waluigisgaybf · 10 months
not my S/O walking up while Im trying to draw more nsfw shit on a page already full of nsfw and other suggestive bg3 sketches and in a sarcastic tone going “Wow I wonder if you’re horny, like- your arts really saying some shit right now- almost like it’s influenced by you and your brain- look at all that.”
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cirrus-silly · 1 year
He’s a superstar!
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vanaglorie · 10 months
💭— MBTI and/or enneagram, if known ✈️— ever traveled anywhere interesting? 🖊— any tattoos? 🐶— any pets? 🗒— what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write? 😳— what was your most embarrassing moment in the rpc? 🎁— what have you accomplished in the rpc that you’re proud of? 💯— share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you.
munday asks
💭— MBTI and/or enneagram, if known last i checked it was INFJ
✈️— ever traveled anywhere interesting? the only places ive been to are like... asian countries xd but they were all pretty fun, japan, taiwan etc...
🖊— any tattoos? nope i am too indecisive to stick to one thing
🐶— any pets? nope, house is too small ;w; i would really like a cat some day though
🗒— what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write? any modern au, idk why i'm just a sucker for those
😳— what was your most embarrassing moment in the rpc? I ACTUALLY HAVE A REALLY FUNNY STORY back when tumblr didn't have IMs then and you had to communicate purely by asks and the other thing that looked like notes you could send privately (i forgor what they were called), i was plotting some SPICY stuff with someone by asks and responding privately to them obv, they were describing the plot in DETAIL (you can imagine) and instead of replying privately i hit post publicly and then i went to eat dinner LMAOOO IT WAS THERE ON MY BLOG FOR LIKE 2 HOURS and my rp partner was SWEATING
🎁— what have you accomplished in the rpc that you’re proud of idk if i've done anything that's considered an accomplishment LOL but i'm pretty proud that i've still got my byakuran muse down pretty well after all these years, but i guess i also spent a good amount of time writing him :p
💯— share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you. i love video games, i hate cilantro with my entire being, and i still prefer writing physical notes over writing them on a tablet or digitally or smth
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
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hey!!! hello!!! it’s me!!! i think most of you know but uh i reached 1k followers!!! i didn’t expect that and i’m very very happy about it thank you so much i love you hehe
i’d love to do a nice event to celebrate but i still got requests for the 800 followers event to finish, so, thanks to a suggestion by the dougnut anon (i love you) i thought of making a writing challenge event!!!
i’ll provide you a list of prompts, and then you can choose one and write something with it, be it an imagine or a drabble or headcanons!!! you can choose literally any prompt and just. write!! and then post it and tag me on it with the “nina’s 1k event” tag so i can reblog it and add it to the event masterlist when the event is done!!!
so, in conclusion, this is how it goes:
— you choose one (or more!) of the prompts from the list down below
— you write something with it! you can write for any of the fandoms i write for, so Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus, BNHA, and ATLA! 
↳ you can write any genre and trope, fluff, angst, crack, coffee shop! au, soulmates, whatever. just write anything you feel like writing! have fun with it!!!!
— you post your writing and tag me on it!! and please just like write somewhere that it’s for my event and what prompt you chose so i can know!!! and add the “nina’s 1k event” tag!!!
— you can write as many prompts and as many fics as you want! go wild
— yes supporting writers on tumblr yes
you can send in your writings until,,,, uh,,,, October 23rd. yeah!!! i hope you guys participate, i’m sure i’ll love to read everything you write!!!!
the prompt list comes under the cut!!! i’m excited hehe
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(they are mainly dialogue prompts because. that’s what i’m here for. also i came up with them but i’m pretty sure some are from other prompt lists and i just remembered them lmao) (also i made like..... sub-prompts to some of the prompts because i just had ideas and i couldn’t not put them there)
1. “I think I’m falling in love with you, and it scares me.”
2. “Please, help me.”
3. “I’m not saying you’re an asshole, except that’s exactly what I’m saying.”
4. “I’ve always been in love with you, since the beginning.”
5. “I don’t mind it if it’s you.”
6. “I missed you so, so much.”
7. “You can’t adopt a pet everytime you feel upset, Character B.”
8. “I thought you loved me.”
9. Character A: Where the fuck are you? Character B: Space doesn’t really exist, so I’m nowhere. Life is built on social constructs and, since there’s no way to know if we’re really alive or if it’s just an illusion, I can’t be anywhere. A: B. B: Yeah, sorry, I got caught up but I’ll be there soon.
10. “What? Me? Afraid? Come on! I’m actually terrified.”
11. “You look beautiful.”
12. “If you do this, I’ll never forgive you.”
13. “I’ll always forgive you.”
14. “It’s not your fault.”
15. “You did this! You ruined me!”
16. “You are like sunlight.”
17. “You’re enough. You’re enough, and I love you.”
18. “Why am I never good enough?”
19. “Okay, so, like, I might, well, it’s not that I might, it’s that I do, I, just, shit! Okay, well, you see— I am kind of absolutely in love with you.”
20. “You make me really, really happy.”
21. ways to say “I love you” without saying “I love you”
22. “Go to bed, you idiot.”
23. “I really like having you around.”
24. “I’m glad you exist.”
25. “You have no idea how much you mean to me.”
26. “I’m so proud of you.”
27. “I have always cared about you.”
28. Character A: I’ve never been wrong but since I met you, I’ve been wrong a ridiculous amount of times. Character B: What do you mean? A: I keep thinking you cannot get any more stupid and then you prove me wrong every single time.
29. “I’d love to be lonely with you, if you’d let me.”
30. “You lied to me!”
31. “I’m so in love with you it hurts.”
32. “If you quote another TikTok, I swear on God—”
33. make one of the characters a TikToker
33.2. “If I see you do the Renegade one more time I will literally punch you in the face.”
33.3. Character A: I love you. Character B: No, you don’t, Topper! You love the idea of me, you love being seen with me, but you don’t love me! A: ... B: I love you too.
33.4. Character A: Stop quoting TikToks! It’s annoying! Character B: Okay, okay! Sorry! A, later that day, alone in their room, muttering: Who painted the Mona Lisa? Mona Lisa! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Da Vinky?! A: *freezes* A: FUCK!
34. playing Among Us
34.3. Character A: I saw you vent. Character B: No you didn’t. Vote A out, it’s them. C: k D: k E: k A: Wait, what the fuck? [A was not An Impostor. 1 Impostor remains.]
35. Among Us!AU 
36. Character A: I should’ve never trusted you! Character B: Oh, don’t blame me for this! You brought this upon yourself!
37. “I didn’t have a choice!”
38. “How could you do this? I loved you!”
39. “You deserve to be happy too.”
40. “We’re more than friends and you know it.”
41. Character A: Why did you do that? Character B: I did it for the vine.
42. Character A: Fuck. Oh, fuck. I’m in love with Character B! Character C: Yeah. A: Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?! C: What?! I thought you knew!
43. Character A: What?! That’s illegal! Character B: *sneezes* B: Oh, sorry! I’m allergic to cowards.
44. “I’m sorry I'm not good enough for you.”
45. “I wish you were here.”
46. “Why don’t you ever stay? Why do you always have to leave?”
47. Character A: I still love you. Character B: Even now? Character A: Specially now.
48. “I needed you and you weren’t here.”
49. “You deserve so much better.”
50. “I want you. After all this time, I still want you. God, I’ll always want you.”
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so this is it!!! please participate because if this flops i will cry and feel too embarrassed to ever show my face again<3 LMAOOO OKAY LOVE YOU!!! THANK YOU FOR 1K FOLLOWERS!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! i’m excited to see what you write!!!
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sergeanttpoliteness · 5 years
Spiderverse Gwen x Reader where The reader is out as les/bi/pan whatever and Gwen is scared to tell her she likes her?
 AND➝  Gwen is ready to start letting people back into her life after the events of Spiderverse. MJ, aware of Gwen trying to open her social circle, tells her about a nice girl from her apartment building and brings the reader along at their next band practice to introduce her. Gwen sets eyes on her and is VEEEERY attracted to this VEEEERY pretty girl.  In Gwen’s bisexual distress, she starts rambling nervously, and probably says something embarrassing about herself. MJ saves them from an awkward situation and starts band practice, Gwen doesn’t see reader outside of school again after that, but Gwen shamelessly stares at her during class. Gwen starts to overthink the situation and gets worried she blew her chance. Later, there’s a situation that she as Spider-Gwen saves reader from. Reader is minorly hurt but SG has to go before she can help reader as authorities arrive. Feeling guilty, her spider sense leads SG to the reader’s apartment, she goes to check on her that night. Confident with her mask on, she strikes up a conversation, compliments her and even drops a bit of a flirty remark about reader before taking her leave. I didnt know where to go from there I’m new to requesting so I hope this isn’t too long but I hope that’ll be enough to get the ball rolling? -🍀
deeply sorry it took me so long to get to these again! i changed a few things, but it’s pretty much still the same idea. i hope the nonnie who requested this finds it and doesn’t think i ignored them :( ily, y’all deserve better.
➹she plays bass➹(spider-gwen x fem!reader)
That feeling when there’s a cute girl who plays bass in your band and you don’t know what the hell to do about it.
