stormyoceans · 8 months
Just some cute shit that will cheer you up.
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troubatrain · 4 years
new year’s day - m.tkachuk
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a/n: i wasn’t going to write a part two to tis the damn season, but i couldn’t help but feel like new year’s day was an excellent excuse to write one so here we are. i started this blog about a year ago sometime after new year’s and it’s been a little crazy but you guys are honestly awesome. i just wanted to thank you for constantly supporting my fics and chaotic ways i write and all of the people who i get to idea dump with. thank you & have a happy and safe new year’s!
Life was sweet.
Matthew had been blissed out since the moment you both arrived back in Calgary, like the last piece of his life had fallen back into place. You were the kind of peace he needed, someone who anchored him down before his ego got the best of him, and someone who could see past all of the bullshit to begin with. Matthew knew a storm was on the horizon, the talk about what any of this means after you left to go back to St. Louis. Matthew fucked up the first time, because he a dumb kid who wasn’t ready for anything life was about to throw at him. He got scared, all of the new pressure in his life got real and he ran away from the only thing that comforted him.
For the moment, none of that mattered. What was important to him right now was watching you laugh with a few of his teammates in a dress Matthew intended on taking off later.  A laugh he could have recognized anywhere. It was New Year’s Eve, and Matthew was hosting, something he never thought would happen. His teammates thought he was kidding when he asked if they wanted to go to his place for a New Year’s Party, but he was being serious. You outdid yourself, telling Matthew he couldn’t possibly have a party with any sort of decorations.
“You look good with a girlfriend Chucky,” Matthew’s stare was broken but Mark’s voice behind him. A hand lands on his back of his neck to cover the blush. You made him better, that’d been clear from the moment you walked in your freshman English and sat next to Matthew. He had a perfect grade in that class, because he spent a year trying to impress you before he finally just asked you.
“Trying not to fuck it up this time,” Matthew admits sheepishly, because he was so nervous about losing you again, “She’s always been it for me, but I can’t just ask her to stay here-”
“You don’t have to, just let her know she’s part of your plan,” Mark suggests, and it makes sense to Matthew. When you dated the first time, he had all these plans. His plan for where he’d go before he got drafted, his plan to play his first year, and none of them ever included you. Well they did, but Matthew wasn’t about to tell you he wanted to marry you at seventeen. You deserved to know that when he thought about his future, it was with you. 
It was here. It was watching you joke with Johnny and Sam like you’d known them for years. It was the first game you went to after you landed and Matthew got to skate out for warm ups and see you against the glass. It was the other morning when he caught you peeking out the windows of his condo while snow was falling, your eyes sparkling at the site. Matthew couldn’t think of anything else he wanted for the rest of his life besides you.
Matthew excuses himself from the conversation, catching a glimpse at the time. It was five minutes to midnight, a New Year was about to ring in and he got to spend it with you. He sneaks behind you, grabbing your waist and pulling into him, “Hi.”
“Matty,” You squirm, giggling while Matthew tickled at your sides. He didn’t care who heard you call him Matty because it was you. You look up at him, a smile on your face while you pressed a kiss to his cheek. Matthew scoffs, pointing to his lips, “At midnight bubs.”
“Yeah bubs,” Sam teases, Matthew lifting up his middle finger. You grab his hand, lacing your fingers with his.
“Just admit you’re a big baby Matthew, it’ll save us some time,” You smirk, Sam breaking out in laughter. Matthew was a big baby, constantly whining when he couldn’t pull you close in bed or pouting his way through something he didn’t want to do, “Now countdown to midnight with us…”
A chorus of cheers and New Year’s wishes filled Matthew’s place, but all of that was static with your lips pressed against his. His hand was splayed across your back, the bare skin peeking out of your dress was on fire from his touch alone. His other hand was tilting your chin up, holding you close to him.
“Happy New Year baby,” Matthew mutters, another quick kiss to your lips before he pulls away. Your eyes fluttered open, snapping back into reality.
By the time it was two in the morning, Matthew had managed to push his party guests out and his next task was you. You were spinning around his bedroom, and Matthew was waiting for you to trip over your own heels every second. You finally flop down on his bed, kicking your feet out, “Please?”
Matthew sighs, pausing from unbuttoning his own dress shirt and sitting next to you on the bed. He unbuckles your heels, “Have fun tonight?”
“I like it here,” You whisper, as if you’d been afraid to admit it. You snuggle into the bed, your eyelids getting heavier by the minute, “Because you’re here.”
“I like it here more when you’re here too pretty girl,” Matthew grins, his eyes soft when he looks down at you, “You need to get out of this dress.”
“Get me out of it,” You smirk, picking your head and giving Matthew a wink. If you weren’t five tequila shots deep he probably would have, but he knew you were far too drunk for that. He chuckles, shaking his head and tossing you one of his shirts and walking into the bathroom. He finally got back into his room, your head on his pillow while you waited for him.
He finally jumps into bed, throwing an arm over your waist and pressing a kiss to your shoulder, “Goodnight.”
“Matty?” You call out, whispering before he falls asleep on you. He hums, waiting for you to speak, “Don’t give up on me this time.”
And Matthew could have sworn he felt his heart break.
You woke up with a massive headache, only getting worse by Matthew’s snoring in your ear. The past week had been nothing short of perfect, Matthew pulling out all the stops to prove he really did want you back. You roll over in his arms, tracing the side of his face, he wasn’t going to wake up. Matthew hadn’t changed, and that meant he still slept like a rock. Your fingers moved along the stubble across his chin, a new addition with change you were starting to love.
You finally got out of bed, tossing on whatever hoodie Matthew had closest to the bed and padding down the hallway to turn up the heat. Calgary was cold, a bitter kind you were in a hate/love relationship with. Most of the love came from why you were here, and the weather was something you just needed to deal with. You walk through the living room, plastic cups from the night before were covering the place. Confetti and polaroid's thrown across the coffee table with intentions for them to be a problem for another time. You pick one up, of you sitting on Matthew’s lap. You were looking at the camera, a wide smile on your face while Matthew was just looking at you.
“I want that one,” Matthew’s raspy morning voice caused you to jump, his long arm reaching over and holding the picture in his hand, “For here.”
You give Matthew a small smile, watching him run his finger over the picture. He’s quiet for a minute, biting his lip like he’d been debating what to say, “Matty?”
“I see you in my future,” Matthew breathes out, his last and final confession he had to make to both of you, “When I think about all of the things I want, you’re always there.”
“What if it happens again?” You whisper, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. The very real fear of this imploding on the two of you scared you like no other. You had to put those pieces back together alone, and you weren’t sure if you were prepared to do it again, “What if this is too much and-”
“It won’t be, I’m ready this time,” Matthew assures you, “I was ready then too, but I didn’t think you’d be. I had to give you up because you deserved better than following me around while I got myself settled. I am, I’m here and I’m ready for this.”
Matthew’s voice was raw, pleading with you that he was telling you the honest to god truth, “This isn’t going to be easy.”
“I’d rather do hard with you than easy with someone else Y/N,” Matthew smiles, his dimples poking out.
“Matthew I swear if you break my heart again,” You threaten, poking your finger into his chest, “I will let your brother kick the shit out of you.”
Matthew chuckles pressing kisses all over your face, the sound of your laugh flooding his place. You spent the rest of New Year’s cleaning the condo, picking up the empty champagne bottles left from the night before and spending the day on the couch before your flight left.
What Matthew didn’t know then, was that it would work. Long distance was rough, but you’d both made enormous sacrifices for each other. It took planes, trains, cars and a whole of patience, but by the time the next year rolled around- things still seemed to work. You walked through the lobby of Matthew’s place in Calgary, your suitcase felt heavier than it had been on any of your previous trips. You had a late Christmas present for him, one that if you didn’t give him in person it wasn’t going to be the same.
“You’re here!” Matthew hops off the couch when you let yourself in, he grabs your waist picking you up and spinning you around. Matthew presses a kiss to your lips, his tongue slipping into your mouth when you stopped him, “Babeeeee…”
“Quit your whining, I have something for you,” You stop him, opening up your suitcase and pulling out a folder. He furrowed his eyebrows, sliding it open. It was a job offer. One for your dream position. In Calgary.
Matthew was stunned, speechless while his eyes read over the offer four times. It was real and if it meant what his brain thought it did it meant that a year of long distance was about to be so fucking worth it. His finger ran across the paper, looking up at you. You had a grin on your face, happy with yourself for not telling him until this very moment.
“I’m going to take it, if that wasn’t obvious-” You start to explain, but Matthew had scooped you back into his arms before you could finish speaking. His arms were holding you tightly, muttering something into your shoulder, “What was that?”
“I didn’t say anything,” Matthew’s eyes were bulging out his head, and you narrowed your eyes at him. He was lying to you, you just gave him the best news of his life and he’s lying to you.
“Stop lying”, You demand, stepping out his arms, “Do you not want me here?”
“Fuck, no baby I do, I just-” Matthew sighs, running into his arm and rummaging through his drawers. You stood by the door, confused as to what had gotten into your boyfriend.
“I was going to do this tonight, I even flew out our families, because I got you back on New Year’s and,” Matthew steps back into the room, a blue box in his hand in a color you’d be damned if you didn’t recognize, “In all of my life, I’ve only ever known that I was supposed to be with one person, and that was you. You’re my soulmate, and the world has constantly tried to pry us apart but I swear it just made us stronger. We’re the best god damn team in the world Y/N, and I think we’d be even better if you married me?”
Your hand was over your mouth, tears spilling out while Matthew’s soft blue eyes were staring into yours. He was right, you were the best team in the world. You were two people who could look at each other in a crowded room and know what the other was thinking. You were in love, and the few years where you tried to convince yourself it wasn’t always going to be Matthew at the end were just a part of the story. You nod your head, watching Matthew put that ring on your left hand and you couldn’t help but think about the way you’d get to tell your children and grandchildren your most epic love story.
Because after all, you wanted his midnights, and everyday after that.
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damnedparker · 4 years
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x reader (gender neutral; no y/n)
warnings: food mention, obi-wan being the sweetest
summary: obi-wan takes care of you when you have a headache.
also posted on ao3
a few obi-wan fluff burbs have been sitting around on my computer since i fell in love with him so i figured i’d post one of them. more fluff from me? who would have guessed. i’m a sap
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It was quite a challenge to hold back an audible groan at the pain throbbing in your head as you made your way through the halls of the temple. The lights were far too bright, and, having just gotten out of a meeting with a few of the other Jedi Masters, your head was racing with thoughts that you wish, for the love of the Maker, would just stop.
Finally, you stopped at the all-too familiar door and knocked, only having to wait a second or two before you got a reply to come in, and you trudged into Obi-Wan’s quarters, only to find the gracious sight of the man’s bare back. His freckled skin was still damp, a few droplets hanging onto his shoulders as he shuffled through his closet, probably for something to wear.
“You let everyone in without question while you’re in such a vulnerable state?” You took a moment to openly stare at his form, only covered by a towel he was lazily grasping at his waist. It wasn’t often you could openly admire the way his freckles spread over his shoulders, fading out over his back and giving way to littered scars from past battles. These were now mixed with a few new purpling bruises. It took quite the amount self-control not to rush over and press loving kisses over each individual mark.
