#ESPECIALLY WHEN I GET TO SEE that eric was really affected by this A LOT he even needs a break now like
bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Hello my lovely fandom :) I hope you are doing well. I can't believe we are at the first half of the finale it's unreal. For only having 10 episodes they've really made them count I will have to say. The writing has been so good this season. Killing me softly but so good. Can only imagine had we had a full season what they could've done. But tis not good to dwell on that ha Let us get started.
6x09 The Squeeze
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Ugh poor Tim already breaking my heart 5 seconds into this. It's how he’s looking at the crime scene that gets me. Eric conveys so much with just a look. Always blown away by him. His look is saying so much as he looks on at the chaos. He is processing so much in this moment. Bless Grey showing up to break him out of it. Loving the hat btw Wade. Rocking it good sir. Tim letting him know immediately about his suspicions about Dr. London. Grey telling him to be careful with such accusations.
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I love Grey protecting Tim with this friggin Detective Pearson putz. Coming in way too hot. No one I would rather have there to have his back though. Well other than Lucy. But Grey is the the right one to have there in this moment. Always protects his people. Hate this guy already. Wanting to crush Tim to advance his career. Just looks like such a weasel. *grumble.*
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John was not ready the rant Lucy sent his way when he asked if she was ok. His face lmao Our girl has a lot of feelings ok? Lucy says she’s good. But you’re not my friend. That rant proving she is anything but ok. Sounds like she is trying to convince herself more than anything else. She is lost in life and where she really is emotionally right now. This scene is proof of that. I know people feel she is being isolated this year. I think the writers are doing this intentionally. I don't see it as bad writing which I've seen mentioned. I don't agree. Because it's very in character IMO. Feel like its setting something up as well. Also she is also the one isolating herself.
Even before Tim broke them up she was doing this. Look at her behavior the entire season. Especially after the exam. Handling everything on her own. Making rash decisions without input from anyone. Not even Tim. Hello Jeff Budney ...Just like Tim isn't open with anyone but Lucy she is the same way. Other than Tim she isn't very open with people about deep personal things. About what's affecting her. So this fits. She even shut Tim out of that situation in 6x04 in her decision making. Not since Jackson has anyone really made it in other than Tim. So this is pretty in character for her to isolate. People may feel it's more Tim but he's not the only one.
His is just showcased far more. Her's has been on display this entire season. Lucy and Tim are scarily alike in this way. She is a control freak and like Tim in the way she shuts people out. How she wants to handle it herself. I mean they have the same fatal flaw. It's why their communication became the problem it did. As much as Tim has growth to do so does our girl. That explosion of emotion just shows how very not ok Lucy is. I'm sure come summer or mid summer with the extended hiatus I might have a more fleshed out analysis of her. But she definitely isn't ok that much i can confidently say now.
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I adore Angela calling Lucy to give her a heads up. Always looking out for both of them. Guardian Angel that woman. Friggin Nolan in the back asking what’s happening? She’s kinda busy John so hush. That concerned wifey voice is instantly present on the phone with Lopez. Her turning away from them both once it's about Tim.
This quickly became a personal phone call. Her reaction when she hears this. Oh my lord Closing her eyes. Taking in the severity of the situation. You know her immediate reaction was how he was. How was he feeling? Did he need her? The worry settling in and multiplying quickly.
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The wifey vibe is continued when Tim calls John to be his union rep. Ugh killing me how worried she is for him. Concern seeping out of her in this moment. Despite everything that's her person and she still loves him so much. Her first instinct is to be there for him. My heart. Lucy asking Nolan how he sounded? Her tone bleeding worry.
Reason she asks is because Lucy can pull everything she needs to know from that alone. Knows him so well. Her innate need to be there for him. Regardless of all that has happened between them. Melissa killing it with the concern in her voice when asking how he sounded. *heart clutch* You can FEEL her worry.
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Tim is so anxious waiting for Nolan. I wanna hug him. Jumps up minute he gets there. Telling him they’re gonna hang this around his neck. That now that Mad Dog is dead their scape goat is gone. Idk I would trust John alone for this. But Tim doesn’t have a lot of options right now.... I will say John proves me wrong later in this ep but my first thought was not 'Nolan should spearhead this.'
But look at Tim reaching out for help. Doing this so differently than how he handled Ray. I’m so proud of him. Taking a totally different approach on this one. Not isolating himself and reaching out for help through proper channels this time. Yeah Dr London sucks for being dirty but Tim has had some growth due to it. I couldn't be prouder of him if I tried. I really hope we continue his therapy journey in S7.
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I hate this scene so very much. It was killing me to watch it unfold. She’s using his sessions against him and I wanna cry. It makes me sick tbh. And not even real info about his sessions either. It’s clear she doesn’t wanna be doing this though. Doesn't excuse her but you can see it's not something she is excited to be doing. Her conscience slowly eating at her. What do they have on her? I'm so curious.
This schmuck coming at Grey I wanna deck him. The look on Wade's face you can tell he does too. The amount of blatant aggression and disrespect making his blood boil. Telling Grey he favors his friendships over the city. Was making my Italian temper flare up so very much. Coming at Tim SO hard it was like he wanted to be found out. Bias little shit.
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I love the minute Angela hears about Tim's admin leave she calls Wes. Angela saying he better give her a heads up if they're charging him. That she’s standing by Tim a 1,000 percent. Calling him family. Getting all misty over here. Angela loves him so much. He's very lucky to have someone so amazing in his corner. Love me some Angela Lopez. Loyal to a fault. Just like me fiercely protects and defends who she loves. Coming at her own husband to defend him. Adore this woman.
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Can I just say I adore Lucy seeking him out. Not only that but making sure she has a private moment with him by pulling that stop button. Telling him she is still mad at him. That this doesn’t change anything. (and yet it changes everything IMO) Tim is so confused because the last thing he expected was this hug. Or her empathy at all. Hell when I saw the promo last week I wasn't either. It's the way he just MELTS into her like butter. His whole body relaxes. You can see the anxiety just drain out of him. Clinging to her like a life raft. Emotionally she is in this moment. Holding her as close as he physically can. He is so grateful for this moment to hold her again.
You can tell this is the first time in a long time he's felt whole. Felt peace of any kind just by being in her arms. This hug is so beautiful you guys. I'm tearing up just writing about it. The way she envelops him so completely. Such raw emotion in her voice asking if he’s ok? His answer makes me wanna cry. ‘I am now.’ Reminiscent of 5x21 when he said the same thing. He wasn’t ok till he heard her voice. The same thing remains the same here. He wasn't ok till he was holding her again. My damn heart. I love how she tightens her hold on him when he says this line.
Like she also can't get close enough to him either. They're just clinging to each other for dear life. This hug gave me so much hope. You can see how in love they both still are with one another. I mean my goodness the way she straightens his collar afterwards and touches his arm lovingly. Reminds me of the lint picking moment from 5x12. Still doing wifey things and can’t even help it. That wifey energy coming off her in waves. It's automatic when they part. Just seems so natural. After being apart physically since 6x06 .They easily fall right back into it. So damn nice to see. Feels like I'm breathing for the first time since 6x06 ended. I'm dying in the best way everyone.
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Lucy then re-opens the elevator and they share some VERY loaded looks before she departs. I’m not crying you are.... God I love Tim and Angela’s friendship so much. She is willing do whatever for her bestie. She also is wanting so badly to be tagged in for this. To protect him in any way she can.
Tim seems confident in his play even if Angela doesn’t. Letting her know he's handling this one differently than Ray. Do love her saying different isn't her haha God he's lucky to have all these amazing women in his corner. I adore their friendship so very much. I need more of it in S7 writers I just do.
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Really loving Lucy going UC for Harper and Lopez for this case. I think this is part of that setting something up I mentioned earlier. Lucy breaking my heart with the detective comment though. *sad sigh* But classic Lucy to have 8 covers ready to go. God I love her. The most Lucy Chen thing ever to have that many on deck. Not only that she's been growing them for months.
I love this human so very much it's insane. It's no wonder Tim is so damn gone for her. She is the cutest most prepared little nerd and I adore her for it. The look between Lopez and Harper is too damn funny. Tim would not be surprised by this info at all LOL Also her alter ego hitting close to home right now. 'A little lost in life....'
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Really enjoyed this shot of Lucy and the nanny debriefing her before we head into the scene. This guy gives me the creeeeeeps. It's no wonder she didn't want to go back into that house. That dude looks like a sociopath. She can handle herself but good lord I hate her being near him. Dude has dead eyes too. The wife looks like she is a prisoner.... The whole scene made me uneasy and nervous for Lucy to be there.
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Never thought I would say this....But I’m impressed with Nolan and how he’s handling this situation. That's right you actually read that. LOL You're not crazy. Or seeing things. He’s doing Tim some serious justice right now. Rattling all the cages of the potential dirty cops she’s seeing just by being here. Confronting her like this to see if it bears any fruit for them.
Having Smitty stakeout her office because he knows it'll make her uneasy and easy way to log who comes. Has Nell pulling data for him with police fails for last 6 months from dispatch. Also yay return of Nell. Love her. Honestly first episode in a long time I enjoyed his character. So well done John you pulled off quite the miracle here.
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Love Grey in this scene. Hell in this episode really. Papa bear ready to devour anyone threatening his kids at it's finest. This scene was cathartic to watch after this putz had been stomping around. Acting like he owns the damn place. Smearing Tim's name all over the place in the process. Threatening Grey in his tirade. Wade's final straw is him coming after Nolan/Celina.
You can watch Pearson visibly shrink when Wade is done tearing him a new one. Doesn't say a damn word after he tells him to stay in his Iane. You tell 'em Wade. I was cheering him on this entire scene. Was a huge tell for Nolan and Celina as well. Nolan's tactic working very well. Outing him as dirty cop because of his outburst to them working Mad Dog's place plus confront Blair.
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This scene makes me VERY nervous for Lucy. She did a really good job listening in till the damn toy. I mean she caught it before it hit floor. Unfortunately the friggin thing goes off with it's song. Giving away not only her position but her potentially her cover. Because he finds it on the ground and has a menacing look on his face. Dude gives me the actual creeps. Well done to the actor cause he makes me wicked uncomfortable.
