#Each new outfit of his is making me fall even harder for him
realcube · 3 months
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characters ♡ (all aged up) midoriya, todoroki, kirishima & kaminari
request for ♡ anon
tws ♡ implied sexual content - minors dni!
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♡ so flustered by the request
♡ no matter the circumstances
♡ like y'all could be going out for a couple weeks or you could be married for ten years with children, homie still doesn't know how to act
♡ and he is so apprehensive to ask why you want him to pick it out for you because on one hand he's curious about the implications and wants to explore that further but the LAST thing he wants is too ask too many questions for you to then turn around and be like "you know what, nevermind. i'll just buy it myself."
♡ so he will try to get information out of you covertly
♡ "well i think you'd look great in anything.. maybe something floral. unless you are dressing for a specfic occasion?????? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨"
♡ "you know i like the red one you have. you should wear that if i get to see you in it 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨"
♡ "oh you like the orange one? ... orange like the colours of pro hero dynamight ? 🤨🤨🤨🤨"
♡ he somehow manages to spiral and come to the conclusion you are having an affair
♡ but then he remembers he's with the most faithful partner in the world and moves on
♡ he also so believes that this is like.. a relationship milestone
♡ like "omg we are dressing each other now ow 🤪"
♡ if it turns out y'all are going to the beach or pool or something he will ask you to choose his bathing suit too
♡ but yeah he just thinks its so sweet you let him choose what you wear and he gets a strange (temporary) power trip from it
♡ whenever you get changed next he'll silently be praying you let him pick your outfit for you
♡ the power trip doesn't last long though because when he actually has to pick the outfit he is lowkey kinda nervous especially if you are gonna wear it out in public
♡ he is so afraid of making the 'wrong' choice
♡ like he doesn't want to be held responsible if you go out in a ugly fit and people give you funny looks
♡ overthinks asf
♡ it takes him like 10 minutes of pinterest surfing and coordinating to decide and eventually he goes with the same bathing suit you wear almost every time
♡ if you guys are staying indoors though, he is too respectful to say it aloud so he simply blabbers on for ages in hopes you get the hint
♡ "uh well i mean me personally i just don't see the point of going to all the effort to put on a whole new bathing suit after taking your clothes off if it's just going to get wet anyway i mean it's just a waste of washing machine power, pro hero wash doesn't risk his life everyday for people to just throw things in the laundry when they don't need to , right —"
♡ there's more
♡ like he goes on for ages but you pick up what he trying to say after two sentences
♡ and you give the man what he wants 🤷‍♀️
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♡ so confused
♡ like he is genuinely baffled; he just doesn't understand why you would want him to choose for you and why, out of all the outfits you wear, it's your swimwear you want him to pick
♡ he is going to ask a million questions before he even tries and i wear he's not doing it to be difficult or defiant , he is just so incredibly curious and WANTS to know what thought process led you to entrusting him with your ootd
♡ you explain that it's just a cute thing you wanted to try, so you could see what colours and designs he prefers on you
♡ he still doesn't fully get it because he's made it inexplicably clear by now that he loves the way you look in virtually anything — you could have rolled up to your wedding in crocs and he would've still been completely enamoured. in fact he'd fall for you even harder for making practical footwear choices.
♡ (not that he's a fan of holes in shoes , he thinks it defeats the purpose. but he'd find something positive about them if you were to wear them)
♡ but after being with you for so long and being a pro hero in an evolving society , he has learned to be open-minded and entertains your idea
♡ he is naturally quite stylish , so it likely goes into your wardrobe and picks something very understated and minimalistic
♡ anything you own that happens to all be one colour; a boring colour too like beige, grey or off-white
♡ even if it happens to be a skimpy piece he truly pays no mind to it, he's more focussed on the design and colour (or lack thereof)
♡ so likely he'll end up handing you a two-piece that is essentially just two pieces of thread on a hanger , and of course you will think there are implications behind that and start eyeing him 👀
♡ but having been married to him for x years, you recognise the blank expression he wears when there is not a thought in his head and you quickly realise that he wasn't suggesting anything by handing you such a provocative outfit
♡ he just likes the colour and fabric lol
♡ "it will really bring out your eyes"
♡ (doesn't know what that means; heard someone say it on tv once and now it's his go-to fashion compliment) (what he really means is "fashion fashion style bags purse clothes purse")
♡ it's only when you actually put it on and show him when he realises what he has done lmao
♡ standing there and staring at you like 🙂 "cute. where's the rest of it?"
♡ it looked a lot bigger when he was holding it and he didn't take into consideration how it stretches
♡ tries to subtly get you to change without admitting its revealing
♡ "very pretty. but i heard jean shorts are in season, why not try those?"
♡ "oh— is that a loose thread? hmph. i think you'll have to throw bathing suit away since it's ruined."
♡ "it's nice but i doesn't bring out your eyes like i originally thought. more so your chin."
♡ tbh he does not want to even admit to himself he has a problem with you wearing revealing clothes because there is no rational reason as to why he should have an issue with it but he just does and it hurts his brain
♡ even if other guys are checking you out that shouldn't matter bc he knows you're loyal and would never cheat so WHY does the thought make him want to freeze an entire city ???
♡ anyway you can tell just by looking at him that he's conflicted and fighting internal battles so you put him out of his misery by just changing into a different one
♡ (after that chin comment tho , he did NOT deserve your compassion 😞)
♡ once he has successfully styled you into a cute outfit he feels so proud of himself lk??
♡ also he still has a hard time understanding why you wanted him to pick your bathing suit 'just because' so in his head he rationalises that dressing each other is just something all long-term couples do and you guys have reached a relationship milestone
♡ similar to izuku except todoroki takes it WAY more seriously
♡ like randomly when he is getting ready, he'll ask you to pick the tie he is going to wear or even his shirt
♡ and if he is getting ready in the morning and you're not awake yet , he will literally make you help him plan his outfit the night before
♡ even for super formal pro hero related events where he is likely being styled by professionals, he will ask you to choose his cufflinks or belt or something like that
♡ just so he has a piece of you on him at all times ( besides his wedding band ofc 🤪)
♡ and yeah this isn't a temporary thing either. unless you ask him to stop, he will be asking you for your input on his clothing for the forseeable future
♡ he'll even start asking other people ( who he knows are married ) stuff like "what did your wife choose on your outfit?" or "oh nice watch, did your husband pick it out for you?" and he gets weird looks every time
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♡ he's probably the most normal about it
♡ like he doesn't see it as any sort of test so he isn't nervous or confused
♡ and he is able to aknowledge that it is only an outfit for one day so even if it isn't his best work, at least he tried ??
♡ but yeah he thinks it's sooo cute that you want him to pick your bath suit , makes him feel like he's putting his own mark on you (in a wholesome way) and he finally gets to dress you in his favourite colour
♡ RED!!!
♡ if you don't have any red swimwear he will fr go out and buy you some because that is all he wants to see you in lol and he would LOVE to match with you
♡ red bikini + red truncks combo question mark
♡ if you don't own any red or you don't want to match with him , he'll probably choose a top and bottom from two different sets and pair them together and think he is some sort of style icon for pairing neon pink and sage green but in reality it such a crime against fashion
♡ but you wear it anyway just to see the big dumb smile of his face when you walk out wearing his "creation"
♡ oh and be warned that after you let him style you once he is going to be obsessed with giving his input on your outfits for at least the next six months or until you tell him to stop
♡ it'll be like "kiri, i'm gonna wear this white blouse to the dinner tomororw. does it look better with these black trousers or this brown skirt?"
♡ you'll show him the two options and he'll STILL reply, "hm, have you considered jorts ?"
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♡ wants to be nonchalant about it sooo bad but is internally screaming dancing and doing backflips
♡ like he is THIS close to blowing a fuse when you ask him
♡ and like you've been married to him for this long so you knew it would drive him crazy and that is exactly what you wanted mwahaha
♡ yeah he tries to play this off casually like a cool , reserved guy who couldn't care less
♡ but we both know that is NOT who he is , in fact that is the furtherest thing away from what he is in this moment
♡ "i- i get to choose?" he stammers, pointing at himself before he clears his throat. plastering a confident grin on his face, "yeah, duh. i'm your husband of course i'm going to choose what bathing suit you wear."
♡ pro hero chargebolt recently saved a politican from a very life threatening fajita incident so naturally your household has come into a lot of money and thus had a pool built in your back garden so he assumed you wanted to take it for a test run
♡ you've both been so busy with work that the pool has been finished for over a week and neither of you have tried it out yet
♡ so he saunters over to the warbrode and shoves his arm in and rummages around
♡ less like he is sifting through clothes; more like he is pulling out a prize from that mystery bag filled with random treasures at the carnival
♡ after a couple seconds of searching, his face lights up as though he has found the perfect outfit for you
♡ he pulls out his arm; lo and behold he has his hand in the air with his fist wrapped around... nothing
♡ literally nothing
♡ he still looks at the air where a bathing suit SHOULD be with wide eyes and an impossible grin, "this would look great on you !! you've not worn it in so long. try it on!!"
♡ he throws it towards you and of course you 'catch it' despite there being nothing there because you are plenty familiar with his antics and have learned by now exactly how to deal with them
♡ you 'hold it' in your hands and nod along, "yes! i forgot about this old thing. i'll go put it on right now." you muse, walking out and towards the bathroom, "i'm sure the dads at the beach will love this one."
♡ denki nods confidently, chuffed with how awesome and fly he is .. until he caught that last part
♡ "(Y/N) WAIT !!!"
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elllisaaa · 1 month
hi lovie✨✨💘💘 ur blog is so cute! May I request a Joshua hong from seventeen bf!thoughts😇🎀 ur Scoups one is AMAZING seriously the level of detail was so lovely
thank you so much !! i'm glad you love my aesthetic as well as my writing, i hope you'll love this too <3
BF!JOSHUA who's literally the definition of a gentleman and who would do quite anything for you if you ask for it.
joshua always does little acts that proves how mindful and attentive to your every move he is : putting his hands over the corners of tables, counters or cupboards when you bend down to get something, opening doors and things like bags of candies and water bottles for you, doing your shoelaces or helping you put on your heels and taking them off, refilling your snacks at your apartment and always carrying something for you. all of that comes to him so naturally, like he doesn't even think about it only because you're always on his mind, his number one priority. when you're talking, he's focused entirely on you, eye contacts and all to make sure that you know he's listening to you intently. plus, he always remembers all the little details you mention. that means that joshua is very aware of your emotions, so if you're tense, he will definitely notice it and offer you a massage to help you relax.
"come here my love, i'm gonna help you feel better, yeah ? you can talk to me if you want, you know that i'm here for you anyway."
he always makes sure to show you that he's there for you in social outings by letting his hand rest against the small of your back or by wrapping his arm around your waist and keeping you close to him. and when you're away from each other, his eyes are always drawn back to you, a smile spreading on his face when he crosses your gaze. joshua also loves to do that to show everyone that you're his, and that he's proud of being yours. he would give so many compliments, literally all the time - about how pretty you look, about how smart you are, about how good the food you made that day tastes. anything you do is worth a praise in joshua's mind. knowing how easily you can blush and get flustered from his comments, he would love to tease you a little by whispering some compliments to you while you're with other people, grinning as your cheeks grow red and you hit his chest for making you shy again.
"what ? can't i tell my girlfriend that she's incredibly gorgeous ? you wound me love."
you would get so many random kisses from joshua. he just can't help it - when he's bypassing you at home or when you look too cute, no matter the place, he's going to kiss you as soon as he gets the urge to. he would kiss you anywhere he can reach - your nose, your temples, your cheeks, your forehead, your lips, the top of your head or even your shoulders if the outfit you're wearing allows it. these little marks of affection always make you melt, especially when it's followed by a new love confession that makes your heart skip another beat. joshua is the type to bring you flowers randomly because he says that he doesn't need a reason other than love to gift his girl flowers. you always try to keep them alive for as long as possible, and when they do die, he helps you dry them to keep them - and he falls even more deeper for you when he discovers that you've been doing this with all the bouquets he gave to you since you started dating. he also definitely loves to make you handmade gifts, and you have matching bracelets that he created with a meaning behind every charm and that you both wear all the time.
"i made this thinking of you, i hope you'll like it."
BF!JOSHUA who doesn't stop spoiling you when it comes to sex, on the contrary, it's even harder to stop him from giving you everything he got.
to me, he's 100% big on overstimulation. firstly, because joshua loves to smother you with his love and that making you cum as much as possible is a form of love to him, and secondly, because you're very pretty and cute when you're trying to push him away because he already made you cum on his tongue three times and you can't get any more. but joshua always entices you in giving him one more, and one more, and one more until you're shaking and moaning his name uncontrollably underneath him. he'll let you sit on his face whenever you want to, but once he starts, he doesn't let you go until you soaked him in your juices - because he likes how squirmy you get and also because he loves your taste a little too much. by the time he pushes his cock into you, you're already so fucked out that all joshua has to do is hit your sweet spot a few times for you to cum again, and he loves how sensitive you get after a few orgasms and how easy it becomes for him to bring you to the edge.
"that's it love, give me one more… yeah, just like that."
praises extend into the bedroom of course, every word leaving his lips during sex being compliments and basically he's worshipping you and your body like a goddess. joshua never stops himself from telling you that you look hot or pretty, or that you feel amazing, or that you're doing very good, perfect even. he knows you kind of seek out his approval, and he cannot resists the urge to compliment his little angel when you're sucking him off and you look up at him with your big doe eyes - of course he has to tell you that your mouth feels so good he might cum down your throat. joshua is even more high on praises when it's intimate, lazy, morning sex. he loves the feeling of waking up next to you, limbs entangled with each other's, and just making out with you slowly until both of you just need to feel even closer. it's always so romantic that joshua just feels the need to confess his love again and again. but he's also spurred on by the fact that his praises turn you on and make you go weak in the knees.
"you're doing so good baby, such a pretty good girl."
sometimes, joshua also enjoys laying back and letting you do all the work, but it's very rare, and you'll have to do a lot to convince him to not move a finger while you're the one spoiling him for once. he surely loves the feeling of having you being all over him and being taken care of by your sweet hands, but he prefers to be the one making you go crazy. joshua particularly loves it when the pleasure he gives you gets so intense that you can't control the noises you're making anymore, nor the words that are spilling out of your mouth. when you're getting dirty is when he knows that you're really into it. that also goes with the way you don't even notice how strong you're pulling on his hair sometimes, but joshua doesn't mind because it brings him a different kind of rush that he loves. however, his favourite is when you dig your nails into his back and scratch it, when you leave your marks all over him. he's not too fond of marking you himself, but the way you're silently claiming him plus the slight pain the next morning gets him going more than anything.
"don't feel guilty, i love it when you get freaky baby."
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yanderepuck · 1 month
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The amount of time I restarted this fic is insane. It was going to be Isaac, realized Faust fit better, but Isaac deserves smut but he'd be so ooc. So here we are with Faust, it's still a little ooc but you can deal.
Anyway. It's a modern au. I don't wanna give away the plot twist but the ending is funny. Trust me
You lay in bed, swiping on your phone. Swiping left on guy after guy after guy. Why is there no one cute in your area? Where did they all go for summer break?
You finally get to a guy that makes you stop. You look through his pictures. Wow he's hot. A little older than you but you're looking for a hook up, so what does that matter. You barely think twice about swiping right. You don't match immediately and so you swipe through some more guys before eventually falling asleep.
The next morning when you wake up, you start going through your notifications. Most of them are unimportant and clear them. You see that you have a match and a message.
You open it to see that it's the guy you liked last night. Johann. He sent you a message, you're sure it's some cheesy pick up line and you aren't wrong.
'That outfit of yours is cute, but it would be much better on my floor.'
You can't help but chuckle a little. It might be early but you're okay with starting the day with some flirting.
'You'd look much better on me instead.'
You continue to go through your phone, seeing what you missed before you get out of bed and start going about your day.
It was a few hours later before you got a reply. You honestly weren't expecting anything in return. Most guys want something that night and by morning are over it and unmatched.
But instead you got a message.
'I know something else of mine that would look good on you~'
You think for a moment before figuring out what to send back.
'Your lips can go where they want. But I think your hands would make a pretty necklace'
Then the messages come faster and by late afternoon you are doing nothing but flirting with each other.
'Why don't you come over tonight so we can actually have some fun~'
You pause. Do you really want to go straight to his house? You know nothing about him. You can't even say you've talked to him for a day, you've just been flirting. Would that be safe?
That's what you would be thinking if the two of you didn't start exchanging nudes an hour ago. Seeing his erect cock got you feeling a type of way. A good type of way.
Damn you're so needy. You've been lonely for just a little too long to think of any consequences and agree to his offer. You couldn't have him come to your place. It's small.. and a disaster. You clearly look like a broke college student.
You look up the address he sent you to see what the area looked like. It seemed nice. It was a nice house, and pretty close to you.
'I'll be over soon~'
You change your clothes into something nicer looking and head over.
It didn't take long for you to be knocking on his front door. You are standing on the porch a little nervous. Hook ups are nothing new to you, but you really hope he's as hot as he is in his photos.
The door opens and a tall man opens the door. That's him alright. Wow he's hotter in real life.
"...damn you're hot."
"I could say the same thing about you," he pulls you inside, closing the door behind you. You can't believe you said that out loud.
"Did you find the place alright?" he already has an arm around you.
"Yeah," you slip your shoes off, immediately shrinking a few inches. You look back up at him. Damn. How is he hotter now that your shorter?
With your head up he kisses you. You came for a reason, and it wasn't to necessarily get to know each other. Maybe each other's bodies, but if you don't learn a thing about the other by the end of the night that's fine.
You kiss him back, which only causes him to kiss you harder. You moan and turn your body to face him. As your hands went up his shirt to feel him, his hands went behind you to grab your ass.
Encouraging him, you press your body against him. In a swift motion he picks you up, keeping a firm grip on your ass. Your arms move to hold onto him by his shoulders while your legs wrap around his waist.
As he carries you to his bedroom, you take the opportunity to try to get some moans out of him by kissing his neck.
Just as he started to moan for you he drops you on his bed, immediately taking his shirt off.
"Is there anything I shouldn't do to you?" He tossed his shirt to the side
You almost don't hear him. How did you luck out with a guy so hot. Since you don't answer he leans down, grabbing your jaw to make you look at him.
"If you don't answer I'll just use you how I like."
You feel your cheeks flush. Oh god. That's a dream. But maybe you shouldn't agree to that since you have just met him.
"Make me your personal fuck toy."
Definitely not what you should have said.
He smirks and lets you go. "That's what I like to hear."
You quickly start taking your shirt off. Once it's over your head he pushes you onto your back and starts to yank your pants down to your ankles. You move further back onto the bed and slip out of your underwear.
As you are taking your bra off you hear his belt being undone. Something about that sound gets you excited. With your bra to the side he gets on top of you, grabbing your hands so that he can tie your wrists together with his belt.
He does it so quickly that you swear he does this all the time. He sets his glasses to the side before going further down on the bed, almost laying down.
As your legs are being spread open you look down, seeing his face between your thighs. With your legs over his shoulders, you get a good glimpse of his bright green eyes before you shut yours with a gasp.
His tongue slid its way into you. You were already wet with anticipation but now you are leaking into your tongue. He's treating you as a meal, lapping you up and getting his tongue as deep in you as he possibly can.
It isn't long before you're squirming. His hands grip your hips tightly, keeping you down on the bed. He nibbles you a bit, teasing you with teeth. Feeling you jump only causes him to do it again. Your thighs try to close, as if you want him to stop, but you really don't want it to end.
Letting go with one hand, he starts to rub your clit, going in circles.
"Ahh-hh no!" You moan louder and squirm in a way that it seems like you are trying to roll over. Once he starts rubbing you, it doesn't take much to cover his tongue in your cum.
You try to look down at him, to catch a glimpse of his eyes. When you make contact with his, he looks like he's going to go feral. This is what you wanted after all.
"If you're going to be my fuck toy, let's flip you over."
He doesn't give you the option to roll over yourself. He sat up, grabbed you, and flipped you himself. You could help but moan. He even moved you so that your ass was in the air.
His hands grabbed your ass and rubbed it roughly, getting you to moan again. You could feel his hard tip pressed against you and whined. You've been waiting for this all day and now he's right there. You try to move back to get him to slip inside.
He chuckles. "Well I'd you're that eager."