“I could tell it was you, your thoughts are quite loud,” he remarked, teasing as usual, before turning to you. “I thought you weren’t coming until later, darling.” Your self-control grew thin as you moved towards his now open arms, pressing your face into his bare chest, still warm from his shower. Obi-Wan smelled just a bit more strongly of his usual scent, something a bit citrusy and spicy; clean and comforting. He wrapped his arms around you without hesitation, letting you hang on to him.
“I excused myself on account of my head feeling like it’s going to implode.” You mumbled. His chest vibrated against your cheek as he let out a hum of acknowledgement. He massaged his fingers against your lower spine as you indulged in the hug for a bit longer before finally pulling away. “Sorry, I would’ve let you know I was coming, I’m just a bit out of it.”
“You don’t need to apologize,” he leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I’m always happy to see you. I’ve missed you, my love.” Obi-Wan’s hand came up to gingerly caress your cheek, and you leaned into his touch, giving him a simple nod in agreement. He had just recently gotten back from a mission that had left him absent from the Temple for far too long for your tastes, and you had only gotten a few moments with him upon his return the night before. The discreet hand squeeze and few quiet words were, simply put, not enough to sate your need to be in his presence again. It was all the two of you could get in before his lengthy debriefing, and him unintentionally falling asleep as soon as he reached his quarters in the early hours of the morning. You didn’t blame him of course, you could tell how weary the war was making him at times, and you were thankful he just came back to you in one piece. Affectionate moments in private could wait until he was fully rested and well. “As much as I’m fond of this position, I think we could continue this more comfortably once I’m dressed.”
“I mean, I’m not complaining…” You shrugged, trying your best to give him pleading eyes. He only cocked his eyebrow in response, a small smile crossing his lips at your flirting. Half your wishes were crushed as he pulled on a pair of lounging trousers.
Soon enough, he was joining you on the small loveseat in his quarters. His hand went straight for your thigh, giving your leg an affectionate squeeze.
“Have you eaten today?” Obi-Wan kept his voice soft, not wanting to irritate your headache. You thought for a moment, realizing you hadn’t really had anything aside from a bland ration pack leftover in the pocket of your robes, not having the energy or appetite to find any real food. “I’m going to assume that’s a no, then.” You almost let out an audible whine once he stood, his comforting warmth leaving your side. “I’ll bring us back some food from Dex’s, why don’t you lay down for a while and rest?”
“Eating something will surely help that headache of yours, no?” He fixed you with an assertive look, stubborn as ever, but for your own good. You sighed and mumbled something childish under your breath. Although you knew he was right, all you really wanted was to curl up with him for the rest of the night. You sunk into the cushions of the loveseat, laying down, as he returned to his closet to put on a shirt. You found yourself drifting off a bit almost immediately, only to be stirred by a blanket being thrown over your form and lips meeting your forehead. Your eyes fluttered open to meet Obi’s gentle blue gaze, a soft smile. “I won’t be long, angel.”
Your quick nap was only woken by the whoosh of the door to Obi-Wan’s living quarters opening, the scent of something delicious wafting to your unmoved position on the loveseat. You hadn’t really felt hungry all day, but the smell of food had suddenly roused your appetite.
“How’s that head of yours, sweet one?” His lips quirked up in a small smile at your tired form, still wrapped in a blanket, now sitting. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and scooted over to make room for him next to you, which wasn’t really necessary as he sat as close as possible to you. You shrugged in lieu of a response and reached for a bite of food. “I see your hunger has overtaken your ability to speak.”
“Sorry.” You mumbled through a mouthful. Obi-Wan just chuckled softly and kissed your head before moving to eat as well.
The food was ravished after a short amount of time, and you almost instinctually sunk into the warm embrace of the Jedi next to you, headache now a dull throb. He gently ran his thumb over your hip with the arm placed securely at your waist, nudging his head affectionately against yours.
“Much. Thank you, Obi.” You sighed, pressing a kiss onto his bearded jaw. He hummed, gently guiding you over to his bed to lay down for the night. Like clockwork, the Jedi pulled you half on top of him, holding you securely to his chest and sighing in content. “I really missed you.”
“I sure hope so,” he remarked, earning a pinch from you. He chuckled, running his hand up and down your spine comfortingly. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. I don’t like seeing you so distressed.”
“Sometimes I think you’re the only reason I’m still functioning,” you sighed. “I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
“I feel the same,” he squeezed you affectionately, mimicking a hug. “Whatever happens, be it a headache or something miles worse, I will be here for you, my darling. You are my life; do you know that?”
“I love you, Obi-Wan,” you murmured into his skin, as if the words would permanently etch themselves there. You wanted him to know that, now and forever. The both of you were entwined together for the rest of eternity, Jedi code be damned. He returned the words softly against your forehead and sealed them with a kiss.
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darlinrogue · 4 years
Having played hockey for years, Kenny is certainly agile. Having wrestled for years, Kenny, again, is certainly agile—quick and light on his feet. Dancing, however, is something else entirely. Similar to ice skating, but much more precise. Similar to wrestling, but you’re probably not supposed to hurt your partner. But Page had asked him for a dance, and how could Kenny say ‘no?’ “Real romantic, cowboy.” One of his hands intertwining with Page’s, the other at his shoulder. “You lead, then.”
Slow Dancing
|| Adam and Kenny // @ofgrief
The phone screen blurred. A flick of his finger sent text bubbles flying. The group chat brimmed with messages and notifications he wasn’t ever going to read. Adam opened the settings. His thumb hovered over the ‘leave group’ button, scrawled in red text. Instead, he closed the app and opened Spotify. He chose a playlist labelled ‘relaxing.’ Softer country music, more folksy shit, some slower Led Zeppelin. A lot of Bruce Springsteen sounding sad. The work of slower tempos that wouldn’t grate on his nerves. Made an unfamiliar space more his own.
Adam hooked his leg up on the bar stool spindle. He rubbed his hand over his jaw and dragged his fingernails through the beard stubble. The nice lady who did hair and make-up trimmed it for him today. The ice shifted in his drink, two fingers of whiskey. Week-to-week the bars changed. The scenery shifted with the ever traveling road shows of AEW. Some constants remained like the cheap chairs, the bland decor, the warm lights. Every bar had a different style of glass, some taller, some thinner, some clear, and some clouded. After hours, the bar was always the quietest spot as wrestlers escaped the halls for hotels and the production crew packed-up shop. Most important, no one Adam was avoiding ever came to the bar. It was a guaranteed retreat. At least in Jacksonville he could drive home tomorrow morning. Cuddle his dogs and be a homebody for a week. Silence the group chat, put his head phones in, and run until he didn’t know where he was anymore.
The holidays were a brief respite and a greater blessing. Adam returned to his childhood home as a jaded man seeking shelter from the shit storm just off his family property. He drank eggnog with his mom and helped her set up the Christmas tree. Caught-up with his sister and went riding with in the nipping cold of late-December. Shared the traditional whiskey shot with his father by the kitchen sink. Distant relatives filtered by for dinner. Cousins that patted Adam on the back and told him they saw him on TV. Grandparents that just didn’t get why Adam stopped being a teacher, even years later. Grandma made pies for Christmas morning and Adam’s mom got him cool cowboy themed pajamas. For a second Adam forgot about what waited outside the front gate. Then he arrived in Jacksonville, New Year’s Day, and it all came around.
The door opened and Adam glanced over his shoulder. Kenny peaked around the corner, his hair fallen over his shoulders. When he spotted Adam, he smiled, teeth flashing. Kenny walked into the room and closed the door behind him.
“Hey, hey, there you are Pizz!” Kenny greeted, he snapped his fingers rhythmically as he jaunted over to Adam. Kenny slid onto the bar stool and his eyes darted over the room. Kenny wiggled his hips, the leather creaking, as he situated himself in his seat. There was an easy grace to his movements but a tight tension in his shoulders. “Been looking all over for you.”
Sweat stains darkened the fabric across Kenny’s chest and arms. His hair was damp but drying, curls fluffed and unruly. The match earlier left his cheeks flushed from exertion. Kenny sighed as he leaned back against the chair, face tilting to the ceiling and eyes fluttering closed. Adam bet that was the first time he’d sat down all day. Trapped in a ring with Rey Fenix, Pentagon, and PAC, Adam counted it lucky Kenny stumbled-out with all his attached pieces.
“You good?” Adam asked, he tapped the volume down on his phone so the melodramatic singing dropped to a low purr. ‘Drive me—crazy’ “You guys had a good match out there tonight.”
“Yeah, we did, a great start to the year if you ask me,” Kenny said. He looked at Adam and he grinned again. Something flipped in Adam’s stomach. “Can’t ever complain about a mark in the win column, especially against PAC. I feel good, like I’m getting my feet under me.”
To emphasize his improving condition, Kenny shook-out his arms and shoulders. A jitter that extended all the way to his fingers. He interlaced his hands and stretched-out his shoulders with an arch of his back. He settled his grip on the counter edge.  Kenny chewed on his lip and there wasn't anything playful in his eyes.
“You know, it would’ve been nice, if you came and joined us, after?” Kenny admitted. “Matt, Nick, Cody, myself, we all would’ve loved to celebrate with you. You know, like a family. None of us thought AEW would last to the New Year, this was a big deal, a big night. Something we couldn’t have done without you.”
Adam breathed a laugh, shaking his head. He sought the last bit of comfort he could wring from his glass. “You know, I’m just, trying to get some space. Get my shit sorted-out before I hand it all to you guys. I just don’t think— I just didn’t think it’d be a good idea to go down to the ring.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get that,” Kenny said, and Adam doubted it. Because the next thing he said was, “Matt and Nick miss you. I miss you.”
“Yeah, I— I know,” Adam said. He investigated his glass, the intricate pattern of cut crystal and how the light played between the facets. The pale press of his white, scarred knuckles. He attempted to make new friends, to branch-out, hadn’t worked-out too hot. Adam’s glorious single’s run, hadn’t worked-out too hot either. Hell, next week he even had a match with Kenny. So, evidently his bold proclamation that he was leaving the Elite, was not heard. Maybe he hadn’t been loud enough. “Like, I said, I just, need some time.”
“That’s fine, but, Adam? We’re here for you. We’ll always be here for you,” Kenny said.
Adam’s eyes snapped-up to meet Kenny’s gaze. The sound of his name so foreign in Kenny’s mouth. The Bucks called him ‘Hangman’ and the comms ‘Adam Page.’ Kenny favored ‘Page’ or ‘Pizz,’for some reason. The only time Adam heard just his name was when he talked to his mom. Those two syllables, in Kenny’s mouth, set a fire in Adam’s chest. It was a spell. Kenny could ask for literally anything and Adam would say ‘yes.’ A totally unfair advantage. Kenny left Adam helpless and weak; But Adam let Kenny hold all the cards. 
Kenny, unaware of his power, patted Adam’s thigh. His palm rested against Adam’s jean and his nails worked against the fabric. Adam heard his pulse in his throat. “So, whenever you’re ready to come back? We’ll be here, waiting. Don’t think we’re just going to forget about you, or that you’re not welcome. The Elite, us, we’re something special, and it’s always going to mean something. Yeah, we can fight and have our disagreements, but that’s okay. We will always come back together.”
