july tc challenge (days 1-31 one shot)
original post here!
1. describe your tc’s physical appearance.
his hair is a super stunning mix of black and silver, sometimes he has a thin layer of stubble, other times he has a little beard that outlines his jawline, sometimes hes clean shaven, and he has a gold chain and his eyes have really adorable crinkles, especially when he smiles and he has really cute dimples!
2. what was the first thing you’ve ever said to your tc?
im not sure, maybe my name?
3. is your tc single or taken? or are you unsure? and are you single or taken?
hes married with three kids and im very much single
4. is your tc more of the athletic type, the nerdy type or the artsy type?
nerdy type but hes a little athletic too!
5. if you and your tc were in high school together, do you think you’d be friends?
i should think so!
6. name one song that reminds you of your tc and explain why that song reminds you of them.
enchanted by taylor swift cause it reminds me of prom and prom is one of my biggest regrets in my life because i didnt interact with him at all for some really weird reason, what was i doing mannn :'
7. is your tc fashionable or are they more of the simple type? what is one outfit you’d love to see them wear?
slightly more fashionable, like he does style up a little bit but its on the more simpler side, im not sure what i'd like to see him in HAHA
8. would you be willing to become a teacher and teach your tc’s subject if it meant you two could be together?
FOR SURE i love teaching and i love his subject the most so its a winwinwin situation
9. does your tc drink or smoke?
not that i know of but he probably doesnt smoke and maybe he drinks occasionally?
10. name one item that is always on your tc’s desk.
his laptop
11. has your tc ever done anything that has either thrown you off, annoyed you, angered you or bothered you in any way? if so, what did they do?
nope actually!
12. does your tc have any past jobs that you know of, before becoming a teacher?
not sure, i think hes always been a teacher? i know he used to be an english and history teacher but hes now just a history teacher
13. does your tc have kids or siblings? if so, how many?
three kids, not sure about siblings but he looks like he isnt an only child
14. are you taking your tc’s class next year?
unfortunately i wish but no, ive graduated :(
15. has your tc ever met your parents? if you were there, what was the meeting like?
OH YEAH like twice at least? i remember possibly first time was during the parent teacher meeting in year four and he called me a model student and the most recent time was during a parent principal dialogue for my younger sister and i have a whole different post on that but he was praising me and laughing at me to them in a joking way :'
16. has your tc ever given you detention? if so, what was it like?
17. has your tc ever failed you? if so, how did you react? if not, how would you react?
MUAHAH nope except that one time he gave me the lowest score i gotten for his class and i was just like oh makes sense cause i didnt read the question correctly LMAO
18. what are your tc’s hobbies/interests? are they similar to yours?
you know, i actually dont know but he loves football
19. have you ever spoken on the phone with your tc? what did you talk about?
unfortunately never
20. if you had your tc’s class during quarantine, what were your zoom calls like? if not, have you spoken to your tc since quarantine?
nope, his classes were all after quarantine
21. if you had the chance to go anywhere in the world with your tc, where would you go? what would you do?
WOAH i'd just like to roam around the country together, doesnt need to be anywhere special or anything just walk and talk and get to know each other more
22. does your tc have any nicknames for you?
very unfortunately no but hes called me his star history student before
23. have you ever cried in front of your tc? why? how did they react?
24. have you ever walked/drove to/from school with your tc?
nope :( but ive walked around school with him a bit before
25. do you know which teachers your tc is friends with at school? if so, do you like those teachers?
yup, and they're all really nice actually!
26. why does your tc’s voice sound like?
it sounds like oh goodness im not even kidding but its so smooth and satisfying and just really calming, like melted chocolate but slightly raspy
27. do you like your tc as a teacher? are they a good teacher?
YES hes the best teacher ever
28. does your tc prefer books, shows or movies?
dont know but he looks like he prefers books?
29. is your tc stern or easy going, in class?
hes stern but really casual and easy going and fun too actually
30. how would you describe you and your tc’s relationship?
fun and causal and cute and quite comfortable and jokey too
31. do you address your tc by their first or last name?
mister 'first name'
(fun fact, this is my first scheduled post!)