Gwen needs help figuring out her feelings. Like, immediately.
word count: 11.6k (oops i did it again)
a/n: i’m sorry this new fic is the size of the bible like the last one, i’ll try to make the next one shorter lmaooo. but it’s what my fave girl deserves due to the unacceptable lack of stories about her on this site. plus, i swear that once you read it it’s so much shorter than it seems. i’m hoping i can post at least one more story before the end of the year, but if i don’t, happy holidays and new year ! y’all were the best part about my 2019 :) hope whoever is reading this has a lovely week. mwah.
warnings: violence, guns, swearing.
She played bass. 
You played bass, to be more specific. And Mary Jane Watson took satisfaction in believing that she was nice. More than simply ‘just nice’ on good days, even. Being the most courteous person was a duty she considered to be hers ever since she was six-years-old and accompanied that girl who always seemed to be left behind in the playground, and years later, in high school when she punched a creep hassling one of her bandmates. Last but most certainly not least, Betty Brant, bass guitar player of the Mary Janes, slipped and fell backwards one unfortunate evening, and she shot out her left arm behind her to break the fall and save her ice cream from hitting the ground. Good news: her ice cream did not hit the ground. Bad news, however, her left hand did— in an odd, twisted position. Needless to say, Betty Brant now had a broken wrist.
At first glance, they’re all unrelated events, stars belonging to separate constellations, and they would have remained so— undisturbed, simply coexisting in the same sky. That was, until Gwen came into the picture and drew a line connecting the bright flecks when she opened her mouth.
In the moment that she admitted to MJ that the idea of meeting new people sounded more appealing each day, she scribbled down the equation in her bandmate’s brain and hit ‘solve’. The redhead’s face lit up, putting to shame a Christmas tree as that sense of responsibility called for her attention. Immediately, she felt obligated to make the Nobel Peace prize-worthy move of texting her neighbor she just met, who also played the bass, to join them on the coming Saturday for band practice. That night, as she prepared to go to sleep, Em Jay cracked an accomplished smile at the reflection in her mirror.
However, two weeks had passed since your first practice with the Mary Janes, and MJ’s pride dove off from where it sat on her shoulder as she observed from afar with furrowed brows how Gwen so fucking blatantly ignored you after you tried to give her a high five. 
“What the hell was that?!” She hissed at Glory who stood beside her, cringing as you awkwardly dropped your hand and turned away from Gwen. Sighing, MJ rubbed her face with sheer desperation— a rather drastically different action from her naïve smile many nights ago. “I put an opportunity right on her fucking lap to make a friend, and she can’t act like a nice normal human being!”
Glory bit the inside of her cheek, sporting her own grimace. “I dunno, maybe they’ll click soon—”
“It’s been two weeks, Glory!” MJ whined. She crossed her arms across her chest, eyes narrowing into concentrated slits, and her gaze returned to an oblivious Gwen who shot at your back what she thought in her mind was a discreet glance. “I can’t let this fail. I gotta step in.” Glory raised a brow.
“Or you could just, you know, let them get to know each other at their own pace?“ 
“That’s dumb.”
Glory opened her mouth but gave up immediately, seeing MJ’s persistence as a lost cause she, in all honesty, did not want to waste any energy battling against that day. “Follow my lead,” MJ elbowed her, winking before she caught Gwen’s and your attention. “Who wants pizza? I do, and so does Glory. You guys want to go out and eat?“ 
“I don’t really feel like going out.”
“Glory, what the fuck?” MJ said under her breath, but later shook her head, a smile stretching across her face. “It’s fine! We’ll just go get it and we can eat here." 
Glory frowned. "But—”
“I mean, sure. I’m definitely in the mood for pizza.” You shrugged, the corner of your mouth lifting upwards. Gwen, however, eyed Glory with suspicion, who in return flashed her an apologetic smile. MJ clapped her hands together, cheering.
“Great!” She grabbed Glory’s hand and dragged her out of the room, glancing back at the two other girls. “We’ll be back in fifteen!”
Not even five seconds passed after they closed the door before you jumped off the couch and muttered to Gwen that you were going to the bathroom, an action that Gwen chose not to spend any time analyzing for her own sanity; but even if she had decided to, the ringing of her phone would’ve interrupted her nonetheless. After she took out her phone and saw MJ’s contact name, she let out the longest sigh in her entire seventeen years of living.
“Couldn’t you have just called for the pizza?” She went straight to the point— no greeting or anything, which left MJ stumped for three seconds, and surprised she had caught onto what was going on in record time.
“No, otherwise my plan wouldn’t have worked. You’re welcome, by the way.”
“What plan and why am I welcome?”
MJ scoffed. “I’m giving you another chance to talk to Y/N, seeing as you completely blew every other one you had.” Gwen perked one eyebrow, confused.
“How come?”
“She tried to give you a high-five and you left her hanging, Gwendolyn.” She said with an obvious tone. ���And that’s just one example of many.”
Gwen sat straight, her eyes growing wide. “Wait, I did?”
“Yes, you fucking idiot!” Gwen shut her eyes closed, covering her face with her hand. “How did you not notice, it’s so painfully obvious she’s trying to be your friend but you’ve gained the award of dickhead of the day.”
Gwen rolled her eyes, although let out an amused huff of air through her nose. “Did Glory agree to this little plan of yours?”
MJ took a moment of silence. “No, but her opinion doesn’t really matter right now.”
“Yeah, I bet she didn’t, because it’s fucking stupid, Mary Jane.”
“Em Jay.” 
“You called me Gwendolyn.”
“Whatever,” MJ grumbled, “you asked for this, Gwen. Be thankful, ‘cause I’m really tryin’ here.”
Gwen heard you flush the toilet, and not too long after, the sound of the faucet running. “Hell, okay, fine.” She whispered into the phone. “She’s coming, I have to go.” Before MJ could utter a word, she ended the call right as you walked out of the bathroom and flashed her a tight-lipped smile. You sat back down on the couch, an obvious distance between you two. More time passed while you hunched over your cellphone and Gwen eyed you sideways, gripping her hands together in between her knees, her heart speeding up each time she dared to speak up, and her face heating up albeit she hadn’t directed a word at you yet.
She cleared her throat. “So!” 
You made eye contact with her and she felt obligated to flash you a nervous smile after the silence continued. Eventually, the corner of your mouth lifted upwards. “So what?” You questioned, curious. Gwen’s smile gradually fell. She should’ve contemplated what she was going to say first before she spoke. 
“…What’s your favorite pizza topping?” Gwen hit herself mentally. There literally was no excuse for why she was acting like this— hell, she herself couldn’t even find one. But, on the bright side (however, perhaps not so much for Gwen), whilst the girl was sure this was an agonizing and slow death from embarrassment, your amused grin widened with her visible anxiety.
“I don’t know. There’s a lot of options.” You shrugged, your attention moving back to your device. Gwen considered leaving you alone, seeing as this conversation very obviously wasn’t going anywhere, but that option disintegrated as soon as she imagined Em Jay intentionally delaying her arrival with Glory and the pizza so she could take full advantage of her ‘chance’, which she was ninety-nine percent sure was the case. 
“I really like pepperoni.” She blurted out. Your eyes momentarily traveled up to Gwen and you pursed your lips, nodding slowly.
My God, you really were not collaborating even an ounce— it was a reach, but it was as if you were voluntarily trying to make this as difficult and socially traumatizing for Gwen as possible. Gwen scratched her head, searching for more conversation ideas, but her brain remained as empty as a desert in the middle of nowhere, except for the one tumbleweed happily rolling along its way which was her last idea, and the main purpose of this sad conversation.
“I’m really sorry for that high-five you tried to give me earlier,” Gwen muttered, incapable of looking at you straight in the eye for long. “Em Jay just told me about it.” 
Finally, you tore your concentration away from your phone and focused on Gwen. You didn’t know whether it was the seriousness of her voice combined with the absurdity of the sentence, but you found yourself struggling to hold back your giggles. Gwen’s eyebrows twisted with puzzlement as she saw your blushing cheeks and you biting your lip hard, your shoulders shaking ever so slightly.
“That’s… adorable. It’s alright. It happens to all of us, I guess.” You laughed out. In Gwen’s never-ending humiliation, she couldn’t discern your expression from simple amusement or judgment. 
Gwen stuttered, brushing her hair behind her ear. “Okay, cool. I-I just didn’t want you to think that I hated you or something like that.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I did not.” 
“Good. Because I don’t. Obviously.” She continued, forcing out a chuckle. “I really don’t.”
You smiled hesitantly. “Again… don’t worry, I get it—”
“I just, I wasn’t paying attention to you.” Gwen clarified but closed her mouth immediately, regret drying her throat. You pressed your lips into a straight line. “But I don’t mean that in a rude way, hah. I’m always looking at you.” She dug herself deeper and her eyes grew wide, a tense cough fleeing past her lips after you raised your brows.
“I mean, no, I’m not always looking at you, like, staring, but like, looking forward to whatever you have to say…?” She talked slowly, questioning her own words. “Why would I look at you, anyway?” Ah, fuck, that’s not what she meant.
Your expression transformed into an offended look and she rushed to correct herself. “No! I mean— you’re, like, very, very pretty, don’t get me wrong.” She let out a frustrated sigh, “Again, I don’t mean that in a weird way, I just—”
“Okay! I get it.” You stopped her and stood up, pointing at your phone. “I have to go, it’s pretty late, so I won’t be able to eat with you guys, but, uh… thanks anyway. Maybe next time.” You explained, uncomfortable. You both dubiously gestured goodbye to each other before you nearly ran out of the door. 