He smirks and pushes his whole length inside you. He was going to ease himself in, but since you're so impatient.
You bury your face into the bed and pull at your restraints.
"Don't be shy now."
He reaches up, grabbing a fist full of your hair and pulling it back.
"I want to hear what kinds of noises my new toy makes."
His voice is in a low growl, though your moans it can be hard to hear but each word gets you wetter.
His hips pull back before snapping back into you, getting you to yelp.
"Good girl," he praises you as he starts to thrust into you at a regular pace, making sure his full length enters you. "You're so tight and yet you can fit all of me," he pulls your hair more to hear you yell.
You try to prop yourself up on your tied up hands as he pulls your hair more and more.
"And you just keep getting wetter," he teased, his cock being able to slide in and out of you faster.
He doesn't seem to hold back with how hard he thrusts into you. One hand isn't enough to keep your hips in place and your legs start slipping.
Faust lets your hair go, making you fall forward. Without losing momentum, he fixes your hips and presses down on your upper back, forcing your face into the bed.
Your hair is in your face, your hot breath hitting you back. Your body is squirming again. With your hips at a new angle his cock is hitting a new spot, getting you to cum again nearly immediately.
"You're a perfect toy," he grunts a little, still going despite you tightening around him. "You take me with no complaints," he pushes you down harder as he pounds into you rougher.
"Ungh-ahhh! F-fuck!" You pant, barely able to get out words.
He feels himself starting to get closer, but he stays in you for as long as he can. His thrusts are getting out of rhythm. Finally he pulls out of you, making a trail of cum down your back.
He tries to catch his breath for a moment before helping you lay your body flat on his bed so that he can grab something to clean you up.
As he steps away you try to push your hair out of your face. In a few moments your back is cleaned, your hands are freed, and you're laying there with your head on his chest.
For the rest of the summer your hook ups became nearly a regular thing. You don't plan on keeping it once the summer ends so you don't end up getting to know each other much. You're there for a hook up, no strings attached.
Or so you thought.
Your college classes start again. It's the first week of the semester and you're looking over your schedule.
"Ugh. My schedule is awful. I already can't wait for this to be over."
You head to your next class. It's a lecture hall. You already know it's going to be one you're going to fall asleep in.
You walk into the class and look for a place to sit when you look at the front to get a look at the teacher.
Shit. No. He can't possibly be the teacher.
Faust looks up from the papers he's looking at to see who called his name and makes eye contact with you.
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @fang-and-feather @xalxtusxiao @namine-somebodies-nobody @ana-thedaydreamer @evil-quartett @ameyoruakiikemenseries @yrenesposts @tele86 @damekathearasi @lokis-laugh @candied-boys @breadmercury @aquagirl1978 @xenokiryu @nightghoul381 @vampiricpancake @lulu-the-smol-floof @tako-cafe @floydsteeth
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diejager · 7 months
hi so big fan :D, im terribly obsessed with literally all of your cod fics but oh my god stepdad könig + horangi drives me nuts-
just wanted to throw an idea in your brain because i cant stop thinking about it but imagine if reader used to go braless around the house (because its just her n mom) but after the introduction of 2 new unfamiliar guys in the house she puts on a bra when she leaves her room (but she also forgets sometimes and they call her a tease for it)
With time however, with all the fucking and the constant attention horangi and könig have been giving her nipples, theyre so fucking sensitive she like shudders when they scrape on surfaces on accident (ex. the edge of a table, fabric of her clothes) so she starts wearing a bra all the time to stop that from happening but könig and horangi don't like that so they take ALL her bras-
oh also another idea that popped up but what if reader who usually dresses rather tomboyish/masc also occasionally enjoys wearing very fem/provocative outfits. BUT könig and horangi have only ever seen reader wear masc outfits since theyve known each other. reader still wears her fem outfits but now she wears it under a bulky jacket and baggy jeans and changes out of it in uni/public toilet.
so like one day horangi is out and has to do a double take on reader out in public because they dont recognize them in their outfit (ex. a form-fitting sundress or a mini skirt with sheer tights and cute leg warmers) and he remembers reader leaving the house in something else. fuck i just know könig and horangi are going to get SOOOO many ideas on how to punish reader for that.
any ways thats it from me love ya <3
Hii, I looked at your illustrations and I LOVE them, they’re all so clean and nice.
Cw: DARKFIC, STEPCEST, DUB-CON/NON-CON, smut, size kink, possessive behaviour, delusional, tell me if I missed any.
König used to enjoy stripping you, the act of ripping your bra off and watch your breasts sway from his rough treatment. There was something empowering to it, a show of dominance and possession over you when he could strip you naked under him or watch Horangi straddle you and pull your shirt and bra off, sliding your panties down your thighs. He found pleasure in doing so when you walked around in baggy clothes, hiding your shape and curves from his hungry eyes, it was like unwrapping a long-awaited present that he’d been teased with for so, so long.
If he was especially lucky, he’d find you without a bra, your perky nipples pressing against his chest or peaking under your shirt, two small and hard nubs that tempted him with the prospect of something sweet to bite and suck. He liked admiring them, all swollen and slick with his or Horangi’s saliva, spitting or letting drool fall on your tits while they fucked you, marking your sensitive skin with the indentation of their teeth and dark splotches all across your chest. You always whined about it hurting, pushing them away with frail arms, fighting with weak hits and slow kicks. What you thought would be a deterrent, was fuel to their growing hunger, they were men who liked the fight, the struggle, a prey that wouldn’t fall too easily.
But now, he was growing annoyed that you always wore a bra, like an incessant pest that slowed him down from getting to his prize, even Horangi had complained about it and how intricate your choice of bra straps you bought, all the complicated knots and crosses that made their job much harder than it should when they were pleasuring you. How could you make it so difficult for them? They always made you come, their thick girth splitting you in half and filling you in hot and bitter cum. They tried talking you out of wearing bras, but in your rebellious phase, you glared and ignored their words. There wasn’t much they could do to convince you to stop wearing them, there wasn’t truly anything they could hold against you. So they took them away, making you ask for them if you wanted to wear one and it had to be reasonable.
It seemed that you didn’t like their decision, coming to them for a bra every two day to go out, it left them watching you walk out the door in nothing but jeans, a shirt under your jacket, headphones holding your cap down and a backpack slung over your shoulder, hanging low on your back. It irked him that you always hid your beautiful body, something you should be proud of showing off, but perhaps it was to keep your body for themselves, to dance and writhe in your nude for them only, a treasure that only König and Horangi were privy to. He figured it was something he should be proud of.
Then Horangi told him how he found you in a short skirt and a shirt that rode up your abdomen and showed your pretty bra if you raised your arms, the soft jacket you left home slung around your shoulders, dipping low enough to show your back, but your jeans, shirt and cap were gone, stuffed in the now-filled bag. König couldn’t help but mimic the deep sneer on Horangi’s face, teeth tearing into his lip at your audacity of wearing such promiscuous attire for the world to see and hiding yourself from them. It made them wrathful, a deep-seated anger and envy that boiled until you got home, changed into the same baggy clothes you left with. This warranted a punishment, to teach you a lesson about lying to them and holding out on them. 
“Come here, du scheiß Gör,” König growled, glaring at your shuddering figure. [you fucking brat.]
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @lucienbarkbark @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @223princess @maylovesyousomuch @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami
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ikigaisvt · 9 months
dirty dancing
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in which you get a little too excited about seeing your boyfriend on stage.
pairing: idol!chan x reader words count: 2.4k content: smut, idol au warnings: kinda switch!chan x switch/brat!reader, semi-public sex (they don't get caught but it's implied everyone ends up knowing), talk of jealousy, kissing, begging, swearing, dirty talk (m giving), hair pulling, teasing, edging (m receiving), blowjob, orgasm (m receiving), petnames (for reader: babe, baby, vixen, whore) pls lemme know if i forgot anything :) note: haiii! this is inspired by dirty dancing (new kids on the block ft. dino, dokyeom, vernon) so credits to them/the writers for the lyrics i used (in italic between each paragraphs). this is absolutely not inspired by the title of the song so don't expect someone to dance/do a strip tease for someone else 😭 also had to include idubily chan (go look for pics in case u don't know Him) in this someway, somehow,, minors/ageless blogs dont interact or i'll hard block u. hope everyone enjoy!
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Roll that body, feel the energy
Chan has always been made for the stage and that’s something he knew from a young age. His love for dancing, for being cheered on and noticed has always been the biggest driving force of his life. His fans, too, have always been the most supportive towards their music and their stages. Here he is, performing in front of his fans for one of their Japan concerts of the Follow tour. He just went through Highlight’s routine with his Performance Team members before starting to perform I Don’t Understand But I Luv U, one of their newer songs. He puts his all in, trying to concentrate on giving his best – and he does – but his mind keeps going back to you and how you’re waiting for him backstage. Chan loves his fans and he is the most grateful for them; they gave him a chance to make his dreams come true. But despite being loved by so many people, Chan really awaits only your praises to know he did well on whatever he’s working on. Ever since you two started dating 2 years ago, your opinion has been the most important; he would hate to disappoint you, in any way. As his body keeps moving naturally through the moves – despite his mind being elsewhere – he realizes him and his team are nearing the end of the song. He tries harder for the last minute, you on his mind as his biggest strength to do his best; to always do his best.
I know that lingo, I think that she’s into me
Him and his three brothers stand still for a few seconds after doing the last move as the crowd cheers so hard he can hear it through his in-ears. The lights go out and they start to exit the stage as the screams never stop; it feeds into that feeling that settles in Chan’s stomach – a fire, something burning. He feels it overtake his thoughts as he finds himself backstage, in-ears off, searching for your eyes in the crowd of staff. He finds you, sat down on a chair in the corner – you probably chose this spot to watch the performances on the TV without being in the way. However, when he sees you, your eyes are already on him, as you take in his outfit, how his hair fall down on his forehead and the way you can feel the passion overflow from him. What he doesn’t notice is how much you want him; seeing him perform on stage made your belly ache with desire, made you want to please him. He slowly walks up to you but you don’t have the patience to wait a few more seconds; you almost run up to him, immediately taking a hold of his hand, not even answering his pleas, before dragging him through a series of corridors to the small – unoccupied – dressing room.
“Babe, what’s happening?” he says as he stops abruptly, closing the door behind him, “Are you okay?”
“I-” you start, not knowing how to explain you’re horny without him making fun – at least a little bit ­– of you, “Fuck,” you whisper as you take a hold of his face and kiss him fervidly. Your hands roam on his chest, to the opening of his shirt, working another button open as Chan gets lost in the kiss, in your scent, in the way your hands play with his outfit, his hair, lighting his skin on fire.
“Baby,” Chan mumbles in your mouth, trying to break free from your hold on him, “Fuck, baby, we can’t- I have to go up on stage,” he says under his breath after breaking the kiss, your forehead resting against his.
“Please,” you already beg even though he hasn’t even touched you yet, “Just let me suck you off,” you whisper, playing with his shirt’s buttons as his fingers tighten on your hips. That’s when you know he wants it; he thinks it’s a bad, bad idea, he knows he’ll get in trouble – no matter how good you are, he won’t be able to come in time. But when he sees your pleading eyes, lips slightly jutting out, as you grab down at his shirt, his determination breaks down. You can see the change of answer – and behavior – in his eyes as you sink down on your knees, his hand finding rest on top of your head as his cock twitches in his pants.
You’ll get me in a whole lot of trouble
“Was I that hot, up there?” he teases you as he brushes back your hair, your hands working his pants open.
“Hm, yeah,” you sigh in pleasure at the way his hand feels in your hair – and at the sight of his hard-on, “You’re lucky I’m not the jealous type because I can bet there are people in this crowd who wants you as much as I do,” you tease him back as you rub his cock through his briefs.
“You, not jealous? You should have seen your face when I showed some of the DMs I got on Instagram,” he sneers, blood instantly going to your face as you remember vividly some of the texts – and the jealousy you felt.
“So what?” you say, ticked off, as you rub his dick harder in your hand, precum oozing at the tip, leaving a wet spot on his underwear, “Should have told you to flirt back with your lovely fans? To give them what they want?”
“Enough about them,” he breaths out, leaning his head back as pleasure builds up stronger, faster, hotter in his body, “Come on, baby,” he whispers as he looks back at you, taking a hold of your hair and bringing your head closer to his hips, “You wanted to suck me off, didn’t you?”
You roll your eyes at his comment – knowing you’ll get pay back for this later, before getting his briefs down and holding his cock in your hand, jerking him off slowly just to tease him. You see his patience wearing off as seconds tick by, his jaw clenching, his eyes turning darker, his hand tightening in your hair. You can read what he thinks off his face; when he’s had enough, when he decides to come into action and make you take it and just as he’s about to speak, you take his tip in your mouth which he answers to with a guttural moan.
“Fuck, baby- Fucking finally,” he swears which makes a giggle erupt in your throat as you take him deeper, resting your hands on his thighs.
You don’t linger on the way you suck him off; you don’t stop taking him faster, rougher, deeper, always trying to get him closer to his release. You look up at him, his hands tightening against your skull as low moans come out of his mouth constantly, his eyes almost rolling back but he holds it off, trying to look at you through it all.
Feel the bass, feel the boom, feel the rubble
“Babe, can you hear that?” he asks through moans, as you stop sucking him to stroke him instead, “We can hear the music from there,” he whispers getting a hold of your face as you kiss the tip of his thumb.
“Hm,” you answer him as he plays with your lower lip before sinking his thumb in your mouth which makes him shudder. You two stay like this for a few seconds before he quivers, feeling the pleasure build up almost too much. As the first song comes to an end, you both start to hear different sounds but the one who stands out the most is the sound of someone walking down the corridor leading to this dressing room. Chan realizes after you, still in that pleasure-filled haze, his eyes widening and he starts to put distance between the two of you before stopping him.
“Don’t worry,” you reassure him, “I locked the door,” you whisper, your thumb rubbing his tip as you can hear a new song playing in the dome, the walls and the floor vibrating with the notes.
“Fuck, baby-” he moans lowly at the feeling of your hand on him, “you’re a little vixen, aren’t you?” he starts again as the sound making him tense get further away. You giggle, proud of how you got him to be, and stay, with you.
“You’re getting me in trouble, you know?” he sneers, hand feeling heavier on the top of your head as you smile innocently up at him, precum still dripping out of his tip, getting on your fingers.
“I know,” you say with a smirk, “but you’re loving this trouble,” you chuckle as you lick your own fingers coated with his pre-cum.
Caught up in the daze, caught up in the maze
His eyes get darker at the sight, thoughts running wild – your innocent mouth usually saying sweet words but now here you are, licking him off you – as you beam up at him, guessing how hot he thinks you are.
“Get to work, whore,” he tells you, pulling at your hair as you take him back into your mouth, moaning around him at the taste and the heaviness of him, “You’re loving this, aren’t you? Bet I’m getting you dripping right now,” he groans, as you feel him twitch in your mouth, “And I’m not even touching you.” He can feel the pleasure build stronger, his fingers tingling with want for more as he loudly moans, your hand pinching at the sensitive skin on his thighs.
“Fuck- I’m so close,” he mumbles, gripping at you harder as you suck at his head harsher before slowing down, always trying to build his want even higher, and letting go of him to take a breath.
Time is standin’ still, but I’m already late
“Baby- We gotta be quick,” he tells you, pushing back some hair out of your face, “Come here,” he says as he brings your face closer to his hips with a hand on your cheeks. He holds his cock in one hand as you open your mouth to let him push his cock into you, “Fuck- You feel even better than a second ago,” he moans, his bliss building higher and higher – waiting to come crashing down.
Before he can come, he hears sounds outside the door – he can almost hear voices calling out to him but his brain quickly focuses on you – you are everywhere; your hands rubbing at his thighs and abs, your sounds as you take him in – as you drown in his scent, in who he is, your eyes, looking up at him with a universe shining in your pupils, filling with tears as his hips bucks, faster, harder.
“Fuck, I think the song is over,” he mumbles under his breath, “Come on, make me cum, make me cum,” he urges you, voice breaking, as you take him deeper, not needing to keep stroking the rest of him – you choke on him, on his scent, on his heaviness.
Imma need an alibi
He knows, deep down, behind the pleasure you’re giving him, he’s fucked. Completely, utterly fucked. He’ll get out this room and will have probably a minute to make up something, a reason as to why his panting, his eyes and cheeks reddened and his pants wrinkled. He tries so hard to buy himself time, to make something up right now but you’re so much, he’s losing all coherent thoughts. You’re the one who has him in your mouth and yet he can taste you on his mouth – he moans at the memory of your taste, of your moans when he pleases you – oh, how much he wishes he could have you right now.
I’m tryna think of something, I can’t concentrate
“Fuck, my little vixen,” he groans, as you feel him twitch in your mouth, as he chases his orgasm, “I can’t even think of anything but you and your sweet, sweet mouth,” he mumbles, his hips bucking again, “I’m so close,” he says again, gripping your hair harder, “Don’t stop, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groans before cumming down your throat.
If before was getting burned, then this is fucking hell; his eyes rolling back as his head tilts backwards, his hand holding you still as his hips work himself through his bliss, bruising your throat. You feel him everywhere, all the way down to your belly. It’s when he starts to feel sensitive that he slows down, until coming to a stop and pulling out of your mouth. You’re proudly looking up at him, Chan still in the post orgasm haze to realize he needs to run.
He looks down at you before gently patting your head; “How are you feeling?” he asks you, your eyes still shining a little and your cheeks reddened.
“I’m okay,” you whisper, your voice coming out huskier than usual – you know you’ll need a lot of water after this, “I really am,” you reassure him after seeing how worried he got at the sound of your voice. You get up, Chan cleaning himself up and pulling up his pants, before you cross your arms behind his neck as you kiss softly.
“You did really well, by the way,” you smile after your kiss, looking at him oh so sweetly.
“Thank you, baby,” he blushes before kissing you again, one of his hands resting on your cheek, “You did, too,” he whispers against the shell of your ear.
“Thank you,” you giggle, “So, when are you leaving me?” you ask him, knowing he forgot where he was and what he needs to do.
“What-” he starts, confused of your question, before realizing he is late for his show, “Fuck! Fuck, baby, okay,” he says as he lets go of you, walking to the door, “I need to go! I’ll talk to you later, okay? Don’t go anywhere,” he tells you after opening the door – as soon as he gets out, he runs down the corridor, not even waiting for your answer.
“I won’t!” you scream behind him as you watch him get to his stage, “Love you!” you say before he disappears in the corner. A few seconds after, you hear him answer with a screamed “Love you too!” before you get back in the dressing room, smiling to yourself.
Chan, apologetic as ever, but more energized than before, gets back on stage a little later than planned – he gets disapproved looks from his members and he knows he’ll get scold after the concert. But he’ll always like a little trouble with you – and a little dirty dancing.
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thank you so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed it 🫶 do leave a like/comment/reblog if you liked it and i'll love u forever 🫶
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shadesoflsk · 8 months
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A political candidate has been found dead and a well known agent is working alongside you. Check my million dollar bloodline masterlist for general warnings.
Chapter 1
pairing: Vampire/Agent Leon x Fem Detective reader
warnings: Rivals to lovers (Kinda one sided at first because reader doesn't get along with men) misogyny, sexism (from the press) gore, violence, death, suicide, blood, mentions of kidnapping and experimentations, fucked up government.
author's note: Hi! So, this took me longer than I expected lol. I had to delete and redo so many parts but at last I'm comfortable with the result. This is basically an introduction to both characters hence the name I gave to this chapter. I hope you guys like it.
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Blinded by the constant flashes of cameras, numerous police officers make their way out of the tumultuousness of journalists and reporters who have gathered —in the name of informing— to be the first ones to publish headlines that will surely raise more commotion in the already horror-stuck citizens.
Thank God the scene of the crime is away from those prying eyes that won’t hesitate to snap a picture or two just for the sake of popularity or being contacted by those trashy and shitty newspapers that fall into the sensationalism homicides and crimes attract. 
The eighties are certainly… one of a hell decade to live in. Exuberant neon lights and flashy outfits weren’t enough to silence the crimes that were occurring each day in a city led by white-collared dicks who are ‘better than anyone else.’ The citizens’ words, not yours.
It was easy to despise everyone right now. From those politicians who share their condolences but deep down they have the same fucked up ideal and sentiment—they were happy their enemies keep dying. To the obtuse and short-sighted journalists who kept asking the same questions.
