eusoraya · 4 years
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someone: where are you from? 
australian hades kid: down undah
 someone: oh, australia? 
australian hades kid: oh, yeah, there, too. 
- joe, 2021
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eumarsthegoat · 3 years
intro to mars
like this if i can slide into your dms for plotting! wanted connections under the cut!
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⟨ LAURA HARRIER. CISFEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MARS JACKSON is actually a descendent of D E M E T E R. it’s still a question of whether or not the 27 year old LAW STUDENT from MIAMI, FL has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite COMPASSIONATE & PESSIMISTIC.
Mars came from a loving family. She had great grades in high school, she was great at gymnastics and on the way to potentially becoming an Olympic gymnast. At 13 she saw her mother in her dreams, and she began attending camp out west near her family's home in Miami (Camp Everglades).
That all went downhill when she met her boyfriend. Her boyfriend worked for one of the most ruthless Colombian cartels— the Cali cartel. After she graduated high school she stopped attending camp moved to Colombia with her boyfriend and lived lavishly. She always had the latest fashion, the best food, a private chef, housekeepers. You name it, anything a girl wanted, she had it. Her boyfriend had told her to always keep a phone in the house charged, and if it ever rang. She knew she had to move smart. Her boyfriend warned her not to reveal any personal information, and to always keep her government documents locked up. So she went by the name Mariah.
One fateful day, that phone rang, and when she answered it, she only heard three words. “He’s dead... Run.” She packed a bag with one change of clothes, the plainest clothes she owned, her makeup, her travel documents, a couple of her most expensive possessions, and she cleared it out of Colombia. Not without being chased and nearly shot to death. She narrowly escaped Colombia with her life and ended up being able to blend in in Brazil until she was able to sell some of her items and buy a flight to America, where she was able to pay for an entirely new identity. She still has her real documents locked away in a safe in her hotel room, and she’s been terrified to reach out to her parents even though she went by a fake name.
She found out about her powers when she was on the run. When she was driving desperately out of Colombia members of the cartel were following her in another car and shooting at her, and she was able to break off a piece of the mountain and crush her car. She had willed for it to happen. And her green thumb gave her away too  Her friends and family know she disappeared for a few years. She was able to fabricate her high school records to with a new name so that she could enroll at Eonia. She hopes to blend in, and live a semi-normal life for at least a couple more years. But she’s constantly looking over her shoulder... and for good reason.
wanted connections.
Older brother, insanely protective
Exes (male, female, nb, anybody’s welcome- we’d plot out the circumstances of course)
Friends!!! (From school, from back home, all the things!)
Workout partner/running buddy
Will they won’t they
We’re neighbors and I hear your hookups and you hear mine and... is it really as good as they make it seem?
First girlfriend & the reason she came out, broke up a few months later and it was just really heartbreaking
Anything you need me to fill
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scarlettseu · 4 years
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“the darkness grew dense. glutinous. pushing through it became an effort. like swimming underwater.”  —  arundhati roy, the god of small things
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eucherry · 4 years
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         hello everyone !  i’m b and i’m very happy to be here !  i look forward to writing with and getting to know you all !  ♡  but before all that ,  allow me to introduce my daughter sherry ,  better known as cherry !  here is a little carrd that i’m currently working on for her .  it only has her stats at the moment ,  but i’ll add more stuff as soon as i can !  let’s begin the rambling !
⟨ BRUNA MARQUEZINE. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, SHERRY “CHERRY” VAZ is actually a descendent of HYPNOS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old NURSING MAJOR from NEW YORK, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite COMPASSIONATE & WORRISOME.
          sherry luiza vaz was born on may 13th ,  1998 ,  in new york city .  her mother ,  juliana pereira vaz ,  was a writer who had never quite pictured herself as a motherly person ;  she was the daughter of an immigrant couple who hailed from brazil ,  and starting a family had never been a priority ,  or even an item in her bucket list .  sherry wasn’t planned ,  she was but the consequence of a night of curiosity and interest in a man unlike any juliana had ever seen .  yet at the same time ,  it only took one look at the crying baby’s face for her to realize she’d do anything for that child .
         growing up ,  sherry was always a cheerful and energetic child .  she was quick to make friends ,  surrounding herself with all kinds of people  ---  but mostly good ones .  she loved to go on adventures ,  to learn new things everyday and discover the world little by little .  while raising a child on her own wasn’t an easy task ,  juliana did wonderful ,  and nothing lacked for the little girl with bright eyes and red - colored lips .  
        every night ,  her mother would read her a bedtime story ,  which was probably the little girl’s favorite time of the day .  whether it was from exhaustion or due to the sweet tales that cradled her brain ,  sleeping was never a problem for cherry .  if anything ,  it was just an extension of her ever exciting daytime activities .  it was when she felt at her peak !
         as cherry got older ,  the curiosity surrounding her mysterious father began to grow .  she wasn’t quite sure why ,  but she would often see a strange man in her dreams and surprisingly enough ,  he wouldn’t say much about himself .  in fact ,  he’d tell her about her “powers” ,  or things she would be able to do in no time .  it wasn’t long after his first visit that cherry found herself levitating in her sleep ,  only to be woken up by a scream coming from her own mother .  it was right then and there that she was claimed by hypnos ,  &  the rest is history !
       flash forward to the present day ,  and cherry couldn’t be happier .  despite the many differences ,  the demigod camp from years ago  &  eonia have become a second home to her and although she misses her mother dearly ,  not to mention every little corner of new york ,  she loves the feeling of belonging ,  of being a part of something new .  she’s currently in her junior year as a nursing student and if you see her around campus ,  don’t hesitate to say hi !  chances are she’ll invite you to grab some coffee and ask what you dreamed about last night .
hypnokinesis — every other night, cherry will wander into her friends’s dreams. rare are the times she makes herself noticeable, but those who she is closest with might notice her presence; a calm aura, almost as if to let them know that nothing bad will happen, for she’s keeping an eye on their dream. for her, making sure her loved ones have a good night’s sleep is a duty, but also extremely fun! of course, if someone hurts her or someone she cares about, they should expect no rest for however long the demigod sees fit.
shapeshifting — being observant in nature, there’s been countless times throughout her life where cherry shifted into different creatures, often small in size, to blend in with her surroundings and be able to simply watch people as they went on about their days. one of her favorite past times was to transform into a small bird, much like her father, and people watch from the top of a branch in between the many trees of the central park. slowly but surely, she’s been learning to shift into bigger creatures, hoping to be able to shift into a wolf one day. so far, her list includes a variety of birds, a doe and a bunny.
memory retrieval — during cherry’s teenage years, there was a period of time where her mother struggled with providing for the two of them. as a means of helping her mother and having recently discovered her ability to play with memories, the girl started to secretly offer her services to people who were desperate to forget something. anything. an embarrassing occurrence, heartbreak, a bad memory … all they had to do was say the word, and cherry guaranteed they’d find the will to move on with their life within the next forty-eight hours. of course, her results were always positive, and people were eternally grateful for her service, despite not being able to understand just how it worked, or come they’d always feel as though a weight had been lifted off their shoulders.