From then on, Gwen kind of wanted to hide in her room for the rest of her life, or at least from you; but sadly, she couldn’t do either. She could’ve moved on and just let it be a memory she could laugh about in the future, but she couldn’t hide what had happened to MJ— she retold her and Glory the encounter, and the trauma returned as Glory burst out laughing right in her face and Em Jay simply stared at her like a disappointed mother. Again, she really was determined to forget the whole ordeal, but later in the evening, when all she wanted to do was plop down on her bed and call it a night after another day of patrol, she answered her landline only for her ears to be attacked with MJ’s pleas for her to go fix things since ‘she was so embarrassed for her she literally couldn’t go to sleep’. Gwen hung up on her.
As she originally had intended before MJ disrupted her night, Gwen jumped onto her bed and rolled onto her back, promising in her head that she’d take off her suit in a minute. She stared up at the ceiling for longer than a minute, thinking about MJ’s words. What was the point in going to apologize to you again, anyway? Gwen wasn’t going to do it simply to please her. MJ could gladly go and shove her microphone up her—
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Gwen said to herself as she stood outside your school building. She looked down at her watch. She could’ve been doing so much right then. Someone was probably getting murdered, or a robbery was going on, and she had homework to finish, but she was wasting her time waiting in front of a school like the creep of the block. However, she thought she might as well stick to it in the instant that students began to swarm out of the entrance doors.
She considered leaving. It was her first thought when she ultimately saw you walking amongst the crowd, talking to your friends. You hadn’t noticed her. It wouldn’t make a difference if she spun and ran out of there, like a scared child fleeing from the monster living in her closet. You turned your gaze away from your friend whilst laughing, and similar to the demon (no offense) peeking through the slit in between the closet doors, you found yourself staring into a familiar pair of blue eyes.
There was no going back.
Gwen breathed in profoundly and flashed you a sheepish smile, waving weakly with her shoulders raised. She watched you say goodbye to your friends before you hesitantly approached her, your eyebrow lifted in a questioning manner. “Gwen?” 
“Yup. That’s me, hah…” She moved her hair away from her face after the wind disheveled it, brushing it behind her ear as she avoided your eyes. “I know you’re wondering—”
“What you’re doing here? Yes, yes I am.” You said, the humor distinctive in your voice, but Gwen scrunched up her nose, shaking her head.
“Don’t worry, I’m not… stalking you,” She laughed nervously and stopped herself before history repeated itself. “I would’ve texted you, but my phone…” Now has a bullet hole. “Broke. Em Jay told me I could meet you here.”
You folded your arms across your chest, shifting your weight to one leg. “Well, I’m here, you’re here, so what’s up? Did you want to continue talking about how you don’t pay attention to me?” You joked, tilting your head. 
Gwen winced slightly, cringing. “Actually, no.”
“Okay, good.”
“I came here to apologize. A real apology this time.”
You let your arms drop by your sides, interested and waiting for what she had to say. “I was really awkward. Painfully awkward, and I made you uncomfortable. So, I was hoping that we could maybe… start over again?” She held out her hand.
You briefly glanced down at it before glancing back up at her biting her lip anxiously. You giggled, nodding. “You’re so dramatic, dude.”
You shook her hand.
“So… we’re good?”
You smiled. “We’re good.” Gwen grinned back, her tooth gap having a peculiar effect in your stomach. She peeked at her watch a second time with the intent of leaving; but before she could say goodbye, you adjusted your backpack straps and spoke up. “Actually… now that you’re here, how about we go get something to eat?” 
Gwen blinked, her finger coming up to point at her chest. “M-me? And you?” You agreed with your head, laughing.
“Obviously, you dummy. I don’t see anyone else here.” You playfully punched her arm and she looked down at the spot, her eyes narrowed.
Ah, well. There was no going back.
If there was one thing, one enemy that constantly played with Gwen’s sanity, time was a top-three candidate which popped into her head immediately. Popped wasn’t perhaps even the correct word, for it remained there everlastingly as a nagging fear— a deafening, continuous tick-tock reminding her of how little, or what a painstaking amount of time she had in her hands, and all the things she could or could not do during it. Being Spider-Woman, pages and pages of school work, the Mary Janes, Mary Jane and Gwen’s duty to answer her messages the moment she received them, her aspirations, her dad— it messed with her brain, tangled all the connections into an indestructible knot she could purely helplessly stare at. But when she read the time and realized how late it had become, the panic merely bubbled and spread in her chest. Rather you laughed and she felt the necessity to look away from the numbers to focus on you, despite the tick-tock still present and blaring like a tsunami alert in her ears.
You sat facing her in the restaurant booth, smirking as you bit into a french fry. “You know, I gotta say, you impressed me quite a lot with your drumming.” Gwen bashfully moved a piece of lettuce around her plate, propping her chin upon the palm of her hand.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” She shrugged, smiling at you. You maintained your gaze on her for a moment until you shook yourself out of your odd trance, lowering your head.
“Thanks for hanging out with me. I was tired of hanging out with myself, you know?”
Gwen furrowed her brows, adamant on fixing her look on the most boring stray lettuce ever. “Why? You’re a fun person.”
“Really? ‘Cause it doesn’t seem like that’s what you think about me.” You teased her, masking the undeniable bit of hurt. 
Gwen’s finger’s movements came to a halt and she placed her hands on the table, leaning towards you. “What?! What do you mean?”
“Alright, then what do you really think about me?” You put your elbows on the hard surface and mimicked Gwen, a crooked smile adorning your features. Gwen bit her lip in thought, raising one shoulder.
“You’re cool.” She said simply, trying to appear nonchalant. An ‘oof’ slipped past your lips and you clutched onto your chest, dramatizing the insulted expression.
“That’s it? Just cool? I’m a bit hurt.” 
Gwen rolled her eyes, laughing. “What else do you want me to say?” 
“I dunno, last time you said I was— and I quote— ‘very, very pretty’” You recalled, using air quotes. Gwen scratched her eyebrow, left blank on what to reply because— oh, yeah right— she did, in fact, say that. 
The smugness lingered on your face as you waited for her to break down and repeat herself, but she composed herself and cleared her throat. “Hey, it’s not fair if you’re the only one asking questions! Being interviewed is hard work, you know.” She raised her hands defensively, her eyebrows lifted. You immediately caught onto what she was doing and pointed an accusing finger at her.
“You’re avoiding my question.”
“Well, where’s the fun in knowing all the answers to the universe?”
You had to agree. But you leaned back and crossed one leg over the other, accidentally (or was it?) nudging her leg with your foot. “I don’t know. I like honesty.” 
Oh dear, Gwen narrowed her eyes, her chest throbbing. “Hey—” The both of you jumped and looked at the source of the greeting— neither of you knew when exactly, but the waiter stood there with a polite smile, holding three menus close to his stomach. “Just letting y’all know that since Valentine’s Day is coming up, the milkshakes are on discount for couples.” Gwen leaned far away from the table, from you, and let out an uncomfortable chuckle.
“Oh, no, we’re not—”
“Oh, great!” You exclaimed and grabbed Gwen’s hand. “Do you want to share one, babe?” 
Gwen froze, her shoulders and the hand you clutched onto tense, prickling at your touch. You looked at her attentively, and your lovey-dovey eyes left her stunned, grabbed onto her voice and trapped it in her throat— intimidated her. She had to give it to you, though, your acting could fool anyone or leave anyone wondering…especially her.
Seeing as the seconds continued to pass and she never replied, you chose to take it as a sign that she was following you and you glanced up at the waiter. “We’d like a vanilla milkshake, please.” You smiled. 
Following the waiter’s departure, Gwen looked at you surprised. “I thought you liked honesty?” She laughed in disbelief, pretending to judge you intensely. You innocently picked up another fry, hiding your growing beam.
“Hey, I’m not gonna turn down a discount.”
Gwen giggled, shaking her head. “Fair enough. But you’re crazy.”
“But you still love me, right babe?” You smirked and lifted your connected hands. When Gwen realized she hadn’t let go yet, she first thought about pulling away. But she didn’t. Instead, she timidly squeezed your hand, forcing out a scoff.
“Right. Of course, babe.” 
Finally, you unclasped your hands and Gwen’s hand slowly curled into a fist as she considered something. “Hey, where are you headed after this?” She rushed out. You tilted your head.
“Home. Why?”
She swallowed her nerves, thinking about dismissing her own question and shrugging it off. She had to get back home as well, after all.
But she didn’t want to yet.
“Can I walk you back?”
The walk back to your place dragged on for longer than usual, and you both pretended to act shocked, as if it’d been a glitch in the matrix and time ticked away slower than normal; but in the back of your heads, the two of you knew it’d been no accident, that you weren’t too engulfed into your conversation enough that you ended up taking the long way back home without noticing. Perhaps the two of you wandered longer, slowed down your pace much more than necessary— clung onto the moon and kept it in its place in the sky with your excuses so the night would stay, last as much as you wanted it to. Your efforts were partly successful, but of course, it had to come to an end eventually. 
Your meetings didn’t, though. No, they were just getting started.
On Valentine’s Day, you might have taken advantage of another discount for couples, but no one really needed to know that. After that day and after Gwen finally got a new phone (it took her a few days to tell her dad, since she knew he wouldn’t be the happiest once he heard how her phone got destroyed in the first place), you sent her a message which she couldn’t deny made her insides feel a type of way: ‘If you ever need a fake date, don’t hesitate in calling me’. 