Not even your disdain and witty answers could push them away to the hell hole they came from. Catchy and well-sold tabloids were their objectives and you were the perfect subject to them. A woman in the eighties being the leader of a politic-related case? Oh God, the newspaper loves dragging down women.
Misogynistic terms were chanted even more than the national damn anthem. “God, spare us from a woman leading this case!” “Is this a new gold digger searching for a politician that isn’t dead?” Those were the most ‘tame’ titles they could come up with. However, rumor has it that directors and journalists love calling you names. Ultimately, those whispers die down as soon as the window from your Porsche 959 rolls down and the flashes of cameras turn your way.
“Ma’am we received news that the body you found was in fact, Mr. Clark. Our Major Candidate. Is there any clue this time?” The young journalist asked you. He was definitely a rookie, that ma’am that fell so easily from his lips, and his stance gave it away. Maybe you could be softer with him, aggressiveness was starting to wear you off.
You take out your sunglasses, the snaps of the pictures get harder to bear but for once, you try holding eye contact with this said journalist. In his gaze, you admire his inexperience and eagerness to get something out of this conversation.
Sadly, there’s nothing to offer from a lifeless body and a pool of blood that could flood the entire apartment of the deceased.
“It’s still unknown. We shall wait for the forensic team to provide us with the results of the autopsy.” Your voice is uninterested, an automatic reaction each time a question is asked. 
“So… The police department is once again showing signs of inability to complete a case?”
Fuck them all. All of them.
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A few hours ago, you had received a call which informed you about the disappearance of a candidate, a major candidate. Of course, a crime would occur when the elections were just around the corner. A perfect scenario to bring the already most famous and glamorized case in the decade more mystery and gore.
A disappearance meant a homicide, it would take just minutes before you were notified that a body had been found. 
And you were right.
Eventually, a coworker of yours informed you—with an annoyed expression on their face— that a drained body was found in an apartment. 
Working on two cases simultaneously was definitely tiring, and it was starting to show on your face. On one hand, multiple crimes are occurring in Raccoon City, all of them involving people from high society: CEOs, ex-presidents, and candidates. Idle good-for-nothing people who can wipe their asses with a one hundred dollar bill, to put it simply.
Difficult to deal with was an understatement. Everyone at the police station knew one thing though— someone important is leaking information. This said individual doesn’t want to get their hands dirty with blood. Acting like a vendetta, in the darkness, they are cleaning the government in a way.
However, the catch of this case was rather sui generis—not even decipherable. Corruption was the root of all problems and it even showed in various scenes of the crime. Politicians were found dead in certain ways that didn’t match up with their own lifestyles. Suicides, disappearances, homicides without a murder weapon. Someone important must be behind all of this and those victims were merely their pawns.
And on the other hand, a case that seems to get more sinister and fucked up was brimming in the shadows. One that also involved those who justice can’t reach. Besides politicians disappearing, numerous citizens were also missing without a trace. Families were left alone without their breadwinning fathers, without their nurturing mothers, and especially without their loved ones.
The government’s reputation was unmistakable, they didn’t care. Protests were organized without any response or reassurance that a solution would be provided. And then again, the damnation and torment of those who searched through hell and earth was once again brought to them.
Without further ado, you walked out of the police department and embarked on the fantastic journey of seeing another dead body. Not the best sight to see after having your lunch but if you don't go, no one else will. 
You arrived at the scene of the crime and luckily, you didn’t run into any reporters, word hadn’t reached them yet. You showed your ID to the cops that surround the apartment complex, they let you in.
The excruciating silence as you wait in the elevator was always agonizing. It allowed your mind to create the most gut wrenching scenarios. You’re a veteran at this point, you have seen 10 dead politicians over the course of the months. However, it doesn’t get any easier.
The first thing that welcomed you as the door of the elevators opened again was the metallic smell of blood. With a deep breath, you fixed your hair and expected the worst. 
“Good morning everyone.” Your voice rang through the living room of the apartment. There was no trace of violence or self defense, but the rancid reek continued filling your nostrils. Nonetheless, the authority in your voice never faltered, you simply didn’t allow it.
Acting tough was the norm and giving no shit about anyone was the rule that followed. It’s always been like that. You can’t crack jokes or show a smile just like your male superiors can. Bullshit, you thought. People love saying that the 80s are the best, but everyone is fucking misogynistic. 
When you saw that your team had your attention, you proceeded. “Where’s the body?”
“Inside.” A cop said. He was a veteran, the wrinkles forming around his eyes and the one-word phrase told you as much. “There’s a federal agent there, though.”
A federal agent?
It was a matter of time before the government decided to send one of its people. They should have after the first one. But as you already know, they’re scavengers, they don’t give a damn about the country nor themselves. If the death of a candidate could bring more votes to another party, they would close their eyes for the sake of it. 
“Anything I may know before going inside?” You ask. 
“Nothing much. The state of the body is the same as the ones we have found before.” The dull and repetitive tone of his voice was proof of how everyone was getting frustrated with this case. “Although this one really looks like a suicide.”
Interesting, a politician who actually killed himself instead of being killed.
“Thank you.” Your legs worked on their own and strode off to where the body was. The main bedroom. For a moment, you hesitated to turn the knob around. Your eyes were fixated on your red nails —the same color you’re expected to see once you enter the room.
And you were right, your gaze which was now looking at the floor only witnessed the ruby red color that painted the rug. And, as your eyes traveled, you observed the man who was lying lifeless on the floor. 
Your eyes then stopped when you noticed the man who had his back facing you. 5'10 inches with dirty blond hair, black leather jacket that hugged his figure just right. Undoubtedly, the build of an agent yet you couldn’t care less about his appearance right now.
Clearing your throat, you made your presence known. Even though a part of you believed that this man must have heard you as soon as you entered the scene of the crime. 
He turned around and you could see the solemn expression that soon turned into a polite smile. So, the blue-eyed male that was in front of you was the federal agent the government has sent? Interesting.
“Hello. You may be the leading detective of this case, right?” There is no accent in his voice nor a belittling hint in his speech. You were used to being questioned about your position or straight up told not to waste time before you could even identify yourself.
“Indeed.” You nodded before stepping closer and showing him your badge which had your name and occupation there. There’s a moment of silence before Leon speaks again, with a faint smile on his lips. 
“Kennedy. Leon Kennedy.” He stated his name, a muffled chuckle leaving after his phrase. 
At first, you remained expressionless, not expecting this stoic ‘professional’ to introduce himself in a rather comical way. Not when there’s a dead body lying at his feet.
“What are you? James Bond?” You were genuinely dumbfounded. 
“Do I look the part?” He had a hand on his hip, casually standing in front of you. If audacity and lack of decorum had a name, it would have Leon written at the top of a dictionary. “I'd call myself hilarious, though.”
“Kinda goofy, I'd say.” You retorted, walking past him and looking through your pockets to pull out a pair of gloves, the sound of latex being stretched followed your answer. This part was always the hardest, even when the body has been already inspected by the team of criminalists, you ought to re-check.
“Let's keep it at funny.” His eyes darted to where your figure was, the scent of your perfume couldn’t override the constant smell of blood but he could sense the faint aroma of coconut and vanilla.
"So... the government sent you?" You adjusted your gloves as your eyes locked on Leon's. His blue eyes were piercing yet they weren't threatening.
"Yup." Leon crossed his arms as he continued watching you. "Kinda late, I'd say. Mr Clark was... the eighth victim?"
"The eleventh." You corrected him.
"Damn, they keep falling like dominoes."
You crouch down to inspect the body, there’s nothing visibly new compared to the other subjects of the crime. Lifeless eyes, and a nasty open wound on his forehead which resembled a shot. But other than that? Nothing much. 
“Agent Kennedy, I don't think you're being professional.” You absentmindedly trailed off as you checked the candidate’s finger, paying close attention to his nails. Just in case this wasn’t a suicide case and there was DNA left in the victim’s nails.
“You're right.” He shrugged off as he sighed. He had done his part of the job before you arrived, so his presence was no longer required there. However, he stayed. “But then again, do you truly care for that asshole?”
Your ears perked at Leon’s sudden question. Sure, your disdain for politicians wasn’t exactly a secret. Everyone at the station knew about your hatred for the rich. But needless to say, you weren’t expecting the government’s boy to speak in such a manner.
Nor did you anticipate that he knew about you. 
“Careful. Aren’t you supposed to be an agent?” Your demeanor slightly shifted into a more serious one. One that warned him he shouldn’t stick his nose where it doesn’t belong. And while you were a rightful civilian who actually wanted to restore peace in the city. If this rumor reached the newspaper, it would be the end for you.
“Sure. But that doesn’t mean I’m fond of them.” And Leon wasn’t dumb, not at all. He caught the meaning behind those simple yet blunt words. “Or are you going to tell me you like working for your boss?” 
“I’m the boss here.” Your expression quickly turned sour as Leon expressed his own opinions. You just noticed the tick of a clock, a persistent noise that only served to highlight the already growing tension.
See, you weren’t a bland person, far from that. You appreciate jokes and even engage in light-hearted teasing with your friends. Not with colleagues.
But at that moment, antics and pranks weren’t something you easily accepted. Living to be compared to men who were incapable next to you built walls that made it impossible to reach your core, to your true self.
“See? Maybe your subordinates don’t like you.” 
“You should learn when to stop biting, Mr Kennedy.” 
Leon just laughed and shook his head. His eyes stopped being focused on yours and decided to gaze through the large window the room had. The perfect view of the city was in front of him, a perfectly corrupted place.
A welcoming silence—after their awkward banter— set in. You took this opportunity to ask for more information related to the dead candidate. As you let go of his hand, you got up and took off your gloves.
“So… Agent, any background information the now deceased may have?”
“Besides the obvious? Not really.” A sigh slipped from the blue-eyed man. “He had a beautiful wife and beautiful kids. The white picket fence kind of life.”
“Minus the obvious opulent lifestyle he had.” You said.
“Minus the obvious opulent lifestyle he had, indeed.” Leon replies in tandem. 
He shook his head, letting out a sigh you didn’t know he was holding. A headache was already brewing and you simply massaged your temples. The sensation of running in circles was once again setting and penetrating your mindset—there’s no clue to even pinpoint the cause of so many crimes.
“There’s nothing else here. Maybe your coworkers have something you could work with?”
And while you felt frustrated for not being able to do more, you let your irritation die down as you nodded.
As both of you exited the scene of the crime, flashing lights and camera shutters could be heard around the building as if they were annoying bugs that wouldn’t stop bothering you. Mosquitoes sucking the blood out of your systems.
Between noises and judging stares from the journalists, Leon’s stride led him to his bike that was just parked in front of your car. As you could already guess, the lenses of the cameras were getting the perfect take for tomorrow’s diary, especially since people love to read about the woman of the year being close to a man. To assert their sexist stance. 
“Hey,” Leon called you, his voice barely audible as the constant background noise was still pretty much present. “Take this with you.”
A confused expression set on your face as you eyed the manila envelope Leon gave you. Before you could even open it to inspect what documents were in front of you, Leon’s voice stopped you.
“I don’t think it’d be wise of you to open that here.” Your attention returned to the blond man who was now putting on his helmet. Immediately, you pressed the folder against your chest, protecting the contents inside of it.
“What's it?” 
“You’ll know later.” His hands gripped the handlebars, already turning on the engines. “For now, don’t do anything stupid.”
Haunted by the plethora of degrading terms you were called, your first instinct was to roll your eyes as you watched the agent driving away from the building and from the horde of journalists. 
Nonetheless, a part of you couldn’t help but read between the lines. Leon hasn’t been particularly cruel to you like every other cop or colleague. So, his statement could be related to what’s inside the folder.
For now, you simply walked towards your car. Or rather, tried. Ready to be cornered by the starved media while cops attempted to serve as a protective wall around you.
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Who am I if not exploited, abused, and corrupted?
A question that used to haunt Leon’s dreams and nightmares. His life purpose has been nothing but being the Government's puppet. Images and memories of being exploited and destroyed build up the man he is now.
Or rather, the beast.
In the search of the ultimate soldier, who would fight against every adversity. A creature that didn’t belong to this world was created. The once human could no longer be classified as one, and he gained the name of a vampire.
His hunger for food was replaced by a maddening and unbearable desire for the vital fluid of blood and his right to die was robbed from him as numerous experiments proved that, in fact, no human weapon could kill him now. 
Leon’s spirit was bonded to eternity therefore dying meant nothing to him. He doesn’t belong to life since his humanity was stripped away from him the moment he sold his soul to the nation. But death didn’t want him either, since now mortality runs away from him as the monster he has become.
It was a statement he grew accustomed to. The world was cruel and he was reduced to a simple and mere battle machine. The best weapon the nation had.
Although, he knew he was far from being the best arsenal the government could come up with.
They were greedy. It's always been that way. And the moment the disappearances started, Leon's nature was once again brought to the surface.
It all started when he once switched to a News Channel. The slow and grim music was playing in the background as the headline read: NEWS REPORT: FATHER OF TWO IS MISSING. Followed by another update that indicated he was the third man who has disappeared in May. 
No hell could be hot enough for whoever was behind all of this. However, Leon was terribly sure that this case wasn’t something orchestrated by just one individual. The anger he had so deeply buried now flourished as a flower. Yet this time it came with thorns that would cut and stab those who wished nothing but to set the world in despair.
He didn’t wait. If he stood still more innocent people would pay the price of being victims of the same destiny he faced. 
— August 14, 1987 —
Mr Clark,
I send my most sincere congratulations to you as I’ve come to know that you’re people’s favorite candidate. I’m so sure your image must be impeccable and flawless to reach such level of popularity. 
However, It’s so strange to me that as a public figure, you condemn those corrupted politicians who indulge in nothing but richness, crime, and sinful activities when your past (and present) does nothing but stain your image. 
But, I’m a generous individual. I’ll give you two options which you can choose from. You come out clean, show everyone the type of sick criminal you are or, you simply end your life. Easy, right?
After all, you didn’t hesitate to end someone else’s.
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hearts4hughes · 1 year
wanna be yours - jack hughes
jack hughes x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, not proofread
notes: small little imagine for lovie bun! let’s pray the devils pull through tonight and work some magic!!!!
gif is not mine
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falling in love with his best friend might’ve not been the smartest thing he ever did, but jack didn’t care.
ever since your family moved next door to the hughes’, you and jack have been attached by the hip. you did everything together. and i mean everything.
no matter what path life led you or jack to, you were always there for each other. it was a hard adjustment when jack went off to become a superstar for the new jersey devils. there were countless times where he’d lay down in his bed at night wondering if he was doing the right thing. if this was his purpose in life, or if he was supposed to be home with you. of course he thought he could never admit that to you because you’d only reassure him that it was his purpose to show off his talents in the nhl, and to not let you stop him from living his dream. little did you know, you were his dream.
jack couldn’t stop himself from falling in love with you. even at a young age he thought of you way more often than he should’ve. you were perfect for him, and everyone could see that- including him.
things took a quick turn for the better when jack was able to snag you a job as the sports media manager for the devils. you and jack were more than thrilled that you’d have a job for the team. not to mention how you’d be with jack basically everyday, just like it once was.
it might’ve just been your insecurities or stubbornness, but you’d never believe anyone when they told you jack was head over heels for you. it was just something that didn’t seem real- or so you thought.
i wanna be your vacuum cleaner
breathing in your dust
i wanna be your fort cortina
i will never rust
“do you think he’ll like this?” you question, flipping your hair to the side to showcase the tight, blue, minidress that hugs your curves, so perfectly.
jack’s eyes raked up and down your body, stopping momentarily on your slight cleavage. he could barely form a coherent thought because of how stunning you looked. “yeah, he’s going to love it.” his eyes stay wide as he continues to check out the outfit you wore, not for him, but for another man.
“ok.” you blush as you watch his eyes go up and down your body. you grin widely, turning around and beginning to finish your hair.
he watches you turn around and begin to get ready once again, but instead of saying anything, he stays silent leaning against the headboard of your bed.
let me be your ‘leccy meter
and i’ll never run out
let me be the portable heater
that you’ll get cold without
he’s give anything to take your dates place tonight. he knew he’d treat you better than any other man would. he knew you better than anyone else. however, he continued to endure the heartbreak of watching you get ready for dates with various men that don’t deserve you. jack’s thoughts were jealousy ridden, and he knew it. he needed to put an end to this.
secrets i have held in my heart
are harder to hide than i thought
maybe i just wanna be yours
“y/n,” he blurts out, not knowing what he’s about to confess.
putting your brush down, you reply. “mhm.”
“don’t go out on that date tonight.”
those seven words are enough to make you stop what you’re doing and face jack. “what?”
he rubs his neck nervously, thinking he should’ve planned this out. “don’t go out tonight, please.” his voice slightly cracks.
“jack, what are you saying?” standing up, you huff out a sarcastic laugh. what does he mean don’t go?
moving to the foot of your bed, he thinks of a plan on how to not sound like a complete asshole. “just please don’t, y/n/n.”
“jack, you can’t just say that.” you cock your head forward in annoyance. “why don’t you want me to go? just tell me.”
silence fills the room. just tell her you love her, dumbass!! keeps circling through jack’s head.
“whatever.” you scoff, rolling your eyes and grabbing your purse.
“i-” his voice is desperate. “i love you.”
your mouth falls agape as your eyes widen in shock. jack has almost the same reaction when he realizes what he just did.
“shit, wait.” he runs his hands through his hair in frustration and regret. “i didn’t- i wasn’t-” he stutters out the incoherent sentence, until he finally hangs his head down in shame. tears begin to well in his eyes when you continue to stay silent.
“jacky,” you coo. the use of his nickname causes a few tears to slip from his eyes. “please don’t cry.”
“i’m not crying.” he defends, blinking away the tears, and using his sweater paw to wipe them away.
the sound of your heels clicking fills the almost dead silent room as you make your way over to jack. when you reach him, you sit next to him, cupping his face while examining his features. his eyes are bloodshot from the sudden tears and his face is flushed. he moves away from your hold to let his head hang down once again.
“baby, i love you too.” you confess, scooting even closer to him.
“don’t say that just because you feel bad for me.” his eyes stay glued at his feet. jack felt weak as paper, waiting to be thrown away.
you let out a slight giggle at his words, even though you shouldn’t of. he slowly turns his head to glance at you. your lips fall into a frown when you realize he thinks you’re laughing at him.
“i know i’m pathetic, but you don’t need to laugh.” he mumbles, his voice barely above a whisper. you feel your heart crack. you never once thought he was pathetic.
“you are not pathetic, jack.” you say softly. “and i wasn’t laughing at you, i was laughing at what you said about me only saying ‘i love you’ out of pity.”
he continues to look at you unconvinced. “what’s so funny about that?” he questions. the tone of his voice causes your heart to shatter completely. he was anything but confident right now, and it killed him.
“has it really not been obvious that i’m in love with you?” you joke, a small smile tugs at your lips. “i turned down so many job requests at home, just to get this job here with you. you weren’t the only reason i took the job, it is a great opportunity for me, but you were the main reason i took it.”
“that kinda flew right over my head.” he lets out a small chuckle. the pieces of your broken heart start to slowly form back together when you hear him laugh.
“i can tell. good thing you’re only a hockey player.” the friendly dig makes jack gasp dramatically.
“what’s that supposed to mean?!” he jokes, pulling a loud laugh out of the both of you.
as the laughter begins to die down, jack checks his apple watch. “oh shit, you’re going to miss your date.”
you stare at him dumbfounded. does he really think you are still going out with another person after what just happened? “i am not going on that date, jacky. i am staying right here with you.” he relaxes into your touch as you rest your head on his shoulder.
you both sit in comfortable silence, wondering what’s going to happen after this.
“y/n,” he breaks the silence.
“you promise you like me?” he asks even though the question sounds dumb.
“of course.” you reassure.
“more than friends?”
“more than friends.”
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mykoreanlove · 1 year
Can I see you tonight?
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“You are doing WHAT? Y/N, are you out of your fucking mind?”
The slightly annoyed voice shouting at you through your phone was no other than your best friend. “You cried so much because of that man-whore and now you’re going to his place? What is wrong with you?”
Fair enough, you had asked yourself that as well. “I can’t believe you’re doing this. What’s your motive?”