levitation — one of her favorite abilities. levitation was the first power to blossom inside her, and is still one of her favorites to this day. it isn’t unusual to catch cherry levitating while she sleeps, or even while she’s focused on a book. it’s a very nifty skill to have, and she absolutely no problem using it to make life easier !
seeing the gods in dreams — while being a helpful skill (especially when she wants to communicate with her father), cherry tends to avoid seeing the gods as much as possible, and rarely seeks to find one of them in her sleep. it’s not that she’s afraid of them, but she simply would rather keep her distance unless communication is extremely necessary.
friends !  cherry is an extremely sociable person ,  and loves meeting new people .  if you’re nice to her ,  chances are she’ll like you right away and boom ,  a wonderful friendship is sure to blossom !
cherry’s please-help-me-i-can’t-sleep list !  while she avoids using her powers so as to dodge any trouble ,  there’s been a couple occasions where she may or may not have dabbled into people’s sleep in order to help improve it .  it would be really interest to see the dynamic between her and someone who relies or once relied on her abilities to get some rest !
a sibling - like relationship !  despite being twenty - two ,  cherry feels a certain level of responsibility for most people in her life ,  even the ones older than her .  please let her be the protective sister no one asked for oh god .
an ex / past fling !  this is pretty self explanatory ,  but yes !  we can talk about how and why things ended and whatnot ,  and where they stand !  cherry is a firm believer of love ,  so it’s only natural that she’s been in love once or twice or however many times .
a friend with benefits / one night stand !  while these kinds of relationships aren’t her favorite ,  i can see her having made an exception once  ---  or perhaps still making an exception .  she’s not proud of it ,  but it happens !
anything your heart desires !  i’m open to all things ,  so just hit me up on discord or IMs !
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eukatarina · 4 years
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⟨ MARGARET QUALLEY. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, KATARINA “KIT” BENČIĆ is actually a descendent of H E P H A E S T U S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old MATHEMATICS & COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR from DUBROVNIK, CROATIA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite PASSIONATE & COMPETITIVE 
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eumomos · 4 years
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⟨ HUNTER SCHAFER. TRANS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MONICA “MOMO” MCDERMA is actually a descendent of I R I S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old BOTANY MAJOR from SAN DIEGO, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite OUTGOING & IMPULSIVE.
hi all !! ur local roller skating queen has RETURNED ... for those who have yet to meet her this is momo !! let’s get into it-
s  t  a  t  i  s  t  i  c  s  
full  name ,  nicknames  :  monica mcderma ,  momo
age  ,  dob  ,  zodiac :  twenty - two  , october 28  ,  scorpio
hometown  :  san diego, ca
gender  ,  pronouns :  trans female  ,  she / her
orientation  :  pansexual , demiromantic
height :  5′9″
occupation  :  student
language(s)  spoken  :  english  -  fluent   ,   french  -  fluent   ,   greek   -   fluent
similar  characters  :  ty lee  (  avatar: the last airbender  )  ,  debora  (  baby driver )  ,  troy barnes  (  community  )  ,  jester lavorre   (  critical role  )  ,  shelly johnson  (  twin peaks  )  ,  phoebe buffay  (  friends  )  ,  juliet capulet  (  romeo & juliet  )
b  a  c  k  g  r  o  u  n  d
tw: death ment.
raised by a single father in san diego, ca, even before momo came out, she always a bit different. she was guilty of having a rampant imagination & teased for never paying attention in class. coming out as transgender was tough for the most part, but her father was quick to welcome his daughter with open arms ( she can still recall going to get a glass of water in the middle of the night and finding him fast asleep on the couch, with some article about raising trans youth on his laptop )
the truth of her mother’s identity was revealed about three months after momo came out, at the age of twelve. from then on out, it all clicked for her. before, she felt like an outcast, a pointless being roaming the earth in an attempt to find a place that would just let her stick. did she expect the answer to be that momo mcderma is a demigod ?? no, absolutely not.
again, her father was quick to cheer her on from the sidelines, having her go to camp half-blood almost every summer of her child/teenhood to help her continue on her journey.
it was the last summer before heading to eonia when her father had gotten sick. with her mother’s blessing, she was able to leave the grounds to be by her father’s side on his deathbed. he went soon after that.
after the burial, something was.. off in momo’s spirits, though it was never really outright. the pressure to live up to the sunny and overtly upbeat attitude momo used to lead with ease suddenly laid heavy on her shoulders. she wouldn’t tell anyone, still.
she’s a botany, and the vice president of the botany & gardening club. momo’s also an active member of the feminist & lgbt alliance.
p  e  r  s  o  n  a  l  i  t  y
she rollerskates everywhere !! u can tell she’s coming from a mile away.
smells like lavender . loves lipgloss .
sad headcanon time. whenever momo feels super sad, she just.. smiles to herself until she feels happy.
LOVES the idea of being loved, but also it makes her nauseous . bit of a contradiction
the type of fake deep to paint shirtless in her apartment but keep the blinds open . THAT kinda bitch
momo’s a good friend !! likes to listen and chit chat, very much the shoulder to lean on
LOUD . she’s so loud . and bubbly . just . a fast talker
be PATIENT with her, she gets distracted A LOT
h  a  b  i  t  s
swearing  |  fingernail  chewing  |  slouching  |  slurring  |  drinking |  smoking  |  drugs | impulse  decisions |  obsessive  phone  checking  |  bad  time  management |  slang  |  poor grammar  |  overworking  |  slacking  off  |  over  sleeping | under sleeping |  skin picking |  poor  eye  contact  |  lying | rambling | skipping  breakfast  | junk  food  |  self  criticism |  procrastinating |  day  dreaming |  forgetful  |  envious  |  jealous |  gossiper |  drama  whore |  secret  teller |  skipping  class  |  spitting  |  lip  licking | lip  chewing |  drinking  from  the  carton |  yelling  |  too  much  internet  |  poor  hygiene  |  impatient | hot headed |  biased  | complaining |  scab  picking  |  buzzfeed |  cheek  biting |  teeth  gnashing  |  shoplifting  | scamming  |  speeding |  hair  pulling |  large  ego |  exaggerating  | fidgeting |  free  loading  |  littering  |  one  -  upping  | whining |  borrowing  without  returning  |  unnecessary  aggression |  plagiarism  |  copying  |  glaring  | spacing  out | ignoring  |  over  critical  | messy |  hateful  |  overly  prideful
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eulevis · 4 years
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⟨ ZETHPHAN SMITH-GNEIST. CIS MALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, LEVI HARRIS is actually a descendent of A P O L L O. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-THREE year old AUDIO PRODUCTION MAJOR from MANCHESTER, UK has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite KIND-HEARTED & CHAOTIC.