And a winky face. She couldn’t forget the winky face.
But, in all truth, neither of you needed a ‘fake date’ as a reason to see each other. Every once in awhile, Thursday and Saturday after band practice, the two of you would abandon the girls and simply hang out. It didn’t matter where— sometimes you didn’t even have a place in mind, but somehow, gladly for your brain fearing rejection, Gwen would agree nonetheless. She didn’t think much about it until one afternoon, once you were done telling a bad joke that embarrassingly enough made her laugh, she realized she hadn’t checked the time. Not once.
During band practice, MJ and Glory noted that something had changed. Mainly because they soon realized they hadn’t witnessed any new embarrassing events between you two for them to laugh at behind your backs in a while, but your peeks at each other weren’t fearful anymore. They were now… something which they couldn’t place their finger on, but it was different enough for them to share a look and raise their eyebrows. Naturally, it didn’t take long before Em Jay had to jam herself into your affairs and asked you what you thought about Gwen, using as a justification that you had gotten a month and a half to get to know the band. 
If Gwen could’ve gotten the opportunity to travel back in time to step in and prevent Em Jay from getting close to you with her blabbering mouth, she would’ve taken it immediately.
“When were you going to tell me you two fucking knew each other?!” MJ’s shriek hurt Gwen’s ears and left her speechless for a few moments after she walked into the room. Then, she succeeded in processing her question through her brain, and her face was now considerably paler than before.
“Hello to you too?” 
MJ glared at her and walked away from her. While she moved around the many cables on the floor with her foot, Gwen dropped her backpack near the door, eyeing her. “How do you know?”
“I talked to Y/N.” She simply responded. Gwen huffed, unbelieving, and crossed her arms. 
“And why did you talk to her?”
MJ gave her an obvious look. “Because, uh, she’s my bandmate? And my friend?” Gwen rolled her eyes and crouched down to take her drumsticks from her bag; meanwhile, Em Jay wasn’t over the topic yet. “I can’t believe you kept that from me. Unbelievable. I’m the only one who knows about your little spider secret!” She threw her hands in the air, as if her attitude wasn’t already dramatic enough. Gwen looked up at her with squinted eyes.
“Because you found out on accident. Did you also tell her about that?” She scoffed, standing up. Em Jay followed her to the drums, pursing her lips.
“No. She wouldn’t believe me anyway. But in my defense, Glory and Betty never do either, so you’ve literally got nothing to worry about.” 
Gwen sat down on the drum stool. “We met last year, but we never became friends, though. We’re just acquaintances, I’m sorry. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
Em Jay shrugged, her expression unchanging. “Yeah, I guess. Now I’m embarrassed for you again, though. You have to apologize to her.” 
Gwen’s mouth hung slightly open. “I already apologized twice! Why would I do it again?!”
“You acted as if you didn’t know her when you first met! Like, who does that?” However, before Gwen could explain herself, you and Glory walked through the door, carrying your instruments plus a milkshake in your hand.
“Sup.” Glory nodded her head at the two girls. MJ shot finger guns at her and you walked up to Gwen before you stretched out your arm, holding the milkshake up to her face. 
Gwen quirked a brow. “What’s this?”
“I got you a milkshake, babe.” You joked, smirking. Gwen’s cheeks and ears reddened and she hesitantly accepted it, her mouth twitching. “Since we haven’t had the chance to hang out in a while.”
MJ and Glory shared another of their looks, the one with which they telepathically communicated with. After you left Gwen, MJ kneeled down beside her, grinning knowingly. 
“She told me she thinks you’re great, dude. Do whatever you want with that information.”
Gwen chose not to do anything with it. At least not for now. 
Summer break came along to free Gwen from the suffocating hold school had around her neck, and more importantly, to give her time to focus on patrolling, the Mary Janes, and, well, you. Texting you in the morning, texting you at noon, texting you in the afternoon after she managed to stop a robbery at Junction Boulevard, texting you at night; and she couldn’t forget, of course, spending time with you whenever you could. How could she forget? It seemed almost impossible now, for you had implemented yourself into her routine, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint in what moment. She didn’t even come upon the realization until you left the state for a week, and she found herself waiting for your texts.
However, once you returned and the band reunited, Em Jay wasted no time and suggested having a ‘girl’s night’ at her place, claiming it wasn’t because she ‘missed you all, or anything, but for band-bonding’. She sent you and Gwen to the store to buy snacks (and, unsurprisingly for Gwen, winked at Glory as you two walked out of the door), and right now you both stood in front of the freezers, Gwen observing you as you put all your concentration, your tongue poking out of your mouth, on combining two sodas into an empty water bottle. Gwen gagged dramatically, laughter escaping her throat nonetheless. “That’s fucking gross, man.” She grimaced while you giggled maniacally.
The new beverage fizzled and you analyzed it closely, your eyes following the bubbles dancing in the liquid. “I can’t believe they sell bacon and ranch dressing soda here. This place is nuts.”
“And you’re mixing them together.”
“You could say I’m a scientist.”
Gwen scoffed at your statement, a grin lingering on her face. You sniffed the soda, and held it up to her face. “Do you want to try it?”
Gwen pushed the bottle away with her finger, wrinkling her nose. “You could have me at gunpoint and I still wouldn’t try it.”
You pouted, screwing the cap closed. “Okay, your loss, I guess. I’ll have it here just in case you change your mind.” You waved the bottle and placed it on a shelf before you kneeled down to inspect the bags of marshmallows. Gwen shook her head, her smile reaching her eyes.
“Trust me, I won’t.”
You picked up a bag, eyeing her sideways. “You know what?” You stole back her attention and she hummed, tilting her head. “You’re my favorite member in the band.”
Gwen’s face softened, although she wondered if she was crazy, or if her hands were all of a sudden clammy. “Me? Your… your favorite?” She asked, her voice small. You looked down, hoping she couldn’t see your timid expression.
“Yeah. I mean, no offense to Em Jay or Glory— they’re both awesome, but… I really like you, Gwen Stacy.” You shared eye contact, the corner of your mouth quirking up.
Gwen searched for something to distract herself with, and wound up snatching a random bag of gummies and pretending to read the ingredients. “Are you just trying to get me to pay for all of this?” She joked, gesturing to the casket of food. You let out a dramatic sigh, grumpily looking away from her.
“Aw, man, you caught me.” You made a sad face, but it was fleeting. “…But, no. I mean it. For real.”
Gwen bit her lip, her face the shade of the cherry candy in her hands. “Yeah, well… you’re pretty cool as well, Y/N L/N.” She copied you, shrugging. You groaned in annoyance, staring heavenward.
“Don’t give me that ‘you’re cool’ bullshit again.” You warned, mocking her voice and she giggled, placing the candy back in its place.
“What? It’s the truth!”
“Is that really all you think of me?” You feigned disappointment, playing with her. 
No. Most definitely not. Gwen had grown to form many opinions about you other than solely ‘just cool’. Her thoughts varied. Sometimes she liked the way you made her laugh so effortlessly. Other times she couldn’t wrap her head around how, with you, the concept of time was both nonexistent and eternal, a concept you took its meaning away from, for it became irrelevant. She loved how you played bass, and how you gave it a voice, personified it into a dancing body that mesmerized her. She liked the way the corners of your eyes crinkled when you smiled, and how you tilted your head sometimes when you were confused like a puppy. She liked your way of talking, your hair, how you dressed, your posture, your face and the flaws in your skin. 
Maybe she really liked you. And that scared her.
When she didn’t answer, you gave up and stood up, stretching your legs. “Okay, at least I’m glad you think I’m cool. It’s what I’d expect from my fake girlfriend.” You winked at her playfully, but she wasn’t fully paying attention now. “Okay, last question, though—”
Gwen sighed, her shoulders dropping. “What now?” You moved your arms behind your back, drawing a circle with the tip of your shoe on the floor.
“You never answered if you really think that I’m pretty.”
Gwen almost choked. She thought she had escaped that question months ago. Without thinking, her gaze landed on the soda hybrid sitting on the shelf and she grabbed it. You didn’t know what was happening in front of you until Gwen was sputtering after taking a big gulp of the drink. “What the fuck?! Why did you do that!” You gasped, your eyes wide and the laughter daring to climb up your throat.
Gwen stuck her tongue out and coughed, her face scrunching up with regret. “If I drink the soda then I don’t have to answer the question.” You couldn’t believe she was willing to do anything instead of giving you an answer.
You doubled over, cackling and holding your stomach. “Since when is that a rule?!”
“Since now.”
For the record, Gwen did think you were pretty. Very, very pretty.
As time went by, Gwen couldn’t help but stare during practice. Stare at your fingers, sliding down and up the neck with ease; your head, nodding along to the music, lost in it enough that you didn’t notice the obvious ogling from her part. And your face. She tried focusing on it most of the time, but it resulted a lot more difficult than she originally expected. You either moved it too much whilst you played, or you faced away from her since—well— she did play the drums. 
There was also the third reason. The unsettling burn in her chest that sped up her breathing if her mind went too far, which occurred if she thought about you too much. Too deeply. But, God, did she try, and God, did she take advantage of every time you looked back at her, because you inexplicably dissolved that uneasiness in her.