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I don’t like the idea of Lucy going back into that house. Like at all. Extra backup or not. I think her cover is blown and sending her back is like sending her into the Lion's den. She is very competent and can handle herself. That doesn't mean sending her back in isn't extremely high risk. Especially with Monica buzzing around now. We'll see how that shakes out next ep. Kinda hoping it produces some Feral Tim if it goes sideways while she's in there. A girl can dream right?
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Prepare yourself. I was once again was very impressed with Nolan in this episode. He did a really good job leading Celina and doing what Tim asked. Was smart about his moves. Bringing Smitty and Nell into it and getting the info he needed. Shaking trees and getting fruit from it. Using everything around him properly even Smitty LOL She's got some balls on her asking for complete immunity and a new life. Also Idk Nolan can promise any of these things.....But it'll be interesting see how the second half of this unfolds.
Now Eric had mentioned in an interview post 6x06 about communication for them in the finale. So I'm excited to see what that'll mean. Will they have a real convo? Idk but i'm excited about it. All I want is them to be in a better spot before S7. I never expected things to magically come back together by seasons end. It shouldn't be that way. Also the season too short for that.
The SL deserved time to breathe and develop a bit. My hope is we will be on our way to reconciliation by end of finale. That hug was a damn good start to that goal. As usual thank you to ALL that like, comment or reblog these. Truly mean that every single one means so much to me. Excited to see how this season ends.
Side notes- Non Chenford
Harper and Lopez proving what a bad ass duo they were through out the ep. I need more of this in s7 writers. These two woman are dynamos and I need more of it.
Can’t say I didn’t Miss Tim the rest of the ep but damn was it good. I love when they do ensemble cast stuff flexing what a good cast we have as a whole.
Wes standing up to that heavy was impressive and pretty attractive. He’s grown a lot as a character was nice to see.
Loved the ladies nailing that crooked detective. Amazing. Grey getting to put HIM on admin leave. Suck it you schmuck.
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spiderrmax · 2 years
main 4 + gen. dating hcs
synopsis: what the title says! general dating headcanons author's note: i always feel like my cartman is ooc. am trying tho i swear. also this was typed up b4 i got requests :) am working on those currently!
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Stan Marsh
Is a very chill boyfriend
Was nervous at first though. Definitely got nauseous on your guys first few dates but it died around a few months into your relationship.
The type to send you cat relationship posts with only a caption of “us”
Lets you borrow his jacket when it’s really cold
Enjoys holding your hand; will grab at it unconsciously whenever he’s near you
Doesn’t care a lot about school but will take notes for you if you are absent
Will text you random updates throughout the day. “Cartman and Kyle are fighting again.” “I just saw a cute kitten” “listened to that song you recommended. Was good.”
feel like he's the type to make spotift playlist of songs thay remind him of you or songs you recommended him
Doesn't mind doing the matching couple things as long as it’s not too corny. Will buy matching converse or sweatshirts
Not the biggest on pet names, unless you’re upset or it’s in private; he goes for the classics: babe, love, beautiful
He will always partner up with you if you guys are in a class together. The teacher will mention partner work and you guys instantly make eye contact.
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Kyle Broflovski
Is very sweet
A stereotypical romantic; i talked about this in my love language post but he definitely googles ideas for dates and gifts. would have a pinterest board just called "y/n" filled w anything he wants to try and recreate
Any google doc notes he has instantly gets shared to him
if you guys are on a doc at the same time he is definitely talking to you in the comments. he has to reply to every "hi!" you type. he can't help it.
Cliché but he loves study dates. he will always meet you at the library to study and chill for a bit. He will unconsciously stare at you and gets embarrassed if you point it out. The date always ends with him taking you out for coffee or lunch/dinner depending on the time.
Isn’t very open about your relationship; likes keeping most stuff behind closed doors.
However it’s not a secret. People know you are together. although not the biggest PDA fan will hold your hand if someone is looking at you too long.
In the early stages of your relationship, he’d get flustered so fast. You’d smile and wave at him in the halls and he’d turn a bright red.
The kinda guy to drag his thumb over your knuckles when you guys hold hand
I think he'd be a forehead kisser. It's so domestic and he'd love doing it.
Will always walk you home from the bus stop/school. Even if it’s a bit out of his way.
Is extremely comfortable around you. Will let you see his hair and take his hat off in closed doors. Will laugh when you try to wear it, because it doesn’t fit, but finds it cute. is only slightly amused at your attempt to impersonate him.
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Eric Cartman
Is so cocky he’s dating you
Constantly brings you up in a conversation. He doesn’t even mean to most times, but it happens so casually
Doesn’t really enjoy sharing, but will give you some of his snacks if you look down. He’ll say you owe him but won’t really hold you to it.
Spam messages you constantly, especially if he knows you aren’t doing anything. They get more clingy as he messages you until you reply. Then he plays it off like he didn’t even want your attention; he was just bored.
Loves when you wear his clothes. Doesn’t like when you do it so much in public but once you had to borrow a shirt because you spilled something on yours. He just stared at you, in awe of how good you could look in something of his.
Will try on assignments he is working with you on. He respects you more and knows his slacking off will directly affect you. He still doesn’t put in 100% effort but you don’t have to carry his whole weight.
Loves calling you those really obnoxious pet names. Finds them so funny because you hate them.
Loves it even more when you call him a pet name. At first he will mock you for calling him something like "honey," but then he won't be able to stop thinking about it. Will reluctantly tell you you can keep calling him that stuff. But not in front of the guys.
This also applies to kissing. He will mock you the first you kiss his cheek as a goodbye but now he leans his head towards you if you're getting up to go.
His love language is making fun of you. Will call you stupid and ugly constantly but will throw hands with anyone else who dares try and call you that.
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Kenny Mccormick
loves loves LOVES showing you off
Will bring you up in conversation, but isn’t as braggy as Cartman gets. Just loves you so much.
He is also with you as much as he can be. wIll walk you to each of your classes even if it causes him to be late.
The type to carry any books you’re holding while you walk. Will even balance them in one hand so his other is free to grab onto yours.
The type to wait by your locker to walk you home. He will rush to get there before you do.
Will pull down his hood when he’s with you for the sole reason he loves when you play with his hair. Enjoys putting his head in your lap, it’s his way of inviting you to do it.
loves listening to you talk! no matter what you are rambling about you have kenny's full attentions.
 Although known as a serial flirter/perv, it dies down when he gets into a relationship with you. He’s very loyal and won't risk your relationship or your trust
Comes over to your house a bunch. Your parents are used to him coming over frequently. He probably has clothes left there and his own toothbrush.
Loves playing video games with you! Even if you’re bad. Will have you sit between his legs so he can help with your hand placement if it’s a single game. (In mario kart, his go to is princess rosaline or daisy)
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percheduphere · 11 months
Okay. First post trying to use gifs properly. I've switched out improper gifs for these type for my last 3-4 posts. Gonna work on some more corrections tomorrow when I have time. Please let me know if I'm misstepping anywhere. Thanks for your patience! That said...
I'm rooting for Lokius, AND I also love how much Sylvie has forged a life for herself in S2. A lot of her development is implied, so I think it's worth looking at her growth outside the context of Loki himself: She found a job, locals know her by name, she has friends and acquaintances, she has hobbies!
People call her by name in her timeline on 4 occasions:
1. When the McDonald's shift manager (John) checks in on her after work. See the kid with the tie in the image below. I couldn't find any gifs of him visiting Sylvie at her truck. She asked him if his mom was gonna pick him up to make sure he was gonna be okay late at night. 🥹
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2. When a customer picks up their McDonald's order and thanks her (cheerfully). Also note how many employee stars she had on her badge! Queen.
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3. Lyle at the record store. They seem like really good friends, and I got the "beginnings of an attraction" vibe between the two of them. Unfortunately, the gifs below are the only ones I could find of him and I'm still searching for the source. His interaction with Sylvie before spaghetti-trauma was so sincere. He could tell she was down and offered her Velvet Underground. Come on, that's a solid move.
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4. Eric at the bar, who comments 2 shots of bourbon is a good choice. Let me tell you, finding a gif of Eric was like finding a needle in a haystack, but here he is leaning close to Sylvie. Thank you, @zehiiro!
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I tried to find more gifs of all the people Sylvie has in her life but couldn't find any, which is a darn shame because there are so many subtle cues she's built a support system on her own and she's thriving.
She's a regular at many places in her timeline, and when people greet her, they do so with a smile. She loves music, a hard drink, and punk fashion.
When she engages with Loki, she may come across as cold, but I honestly think she's being firm with her boundaries and true to her beliefs. The TVA threatened her life for centuries. I don't doubt setting foot in the building is traumatic for her, which may explain why she was more harsh than usually in S2E4. Her psychological defenses were all on overdrive. Yet when Sylvie's in her own timeline, far away from the TVA, she can be her real self. Turns out, her real self is pretty well-liked! (I'll talk about how this is mirrored in Loki soon).
Sylvie's an unapologetically "selfish" woman who knows what she wants, wants it on her own, is doing it on her own, and isn't afraid to put her foot down when it comes to her personal boundaries. We should be applauding all of that!
This is exactly the kind of female representation we need, but the show did Sylvie a disservice in S1 by coming at her character as a love interest first (look at all the media promos classifying her as such) instead of more thoughtfully showing how badly she has been affected by the TVA and planting what her desires are throughout. If they had done this with more intention and finesse, her position in S2 wouldn't come off as completely irresponsible.
As a result of this apparent marketing and pre-production development decision, her perception as a character (by both lokius and sylki shippers) is muddled by the question of her relationship status with Loki. This truly isn't fair, most especially to Sophia Di Martino.
Of course, Sylvie isn't perfect. No well-written character should be. I just think she's cooler than she gets credit for precisely because her character arc doesn't require the fulfillment of a romance. She will be fine whether or not she ends up with Loki. It's very feminist!
Loki, in turn, found safety, belonging, and love at the TVA. All the things that are the complete opposite of Sylvie's lived experience. I often see fans complaining about how Loki is ooc in his own series.
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The thing is, and Loki admits this himself: it's all part of an illusion.
This illusion started far before the first Thor movie. He comes from a hyper-masculine (dare I say toxic-masculine) warrior society. His true nature doesn't conform with this, so he has to overcompensate with some (genuinely awesome) bad assery.
BUT he doesn't like it.
As a comparison to a far lesser but more relatable degree: imagine putting on a customer service persona 24/7. UGH. It's just not sustainable without becoming increasingly angry and bitter, which is what Sacred Timeline Loki becomes. Mobius gets ahead of this.