hi hi !! my name is sunny, and this is ur local Dumb of Ass levi harris . i’m so happy to be back here with y’all omg.............
s  t  a  t  i  s  t  i  c  s  
full  name ,  nicknames  :  levi william harris  ,  harris,   evie
age  ,  dob  ,  zodiac :  twenty -  three  , july 4  ,  cancer
hometown  :  manchester, england
gender  ,  pronouns :  cismale  , he / him
orientation  :  bisexual , demiromantic
height :  6′3″
occupation  :  student / aspiring musician / record store clerk 
language(s)  spoken  :  english  -  fluent   ,   french  -  fluent   ,   greek  -  fluent
similar  characters  :  marty mcfly  (  back to the future  )  ,  jack dawson (  titanic )  ,  troy barnes  (  community  )  ,  george weasley   (  harry potter  )  ,  jake peralta  (  brooklyn nine-nine  )  ,  spike spiegel  (  cowboy bebop  )  ,  christopher turk  (  scrubs  )
b  a  c  k  g  r  o  u  n  d
tw: death ment.
born in manchester, england to victor and clara harris, it was always obvious that levi had a tough act to follow. his older brother, elijah, was the brains of the two. perfect grades, a wide roster of extracurriculars, and he was even nice.
literally, there was no reason to hate this guy.
levi, on the other hand, was creative. his schoolwork wasn’t stellar, but where he lacked in logic, he made up for in making people laugh and writing half-way decent songs on his guitar or piano.
it wasn’t that levi minded being in his brother’s shadow, he just couldn’t help but feel hurt whenever they’d sit at the dinner table together and the only topic of discussion would be eli this or eli that. all that being said, he got along better with his brothers than he ever did with his parents.
elijah’s death was sudden and tragic. he was twenty-four when he passed, levi being twelve. levi doesn’t like talking about it much, and it’s arguably one of the few things he’s closed off about
finding out that he was born out of wedlock didn’t do much to make things easier, either. he’d first met apollo after his brother’s funeral, which was terrible timing, in his mind. it practically tore his parents apart, having divorced only two years after the news hit.
the fallout with his family was a given to him. along with his brother’s death and his real father’s identity, it was as if a bright spotlight was suddenly shone on his life, and his parents were right there to scrutinize.... everything about him.
needless to say, he left the minute he was able to.
was eonia the plan ?? no, california was the plan, where he wanted to persue his career in music. however, to appease his mother and keep things ‘realistic’ for his future, he decided to go to school, where he’s currently studying audio production.
he works on his own music on the side when he doesn’t have a shift at fireside records. he’s also the president of the songwriting club & a member of the drama club !!
p  e  r  s  o  n  a  l  i  t  y
as stated before, he’s... dumb of ass
really nice, really kind, but loud and chaotic type of beat . the type to go hang out on the roof of literally any building by himself but also loves a good social gathering
not gonna lie, tough to get his attention romantically . u could flirt with him and he’ll chalk it up to u being nice . considers everyone a Friend
english boi innit, if u mock his accent it will upset him, but he just brushes it off bc he rlly thinks his feelings don’t matter when it comes to ‘small stuff’
a good friend !! goes with the flow, but will defend the people he cares about in a heartbeat
talks w his hands . gestures wildly
CANNOT and WILL NOT sit still for gods sake . he gets so distracted so easily
h  a  b  i  t  s
swearing |  fingernail  chewing  | slouching  |  slurring  |  drinking |  smoking  |  drugs | impulse  decisions |  obsessive  phone  checking  |  bad  time  management |  slang  |  poor grammar  |  overworking  |  slacking  off |  over  sleeping | under sleeping |  skin picking |  poor  eye  contact  |  lying | rambling | skipping  breakfast | junk  food  |  self  criticism |  procrastinating |  day  dreaming |  forgetful  |  envious  |  jealous |  gossiper |  drama  whore |  secret  teller |  skipping  class  |  spitting  | lip  licking | lip  chewing |  drinking  from  the  carton |  yelling  |  too  much  internet  |  poor  hygiene  |  impatient | hot headed |  biased  | complaining |  scab  picking  |  buzzfeed |  cheek  biting |  teeth  gnashing  |  shoplifting  | scamming  |  speeding |  hair  pulling |  large  ego |  exaggerating  | fidgeting |  free  loading  |  littering  |  one  -  upping  | whining |  borrowing  without  returning  |  unnecessary  aggression |  plagiarism  |  copying  |  glaring  | spacing  out | ignoring  |  over  critical  | messy |  hateful  |  overly  prideful
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eucroft · 4 years
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⟨ DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, ADELAIDE CROFT is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old CREATIVE WRITING MAJOR from SALEM, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite VENTURESOME & VAIN.
*jennifer coolidge vc* hi a google doc + pinned post are tbd but until then here’s perhaps an equally extensive intro, she’s a menace ty  
name: adelaide jane croft  nickname: ads, addie (if she likes you), aj (if you want to die) age: 22  dob: august 1, 1998 zodiac: leo sun, ?????? everything else mbti: entj, the commander powers: hypnokinesis, shapeshifting, seeing gods in dream, memory retrieval (minor) positive traits: venturesome, creative, hardworking, independent, ambitious negative traits: vain, cunning, bossy, stubborn, overcritical works: front desk associate at the library  clubs and sports: member of book club, chess club, herpetology club, women in leadership club, creative writing club, captain of the debate team, president of feminist alliance, and captain of the cheerleading squad character inspo: blair waldorf (gossip girl), jackie burkhart (that 70′s show), catherine the great (the great), cheryl blossom (riverdale), audrey horne (twin peaks), amy march (little women), cordelia chase (buffy the vampire slayer), fran fine (the nanny), daphne blake (scooby doo)
MENTIONS: alcoholism, coma, neglect
born in salem, massachusetts, adelaide croft is the daughter of sherry croft and hypnos, a product of an affair her mother has on her husband, senator richard croft-- sherry is a bored housewife trapped in a seemingly picturesque but loveless marriage when she meets hypnos, one thing leads to another, nine months later, adelaide is born 
richard knows from the get-go adelaide is not his child, it doesn’t take a mathematician to figure out and despite the obvious strain this infidelity puts on the croft marriage, they remain together, richard claiming to the public that adelaide is his daughter while the disdain for what her mother did bubbled into resentment towards the young girl-- growing up she believed he was her real father
the crofts have one other child, an eldest daughter, prudence, and she is the pride and joy of the croft family, things came effortlessly to prudence, who received praise and attention from her parents for the slightest thing-- from a young age, she was actively pit against her older sister, who was as cruel as their father was at times, their relationship founded from rivalry
adelaide struggled for approval from her parents, who often brushed her off or ignored her. while her father was too focused on work, her mother too focused on drinking, and both too focused on prudence, it didn’t help that she developed strange habits from a young age, like claiming to speak to strange people in her dreams or how the world grew drowsy around her
found out she was a demigod at eleven, hypnos came to her in a dream, she laughed in his face, but very quickly realized this was real shit, when he offered the chance to go to a camp where there were other people like that she jumped at the chance-- attended camp halfblood during the summers of 2009-2016
trained pretty extensively during that time, was a casual quester, chosen usually because of her enthusiasm and hypnokinesis abilities, they did not all end well, she lost some people along the way, got some stuck in some sticky situations, will eventually go into more depth with these 
when she wasn’t at camp, she was climbing the social ranks back in massachusetts, winning academic awards, prom queen, staying on top of sports, practically anything in an attempt to make her parents acknowledge her, then when she realized they never would, specifically to spite them, simply trying to survive the rest of her high school career
started writing at a young age, journaling originally, but eventually, it grew into short stories, then novellas, etc.