Late at night, with your blankets wrapped around you tightly, you stared at your phone screen, mindlessly scrolling and double-tapping every picture you came upon. Not a minute passed before you opened a conversation, however, perhaps for the fourth time— not that it was anyone’s business, anyway— awaiting for another text. Gwen’s text, to be more specific. You didn’t want to come off as obsessive, but it had been an hour and thirteen minutes yet she hadn’t responded, and you… were missing her? You shook your head. Well. There was a possibility that you were. Maybe, you couldn’t get her off your mind, and maybe, you wished you could simply think about her and she’d integrate right there in your bedroom—
A knock on the window disrupted your train of thought, and as if on cue, a notification rang from your phone. ‘It’s me’, you read. Gwen had sent the message. “What the fuck?” You muttered, confused. Needing to see it for yourself, you jumped out of your bed and ran to your window before you unlatched the window lock and slid it open. 
Of course, as the text message said, it was indeed Gwen, in your fire escape, and not a prank she elaborated to scare the life out of you. “Hi.” Was all she said. You tilted your head, your brows knitted together.
“Hi? Is that all you’re going to say?”
She thought for a second. “…How are you?” 
“What are you doing in my fire escape?”
“I got locked out of my house.” She shrugged. 
You let out a huff of air in disbelief, moving out of the way so she could climb inside. As she threw one leg over the sill, you placed your hands on your hips, shaking your head. “You get locked out of your house, and the first place that comes to your mind is my place?” You questioned, amused. Yet again, Gwen raised and dropped her shoulders. You went to close the window, but not before glancing out, imagining all the struggle she must’ve gone through to lower the ladder and then climb up five stories. “And how the hell did you even get all the way up here?” You muttered to yourself, but Gwen heard it.
“It’s a fire escape, my dear. They’re there to, you know, get out of the building so you don’t die if there’s a fire?”
You rolled your eyes and sat down on your bed. “Okay, just be quiet, ‘cause I don’t think my family would be very happy about having an unexpected visitor this late.” Guilt sculpted Gwen’s countenance.
“I mean… I can leave if you want—”
“No.” You said quickly, too fast for your liking, actually. You cleared your throat and smiled, patting the area beside you. “No, it’s alright. You can stay however long you want. They don’t have to find out.” You waggled your eyebrows jokingly. She was grateful the sole lamp rested on your bedside table, far away from you and its amber touch embracing you alone, for she didn’t need you seeing the blood rapidly rushing to her warm face. 
Gwen sat down where you motioned her to, although kept some distance, and squeezed her hands resting on her lap together. “Thanks… it’ll just be a while. My dad had an emergency, and I really don’t know when he’ll be back, so…” She explained and popped her mouth after her sentence died out. You nodded understandingly, shuffling somewhat closer to her.
“I’m glad you came here. I wouldn’t want you staying out there and freezing to death. Plus, I was pretty bored.”
Gwen raised a brow. “Bored? Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” 
You scoffed with a faint smile. “Shut up, hypocrite. You were out so late that you got left out of your house.”
“I was busy!”
“Doing what? Selling drugs?”
“Maybe. You’ll never know.”
You began to fan yourself. “Ooh, a drug lord, so hot.”
Gwen scrunched up her nose, giving you a judgemental look. “Is that what turns you on? Drug lords?”
“Nah, that’s not quite it…” You glanced at her out of the corner of your eye before your gaze shifted to your lap, your fingers playing with the hem of your shirt.
Gwen didn’t know whether she was reaching— but oh. She didn’t know what courage the universe granted her, either, for she then focused on her nails and pretended to be uninterested. “Huh, then what does turn you on?” Your eyebrows almost reached your hairline in surprise, but you quickly composed yourself. 
“Why do you want to know?” You asked, leaning closer to her. She shrugged one shoulder.
“I mean, you never know. What if a friend of mine wanted to ask you out?”
You bit your lip. “Depends. Is she cute?”
“I never specified their gender. And it’s theoretical.” She cleared up, raising one finger. You laughed, moving even closer to her.
“Well, then, I really like blue eyes.”
“…Really?” Her shy voice made your organs jump, which you didn’t know if it was normal or a serious medical condition you should get checked out. You hummed, holding yourself up with your arms behind you. “They’re cool, I guess.” Again, she tried to sound as if she didn’t care, or as if your comment didn’t make her as happy as it secretly did.
“Short hair is also pretty cute.” You added. “Especially if it’s a cool hairstyle.”
“A cool… a cool hairstyle, huh? What do you mean?”
“I don’t know.” Gwen now knew how frustrated you felt when she avoided your questions. “What about you?” You looked at her, insecurity threatening to overpower your current confidence.
“Oh. I don’t know. Musicians are hot.” She showed you a crooked smile. You wanted to squeal, embarrassingly enough.
“Do you like bass guitar players?” A bold move, indeed. Gwen faked entering deep into thought.
“…Eh, I think drummers are hotter.” 
You shoved her playfully, laughing. “Rude!” 
“Hey, you asked what I liked.” You both giggled, struggling to keep your noises down, but eventually, your laughter dissipated and she played with her fingers. “But bass players are pretty cute, too.”
You gulped, Gwen’s shoulder touching yours spiking your nerves. “Yeah, well, I agree that drummers are cute, too.” 
You both glanced down at each other’s lips, holding your breaths. However, before you could do anything, Gwen got to her feet. “You should try getting some sleep. I don’t want you being sleep deprived because of me.” She laughed nervously, taking off her sneakers. 
Disappointment invaded your brain, but admittedly, your eyes did feel a lot heavier than before. “What are you gonna do?” You questioned, remembering her situation. You definitely were more worried than her, who was unfazed.
“I’ll just wait I guess.”
“You should catch some Z’s as well.”
Gwen didn’t argue. She climbed into bed with you, although insisted she didn’t need any covers or blankets since she was just going to take a nap. After that, you couldn’t resist the sleep threatening to spread through your system and you passed out. It felt like minutes passed at most, until you were suddenly gently shaken awake. 
You fought to open your eyes before you squinted and looked up at whoever had woken you up. Slowly, the indistinguishable figure transformed into Gwen’s apologetic smile dimly lit by your bedside lamp. 
“Hey, sleepyhead.” 
You groaned, rubbing your bleary eyes and sitting up. “What time is it?” You croaked out. Gwen squinted to discern the numbers in her watch.
“Two in the morning.” 
“Two in the morning?!” She nodded, laughing quietly. “Do you have to go?” You would’ve been embarrassed by the heartbreak in your voice, but you were too out of it to dwell on it.
“Yeah, but it’s okay, you can go back to sleep. I just wanted to let you know.” 
You didn’t quite process what was going on until you saw her backing away to the window. Suddenly fully awake, your eyes widened and you threw your covers off of you. “What are you doing?” 
Gwen opened the window and glanced back at you, lifting a brow. “Leaving?” 
You yawned, shaking your finger at her. “No, no, no—” You rubbed your eye and laughed at her. “How about I lead you out of the door like a normal person?” 
Gwen blushed, slowly closing the window. “Ah, well, I guess that’s an option.”
“I don’t want to wake anyone up, though, so just stay quiet, alright?” Gwen simply nodded and you wrapped your hand around her wrist, guiding her towards your bedroom door. You opened it as silently as you could, holding your breath, almost afraid that if you breathed, the entire house would be blown away. There’s only darkness, but you walked into it unbothered, while Gwen followed you like a loyal animal. Now that her sight was gone, she fully took in your touch as your soft hold tugged on her arm. You suddenly stopped and she mimicked you, patiently waiting for the sound of the unlocking of the door. However, all she picked up was the shuffling of your feet before you held in your breath. Then, she felt your other hand grab hers.
“Gwen?” You asked quietly, your voice so timid the darkness and the silence could’ve easily engulfed it. Without the view of your face, your skin against hers seemed too much, nearly unbearable. 
“Can you see me?”
She shook her head, until she recalled that if she couldn’t see you, neither could you see her and the gesture was nothing more than useless. “Not really.”
“Okay. Cool.”
“Are you going to kill me?”
You giggled, and it didn’t knock over the walls, but it most definitely almost did her body.  “No. Do you want me to?”
“Eh… no, thanks.”
“Ok, dork.” You chuckled, but it instantly came to an end. Your breathing wasn’t steady anymore— it trembled, sounded heavy. Then, out of nowhere: “If I kiss you, are you going to run away?”
Gwen just blinked. Despite the darkness, white dots exploded in her vision. “W-what?” Her voice almost failed her.
“Can I kiss you?”
In the room, there was nothing more. It was just your nervous breaths, your loud fridge, and Gwen’s heart. Her heart at full volume, pumping fast, doing its best to keep her awake, sane, on her feet. It was just you and her. Solely you, your gentle hands, and her. She blinked again.
Your touch disappeared but then reappeared on her cheek, and absentmindedly, she placed her hand over yours. Your thumb, shaking, searched for her mouth, until it successfully brushed against her lips. Gwen gulped, her skin tingling as your breath fanned over it.
It was just you, her, and your lips. Your lips and her own.
You both remained with your eyes closed after your lips lost contact, although it didn’t make a difference in any way. But Gwen’s eyelids fluttered open, and a beam began to blossom.
“I’m glad you didn’t kill me.”
You kissed her a second time before she left. 