In the series, Loki can finally TURN OFF that persona, and TURN IT ON again when it's needed (and fun!).
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He also now has the freedom to be silly, expressive, and magical (unapologetically queer!) without anyone making fun of him for it.
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The end result is a much calmer, happier, likable person (like Sylvie in her timeline, his defenses are no longer on overdrive!). Who shows him this is possible?
Here's the receipt:
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Sociopoliticaly, Loki and Mobius come from a different angle. A lot of men (cis, fluid, trans, or otherwise) struggle with the social expectation of burying feelings and never ever showing vulnerability, especially to another men. Now, some might argue that shipping men together perpetuates this construct. There's some truth to this, but only through the lens that it is shameful to be gay. In order to get to a point in society where there's no shame in being mistaken as gay (or queer, generally) when being affectionate with another man, there must be continuous positive representation of homosexual relationships in which the characters are not stereotypes. Loki and Mobius are exactly this, especially Mobius.
Whereas Loki, on Asgard, represents the openly queer oppressed (i.e. magic and cunning, qualities historically tied to witches or "immoral women" instead of brute strength), Mobius can represent the closeted repressed.
In S1, Mobius was much more uptight, rule-abiding, and just shy of holier-than-thou. The power structure in which he existed perpetuated this, until Loki reveals to him it was all a lie (an illusion).
In S2, he becomes more flexible, more fun-loving, and more expressive in his affection. In S1, most of his support of Loki manifested as words of affirmation. In S2, his support extended to physical touch and bonding. Mobius, if seen through the lens of a closeted man allegory, finds the courage (and partner) to slowly come out.
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fluideli123 · 1 month
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[IMAGE ID: User @yikes077 replied: Did Deadpool want to be a hero? He specifically spent 2 whole movies avoiding the x men, not wanting to be a hero, and actively being bad at being a hero / END ID]
I wanted to answer your reply in a separate post since I had a lot I wanted to explain! For those who want to know the original post this was asked on, here is a link!
For a short, precise answer: Yes, Deadpool wanted to be a hero.
But if you want an response that answers your curiosity and more? I'm more than happy to explain all three movies and how they build up and showcase Wade Wilson's Guide To Wanting To Be A Hero But Never Being Able To Achieve It.
It all started in the first movie in the very first act in which Wade threatens the pants off a pizza delivery man he was paid to make apologize and rethink his life choices. This was because there was a young woman who was being affected by the guys stalker tendencies. The young girl, looking at Wade's hard work for getting the job done, calls him her Hero.
Now Wade immediately deflects, refusing to be under that title because, "I'm just a bad guy paid to fuck up worse guys."
This explains how Wade originally viewed himself before he was forcefully mutated. He doesn't see himself as a hero because he's a bad guy. In his opinion Heroes are good, they don't go about things the way he does, which is threats, blood, guts, and stirring shit up at a merc bar.
Later on, when he discovers he has Cancer and is told he can not only be cured but become a Hero, he cries it out and than leaves in the middle of the night. Why? Because in his eyes being a Hero is saving the people you love and he was saving Vanessa by leaving her. To keep her from the ugliness he oozes with his terminal disease. He chose to do something he deemed Heroic for the reasons Heroes do.
It's seen very frequently that Heroes will sacrifice something they cherish in order to save something else, especially if that other person means more than what they sacrificed. Being Heroic is all about doing stupid shit in the same of love. Spider-Man did it, getting revenge for Uncle Ben. Hell, if you've ever seen The Crow (1994) Eric does everything in his power to bring a bunch of assholes to justice for the shit they pulled. Even Death Sentence (2007) applies!
Is it Spider-Man's finest moment nearly taking that shot to get revenge? Did Eric spend his time correctly instead of getting himself killed? Did the father really need to get the rest of his family killed for his prized son? You can have your own opinion on it, but at the end of the day when you do something for the sake of others, no matter how fucked up it is and how much it sacrifices everything, it is a version of Heroism.
Heroism isn't pretty and can't be fit into perfect boxes because that's just against not only human nature, but the very act of complex Heroing itself. To be a hero it's about being between a rock and a hard place 24/7, being the cause for lives lost and lives saved. And if you think Heroing is entirely selfless than Miles Morales would have to be kicked from the field. He does everything for the people he loves, to make the world a better place for them.
So, Wade goes and gets himself mutated. He does it for Vanessa, to make life better for her. He doesn't see her to make it easier on her and himself, because the thing is that Wade Wilson hates himself even before the mutation.
He doesn't think he's worth a damn and crawling back to someone he became a monster to save is like the hardest fucking thing to do. One, because you're scared shitless of their reaction because you care about it. But also just, because will you be hurting or helping? Wade dances around Vanessa not because he's being an asshole but because he is fucking paralyzed by the thought of hurting her, seeing the hurt he's already caused.
In the second movie because he was witnessed literally saving Vanessa's life which is blatant Heroism 101 despite still believing he isn't worth shit. Because, my beloved, dear, scrumptious reader, self hatred affects people a shit ton and when they place a title in high regard and believe they are so much more below it, unworthy to even reach it because he "is incapable" being the stereotypical hero. Of course he's going to deny it. It's like being denied you're loved, you don't feel like you should be because you feel like you've done nothing to earn it.
But Colossus hasn't given up on him, Wade has been trying but he isn't like the other heroes. He doesn't understand the No Kill rule, he doesn't know how to defuse situations without being an ass and he sure as fuck doesn't fit the public image of what a hero is in the MCU. So, yeah, you're right, he is actively bad at being a hero. But a specific label of hero. A specific ideal. An expectation he's incapable of reaching because it means removing half if not all of himself.
That doesn't mean he doesn't want it, though. Because if he doesn't than why try at all? Why try to help Vanessa? Russel? His family? He fucks up on the job in the second movie to PROVE he isn't worth the hero label, that his existence actively goes against it. Using my example from before, it's like doing something actively bad just to prove how much you're unlovable.
If you want further explanation on how this shows up in the third movie, I recommend this post I made.
But either way, I hope this explains how Wade wants to be a Hero but actively sabotages himself and doesn't believe he can be because he's aware of all his faults and so do others. Because, in the end, Wade cares and tries to do something about it. He genuinely does, and I think that's meaningful in a way he isn't able to accept as a character currently.
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magicalara · 2 years
Basically I was in my feels and started thinking what it would be like if you asked the kuro reapers for a hug so enjoy. This is meant to read as platonic but can also be read as romantic
Features: William T Spears; Grelle Sutcliff; Sascha; Ludger; Undertaker; Ronald Knox; Alan Humphries; Eric Slingby; Othello
TW: mentions of sadness but that’s all, I tried to make it really fluffy 
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👓 William T Spears 👓
- Know one thing here and now, William T Spears of the British Branch of the Grim Reaper Association™ does not do happy hugs. If you are an excited hugger and go to him looking for a hug when excited, he will stare at you with the blankest face while you do it
-Five seconds is as much as you’ll get before he’s lightly pushing you off of him with a sigh while fixing his glasses (whether you messed them up or not). He’s happy that you’re happy, sure, but he doesn’t do the whole happy hug thing.
-When you’re sad, thought, now that’s a different story
-Will’s most definitely more understanding of your want for affection if you’re sad and so he’ll coax you into his office where he can properly focus on you without other distractions and give you the hug you need
-His hugs are grounding. He’ll hold you around the shoulders, maybe rub your back a little if you’re crying, and just keep a firm grip on you. He doesn’t say much, but it’s okay, because you know that he cares just from the way he’s hugging you
-William gives me dad energy okay he’d give dad hugs that are comforting and say all that you want/need to hear without actually saying it
♥️ Grelle Sutcliff ♥️
- Contrasting to William, Grelle is a happy hugger herself. She’ll hug you or whoever she’s around when super excited and it’s adorable okay I don’t make the rules, I just write about them. 
- Anyways, if you come up to her happy or excited and looking for a hug, she delivers. Is the kind to pick you up and spin for a few seconds if you’re comfy with it. Just big, giggly, happy hugs from Grelle.
- And if you’re sad, she picks up on it right away, even if you try and hide it. Will pull you into her lap and just craddle you as best she can. Head tucked into her neck, she’s whispering kind words to you, rubbing your back, the whole nine yards.
- Absolutely leans her head against yours. Forehead to forehead, her cheek or chin on top of your head, or just temple to temple, it doesn’t matter. Grelle’s head is against yours, I guarantee it
- Grelle hates seeing you sad and so she’ll do all that she can to make you smile again, including giving the best hugs in the world.
📸 Sascha 📸
- Another excited hugger. Sascha is bubbly and happy all the time and so hugs with them are frequent
- Most times, you two are just happy hugging together while others are staring like “Are they okay?” You’re fine, just happy
- Because they always seem to be bubbly, when Sascha sees that you, someone they care about, is sad, they immediately go into comfort mode. Has snacks at their desk if you want them, knows all the best quiet places to sneak off to if that’s what you want, and gives such good hugs
- Wraps their arms around you and holds your hand and gives encouraging smiles the whole time. Sascha knows it isn’t easy to be happy all the time, so when you need it, they make sure you know they’re always there for you
🚬 Ludger 🚬
- Ludger and William give me similar vibes, but also Ludger is more of a teddy bear. He acts like he hates it when you give him excited and happy hugs, but he really loves it on the inside (he’s also partners with Sascha and they do that a lot too, he’s used to it by this point)
- Will put an arm around your shoulders and just kinda let you do whatever, acting indifferent the whole time. On the inside he’s smiling, though, he thinks you’re adorable, especially if you’re shorter than him haha
- If you ask for a hug all sad, though, like I said he’s a literal teddy bear and probably is really comforting to hug. He’s warm and cuddly, no one can tell me otherwise
- Fully engulfs you as best he can in a hug and gives the same firm hugs that William does just while Will’s are kinda stiff, Ludger let’s you mold yourself to him however you want. Another one who doesn’t say much, but you can just tell by the way he puts his head against yours that he’s saying that he’ll protect and comfort you.