always knew she was going to eonia, however, the process was sped up a little after an incident involving hypnokinesis, prudence, and a five day coma, adelaide denounced the crofts essentially, and using her memory retrieval power successfully for the first and only time, wiped herself from their memories (how long that will last, she is unsure), she went to live with a friend for a bit until she was accepted into eonia 
studies creative writing with the intent to write horror fiction based off the nightmares and dreams she has witnessed and influenced, currently in her fourth year here with intent to go to grad school afterwards
TL;DR: the younger daughter of sherry croft and hypnos, adopted by senator richard croft, grew up in a loveless, neglectful household that was seemingly perfect in public eye, had a sadistic older sister name prudence who was always in the spotlight, big queen bee vibes but went to chb and quested a bit, eventually came to eonia to study creative writing. 
some headcanons
actually an insomniac, that kind of fuck things up for her, but she finds ways to fall asleep eventually
coffee fiend 
chaotic bisexual
weapon of choice is a longsword she got from a quest, affectionately nicknamed tallulah, however she’s proficient in throwing knives and crossbows
has an albino ball python named boris after boris karloff 
LOVES halloween and all things horror, surprisingly morbid when you actually get to know her
favorite author is shirley jackson!
will astral project to you to bug you if she’s bored
the gods she has seen the most in her dreams beyond hypnos is hecate, apollo, and athena!!! she details all of the meetings just in case there’s important info
very nosy, will snoop for anything and everything
stressed 25/8 
i will update my wc doc asap i don’t have the capacity to do that currently but some wcs include rivals, exes, chb people, friends, enemies, hookups, someone to get her to relax, quest partners, uhhhhh someone she tutors perhaps, muses, hypnokinesis victims, someone she bit while she was a cat!, uhhhh
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eurafi · 4 years
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⟨  𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐀  𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐃.  𝐂𝐈𝐒  𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄.  𝐇𝐄 / 𝐇𝐈𝐌.  ⟩  though  the  mist  might  prevent  some  from  seeing  it,  𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐈  𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐅𝐀  is  actually  a  descendent  of  H A D E S.   it’s  still  a  question  of  whether  or  not  the  TWENTY-SIX  year  old  𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒  𝐌𝐀𝐉𝐎𝐑  from  CAIRO,  EGYPT  has  taken  after  their  godly  parent  completely,  but  the  demigod  is  still  known  to  be  quite  𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆  &  𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅-𝐀𝐁𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐄𝐃.
                                             INFO.   /   PLAYLIST.   /   PINTEREST.
gooood  evening  legends,  it’s  hannah  back  again  with  character  two  aka  rafi  ‘most  likely  to  overuse  his  umbrakinesis  to  the  point  he  ceases  to  exist’  mostafa  !   he  is....  the  most  opposite  to  samson  and  i’m  so  excited  to  put  his  chaotic  energy  out  there.   wanted  connections  and  a  few  other  hc’s  are  below,  but  pls  see  the  info  link  for  his  full  bio  🖤 💀
          normally  children  of  hades  are  renowned  for  their  godly  parent  alone,  but  rafi’s  reputation  comes  with  years  of  breaking  out  of  that  stereotype  and  forging  a  legacy  of  his  own.   completely  cutting  ties  with  his  mortal  life  he  completed  his  first  quest  at  barely  10,  and  by  the  time  he  shadow  travels  to  camp  athens  on  a  dare  he’s  got  double  figures  under  his  belt.  he  lives  a  life  of  thrill-seeking,  pushing  the  limits  of  his  powers  in  defiance  of  Death  itself  ;  he’s  good  at  what  he  does  and  it  shows,  burning  bridges  as  he  moves  from  one  camp  to  another  without  a  thought  of  those  left  behind.   
          it’s  his  last  quest  that  this  catches  up  with  him  —  along  with  @eusalej  (  third  quest-mate  rejected  in  favour  of  their  egos  💀  )  the  duo  are  lured  into  a  trap  on  false  information,  no  way  out.   rafi  ends  up  using  the  last  of  his  energy  to  help  create  a  diversion  so  she  can  escape,  his  descent  into  the  underworld  of  his  own  volition  —  hades  gives  him  a  choice  then  :  enrol  at  eonia,  or  relinquish  his  soul.
he’s  been  at  eonia  for  around  6  months,  and  has  definitely  not  stuck  to  the  shadows.   at  all.
these  all  radiate  rafi  energy  :  x  like  father  like  son  /  x  loki  obv  /  x  he’d  buy  the  pizzas  /  x  rafi  popping  up  behind  Everyone  on  purpose  with  his  shadow  travelling.
is  an  emotionally  stunted  mess  because  he  didn’t  have  a  stable  home  growing  up  and  his  only  parental  figure  has  been  hades.   would  love  friends  but  also  fears  when  people  get  too  close,  so  he  rejects  them  first  before  they  can  figure  out  they  don’t  want  him  around.  is  v  lonely  inside,  but  hides  it  by  surrounding  himself  with  acquaintances  and  one  night  stands.
if  your  muse  has  been  to  a  well-known  camp,  they’ll  probably  have  heard  of  him  —  he’s  racked  up  countless  quests,  and  while  he  doesn’t  look  intimidating  (  and  deliberately  plays  down  his  necromancy  to  save  putting  off  that  aura  ),  he  is  very  proficient  with  his  powers.
has  a  good  heart  beneath  the  ego,  doesn’t  want  power  or  titles  (  while  money’s  nice,  his  new-found  ferrokinesis  keeps  him  comfortably  in  the  green  )  and  can  be  extremely  loyal  —  almost  to  a  fault  —  if  he  considers  you  a  (  rare  )  friend.
has  a  generic  american  accent  thanks  to  him  wanting  to  Blend  In  (  booooo  )  ;  adopted  one  after  watching  american  films  while  he  was  learning  english.   can  speak  fluent  arabic  still,  albeit  a  bit  rusty.