It would be a criminal understatement to say that Gwen freaked out after she arrived back home. When she made the decision to start letting new friends into her life for good at the beginning of the year as another New Year’s resolution, she took a gigantic step. She then spoke to MJ, which was a leap in itself, and you joined the band. She stumbled, balanced herself on one foot at the edge for a while, but eventually, she managed to jump to the third step once she waited outside your school and apologized to you. She was convinced that would be it; the final and toughest stride, because if she managed to get past through all the previous ones, then it had to mean she was ready, right? 
She was just finding out she was wrong, though.
The plan was to make a friend. A friend and nothing more nor nothing less. However, without being fully conscious of it, she continued to sprint up the stairs, past what her original intention was. And now, as she stared so far up at the next colossal step— at the feelings that kept growing for you, at your kiss, at you— she felt herself tipping backwards. There was no way she could climb that. She’d only slip and plummet down to her death.
Somehow, though, when you two agreed on meeting up at an arcade two days later, she decided she might as well go for it. 
Gwen eyed the time for what she felt was the millionth time that day and her mask muffled the groan that followed. She had at least thirty minutes left of patrol and— she knew it was a dramatic statement— she didn’t know if she would be able to make it through them. I could call it a day earlier, she thought. It had been the most uneventful day lacking any major criminal activity, after all: all she did was help a little kid get back to his father and stop the usual theft, but other than that, she spent the day swinging around and even had the time to take a picture with a fan. 
Her phone began to vibrate. You were calling her. “Hey… you…kid…” She cringed. How was she supposed to greet you from now on? Things weren’t the same. 
She heard you snort at her hello. “Hi. Just wanted to tell you that I’m on my way.”
Gwen’s brows snapped together and she checked the time one more time. “Already? You’re early.”
“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind. I wanted to get started earlier so I don’t have to walk back home too late, but also so I can beat your ass and get more tickets than you.”
“Are you challenging me?”
“Not really, because I already know I’m gonna win.”
“Don’t sound so confident,” Gwen smiled and lied down on her back, staring up at the sky. “But if you do win, you better get me a prize.”
“Why would I get the loser a prize? I’m gonna get myself something cool and big and rub it in your face.” 
Gwen scoffed but giggled nonetheless. All of a sudden, you went dead silent and she sat up, perking her ears for any further noise. “Y/N? Are you still there?”
It took you a few seconds to answer. “I just heard something weird.”
Gwen’s face drained of color and she jumped up, the tingling present in the back of her head. “Are you alone?”
“Get out of there. Now. Find somewhere that’s crowded.”
“Don’t be so paranoid. I bet it’s nothing. Could you imagine if I, like, got murdered, though?” You laughed nervously, trying to ease both of your nerves but Gwen’s sting in her head was only strengthening. “How tragic. Anyway—” 
Your voice halted. A distant strangled cry left the speaker. “Y/N?!” Gwen called for your attention, frantic, her heart nearly breaking out of her chest. Something was not right.
“Hold on.”
It was all you said before you ended the call. She wasted no time nor hesitated— she ran to the end of the rooftop and jumped off, shooting a web. She swung as fast as she could, to the point where her aim nearly missed a building. Her thoughts were rushed, hectic, created the worst scenarios so vivid the bile began to make her way up her throat and she had to blink the dampness of her eyes away.
Hiding behind a dumpster nearing the end of an alleyway, you held your phone up to your ear, your legs aching from the speed with which you ran away. You could barely breathe. It was just a messy attempt of ragged breaths that despite how hard you tried to make them quiet, you simply couldn’t. “Please hurry up.”
“We’re trying to get there as fast as we can, miss. Are you hurt?”
“N-No, I’m fi—” A loud bang shook the dumpster next to you and you involuntarily yelped in fear. Your hand flew up to cover your mouth, but it was too late. 
The woman and the man who chased you quickly found you, and the guy gripped your arm, yanking you out of your hiding spot. “What the fuck did you see?!” He spat in your face, holding you trapped against his body with his arm choking your neck. “Tell us or you’re fucking dead, hear me?!”
You sputtered and your fingernails scratched his arm, trying to get him off of you. When you realized you weren’t getting anywhere, your eyes flickered down to your hand. You blindly moved it up to his face, and once you grazed his eyelashes, you dug your fingers into his eye with all your strength. 
He cried out and let go of you. Without thinking, you spun around and went in to punch whatever area of his face you hoped your hit landed on. But he recovered quickly and caught your fist in mid-air. All you could do was stare at him in horror. You didn’t quite process what was coming at you until he struck your eye. 
“Bad move, kid.” The woman said and you glanced up at her with watery eyes, shielding the throbbing left side of your face. She took out her gun, pointed it at you, and your heart dropped. 
You had lost all hope, until a ‘thwip!’ echoed in between the walls.
Out of nowhere, a web stuck to the barrel of the gun and, in the blink of an eye, snatched it from the woman’s grasp. Spider-Gwen came into your blurry vision before she spun the gun and smacked it onto the stranger’s head. 
She stumbled backwards, grasping her head. Meanwhile, Gwen shot two webs at the wall behind the older girl. Holding onto the strings tightly, she pushed herself off the ground and knocked her down with a kick at her jaw. As she webbed her to the wall, her eyes suddenly widened. She swiftly ducked under, dodging a punch coming from the man behind her. Crouching down, she swiped her leg under him and sent him down. 
After he fell on the ground, Gwen towered over him, her fists shaking with fury. As soon as he opened his eyes, she drew her arm back and smashed her knuckles into his nose, a painful crack resonating clear and loud. 
She panted loudly, her chest rising and falling quickly as she trapped the now unconscious man’s hand to the gravel. She continued to observe him, her lip twitching, the sirens approaching in the background, until she heard a dry sob behind her. She looked back, only to see you backed up into the corner, hugging yourself.
Gwen ran up to you and kneeled down in front of you, holding your hand. “H-Hey, hey, you’re okay now.” She shushed you, her hand almost coming up to your cheek until she stopped herself. She wanted to stay with you and ask more questions, but two police cars parked themselves at the start of the alleyway. Her heart screamed at her not to. It cursed at her, begged for her feet not to move. However, she looked down at you one last moment and she shot a web up at the sky, zipping out of there.
She watched over you for an hour and a half as you talked to the police, and then when the paramedics attended you. She couldn’t stay long, though, since you furrowed your brows and then glanced up, your sight focusing on her. She instantly hid away, deciding that it’d be best if she just waited at your apartment.
Gwen tried telling herself that you were now fine. She saw you there, not missing a limb or anything, breathing and alive. But despite that, she couldn’t rest in peace. The image of you in the corner— your entire body shaking, your rough appearance, the tears that abandoned your eyes. Broken. It wouldn’t fuck off despite how many times she told it to. 
She couldn’t help but recall Peter Parker’s face as she shakily held his corpse in her arms. And then she remembered why she had given up on letting anyone get close to her in the first place.
She had lost track of how long she’d been staring at your window. The window which she climbed through just three nights ago when she got locked out of her place. The night your warm smile greeted her. The night you first kissed her. The night that, perhaps if it hadn’t occurred— if she hadn’t forgotten to take her key with her, or she had left her window open, if she had gone to Em Jay’s, Glory’s, or even Betty’s place instead of yours— if she hadn’t been in the picture, you wouldn’t be in the situation that you were in now. 
Because of her, you could’ve lost your life.
She’d texted you— as Gwen— asking if you were alright. It didn’t help that you straight up lied and said that you weren’t feeling alright so you decided to skip the night. At last, the light turned on in your room and she snapped out of a trance. It didn’t take long before she was trying to look through your window as discreetly as she could, her heart starting yet again with its running when she made out your silhouette. It moved around the room, until it stopped in front of the window. To her nightmare, your figure grew bigger as it came closer and closer, and opened the window. When she saw your face, her insides twisted.
You nearly screamed as soon as you saw Spider-Woman outside your window. You jumped back. It was the Spider-Woman. Unbelieving, you blinked at her— a bad idea, you then realized, considering your bruised eye. 
“Uh, hi there.”
You touched your head, closing your eyes. Maybe the blow you received was worse than you thought. “Am I hallucinating?” 
Gwen laughed weakly. “Nope. I’m very real right now.”
“Oh, okay.” You stared at her, disoriented, a million questions running through your brain. “Can I— can I ask what you are doing here?” You chose to ask first. 
“I, uh, wanted to check up on you after the incident that happened earlier. I didn’t really have time to say anything.” It wasn’t fully a lie. You nodded slowly, tilting your head.
“How’d you know where I live?”
She couldn’t judge you for asking so many questions, but God, coming up with a lie on the spot was turning out to be problematic for her. “Uh… spider-sense?”
She tried.
You were yet more perplexed. “Spider what?”
“It’s a thing… I have…” She tapped her head. Again, it wasn’t a full-blown lie. Thankfully, you didn’t continue budging and instead hummed, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt. “You don’t have to answer— only if you want to talk about it, but…what happened?” She asked quietly, afraid of your reaction. Your body went rigid and you hesitated. 
“I was going to meet up with a girl I like when I heard and then saw someone getting beaten to death.” Her white eye lenses grew big. “The two out of the three people doing it saw me and began to chase me. I tried to hide, but they eventually caught up to me.” You whispered.
Her fingers touched her mouth. “Oh God… I’m so… I’m so sorry. It’s my fault.”
You raised a brow. “…What do you mean? You saved me.”
“But I…” Gwen choked up and you furrowed your brows. She checked her watch, her body so weak she was surprised she was standing up. “I have to go. I’m sorry you had to go through that. You don’t deserve it.”