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hobisexually · 2 years
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succubused · 4 years
what do you find so interesting about ddlc
mm well...couple of reasons which can be reduced to 1. game design 2. monika 3. the potential
im really interested in game development and although ive never technically worked in a design role (havent worked in the industry period in over a year....lol), im very into the idea of learning how & i really love the concept of using gameplay as a narrative vehicle. ddlc does that in what i consider to be an extremely effective way using a relatively small number of moving parts and i think its impressive and i think its something i can learn from if i want to start designing stuff one day
ive seen a lot of people say that it looks plastic or that the writing is boring at first and every time i feel like yeah it sure is and thats the point!! it replicates a remarkably bland dating sim in almost every way up until [redacted] except for a few weird monika moments which brings me to my next point which is. monika.
(spoilers after this)
shes one of my favorite characters of all time right up there with isa and jotaro and the like and its because she like.....ISNT a villain at all. shes just a teenage girl who happens to become aware that she doesnt exist in the material world. and the only thing she can do about it is fuck around in the code and its not like she knows whats going to happen...she basically says that sayoris suicide was an accident and after that she started to fixate on the MC bc she like. was doing all these awful things and i think she needed to believe she was doing them for a reason? she reprioritized the MC to be the most important thing possible so of course it makes sense shed be willing to kill/delete her friends in order to get to him...only she doesnt.
even when she thinks they arent real she cant even delete the files. not permanently. so i dont know. i see monikas spiral as the same sort of thing as natsuki/sayori/yuri....all of them were having those facets of their personalities amplified as the result of their scripts being fucked with. and i have a really hard time believing that monika never messed with her own scripts. so monika becoming more and more obsessive/more and more willing to go to extremes to get what she wants probably was her own fault. and i think eventually she realizes that & even when the whole GAME was busted she still didnt delete them.
i kind of think that when you delete her in the just monika end youre deleting the wrecked code that made her act like that and the remnant that protects you afterwards is the “real” monika but thats like. well a lot of this is just me...looking way into an anime girl dating sim horror game....but we are quarantined after all
& speaking of that when she makes it so the game can no longer be played, shes not only protecting the MC, i imagine shes also protecting her friends. sayori wouldve ended up in the same state as monika, and yuri probably would have done even more insane shit. shes trying to make it so that what happened to her can never happen to them & what she did to them can never be done again.
um well the last thing i was going to say is that for such a sparse game that doesnt really involve that much in terms of actual execution it like. theres a lot to work with you know? like i can take the core elements and then build off of them and write hundreds of words about how i think a sprite has psychological trauma. but i think i just kind of proved my point by writing all this in the first place.....the story/implications have a lot of potential and id like to look into that because thats the sort of thing i enjoy doing with fiction
basically, i dont necessarily think it’s a “good” game, but im not sure its meant to be. and it is an excellent framework. so im gonna work with it for a while and see what i can come up with
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lesbeauregarded · 4 years
I was weak and decided to watch SG from the moment i stopped (Maggie’s dad episode). This is what quarantine is doing to me. Anyway, S3 sucked, the only reason it isnt 100% shit is because Reign is a really good villain.
S4 surprised me, i honestly think it might be my favorite sg season overall? Lord, cant believe im saying this. Also, Lena has chemistry with literally everyone in the show except for James, its hilarious lmao. Still miss Maggie but i love Kelly (yes, its possible to love both). And i cant believe they’re following that season with the shit s5 is being.