is  a  social  drinker  —  despite  how  much  he  frequents  polaris  and  as  much  of  a  night  owl  as  he  is,  rafi  doesn’t  drink  in  excess  or  do  drugs.   the  reasons  for  this  are  directly  linked  to  his  powers  :  the  less  in  control  he  is  mentally,  the  more  out  of  control  his  necromancy  is,  as  well  as  a  general  lack  of  connect  with  his  umbrakinesis.   he’s  only  ever  been  black-out  drunk  once  before  and  that  was  enough  for  a  lifetime  ;  waking  up  to  news  that  an  entire  mortal  street  had  had  to  have  their  memories  altered  after  witnessing  the  fear-inducing  display  of  countless  ghosts  rendered  visible,  and  the  way  he’d  felt  death  omens  for  the  next  fortnight  afterwards  was  more  than  enough.
the  most  obvious  :  camp mates.   it’s  safe  to  say  rafi’s  been  around  the  world,  so  people  who  knew  him  pre-eonia  !   whether  they  were  friendly  or  not  —  maybe  rafi  went  sightseeing  with  them,  maybe  his  charm  didn’t  work  and  they  were  relieved  when  he  moved  on.   give  me  all  the  possibilities.
friends.   give  me  those  who  see  past  his  facade  and  put  up  with  his  skeleton  puns.   the  ones  rafi  can  no  longer  run  away  from  because  he  made  a  promise  (  and  his  life  depends  on  it  ).
enemies.   self-explanatory  —  rafi  isn’t  for  (  most  people  )  everyone.
fwb  /  past  and  present  one  night  stands.   rafi  finds  comfort  in  the  beds  of  strangers  on  occasion  and  he  isn’t  shy  about  it.
romance ????   based  on  this  post  ( x )  also  this  song  ( x )  —  preferably  male  aligned,  but  more  open  to  muse  chemistry.   now  he’s  being  forced  to  stay  in  one  place,  give  me  the  slow-burn  are  we  friends  ?  something  more  ?  and  rafi  being  absolutely  terrified  because  he  won’t  have  ever  felt  this  way  for  anyone  before  (  or  at  least  not  this  deeply  ).   him  feeling  like  he  belongs  somewhere......  a  new  concept...... 
these  are  very  basic  because  it’s  nearly  1am  but  i’ll  add  more  if  i  think  of  any  !
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euaxel · 4 years
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⟨ ELLIOT FLETCHER. TRANS MALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, AXEL EVERETT is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT & COMBAT TACTICS MAJOR from BROOKLYN, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite WITTY & SELF-DEPRECATING.
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euclarisse · 4 years
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⟨  CAMILLE  RAZAT.    CIS  FEMALE.    SHE  /  HER.  ⟩    though  the  mist  might  prevent  some  from  seeing  it,    CLARISSE  PROUVAIRE    is  actually  a  descendant  of    K H I O N E.    it’s  still  a  question  of  whether  or  not  the    TWENTY - SIX    year  old    ART  HISTORY  MAJOR    from    AVIGNON,    FRANCE    has  taken  after  their  godly  parent  completely,    but  the  demigod  is  still  known  to  be  quite    EBULLIENT    &    HAUGHTY.
                  ❄    DOSSIER.      ❄    PINTEREST.      ❄    PLAYLIST.
a  sunny  disposition  offsets  clarisse’s  frosty  lineage.    while  one  might  expect  her  to  brush  you  off,    the  girl  is  rarely  seen  without  a  smile  on  her  face,    and  is  welcoming  to  all  she  meets    ⸺    just  as  long  as  they  treat  her  well.    after  all,    her  name  means    ‘  bright  ’,    and  she  is  ever - determined  to  prove  herself  as  such  ;  clarisse  is  always  happy  to  lend  a  hand  where  needed  or  offer  a  shoulder  to  cry  on  if  someone  is  upset.    she  is  a  force  of  positive  energy,    forever  trying  to  find  the  silver  lining  where  there  may  not  always  be  one.    while  she  rarely  lets  things  get  to  her,    clarisse’s  desire  to  trust  and  see  the  good  in  all  means  that  she  is  often  misled.    she’s  not  always  the  best  judge  of  character,    and  she  has  been  hurt  because  of  it  in  the  past.    people  tend  to  mistake  her  trust  for  naivete,    and  while  she  can  be  quite  oblivious  to  people’s  intentions  at  times,    she  won’t  allow  them  to  walk  all  over  her.
          as  the  middle  child  in  a  family  of  three,    clarisse  has  often  felt  like  she  has  to  prove  herself  in  order  to  be  seen.    a  perfectionist  at  heart  and  a  dancer  for  most  of  her  life,    she  tends  to  focus  on  the  smaller  details  and  gets  frustrated  when  things  become  misaligned  or  fall  out  of  place.    she  is  extremely  studious  and  hardworking  as  a  result,    and  has  always  been  at  the  top  of  her  classes.    she  refuses  to  let  herself  be  anything  less  than  number  one,    and  can  occasionally  come  off  as  something  of  a  snob  when  something    (    or  someone    )    doesn’t  meet  her  standards.    once  clarisse  sets  her  heart  on  a  goal,    she  will  always  see  it  through,    no  matter  the  outcome.    she  sees  mistakes  as  a  reason  to  learn  and  better  herself.    improvement  is  never  out  of  reach  for  her  and  it  is  something  that  has  always  been  encouraged  by  her  loved  ones.
          being  surrounded  by  people  is  one  of  clarisse’s  great  joys  in  life.    she  is  fond  of  large  crowds  of  people  and  seldom  likes  to  be  alone,    having  always  been  lucky  enough  to  have  at  least  one  friend  by  her  side.    clarisse  is  usually  seen  as  the  mother  figure  in  her  friend  groups,    and  has  frequently  been  described  as    ‘  the  sensible  one  ’.    there  is  nothing  she  wouldn’t  do  for  her  loved  ones,    but  be  warned,    once  you  have  betrayed  her  trust  and  shown  her  your  true  colours,    she’s  not  so  easily  swayed.    she  is  a  firm  believer  that  second  chances  should  be  earned  through  actions,    not  freely  given,    and  no  one    ⸺    not  even  herself    ⸺    deserves  to  be  excused  purely  on  words  alone.
clarisse’s  mother  is  an  art  collector,    often  acquiring  rare  and  exquisite  pieces  to  sell  to  museums.    both  philippe  and  madelyn  are  benefactors  of  several  large  and  infamous  art  galleries  in  france    (    including  the  louvre    ).    their  donations  are  annual,    significant,    and  their  names  are  almost  synonymous  with  some  of  the  most  prominent  art  communities  in  europe.
clarisse  has  a  grey  long - haired  cat  named  basile.    he  is  of  the  norwegian  forest  breed,    and  was  chosen  with  the  knowledge  that  norwegian  forest  cats  are  adapted  to  colder  climates,    much  like  the  siberian  husky  or  alaskan  malamute.    the  name  basile  means    ‘  regal  ’    in  french,    and  clarisse  frequently  calls  him  her  little  prince.    he  is  her  emotional  support  animal  due  to  her  anxiety.
