want to be with you, but I can't because-”
I interrupted her before she could finish.
“Yes, I know, because of your job, but it's a shit excuse, Alexia. If you really want to be with someone, you wouldn't let anything come between you and that person” I told her. “And I understand you want to focus on your career, but who said you can't have both, a career and someone to love?” I continued.
She didn't say anything ,she just stared at me and then after a few minutes slowly leaned down towards me, her face getting closer to mine.
I didn't move closer, even though I wanted to, I wanted her to do the first move.
She gently brushed her nose against mine, and I closed my eyes.
But just as she was about to kiss me, an elderly lady entered the bathroom, and we quickly moved away from each other.
Thanks a lot grandma…
“Let's go back with the others” she said, taking my hand before kissing me on the forehead and leading me back to our friends.
Returning to our table, Alba gave me a strange look, and I just shrugged at her.
For the rest of the night, Alexia and I didn't talk, and I did everything I could to avoid making eye contact with her.
At the end of the evening, everyone exchanged farewells. While hugging Alba, she sensed something was off and asked me about it. I promised to explain later.
Alexia and I got back into her car, and the drive home was filled with silence. When we pulled into my apartment's parking lot, I unbuckled my seatbelt and mumbled a thank you and good night. Just as I was about to leave, she grabbed my arm.
“Espera”(wait) she said. I turned to face her as she shifted in her seat, letting go of my arm.
“Lo siento” (sorry) she began. “No debería haber actuado como lo hice en el restaurante.” Tenías razón; estaba celosa.(I shouldn't have acted the way I did at the restaurant. You were right; I was jealous) she confessed, taking my hand and fiddling with my fingers without looking at me.
“I'm sorry too” I replied. “I shouldn't have told you how to live your life. You have every right to not want a relationship right now” I added, intertwining our fingers.
“No estoy segura de lo que quiero en este momento, pero una cosa que sí sé es que te quiero a ti” (I'm not sure what I want right now, but one thing that I do know is that I want you) she said softly.
“Te quiero tanto, tengo todos esos sentimientos por ti, pero no lo sé, supongo que solo necesito tiempo para entenderlo.” (I want you so much,I have all those feelings for you but I don’t know, I just need time to figure it out I guess) she continued looking at me straight in the eyes.
“I want you too,Alexia and it's okay, take your time. We can go slow if that's what you need” I suggested.
“I can't ask you to wait for me” she said, placing her other hand on my cheek and gently stroking it.
I leaned into her touch. “You're not asking. I want to” I assured her, kissing her palm.
She smiled gently and leaned in, kissing me on the cheek, close to my lips.
She pulled back, and I smiled, giving her an eskimo kiss, which made her laugh.
We said our goodbyes with kisses on each other's cheeks and a long, warm hug.
Later, as I lay in bed, I received a text from her.
La Reina 👸: buenas noches, nena.Dulces sueños. I promise you that I will try and figure out what I want as soon as possible.(goodnight. Sweet dreams)
I smiled at her message, sent her some heart emojis, and wished her sweet dreams too.
The week flew by, as usual, I went to work. I shared with Alba what happened with her sister and how we agreed to take things slowly. She was thrilled and kept teasing me about it.
I also informed my friends and parents about it since I tell them literally everything. My mom was ecstatic, constantly asking about Alexia, while my dad mentioned watching some of her matches.
Alexia and I grew closer too. Despite the challenge of not seeing each other much during the week, we managed to spend quality time together. When apart, we would text or video call each other.
Alexia has become incredibly affectionate with me lately. She's always finding ways to touch me, whether it's a gentle hand on my arm or a playful nudge. She kisses my cheeks and forehead with such tenderness, and her hugs are warm and comforting. We spend a lot of time cuddling, and every moment feels special.
Honestly, I’m not complaining at all—I absolutely adore the attention and affection she showers on me.
Moreover, with Alexia, Alba, and some of our friends, we planned an exciting trip to Bali during the summer vacation. It's going to be an incredible getaway just before Alexia flies to Australia for the World Cup. We’ve been looking forward to exploring Bali’s beautiful beaches, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine. I can’t wait for it – the relaxation, the adventures, and the quality time with friends. Vacation finally!
Currently, I was at Alexia's apartment preparing dinner while she was in the shower.
As I was stirring the sauce for the pasta, I felt two arms wrapping around my waist and a muscular front pressing against my back.
“Eso huele muy bien, nena” (That smells so good) Alexia whispered into my ear, kissing it softly.
I leaned back into her and kissed her cheek. “It’s almost ready, can you set the table?” I asked her.
She just nodded, placing another kiss on my cheek before letting go and setting the table.
“So the Champions League final is Saturday,” Alexia started as we were eating. “Yeah, I know,” I said, looking up at her.
“And it’s in the Netherlands,” she continued. “Yeah, I know that too,” I smiled amusingly at her.
“I want you to come to the final” she said, looking a little nervous. “Alba, mami, and my uncle are coming, and I want you to come too,” she continued.
“Really? Are you sure?” I asked her, surprised at her request. “Yes! You can be like my good luck charm,” she said, placing her hand on my thigh and caressing it.
“Good luck charm, huh? I mean, the last time I came to one of your matches, you lost,” I told her jokingly.
She laughed softly and slapped my thigh. “Please, come. I want you there” she practically pleaded.
“Sure, I’ll be there, Ale” I informed her, and she smiled at me and kissed my cheek.
On Tuesday night, I found myself bidding farewell to Alexia with a warm embrace as she was departing for the Netherlands on Wednesday, and I won't see her for 4 days, which, although not a long time for some, feels quite lengthy to me.
I departed from Spain on Friday night, after school ended, with Alba.Her mom and uncle had left already left on Thursday.
Upon landing at the airport, we took a taxi to our hotel. With no immediate plans until that evening, we decided to join Alexia's mom and uncle in exploring the city.
Naturally, I kept Alexia informed about our activities, and she updated me on her well-being and the team's activities.
After an afternoon of sightseeing and shopping, we returned to the hotel to freshen up. Sporting Alexia's shirt, we headed to the stadium.
The stadium wasn't very crowded yet, so we found our seats near the field and waited.
Eventually, the girls came out to inspect the field. I noticed Alexia; she was dressed in the Barca tracksuit and had her headphones on.
Eli called out her daughter’s name to catch her attention. Alexia turned around when she heard her mother’s voice and came over.
She gave each of us a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She talked with us for a bit, and it was clear she was getting more nervous as time went on.
“Can I talk to you?” she whispered in my ear.
“Yes, of course” I responded.
We excused ourselves from her family and found a little private space where there weren't many people. Immediately, Alexia pulled me into a tight hug.
“Te extra��é mucho” (I missed you so much) she said, burying her head in my neck.
“I missed you too, Ale. I'm so happy to see you” I mumbled, rubbing her back. “How do you feel?” I continued.
She pulled away slightly and she grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers. “Un poco nerviosa” (A little nervous) she admitted, her voice trembling slightly.
I moved closer to her. “It's okay, Ale. I'm sure you're going to be amazing” I reassured her.
She smiled gently at me and kissed my forehead. “I'm so happy that you came” she murmured against my skin.
I looked up at her and smiled, then kissed her cheek repeatedly making her giggled. “Some good luck kisses for you” I informed her.
“Muchas gracias, con todos esos besos no hay manera de que pierda.” (Thank you very much, with all those kisses there’s no way I’m losing) she said playfully.
Our moment was interrupted by Irene Paredes calling Alexia over, signaling that it was time for her and the team to get ready for warm-up.
“Te veré después del partido, cariño.” (I'll see you after the match) she said, placing one last lingering kiss on my forehead before accompanying me back to her family.
She said goodbye and hugged them warmly.
Once Alexia left, Alba looked at me teasingly. “Alexia está enamorada de Y/N.” (Alexia is in love with Y/N) she sang repeatedly, her voice dripping with playful mischief.
“A veces me pregunto por qué somos amigas; eres tan molesto.” (Sometimes I wonder why we're friends; you are so annoying) I said, pushing her away gently, though a small smile played on my lips.
Alba's teasing was relentless, but it was part of her charm.
Eli, ever the voice of reason, smiled gently at me and then turned to Alba. “Deja en paz a esa pobre chica, Alba, y metete de tus asuntos.” (Leave that poor girl alone, Alba, and mind your business) she said sternly, her tone leaving no room for argument. Eli's protective nature always made me feel supported.
“Lo siento,mami” (Sorry, mami) Alba said, looking dejected. I couldn't help but smirk a little at her.
“¡Gracias, Eli! Sabes que definitivamente eres mi Putellas favorita.” (Thank you, Eli. You know you're definitely my favorite Putellas) I told her, smiling warmly.
She returned the smile, her eyes twinkling with kindness. Eli had a way of making everyone feel special.
Alba just scoffed at that, rolling her eyes dramatically. I moved closer to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and kissing her cheek softly.
“No te preocupes, Alba, siempre serás mi tonta favorita.” (Don't worry, Alba, you will always be my favorite idiot) I teased, trying to lighten the mood.
Alba's playful nature was something I cherished, even if she drove me crazy sometimes.
Alba rolled her eyes again and took out her phone, scrolling through it with a huff.
“Eres imposible” (You're impossible) she muttered, but I could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Despite our constant banter, the bond between us was unbreakable.
When the match time arrived, the stadium was full and everyone was waiting for the teams to come out of the tunnel.
Alexia was starting on the bench and she looked focused and determined; this game was very important to her. I really hoped everything would go well.
Unfortunately, things didn’t go well. Wolfsburg was leading 2-0 by the end of the first half...
As the team headed back to the changing room for half-time, I’ve never felt so nervous for a match before.
The second half began, and finally, a goal! The excitement was palpable, and they had a chance to catch up.
Shortly after, another goal! Alba and I erupted into screams, jumping and hugging each other.
Roughly 20 minutes later, Barca scored yet another goal, sending everyone into a wild celebration.
After their heartbreaking loss last year, Barca now had a real shot at winning the Champions League a second time!
Towards the end of the match, Alexia came onto the field, greeted by roaring cheers. Alba and I screamed so loudly that I almost felt like I might throw up.
The final whistle blew, and cheers filled the air. Eli pulled Alba and me into a hug as we watched the Barca players rush onto the field, celebrating together.
After the celebrations and the trophy lift, the players joyfully made their way over to their families and friends, their faces glowing with triumph and excitement.
I spotted Alexia weaving through the crowd, her smile as radiant as ever. She first embraced her mom, holding her tightly as they shared a moment of pride. Next, she turned to Alba, giving her a warm and affectionate hug, followed by a heartfelt embrace with her uncle. Finally, she reached me.
As Alexia wrapped her arms around me, one hand resting gently behind my head and the other securely on my back, I leaned in and whispered, “Congratulations.”
She responded with a tender kiss on my cheek and softly said, “Gracias cariño” before stepping back, her eyes twinkling with happiness.
We spent a few more minutes chatting, sharing in the joy of the victory, before Alexia and the other players needed to head back to the changing room to freshen up and prepare for the evening's festivities.
Later that night, the entire team, along with some close friends and family members, gathered at a charming restaurant to celebrate their hard-earned victory.
The atmosphere was filled with laughter and cheer as everyone reminisced about the match. That night, I had the pleasure of meeting all of Alexia’s teammates, each one as kind and welcoming as she had described.
The following day in Barcelona, I found myself relaxing on my couch, casually swiping through Instagram. Alexia and her team decided to hit the clubs to revel in their triumph.
Although Alexia extended an invitation for me to join them, I politely declined, mindful of my upcoming work commitments on Monday and wanting to avoid any potential hangover or exhaustion.
While scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon various pictures and clips of the Barca team enjoying themselves at the club.
Among the pictures and videos, I noticed several featuring Alexia alongside a tall brunette and they seemed very close.
In one particular photo, Alexia had her arm wrapped around the brunette's waist, sharing a whispered moment, while the brunette reciprocated with a hand on Alexia's arm, sporting a broad smile.
A twinge of jealousy pricked at me. Despite knowing we aren't in a defined relationship, seeing Alexia in that intimate moment stirred emotions akin to what she might have felt when observing me with Marcus. It was a painful realization.
I tried not to rush to conclusions, acknowledging that the brunette could simply be a friend. Yet, my mind couldn't help but wander down paths of uncertainty.
My time with Alexia is cherished. She provides a sense of security, exudes humor, kindness, and perfection in my eyes. However, as I ponder our ambiguous dynamic, doubts begin to cloud my thoughts.
I know I said I'd wait, but I didn't realize just how difficult it would be. Seeing her with other girls hurts me more than I expected.
Maybe she doesn't want a relationship and just wants to have some fun? Everything is so confusing right now. I find myself questioning everything and wondering if I've been reading too much into our interactions.
Before I could spiral into overthinking, I decided to lock my phone and try to get some sleep. I knew I needed to clear my mind and give myself a break from all these swirling emotions.
The next morning, I woke up to a message from Alexia wishing me good night at 5 in the morning... so she must have partied hard all night long.
I went on with my day, did my morning routine, had breakfast, and went out to run some errands. Throughout the day, I received numerous texts from Alexia, and at one point, she even called me.
I decided not to respond to any of them , though. I felt a mix of emotions—anger, sadness, and confusion. I didn't want to say something I might regret later, so I thought it best to keep my distance for now.
I needed time to process everything and figure out how I truly felt.
I know I have no right to act the way I am right now because, for all I know, that girl could just be a friend or something, and Alexia and I aren't even together, so yeah... But the uncertainty and the hurt were too much for me to handle at the moment.
Later, like most Sunday, Alba came over to my apartment for coffee. She's always been a good listener and gives great advice. That's why I decided to ask her about the girl Alexia has been pictured with. I needed a friend's perspective to help me make sense of everything.
“¿Viste algunas de las fotos de las chicas en el club anoche?” (Hey, did you see some of the photos of the girls at the club last night?) I asked Alba, who was scrolling through her phone.
“Sí, parecían estar pasándola muy bien. ¡Qué noche tan loca debe haber sido!” (Yeah, they looked like they were having fun. What a crazy night that must have been) she commented with a smile.
“¿Sabes quién es la chica alta y morena que estaba con ellas?” (Do you know who the tall brunette with them is?) I inquired.
“¿Cuál morena?” (Which brunette?) she asked, confused.
I took my phone and showed her one of the many photos where this girl appeared. Alba looked closer and her eyes widened and she took my phone out of my hand to take a closer look.
“Que?” (What?) I asked. “¿La conoces?” (Do you know her?) I added curiously.
“Sí, la conozco. No sabía que había vuelto.” (Yeah, I know her. I didn't know she was back) she commented. “¿Por qué estaba ella allí con ellos? ¿Alexia la invitó?” (Why was she there with them? Did Alexia invite her?) she asked, intrigued.
“No lo sé, pero Alexia la conoce?” (I don't know, but Alexia knows her?) I said impatient. Alba seemed hesitant to tell me something, and I frowned, urging her to speak.
“Sí, esa es Marina, su exnovia.” (Yes, that's Marina, her ex-girlfriend) she murmured. My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh," I simply said.
I felt nauseous. That's her ex-girlfriend. Her ex-girlfriend was partying with her and was really close to her. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to hold back my tears.
I asked Alba more questions, and the more I learned, the more my heart broke.
So, she was Alexia's ex-girlfriend, and they were together for almost 8 years! They started dating when they were 18 years old.
They broke up because Marina was moving to South America. That's the reason for their breakup, not because they didn't love each other anymore or had relationship problems, but because she was moving away.
And now that she's apparently back, will Alexia go back to her?
Alba gave me a sorrowful look with a gentle smile, and I quickly averted my gaze and changed the topic. If we kept talking about it, I would definitely start crying.
Over the next few days, I continued to avoid Alexia and her messages, either not replying or responding very briefly. Until I could no longer ignore her.
One evening, while I was making dinner, I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it, and there was Alexia, holding Nala in her arms.
“Hola” she greeted me with a sad smile. "Uh... hi," I responded, surprised to see her here.
“Can I come in?” she asked. Instead of answering, I just opened the door wider to let her in.
She walked in and set Nala down, and the little dog wandered off to the living room. I headed back to the kitchen. “Do you want something to drink? Or maybe you're hungry? I just finished dinner” I offered.
“No, thank you” she replied. “Podemos hablar?” (Can we talk?) she continued. I sighed, not really in the mood to have a conversation with her right now, but I nodded anyway.
She took a seat on the couch, and I sat next to her, leaving a noticeable gap between us.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked softly but directly. I looked at her. “No, I'm not” I answered. “Entonces, ¿por qué me estás evitando?” (Then why are you avoiding me) she asked more firmly.
“I'm not avoiding you” I lied. I didn't want to bring up the team party and how she probably spent the whole night with her ex-girlfriend.
"Yes, you are. No respondes a mis mensajes o llamadas, ya no vienes a mi apartamento. (You don't reply to my messages or calls, you don't come to my apartment anymore...) she trailed off, then moved closer and took my hand in hers. “Te extraño” (I miss you) she said softly.
I felt really guilty. This wasn't fair to her. I've been ignoring her out of jealousy. Probably nothing happened between her and her ex, and here I am hurting her without telling her why.
I moved closer to her. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm just really tired, and work is also overwhelming. It's almost summer break, and we need to finish the entire school program before the holidays” I partially lied, I was indeed a little bit stressed about the entire school program thing.
I didn't want to bring up the ex-girlfriend issue. I trust her. I know Alexia; if she wanted to talk to me about it, she would have. So I won't bring up Marina. I'll let Alexia talk about her first if she feels she needs to.
Alexia wrapped her arm around my waist and gently rested her forehead against mine, whispering softly, “It’s okay, cariño. I know it can be stressful, but you can do it and think about the summer vacation! Two months without work or children and also we are going to Bali!”
I smiled gently, kissed the tip of her nose, and nuzzled my nose against hers. “I can’t wait for it” I replied. She pulled me into a warm hug, and I buried my face in her neck as she soothingly rubbed my back.
“Hey! You won the Champions League! So now you have to dye your hair pink” I playfully reminded her, pulling back slightly but staying close. She laughed, “I know cariño, one of Alba’s friends is coming to my apartment Saturday to dye my hair. Do you want to come too?”
“Yes! I want to be one of the first to see your new hair” I cheered.
In this moment, my mind found peace, though I carried the weight of not being fully honest about my actions.
Yet, for now, serenity enveloped us, at least for tonight.
After another eventful week at school, it was finally Saturday, and I was on my way to Alexia’s apartment.
Despite Alexia and I having discussed things the other day, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between us.
On my end, I found myself gradually distancing from her once again... The whole situation with Marina really got under my skin, more than I wanted to admit.
It was something I knew I shouldn't let affect me, but it did. Every time I thought about it, a pang of discomfort hit me, making it hard to act normal around Alexia.
And if Alexia noticed this change between us, she definitely didn't talk about it. She continued to act as if everything was normal, which only made things more confusing for me.
I wondered if she was genuinely unaware of the distance I was creating or if she was choosing to ignore it. Either way, it left me feeling even more isolated and unsure about where our friendship?? Relationship?? was headed.
Arriving at Alexia’s apartment, I parked my car and made my way to the building. I took the elevator up to her floor, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness.
Once I stood in front of her door, I took a deep breath, knocked, and waited for her to answer. After a few seconds, the door opened, but to my surprise, it wasn’t Alexia standing there.
Instead, it was Marina—the woman who had made me question my "relationship" with Alexia. Seeing her there brought back a flood of emotions and doubts, leaving me momentarily speechless.
“Hola?” (Hello?) she said, sounding confused. “¿Puedo ayudarte en algo?” (Can I help you with something?) she asked, her eyes narrowing at me.
“Um... sí, hola... ¿Está Alexia aquí?” (Um... yes, hi... Is Alexia here?) I asked, my voice faltering slightly. What is she doing here?
“¿Ella sabe quién eres tú?” (Does she know who you are?) she asked, her tone sharp and her eyes scanning me with a hint of hostility.
“Sí. Soy su amigo. Escucha, ¿puedes simplemente llamarla? Ella misma te lo dirá.” (Yes, she does. I’m her friend. Listen, can you just call her? She’ll tell you herself) I said, glaring back at her.
“No puedo, ella está en la ducha.” (I can’t, she’s in the shower) she replied, a smirk playing on her lips.
What’s her problem?
“Tu-” (You—) I started, but then I heard my name being called from down the hall.
Alba. Thank goodness.
She approached us and looked at Marina. They exchanged glances, then suddenly began cheering and hugging each other tightly.
“¡Oh, Dios mío! ¡Te extrañé tanto!” (Oh my god! I missed you so much) Alba exclaimed, squeezing her even tighter.
I stood there awkwardly, my eyes wide. It seemed like they were the best of friends.
“Veo que ya has conocido a Y/N.” (I see you’ve met Y/N already) Alba said once they pulled away, wrapping an arm around me.
“Si ” she said, her previous hostility disappearing. “Pasen, pasen, chicas.” (Come in, come in, girls) she added, opening the door wider to let me and Alba enter the apartment.
I can't shake this terrible feeling about the whole situation. Everything just seems off, and I can't help but worry that something bad is going to happen.
As the three of us settled down at the kitchen table, a sense of being overlooked crept over me. Alba and Marina delved into their conversation, likely catching up on various matters.
I found myself seated beside Alba, with Marina positioned across from her.
The rapid-fire Catalan dialogue left me utterly perplexed, unable to grasp a single word...
A feeling of exclusion and displacement washed over me, contemplating turning to my phone yet refraining to avoid appearing impolite, opting instead to survey the room.
In a sudden moment, my eyes landed on an open suitcase near the couch. Please, let it not be Marina's. Could she possibly be staying here? With only one room available, and considering Alexia's hospitality, it seemed unlikely she'd have Marina sleep on the couch.
Did they share Alexia's bed?
Amidst my mind's tumultuous whirl, Alexia emerged from the shower. Catching sight of us at the kitchen table, a broad smile illuminated her face.