And now im back to my old Supercorp bullshit. God, i shouldnt have done this 😩
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audiovisualrecall · 4 years
I think my family have gotten complacent abt covid19. Like we all still wear masks etc (except when we fucked up and visited nephew and sister and bro in law without masks and they'd been at a funeral with other people...why the hell were none of us wearing masks????? My sister is a nurse she shouldve been like plz wear masks' but no we all just. Acted like it was a normal day holy shit. But cant change the past, can only go forward). But yeah like. Steph insisted and pushed so now we have a vacay planned for August, and I mean both here and there have low numbers rn but that doesnt mean anything. Someone just came back to ny after visiting Florida and didnt quarantine so now Westchester county has new cases again. Even though we're planning to socially distance as much as possible on the Cape (our hotel rooms are connected, have kitchenettes, restaurants are doing takeout, and the hotel beaches are not usually super crowded and we could always walk to a less crowded one, and obviously we're going to wear masks and stuff) I dont know if its reaaaallly a good idea at all. For all we know the hotel and beach and towns could be packed with idiots not wearing masks. And then besides that...steph is kind of like well stores are open now so we Have to go clothing shopping! I only went to stores to buy things specifically for projects or gift for nephew related or food shopping, we went to target wearing masks of course and I think socially distanced fairly well, but I feel like now it's like okay let's get back to normal! Meanwhile covid19 is STILL HERE and still a threat!!! And everyone's getting lax about handwashing/disinfecting things, steph asked me if we're still wiping groceries down with lysol wipes and im like....uh, YES???? covid19 is still a threat!!!!!! I havent cleaned my wallet or tried to disinfect my cloth bag after going to stores despite touching them after touching other things in stores because I only really touch/carry/use them when im wearing a mask or I wash my hands asap after handling it, but maybe I should clean it anyway. Steph went from insisting strongly that we wear gloves when shopping for anything, be it food or garden supplies, to not wearing them at all. She went from insisting purel isnt enough to disinfect properly after shopping, to considering hands clean if she used purel, and not washing again after getting home. I think, I could be wrong. But even a month ago she was very insistent about it. I get that she wants to act like normal, because she already had something control her life (and she's at the one year mark post breast cancer treatment btw! I think that's part of it, she wants to celebrate. But I'm terrified she's forgetting the very real danger doesnt care, and getting covid19 would put a damper on celebrating.)
Ma is frustrated with her hair length/style and though I've offered to cut it (I cut my own, I can do hers! Easier not in a mirror and backwards!) It makes her nervous and she'd rather a pro do it, but I just.... yeah, we went shopping briefly, and things are opening up again, and hairdressers are open, but it doesn't mean you have to go, or should go. She trimmed the most frustrating part of her hair herself this morning so maybe she doesnt want to or wont go to someone rn after all. Idk. Like yes I went to the dentist and I have another appointment coming up, but with the number of cavities I have I think its essential (also the pain from the back tooth was getting bad and getting the crown put on has helped me eat comfortably, which I think is important). Haircuts arent essential or worth risking health for in my opinion. Making sure my nephew had a good birthday despite having to go to a funeral (unrelated to covid19) on his birthday was worth getting balloons for him and getting craft supplies for my gift. I want to go to the store to return clothing so I dont waste money on shipping it back, as much as I'd like to get clothing - I'd like more tank tops and regular shorts or capris - it feels like a bad idea, it feels like a tempting, dangerous taste of normalcy that really isnt necessary when covid19 is still a threat. I want to go back to work, I am losing money due to health insurance and spending on stuff here and there, but SHOULD I try to go back? Should I call work and talk to manager like I planned, or should I wait? Can I go back to work when we have a vacation planned? Is it worth the risk of interacting with so many people inside a store, and maybe not remembering to wash hands before my break/before eating or something bc I wasnt always gr8 at that before this (I'd touch all the paints and things and then go to the breakroom and eat and like...hands!! Dirty!!!). Like, is it worth it to go back to work??? I would like to be making money. I would like to not be in the house all the time/at home all the time. If we are going to stores to shop, though, why not go to work? But the amount of time is less I guess. Idek.