💀 Undertaker 💀
- Okay so while he’s still working for the RA, no hugs. He doesn’t do hugs. Head pats, sure, but no hugs. Undertaker wasn’t even half as fun when he was employed as to now that he’s a fugitive. But!! If he gave you a head pat, that’s like the ultimate thing because he doesn’t give those out to just anyone yk so cherish it
- Anyways, the Undertaker we know now loves hugs and will gladly give you as many as you want lol he’s probably touch starved. Happy hugs, sad hugs, comforting hugs, just because hugs, i want to fuck hugs , he does them all
- Gives big bear hugs, no matter the emotion. Can and will engulf you in his big robe and it’s so nice and warm. It’s like a little barrier he has to protect you from the world and the horrors he knows that are in it.
- If you’re close enough to Undertaker where he’s able to hug you, all that he wants is for you to just..stay with him always and forever. He tends to have a lot of people he cares about who just kinda die and so his hugs really show that “I’ll never let you go, please stay with me” emotion that he usually keeps hidden under the façade of happiness and laughter
- If you come to him for a hug while sad, he does all he can to make you smile. This includes, but is not limited to: soft tickles, bad jokes, good jokes, making a fool of himself, magic tricks, feeding you treats, letting you style his hair, and cuddles outside.
- I could keep going but we’d be here for years I just have so much to say about this sad little weirdo (affectionately)
🚜 Ronald Knox 🚜
- First of all, I’d like to point out that there isn’t a lawnmower emoji which is very sad. So tractors it is for Mr. Knox
- Ronald Knox does not understand the concept of happy hugging but he will gladly indulge anyways. Will he have a confused look on his face the whole time? Yes, yes he will. But will he also hug you just as tight as you hug him? Also yes. Ronnie isn’t here to disappoint, after all
- He might be flirty and has definitely done the like yawn arm over the shoulder thing, but he also knows the difference between a platonic hug and a romantic one yk so don’t think too deep into it if he hugs you around the waist, it’s more instinct than anything. Ron’s heard some of the people he’s pursued say that it feels better to them and so (especially if you guys are close) that’s his go to way of hugging
- Hand on the small of your back, other on your head, happy smiles and happier words if you’re sad. He’s awkward when it comes to comfort sometimes, but he tries and that’s what matters. Probably says some stupid shit to try and make you laugh (is successful 50% of the time)
🥀 Alan Humphries 🥀
- Sad man. He needs a hug (preferably from Eric)
- Anyways he also doesn’t understand the happy hug and probably reacts just like our ol’ pal William T Spears. Alan just stiffens up and doesn’t really know how to react. Probably just stares at you with wide eyes and when you pull away asks what the hell just happened
- Doesn’t mind it per say, just is confused. This doesn’t happen to him very often (or at all really) so he just doesn’t really know how to react yk?
- When you’re sad, though, he’s still just as awkward don’t expect much from this guy lol
- Listen, Alan cares alright, he really does, but he just...doesn’t know what to do really. He’ll sit next to you though!! Maybe hold your hand a little or put a hand on your knee just so you know he’s there
- That’s really all, though, he’s got his own shit to deal with on the side yk the whole dying thing really takes a lot out of him
❄ Eric Slingby ❄
- Accepts happy hugs but will only put an arm around you. Probably rests his arm on your head if you’re shorter than him and messes up your hair regardless of your height in comparison to him
- He makes fun of you affectionately for it much like an uncle would. Eric’s another teddy bear and so is just nice to hug. Probably has a good amount of muscle on him and is another natural space heater and he’s taller than William so like he’s definitely really nice to hug
- He gives those like “I’m proud of you” type hugs when you’re sad because while words aren’t his forte, his actions speak loud and clear. His hugs are shorter than the others, but he means it and he’ll pat your head and wipe your tears and tell you that whatever it is that’s bothering you will pass and everything will be okay and if it isn’t then he’ll reap them
- If you still want to be around him after his little encouraging hug then he’ll let you sit next to him and he’ll have him hand or arm on your shoulder so his presence is at least there 
🧪 Othello 🧪
- My favorite nerd I love this guy so much
- But that does not mean that he is a huggy guy okay actually it’s quite the opposite. He just tends to have some sort of sciencey something that spilled on him or is on his person and Othello doesn’t want you getting hurt yk?
- He just strikes me as more of a high five or fist bump kind of guy when you’re happy or excited. Othello is so down for a good high five way more than he is a hug
- When you’re sad, he’s similar to Alan. Sits next to you and will put a hand on your knee and all that but he isn’t about that hugging life. Othello is honestly really good at being a distraction to like sad thoughts
- That’s how he helps most is just by telling you about random shit he heard around the workplace. It does help and when you’re feeling better he’ll give you a pat on the shoulder and squeeze your hand with a smile
And that’s all!! Hope everyone enjoyed <3
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avaelangel · 3 months
Watched the finale. I have some thoughts. And I miss Tumblr, so it's going to be here. Spoilers. Spelling errors. Annoying takes. A lot of letters.
To be completely honest, it's not perfect all the way. It's a bit shakey and seems like it suffered because of the strikes, maybe? I still love my bastards, but well oh well.
I didn't expect Daniel to be so pro-Lestat? It was very satisfying for him, to see him unveil Armand like that. I think, Armand's ''How dare you?'' could have been played up, since he was growing some affection for Molloy. But I expected a full fight. I know it isn't the last we see of the manipulative gremlin, but still. Hate him, but what a face.
There's still questions to be answered and details to know. Lestat mastered up some strength to save at least Louis and now we know, that at least about something Armand didn't lie. Claudia really looked at Lestat, while burning.
Loustat getting closure was very beautiful. Very raw and human, not what happens in the book, really, which I loved. Everything showed, including how actually free Sam and Jacob are with each other. Lestat, of the two of them, barely holding on and trying to ease the tension? I hate them, I love them. I understand both of them and I hate that too. Kinda.
We all knew what is going to happen to Daniel. He was actually less frail that I expected him to be, walking up to two vampires in a fight. Damn, boy. Again, even Talamasca thought that he's in danger. But Armand didn't retaliate, probably because he knew that it's over.
Akasha? Hey, girl? To be honest, I haven't met her fully yet, I only have two books under my belt. But it was such a funny little flex. This whole scene was a little silly, but I think I also got too used to the vampire grandeur that Armand and Santiago spewed.
Sam? Talamasca guy? I need more details on that, but he's a vibe, I'm glad he stays.
The mention of Akasha did throw me off and I thought, at first, it was her who Lestat couldn't get out of his mind. But I really look forward to the terror The Ones Who Must be Kept will bring. And Marius? I don't trust him. Lestat is probably the one I trust the most here, and that's saying something.
Also, Dan is sort of pre-Bright Falls Alan Wake now? Who is also a vampire? But I love it. I hope he drives Armand insane soon. It seems that Eric Bogosian is very happy in this role and I'm very happy to see him in it. Was Daniel turned out of spite, really? It really seems, at least for now, that Armand came and went like ''You wanted it all those decades ago? Here you go, bitch!''.
As far as I've seen, AMC's marketing, especially in terms of merch, is very meh. It would have been so smart to release the book in the cover they have showed in the show. There was a literal close up! Come on, guys.
It is great that Louis is not in a relationship right now. We know that he will be in the third season, he might go on tour with Lestat or just take some hits at first from the ones that are willing to square up. Saying this, I'm so excited for Gabrielle and I hope there would be jokes about Lestat being a true motherfucker.
Claudia. Haunting. I really need Delainey back. And I really hope Armand didn't fucking lie about her and Madeleine's end. I will stitch his eyes closed otherwise. God, I'm probably reading Vampire Armand when I find it.
I guess...That's the end? But there's so much left. I hope the 3d season will bloom into existence sooner.
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lightofraye · 3 months
Jensen is a highly blessed person, he is privileged in every sense of the word.
He gets to do what he loves for a living, aka acting, singing, golfing... etc.
He gets to share his art, his music.
He has a family, and many friends, he's not alone by any means.
He's talented and charismatic and beautiful, and yet he's humble, with both feet on earth, he's the nicest person, respectful and polite, a great conversationalist, and he always helps in whichever way he can.
He's sweet and sensitive, he genuinely cares for other people, he's super loyal and he values his relationships the most.
He loves his wife depply, he'd do anything for her, and his kids, they are the reason of his existance.
He's a good guy and he's full of love, and if you think he can only be happy when he's with Jared, then you're a frigging idiot.
Hi anon!
So! Congrats on finding out that my anon asks was back on!
Also, wow. Copy-paste much? This has been circulating for a while! I mean I believe @hologramcowboy got one of these and @walker-girl the other!
But! Y'know what? I'm in a mood. Congrats, you're going to get a bit of an education.
Shall we?
Jensen is a highly blessed person, he is privileged in every sense of the word.
Uh... I guess? I dunno about blessed, per se. His looks--something he was born with--got him a foot in and his acting got him to where he is today. In America, sure, he's rather privileged--white, straight, male, Christian.
He gets to do what he loves for a living, aka acting, singing, golfing... etc.
Sure, sure....
He gets to share his art, his music.
Uh huh. I'm waiting for you to get to the punchline here.
He has a family, and many friends, he's not alone by any means.
Oooh. So close. He has a lot of "yes men" and sycophants, but I dunno if I'd say he has many friends. Not real friends, anyway. Too many would like to use his fame and his name to further their advances, so we can't say it's real.
He's talented and charismatic and beautiful, and yet he's humble, with both feet on earth, he's the nicest person, respectful and polite, a great conversationalist, and he always helps in whichever way he can.
... are you about to nominate him for sainthood? Because it sounds like you want to nominate him.
He's sweet and sensitive, he genuinely cares for other people, he's super loyal and he values his relationships the most.
Uh. Are you sure? I mean, he backstabbed Jared, betrayed him, in regards to The Winchesters. Even Eric Kripke was surprised because he thought for sure Jensen would do that.
And that steadfast loyalty is not always a good thing, especially when some of those people he calls "friend" have hurt other people... (Michael Weatherly comes to mind.)
He loves his wife depply (sic), he'd do anything for her, and his kids, they are the reason of his existance (sic).
I added (sic) to inform you that it was spelled incorrectly. I'm nice like that.
And no, anon, he does not love his wife. Nor does she love him. Just pay attention to his stories. Trust me. There's no real love, no affection, when he tells stories about her.
He's a good guy and he's full of love, and if you think he can only be happy when he's with Jared, then you're a frigging idiot.
He's a decent fellow. I dunno about "full of love"... no one is capable of that. We all have our limits.