khione  has  visited  her  daughter  many  times  over  the  years,    though  she  would  often  disguise  herself  prior  to  clarisse’s  official  claiming,    as  she  wanted  to  give  her  daughter  some  semblance  of  normalcy  until  then.    she  always  brings  her  small  gifts,    often  in  the  form  of  jewellery,    and  was  usually  introduced  to  her  as  a  distant  aunt.    one  gift  in  particular  arrived  on  the  eve  of  clarisse’s  sixteeth  birthday  and  was  a  silver  necklace  featuring  a  pendant  of  intricate  snowflakes.    clarisse  has  never  taken  it  off  and  she  treasures  it  immensely.
clarisse  speaks  with  a  heavy  french  accent,    and  it  can  be  quite  difficult  to  understand  when  she  is  speaking  quickly.    her  language  preference  is  french,    as  it  is  her  main  tongue,    and  it  pleases  her  greatly  when  she  runs  into  other  people  who  can  also  speak  french  as  she  doesn’t  have  to  be  so  self - conscious  about  her  speech.
clarisse  was  a  summer  member  of  camp  stark  from  2010 – 2012,    and  left  the  camp  when  she  was  seventeen  years  old.    she  went  on  one  quest  in  the  first  month  of  her  final  year,    and  was  accompanied  by  two  other  camp  members.    their  task  was  to  seek  out  and  return  the  diadem  of  mnemosyne  to  calliope,    the  leader  of  all  muses.    they  were  successful.
before  arriving  at  eonia  university,    clarisse  attended  the  ballet  de  l’opéra  national  de  paris,    where  she  went  on  to  become  one  of  their  principal  dancers.    at  the  age  of  twenty - three,    she  was  forced  to  quit,  after  a  trio  of  harpies  attacked  her  and  several  audience  members  during  a  performance.
aerokinesis    :    perhaps  the  one  power  clarisse  has  used  before  but  still  has  yet  to  fully  refine.    occasionally,    on  a  cold,    stormy  night,    when  the  wind  rattles  the  windows  in  their  frames,    she  is  able  to  brush  it  away  as  it  it  were  a  mere  fly  hovering  about  her  head.    she  has  summoned  gusts  of  wind  in  the  past,    the  most  recent  that  she  can  recall  being  her  final  performance  with  the  ballet  de  l’opéra  national  de  paris.    audience  members  and  staff  will  say  that  it  came  from  the  hole  in  the  ceiling,    but  she  knows  what  she  did,    what  she  is  capable  of  doing.    the  wind  swept  from  her  body  as  sharp  as  knives,    whipping  through  the  theatre  like  a  winter  gale.    it  tore  a  hole  through  the  roof  and  blew  the  creatures  away.    she  cannot  forget.    she  will  always  remember  what  she  is  able  to  do.
cryokinesis    :    it  comes  as  naturally  to  her  as  breathing.    at  five  days  old,    she  was  creating  small  blizzards  in  her  room.    by  eight  years  old,    she  was  making  slides  down  the  staircase  by  pouring  water  over  the  steps  and  freezing  it  to  ice.    clarisse  never  found  it  particularly  strange  or  peculiar  that  she  was  able  to  manipulate  the  cold  with  such  ease.    in  fact,    when  she  was  younger,    she  assumed  it  was  something  that  all  children  could  do,    and  was  left  astonished  when  her  brother  informed  her  otherwise.    she  learned  to  embrace  her  unique  gift  from  a  young  age,    and  taught  herself  how  to  hone  her  abilities  without  expert  instruction,    almost  to  the  point  of  perfection.    she’s  learned  how  to  create  beautiful  figures  made  of  ice,    sculptures  that  her  parents  would  proudly  display  during  dinner  parties  and  family  gatherings.    she  uses  her  cryokinesis  habitually,    and  it  is  something  she  is  completely  unashamed  of,    even  if  the  frequent  demonstration  of  her  power  has  brought  her  trouble  in  the  past.
fearspeak    :    clarisse  is  too  fair  and  too  kind  to  ever  willingly  use  this  ability  on  someone  who  doesn’t  deserve  it,    and  every  time  she’s  ever  used  her  fearspeak  in  the  past,    she  has  felt  nothing  but  the  deepest  of  regret.    for  her,    it  is  a  shame  she  must  carry.    she  never  wishes  to  incite  fear  in  anybody,    but  she  can  sometimes  perceive  what   they  are  feeling.    it  speaks  to  her,    calls  out  to  her,    and  when  it  does,    she  can’t  help  but  inform  them  of  the  worst.
other  abilities  :
heat  sensitivity    :    the  first  ability  that  ever  manifested  in  clarisse  was  a  sensitivity  to  heat.    her  mother  could  never  understand  why  her  baby  would  cry  relentlessly  in  the  middle  of  summer,    or  by  the  fireplace  in  the  living  room  when  it  was  lit.    the  hottest  days  of  the  year  were  an  endurance  for  the  entire  family.    while  she  was  as  obedient  and  easygoing  as  they  came,    it  was  the  one  time  of  the  year  where  she  would  fuss  and  stick  up  her  nose.    she’s  gotten  in  frequent  trouble  with  her  father    (    who  has  a  weak  disposition  and  bad  circulation    )    for  turning  down  the  heating  during  the  coldest  winter  nights.    extreme  heat  makes  her  skin  feel  itchy,    like  she’s  about  to  break  out  in  hives  or  burn  to  a  crisp  on  the  spot,     but  she’s  learned  not  to  complain.
immunity  to  cold    :   clarisse  has  never  felt  the  cold  the  way  that  she  felt  the  heat.    she  says  it  brushes  over  her  like  water    ⸺    almost  unfeeling,    rippling  over  her  skin.    in  the  depths  of  winter,    she  can  walk  around  in  single  layers    ⸺     the  thinnest  silk  dress,    the  shortest  sleeved  t - shirt    ⸺    with  a  smile  on  her  face,    as  if  it  were  any  other  day  of  the  year.    she  seldom  wears  thick  winter  jackets,    but  if  she  does,    know  that  it’s  for  everyone  else’s  sake  than  for  her  own.    it’s  better  to  fit  in  than  be  judged.
it’s  your  fave,    nixie    (    24,    gmt,    she  /  her    )    coming  in  with  muse  number  two    !!!    very  happy  and  excited  to  finally  be  writing  clarisse,    who  I  have  thus  dubbed  as  my  lil  sunshine  winter  baby.    I  know  I’ve  been  hyping  her  up  for  the  last  few  weeks,    but  I  absolutely  cannot�� wait  to  write  her,    so  come  and  plot  with  me    !