You sighed in defeat. “See, I thought about that, too. It’s true, JB hurt me badly. And I should be over him and all but I’m not. I am still thinking about him, wishing that it would be different. I… I miss him. And I haven’t heard from him in so long, I just.. I just want to know what he’s got to say to me. Can’t you understand that?”
Your friend sighed in annoyance. “What are you wearing?”
That question caught you by surprise. “Huh?”
“Y/N, don’t play dumb with me. What are you wearing?”
You looked down at yourself and started describing your outfit. Black sports leggings, red hoodie and leather boots. “Oh, you mean the sports leggings that accentuates your bubble butt? And the red hoodie that makes your eyes pop? And not to forget the leather boots that look sexy as fuck on you?”
You gulped, not saying a word. “What are you wearing underneath?”
It was pointless to lie, so you told her the truth. “Red lacy thong..”, you mumbled. “And?” You rolled your eyes, thankful that she couldn’t see it. “No bra.”
“Y/N, I swear to god. You are going over there because you want him to fuck you! Seriously? That bastard behaved like he fell for you only to ghost you and you’re thinking of fucking his dick?”
Hearing her talk like that made your stomach turn. She wasn’t all wrong but she wasn’t all right either. Did you put a lot of thought into your outfit? Of course you did. When Jaebeom ditched you it hurt like hell, so naturally you wanted payback. Getting dolled up, showing off your goodies to tease him – anything really that would make him regret dumping you.
You thought of all possible scenarios in your head. Would he apologize and confess his love to you? Would he fuck you and make you leave? Would he apologize and introduce a new girlfriend to you? Would he even be at home or was this all a prank? Endless possibilities roamed your head until you decided to stop thinking. The last thing you needed was a headache.
“Listen, I know you worry about me and I appreciate that. I am curious what he has got to say to me. And if he isn’t saying anything at all, I can at least ask why he ended things the way he did. Anything after that? Total uncertainty. Maybe I’ll see him and be turned off by him. Maybe I understand his ways and feel empathy for him. Maybe I decide I am done with him and leave. Or maybe I’ll use him just like he used me… It’s been a while and a girl got needs. Is that noble? No. But the world is complex, it’s not black and white. Especially not with JB. At least, I want to be prepared.”
You hung up as you arrived at his place. You scanned the bell for his name, taking a deep breath before pushing it. “Jaebeom, please don’t make me regret this.”
His apartment was on the third floor. You took each step nervously, not knowing what to expect from him. You were wondering if his heart was racing as fast as yours. When you made it to his floor you noticed his door being open ajar, him being nowhere in sight though. You collected yourself one last time before grabbing the handle and entering.
He was rushing to the front door, cheeks slightly red because he didn’t make it on time. “Y/N! I’m so happy to see you. Come on in!”
You took a good look at him. He was dressed casually – black joggers and a white shirt that accentuated his defined body. His hair was longer though, falling into his beautiful features effortlessly. He still had the same aura about him. He was confident in a silent, down to earth way. “Fuck”, you muttered under your breath. Hating him just got a lot harder.
“Did you eat? I cooked for us.” He beamed you a sly smile and ushered you into the kitchen. It smelled heavenly and you started to relax for the first time. You were too nervous to eat before, so you welcomed the pleasant smell of your favorite dish. “I made you tteokbokki. It’s your favorite, right?”
You thought back to the first time you had tteokbokki with him. It felt like ages ago, even though it only had been months. You were sitting on his couch eating, trying your best not to go up in flames as it was way too spicy for you. JB looked at you concerned. “Is it good?” You took a deep breath, nodding. “Yes, but it’s so fucking spicy!” He sprinted over to you immediately. “Oh, let me extinguish the heat then.” And with that he kissed you – sweetly and innocently.
You got pulled out of your memories as he handed you a plate. “Come on, let’s eat.” You barely touched your food – not because it was too spicy but because you were too nervous to eat. Up ‘til now you only talked about irrelevant things – what you had been up to, work, your family, plans for the remaining year. Jaebeom barely looked at you which you took as a sign of his nervousness. Why was he nervous though? You were the one that got rejected.
He got up and put on some music, dimming the lights to change the mood. Your stomach churned again, you had never been this nervous with him. He sat next to you on the black couch and just watched you.
“Sorry, I, I thought this would be easier but it’s not.. It’s hard for me actually.”
You were confused. “What is?”
He grinned embarrassed. “Seeing you again. I know I fucked up and I wanted to talk about it but now that I’m actually seeing you it’s so hard.” He gulped nervously.
A ping of relief washed over you. He wanted to apologize, that was good! But you wouldn’t go easy on him, you wanted to see him suffer. You turned around and faced him directly, your doe eyes looking at him innocently while you were licking your lips seductively.
“Go on. You can do it, JB.”
He laughed. God, you missed his voice so much. The deep, honeylike voice that whispered the sweetest and naughtiest things into your ear.
“I wish I could find the right words and give you a proper explanation, Y/N. But I wasn’t in the right mind back then. I felt so lost.”
He took a halt and waited. That was not enough, no. You wanted more, you wanted a proper explanation from him. Maybe you needed to help him start?
You stood up and re-positioned yourself – on his lap facing him intimately. Jaebeom’s eyes widened in shock. His hands travelled to your sides automatically, squeezing your hips and ass. You caressed his face, tucking the lose strands of hair behind his ear.
“I am listening, Jaebeom.”
You felt him getting hard underneath you, grinning vigorously. He was holding back so much and you knew.
“I had been single for a short while when we met. And I wanted to keep it that way. You know, have some fun and move on. And it worked perfectly with all the girls before you but you y/n, you were different.”
You saw the pain in his eyes and felt good. It was petty but you were hurt and now you wanted him to suffer, too. You placed sweet little kisses along his jawline, whispering. “Different how?”
Jaebeom sighed heavily, trying to control himself.
“You were one of a kind. You still are.”
You let go of his jaw and watched him carefully.
“I had never met someone like you, y/n. You are so beautiful and funny. Smart and creative. Like I could talk to you about the most stupid stuff as well as my biggest fears. I was so drawn to you, like a moth to a flame. I felt my best when I was with you. But also my… worst.”
The last part caught you by surprise. You wanted to get up and get some space between the two of you but he held you tight by your wrists.
“Listen to me, please. I felt my worst because I knew I couldn’t live up to you. I wasn’t the man you deserved to be with. I was acting like a big fuckboy, running away from my demons and facing different pussies instead of my baggage. I didn’t deserve to be with you.”
You started to tear up. Never ever had you thought of this possibility. Did you think of him leaving you because you were not good enough? Yes. Did you think of him leaving because you sucked in bed? Yes. Did you think of him leaving because you were just not what a guy wanted? You bet. But this?
His honesty caught you off guard.
„I knew that you wouldn‘t let go of me, y/n. I saw it in your eyes. So I did what I always do best: fuck up. I had to hurt you so badly, hoping that you would forget about me. Did you…?” He paused for a brief moment. “Did you forget about me?”
You held back tears as you were facing him. You hated being weak, but you couldn’t help it right now. With a very low voice you answered. “I tried to. I tried kissing someone else, I tried dating someone else but I… I always thought about you.”
You looked down at your lap, too embarrassed to face him. Jaebeom grabbed your chin with his fingers and looked at you lovingly. “Funny enough, I did the same thing. I tried to forget about you by getting with other girls but none of them did the trick. No one ever compared to you, y/n.”
You grabbed his hand that was holding your chin and squeezed it lightly. Tears started to fall from your eyes as you asked him again. “What changed? Why now?”
Jaebeom’s fingers landed on your cheeks, wiping away the salty tears you cried because of him. “I wonder how many tears you must have cried because of me, y/n. I am so sorry. I really, really am.” He looked at you sincerely, you were believing his every word. With a sigh he explained further. “I got tired of running away. I got tired of playing this game that I’m bound to loose. I want to be with you. I know I’m not perfect and I can’t change what I did but I want to be better. For you. I want to be the man you deserve to be with. If you let me, of course.”
He looked at you nervously. “Will you let me, y/n?”
You chuckled in relief, as well. “Of course, you idiot. Of course, I will.”
His eyes lit up with excitement as he realized what you had said. Not even a second after he crushed his lips onto yours, kissing you like it was the first time. You made out for a while, in desperate need for each other. He interrupted each kiss with another declaration of love.
“I will make it up to you, y/n.” Kiss. “I missed you so fucking much.” Kiss. “God, I’m such an idiot.” Kiss. “What did I do to ever deserve you?” Kiss. “Thank you.” Kiss. “Thank you for giving me another chance.” Kiss. “I won’t fuck up this time.” Kiss. “I promise”. Kiss.
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concreteburialplot · 1 year
Intertwined // 03
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03 - when the party’s over
pairing: noah sebastian x nicholas ruffilo
masterlist/intro: here | crossposted: ao3
word count: 5.6k
warnings; alcohol, frat house parties, angst, frat!folio/frat!miserable bryan, inaccurate depictions of college experiences lmao, slight panic attack/ [nonsexual] overstimulation, frat hazing, drowning? but it’s kinda funny, confused jealous sad nicholas, awkward noah trying to rizz, folio has a silly nickname, crying, fighting, lots of internal dialogue, etc, 18+ MDNI
reminder; this is AU, nothing is meant to be accurate or realistic, including family members/names
a/n: don't like it don't read it. don’t be mean for no reason & let others enjoy things thnx :)
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In the bathroom across the hall, Noah messes with the pieces of his flippy hair that poke out and around his beanie.
In my room, I switch out the jewelry in my gauged ears and smooth out the short-sleeve button up shirt I chose.
The air between us had been somewhat distant and weird for the past 2 weeks since our… mutual activities. Though, I could tell that he was ready to go back to normal, which I do too.
It must just be harder for me to get past it, I guess.
We aren’t even out the door yet and I already regret agreeing to this stupid ass frat party.
He steps into the doorway and leans against the frame. “I’m ready whenever you are.”
“I just gotta brush my hair and then we can go.” I say, still turned away from him.
“Cool…” He trails off, “I’m just gonna chill in the living room.” He thumbs over his shoulder.
“Okay. Sounds good.” I reply instantly, almost before he’s even done talking.
Once I’ve quickly brushed through my shoulder length hair, I grab my keys from the wooden hooks near the front door. “Alright I’m ready to–”
My eyes land on Noah, who’s wearing a black sleeveless muscle tee-like shirt and tight jeans. I’ve seen him in similar outfits a million times before but for some reason right now he looks so different.
“You good?” He chuckles and shoves his phone in his back pocket.
I shake my head from whatever fog is lingering there. “Yeah, yeah, sorry. I must’ve just dissociated there for a sec.” Followed with a fake laugh.
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When we pull up to the frat house, it’s packed with cars practically stacked on top of each other. Thankfully I find a spot not too far and claim it as my own.
As Noah and I walk up, I’m in absolute awe. I’ve only driven past this house; I’ve never been this close to it. It’s one of the various neighboring fraternities and sororities that border a huge lake. I can see the lake peeking out from behind the house and it makes me wonder what it’s like during the warmer months. A rush of cold fall wind reminds me that summer break is actually over. I stuff my hands into my jeans and continue towards the entrance.
The house itself is beautiful, it’s massive, white with columns and giant black Greek letters just below the roof. Colorful lights flash through the windows and follow the beat of thumping house music. People pour in and out of the front door and from around the backyard.
Everything about it screams college. It’s exactly what Noah wanted. It’s exactly what Folio wanted. But I hate it already and we haven’t even stepped foot in there.
We step up to the front door that’s being guarded by two muscular men who look like if they flicked us, we’d fall over. They very dramatically step together blocking the entrance. “Who invited you?” They ask sternly.
My heart rate immediately spikes from the interaction. I grab the hem of Noah’s shirt discreetly and tug at it to pull him away, but he surprises me.
“Folio.” He speaks up with the most obvious forced confidence and straightens out his back, pushing his chest out a bit.
Their serious faces break into hearty laughs. The one on the left leans back to see past the right one, “Trout! Your invites are here!”
Noah and I look at each other with stitched mouths not wanting to burst out laughing at Folio’s new nickname. Fishing is about 75% of what comes out of his mouth, it’s no surprise his new roommates have already heard all about it. The other 25% is dedicated to girls, weed, drums, and bikes, naturally. I am sure he’s stoked about the lake that’s quite literally in his backyard for him to fish from any time he wants.
Nick rips through the crowd and he looks… well just like a freshman in a fraternity. He’s wearing some ridiculous helmet with beer cans attached to the sides and a tube to drink from. His tank top is neon green plastered with frat symbols across his chest. The smile on his face is the biggest I’ve ever seen it, even bigger than when he somehow managed to get a 73% on his final where he blindly guessed on every question.
“Yesss! My bros!” He yells excitedly and pummels us in a giant hug. It’s only then that I realize he’s completely soaked in sticky beer.
“Ew, Folio.” I scrunch my face in disgust and peel myself away from him.
Noah just laughs, even though I know the beer on his clean clothes is driving him mad.
“Oh, don’t be a downer Ruffilo.” His words already strung together gives away how drunk he already is.
I pull my phone from my back pocket to check the time. “Nick it’s only 9, how much have you drank already?” I ask loudly over the music.
“It’s part of the like,” He lets out a slurred burp, “The initiation, or whatever. Freshmen have to drink a certain amount. And… I did.”  He drunkenly chuckles. Folio never drank much before this and if he did, he was always a lightweight. If he really did drink that much, it’s a miracle he’s even talking somewhat coherently right now.
“Well you really should’ve paced yourself–“ I begin but he cuts me off.
He rolls his eyes. “I should’ve known you’d be like this.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” My brows furrow defensively.
“I would’ve had Noah leave you at home if I knew you’d be like this.”
I know he’s joking but it doesn’t make the tightness in my chest any less.
“C’mon Nicholas,” Noah grabs my shoulders and gives me a little shake. “Loosen up!”
I hate everything about this. It’s so confusing to see Noah this way, he was never like this before. Parties were his worst nightmare – until now apparently.
“Yeah, you guys need to catch up to me! Maybe you’ll have more fun!” Folio gestures for us to follow him to the kitchen.
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Once in the kitchen, there’s a couple frat guys playing bartender, one I recognize to be Bryan, Folio’s mentor.
“Bryan!” Nick runs up to him like a child asking for a toy. “My friends are here and they wanna get just as drunk as meee.”
The dark under eye bags on Bryan are borderline comical. The look in his eyes reminds me of the look that middle aged underpaid cashiers give you when you ask if you can use a coupon. He says nothing and mixes up a concoction that looks like battery acid.
“Here.” He slides two radioactive drinks towards us over a marble countertop. “That should get you pretty fucked up quick.” Then goes off taking orders from other people.
I dip close to Folio’s side, “Why does it look like he works here?”
“The sophomores have to ‘work the party’.” Nick hiccups, “So they stationed him there.”
“Oh.” Noah and I mouth in unison.
“It’s part of the initiation.” He repeats proudly, as if being indoctrinated into some sort of academic cult is something to be so proud of.
I take the time to actually look over the party – it’s packed to the brim. There’s every single kind of college student you could think of, even kids that seem “nerdier” than me and Noah.
Rockstar by Post Malone began blasting through the speakers and a grin instantly spreads over my mouth. A couple summers ago Rockstar was me and Noah’s song, we would blare it on repeat in my shitty car almost every day. We played it so much we got sick of it, and this was the first time I’ve heard it since then. I turn excitedly to Noah but find that he’s gone. I look around where I’m standing, suddenly feeling exposed. Everyone surrounding me is preoccupied one way or another, including Folio which I’ve just realized disappeared too.
Directly in front of me stands the only other person I even marginally know at this party.
I lean across the counter and tap at Bryan’s tattooed forearm. He looks at me and it’s different than he does when I’m with Folio. Thankfully, it’s a lot kinder.
“What’s up?” He asks over the music, leaning closer to me with his ear first.
“Did you see where Noah went?” I nearly shout at him.
He nods over to the couch across the room where Noah is sat talking to a group of what looks like sorority girls – no worse, wannabe sorority girls.
“Trout introduced them.”
What a comically horrible nickname.
My lips fall to a frown, and it feels like my heart has dropped into my stomach. I watch as one bottle blonde traces her fingertips over a tattoo on his arm that I did –  the first tattoo I’ve ever done on somebody else and the first tattoo he ever got. For some reason, the sight of it makes me feel sick, like I could throw up right where I stand.
When my gaze finally reaches back to Bryan, he’s ready to tell me the answer to a question I haven’t asked.
“I don’t know where Folio went.”
“Great.” I nod and push away from the counter. “Just…great.”  
I figured that we’d come here for a bit for Nick then leave. I didn’t expect us to actually interact – which seems naïve to think about now. Noah practically begged me to come with him to this incredibly obnoxious party, of course he’d wanna stay and participate.
I deflate, grab my cup of toxic chemicals and reluctantly walk over to Noah. I nudge his arm and when he turns, he looks surprised to see me, like he forgot I was here.
“Oh, hey I was just about to find you.” He slurs and throws an arm over my shoulders. “This is Kassidy.” He gestures to the small blonde girl he’s been talking to then gestures to another very similar looking girl. “And this,” He gives me a discreet extra nudge. “is Brooke.”
The girls give me over enthusiastic smiles and I give them a half-wave because that’s all I have left to offer. “Hey.”
“Whatever Bryan made us, is fuckin’ workin’.” He knocks back the rest of his drink. “Do you mind asking him for another for me?”
My brows raise involuntarily at his demand like I’m some butler.
“Here take mine.” I grumble and drop my full solo cup into his empty one.
“You didn’t like it?” He doesn’t wait to already take a sip.
“I’m sure they have beer or something else-“
“I’m good. I have to drive your ass home anyway.” I snap and walk past him through the path between the couch and the coffee table. I plop right next to Brooke because I know that’s what Noah was trying to orchestrate, and where else would I go.
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Brooke is blonde with what I assume are hair extensions poorly placed over her scalp. Her lips are overly full, like she drew around her lips with a lead pencil. Her exposed cleavage from a lowcut crop top would normally entice me, if she wasn’t so…her.
She tried talking to me, but I must’ve been too boring since she just hung onto every word Noah said instead. When Kassidy and Noah started making out was when she finally left and went to find new prey.
I’m stuck on the opposite side of the couch watching my best friend get his face eaten off by someone who doesn’t even know how to brush her hair properly. It’s been about an hour and a half since we got here, and it’s the exact opposite of “fun”. Maybe it’s because I’m not drinking that I don’t understand the appeal.
Noah or not, I’d rather be home playing Pokémon or Call of Duty or literally anything other than this. Between the blaring music and the belligerent people, the thumping in my chest returns. I run my hands up and down my thighs slowly in an attempt to calm down but the faster my heart races the quicker my hands go. The air seems to be thinning around me and the crowded people feel closer than before. But then when I look over and see Noah kissing Kassidy, I’m suddenly furious.
I’m not sure why I’m furious, maybe it’s because he dragged me here, or because he ditched me after dragging me here, or because both of my supposed best friends ditched me after dragging me to a place I didn’t want to be to begin with.
It’s anger and anger alone that forces me from my seat and quickly past by Noah, knocking his shoulder back abruptly. It’s clear that he doesn’t even fucking care that I’m here or that I’m miserable.
I brush past various sweaty party goers, hitting each shoulder on my way.
“Nick!” I hear a drunken Noah calling after me. He’s gaining on me quickly as his thin body easily passes through the crowd.
“I’m going home Noah.” I yell over my shoulder as I stomp through the crowd.
“What! Why!”
“Because I want to go fucking home.” I turn a corner I think might be an exit, but it turns out to just be another hallway in this massive fucking house.
“C’mooon Nicholaaas.” Noah drags out the words in the most annoying whine. The alcohol is blatantly tinging each word.
“I’m not talking to you when you’re like this.” I shout back harshly through gritted teeth.
I push on a door that I thought was a bathroom just to get away from him, but I stumble into what looks like a movie room. The room is dark with just a flat screen on the wall playing some random Netflix movie and a large couch.
Of course, only in a frat house would they have a dedicated Netflix and Chill room.
Noah staggers in behind me and takes in the room just as I do. He pushes past me, slams the door shut and locks it.
He crosses his arms, “Now you can’t leave.”
I sigh, extremely irritated. “Oh, I’m leaving.” I go to move past him to get to the door, but he steps over and blocks me.