And, um... ah, poor anon, you really thought you had something here.
Jared is likely one of few people who was real with him, and Jensen to him. Certainly Jensen has said he couldn't be himself with Danneel.
I pay attention to Jensen at conventions. This most recent one, at Seattle, he was relax, smiling genuinely, and just overall seemed like he was lighting up.
It's a damned shame you can't see it because of your hate for Jared.
But y'know. Nice try.
Thanks for visiting!
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theflyindutchwoman · 7 months
Hello. In the post 'SEASON 06 | What we know so far - Chenford Edition' you mention LAPD Psychiatrist. Do you think, maybe this is a doctor for Tim? Can he seek help to get rid of his injuries and fears related to working undercover? Perhaps this is how the screenwriters see the solution to this problem. The problem itself will not go away, otherwise they will have to come up with a reason that will make Lucy give up what she has a talent for. Do you have any other ideas how this problem will be solved? which solution would you prefer?
From what I understand, this psychiatrist is going to be introduced in relation to the events of the s5 finale/s6 premiere. So if I had to venture a guess, I'd say she's there either to assist the team in finding out who's behind those attacks, or to assess the team in the aftermath of said attacks. But since she will apparently have a recurring role, she could be used for other storylines. And let's be honest, all the characters could use some major therapy after everything they went through along the years.
So, yes, it could absolutely be there to further Tim's arc regarding his trauma with undercover work (or childhood, army…). I honestly doubt it, but it could be. Especially since the writers intend to dig into Tim's past this season - this could give some meaty materials for Eric and be an interesting way to deal with this arc. I'm just not sure that's the plan. (EDIT - from @roguetwelve : 'Eric mentioned in a cameo chat that he filmed his first scene with the psychiatrist in 6x07' - so right after his big storyline...).
I don't really know how the writers are going to 'solve' that… It's so complicated and there's no easy solution. The one thing I want to see is Lucy and Tim be honest with each other. Talk about their fears. There was a glimpse of that at the end of 5.21, so I hope they'll continue on this path. Right now, it's clear that Tim is terrified and doesn't want to admit it (and I believe he didn't even admit it to himself either, not until Isabel's return and Lucy's subsequent UC op) and that Lucy is hiding her feelings because she's worried about him and his reaction. And that's not sustainable. The thing is I'm not sure Tim will ever be fully okay with Lucy going undercover. He's always going to worry, that's part of who he is. But maybe he can find a way to live with it without triggering him. I could be wrong of course, but in my mind, Tim thought he was ready for it when he took that leap of faith with Lucy. He knew that was the career she wanted, he encouraged her for it… And that was incredibly brave of him to take this risk again, to open himself to being hurt that way again. All of this implies some healing. But a part of me believes that he was also in denial on how much it would affect him. He saw her go undercover several times before they started dating and I could see him rationalise that this would be no different once they were together. Only, Lucy's first UC mission since they became a couple happened on the heels of Isabel's return, bringing back a lot of buried memories and feelings he probably didn't expect to resurface. So this is something they need to work on. Together. As a unit. It won't be easy but it is worth the effort.
I don't know if I have a preference when it comes to a resolution. I'd just say that if Lucy were to give up UC, I want her to make that choice for herself. Either because the UC lifestyle is not something she can live with or because it doesn't fit with the life that she wants (at least for long-term undercover ops). I simply don't want someone else take that choice away from her.
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detailtilted · 8 months
Somebody saaaave me! (I need opinions about colors.)
I'm working on the Comic-Con 2008 enhanced edition videos. This one has presented some new sorts of challenges. One challenge is that a lot of the videos I'm working with have wonky (I think) colors.
The video editing software I'm using has some color correction capabilities, but I'm really bad with colors. I know we have some amazing artists here, and I think pretty much anyone, artist or not, will have better judgment on this than I do. I once had to Google what colors went with gray because I'd bought some gray jeans and then after I brought them home I was convinced nothing in my closet went with them. Yes, gray.
I've made some attempts to improve the video colors, but I don't have a clue what I'm doing so it's mostly trial and error. I've also been looking at them for so long that I'm not sure if I've made them better or worse. I'm pretty sure the first set is at least a little better, but I'm not sure if it's only better in that it will make people only want to claw out one eye instead of both. I don't want anyone to claw any eyes out watching my videos!
Below are the examples I'm currently working with, including my settings in case that means anything to anyone. Just don't laugh too hard if my settings are idiotic! I'd be happy for any suggestions or opinions, good or bad, regardless of whether you think you're good with colors or not. However you want to communicate is fine, including private messages if you prefer that.
Set #1
This set of videos will be the main set people see, so it's especially important to me that this one not look horrible. It has the most stable and consistent focus on Jared and Jensen and there's coverage for most of the event.
In addition to color issues, I adjusted the aspect ratio because the original video was squished. I noticed it in their faces first, but you can also tell pretty clearly when you compare the Comic-Con logos in the background with other video sets. This is the one where I feel pretty sure I made it better -- I'm just not sure if it's better enough.
Example video link.
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Set #2
This set of videos will never be the main full-screen video, but it will be my first choice for the talking head bubbles (not sure that's the right term, I'll explain at the end of this post) for the other guests when possible. It has the most stable coverage when focusing on the other guests. It covers less than 30% of the panel though.
I truly don't know if I've made this one better or worse. My initial reaction of the original was that it was way too green, but I've tweaked this one so much and nothing looks quite right to me. I think the tablecloth is supposed to be black, but tweaking the colors enough to make it more black makes the rest of it look worse to me. Similarly, I think their faces might be a little too pale, but adding in a little more red doesn't seem to affect their faces, it just makes the other parts look worse to me. The main pieces of this video that people will see is just the heads. (The example at the bottom of this post uses this video for Eric's head.)
Example video link.
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Set #3
This set of videos will only be the main full-screen video for very short segments of time, to cover gaps in set #1. It will mostly be used for talking head bubbles. This set covers most of the event, but it has much less coverage of Jared and Jensen and it's very jittery.
I actually thought the colors on this one looked very good though, so I didn't tweak them at all. I just upscaled the videos as normal and left it alone. Every time I look at this video, it makes me doubt the above changes even more because the colors in those really don't look like this one and I haven't been able to get them anywhere close.
Example video link.
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"Talking Head Bubbles"
Here's an example of what I mean by that. I'm trying to create a best-of-both worlds scenario where we can feast our eyes on Jared and Jensen the whole time, but also still see who's talking sometimes when one of the videos had coverage of it. It's taking quite a bit of effort to make that watchable -- the main video (Set #1) bobs around randomly, and the insert videos (Sets 2 and 3) bob around randomly in different directions, so it's been quite a challenge to make it look stable enough that people won't think I'm trying to hypnotize them with Eric's head or something as it swings back and forth like a pendulum! 🤣
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athanza · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet: Eric Coulter
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A=Aftercare: (what they're like after sex)
I think he would be good at the basics; laying there with you afterwards, holding you, stroking your back, letting you both wind down after what we all know would be a pretty wild session. I feel like he'd get more attentive over time as his feelings for you get stronger.
B=Body part: (favourite body part on you and himself)
Oh this guy is an ass-man without a doubt. In a sexual sense he loves your ass, and loves anal too. He loves seeing you in tight workout leggings or shorts and loves to work out with you just to have a nice view while he's training. In a romantic sense he really loves your smile, it seems cheesy but seeing you smile makes him melt just a little bit evey time. His favourite part on himself would probably be his arms, he loves the fact that he can pick you up effortlessly and he knows you like them too.
C=Cum: (how fast he comes and where)
Oh, he takes his time. He's had enough experience to know how to keep himself going for as long as possible. Making you cum first is top priority and he prides himself on being able to make you cum just with his mouth or fingers. This man is a pleasure dom. As for where he likes to cum, he loves to make you swallow and watch you do it. If you don't like to swallow he loves watching his cum drip down your breasts and cleavage.
D=Dirty secret: (self explanitory)
I feel like despite seeming like a complete sadist on the outside, he's secretly a masochist. He gets turned on whenever you sparre with him, especially when you land a punch, jab, or inflict any kind of pain on him. It would take him a while to admit it to you though.
E=Experience: (how much Experience he's had)
A decent amount. One night stands were his thing before he met you and he's definitely broken a few hearts.
F=Favorite position:
As an ass-man he loves doggy, whether you're doing vaginal or anal, he just loves watching your ass jiggle while he fucks the life out of you. He also likes reverse cowgirl, prone bone, snake, valedictorian, and he likes upstanding citizen because he loves being able to pick you up.
G=Goofy: (is he more goofy or serious in bed?)
Definitely more serious but he does have a playful side and loves your giggle.
H=Hair: (downstairs grooming)
He keeps it trimmed and neat, I don't think he could be bothered shaving unless you asked him lol
I=Intimacy: (how intimate does he get? Is he rough or gentle?)
I think he'd get surprisingly intimate during sex, especially if it's a longer session. He likes to hold you close against him and feel your breathing as he pleasures you, and oh my god this man loves eye contact despite liking your ass so much. This man is touch starved and the affection and intimacy he gets from you make him feel things. As for gentle or rough it's definitely more of the latter, he takes breaks sometimes to help him last longer but sex with Eric is usually rough unless you want otherwise.
J=Jacking off: (how often does he do it and why?)
He usually has you when he's horny so he doesn't usually need to jack off very often. But on the occasion that you're not around and he's a little frustrated rubbing one out is just what the doctor ordered and he loves to do it while holding your underwear.
Oh he's a kinky motherfucker and we all know it. Breath play, impact play, BDSM, edge play in general, orgasm control, humiliation, role play, this man is down for a lot but won't do anything you're not comfortable with.
L=Location: (where he likes to get it on)
He usually likes to keep it professional around his colleagues and prefers to have his time with you in your apartment, but if you can find an empty store room or closet and he's particularly horny he'll take the opportunity.
M=Motivation: (what turns him on/makes him tick?)
He loves it when you're being all tough-guy towards shitty colleagues or bratty new initiates. He loves watching you kick ass or shatter someone's pride with just one sentence, it's so fucking sexy to him. He also loves it when you call him 'sir', 'daddy' is ok too but 'sir' really gets him going. But even just saying his name during sex is enough to get him going. Also, wearing anything that shows off your ass like workout leggings/shorts, tight skirts/jeans etc.
N=No (what turns him off during sex?)