Adam grinned, the corner of his mouth curling. “You have been feeling better, lately, haven’t you?”
“Yeah, I have,” Kenny breathed with a laugh. He patted Adam’s thigh and knee once more before retracting his hand. “I took those first few losses really hard, I’ll admit that, but I’m back! I got my feet underneath me and I’m ready for the new year. I felt it tonight, Kenny Omega, is back, and I think the crowd felt it too. They were a live wire tonight, oh, I could feel it in my toes. Did you see it?”
“You uh, definitely seemed, happier?” Adam managed.
Kenny nodded and smiled approvingly. This Kenny, with his easy grins and ‘Power of Friendship’ speeches was a helluva a lot better than whatever the hell was going on in October. A few months ago he was barely functional. His voice muted and dulled over the phone. Adam wasn’t going to pretend that their way-too-late at night phone calls had anything to do with Kenny’s improvement. Kenny just needed someone to vent to that wasn’t Michael Nakazawa or a Young Buck. So, that left Adam. Adam also wasn’t going to pretend that his willingness to stay-up way past his bedtime wasn’t an act of pure devotion. Any excuse to talk to Kenny. Any excuse to have something special with Kenny.
Even when Adam knew he shouldn’t be talking to the Elite —for their collective good— Adam made an exception for Kenny. What puzzled Adam the most though was Kenny’s willingness to listen back. To hear-out Adam’s side of the story and all his twisted anxieties and fears. About the more wretched parts of Adam he couldn’t even tell his mom about.
For Kenny to hear about the worst aspects of his past and personality, and decide to keep talking to him— that part confused Adam.
“So, uh, about next week, I saw on the graphic we have a match?” Adam interjected. “Against Private Party? When did that happen?”
“Oh, you didn’t know?” Kenny asked, his brow furrowed and creased but it melted off in a heartbeat. He shrugged, “Yeah, TK booked it for us. We got two wins, and in a young company like ours? That’s pretty notable.”
“They’re shitty wins, Kenny,” Adam pointed-out.
Mox and Pac did not qualify as a tag-team. They worked like two Rottweilers shoved in a sack together and then told to get along. All Kenny and Adam had to do was stand back and watch the duo implode. Kip Sabian and Shawn Spears were a mess, in the worst ways. Of course those two flimsy wins, was before Adam factored in their two losses. Both against legitimate tag-teams that knocked Kenny and Adam down a peg. Kenny and Adam may’ve been in the same stable for close to four years, but it’d been that long since Adam shared a corner with him. It absolutely showed too. Adam had watched the tapes back and he bet Kenny didn’t appreciate the bruises from his so called partner.
“But wins, nonetheless,” Kenny retorted. He bunted his knuckles against Adam’s shoulder. “Shitty wins count. We take those.”
“Private Party is a real tag-team,” Adam said, but he shrugged, nonchalant. Smacked the back of his hand against his palm on each word for emphasis. “But I guess I can whoop their asses.”
“That’s the spirit,” Kenny said.“Yeah, Private Party beat the Bucks. They’re good, but not that good, I think we can do it.”
“Mhmm, you have a lot of faith in me,” Adam grunted. He placed his glass down and leaned against the counter. Regarding Kenny with a quick sweep of his eyes.
“Of course, I do, I told you, we got something special, I can feel it.” Kenny smoothed the word feel as long as it would go.
The music changed on Adam’s phone and his mind drifted from Kenny. Kenny launched, undeterred, into theorizing strategy. An Orville Peck song, with gentle string, a soft melody, singing about nostalgia and dreams. Adam grinned to himself, medicated just enough to consider something dangerous. For a guy lovesick with Kenny Omega these thoughts were perilous. It’d been a year now and Adam had sat on his hands like an idiot, pinning away. Hell with it, it was a bad idea but following bad ideas through was his modus operandi these days. Adam hummed low in his throat, cutting Kenny off as he waxed about Mark Quinn’s right leg.
“Dance with me,” Adam murmured, voice soft, barely a whisper. Like his throat was trying to strangle the words before he uttered them. Not at all the gruff confidence he had hoped to seduce Kenny with.
Adam pushed-off the bar stool and offered his hand. He grinned, bashful, feeling as awkward as he had when he was at Junior prom. This wasn’t weird, right? They’d done weirder, this was fine. More than fine when Kenny took Adam’s hand and Adam felt the press of Kenny’s callouses against his.
“Real romantic, cowboy.” Kenny breathed and the last of Adam’s confidence melted. Cowboy, that was new, and Adam liked it. He really liked how Kenny said it. “You lead, then.”
Adam laughed and ducked his chin to his chest. With his free hand he turned the music up on his phone. There was lightning at his finger tips as he ran his palm over Kenny’s hip. Kenny put his hand on Adam’s shoulder and grinned obnoxiously as he obviously felt-up Adam’s bicep. A couple inches between their chests and warmth flushed Adam’s throat. Adam whispered ‘okay,’ and his heart thudded. Kenny had to hear it. Feel Adam’s pulse in their joined hands. Terrible, stupid, perfect idea— when Kenny rejected him for being a lovesick fool it wasn’t going to be so great.
“It’s just some team building.” Adam preempted and placated Kenny. With his hand on Kenny’s hip he nudged the other man to sway with him. Nothing but a little stutter step. “You know, so we’re ready for next week.”
“Ah, yeah, team building,” Kenny chuckled. Adam met his eyes, and swallowed hard. Their noses a hair’s breadth apart. Adam wished he had brushed his teeth so his breath didn’t smell like alcohol. “You slow dance with all your partners?”
“Yeah, actually, Jason and I learned to waltz when we first started tagging,” Adam admitted. Kenny gapped at him. Clearly his question had been rhetorical and now Adam regretted bringing it up. “I mean, for the foot work and all that, it was just a good way to get in sync, you know?”
“Right,” Kenny said, and Adam wondered if his lack of enthusiasm meant something.
Two high fliers like Jason Blade and Adam Page needed immaculate tandem offense. It was a process, to get used to each other’s rhythms. To know when the other had taken too much damage and needed that blind tag. When to slow down, or speed-up, as the match dragged on. It worked, they got used to each other’s rhythms. Eventually they didn’t need the waltz at all, it was just a crutch. Adam had only suggested it as a joke but it did wonders for their footwork. Less so for their teamwork as they quibbled over who would lead.
(Adam eventually got the role because he was better at it than Jason).
Adam lifted his arm and after a second to process, Kenny twirled underneath. Adam pulled Kenny back as Kenny stepped in. A little too much momentum and Kenny stumbled into Adam’s chest. The heel of Kenny’s loafer drove between the two delicate bones on Adam’s big and second toe. If this was skee-ball then Kenny just scored the 100 points. Adam cussed and hissed, jerking away from Kenny. He rubbed the top of his boot over his calf to diminish the pain.
Kenny hissed between his teeth, “Yep, that was my bad. Sorry. You good?”
Adam kicked and shook his leg to return feelings to his toes. “So, was that payback?”
“Maybe,” Kenny teased. “Can we try again though?”
Kenny’s grin was rueful as Adam returned to him. He placed his hand back in Adam’s offered palm. Despite his sore foot, Adam was eager to have Kenny back in his arms. To feel the firm strength of his hip and lat underneath his hand. Back to their awkward little shuffle step and this time, Kenny pulled Adam closer. Chest-to-chest, Kenny rested his chin in the crook of Adam’s shoulder. His nose brushed against the wisps of Adam hair. A soft whisper of Kenny’s breath against Adam’s throat. Adam tried not to stiffen, as if his tension would scare Kenny away. Tried to find Kenny’s heartbeat, his rhythm, but when he did he couldn’t bring himself to fall in lock step. Wondered why he had to follow at all.
Except, Kenny had asked Adam to lead.
Adam experimented and lifted his arm again. This time Kenny unfurled and laughed each step of the way as he twirled underneath. Adam guided Kenny back to him, chuckling as their grip changed and Kenny’s hand flattened against his chest. The song ended without flourish. Gunmetal blue, the details of Kenny’s iris, the crinkles at the corners of his eyes. Shirts rucked, hands joined, and the slight huff of their breath in tandem. The playlist rolled to the next song. Adam and Kenny broke, then stepped away together. Hands lifting to rub at the back of their necks in mirrored gestures. Adam had an apology at the tip of his tongue.
“That was nice, Page,” Kenny said, his voice soft “We should definitely do it again sometime but—”
“You have to go?” Adam guessed.
“Yeah, Cody, the Bucks, and I are going out for a late-dinner,” Kenny admitted. His fingers twisted with the front of his shirt. “I won’t— I won’t ask you to come. I know how you feel, but I wanted you to know we were going out, and that if you wanted to join us? We’ll always save you a seat.”
Adam nodded, his thumb hooking in his belt loop. He licked his lips and studied the floor. “Thanks, Kenny, I appreciate it. I really do.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later,” Kenny said. He walked backwards to the door, chewed on the inside of his mouth. “Do you think— Can we meet early, like a couple days before the match, it’s in Mississippi, right? Maybe we can fly down early, get in the gym, and just, you know, work on stuff? Private Party is a real tag-team, we gotta be ready.”
Adam hesitated, thinking of the phone calls he’d have to make to get his flight changed. Packing early, a couple days less home. Finding someone to take care of his dogs while he was gone. The logistics crowded the forefront of his brain and yet all the back latched-onto was Kenny. His hopeful, shy blue eyes, and his little half smile. It was such a terrible idea, this was going to be beyond inconvenient but, two days with just Kenny, working-out, figuring out this tag-team they were evidently doing, and—
“Yeah,” Adam managed, “We can do that.”
“Alright! I’ll see you in Mississippi, then, cowboy,” Kenny cackled. He backed-up and rested his hand on the door handle. He pointed at Adam. “Text you details later. Just you wait until we break-out some tandem offense on Private Party, it’ll all be worth it. Catch ya’ later, Pizz.”
The door closed behind Kenny and in his absence, Adam sighed. He worked his hand over his jaw and wondered if he was going grey early. Somehow, someway, Kenny had slipped the rug out from underneath him and made them a tag-team. Adam had agreed to tag with Kenny versus Mox and PAC because they both needed it, but this had become something more. Something Adam was not prepared for. It was a commitment but also an opportunity.
If they were doing this, Adam realized, he had to commit. He couldn’t half-ass a tag-team with Kenny Fucking Omega. Even if he felt like this was a terrible idea that was going to screw them both sideways. Not now, not even soon, but in a few months, maybe a year, when all of this unraveled and Adam slipped in a pool of his own blood.
“The point BJ, is that when the moment presented itself to him, he did grab it with an iron grip.”