Approaching me, she leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead, tenderly brushing my cheek, whispering a soft “hola cariño” , then proceeded to greet Alba in the same warm manner.
Alexia then sat next to Marina. “Y/N, supongo que ya la has conocido, pero esta es Marina, mi amiga” (Y/N, I guess you’ve already met her, but this is Marina, my friend) Alexia mentioned, gesturing towards Marina.
Sure, Alexia, just your friend. Why don’t you also mention that she is your ex and that you two dated for almost a decade? It’s like she’s skipping over the most crucial part.
I just smiled softly at Alexia without saying another word. Internally, I was a whirlwind of emotions. Alexia then informed us that Mario, Alba’s friend and hairdresser, would arrive a little later to dye her hair.
With Alexia here now, I thought I would feel less overlooked, but no… they immediately delved back into their old memories, sharing stories in Catalan, and showing each other pictures. I couldn’t understand a thing, which made me feel even more out of place.
I’m so tempted to leave right now. Why am I even here? It feels like I’m invisible, just an observer in their world. This was supposed to be an enjoyable visit, but it’s turning out to be anything but that.
I shouldn't feel this way, but it's hard not to. They clearly haven't seen each other for a long time, and I'm sure they were very close when she and Alexia were still together. Given that they haven't met up in three years, it's natural they want to catch up on everything that's happened.
However, it would be considerate if they could speak Spanish so I can understand and be part of the conversation. It feels a bit isolating not being able to follow along, especially when I want to be included and understand what's being discussed.
I was jolted out of my thoughts by a gentle nudge on my feet. When I looked up, I saw Alexia with a concerned frown on her face.
In an attempt to reassure her, I offered a small, comforting smile but she does not look convinced.
She rose from her seat and walked over to me, taking my hands in hers with a firm but gentle grip, and helped me to my feet.
“Volveremos enseguida; vamos a mi habitación.” (We'll be right back; we're going to my room) Alexia announced to Alba and Marina.
She didn't wait for their response; instead, she led me towards her room, closing the door softly behind us as we entered.
She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer. “What's wrong? Are you okay? You’re very quiet” she asked, concern all over her face.
“I'm fine” I told her with a small smile, hoping to reassure her.
“Lately you’ve been acting really weird, you’re very distant” she pointed out, her eyes searching mine for answers.So she did noticed my behavior.
“I already told you, Alexia, it’s because of work. I’m stressed” I replied a bit harshly, instantly regretting my tone.
Seeing the hurt and concern on her face made me feel really bad. I shouldn’t have snapped at her; she didn’t deserve that.
I sighed and embraced her. Though it felt so good to be in her arms, there was this indescribable feeling inside me.
Maybe I should tell her how I really feel right now, instead of acting the way I am. It hurts both of us, and I don’t want to push her away.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you” I said, burying my face in her neck, trying to convey my remorse through the closeness.
She gently pulled my head away and looked into my eyes. “It’s okay, cariño” she said tenderly, her voice soothing my troubled mind.
We gazed at each other for a few seconds, the world around us fading away. Her eyes flickered down to my lips a couple of times, and I could see the hesitation and desire in her gaze. She then slowly leaned in, her eyes closed, and I closed mine too, anticipating the moment.
She was so close to me, I could feel her breath on my lips, but then the door swung open, and Alexia immediately pulled away, the moment shattered.
“Mario esta aqui” (Mario is here) Marina said, watching us intently, then glaring at me as if I had done something wrong.
“Sí, ya vamos.” (Oh yeah, we’re coming) Alexia said, looking at her, her voice steady but her eyes reflecting the frustration of the interrupted moment.
Marina left, leaving the door open, and Alexia looked back at me with a mixture of regret and determination. “Vamos” she said, walking away, and I followed, feeling the weight of the unspoken words between us.
Making my way back to the living room, I met Mario who seems to be a very nice and kind man.We talked for a little bit about how we are all exited to see Alexia with pink hair.
After a while, Alexia was sitting on a chair scrolling through her phone as Mario worked his magic on her hair. I was nestled on the couch with Nala on my lap, gently stroking her fur.
Marina and Alba were engaged in a lively conversation at the kitchen table, their voices a soft murmur in the background.
At one point, Marina excused herself to go to the bathroom, and Alba took the opportunity to come and sit beside me.
Despite her presence, I kept my gaze fixed on Nala, my fingers continuing their soothing motions through her fur.
Alba rested her head on my shoulder and softly asked, “Esta noche vamos a salir con Alexia y Marina. ¿Quieres venir con nosotras?” (Tonight we are going out with Alexia and Marina. Do you want to come with us?) The thought of spending more time with that woman, whom I had known for less than three hours and already disliked intensely, was unbearable. There was no way I was going to have dinner with her.
“No” I replied curtly. My mood was sour, and I had no desire to engage in conversation. Alba had been ignoring me since we arrived, and I felt no inclination to talk to her now.
Alba lifted her head from my shoulders and looked at me, “Por que?” (Why?)she questioned, confusion lacing her voice.
“Simplemente no quiero.” (I just don’t want to) I told her, not looking at her, my voice stern. I could feel the tension building up inside me, a mix of frustration and sadness.
“Te conozco, sé que la presencia de Marina te está molestando.” (I know you, I know that Marina being here is bothering you) she said matter-of-factly, her eyes searching mine for a reaction.
“¡Por supuesto que me molesta! ¿Cómo te sentirías si la ex de tu posible novia todavía estuviera en contacto con ella y parecieran ser las mejores amigas?” (Of course it bothers me! How would you feel if the ex of your potential girlfriend was still in contact with her and they seemed like they were the best of friends?) I told her, whispering so that Alexia wouldn’t hear it. My voice was trembling slightly, betraying the calm facade I was trying to maintain.
“Vale, pero a menos que me haya perdido de algo, tú y Alexia no están juntas, así que, como le dijiste la noche del cumpleaños de Bianca, no tienes derecho a estar celosa.” (Okay, but unless I missed something, you and Alexia are not together, so like you told her the night of Bianca’s birthday, you have no right to be jealous) she told me harshly. Her words cut deep, and I felt a pang of guilt mixed with the sting of truth.
It surprised me because Alba had never talked to me like that before. Her tone was usually gentle and understanding, but now it was firm and unyielding.
I bit my lips, trying to stop the tears from coming out.
Obviously, Alba loved Marina; I could see it in the way they talked and laughed with each other. It was like they had their own little world.
What if Alba is not against the idea of Alexia and Marina getting together? The thought made my chest tighten, and I felt a wave of loneliness wash over me.
I looked at Alba, my eyes filled with a mix of emotions, before turning my gaze back to Nala on my lap. Words seemed unnecessary at that moment.
Marina returned from the bathroom, her presence immediately drawing attention as she made her way over to Alexia, who was seated and getting her hair washed.
The scene before me unfolded like a slow-motion movie, every detail etched into my mind.
The two of them were laughing and chatting, their chemistry undeniable. They looked like a couple, completely at ease with each other.
At one point, Marina wrapped an arm around Alexia’s shoulders, and Alexia responded by encircling Marina’s waist with her own arm. It was a gesture so intimate that it made my heart ache.
Marina caught my eye and smirked knowingly, aware of the effect their closeness had on me. She knew exactly what she was doing, and it stung.
Seeing them together like that was painful. In that moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that Alexia still harbored feelings for Marina. After all, Marina was her first love, and they had shared almost a decade together. It was only natural that some feelings might still linger.
The weight of the situation became too much to bear. I couldn't stay there any longer; witnessing their affection was like a dagger to my heart. I gently picked up Nala, who had been my silent companion through it all, and placed her carefully on the couch.
“Voy a irme ahora.” (I’m going to go now) I announced softly, trying to keep my voice steady as I addressed everyone in the room.
“¿Qué? ¿Por qué?” (What? Why?) Alexia’s voice was filled with surprise and confusion as she looked at me, her brows furrowed in concern.
“No me siento bien. Creo que necesito ir a casa y descansar un poco.” (I don’t feel good. I think I need to go home and rest a little) I lied quickly, making my way to the door, my heart pounding in my chest.
"But you can go to my room and lie on my bed if you'd like," Alexia said in english, her voice soft and pleading. "Just let me finish with my hair, and then I'll take care of you, cariño."
She was trying so hard to make me stay, her eyes filled with desperation and hope. I could feel the warmth and sincerity in her words, making it even harder to leave.
“No,thank you” I said quickly and opened the door and telling everyone goodbye.
“¡Espera! Te acompañaré hasta tu coche.” (Wait! I’ll accompany you to your car) Alba said, rising swiftly to her feet.
I nodded and made my way out of the apartment, not waiting for Alba.
Outside the building, I walked briskly to my car, with Alba trailing behind me, trying to keep up with my pace.
“Y/N, espera” (wait) she called out, her voice tinged with desperation, but I didn't stop. I unlocked my car and slid into the driver's seat.
Alba quickly moved in front of my car, her face flushed with urgency. “Lo siento mucho, Y/N. No debería haberte dicho eso.”(I'm so sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have told you that) she apologized, her eyes pleading with me.
“Es lo que sea“ (It's whatever) I responded flatly, my gaze fixed on her.
“Por favor, por favor, habla con mi hermana sobre esto. No te alejes de ella. Sé que está confundida ahora, pero te aseguro que tiene muchos sentimientos por ti“ (Please, please talk to my sister about this. Don't pull away from her. I know she's confused right now, but I can assure you that she has so many feelings for you) she implored, her sincerity evident in her voice.
“¿De verdad? Parece que también tiene muchos sentimientos por su ex“ (Does she? She seems like she has a lot of feelings for her ex too) I retorted sarcastically, raising my eyebrows in disbelief.
“Sí, es verdad que está muy cerca de su ex. Pero ya se acabó entre ellos. Solo te quiere a ti, no a ella” (Yes, she's really close with her ex, that's true. But it's over between them. She only wants you, Y/N, not her) Alba insisted, her desperation growing more palpable.
I studied her for a moment, noting the earnestness in her eyes. She seemed absolutely desperate to make me believe her words.
I sighed heavily. “Voy ahora. Es la última semana de clases; tengo cosas que hacer.”(I'm going now. It's the last week of school; I have things to do) I said, avoiding eye contact. “Adios” (Bye) I continued, shutting my door and starting the engine.
As I drove away, I couldn't help but feel the weight of Alba's words lingering in my mind.
Upon arriving back at my apartment, I immediately collapsed onto my bed. As I looked at my phone, I noticed several missed calls and text messages from Alexia. With a heavy sigh, I locked my phone and set it aside.
This entire situation feels incredibly overwhelming. From the very beginning, I sensed it would be complicated, but I chose to ignore the warning signs.
I was so consumed by my own desires and selfishly chasing my own happiness that I overlooked the potential consequences. Now, the weight of those choices is bearing down on me, and it's hard to see a way out.
I was desperately seeking happiness. Even though I was fully aware that Alexia wasn't looking for a relationship, the mere thought of having her close to me brought immense comfort and joy.
Her presence, even without the promise of a future together, was enough to make me feel content and hopeful. It was as if just being near her could fill the void I felt inside, and I couldn't resist the allure of that happiness, even if it was fleeting.
However, these past few days have made me realize that this so-called "relationship" with Alexia is causing more pain than happiness. The emotional turmoil and constant uncertainty are taking a toll on me, overshadowing the moments of joy I once cherished.
I know what I need to do; I have to end this “relationship” It's a difficult decision, but I need to prioritize my well-being and find a path that leads to genuine happiness and peace.
The mere thought of it brought tears to my eyes, and before I knew it, I was sobbing uncontrollably.
Each tear felt like a release of the pent-up emotions I'd been holding in for so long. I cried until I was exhausted, my body shaking with each sob.
Eventually, the overwhelming fatigue took over, and I cried myself to sleep, my pillow damp with tears.
I woke up startled by a persistent knocking on my door. Groggily, I got up and made my way to the front door.
As I passed by the entrance mirror, I caught a glimpse of myself and realized I looked like a complete mess.
My face was red and puffy, my eyes were swollen from crying, and my hair was a tangled, disheveled disaster. I was the very definition of a hot mess.
Despite not caring much about my appearance at that moment, I opened the door. There stood Alexia, holding a bag in her hand.
Her eyes widened slightly upon seeing me, and I couldn't blame her—I probably looked quite scary.
Alexia, on the other hand, looked stunning. Her pink hair framed her face perfectly, and I couldn't help but think how right I was about it suiting her so well.
“Hi, come in” I told her, opening the door wider to let her into the apartment.
She stepped inside and headed straight for the kitchen counter, where she began to unload her bag. Out came some soup, bottles of water, a few medicines, and a small box.
“¿Todavía te sientes mal? Le pedí a mi mamá la receta de la sopa que solía hacer para Alba y para mí cuando estábamos enfermos.” (Do you still feel sick? I asked my mom for the soup recipe she used to make for Alba and me when we were sick) she explained, moving closer. I instinctively stepped back, trying to avoid any physical contact with her.
“You did this for me?” I asked, feeling a bit touched by her thoughtfulness.
She nodded. “Yeah, well, Marina helped me with it” she admitted, and immediately, I felt a surge of anger.
There was no way I was going to eat that. I’m sure that bitch poisoned it.
“Can we talk?” I asked her gently as she was about to heat up the soup.
“Yes, I'm just warming this up for you” she replied, looking back at me with a soft smile.
“No need, I won't eat it, I’m not sick” I said firmly, making my way to the couch and signaling for her to join me.
She looked puzzled but followed me. She sat down beside me, her movements hesitant.
She reached out to take my hand, but I pulled it away, unable to mask my unease.
Her face fell, and she looked at me with a mix of confusion and hurt.
“Is something wrong? Alba also told me that I should come talk to you” she said, her voice tinged with worry. She leaned in slightly, searching my face for answers.
“Who is Marina?” I asked her directly, my eyes locked onto hers with determination.
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “You know who she is. You met her this afternoon. She's my friend” she replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“No, who is she really? And please, tell me the truth” I insisted, my voice firm, “I already know who she truly is I just want to hear it from you.”
She sighed deeply. “Ella es mi exnovia.” (She's my ex-girlfriend) she murmured, her voice tinged with shame.
I nodded slowly, absorbing the information. “Why wouldn't you tell me that you and your ex are in contact and, from what I saw, really good friends?” I asked, my tone firm but controlled.
“No pensé que fuera gran cosa“ (I didn't think it was a big deal) she whispered, her fingers nervously playing with the fabric of her lap.
“What do you mean, not a big deal? Maybe not for you, but for me it is!” I exclaimed, my voice rising slightly. “Please explain to me how this happened” I continued, taking a deep breath to calm myself.
“It happened before I left for the Champions League final. She contacted me again, telling me that she was coming back to live in Spain. At first, I didn't really want to see her, but then she insisted and asked we could talk so I said yes.” She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts, then continued, “We talked things out, caught up on life, my career, and hers. I don't know... it feels like old times...” she trailed off, her voice filled with nostalgia. I closed my eyes, biting my lip in frustration.
“It feels like old times...” she clearly reminded of their past relationship.
“She was with you at the club after winning the Champions League” I pointed out, my voice tinged with suspicion.
“Sí, esa noche ella se sentía un poco deprimida, así que la invité allí para animarla.” (Yes, that night she was feeling a little down, so I invited her there to cheer her up) she explained, biting her lip nervously and avoiding my gaze.
“Does she sleep at your apartment?” I asked, my tone sharp and accusing.
“She only slept one night, and it was yesterday. She got into a fight with her mom and didn’t have a place to stay, so I told her to stay with me” she explained again, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of anxiety.
“Did you slept with her,I mean together on your bed”I asked nervously,scared of the answer.
“No, I slept on the couch and she slept on my bed.” Alexia simply responded firmly.
I nodded slowly, processing her words. “If it wasn't a big deal, why didn't you tell me she was back? Why did I have to find out from pictures and from Alba, who told me you guys dated for 8 years,?” I asked, my frustration evident.
If it wasn't a big deal, why didn't she tell me? There must be something else she’s not saying...
“No sé” (I don't know) was all she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
I scoffed, feeling a mix of anger and disbelief. “You don't know... I repeated, shaking my head.
“Do you still have feelings for her?” I asked, my voice cracking a little bit, betraying the storm of emotions within me.
Upon hearing the tremor in my voice, Alexia looked up at me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I don’t think so...”she trailed off, and as her words hung in the air, I felt my own tears begin to fall, unstoppable.
“It’s a yes or no answer, Alexia,” I told her firmly, trying to wipe away my tears, but it was futile as more streamed down my face.
Alexia hesitated for a moment, as if weighing her words carefully. “I... I can’t lie to you... When I first saw her again and talked to her, I felt things. But I promise you, with time, all those feelings went away. You made them go away. You were the only one on my mind” she said, her voice gaining strength and urgency.
When she confessed the first part of her sentence, I felt my heart plummet.
All this time, my thoughts and heart had been solely dedicated to her, and to think that at one point her heart and thoughts had been dedicated to someone else was a pain I hadn’t anticipated.
The realization hit me hard, and the hurt was almost too much to bear.
I decided not to mention how I thought her ex was a bitch to me; now isn't the right moment.
However, I was planning to share with her how isolated I felt throughout the entire afternoon.
“I felt awful all afternoon. It seemed like you were all ignoring me, speaking in Catalan, and living in your own world. It felt as if Marina was the only one who mattered, and I was just on the sidelines” I quietly told her, still feeling hurt.
“Lo siento mucho, cariño. Estábamos tan atrapados en recordar el pasado y compartir viejas historias que no nos dimos cuenta de que te estábamos excluyendo” (I'm so sorry, we were all so caught up in reminiscing about the past and sharing old stories that we didn't realize we were excluding you) she tried to explain, her voice filled with regret.
I could see the genuine remorse in her eyes, but at that moment, my feelings of hurt overshadowed any empathy I might have had. It felt like no matter what she said, the sting of being sidelined wouldn't easily fade away.
“I...”I began, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. “I think it's time to end whatever this is between us” I whispered softly, my voice trembling.
“¡¿Qué!? ¡No! Por favor, por favor, no hagas eso. Haré cualquier cosa por ti.” (What!? No! Please, please don't do that! I'll do anything for you) she pleaded, her voice breaking as tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. Her desperation was palpable, and it crushed me even more.
“I'm sorry, Alexia, but this whole situation is a mess... We're just hurting each other...”I paused, wiping my own tears as they fell. “It feels like all we do is hurt each other...” I moved closer to her, taking her hand in mine, feeling the warmth and the tremble of her fingers.
“You're not hurting me; you bring me happiness” she said, her voice shaking as she tried to convince me.
Her eyes were filled with pain and sorrow, and it tore at my heart. “Por favor, no me dejes. Te necesito” (Please, don't leave me. I need you.)
“Alexia…” I trailed off “we are hurting each other… plus look our relationship has not even started yet and you’re already hiding things from me” I told her squeezing her hand.
I hate seeing her like that.
“Lo siento mucho” (I’m so sorry) she said looking at me with so much pain in her eyes.
“Don’t apologized, it’s okay” no, it’s not.
After a few agonizing minutes of silence, the room filled with the sound of our sniffles.
Alexia slowly pulled her hand away and stood up, her movements heavy with sorrow.
“Well…um…Voy a irme ahora” (I’m going to go now) she said painfully, her voice cracking as she wiped away her tears.
I got up too, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down on me. We walked towards the door together, each step feeling like a goodbye. Just as she reached the door, she turned around, her eyes pleading as she opened her arms for a hug.
I hugged her tightly, desperate to hold onto the warmth of her embrace one last time. Her body trembled against mine as she whispered in my ear, “Thank you for bringing me so much happiness these last few weeks,” and then she softly kissed my cheek before pulling away.
“Thank you, for making me happy” I told her, my voice barely above a whisper as I smiled softly at her. She returned the smile, though it was tinged with the same sadness that filled the room.
She then turned around and exited my apartment, leaving me standing there, watching her disappear from my life. I closed the door slowly, the finality of the moment hitting me like a ton of bricks.
I stayed frozen in place, my eyes locked on the door that Alexia had just walked through. The emptiness in the room seemed to echo my own feelings. I had never felt so heartbroken over someone I hadn't even officially dated.
After what felt like an eternity, I managed to gather myself and made my way to the kitchen table. I sank into a chair, staring blankly at the empty space in front of me. That's when I noticed the small box that Alexia had brought earlier, sitting there like a poignant reminder of what had just been lost.
Reaching out for the box with trembling hands, I opened it, revealing a small note that read, “Para mí cariño” adorned with a delicate little heart. Beneath the note lay a necklace with a butterfly pendant, each wing intricately inscribed with our initials.
I was stunned. I had only mentioned to her once that butterflies were my favorite insects, and yet she had remembered and chosen something so personal and meaningful.
The realization hit me like a wave, and I couldn't help but sob uncontrollably. The depth of her thoughtfulness and the memories we shared overwhelmed me.
I had lost her, and the pain was almost unbearable, but deep down, I knew it was for the best... or at least, I hoped it was.
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cogentranting · 2 years
Rating Non-Disney Animated Horse Designs
I’m back by popular demand/well not really but my optimism’s grand
A sequel to my Disney horse Rating post for all the other random non-Disney horses. Dreamworks, Bluesky, random cartoons, anything I could find. Featuring: Altivo, Spirit, some Barbie horses, and a few abominations.
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Horse (Sing)
6/10 I don’t hate it and I feel like I should because it’s really hard to anthropomorphize horses that much without making them into the stuff of nightmares.
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Shadowfax (The Lord of the Rings) 
5/10 There’s nothing WRONG with him per se, but it’s SHADOWFAX. Lord of all horses. He should wow me, and he doesn’t. Check out Gandalf’s weird sock-boots though. 
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Hervé (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper) 
-6/10 Horses' mouths don’t look like that. Horses’ mouths should not look like that. This thing wants to eat human flesh but can’t because it has two solid curved huge teeth with no physical  relationship with its jaw. Also this horse has the beginnings of male-pattern baldness. 