My heart is racing so fast it’s really all I can think about. Everything is too much for me; the earsplitting music, my fuming anger, Noah, how dark the room is, the heavy brick sitting on my chest, how warm the house is, the fucking stupid movie on the tv, all of it is making me lose my fucking mind. My skin’s crawling just being here, everything in me just wants to book it out the front door. I can barely fucking breathe.
All I want to do is leave.
I need to fucking leave.
“Why are you acting like this?” He asks and his tone has a hint of sadness that suddenly makes me feel guilty for wanting to leave.
“Because I’m not having a good fucking time Noah. I want to go home. One of these girly bitches you’re talking to can take you home. Or you can get an Uber, I really don’t care. But I. am. leaving.” I say sternly to his face, my hands fisted at my sides.
Confusion washes over him, as if he hadn’t realized I wasn’t enjoying myself until just now. The confusion only angers me more because if he had even paid a single ounce of attention, he would’ve known I wasn’t having a good time.
He always knows when I’m not having a good time. I don’t know how he knows but usually I can just look at him and he’d just know.
Until now, apparently.
“Oh.” The edges of his mouth wilt downwards. “I just figured you’d hit it off with whats-her-name and…”
“Well, I didn’t. And I want to get the fuck out of here.” I cross my arms over my chest, using my heel to scuff at my opposite shoe.
Noah’s eyes divert to any place other than me in the room and shift back and forth on the balls of his feet. His fingertips fidget with his knuckles as the silence between us grows louder than the music outside.
“I don’t want to go home yet.”
The words feel just like a dagger straight through my chest, piercing my lungs and deflating me completely. I literally just told him I was leaving without him but for some reason hearing him say it aloud is more painful.
“Okay…” I can’t help the way my eyes drop to the ground. “Well, you can stay here then, I guess.”
“I mean if that’s-” Noah stops mid-sentence to pause and tilt his ear to the party noises behind the door. “Do you hear that?”
“Yeah, it’s just party shit.” I wave him off quickly so I can get out sooner.
His brows scrunch up trying to focus harder, “No, No, listen.”
It takes a bit but then I hear it too. “It sounds like chanting? What are they chanting?”
Noah leans towards the door and carefully cracks the door just a smidge in order to hear the crowd better.
“Are they chanting…”
“Trout.” We say in unison and look at each other with widening eyes.
It’s not unlike Folio to get into some sort of competition but this just doesn’t sound right.
“What the fuck?” I crack the door open further and watch as the entirety of the party makes its way through the back door.
We make it out of the room and follow the crowd into the backyard. Noah notices it before I do and grabs my arm, his eyes round and glued on the crowd.
“Oh no.”
“What? I don’t see-” Then I do. “Oh no.”
An extremely drunk Folio being carried over to the lake, frigid in the autumn cold.
“Well, I mean, it’s just a lake, right? It’s probably just part of the initiation shit.” I speculate, annoyed that I have to babysit not one but two of my friends at this party.
“No, no, you don’t understand, we have to stop them.” Noah says urgently. He grabs my hand and starts running towards the dock.
“Stop! Stop!” He yells though his voice isn’t strong enough to reach.
“Wait why!” I call after him, his longer legs crossing the vast backyard faster than I can keep up. My feet crunch various red solo cups that just thrown across the grass. “It’s just water, he’ll be fine.”
“Stop!” He halts where the lake meets the land, and his eyes don’t leave Folio for one second.
 “No, no, no.” He mutters between us.
I’m so out of breath I can’t even ask any further questions and double over just to breathe holding onto my knees. When I finally catch my breath and look back up to Noah, he’s shedding his clothes. He yanks off each of his Vans, tossing them into the grass.
“Hey whoa! What are you doing? You can’t go in there!” I stand there useless with the vague feeling of needing to copy his actions. “What’s wrong Noah, can you fucking talk to me?”
“He doesn’t know how to swim Nicholas! We have to get him.” His skinny jeans are already halfway off of him.
“What! What the fuck do you mean he can’t swim?” I hastily slip off my own shoes and begin unbuttoning my shirt. “All he fucking talks about is fishing. What kind of fisherman doesn’t know how to swim!”
“I don’t know, he’s a fucking idiot!” He’s at the edge, waving his arms and whistling but the roar of the crowd drowns him out “But he’s definitely not gonna be able to swim with how drunk he is. Hurry up!”
“I’m fucking going as fast as I can!”
I regret everything about this night.
I’m never going to another party ever again.
As if in slow motion Folio gets thrown in the water with the dock full of people calling out his stupid fucking nickname. Knowing him, he probably had no idea what was going on until he was midair. He lands into the cold water and the party carelessly makes its way back to the house.
We try getting their attention but they’re all so fucked up that not a single one listens. It’s completely still where he was dropped before a struggle erupts with flailing arms and splashing.
“I’m going.” Noah states urgently, regardless of how quickly I can get these tight pants off my legs. He runs in then jumps into full strokes towards Nick.
Once I’m down to my underwear, I follow Noah. I brace myself for the water and it’s even worse than expected. I hiss at the cold but hurriedly begin swimming after Noah. The water is green and murky and all I feel are long, slimy tendrils of seaweed tangling around my legs. I struggle to make it through without getting lake water in my mouth or my eyes but it's pointless.
Noah finally reaches Folio and even from the far distance I’m at, it doesn’t look good. Nick is heavier and stockier than Noah, and Noah can barely lift a gallon of milk. I’m not quite sure what he was thinking, maybe he was relying on some crazy adrenaline strength.
Noah’s got him but he’s a heavy, thrashing, coughing weight in his arms.
“God fucking damnit.” I mutter and push myself to swim even faster. “Is he good?” I yell from yards away.
“No! I need your help, Nicholas!” Noah’s voice is slurred, strained and breathless. That’s when I realize that I’m supposed to be the sober backbone of this operation.
When I reach them, Noah is just barely keeping Folio’s head above water. I assess the surroundings and decide getting him up on the dock would be the quickest option.
“Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do.” I say, manhandling Folio from Noah. “You’re gonna get up on the dock and I’m gonna try to lift him up to you and then you can pull him up. Got it?”
“Got it.” He nods and swims over the ladder, climbs up and kneels at the edge. “Okay, ready.”
With every bit of strength in my body, I swim both of us over and lift Folio up towards Noah. He hooks his arms under his armpits and by some miracle gets him up on the dock.
I cling to the metal ladder letting myself take a breath for a brief second. When I finally get up to the platform, Folio is on his side violently coughing, desperately trying to get out any water.
Once his hacking calmed down, he wipes the side of his mouth with the back of his hand and squints at us. “What the fuck happened?”
“You were drowning dumbass.” I snap with an eye roll crossing my cold, wet arms over my freezing chest. “Your ‘frat bros’ threw you into the lake.”
I’m suddenly very aware that I’m nearly naked on this dock and while it’s just the two of them, I still feel extremely exposed. I’m not fond of even having my shirt off on a beach day, nonetheless a dip in a frigid lake with a whole house full of strangers just a couple of feet away.
Noah rests back on his folded legs and places his hands on his boney knees.
“Are you okay?” His voice is light, soft, and airy. “We were really worried about you.”
Noah is gentle with Folio even though we just dove into freezing water for him. He’s kind and concerned and it’s the Noah I’m used to. Seeing him this way again swirls a flutter in my chest. I can’t tell if that’s happened before or if it’s new. Maybe it’s something that’s always happened, and I just hadn’t noticed until now? It feels both comforting and extremely daunting.
Maybe it’s just my body trying to heat itself up.
Folio continues to hack several dry coughs but ultimately nods. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good. I think.”
I can tell he’s still wasted and frankly, I’m surprised he didn’t just throw up Bryan’s mystery concoction when he was coughing up water.
“Okay can we go put our clothes back on now? I’m fucking freezing.” My teeth chatter as a cold gust of wind washes over my body.
We quickly ran over to the shore to put our mostly dry clothes back on, then came back to Folio on the dock. Noah got him to his feet and had him hold onto our shoulders so we could steady him back inside.
The party hollers as we make our way through with a cold and shivering Nick. It strikes an anger right through my spine. It’s a rage I don’t think I’ve ever felt in my life but it’s spreading through me like a bad infection.
I’m in a room of people ridiculing my friend who just almost drowned.
The same people who almost caused it.
And he still wants to be here.
These are the people he wants to be with.
These are the people Noah wanted so badly to come here for.
Folio guides us up the rounded staircase to his room. Since the house is so big and the frat is so exclusive, each member gets their own room. So, luckily for him, nobody else has to see this.
I drop his arm abruptly once inside but he’s too drunk to even notice. He sloppily rustles through his drawers to find clothes to take for a lake-cleansing shower.
“Well, if you’re going to take 5 million years to find a shirt, I’m just gonna dip.” I say more aggressively than intended.
Or maybe it was intended.
They both look at me with confused, furrowed brows.
“Whoa,” Nick slurs, “What fucking crawled up your ass?”
“Fucking nothing, I just want to fucking leave. I’ve been trying to fucking leave for the past hour.”
Noah looks more confused than him, if I wasn’t so angry, I’d even call it concerned.
“You weren’t having fun?”
“Oh my god, I already fucking told you I wasn’t having fun. If you had just been a half-decent friend for two seconds tonight, you might’ve seen that I was not having fun at all.”
My patience had long left me.
“Oh so, I’m a bad friend now?” Noah raises a brow and takes an offended step back.
A frustrated groan escapes my lips, “I just don’t understand why you both want to be here with these people.” I point in the direction of the party. “Those are who did that to you Folio. And you still wanna party with them?”
Nick looks at me like I have two heads.
“Yes? I’m part of this fraternity Ruffilo. This is like… my purpose or whatever.” He says, stringing along his words like they have long pauses between.
My eyes couldn’t roll hard enough. That was quite possibly the most frat-boy thing I’ve ever heard. Maybe this is the right place for him.
“Your ‘purpose’? Are you fucking kidding me with that shit?”
“They weren’t all bad…” Noah trails off while he scratches his arm, and his eyes fall to the ground.
“Oh who? Those whores you were talking to?”
A quiet hush falls across the dimly lit room and Noah’s face looks distraught, his eyes fluttering back down to the carpeted floor.
“What is your fucking problem, Nick?” Folio breaks the silence. He’s still shivering, dripping water everywhere, and holding a pile of sweats to change into after his shower.
“If you didn’t wanna fucking be here, you shouldn’t have come.” He pushes past both of us and exits the room.
Noah’s brown eyes land back on me once we’re alone. There’s a sadness to them that I can’t decipher.  
“Well, this is what you wanted isn’t it?” I question facetiously and spread my arms out grandiosely. “This big college experience?”
He blinks at me blankly. “Why are you being like this Nicholas?” He asks softly and it twists some invisible knife in my gut.
“Being like what? You dragged me here!” I drop my arms harshly back to my sides.
“Yeah, I thought you’d have fun.” He scratches his arm anxiously.
“What’s fun about sitting around watching you hook up with dumb sorority bitches?”
The words surprise me the minute they leave my mouth. I don’t even know exactly what they’re supposed to mean and I sure as hell don’t want to unpack it right now.
His brows curve up where they start and knit together. He notices the odd verbiage too.
“Is this because we-“ He begins but my accelerating heart rate can’t bear to even entertain what was about to come out of his mouth. Nor can I bear to hear it.
I can’t hear him say what we did together that morning those weeks ago. I’ve been trying to convince myself that it was just a dream - even though my mind hasn’t been able to let me forget it, nor has it stopped me from wishing it would happen again.
But I can’t hear him say it. That would make it real. And I so desperately want it to not be real.
“You know what?” I suck my teeth. “I’m done. I’m fucking over this. I’m actually leaving now.” I march over to the open doorframe and turn back to him once more.
His hand moves up and down his arm repeatedly as if he’s trying to self-soothe.
“Okay.” He replies quietly and finally looks up at me from where his eyes were locked on the floor. “I guess um. I guess I’m gonna stay and make sure Folio is all right.” He thumbs over his shoulder towards the bathroom. “I doubt anyone’s sober to drive so, I’ll just stay here tonight.”
It feels as though my ribs caved in on my chest; sharp boney splinters piercing the organs they house.
I guess a part of me wanted him to beg me to stay.
But he didn’t.
“Okay.” I nod and head out of the horrendous frat house.
I fight the lump in my throat and the burning in my eyes all the way down the grandiose stairs, through the bustling crowd, down the front steps, over the green lawn, through all the parked cars, until the door slams behind me in my own car. All at once it hits me and the tears unleash. I cross my arms over my steering wheel pressing my crying eyes against them, heaving my sobs against them.
“Fuck!” I scream within the small confines of my car.
I’m crying and frustrated and angry all at the same time. I don’t even really know what I’m upset about. All I know is that my chest aches in a way it never has before, which frustrates me even more. The feeling reminds me of when you’ve been doing math for an hour but no matter how many times you try, you just don’t fucking understand it.
I just didn’t want to party, why am I fucking crying?
Why do I fucking care if my friends are staying and I’m going home?
I try to calm down before leaving but the tears keep pouring out of me. Everything’s blurry on the drive home and I’m grateful I didn’t take a sip of alcohol.
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When I arrive home, the house is quiet. Every light is flipped off and there’s not even water droplet of noise. My mom is at her night shift at the hospital and my sister, Stella, is at a sleepover. Whenever I feel like this, I always go sit on one of their beds and talk to them. They always make me feel better even when there’s not much to say. Even though Stella is younger than me, she somehow always knows what to say. In a lot of ways, she’s smarter than I ever will be.
I don’t bother turning on a light and shuffle off my shoes at the door. I circle to the kitchen. When I open the fridge for a water, the light burns my already raw eyes. I take the cold bottle and press it on my under-eye bags then practically slam the fridge door closed. The cold plastic helps soothe some of the swelling.
I scuffle across the hall to my room and the minute the door clicks in place behind me, I let out a deep sigh. I feel water threatening to prickle into my eyes again, but my head is pounding and I’m so fucking sick of crying. I shed all my clothes since they faintly smell like lake and alcohol, and even though I should shower to wash off nasty lake residue, I just can’t walk out the door again. My chest aches too much for me to leave this room.
So, I slip on new boxers and a random Star Wars shirt and get into bed. I slip in from the right side and it immediately feels wrong.
And it sinks in.
My bed is not my own anymore.
It is half mine.
Half Noah’s.
I scooch back onto the left and try to sleep but I toss and turn for an hour and a half. My mind is racing, and it is only filled with Noah. Stuff that shouldn’t even matter.
Is he okay?
Is he still drinking?
Where is he sleeping?
Is he with her?
Does he wish I stayed?
Does he regret not leaving with me?
Does he want to come home?
Is he going to try to get a ride home? Would it be safe?
Did I overreact?
I should’ve stayed to help Folio sober up.
I should’ve just gotten drunk.
Maybe I could’ve had fun if I drank.
I wouldn’t be so upset if I had just drank, right?
I’m only upset because I wasn’t having a good time, right?
Maybe my two best friends wouldn’t fucking hate me right now if I just pretended to have fun.
Is this just what it is now?
Am I going to get dragged to a party every weekend and have to pretend to enjoy it?
Will I lose them if I don’t?
I flip on my side, facing the door and my back to the window. Between me and the door there’s the vast emptiness of Noah’s spot.
The bed feels so… empty without him in it.
I tug the comforter close around me as I’m suddenly aware of the low temperature in the room.
I hadn’t realized just how accustomed I’ve gotten to him being here in the short amount of time been moved in.
It’s nice having someone take up space next to me in bed.
It’s nice having warmth where there used to be none.
It’s nice laughing until my stomach hurts before bed every night.
It’s nice having someone to shut off the lamp when I’m already half asleep.
It’s nice not being alone.
I like not being alone.
I like not being alone with him.
And I don’t know what to do with that feeling.
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Next Chapter -> 04 - Snapped Neck
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tag list; @ladyveronikawrites @cryingabtab @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @kingdomof-omens @the-hell-i-overcame [comment if you'd like to be tagged?]
a/n; Thank you for the support on this series and on my other series, Virality. I appreciate it more than you know. I love reading your comments and asks, they really validate and fuel me lol. Even though I'm not the best at replying 😅 but i am incredibly grateful for them, thank you.
I hope you guys like this one, please lmk if you do💘
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gennyanydots · 2 years
Show me the way home, honey Ch. 10
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Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x f!reader soulmate!au
AN: I have an obsession with Loungeflys and Disneyland and it’s going to show.
It had been a month and a half since you started talking to Bradley on the phone. You talk every day that you can. Some days it doesn’t work out due to his work but you understand and you’re happy to hear from him every time. In between calls there’s always texting going on between the two of you. Each phone call and text brought you closer and closer. The both of you falling deeper and deeper even though you had yet to meet. That was actually happening tomorrow and like every single one of your friends expected, you are freaking the fuck out. You can’t help it! The good news is you haven’t thrown up so clearly you’re off to a good start.
Your best friend decided she was coming with you. It was only going to be for a long weekend. You leave tomorrow ,Saturday, morning getting in late morning and fly back Monday afternoon getting in, in the evening. You figured since your work was closed Monday and both you and Bradley have been trying to figure out how to see each other, that this weekend was the perfect time to meet. It was much harder for him to fly to you than it is for you to fly to him. He has a spare room at his house that he said you and your best friend can sleep in. You’re kind of hoping you don’t sleep in there at all if you’re being honest. You’d much rather sleep with him. He had said you could star fish on the bed with him already so you might as well hold him to that, unless he went out and changed his bed to two twin size beds in which case you’d still rather sleep in the same room as him. You’re pretty sure you won’t want to be apart from him even to sleep.
Packing was not going well. Your bedroom was a mess. Every piece of clothing you own has been touched at least once by you as you decided whether it was good enough to come with you on the trip or not. You have half a mind to run to Target and buy all new clothes. You lay down in the middle of your room and take a break from packing to scroll on your phone.
It’s how your best friend found you not yet bright and early the next morning, passed out surrounded by clothes. Her laughter is what woke you up.
“You ready to go?” She asks.
You whine, “No. How much time do I have?”
“Enough time to shower and get ready to meet the love of your life while I pack for you,” she says throwing a shirt at you.
“Why are you the bestest friend in the whole world?” You ask sitting up.
“Because I am. Go!” She orders as she unzips your suitcase to start packing.
An hour later your clothes have been cleaned up and your bag packed. You were ready to go in your comfy but cute outfit for the plane. Didn’t want to be uncomfortable for your plane ride at the crack of dawn. The sun still wasn’t even up yet.
Your best friend’s dad dropped you both off at the airport with a hug and a forehead kiss for each of you as you both promised to keep him updated especially when you land.
You both quickly get your tickets then go through security ,not many people flying before the suns up, and grab a snack to sit down at your gate.
“Are you nervous?” Your best friend asks you.
“Yes and no. It almost feels like I’m going home? I’m sure that doesn’t make any sense but Brad Brad gives me a feeling of home. Like I’m supposed to be with him,” you explain.
“That’s fair. He is your soulmate after all,” she says with a smile.
You smile back then frown slightly, “I am nervous about the plane ride though.”
“Ironic that you aren’t the biggest fan of flying and your soulmate is an aviator,” she says with a laugh.
“Okay but it’s your fault! You made me watch Final Destination!” You huff, “And Snakes on a Plane!”
She starts laughing and says, “I have had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane!”
A couple people around you look over at her and she grins and waves. You roll your eyes and sink down into your chair.
They start to call boarding groups and you quickly text Bradley that’s you’re boarding even though since it’s a Saturday you know he won’t be up for a while. He doesn’t have to be. You’re about to be on the plane for a full five hours so he still has some time. To your surprise he texts back that he can’t wait to see you and your insides melt a little.
As your group is called you take a deep breath and grab your best friend’s hand and you both walk up and the stewardess scans both of your phones. You head onto the plan and sit down next to each other planning on trying to sleep a little bit the next couple of hours. You stayed up a little too late last night googling what it feels like when you meet your soulmate. Of course there were lots of articles on it. A few you read said it’s like a warm sensation almost like getting wrapped up in a warm blanket right out of the dryer. Some others said it was like they just knew, just being near that person made them feel whole. You wonder what you’ll feel. Right now you feel nervous and giddy and anxious and excited and calm somehow all at the same time.
The plane ride itself goes pretty quickly which surprises you. You napped a little bit mostly due to being over tired. You watched a movie on your iPad with your best friend who fell asleep in the middle of it. It was one you had both seen before but it was a comfort movie. Something you knew would help ground you before one of the biggest moments of your life. You played a couple games on your phone and before you knew it you were in sunny San Diego.