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ts-akhmim · 4 years
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so. its over and im out of the game. i waited a couple hours to write this because i knew i would hurt some feelings if i didnt and if we learnt anything from today its that jake's feelings get hurt real easy and we wouldn't want that would we. i think the reason i have struggled (and likely still will) to get closure is because i don't think this makes sense for jake? i've had some frustrations and some suspicions with jake over the past two rounds but i had no intentions of cutting him any time soon. i am a shield he so desperately needed what is wrong with him. like even if i wanted to cut him how on earth would i have got it done? with what numbers. to use a quote from autumn in the game we played together before but adapted for this instance, "today we learned unless jake feels like the prettiest girl at the dance every minute of every day, you’re not doing enough". now to the fun stuff. i want to just tribute to adam and autumn. adam is someone i was SO sus of at the start but he is a gem. his personality is so vibrant he is a true gem. autumn hill is who i wanna dedicate this to and focus this on. autumn is one of my best allies ever and one of my favourite ORG people ever... what a complete. legend. such a role model to me in my real life, she has taught me to be confident, to back myself and to not take any shit and for that I'm so grateful. i literally am so honoured to call her my friend and i cant wait to meet her in person when she moves to the UK WOOOO. anyway i've also moved on from being 100% self negative. i fought so hard this season i played so so so hard and i fought my way to F8 despite being a threat since F21. i did the damn thing and im proud, and even tho it sucks that all my fighting was cut short by my closest ally i tried my very best and that's all i can do. thank you to the hosts for bringing me back, its been a... journey hehe
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I don’t think anyone is ready for this round or at least what’ll come of it... I’m expecting an explosion or a mess given Jakey thinks he’s staying, TJ has been lied to, and hopefully Autumn or Adam leave next... its all a mess. If Jakey goes, I’m planning a 2-2-2 split between Autumn and Adam where we maybe get Autumn out but Adam leaving doesn’t hurt either. 
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Well that vote blows... I really thought I had someone that I could navigate this end game with and then it got completely taken away from me. Now, I know I have to do what’s best for my game. And there’s two scenarios I see being possible: 1. Staying with my alliance and voting out Autumn/Adam and then risking that the three Beauties will actually cut someone in that group. 2. I flippy flippy and vote with Autumn (oh dear, I’m actually considering this?) and get Amir out to set myself up with Kendal and Augusto to get to the F3. Amir just told me he has the Beauty idol, so this may be my only shot to get him out of this game. I really need to consider both of these options, because I think this is the round that makes or breaks my entire game.
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Having a mental breakdown over the fact that I’m probably gonna lose jakeys friendship And even tho our friendship was 100% real and I love him so much he’s gonna think it was all fake
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Not a single person in this game has ever wanted to go to the end with me except for kendall Jakeys trying to take her out right now and i want to keep jakey in the game so bad but 4 people want him out so bad and the only way to save him is with my idol and i want to keep my idol and i want to keep a relationship with kendall but augusto will know that its my idol that saved jakey so my entire game will be blown the fuck up so i have to just let him go strategically, Since jakey is leaving, i wanna try and make sure adam is next because hes the strongest competitor that will be left and if i make it to five and four i need to win comps. Okay I need to actually strategize lmao so after this vote if it goes as expected I believe autumn has the idol, just based on how she was behaving Her and adam and me are afraid of tj kendall Augusto final 3, however, if that does become a final 3, I can force it out of kendall, so as long as Adam and autumn do not win immunity, we can split the vote on them, or just 3 beauties vote together strong. I’m also using autumn and Adams target on tj to make tj want them out even more, so next round, autumn and adam vs tj is a thing, and the 3 beauties can be safe as long as it doesn’t tie, and if worst comes to worst, I still have my idol, which can get me in the final 5 but I really really want to save my idol for final 5 
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So here’s my dilemma for the round: I basically started the Adam name with Amir. I would prefer to go with that because I don’t know if I can beat Adam at the end. The problem with this though is that I don’t want to lose Jakey if he’s so for getting rid of Kendall. So where is the middle ground here?