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Princess Brietta (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)
1/10 Her eyes are flat like they’ve been painted onto her socketless skull. And there’s something very off-putting about this shade of pink. 
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Beauty, Merry Legs, Ginger (Black Beauty) 
4/10 Ginger isn’t ginger. That is not a sorrel horse. There’s ONE requirement. Beauty’s the best of the three which is I guess what counts. 
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Hans, Klaus and Greta (Ferdinand) 
2/10 I hate them so much. The core design isn’t that bad but the way they move and pose is. No horse should make that face. The one on the left is stretched putty.
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The Grand Chawhee (All Dogs Go to Heaven)
I know what you’re thinking-- “isn’t that a mule or a donkey of some sort?” No. He’s a racehorse. Maybe a thoroughbred. And it’s his birthday so the other horses let him win. 
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Stella (All Dogs Go to Heaven)
1/10 She gets one point for being nice to Chawhee. But she’s clearly some sort of alien giraffe hybrid. 
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Odette’s horse (Swan Princess) 
7/10 Just a nice little palomino design.  
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That little shaggy pony (The Quest for Camelot)
12/10 Amazing. Look at the determination.
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Buck (Barnyard) 
2/10 See this is what that horse from Sing COULD have looked like. 
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The Horse in the Back, Not Klaus But I Couldn’t FInd a Better Picture (Klaus)
9/10 He matches his owner and I respect that
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Leah (The Star) 
4/10 This is horse is voiced by Kelly Clarkson. That has nothing to do with her rating, I just thought you should know. 
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(Starchaser: The Legend of Orin) 
8/10 for both. I have questions but I do not want answers. It’s better this way. 
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Fred (Over the Garden Wall)
7/10 don’t love that his head is a different color than his body in a weird way but he looks neurotic and fun. 
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The Chariot Horses (Prince of Egypt)
8/10 I’ve just always liked these guys with their square faces and fun hats. 
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Altivo (The Road to El Dorado)
7/10 Look at the little curl in his mane. Good personality. A little too much “Dreamworks Face” 
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Donkey in Horse Form (Shrek 2? one of the Shreks) 
3/10 Look at his face. I DREAD what he might have to say. 
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Esmeralda, Esperanza, Ernestina (Madgascar 3)
2/10 They’re coming for you. Coming to drag you into the Abyss. 
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Police Horse (Madagascar)
7/10 I like his face shape. Compare him to the Madgascar 3 horses-- look how much more identifiable as a horse he is. 
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Melvin (The Lorax)
10/10 He’s not a horse, but he’s so fluffy I love him. 
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Babieca (Puss in Boots)
4/10 This horse has dead eyes. 
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Onyx (Rise of the Guardians) 
13/10 She’s the leader of the nightmares and I would fully support her terrorizing the dreams of children. I’m pretty sure she and her mares ate the boogie man. A true Girlboss.
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Yi Min (Kung Fu Panda but I think just an online game) 
-20/10 Just from a design perspective there’s far too much going on so it’s hard to even make it all out. Also I would have zero idea that this was a horse if the wiki page didn’t tell me it was. It has split hooves? 
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Spirit Jr. (Spirit: Riding Free) 
8/10 Objectively I know the design is good  but my heart rebels against this show’s existence. 
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Boomerang Thomas Stone (Spirit: Riding Free) 
8/10 I’m not doing all the horses from this show but I had to throw him in because he’s cute and he has a middle and last name for some reason.
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Horse (Centaurworld) 
Why are there two distinctly different designs for her? This one gets a 9/10. The round one is like... a 5. All the other creatures in this show are eldritch abominations that will haunt me in my sleep now. 
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Esperanza and all the other horses from this movie (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) 
10/10 No notes. Perfect horses. 
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Rain (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) 
15/10 I don’t have a joke here I just really like the way they differentiated her and made her pretty without too much anthropomorphizing. I like that she has a roman nose.  I like her feather. 
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Spirit (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron)
100/10 He’s everything. He shaped me as a person. No other animated horse can compare. 
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a2l1y1 · 3 months
Jealous Ellie.
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Summary ➜ : it’s Ellie’s birthday and you go around shopping with your location off. You muted Ellie and avoided her the entire day to not spoil your secret surprise to her until she assumed you were cheating.
WARNINGS ➜ : smut, use of strap, sex, cursing, degrading, praising, a lot of jealousy. ETC.
PS : my grammar isn’t the best but enjoy !! Ignore mistakes or horrible spelling.
It was Ellie’s birthday. Ellie was super attached to you, as in VERY. you loved it but it was also a tiny problem when it came for her birthday or general gift giving. Her birthday was getting closer each day and you had nothing. No clue on what to give her and more since she always followed you everywhere. And then you realized, Ellie had bragged about getting this cologne she always wanted but she never had the time to buy it, that was your ticket. Only problem was, Ellie.
When Ellie felt asleep on one of her naps, you decided that it’ll be the perfect cue to go quickly to the store, so you put on your pants and left to find that perfume. You were gone for hours, and Ellie woke up without your presence near her.
- -
Yes, Ellie had tracked your phone to see where you were - but for her defense, you weren’t replying and she grew angsty and worried. But those feelings immediately changed when she got to your location, only to see you inside a store, talking to a man. She was about to turn around until she saw that man putting his hand on your shoulder.
‘Oh fuck no’. Ellie walked in, jealousy and possessiveness crawling inside her body. She stopped besides you, only to give a cold glare to the man. “Move the fuck off.”, she grunted and the man confused walked away. Ellie’s face turned to you. She didn’t say a word before grabbing your hand and walking to the store restrooms.
She pushed you inside, locked the door before talking. “Trying to get a new best friend, huh? I think you need a little reminder of who you belong to.”, she told you, as she was undoing her belt with one hand. “F-fuck Ellie what are you doing??!” You widened your eyes as you couldn’t understand why was Ellie this harsh. Ellie smirked, her eyes dark with possessiveness. “Oh, baby, don't you worry your pretty little head. I'm just here to remind you who the fuck you belong to,” she growled, her voice dripping with a mixture of dominance. She took a step closer, her body pressed against yours, her hand gripping your jaw tightly. “You think you can just talk to some random guy without my permission? Play nice, sweetheart, or I'll have to teach you a lesson.”
You couldn’t understand what was Ellie yapping about but you were certain you could feel her strap poking you slightly from her jeans. “Babe I wasn’t doing anything wrong I swear”
Ellie let out a dark chuckle, her grip on your jaw tightening slightly. "Oh, babe, you really think I give a fuck about what you were or weren't doing? You're mine, and that means I get to decide what's right and wrong," she said, her voice laced with a mix of smugness and possessiveness. Her fingers trailed down your neck, her touch sending shivers down your spine. "But hey, since you're so eager to prove your innocence, how about you show me just how loyal you really are?"
She pressed herself against you, the unmistakable bulge in her jeans pressing against your thigh. "Get on your knees, baby. Show me just how sorry you are for even thinking about talking to someone else," she commanded, her voice dripping with a heady mix of desire. Your face was entirely flushed. How on earth did you got in such position? Obediently, you got on your knees, embarrassed by whoever got into these bathrooms. “Els.. these bathrooms are public, people can hear us..” you lowly spoke as you tried to grab Ellie’s hand.
Ellie's eyes flickered with a mischievous glint as she looked down at you on your knees. She smirked, her gaze filled with an intoxicating mixture of desire and lust. "Oh, baby, don't you worry about that. Let 'em hear," she replied, her voice low and husky. She ignored your attempt to grab her hand, instead using her free hand to grip your hair firmly, her fingers tangling in the strands.
She tilted her head down, bringing her lips close to your ear, her voice a low growl. "You think I give a fuck about who hears us? I want them to know who you belong to." With that, she slowly unzipped her jeans, the sound of the zipper cutting through the silence of the restroom. Her strap sprang free, thick and hard, and she guided your head towards it, her grip on your hair not allowing any resistance. "Now, darling, show me just how much you want to please me," she commanded, her words filled with a mixture of demand and eagerness. You shut your eyes off immediately, gulping down at the feeling of just being caught. Ellie was always this jealous for the least situation possible but deep down you knew you loved it. “Baby, what if instead of sucking it we can just talk things out…?” You gave her a worried and fake smile, trying to avoid any scenes and specially from old granny’s who loved calling the police.
Ellie's eyes narrowed as she looked down at you, her grip on your hair tightening slightly. "Talk things out? Oh, sweetheart, we've been talking for fucking years and it hasn't done shit. Actions speak louder than words," she scoffed, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and desire. She pressed her cock against your lips, the tip grazing your mouth teasingly. "But hey, if you're so eager to avoid a scene, how about you use that pretty little mouth of yours to keep quiet while I fuck it? We'll save the talking for later, when I'm done with you."
She leaned in closer, her voice a low, seductive whisper. "Or maybe you want everyone to hear you scream, huh? Maybe you want them to know just how much you crave my cock?" Her words were filled with a mocking edge, taunting you with the idea of being caught and exposed.
You couldn’t help but to look up at Ellie’s face. Opening your mouth softly as you couldn’t help but to admire her lustful green eyes, darkened by the dirty thoughts she’d been running with. She knew she could take full possession of you, you’d obey her immediately.
Ellie's lips curled into a smug grin as she met your gaze, her eyes filled with a mix of desire and dominance. She saw the flicker of obedience in your eyes, and it only fueled her own lustful desires. She tightened her grip on your hair, guiding your head forward until her cock was pressed against your waiting lips.
"That's it, baby," she purred, her voice laced with smug satisfaction. "You know exactly who you belong to. Open that pretty little mouth of yours and show me just how much you crave me." With a firm yet gentle push, she slid her strap past your lips, the taste of the thick plastic filling your mouth. Ellie’s eyes stayed locked on your face, relishing in the sight of your obedience and submission.
You were hers, completely, and she was going to make sure you never forgot it. You gagged as tears formed on your eyes. You hated being teased and specially when you would normally become needier for more. You tried to grab Ellie’s jeans a little tighter, begging her to stop.
Ellie’s grip on your hair loosened slightly as she noticed the tears welling up in your eyes. She could sense your need, your desperation, but she also knew the power she held over you. She leaned in closer, her voice filled with a mix of concern and dominance. "Aw, baby, don't cry. You know I can't resist when you beg," she said, her tone a mixture of smugness and affection.
She pulled back, allowing you a moment to catch your breath, but her hand remained firmly on your head, guiding you as she dictated the pace. Ellie’s eyes never left your face, her gaze filled with a mix of lust and adoration. "Tell me, baby, what do you want? Use those pretty little words of yours and tell me exactly how you need it." She wanted to hear your plea, to hear the desperation in your voice as you begged for more.
“please baby… fuck me please.” You begged between stutters, your throat feeling fully weak. You have always been sensitive by Ellie’s touch and movements, you loved and hated that. You couldn’t help but to look at her with pleading doe eyes, needy for her to fuck you whole.
Ellie's lips curled into a wicked grin as she heard your desperate plea. She loved seeing you like this, vulnerable and begging for her touch. She let out a low chuckle, her voice thick with desire. "Oh, baby, you know just how to get what you want," she replied, her tone filled with a mix of smugness and satisfaction.
Without hesitation, Ellie released her grip on your hair and pushed you against the wall of the restroom. She wasted no time in unbuttoning your pants and pulling them down, revealing your needy and soaked cunt. Her own desire was evident, her cunt throbbing with anticipation just to fuck you with her strap and feel your walls. She positioned herself at your entrance, teasing you with the tip before pushing in, a low groan escaping her lips. Swearing she could feel it as much as you did.
Ellie’s movements were possessive and intense, her hands gripping your hips tightly as she thrust into you with a hunger that matched your own. She looked into your pleading doe eyes, her voice low and filled with a mix of dominance and affection. "You're mine, baby. Mine to fuck, mine to please. And I'm gonna give you exactly what you need." And just by her words you could already feel yourself reaching your ecstasy. Needing to cum immediately, your loud and pornographic moans filling the restroom as you pleaded; “els els im s’close God I’m gonna cum—”
Ellie's eyes flickered with a mixture of amusement and desire as she felt your body tensing, on the edge of orgasm. She could see the desperation in your eyes, the need for release, and she was more than happy to oblige. She continued thrusting into you, her pace quickening as she aimed to push you over the edge.
"Let go, baby," she growled, her voice dripping with arousal. "Cum for me. Show me just how fucking good I make you feel." Ellie’s hand moved to your clit, her fingers rubbing and teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves, pushing you closer and closer to that sweet release.
And then it happened. Your body shook with pleasure as you moaned out her name, your orgasm crashing over you in wave after wave of ecstasy. Ellie watched, her own pleasure building, as you unraveled beneath her, your moans echoing through the restroom.
"You're so fucking beautiful when you cum," she murmured, her voice filled with a mix of adoration and possessiveness. She continued thrusting into you, riding out your orgasm, until she reached her own release as the strap bumped on her puffy clit. spilling herself through the strap, pushing herself closer just to try and cum inside of you with a low groan.
Ellie leaned in, pressing her forehead against yours, her voice a breathless whisper. "You're mine, baby. Always."
“Fuck els, I’m all yours.” You responded breathlessly.
“You better fucking know you are.” She smirked as she kissed your cheek and helped you pull your pants back in.
“But I’m serious now, please don’t come in scaring people away from me, I just wanted to buy you a birthday present.” You rolled your eyes and sighed.
“Oh, so that explains why we’re on a cologne part of the store.” Ellie quickly realized.
“Yes you idiot, let’s go home please.” You demanded as she chuckled at the sight of you.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
maternal instinct (3) II a.russo
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part (1) part (2)
maternal instinct (3) II a.russo
"-and you're sure you're ready? you're still fine with this? i can still tell them i'm not going less!" you promised, hovering by the front door as alessia grinned.
"i promise i am fine. bell and i are gonna have a great weekend! aren't we cheeky?" the blonde hoisted your daughter up and onto her hip who nodded eagerly.
"no rules!" bella cheered pumping her fist making you crack a smile and alessia let out a laugh. "big feets rules, there will be no running wild this weekend missy!" alessia warned tickling your daughter who squealed and kicked her feet
"you need to leave soon or else you'll get caught up in traffic." alessia warned softly as you nodded with a sigh, leaning in and kissing all over your daughters face in goodbye who giggled.
"i need to use the toilet please." bella announced suddenly as alessia chuckled and placed her down on her feet as she raced off. "try to unclench this weekend yeah? we'll be fine here babe, please enjoy yourself." alessia promised as you nodded, hitting her softly with a roll of your eyes.
"i'll miss you though." alessia admitted as you melted, almost unpacking your suitcase then and there as you smiled softly. "i'll miss bella a lot." you teased, the striker pinching you with a click of her tongue.
"i'll miss you too lessi." you promised with a smile, one hand on her cheek as you leaned in and kissed her softly, alessia chasing after your lips for a few more sweet pecks until tiny footsteps thundered back and you both hastily stepped away.
bella wasted no time tugging on alessia's jumper with her arms up as the striker scooped her up again with ease. "what happened to being a big girl who didn't need to be carried everywhere!" you teased the five year old poking at her stomach as she only grinned.
"big feet is stronger than you mummy, she doesn't say i'm too heavy." bella quipped cheekily as you gasped in offence. "i've never said you're too heavy!" you tickled her again as she pushed away your hands and leaned her head on the blondes shoulder.
you'd be lying to yourself if you said alessia didn't look ridiculously attractive with bella held effortlessly on her hip, soft smile on her face and bright blue eyes twinkling as they glanced down to bella and then right back to you.
you'd gone over the plan for the weekend with her easily a hundred times, alessia nothing but patient recognizing this was a massive deal not just for her but for you as well.
though she might not have been a mother herself she could understand trusting your childs life and well being in the hands of someone else wasn't something to be taken lightly, so every step of the way she knew to let you take the lead.
leading up to it bella had spent monday night with alessia at her house for a trial run sleepover, comforted by the fact you were only next door should anything have happened but it went as good as it could have.
after that you were finally coming around, and with a few kisses and promises from alessia to take the upmost care you agreed that she could watch bella for the weekend.
alessia was going to stay with bella at your apartment for the weekend given everything was already there and set up.
saturday bella had a birthday party to go to and they'd have the day after together since alessia didn't have training, and sunday the footballer had a game around lunch time so you'd meet them at meadow park for the swap back.
"you need to get going but we'll see you sunday. you know where to meet me yeah?" alessia checked and gently pushed as you nodded.
"group hug!" bella clapped as both you and the striker laughed, alessia's free arm wrapping around your shoulders and drawing you in as a strange feeling settled in your stomach at the interaction.
knowing if the two walked you down to your car you'd struggle even more to leave you waved them goodbye at the door, bella's head watching you go right until you stepped into the elevator and alessia laughed as the five year old wriggled out of her arms and ducked through her legs to go back inside.
"right its just you and me now cheeky, what should we do first?"
alessia was smiling softly at bella who was sat on the carpet in front of her, harvey held tightly in her grip as the pair watched a disney movie and sang along, bella teasing the older girl for having a bad singing voice before alessia chased her around until she got tired and they sat back down to watch.
the blonde wasn't far off getting a start on dinner, everything already prepped and ready to make some homemade pizza's for the two of them having promised bella awhile ago to teach her how to make the dough.
but what alessia hadn't expected was to hear a series of loud bangs and knocks and her name called out from outside, bella far too invested in bouncing along humming to the movie to take much notice.
"i'll be back in just a minute yeah bell?" alessia promised as the five year old nodded, eyes still locked on the television as she hugged harvey to her chest and alessia pushed up to her feet, hurrying to the door.
pulling it open her head popped out and a frown cemented into her features seeing a familiar blonde thumping on her door with her fist.
"leah?" alessia questioned as the shorter girl spun around in shock. "less? wait don't you live here? i swear you lived here...i helped you move in!" leah frowned in confusion as alessia rolled her eyes.
"yeah this is my neighbors place. what are you doing here?" the striker questioned as leah stepped closer. "united play arsenal tonight in the mens and nobodies around to watch with me, thought you might be up for a bit of friendly rivarly!" leah grinned wolfishly with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"i can't tonight leah, you should have called." alessia warned, glancing over her shoulder to check on bella who'd moved to occupy the spot alessia had left on the sofa, harvey still cuddled to her chest.
"oh my god kyra was right. you do have a secret girlfriend!" leah's eyes widened as alessia stepped a little more out of the door and shushed her.
"no. i don't! kyra's just a little shit with a big mouth." the blonde rolled her eyes but it did nothing to dispel the now confident smirk plastered on her national captains face.
though before leah could say a single word another body was squeezing through alessia's legs, bella popping out as leah jumped in surprise and stared down in bewilderment to the five year old clinging to her teammate.
"well hello." leah laughed in surprise as alessia sighed, one hand moving to rest protectively on the top of bella's head. "i'm babysitting this weekend leah, like i said you should have called." the italian warned as bella huffed.
"you said this wasn't babysitting cause i'm not a baby!" the five year old scowled up at her as alessia softened with a smile. "i did say that didn't I, sorry bell. we're hanging out together this weekend aren't we? so i am busy, sorry lee." she apologized to the blonde who ignored her and squatted down.
"i'm leah." the girl introduced holding out her hand as bella shook it with a beaming smile. "isabella but everyone calls me bella or a headache!" your daughter parroted as alessia winced and leah let out a pelt of laughter.
"can your friend leah hang out with us please? we can make her a pizza!" bella asked eagerly forever the little social butterfly as leahs ears perked up at the word and alessia sighed knowing she'd pretty much lost at this point.
"i have to check with your mum bells. can you go keep harvey company watching the movie while i give her a call please?" alessia asked as bella nodded, hugging her leg tightly for a moment before racing back inside.
"cute kid." leah smiled standing up again as alessia hummed and rummaged around in her pocket.
"go wait inside, i'll come speak to you in a second." she handed over the keys to her own apartment as leah saluted and turned around, letting herself in as alessia returned to your apartment.
checking on bella and topping up her water she stepped away to call you, fishing her phone out of her hoodie and exhaling before clicking on your contact and holding it up to her ear, peering around the doorway every minute or so to keep an eye on bella.
"less? is everything okay? is bella alright?" your voice sounded after only two rings, chatter in the background and due to the message you'd sent alessia an hour or so ago she knew you'd safely arrived to your hotel.
"yes everything is fine and bella is completely okay." the blonde was quick to promise hearing you give a sigh of relief. "miss me already then?" your tone was lighter and it made alessia smile as she poked her head around and checked on your daughter again.
"you wish. but no i was just calling to ask something?" alessia started as you hummed in encouragement. "look i promise i didn't ask her over or invite her in any sense but one of my friends came looking for me wanting to watch the football tonight-" alessia started as guilt flooded her body.
"-and i poked my head out to check what was going on and i tried to get her to leave but then bella popped out and introduced herself and invited leah over for dinner. but of course i'm not going to just invite someone you don't know into your home without your knowledge and-" you smiled at the nervous ramblings, stepping in to cut her off.
"less? take a breath for me please love." you laughed as alessia exhaled shakily.
"of course its okay if your friend wants to stay for dinner and the football. i really appreciate you checking in though, but i trust you yeah?" alessia's heart skipped a beat at those words, cheeks warming a little.
"are you sure? cause really she has an awful habit of inviting herself over places and she can't cook to save her life so she's always just mooching for a free feed and-" again the striker started to ramble as you chuckled.
"less?" you started as she stopped. "yeah i'm taking a breath." the footballer exhaled making you laugh and shake your head, waving off your friends who gave you a curious look and held up your untouched drink.
"if bella gives you any trouble about going to bed or wants me to say goodnight later just give me a call." you assured softly as alessia promised she would, the two of you exchanging a few more words before the blonde left you to enjoy your time away.
"what did mummy say? does she miss me?" bella asked standing to her feet on the couch with a hopeful look. "very very much." bella squealed happily as alessia grabbed her and tossed her in the air before settling her on her hip.
"you're sure you don't mind if leah comes over? i was enjoying us hanging out!" alessia checked in headed for the door as bella shook her head patting her on the shoulder.