When you touch down you quickly shoot Bradley a text then wake your best friend up who looks around confused. “We’re here,” you tell her and she nods sitting up and stretching. It’s another half an hour before you’re able to get off the plane. By now your stomach is doing flips and you’re praying you don’t throw up. The online articles you read said nothing about throwing up and that would be a terrible first impression.
Your friend looks over at you noticing your distress and pulls you into the waiting area outside the gate you arrived at. She makes you sit down and shoves a water bottle into your hands, “Drink it.”
You nod and drink. You drink the entire thing. You sit up a bit straighter and she takes back the bottle as you shake your hands out a bit, “I’m nervous.”
“I can see that.”
“What if he doesn’t like me?”
“Then I kick his ass.”
“Be serious!”
“I am!”
“You can’t kick his ass.”
“Baby, I can kill him and nobody will find his body. I can surely kick his ass. Or maybe get Natasha to kick his ass. Plus let’s be real if I attempt to kick his ass I don’t think he’s going to try and hit me. He’s like a trained weapon and I sometimes go to the gym and walk on the treadmill. If he hits me back then he’s getting hit with an assault charge,” she says with a shrug.
“Could you not press charges against my soulmate?” You ask.
“I won’t have to as long as he loves you, which I have no doubt in my mind that he will. He’ll never love you as much as I do but he can try,” she says with a wink and pulls you in for a hug and gently rubs your back, “It’s going to be okay. I would never let anything happen to you. Plus pretty sure like biologically or however this shit works he has to love you. His body is hardwired to love you.”
You sigh and hold her tightly, “I know. I’m just… I dont know.”
“It’s normal to be nervous but I think you have a chicken waiting on you,” she says pulling away.
“A Rooster.”
“That’s what I said,” she says with a wink and stands up holding out her hand, “Let’s go pretty girl. Time to meet your man.”
You smile and grab her hand. She pulls you up and you walk through the airport hand in hand.
“Do you think we can convince the aviators to take us to Disneyland?” Your best friend asks seeing a sign for Disneyland.
“I don’t know. We didn’t bring our Disney things,” you say with a shrug.
“Oh my sweet summer child, you think I didn’t pack a potential Disneyland outfit for you?” She says giving you a look.
“Well now I’m thinking you did obviously,” you say laughing.
“Why would we go all the way to California and not go to Disneyland? Don’t be dumb.”
“Did you talk to Natasha about going to Disneyland?” You ask.
“Don’t ask stupid questions. You’re smarter than that,” she says sticking the tip of her tongue out at you.
You shake your head laughing, “I don’t have any of my backpacks.”
“Well good news. I checked and Disneyland actually sells Loungeflys so looks like you can get a new one. Plus let’s be real. Spend five minutes with Brad Brad and I bet he’ll be wanting to spoil you,” she says with a chuckle.
“But $90 backpack spoil me?”
“Have you seen your puppy dog eyes? Because I have and it has taken me years to be able to confidently tell you no,” she says.
“That’s not true at all,” you say with a laugh.
“Yeah but we can pretend.”
“I guess,” you say and shrug your shoulders. You feel vibration in your back pocket and quickly pull out your phone and see a text from Brad Brad and you show your best friend, “Brad Brad and Phoenix are waiting for us at baggage claim.” You let go of her hand and text back that you’ll be there soon.
She links your arms back together, “Well then we better get to stepping.”
The two of you follow the signs to baggage claim. Once you get there you both see some familiar faces and gasp.
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
hello for the angst dialohue prompts: 35 OR 1 (or both if you fancy) for martyn/scott if that's ok (idk what you're up for with hermitshipping so if you would prefer platonic that's cool too!)
a last resort
“Scott,” Martyn’s guessed, Scott assumes. His eyes are sad, and his voice is pained. He looks like he might cry. “C’mon, man. You deserve better than this. You deserve better.”
“No, I don't.” He brushes his hand along the side of Martyn’s face, before allowing it to fall back into the water. “Please, do this one thing for me. I don't want them to kill me.”
(ao3 link)
(1,110 words)
warning for character death and spoilers for the last limited life session :]
The water swirled around him, unrelenting in its grasp as he kicked himself forward, pushing through the water, desperately trying to swim away, to escape- to free himself from those chasing him.
He glances back, squinting to see through the usually crystalline waters- they're cloudy now, with kicked up sand and silt, making it harder for him to see and spot his enemies- the people still pursuing him. But it also means that it’s harder for them to see him as well.
He watches as a dark shape shoots up, floating on the surface for a few moments before ducking back under, beginning the search again. His own lungs are beginning to burn now, but he can't rise to the surface- to do so would be to seal his own fate, and he’s hardly about to go down with little more than half a lungful of air and several people after his head.
It’s thirty minutes. Thirty minutes, and everyone has gone mad over it.
He pushes himself back a little further, ignoring the burning of his lungs and the aching of his chest. He doesn't particularly want to drown- not exactly a dignified end, but it would mean that no-one gets those precious minutes. They’d be tossed down the drain, out of reach.
Someone new splashes into the water, bubbles fizzling around them as they begin to look about, peering into the dusty depths of the ocean.
Scott places a hand on the rock beside him, leaning a little forward. Watches as Martyn continues to look around, the bright green of his outfit like a beacon drawing Scott closer.
He glances over at the searching people, watches as they continue to swim further and further out, fanning out to cover a greater distance. It’s almost as though they're working together, but Scott knows they would sooner turn on each other than let someone else get the prize of his death.
He glances back at Martyn again, the man still bobbing near the surface, still glancing around for him.
The promise of earlier echoes in his mind, and with that, he pushes off, escaping from the dark nook he had tucked himself into.
He keeps low, aware of how easily someone could see him- glance down when he’s in the wrong spot and he’ll give himself away before he can even reach Martyn. He swims, lungs burning, arms aching- his vision is beginning to go spotty but he grasps onto the faint tether of consciousness.
He waits, pauses, even as his brain demands he surface, that he take a lungful of air and drive this dizziness away. He waits, bides him time, watches until Martyn dips below the surface again.
He pushes up from the seabed, ignoring the prickles of pain as sharp stones and shells dig into the bare soles of his feet. He ignores it all, because he has only one shot at this, and by the gods he is going to make it count.
He grasps Martyn’s arm as he surfaces, pulling them around so Martyn’s body shields him from the other yellows, keeping him out of sight for just a moment more. Though he doubts it will last long- someone will see him in a moment, hiding behind Martyn beside their island, and the moment will be shattered. But a moment is all he needs.
“Scott,” Martyn gasps out. His eyes are wide, and Scott thinks he may have taken him by surprise. He blinks it away moments later and then he just looks worried. Worried for Scott. “Scott,” Martyn hisses, “what are you doing? Get back in there-” Martyn pushes at his shoulder, attempting to submerge him again, glancing back at the other yellows. “They're gonna see you.”
Scott holds on, unwilling to be shoved back under the water.
“I know,” he breathes, slipping out of Martyn’s hold, though he doesn't stray far. “But they're going to catch up eventually, I can't spend the rest of my time running.”
“That doesn't mean you should give yourself up!” Martyn glances back, as though worried someone may have heard him. “They've gone rabid over thirty minutes, who knows what else they'll do.”
“But you haven't.”
“I haven't what?”
“Gone rabid over the thirty minutes.” He brushes some of Martyn’s hair back from his face. His headband hardly does anything to help keep his hair out of his face, and he’s teased him for it several times. “Which is why I'm here.”
“Just because I'm not gonna kill you doesn't mean they won't.”
“I don't expect them to give up,” he doesn't want to say it. Doesn't want to ask Martyn to do this. But he’s running out of options as quickly as those yellows are running out of air, and he doesn't want to take his chances. “Not until I'm yellow.”
“Scott,” Martyn’s guessed, Scott assumes. His eyes are sad, and his voice is pained. He looks like he might cry. “C’mon, man. You deserve better than this. You deserve better.”
“No, I don't.” He brushes his hand along the side of Martyn’s face, before allowing it to fall back into the water. “Please, do this one thing for me. I don't want them to kill me.”
“I-” Martyn glances behind him again, and Scott looks too. Looks towards the yellows, bobbing on top of the water. The yellows that are watching them back.
“Martyn,” he grabs the front of Martyn’s jacket, ignoring the splashing of the approaching yellows. “Please, do this for me. Please.”
“I…alright.” Martyn drops his head, though he still pulls his sword free. It glimmers in the light, rasping as Martyn pulls it from its scabbard. Scott swallows because- he hadn't thought he would get this far, honestly. He didn't think Martyn would get this far, but they're getting closer and they don't have a choice-
Martyn drives it in swiftly, pushing it up to the hilt. It brings them closer together than before, pressed chest to chest now, Martyn’s head leaning against his own. Martyn’s eyes are wide, staring at him as though he’s seen a ghost.
He’s hardly far off from one now. The pain is numbing quickly, though he doubts that’s because the wound is healing. It’s too large- he can feel it, twisting his insides around even as Martyn slides it out as gently as possible.
“You deserved better,” Martyn murmurs, though the rest of his words become a garbled mess as his ears begin to ring. He almost thinks he hears the words my king, though he doesn't have long to consider it before respawn is sucking him in, pulling him into its inky depths to be remade.
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The CKY/Viva La Bam Boys Try Out New Kinks For You [Smut Drabble] (Dico, Raab, Rake, Frantz, Novak, Bottaro, Jess)
@lieutenant-cinnamon-roll thank you for the great request and for the awesome Dico idea!
@chasingwinehouse thanks for giving me literally too many ideas to mention. Ily <3
In this one, the boys agree to try out a new kink for you (it’ll be a different kink for each boy), to varying degrees of success, meaning some of the scenarios will be successful and some will not. Just depends on the guy. The kink in question will be put next to each boy’s name in parentheses as a warning. Dico and Novak’s parts are pretty much purely comedic in nature, but the rest are very smutty. Also I am VERY MUCH AWARE that Raab’s photo is blurry as hell but it’s such a cute photo that I just had to use it. Gimme a pass here.
Warnings: Female reader, Cursing, you can guess the rest (check the parentheses), PERIOD STUFF in the last one with explicit blood references
@asskickedbygirl @butttxray
Brandon DiCamillo (Roleplay):
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“Keep going, my dear, I’m so close to inventing electricity again! I’ve almost found it, I’ve got to go through the circular district and then it’ll come right out of the clouds and—” You listened to your boyfriend ramble theatrically about his need to rediscover electricity as he thrust his cock inside you, his pointy 1700s-style hat poking against your forehead every time he looked down at you and his scratchy ruffled collar tickling your neck. You wrapped your arms and legs around his back to pull him closer to your body so his cock would go deeper inside you, trying your best not to burst out into laughter at the sight of your boyfriend fucking you while dressed like a founding father. Earlier that day, you had made the mistake of casually mentioning to Dico that you were mildly interested in trying out roleplay as a way of spicing things up. Dico had told you to wait on the bed while he went into the bathroom to change into an outfit; you’d expected him to surprise you by dressing up as a professor or maybe even a doctor, but instead he walked into the bedroom wearing his Benjamin Franklin outfit, already in character with the same accent and mannerisms he’d used for the CKY bit. You really weren’t that bothered by it, all things considered; sure it was weird as hell, but you had asked him to spice the sex up a little bit, and this was certainly one way to do it. Dico quickened his pace, throwing his head back so hard it knocked his wire-framed 1700s glasses askew, which made it even harder for you not to laugh. “Dear Lord, madam, your bits are crackling with pure energy, this may be the source of electricity I’ve been seeking all along! Keep going, my dear, lightning is about to strike!” You stared up at him in confusion. “Does that mean you’re about to cum, Dico?” Dico didn’t break character for even a moment. “Dico? My lord, you harlot, how many men have you lured into your bedchambers before me? Tis I, Benjamin Franklin! Inventor of electricity!” He thrust inside you one more time, throwing his head back and loudly mumbling gibberish about lightning striking as he came inside you, his pointy hat falling off as he dramatically jerked his whole body around like he was being struck by lightning; he pulled out of you and fell off the bed, tumbling onto the ground and continuing to jerk around on the carpet like he’d just been shocked by a lightning bolt. You moved to the edge of the bed and stared down at him in confusion. “What the hell are you doing, Dico—fuck, sorry, I mean Benjamin Franklin.” Dico promptly stopped writhing around on the floor and glanced up at you with a grin. “Dear Lord, madam, I was right! That pussy of yours is positively electrifying!”
Verdict: Successful, for Dico at least. Maybe next time he’ll branch out and try Rut Ru.
Brandon Novak (Food Use):
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“You think I should try to put the whipped cream everywhere or just focus on the cock?” You shook the can of whipped cream in your hand as you pushed on Novak’s bare chest to make him lay back against the pillows, admiring the sight of his naked body as you deliberated over where to put the cream first. Novak grinned, jerking his hips up a little bit to draw your attention to his cock from where it sat firm against his thigh. “Come on, babe, you know you wanna go straight for the cock.” You laughed. “True. Alright, hold still then.” You wrapped your hand around the base of his cock to hold it steady as you shook the whipped cream can one more time and then squirted a bit of it on the tip of Novak’s cock, grinning when the tiniest of gasps slipped from his lips. You leaned down and lapped up some of the soft white cream from the head of his cock, causing Novak to moan softly and curse under his breath. “Does it feel better with the whipped cream or no?” Novak nodded. “It’s like lube, it really slicks everything up. Can you put it on the whole thing? Like get it all over the balls, too.” You nodded and squirted the cream all over his shaft and his balls, completely covering it and then leaning down to lick a stripe of it off from the underside of his cock. Novak’s hips jerked again, and he groaned. “Damn, that’s good. Lemme see that for a sec.” He reached out for the can, and you handed it to him, licking up another stripe of cream from his shaft, and he promptly squirted at least half the contents of the can directly into his own mouth, whipped cream smearing all over his mouth and dripping down his face as he tried to swallow the entire mouthful. You burst out laughing, trying to take the can back from him before he could waste anymore of it. “Jesus, Brandon, way to use up all our supply! That’s my only fucking can, gimme it.” Novak shook his head and pulled it away from you with a grin, going for another mouthful, but you managed to smack it out of his hands, resulting in whipped cream squirting everywhere; all over the floor, all over the walls, all over Novak, and all over you. “Nice going, dickhead, we’re gonna have to clean all that shit up now. I guess that little sex experiment is over.” Novak shrugged. “According to you. We’ve still got plenty of whipped cream to use, babe, we just have to get a little creative with it.” He grabbed your whipped cream-covered arm and licked it clean, and you playfully rolled your eyes. “You’re so nasty, Brandon….I’ll give you $5 if you lick all the whipped cream off the wall.” He grinned. “$10 and I’ll lick it off the floor, too.”
Verdict: Successful in that you and Novak had a very good time! Very tasty way to spend the day. Maybe not the sexiest, though, especially when you’ve got an attention span as short as Novak’s.
Chris Raab (Handcuffs + Sex Toy):
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“It feels weird not being able to touch you when we do stuff like this. I feel like a criminal that just got taken in by the police.” You giggled at Raab’s comment as you finished putting the handcuffs on him, keeping his hands restrained behind his back so he couldn’t move them at all for what the two of you were about to do. “That’s kinda the point, baby, they’re handcuffs. Listen, if they get too uncomfortable or you just don’t like them then let me know and I’ll take them off. I have a feeling you’re barely gonna notice them after I start, though.” You picked up the main event of this little sex scenario you and Raab were about to engage in: a purple silicone vibrator. Just the sight of it seemed to make Raab antsy, and he leaned back against the chair he was sitting in, anxiously tapping his foot as he waited for you to use the toy on him. He was already completely naked, his little cock hard against his thigh and his nipples dark and hard against his pale skin. You kneeled down on the floor between his legs in front of the chair, gently parting his thighs to give yourself better access as you wrapped your hand around the base of his cock. Raab’s sensitive thighs twitched, his hips bucking up against your touch as he waited for you to turn the toy on; you leaned down to kiss the tip of his cock, wanting to stretch this out for as long as possible just to get Raab even more worked up, and the soft whine that left his mouth made it clear you succeeded. “Alright, alright, I’ll stop dragging it out, baby. Here, hold still.” You turned the toy on, cooing over Raab when he flinched at the vibrating noise, and then you gently pressed it to the tip of Raab’s cock, grinning when he immediately threw his head back with a loud whine, his arms struggling against the handcuffs like he was desperate to be able to grab at something. You pressed it more firmly to his cock head and he bucked his hips up, his mouth falling open as a series of pathetic little moans left his lips. “How’s that feel, baby, you like that?” He nodded desperately, trying to push his hips up more so he could feel more friction on his cock. “So good, (Y/n), thank you so much.” You smiled, moving the vibrator around in a circular motion over his slit, and Raab’s eyes fluttered shut, panting softly as a line of drool started to drip from his lips. “Aw, poor baby. I knew you’d like this. Here, let me see what happens when I move it down a little bit….right here.” You moved it up and down the length of his shaft, and right on cue, Raab moaned again, his cock twitching each time the vibrator reached the tip or the base as he railed against the handcuffs once again. “Fuck, please take the handcuffs off, (Y/n), I need to grab something so bad, it’s too much, please take them off—” You reached around and clicked them off one-handed without skipping a beat, and Raab immediately reached out for you to hold his hand with your free hand as you continued to moved the vibrator over his cock, his legs shaking as he got closer to cumming. You ran it over his tip one more time, and his cum immediately spurted from the slit, shooting out more intensely than you’d ever seen before. When he finished, he slumped back in his chair, red-faced and panting. You grinned. “No handcuffs, aye? I guess my idea for a police officer roleplay is out of the question.”
Verdict: Half successful! Throw out the handcuffs but keep that vibrator in a drawer for later.
Jess Margera (Lingerie + Garters):
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“Alright, Jess, this whole getup took me at least fifteen minutes to put on, so I better hear some fucking applause when I come out.” You stepped out of the closet to reveal the sexy lace lingerie and garters you’d put on, twirling around to show it off from all angles, and Jess good-naturedly clapped his hands like you’d asked, a massive grin on his face as he took in the sight of you in such sexy clothing. “God, babe, I don’t even know what to say, you look amazing.” You smiled, strutting over to him in your heels and pulling him down to kiss you. “I better! This stuff was not easy to put on, let me tell you, the lace got caught on like two different clothing hangers while I was changing and I almost broke my ankle when I first put the heels on.” Jess laughed, giving you a sweet kiss on the forehead and then pulling away to look you over again. “Well all your hard work definitely paid off. You look like a fucking goddess, I can’t wait to get my hands all over you in that sexy ass lingerie. Maybe I should sit in a chair and you can just sit in my lap?” You nodded, pointing towards the chair that was across the room, and Jess eagerly sat down, watching you with a look of awe as you strutted seductively across the room towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you sat down in his lap with your ass pressed against his crotch. He cursed under his breath, running his hands over the lace underwear and the sexy garters appreciatively. “You’re not planning on taking this off, are you? I know sometimes the girl just straight up takes it all off when it’s time to fuck but I’d really love it if you kept it on.” You playfully rolled your eyes. “Of course I’m keeping it on! You think I’d go through all the hard work of putting it on just for it to end up on the floor while we fuck? No way!” He grinned. “Good. Come here.” He pulled you down to kiss him again, his hands wandering over your breasts and rubbing at your inner thighs through the lace, and then he pulled the panties aside to rub at your pussy with his index finger, gently pushing his fingertip inside you to stretch you out as he felt your tight wet pussy. “Those heels look sexy as hell too, babe. You can kick them off, though, I don’t want your feet to hurt.” You grinned. “You’re a saint, Jess.” You kicked them off, stretching out your legs and then getting up and turning around so you could face Jess while you sat in his lap, his finger instantly pushing inside you again as he kissed a line down your neck. You could feel his cock hardening underneath you, and you lifted yourself up off of him long enough to unbutton and unzip his pants and fish his cock out, jerking it slowly in your hand and smirking when Jess’s finger started to push inside you with even more intensity than before. “Fuck, baby, you’re killing me.” You smiled. “Is it too early to ask you to go ahead and put your cock inside me?” Jess shook his head. “In that outfit, you could ask me to fuck you in a Walmart shopping cart and I’d say yes.”
Verdict: 100% success! If you ever want Jess to do something, just ask him while you’re wearing the lingerie and garters and he’ll never say no.