He doesn't like being humiliated or being submissive. He also absolutely not interested in cuckholding, watersports or feet.
O=Oral: (giving and receiving. How skilled is he?)
He's very skilled, and L-O-V-E-S eating you out, especially from behind. He also loves it when you go down on him and drag your nails down his chest. He LOVES leaving marks on you and when you do the same to him.
P=Pace: (how fast he is and how long he lasts)
His stamina and endurance are through the roof. Good luck.
Q=Quickie: (does he like them?)
He does, but he prefers to take his time with you.
R=Risk: (does he like to try new things?)
Tbh there's not much else to try with him lmao. He will try something new if you ask him though unless it involves lack of birth control, he prefers to be very safe in that department.
S=Stamina: (how long can he go for?)
Refer to "P"
T=Toys: (is he game to use toys on himself or others?)
Eh. He doesn't think he needs them but will use some on you if you ask.
U=Unfair: (does he like to tease or be teased?)
SO unfair. Oh he loves teasing you, he gets off so much on getting you all hot and bothered and making you wait all day (sometimes longer if he's off on an assignment) till you're alone and even then he'll hit you with orgasm control till you're pleading with him to let you cum.
V=Volume: (is he loud or quiet during sex?)
I wouldn't say he's loud per se, but he does like talking to you and letting you know you're doing good, whether that be by telling you or by letting out a moan or grunt.
W=Wildcard: (random headcanon)
This man is touch starved. He loves having physical contact with you, sexual or not. And omg he will melt if you run your fingers through his hair or rub his shoulders after a long day.
X=X-ray: (let's take a closer look under those clothes...)
Around 7 inches, a little girthy but not a lot. Nice balls.
Z=Zzzz: (does he fall asleep after sex? If so, how quickly?)
Depending on the day he's had he'll fall asleep pretty quickly. Though he does like staying awake for a bit to take in the feeling of you asleep on his chest or in his arms and hear your steady breathing. He doesn't let himself stay up too late though as he needs to be up very early for work.
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thestupidhelmet · 1 year
What do you think are the best and worst traits about each of the main characters?
Tough to be reductive about complex, often-changing characters, but I'll give it a shot. 😀
Note: I'm not including any traits I consider too far afield from the characters' consistent characterization (consistent includes character growth and devolution).
Best: His compassion, willingness to take risks outside his comfort zone, sense of humor, fighting for what he believes is right (or just), self-sacrificing, loyal to his friends, respects Donna's timeline with their sexual relationship, loves his family, is forgiving.
Worst: Can be insensitive, impulsive self-focused to the detriment of others, sexist, possessive, myopic (unable to see or understand the whole of a situation outside of how he's affected by it), selfish, vindictive, indecisive, obsessed with having sex with Donna.
Best: Compassionate, courageous, intelligent (academically and otherwise), creative, passionate, self-confidence, willingness to put her pain and hurt aside to protect Eric's ego (she does this a lot, but it's not exactly best for her), ability to see the bigger picture when she gets a reality check, sense of humor, fights for what he believes is right (or just), protective of her friends.
Worst: Becomes self-destructive as a way of getting attention from neglectful parents or to avoid feeling grief; when in emotional pain, her needs are all that matter, and she's willing to use -- and inadvertently hurt -- loved ones to try to alleviate her pain; quick temper, sometimes flip-flops on certain feminist values she holds, has a bravado she can't always backup with actions, can be selfish, can be vindictive.
Best: Protective of the vulnerable, whether friend, foe, or relative stranger; very self-sacrificing, compassionate, takes no help he receives for granted and makes sure to show his respect and appreciation through consistent actions, willing to give people who hurt him a second chance if they seem remorseful and to have changed, sarcastic sense of humor, doesn't burn people when they're truly in pain, takes chances despite being afraid of potential consequences, doesn't allow loyalty to friends to stop him from doing the right thing (but will find loopholes if he can, as not to break loyalty and still do the right thing), eventually opens to the possibility that the people he loves won't hurt or abandon him like his parents did, is generally a hard worker (despite his declaration of laziness).
Worst: Has passive-aggressive tendencies, trouble communicating his feelings directly; is afraid of allowing his vulnerability to show, so he uses a multitude of self-protective techniques to hide it, afraid of how angry he is from childhood trauma and does his best to suppress it (and doesn't always succeed), can be insensitive, doesn't trust people can truly love him and believes they will ultimately hurt or abandon him -- or both (again, childhood trauma), will use a person's naivety for his own purposes, allows his pride to get in the way of what's best for him, paranoid (not in the pathological sense; it's really insecurity and anxiety and, yeah, PTSD from childhood trauma).
Best: Compassionate, savvy (eventually), smart (when not dumbing herself down for Kelso), uses her own experiences to give others perspective, gives or does what she can to help her friends and boyfriends, doesn't take crap (especially once she breaks up with Kelso for good), willing to be vulnerable with someone without expectation of return, very forgiving, cares about certain people even when they don't care about her (she would never admit to any of these traits 😂), self-reflective and, thus, grows and changes for the better.
Worst: self-centered, narcissist tendencies, controlling, (these first three traits weaken greatly once she dates Hyde), self-entitled, jealous, classist, unnecessarily insulting of Donna, tends to live in a fantasy world rather than face reality, doesn't always think before she speaks, lies somewhat habitually (but this trait weakens as she grows as a character), allows her pride to get in the way of what's best for her.
Best: Strong emotional awareness and an ability to analyze other people's feelings accurately (S1), kind* (he displays both true kindness and transactional kindness), funny, academically intelligent and devoted, loving, sensitive, doesn't care about U.S. masculinity mores of the time and has no problem showing intimately platonic affection to his male friends; is a good boyfriend to Patty, Caroline, and Rhonda (except when the writers destroyed his character in their breakup episode), connected to his feelings and unafraid to express them.
Worst: Suffers from Nice Guy syndrome with Jackie, showing her kindness and respect in the belief he'll get her romantic and sexual affection in return -- feels entitled to it, in fact, due to his "kindness" so that when he realizes she won't give him what he wants, he turns on her instantly and becomes disrespectful and unkind; doesn't respect his female friends' boundaries in different ways, gets jealous easily (of male and female friends' friendships with each other), doesn't understand how far to take a joke due to cultural differences, and this trait eventually turns into what people call his perviness, can be selfish and sexist.
Best: Very funny, has the capacity for growth and change (but the writers always return him to status quo), loyal to and supportive of friends* (unfortunately only on rare occasions), can feel remorse for his bad behavior* (once he's been wounded by someone else the same way), eventually works up the courage (with the help of his friends) to be a father to his baby, respects Brooke's sexual boundaries in actions (but is still suggestive even after she makes clear the answer is no), is a hard worker at his jobs (but not academically), is protective of his sister and mother.
Worst: Selfish, self-entitled narcissist; sex addict, habitually violates Jackie sexually (see the episode "Sleepover"), habitually violates Donna's physical boundaries or tries to, serial cheater while never intending Jackie to find out, dangerously impulsive, cruel to Fez verbally and physically (S1-S4), incredibly vindictive, hypocrite, misogynistic tendencies, often doesn't learn from his mistakes because he doesn't believe he made any, lacks common sense in a way that's hazardous to himself and others, often treats all his friends like crap and doesn't believe anyone's feelings but his own matter.
Best: super compassionate (and passionate), a healer (emotionally and physically since she's a great nurse), joyful most of the time and wants to help others feel that way, funny, emotionally strong; does whatever she has to do (legally) to keep her family safe, like being the sole moneymaker with longer hours when Red's searching for work or can't work after his heart attack; is kind to all of Eric's friends (most of the time, lol), takes control of a situation once a line has been crossed, great cook and baker; is the epitome of the feminist ideal Midge is trying to attain, despite that Kitty doesn't think of herself that way.
Worst: Sometimes infantilizes Eric, becomes overly clingy to Eric whenever him moving out of the house seems to be his plan, becomes controlling of Eric and interferes in his attempts at autonomy when he becomes engaged to Donna, uses alcohol to narcotize the pain of having perimenopause (no more babies; although she and Red always could adopt, but that's a different subject), can be judgmental, can hold a grudge, can be devious to get what she wants, sometimes is weirdly inappropriate, can be too passive, can sulk.
Best: Compassionate (but unhappy that he has this trait, lol), hard worker, has romantic/sexual attraction only to Kitty, passionate, risked his life more than once for his country as part of the navy, sees through people's bullcrap (although not always his own), helps Eric's friends in spite of himself, wants the best future for his kids (including Hyde), is open to changing his point of view (about a person, at least).
Worst: (First a note. Many of the following can be seen as stemming from his time in WWII and the Korean War and the PTSD this created in him; he has war flashbacks, a canon part of his character). Most of his feelings are communicated through anger, he's xenophobic toward people (of any skin color, including white) and also of foreign-made products; he refuses to face the reality of who his daughter is, and when the fantasy is broken, he punishes her for not living up to his idealized version of her; when Eric doesn't meet Red's standards for masculinity or makes a typical teenager mistake, Red can be verbally degrading or punishing; can be insensitive to Kitty, holds some antiquated views (even for the '70s) of female and male gender roles (wait until he learns about nonbinary people ... 👀🏳️‍🌈).
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amy-love5 · 1 year
My Thoughts On The Little Mermaid Live Action
I personally loved the movie.
The visual affects were stunning. It made it seem like it was actually taking place underwater, which was the point and they achieved that pretty well.
I personally don’t mind Flounder and Sebastian looking realistic because every other fish is also realistic in the movie, so they fit in and don’t look out of place.
I especially loved the music. I’m a huge fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s work in general, and he did not disappoint and amazed me with his work once again. In my opinion the songs were the most entertaining and enjoyable part of the movie and kept it from being boring.
The songs feel like musical theater songs, I’m not surprised by that because Lin-Manuel Miranda worked on them and he has worked for Broadway musicals before. They sounded fantastic.
The Scuttlebutt didn’t feel so out of place. Out of context it feels weird but with the context not so much. Because Scuttles mostly blabbers in the movie.
The rap wasn’t bad in my opinion.
Also, I found Daveed Diggs’ (he voices Sebastian in the live action) rap at the end of the song to hype up Ariel to get ready to be kinda similar to Daveed Diggs role in Hamilton as Lafayette when he was telling Washington to get his right hand man back for the war. If this was intentional, it felt like a nice reference.