"we have all weekend big feet."
"as if thats offside, ref are you blind!" leah shouted as alessia all but sprinted into the living room near tackling her friend to the couch. "shut up leah! five year old asleep like ten feet away?" alessia hissed as leah paled and mumbled out an apology.
despite your assurance it was fine alessia didn't want to bring leah into your own apartment given you didn't know her, feeling that was a little invasive. so packing up what bella would need for the night she'd joined leah back at her own place, cooking pizza's for all three of you.
much to alessia's amusement and annoyance bella and leah had rapidly become friends, even ganging up on her time and time again all evening much to the taller blondes sense of betrayal at the fact.
but with leah's games tiring bella out after dinner the girl fell dead asleep on the lounge despite begging alessia to stay up for an extra hour. so it was easy enough for the striker to carry her off and tuck her in to sleep in her own bed, having been sending you updates throughout the night.
"she's a cool kid." leah smiled settling back down after her yelling and being told off, alessia joining her on the sofa as the older blonde lowered the volume, the game a couple of minutes away from half time.
"she is." alessia agreed with a soft smile down at her phone, chuckling at a few photos you'd sent her of your own evening and heart reacting, not sending a response since she wanted you to enjoy your night now bella was down for the count.
"awfully smiley there less. safe to say her mums cool too then?" leah smiled knowingly, sipping on a can of pepsi max with a raised eyebrow. "okay! i'm just saying. it would be nice if you're happy, and you seem happy." leah pushed after the younger girl sent her a glare.
"i am happy. thats all you get!" alessia pushed her shoulder as leah hummed, and there was a few minutes of silence before the striker sighed. "okay fine." she gave in as leah pumped her first happily and set down her drink.
and so alessia for the first time opened up to someone about everything to do with you. her feelings, the complications, her patience, her worries, your fears, bella, all of it.
"-so you see why its a huge deal for her to trust me with isabella this weekend." the taller girl finished as leah nodded, having been listening on intently. "do you want advice or just someone to listen?" leah asked softly, not wanting to push anything too far as alessia waved for her to continue.
"okay. well it sounds like you're doing everything right less, letting her set the pace, being respectful of her time and her needs, doing things her way especially with a kid in the picture." leah started as alessia gave a nod.
"but have you thought this through? properly? dating someone with a child, that comes with a lot of responsibility less. you're only twenty five and you've got a huge career ahead of you. privacy is one thing but, have you thought about what would happen if you both started seeing each other and people started posting pictures of bella? of her? sending her messages or finding her social medias. has she thought about that?" leah asked, though not unkindly as alessia frowned.
"i am by no means trying to scare you off, or say that you're not ready or you shouldn't try something with her. but just...maybe have that conversation with her as well. so she's completely aware of what she's getting into as well as you! communication and honesty is the foundation, if you want to build something together make sure it starts strong yeah?" leah smiled as alessia relaxed a little, cogs still ticking over in her mind but nodding.
"and even with all that, make sure she does know you're still interested. that all the complications and the risks, they don't mean you're not open to starting something with her. because like i said before less you do seem very happy, and happiness looks good on you." leah squeezed her knee as again alessia nodded.
"thanks lee." the striker smiled appreciatively, having a lot to think over now as leah waved it off. "anytime. now, time to watch my boys smash yours!" leah grinned as alessia snickered with a shake of her head.
"your boys are down 2-0." "we can comeback! we're the arsenal!"
"-and i will meet you right here afterwards. okay? i promise." alessia assured, squatted down and fixing bella's necklace as the girl nodded. "okay!" she chirped, flinging herself at alessia and almost sending her falling over as her arms wrapped around her neck.
"bye big feet!" alessia grinned as bella kissed her cheek and detached, sprinting off to meet her friends at the indoor super playground where the party was being held.
but what alessia didn't expect was what greeted her when she returned.
"are you here for bella?" alessia had barely walked back in the door before an unfamiliar woman stopped her. "yeah, is everything okay? is she hurt? sick? did she have a fall?" alessia began to panic as all the possibilities swamped her head.
"no no! she's physically fine, not a scratch on her." the woman quickly assured as alessia gave her an odd look. "okay." the striker nodded slowly, awaiting a further explanation as her eyes roamed unable to find bella anywhere.
"we noticed one of the boys was scratching his head a lot, he was wearing a beanie and he gave it to bella and a couple of the other girls. they were playing some sort of game and whoever was in had to wear the beanie-" the woman started as alessia nodded along, starting to piece things together.
"-turns out the boy has head lice. so bella and the other girls-" alessia winced as her fears were confirmed. "have head lice." the blonde sighed as the woman nodded apologetically.
"as soon as we noticed we took them aside from the other kids but that was only around ten minutes ago, we haven't noticed much itching from the girls but she's going to need to do a treatments. just to be safe!" the woman encouraged, leading alessia around the corner as the girl exhaled in relief finally able to see bella.
"big feet!" the five year old lit up, jumping out of her seat and racing over as alessia braced and bella hugged her leg tightly. "i'll leave you to it, and i'm sorry again." the woman smilied apologetically as alessia assured it was fine.
feeling a tug on her jumper alessia winced seeing bella hold her hands up expectantly. "not today bell, my arms a bit sore. can you walk like a big girl? we can race to the door?" alessia challenged as bella nodded eagerly.
"go!" the five year old raced off as alessia chuckled and jogged after her, groaning in mock defeat as bella cheered beating her to the door, taking alessia's out stretched hand as they walked across the lot to her car.
"is your head itchy bell?" alessia asked noticing the small blonde scratch at her scalp. "yeah." the girl nodded in confirmation as alessia bit her bottom lip and they arrived to the car, head ticking over in thought.
something clicking she hurried around to the back, popping her boot and rummaging through before she pulled it out with a small sigh of relief. "hey wanna play a game?" the blonde challenged as bella nodded eagerly.
"we're gonna play...space ship." alessia decided suddenly, unlocking her car. "so. you wear this, this is your very special super astronaut helmet!" alessia tugged down the black adidas beanie over her head in an attempt to keep the lice from spreading through her car potentially.
"then this, this is your space ship." she picked the girl up and settled her into the booster seat in the back, something both you and her had taken a good hour and a half to transfer over from your car to alessia's before you'd left, both of you refusing to admit defeat.
"and this...this is your steering stick that you use to drive the space ship!" she buckled bella in and grabbed an empty water bottle off the floor, tucking it between her legs.
"cool! thanks big feet." bella beamed, making driving noises with her mouth as she wiggled the bottle around and around mumbling things to herself. sighing in relief alessia closed the door, making her way around to her own side and settling into the drivers seat.
this was not how she'd planned her saturday to go.
after a frantic google search and ignoring the urge to call her own mum, unsure quite how she'd explain this scenario, alessia had stopped off at the shops to gather supplies.
now back at your apartment she had bella in the bath and with the girl distracted by the large assortment of toys she'd insisted take a bath with her alessia nervously clicked dial on your contact.
she knew you were at the ceremony today, but still after a few rings you stepped away and clicked answer. "less? is everything okay?" you asked, plugging one ear with your finger and hurrying away from the reception where the music was pumping.
"um, so don't panic!" your stomach dropped at her words, panic immediately flooding your body. "alessia that is like the worst way to get me not to panic!" you snapped with a scowl, alessia biting down on her lip with a wince.
"is it bella? is she hurt? i just need to grab my shoes and i can be in the car in-" you started as alessia quickly cut you off. "no no no! she's okay, completely fine. well not completely fine but she's not hurt or sad or-" alessia began to ramble as you massaged your temple.
"less! the point? find it please." you warned as the footballer stopped. "right! sorry. um so bella went to that party today, i hung around at the cafe down the road like you said, and i was ten minutes early to pick her up." the blonde started to explain.
"but one of the boys there had lice and they were playing some sort of game and sharing a beanie and well...bella has head lice." alessia bit her lip nervous for your reaction, met only by silence which she scrambled to fill.
"but i went to the store and i bought the shampoo treatment. she's in the bath and i combed through her whole hair, i picked out anything i saw and followed the treatment instructions step by step. she has a shower cap on and we're about to take it off and rinse the treatment out in about four minutes-" alessia quickly checked the time on her watch.
"-i stripped all the bedding, put it on a warm wash and i even tossed harvey and a few of her other stuffed animals in once i checked they were wash safe. i bought this spray thats supposed to kill anything on fabric? then i did your lounge and the cushions and my car and the mattresses for good measure." alessia continued ticking things off on her finger.
"i bagged up all the clothes she's worn all weekend and i'll wash them once the sheets are done. i'll do a treatment for myself tonight once she's in bed and then you just have to do a follow up one tomorrow night for her with the conditioner just to be safe." alessia finished, finally taking a breath.
"okay." you smiled, stress bleeding out of your body now she'd finished her little speech. "okay? thats it?" alessia frowned, putting the phone between her ear and shoulder as the timer went off and she rolled her sleeves up.
"okay. you clearly have it handled less, you did everything i would have done and maybe a little more." you chuckled with a grin as alessia visibly crumpled in relief you weren't upset, tugging the shower cap off bella's head as she pushed around a little boat and made engine noises.
"i trust you, okay? i wouldn't have left bella with you if i didn't. so now i need you to start to trust yourself." you warned softly as alessia paused, smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "okay. how's the wedding?" alessia switched topic as you grinned watching the bride and groom be put up on shoulders and carried around the room.
"just starting to get wild. its going to be a long night!" you laughed with a shake of your head. "but i'm not drinking, so if you need anything you can call me." you promised as alessia frowned, carefully tilting bella's head back and pouring a glass of water over her hair.
"why? the whole point of you going was for you to have fun with your friends! bell and i will be completely fine, right cheeky?" you put the phone on speaker, using your free hands to gently massage out the shampoo treatment.
"hi mummy!" bella chirped, kicking her feet with a splash. "hi babe, you having a good weekend?" you greeted as bella nodded.
"uh huh, last night we made pizza and less's friend taught me a new game and i got to sleepover at less's house! then today i went to layla's party and it was so fun and i had two pieces of cake! then big foot and me played space ship and now we're playing deep sea divers and we're getting chinese food for dinner cause big foot always carb loads before she plays football." bella explained excitedly making you laugh and alessia blush a little.
"that sounds really really great bell, save a fortune cookie for me and i'll see you tomorrow, okay? i miss you!" you smiled softly. "okay. miss you too!" bella grinned as alessia wiped her hands on a towel and grabbed the phone again.
"please have a drink babe, have a dance, enjoy yourself. we'll see you tomorrow." alessia requested firmly as you merely hummed, starting to walk back toward the reception.
"and hey, i miss you too." alessia murmured quietly causing your cheeks to heat up. "i miss you, maybe we can all go for dinner tomorrow after your game? all three of us." you suggested, the words leaving your mouth before you could stop them, alessia's entire face brightening at the suggestion.
"yeah? i'd really like that."
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Imagine pretty boy Steve trapped in a mirror for his vanity.
Except he grows as a person so much that his sole purpose becomes boosting self-esteem of everyone looking into the mirror (unless they're being an asshole in which case, bye any semblance of personal worth).
"Looking great, Dustin, go and get them! Oh wait, move your tie slightly to the left, that's it, good job buddy, go go go!"
"Seriously Robin, there's no way your lady isn't all over you the moment you step in that restaurant. Did you wear smudge-proof lipstick? Time to test it."
"No, Nance, it's not weird to ask your ex-boyfriend if you look presentable, I mean, who else is better qualified? Good choice of dress for the interview, you're going to ace it."
"El, it doesn't matter how long your hair is. Yeah, it was so pretty, but it will grow back. But you know what else? You have gorgeous eyes, a wonderful smile and the way you say "mouth-breather" is everything. As long as you have that smile you'll be the prettiest girl around, so don't you dare worry about it."
"Mike, stop looking like someone stepped in your birthday cake, you're a handsome young man and Will is going to love the new haircut. If I'm wrong, feel free to come back and spread mustard all over my frame, but I've yet to be wrong. Yeah, you're a bit of an asshole too, now go and get your boy!"
"Joyce, you're as beautiful as always, but from what I know about Hopper, he'd think you're the most beautiful person alive if you were wearing a potato sack. But this dress is perfect and you look so happy. I wish you all the best on your date!"
"Yeah Jason, looks aren't the issue here...nothing I can do to help you all the ugly stuff on the inside buddy. Sure, smash the mirror if you want - good luck by the way, it's fucking cursed for a reason - but that won't make the truth hurt less, huh?"
And then Eddie accidentally steps in front of him and Steve has never seen anyone so unaware of his own beauty. And Eddie seems to be the only one apart from Robin who realizes how lonely he sometimes gets so he often takes Steve with him no matter where he goes (the big van is handy) and Steve makes sure to shower him with compliments, gradually finding exactly the right doses and right words to make Eddie understand how special he is, how radiant his smile looks, how he's so animated when he talks about things he loves-
And on the day when Eddie looks into the mirror and finally sees himself just as Steve sees him, the mirror cracks and Steve falls out, disoriented and kind of terrified, what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck-?!
But Eddie just smiles at him and hugs him, the first human touch in such a long time it makes Steve tear up. "Finally!" exclaims Eddie and pulls him even closer. "No shame at all Stevie, but that frame was fucking heavy!"
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copper-16 · 2 months
Elena and Alexia Day!
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Elena and Alexia’s tradition of spending a day together to celebrate the little girl’s birthday!
(a/n: give me allll the cute, fluffy moments rn, this was so much fun to write. Forgot how much I loved writing kid fics 🫠)
Mapi knew as soon as the door opened that nothing good was going to be happening that day. 
Alexia’s smile was simply too wide, and the midfielder was practically bouncing with an uncharacteristic amount of excitement, looking past her friend and into the apartment, her eyes eager. 
“Where's my child?” She asked hurriedly, practically breathing down Mapi’s throat in an attempt to get into the apartment. The center-back rolled her eyes, but she was fighting a smile at the same time. 
“Last I checked, she was my daughter,” the brunette pointed out, but she stepped aside just as Ingrid rounded the corner carrying Elena, and the blonde pushed past her, making a beeline for the baby. 
“Pequeña! How is the best little girl,” Alexia cooed softly, her heart bursting as the young girl immediately reached for her, being quickly transferred into her godmother's arms. 
“Tía!” Elena squealed, wrapping her arms around the Barcelona captain and pressing her cheek into the blonde’s shoulder. 
Even if Mapi pretended to be annoyed, she couldn’t ever bring herself to really mind it that much. She loved how much her daughter adored her godmother, and she loved that Alexia found just as much joy in interacting with her. 
“What are you doing here?” Elena asked, looking around at all the adults. The midfielder reached down with one hand to tickle her stomach slightly, sending her into a fit of giggles as Elena shoved her hand away playfully. 
“What am I doing here? It is Tía and Elena’s day, no?” Alexia asked secretly, whispering rather loudly as Mapi and Ingrid fought to contain their laughter. 
“Because it is my birthday soon, right?” The green-eyed girl’s face lit up in realization of what day it was, her excitement ballooning at the prospect of spending the day with Alexia. 
Every year before her birthday, Alexia came over and stole Elena for the day, and they did whatever the little girl asked. Last year they had gone to the zoo, where the Barcelona captain had carried the little girl around the whole zoo, much to the Spanish girl’s delight. Her Mami and Mama always made her walk more, but Alexia never complained about the opportunity to carry the dark-haired girl around, instead laughing that it was her arms workout for the day. 
“Si, si! What do you want to do today? We can do anything you want!” The older woman asked, her smile only growing when Elena’s forehead creased, the little girl clearly lost in thought. 
“Can we go to the park together?” She asked, her face hopeful. Alexia nodded instantly, looking back at Ingrid and Mapi, who both nodded. She set Elena down, helping her with her shoes and taking the offered bag with the little girl’s things before she began to fetter them out of the apartment. 
“Come on, let’s go!” Alexia exclaimed, her excitement getting the better of her as she swept the little girl out of the apartment, leaving Mapi to scramble after her. 
“You need the car seat!” She hollered after them, causing the Catalan to circle back on a dime, her eagerness unable to be dimmed. 
“Let’s go…right after we get the car seat!” She repeated with equal enthusiasm, causing Elena to laugh as raced after the Barcelona captain, her giggled echoing in the hallway infectiously. 
The park was surprisingly busy as they arrived, much to Alexia’s surprise. She had expected it to be much more desolate than it was, but she remained unfettered by the number of people there, unbuckling Elena from her car seat and walking her into the park.  
The little girl loved going to the park with her Tías, especially because they were all wildly overeager to spend time with her, always going on the slides and pushing her on the swings without any prompting, unlike her mothers. 
The green-eyed girl was clearly elated, pulling Alexia straight for the slide, waiting patiently for their turn as Elena talked the Catalan’s ear off for five straight minutes about everything and nothing at all. But it didn’t matter to the midfielder, who listened as intently as she did during a halftime speech where the team was two goals down. 
“Your turn Tía!” She exclaimed from her spot at the bottom of the slide, clapping her hands together as Alexia awkwardly scooted down the slide, not having the same smooth ride that the little kids did. 
But she was entirely undeterred, especially when she stood and Elena came running over, crashing into her legs with a hug and then jumping up and down. 
“You did it!” She rejoiced, holding her hand up to high-five Alexia, something that the midfielder responded with instantly. 
“So did you! Look at us go!” Alexia exclaimed, pulling the sunglasses off her nose to sit on the top of her head as she bent down to give Elena a big hug. 
The little girl could see from behind her the way that some of the people at the park were beginning to point and stare in their direction, but she didn’t think much of it, too engrossed in spending time with her godmother to really care. 
“Can we go on the swings next?” The dark-haired girl asked, and the captain nodded eagerly, taking Elena’s hand to lead her over there. 
“Alright, up we go!” She exclaimed as she picked the green-eyed girl up and popped her onto the swings, turning back to head toward the other side so that she could push Elena. 
It was at that point that a little boy and his mother approached, nervous smiles on their respective faces. The mother pushed the boy gently toward the football, and he wrung his hands together anxiously before speaking. 
“Uhm…could I maybe get a picture?” He asked, and the captain glanced back at Elena, who was looking at them curiously, her brow furrowed together, before she turned back to the little boy. 
“Yes, of course. But just me please,” she asked apologetically, hoping that they could snap the picture quickly and allow her to fully focus back on her goddaughter. 
It only took a few seconds, and her attention was back on the little girl instantly, smiling at her widely as she began to push her once more. 
“Higher Tía, higher!” She cheered, smiling as well when Alexia laughed easily, pushing her as high as she was willing, not wanting her to get injured. 
She only slows the swing when she feels another tap on her shoulder, and she tries to hide her annoyance when she finds that it’s another person, asking for a picture. Regrettably, she stopped the swings for a moment, telling Elena to stay put for another moment as she took the picture, hoping that this would be the last one of the day. 
The sunglasses went back on, but even then people still approached her, even when she refused a photograph with them, trying to remain focused on her goddaughter. 
And every time they were stopped or interrupted, the little girl’s smile seemed to dim just slightly, as first confusion and then a slight sadness settled over her. 
It wasn’t that she wasn’t ever stopped when her mothers were asked for pictures, but it wasn’t usually like this. 
Mapi and Ingrid weren’t stopped for pictures all that often, and when they were, they usually took individual pictures while the other kept their daughter entertained, to the point where it never bothered her.
With it being just her and Alexia though, every single time they were stopped Elena had to step back, when all she wanted to do was spend time with her godmother. It seemed that every person they passed wanted a piece of the midfielder, pulling her away from the green-eyed girl even as she tried to remain focused on her goddaughter. 
Elena didn’t know Alexia as the two-time Ballon d’Or winner, one of the greatest players of their generation. 
All she knew was the woman who loved spending time with her, the woman who showered her in love and kisses and carried her whenever she asked. She had known Alexia for her entire life and didn’t understand the Catalan woman’s popularity, especially given her age. 
After Alexia had rejected a sixth picture, she turned back to the dark-haired girl, trying to recover a smile on her face. 
“Do you want to go play over there?” Alexia asked hopefully, but Elena just shook her head, looking down at the ground insistently. 
“Can we go?” The little girl asked instead, and the midfielder’s heart dropped into her stomach as she nodded tersely, taking Elena’s hand and leading her out of the park, racking her brain on what to do. 
They made a quick pit stop at the car to grab a hat for Alexia before they began to walk toward more shops, something the green-eyed girl agreed to with a nod, still not really speaking. 
The captain’s heart sank once more, and she swallowed nervously. Elena wasn’t usually this reserved, and eventually she couldn’t take it, looking around to make sure there was nobody around before she sat down on the sidewalk, pulling the little girl toward her gently. 
“What’s wrong pequeña? I can tell something is bothering you,” Alexia said gently, her face contorted in worry. 
Elena shrugged for a moment before she pushed her hair back roughly, quiet for a moment. When she looks up at Alexia for a second, there is a wash of insecurity painted across her features, one that makes the midfielder’s heart squeeze uncomfortably. She never wanted the young girl to feel uncomfortable or worried around her.  
“You’re…you’re still here to spend time with me, right?” She asked in an unsure voice after a moment, stepping toward Alexia slightly, reaching forward to fist the material of the Catalan’s shorts in one of her hands. 
“Of course I am! It is our special day just the two of us, no?” The blonde replied softly, placing her hands over the little girls. 
“It feels like everyone wants to spend time with you,” Elena countered gently, and the Barcelona player kicked herself, just slightly. She hated this part of fame, the part that came between any of her relationships, the part that made anyone around her feel bad. 
It was especially hard to see the dark-haired girl so upset, even though she was trying to hide it. 
Alexia let out a slow sigh, trying to gather her thoughts. She should have started with a better disguise, and she should have never said yes to the first picture she took. The balance of fame was a tricky one, and she hated that she didn’t do better today. 