Years of practice, months in the gym, days spent at Jimmy Valiant’s training camp, drilling counters, perfecting the snap of his hips as Adam flipped into a high bridge. Pressing onto his tip-toes, all his weight leveraged down on a bigger opponent. Adam Pearce had two inches and forty pounds on Adam. One opening was all Adam needed, though. The shock in the room on the three count had been palpable. The audience’s collectively gasped and it was a pure adrenaline shot to Adam’s veins. Shock erupted into open cheers. Adam on his knees, grinning with pride and surprise, like he wasn’t even sure he had won. BJ ruffled his hair fondly. He was not supposed to win this match but he did. Jimmy Jacobs, the entire crowd, the commentators, they didn’t believe in Adam Page, but Adam did. Back then that was enough to pull out a miracle.
“He did put a vice around it, BJ! And he won the match!”
Adam Pearce popped Adam Page’s confidence like a balloon. Pearce’s right palm smashed across Adam’s cheek so hard he tasted it. Adam won the match, he won the battle; But Jimmy Jacobs point was clear: he did not win the war. And Adam was at war. This was a no-holds barred beatdown and he was on the curb. Blood in his hair, eyes shot, and fingers shaking. The Bucks at his throat. Kenny with his back to a ledge, grinning at him with unrestrained excitement about a match next week. Next week, against Private Party, a real tag-team. Not the shitty ‘teams’ they had been fighting. Not a fight he could check into for the sake of Kenny or the peace.
“It doesn’t matter, because that was the test you failed.”
Pearce’s finger jabbed into Adam’s face. He went cross eyed trying to look at it. Felt and suppressed the tremble in his bottom lip. When Adam was a little kid he watched wrestling on the TV and felt a bone deep need. A wrestling ring was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He had to get in that ring. Nothing else mattered, and for a time the trampoline in the backyard would do, but that ring called to him. He wanted to feel the give under his step, the flex of the ropes. Smell the sweat and blood that’d seeped into the mats over decades, decades of history, legacy, and war. A written history Adam longed to inscribe his name into. When Adam was a child he didn’t care about belts or titles, if he just got into a wrestling ring, got to stand in one, he’d be happy.
It was a simple, unambitious dream, but for a kid from rural Virginia is was his dream. Well, he got in one, and it was like a drug, he had to do it again, and again, and again, and he got good at it. So good that he won more matches than he lost. He had to feel the thrum of a crowd in his ears. Test himself on an opponent, stretch the limits of his ability. Once, Adam had thought to himself, while running the the apron to a moonsault, pushing off his leading leg, his back arched, and his heart grazing the ceiling,  ‘I wish I was actually this strong.’
That the confidence of Adam Page, professional wrestler, The Hangman, carried over into his day-to-day. That the power of his chops translated to an unflinching voice when he spoke. That the technique of his flip was as impressive as his social prowess. Adam never second guessed himself before a suplex but he did in everything else. It shocked him he had the spine to ever even get in a ring in the first place, to go to Japan, to enter the G1, to join an upstart company like AEW, or to even go outside.
An opportunity was presenting itself to Adam Page. Kenny Omega, the best bout machine and a great visionary, already saw it. Adam saw it too and he suspected its appearance was not accidental, not a luck of the draw. He wanted to call Kenny and tell him to cancel the match. His stomach twisted with the thought. This was a bad, bad idea, to step down a twisting path that he couldn’t see the end of. Going back to tag-teams, tagging with the leader of the group he was trying to leave, and the man he’d been totally lovesick with for over a year. Adam hesitated, his hand hovering over his phone. 
“At some point, the both of you will have seen everything there is to see. Have been able to do everything there is to do, and when the moment presents itself, you won’t hesitate to reach for it. Because you already know that you grabbed it before it presented itself. Time will do that for you.”
Adam’s hand flattened against the bar counter, pinned like a taxidermy bug to the board. He grabbed it when he rolled Adam Pearce through to the bridge. He grabbed it when Matt offered a spot in the Bullet Club. When he hung Chris Sabine and became the Hangman. He grabbed it when he snatched the title from Jay White and held it above his head like it could be his. He grabbed it when he won the battle royale. When he rode a horse to a ring that belonged to a legend to whom he would serve as a footnote. Most of the time, it slipped his fingers, because his grip was slick with sweat, and he was a young man, lacking time. But Adam had never missed, never hesitated, and if he was going to do this—
If he was going to walk into next week, take that match with Kenny and fight Private Party. He was going to commit.
No more half-assed bullshit. No more ducking away and avoiding a future he dreaded. They were going to do this and it was going to suck, and the effort was probably going to kill him. It’d probably would mean that by the end Kenny hated him. And that would also suck, but Adam wasn’t going to spend his whole life pinning for something he could never have. Not when there was something he could have and it was gold around his waist. An accomplished career that he could die happy with. The Bucks patting his shoulders and arms, telling him he did great, they’re proud.
It was going to suck, it was going to kill him but at least he got to pick his poison.
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drowseoftaylor · 5 years
Can I please request a blurb or one shot where Brian is not-so-secretly in love with y/n and gets really jealous/possessive when she dances with Roger at an after party or something?
jealous Bri? here we fucking GO (also thank you for requesting ily)
You were the definition of clueless. It all started in 1970 when your best mate Freddie took you to his flat to meet his mates Roger and Brian. You walked in with a knitted red dress and black go go boots with sunglasses that only someone like you or Elton John would wear.
“Can I take your coat love?” Freddie said as he took the bottle of wine out of your hand that you had brought over for dinner.
“Yes, thank you. Where are these cute bandmates of yours that you can’t stop talking about?” You say with a smirk as you slip off your fur coat and drop the extravagant sunglasses at the table by the door.
Freddie walks you into the kitchen where a tall and lanky man with tight curly brown hair is cooking pasta, and a smaller, yet confident and sexy blond is sitting at the table reading a car magazine and smoking a cigarette.
“Guys, I’d like you to meet the lovely, y/n.” Freddie says gesturing to you and you take a step closer to the two of them shifting your glance back and forth.
“How do you do?” You say with a sweet smile on your rosy pink lips while you move a strand of your long hair behind your ear.
The curly haired one looks up at your question and his breath is instantly hitched in his throat. It was like everything had suddenly moved in slow motion. You were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. You were insatiable to him. From the way you spoke, to the way you dressed, he wanted to know everything about you. He instantly felt attracted to you and everything around him melted.
He put down the cooking spoon he was holding and sauntered over to you. You noticed his calm and sweet demeanor. You noticed that he was slightly hunched over which caused his half unbuttoned shirt to expose his breathtaking bony sternum and excentuated his bony hips that pertruded out of his bell bottoms. He extended a hand out for you to shake.
“Hello, y/n. I’m Brian. Lovely to meet you. You’re even more beautiful in person than Fred described.” 
Normally Brian would never be that forward with a girl but he made a pact with himself right then and there that he would have you. Fight for you. Wait for you. No matter what. He just...knew.
“Well, fuck me! Aren’t you a proper lady!” Roger said standing up and swatting Brian’s hand away from yours and wrapping an arm around your neck as he stood in front of you, closely.
Your hands instantly went to his sides as he flashed you a smile that lit up his pretty ocean blue eyes. You looked up into them and felt a flutter in your stomach. How could any man be that beautiful?
“Ah well thank you.” You said blushing and slightly stepping out of his touch and playing with the end of your very short dress.
“Come on love, sit next to me.” Roger said pulling you over to the table and him instantly talking to you about anything and everything. You knew he wanted to get into your pants but you didn’t care. He was so fucking sexy. His blonde hair suited his baby face so well and the way he always kept his knee in between yours and could just make you melt after just 10 seconds of looking at him, you were hooked.
Never did you look back at the other boy just three feet away who wanted to treat you like the proper lady that you actually were.
Two months passed. You were Roger’s pet. His girl that would melt for him no matter how he treated you. And that made Brian sick to his stomach. At most times, you hated it the most. Why? Because you were treated like shit. Roger cheated on you basically every night. But if you left, you were scared that you would be alone and never loved again. Not that you were loved now. The truth is, Roger was a nice guy, he just was not the settle down type and he just simply did not know how to work in a proper relationship. He was young and hot, he didn’t have time for things like love. And the more you were treated poorly by Roger, the more you started to hate him and you always confided in Brian. Just like tonight.
From Brian’s perspective, he was so jealous. I mean so jealous he would cry about it. How could Roger just throw away the most amazing girl to ever fucking exist??? He would give anything to have you.
“He just...doesn’t listen. You know? I can’t get him to sit down for ten seconds, never mind have a conversation with him. I’m miserable, Brian.” You said sipping your drink as you and Brian watched the playboy Roger chat up some random bird at the other side of the party.
“Not to be a dick but, why don’t you just leave him, y/n? He is no good for you and it KILLS me to you hurt-”
“Because no one will ever love me!!!! I have always been alone. But, when Roger does spare a second to look at me, he looks. I mean, really looks. Deep down he cares for me, he just doesn’t know it yet.” You say cutting him off and putting your head in your hands.
A rush of urgency and confidence hits Brian.
“Y/n I lo-”
Brian was cut off again by the same playboy coming up and grabbing your sides roughly and grinding his hips into your back to the loud music.
“Come on pretty girl, come dance with me.” Roger roared in your ear and you felt special.
“Be right back, Bri.” You say quickly as all your insecurities instantly fading when your with him. Even though you know it won’t last long.
Brian just rolls his eyes and grasps his beer firmly and swivels his chair to watch you closely, making sure you were okay. He always watched you like this when he could. Truth be told, Brian fell in love with you more and more everyday and everyone knew it. Roger too. But he didn’t care. Roger knew you were under his spell and he took advantage every chance he got.
After about three minutes and slutty dancing on top of the enticing blonde, Roger did the unforgivable while in his very drunken haze.
“Stay here and keep the dance floor company. I am gonna go shag that redhead bird over there.” He pecks you quick on the lips, then slaps your ass, and leaves you all alone.
You stand there beside yourself that your sad excuse for a boyfriend had reached an all time low. You stood there, stunned, shocked, and slightly shaking as sweaty bodies all around you danced to your killer track, “Bennie and the Jets.”
Brian was already his making his way over and without a word he wraps his arms over your shoulders and walks you out of the door and leans you up against the wall outside the building of the party and you just look down at the cement floor. What kind of person have you become? Just an object for someone else to abuse? You weren’t even a person at all. You had no one.
“Y/n...please say something.” Brian said putting his hand in his pockets and his heart breaking for you.
“What the fuck do you want me to stay? I’m a stupid bitch who lets my abusive shitty as man-whore boyfriend walk all over me. He sleeps with a new dove every night and every morning I still get up and kiss him goodbye and tell him I love him. I am a horrible person. Why do you even care?” 
There was silence. Brian was a lot of things. Sweet, kind, careful, beautiful, caring, but not silent. Never. He always knew what to say, which caused you look up at him through your tears.
“Bri-” You cut yourself off when you notice the hot tears spilling uncontrollably from his bright hazel eyes.
“Brian! Why are you upset??” You say now kind of forgetting about your own pain and being more concerned with his.
“You...you have no clue, how much I fucking love you, y/n.”
Your heart dropped. Literally what?
“Brian, I cannot do this tonight I-”
“No. Now you’re gonna listen. Ever since that night I first laid my eyes upon you. I was done for. I wanted to drop down on one knee right there and ask you to be mine forever. And not just because of your looks. Whenever you walk into a room, a whiff of fresh air comes in. Your smile radiates through me and makes me a better person. God, every day that Roger hurts you, I wanna pick you up and drive you off into the sunset and never have you shed a tear of sadness ever again. You are the air I breathe. You’re all I need, and I love you so.”