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So I think tonight is going to be my night. I have a lot of power right now in this game oddly enough. Are people potentially going for me, yeah, but I'm going to be safe which means I probably have enough room to screw up whoever's plan I would like to. Amir wants to do a 2-2-2 split, which I can easily screw up if I get Adam and Autumn on my side (which I see possibly happening). I can more than likely convince Autumn she doesn't need to play an idol if she's the vote (maybe on that one). And I know Adam wants to make a move with me saying Augusto is trying to get the vote on me or Autumn, which shows my concern that the three Beauties are at least locked to final four (I don't think they'd all take one another, but I don't think they'll turn on one another just yet). So now, here's where I may be able to take a stand and put myself in a spot where I may have some control. I need that one move that is at the top of my resume... can this be the one? Question is: what the hell is that move?
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I was really confident last night we had a good plan set up but today I dont know why in my gut i feel like im about to be voted out, i dont want to be a pessimist but im just making this so i dont feel like a *complete* fool so um yeah...... we're about to go to tribal in a matter of minutes, autumn isnt playing the idol so im gonna feel real dumb if i gave it to her and she screws me over, but i did my work, and at this point all i can do is sit and keep my fingers crossed things go my way, but trust and believe even if im voted out yall will see ONE final confessional from me dragging them left and right. 
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Okay back to this game, so basically, I do not trust anyone at this current moment not a single person except maybe kendall, this is the most wild vote I have ever ! I think I’m getting bamboozled literally, OKAY OKAY OKAY so Augusto tells adam that he wants to do autumn, Adam tells me and autumn that, we talk to autumn, autumn gets tj on board. From my perception, autumn and adam should be believe that us 4 are voting Augusto and leaving kendall out of it. But then tj and I already told Augusto that plan, and the real plan is to 2-2-2 them, Incase one of them plays an idol. But I have so much fear from the things that tj has been telling Augusto about his fear of my idol and me being at final 5 and 4, and also telling me he’s scared Theres no cracks in the beauty alliance, so he might actually agree to that plan with us and then 3-2-1 me by telling them everything because he literally could do that And then whoever wins immunity is going to change everything even more, because of one of them wins, the other can play the idol on themselves which is a whole ass mess in itself, and right now, it just comes down to if I trust tj and Augusto . R they telling me the truth or are they lying ? Like I’m dkdjdjnd kdndkdnd Anyway, I probs am playing my idol today cuz I don’t wanna look like booboo the fool but also we love risks, so I might just not play my idol, idk idk it depends who wins immunity and it depends on the vibe I get from tj moving foreward 
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So I haven't really been making confessionals... In my defense I have been busy but that doesn't mean I haven't been active... So I have a final 2 deal with everyone in the cast sans Autumn. I have a deal with TJ, I have a deal with Augusto and I have a deal with Amir. And as much as it sucks I am going to stick to Augusto and Amir. Sorry TJ you are a good bean but I don't want to lose to you. 
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Should I blame the whole plan on tj http://prntscr.com/ss4sie
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i didnt make a confessional before the live since i wasnt sure what the HELL was gonna happen so hello coming to you LIVE from the afterlife because yall didnt THINK you could fly me off this island without one last adam rant for the season did you? for the first time in all 3 times ive played actually....feeling some type of way over being voted out, maybe it's just because of quarantine and having literally nothing better to do, but i took this game seriously and i tried my damndest. I think my fatal mistake was trying too hard (or maybe not enough?) today with certain people, i was trying to play them all and my biggest fear of them either comparing notes and catching on, or they just didnt want to hear me out, ALSO THE TWIST PLEASEEEEEE im kinda glad if i went out it was kinda just....in that big bang of a mess, i mean, a legacy advantage and an idol being played AND wasted? ugh i really had the gals and gays shook and bothered!! because at least now i can blame that to feel slightly better about myself, because trust and believe if i had even just TEN MINUTES to strategize i think i couldve convinced autumn to use our idol on me because i had a feeling in my gut it was coming especially with how silent it was, i also regret not CAUSING A DAMN SCENE. I HAD 10 MINUTES