“I’m sorry everyone kept coming up and interrupting us when we were at the park,” she started, trying to explain this as best as she could to an almost four year old. “I think people get really excited to see me sometimes, and they want to come over to say hello and ask to take a picture with me. Just like they do with your Mami and Mama sometimes, right?” She inquired, and Elena finally lifted her head to look at the Catalan woman, nodding as she blinked rapidly. 
“I wish I could tell them all to go away, but sometimes they still come up and interrupt, and I’m sorry that I can’t stop them. But I promise you Elena, I am only here for you, and you are the only one I care about right now. It is our special day, and we can do whatever you want,” she promised, trying to keep her voice less desperate than she felt. She really didn’t want to let this come between the two of them, and she hated seeing her goddaughter upset. 
But luckily the little girl seemed to appreciate her words, her worries mollified as her godmother explained. 
“Could we maybe get ice cream, please?” She asked hopefully, her green eyes looking at Alexia with renewed and yet still reserved excitement, and the blonde wanted to sob in relief as she nodded, moving to get up and take them before the young girl stopped her. The dark-haired girl gestured to her to come closer, pulling the midfielder in closely to whisper in her ear. 
“Maybe we could…we could take a picture together too?” She suggested in a small, shy voice, and the blonde’s smile widened considerably, nodding zealously as the little girl’s enthusiasm seemed to return in full force. 
“Come on, we can send it to your Mami and Mama,” the midfielder decided, pulling Elena into her lap and removing her sunglasses before she began to snap selfies of them. At first, it was just the two smiling, before Alexia leaned forward to kiss the little girl’s cheek, sending her into a fit of giggles. 
They pulled funny faces at the camera before Alexia allowed Elena to take her phone and take photos of her sitting on the sidewalk, before they swapped and the Barcelona player took photos of her goddaughter, both of them giggling as they did so. 
Ingrid and Mapi received an onslaught of photos as Alexia replaced her hat and sunglasses back on her head, standing to lead Elena toward the ice cream store. 
She bought both of them a scoop of ice cream, choosing chocolate for herself while Elena asked for some heinously sweet concoction. 
“Do you want to try?” The dark-haired girl asked politely, holding out her cup of ice cream to Alexia with a smile on her face. 
“Yes! Thank you so much for sharing,” the blonde replied, wanting to encourage the little girl to share, while trying not to skeptically eye the bright blue ice cream now sitting in front of her. 
She offered the green-eyed girl a bite of her chocolate ice cream, before she finally lifted the spoon to her mouth, taking the tiniest of bites and trying not to shudder at how intensely sweet it was. 
“Delicious!” She said instead, reaching for her water instantly to rid her mouth from the aching saccharine feeling of the ice cream. It was worth it when Elena smiled brightly, taking her cup back and continuing to eat, chattering away. 
And even as they ate, they were interrupted just a few more times, with each time Alexia politely declining, before she turned back to Elena swiftly. She was worried that the little girl would be downtrodden with the interruptions, but rather she seemed to flourish under the captain’s attention, and it didn’t bother her as much now that the midfielder was declining the people who came up to her. 
“You know what I think we need to do now?” The blonde asked, her voice low and secretive as she wiped the remnants of ice cream off the dark-haired girl’s cheeks. 
“What?” Elena questioned, her eyebrows furrowed together adorably, truly having no idea what the blonde would suggest. 
“I think it’s time to go shopping! It is almost your birthday, after all,” Alexia announced, never mind the four wrapped gift boxes she already had sitting in her apartment. 
“Yay!” Elena cheered, the sugar rush beginning to hit her as she hopped around the midfielder with excitement. 
“Come on, let's go pequeña!” Alexia declared, taking the overeager girl’s hand in her own and leading them out of the shops. 
It was only once she had tired the little girl out, going from shop to shop and looking through all the different things that she could buy, that she finally took her back to the car, ready to go home. 
She placed the bags into the boot of the car before she swung Elena up into her arms, hugging her tightly and relishing in the way that the green-eyed girl hugged her back easily, her whole body sagging into the midfielder. 
“I love you so much Tía,” she mumbled sleepily, and it only made Alexia hold her tightly, and wish suddenly that she would never get big. She wished deeply that she could stay this small forever, that she would always be able to carry Elena to the car, or take her to the park, or get sickly sweet ice cream together. 
But it also meant that she got to enjoy living in the present, making sure to appreciate all the little moments like these, to make sure to treasure these memories. She places one of her hands on the back of Elena’s head as she presses a kiss to the side of her head. 
“I love you more, little one,” she replied easily, rocking her back and forth for a moment before she got her situated in her car seat, getting them ready to go home. 
When Ingrid opened the door, she frowned, looking at the scene in front of her. 
Because all that seemed to be in her doorway was her captain, smiling at her widely (and rather guiltily), holding so many bags she was giving Carrie Bradshaw a run for her money. 
What was lacking in the doorway, however, was any trace of her daughter, the daughter that Alexia was supposed to be bringing home right now. 
“Did you lose Elena?” The Norwegian asked skeptically, her eyebrow raised suspiciously. 
“I’m right here Mama!” Elena announced, jumping up from behind one of the bags, her head popping up over the multitude of bags in Alexia’s arms. 
Ingrid fought the urge to burst out laughing, shaking her head as she turned back into the apartment. 
“María? Can you come here please?” She called out, waiting just a few seconds before her wife appeared in the hallway, walking toward them. 
“What is it…Alexia?! Where is my daughter?” She exclaimed, coming to stand next to Ingrid, looking equally perplexed. 
“I’m here Mami!” Elena reached a hand up to push one of the bags down, smiling brightly at her mother’s, looking up at Alexia with a huge grin. 
“How did you…how much could you have spent…I…really?” Mapi asked as her hand came up to rub at her forehead, unable to really formulate a response. 
Alexia opened her mouth, but appeared unable to come up with an appropriate answer for Mapi’s line of questions. 
Ingrid, on her account, fought an amused smile as she reached around the bags to lift Elena up, poking her daughter in the cheek and smiling. 
“Did you have so much fun?” She asked, her face brightening when the little girl nodded insistently, immediately beginning to tell her all about their day as she gestured with one of her hands, causing all of the adults to chuckle. 
“How about we go get you ready for dinner?” Ingrid interrupted softly, redirecting Elena away from her long-winded story, and the green-eyed girl nodded before turning back to Alexia and Mapi. 
“Thank you so much Tía! I love you, and I love Tía and Elena day,” she proclaimed, pressing her hand to her mouth and blowing Alexia a kiss before Ingrid looked over at the two Spaniards, stifling a laugh. 
“I will leave you two to deal with…this,” she decided, gesturing to the pile of bags that now littered their entryway. She turned swiftly, leaving the two Spanish women alone, as Alexia looked over at Mapi with an apologetic smile. 
The brunette looked unimpressed, staring down at all the bags before she looked back up at her best friend, disbelief etched into her face. 
“Really Alexia?” 
“I couldn’t help it!”
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itsbeeble · 9 months
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SUMMARY: When you met Eric, you’d thought he was just another frat boy, looking to get into any woman’s pants (particularly yours at that moment). You never would’ve thought that he was just a loser who really liked FNAF and just thought you were pretty.
GENRE: smut, fluff, crack, mild angst
PAIRING: Eric Sohn x afab!reader (ft hak, sunwoo, sunwoo's gf, and sangyeon)
WC: 10.5k (there go my plans of proving Ally wrong)
PERM TAGLIST: @juyeonszn @winterchimez
WARNINGS: um... okay so virgin!eric, kinda dom!reader, eric's a fucking loser, reader kinda makes fun of him at first for being a virgin, reader kinda teaches eric about everything from kissing to uh...yeah, dry humping, kissing, making out, oral (m and f receiving), eric cums in his pants, eric plays fnaf, um...public making out? public fingering?, multiple orgasms, eric goes from little virgin boy to I TOLD YOU WE NEEDED MORE GLITTER real fast, sunwoo slander, sunwoo's annoying in this idk, eric's a dumb gamer boy who needs desperate help from the boy who concussed his gf (cough sunwoo), slight bit of miscommunication?, eric cries (ummmm dacryphilia?), reader also cries (again...dacryphilia?), edging el oh el, sunwoo and. reader know the importance of CONSENT, i think that's all the important stuff
A/N: I'm never gonna beat the allegations... ally will always think i bias eric. Anyway, happy birthday to my little munchkin princess eric sohn 🥰🥰
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Eric was practically shaking as he approached you. Scratch that, he was definitely shaking but he could blame the ripples covering the drinks in his hand on the pumping base. It thrummed in his veins, or maybe that was his pulse steadily increasing when he locked eyes with you.
You. His gorgeous, intelligent, perfect…
Lab partner. You were his lab partner and at that very moment, nothing more. At least, not in your eyes. Eric, though? He was enamored by you. The way you laugh, the teasing grin when he does something wrong and you scold him, the way your body looks in that dress—
“Hi.” You look away from your friends and face him, a curious look on your face. He’s starting to feel warm. Was it warm in here? He thinks he’s starting to sweat, and can feel something drip down the back of his neck.
“Hi…?” Your hands are empty, and Eric forces himself not to jump up and down with glee that he doesn’t have to make the excuse of having two drinks for himself. 
“I’m— Do you—” He stutters, and heat begins to spread from his neck to his cheeks as your friends giggle. You just smile. A kind smile that has his body slowly relaxing the more he looks at your face. “Do you wanna drink— I mean— fuck, I meant do you want a drink. Not— not do you wanna drink— I mean that could—  that is also a question, but—”
More laughter from your friends and Eric suddenly thinks he’s gonna throw up all over you, your dress, and his nice white button-up shirt that he’d forced Sangyeon to iron for him. 
“Thank you, Eric.” You say, reaching for the cup in his left hand. Your fingers brush against his, and his knees begin to wobble visibly. Your smile disappears into a concerned frown, and suddenly Eric’s attention is on your lips. He isn’t paying attention to his surroundings anymore. Can’t find himself caring that your friends are still laughing at the scenario, nor that you shoo them away. 
“Eric?” Your hand waves in front of his face, effectively catching the boy’s attention. “Are you okay?”  
“Yeah!” Eric says it far too quickly, knowing immediately that you don’t believe him. Fortunately, one of his many charms is that he’s very good at lying to people. “I’m perfectly fine. Why do you ask?” 
You giggle, and it’s the sweetest sound that he’s ever heard.
“You just— you seem a little uncomfortable right now.” You lean close to him, scanning his face under the flashing lights. You can hardly make out his features under the colors. Blue, purple, red, white, green, yellow. All the colors under the rainbow covered his face and changed every few seconds. When they flashed white, you swear you can see a flush in his cheeks. 
“Why would I be uncomfortable?” He leans toward you with a sudden surge of confidence that has your heart pounded a bit. “Why would I ever be uncomfortable around the most beautiful girl in the building?”
And there it is, folks, you think. Your eye twitches, something so subtle that Eric fails to catch it. The irritation, the disappointment. 
“Ah, I see.” You grimace, and Eric begins to panic again. 
“What— did I upset you?” He asks, and you roll your eyes. 
“Eric, if you wanna get into my pants you’re gonna have to try better than that.” 
Eric’s heart drops to the floor, his face flushing even more as he begins to panic. He stutters, he tries to backtrack, he tries to explain himself. You, however, are hearing none of it. Not a single word that comes out of his mouth reaches your ears. 
“Stop, Eric.” You snap and his mouth snaps shut. “Just…Just stop.” 
You set the cup he’d given you down on the table, and he stares at it dumbly while you storm away to find your friends again. The amber liquid in the cup sloshes with the base echoing around it and the loud noise of partygoers around him. 
He watches it spill over the lip of the cup, and then sets his own cup down next to it, turning around to return to the party but the weight of crushing rejection sits uncomfortably on his chest. 
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It’s two days later when you see Eric again. Monday morning, an 8AM Physics lecture that no one wants to be in. Two weeks into the semester, and almost twenty people had already dropped the class. He walks in with a black hat covering his head, and a white tee shirt covering his torso. It’s certainly not clothing suitable for the cold air of early February, but he’d been unable to do his laundry over the weekend due to the parties on Friday and Saturday and the neverending clean-up that occurred on Sunday. 
He spots you, tucked well into the second row, and his eyes light up. Yours, on the other hand, narrow. You keep your gaze on him while he makes his way up to you as quickly as possible, hoping to have a chance to talk to you before the lecture begins. 
“Hey,” he grins at you, gently setting his bag on the chair to his left and turning to face you. Your eyes are still narrowed with suspicion. “How was your weekend?” 
How was your weekend? It’s as if the both of you hated that question; one of you cringing with something close to disgust, the other with something like horror. Is he stupid?
“It was fine,” you tell him curtly. Eric frowns, leaning back in his chair when you turn your gaze to the front. 
“Did I do something wrong?” He blurts out, and your shoulders sag. Was that the wrong thing to ask? Did he do something wrong?
“Did you seriously just ask me that?” You hiss out, glancing at him from the corner of your eye. He opens his mouth to speak, but he has a hard time finding the words. What is he even supposed to say? What if you think he’s an asshole for not knowing what was wrong? What if you never smile at him again?
“I— honestly I really don’t know!” You scoff and Eric sits up, leaning forward on the table to get a better view of your face. You can see the pout, see the way his eyebrows knit together in what you can only assume is faux confusion. There’s no way he doesn’t know what he did.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?” You look at him fully now and watch the way his body recoils from the words. Hurt, confusion. No anger. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Eric Sohn angry in the two years you’d shared classes with him. 
“What— what did I even do?” The professor walks in, and he hushes his voice. “I can’t fix things if I don’t know what I did wrong!”
“That’s your own damn fault then, isn’t it?” You click your pen, and Eric shuts up. You almost feel bad, carefully watching as he takes out his own notebook to begin taking notes. He doesn’t say anything for the rest of the lecture, and you feel a pang of regret in your chest. Maybe he really doesn’t know what he did wrong, you think, nibbling on your lip in thought. No, there’s no way he doesn’t know. He’s the smartest guy in the room, no way does he not know what— 
You glance at Eric again, this time turning your head to fully look at him. His blond hair falls over his eyes, even with the hat covering his head. His shoulders are hunched, his hand moving so quickly over the lined paper so that he can at least try to keep up with your professor. For a moment, you think about Eric Sohn. About the frat boy who had been nothing but kind to you since the day you met. About the boy who once gave you notes far more detailed than you’d ever written during the week you were sick. About the boy who—
No, you shake your head and begin to write down more equations you know you’re going to have to ask Eric about later. He’s a frat boy. All he wants is a good fuck and then he’s gone. 
But why did he seem so hurt when you spoke to him so rudely? When you turned him away not once, but twice within the past three days. 
You liked him, you really did! He was kind, thoughtful, and he was always helping anyone he could. He never refused to help anyone, even if it was a subject that he didn’t know that well. Had you gotten it wrong? Was he just trying to talk to you and you had responded—
Your pen clicks again as you give up on the notes, and you lean back in your chair to squint at the whiteboard in front of you. 
Talking with Eric Sohn was inevitable, but it was only a matter of how long you could avoid the topic—
“I want all of you to pair up. These will be your partners for the midterm project.”
Eric’s gaze turns to you uneasily, tilting his head in question. You bite down hard on your tongue, fighting every urge inside of you to turn around and ask the girl behind you to be partners. 
Fuck, how could you say no to those eyes?
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Your room is brighter than Eric thought it would be. When you originally invited him over to study that night, he had been terrified. Was your apartment going to be almost falling apart? What if it was really nice and he broke something? What if you killed him and stuffed him into a dumpster?
Fortunately, none of those things were necessarily true. Your building wasn’t falling apart, thankfully, although it was arguably nicer than any other off-campus apartments and you could still choose to kill him. 
It was nice, though. It was a two-bedroom apartment that you shared with your friend Eunseung, one full bathroom and another half-bathroom, a decent kitchen, and a nice-sized living space. According to what you told him in the last semester, the rent wasn’t too awful either. 
The walls of your bedroom were yellow, but not an ugly shade of yellow. It was pastel, not quite bright enough to be harsh on the eyes but not dark enough to make it hard to see. You’d lined bookshelves up to the wall, most filled with books but some with photos and plants and music albums. You had a small desk in the corner, and your bed was aligned with the center of the back wall, a light green comforter covering white sheets. 
“I’m surprised we’ve never studied here.” You hum, but your tone is distant. Eric laughs dryly and sets his bag down on the ground next to your bedframe. 
“You prefer the library,” he points out. “The lighting is easier for your eyes.” 
For a moment, you pause in your motions. How did he—
“How did you know that?” You ask, turning to face him. You can see the flush in your partner’s cheeks, and he ducks his head so that the baseball cap on his head covers his eyes. 
“I just— you would always squint when we studied at the library or— or at the TBZ house. I just…I figured that was the reason.” I pay attention. That’s what you knew he meant. 
Why does a boy who only wants to get into your pants care so much about you?
“Oh.” You dig your laptop out of your bag and take a seat on your bed, leaning against your pillows with your legs straight out in front of you. Eric joins you, sitting crosslegged at the other end of the bed. He’s careful not to get too close, shifting away from you when you adjust your position. Your skirt flares out to the side, ruffled by the blanket and exposing your thighs a bit more. Eric has to force his eyes to remain on his laptop. You notice, but there’s no anger with it. You choose to not even acknowledge it. 
“So what do we wanna do for our project?” His eyes flick over to you, and you shrug. 
“We could build something?” You suggest. “Maybe, like, a paper airplane launcher?” 
He hums, tilting his head back and wrinkling his nose in thought. 
“What about something with electromagnetism?” You nod slowly. 
“That could be good. We could keep with the idea of building something and make an electric motor with things people have lying around their houses?” 
Eric grins at you. “Now we’re thinking. We’ll have this done in no time at all.”
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Eric was right. 
The brainstorming and research portion of the project had been completed within a few hours, and the two of you had cast your laptops to the side to search your apartment for things to use. Paper clips, some sort of copper wire (you had no idea why anyone would have a copper wire hanging around their house. Eric, however, said that there were several around the frat house), wood, some batteries. Anything that the two of you could use. The only thing neither of you had was a staple gun.
“It’s getting late,” Eric notes with a quick glance toward your living room window. You hum in response, lying back on your couch with your phone in your hand. “I should get going soon.”
Your eyes flick to him, but he isn’t looking at you. “Do you wanna stay the night?” 
Silence. A long moment of silence, and then Eric looks at you with a look nearing scandalized. 
“What?” You sit up, draping your arms over the back of your couch and getting a better look at him. 
“You heard me.” His face is bright red, similar to the night of the party. 
“Why would— why would I want— I mean th— thank you for the offer but— but I can’t stay the night. Why would— where would I even sleep? I don’t have clothes to sleep in!” He throws every excuse he could possibly think of at you, adding to your amusement. He had no clothes, where would he sleep, you had classes earlier in the morning than him, it would be weird if he stayed the night. It was cute. 
You’ll admit it, Eric was cute. The puppy-like look in his eyes, the pout on his lips. Everything about him was cute. It almost shocked you how fast you were able to get over the anger that he only wanted to sleep with you. In fact, you weren’t sure that’s what he even wanted from you. Only one way to find out, right?
“Eric,” you finally cut off his rambling and his voice stops, leaving your apartment oddly quiet. “Come here.” 
He listens, slowly slinking toward you. Eric is nervous, you can tell. Every step he takes, every twitch when you shift your body. It fills you with pride, or maybe some other emotion. 
Eric stops when he’s right in front of you, just a few steps from the back of the couch and both of you (really just him) are all too aware of how his crotch is level with your mouth. 
“I wanna tell you something,” you beckon him toward you with one finger and he slowly, albeit a bit awkwardly as well, bends down so that his face is just above yours. Heat radiates off his face, so hot that you may start sweating soon. “Do you wanna know a secret?”
His Adam’s apple bobs, his hands gripping the couch for dear life, short nails digging into the cheap fabric. 
“Sure.” Eric’s voice is hoarse, and it makes you smile. 
“I kinda like you, Eric.” 
Your lips press gently against his. Entirely experimental, just enough to see what he would do. His body seizes up, his breath hitching in his throat. He doesn’t move against you, doesn’t tilt his head or part his lips. He sits there like the lead in a lame drama where the main characters seem like they couldn’t be less into each other. You begin to pull away from him, fearing you’d made him a bit uncomfortable, but a whine is pulled from his throat when your lips part from his. 
You look at him, but he’s already looking at you with wide, bulging eyes. 
“Eric…” You have a sneaking suspicion that you know why he didn’t kiss you. “Have you…has no one ever kissed you before?”
“What?” The boy’s voice is shrill, and you know the answer. “Of— of course, I’ve been kissed? What kind of question is that?” 
Your lips quirk up. “Are you sure? It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, you know.”
“What— why would I be embarrassed?” His frustration and denial are cute. Adorable, really. 
“Because you’re a sophomore in college and have been kissed once— by your physics partner, no less.” You smirk playfully and then gasp, pushing up and toward him suddenly. He reels back, nearly falling backward with the suddenness of the motion. “Eric Sohn! Are you a virgin?”
Eric looks like he’s about to cry from embarrassment, and he turns away from you completely. You grimace briefly and climb off the couch to come around and stand in front of him. He avoids your gaze by looking above you, around you, at the floor and the walls. 
“Eric,” your voice is gentle now. He doesn’t move, nor does he make any noise. He’s like a deer in headlights. “Eric, can you look at me.”
“No,” he denies, crossing his arms over his chest. You feel a bubble of amusement rising in your stomach. “You’re just gonna make fun of me.”
“I’m not gonna make fun of you.” You promise, your hand grazing his forearm. Eric’s eyes lock with yours, and for once you choose to hold his gaze. “Now, can you tell me the truth so I can help you?” 
“Help me,” he echoes with an air of offense. “I don’t need help!”
“Eric, you’re a sophomore in college who’s in the most popular frat on the campus. Add onto that your personality and your good looks, you should be getting bitches left and right.” You say pointedly and the tips of his ears flush red. Or, rather, as red as they can when his whole face is burning up from your prior insinuations. 