Before you could reply, she scurried away from your window and leaped off the fire escape. You watched as she swung away and eventually disappeared, feeling hazy and more puzzled than ever.
After she thought she had gotten far away enough, Gwen dropped down on a random rooftop, stumbling and falling to her knees. She felt trapped inside the mask. Almost as if it were stuck, permanently sewn to her skin, and if she tried to rip it off, she’d tear every last inch of skin off with it. She was the mask. She was Spider-Woman, and would forever be. It’s a responsibility she was doomed with for eternity unless she lost a fucking limb or her own life, and there’s nothing she could do about it. She couldn’t simply walk away, or dispose of all the criminals and villains, all the calamities and traps hurled at her which sent her defenseless body flying, hurting it, along with everyone else in the way. Everyone else like Peter. Peter and now you. 
Her trembling hand ripped off her mask, her wet face nearly freezing as the wind attacked her skin. She took out her phone and searched for your contact, wiping her nose with her gloves. “Hey…” She typed, but stopped. Keep going, she urged herself. Just fucking write. Her thumb hung above the keyboard, her teary eyes fixed on the cursor blinking, taunting her. 
“If you don’t do this, I’m going to hate you for the rest of my fucking life, Gwen.” She hissed at herself and hiccuped after. It didn’t matter if you hated her. It had to be done.
You inspected with a frown at your bruised eye in the mirror, your fingers ghosting over the swollen skin. But your grimace vanished and a faint grin took over your features when you received a message and read Gwen’s name. Rapidly, you opened the text, the overwhelming heaviness burning in your chest immediately flickering out.
It was only temporary, though.
Gwen read the message one last time, and her heart dropped down to her stomach the instant she saw you had opened it. Her own words repeated themselves in her head, slashing her skin with regret, mercilessly cutting her heart apart into unfixable bits.
“I’ve been thinking lately, and I think it’d be best if we’re just bandmates. You’re cool, so I hope that there are no hard feelings between us.”
She turned off her phone and closed her eyes, letting out a long breath. Somehow, she still hated herself.
You didn’t reply. Not a word, no phone call. Nothing. You explained to MJ and Glory what had happened and missed band practice for a week, saying you wanted your eye to heal as much as possible. You never told Gwen anything, though. The girls were in charge of doing it, and she had to act surprised and repress the regret that stabbed at her. Glory was shocked she wasn’t the first to find out and she questioned her about it, but Gwen solely shrugged and forced out a laugh when MJ joked that getting hurt was a curse running for bassists in the band. 
The week had finally passed by and you came to Thursday rehearsal. You still greeted Glory with your secret handshake and MJ with the usual hug, as enthusiastic as always. But you ignored Gwen, and she didn’t fight against it. She had now made a promise to herself she couldn’t break. 
You’d been practicing for an hour longer than usual, stuck on the same song since Em Jay would stop in the midst of it and insist that you started over again. Everyone knew who was— or, to be more correct— were the culprits, but no one dared to speak up. MJ broke away from the mic, rubbing her face in frustration, and raised her fist in the air to end the playing. “Okay, that sucked. Yet again. But it’s okay, let’s start over from the top.”
Glory let her fingers run down the keyboard, creating what you could say was the loveliest catastrophe of a melody, and sighed. “Em Jay, I think we should take a break—”
“No, no, no, we’ll get it right this time. Let’s just get it over with, okay?” No one agreed, but she continued nonetheless. “One, two, three!”
You began again. At first, no one was messing up, and Em Jay’s hope returned. However, a minute into the song, both the drums and the bass went their own ways and invented their own pace, and MJ turned around, her hands on her hips. “I didn’t want to say it, but you two really need to get your shit together.” She pointed at Gwen and then at you. 
Gwen glanced at you. “Y/N’s a bit late.” You opened your mouth in disbelief and faced her.
“You’re going way too fucking fast!”
“No, that’s the right tempo.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Uh, yeah, it is.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Since when?”
“Since always!” Gwen exclaimed, sharing your scowl. “I’m the one who’s been here since the beginning, I think I know better.” 
You couldn’t keep your mouth shut any longer.
“Shut the fuck up, you don’t know shit, okay?!” You yelled at her, taking an intimidating step closer to her. When MJ noticed Gwen gripping her drumsticks hard, she tried to intervene.
“Leave it, Mary Jane.” Gwen warned her, her face stern, and MJ stared at her, expressionless.
“It’s Em Jay.”
“I don’t fucking care!” 
“Yeah, you very clearly don’t, huh?” You said, laughing without humor and stepping even closer to Gwen. “You don’t know shit, and you don’t give a shit about anyone. It’s scary how you pretend to care about someone, but you don’t. You just fucking use them to keep yourself entertained for a while, until you get bored and then decide to leave.” You were now right in front of her, and you pointed an accusing finger into her face. Gwen tensed her jaw, fighting hard against the wetness of her eyes.
“That’s not true.”
“Oh, don’t fucking lie, Gwen.” You glared at her, shaking your head. “Don’t act like I don’t know you.”
You both shared eye contact for a few moments, and as Gwen began to blink hard, you scoffed and took a step back. “Whatever.” You muttered and turned away. “I think I’m done for the day.”
The room stayed dead silent while you packed your things up. Glory and Em Jay communicated with each other through their gazes, both equally as confused, but Gwen stuck her sight to the floor, her lip trembling as she curled her hand so tightly around the drumstick it snapped. You slammed the door shut, and Em Jay cleared her throat, biting her nails. 
“What the fuck just happened?” MJ and Glory moved their stares to Gwen. “Gwen?”
Gwen rubbed her eye, sighing. “What?” She mumbled. MJ approached her slowly, frowning.
“You got something to tell us?”
Gwen shrugged. “Maybe.” Glory raised her brows. “I messed up long ago.”
“She seems too mad for it to have been long ago.” MJ laughed nervously, but Gwen wasn’t taking any of it anymore. She stood up and pulled her hair, groaning.
“God, Em Jay, this wouldn’t have happened if you had just fucking stopped trying so hard to make our friendship work. You don’t even care about me making friends, you just wanted to feel good about yourself for helping poor little me!” She shouted, nudging MJ with her drumsticks. Em Jay remained quiet, visibly hurt, and hugging herself.
“Gwen.” Glory repeated, her strict voice shocking both Gwen and MJ. “I think you hurt someone. And I think you owe them an apology.” 
Gwen took a moment to breathe, and that was when she realized what she had done. She looked at MJ and grabbed her hand, squeezing it. “I’m sorry, Em Jay. I shouldn’t have lashed out at you. Thank you for trying. I should’ve tried harder as well.” She whispered sadly.
The corner of MJ’s mouth quirked upwards, and gripped her hand back. “Thanks. But I think you’ve got one more apology left.”
It felt like February all over again. Back when MJ called her to tell her the same thing, and one day later, Gwen waited outside your school. However, this time, she knew she had to apologize for real. For the correct reason.
Gwen let her drumsticks fall to the floor and she jumped over the cables. Speeding out of the door, she hoped she still had the chance to catch up to you and hadn’t lost you again. To her relief, you were at the end of the corridor, in front of the opening elevator doors when she called out your name. Your ears perked up, but your expression hardened when you saw her running up to you. “Y/N, listen—”
“Fuck off.” You laughed and moved to get into the elevator, but Gwen grabbed your arm and spun you around. 
“No!” You stared at her, shocked. “N-No, I’m not going to… fuck off. Not this time.” Her eyes were big, begging. 
You clutched her wrist and pulled her hand away from you. “I think it’s too little too late, Gwen. I’ve had enough.”
“I made a mistake.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“Just let me talk, please.”
“No.” You shushed her, breathing heavily. “Let me talk, okay? Let me tell you about this little mistake of yours. Not only did you act as if you didn’t know me months ago and said we were never friends when I joined the band, but you acted as if you hadn’t already done this. You played with my feelings. Not once, but apparently fucking twice! And you didn’t even apologize!” 
Your voice broke as you finally let out your repressed feelings, and you hated yourself for it. You despised yourself for still listening to her, for still caring about her.
You left Gwen speechless. “You wanted to talk, and now I’m giving you the chance. Say something.” You begged, prepared to be let down. But she looked up at you and let out a shaky sigh, sniffing.
“I don’t… I don’t know. I thought I liked you a year ago when we first met. I really did. The feelings were there, b-but…”
“If you never liked me, then why’d you come back?” You asked, broken-hearted. It hurt Gwen to see how much pain she had caused you, all because she was too much of a coward to own up to her feelings. 
“That’s the thing.” She breathed out, shrugging. “Maybe I do.”
Your face softened. “What?”
“Don’t make me explain it, please.”
“You have to.”
“I can’t.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, groaning. “For fuck’s sake.” Gwen shook her head and her shoulders began to shake.
“I can’t…”
“Why not—”
“Because it scares me!” She cried out, a sob finally breaking free from her system. You frowned.
“B-Because…” She wiped her nose, struggling to spit it out. “I really like you. I really do. And I don’t know if I’m ready for something like that. I can’t lose you.”
You gently grabbed her shoulder, while your other hand held her chin. “I’m not going to run away from you. I’m here.”
It wasn’t as simple as that. “I can’t.” She said again, even if she didn’t want to let go of your touch. You bit your lip.