You felt suffocated. The man you thought you had loved was a stranger. A part of your dark past, and now you have a light. You have a good thing. Someone who would love and take care of you.
“Brian, do you really truly mean that?” Tears spilling past your eyes and his beyond return at this point.
“Yes. Absolutely. If you let me, I would spend the rest of my life, every moment, of everyday, showing you how much I meant every word. I will wait for you. As long as it takes.” He has your face in his big hands at this point and for the first time in your whole life, you felt what real love feels like. And yes, it is just like how the movies put it. You felt like your heat was going to implode.
“Brian...” You trail off closing your eyes and humming in his touch.
“Would you kiss me?”
Brian’s lips met yours and you swear it felt like you got struck by lightning. Every single thing and event that had come before this very moment melted away. Brian was all you had now and you never wanted him to let you go. Until, a familiar slurring and drunken voice rang just a few feet away.
“Oi, what the FUCK you doing with my girlfriend, mate?!”
and I oop! is it too early in my writing career to leave cliffhangers? ah anyway, let me know how this was and keep requesting!!!!!
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itsmarianstories · 6 years
All good things come in threes
[Taegiseok Oneshot]
Sequel to ‘Focus’ (it’s not necessary to read Focus first!)
Taehyung loves his best friend Jimin, but he doesn’t love that Jimin keeps dragging him to boxing matches. That may or may not change once he meets a certain boxing coach… The only problem: said boxing coach already has a boyfriend.
Part 2
Word count: 8.892
Tags: Polyamory, (mostly) Fluff, a bit of Angst, Food poisoning (just in case anyone is uncomfortable with that…), in this part is a scene where it gets a bis physical if you know what I mean, but it’s not really smut, there are some smut references tho
Okay, cut that. He regrets his decision. Holy. Fuck. He regrets his words so much. Why couldn't he just have choked on the spot and died instead of letting his traitor-tongue spill the words for his eternal agony.
It was Friday already and Taehyung had to be over at Jimins in an hour. Currently he was having a minor breakdown in front of his closet while he himself wasn't wearing anything beside the towel he had wrapped around his waist. It was so silly. He felt stupid about not being able to decide on what to wear. He wanted to be unbothered and confident and just wear whatever he felt like (which were baggy pants and a nice, fluffy hoodie) but whenever he reached out for the clothes images of Yoongi and Hoseok appeared in his mind and it made his tummy do stupid things. It was dumb and cliché but he wanted to look good. Dress to impress. He can do that easily, he knows in which clothes he looks the best, he is not studying fashion and design for nothing. But he also can't show up to a casual evening like he was ready for the catwalk. Finding the middle was harder than he thought it would be, but that may also be caused by his nerves and sudden self consciousness.
He would have kicked Jimins door down long ago if Jungkook wasn't already there. It's kind of suspicious if he drags Jimin out now to help him with his outfit so he had to deal with it on his own, but he is also running out of time and... god he really has no idea why he is making such a big deal out of it. He has never felt like this before, he has never struggled with picking an outfit. This is getting ridiculous.
Tae slapped his own cheeks a few times and took multiple deep breathes.
“Alright, Kim Taehyung, stop being a douche and get your shit done.” He mumbled before finally reaching out for his baggy pants and favourite hoodie. So what if he looks like a trash bin? They probably won’t even look at him in the first place. Okay, that thought hurt more than it should. Taehyung shook his head and ruffled through his still wet hair.
He knocked on Jimins door a little earlier than necessary. Junkook opened the door.
“Oh! It's you! Look at this, I wasn’t sure you are still alive.” He joked and Taehyung smacked his chest before pushing past him into the living room.
“Shut up.” Taehyung mumbled, trying not to sound embarrassed. “Where is Jimin?” He asked and Jungkook followed him in the living room, flopping down on the couch.
“Still in the bathroom I guess.”
“Jimin?” Taehyung called out, knocking on the wooden door.
“Taetae?” Jimin called back, voice muffled through the door. He heard rustling coming from the other side and then the door opened, revealing his best friend. Taehyung immediately pushed in with a groan and closed the door again.
“I'm going to die.” He whispered to prevent Jungkook from hearing anything.
“Sorry Tae. They made the plans without letting me know or I would have warned you. To be honest I was a little pissed seeing they made plans in my apartment without letting me know.” Jimin explained, shrugging slightly.
“It's okay, it's just for one evening.” Taehyung said, although they both knew that was bullshit since it probably won’t stay at this one evening. It's not like Taehyung can make up excuses forever.
“How are you feeling?” Jimin asked, making a little jump to sit on the counter next to the sink. Taehyung snorted again and flopped down on the closed toilet seat.
“It took me like almost an hour to get dressed and now I’m wearing this.” He said and Jimin raised his eyebrows surprised, because he knows that fashion is usually a thing Taehyung doesn't have to think about.
“If it becomes too much tonight, tell me okay? We'll just say you don't feel well or something.” The dancer said, his legs swinging in he air for they are too short to reach the ground.
“I'll be alright. It's not like I’m madly in love or anything.” At least he hoped so. Jimin didn't seem to believe him but he also didn't call him out on it. Instead he jumped of the counter and pulled Tae up and into a tight hug.
“You are amazing Taetae. I'm sure it will all turn out alright.” Jimin whispered again his chest.
“You sap.” Taehyung said but his smile dropped and he added more seriously “I just hope no one will notice.”
“Don't worry, Jungkookie, at least, is oblivious to anything that is not concerning food.”
Soon after that they left the bathroom and found the living room already full. Jungkook has moved into the loveseat next to the couch, Yoongi Hoseok and another man that Taehyung doesn't know (though he looked strangely familiar) next to them on the couch. Jimin jumped happily in Jungkooks lap and made himself comfortable while Taehyung took place on the armchair in front of the couch. He pulled the knees against his chest and stared at his hands, not daring to look at the couple. For a few seconds it was tensely silent until Jimin started speaking.
“Right so just to the beginning, I'd very much appreciate it if you guys could stop planning things in my apartment without letting me know.” He scolded. Jungkook wrapped his arms around the dancers middle and rested his head on his shoulder, a small pout on his lips.
“Sorry, baby.” He whispered but Jimin only shoved his elbow in his boyfriends side. Jimin may be all cute and soft but when he's angry he can become really scary real quick. Yoongi chuckled a little at the other couple.
“I'm sorry, Jimin. It was our idea and we thought it would be most convenient to do it here because our flat is pretty far away and Jungkooks is so small.” The coach said.
“Whatever.” Jimin mumbled.
“Anyways, this is Namjoon. An old college friend from us and now another box teacher.” Yoongi changed the topic and pointed at the guy next to him on the couch. Taehyung finally looked up and found both, Yoongi and Hoseok staring at him. He gulped and forced his eyes off them and instead looked at Namjoon. He was tall with rather short hair and plumb lips. He waved slightly a soft smile on his lips.
“Namjoonie is one of the few people who can take Yoongi down.” Jungkook giggled.
“Yah! You brat.” Yoongi complained though he didn't really look offended. All that Taehyung could focus on was Yoongis hand lazily massaging Hoseoks thigh.
“Well, to be fair, you are slacking off. In the old days when you were still actively boxing I wouldn't have stood a chance against you.” Namjoon spoke up for the first time. Yoongi shook his head a little but there was a fond smile tucking at the corners of his mouth.
“Enough of that.” Hoseok said. “Namjoon you already know Jimin right?”
“Hardly so, we saw each other for a few seconds when he picked Jungkook up after practice.” Hoseok rolled his eyes and flipped him of with his hand.
“Yeah, so you have already been introduced just say that. This is Taehyung, Jimins best friend.” Hoseok pointed in his direction and Taehyung forced a smile that probably looked rather ridiculous. He waved slightly at Namjoon who gave him a full on dimple smile in return.
“Oh are you a dancer too?” He asked and Taehyung ignored Jimins quiet snort. His dancing is amazing okay? Excuse him.
“No, I'm taking classes for fashion and design.” He explained.
“Ah so you like, design clothes?” Namjoon asked and Taehyung nodded.
“And he is super talented!” Hoseok exclaimed brightly. Taehyung stared at him a little confused and when Hoseok returned his gaze something changed in his eyes but Taehyung couldn't quite put a name on it.
“Yoongi told me about your drawings.” He said and Taehyungs lungs felt like they were imploding. His eyes widened almost comically as they jumped between Yoongi and Hoseok.
“Oh did he show you his drafts? They are so good right? I already made him promise me, once he is a famous designer I want free clothes.” Jimin chirped up. Yoongi ripped his eyes from the intense staring to look at Jimin.
“He didn't really show me. It was more of an accident, but I agree.” He turned back to look at Taehyung. “They are really good. I liked the details.” The former boxer added and Taehyung thought he would throw up any second.
“Ah, okay.” Jimin said, sensing that something was going on here. “Taetae.” He called and snapped Taehyung out of his trance.
“Come, help me get some snacks, will you?” Jimin smiled and Taehyung nodded stronger than necessary, already jumping out of the seat and basically fleeing into the kitchen.
“What was that all about? Are you okay?” Jimin whispered once they were out of the otheres possible eavesdrop radius. Taehyung sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.
“I kinda doodled Yoongi as model for a few designs and he saw it. I wasn't sure if he recognized himself but apparently...” Jimin hummed as he went through his shelves to gather a few snacks as well as drinks and glasses.
“Tae I think you really should reconsider your choice of hiding what you feel for them.” He suddenly said and Taehyung gaped at him.
“What?” He whisper-hissed. “Are you kidding? I-"
“Tae, did you not see how they just stared at you? Either you doodled Mona Lisa  or they like you more than you think.” Taehyung scoffed.
“Don't be ridiculous.” Tae mumbled because he couldn’t allow himself to believe it. He just couldn't. He couldn't hope.
“Tae-" Jimin started again but Taehyung cut him of.
“No Jimin, please just drop it.” He said, grabbed the snacks and left without another word. He heard Jimins sigh but decided to ignore it. When he returned to the group he found that quite the awkward tension has suddenly clouded the air and all eyes landed on him. He wondered if something happened while he and Jimin were in the kitchen or if it was just so obvious how uncomfortable he was earlier. He cleared his throat and put the snacks down on the small coffee table in the middle, feigning cluelessness.
Jimin followed him seconds after and flopped down in Jungkooks lap again. Taehyung eyed the couple with something he would later recognize as longing. Not in a creepy kind of way but a 'I want what you have' kind of way and he felt awful for it.
Anyways they actually started playing games soon after. Starting of with monopoly but Jungkook soon flipped the board from the table when he had to pay rent to Yoongi for the fifth time. So they moved on to Uno and this time Jungkook won with a happy grin and frequent reminders what losers the others were. Hoseok became second and Taehyung thought the little dance the older did when he put down the last card was the most adorable thing he has ever seen.
The evening goes on and everything actually goes smooth to the point where Taehyung is actually surprised and enjoying himself. He pretends he doesn’t steal quick glances at the couple every once in a while and that his heart doesn't squeeze whenever the couple is sharing a moment.