“What if I’m just waiting for marriage?” He counters. “Or— or the right person?” Your lips draw into a thin line, knowing that statement was bullshit. 
“We both know you wouldn’t be hard as a rock right now if that was the case.”
Eric’s heart plummets to the ground, his eyes following it to check for himself. To his complete and utter dismay, you weren’t lying. Pressing against the front of his cargo pants was the solid outline of his member, straining against the seam and begging to be released. 
“I— I am so— so sorry,” he stammers, his hands yanking the edge of his sweatshirt down to cover himself, his hands remaining carefully placed over his crotch but he knows it’s too late. “I didn’t— I don’t— oh my god I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s fine,” you reassure him, holding tightly onto his sleeve so he can’t run for the door. “I knew you wanted to sleep with me, it was kind of obvious.”
“No I— I don’t want—” Eric frantically shakes his head. “I don’t— I can’t— I don’t wanna sleep with you— I mean I do, I really really do, but not— not like this—”
The hand on his sleeve comes up to grab his cheeks, squeezing them together until his lips are pushed out and he can’t speak anymore. 
“You can admit it, Eric.” You hum, and with your hand still on his face, you begin to walk him back and around to the side of the couch. He yelps when you push him back, letting go of his face and watching him fall over the arm and land with an oof on the cushions. “You can admit that you wanted to fuck me from the moment you saw me.”
“But I—” He choked on spit before he could finish talking, eyes widening into saucers when you climbed onto the couch, crawling up to sit on his lap. He’s sitting up straight now, but the risk of falling back again is high with nothing to support his spine. Your hands just rest on his shoulders, not digging in or moving to grasp anything else. They stay there, waiting for him to make the first move. 
“Tell me if you don’t want me to continue, Eric.” His hands are trembling, his pulse higher than it’s ever been. He slowly rotates his body, placing his feet firmly on the ground and resting his spine against the back of the couch so that he doesn’t hurt either of you. 
“I want—” his voice cracks. 
“What do you want?” Your lips are on his neck, featherlight kisses being left in your wake and knocking the breath out of him. He’d never felt like this, he’d never been touched like this save for his own hand in the darkness of his room with an animated video on loop on his laptop screen. At his lack of response, you pull your lips back from his neck. Eric lets out a loud whine at this, his left hand coming to the back of your head to lightly try and push you back into him. 
“Keep doing that,” he gasps out, and you smile. 
“Don’t you want me to kiss you?” You ask him, and another whine tumbles from his lips.
“I— fuck, I do— god, why are you doing this to me?”
“I just wanna know what you want, Eric,” you’re teasing him and you know it, but you’re pretty sure Eric might fall to pieces if you don’t give him something soon. “Can’t you tell me what you want?” 
“Just—” he leans his head back, and you watch the rapid bobbing of his throat as he tries to swallow and take in air and do anything to calm himself down. “Just do something.”
“What’s the magic word?” He raises his head, gasping when he finds your lips suddenly inches from his own. 
“Ple— please?” Your lips quirk up.
“Actually, it was—”
You don’t get the chance to tease him anymore. He crushes your lips together with so much force that it almost hurts. There’s nothing coherent about the way he kisses you, although you could hardly call it a kiss at all. It was more him putting his mouth against yours, tilting his head, and squeezing his eyes shut. It’s clear from the moment it started that he’s never been kissed before and that knowledge has you squirming in his lap. 
“Eric,” you’ve barely pulled back and he’s chasing your lips as if you’re a glass of his favorite wine. “Eric, hold on.”
“Why?” His eyes flutter open and you have to force yourself not to kiss him senseless, even if he has no idea what he’s doing.
“Just—” You inhale deeply and the scent of his cologne begins to overwhelm your senses, practically intoxicating you. “You’ve never kissed anyone before.” 
He nods, his previous embarrassment returning when you say that. “I mean…Yeah, I— I haven’t. But I—I’ve used WikiHow—”
“It’s okay,” you cut him off and choose to ignore the comment about WikiHow, pressing a light kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Just follow my lead.” 
When he nods, you press your lips against his again. This time, it’s more fluid. It’s easier for you to kiss him when he’s copying your movements. It’s still awkward, your teeth smacking together painfully, but you can tell he’s getting used to the feeling. You’re able to part your lips against his, to open your mouth just enough for your tongue to slip out and brush against his lower lip. His whole body jolts, his hands digging into the fabric of your skirt hard enough that your skin would be bruised the next day. His hips roll up against yours, drawing a heady moan out of you. 
When Eric parts from you, his eyes are hazy. “Did— did you like when I did that?” 
“Yes,” you groan and begin to roll your hips down into his, watching the way his eyes roll into the back of his head and his back arches off the couch. 
“F-Fuck, okay,” He screws his eyes shut again, lips completely parted as the two of you begin to hump into each other like some damn animals. Your lips meld together again, and you let your tongue slither into his mouth. It’s obvious that Eric has no idea what to do with his tongue— pushing against yours aggressively, shoving it to the side, and trying to push his into your mouth— but as the minutes pass, he begins to understand what to do. He begins to understand what makes your body react positively and what has you unintentionally cringing away from him. 
Your lips part from his one more time but you hardly give him time to complain before you place a kiss on his cheek, then the corner of his jaw, and then right below his ear. He emits a nearly wild moan at this, his hips jerking up into yours in such a way that his bulge presses against your clit and punches a moan out of you. Being the quick learner that he is, Eric adjusts his position and rolls his hips up again and again and again, addicted to the way you sound and feel against him. 
“Eric,” you whine, parting from his neck. “Eric, oh my god.” 
He just huffs into your collarbone, licking and sucking and trying desperately to not cum too soon, but you just feel so good against him that he just can’t help it. 
His hips stutter against yours, and he moans so loud you fear that the neighbors hear it. You let him continue to grind into you, to work himself through his orgasm as your slips back and escapes you. It doesn’t matter, you’d get yourself when he leaves—
“You didn’t cum.” 
“What?” You blink dumbly at him, and Eric begins to pout. 
“You didn’t— you didn’t cum. You should’ve told me. I would’ve held off!” You knew that wasn’t true. He could barely hold himself together from a few kisses, what made him think he’d be able to hold himself off until you came? 
“It’s fine, Eric.” You reassure him, but he’s having none of it. You can’t stop him from lifting you off his hips and settling you against the couch cushions. Well…you probably could, but you wanted to see where this went. 
You watch as he unceremoniously yanks down your panties, not bothering with your skirt whether out of impatience or because he liked seeing you in it. 
“Do you even know what you’re doing?” Eric peers up at you, a boyish smile on his face. 
“Can’t be that hard, right?” You laugh, choosing not to argue with him. You’d tell him, when it came time, where your clit is but for now? You’d let him work things out for himself. 
Your body shudders when Eric takes his first taste, licking from the bottom to the top of your pussy. You’re amazed that he didn’t accidentally go too far down like most (slightly more experienced) men have. It’s almost impressive how much attention he pays to your quivering body, and you flip your skirt up so you can see his face buried into you. Every lick draws out a moan from both of you, and you can see him starting to roll his hips down onto the couch. 
“Fuck,” his words are muffled by your cunt, and vile slurping noises accompany him. “Could get addicted to the taste of you.”
“Mm, feels good, Eric.” Your eyes flutter shut, one of your hands slipping down to tangle in his blonde strands of hair and tugging him up slightly. Your other hand taps at your clit lightly, making your body jolt a bit. “Here. This— fuck— feels good here.”
“That’s it?” He drops his head down again, swatting your hand out of the way to replace it with his own. His touch is much rougher than yours, his hands thick and calloused compared to your delicate ones. “Right here?” 
You whine for him, and he has to bite on his tongue to not cum again so fast. He’s quick to attach his mouth to your clit, sucking violently and swiping his tongue against it. If you weren’t impressed by him before, you most certainly were now. It hadn’t taken him long at all to figure out what felt good for you. Reading your mind and body was almost second nature to him, it seemed, and it became abundantly clear when your orgasm began to rise again.
“Close, Eric!” You gasped out, “I’m close!”
He groans against you, catching your hips in his hands when they begin to roll into his face. Eric wanted to drown in you. He wanted to feel you shake around him for the rest of his damn life. He wanted to hear you screaming his name until your throat was raw and your voice was gone. 
And the sight of you cumming on his face, your essence soaking his chin and dripping onto his sweatshirt? 
If he could stay glued to you for the rest of his life, he fucking would.
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Becoming a habit came easy for you and Eric. You’re not dating, but you’re unsure of whether the puppy-like boy cares or not. You discovered very quickly that he would do anything for you, would learn anything for you. You’d successfully taught him how to kiss a girl without looking like a dumbass (i.e. the straight-face-to-sudden-kiss scenario you’d faced too many times to count), how to finger you and hit all the right spots, where not to put his mouth and fingers unless explicitly told otherwise. There was, of course, your next problem.
Eric refused to put his dick in you.
You knew he was clean, both of you had gotten tested when you originally began screwing around. You knew he liked you, that much was obvious. He looked at you as if you hung the stars in the sky, he told you how much he loved you every time you gave him head. He just…never went farther than that. Was he scared? Did he not want you as bad as you (very clearly) wanted him? It made you nauseous to think about, but it was getting frustrating how all you two did was make out, grind on each other like teenagers, and give each other head every time you saw each other. Shit— he was even fine with fingering you underneath the table in your lecture the other day! 
That’s why you developed a plan. Here you were, standing outside of the Tau Beta Zeta frat house under the guise of needing to work on your project (which wasn’t necessarily a lie) but really planning on getting him to finally fuck you. Yes, you were aware of the fact that he was a virgin but it was obvious from the start that he didn’t give a shit about that.
Unless he did. Your hand pauses just inches from the door, but you shake your head to clear the anxious thought and you knock on the door. 
One, two, three…one, two three…one—
On the third round of knocks, a boy swings the door open. His eyes are wide, his hair in disarray. 
“Hi.” You wave your hand with a smile, but the boy just stands there with a dumb look on his face. Were all the TBZ boys like this? 
“…Hi?” He says it in the form of a question, which draws a laugh out of you. 
“I’m Y/N.”
“Oh, the star soccer player, right?” He nods and you grin. “I saw your last game, the one where your girlfriend— I’m assuming girlfriend— knocked some sense into you. You really killed it out there!”
“Thank you…uh…can— can I help you?” You rock back and forth on your heels, biting at your lip in thought. The idea of wearing a skirt is choosing to bite you in the ass as a cold breeze picks up. 
“I’m here for Eric, actually. Um…Eric Sohn? I think he lives here, right?” Sunwoo’s jaw drops, his head dipping down as well and he steps to the side to let you in. You smile, using your feet to pull your shoes off as you step into the entryway. You see a pile of shoes to your left, the larger men’s pairs shoved into a large pile while some smaller women’s shoes sit neatly. You can’t help but wonder if it was the girlfriends that did this or if one of the frat members cares a bit more about them than the others. 
“He’s…he’s on the second floor, third door on the left…” You thank Sunwoo, ignoring how he follows you with obvious confusion and awe. Another boy passes by you, staring in confusion but ends up in the same state as the soccer player when he explains the situation. 
You knock before you enter Eric’s room, rocking on your heels again as you wait for some sort of response. You get none, and when you go to interrupt him, the second boy stops you. 
“Hi, um, I’m Haknyeon— you can call me Hak, though— Eric’s— he’s— he’s gaming. You can just go in because there’s no way you’re gonna get his attention by— by, um— yeah.” He stumbles over his words in an almost incomprehensible way, but you get the basic idea. 
“Thanks, Hak,” you dip your head and twist the doorknob. Sunwoo and Hak both watch you enter the room, only snapping out of their daze when you shut the door tightly behind you. 
“You…you saw that too, right?” Haknyeon grabs Sunwoo by the shoulder with a grin on his face.
“My best friend…” Sunwoo’s voice is quiet with confusion. “He’s…he’s getting bitches?”
“What did I say about saying that,” his girlfriend pops around the corner with a scowl on her face. Sunwoo’s face lights up, but it disappears at the scolding gaze she gives him.
“Sorry, baby,” he pouts and she rolls her eyes. “I just wasn’t expecting it.”
“Give them some damn privacy,” she clicks her tongue, eyeing the door. “Lord knows they’re probably gonna need it.”
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Eric is facing a large gaming setup when you enter the room. You can see the dark polo sweater which is partially unzipped to reveal some of his chest, the beige hat, and the khaki combo he had, unfortunately, chosen to wear today (you’re going to have to update his closet soon, whether you date him or not. You have to save the next girl he’s with). The lights, shockingly, are purple rather than the red you had expected. You can see expensive monitors and a keyboard, all of which are cleaner than any other gamer’s setup that you’d seen. In fact, his whole room is so much cleaner than you had ever given him credit for. You’d expected to see something absolutely filthy, but Eric never fails to shock you.
What doesn’t shock you, however?
Five Nights At Freddy’s playing on the screens.
You clear your throat, and he barely even spares a glance at you. You wonder if he even recognized that it was you—
“Yo, Y/N!” Oh god, this might not go as planned. “You’re early!” 
“Figured I’d come by to hang out before we got started on the paper.” You come up behind him, dropping your bag and jacket by the edge of the bed, revealing the black sheer top you’d chosen to go with your white skirt. You’d also chosen the perfume you know gets his attention the most, the one that always has him practically gluing his face to your neck. 
That doesn’t happen this time. He stays glued to his game, his legs spread wide open and tongue sticking out from the corner of his lips. 
“Feel— fuck!” His body jerks when an animatronic (Foxy, maybe?) comes out of a vent and gives him barely enough time to start protecting himself. “Feel free to make yourself comfortable, I might take a while.”
You hum, not moving from your spot. Your hands are on the back of his gaming chair, your eyes focused on the screen with fake intrigue. He doesn’t acknowledge you, so you let your hands begin to sink onto his shoulders. His chin tilts toward you a bit, but he corrects himself and goes back to ignoring you even when your nails graze the skin of his collarbone. 
“What are you doing?” Eric asks, but it’s more dismissive than anything. 
“Just watching you play,” you reply with a sly grin. Another jumpscare appears, and he grunts when you intentionally dig your nails into him (something you’ve learned he loves over the past two weeks). 
Part two of your scheme begins when you sink to your knees beside Eric and slip under his desk. This grabs his attention. Eric watches as you get comfortable, no longer paying attention to the screens in front of him when you run your hands up his thighs, grazing the button of his khaki pants. 
“Y/N, this—” his breath catches in his throat when you finally undo the button and pull the zipper down. You can see his member already hardening, twitching in his boxers. “You don’t have to— I don’t— why—”
“Jus’ play your game, baby.” You purr, your fingers hooking under the band of his boxers to tug them and his pants down at the same time. His jaw is hanging open, eyes wide with awe, but you stop your movements. “Play your game, Eric, or I’m leaving.”
His response is immediate, sliding his chair closer to you and lifting his hips to let you work. Your smirk is wide, and you yank his clothing down in one go, letting them rest around his ankles. Eric’s knee begins to bounce, and you rest your hand on top of it to steady him. His member, in just a few moments, has completely hardened. You can see the slick precum beginning to leak from his tip, and you lower your mouth to catch each drop on his tongue. 
The moan he emits is loud, and you pull your mouth back just an inch to dig your nails into his thigh.
“Stay quiet and don’t cum unless I say so.” He whimpers in response, and you bring your mouth back onto him. You begin by suckling at his tip, letting your tongue swirl around him like a lollypop, and listening to his barely restrained moans. You hear clicking and tapping on his keyboard, as well as random noises from the game
You take him a little deeper and his thighs tense, but he’s good at staying quiet. He’s good even when his tip hits the back of your throat and you gag around him. Even when you take him so deep that you’re choking on him and spit is dripping from your mouth and onto his skin. Even when you begin hollowing your mouth and bobbing your head, and swallowing around him a few times when you take him all the way down so your nose is against his pelvis. 
Another jumpscare and his hips jerk and force him farther down your throat. You moan around him, your eyes rolling back at the feeling, and that elicits a whine from him.
“Y/N,” he pleads. “I’ve been s-so good for yo—you right? Haven’t— Haven’t I been good? Ple—please let me cum. Jus’ wanna cum, please?” 
Eric sees you look up at him through your eyelashes, and just the sight of you slobbering all over him has his eyes rolling back in his head.
Then you pull off him completely, leaving his dick twitching and lonely against his stomach. 
“Why did— why did you pull off?” His eyes are dazed, and you flash a coy smile at him. 
“I told you to pay attention to the game, didn’t I?” 
“I— yeah, you did but— but I just— you—” Eric is tearing up as you begin to push your body out from under the desk to stand in front of him. 
“Poor baby,” you cup his cheek and your stomach churns when he leans into your palm with a sigh. “Should’ve just paid attention and beat the night, then, hm?” 
“Please,” he whines, leaving little kisses on your palm and working his way to your wrist, your forearm, your elbow, and then he’s pulling you onto his lap so you’re nearly sitting on his dick. You can feel it pulsing against your core, and you can’t help the tiny rolls of your hips to gain some sort of friction. “Please, just— I’ll…I’ll do anything you want. I’ll— I’ll eat you out, I’ll finger you, fuck, I’ll— I’ll let you sit on my face if that’s what you want.”
You hum, tapping your fingers against his chest in thought. “What if I want you to fuck me?” 
His body tenses and his cheeks begin to flush, his eyes refusing to meet yours. 
“Eric,” you say softly, moving your hand to his chin and forcing him to look at you. “Eric, talk to me.”
“I— I don’t—”
“I’m not gonna force you to do anything, Eric,” you reassure him, stopping the ministrations of your hips and bringing your free hand to the side of his neck. “I just want to know why. I want to understand. Do you— do you not want me? Do you wanna save yourself for another girl?” 
“No!” He snaps, his voice a bit harsher than he’d intended for it to come out but it has you flinching away from him. In a moment of panic, he brings his hands to your waist and tugs you closer to him. “I— sorry. It’s not— it’s not that at all.”
“Then why?” Your hands are playing with the ends of his blonde hair, and Eric swallows once. Twice. And then he tucks his head into your shoulder. 
“I…I don’t know.” 
You nod, disappointment filling you, but you don’t let it show. 
“Let’s work on the project.” You slide off his lap, ignoring the somewhat heartbroken gaze he shoots you. “The paper is due in a couple of days, so I grabbed a few sources and drafted an outline.”
For a moment, he doesn’t say anything. He just tucks his member back into his pants and comes to join you on his bed. The air is tense and you know he wants to say something. You wait for him to say it. 
He doesn’t.
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“Eric, you’re fucking stupid.” Sunwoo throws himself onto his best friend’s bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to the sound of Eric hitting his head on his desk.
“I know…”
“I mean, we already knew this from previous incidents. Ahem, giving my then-crush-now-girlfriend a concussion. But holy shit I thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse than that.”
“I know!” Eric whines, sitting heavily on the gaming chair he’d gotten head on almost four hours ago, and could have gotten laid in had he not been a damn moron.
“I mean, you’ve been trying to get laid by this chick for how long? And you cockblocked yourself because…” Sunwoo trails off, his eyebrows knitting together as he sits up. “Wait, why did you cockblock yourself?”
“I don’t know, man!” Eric huffs and leans his head back. “Fuck, she was so nice about it too. Too nice. I know damn well she’s pissed at me but she’s too fucking nice to say anything.”
“Well yeah,” Sunwoo shrugs. “Sex 101— don’t force yourself onto anyone. Hello? Why would she do that to you?”
Eric crosses his arms over his chest, using his feet to spin his chair back and forth lightly. You had been really sweet about everything. You could’ve gotten mad at him, especially since this wasn’t the first time this had happened, but you didn’t. You wanted him to be ready. 
And he was. He was so ready! He just— he gets nervous around you! What if he’s a disappointment? What if he’s so bad that you have to fake an orgasm? What if he doesn’t fit? What if he hurts you?
“Eric,” Sunwoo claps his hands together to snap Eric out of his thoughts. “Stop getting distracted while I’m trying to help you in a way that won’t lead to injuries.” 
The poor, self-cockblocked boy lifts his head with a pout. 
“There’s a party this weekend, right?” 
“Yeah…” Eric tilts his head.
“Make sure she’s there. Use whatever excuse you need to, and make sure she shows up. Then, ask her to talk. Go somewhere private, talk to her, tell her you’re ready, and then fuck until the sun comes up.” Sunwoo claps again, throwing his out to the side in a cocky I just made the best plan ever manner. “First of all, gets you laid, second of all— free revenge on Sangyeon.”
Eric drums his fingers against his legs in thought. The plan was good, he’d admit that. Of course, not out loud. No, he would never let Sunwoo know that he was right about something.
“Fine,” Eric agrees. “But if shit goes south, it’s your fault.”
“Deal,” Sunwoo grins mischievously. “And if shit goes right, you owe me and my girlfriend dinner.”
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Eric doesn’t see you at all that week, something that has him nearly crying on the ground in Sangyeon’s bedroom. He’d texted you, asked if you were okay, sent you notes, told you about the party but didn’t outright invite you. Nothing. No sign of you in lectures, no texts from you aside from a confirmation that you’d submit your written portion of the midterm.
“Take a damn breath.” Sangyeon rolls his eyes and tugs a formfitting black mock-neck shirt over his head, sliding a silver chain around his neck afterward. “She’s probably busy.”
“But she never goes this long without texting me! Or being in a lecture!” The youngest member of the frat holds his head in his hands, staring down at the white buttondown shirt that hung somewhat loosely on his body. 
“Maybe she hates you, I don’t know!” Sangyeon exclaims. “Stop bothering me about it!” Eric pouts up at the TBZ president.
“But you know how to handle these things!”
“Not when you’re on my ass about it all day every day for a week straight.” Sangyeon’s lip curls and Eric huffs, laying back on the hardwood floor. “Dude, just be patient. Who knows, maybe she was sick? Maybe she’ll show up today and you’ll get laid. Just. Be. Patient.”
And patient he was. 
