unes23 · 2 months
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Liu Wen for Erdos SS24
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hoyotunes · 2 months
Voyage of Dreams from Tides of Time Gone By Raven Rossignol, HOYO-MiX
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jurph · 1 year
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cashthecomposer · 1 year
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fabricdragondesigns · 8 months
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chineseredcarpet · 10 months
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Yang Le for an ERDOS brand event
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eternalvoxel · 5 months
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I think more people should play Part 2
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catcantnavigate · 6 months
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honkai part 2 trio (backgrounds are screenshots from in game)
enjoying the story so far even though i really miss the part 1 cast
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drawleivings · 6 months
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simplified the new mcs designs
actually doing that made me understand kinda what they wanted to do with the designs so I think I like them more now 👍
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unes23 · 1 month
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Liu Wen for Erdos SS24 Campaign
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1809- (...) Es como preguntar por qué la Novena Sinfonía de Beethoven es hermosa, si uno no piensa que lo es, nadie se lo puede explicar.
(Paul Erdos)
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Model references for Valkyrie Boltstorm (Erdős Helia) - Honkai Impact 3rd
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doueverwonder · 1 year
the aushun day dream consists of a modern day thing where they’re basically “we’re home alone, Kugel is off with his friends” “is he?” “He is, it’s just me and you, you know what that means?” “I do”
they take a nap.
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gallerynamba · 10 months
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rlyehtaxidermist · 10 months
christian fundamentalists fixate on biology because of natural selection but the actual field that most cares about attacking and dethroning god is mathematics
like if you could definitively prove to the average mathematics department that all you had to do to witness the universal cosmic truth was to build a tower into heaven and vivisect the being directly responsible for the human need to sleep, they'd have found three completely contradictory ways to accomplish it before you could spell "theophagy"
(they would then spend the rest of eternity arguing about whose particular completely contradictory method was actually the one that worked)
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corsairesix · 7 months
These are all the characters I could think of with Ph.D.s or who are otherwise researchers. If you have propaganda, feel free to add it.
For anyone who doesn't know what an Erdős Number is:
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