They play a quantum of games and eventually Jungkook suggest to play charade. Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon immediately agree. Yoongi seems rather displeased but he goes along with it anyway.
“We need to make teams.” Jungkook said. Jimin frowned a little.
“Let's just split up. Taehyungie can be in our team and Namjoonie in Hoseokie and Yoongis team.” The dancer said and Taehyung knew why he said that.
“That's boring we should draw lots and let fate decide.” Hoseok protested and as the stubborn energy-bundle that he is, of course he gets his way. So they draw lot’s and of course Taehyung ends up in a Team with Yoongi and Hoseok because fate hates him. Or the author who is writing a very shitty fanfiction that is his live is very sadistic, whatever. He just smiles and pretends to be fine and so they start brainstorming for words. Hoseok giggles at the words he is writing down and Yoongi just grins evilly and suddenly Taehyung is glad to be in their team.
He forgot about his stupid crush for a while and just enjoyed goofing around with his friends. It was loud and chaotic, but it was exactly what Taehyung needed after those last weeks. At some point it was Yoongis turn to portray a word. Taehyung and Hoseok both screamed words that didn't even match, hyping each other up even more. When Taehyung actually guessed correctly Yoongi threw both arms in the air and let out a rather high pitched scream, or more so the mix of a squeal and a laugh. Is eyes disappearing as bunch up in his bright gummy smile. Hoseok started screaming too because this was the last word and made them win the game. The couple pulled him in a group hug and it felt so natural that Taehyung held his breath for a moment.
And suddenly he was back on earth, his heartbeat picked up, his breathing became more of a silent panting, his hands started sweating again.
Really he can't say why it suddenly hit him like that. It was just a hug goddamn. But somehow that seemed to make something click in his mind and everything became too much. To be honest he doesn’t really remember leaving but suddenly his knees hit cold tiles and when he looked up he found himself in the bathroom.
He could hear voices from outside the door.
“I don't think that is a good idea.” “You have to trust me on this. Please, just let me talk to him.”
Taehyung froze. Not good. He can't handle talking to anyone right now.
Two soft knocks on the door and a single sob escaped Taehyungs throat. He didn't even realize he started crying.
“Tae.” Yoongi said and Taehyung bit in the back of his hand. “Please let me in.”
It's not even locked but Yoongi didn't try to open the door without Taehyungs consent.
“I... I'll be back soon.” He choked out but it didn't sound believable at all.
“Taehyung please.” Yoongi tried again and maybe Taehyung is a little masochist, or maybe he is tired from hiding and running away but instead of sending the older away he just whispers
“It's open anyway.” At first he hoped that Yoongi didn't hear it. Of course he did and the door opened few seconds later. Taehyung was still kneeling on the ground, his back to the door so he didn't see Yoongi before he felt him.
Big, warm hands brushing lightly over his back. He tensed a bit but his body reflexively pressed against the hand, searching for the contact.
“I'm sorry, if we overstepped.” The boxer mumbled, his voice almost more of a growl. Tae only shook his head.
“This... it's not like... it's not your fault.” Yoongis hands slowly wandered up his back and to his shoulder, turning him around and Taehyung looked at him for a second but the concern in the olders eyes made his heart clench so he lowered his eyes again.
“Please talk to me. Tell me what's wrong.” Yoongi said but Taehyung only shook his head again. He could never say it. Even if he wanted to, the words would stuck in his throat.
Yoongi scooped a bit closer, cupping Taehyungs face and forcing him to look up.
“What are you scared of?”Yoongi asked. Tae felt his bottom lip wobble as new tears found their way into his eyes.
“I... I can't-" He saw Yoongi frown before he pulled the younger into his embrace and Taehyung hated how much he loved it. How much he loved the warmth and Yoongis scent. And how safe he felt. It made him so weak and he melted against Yoongis chest.
“You can tell me, Tae. I'm not blind I noticed how you behaved the last few weeks. How you avoided us.” Taehyung immediately froze. Was he really that obvious? Were his efforts all for nothing after all?
“It's okay you can talk to me.” Yoongi repeated. Taehyung fisted his hands in Yoongis sweater and hid his face in the olders neck. He didn't know what to do. Should he really just confess? Make up a lie? Change the subject?
Eventually he pulled away and finally met Yoongis eyes.
“I'm sorry.” He mumbled. “For avoiding you and being weird and a mess. It's not you I swear. I'm sorry if I made you worry, to be honest I didn't think you would notice.” He admitted and after a short moment of considering and another moment of 'fuck-it' he added “I didn't think you would care. I figured-"
Taehyung experienced a lot surprises in his life, good ones as well as bad ones. Like the surprise party for his 16th birthday that Jimin has organized together with some friends. Or that one phone call from his mother telling him his grandmother had passed away. Usually a surprise was either good, or bad. And Taehyung usually loved good surprises. He wasn't so sure about this one.
His eyes are wide open, his body frozen in shock as all he can think is “WHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCKEDYFUCKFUCKOMGFUCK"
Yoongis hands are still cupping his face and Taehyung can still smell his scent and feel his warmth. He can feel the others hair softly tickling his skin. He can feel his own heart beat at the speed of light. Maybe it's his imagination but he thinks he can also hear, or feel, Yoongis heart but ever so slightly slower than his own. However, all this is kind of a blur as the thing his mind his most focused on is the feeling of warm lips on his. Yes, I said lips. Min fucking Yoongi is kissing him. In the middle of his best friends bathroom, while snot and tears are covering his face and while his boyfriend is sitting just a few feet away in the living room.
To be really honest Taehyung had dreamed about this. Imagined how it would feel to kiss them. Nothing came near what he felt right now, though.
In total the kiss probably only lasted a few seconds, lips lightly pressed together and parting again. For Taehyung it felt like eternity until Yoongi pulled back again and stared him deeply in the eye. It felt like Taehyungs soul would freeze in place.
“Stop apologizing.” Yoongi said and it ripped Taehyung out of his trance.
“What the fuck?!” He hissed and jumped up, staring down at Yoongi in confusion, fury, fear, pain. Basically, a mess.
“Taehyung I-"
“Why would you do this?” Taehyung demanded further. Suddenly he felt very, very weak.
“Why would you do this to Hoseok? Why would you do this to me? I was happy with how it was. I mean not really but I could live with it. You just ruined everything! Oh my god, you made me a cheater! Your boyfriend is literally behind this wall? How can you do this? You have to tell him! You know what, I'll tell him. He deserves to know!” Taehyung rambled and made his way past Yoongi. He wanted to leave but he froze with his hand hovering over the door knob.
“He will hate me.” Taehyung whispered in sudden realisation. “Oh my god, he will actually hate me!” He whipped around staring at Yoongi who stood up again as well and didn't look fazed at all. It made Taehyung even more furious.
“This is your fault! He will hate me and then he will leave you and you will hate me too. Oh god and Jimin will be so disappointed.” He started pushing Yoongis chest. “I will end up alone because you couldn't fucking control yourself, what is wrong with you! Why would you even do this in the first place I-" Yoongi got hold of his hands and held him tightly in place. If Taehyung wasn't so distracted by his anger he would have been in wonder over how much strength Yoongi has in his tiny body.
“Taehyung.” The older said, his voice somewhat stern. “Are you done?” Taehyung frowned.
“Done? What do you mean done? I'm-" He tried to shake Yoongi off but the older was way stronger than him.
“Hoseok knows, okay? He knows and he is fine with it. No one will leave me, nor you, okay?” Yoongi said, his eyes digging into Taehyungs soul.
“What?” Taehyung asked softly, like a whisper.
“He knows.” Yoongi repeated. “Babe, can you come here for a second!” Yoongi yelled over Taehyungs shoulder and hardly 20 seconds later Hoseok stuck his head into the bathroom. Taehyung stared at him with wide eyes, Yoongi still holding his wrists tightly.
“Everything okay?” Hoseok asked, looking concerned as he noticed Taehyung standing there like he has seen a ghost.
“I kissed him.” Yoongi said, as if it was the most casual thing in the world. Taehyungs head whipped back to him, and back again to Hoseok staring at them both in shock because honestly what the fuck is happening? Hoseok opened his mouth, closed it again and eventually entered the bathroom completely.
“Is that why he looks like someone just told him santa is not real?” He asked and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. Yoongi nodded.
“He thought I cheated on you. With him.” Hoseok snorted. Actually snorted.
“That's cute. As if you'd ever dare to do that.” He said with oh so dark eyes. Yoongi winked at him and Taehyung felt sick. This was all too much for him to handle.
Yoongi lead him over to the toilet and placed him on the closed lid before sitting down next to Hoseok and taking his hand, pulling it in his lap.
“I... I don’t understand.” Taehyung choked out, his eyes jumping between the two men. They both smiled and Taehyung felt weird.
“Have you never wondered why we showed up at the cafe so often? Your Americano is not that good.” Yoongi said and Hoseok smacked him on the arm.
“Aish, shut up you idiot.” Yoongi pouted.
“Let me explain, I have always been rather open as you may have noticed.” Hoseok started. “And I have also been rather open with my relationships. I noticed already in my teenage years that I don't always fall for only one person. I was in polyamory relationships before but they didn't work out and then I met Yoongi and it was enough.” Tae gulped. Was it suddenly hot in here? Yoongi tilted his head to the side and closed his eyes, just listening to what Hoseok is saying. The latter had a fond smile on his face throughout his whole speech.
“When I first met him, I told him that I might fall for someone else in the future and he was okay with it. We agreed that whenever it happens we would be honest with each other and find a way. I don't think either of us expected Yoongi to be the one to fall for someone else.” Taehyungs eyes widened as he watched a blush creep on the oldest cheeks.
“When Yoongi came home that one day telling me that he met someone, I felt so many things. I was kind of shocked to be honest, and nervous and maybe a little scared when he said he wanted me to meet them. But I was also excited because I saw that sparkle in his eyes, the same sparkle he had on our first date so I realized how serious he was.” Yoongi chuckled embarrassed and let out a single scream that made Taehyung jump.
“When Yoongi brought me to your cafe, I was literally so nervous and then I met you and,” Hoseok sighed, still smiling “ it just fit? Okay, at first I was worried because I thought you were only interested in Yoongi but Yoongi said I’m just being dumb. And when we continued to come by more often and actually get to know you, I was so excited. You just kind of completed us in a way that I didn't know I needed.” Hoseok started frowning.
“But then you started avoiding us and I thought you noticed how we felt and it made you uncomfortable. Then Yoongi told me about those drawings you did of him way back and I thought about everything a lot and I  remember how I felt when I first had a crush on multiple people and how scared and confused I was. I talked with Yoongi about everything for hours probably,” they both chuckled “and we decided to give it a try. You were already avoiding us so we didn't really have much to lose, so we came up with this evening. To this evening I'm still not sure if I'm right, or just hopefully assuming. Yeah, I just thought I'd be honest.” Hoseok looked actually nervous now. Yoongi let go of his hand and instead brought it up to his hair, gently trailing his fingers through the dark strands.