He lurked around the party, a drink in his hand and a ripped red baseball cap covering his head and shielding his red-rimmed eyes from the public. They didn’t need to know he’d cried over his two-year-long crush ghosting him. 
“Who pissed in your cheerios?” He turns his body slowly, ready to crack a corny joke, and walk away from whoever yelled in his ear, but he stops dead in his tracks when he sees you. You’re in another tiny little black skirt and a black bralette that was used as a poor excuse for a shirt with a leather jacket thrown over it. He nearly crumbles in front of you, ready to worship you and the ground you walk on, ready to take you in front of all these people so they know that he’s yours.
“Oh my god.” 
You laugh at the dumbstruck look in his eyes, at the way his eyes are stuck on your chest, and the way your bralette pushes your boobs up just enough to catch attention. 
“You okay, Eric?” Your hand is on his arm, and in an instant his cup is thrown to the side and his lips are on yours, his tongue shoved into your mouth. You gasp at the sudden intrusion, and, really, the suddenness of it all, but you don’t complain. You love how frantic he is for you, love how he’s ready to risk it all after just a week of not seeing you. 
When he parts from you, there’s a string of spit connecting your lips that only breaks when you swipe your thumb across his lip. 
“How’s that for a hello?” You say just loud enough for him to hear it. 
“We need to talk.”
“We do.” You confirm, but his lips are on yours again, and you’re so glad that everyone is distracted by a game of beer pong on the other side of the room. You let your eyes flutter shut, moaning into his mouth when he pushes his tongue against yours. They dance together, swirling around each other but not fighting for dominance. No, this kiss isn’t about that. This is two people being addicted to the taste of each other, two people who could never get enough of what the other has to offer. 
You have to force yourself to part from him, turning away so you can find somewhere more private— preferably his bedroom. He doesn’t stray from you, gluing his lips to the side of your neck as you try to weave through the crowd. It’s not easy, especially with Eric on you and refusing to let go, but you don’t mind. 
Not when he shoves you against his dresser as soon as his bedroom door is shut and locked. 
The handles of the drawers dig against your spine, but you’re too distracted by Eric’s lips on your chest to care. His hat is missing, likely somewhere on the staircase. Your jacket has been thrown to the opposite side of the room, the straps of your bralette shoved down and both breasts freed from its confines so Eric can lick and suck and bite at the soft mounds. 
“Eric,” you moan out, arching your back into his hunched form. He groans against you, sucking hard at your nipple and eliciting a loud moan from you. “Eric, pick me up.” 
Without even pulling away, he does, plopping you unceremoniously onto his dresser and moving his lips to the other breast, replacing his mouth with his hand. Your hand comes to the back of his head, and you find yourself smiling at the desperation your lover shows. 
“Missed me that much, huh?” Your composure is crumbling, but you don’t care. “Might have to disappear more often.”
He rips away from your chest, eyes narrowed into a glare. “Don’t even joke about that. I thought you died.”
You kiss him again, both hands holding his face to yours, and your legs wrap around his waist. Eric’s hands find your thighs and he lifts you off the dresser. He sucks on your tongue, biting on your lip when you start to pull away and you whimper at the sting of pain. 
“Thought I died, hm?” You brush back the blonde strands of hair covering his sweaty forehead and smirk. “It’s a good thing I didn’t then, hm? What would you have done? Fucked your fist for the rest of your life?” 
A muscle in his jaw feathers and he throws you down on his bed. You yelp, eyes widening at the personality change. A week ago, he would’ve been begging you for any touch, would’ve been falling apart just for one look at your dripping pussy. But now?
Now he looks like a starved animal, and you’re the first helpless creature he’s seen in weeks. 
“Eric,” you warn, watching him unbutton his shirt. “Remember what I said.” 
He eyes you, smirking at the way your jaw drops when his shirt hits the floor. It’s odd, isn’t it? You’d probably been bare in front of him countless times but you’d hardly seen him with his pants down.
“Holy fuck.” You stare at his torso, at the chiseled abs and biceps, at the veins in his arms, at the trail of hair leading down to his dick. “You’re— you’re fucking shredded.”
“Shredded?” He quirks an eyebrow, undoing his belt and the button of his pants so he can push them down and kick them to the side. “That’s the first word you thought of?”
“Well—” you clear your throat and turn your gaze away from him. “I mean— you are.”
“Cute,” He coos and crawls over you, hooking his fingers into the hem of your skirt. “May I?”
“You may,” you look at him again, then down his body and swallow hard at the sight of him. You’ve seen him many times. You’ve held him in your hand, in your mouth. You know what to expect.
So why does it make you so nervous now?
“You’re getting distracted,” Eric kisses his teeth, lowering his face to yours but not kissing you. He traces his nose across your cheek, light kisses from his lips going with it. His nose nudges against your jaw, urging you to tilt your jaw up so he can kiss you there. You do, and his lips feel like fire against your skin. “I thought you liked it when people pay attention?”
“I— I do!” You gasp out, and Eric laughs against your skin. Where the fuck is all this confidence coming from? 
“Then why aren’t you paying attention to me?” His fingers press against your sopping-wet entrance and you lift your hips in a weak attempt to get them inside of you. 
“I am!” Tears are welling in your eyes. “I am paying attention to you, Eric, please!”
He juts out his lip in a mocking pout, using the hand that’s not against your heat to wipe the tears away. 
“Okay baby,” he says softly, sinking two thick, calloused fingers into you. “Don’t cry, not yet.” 
The intrusion has you crying out and Eric does his best to hush you, to soothe you, and then he’s thrusting his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace. Your fingers cling to his shoulders, feeling the muscles tense and shift with every movement of his arm. Eric grins when your eyes finally flutter shut, when you finally give in to him. He praises you when he slips a third finger into your core, and then a fourth. He praises you as he works you through the sting, curling his fingers gently to search for the spot he knows would have you falling to pieces under him. 
Eric finds it easily and is oh so pleased by your wail of his name. He grins almost maliciously, when you begin to shake, when your body begins to thrash, and your nails dig into his shoulders and drag down his back. 
“Always so easy for me,” he hums, staring in awe at the wrinkle between your eyebrows and how your tongue practically hangs out of your mouth. When he knows you’re about to cum, he crushes his lips against yours again and begins to move his hand faster. You’re sobbing into his mouth, unable to kiss him back between your cries and moans, but Eric doesn’t mind. 
He lets you grind against his hand until you’re not shaking anymore. Then, and only then, does he pull his fingers out of you, watching with curious satisfaction as your cum drips from his fingers and onto the blanket below you. 
“Don’t— don’t sit there staring at that shit.” you hiss, but Eric just smiles. 
“So you can speak coherently now?” 
“Shut up and fuck me already, or do you need me to teach you how to do that too?” 
Eric’s gaze hardens, his tongue pushing against his cheek. You push yourself to sit up, but Eric pushes you right back down and uses his hands to push your legs apart. 
“I don’t need you to teach me anything,” he grunts, lining his member up with your entrance. 
“Really? That’s not what it looked like three weeks ag—oh fuck!” Your back arches off the bed when he suddenly sinks into you. Four fingers seem to have been just barely enough, the sting fading just as fast as it came. Or maybe you just like the pain so much it turned into pleasure. Whatever the reason, you’re quick to tell Eric to pick up the pace. 
You’re both shocked and impressed by the movement of his hips. He alternates between smooth, sharp rolls and harsh, pointed thrusts that have your body forced up the bed and the headboard knocking against the wall.
“You think I need your help?” Eric growls, digging his hands into your thighs and spreading them farther apart, lifting the lower half of your body a bit to change the angle. This brings a new pleasure to both of you. Something that you’ve never felt before, and has your mind reeling. “I didn’t need you. I wanted you. I wanted every part of you. I craved you, craved your taste. It was pure fucking luck that you wanted me too.”
“Eric,” You gasp out, sinking your teeth into the side of his neck to leave another mark on his skin. “Eric, feels so good, god it feels so good please, please don’t stop. Don’t stop, oh my god!”
“Look at you,” he yanks your head out of his neck by your hair, staring down at your fucked out face as he continues to plow into you with no remorse. “All fucked out for me. I did this. Your little virgin boy. Isn’t it embarrassing?” 
You whine in response but apparently, that isn’t what he’s looking for because he slows down at your lack of response. 
“Answer me,” he hisses.
“I— I don’t— Eric I don’t—” You don’t even know what he’s trying to ask. You stopped listening as soon as he pulled your hair, the sting of it feeling too good. Eric laughs, picking up his pace again and dropping your head back down onto his pillows. 
“What? Too fucked out to answer me? Who would’ve thought that I was the virgin and not you? What would people think if they walked in here and saw me fucking you like this?” He doesn’t expect an answer this time, not that you’d be able to give him one anyway. 
Your legs draw tightly around his slim waist, holding him close as your orgasm approaches again, but Eric doesn’t seem to be even close to cumming. Even when your second orgasm washes over you, and then your third. He fucks you through each one, sweat dripping from his hair and down his torso until his body is sliding against yours. Your body feels numb, but at the same time, you can feel everything. Every drag of his length against your walls, every punch of his tip against your cervix. Your arms curl around his neck, but your grip is loose. 
When Eric’s hips finally begin to stutter, you’re about four orgasms in, the fifth about to wash over you. Your voice is hoarse, a puddle of drool on the pillow under your head. You can’t find it in you to make any more noise, just gasping breathes and quiet whines. You cum together, and the feeling of his cum filling you has your back arching again. This time, Eric catches you and holds your body against his. He kisses you gently, uncaring that you can barely breathe let alone kiss him. 
“That— that was a good talk,” he jokes, and you say nothing at first. “Um…are— are you okay?” 
“You just—” you clear your throat, but it does nothing. “You just fucked me within an inch of my life, as a completely inexperienced virgin, and you’re asking me if I’m okay?” 
Eric frowns, settling down on top of you, but careful not to lay his full weight onto your obviously aching body. He can see the bruises he’d left all over you— on your chest, your neck, your hips. Anywhere his lips or hands touched, there was a bruise left in his wake. He imagines, however, that he looks no different. He can feel the scratches you left on his back, marring every inch of his skin and likely drawing a bit of blood, he can see a hickey on his arm that you left at some point and can imagine how the front of his body looks.
“So…so you’re not okay?” He tries and you huff, throwing an arm over your eyes. 
“Eric, I love you, but you’re such a dumbass.” You groan, shoving him off your body so you can breathe properly. “Go draw a bath. I’m gonna need one after that shit.”
“Before I do, can you answer one question?” You pry your eyes open to scowl at him and his damn puppy-like eyes. 
“Are we— are we dating now?” 
“We won’t be for long if you don’t get that fucking bath going.” 
“Aw, yeah!” Eric cheers, jumping off the bed and running to the bathroom to start the bath like you asked. “Guess who isn’t single anymore, Sunwoo!”
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“What’s your problem?” Haknyeon peers at Sangyeon over the lip of his mug. The frat president is glaring at you and Eric with something murderous in his eyes, which seem to have dark bags under them.
“My bedroom is right next to Eric’s.” Haknyeon raises an eyebrow, and Sangyeon clears his throat. “My bedroom is next to Eric’s.”
“Okay…oh. OH. Oh, shit man, I’m sorry.” Haknyeon turns his gaze to the two of you, grimacing at the thought of how long Sangyeon could have been kept up, but smiling when he sees how the two of you are cuddled on the couch. The grimace returns when he sees the state of your necks, neither of you having bothered to hide what you did to each other. 
“I mean,” Sunwoo sits on the counter, a bowl of cereal in his hand. “You kinda deserved it after what you did to him.”
“What the fuck— what did I do to him?” Sangyeon exclaims, and Sunwoo quirks an eyebrow. 
“You fucked your girlfriend for, what, seven rounds straight? The poor man didn’t get any sleep that night. Be glad you were able to rest after that.”
Haknyeon raises his cup, and the three frat boys return to “subtly” watching the two of you.
“Do you at least know if he was good? You know, for a virgin.”
“Oh my fucking god, Sunwoo, shut up.”
“You shut up, Hak! It was just a question!”
“You two are fucking nasty,” Sangyeon’s lip curls into a sneer, trying to block out the memories of last night. “But I’m gonna need a shit ton of bleach if I wanna forget that bullshit.”
“Sunwoo, shut UP!”
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© itsbeeble. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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tryingonametaphor · 6 days
i think it’s very interesting that we got basically no insight into will’s life in lenora. sidelining him from the supernatural plot is one thing but they deliberately gave us nothing about his life after he moved. we see a girl hit on him in s4ep1 but it’s unclear if he’s liked by his classmates or not.
we see that el is being bullied but we don’t see the bullying carry over to will who is always hanging out with her. we see that el has difficulties with certain subjects but she’s working on it. we get some insight into jonathan’s time in lenora with the show introducing us to argyle and establishing jonathan as a stoner. we see that he’s having trouble with college applications because of his selfless nature.
but we get next to nothing about will in episode 1 (march 21st) and then the next episode is set on his birthday which they conveniently claimed that they forgot. he has a pretty strong emotional arc in regards to his love for mike in s4 but that’s it. all we know about will is that in his time away from hawkins, he’s accepted that he’s in love with mike.
80% of the scenes he’s in seem to be from his POV and yet we barely know anything. he doesn’t talk about it either. except for when he says “these past few months i’ve been so lost without you.” but that’s too vague to come to any conclusions.
even in season 3, the only insight we get is “will is sad that the party is falling apart.” we don’t see him suffer the aftermath of the possession the way we did in s2 (his ptsd), we don’t find out why joyce is suddenly so lenient regarding curfews and will biking back home. it feels like we see will but it’s just enough of him to acknowledge that he’s there but not enough of him to matter.
i can only describe his presence since season 3 as “almost invisible” like he slips under the radar and people kind of forget that he exists. the audience sometimes forget that he exists too. i wonder what that means considering that they’re making him the center of s5.
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
falling again
for @starrystevie's birthday. i hope your day is as stunningly beautiful as you are and that this super short thing is something that brings you some joy ♥️
cw: mild blood and injury | rated e, 18+, minors dni
nothing can prepare you for the moment you fall.
whether it's while walking, on a roller coaster, or in love, you can never truly be ready for the stomach-swooping, heart-stopping moment of realization.
steve's had this feeling plenty.
when he was young, he fell from a branch of a tree and nearly broke his leg. tommy rushed to get his mom, who scolded him the entire drive to the emergency room, claiming that he must get this silly adventurous side from his father. but the moment before he fell, he saw blue and green, the sky and the grass meeting together to make a serene picture before the pain blistered across his skin. even in the peace, he felt a sense of dread.
when he fell for nancy, it was much the same, but all he saw was pink. her lightly tinted chapstick, her favorite sweater, the notebook she always jotted homework assignments in. steve felt that softness pillowing his head as he dreamt about her every night, picturing a future that would be taken before he could even hit the ground. but even in his dreams, a blackness curled around the edges.
falling into the upside down isn't graceful, but it gets easier with practice. as he falls one last time, he sees gray and red, sadness and guilt and blood. it's all dread. it's all anger. it's pain and regret. and it's a fall he hopes is worth the nausea.
when he finds eddie, alone, sitting in a corner of a home he doesn't recognize, dust floating around him as a warning, he falls again. he doesn't recognize the sinking feeling, the sharp intake of breath, the moment when the world spins and gravity forgets to have a purpose. he focuses on saving this man who did everything to save the town that hated him.
he helps him stand.
"i can't walk," eddie gasps just as steve sees why.
his ankle is broken, much like dustin's was. it's bloody and angled wrong, a sign of weakness to creatures that surely lurk in the shadows waiting for any sound or movement of their prey. it wasn't obvious at first because steve was too caught up in him being alive.
"i can carry you."
and he does.
steve carries him for half a mile, meets up with el at the same spot he came through. no one says anything.
steve falls, but this time, it's into gold and orange and yellow. this time, he has eddie with him.
he doesn't think about that falling feeling again until he's sitting by eddie's bedside in the hospital. he's sitting in a chair, alone except for eddie asleep in his bed and the constant whirring and beeping of machines making sure he stays alive and heals, when he feels it. a turn of the stomach. a pull in his chest. a tingling in his hands.
the silver of eddie's rings catch his eye. despite being covered in dirt and grime from hell, the rings shine.
steve looks at eddie's calm face, his eyes closed as he finally gets to rest in a safe place and feel no pain.
he feels his throat tighten around an inhale, his fingers clench without his permission. his leg bounces.
he's restless and the only reason he can think as to why is because he's falling.
he doesn't say anything, not to eddie, or robin when she gives him a weird look, or dustin when he outright asks why he seems so jumpy.
he doesn't say he's afraid. he doesn't say that something is bubbling inside him, begging to pour out, make a mess of something that should be simple. he doesn't say that the reason he never gave up on eddie is because he'd already been at the top of the hill and there was no backing out now.
but he can't refuse eddie when he asks.
they're finally alone again days later, and eddie watches steve puttering around his hospital room, tidying up the mess the kids left behind during visiting hours. steve can feel his eyes on him, but doesn't look back. if he looks, he'll hit the ground, and he's been hovering inches above for too long to let it happen right now.
"have a seat, stevie."
"in a minute."
eddie's tone tells him he sees him hovering above the ground. eddie's voice says that he knows the fall was hard on him, and that he knows he's trying to stay off the ground.
when steve looks at him, his eyes say he's ready to catch him.
when steve sits, the fall is over, and the coasting starts.
there's a corkscrew later, when eddie gets an infection and has to stay in the hospital for another week.
and another drop when he gets home and finds that the town still hates him, that his uncle was forced out of hawkins because no one understands what he did to protect them all.
an unexpected turn leads to their first fight, the one that almost had steve giving up on roller coasters altogether.
but eddie never lets go of his hand. he's in the seat next to him, holding tight, making sure that they can feel the butterflies together. even when they have to leave hawkins, and the kids, and when eddie can't see his uncle wayne for months, he keeps steve next to him. even when his scars don't heal right and he hates the way the one on his neck looks, he lets steve's hand cover his.
and when holding hands isn't quite enough, when they both have to freefall from a plane not knowing exactly where they'll land, eddie's arms wrap around steve, holding him so they can pull the parachute together.
when they find that the darkness is too much, they chase light with hands against scars, reminding each other that there’s still blood flowing in their veins. lips press against freckles and dimples, tongues trace imperfections that feel like a gift.
grips tighten against thighs, legs parting while fingerprint bruises are left behind.
they’re made to fit into each other, push and pull like the tide, giving more than the other knows how to receive. they take turns stretching each other open until they’re sore the next day, smiling to themselves and each other as they go about their day with a reminder of their night.
steve and eddie become steveandeddie, and just when steve thinks the roller coaster has reached the station and he can get off the ride, it starts all over again. every time is a new fall, a drop that he knows will just end in more pleasure and happiness and fun.
nothing prepared steve for this fall, not even the ones he had before. but part of the beauty of falling for eddie munson was the unknown.
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strawberryspence · 2 years
happy birthday, @stevesbipanic! i am glad you were born, you amazing human being. I hope you get to drink the coldest, most delicious, bougiest milo you can have. ILY broccoli! 💛
Steve has never had a birthday cake. He doesn't count the first six cakes his parents had for him, because he's pretty sure it was only for appearances.
He remembers his seventh birthday. How badly he wanted to have a Flintstones themed birthday party, and how his parents called it tacky. Instead, Steve had a lavish tea party with all of their investor friends. He remembers hating it.
After that, there's— nothing. There were Nannies or Babysitters that tried to make him feel better by bringing him to Benny's and he's thankful for that. But there's always that heart wrenching rip in his system when he sees a child. Surrounded by family, singing happy birthday as they wait to blow on a cake.
And the thing is if Steve never gets to have that, it’s okay. It’s really, really, really, okay. That also means he’ll do his best to give all the kids the best birthdays they can have, so they can never feel what he felt. If El wants a day just full of craft making? Sure. Dustin wants to visit this damn planetarium in Indianapolis? Okay. Mike wants to dress him like him for an entire day? Alright.
Steve is happy that way, until Eddie Munson comes crashing into his life with a broken bottle. And okay, maybe it’s not a great idea to lie in the biggest and probably the most important relationship he has right now, but he’s not going to tell Eddie his little sad secret.
What he forgot to account for is the fact that his boyfriend is the biggest snoop to ever exist.
“Wha— What’s this?” Steve stammers as he enters his house. It’s almost always dark when he comes home, the house dull and empty.
Tonight, it’s different. After having his birthday dinner with Robin, Steve drives them back to his house so they can have movie night. Supposedly.
Instead, Eddie’s standing behind the long wooden dining table that never gets used, with 20 different cupcakes, all lit with a candle. There’s food and banners and balloons with streamers.
Robin pushes him forward with a smile, “So…” Eddie walks towards him, “I found some of your childhood pictures.”
“Oh.” Steve breathes out.
“Look, maybe I am wrong. Maybe I got it all wrong. Maybe your parents just weren’t the kind of people that liked taking pictures and having to develop them. Maybe someday, you’ll tell me why you only have one childhood photo album or why there’s no pictures of your birthday parties past the age of six.”
Eddie says, hands nervously twisting around his hair, “But, on the off chance that I am right,” He shakes his head in disbelief, “On the off chance that you haven’t had a birthday cake or a birthday wish in 14 years, I got you 20 birthday cupcakes.”
Steve can barely hold himself anymore, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, “Why 20?”
Eddie smiles at him, and his eyes sparkle at Steve like he hung the damn moon and stars, like he fucking created the whole universe, “One for every year my favorite person has been alive.”
Steve chokes down a half sob, half whine as he slaps a hand on his mouth.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Eddie whispers as he wraps Steve in a comforting hug. They stay like that for a minute before Eddie says, “I am so happy you were born. There’s a few more people that are happy, they’re all hiding in the kitchen right now.”
“What?” Steve pulls back, hastily wiping his tears.
“The kids are all here. Nance, Jonathan, and Argyle.” Eddie tenderly wipes a stray tear off his cheek, “Even Wayne, Hop, Joyce, and Mrs. Henderson is here.”