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euwilde · 4 years
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⟨ DANIELLE CAMPBELL. CIF FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, RHIANNON WILDE is actually a descendent of HECATE. it’s still a question of whether or not the 27 year old MUSICAL THEATRE MAJOR from SANTA MONICA, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite DEDICATED & TEMPERMENTAL.
                  ↠  character details  ↠ pinterest  ↠ wanted connections  ↠ playlist
Hello, I’m Reggie !! ( 29, she/her/platonic babe ) I’m currently doing two courses and am always tired, but I’m trying my best. My timezone is PST and the west coast is the best coast ayyyye. Catch me looking for bigfoot on the weekeds.
rhiannon grew up in a strange old house by the ocean. most of her time was spent between the beach and the community theatre where her mom worked. while her mom enjoyed all of the background work, rhiannon found her home on the stage. it was thrill of being someone else, anyone else. of drawing in a crowd and feeling their love. maybe it had something to do with the fact that her mom had never been a particularly loving person, and her dad was in an out of her life, or maybe she’s just very vain. either way, she feels most at home on a stage.
rhiannon is in the photography club and works at fireside records.  
her first production was mama mia! she was too young for a bigger role, but it didn’t stop her from learning every song and still singing them regularly to this day.
she’s very much a night owl, but also likes to wake up early, which means her sleep schedule is pretty out of whack. but she loves and afternoon nap and that keeps it all relatively balanced. she can fall asleep anywhere. the strangest place was probably on the kitchen counter with a bowl of mac’n’cheese.
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eulau · 4 years
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⟨ ROSS BUTLER. CIS MALE. HE / HIM. ⟩   though the mist might prevent some from seeing it,   CHARLIE LAU   is actually a descendent of   ATHENA. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-SEVEN year old ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MAJOR from VICTORIA, MICHIGAN, US has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite APPROACHABLE & RECKLESS.
                    character details.  ♡  pinterest.  ♡  wanted connections.  ♡  playlist.
hey all,  i’m jj and i’m a full disaster.  my pronouns are she/her, i’m 26 and i live in the cst.  i work full time but i’m also fake so i’m on discord like  ...  the entire work day unless i’m in meetings.  but i am busy so i can be pretty slow and am likely to be most active on the dash with replies on weekends,  but i’m around to plot all the time so hit me up.  i’m also in the indie rpc which is where i’m most active and by most active i mean barely there,  but anyways.  i’m the worst so i’ll probably end up writing a full bio at some point,  but in the meantime check out the bullet points and his stats. 
at his core, charlie lau is warm.  raised by a grandmother who loved him fully, he learned that the only way to live a life that is full, you need to put your heart into it. so that’s what he has always done.  while some may challenge him by saying if he truly wanted to follow his heart, he’d pursue art,  he disagrees.  because while his art may be how he illustrates his heart,  teaching is how he best thinks he can fill it. he is passionate and empathetic, always willing to take a step back and help whoever is a step behind him. and from his own experiences in school,  he knows how important a good teacher can be. how they can change a student’s entire view of learning.  he wants to make school not only a safe but fun space for kids, regardless of  how they learn. he wants to help them figure out their how, and give them the tools to do so.  he’s almost endlessly patient, only waining with those who who insist on bringing others down.  
while there is uncertainty in life, he has none in his plans for his career.  he is facing the future with bright eyed confidence,  a smile on his face as he prepares to do what he can in a world designed to kick the spirit out of you.  he likes to bring an excited energy to everything he does, and while he doesn’t always think things through enough, he finds that a positive attitude can get him through even some of his worst screw ups.  charlie is the person you want on your side,  and the shoulder you want to lean on.  if you give him a chance to hold your heart he’ll do nothing but keep it warm.
genius intelligence — charlie has always been smart, his education coming easier to  him than it did with any of his classmates. if he could ever sit still. while incredibly smart, he was always critiqued by his teachers for his more hyperactive tendencies and the way he never seemed to be paying attention. he was often accused of cheating on quizzes, as his teachers didn’t think it were possible for him to pay such little attention, but still do well. however, he did pay attention. they just couldn’t realize that this is exactly how he did that.  he’d been known to help his friends study, although he struggled to be very good at that. apparently not everyone learned best if you ran through flashcards while physically hanging upside down on the monkey bars in the local park. however, over time he learned just how his friends best needed to study, and that’s what he’d do. it started a pattern that lead to what he knew he wanted. he hated seeing his friends, or anyone really, lose their confidence in their own minds. he wanted everyone to realize they were smart. capable. and could learn. their minds may just work a little differently.
skilled craftmanship — while he did well in school, there is something he kept to himself. something far more personal than the way he could get away with not really studying for quizzes so long as he listened in class. his love for art. from a young age, charlie was always drawing. on paper, on the walls, it didn’t matter. life was his canvas. and while his grandmother didn’t necessarily discourage it, he did feel as though it was something that he should keep to himself. something that was just his way of reinterpreting the world for his own thoughts, particularly when things seemed to get just a little too crazy.  but nevertheless,  he finds himself always turning to his art.  he always has a sketchbook in his bag and can be found doodling on napkins and the edges of paper placemats. while he doesn’t see anything he draws or paints as impressive, there are always looks of shock as people notice the intricacy of his drawings. as he’s gotten older he’s gained some confidence in his art, however, it is still by far the ability he is least confident in. leading to most of his art being kept shut away in notebooks and folders, away from judgmental eyes.
superhuman agility — charlie likes to think it’s just because he puts in the work, but there is definitely a genetic component to the ease he has in various physical activities. while it is not very obvious, it is subtly super-human, proven by the exasperation of his friends his adolescent years. particularly when playing games like dodgeball or jail tag.
charlie is part of a few student organizations at eonia, including the feminist alliance,  asian students alliance and the rollerskating club.
he works as a student tutor at the library, primarily helping with math and history courses.
he was raised predominantly by his paternal grandmother after the death of his father,  who passed when charlie was merely two years old.  while he doesn’t remember his father,  he grew up with plenty of stories and pictures of his father’s childhood all around the small midwestern home.
charlie and his grandmother lived in a small costal town along lake superior on the upper peninsula of michigan. his grandmother making a living as a home health aid,  driving around the few towns in their area.  because of this,  when charlie was younger he was often taken along with her,  a sketchbook in hand as he tried to do something other then kick the back of the passenger seat from his perch in the back of her car.
as a kid, charlie was very active. he’d grown up playing sports, the attempt of his grandmother to keep a very active child as content as possible. he played baseball and hockey, and as he grew older became one of the several regular bikers that took to the trails for their cardio.
charlie was raised with a pretty heavy religious upbringing by his paternal grandmother, which inspired a great deal of his values. however he doesn’t consider himself religious. he just pulls from teachings about acceptance, loving thy neighbor, and the like. he doesn’t really identify with the “godliness” of any religion as he knows that the greek gods exist.  so who’s to say others don’t? he is focused on the humanity of the all.
charlie’s favorite band growing up was jimmy eat world and no you can’t make fun of him for that because he stands by that choice.