“You were amazing, baby.” He said and Hoseok snorted again, before they both turned to look at Taehyung who sat frozen on the toilet seat. Damn, this was so much for his two braincells to process. There are literally two hot guys sitting in front of him telling him they have a crush on him? Is this the real life?
“I,” he started but suddenly felt something drop in his stomach
“I really appreciate every thing you said just now and would love to continue this further but first, and really please don't take this personal-" He rambled as quickly as possible before jumping up, only to turn and drop to his knees for a nice reappearance from his lunch. God must really hate him.
“Oh my god, Tae!” Hoseok screeched. Yoongi was by his side within less than a second, brushing his bangs back and rubbing soothing circles on his back while Tae puked out his soul. Taehyung missed what Hoseok did, too busy focusing on not choking on his vomit.
“I-I'm sorry" He managed to slur out between his heaving . His mouth felt kinda numb but unfortunately it didn't block out the taste.
“Shh, don't apologize, love.” Yoongi murmured and Tae really wanted to appreciate the pet name but already gagged again. The small room was suddenly filled with multiple voices, Tae recognized Hoseok, Jimin and probably also Jungkook and Namjoon. Wow, this is just great.
Jimin flopped down on his other side, rubbing his shoulder. Yoongi flushed the toilet after Taehyung was done and Hoseok handed him a glass of water, which he accepted thankfully.
“What happened?” Jimin asked worried and pressed a cold, wet towel against his forehead. The dancer looked between the three of them but neither said a word. All eyes settled on Tae eventually.
“I uhm,” He coughed a little “I may or may not have eaten a salmon sandwich that I found in my fridge from like uh... two weeks ago.” He admitted sheepishly the whole room groaned.
“Tae, why are you like this?” Jimin whined and Taehyung wanted to make a joke but was rudely interrupted by another vomiting attack.
“You can stay here for the next few days, until you feel better. I don’t want you to be alone like this, you might smother on your own vomit in your sleep.” Jimin said. His only response was another aggressive heave though. At least until Taehyung was able to breath again.
“No, Jiminie you have practice and stuff. It's okay, I'll sleep on my side. You know, stable side position and all.” He protested.
“No, Tae really I-"
“He can come to us.” Yoongi suddenly said.
“How is that any better? Instead of bothering my best friend I'll bother the guys I-" He stopped midsentence when he realized what he was about to say. Damn this food poisoning must have an impact on his brain capacity.
“The guys you what?” Hoseok asked with a smirk and a brow raised.
“Nothing.” Tae quickly mumbled and blushed, gnawing on his bottom lip.
“Stop, both of you. We can come back to that once Taehyung feels better. Hoseok and I have kinda like, opposite schedules so one of us is basically always at home. We can take care of you.” Yoongi said and wouldn’t Taehyung feel so miserable right now, he would have thought it was hot.
“Okay" Jimin said “I guess that works. I'll come visit you, Taetae.”
“What? Don't I get a say in this?” He protested and it was almost funny like all three men said “No" at the same time. He huffed offended.
“You might be delirious, we can't relay on your opinion.” Hoseok grinned.
“I call that bullshit.” Tae pouted.
“ I don't know, that's probably just your sickness talking.” The older mused and Tae made an effort to punch him but Hoseok was standing too far away from where Tae was cowering on the ground and he was honestly too weak right now.
“Let him be, hope. I think he already suffered enough today.” Yoongi said, pulling Taehyung up from the ground. The younger whined in a silent 'yes'.
“Yeah well, I suffered the last few weeks.” Hoseok mumbled but rushed to Taehyungs other side to help Yoongi drag him out of the bathroom. Jimin rushed past them, heading to the kitchen only to return with a few plastic bags.
“Here, you know, for the car.” Taehyung grimaced and the thought almost made him vomit again. They said goodbye to Jungkook and Namjoon who were waiting in the living room and soon after he found himself in the back of Yoongis car, his head resting in Hoseoks lap as the older brushed his fingers through his hair. Man, this would be so nice if Taehyung wouldn't feel like dying right now.
“How are you feeling back there?” Yoongi asked with a glance in the rear view mirror, as if he just read his mind.
“Ugh" Taehyung groaned.
“We'll be there soon, it's not far.” Hoseok assured.
True to his words they arrived barely 15 minutes later and Taehyung realized that their excuse why they have planned this evening at Jimins apartment, was a blatant lie.
They helped him up the stairs into the second floor and Taehyung tiredly dropped on the coach as soon as it was in sight. He looked around in awe, taking in every little detail, from the poorly decorated window panes to the many photos on the walls and the kumamon pillows next to him. He loved everything about it. Especially how he was suddenly surrounded by their scent.
“Alright, we- Tae what are you doing, you can sleep in the bed.” Yoongi said. Taehyung frowned.
“Now, I don't want to-"
“You are literally sick did you think we would let you sleep on the couch?” Hoseok scolded and Taehyung was picked up again, manhandled really, and basically carried to the bedroom. The bed was huge. There was probably room for four people.
“Alright, we only have one bed, so you'll have to share with one of us. Actually I can sleep on the couch.” Yoongi said and Tae felt already bad.
“No baby, your back will hurt in the morning, it's fine I'll take the couch.” Hoseok contradicted.
“Can't we just all sleep in the bed? I don't want any of you to sleep on the couch.” Tae asked, already sitting cross-legged on the mattress.
“That would be quite cramped.” Yoongi frowned.
“What? Are you blind? Do you not see how huge this is?” He said and patted the bed.
“Fine.” Yoongi eventually said. They helped Taehyung get ready, things like brushing his teeth. He was a bit embarrassed but they took care of him so gently it made him feel all warm and fuzzy. Eventually he laid carefully tucked in, in bed and watched the other men get ready and it made something start bubbling in his stomach, but in a good way. Not the way that made him puke earlier.
Oh no, why did he think of that now. He hurriedly fought against the blanket to get up but his limps got tangled in the sheets and he initially winced about ruining the beautiful bed. At least he thought he would. Just in time Hoseok flopped down in front of him and handed him a bucket. It wasn't really much that came out, Taehyungs stomach probably almost empty by now. It's still nothing you want in your bed though. The forced heaving, the bitter-sour taste, the guilt and maybe exhaustion from today and the last weeks brought tears to his eyes. Hoseok went to empty the bucket and Taehyung felt so bad about it. He wouldn't even want to do it with his own vomit, even more so someone elses.
“I'm sorry.” He slurred, tongue still kind of numb. Yoongi took Hoseoks place and Taehyung saw how he already wanted to protest again so he quickly continued.
“For being gross and noisy, b-but mostly for avoiding you and making you feel bad.” He nervously rubbed the sleeve of his hoodie over his sweaty forehead but Yoongi took his hand away and kissed it instead.
“Go to bed love, you need rest.” The older said and gently brushed his cheek. Taehyung unconsciously leaned into the touch and closed his eyes with a quiet hum, or rather sigh. Finally he laid back down and moments later Yoongi followed, crawling in next to him. Hoseok came back with the bucket and placed it next to the bed, just in case, before joining the two men on the mattress.
The first few moments it was still a little awkward but then Taehyung decided to just say fuck it and make the best out of this moment. He could always just blame it on the sickness afterwards.
He snuggled up with his back pressed against Yoongi and pulled Hoseok closer. The first moments were a little awkward but when the two men got over the shock -or surprise really- they kind of melted together into a big puddle of human. It was amazing how they could make their bodies fit together so well, like puzzle pieces that match each other although they are from different puzzles.
Taehyung relished in the warmth and safety the others provided and it calmed his aching body. He smiled happily when Hoseok pressed a kiss onto his head and whispered a quiet “Goodnight Taetae”
 Taehyung spend the next week at their flat and at first he still felt bad and protested when ever they did something for him. However, he quickly realized that you can't ever win against Hoseok and you really, really don't want to piss Yoongi off so he just relented and allowed them to spoil him. Once he stopped puking out everything that reached his stomach (which was after about four days jesus christ) they cooked him food and brought it to the bed or couch, where ever he was currently resting. They helped him change and shower (that was a really hard discussion with Taehyung claiming to be fine by himself only to actually slip in the bathroom and having the two men scold him the full ten minutes while helping him afterwards) and cleaned up after him. Hell, Yoongi even picked up some notes a classmate wrote for him over the classes he missed.
With every day Taehyung felt himself falling a little deeper and at the fourth day he was sure this was not just a stupid crush anymore. He had enough time to think about everything Hoseok said in Jimins bathroom and while he still wondered how the fuck they could actually like him back, he also wasn't stupid okay. Now that he knew (and had a lot of free time) he started to notice small things, like the lingering touches, the fond stares, besides from the obvious. Yoongi almost ever only called him by some pet name and Hoseok hugged or cuddled him whenever he got the chance to. Besides, who would go out all of their way to care for a sick person when they don't even know them that long?
The exciting and giddy feeling from the beginning, the 'oh my gosh they like me back what the fuckedy' has changed to a current state of warmth that was lazily pooling in his stomach, more of a 'wow look at these beautiful men, yep I scored them'. And yes, he does realize that he hasn't really scored them yet, but he was determined to change that, now that he didn't feel like puking on their feet every ten minutes anymore. He actually prepared a speech, wanting to be ready so that everything goes smoothly and he waited for them both to be home. Hoseok usually worked in the early morning and came home around afternoon while Yoongi started around late noon and came back in the evening.
Taehyung was sitting on the couch, cross-legged, a pillow in his lap and watching some drama on Netflix while Hoseok was preparing dinner. The kitchen and the living room were one big opening so Taehyung was able to watch Hoseok work and damn if that wasn't one of the hottest things he has ever seen. So yeah, he didn't really focus on the drama, like at all. He also was kinda nervous and tried really hard not to let it show. Taehyung was glad as well as scared when Yoongi entered with a groan.
“Hey babe, hard day?” Hoseok asked. Yoongi came over and greeted him with a kiss. It was sickeningly domestic and Taehyung loved everything about it.
“Mhmm, it's getting better.” Yoongi mumbled against his boyfriends lips. Taehyung didn't understand why he suddenly blushed.
“Go get changed, dinner is ready and your clothes smell of sweat.” Hoseok said, petting Yoongis chest.
“Aye, aye, sir.” The boxer replied and made his way over to the bedroom but not before coming over to him and leaving a gentle kiss on Taehyungs hair. The younger couldn't help but beam. Yoongi probably didn't see it, but Hoseok did and returned it with a fond expression. It motivated Taehyung even more to have That Talk and he decided to approach it after dinner.
 “So, I'm not puking anymore.” Wow, Tae-dumbass-hyung, great start.
“Mhm, we noticed.” Hoseok mused, amused.
“It's just, I can probably return home soon and...” Damn where did his speech go? Why was this suddenly so hard?
“And...?” Yoongi asked.
“Well... I wanted to thank you guys. You really did so much for me, I don't know how to make it up to you.” He started to pick on the hem of his (Yoongis) sweater.
“You know we don't want you to do that anyway.” Hoseok scolded.
“Y-Yeah. On that note... I thought a lot about what you said, you know in the bathroom before I.... yes anyways. To say I was surprised would be the biggest understatement, I really...” He sighed frustrated, this is not how he wanted to do this. He took a deep breath and faced Yoongi.