TO SAVE MYSELF AND I REALLY LET MYSELF BELIEVE I WAS IN THE CLEAR AND NOW IM CLEAR-LY OUT THE GAME. foolish man. (foolish man being ME). but whatever. at least i got to clear my name from THOSE DAMN BEAUTYS, I KNEW THEY WERE GONNA BE MY UNDOING ONE WAY OR ANOTHER SINCE DAY 7. im not entirely bitter at anyone for lying to me since i was lying just as much, but ultimately i feel like for the entire season i did the best with what i had. I could be a complete fool but even now that im out of the game i STILL stand by what i said with how i feel like i played with my back against the wall for most of the game and i felt like it was truly SO hard getting people to want to work with me especially early on and FOR WHAT REASON? but whatever, it made the game interesting to me at least because i felt like they wrote me off, so i wrote my own ending. and clearly it wasnt the ending i wanted, but im surprisingly at peace with it in a weird way even just as im typing it out, i feel like for the first time in my tumblr survivor career i didnt just sit back and do nothing, i got to get my hands a little dirty, be apart of some good plays, and according to ali i actually did have some sort of a shot at winning r i p, im a really competitive person (the downside of being an aries) so the fact that i even got to play the game and enjoy making moves, i know i tried my best and that's what matters in the end!!! Also not to toot my own horn but im VERY happy i can at least say im happy with my  finishes being 3rd, 5th, 6th.. not bad for a girl with no talent! not me realizing with me getting 6th place and all these idols/advantages coming out i almost had a cirie game changers moment... ugh even more iconic. anywho AUTUMN IS THE ONLY ONE I WANT TO WIN SO SHE BETTER DO THE DAMN THING. 
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hey you guys, it's me adam coming to you from post tribal where i was just voted ou- what? huh?? they didnt vote me OUT??? gorl what in the 2020 is going on here because i was shocked, i mean im THRILLED, the devil works hard but i work harder (autumn too ofc she probably did more than me actually DKJSA) - BUT im a little in awe because guess what this is the FIRST time i really just had to trust the people i have been talking with and they didnt screw me over, yet at least, i know jake was just a universal threat especially after the little stunt he pulled... so now my thoughts on that, ill tell you i was ready to go into tribal and for him to try and verbally murder me on his way out, so im glad he didnt do that but im always ready to fight so i wouldve loved the drama. kinda sad we didnt get it SDJKAF but all in all, i was all for working with jake to take down that other side, but if youre gonna burn me you better prepare for the inferno im gonna fire back, and sure the others couldve just wanted jake gone for their own plans, but i think me and autumn absolutely did THAT and thats that on that. I knew TJ was going to vote for me thanks to Kendall because me and her have truly bonded over wanting to get jake out this round for throwing both of our games into chaos, and guess what, while me and kendall may not have been talking as much before, im about to get REAL buddy buddy with her she's suddenly my bestie boo because now that we're at 6? game on. I want kendall in the end with me and i need to keep convincing her that she needs me with her and ill vote with her, and i think she's interested in it unless she's playing me because she did give me that TJ tea, which love tj as a person im actually not mad, he will just need to be voted off next still if i have anything to do with it OOP. He doesn't really fit into any of my plans, plus he's officially the only person to vote for me now except for either liam or the prejury? probably the pre jury, so now i know i probably cant trust him, but getting amir out next could also be the move, it all really depends on immunity, im gonna keep up on my appearences, get my princess diana wave on and be bestie boos with as many people as i can because my strategy at this point is to just make sure everyone believes they need me around, im not a THREAT im here to HELP you, but ultimately im only looking out for my best interest like hello its the game, and autumns too for now because she still has that idol that we can play to benefit both of us, so who the hell knows what's gonna happen live tomorrow but bring it on because im ready for a battle 
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So now that that's done and I'm cute and immune, I can confirm it all. Yes I do have the merge idol, yes I've had it since Final 7 but planned not to play it until Final 5, and yes that makes me the most powerful person here. Deadass everyone wants my head on a stick and I don't give a single fuck. I'm chilling all weekend, letting them think they're doing something if/when I lose win immunity, and then I'm sending a man out on one vote Monday night. You think they hate me now? Wait til they find out they can't take a shot at me until Final 4 lmaaaaoo. Be blessed!
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