I love how different Halle Bailey is to the original Ariel.
The original Ariel’s Part of Your World song seemed a bit melancholic and Ariel seemed resigned to her fate. Halle Bailey’s Ariel’s Part of Your World song was a combination of frustration and determination. This made the two reprises of the song later on in the film even more powerful. With one being hopeful and the other being sorrowful. I commend Halle Bailey on conveying all those different emotions, she’s an excellent singer and actress.
Unlike the animated film, Ariel doesn't actually go up to the surface until after her fight with her father which is a small but smart change that I liked. Instead of being rebellious because she's a teenager this version of Ariel is frustrated at the fact that she's constantly ignored and controlled and I like that Triton's unreasonable behavior effectively becomes the catalyst for her to go to the surface, I like that irony.
The storm in the beginning of the movie felt almost identical to the animated movie. The effects felt realistic and climactic.
I love how Ariel got a song when she first became a human. It made us see her perspective and understand her better.
Compared to to the animated Ariel, this version of Ariel was less Love Struck. Instead she seems to be more intrigued by Eric in the human world which does feel more realistic. It shows her curiosity for the human world a lot more. Which is a change I liked.
I’m glad they didn’t go for the love at first sight thing for the remake and gave Ariel and Eric time to bond. I loved the chemistry between them.
I personally prefer their bonding time in the live action over the dinner they had in the original, and we still got a “dinglehopper” scene.
Also, I found the way Eric learned Ariel’s name to be adorable.
In the animated film it's kind of a love at first sight moment with Ariel falling for Eric after he talks about looking for his dream girl but in the live action it's more like their kindred spirits both feeling pressured to live up to their family's expectations of them and sharing a desire to explore the world. They understood each other and related to one another without the use of words, which I find adorable.
I loved the market Eric and Ariel went to. The production team made a fantastic job, it really seemed like it could be a marketplace in the kingdom. I also love the choreography, the music and the dance for the place, it seemed very fitting and not out of place.
I also love how we got to see Prince Eric’s side of the story, he even had his own song.
In my opinion him being adopted gives him more character depth, him loosing his parents in a shipwreck gives him more reason to be so drawn to the sea.
When Eric recovered he sends people to look for the girl who saved him and I like that he takes a more active role in finding her in the live action, unlike in the animated movie where he’s just wandering around on a beach. Because of the incident his mother forbids him from sailing again which leads to our first new song of the film wild Uncharted Waters. The lyrics are filled with Maritime references which are a bit obvious which is good in my opinion because it makes the viewer understand them easier. It works for the new direction they've taken with Eric's character. It feels like a heartfelt song, I think Jonah Hauer-King made a great delivery of it.
I also liked how Ariel instantly forgot she had to kiss Eric. It made it seem like their love was even more “impossible” because if she couldn’t kiss Eric she’d turn back into a mermaid and be under Ursula’s control. It also made Ursula even more evil.
Ursula and Triton were actually siblings during the early development of the 1989 film but this dynamic was scrapped, I’m glad we got to see it in the live action.
I think Trident and Ursula being related helps with Ariel’s deal with Ursula.
Because Ariel had never met Ursula, she had just heard what her father said about her. She doesn’t fully believe her father because he also told her people are evil and she saw that to be false with her own eyes when she saw Eric. She was already doubting about what her father thought of “evil”.
She had also just gotten into a big fight with him and her trust for him had decreased.
She was also scared of her and thought about leaving but Ursula successfully manipulated her.
I also think the live action Ursula is pretty good. She’s manipulative and evil, she also has a great voice.
Overall, I think the changes were good changes and fit into the story.
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zorilleerrant · 5 months
Taking in the Sights
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a @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt
Open your eyes.
Judge knows that voice. His head is pounding out a rhythm he’d really rather relax into that try to think past. Maybe they can go outside.
Open your eyes.
Only they were outside, weren’t they? He has a test later, so he really needs his sleep, and could you possibly wait like. Five minutes. Wait five minutes.
Paragon. Open your eyes.
Teke? Wait. Is he home? Judge would know if he’d gone home, wouldn’t he, he’d know that he wasn’t – is it a holiday?
It’s okay. It’ll be okay. But, Paragon, we need you to open your eyes.
No, that’s right, Teke came to visit him and then got – oh, fuck, he’d promised everyone would be safe if they came by to help and they didn’t even –
Judge opens his eyes, and they’re filled with sudden, burning light by someone who’s muttering deprecations and complaining about him wasting time. Which might well be true, given his healing factor, except also they don’t have any healers on staff in MiniCity, so who the fuck is blinding him in this infirmary?
He blinks. Blinks away sparkles and fuzz in his vision. Which is normal, at least, unlike the floating sensation, which Judge has to hope is from the fact that this was serious damage, and now he’s kind of worried someone’s holding something over on Eric because that’s not exactly usual behavior, especially with guests. Judge checks to see whether he’s actually floating, which hasn’t to date been a nervous response, but you never know.
Wait. He is home.
“I wouldn’t try to talk for another three or four minutes,” Teke says, which, yes, he knows the drill. This is like the third time Judge has done this.
He assumes it’s Teke. The colors are right, anyway, even though the costume is flat against his legs and the mask is off. The way Judge’s vision is swimming it might as well still be moving, though. He might throw up.
Teke tugs a basin closer and gently sets it next to him. Judge appreciates the thought. “I took you back to base. My base, I mean, not – we’ll send you back home when you’re ready. Unless you want to stay here for a minute.”
“Is everyone okay?” Judge asks. His voice sounds raw. It doesn’t hurt to talk, really, but it’s hard to understand himself, even though he knows what he meant to say.
“Well, it was kind of an emergency situation – yes, everyone is fine – and I had to call for backup. It’s all resolved, though. You can lie down.” Teke sounds worried. That’s not good. Like, Teke always sounds worried, but he sounds worried about Judge right now, which he doesn’t usually, except when it’s about school and stuff.
Maybe lying down is a good call.
Judge hasn’t actually been seriously injured since the whole power situation kicked in, and who knows how it’s going to affect him. He never got lit on fire before he got his powers, either, so that’s hardly going to tell him anything.
“You took me home,” Judge says, without thinking.
Teke glances off to the side, but there’s no one there. “Privacy, Paragon. There still aren’t a lot of us who know who you are.”
Judge laughs, even though it makes his head hurt. “I knew it. You did get curious.”
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CBS Ghosts - Pilot - Library Scene - Part 2
Warning: Spoilers may appear.
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Going to pause here for a second - Thor always suggests killing them, and the funniest part isn’t that it isn’t right to kill them to Alberta, it’s that Alberta straight up says “We can’t do it - physically”.  Like they have this conversation more than once.  At least here & in Jay’s sister.  
It’s interesting because Thor & Alberta have a rather opposite sort of dynamic.  Like not rivals, but they definitely have this - can’t agree with you dynamic.  And they’re sort of the first pairing to show this dynamic.  Although not the last.
Side note - Hetty / Trevor's faces here are interesting.
Trevor's like 'why would you suggest that', and Hetty's like 'hmmm, perhaps'.
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Love Pete assuming that Alberta’s objection is because it’s wrong.  It’s like he doesn’t know her at all. Meanwhile, Alberta's like "We're ghosts, there's nothing we can do."
I like how Trevor's like "you know - that's a good point." But I doubt he really wanted to kill them.
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OMG I love that Alberta goes into SPECIFICS of the types of deaths she’s been aware of or a part of, and Trevor and Hetty go from agreeing via nods to “WTF are you talking about?”  And Alberta shrugs and says “you hear things”.
LMAO at Hetty being “cartoon evil” per Sam earlier and then Alberta’s murders are definitely “cartoon evil”- esqe.  
Damn, Alberta.  Also, totally love the moment between Trevor and Alberta here because he doesn’t say anything, but he’s supportive until he questions where she’s getting her ideas.  Like, girl?  What did you do in life - serial killer?
Also, side note about Hetty - do we think that given she knows who murdered Alberta that she doesn't think it's a big deal to hide it since Alberta also seems like a killer? Like it's okay since their families (of the people that she may have put in cement and drop off a bridge) don't know that it's okay that she doesn't know? I mean, probably not, she says 'she heard things' so she probably didn't actually do any of this but I would LOVE to see if she had. It could explain part of way she's a ghost.
OMG - I just realized, she mentions 'dropping someone off a bridge' and Trevor was literally dropped in the lake. She also mentions hiding bodies in the lake when Thor's body appears and that thing with Eric, so I wonder if this was intentional. I wonder if the relationship between Trevor and Alberta is affected by this once he found out about the situation with his body. We know they're close (of course not until later on), but I do wonder if this impacts him.
Anyway, I digress.
I like Pete’s expression, too. He's concerned, he's surprised, and it makes me wonder - he's known Alberta for 40 years and is surprised at the things Alberta got up to in life?  What draws him to Alberta?  Opposites attract? 
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I wonder about these things Isaac says a lot.  Do we think he knows he’s into men, but trying to hide it or convince himself otherwise?  Because it seems that way here, but later on, it’s almost like he’s completely unaware and only realizing it in Thorapy.
Also, I love Isaac, but a major beef for me is that no one brings up him objectifying Jay while everyone gives Trevor crap for it whenever he says someone’s hot. Like he backs up and everyone just ignores what just happened.
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I love that it’s the “Baby” of the ghosts that comes up with this plan.  It makes sense that he would do it considering he’s watched movies like “ghost busters” and he’s probably been into scary movies in life.  
It’s interesting to me that he reminds them that “we’re ghosts, we can haunt” because I often wonder, especially as we see Trevor interact with the living world if he FORGETS that he’s a ghost at times.  (Like the whole Dating Profile thing).
I also love the support he gets from Alberta and Hetty.  Alberta is nodding along with the idea, while Hetty seems impressed.  I do think that it’s interesting that he’s so excited about having an idea and being taken seriously.
We KNOW from later episodes that he DOESN’T get taken seriously due to his pants issues, so it’s GREAT and exciting for him to be taken seriously to the point where his idea is implemented.  
It shows a lot about the group as well.  
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He's so excited that Alberta's Supporting him, Hetty's Impressed, and then that Flower seems to think it's a good idea - until, of course, Flower's like 'naw, I wasn't pay attention'. He deflates slightly.