“You know that night, where Jungkook fought that dude who harassed Jimin? And you were so angry at him for fighting like that, I was really amazed then. I always hated violence and everything having to do with it so I kind of just put you in that box as well. I judged you without even knowing you and you just went and threw those prejudices away just like that. It really impressed me but I didn’t allow myself to dwell on it too much because I knew you had a boyfriend. But then I got to know both of you and I really don't know when it happened but at some point I realized that... that my feelings were becoming a little more than what they should. And I kind of panicked because I was so sure you would be disgusted if you were to ever find out so I tried to minimize the contact. I didn't ever think there could be a possibility of you liking me back.” The two men stared at him with something close to awe and Taehyung really wanted to hug them.
“A-And I don't know how we should proceed from here, I have never been in this situation before, so I don't really know what to do. I just know that I really, really like you, both of you.” He mumbled those last words, suddenly feeling a lot more shy again. It was so relieving to let it out, to finally admit it. It felt like he had spent too much time underwater and was now finally able to breath again.
“Well, I've been in poly relationships before but everyone is different and needs different dynamics according to everyone’s comfort zone, so this is new to all of us.” Hoseok said, completely casually, like this was just some everyday conversation.
“R-Relationship?” Taehyung gasped. Technically this was the logical next step after they had confessed to each other, but it still felt kind of surreal to him.
“If that's what everyone wants of course.” Yoongi spoke up. He was a little more itchy and it was honestly adorable. Taehyung pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head on it.
“I don't know.” Taehyung whispered. “I mean I want to but... I’m scared.” Hoseok and Yoongi moved to sit on his left and right.
“It's okay to be scared.” Hoseok said and ran his fingers through Taehyungs hair, pushing his bangs out of his eyes.
“Can we take things slow?” He mumbled, suddenly feeling very young compared to the other man.
“Of course. We don't have to label anything, we can just spend some time together and see how it goes, okay?” Yoongi assured, his hand caressing Taehyungs thigh carefully. The youngest gulped and nodded.
“And uhm... can we not tell anyone just yet?” He asked. “It's not like I’m ashamed or anything just-“ Hoseok chuckled.
“You don't have to be so nervous, baby. It's okay, we understand. Again, this is new for us too.” Taehyung nodded. He felt a little shaken up, he didn't know why.
Yoongi then stood up from his chair and pecked Taehyungs forehead.
“Alright, let's clean up, then we can watch a movie or something.” He said. Hoseok stood up as well and moved to help Yoongi but Taehyung grabbed his hand. The older turned around a little surprised.
“Uhm... I already k-kissed Yoongi and I think it would only be fair if I...” Taehyung blushed. Hoseok chuckled.
“You want to kiss me?” He asked as if it wasn't clear. Taehyung turned his head away.
“You have to answer me, or I won’t know what you want.” He grinned and Taehyung let out a frustrated scoff.
“Yes, okay? I want to kiss you, happy now?” He pouted and Hoseok smirked.
“Very happy.” He said, while leaning down and pressing his lips against Taehyungs. The kiss was over in less than a second and when Hoseok pulled back Taehyung chased his mouth but the older shook his head amused.
“This will have to do for now. Go clean up.” Taehyung pouted again but did as asked anyway.
It was a couple of minutes and a bit of dish washing being done later that they found themselves on the couch together. Tae sat in the middle his legs draped over Yoongis lap who was lazily caressing his thigh. Hoseok had an arm around Taehyungs shoulders and used it to brush his fingers through his hair. The youngests head was resting on Hoseoks shoulder. He had no idea what movie they where watching but he enjoyed it no less. He still couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
The next following weeks they kept hanging out like that. Going out for dinner together, to the cinema, to the mall. Tae even agreed to go to box fights together or they just stayed at home. And it was great and fun and all but...
Hoseok and Yoongi obviously were a little closer and while they tried to include Tae as best as possible but at the same time he felt them holding a certain distance. It was like he was a third wheel all this time.
“We need to talk!” He blurted out while they all sat together around the TV once again. Hoseok and Yoongi froze and exchanged a glance.
“What is it?” Hoseok asked carefully. Both man straightening up on the couch. Tae bit his lip and stared at his fingers, a bit scared of their answer to his question.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” He said, quick like removing a band aid.
“What?” Yoongi and Hoseok asked in unison.
“I mean I’d totally understand. You two had a perfect relationship way before I came and I just like, squeezed in. You can just tell me if that’s the case. I mean" he chuckled coldly “I guess it would kinda hurt, but I’d really understand. It was fun but I guess it just doesn’t really fit-" His sentence was cut off when Yoongi turned his face and kissed him with such force that Tae gasped in his mouth. Yoongi used that opportunity to slide his tongue in Taehyungs mouth. It felt desperate and needy and it was everything that Tae needed in that moment. His hands covered Yoongis that cupped his face, holding them in place.
“Don't say stupid things like that!” Yoongi whispered against his lips, giving him a last peck before pulling back.
“We wanted to give you time, to get used to everything. We didn't know we were making you feel like that.” Yoongi explained.
“But we want you.” Hoseok added, his voice rough as he turned Tae to look at him. “We definitely want you.”
And then he crashed their lips together too. And wow. It was the first time they kissed since that almost nonexistencial peck all these weeks back and maybe Tae was greedy but really who cares. He wrapped his arms around Hoseoks neck pulled him impossibly close while leaning back on the couch, causing Hoseok to basically lay on top of him. In the process he reached out to his side, searching for the other one of his beautiful men. Yoongi got the hint and took Taes hand interlacing their fingers.
“Can-" He gulped “Can we go to the bedroom?” Tae asked shyly.
“Are you sure?” Hoseok asked and chuckled at Taehyungs furious nodding.
Yoongi stood up first and helped Tae up, Hoseok following them quickly. Maybe it was a bit soon but so what. Some people fuck at the first date.
The youngest went straight for the bed watching as the other two looked at him slightly amused, slightly endeared. Yoongi crawled over to him, sitting down next to him and watching Hoseok. The latter smirked and took off his shirt before joining them. Tae couldn't take his eyes off him, he was so stunning. His hand went straight to Hoseoks chest, feeling the muscles twitch under his touch, the smoothness of his skin, his warmth.
He gulped again, looking up to see both Yoongi and Hoseok grinning back at him. Hoseok leaned down to kiss him again with so much passion that Tae moaned against his lips. He felt Yoongis hand starting to fiddle with his shirt and shoving the hem up to the point where Taehyung pulled back to take it off completely.
He then turned to Yoongi, motioning him to take his shirt off as well, leaving them all bare chested. Impatiently Tae pulled both of them down, wanting to feel their skin against his. Yoongi dived right in, pressing his face against the youngest neck and nibbling at the skin there.
“You have no idea for how long I wanted this.” Hoseok murmured.
'Same' Tae thought as he took his hand and interlaced their fingers. He was in complete bliss of finally having the weight of his insecurities gone.
The night flew past them, with their bodies dancing together none of them paid attention to things like time. Dawn had already started once they flopped on the bed together, laying pressed together in one small pile of human. Taehyung was absolutely exhausted and he was pretty sure neither him nor Yoongi would walk much the following days but he didn’t regret it one bit. He sighed happily, hearing even breathing to his left and soft snoring to his right. In this very moment he was so sure that this is his place, this is where he belongs, where he is supposed to be.
Luckily it was Friday, or more like Saturday by now so they could stay in bed and laze around all weekend. Yoongi was the first to wake up, probably some when around noon. He pressed a kiss to Taes shoulder and Hoseoks arm (since it was the only thing he could reach) and crawled out of bed with a groan on his lips every time his hip ached. Tae woke up only moment later. He blinked sleepily and scratched his head, looking around. Once he saw that Yoongi was gone he decided to get up as well. He carefully tried to peel Hoseok from around him and pulled up a fresh pair of shorts (stolen from Hoseok). He rubbed at his lower back with a grimace on his face when he felt the stiffness of his body. Yoongi chuckled once he saw him waddling into the kitchen. It smelled heavenly of coffee.
“Morning sleepyhead.” The older laughed. Taes hair was sticking up in every direction.
“Morning.” He mumbled back.
“How do you feel?” Yoongi asked and Tae made a grimace again.
“I’m okay, what about you?” He asked back, carefully sliding on a chair, watching Yoongi making breakfast. Yoongi smiled at him.
“I’m used to it. Hope is... well he has a lot of stamina, you know.” Yoongi said and Tae snorted.
“Yeah, I noticed. I came like three times while he just kept going.”
“I know, I was there too.”Yoongi chuckled and looked at something behind Tae. A grin spread on his face. Tae turned around to see Hoseok stumbling into the room, scratching on his bare chest, eyes barely open. He walked over to Tae and slung his arms over his shoulders from behind and buried his face in his neck. Tae giggled as Hoseok started to nibble at his neck.
“How are my two lovely boyfriends?” Hoseok murmured against Taes skin. Technically they never officially agreed to be boyfriends but no one said anything against it.
“We are fine, hope.” Yoongi laughed and handed both of the a cup of coffee.
“I’m sorry for last night, I got a bit carried away.” Hoseok mumbled and started to massage Taes lower back. Yoongi walked around the kitchen isle and joined the pair. Tae pulled him onto his lap and Hoseok slung his free arm around his middle.
“We are gonna make this work, right?” Tae asked quietly and snuggled closer to Yoongi. The older hummed lowly.
“I think we will. We just have to promise each other to be honest and speak up if something bothers us. Like you did yesterday.” Yoongi stated.
“That was really brave of you.” Hoseok agreed, pressing a kiss to Taes hair.
“Stop!” Tae giggled a little flustered.
“You know what people say,” Hoseok said brightly “All good things come in threes.”
Yoongi groaned but smiled anyway.
"Can you please finally tell me what the hell happened in that bathroom of mine?" Jimin pressed. Tae smiled sheepishly.
"A lot. Basically I was an idiot and you were right and I should have listened to you and been honest and all this chaos could have been prevented." He admitted, staring at the ceiling. Jimin inhaled deeply.
"I'm not saying I told you so, but that's exactly what I'm saying." Jimin pouted. Tae looked over to his best friend who was laying next to him.
"Maybe your bathroom has magical match making skills we didn't know of. Somehow both our love stories started in there." Tae chuckled.
"Hmm, maybe I should make a business of it. We'll just lock couples in there until one of them cries or vomits. What could possibly go wrong?" Jimin joked.
"You mean except of the slight chance of us getting sued?" Jimin giggled and slapped Taes chest lightly.
"I can't believe you'll have threesomes on a regular basis now." The dancer mumbled. Taehyung snorted.
"It sounds like a lot of work to be honest. Isn't it exhausting?" Jimin asked and Taehyung couldn't help but love.
"Hobi does most of the work, so it's fine. He-" His sentence got cut off.
"Yah, actually I don't wanna know after all. But I'm happy for you, TaeTae." The two friends smiled at each other.
"I'm happy too."
[Thanks for reading! :)]
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stormyoceans · 1 year
Sea said his favourite scene in OF trailer was car sex between Top and Boston so I'm expecting him to recreate it one day. Like a sign of respect to his Hia'Force who participated on it
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