“You can’t or you don’t want to?” 
She didn’t know what to answer. Your hand slowly sneaked down to hold hers, and you looked at her for permission, your expectations not as high. But she clutched your hand hard. “You can do it, Gwen. You can’t spend the rest of your life like this. If you do, you will lose everyone.” You smiled sadly. You quieted down, pondering, but eventually, you breathed out and closed your eyes. “I really like you, too. I always did. And if I have to wait, it’s okay. Just… don’t disappear again, okay?”
Gwen analyzed your face. She wondered what you must have looked like that night back when you kissed her. And since she hadn’t done anything right before, she wondered whether she could try again. 
In a second, she squeezed her eyes shut and pecked your lips. You were caught off guard as your fingers came up to touch your mouth. “Nah, you’re right. I think it’s about damn time.” She bit back her smile.
She took the big step.
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alittlemuppetwrites · 6 years
11/11/11 tag
Thank you @whatsanwritepocalae for the tag ! :P
1. Can you describe your WIP in 5 or less words?
Some spirits cause general chaos 
2. What are the tropes you find yourself always coming back to?
Hmmm, I’m not sure if I can think of certain tropes as such, and also - if I did call myself out for it then everyone would notice that it keeps popping up! But... I’m a bit of a sucker for villain redemption in some shape or form. 
3. If you have to write an emotional scene, what do you do to prepare for it?
I don’t think I have a particular way to prepare for emotional scenes because I don’t think writing emotional scenes effects me so much that I need to. Although I am attached to my characters, I’m not one of those people who would cry over them.  
4. How much do you write in order?
Pretty much most of it, but if I’m starting my wip then I might write a couple of paragraphs (that are rarely used later on) to kinda get an idea of what I’m about to start working on.
5. If there’s one thing you want to improve on in your writing, what is it?
Character voices definitely! All my characters sound the same it’s so annoying! Some people just create such individual ways that their characters talk and I envy that ability.
6. Who’s writing influences you the most?
Neil Gaiman probably, but also Welcome to Nightvale, even though it’s a podcast - well they have books as well so I guess it counts!
7. What is the writing advice, yours or someone else’s, that you would spread to others?
Your first draft doesn’t matter, it doesn’t have to be perfect so stop trying to make it. If it’s perfect on the first go, what’s the point of it being a first draft?! A first draft shouldn’t be exactly how you want your book to be, that’s not ever going to happen.
8. What are your thoughts on friends and family reading your work?
I don’t mind certain friends reading my work but I’d be too embarrassed to show family lmaooo
9. What is your opinion on moodboards? Have you made any?
Moodboards are a great way of getting the right imagery to help you envision your creation better, I’ve made a few and they’ve been very fun to make!
10. Where do you post your writing outside of tumblr?
Nowhere, yet!
11. What do you need to avoid while writing? What demotivates or distracts you the most?
Going anywhere near my phone, I will always get distracted. I always get distracted by watching films as well which is a bit of an issue! And in terms of demotivating, I’m demotivated all the time so.....
My questions:
Do you find it easier to be working on only one WIP are do you prefer to have multiple going at once?
Do you give your favourite OCs special treatment or do you relish in torturing them?
What do you feel is more important for your WIP, a good hero or a good villain?  Why?
What do you think is an underused trope? Have you included it in your WIP?
How easy is it for you to kill off characters?
Sci-fi or fantasy? How come?
Pick a fictional character from another piece of fiction (book, movie, tv show, etc) who you think would fit in with your universe perfectly:
If there was a colour scheme for your WIP, what would it be?
What is one song that reminds you of your WIP, and why?
Have you ever drawn your OCs?
If there’s always a piece of writing advice or tip you have to remind yourself of before you write, what is it?
I’m tagging:
@theforgottencoolkid @seamusings @akingsleywriter @writerproject @thatfizzyyyy @confunderewrites @the-violet-writer @somuchtowrite @semiwriting @alinakerrin @radiowrites
Rules: Answer my 11 questions, then add 11 of your own and tag 11 people!
(as always no pressure!)
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80smikewheeler · 7 years
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
tagged by: @alabasterswriting thanks so much darling! ✨
a - age: 20 - mannnnn, I'm oldddd
b - birthplace: the North West of good old England 🇬🇧🇬🇧
c - current time: 3:17am lol
d - drink you last had: Water- I'm a basic bitchhhh
e - easiest person to talk to: Either my friend, Charlotte, or @come-float-down-here-with-me (I can literally talk to this girl about anything and she's so understanding, and she really gets me, so I feel like I can talk to her about anything 💕), or @youlookpretty-good (she's my binchhh lmaooo ���️), orrrr @sincerely-millie (because again, I feel like we can talk to each other about anything! 💞)
f - favourite song: Atm, probably Brianstorm by the Arctic Monkeys, damnnn that's a bangerrrrrr
g - grossest memory: Ugh omgggg, probably, (again another drinking related incident bahaha, I'm really not setting a good example am I? 🤣), when I got plastered at my mates house when I was like 17 whoops, and vomited into her bin, and all over her bed omfg ahah ahaha, and she literally tipped the bin outside onto the street and vomit just went everywhere...ugh, I'm so sorry I just gave yall that mental image! It was truly disgusting...(I have so many drunk stories it's embarrassing 😳😂)
h - horror yes or horror no: Yes, I have gotten a lot better with them, although I can't watch gory stuff like, Saw or anything...
i - in love?: Nope
j - jealous of people?: Not as much, as when I was younger. I don't get jealous a lot anymore now, it was something I worked on lol
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Idk, why are you asking me? Im a disaster in this area bhhahaha
m - middle name: I don't have one! Is that like really uncommon? 🤣
n - number of siblings: One. My 16yr old brother, Matthew. We get on well...when it suits him hahhaha
o - one wish: To be successful in life. Agree. OR TO MEET NOAH SCHNAPP AGH
p - person you called last: My mum! Haha
q - question you are always asked: “What are you doing with your life?” Me (externally): I’m studying to be a scientist! Me (interally): *sobbing* I have no idea! I just want to cry over fictional characters not the working mechanisms of CRISPR!) OMFG I SAVED THIS ANSWER BC THIS IS SOOOO ME TOO!! I ALWAYS GET ASKED WHAT IM DOING WITH MY LIFE AND IM JUST SOBBING TO MYSELF HONESTLY! 😭
s - song you last sang: Toto Africa lol, I'm a massive 80s bitch
t - time you woke up: Like 1pm lololol
u - underwear colour: Green
v - vacation destination: America, Rome, Peru, Spain! TAKE ME ANYWHERE
w - worst habit: Promising myself that I'm going to do something and not sticking to it. Or being late.
x - x-rays: ? I'm not entirely sure what this one is about lol, so if it's asking have I had any x rays, I have had a few on my teeth and my back!
y - your favourite food: Egg Fried Rice!!!
z - zodiac sign: Pisces! I oddly love swimming and I don't eat fish at all! Maybe I'm a true fish at heart! 🤣🤣
Hmm, ten people. Normally I say whoever wants to do it (and i say it this time too) but, @elevenkisses @ghost-grantaire @angelicwheeler @eddiesangels @eddiekaspbraks @strangerthankids @nancybyrs @wheeler-tozier @m11ke-wheeler @jonstavk
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theartofbeinganerd · 7 years
Tag Game
Tagged by: @hemnalini @inevitablefan-ne-girl @jsimmonz Thanks!!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better!
A - Age: 21
B - Birthplace: Massachusetts
C - Current Time: 1:25 am
D - Drink You Last Had: Grape juice
E - Easiest Person to Talk to: My mom for sure
F - Favorite Song: How to Save a Life by the Fray has just always been my favorite for some reason idk
G - Grossest Memory: I have the worst gag reflex and stomach, so I’ve probably blocked them all out lmaooo
H - Horror Yes or Horror No: Haha no
I - In Love?: Very, very happily not actually – I’m too busy working on myself to worry about someone else rn
J - Jealous of People: I try not to be but…man it’s difficult sometimes
L - Love at First Sight or Should I Walk by Again?: And again and again and again
M - Middle Name: Mae
N - Number of Siblings: 1
O - One Wish: For things to finally start going right for once
P - Person You Called Last: My grandmother
Q - Question You Are Always Asked: What are your plans for the future? LEAVE ME ALONE
R - Reason to Smile: After years of dealing with anxiety, I finally got my driver’s license recently and it came in the mail today and I haven’t been able to stop smiling since really
S - Song You Last Sang: Here’s a throwback – I was jamming to Cyclone by Baby Bash with my mom when it came on the radio today haha (middle school dances anyone???)
T - Time You Woke Up: Ugggh my alarm didn’t go off so…I’m too embarrassed to admit it lmao seriously I’m a mess
U - Underwear Color: White with a whole bunch of colorful buttons/pins they’re super cute y’all
V - Vacation Destination: Paris! Always, always Paris! (seriously, someone take me, I’m dying here) But really anywhere would be nice since I’ve never been on a proper vacation
W - Worst Habit: My mom would def say it’s cracking my knuckles lmao she hates that so much
X - X-rays: LMAO tons I’m a wreck
F - Favorite Food: Cheese pizza omg I swear I could live off only cheese pizza
Z - Zodiac Sign: Taurus
So honestly I haven’t been on tumblr much so I don’t have the faintest clue who’s been tagged so....I guess just feel free to do this if you want to and say I tagged you
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