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Okay, I love this right here.  You can see that Sass is being listened to and given that he’s the second oldest ghost, it makes sense.  He’s combating the youngest ghosts’ probably rash plan and being listened to.  It establishes a lot in the dynamics.  We see Isaac as the “commanding officer” but Sass seemingly has more authority just by the way everyone seems to listen to him.  Is it his age as a ghost?  or is it his ability to tell a great story?  Hmm-mm.
I also love that this is the SECOND pairing to establish a rivals/don’t like to agree set up from the pilot - Sass & Trevor.  Trevor comes up with an idea that Sass says feels wrong, and as we learn in LL, Sass DELIBERATELY chooses the OPPOSITE side to Trevor’s whenever he can.  
We see this especially later on in Season 1 where there are SEVERAL episodes of a brotherly dynamic, that I will get into later on, but this is the first instance and it’s in the pilot - so I LOVE it.   I love that it gets established and followed through. I do have to wonder if it’s because they’re different in many ways - Sass is reserved about sex/Trevor is open about it.  Trevor is fun loving, party bro/Sass is the quiet writer.  Ect.  
Also, I wonder how this dynamic happened given that Sass was actually impressed by Trevor knowing his secret all those years.  I want more on these two.
I really wish we got more into the opposite (not close) relationships like Sass/Trevor and Alberta/Thor.  
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Sass is the 2nd to get walked through and he gets it twice!
This is so great, we see some interesting reactions to Sass getting walked through.  
A) there’s Isaac protecting himself, hands up and all - how does this do anything? - (and not trying to get Sass out of the way) - that’s another interesting dynamic while 
B) Hetty/Alberta (and Pete?) cringe away and then there’s 
C) Trevor/Flower (and Thor?) are yelling to warn Sass about Jay walking through him again.  
This is interesting to me because they all know how much it SUCKS and HURTS, and yet, those in close proximity to Sass don’t try to save him from it, and it’s two of the younger ghosts trying to warn him.  
Also WTF, when did Sam and Jay leave the scene?  The way the ghosts are standing - this would’ve already happened, no?
Lastly, Rough reactions.  Trevor looks like he’s going to be sick.  Poor Sass.
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So, Sass breathing heavy here, and he's like "it's not worth it to be against Trevor at this point" so he says "Let's get rid of them" - it's a quickly turnaround, but I think it comes from realizing that A) there will be a higher chance of it happening again and B) that Trevor's idea might be the best way to get them to leave.
Sass is smart enough to KNOW that Trevor's got the right idea, and to realize that he has to put the good of all over wanting to be opposite to Trevor.
Last I do find the reactions interesting. Hetty's like assuring herself, Pete's got a 'ouch' face, and Isaac is still looking him over like 'you sure you're okay'.
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Okay, they’re all pretty excited about Sass agreeing (and as the second oldest ghost if he hadn’t relented, I wonder if they wouldn’t have done it), but I love Trevor’s response the best.  Everyone is like “yay” and there’s Trevor jumping up and down like a puppy excited for a walk.
He and Alberta are having a freaking party in their little corner and I love it!
Also, interesting similar hand gestures with the older ghosts.  
Anyway, this is fun - Puppy Trevor to the rescue with a plan.
Although, I get the Ghosts being like “fuck they have to leave” after the hotel vision that Isaac gives - I have to say, hindsight is 20-20, they would’ve been so bored very quickly & probably WISHED someone lived there, BUT without the haunting, Sam wouldn’t know they exist so would that have been better?  
It’s all very interesting.
Thanks for reading :)
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roostertuftart · 2 years
1, 2, 9, 23 for salty asks!!
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Both sided K*man. I know I spoke positively of it before but I just really don't like it haha. It doesn't make sense to me and I don't like what it often does to Kyle's character.
I can see why it's popular! Enemies to lovers, especially with how in the past, Kyle and Cartman were written far more as if they were rivals. If you go as far as the very early seasons, Kyle was generally more of the aggressor in their friendship.
But Idk, I joined way after these episodes were the majority, and I felt really drawn in to Kyle as a character written very much like a abuse victim/survivor- Particularly an aggressive one, and for a while I do think that's how he intentionally was being written? As a joke of course, but episodes like Ginger Cow, Kyle's whole arc in season 21, Tegridy Farms, Mexican Joker, and probably a load of others one before and between these just stuck with me too heavily and seem to really hone in on Kyle being an unwilling participant in much of what Eric does to/with him. Kyle feels so withdrawn in many of these, so desperate to not be apart of things, or when he does insert himself, it feels like something he's doing out of obligation, guilt, paranoia even. And I just,,, Don't see that panning out as a shared attraction between them, unless it comes out of some sort of weird trauma response that I would hope Kyle doesn't last in endgame in a story. I have more opinions on this but I don't want to bash the ship too much.
I can see why people like it once again, especially because how seriously you take things in the show and how they affect the characters is not pretty vast. Something like Imagination Land to me can be basically three episodes of sexual harassment but with how South Park writes it's universe and treats the idea of "sucking balls" I guess I can understand why someone can watch that and just view it as their usual dumb rivalry. That's just kind of the thing with shows like South Park where things are fairly surreal and not meant to be taken as seriously- Or maybe they are? Who knows but I'm not gonna hate anyone for coming to a different conclusion.
Still, with all that being said, in the way I've come to characterize Kyle and read the show, Kyle returning attraction to Eric just feels so inconceivable to me and kind of ruins parts of his character I like way too much to throw aside.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Not sure this counts but like. Pretty much every popular(?) gay ship with Clyde. I just don't ship him with Tolkien or Craig, though I find those ships to still be cute!! I just can't help but prefer them as brotps. Clyde is still bisexual though fuck you personally @erratic-brainrot
He kisses Kenny sometimes :]
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Mr. Hankey I just hate him he grosses me out so much I hate every moment he was on screen I don't care what the point of that one episode where he got canceled was I don't care about the moral we're supposed to learn at all he sucks he deserves it go to hell forever you literal piece of crap i despise you with the passion of a thousand suns
23. Unpopular character you love?
Hehehe I like towelie a lot. I never don't find him funny and I think he's a fun, surprisingly well rounded character. He makes a lot of Randy scenes very tolerable for me.
Based on this ask list :)
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
ah words cant explain how excited i am for this!!! please can i request a male boy meets world matchup???
i know you know all of this by now but i’ll send it all again just as a reminder <3 i go by she/her pronouns. my name is florence but most people call me flo or other nicknames. i’m a fair skinned 5’3 girl with long curly gold hair that is cut in 90s layers with long side bangs. it’s typically held off my face with a ballet pink coloured ribbon. i have downturned doe eyes that are constantly switching between blue, green and grey. i always curl my lashes and wear mascara because sadly naturally i have very straight pale lashes. i have a slim, slight figure. my face only has a few freckles but i have a lot on my body. i have a small ring of freckles on my knuckle which i love!!! my cheeks are always flushed and i have a small gap betweeen my front 2 teeth.
i’m extremely physically affectionate. my friends irl will tell anyone that because i’m nearly always holding their hands or looping my arms with theirs. my love language is definitely physical touch. i’m an infp and a libra. i also get told that my personality reminds people of miss honey or cinderella. so i guess that means i’m pretty soft spoken and kind. i’m very quiet when i first meet people but once they probably know me i can ramble for ages about my hyper-fixations.i can be kinda naive but only because i always wanna see the good in people!!! i don’t really get angry or when i am angry i just end up crying.
i really love classic literature and vintage books!!! along with vintage movies (especially audrey hepburn movies, i’m literally obsessed with her) i love alternative music from the 80s. think the smiths, blondie, echo and the bunnymen + not from the 80s lana <333 though to be fair i just adore anything from the past. but also i thrive listening to vintage love songs. i dress in a very typically feminine way with ditsy floral patterns and lace being a staple in my wardrobe. i love pressed flowers and journaling.
omg thank you do much im literally so excited for this
i think you'll be excited to hear these ones tehe !!
since i made you wait so long + i don't remember your preference !! i gave you a gal and a guy :))
also i totally think i said this to you last time but you're literally like the coolest person ever???
I give you,,
-> Eric Matthews !!
obviously i have to give you Eric,, because it works so well on different levels
a. you're both emotional people,, i mean think u guys argue and then you guys just cry together because it was stupid and there's no way either of u could be gen mad ☹️💓
b. you'd be different from the normal relationships he has,, like you guys actually connect rather than looks alone + that's why it lasts,, because he really liked you
c. friends to lovers bc he'd like not think of you romantically until he says something to jack or corey and they make fun of him for "being in love"
d. he'd listen to any music i think,, you play it and he'll just enjoy it he doesn't care
e. he would LOVE to listen to hyperfixations + it takes him awhile to understand so he finds it really nice that u treat him intellectually equal,, like taking the time to explain certain things to him
f. you could befriend morgan and she'd love ur aesthetic let's be honest
g. plus you're both naive so neither one of you feels guilty if you accidentally fall for something,, like emotionally you guys get one another there!!
h. also he LOVES physical affection,, like you're both constantly touching each other in some way. but not in a way that makes others uncomfortable if that makes sense??
i. lastly,, he's very compassionate so id just see u both as being insufferable + movie night and you're both just abnoxiously sobbing over something small (super silly to me but Corey would complain the WHOLE time)
i give you,,
-> angela moore !!
i was inbetween angela and rachel here,, but i decided angela,, here's why !
a. she's canonically really into literally, poetry, classic literature,, so the two of you already share a huge part of interest together. analyzing works + reading together >>
b. golden retriever and blackcat gfs !!
c. i think angela would really like the type of movies your into,, and i think she would sit there comforting you after movies like "hon theyre not real are you ok???"
d. she doesn't get how you cry when you're angry,, but she also adores it in a way?? like she's very used to arguments getting heated but you guys have a very open line of communication bc of the way you handle things??
e. you guys would 50/50 music i think,, somedays it's yours all day and some it's hers rather than arguing over it. like you both LIKE each other's music enough to be like "okay you can play it today"
f. she likes how clingy you are affection wise,, goes out of her way to like always hold ur hand or smthn so you're comfortable !!
g. will protect u from anyone who tries to take advantage of u,, she's really good at reading people in that way + she doesn't make you feel less
h. also u guys are like polar opposites aesthetic wise,, and so u guys literally just surprise people when they find out you're together + she finds it really funny
hope this was worth the wait!!! :DD
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