Steve’s not sure if he wants to know, but he still asks, “Why?”
Eddie visibly softens, but before he can answer Robin answers for him, “Because we all love you, Dingus.”
“So, here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to sit behind the cupcakes and they’re going to come out from where they’ve been eavesdropping.” Steve laughs when Eddie emphasizes the word, and there’s a clatter in the kitchen followed by whispering, “They’re going to act normal. And we’re going to sing you a song. Okay?”
Steve smiles, nodding, “Okay.”
“Okay.” Eddie says as he runs to the kitchen and as Robin ushers him to sit in front of the cupcakes. She forces a birthday hat on his hair, and he doesn’t even argue.
They all come out from the kitchen, all smiling and wearing ridiculous birthday hats. Even Hop and Wayne are wearing them and it might actually be the funniest thing he’s ever seen. The kids have blow horns that fill the silent house with joyous sounds.
They sing him a birthday song. It’s loud and it doesn’t exactly sound good. Dustin’s trying a new other pitch and Lucas has never been a good singer. Max is drumming on the table and El has a small tambourine. Mike and Will are trying to do some kind of duet in their own little bubble. But it’s the most beautiful, harmonious sound to Steve.
And as they all urged him to make a wish, Steve is struck with awe and disbelief, a feeling of realization sparking in his veins. Steve’s got everything he’s ever wanted right in front of him. He just wants all of them to be safe and sound.
He smiles at his family, as he lets his eyelid flutter shut.
And for the first time, Steve makes a birthday wish.
Steve smiles, happy and content, as everyone chitchats around him.
"Hey, Eds?" Steve calls out for his boyfriend who's busy stuffing his face with bread rolls.
"Yeam?" Eddie replies, still chewing on the bread.
"Can I have a Flintstone themed birthday next year?"
Eddie swallows his bread with water, before turning to Steve with a smile so bright it could blind him. He moves closer to give his temple a light kiss.
"You got it, sweetheart. I'll be Fred, you'll be Wilma. It will be perfect."
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artinvain · 6 months
Story request?? Loser Ellie who surprises you with boudoir photos for your birthday?? I actually can’t stop thinking about that
ellie’s too excited to give you your bday present. no plot
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・. ✫・.
“happy birthday…?” ellie says nervously as you open your last present. a variety of polaroids… of ellie… you were flustered, pictures of her hands in her boxers, the material wet. her hands covering her nipples as she poses in lace boy shorts you’d never seen before. It was nothing like the ellie, shy and needy that sat before you,”ellie these are - who took these?” you ask, blushing. unable to take your eyes off the sight of her fingers rubbing her puffy clit through her underwear.
“kinda makes me hungry for the real thing,” you whine, leaning in to kiss her and feeling her smile as you press your mouth against hers — “wait,” she whispers, “I- it’s your birthday so, I wanna treat you,” she whines, her hand reaching fro your tits to boldly twist and pinch your nipples.
you sigh into her mouth and allow her to lie you down on the bed, straddling you, “wanna make you feel good,” she moans, “can I?” ellie grinds down on your thigh, her brows furrowed as she reaches into your panties. “yeah baby, go ahead,” you smile but then “—ungh fuck ellie!” she’s thrusting two fingers in and out of you, her hand enclosing on your neck.
“shit, els-“ you mumble as she starts to suck on your tits, you can feel her stickiness on your thigh as she rubs herself, “you’re so pretty, so - just need you to feel good, does it feel good?” she whimpers and you dug your hand into her hair and pull, “yeah, feels so good,”
“am I doing okay?” ellie asks muffled as she licked your nipples and thrust into your pussy, relentless and rubbing your clit with her thumb, “so fucking good, ellie” you moan, thrusting up to meet her fingers, her clit getting stimulated more with yours hips bucking. she moans around your nipples, swapping between them, kissing all over your chest.
“I’m gonna cum els,” you mutter and don’t expect her to pull her fingers out to abruptly, “huh, what the fuck,” until ellie is scrambling between your legs, pulling your shorts down to shove her face into your pussy. “oh fuck ellie,” you whine as she suckles your clit, “need to taste your cum, please,” she moans, slipping two fingers back into and sucking on your sensitive nub, until you’re shaking and fucking her face, holding her head in place and sighing at Ellie’s moans as you buck against her tongue. ellie has never felt more content than now, your thighs clamped around her head and your scent all she can smell, you’re all she can taste, christ. she’s too unhappy when you release her, your body going slack.
“happy birthday to me indeed.”
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rogueddie · 7 months
Make A Wish T | 654 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is making a birthday extra special
For as long as Steve can remember, Valentines has always been emphasized to him as a special day. A day full of love, and joy, and connection. A day where he could tell anyone that he loves them, even Tommy, and no one would give him so much as a glance.
It's been a while since he's been able to properly celebrate the day though. With the Upside Down, the constant fear that it would come back, that people would get hurt again, always buzzing in the back of his head...
Well, it never felt right.
But, now that it's finally and truly over? He's excited to celebrate. He has his soulmate, the best friend that he could ever wish for and loves with all his heart... and he might have a boyfriend.
"You will have a boyfriend," Robin corrects. "He's been flirting with you for months. If he doesn't make a move first, he'll be stumbling over himself to say yes."
She's right.
He rushes to agree to the date when Steve asks, stuttering in his hurry. But, instead of asking Steve what he has planned, he asks if he can surprise Steve.
"I was thinking about asking you, but... I don't know, I got too nervous, I guess. But it's a good idea, so..."
"Sure, yeah. It'll be nice to be on this end for once."
When Eddie picks him up, he insists that Steve sit in the back of the van so he can't see anything before they arrive.
He climbs over the seats when they do arrive, blindfolding him.
"This way, mind your step, just a little further..." Eddie mumbles, gently leading Steve. "Ok. You ready?"
When he pulls the blindfold off, there's a burst of noise and color.
They're at the Byers new place. It's covered in decorations, confetti in the air, and everyone stood around cheering.
The banner has a bubbly, colorful, "happy birthday!" drawn on.
"Happy birthday," El says, the first to step up. She holds up a present. "I am very happy to know you."
"Oh. Thanks, El. But, uh..." He glances around, until finally finding Eddie tucked in a corner. "How did you know that today is my birthday?"
"Overheard some old flame of yours one time," Eddie explains. "She was convinced that you two were meant to be, entirely because you were born on valentine's day."
"Steve!" Dustin calls, waving him towards the kitchen. "Nevermind that! Come on, we made a cake! And there's presents, but we should do cake first!"
The kids, as it turns out, really did make the kids themselves. It's not bad either, especially after melted chocolate and whip cream is poured over it, almost drowning it.
The gifts from the kids are all homemade.
Steve is sure that they're the best gifts he's ever received.
"Happy birthday," Robin whispers, as she hugs him goodbye. "And good luck, yeah?"
"Won't need it," he whispers back. "This night is too perfect for it to fail now."
He decides to wait until they pull up outside his house. Then, if it works out? They can go inside. If it fails? Easy exit.
But, as soon as they pull up, Eddie beats him to the punch.
"Hey," he starts, nervous. "I hope you enjoyed today and-"
"I did. Really, it was amazing. Thanks, Ed. It means a lot, more than you can imagine."
"It was nothing. It's... I don't want to ruin that if you don't- I won't take it bad, is what I mean. I just think you should know, uh... you're so loved. By, uh, me."
"You love me?"
"Yeah, Steve. I really do, so much."
"I love you too."
"Yeah, dumbass. I asked you on a date."
"... oh, fuck, you did."
Steve laughs, reaching over to grab his collar and drag him into a kiss.
It really is the perfect end to the perfect day.
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ladykailitha · 25 days
Steve's Rewind
Just an idea I had stewing in my brain, buckle up this is going to get angsty as fuck. Thanks to my discord for helping me with some of the fiddlier details.
Here we go.
The Harrington family were once a clan a powerful magic users, though their bloodline is diluted now they barely have the smallest spark of it left in their blood. It allows them to use the device left to them by their ancestor. Althenea’s Life Spool, or the Spool most of the time.
It allows the user to go back and do over one event at the cost of one year of their life. In addition they remember the previous timeline. It is handed to the eldest child on their 16th birthday.
Usually only members of the Harrington clan remember previous timelines, but when Steve meets El, he finds out that the experiments done to her and the other children make it so she can see the previous timelines, too.
She commends him for the two times he’s used it so far.
The first time was on Nov. 12th, 1983. The night he went to Jonathan’s to apologize about the camera. The first time, he ran. Their screams ringing in his ears as he flees. Only now all the Byers family is dead, along with Nancy and the Mind Flayer breaks through to the surface world, screaming like a banshee.
He doesn’t know what will happen if he runs back into that house, but he knows at least he’ll have tried.
And while it doesn’t work out perfect, he’s pretty satisfied with the results.
On Oct. 31st, 1984 he thinks about using it again, but doesn’t. He doesn’t know what event started the relationship with Nancy to go south. So he leaves it be and silently deals with the broken heart.
On July 5th, 1985. Steve learns that El can see the previous timelines too and asks him to rewind so Hopper lives. Steve tells her about the cost and she turns pale. He asks her if she still wants that and she shakes her head. No. That would not be fair.
Then on Mar. 29th, 1986, she comes to him again. This time it’s all of Hawkins that swings in the balance and he agrees. He was just waiting for her to return so that they could plan out what needed to be changed.
So they hatch out a plan: Give everyone an extra twenty minutes to get into place. Towels in the vents of the trailer. Time for Hopper et al to kill the demogorgon, time for Jason and his cronies to find the Creel House, come up empty and leave, time for El to get into a better place to protect Max. Steve stocks up on flares and torches to bring as much heat as possible to the Vecna fight.
They win, Eddie and Max escape unharmed, Vecna and Upside Down falls. Everything is good for awhile.
Eddie and Steve start dating and they’re really happy. Until Steve arrives to their favorite gay bar a little late because of work and finds Eddie in a corner with another guy and just leaves.
When Eddie stumbles home that night Steve tears into him and threatens to break up with him.
Only Eddie starts crying.
Like full on sobs and the truth comes out, that guy had roofied Eddie and was assaulting him.
Now Steve is devastated and cleans Eddie up, putting him to bed. Then he calls El. Tells her he’s going to rewind the events of that night. And at first she argues against using the device for something so trivial especially one that didn’t end in someone’s death. If he wouldn’t do it for Hopper, what’s so different about this moment.
He reminds her that Hopper is alive, that his being in the Russian prison camp is part of the reason they were able to defeat Vecna and she concedes. Asks again why this is worth a year of his life and he explains that it’s not about his relationship with Eddie. They talked and Eddie already forgave him and said that he would have done the same thing. It might take a bit, but they’ll be fine.
No, the reason Steve wants to do this is because Eddie has suffered so much. Because none of the other Party members got introduced to this shit by watching a nice girl who had done nothing wrong, twisted and torn apart before their eyes.
That the witch hunt and getting off the murder charges had put a dent in Eddie’s confidence. This would destroy it entirely.
This is about a person who deserves a boyfriend who would give up everything for him to show him how loved he is, even at the cost of one year of his life.
El eventually agrees.
Steve goes to the back of the closet and pulls it out. But Eddie finds him, tells him he overheard him talking to El and he won’t let Steve do that. He’s not worth a year of his life.
Steve kisses him gently and explains what it is and what it’s done. Sometimes things work out for the better, sometimes they don’t. But always, always, always the change is worth it to the user. It’s why after nearly five hundred years the Spool has not been used up, because the string is finite, it will run out one day. But each person that has been gifted it knows the change is always worth it.
Once his father rewound cheating on his mother. The demogorgon that killed Barb, killed her instead and the world ended. He hated having to go back rewind that moment, but he knew the consequences of that moment needed an empty house that day.
Eddie sighs in relief. The moment can be rewound. So he puts his trust in Steve. That his boyfriend whose family has had this device for literal centuries knows the cost better than anyone, understands what hes’ doing.
Steve rewinds the moment and they are stronger together for it.
Steve will use it only use it one more time, when the birth of their daughter kills Robin who was their surrogate. They wait a year and everything turns out fine the second time.
Then on Julie Barbara Munson’s 16th birthday, her papa gives her his most precious item. A small spool of red thread.
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luceracastro · 7 months
Always You
Fran Romero x reader
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Summary: Fran and you had known each other for basically your whole lives, him and your older brother being friends since forever and you being his favorite girl as you would recall him calling you since forever, however after you both reach adulthood certain feelings come to light
Warnings: brother’s best friend trope, fluff, some angst with comfort, kissing but nothing too crazy!
Ever since you could remember Fran had been in your life, hell there’s even pictures of him and your brother with you as a baby all over the house framed
He was the sweetest towards you, he was kind and respectful always defending you towards your brother and everyone else, protecting you and it warmed your heart as a kid
You admired him in many ways than one. He was always attentive towards you and as you both grew it was more constant , when him and your brother entered their teen phase he was sweet to you while your brother was more rude and annoying
When you wanted to show Fran something you had made, the high grade you got on a test or assignment, the newest color you painted your nails or something new you had just bought he always listened even if that meant interrupting him and your brothers conversation, a movie, or video game session
When your brother would tell you to leave them alone Fran wouldn’t take too kindly to that “oye boludo callate es una nena,” or “nomas me quiere enseñar algo” he’d also at times punch your brothers shoulder when he made fun of you or teased you about something
He had endearing nicknames for you also, Bonita, hermosa, Linda, nena, Chiquita and etc. Fran had a huge soft spot for you ever since but once the age of 18 hit him he didn’t come around as much since he was always in his theater classes or busy with school and his new adult life
Him and your brother still met up but over at his place instead, you would be lying if you said it didn’t make you sad or mad, he however still sent you a message here and there and though he missed six birthdays from work or theater that didn’t stop him from sending your brother back from his place with a birthday card with some money and a gift
Also a happy birthday message, but you still missed seeing him and at some point you sadly got used to the fact that he had a whole different life from you, of course he would he had a whole life to live and dreams
Your 21st birthday was around the corner and though you had stopped having birthday parties at the age of 16 your mom thought it’d be a great idea to have one for your 21st birthday, you were finally officially legal for everything
You woke up to voices and music downstairs and you walked down the steps to be met with decorations around the house and in the backyard your dad and uncles moving around tables and chairs and more decorations “Feliz cumple pelotuda” your brothers voice rang out from behind you and you smiled turning around “gracias pelotudo” he gave you a hug
You had walked into the kitchen to see your mom and to your surprise Fran’s mother, “Aye Mira La Niña” Fran’s mom laughed as you chuckled your face held subtle surprise, she hadn’t came around much after Fran stopped coming
“Feliz cumple mi amor” she gave you a hug which you returned with a smile “gracias” once you both separated from the hug you looked around to see all your favorite foods were being prepared “Linda, sabes quien va venir hoy” your mom asked as you sat down peeling a orange “no, quien?” You asked not really paying much mind “Fran” she said happily and your eyes widened
It had been years that he hadn’t seen you and you him “de verdad?” You asked and his mother nodded “Si, Por fin el tiene tiempo libre” she said and you nodded, after so long he was finally going to show up.
You had showered, done your makeup and hair then got dressed, in reality you were a bit nervous for all eyes to be on you, you hadn’t really had a whole birthday celebration since you were 16 and now basically your entire family and family friends were going to show up
As you stepped downstairs there was already a line of your family members waiting to greet you and wish you a happy birthday giving you a bunch of birthday cards and some present bags, you smiled from ear to ear genuinely as it actually feel nice to see your family all together with your home full of life
“Oye boluda ten” you turned to see your brother holding two small wrapped up boxes, you grinned taking them from him and unwrapping the first, a bracelet of real gold from a famous jewelry shop, the second was a necklace from the same place and you smiled “gracias, te quiero” you wrapped your arms around him as he did the same “Si si you tambien te quiero” he chuckled as he hugged you
The party was going well and you turned hearing your brothers voice, you froze seeing Fran enter with a smile on his face, he looked a bit different with his hair more grown out and a more structured face and slightly more taller than before, he smiled greeting your parents and other family members that were around him
then he set his eyes on you, the two of you could only look at one another and you practically felt frozen, he walked over to you a soft smile on his lips, “hola, te vez hermosa” he said a breathy chuckle escaping his lips as you smiled turning red just like when you both were kids “gracias Fran” he held the neatly wrapped present in front of you with a birthday card inside a light purple envelope with your name on it
You smiled taking the gift in your hands “ya los 21, me siento viejo” he laughed making you laugh as well “no seas dramatico nomas me ganas con 2 años” you said and sat down which he followed to do and he could only look at you “que?” You asked softly “perdon, por todo” he said and you raised a brow “por que?” You asked and he sighed “deje de venir y falte tus cumpleaños” he explained and you shook your head
“No no tranquilo la verdad no pasa nada Fran no quiero que te sientes asi” you said shaking your head and he smiled at you “y todavia sigues siendo la misma dulce niña de antes” he smiled and you chuckled “quieres comer? Te sirvo?” You asked and he shook his head “pero todavia accompañame” you nodded following him to where all the food was
He served his plate and you both went to sit down, “y entonces nena, como has estado todo este tiempo?” He asked before taking some food into his mouth “bueno todo esta bien pero la escuela es un joder y tambien con el trabajo aye no” you shook you head and Fran laughed “aye pobrecita La Niña” you rolled your eyes playfully
“Y tu?” You asked “todo esta bien, sigo en el theatro y el trabajo me va bien” he said and you nodded “Que bueno” you smiled “pero te extrañe mas que nada” he admitted and you smiled “yo tambien Fran” he smiled wrapping an arm around you pulling you close planting a kiss on the side of your head just like when you two were younger making you giggle
“Recuerdas cuando tu hermano te grito bien feo que le di en la cabeza con uno de los libros de la escuela” you both laughed at the memory “si, aye tu siempre me defendias” you smiled at him and he nodded “pues claro como no defender a mi princessa” he smiled at you. That night you both talked for hours and hours about the memories you both had and you tried to hold onto it all never wanting it to end because you thought that after that he would go back to no contact all over again
But the next morning walking downstairs you were surprised to see him and your brother on the couch with plates of breakfast you were sure your mother made them “buenas boluda” your brother said and you nodded over at him “hola nena” Fran smiled at you “hola” you grinned sitting beside him he wrapped an arm around pulling your legs over his just like before
You smiled and your brother gave you both a look but then turned back to the TV “aye buenos dias mija quieres un plato?” Your mom asked and you nodded “por favor mami” she nodded walking into the kitchen, it felt like old times really.
Since then Fran didn’t stop coming over, he came almost everyday even if only for a little bit and he was constantly hanging out with you, inviting you to outings with him and your brother, or doing things together.
And both of your parents took note of it, how attentive Fran was to you how he took care of you, did anything for you “se van a casar lo tengo por seguro” your mother said
Fran then started bringing you little gifts and treats even flowers and you both became closer than before if that was even possible, he had already been told by your parents that they’d love for you to be with someone like him and his mother and father entertained the idea as well
He however deeply cared about how your brother felt about it, he knew secretly how protective he was of you and if anything were to happen to you he’d lose it completely but on one night when your brother was drunk out of his mind he said what he really thought
Your brother threw an arm over Fran as he was tipping over until Fran wrapped an arm around him laughing “oye oye escucha me mira mira, guey yo veo como vez a mi hermana eh” his words slurred and he tipped over occasionally and as Fran was about to protest your brother interrupted “no no escucha pelotudo mira” Fran was quiet now waiting for what your brother had to say “si ella va tener novio quiero que sea contigo” Fran looked at your brother like he had grown two heads
“O sea yo mismo vi como la cuidas, desde que eramos niños la cuidabas con tu vida guey y tampoco soy pendejo yo veo como la miras” your brother said giggling drunkenly and Fran rolled his eyes a playful smile on his lips “bueno bueno, si me gusta tu hermana siempre me a gustado ” Fran chuckled “pero si le haces daño te rompo los huevos” your brother said and Fran nodded “yo nunca le haria daño a esa princessa” Fran said and your brother nodded
The following week Fran had built up enough courage to ask you out, his hands were sweating and his belly was full of nerves “Fran, hola” you gave him a hug letting him in “mi hermano esta en su cuarto” you said letting him know but instead he moved to sit by you on the couch and you looked at him, he finally had asked you and you of course accepted
You had gotten ready and you knew it was a simple date but you still put effort in what you wore, you had walked downstairs to find him with pink and white hued roses in his arms for you and you smiled looking at them “gracias, son hermosas” you smiled “dame mija te los pongo en agua” your mom took a hold of the roses and you thanked her
“Lista?” He asked and you nodded, he had been a gentleman the whole time opening the doors for you and he took you to your favorite restaurant and made sure you ordered whatever you liked and wanted, most first dates are awkward or not as enjoyable but knowing Fran your whole life it was fun and enjoyable as you two couldn’t stop laughing the whole time
He then took you to get your favorite ice cream and you both took a walk at a park that was beautiful, “quieres saber algo” he said and you turned your head to look at him “que?” You asked and he sighed “que te amo” he said and you nodded “ yo tambien te amo” you said and he stopped in his tracks “no nena, te amo, te amo y no como un amigo o hermano” he said and you were a bit surprised
“De verdad?” You asked and he nodded but your first move was to grab his face and kiss him, fran at first was surprised not kissing back but after a few seconds his lips moved against yours his hands moving to hold your face “yo tambien te amo, y no como amiga ni hermana” you giggled and he smiled kissing you once again
“Siempre ha sido tu, eres la amor de mi vida” he said smiling and you smiled “y tu el mio” you said running your fingers through his hair. That night you went home as his girlfriend and him as your boyfriend
A/n: since in my last poll almost everyone chose the fic with enzo over Fran’s I decided to do a one shot instead for Fran’s prompt but might still make this a longer fic when I’m done with kuku and Enzo’s :)
Hope you all enjoy and likes,comments, and reblogs are appreciated but if you don’t want to no worries my loves as long as you guys enjoy the read <3333
(Also yk I had to tag my lovely @madame-fear )
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