Joe Frantz (Slapping/Pain Kink):
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“Slap me.” Frantz’s rough thrusts immediately came to a halt as he stared down at you in shock. “What was that, sweetheart?” You went slightly red, feeling a little embarrassed about your request, but you repeated it. “Slap me across the face. Just once. I wanna see how it feels, I feel like maybe it could be kinda hot.” You’d never seen Frantz look so nervous before; as rough as he was during sex, he was not violent, and slapping you might have been a little outside of his comfort zone. Nevertheless, he hesitantly nodded his head in agreement, resuming his rough thrusts so that his cock was stretching out your tight pussy as he moved his hand up to rub over your cheek, seemingly psyching himself up to do as you had asked. He gently pulled the hand back and then delivered an extremely weak slap, barely even hitting your cheek, and you shot him a look of understanding. “It’s okay, baby, you can be a little harder than that. Just slap me one good time, really bring your hand back and slap me. I won’t get upset, I promise.” Frantz still looked nervous, but he brought his hand back even further than before and then brought it down again, this time at least hitting your cheek hard enough to make a noise but not enough for you to feel it. “Maybe just a little harder, Frantz, like really slap me. Act like I’m someone you absolutely hate. Slap me as hard as you’re fucking me right now.” Frantz thrust his cock inside you once more, pounding your g-spot with his cock head, and then, one last time, he pulled his hand back and slapped you across the face—hard. Your cheek was burning, your mouth was slightly open in shock, and your pussy was throbbing from how turned on it made you, but Frantz immediately stopped his thrusts and shook his head with a guilty look on his face. “Fuck, baby, I’m sorry, I can’t do this. Hot sauce.” As soon as he said the safe word, you unwrapped your legs from around his waist and let him get off of you, sitting up to rub his back soothingly as he rubbed his hands over his face. Frantz rarely ever used the safe word, given that he was pretty much always in charge of everything, but when he did say it, it was pretty serious. “I’m so sorry, baby, I know you probably liked that but I just can’t hit you like that. It feels abusive.” You shook your head, pulling him closer to hug him with your arms wrapped around his neck. “Oh, don’t be sorry, Frantz, I shouldn’t have just asked you like that so impulsively. Next time I’ll ask about stuff like that before we start, I just randomly thought of that and figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask. You don’t have to do it again, don’t worry.” Frantz hugged you back for a moment and then pulled away to rub the cheek he’d slapped, which was bright red. “Man, I wish I hadn’t done it so hard, baby, it looks like it hurts.” You shook your head. “Nah, it doesn’t hurt. It’s kinda like when you spank me.” Frantz grinned as he remembered you were still naked, his hands moving down to grab at your ass. “No more slapping you, but I’ll gladly smack these cheeks any day of the week.”
Verdict: Not successful. Frantz likes it rough, but slapping is just a little too far for him. He’d rather bring his hand down on your ass, not your face.
Lord Bottaro (Choking):
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“It’s not a big deal, baby, just wrap your hands around the bottom of my throat and squeeze a little bit. Here, let me….yeah, right there.” You helpfully guided your boyfriend’s hand down to the base of your neck, helping him wrap his thick fingers around it as he stared down at you with sheer confusion. “I hope you know I’m only doing this because I love you and you asked nicely.” You laughed, patting his hand reassuringly and pulling him down to give him a kiss. “It’ll be fine, baby. The second you feel uncomfortable, just say so and we’ll stop doing this and go right into having sex, how does that sound?” He seemed slightly more reassured by this; if the choking had been during sex, he probably wouldn’t have agreed to it, but you had offered to let him do it before the sex, like a fucked up little appetizer. “Alright, now just slowly press down a little bit. Not too much yet. Give it a few seconds, and then press down a little more. I’ll tap your hand if it’s too much.” Bottaro nodded and hesitantly pressed down on your neck with the smallest amount of force possible, gauging the look on your face like he was scared you were gonna start gasping for air. You smiled reassuringly at him, nodding for him to continue, and he applied a little more force, just enough for you to actually start feeling it. It felt good, and you were already starting to get wet; the look of enjoyment on your face seemed to relax him a little bit, and he stroked your face and pushed your hair out of your eyes with his free hand as he tightened his grip just a little bit more, enough to where it was actually starting to affect your breathing a little bit; you had to open your mouth just slightly to take in more air, and this immediately brought back his nervousness, so he loosened his grip a little once again. You just smiled up at him patiently, offering one of your hands for him to hold with his free hand, and he gratefully accepted it, gently squeezing your fingers with his big, warm hand as he tried to let himself tighten his grip once again. Your pussy was starting to throb, and you squeezed your legs together to take off some of the pressure as he pressed down more firmly on your neck, eyes still locked on yours to make sure you didn’t look at all scared or intimidated. Just as you could feel your face starting to get a little red, Bottaro took his hand away and sighed. “Sweetie, I know you really wanted me to do this, but I feel like a serial killer right now. Can we stop here?” You sat up and nodded, kissing him on the cheek. “Of course, baby, thanks for at least trying. It felt really good.” He smiled. “I’m glad you at least got something out of it.” He pulled you in to kiss him again, his boner forming against your thigh as you rubbed your hands over his back, and when you pulled away, you shot him a suggestive look. “Tell you what. How about I give you a blowjob for being so brave and trying that out for me?” He grinned. “I have been pretty brave, haven’t I?”
Verdict: Not successful. Please don’t ever ask him to do that again. He felt like a serial killer.
Rake Yohn (Period Sex)
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When it came to what Rake liked and disliked, Rake was a fairly simple man. There were two things that he disliked above all other things: one was mustard, and the other was period blood. So when you offhandedly mentioned period sex to him during a conversation about interesting kinks you’d been thinking about, you had expected him to quickly turn it down. Rake was very caring and loving and respectful when you were on your period, and he’d gladly help you wash anything you got blood on, but the idea of having his dick inside you while you were bleeding seemed like something that would be too much for him. But, to your surprise, he had agreed, which was why you were now laying on the bed with a towel under you as Rake lined his hard cock up with your pussy. “You know there’s still time to back out of this, baby. I don’t want you to pass out in the middle of this.” Rake sent you a look, leaning down to give you a quick kiss as he pressed his tip against your entrance. “I’m not gonna pass out, princess, I’m not afraid of period blood. I just don’t really like touching it.” You smirked. “And yet you’re about to have your entire dick covered in it, all because I brought it up once.” Rake just shrugged. “Listen, all the other guys have sex with their girls when she’s on her period, and I don’t want you to feel left out, so I’m at least going to try. Don’t think for a second that you gross me out, okay, your body is beautiful and you’re strong as hell for dealing with this shit every month. I’ve just always had a weird thing about period blood, that’s all.” You smiled. “I know, baby, and that’s sweet of you to be willing to try it, but again, there’s still time to back out. I just feel like you’re gonna pretend to like it just to please me but then you’re actually gonna hate it.” Rake kissed you on the forehead and shrugged. “I guess we’ll see, honey. I mean, I’m still getting to have sex with you, so it sounds like a win to me. Alright, here goes…” Rake pushed his tip in, clearly a little more hesitant than he was letting on, and as soon as he felt the sensation of the period blood around his dick, he stopped right in his tracks. “Wow. That feels…I did not expect that at all. Okay. Um…guess I’ll do a little more.” He pushed it in more, his thick shaft stretching you out as he slid into your slick wet pussy. One of his hands was balanced protectively on the bed so he could hold himself up, the other on your waist so he could rub his hand over your hips, and you felt his grip immediately tighten on your hip the more he pushed his cock in. So far, he was doing very well, much more so than you had expected him to. Now all he had to do was just pull it out and push it back in a few times. “Maybe this isn’t so bad. It’s as slick as a slip-n-slide, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Here, now I just need to–” Rake pulled his cock out of you and immediately stopped talking as he stared down at his shaft, which was now coated with your period blood. You could see the look of absolute horror starting to appear on his face, and you tried to force yourself not to laugh. “Rake? Baby? Earth to Rake? You can stop now, you look like you’re gonna have a stroke. Here, come on, I’ll clean you off with the towel.” You used part of the towel under you to wipe Rake’s shaft off, and he tucked it back into his pants with a look of guilt. “God, baby, I’m sorry, I just…it didn’t bother me at all until I saw it on my dick.” You laughed. “Rake, I told you I understood. It was nice of you to at least give it a shot, but I knew it wasn’t gonna work out at all. And you say you’re not afraid of period blood…you looked like you were about to pass out.” Rake nodded. “Yeah, I know. Listen, baby, I really am sorry. As soon as your period’s over, I owe you some lip service. I’ll make you a coupon for five free sessions of me eating you out.” You smirked. “Rake, you’d eat me out for free without the coupon.” He grinned. “Touché.”
Verdict: Literally the farthest thing from success. Rake loves and adores you and your body but as he’s said before, period blood is up there with mustard as one of his least favorite substances.
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mmingooo · 2 years
loving you like i do || lee minho
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❥𓂃𓏧 warnings: slight mention of food, reader is mentioned to be wearing makeup!
❥𓂃𓏧 genre: kind of angsty with happy ending.
❥𓂃𓏧 pairing: lee minho x gn!reader
❥𓂃𓏧 word count: 2.7k words.
❥𓂃𓏧 summary: not loving someone is simple, but it takes courage and bravery to give your all and love like crazy.
❥𓂃𓏧 notes: this is the first, i guess you would call it fic? that i’ve written, so if there’s any mistakes or if you have a suggestion, please let me know! also! this was not proofread!
please make sure to reblog and if you want to, drop a comment!
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having a relatively slow love life was perfect for you at this time of your life, you were on the way to professional success, and you had amazing friends and a lovely apartment in a great neighborhood. being in love with someone would only make things that much harder.
you would stay up all night thinking about that special someone and you wouldn’t get anything done. you would also be at a constant threat of being rejected and heartbroken, so really, not being in love was the best thing that could’ve happened to you.
at least that’s what you thought, you had this one friend, lee minho, kpop star, professional dancer, and amazing person who made you feel butterflies whenever you made eye contact with him.
you tried to fight it, he was your friend, you were just fine on your own, and he was also an idol with an impossibly packed schedule, who couldn’t even imagine dating someone because he wouldn’t have the time, and not to mention that if the public ever found out he had a partner, his career would be pretty much over. at least that’s what happened to most idols. and you wouldn’t forgive yourself if you were the reason his career would come to a sudden stop just because you couldn’t keep your feelings and desire to kiss his lips to yourself.
so you buried your feelings deep inside and swore to never let them out, to never tell a single soul about your love.
it hurt, a lot, it was a type of pain that you had only experienced once before, and you had sworn it would never happen again, yet here you were. tiring up on your couch, in the arms of hyunjin, your close friend whom you told absolutely everything with no filter.
“you know you can tell me anything, right? i would never judge you”, he said, swaying you side to side in an attempt to calm you down.
“i know, i just don’t think i can ever bring myself to actually say it” you sob.
“that’s ok, i’ll stay here even if you can’t ever tell me”
“thank you”
“of course” he smiles and affectionately kisses your hair.
the thrill of meeting someone new and slowly falling in love with each other was a feeling that you adored, but when you knew that it was only you that was head over heels, it made your heart ache.
hyunjin invited you to his dorm, where he and his roommates would host a “small party”, or at least that’s what they always say anyway, they tell you that they only invited about 15 to 20 people, but it’s always way more than that.
you were on your way up to their dorm, and during the ride, you checked yourself in the elevator mirror, making sure your hair, makeup and outfit looked good, in the back of your mind you hoped minho would look at you and compliment you, telling you how beautiful you looked, and you imagined how exciting it would be if he took you to the balcony and confessed his feelings for you and asked you on a date.
you shock your head, trying to stop imagining fake scenarios that would most likely never happen.
when you arrived to their floor, you made your way to their front door and knocked, after a few seconds, changbin opened the door and welcomed you with open arms.
“y/n! you came!”, he exclaimed excitedly and pulled you into his arms, giving you a big bear hug.
“bin, you’re gonna squeeze me to death”, you say while you pretend you’re struggling to breathe.
“sorry, i’ve just been going to the gym a lot”, he says smugly, showing off his toned biceps.
“wow, when did you get this!? last time i saw you, you had only half of the muscle you have now!” you compliment him, while he encourages you to touch his arm.
“i know right? i guess i have a natural talent when it comes to working out” he shrugs, proud of himself, you giggle and he invites you in.
there weren’t many people there yet, it was only 7:50 pm and the party began at 8, but you wanted to get there early in case the boys needed help.
“minho hyung is already here, he’s in the kitchen cooking something, he told me to tell you to go help him when you arrived” changbin informed you. your heart sank, you had been trying to ignore minho these last few days, knowing you would be seeing him at the party, so you wanted to attempt to tone down your feelings.
“ok, thank you bin!”
you made your way to the kitchen and found minho there, his back facing you, he was chopping up something.
“hey”, you built up the courage to greet him. he quickly shot his head back to you and smiled.
you felt butterflies but quickly tried to shut them down.
“hi y/n, how are you?” minho dropped the knife he was holding and made his way to hug you.
he was wearing a black silk dress shirt and black saggy suit pants, he looked ethereal, you didn’t think you could like him more than before, but he once again surpassed your expectations.
when he hugged you, and wrapped his arms around your waist, you were immediately met with the smell of his cologne, a smell that you were all too familiar with.
“you looked great” he complimented you while pulling away, but not letting go of you. you felt your ears hot, and you could feel the redness sneaking it’s way into your cheeks. if he noticed the effect he had on you, he didn’t let you know, and you were grateful for that because if he were to mention the redness of your cheeks, you would buy a plane ticket and move to the other side of the globe in a heartbeat.
“thank you, you look great too”, you complimented back, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. he smiled as a way to thank you and made his way back to the place where he was seemingly cutting carrots.
“can you boil water, please?”
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after about an hour, you two were almost finally done, you didn’t cook a big meal for everyone but rather made small appetizers to lay on the tables that were scattered around the dorm.
“hey you two, are you almost done? the guests are beginning to get hungry”, hyunjin asked as he entered the kitchen.
“yeah, almost”, you and minho replied at the same time, you looked at each other amazed and laughed, hyunjin joined too and also chuckled.
“hey, so how have you been?” hyunjin made his way to you, and you knew exactly what he was referring to.
“i’m ok, better than a week ago”, you smiled at him reassuringly.
“why were you not ok a week ago?” minho frowned. shit, you cursed to yourself.
“oh it’s nothing, i just felt a little bit under the weather, but i’m good now, don’t worry” you assured him with a smile.
“you didn’t tell him?” hyunjin whispered to you as low as possible, but it wasn’t low enough and minho heard what he said.
“tell me what?”
“no, hyun, not yet” you sighed with a smile.
“sorry, it wasn’t my intention, i’ll go now” he quickly excused himself and left, you made a mental note to make hyunjin redeem himself, you were thinking maybe asking him to buy you a coffee or an ice cream, but you weren’t sure just yet.
“yah, why didn’t tell me anything? i would’ve cooked you something, my special soup for colds or something” he softly nagged you.
“i wasn’t sick, but now that you mention your soup, i wish i were”
“you weren’t? then what happened? you can tell me anything, i promise i’ll listen and won’t judge or anything”
you debated with yourself about telling him, without telling him that it was him you were crying about.
“it’s nothing, i promise”
“c’mon, tell me, tell me, tell me” he teased laughing softly, wanting to lighten the mood and make you feel comfortable.
hearing him laugh warmed your heart, you really loved all of him, you loved him when he dressed up, when he just woke up, when he hadn’t showered in days, and when he smelled clean. you loved his sense of humor, and you loved the way he secretly took care of those around him. you loved listening to him sing and seeing the spark in his eyes whenever he danced. his teasing and easygoing nature made you feel at ease around him and felt like you could truly be yourself.
it hurt you when you saw him with someone else, and when he told you about a date he had with someone else, you felt how your heart dropped to the bottom of your stomach, you felt light-headed and like you wanted to puke, but you put on a happy face and congratulated him and asked how it went when in reality, you wanted nothing but remain ignorant on how beautiful his date was, and how nice the conversation went.
“it’s just…” you trail off. it’s weird, you really didn’t want to voice your feelings to hyunjin, but you felt comfortable enough and even encouraged to tell minho that you were in love with someone and that someone being him.
“i’m… wow this is kind of embarrassing, but i think i’m falling in love with someone that most likely doesn’t love me back” you avoided eye contact, feeling the hotness that had dissipated from your cheeks thanks to minho’s compliment coming back.
it took minho a few seconds to process and respond, and it made you feel like maybe it wasn’t a good idea to tell him after all.
“well, um…”
you closed your eyes tight, shit, did you make him feel uncomfortable? now you truly wanted the earth to swallow you.
“sorry, i didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to say anything” you apologize, ready to make your way out of the kitchen.
“no, don’t leave”, he grabbed you by the arm. “i was just trying to think of the best thing to say, i didn’t want to tell you something cliché or low effort”
“i think…”, minho begins saying. “love is a scary thing, and it’s definitely not something you should be embarrassed about. I’ve been in your position before and I know the feeling sucks. How do you know they don’t love you back?”
“i- well I haven’t really asked them, but it’s just a feeling I’ve got”.
“how can you be sure they don’t love you back if you haven’t asked them?, maybe they think that it’s unrequited as well, you should talk to them, that’s the best advice I can give you, communication is key”, he smiles at you, patting you softly on the head.
“i just don’t wanna ruin our friendship, you know?”
“impossible, i’m sure they have feelings for you as well, how could they not?”.
you hoped what minho said was true, you wanted to believe that there was a small chance he might love you back, and you did see what you only could label as disappointment in his eyes when you told him you confessed what was troubling you. Or maybe you were just making things up, maybe you really were delusional.
“should we bring the food out before the guests begin a riot?”, he suggests.
“yeah, sure”, you smile.
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the dorm felt hot, people dancing, singing, laughing, and playing games made you feel a bit overwhelmed, so you decided to step out into the balcony to get get some fresh air.
there, you had time to think about what minho said to you, you truly did want to tell him it was him whom you loved, but you lacked courage, you were afraid he would look at you differently, you were afraid your friendship would disappear and then it would be too awkward to face him again, so you have to stop hanging out with your friends when you knew he would be around, and that was something you really did not want because then your friends would figure out what was wrong and then everyone would find out about your unrequited love.
maybe the idea of moving to the other side of the world wasn’t so bad after all. your boss did talk to you about a possible job offer that could help you get over this crush.
but then again, you didn’t want to leave minho and your friends behind, you had a good life, were you willing to leave all behind just because you couldn’t control your feelings?
and then you remembered the look of disappointment and maybe even hurt minho had on his face when you talked, was that really there? or were you just desperate to have your dreams come true that your perception of reality was distorted to the point where you made up the possibility that minho loved you back?
“here you are”, you heard the window that overlooks the balcony open, and there stepping out of the dorm was minho.
“hey, i just needed a bit of fresh air, i’m assuming you too?”.
“yeah, sorta, I was looking for you actually”.
“oh yeah?”.
“yeah, I wanted to talk to you”.
oh no, had he figured out it was him you were talking about?
“about what?”, you tried to sound as calm as possible.
“i um… i wanted to-“, he let out a frustrated sigh and scratched his head.
“hey, you ok?”, You asked worriedly grabbing his hand.
“yeah it’s just… ok, I know you’re in love with someone, but I have to tell you something very important, something that I’ve been keeping a secret for about a year”, oh my god, was he going to profess his love for you, or were you just completely misinterpreting everything?. “i- shit, I love you”, he squeezed your hand in an attempt to calm himself down and let out a shaky breath.
“what?”, you were in disbelief and also weren’t sure you had heard him right, had he really told you he loved you?
“i- fuck i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said that, i know you love someone else but I really had to tell you, i couldn’t have forgiven myself if i didn’t, but i understand that you don’t feel the same way, so if we could pretend this never happened that would be great”, now it was your turn to squeeze his hand.
you wanted to pinch yourself and make sure this was all real, but if it was a dream, then you never wanted to wake up, because this moment right now was all you ever hoped for.
“are you serious?”, you asked, you had to make sure.
“i- yeah, i am, but again, i know you don’t feel the same way, so don’t worry, you don’t have to say anything-“, you cut minho of and crushed your lips against him. his lips were soft and you thought that this is what kissing an angel must feel like.
you cupped his right cheek and didn’t let go of his hand, he was frozen for a few seconds, trying to process what was happening, and then, he kissed you back.