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eusosas · 3 years
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⟨ FROY GUTIERREZ. CISMALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, VICTOR SOSA is actually a descendent of H E S T I A. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old CULINARY ARTS MAJOR from TORONTO, CANADA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite LAID BACK & EMOTIONAL.
hi hi !! it’s sunny, once again, with a THIRD KID . look at us .. who woulda thought .
s  t  a  t  i  s  t  i  c  s  
full  name ,  nicknames  :  victor william sosa  ,  sosa
age  ,  dob  ,  zodiac :  twenty -  one  , september 29  ,  libra
hometown  :  toronto, canada
gender  ,  pronouns :  cismale  , he / him
orientation  :  bisexual , biromantic
height :  5′11″
occupation  :  student / aspiring chef / baker @ bread & butter
language(s)  spoken  :  english  -  fluent   ,   spanish  -  fluent   ,   greek  -  fluent
similar  characters  :  peeta mellark  (  hunger games  )  ,  winston bishop (  new girl )  ,  harvey kinkle  (  chilling adventures of sabrina  )  ,  pam beesly   (  the office  )  ,  terry jaffords  (  brooklyn nine-nine  )  ,  horatio  (  hamlet  )  ,  will turner  (  pirates of the carribean  )
b  a  c  k  g  r  o  u  n  d
tw: physical & emotional abuse
victor sosa senior is a callous and dishonest man who treats his wife poorly and ignores his three kids whenever he can. it was supposed to be another night of infidelity when he’d first met hestia. and though it never had gotten past the point of simple flirting and longing gazes, days later her oceanic blue eyes were the only thing he could think about.
victor sosa jr. arrived on his doorstep a month later, bundled up with familiar blue hues peering up at the man. victor tried explaining this all away to his wife, bianca, who, despite being tired of being treated as a second thought to her husband, enjoyed the finer things in life that he provided. but really, the family dynamic was never the same, the youngest child standing out both aesthetically and personality wise.
being raised by a loveless marriage and alongside kids who think that it’s all your fault can do things to a person’s mind. sosa, he sternly began referring to himself as at the age of 10, was on the outskirts of the household from day one. his mother, hestia, goddess of family and domesticity, could only look on with horror as one of her precious babies endured a shitty childhood.
victor only laid hands on sosa once. he’d accidentally broken one of his father’s watches when roughhousing with his brother and his father snapped. this was also the same time he first discovered his mother’s gifts. it was quick and sudden, but sosa’s pyrokinesis left victor with third-degree burns along the left of his side.
he was kicked out of the house promptly after, and sent to camp voreios, where he was pretty much raised for the remainder of his child/teenagehood. at camp, he learned skills to not only protect himself, but defend others who need it.
p  e  r  s  o  n  a  l  i  t  y
soft boy............
 literally no one knows him as v*ctor at this point, he’s just sosa
he’s a baker and a bit of a cook !! he works at bread & butter and is always thinking up new recipes.
emotional as hell, but doesn’t like talking about it if that makes sense ??
gives the BEST mf hugs . also is really good at giving people advice
bit of a skater boi . he said see u later boi .
can and will plan dinner parties to wine and dine his friends . sometimes their themed, it’s very exciting to him . 
h  a  b  i  t  s
swearing |  fingernail  chewing  | slouching  |  slurring  |  drinking |  smoking  |  drugs | impulse  decisions |  obsessive  phone  checking  |  bad  time  management |  slang  |  poor grammar  |  overworking  |  slacking  off |  over  sleeping | under sleeping |  skin picking |  poor  eye  contact  |  lying | rambling | skipping  breakfast | junk  food  |  self  criticism |  procrastinating |  day  dreaming |  forgetful  |  envious  |  jealous |  gossiper |  drama  whore |  secret  teller |  skipping  class  |  spitting  | lip  licking | lip  chewing |  drinking  from  the  carton |  yelling  |  too  much  internet  |  poor  hygiene  |  impatient | hot headed |  biased  | complaining |  scab  picking  |  buzzfeed |  cheek  biting |  teeth  gnashing  |  shoplifting  | scamming  |  speeding |  hair  pulling |  large  ego |  exaggerating  | fidgeting |  free  loading  |  littering  |  one  -  upping  | whining |  borrowing  without  returning  |  unnecessary  aggression |  plagiarism  |  copying  |  glaring  | spacing  out | ignoring  |  over  critical  | messy |  hateful  |  overly  prideful
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euanais · 4 years
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“love doesn't just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.”   —  ursula k. le guin, the lathe of heaven
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annabananaaa21 · 3 years
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⟨ BAILEE MADISON. CISFEMALE. HER/SHE. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, STELLA "ELLA" FLINT  is actually a descendent of APOLLO. it’s still a question of whether or not the 21 year old PRE-MED from CHICAGO, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite KIND & QUIET.
full name : stella rose flint
nicknames : ella, el, ellie
place of birth : chicago, il 
birthday: december 1, 1999
age : 21 years
gender : cisfemale 
orientation : bisexual 
godly parent : apollo
powers : vitakinesis, archery, and slight audiokinesis 
languages : english, greek
residences : apollo house 
job: bobarista at tea-o-logy 
club(s) : archery club member
sport(s) : tennis team member
enneagram : 9
stella was born to jamie flint on december first at 10:57 PM in chicago, il and was quite the surprise. 
her mother had been married for 17 years when the girl was born and stella just served as a reminder of the infidelity. 
her older brothers never really cared for her and ignored her because 
she was claimed at age ten when her father visited her and told her about a camp in new york where she wouldn't be an outcast any longer
 thereafter she spent the summers at camp half-blood and school years at a boarding school so her family could forget. 
Though eventually she convinced her parents to let her stay year round at CHB (age 13ish) rather than boarding school.
her family wanted to forget about the mistake her mother made with her father which meant forgetting about Stella. So she let them 
there after became a lot happier and felt at home. she only went home for about a week out of the year and she preferred it like that. 
stella doesn’t talk about her mortal family often and never goes home now
she has demigod friends and family so she figured it’s better this way. she avoids the topic of family and only her closest friends know her past 
think of the color yellow and that's her. Her phone is yellow, has a sunflower case, literally just yellow everything, she’s super positive (to the point where people think she is naive but she is definitely not), feminist, loving, warm, and will do just about anything to help anyone.  she literally does not have a mean bone in her body
the only time she has even the slightest stern voice is when someone calls her stella instead of ella or if someone brings up her mother
her strongest is vitakinesis and archery and she loves to use those skills
she hates conflict and is a peacekeeper. she is super sensitive as well. like to the point if someone yells at her she will start to cry
she is a natural-born healer and loves it which is why she is pre-med 
she is insanely smart when it comes to greek history and medicine she loves it so she focuses her energy on that
she can come off as weak and naive but she is so strong and can hold her own with anyone 
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