“you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that”, you said after breaking apart.
“so it was me who you were talking about?”, minho raised his eyebrow amused.
“did you seriously make me give you love advice about myself?”
you let out a loud laugh.
“i just felt comfortable telling you!”
“well that’s a good thing, also, hyunjin knows right?”
“not exactly, he just comforted me”
he nodded and his eyes dropped from your eyes to your lips and to your eyes again.
“can i kiss you again?”
“yes please”
and then your lips met again. it felt familiar, like your lips were made to perfectly fit his.
this feeling right here made you feel alive, and if love felt so sweet and easy, what were you to do?
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Charmed, I'm Sure
Chapter 18
Summary: No human has ever avoided Asmodeus's charm. Except for you.
Pairing: Asmodeus x GN Reader/MC
Genre: Drama, angst, a little fluff.
Warnings: None.
Lucifer formally announced the field trip at dinner even though everyone present already knew about it.
“You may want to purchase some more suitable clothing for the trip with your allowance,” He’d said to you.
You spent most of your time in your school uniform, and your Human World clothes were acceptable for lounging around the house but you’d noticed none of your outfits, save for the one you’d bought with Asmo, were fashionable in the Devildom. They weren’t bad, just bland. The other factor was the weather. It was quite hot in the Devildom at this time in the year. Devildom-style clothing would be much more comfortable.
You felt ok after your first day back in class (as you suspected you would) so you had Mammon take you to Majolish when RAD was over.
The store looked different during the day. It was full of customers, you noticed a lot of them were RAD students, likely preparing for the field trip as well. The racks were filled with the latest fashions, different from those that had been in the store on your last visit.
Lisette was talking with two assistants, she gave a curt nod as the two of you entered the store.
The back wall of Majolish was decorated with multiple photos from the latest issue of Devil Style; the biggest was a blown up picture of the cover featuring Mammon. He puffed out his chest at the sight, and a few customers stared at him when they noticed the cover model standing right in front of them.
“The Great Mammon’ll make sure ya get VIP treatment.” He slung his arm around your shoulders. “Hey Lisette, mind if my friend here uses one a’ the private dressin’ rooms in the back? It’s crowded in here.”
Lisette smiled, sending her assistants off to their assignments, “Of course, and welcome back, MC.”
You returned her smile.
Mammon looked between you and Lisette, “You two know each other?”
“I’ve been here once, with Asmo.” You said.
“With Asmo?”
You lowered your voice, “You know, the night we went to The Fall.”
“Oh,” Mammon hadn't cared that much right after it happened, then your pact had been new and you were just a human to him, his crush on you only just beginning to bloom. But looking back he really wished he had been there for you. Although he didn't envy Asmo’s punishment, knowing Lucifer would have been harder on him if he had been in Asmo’s position. Such was the life of the second born.
“She read tarot cards for me,” you said.
“What?” Mammon said a little too loudly. “Tell me what they said, human.”
“It’s my future,” you said. “I’d rather keep it private.”
“We got a pact and I’m supposed to watch over you. Ain’t that my future, seein’ as we’re always together?” Mammon argued.
You shrugged, revealing nothing.
You had mostly pushed Lisette’s card reading aside in your mind, a lot had happened since then. But it would be incorrect to say that you hadn't thought about it at all. There had certainly been a lot of heartache as she'd foretold, for you and others. Asmo’s face came to mind and you tried to push that away. The Death card was always looming in your mind, even though Lisette had assured you it didn't always stand for death, but for change. And as for the seven cups, the illusions, you still weren't sure what that meant.
Mammon followed you around the store, somewhat deflated since he wasn't the one to introduce you to Lisette and Majolish, disappointed that you wouldn't reveal your future to him, and still thinking about the past. Carrying your outfit choices for you wouldn't exactly make up for it, but he hoped it would help. You seemed to be enjoying yourself as you matched pieces together, imagining how they’d look, all of it piling up in Mammon’s arms. Occasionally he would speak up and give you recommendations, usually suggesting you add more layers and even more accessories.
When you were finished, Mammon led you to a room in the back labeled “Room 1”. One side of the room was sectioned off with a black curtain to change behind, directly across from it was a large three paneled mirror and a dressing table. A round platform surrounded by three chairs took up the center of the room.
But what really caught your eye was the large portrait taking up most of the back wall of Room 1. It depicted an elegant, beautiful looking couple. It looked to be a very old portrait, both the subjects wore Edwardian era clothing. The woman lounged sensuously on a settee, the full-length skirt of her intricately beaded midnight blue dress dripping onto the floor. Her golden hair was done up with diamond pins in the Gibson Girl style, which you recognized from old illustrations. The woman was Lisette. The man standing behind her, a demon, spread his large, elliptical wings out behind him; the artist captured the iridescent shine of his black feathers. Thick black ram’s horns curled from his head. He resembled Lucifer a bit, with glossy black hair parted to the side and a haughty smirk on his lips. His violet eyes seemed to stare right into your soul.
“That’s Lisette and her husband, Kallios, they started Majolish together,” said Mammon as he hung your outfits on an empty rack. “He was a RAD student and pretty close to the crown.”
“Was? What happened to him?”
“He died like fifty years ago in a rebellion. Not everyone's on board with Diavolo's ideas to unite the realms.”
“Fifty years ago?” You repeated.
You approached the painting, staring up at it. The mark in the corner indicated the year it had been commissioned. Your hand hovered over the date. “1909… That would make Lisette-”
“Well over a hundred?” Mammon smirked. “That’s what dabblin’ in magic and lovin’ a demon can do to ya.”
You stared at Lisette’s painted form. She looked the same as she did now, not a day over thirty.
You didn't have much of a chance to think about that because Mammon was dragging you over to the dressing table to show you something else.
“Have a look at this,” He had pulled out a thick binder. Inside was a copy of every cover and full-page spread in Devil Style from the last hundred years. There were lots of different models, but you noticed many of them were of Mammon, although Asmo showed up several times, and both Satan and Lucifer appeared a few times each as well.
Mammon pointed out a few of his favorite photo shoots: April 1925, December 1937, August 1964, and October 1995.
There was a knock at the door.
“Come in, everyone’s decent!” Mammon called through the door.
Lisette stepped into the room. “Everything going alright?”
“I haven't even started trying anything on,” you admitted.
“I was showin’ MC some of our past photo shoots,” said Mammon. “Remember January 1959? Man, I looked sexy!”
“I can see why you haven't gotten anything done,” Lisette suppressed a laugh. She turned to him. “Mammon, since you’re already here, I'd like you to try on your outfits for our next photo shoot. Andromalius has them all ready for you in Room 2.”
“On my day off an’ everything?” He gave a dramatic pout. “Of all people, why does it gotta be Andromalius?”
“It’s his collection we’ll be debuting next month.”
Mammon sighed, “You’re lucky you’re the only witch I can tolerate.”
“Be careful what you say about my siblings in the craft,” she simpered, returning his banter in good fun.
“Yeah, yeah,” Mammon gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. “You’ll be alright by yourself, MC?”
“I’ll be fine,” you said.
“This will only take a few minutes,” said Lisette.
The two of them left, leaving you with your rack of clothes.
You tried on outfit after outfit, trying to style them the way you’d seen in Devildom magazines and on the street. This would have been a good time to have Asmo around, he’d know exactly what to do. You did set aside some of Mammon’s choices, and you hoped he wouldn't see them when he came back to the room. They were just a little too much for you.
In the end you had several outfits put together that you were somewhat confident. You’d have to ask the brothers for their advice later.
There was a knock at the door.
“Come in,” You straightened the hem of your shirt. “I just tried on my last outfit but tell me how you feel about the length of these pants.”
Lisette was the one who entered.
“Oh, I thought you were Mammon,” you said.
“He’s just finishing up.” Lisette smiled. She and her assistants were wheeling three mannequins into the room. They pushed them up against the wall under the painting. “The pants look good on you, but I might suggest shortening the cuff by half an inch. We can also take in the inseam just a bit.”
“How much will that cost?” When you had been to Majolish the last time, Lisette had sized yours and Asmo’s clothing to fit perfectly with magic. The spell looked complicated but Lisette had done it so easily. Even so, you didn't think that was something that would be done for free.
“Free of charge, my dear. I did promise Mammon I’d give you the ‘VIP treatment,’” she said with a little glint in her eye and a wink.
“Thank you,”
She waved your thanks away humbly. “I magically tailor all the Demon Lords’ and rulers’ clothing for free, it's good advertising. And since you’re a guest of the crown as a RAD exchange student, I should do the same for you.”
While you changed back into your own clothes, Lisette surveyed your fashion choices, humming approvingly.
“I’ll admit my coming here and offering to tailor your clothes isn’t a totally innocent occurrence.” she said.
You pushed the modesty curtain aside, now fully dressed. “How so?”
“I wanted to ask if you would try these on so I could get another human’s opinion.” Lisette led you by the hand to the three mannequins. Each one was dressed in traditional Devildom formalwear, you recognized the general shape of them from portraits in RAD and the House of Lamentation. “These were all created by local designers. I’m hoping to debut them next month alongside Andromalius’ collection.”
“I don’t know that much about fashion.” you said.
“Nonsense,” said Lisette. “Clearly you know something, judging by your wardrobe choices.”
You looked at the three ensembles. They did look gorgeous. And Mammon still wasn't back yet so you still had some time.
You agreed to try them on. Lisette and her assistants helped you dress, there were many different components to each outfit, lots of sashes and buttons, that you weren't sure you could do by yourself and you didn't want to ruin them.
The first was made of black brocade silk, sewn in multiple triangular panels, the pattern of the brocade matching up perfectly on each seam.
The second was made of thick, red velvet and covered in jewels. It was heavy but you found it was still easy to move around in.
The third was softer than the first and more understated than the second. It was made of pearl white gauzy material with a little bit of lace that seemed to almost float around you. There was a cutout in the back, exposing some skin, but it wasn't overly revealing. The edges of the sleeves and the hem had delicate embroidery in eight different colors that sparkled in the light. The colors of the thread could only be seen up close.
“Now, which one is your favorite?” Lisette asked.
You twirled in front of the mirror, watching the fabric billow as it moved. “This one, for sure.” It felt so light and airy and very comfortable.
“An interesting choice…” there was that glint in Lisette’s eye again. “You have to take it, darling, you look marvelous in it. I noticed a lack of formalwear in your chosen wardrobe and this would be perfect to fill that gap.”
You turned toward her, the fabric moved with you before falling in a graceful poof. “I really don't think I’ll have a need for anything this fancy.”
“My dear, the Prince is always hosting balls at the castle. I’m surprised he hasn't held one since you’ve been here.”
You looked at your reflection again, pondering, it flattered your figure so well. You ran your fingers over the embroidery.
You really did want to wear it again, if only for one night.
“How about this,” said Lisette. “I’ll loan it to you and when the day comes that you wear it, and that day will come, you can return it to me when you’re finished with it.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am, in fact I insist.”
“Ok, I’ll take it.” You relented.
Lisette and her assistants helped you undress and you changed back into your own clothes. By the time you were finished, Mammon had returned to your dressing room.
“Beel said he just got outta Fangol practice, wanna meet up with him at Café Lament?” Mammon asked as the two of you made your way back to the front of the store to pay for your outfits.
You left your contact info with Lisette so she could text you when your purchases were ready. “It should take about an hour to size everything, dear,” she said.
As you and Mammon walked to Café Lament, he told you about next month’s collection. You were only half listening, though. Your mind was still on your new clothes, and particularly the formalwear.
When you arrived at the café, Beel was already there with four empty cups of buffo egg milk tea in front of him, he was working on a fifth.
“I ordered a cake too,” he said. “Want some, MC?”
You accepted a small slice and Mammon went up to the counter to order you a brown sugar buffo egg milk tea and a Dark Hell Mocha Chip Cream Frappuccino for himself.
Cross-posted on AO3
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OH MY GOSH!! I’ve missed you and congratulations!! It must be interesting having a growing human in your stomach! Drink lots of water lovely and I hope everything isn’t stressful at all!! Your brave and doing great!
Can I possibly see a skeptic story? I really love your skeptic fics and I’m excited to read more of your stories ! I live for all the work you do!
(It's interesting for sure but in a weird good kind of way. Sometimes I just stare at myself in the mirror these days wondering how the hell I'm capable of growing a person. Nonetheless, I remain slightly excited and a little scared for the future. The water thing is difficult since right now everything is making me want to vomit, but that's a different story haha)
(Alright I've rambled enough. Here's the Skeptic content. Some stuff is hinted at near the end but I don't think it's enough to need a warning)
~Jealously Jealousy~
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"Stare any harder than that and you'll burn a hole through her/his/their head yknow." Curious leaned over to whisper in his ear and he shuddered in annoyance. "Piss off." He quickly replied turning his attention to their glorious leader. It's not his fault you decided to dress like that today. If you'd stop stealing his attention away then he'd be able to focus on the meeting.
He didn't even notice he was glaring at you until you locked eyes with him and nervously smiled. He quickly looked away and began typing random things on his computer as though he were taking notes on the meeting subject. He really couldn't stand it when you chose to mess with him like this. Obviously this was punishment for the other night. You never warned him you had a small jealous streak in you that was disguised well enough to go undetected up until now. It's truly not his fault that newbie was coming onto him so hard. He was oblivious to these types of things and you should know that well enough by now. He figured they were having a friendly conversation and had a pretty good amount of stuff in common with each other. Reality didn't sink in until he got a text from them later that night stating" Hey, got your number from Ojirou in the finance department. Was wondering if you'd be free Tuesday for a date?
Now, even though he turned them down rather viscously over the phone, he was still having to deal with the aftermath of it which included you messing with him.
As soon as the meeting ended, he waited for everyone else to clear out before grabbing you by the arm and staring you down. You only replied with that same annoying smile on your face. "What?" You tilted your pretty little head to the side. "You know what. Don't play coy with me. You've been ignoring my texts and left the apartment early this morning without me. You haven't thought to brew a single cup of coffee for me even though you've been doing it every week since we moved in together. And this little outfit of yours...you know what it does to me. I can't focus so I'll ask you just once why you're doing this to me. Is it the new recruit for feel good? Hmmmm, you can't stand the thought of me connecting so well with another person?" There it was. That little twinge of annoyance falling across your face as you sneered for a moment and looked away. "Let go of my arm. Chitose invited me out for lunch and I'm going to be late."
"You know it's just you, right?. You know I love only you and care for only you. Being jealous is preposterous when it involves me. I'll have you know, I could barely stand to tolerate another person in my direct vicinity until I'd met you. I've been working on myself slowly and trying to connect better so please forgive me if I was blind to the fact another human being could possibly ever find someone like me attractive. I was not trying to humor their advances on me." He apologized as he lightly pulled you into a hug. "Could you attempt to forgive me? You're getting on my damn nerves with this."
"Hmmm, maybe if I can get a whole day to you with just me and no work involved...Deal?" You look up with hopeful eyes. "Fine. Deal, now cut this behavior out please. And never wear that outfit again less you want the consequences to involve you not coming into to Detnerat tomorrow."
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finelinevogue · 2 years
boyfriend rates my outfits
summary: harry rates a few outfits for a video on your youtube channel
warnings: an overload of fluff?!? I’M BACK
word count: 1.1k
“You’re going to have to be brutally honest, babe, okay?”
You spoke from behind the changing divider in your bedroom. Harry was sat on the bed, on the other side, patiently waiting for you to get changed and show him your outfit.
Normally, you’d be very comfortable getting changed in front of Harry. However today you need to capture his surprised expression when you come out in a new outfit. You were taking inspiration from various videos you’d seen where couples rate each other’s outfits, only Harry was rating outfits you’d recently bought for events that were coming up soon. Most red carpets for Harry’s new movies.
“I caan’t. You’ll look too good in everything.” He whined.
You smiled to yourself for how loving and kind he was, but you did throw a couple of dodgy outfits in the mix to make sure that he was taking this challenge seriously.
Zipping up the back of your dress, you were ready to start.
You added on some basic black heels to add to the outfit and then walked out from behind the divider. Your black satin dress was short with long sleeves that puffed a little. It had gorgeous satin buttons down the front and plunged deep towards your cleavage. You twirled around for Harry to get a full view of the dress.
He ran his tongue across his teeth and smirked like a mad man. He leaned back on his hands on the bed and tried his very best to stop smiling.
“Well?” You prompted, giving a few Vogue poses.
“I think I just fell in love with you all over again.” He admitted defeat and continued to smile through the entire conversation. “You look so good baby!”
“I was thinking it’s a good after-party look.” You turned yourself so you could see yourself in the view-finder on your camera. It was very expensive so it allowed you to see exactly what was being recorded on a large screen.
“You’re going to look so hot, I’m scared another celebrity will grab you away from me.”
“I wouldn’t let them. I’m too happy with you.” You smiled at him and blew him a kiss, to which he caught and pocketed. “Now write your rating on the whiteboard.”
Harry picked up the whiteboard and pen, about to rate your outfit out of 10. He looked over your outfit again to make his decision, before scribbling on the whiteboard.
“And you lovelies and play too. Let me know your ratings to each outfit below and where I should wear them to. See if your kinder than Harry.” You spoke directly to the camera, to include your viewers in this video as much as possible. This is why your fan love was so high, because you treated them as your best friends rather than your fans.
“Ready?” Harry asked, smiling as he watched you talk to the camera.
You nodded and he turned the whiteboard.
“A 7.5. Okay, okay. That’s decent.” You smiled.
“You look perfect, baby. I just didn’t want to start off too high.” Harry explained himself and it only made you fall for him harder.
Then you were off behind the divider to get changed again.
The next one was a bit more difficult to get into, because of how delicately it was made. It was a chiffon material with tiny sewn flowers all over it. You felt like an ethereal fairy in it and you knew Harry would love it.
“Ready?” You asked.
“Let me see my pretty girl, please!” He responded, excitedly.
You smiled as your rounded the dresser and gave another spin, your dress twirling out magically around you. You giggled at Harry’s dropped jaw and cupped a hand over your cheeks to hide the blush.
“Baby…” He said softly, looking on at you with so many hearts in his eyes.
“You like?”
“Even love would be an understatement.” He said, not being able to take his eyes off you. “Can’t believe you’re all mine. I’m going to feel so lucky walking down a red carpet with you. Dressed like that.” Harry shook his head with disbelief, before grabbing the whiteboard to write down his answer.
He turned it to show a ten out of ten.
“I’m thinking this would be pretty for the My Policeman premiere in Brighton. For that special screening.”
“Baby, where it to the local supermarket for all I care. You’re too pretty in it just to wear it for one event.”
“Harry….” You whined at how he was making you pathetically blush.
“C’mere. I want a kiss.” He made grabby hands at you and your heels clicked on the floor as you made your way to him. You leant down and rested a hand under his chin to let his lips meet yours. He softly held onto your cheek and moved your face so that he could guide the kiss, moving his lips sweetly against yours. He hummed and moved back smiling.
“Always with you.” And he kissed you some more, nothing too raunchy but enough to get your heartbeat racing F1 speed.
You decided you’d try on another outfit, before the kids could turn into anything more heated. Harry waited patiently whilst you got changed into your next attire.
“Now. This next one is very much for the ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ red carpet, okay? So keep that in mind.” You explained, knowing this dress was on theme with the era of the film.
It was a silvery, sequin embedded, floor length dress that had an open back and matching sheer, sparkly, gloves. You felt very classy but sexy in it, but it was one that only could be worn for an event like ‘Don’t Worry Darling’. It was quite a niche taste for a dress, so you were expectant on to Harry’s reaction.
You walked around the divider and watched Harry smirk again, nodding his head like he approved. You posed a few times to give him the best impression of the dress, before standing near him to hear his verdict. His arm looped around your waist and your hand went to nestle in his hair to play with a few loose curls. He smiled up at you with a knowing smirk. 
“You know what I think, baby.”
“I might be able to read your mind, but my besties can’t. So talk.” You pointed to the camera.
Harry’s other arm looped around your waist so he could pull you closer towards him in a tight squeeze. His head landed on your tummy and he got comfortable there, smiling with a huge grin.
“I love my girlfriend!” He shouted and laughed afterwards, causing you to laugh also. 
Leaning forwards to kiss him on his head, you whispered softly “I love you too, H.” 
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